Page Jewish Family Congregation Shofar November 2013 Chesh 1


Page Jewish Family Congregation Shofar November 2013 Chesh 1
Page Cheshvan/ Kislev 5774
Jewish Family Congregation Shofar Jewish Family Congregation
November 2013 November 2013
November Service Schedule:
Parshat Toldot
Friday, November 1 – 7:30 pm Shabbat Service
Family Service featuring Grade 6
Free Babysitting
Saturday, November 2 – 9:45 - 10:30 am Shabbat
Morning Service
Parshat Vayetze
Friday, November 8 – 5:30 pm Children’s Service
7:30 pm Shabbat Service
Saturday, November 9 – 10:00 am Bat Mitzvah of Laurel Levinsohn
Parshat Vayishlach
Friday, November 15 – 7:30 pm Shabbat Service
JFC History Project Culminating Event
Free Babysitting
Saturday, November 16 – 9:45 – 10:30 am Shabbat
Morning Service
Parshat Vayeshev
Friday, November 22 – 7:30 pm Shabbat Service
Saturday, November 23 – 9:45 – 10:30 am Shabbat
Morning Service
Parshat Miketz and Chanukah
Friday, November 29 – 7:30 pm Shabbat Service
Rabbi Burstein celebrates 100 days at JFC
Religious School students bake Challah
The ECC students visit Gossett’s Nursery
Page Jewish Family Congregation Shofar November 2013 From the Rabbi’s Desk
Thanksgiving and Chanukah are Very Close to Each Other…
…and Not Just on the Calendar This Year!
The Jewish world seems perplexed and off kilter this year with Thanksgiving being as late as it can ever be and Chanukah
falling as early as it does. Although apparently this confluence of calendars happened a few times since 1863 when
President Lincoln declared Thanksgiving the last Thursday in November, some calculate that the next time won’t occur
for over 79,000 years! (It wasn’t until President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed a joint resolution of Congress in 1942 that
Thanksgiving became the fourth Thursday of November.)
If your family celebrates Thanksgiving before sunset on Thursday, November 28, it will be the first day of Chanukah. If
your family has a Thanksgiving meal after sunset, it will be the second night of Chanukah. Either way, both holidays are
very connected…
Thanksgiving celebrates the fall harvest, just like Sukkot. In ancient times before the Maccabees beat back the Assyrian
Greeks to regain control over The Temple in Jerusalem, the Jewish people were not able to celebrate Sukkot in The
Temple that year. After purifying The Temple, they then celebrated an eight-day holiday, just like the eight days of
Sukkot and Shmini Atzeret/Simchat Torah that they could not celebrate before. This story appears in the Book of
Maccabees I; there was an eight-day celebration of songs and sacrifices upon rededication of the altar. (No mention of the
miracle of the oil appears in this version.)
In fact another connection is that we read torah on every day of Chanukah, just like we read torah on every day of Sukkot.
(This is not the case for Passover, the only other multi-day Biblical holiday.) The word Chanukah means “Dedication,”
because we were able to use The Temple again for worship in the 2nd century BCE.
Finally, a religious and/or philosophical connection between Thanksgiving and Chanukah is that the Puritans who
celebrated Thanksgiving had to escape religious persecution to be able to celebrate their religion and freedom, similar to
the Maccabees of Biblical times.
So… you may not have realized that Chanukah in many ways is just a different version of Thanksgiving, one that can be
celebrated at the very same time this year.
However you celebrate these holidays this year, may they be filled with light and blessings!
Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Chanukah,
Rabbi Marcus Burstein
Religious School-------------------page 3
President’s Message--------------Page 5
Early Childhood Center----------Page 6
Ritual Committee----------------Page 10
Youth Group----------------------Page 10
November Calendar-------------Page 15
support our Advertisers
Page Jewish Family
111 Smith Ridge Road
P.O.Box 249
South Salem, NY 10590
Phone: (914) 763-3028
Fax: (914) 763-3069
Jewish Family Congregation Shofar November 2013 From the Religious School
By Leslie Gottlieb,
How does Pope Francis-- and his newly revealed thoughts on religion and
engagement help us as Jews? In an editorial by Ross Douthat last month, he
email: [email protected]
website: reports on the pervasive condition of apathy as it pertains to religious affiliations
and habits of people from all backgrounds. The polarization of denominations
----------------within a group is striking among Jews but it is not a situation consigned to us
alone. The whole world is eschewing religion like never before according to new
Marcus L. Burstein, D.Min.
statistics. How do we keep our mission alive at a place like JFC when the walls
[email protected]
of faith are crumbling around us to a large degree? And how do we engage our
children and young adults in a world where intermarriage is another contributor to
Kerry Ben-David
the possible distinction of Jewish culture with the exception of the Orthodox world
[email protected]
which makes up only ten percent of Jews? How does this affect the way we need
to address a Jewish education in the home and at synagogue?
---------------According to some recent research completed by the Pew Research Center ‘s
Director of Education
Leslie Gottlieb
Religion and Public Life Project, Reform Jews in this country make up more in
[email protected]
numbers, thirty-five percent, than all other Jewish denominations put together.
Another thirty percent of Jews do not identify with any Jewish sect whatsoever.
So the picture is strong for Reform Jews for now in terms of participation but is it
Kathleen Sakowizc
[email protected] something that will dwindle with the historical trend and given direction of things?
Douthat writes, “This is not just a Jewish story. It’s been the story of religion in the
Early Childhood
West for over 40 years. The most traditional groups have been relatively resilient.
Center Director
The more liberal modernizing bodies have lost membership, money, morale. And
Jane Weil Emmer
the culture as a whole has become steadily more disengaged from organized faith.
[email protected]
There is still a religious middle today, but it isn’t institutionally Judeo-Christian in
-------------------the way it was in 1945.”
Glenn Kurlander Co-President
The Pope is stirring up a “new evangelization” and a “new springtime for
Hal Wolkin Co-President
Christianity.” “…Francis seems to be determined to recreate, or regain, the kind of
[email protected]
center that has failed to hold in every major Western faith,” Douthat writes. So we
Jews tucked away in Northern Westchester are not alone. The rest of the country-Richard Mishkin, Vice-President
and perhaps much of the industrialized world-- is in need of a renewal of spirit
Polly Schnell, Vice-President
and commitment to faith. It’s all very interesting pitted against the wider world of
Robyn Cohen, Treasurer
current events including the backdrop of persistent Islamic religious passion. Some
Suzanne Sunday, Secretary
[email protected]
folks are willing to die for religion and the others combined include folks who
are totally unengaged and perhaps atheist at the core. So why is this important to
recognize as we teach our students here at JFC?
Josh Blum, Trustee
We are a part of this collective narrative even though our membership may seem
Karen Conti, Trustee
Michael Gitlitz, Trustee
like a drop in the bucket. What we do matters—at least to us and our families and
Ken Levinsohn, Trustee
we help contribute to the tapestry of Jewish life no matter how small our overall
Robi Margolis, Trustee
numbers in this game.
Paul Storfer, Trustee
These surveys to uncover the trajectory of religious practices and trends have to
Bonnie Wattles, Trustee
address the issue of Jewish identity before they can really tell us anything. The
Richard Weiser, Trustee
Elisa Zuckerberg, Trustee
Pew research tells us that “22 percent of Jews” describe themselves as having no
[email protected]
religion and identity solely because their parents were Jewish or they were raised
-------------with some Jewish traditions. But the percentage of “Jews” who feel they have no
religion “has grown with each successive generation” according to an article by
Shofar Editor
Bryan Wolkin
Laurie Goodstein in The Times that quotes all of this new research. “32 percent
say they have no religion.”
Shofar Printer
Whether or not we can sustain assimilation is one question we have to consider.
Copy Stop
But what about the question of creating Jewish identity?
Royal Press
Continued on next page
Page Jewish Family Congregation Shofar November 2013 From the Religious School
By Leslie Gottlieb,
At JFC, we have taken on this challenge in our own way. I suppose every congregational religious school can make the
same claim. At JFC we stop to consider how our children and families are coping with these tender questions as they go
about their lives. We do not stop this pursuit when kids reach the age of Bar and Bat Mitzvah. We are committed to their
development as Jews especially after this seminal time. This is a pivotal moment in the creation of Jewish identification.
It is this aged person who is really beginning to question his/her lifelong identity and affiliation with Jewish life.
As our students pass through Confirmation Class in Grades 8 and 9 and as they lead others in the Student Mentor Program
and Youth Group—we see these individuals creating a road map for themselves… and in many instances their parents
are those most amazed by the personal transformation in their children at this time of life when the more normal thing
for them to do is to separate away from the traditions of their parents. We have even witnessed parents who back away
from their participation/membership while their sons/daughters remain steadfastly tied to their commitment to JFC and
Judaism. This is interesting for all involved.
So as it is said… when you save a life, you save the world… I suppose that we are trying our best at all age levels to
develop Jewish identities in our students that will resonate with them forever and affect future generations through their
personal resolves.
Keyn Yehi Ratzon!
Page Jewish Family Congregation Shofar November 2013 President’s Message
Maybe you’ve heard this one.
A Jew is shipwrecked on a desert island. After 20 years of complete isolation, a passing ship spies his fire one night and
comes to rescue him. When they come ashore, his rescuers are eager to have a tour of his island and he’s happy to oblige.
They pass a large, spacious hut he’s built and one of the rescue party asks what it’s for. “This is my house,” he says, showing them around; “as you can see, I have a room where I take my meals, a study and a bedroom that’s cooled by the tropical trade winds.” The rescuers admire the old man’s ingenuity and craftsmanship.
Eager to see more, they walk on for another twenty yards or so and come to another hut, which has a Star of David fashioned out of driftwood over the entrance. “That’s my synagogue,” he tells his rescuers; “studying Torah and praying has
brought me tremendous comfort these last two decades.” Intrigued, the rescuers ask to see more of the island.
Together, the old man and the rescue party walk down a path leading away from the synagogue and shortly come to a third
hut; it too has a Star of David over the entrance. One of the rescuers says, “hey, I thought you said that other hut was your
synagogue; what’s this building?”
“The first one is my synagogue,” the old Jew says. “This is the shul I don’t go to.”
The joke speaks to the sometimes conflicted relationship we Jews have with our synagogues; on a larger level, perhaps the
conflicted relationship we may have with Judaism itself; on a larger level still, perhaps even the conflicted relationship we
may have with Adonai from time to time. But conflicted is better than no relationship, because we can only be in conflict
with those things with which we’re engaged; the things that ultimately matter to us, and sometimes matter the most.
The JFC Board of Trustees recently gathered for a retreat—an opportunity to take a step back from the business of managing JFC on a daily basis and focus instead on bigger picture opportunities. From this broadened perspective, our biggest
opportunity is sustaining existing membership and driving new membership, and we think that comes down to providing
opportunities for enhanced engagement and increasing JFC’s relevance in congregants’ lives.
While the Board discussed many ways to increase engagement and relevance and many exciting ideas emerged from the
retreat, we of course want to hear from you. From your and your family’s perspective, what JFC programs or activities are
the most engaging? Which might cause you to increase your engagement in JFC? How can JFC become more relevant to
you, to the Jewish community in northern Westchester, to the community as a whole?
We all aspire to keeping JFC vital and vibrant so that it remains the synagogue we go to, often and with joy, energy and
reverence. We welcome your thoughts on how we can continue and build on JFC’s success by increasing engagement and
relevance. Any member of the Board whom you know would be happy to speak with you on these matters and hear your
thoughts; of course, we would, as well. So please reach out to any of us in person or, if you prefer, you may always email
us at [email protected]
Glenn Kurlander and Hal Wolkin
Page Jewish Family Congregation Shofar November 2013 Early Childhood Center
We had our 1st Fire Drill..
The ECC had its first fire drill of the year. October was Fire Safety month and we had a successful fire drill Monday, October 7. This was a “soft fire drill.” During our science time we each got to try out blowing our own
whistle (no!!! the kids did not bring them home). When Jane and Kathleen blew the whistles we knew just what to
do. Later in the month Fireman Tom, from the Vista Fire Department, visited and taught us all about Fire Safety. A
big Thank You to Fireman Tom (Ritchey)!
Field Trip To Katonah Museum of Art …
Our Blue Room kids visited the Katonah Museum of Art and explored the indoor exhibit Remix: Selections from the
International Collage Center. They had the chance to create their own collages in the Learning Center. Fall Trip to Gossett’s Nursery. We visited Gossett Nursery on Monday, October 21. We had a great time on the hay ride and and all of our learning
stations. We each had the chance to plant a bulb to take home. We saw great big trucks and had a great time.
CHILDREN Our first Pizza Shabbat will be Friday, November 8 at 5:30. We will join together to celebrate Shabbat and enjoy
Pizza (RSVP necessary for the Pizza part only!!) Come Sing, Nosh and Learn with Rabbi Burstein and Cantor
Kerry. We can’t wait to see you all. To RSVP, -please call Kathleen in the office... feel free to bring friends!
ECC Challah Fundraiser is ongoing. If you need a Challah any week and are not ready to commit for
the entire year, please let Jane ext. 15 know by Wednesday morning and the Challah will be ready for you at JFC
Friday morning. The cost for a single week is $6.00.
Save the Date: Our school Thanksgiving Celebration will be held on Monday, November 25. All families are
invited to join for our feast that our kids prepared. The feast will begin at 11 AM. Please plan on joining us for this
yummy treat.
Attention ECC Alumni:
We have gathered a full list of Alumni of our Early Childhood Center… We want to connect with each of you.
Please share your favorite memory of your time at the JFC ECC. Send your memory to: [email protected].
Page Jewish Family Congregation Shofar ECC students visited the Katonah Art Museum
November 2013 8
Page Jewish Family Congregation Shofar November 2013 Oneg Schedule
November 1, 2013
Grade 6
Vsiting JFC? Please stop by the office
to say hello!
November 8, 2013
Adam Ozols and Donna Finklestein-----914-980-9517
Allan and Ellen Goldstein----------------914-980-9517
November 15, 2013
Josh and Michelle Blum------------------914-763-9082
Drew and Mindy Hoffman---------------914-763-2263
November 22, 2013
Roger and Jo Drawec---------------------914-763-5018
Steven and Melissa Goodstein-----------914-232-8074
November 29, 2013
Andrew and Amy Fishkin----------------914-764-5486
Robert Fischman--------------------------914-763-0230
Board Host
Richard Mishkin--------------------------914-764-8305
Use the Shofar to say…
Happy Birthday, Get Well, Thanks,
or I Remember
Sanctuary Chair Plaque $150
Leaf on Simcha Tree $180
Memorial Board Plaque $450
General Fund
Caring Committee Fund
Social Action Fund
Ground Beautification Fund
Don't forget: Each time you
shop at DeCicicco's, tell the
cashier you are a JFC member
before ringing up your order.
JFC gets a rebate from your
JFC—URJ Camp Fund
Molly and Gregory RS Scholarship Fund
Rabbi Discretionary Fund
Music and Choir Fund
Religious School Director Fund
Early Childhood Center Fund
Page Jewish Family Congregation Shofar November 2013 10
Page Jewish Family Congregation Shofar Ritual Committee
November 2013 By Michael Salpeter, Chairman
The Ritual Committee – November 2013
“Chanukah, isn’t that the Jewish Christmas”? It is
inevitable each year that several non-Jewish people
coming into my office ask that question, particularly
in the years that Chanukah occurs in the latter part
of December. What exactly are the reasons we
celebrate Chanukah and why the perceived appearance
of similarity to Christmas?
Chanukah is a minor festival in the Jewish calendar.
We are familiar with the story of the Maccabees and
the defeat of the Greeks resulting in the rededication
of the Temple. The story does not appear in the Torah
as it occurred much later than the time it is said the
Torah was to have been written. Although the stories
attributed to the events of Chanukah are contained
in the Books of the Maccabees, these books are not
part of the Tanakh (Hebrew bible), rather they are
considered apocryphal books.
Around the turn of the 20th century when Jews started
emigrating to the United States in large numbers,
both Christmas and Chanukah were not celebrated
in grandiose fashion. Candles were lit by families to
mark the eight days of the festival. Jewish children
were given gelt – either actual coins or the chocolate
variety we have come to love. In reading numerous
articles, it seems that gift giving for Christmas caught
on in popularity in this country in the 1930’s followed
by the same practice in Jewish families around 1950,
so their children would not feel left out. Unfortunately
with the great emphasis on consumerism in this
country today it is commonplace for American
children to receive a substantial gift for each of the
8 days of Chanukah, whereas in Israel this is not the
case. The preparation of traditional foods, plays, songs
and crafts are the most popular ways of celebrating
the festival in Israel. Despite the history of Chanukah
being a minor festival, it has become a favorite of
secular Jews, ranking either just before or just after
Passover as their most important holiday.
Have we as Americans contributed to this perception
of Chanukah as the Jewish version of Christmas? Is
this the result of the excesses that corporate America
has fomented? Is it okay to lavish gifts upon our
children if we so desire? Is the elevation of Chanukah
from a minor festival to one of the most prominent
times of the year warranted? All of these questions
are up for personal reflection and choice.
Youth Group
After leading a successful Yom Kippur service, we got down to the business of growing
closer as a group. Since the High Holidays, we’ve had a couple of meetings in which we’ve
welcomed new members, gotten to know each other better, and spent casual time together as a
group. At our last meeting on October 3rd we built a blanket fort in the garden room for Sukkot, which allowed us to exercise teamwork and cooperation. The weekend of October 11th is
the Fall Kallah, a weekend spent doing fun Jewish activities and bonding with members of other
congregations; several Youth Group members plan on attending. Soon we will begin work on
the “JFC History Project” in which the Youth Group will organize and conduct interviews with
members of JFC. So far the Youth Group is having a lot of fun and off to a great start!
By Isaiah Blum
Page Jewish Family Congregation Shofar November 2013 The Best of Old World Elegance, Rural Beauty and Modern Amenities
Located in a country setting, the newly renovated clubhouse features a stunning
ballroom windowed throughout, with panoramic views of a spectacular
golf course and surrounding hills.
Parties of all sizes welcome
One affair per day
Kosher catering available
Salem Golf Club
18 Bloomer Road, North Salem NY 10560 914*669*5485
Notes by
Nancy, Inc.
Nancy Silberstein
Invitations and stationery at discount prices
tel/fax: 914-232-0835
e-mail: [email protected]
Cantor Ben-David is available to our
congregants for all life-cycle needs
Call/Text: 917-400-4068
Email: [email protected]
Page Jewish Family Congregation Shofar November 2013 Jewish Family
Babysitting 1st and 3rd
Friday of the Month
Babysitting will now be available for children 8
and under on the first and third Friday of the
month from 7:30 - 8:30 pm
Please contact the office with any questions or to
sign up [email protected]
Babysitting starts this Friday, October 18.
Just in time for The JFC History Project
Kick Off Event. Come see what this project
is all about and enjoy a special oneg.
Page Jewish Family Congregation Shofar Religious School grade 4 culture teacher, Sam Ceisler, uses
student volunteers to explain the lunar and Gregorian/solar
November 2013 14
Page Jewish Family Congregation Shofar November 2013 What happens when… once in a lifetime and in history as we know it…
Thanksgiving and Chanukah collide?
At the JFC Religious School… this means we celebrate…
The JFC Religious School Kids Knesset (Student Government)
is organizing two special holiday events as part of our regular programming on…
Sunday, November 24: 9 AM- 12 PM & Thursday, December 5: 4:15-6 PM
(ECC & JFC congregant families with little ones are invited from
4:30-6 PM on December 5/RSVP to Leslie Gottlieb at [email protected])
Musical services will be led by Cantor Ben-David and Ruth Ossher on both dates.
Our holiday parties will include latkes and treats to be supplied by parent volunteers.
Special holiday activity centers will be organized for all age groups.
All participants are asked to bring to JFC on these dates cans of: soup, cranberry sauces and vegetables
to be donated to The Community Center of Northern Westchester.
That’s the GIVING part of Chanu-Giving.
Page Jewish Family Congregation Shofar November 2013 November Calendar
-28 Cheshvan
-1 Kislev 5774
-30 Cheshvan
-7 Kislev 5774
-14 Kislev 5774
-12:45 PM
Adult Hebrew
-21 Kislev 5774
-8 Kislev 5774
DRIVE 2:00
PM - 8:00 PM
-NO GR. 7
-15 Kislev 5774
-22 Kislev 5774
-2 Kislev 5774
-9 Kislev 5774
-16 Kislev 5774
-Men’s Group
Social Event
-23 Kislev 5774
-3 Kislev 5774
-10 Kislev 5774
-17 Kislev 5774
-24 Kislev 5774
-4 Kislev 5774
-6:30 PM Adult
-7:30 PM Board
-11 Kislev 5774
-18 Kislev 5774
-6:15 PM Staff
-25 Kislev
-29 Cheshvan
-9:45 AM
-10:45 AM
Jewish BLT
-5 Kislev 5774
-12 Kislev 5774
-19 Kislev 5774
-26 Kislev
-6 Kislev 5774
-NO GR. 7
-13 Kislev 5774
-9:45 AM
-10:45 AM
Jewish BLT
-20 Kislev 5774
-9:45 AM
-10:45 AM
Searching for
-27 Kislev 5774
Page Jewish Family Congregation Shofar Religious School Mentors, Teachers and Students...
Learning Together on a Sunday morning!
November 2013 17
Page Jewish Family Congregation Shofar November 2013 18
Page Donations
Jewish Family Congregation Shofar November 2013 General Fund
Alan and Laura Steinhorn In honor of Karen and John Conti for their generous hospitality
Grounds Beautification Fund
Phyllis and David Amerling
Music and Choir Fund
John and Barbara Stern In honor of Kerry Ben-David
Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund
Lee Blum
John and Barbara Stern In honor of Marcus Burstein’s new journey at Jewish Family Congregation
Religious School Director’s Fund
Lee Blum
Page Jewish Family Congregation Shofar Anniversaries
Richard Bersch & Amy Selig
John Grzymala & Linda Lederman
Lowell & Nicole Haims
Jodi & Tony Senese
Eric Sherr & Michele Auerbach-Sherr
November 2013 20
Page Birthdays
Jewish Family Congregation Shofar November 2013 Gail Ascher
Roy Goldman
Harold Ossher
Evan Bender
Steven Goodstein
Joel Ossher
Liza Breslin
Edward Gordon
Freddy Perlman
Oliver Capece
Dylan Gottlieb
Matthew Portnoy
Cindy Carson
Susan Greenberg-Shapiro
Harry Rosenhouse
David Ceisler
Kenneth Hoffman
Rayn Schnell
Eve Chipman
Leonardo Junquera
Maya Schwartz
Reyna Cohen
Aaron Kaplan
Aaron Shapiro
Bobbie Cohlan
Joel Kaplan
Judy Vandervelden
Evan Dodes
Felice Kempler
Sebastian Wallach
Matthew Emmer
Ariella Kramer
Jodi Waxman
Amy Fischer
Harrison Lavin
Lindsay Waxman
Samson Robert Friedman
Sigal Leitner
Calvin Wein
Allen Gabor
Gary Levine
Miranda Wein
Nina Claire Gitlitz
Warren Lustig
Penelope Wein
Andrew Glass
David Marceau
Mira Zaslow
Jack Bergson
Mordecai Lewittes
Freda Shuler
Mayer Blum
Joseph Victor Meister
Aaron Stillman
Harry Firestein
Freda Ossher
Bernice Strauss
William Goldman
Sheila Ravitch Gitlitz
Edgar Strauss
Hirsh Grossman
Rachel Rosenhouse
David Hoffman
Ruth Rothwax
William Keleher
Al Rubin
Arthur Klein
Betty Rubin
Horst Leffkowitz
Marvin Schattner
Page Jewish Family Congregation Shofar November 2013 22
Page Jewish Family Congregation Shofar November 2013 Do you have 1-2 hours to spare each month? JFC
could use your help!
On a regular basis, we would love to have your input and help with several projects. We can arrange
some activities to fit your schedule, depending on when you are available. Please see below for ways
that you might be able to contribute to making our congregation flourish:
Editing – An extra pair of eyes are always appreciated when looking at our weekly e-blast and monthly
Shofar. You can use your editing skills to help make these publications better and error-free.
Location: At JFC or at home.
Expected time commitment needed: 30-90 minutes.
Back Up Oneg Shabbat Hosts – Unexpected events come up in everyone’s life, and sometimes that
includes our Oneg Shabbat hosts. If you sign up, we may call you from time to time to see about filling
in for a family who cannot host the Oneg Shabbat.
Location: At JFC on a Friday night.
Expected time commitment needed: 60 minutes on a Friday during the day, 90 minutes Friday night.
Graphic Designing – In order to reach our members and the greater community, we like to create informative and attractive flyers. Help us design publicity for recurring and one-time events.
Location: At JFC or at home.
Expected time commitment needed: 60 minutes.
Back Up Babysitting for Friday Shabbat Services – We intend to provide babysitting for children up
to 7 years old on Friday evening during Shabbat services twice each month. Although we have childcare ready, you might be needed to help in a pinch.
Location: At JFC.
Expected time commitment needed: 60 minutes on Friday evening, 7:30-8:30 pm
Don't forget to stop in and check out the JFC
Gift Shop! If you are interested in purchasing
anything, please let the JFC office now.
Page Jewish Family Congregation Shofar November 2013 The JFC History Project
Thursday, November 7
5:30-8:30 pm
Students, parents, families, members…
YOU are invited to explore, share and record
your piece of JFC history:
add your simcha to JFC’s timeline – place your house on a map of our community –
record a favorite JFC memory – answer JFC trivia and win a prize – enjoy delicious treats and much
Friday, November 15
7:30 pm
Enjoy special presentations of JFC’s unique history
Any questions, please email
Michelle Blum [email protected]
Mindy Hoffman [email protected]
Page Jewish Family Congregation Shofar November 2013 Special Children’s
Shabbat Service & Pizza Dinner
(For children ages 7 and younger)
Friday, November 8
Children’s Service 5:30-6:00 PM
Pizza Dinner 6:00 PM
Come join us
for a story,
music and
Bring the
family! All
are welcome.
Please call (914) 763-3028
TO RSVP for pizza
Jewish Family Congregation
111 Smith Ridge Road
South Salem, NY 10590
Page Jewish Family Congregation Shofar Torah Chanters Wanted
November 2013 Would you like to chant torah on a Friday night or Saturday morning? Maybe it is the anniversary of your bar
or bat mitzvah ceremony, or maybe you would like to learn from a new section of the torah. Either way, we will
help provide you with the tools to succeed! You can chant as few as three verses – maybe you will get together
with a family member or friend to make it a special Shabbat for all of you? We look forward to celebrating with
To volunteer and/or to see which dates are available, please be in touch with Rabbi Burstein: rabbi@
JFC Todah Rabbah List -- People to Thank for November 2013
Phyllis and David Amerling, Cindy Carson,Robyn and Adam Cohen,John Conte, David Fischer, Bryon
Friedman, Laurence Furic,Michael Gitlitz, Pete and Zachary Kessler, Gordon and Polly Schnell, Greg
Schwartz, Judith Vanderveldon, Arman Weissman and Jennifer Saur for accomplishing everything on the
list for JFC Sparkle. Great Job!
Thanks to all of the Book Fair volunteers and especially Iris Glass and Robyn Bellinson and their families. Also, we’d like to thank everyone who helped with the set-up and break-down for the Fair.
Thanks to all of the parents of the Religious School and ECC for their help with the RS Chanu-giving
Events coming up this month and next and to the RS Kids Knesset for all of their efforts in creating these
Thanks to Karen Blum for helping to do grocery food shopping for so many RS and Youth Group activities.
Thank you to Ruth Ossher for leading part of a grade 7 service last month wherein we remembered RS
students Molly and Gregory whose yahrzeit was in October.
JFC Route 35 Roadside Cleanup was again a huge success. A big thank you to Ellen Barth, Ted Bloch,
Josh Blum, Debbie Lavin, Mark Lavin, Andrea Snyder, Josh Strongin, and Rob Strongin. Great Job!
Page Jewish Family Congregation Shofar November 2013 Michelle Blum visits
Youth Group to get
involved with JFC’s
History Event.
Page Jewish Family Congregation Shofar November 2013 Jewish Family Congregation
Tot Shabbat Children’s Services 2013-14
We at JFC are a welcoming inclusive congregation. We strive to provide many different
opportunities for families to celebrate Shabbat…offering times that might be convenient for young
families. Please feel free to let us know what works for your family! We welcome your input.
10:45-11:30 am
Friday 11/8/2013
5:30-6:00 pm Pizza at 6 (RSVP needed/no fee)
Friday 12/13/2013
5:30-6:00 pm Pizza at 5 (RSVP needed/no fee)
Rabbi’s Installation Family Service 5:30 PM Shabbat program (upstairs) for those ages 3-7
10:45-11:30 AM
----------------------------------------Friday 1/10/2014
5:30-6:00 pm Pizza at 6 (RSVP needed/no fee)
10:45-11:30 AM
----------------------------------------*Shabbat Child Care- available at weekly Friday night 7:30 PM services from 7:45-8:45 PM.
All families are welcome to Shabbat morning services. Please check calendar for exact
times. Additional Friday nights will be added.
Page Jewish Family Congregation Shofar November 2013 Non Profit
White Plains, NY
Permit No. 9022
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