Comparative study of 5G waveform candidates for - Docbox
Comparative study of 5G waveform candidates for - Docbox
Comparative study of 5G waveform candidates for below 6GHz air interface Dimitri Kténas R. Gerzaguet & D. Kténas & N. Cassiau & J-B. Doré CEA-Leti 01/28/2016 Table of Contents 1. Context and issues 2. Waveforms 2.1 CP-OFDM & SC-FDMA 2.2 Filter bank multicarrier (FBMC) 2.3 Universal Filtered Multicarrier (UFMC) 2.4 Generalized Frequency Division Multiplexing (GFDM) 3. Comparizon between waveforms 4. Multi-user access scenario 5. Conclusion 5G Context I 4G massively rolled out but will soon reaches its limits I RAN 5G Workshop 09/15 : New non backward compatible Radio Access Technology as part of 5G I Aggregation of non contiguous network is considered I I Sporadic access & MTC I I I Spectrum agility : need to study alternative multicarrier waveforms Strong traffic overhead (fast dormancy) Massive number of devices : Use relaxed synchronism Several candidates have been independently introduced in the past few years I I Classic CP-OFDM shows its limits : Spectral efficiency, frequency leakage, need of tight synchronisation We propose a comparative study of 5G waveform candidates for below 6GHz air interface ETSI presentation Dimitri Kténas 01/28/2016 3 - 16 Context and objectives Considering several candidates for 5G physical layer I Baseline for comparison : OFDM and SC-FDMA I Filter bank multicarrier (FBMC) [3] I Universal Filtered Multicarrier : UFMC (or UF-OFDM) [9] I Generalized Frequency Division Multiplexing (GFDM) [6] A fair comparison between waveforms in literature is lacking Considering several metrics for comparison I Spectral Efficiency (SE) I Peak To Average Power Ratio (PAPR) I Power spectral Density (PSD) Also consider the asynchronous multi-user scenario [1, 11] ETSI presentation Dimitri Kténas 01/28/2016 4 - 16 CP-OFDM & SC-FDMA Modulated data stream ak Serial to parallel DFT & pilot insertion IFFT Parallel to Serial CP Insertion Baseband to RF Channel x(n) modulated decoded stream Parallel to serial IDFT CHEST & Equa. FFT Serial to Parallel CP removal RF to baseband OFDM & SC-FDMA (additional stages in dash) transceiver scheme I I I I Multicarrier modulations, serves as physical layers for 3GPP-LTE or 802.11.a/g/n Efficient implementation (IFFT/FFT), simple equalization schemes Spectral efficiency loss due to Cyclic Prefix (CP) insertion to handle multipath channel For SC-FDMA : DFT/IDFT precoding stages to reduce PAPR (3GPP-LTE uplink : DFT-spread OFDM) ETSI presentation Dimitri Kténas 01/28/2016 5 - 16 Filter bank multicarrier (FBMC) I Set of parallel data through bank of modulated filters I Good spectral location, orthogonality and spectral efficiency kept with OQAM modulation I S / P Modulated data stream Spreading – Frequency filtering OQAM modulation IFFT Overlap and sum FBMC Tx stage Prototype filter in frequency domain (FS) [2] I I Overlapping factor K Filter defined in frequency domain (K=4) H0 = 1 H1 = H2 = H3 = ETSI presentation H−1 = 0.971960 √ 2 H−2 = 2 q H−3 = 1 − H12 CP-OFDM (top) and FBMC (bottom) frames Dimitri Kténas 01/28/2016 6 - 16 Universal Filtered Multicarrier (UFMC) I I I I Derivative of OFDM where a group of subcarriers (RB) is filtered with a Dolph-Chebyshev filter with length L and attenuation factor [9] B subbands are generated and combined Modulated data stream Modulated data stream Modulated data stream a1k a2k aBk Serial to parallel Filter F2k with length L IDFT spreader & PS x2k + Serial to parallel Frequency Domain processing (subcarrier equ.) xk Baseband to RF Filter FBk with length L IDFT spreader & PS xBk ·· · Possibility to add a windowing process on the Rx side (asynchronous multi-user scenario) Filter F1k with length L IDFT spreader & PS x1k ·· · On Rx side, Zero padding is applied before a 2N FFT ETSI presentation Serial to parallel ·· · 2 NF F T points FFT ·· · Channel Windowing & Serial to parallel RF to baseband Zero padding UFMC transceiver Dimitri Kténas 01/28/2016 7 - 16 Generalized Frequency Division Multiplexing (GFDM) I Based on time-frequency filtering of data blocks of size P ×M I Shaping filter : Root Raised Cosine filter (RRC) I Non orthogonal waveform : interference in time and frequency domains Modulated data stream ak Reshaping in block K×M Time Frequency filtering CP Insertion & windowing Parallel to Serial Baseband to RF x(n) Channel modulated decoded stream Parallel to serial Rx stage ZF - MF Serial to Parallel CP removal RF to baseband ãk GFDM transceiver I A CP is added at each symbols (P subsymbols) I On Rx side, different architectures : MF, ZF, MMSE [7] I Possibility to add a windowing process to reduce the ACL I With MF, need to add Interference Cancellation (IC) scheme I I Parametrized by P, M and roll-off factor α With ZF, no self-interference but noise enhancement ETSI presentation Dimitri Kténas 01/28/2016 8 - 16 Simulation parameters & Spectral Efficiency Overall parameters FFT size NF F T 1024 Bit per Symbol m 2 Resource block size NRB 12 1 NRe 3 for User 1 Number of active RBs 2 NRe 9 for User 2 Sampling frequency Fe 15.36 MHz OFDM and SC-FDMA parameters Cyclic prefix NCP 72 samples UFMC parameters Filter length L 73 Stop band attenuation 40 dB GFDM parameters Number of subsymbols P 15 FFT size M 1024 Roll Off factor α 0.1 FBMC parameters Spreading factor K 4 Asynchronous access parameters Guard carriers [0, 1, 2, 5] Timing Offset [-0.25 :0.25] Carrier Frequency Offset 0 ; 10% ETSI presentation I We consider 2 users for asynchronous multi-user access scheme [1] I I 3 RBs for user 1 (12 carriers) 9 RBs for user 2 (36 carriers) I Same FFT size for all users : 1024 I Parameters are based on LTE 10MHz I Length of UFMC filter has been set to have same Spectral Efficiency for UFMC and OFDM : L = NCP + 1 Dimitri Kténas 01/28/2016 9 - 16 Power Spectral Density 0 Power Spectral Density of waveforms : I OFDM : high ACL due to sinc in freq. domain UFMC has lower ACL than GFDM (circular convolution) −20 Power Spectral density [dBc/Hz] I OFDM UFMC FBMC wGFDM GFDM −10 −30 −40 −50 −60 I I GFDM with windowing : Better OOB than GFDM and comparable to UFMC Best frequency location is obtained with FBMC ETSI presentation −70 −80 −1 −0.8 −0.6 −0.4 −0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 Frequency [MHz] Power spectral density of waveforms I 2 users of 3 RBs with 1 RB of guard carriers to better stress ACL impact Dimitri Kténas 01/28/2016 10 - 16 2 Spectral Efficiency Spectral Efficiency for 5G candidates Spectral Efficiency for each waveform [bit/s/Hz] I I ηOF DM = ηU F M C = ηGF DM = m×NF F T NF F T +NCP m×NF F T NF F T +L−1 m×P ×M P ×M +NCP 1.8 Spectral efficiency [b/s/Hz] for m= 2 I 2 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 OFDM FBMC GFDM UFMC 0.6 I ηF BM C = m×S S+K− 12 UFMC and OFDM have same SE GFDM SE depends on size block ETSI presentation 0.4 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 Duration of a burst [ms] Comparaison between SE of waveforms FBMC SE depends on burst duration : If burst duration > 3ms, better SE than UFMC and OFDM Dimitri Kténas 01/28/2016 11 - 16 Peak to Average Ratio PAPR computed on a 3ms burst : PAPR for 5G waveforms : Burst = 3 ms 100 I We compute Complementary Cumulative Density Probability Function (CCDF) I Low PAPR only obtained with SC-FDMA I All multicarrier modulations have a comparable PAPR (gap around ∼ 0.5 dB) 10−1 CCDF of PAPR PAPR = ETSI presentation OFDM UFMC SC-FDMA FBMC GFDM max[|y[k]|2 ] E[|y[k]|2 ] I 10−2 10−3 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 9.5 10 10.5 PAPR [dB] PAPR measured on 3ms burst Dimitri Kténas 01/28/2016 12 - 16 11 Multi-user access scenario Comparison in a multi-user asynchronous access scenario between 2 users [1] I First user is perfectly synchronised and second user interferes with the first one (due to time delay error and CFO) I Performance measured in terms of Mean Squared Error (MSE), with different number of guard carriers (0, 1, 2 and 5) Frequency PSD User 2 : coarse sync : CFO and timing offset User 1 : perfectly sync User 1 GC User 2 CFO Timing Offset Time I Frequency Several 5G candidates with specific parametrisation (best case) : 1. 2. 3. 4. CP-OFDM (SC-FDMA has the same MSE) UFMC with windowing approach [10] GFDM with windowing [8] ; with MF receiver and IC [4] And FBMC ETSI presentation Dimitri Kténas 01/28/2016 13 - 16 Multi-user access scenario : No CFO I I At least one GC inserted : FBMC has the best performance : no interference (Phydyas filter + OQAM [5]) ! ETSI presentation −20 MSE [dB] −20 −40 −40 −60 −60 No GC, Small delay value : UFMC with windowing has good performance wGFDM > wUFMC if at least one GC Guard carrier = 1 −0.2 −0.1 0 0.1 −0.2 −0.1 0.2 Time delay error (n/nFFT) 0 0.1 0.2 Time delay error (n/nFFT) Guard carrier = 2 Guard carrier = 5 −20 −20 MSE [dB] I No GC, GFDM with windowing has better performance Guard carrier = 0 MSE [dB] I 0 < Delay error NCP : no interference for OFDM MSE [dB] I −40 −60 −40 −60 −0.2 −0.1 0 0.1 0.2 Time delay error (n/nFFT) −0.2 −0.1 0 0.1 0.2 Time delay error (n/nFFT) OFDM FBMC wUFMC wGFDM Dimitri Kténas 01/28/2016 14 - 16 Multi-user access scenario : 10% CFO I I Guard carrier = 0 −20 MSE [dB] MSE [dB] −20 No GC, wGFDM has same performance as FBMC −40 −60 At least one GC inserted : FBMC has the best performance : no interference (Phydyas filter + OQAM) ! ETSI presentation 0 0.1 −0.2 −0.1 0.2 Time delay error (n/nFFT) 0 0.1 0.2 Time delay error (n/nFFT) Guard carrier = 2 Guard carrier = 5 −20 −20 −40 −40 −60 −60 −0.2 −0.1 I −40 −60 −0.2 −0.1 No GC, Small delay value : UFMC with windowing has the best performance wGFDM > wUFMC if at least one GC is inserted but impact of CFO Guard carrier = 1 MSE [dB] I CFO breaks OFDM orthogonality and lowers performance for all waveforms MSE [dB] I 0 0.1 0.2 Time delay error (n/nFFT) −0.2 −0.1 0 0.1 0.2 Time delay error (n/nFFT) OFDM FBMC wUFMC wGFDM Dimitri Kténas 01/28/2016 15 - 16 Conclusion Fair comparison for several representative criteria : CP-OFDM I Spectral Efficiency, PAPR, PSD comparison I Mean Square Error in multi-user access scenario Comparison between 5G waveform candidates that outperform CP-OFDM : I UFMC offers LTE backward compatibility I GFDM and FBMC go further BUT still open questions : short packet, MIMO, . . . ETSI presentation Complexity SC-FDMA UFMC GFDM Spectral Efficiency 5 4,5 4 3,5 3 2,5 2 1,5 1 0,5 0 FBMC Spectral Efficiency Short Packet MUAC (1 GC) ACLR MUAC (no GC) PAPR Comparison between waveforms Dimitri Kténas 01/28/2016 16 - 16 References I [1] 5G-Now. Deliverable D3.2 : 5G waveform candidate selection. Technical report, 5G Now (5th Generation Non-Orthogonal Waveforms for Asynchronous Signalling), 2015. [2] M. Bellanger. FS-FBMC : An alternative scheme for filter bank based multicarrier transmission. In 5th International Symposium on Communications Control and Signal Processing (ISCCSP), pages 1–4, May 2012. [3] M. Bellanger and al. FBMC physical layer : a primer, 06 2010. [4] R. Datta, N. Michailow, M. Lentmaier, and G. Fettweis. GFDM interference cancellation for flexible cognitive radio PHY design. In Proc. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Fall), pages 1–5, Sept 2012. [5] J.-B. Dore, V. Berg, N. Cassiau, and D. Ktenas. 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