Dyno Numbers - Engine Professional
Dyno Numbers - Engine Professional
EP 10-2009 14-33_Layout 1 10/8/09 1:44 PM Page 20 Dyno Numbers This screen from a DTS dyno can seem extremely intimidating at first. Let’s learn how to interpret the data shown here. What to do with all the numbers? BY BILL HANCOCK The sheer amount and variety of numbers involved in dynamometer testing can be overwhelming for the casual user and, in some cases, even for the seasoned professional. We will attempt to take some of the mystery out of these numbers and see what they mean, but more importantly see how we can use them effectively. For this article we will focus on an engine dynamometer where we are measuring what is called output at the flywheel, as opposed to a chassis dynamometer which measures output at the rear wheels. There are two sets of numbers that a dyno test produces. We will refer to the two sets as basic and calculated. Basic numbers are those numbers that are measured by the dynamometer system. Calculated numbers are those which use the result of observed or measured basic numbers applied in a formula. A good example of a calculated number might be everyone’s favorite number; horsepower. Dynamometers do not directly measure horsepower, in fact, they measure torque and rpm and a formula programmed into the dynamometer control computer system called an internal algorithm makes the actual calculation and posts the horsepower value in the appropriate data field. Any seasoned dynamometer pro will always refer to the engine output as lb.-ft. of torque at a given RPM. Hot Rodders and beginners like to talk about horsepower and are usually enthralled with only one number, the peak horsepower produced. Professional Engine builders will talk about the shape of a torque curve, where it starts and where it noses over. We will discuss these terms and some more so hopefully the readers will be able to use more of the available data from their dyno testing. 20 OCT-DEC 2009 engine professional Basic Number Overviews Revolutions per Minute or RPM Let’s look at the basic numbers first. These are the numbers that form the foundation for all of the dynamometer data. The first and most obvious is RPM or revolutions per minute that the engine is producing. This number serves as the scale or reference point for all testing data. No matter what data you have or produce, you always need to know how fast the engine was turning when the data was taken. Whenever you graph any of the dyno data, one axis of the graph will usually always be RPM. Torque or Lbs.-Ft. (pounds-feet) Torque or the twisting action of the engine is the next basic number and by far the most important number for measuring raw output of the engine. This is the amount of torque produced at the flywheel. Pressures usually measured in PSI (Pounds per square inch) Oil, fuel, boost, vacuum, coolant, exhaust — various pressures are recorded during dyno testing so they can be posted next to the various other data entries. This enables the dyno operator to quickly see trouble coming or explain gains or losses in the torque. For example if the fuel pressure drops from one rpm point to the next and is accompanied by a sudden change of torque, a sharp dyno operator would immediately stop the test and look at the fuel delivery system to ensure it did not have a problem. Flow – usually measured in pounds per hour or cubic feet per minute Air, fuel, oil — proper flow is critical to good engine performance, whether it be engine oil flow or fuel flow through the injectors. If the flow is not there, regardless of the pressure, find the problem and fix it. Temperature Oil, coolant, exhaust gas, wet bulb, dry bulb, inlet air temperatures are very important because we not only use them to keep track of safety items, but also for comparative analysis for correction factor calculations. CAT or Carb Air Temperature This is very important because it serves as a basis for the correction factor calculations. It is also an indicator of how good the dyno room is at circulating cool fresh air. If the air in the dyno room is too hot, there is also a good chance that it is getting some exhaust contamination, which will lead to severe power loss. Fuel Temperature or Fuel Temp This number is also important because it is used in the fuel density equation to determine the fuel flow for fuel consumption calculations. Oil Temperature or Oil Temp This value is very critical. To illustrate this to yourself; warm up an engine to the minimum acceptable starting oil temperature and then make a number of successive acceleration runs, one after another, changing nothing. Watch how the horsepower changes as the engine gets hotter. This experiment will prove better than any explanation I can give, just how important it is to make each run at the same starting oil temperature. Also as a side note, make sure that the oil temperature transducer is in the same location for all of your test engines. If a EP 10-2009 14-33_Layout 1 10/8/09 1:44 PM Page 22 DYNO NUMBERS Pressure vs. Flow BY BILL HANCOCK Does good pressure indicate good flow? Do not confuse the This basic engine combination is called a dyno mule engine. Its specific purpose is to serve as a test engine. You would do well to build an inexpensive moderately powered but extremely durable engine just to learn how to run your dyno before ruining an expensive customer engine. transducer is off in a corner of a particular oil pan it affects the observed temperature rise rate. Water Temperature or Wat. Temp. Much of the above goes for water temperature. Additionally you can use strategically located temperature transducers to measure the temperature difference often referred to by engineers as the “Delta T” across oil coolers or radiators. The higher the delta T, the more efficient the cooler is. Of course, having air blowing across the cooler or submerging it in a tank of cold water is necessary in the dyno room, since the engine is stationary. Calculated Numbers Horsepower or HP As we said in the beginning we use the basic numbers to derive the calculated numbers. The formula for Brake Horsepower as we all know is: HP = T x RPM / 5252 Where T = Torque HP = Horsepower RPM = Revolutions / minute Corrected Brake Horsepower = Corr. BHP ©Bill Hancock 2009 This number is important to determine the optimum RPM range for the engine. If you stay within the power band, the engine will perform well. There are several computer programs that will let you optimize shift points and decide between 4, 5, and 6 speed transmissions. Especially important is where the power curve noses over and increasing RPM just means dramatically less power. Just because the racer in the next pit is turning 8900 RPM doesn’t mean that you should. Your engine may be all done at 7800 or it may be just 22 OCT-DEC 2009 engine professional leveling out at 8900! A good test session will let you find out. In the end you may make more power at 7800 than he makes at 8900! KNOWLEDGE IS POWER. Air/Fuel Ratio or A/F Air fuel ratio is the weight of air being used per weight of fuel in the combustion process. In a gasoline engine with perfect combustion there are approximately 12.7 parts of air consumed for every part of fuel. This results in a perfect burn where there is nothing left. When there is perfect combustion the ratio is referred to as stoichiometric. In a case of 14:1 air fuel, there is excess air left and the mixture is called lean. The inverse or rich condition would be an A/F ratio of 11.8:1 and excess fuel is left. As tuners we typically settle on an A/F ratio that is slightly rich to give us some safety factor. Brake Specific Fuel Consumption or BSFC This is a measure of the pounds of fuel required to make one horsepower for one hour. New dyno users often try to use this number to reflect fuel mixture, since it sometimes follows fuel flow. This number is really a measure of engine efficiency. If, for example, you had a bearing tightening up, the torque and hence the horsepower would drop but the fuel flow would remain the same. This would be a signal that the engine efficiency was down since it was producing less output for the same amount of fuel. Brake Specific Air Consumption or BSAC Like BSFC, BSAC is a measure of air consumption efficiency. If you saw a sudden drop in air consumption from run to run, you might look for a worn cam lobe or a plugged air filter. Going relationship between pressure and flow. Let’s take the engine oiling system as an example. If you had a plugged oil filter with no bypass; depending on where you had mounted your oil pressure transducer, you might have wonderful oil pressure but virtually no flow. In a different situation you might have excellent oil flow through an engine, but if it was not at sufficient pressure, the oil would never reach the rod bearings at higher engine speeds. Oil enters the crankshaft from a main bearing, and from there it must fight centrifugal force as it heads toward the center of the main to meet the oil hole leading to the rod journal where it gets a free ride out to the rod bearing courtesy of the same centrifugal force. If there is not sufficient oil pressure, the oil can never reach the center of the crank. The minimum oil pressure required to reach the center of the crankshaft varies directly with RPM. This minimum pressure is often referred to as the “drop dead pressure”. What is Horsepower? People often get horsepower confused with torque. Try thinking of Torque as how much a weight lifter can lift and horsepower as how many times in an hour he can lift it. It becomes apparent that the big torque number may not be everything. If the lifter can only lift a 300 Lb. weight twenty times in an hour versus a lifter who can lift 5 lbs less but do it seventy times in an hour which one makes more horsepower? Obviously the second lifter would be the winner! EP 10-2009 14-33_Layout 1 10/8/09 1:44 PM Page 23 This electric dynamometer made by Schenk is capable of motoring an engine to measure friction. Being able to measure internal engine friction can be a very valuable capability. from one set of headers to another will often change BSAC due to different wave tuning. Volumetric Efficiency or VE This is a measure of how effective your engine is at filling the cylinder at a given RPM. It is not uncommon to see values over 100% on some of the higher powered well developed engines. This number gives you a good benchmark on how well your induction system is coordinated. High flowing heads with the wrong camshaft will show up here. Mechanical Efficiency or ME This is a measure of how much power is lost to friction. A value of 100% would indicate that there was no friction, so obviously you want to get as close to 100% as possible. Oil Pressure or Oil PSI This value is critical because this is used a key indicator for engine safety. On a typical V8 try to have 10 psi for every 1000RPM, so at 6000 RPM you would want to see 60 psi of pressure. A set of safety limits should be set and engaged before each run to force the engine to stop if the oil pressure goes below a predetermined value. Manifold Air Pressure or MAP or Vacuum This is the absolute pressure in the inlet manifold. It is important because it is a good indicator if the manifold is sized correctly for the engine. Because manifold pressure is load sensitive this pressure is frequently used as a reference for spark timing, so it is very important to keep your eye on this. Frictional Horsepower or FHP Imagine spinning an engine over with no combustion or compression. The bearing loads and valve train load plus the oil This box is where the various transducers and thermocouples send their signals so the dyno computer can apply the formulas for calculations arrange the results for presentation in a logical order for the operator. pump, piston rings, piston skirts and oil seal loads are all contribute friction. The engine has to produce power just to overcome those loads which typically increase with RPM. Think of frictional horsepower as the power that is required to stay in the engine just to get the flywheel horsepower out. If you think of it another way, if you were to reduce the frictional horsepower by making the short block turning torque lower, the torque would end up as usable horsepower at the flywheel. Frictional horsepower is measured on some electric motoring dynos, but for water brake Barometric pressure and barometers One of the most critical measurements in dyno testing is the barometric pressure, since it forms the core for the correction number applied to each run. For that reason, all serious dyno users should strongly consider having a dedicated mercury column barometer located near their test cell to enable them to properly calibrate the electronic barometer within the dyno system itself. Properly calibrated and maintained, the mercury column barometer is extremely accurate and very reliable. Barometric pressure at sea level stays around 29.92 inches Hg. While it typically reads 25 inches Hg. in Mile High Denver, Colorado. dynos, it is a calculated number based on a formula for typical engines. Where do the numbers come from? In most cases, various pressure transducers, strain gages, LVDTs (Linear variable displacement transducers) and thermocouples produce discrete voltage outputs which the computer interprets and translates into usable test data. How do we use the numbers? We use some numbers as a reference in the case of RPM to denote where the data was taken. Other numbers we use comparatively when we compare one EGT (exhaust gas temperature) to another to analyze the fuel distribution among the cylinders. The third way we use the numbers is to set limits. Most modern dynos have a safety table which allows the operator to set limits for virtually all of the values and program certain functions ranging from a printed warning all the way up to an immediate full load shut down. Which, you would really want for times when suddenly something broke and you wanted to stop the engine before any more harm was done. Another way values are used is to calculate correction factors. We refer to these operations as secondary calculations. Standards Since we are in the USA, most of our measurements are still taken using the English FPS (foot, pound, second) system. For Temperature we gather data in deg.F. We use inches of mercury for barometric pressure. Correction Factors or CF Think of a correction factor as a data weather calibration. This allows us to test on days where the weather is engine professional OCT-DEC 2009 23 EP 10-2009 14-33_Layout 1 10/8/09 1:45 PM Page 24 DYNO NUMBERS BY BILL HANCOCK markedly different, yet get the comparably correct end results. By gathering weather data and inputting it into the dyno system computer prior to a test, we can ensure that our resultant performance data is very accurate. If you should choose to ignore this, you will invariably end up going out to the track with an inferior product. Get in the habit of looking at the corrected numbers as well as the raw numbers. If the corrected numbers seem too far off, either you have a tornado coming in or you messed up the data input for your CF. The formulas for correction factors vary. Most of the correction factors stem from the original SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers) work. Some of the more popular documents are designated as J607 and J1349. Where do correction factors apply Only normally aspirated engines run at WOT (Wide Open Throttle). The correction factors do not apply to: Part throttle, supercharged, or turbo charged engines. If you apply the correction factor to these combinations, all you will do is fool yourself and look stupid in front of the customer, who probably already knows this. TECH & SKILLS REGIONAL CONFERENCES Getting Started The first rule of dyno testing should be to keep good records. Prior to each run or series of similar runs you should enter the pertinent data such as changes and current engine configuration and recheck the weather data to ensure that the correction factor will be accurate. Don’t forget to enter a value for the specific gravity of the fuel you are using. The fuel flow transducer needs this value to accurately measure the fuel flow in lbs. /hour. Before you go out and look extremely dumb, use one of the many fairly accurate engine performance computer programs to predict the horsepower of the engine you are getting ready to run. Divide the peak horsepower number by 2 and the result should be the number of pounds of fuel per hour that it will take to achieve the maximum predicted horsepower. I like to go 10% more just in case I get lucky! Make sure that your fuel flow system will flow that much fuel AT THE RATED FUEL PRESSURE. Save the Date! Dyno Inlet Water Temperature On a water brake dyno, this temperature number becomes critical when the water is too hot and turns to steam when it enters the absorber unit. The dyno immediately loses load control and the engine over revs. Additionally, the phase shift that occurs when water turns to steam inside of the absorber causes severe wear on the dyno impeller and stator. Monitor dyno inlet water temperature very carefully and make sure that you never begin a test at a water temperature too high and you’ll prevent this steam condition. SAT. NOV. 14 EPWI, Dallas, TX 2009 Conferences SAT. OCT. 10 Sunnen & Mahle, University of NW Ohio Lima, OH Evaluating the Results After your first full set of runs, it often helps to graph the results so you can visually grasp the shape of the torque curve. You will learn that the top tuners really focus their work on shaping the torque curve. If a torque curve has too many humps and dips, the driver will never be able to 24 OCT-DEC 2009 engine professional 500 COVENTRY LANE, SUITE 180 CRYSTAL LAKE, IL 60014 888-326-2372 WWW.AERA.ORG/CONFERENCES EP 10-2009 14-33_Layout 1 10/8/09 1:45 PM Page 25 With SBI cylinder head parts, you’ve got the job well in hand. effectively pedal the car at the edge of traction and ultimately will settle for a part throttle setting that is controllable but not competitive. Ultimately you want the driver to be able to hold the throttle wide open and have the torque rise predictably and remain just below the available traction limit. This will allow the driver to be smooth and quick and focus on positioning the car versus just keeping it off the wall or in the middle of the drag strip. Driving a car with a lumpy torque curve is like trying to dribble a football. At SBI, our top priority is getting the exact quality cylinder head parts you need right into your hands --consistently, quickly, and accurately. With a distribution network of 40-plus warehouses throughout the U. S. and Canada, combined with a reliable inventory fill, SBI ensures that you always get every part you need, when you need it -- which enables you to get those rebuild jobs in and out the door quickly and profitably. So give SBI a call soon -- we make it our business to see that you’re not left empty-handed. The Numbers The best way to get familiar with the numbers and how they relate is to make several hundred dyno runs (you would be surprised at how quickly this happens) and carefully analyze them as you go along. Keep good notes and take your time. Don’t base any decisions on one run, try to make a series of runs until the engine settles down and produces three runs within 1% of each other, then average those three. Keep track of each change and above all only make one change at a time. Don’t fatten the fuel, change the spark and advance the cam in one move. The end result may be better, but which change made it better? Learn to slowly and methodically work through a test plan and pretty soon you will find yourself being able to better feel what the engine wants. Keep a close eye on the internal health of the engine by checking the oil filter and continually running leak down and compression checks. If you don’t do this, you will waste far more time and money developing something that works well on an engine with seven cylinders that leak over 20%. Cautions Never go directly to the track with a perfect max-power dyno fuel and spark calibration. Always back off toward the safe side and sneak up on the best car setting during practice. Things like temperature, coolant flow and inlet air flow are usually subtly different in the car at the track.■ S. B. INTERNATIONAL, INC. 2108 Utopia Avenue - Nashville, TN USA - 37211 Order desk: 800-843-7328 Fax: 615-248-6377 www.sbintl.com Bill Hancock is a mechanical engineer and the founder and former owner of Arrow Racing Engines for almost 30 years. He has presented numerous papers and seminars on dyno testing and tuning. He and his longtime friend, Harold Bettes, formerly the VP of SuperFlow Corporation, recently co-authored a book entitled, “Dyno Testing and Tuning” (reviewed by Mike Caruso in Engine Professional, July-Sept 2008) which is available in local bookstores or from CARTECH Publishing, ISBN-101932494495. © Bill Hancock 2009. engine professional OCT-DEC 2009 25