the rodeph sholom choir rabbi robert e. goldburg
the rodeph sholom choir rabbi robert e. goldburg
Vol. XVI THURSDAY, APRIL 25, 1946 (Nisan 24, 5706) SABBATH SERVICES This Friday Evening, April 26th, at 8:15 MINISTRY OF MUSIC "MIRIAM'S SONG OF TRIUMPH" A Cantata By Franz . Schubert will be sung by THE RODEPH SHOLOM CHOIR With Additional Voices under the direction of Cantor Nathan G. Meltzoff This Saturday Morning, April 27th, at 10:15 RABBI ROBERT E. GOLDBURG Acting Rabbi of Temple Mishkan Israel, New Haven, Conn. will preach on "MOSES: MAN OR SUPERMAN?" This Tuesday Evening, April 30th, at 8:30 P.T.A. SYMPOSIUM AND ROUND TABLE "What Beliefs and Ceremonies Can We Teach Our Children Today" Rabbis Theodore N. Lewis, Simon G. Kramer, Jack J. Cohen. Morris M. Goldberg and Others RABBI ROBT. E. GOLDBURG This Saturday Morning, Rabbi Robert E. G oldburg will be our g uest prea cher. During the service o f Rabbi Edgar Siskin as Chaplain -in the Marine Corps, Rabbi Goldburg has been interim Rabbi of Temple Mishkan Israel, New Haven, Connecticut. He is a graduate of New York University, and was ordaine d a t Hebrew Union Colleg e, Cincinnati, in 1945, having come to New Haven in June, 1944. Rabbi G o I d b u r g was awarded the Simon Lazarus Prize at H.U.C . for the highest academic standing in his Class, and also the Youngerman Prize for leadership in preaching. He is a native of Yonkers, New York. He has distinguished himself at New Haven in Jewish and community work being a member of the Executive Board of the Jewish Community Center, CoChairman of the New Haven Round Table under the auspices of the National Conference of Christians ' and Jews, and holding other positions of importance. We trust a large Congregation will be present to hear Rabbi Goldburg preach this Sabbath Morning. 2 RODEPH SHOLOM CHRONICLE RODEPH SHOLOK CHRONICLE PublJebed Weekl7 froID Kid-Sept. to Klcl-J_ D7 CODcreeatlOD Rodepb Sbolom 7 Wat IIlIrd Street New York 24, N. Y. TelepboDa Temple Olriee ................................................EN 2-1IlI00 Rabbi'. StDd), ......................................... .......SU 7-0271 CaDtor Me1tsolr .................................... R.. SU 7-1111 . SextoD aDd FUD.ral Director lOD" R. Goldberlf ................................ R. SC 4-6616 ExeeutlYe Secretary Jlax Feder ............... .... ......................... R.. RI 1-2641 Tio.mple HoD.oe AdYber _ lin.. PbIlip K, Stem .................................... I:N 1-1IlI00 Candidates for Bar Mitzvah and their parents c:ommunic:ate with the Cantor at his home. The Rabbi and' Cantor of the CongregCrtion would appreciate being adYbed 01 eongregant. to whom they can be of .ervice In any way. ~ ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We deeply appreciate the follow ing generous contributions: CONGREGAnC;>N RODEPH SHOLOM Mr. Arthur H. Goodman and Mrs. Henry Broder in memory of their aunt, Rosalind G . Goodman; Mr. Lawrence A. Cutner in memor'{ of Rose Bornschein; The Children of Tillie S. Blumstein in her memory; Dr. and Mrs. Shirley Greenstone in memory of Julia Katz; Dr. and Mrs. Allred V. Salomon in memory of their son, Pfc. Arthur Neurad Sloan; Mrs. Henry Tishman in honor 01 Billy Tishman's Birthday and in memory of Hilda Tishman; Mr. and Mrs. Max Undenberger for the Chari'ty Fund: ' Mr. Emanuel R. Bodenstein in commemoration of the Yahrzeit of his father, Isaac Bodenstein, PULPIT FLOWER FUND Miss Ella Reese in memory of Bella Abrams; Mr. and Mrs. Samuel B. Finkel in memory . of her father; ' Mrs. Philip M. Stern in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Brooks' Anniversafy; Mrs. Jeanette Sternfels in memory of her father-in-law, Bernhard Sternfels; Mr. and Mrs. Philip M. Stern in memory of Jc;>seph B. Brenauer; RODF;PH SHOLOM SISTERHOOD Mrs. Karl Zimmermann for materials for the Charity Sewing Group; IN MEMORIAM ' Congregation Rodeph Sholom extends heartfelt sympathy to the families of . CLEMENS GOLDSCHMIDT HENRY KLEINBERG who have passed away. The Page in the Book of Life dedicated to the memory of HILDA SCHEUER will be opened. The Yahrzeits of the following departed win also be observed and the Kaddish recited in thetr memory at the coming Sabbath Services: Rose Berch Marie Bloch Isaac Bodenstein Samuel T. Bruner Abraham Cohn Rose Deutschberger Benjamin Factor Bernhard Frankenfelder Rose Gabriel Isaac Goldberg Moses Goldberg Selma G. Kahn Irwin Kallman Julia Katz Rose Lowenthal Rosine Oettinger Lena Scheer Pfc. Arthur Neurad Sloan Isaac Stiefel Charles Weiss Marcus White May the Memory of the Righteous ever be a Benedictionl . TEMPLE HOUSE CALENDAR Wednesday Afternoon. April 24 Pre-Confirmation Class Mothers' Tea Thuraday Eveninq, April 25 Cub Scout's Carnival Saturday Evening'. April 27 Rudolph Grossman Society Dance Tuesday Eveninq. April 30 P.T.A. Round Table Sa~day Evening. May 4 League Spring Dance Sunday Eveninq, May 5 Men's Association Dutch Supper in the Auditorium Sunday EveninClJ. May 5 Young Married Guild Dutch Supper in the Temple House Monday Afternoon, May 6 Sisterhood Annual Meeting Tuesday. May 7 Men's Association Symposium: RODEPH SHOLOY CHRONICLE OUR CONGRATULATIONS Weare pleased to congratulate: Mr. and Mrs. Herman Brooks on a milestone wedding anniversary; Mr. and Mrs. Hyam D. Nathan on a uilestone wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Irving D. Karpas on the engagement of their son, Irving D. Karpas, Jr., to Janet Rupert of Los Angeles; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kaiser, upon the marriage oj their daughter, Charlotte, a Confirmant of Rodeph Sholom, to Hugh L. Frankenthaler; Mr. and Mrs. 1. Reiff upon the marriage of their daughter, Natalie, a Confirmant of Rodeph Sholom, to Edgar Rothkrug; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Smith ,upon the marriage 0.1 their son, Arnold M. Smith to Marilyn Gottlieb; Mr. and Mrs. Samuel R. Gerstein upon the marriage of their daughter, Buddie Rose, a Confirmant of Rodeph Sholom, to Henry S. Levkoff; Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Lowenstein, upon the birth of a grandson, Kenneth Sherman Stein, to Mr. and Mrs. J. Arthur Stein, their son-in-law and daughter; Mr. and Mrs. Israel Schulman upon the engagement of their son, Norman, a Confirm ant of Rodeph Sholom, to Carol Cohen. MR. FRANKLIN DELANO ROOSEVELT, JR. We will be honored on Friday Evening, May 3rd, at 8:15 by the presence at our Sabbath Eve Services of Mr. Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Jr., whose theme will be: "Problems in Post-War America as seen by the Returning Veteran." Letters have been sent 'to Congregants and to those who have applied for cards to the reserved section in the Temple Auditorium. SISTERHOOD ANNUAL MEETING MAY 6th Monday, May 6th, the final Meeting of the Sisterhood for this syna. gogue year will be held. The meeting will begin at 11:30 o'clock; sandwiches, cakes and coffee will be served to all Sisterhood members and their guests. Mrs. Abraham Steigerwald, President of the Sisterhood, will read the annual report; new officers will be elected, and new members will be welcomed. Following this, the afternoon will be spent in games and sociability. Mothers of Confirmation Candidates are especially invited to be present. I "MIRIAMS SONG OF TRIUMPH" A Cantata by Franz Schubert will be sung this Friday Evening, April 26th, at 8:15 by an augmented Rodeph Sholom Choir under the direction of Cantor Nathan G. Meltzoff Mr. Joseph Yasser. at the Organ .Special Liturgical Music will also be sung. some for the first time in our Temple. The members of the augmented Choir include: Miss Larra Browning ' ~ . Mis$ Luba Senderowna f Solol,Sts SOPRANOS Sybil Kane Renee Schieber Neure Jorjorian Blanch Arnold Marian Lindsay Susanne Freil Ellen Paull ALTOS Luba Senderowna Ann Dawson Nancy Lytell Florence McGovern TENORS Brooks Dunbar Bryan Steele Fred Kenball Edward Caldicott BASSOS Andre Sarto Hugh Martin Joseph Hester Paul Kittle William McCull,Y It will De of interest to our Congregation to know something about the two prominent organists who will play an important part in our Service Friday Evening. Gotfried Federlein, who is the organist at Temple Emanuel. is also an outstanding composer of religiOUS music. We are proud to include his compositions in our Sabbath Evening Liturgy. Joseph Yasser, our own organist, is recognized in the musical world as a musicologist. Before coming to America, he was head of the Organ Department in the Moscow Conservatory. Mr. Yasser made an extensive tour to China to make a study of Tonality, on which subject he has written a book used by all earnest students of music, and found in all music libraries. With the introduction of Schubert's Cantata, it is hoped that more and more of the well-known Cantatas and Oratorios by world-renowned composers will be sung in our Temples. 4 RODEPH SHOLOM CHRONICLE TO THE MEMBERSlDP OF CONGREGATION RODEPH SHOLOM The Nominating Committee, meeting in session on Sunday mornin,g , March 31st, 1946, herewith submits the names of these candidates recommended for election at the Annual Meeting, to be held Monday evening May 20th, at 8:30 o'clock. OFFICERS: To serve for a term of one year: . JOSEPH PULVERMACHER. .President JACOB S. MANHEIMER. ... Vice-Pres. Hn:NRY HOFHEIMER. ........... Treasurer TRUSTEES: To serve for a period pf three years: HAROLD FIELDS AMSON FURTSCH .MRS. NATHAN GOLDMANN LEO KEISER ARTHUR J. MESSING JULIUS R. STEINHARDT NOMINATING COMMITTEE (Representing the congregation to serve one year:) HAROLD W. LEVY LOUIS STAFF MRS. VERA ROSENBERG For devoted wholehearted service to the .Temple during these many years, the Board of Trustees recommends for election as Honorary Trustees: IRVING LEVY PHILIP M. STERN Respectfully submitted NOMINATING COMMITTEE: FELIX A.. GREENHUT, Chairman JOSEPH EISNER SAMUEL FALK ALBERT M. KAHN JACK A. KERNER MRS. HARRY SAMMET SAMUEL SAMPLINER NOTE-Section 2P-"At any time prior to fifteen days before the date fixed for the Annual Meeting additional nominations for any of the offices to be filled at such Annual Meeting may be submitted in writing duly subscribed by fifteen members of the Congregation in good standing. "What Beliefs and Ceremonies Can We Teach Our Children?" AROUND TABLE AND SYMPOSIUM will be held This Tuesday Evenmg, April 30th, at 8:30 in the Marcus Loew Auditorium under the auspices of the Rodeph Sholom P.T.A. Among the Participants Will Be RABBI THEODORE N. LEWIS of the Progressive Synagogue, B'klyn RABBI SIMON G. KRAMER Hebrew Institute, University Heights RABBI JACK J. COHEN Director of Fellowship Activities of the Reconstructionist Movement RABBI MORRIS M. GOLDBERG Congregation Shaarei 'Zedek and others Rabbi Newman will be Moderator There will be an opportunity for written questions from the audience. Everyone is invited to be present. Come and hear a discussion certain to be scintillating and enriching by representatives of Orthodox, Conservative, Reconstructionist and Reform Judaism. OUR RABBI AT THE UNIVERSAUSTCHURCH This Sunday Morning, April 28, at 11 o'clock, Rabbi Newman will preach at the Church of the Divine PaternitYl Central Park West and 76th Street, on "What Can We Believe Today?" During the absence of ministers attending' the sessions of the General Assembly of the Universalist Church of America, at Akron, Ohio, Rabbis have been invited to occupy the pulpits of Universalist Churches wherever possible. Our Rabbi is occupying the pulpit of Rev. Dr. Benjamin B. Hersey, our good neighb()r, whom we had the honor to welcome to the pulpit of Rodeph Sholom several months ago. We trust that our Congreqants will wish to be present at the Services this Sunday, at the . Universalist Church.