thermal performance of a multistoried residential apartment
thermal performance of a multistoried residential apartment
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering Volume 3, Special Issue 3: ICERTSD 2013, Feb 2013, pages 321-328 An ISO 9001:2008 certified Int. Journal, ISSN 2250-2459, available online at THERMAL PERFORMANCE OF A MULTISTORIED RESIDENTIAL APARTMENT IN WINTER SEASON AT KOLKATA Soumyendu Biswas1+, Debasish Chowdhury2, Amitava Roy3, YG Yohanis4, Subhasis Neogi5 1,3 4 Bengal Engineering And Science University, Shibpur, India School of the Built Environment, University of Ulster, Jordanstown campus, Shore Road, Newtownabbey, Co. Antrim, BT37 0QB, United Kingdom. 2,5 School of Energy Studies, Jadavpur University, , Kolkata- 700032, India + Corresponding author email: [email protected] ABSTRACT The present study aims to analyze the thermal characteristics of a multistoried residential building in the winter months. It is observed that the orientation of the apartment plays a vital role in the internal ambience of the space. The reason behind is the building shell is exposed to diurnal variation of solar flux and also to the cyclic change in the ambient temperature profile. The indoor air is noted to reach a delayed peak temperature as compared to outdoor peak ambient temperature. This is caused due to the thermal inertia of the system. The solar heat gain by the structural components slowly propagates into the building system as well as radiated towards the open sky. Such an effect causes to rise in indoor air temperature. The various factors like construction materials, external colour, indoor wall/ceiling colours etc. are found to influence the indoor environmental situation of the space. In the present study a single building is considered with individual flats at different orientation but having uniform construction materials, outer shading etc. So this study emphasizes on orientation and the exposed surface only. Key words: Solar flux, data logging, thermal inertia, temperature profile and orientation. 1. INTRODUCTION Thermal performance of multistoried residential apartment is a matter of concern in warm–humid and hot-dry climate. Research performed for improving thermal comfort in non-conditioned building in hot humid climate of Bankok by Atch Sreshthaputra [1]. Studies were made by Enedir Ghisi et. al. [2] in Southern Brazil to assess the thermal performance of bedrooms in different orientation in a multistoried residential building located in Florianopolis, Brazil. Studies were reported on energy-efficient building envelop design for East Africa by Israel Da Silva et. al. [3] where some basic energy-saving techniques have been recommended to reduce building energy consumption. A comparative analysis has been done on the thermal performance of non air-conditioned buildings with a vaulted roof and a flat roof under different climatic conditions in the study of R. Tang et. al.[4]. A study was performed by G. Barrios [5] where it was found that in an air-conditioned room the most important physical property of the wall / roof is its thermal conductivity, which has to be as small as possible, while for the non air-conditioned room the most important physical property is the thermal diffusivity, which also has to be as small as possible. As per ASHRAE (1990b), energy resources are fundamental ingredients of all the economic systems. Presented at International Conference on Energy Resources and Technologies for Sustainable Development, 07-09 February 2013, Howrah, India. Efficient use of energy is important since the reserve of our global energy resources is finite and depleting. Energy use in building involves the parameters which are complex and diverse in nature. Design of energy efficient building is still not widely encouraged and suffers by lack of appreciation for different reasons. Guided by the market forces, many architects even never bother to design the buildings considering the climatic constrains and focus mainly on the aesthetic aspects, sometimes even follow the negative effect of technology. The building sector plays an important role in the energy consumption. According to the Earth Trends Country Profile 2003, the Indian residential sector consumes about 201,000 mtoe. (million tons of oil equivalent), which is about 11% of world’s energy consumption in residential sector [6]. It is noted that in the residential and commercial sector, there has been a rapid increase in the consumption of electricity at a rate of about 13.2% [6]. Growing electrification and more comfortable style of living have been the main causes of this increase. India has a trend of having high-rise multi-dwelling apartments in places of earlier detached houses. Due to scarcity of land and need of open spaces through minimum ground coverage – the present trend of highrise structures are predominant for all big Cities and Metros of India. ICERTSD2013-11-302 © IJETAE2013 Int. J Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering ISSN 2250-2459, Volume 3, Special Issue 3: ICERTSD 2013, Feb 2013, pages 321-328 4. STUDY AREA Kolkata [Latitude: +22.57 (22º34’12” N), Longitude: +88.36 (88º21’36” E)], the city in reference is the state capital of West Bengal and most important city of Eastern India. The city, having warm–humid climate has the annual mean temperature as 26.8ºC (80.2ºF) and monthly mean temperatures as 19ºC to 30ºC (66ºF to 86ºF). Summers (March – June) are warm with temperatures above and around 30ºC; during dry spells, maximum temperature often exceeds 40ºC (104ºF) in May and June [8]. Winter lasts for only about two-and-half months to three months, with seasonal lows dipping to 9°C to11°C (48° F to 52° F) in December and January. May (daily temperatures 27oC–37°C) is the hottest month; January (12oC–23°C) is the coldest month. The highest recorded temperature is 43.9°C, whereas the lowest is 5°C [8]. The city receives 2,528 hours of sunshine per year, with maximum sunlight exposure occurring in March [9]. In the urban areas, these multi-storied apartment buildings have major share in residential accommodations. The individual flats / apartment units of these buildings differ from each other in respect of orientation, openings, shading, exposed external surface etc. leading them to respond differently in terms of thermal behavior. The factors controlling the comfort within a building are air temperature, mean radiant temperature, humidity and air-flow. Kolkata, having predominantly warm-humid climate, experiences a mild winter for nearly three months in a year. It is also important to study the thermal performance of the buildings in such winter condition. This field of research is important as the energy consumption of a building is associated with its thermal performance over the entire year and also the indoor thermal environment in the early summer has a carry-over effect of the previous winter due to thermal inertia of the building envelop. Heat exchange processes at a building, being considered as a defined unit, with the outdoor environment has been expressed as follows and are described by O. H. Koenigsberger et. al. [7] The thermal balance of a system can be expressed as: Qi + Qs ± Qc ± Qv ± Qm – Qe = 0 where Conductance (Qc) = A x U x T, Solar Heat Gain(Qs) = Aw x I x θ, Ventilation Rate(Qv) = Cpv x V x T 5. EXPERIMENTAL EVALUATION 5.1 Data Collection: Period of Data Collection: Nov’11 to Feb’12: Room-temperature of the study building and ambient temperature were monitored for 3 sets of data for 92 days in 4 months: 1. 01.11.11 to 17.11.11 - 17 days 2. 12.12.11 to 12.01.12 - 32 days 3 16.01.12 to 27.02.12 - 43 days Total 92 days Five nos. of micro Data Loggers were used to record the temperature data in different situations and locations. In order to avoid errors due to different response from each data loggers, those were calibrated when all the data loggers were programmed to register air temperature for every ten minutes over a period of 15 days (19.11.11 to 03.12.11) and were placed side by side on a wooden platform at height of around 8ft. from the floor in a room. The data were downloaded and graphs were drawn from it. Graph generated from the results of one logger was taken as reference and others were found to be in parity with that. 2. The SCOPE and OBJECTIVE of the work The proposed scope and objectives of the study are: i. To identify the parameters influencing the indoor thermal characteristics of a multistoried residential buildings in the winter months. ii. To identify the relative weightage of these parameters influencing the thermal condition of the space. iii. To compile and develop a database with reference to parametric variations for the design in warm-humid climate like kolkata. 3. METHODOLOGY The study is to be undertaken in the following parts: i. To study and explain the problems and important aspects of internal thermal characteristics of a space. ii. To measure the temperature of the indoor environment of different rooms (with different orientation and outer envelope) of a multistoried building in Kolkata and the corresponding ambient temperatures. iii. To identify the temperature differences between the indoor and the outdoor condition and the reasons behind it. Also to identify the time lag or phase shift and reasons behind it for different situations occurred due to periodic heat flow. © IJETAE2013 5.2 Case Study A three storied building in Southern part of Kolkata, West Bengal, India is taken for the case study. Floor height of the building: 3.0 meter. (clear) Total height: 10.75 meter. (including parapet) Fig.1 and Fig.2 show the south and east side view of the building respectively. Fig.4 and Fig.5 show the sectional and plan view of the building respectively. 322 ICERTSD2013-11-302 Int. J Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering ISSN 2250-2459, Volume 3, Special Issue 3: ICERTSD 2013, Feb 2013, pages 321-328 Fig.1. South Side View Fig.4. Sectional View Fig.2. East Side View Fig.3. Stevenson Screen for outdoor ambient temperature measurement © IJETAE2013 Fig.5. Floor Plan of the Building 323 ICERTSD2013-11-302 Int. J Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering ISSN 2250-2459, Volume 3, Special Issue 3: ICERTSD 2013, Feb 2013, pages 321-328 19mm.ext. plaster Fig.6. The Construction details of the building(details of roof slab, intermediate slab, external wall and internal wall) 5.3 ANALYSIS From the extensively collected data of four months, five sets have been chosen as representative data for the present purpose. They have been plotted and analyzed. For the first set of data, the data loggers were placed as follow: 1. On the roof top (within Stevenson Screen) 2. In the room at S-W corner of 2nd. Floor 3. In the room at N-E corner of 2nd. Floor 4. In the room at S-W corner of 1st. Floor and 5. In the room at N-E corner of 1st. Floor Due to the thermal capacity of the envelope, the incident solar flux is absorbed by the surface of the building system depending on the composition of building envelop and thermal characteristics of the construction materials. This in turn results in a time delay for the heat to propagate into the system. Actually, outdoor temperature will reach its peak and will gradually cool down slowly, but the inside wall temperature will keep rising gradually and will reach its peak at a later time. The Heat is thus stored within the building material and slowly propagates into the system. The direction of the flow of heat is dependent on both the boundary temperature such as indoor air temperature and ambient air temperature. When the outdoor temperature drops below that of indoor, the heat flow direction is reversed. It is observed that the S-W 2nd floor experiences a greater temperature rise as compared to the S-W 1st floor and N-E 2nd floor. This characteristic implies that the heat transfer through the south and west exposed walls and roof are the major paths of structural heat gain. It is observed that for the N-E location the heat gain through the walls becomes insignificant and thus the space remains cooler due to less amount of solar heat gain. This is quite significant for the N-E 1st floor location. The conduction impact of roof as well as that of S-W walls is absent there. As reflected in Fig.8, the ambient temperature in this period ranges between 15.5ºC to 26.2ºC. It is observed that for the S-W location, the 1st floor reaches a higher temperature as compared to the 2 nd floor. However the N-E location observed to attain lowest indoor temperature. The diurnal temperature fluctuation being between 15.5ºC and 26.2ºC the S-W 1st floor shows a lesser temperature fluctuation during the cycle as Fig.7. Time-Temperature Profile The corresponding graph is shown here (Fig.7). Here the ambient temperature is within the range of 22.5oC to 31.9oC. In general, the ambient heat enters through the outer surface of the wall/roof. © IJETAE2013 324 ICERTSD2013-11-302 Int. J Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering ISSN 2250-2459, Volume 3, Special Issue 3: ICERTSD 2013, Feb 2013, pages 321-328 Fig.8. Time-Temperature Profile Fig.9. Time-Temperature Profile compared to the 2nd floor, the reason being the radiant heat loss through roof slab resulting in lower indoor temperature for the 2nd floor apartment. On the other hand rooms of S-W side, receive more solar radiation during a day cycle as compared to N-E side. From Fig.8, it is observed that the N-E 2nd floor experiences larger diurnal indoor temperature fluctuation as compared to the 1st floor on the S-W location. This is due to the fact that the N-E location has lesser amount of structural heat gain and in most of the time the heat flows out of the system due to lower ambient temperature. However in case of the S-W location the heat flow through building envelop to the indoor air is greater due to solar heat gain of the exposed walls in the south as well as west location. This, along with less heat loss through intermediate floor slab leads to higher temperature for the S-W 1st floor space. From Fig.9, Fig.10 and Fig.11, it is observed that the trend of ambient temperature fluctuation is identical; however the ambient temperature has reached the lowest value of about 11.75ºC as in Fig.9. Subsequently the indoor temperature has also fallen around 17.1 ºC. In Fig.10, it is observed that the impact of roof radiation becomes predominant due to lower ambient temperature. When the ambient temperature rose to 30.5ºC, S-W 2nd floor recorded highest temperature (around 27ºC) of that day, higher than S-W 1st. fl. On another day, as the peak ambient temperature rose below 26ºC, the room at S-W 1st floor recorded higher temperature than its upper floor. © IJETAE2013 Fig.10. Time-Temperature Profile From the Fig.9, Fig.10 and Fig.11 it is observed that in all these cases, N-E 2nd floor shows lower indoor temperature caused due to structural heat loss by the building system. It is also observed that when the ambient temperature falls below the range of 25 to 26º C, the roof system starts loosing heat and thus 2nd floor apartments (both N-E as well as S-W location) recorded lower indoor temperature. However the S-W space was found to have slightly higher indoor temperature and it is due to the fact of the structural heat gain through walls. 325 ICERTSD2013-11-302 Int. J Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering ISSN 2250-2459, Volume 3, Special Issue 3: ICERTSD 2013, Feb 2013, pages 321-328 On the other hand the maximum ambient temperature (31.9oC) occurred at 12:30 hours and correspondingly the maximum indoor air temperature rose to 28.7oC and 27.9oC for 2nd and 1st floor respectively with a time delay of 2 hours 30 minutes and 1hour 10 minutes respectively. Thus it can be seen that a thermal time lag of 1 hour 10 minutes to 2 hours 30 minutes prevails and it is due to the type of construction and materials used. In Fig.13, the minimum ambient temperature (19.3oC) occurred at 06:20 hours whereas the minimum indoor temperature was 22.4oC for 2nd floor and 24.4oC for 1st floor at 07:40 hours and 10:10 hours respectively (i.e. with a time delay of 1 hour 20 minutes to 3 hours 50 minutes). Fig.11. Time-Temperature Profile 6. PERIODIC HEAT FLOW AND TIME-LAG While considering five representative days from above five sets of data, one from each set, a clear view of Time Lag or Phase Shift is obtained. The ambient diurnal temperature variations and corresponding variations for different apartment units are represented in Fig.12 to Fig.15. Fig.13. Time-Temperature Profile Again the maximum ambient temperature of 26.2oC was recorded at 14:00 hours and correspondingly the maximum indoor air temperature rose to 25.4oC and 25.8oC for 2nd and 1st floor respectively with a time delay of 2 hours 50 minutes and 3hour 40 minutes respectively. Thus it can be seen that a thermal time lag of 1 hour 20 minutes to 3 hours 50 minutes prevails. In Fig.14 the upper and lower values of ambient temperature have been recorded as 24.4oC and 11.8oC at 14:10 hours and 06:30 hours respectively. Corresponding maximum and minimum temperature of 2nd floor went up to 21.8oC and 18.0oC at 16:10 hours and 06:20 hours respectively. Same for 1st. floor are 22.1oC and 19.5oC at 18:30 hours and 08:00 hours respectively. Thus thermal time lags of 1 hour 30 minutes to 4 hours 20 minutes have been recorded. Fig.12. Time-Temperature Profile From Fig.12 it is observed that the minimum ambient temperature (22.7oC) occurred at 03:00 hours however the minimum indoor temperature of 25.8oC reached at 04:20 hours i.e. with a time delay of 1 hour 20 minutes. © IJETAE2013 326 ICERTSD2013-11-302 Int. J Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering ISSN 2250-2459, Volume 3, Special Issue 3: ICERTSD 2013, Feb 2013, pages 321-328 Fig.16. Time-Temperature Profile Fig.14. Time-Temperature Profile 7. CONCLUSION Flats/ individual units of the apartments for the cities like Kolkata with predominant warm-humid climate have the following criteria: The top floor units having roof contact suffer maximum, not only in summer (with high temperature impact) but also in winter (with temperature lower than the ambient). In this climatic condition with normal construction trend i.e. 100 mm. thick RCC roof with plain cement concrete roof tiles laid over 50 mm. thick lime terrace, 250 mm. thick external brick work with 19 mm. external plaster and 12 mm. thick internal plaster, the outward conductive heat flow has considerable impact at an ambient temperature below the range of 24oC-25oC. However this can be modified with change in construction specification. Considering the orientation only, S-W side has the maximum thermal impact. Roof has the maximum effect on thermal conduction. For very high or very low temperature the effect of roof is much more dominant than the impact of orientation. In this climatic condition with the above mentioned construction specification a prominent thermal time lag prevails and it is due to the type of construction and materials used and may be modified with change in construction specification. Fig.15. Time-Temperature Profile Results from Fig.15 also reflect the same trend of thermal time lag. Fig.16 reflects a situation where ambient temperature is consistently lower than the indoor/room temperature. 8. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The case studies have been carried out in the residence of Mr. S. K. Biswas and Mr. U. Ghosh. Authors duly acknowledge to all the family members of Mr. Biswas and Mr. Ghosh for their kind support and permitting to place the data loggers in their apartments. © IJETAE2013 327 ICERTSD2013-11-302 Int. J Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering ISSN 2250-2459, Volume 3, Special Issue 3: ICERTSD 2013, Feb 2013, pages 321-328 REFERENCES [1] Sreshthaputra, A., May 2003, “Building Design and Operation for Improving Thermal Comfort in Naturally Ventilated Buildings in A Hot-Humid Climate”, Ph.D. thesis, Texas A and M University. [2] Ghisi, E. and Massignani, R. F., 2007, “Thermal Performance of Bedrooms in a Multi-Storey Residential Building in Southern Brazil”, Building and Environment, 42(2): 730-742. [3] Silva, I. D. and Ssekulima, E. B., 2011, “Energy Efficient Building Envelope Design for Institutional Buildings in East Africa”, paper on Energy Efficiency. [4] Tang, R., Meir, I.A. and Wu, T., 2006, “Thermal Performance of non air-conditioned buildings with vaulted roofs in comparison with flat roofs”, Building and Environment, 41(3): 268 – 276. [5] Barrios, G., Huelsz, G., Rechtman, R.and Rojas, J., 2011, “Wall/Roof Thermal Performance differences between air - conditioned and non air - conditioned rooms”, Energy and Buildings, 43(1): 219-223 [6] Singh, I. and Michaelowa, A., 2004, “Indian Urban Building Sector: CDM Potential through Energy Effiuciency in Electricity Consumption”, HWWA Discussion Paper 289, Hamburg Institute of International Economics. [7] Koenigsberger, O. H., Ingersoll, T. G., Mayhew, A. and Szokolay, S. V., Manual of tropical housing and Building, Orient Longman. [8] Canty and Associates LLC, April 2006, Weather Base Entry for Kolkata. [9] Gaia:Environmental Information System ( in.html.) AUTHOR BIOGRAPHY Soumyendu Biswas, is an ArchitectTown Planner. He is now a research scholar in Bengal Engineering and Science University, Shibpur, Howrah, India. He has research interest in Energy efficient building technology, Sustainable building planning and Thermal efficiency of different building materials and construction technology. Debasish Chowdhury is M. Tech. scholar at Department of School of Energy Studies at Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India. His specialzation is in Solar Thermal Engineering, Building Energy Management and Biomass Energy Amitava Roy is Associate Professor of Department of Architecture, Town and Regional Planning at Bengal Engineering and Science University, Shibpur, Howrah, India. He has research interest in Thermal Environment, Solar Architecture & Passive Cooling. Yigzaw Goshu Yohanis is professor of Building Services Engineering at the School of the Built Environment, Centre for Sustainable Technologies University of Ulster, Northern Island, UK. His research interests are in the field of Thermal energy, thermal energy simulation, renewable energy systems, long-term thermal energy storage, and human energy behaviour. He has numerous publications in International Journals. NOMENCLATURE Symbol A U T I θ Q V Cpv Subscripts v c s i m e w © IJETAE2013 Description Surface area Thermal Transmittance Temperature difference Radiation heat density Solar gain factor of window glass Heat flow rate Ventilation rate Volumetric Specific Heat of air Unit (m2) (W/m2deg C) (C) (W/m2) Subhasis Neogi is Professor at School of Energy Studies at Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India. He has 25 years of teaching experience and 5 years of industry experience. He has research interst in Energy Conservation & Management, Energy Efficient Buildings, Wind Energy, Solar Thermal Engineering etc. He has several publications in various national and international journals. (W) (m3/s) J/(m3deg C) Ventilation Conduction Solar Heat Gain Internal Heat Gain Mechanical Gain/ Loss Evaporative loss Window Area 328 ICERTSD2013-11-302