Instrumentation and signal processing methods used for
Instrumentation and signal processing methods used for
International Carpathian Control Conference ICCC’ 2006 Rožnov pod Radhoštěm CZECH REPUBLIC May 29-31, 2006 Instrumentation and signal processing methods used for machine diagnostics VSB – Technical University of Ostrava Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Department of Control Systems and Instrumentation Jiří Tůma Marek Babiuch, Radim Farana, David Fojtík, Petr Kočí, Petr Koňařík, Jiří Kulhánek, Petr Noskievič, Roman Pavlas, Lubomír Smutný, Pavel Smutný, Jaromír Škuta, Antonín Víteček, Miluše Vítečková, Renata Wagnerová Outline Software and measurement equipments Software and signal processing methods Examples Angular Vibration Measurements Experimental Dynamics Mechatronic Systems Conclusion Software and measurement equipments for machine diagnostics Sensors for noise and vibration measurements Produced by BRÜEL&KJÆR (BK) ENDEVCO HEIDENHEIN TIRA dSPACE Charge amplifier NEXUS Deltatron Accelerometer 4396 & 4508, Triaxial Accelerometer Free-field ½’’ Microphone 4190 Photoelectric Tachometer Probe MM 0024 Exciter 100N (S521) & Power Amplifier 120 VA (A50112) Accelerometer 0.05 Hz 7745A – 1000 Istron EE 0111 Delta Tron Impact Hammer 2302-5 Force sensor 2311-10 Istron MEDIATOR 2238, Incremental rotary encoders ERN 460-500 and ERN 460-1024 ACE Kit with DS 1103 PPC Controller Board Signal analyzers / Lasers PULSE, the BK Signal Analyzer OMETRON Laser vibrometer 9-channel analyzer of the 25,6 kHz frequency range angular vibration linear vibration 2-channel analyzer of the 102,4 kHz frequency range Software Matlab-Simulink and Toolboxes dSPACE Support Code Generation PULSE LabShop ME’scope VES (Operational Deflection Shapes, Modal Analysis) Indoor software (Signal Analyzer, PULSE Automation Programs) Test Stands Mechatronic Lab Software and signal processing methods developed at the Department of Control Systems and Instrumentation Signal Analyzer Time - Filtration in the Frequency Domain, Demodulation FFT - Fast Fourier Transform CPB - Constant Percentage Band Autospectrum Cross-Spectrum FRF - Frequency Response Function Overall Level Analysis Tachometer for Impulse Signals Resampling Correlation FIR Filters FIR Filter FRF Linear Combiner Autoregressive Model Autoregressive Spectrum Signal Detrend Eigenanalysis PULSE Automation Program for Phase Demodulation PULSE Automation Program and Database of Auxiliary Information Automation program (Visual Basic) Component data data Database client (MS Access) Component data Measurement data Data file (MS Access) Measurement control data Measurement software (PULSE) Data file definition, information about them Data file administration (MS Access) Newly Developed Signal Processing Methods Methods for phase demodulation based on the Hilbert transform using digital filters Parametric methods for spectral analysis based on autoregressive modeling Order analysis methods Vold-Kalman order tracking filtering Vold-Kalman order tracking filtration I First generation 24000 x(n ) − 2 cos(ω ∆ t ) x(n − 1) + x(n − 2 ) = ε (n ) [-] y (n ) = x (n ) + η (n ) ( x = r A A+E 2 T 8000 0 -16000 -24000 0 y 5 10 15 Time [s] Vold-Kalman : vyfuk_L_mono.wav 2 : Signal 24000 16000 [-] ) −1 16000 -8000 n = 1,2, …, N y(n) – measured signal η(n) – error term ω(n) – angular frequency x(n) – filter output Solution Time History : vyfuk_L_mono.wav 2 : Signal 8000 2 ord 0 4 ord 6 ord -8000 8 ord -16000 -24000 0 5 10 Time [s] 15 Vold-Kalman order tracking filtration II Second generation, 2-pole filter 24000 x(n ) − 2 x(n − 1) + x(n − 2) = ε (n ) 16000 8000 [-] y (n ) = x (n ) exp( jΘ(n )) + η (n ) T ) H C = diag {exp( jΘ(1)),..., exp( jΘ( N ))} -16000 -24000 0 5 10 15 Time [s] Vold-Kalman : vyfuk_L_mono.wav 2 : Signal 24000 20000 Ampl [-] ( −1 x = r A A+E C y 2 0 -8000 n = 1,2, …, N y(n) – measured signal η(n) – error term ω(n) – angular frequency x(n) – filter output Solution Time History : vyfuk_L_mono.wav 2 : Signal Envelopes 16000 12000 8000 2 ord 4 ord 6 ord 8 ord 4000 0 0 5 10 Time [s] 15 [Pa] Truck Pass-By Noise Measurements Time History : 3r : Left 1,5 1,0 0,5 0,0 -0,5 -1,0 -1,5 0 c/(c-v) 3r : Inst Speed 2500 c/(c-v) RPM 2000 1500 1000 500 0 2 4 Time [s] 6 1,02 1,01 1,00 0,99 0,98 0,97 Vold-Kalman : 3r : Left -10 0 Position [m] 2 10 3 Time [s] 4 5 6 Vold-Kalman : 3r : Left 80 RM S dB(A)/ref 2E -5 [P a] RPM 1 70 60 50 40 30 20 -10 -5 27 ord 0 Position [m] 54 ord 5 10 81 ord Angular Vibration Measurements Using a principle based on the phase demodulation of impulse signals Phase and Frequency Modulation Real phase modulated signal x(t) = A cos(ωPt+∆φM(t)) Modulation signal Analytic signal Carrying componen t Sideband componen ts ωP Phase 1,5 1,0 0,5 0,0 -0,5 -1,0 -1,5 0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 Revolution 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,9 1 Uniformity of Electric Drill Angular Velocity Laser Angular velocity [deg/s] Encoder 300 200 100 Laser 0 Encoder -100 -200 0,0 0,2 0,4 0,6 Nominal Revolution [-] 0,8 Gear Angular Vibration Time : Time (Enhanced Time(Encoder)) deg 0,0016 0,0000 -0,0016 0,0 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 Nominal Revolution [-] 0,8 0,9 1,0 Double differentiation Time : Time (Time (Enhanced Time(Encoder))) - 0 to 100 ord 60000 30000 Angular acceleration 0 -30000 -60000 0,0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,9 1,0 Nominal Revolution [-] m/s^2 deg/s^2 0,1 Difference between actual and nominal rotation angle Time : Order Analyzer : Enhanced Time(Vibrace H) 10 5 0 -5 -10 0,0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 Nominal Revolution [-] 0,8 0,9 Linear acceleration on the gearbox housing 1,0 Instrumentation for Transmission Error (TE) Measurements Car gearbox V I REV II 21 21 44 44 III IV Engine E1 E2 4/2 channels PULSE Order Analysis & Special software Heidehain encoders of the ERN 460-500 type Axle Phase Modulation Effect TE Measurement Result Enhanced Spectrum, 21-Tooth Gear Transmission Error 4 3 -10 T E [m icro n ] RMS dB/ref 1 V 10 -30 -50 -70 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -90 -4 374 416 458 500 542 Order [-] Pinion 21 T 584 626 0 1 2 Tooth pitch rotation 500 RPM, +40 Nm 500 RPM, +80 Nm 3 Measurements of Car Engine Crankshaft Angular Acceleration Impulse signals crankshaft 4/2 channels PULSE Order Analysis tacho & (Divider) camshaft Source of Impulse Signals Angular Acceleration During Two Complete Engine Revolutions 4-cylinder 4-cylinder//4-stroke 4-strokeengine engine combustion combustioncycles cycles 300 250 + 200 150 100 rad/s2 50 0 -50 -100 - -150 -200 0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2 Revolution compression compressioncycles cycles Experimental Dynamics Vehicle Structure Vibration Time based Operational Deflection Shapes Vehicle Structure Vibration Modal analysis 2 Hz Mode Vehicle Structure Vibration Modal analysis 6 Hz Mode Vehicle Structure Vibration Modal analysis 9 Hz Mode Sound Intensity Measurement Gearbox Noise and Vibration Measurements Semi-unechoic room at the TATRA Company Drop Gearbox Main Gearbox Effect of Teeth Surface Modification on Noise Level Noise dB Torque Nm 805 Gear train T2 Noise dB 1001 88-92 1245 84-88 80-84 76-80 72-76 68-72 1549 80-84 1968 76-80 2448 72-76 3080 68-72 64-68 60-64 3831 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 88-92 84-88 S T1 Torque Nm 1771 2203 2740 3408 4330 64-68 60-64 RPM 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 22005 Gear train S RPM On-road operation Off-road operation T2 Gear trains of Drop Gearbox 386 Mechatronic Systems Multirate Digital Filters for a Stand to Test Rolling Bearings Test Stand designed by Diagnostika Brno DSP Tacho RS 232 A/D Left Vibrace Snímač vibrací ložiska Amplitudový filtr 1 Výpočet RPM Amplitudový filtr 2 Počet špiček Frekvenční filtr 1,8-10 kHz Výpočet RMS Frekvenční filtr 300-1800 Hz Výpočet RMS Frekvenční filtr 50-300 Hz Výpočet RMS Right A/D Nábojový zesilovač PC 44,1 kHz Tachosonda Antiimaging filtr D/A 44,1 kHz Připoslech/ Analyzátor Functional Block Diagram Output 1 FIR64 2 10 kHz Output 2 Input IIR1 20 Hz FIR64 2 10 kHz Multirate filters FIR64 6 1k8 Hz FIR64 6 300 Hz FIR64 300 Hz FIR64 1k8 Hz FIR64 50 Hz ∑x 2 i ∑x 2 i ∑x 2 i Analog Devices DSP Inertial measurement units Platform stabilization cRIO - Compact Reconfigurable I/O Analog Devices angular rate sensor ADXRS300 LabView Conclusion The paper reviews instrumentation and software for diagnostics of machines and some of results of research work done for industry Equipments enable to do noise and vibration measurements of machines Special interest is focused at angular vibration during rotation Development of measurement methods is supported by software design
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