Volume Nine Issue Two 1991 Number 27
Volume Nine Issue Two 1991 Number 27
Volume Nine Issue Two 1991 Number 27 In this issue I must be the most successful of editors because no one complains about the content of Archive. I try to vary the content but invariably, one way or another, the magazine leans towards the Company's involvement with the Second World War. Perhaps this is not surprising as this was its finest era when, led by one of the country's greatest industrial leaders it produced men, machines and methods that were unsurpassed within a single organisation. There never were such times and there never will be again. We are fortunate in that a great deal of contemporary records of this period are still in existence whilst, sadly very little exists prior to this. I see Archive as a vehicle to promote aspects of the Company's past that would otherwise remain obscure and a good example of this can be seen in this issue. Have you ever wondered which firms made parts for RollsRoyce during the war? You can cease wondering from now on. Member Gary Mills gives us another slant on the Merlin story with a two-part account of the Ford Motor Company's manufacture of that engine at Manchester. This article first appeared in Aviation News, 18-31 March 1988, and we are grateful to its editor for permission to reproduce it in Archive. One of the most fascinating aspects of the Second World War was its organisation. Although it had been expected for a year or so, when it finally came it brought changes on an immense scale. The full story may never be told but a start is made in this issue with a look at Hives' files for the period. I have chosen a period covering the first full two months of the war to give an insight into what he was talking to the Air Ministry about, and in particular Sir Wilfrid Freeman, the Air Member for Research and Development. Those of you who read this column in the last issue might have wondered what happened to the story on snow-shifting on the Great Western Railway. Sorry about that but at the last moment the printer had to omit it due to lack of space. All is now revealed. Finally, we have more from the pen of Tony Henniker who recalls his Premium Apprenticeship days in the late twenties/early thirties. PLEASE NOTE My internal reference has changed to Met/Bir Editor CONTENTS RB 44 Tay ......................................30 Snow Clearance on the GWR ........................... 31 Ford and the Merlin: Part One ......................... 34 Preparing for the Duration ............................... 38 Wartime Sub-contractors .................................. 42 An Apprentice's Story: Part One ..................... 47 .................................... 52 Letters Cover story The Rolls-Royce Type BF 40 mm gun modified for hydraulic operation and mounted on a Chevrolet truck as a mobile defence weapon. At the controls is Walter Hampton with Tim Newbury acting as loader. It is standing on what is now the main Sinfin car park. The installation was not a success and was not proceeded with. The gun is believed to be the second prototype which, in a modified form, is on display at the Derby Industrial Museum. Trust Publications With the release of Charlie Rolls — Aviation Pioneer we have now published fifteen books in our Historical Series. These books are produced for your benefit and are the result of a great deal of research and effort by their authors whose only financial reward is the return of expenses. In order to keep the prices reasonable as possible we have to print a number well in excess of our membership requirements. If Derby branch members each bought a particular book we would sell only around 850 copies leaving twice as many more to be sold by other means. However, you, the members, do not buy all the books and to put it bluntly I think you should, even if a particular subject is not entirely up your street. Only by the sale of these books do we finance the future publications. We do not ask for, nor do we get a penny from the Company. We have recently committed ourselves to the publication of the last three books in quick succession because there was a financial advantage to do so, but it cost us a lot of money. The amount of stock we now carry of all titles needs to be significantly reduced to raise the money for future titles that we have in preparation. If you think of yourself as a true Rolls-Royce enthusiast and wish to see the continuation of Historical Series of books, then your bookshelf should display them all. We will keep producing them if you keep buying them. 29 RB 44 Tay by Bob Hack The Tay began life on the drawing boards in 1947 as the Nene IV, but was soon accorded the dignity of a new type-name. Essentially a scaled-up Derwent 5, it was the last of the line to employ the classic Whittle layout of double-sided centrifugal impeller coupled to single-stage turbine, and was a completely new design. The tangential compressor outlet elbows, complete with cast-in turning vanes, were integral with the main casing, and by using a baffle to direct air to the impeller rear face, the designers were able to achieve a reduction of 23/4 in. in overall engine diameter compared to the Nene, despite a 60% increase in airflow. The oil sump was done away with, oil being contained in a ring-tank around the front air intake, and oil pumps and filters were tucked into the wheelcase. The design of the nine combustion chambers resembled those of the early Avon, with cast expansion chambers housing tripod-mounted duple burners, which in turn carried machined primary air diffuser snouts. The flame-tubes and air casings were otherwise similar to those of the Nene. Rated at 6250 lb thrust, (later developed to 7000 lb), the engine was intended as a back-up in case of insuperable problems with the Avon, which in the event did not materialise. Consequently the Tay, which first ran in September 1948, was never seriously used in the UK, and only flew in this country as the power units of a twin-engine Vickers Viscount prototype (first flight 15/3/50). At the time Vickers were still developing the Valiant, and therefore had a direct interest in a possible alternative for the Avon, but the principal duty of the jet-Viscount was as a flying test-bed for power-operated flying controls, for the V-bomber programme and large aircraft of the future. Although Rolls-Royce only built about six of these Tay engines, the worth of the engine was recognised abroad, and both Pratt and Whitney in the USA, and Hispano-Suiza in France, built the design in quantity under licence as a natural follow-through of their respective Nene programmes. As the J48 it saw service in the later stages of the Korean War, powering the F9F-5 Panther and, with reheat, the F9F-6 Cougar, both Grumman aircraft for the US Navy. Reheated versions also powered the USAF's Lockheed F-94C Starfire all-weather fighter and the North American YF-93A. French Tays were used in the Dassault Mystere II and IVA. For the latter, Hispano developed . a 7720 lb thrust version (they named it Verdon after a river in Provence), which had the highest compression ratio (4.95.1) of any single-stage centrifugal compressor to enter service, a record which as far as I know still stands. 30 Snow clearance on the GWR Extract from the Great Western Railway Magazine for March and April 1947, Vol. 59, No.3. In conjunction with the National Gas Turbine Establishment, Ministry of Supply experiments have been concluded with gas turbine aero engines for snow clearance. On the Great Western Railway, preliminary tests were carried out at Dowlais Top, on the single-line branch from Bargoed to Brecon, where six weeks' intermittent snowfall had caused heavy drifts in the cuttings, and daytime thaws followed by night frost had partly turned the compacted mass of snow into ice. Two Rolls-Royce Derwent Mark 1—type engines were used, mounted on welded steel test frames bolted to the floor of a GW Conflat, and secured with their axes parallel to the track and 4ft 6in apart. Attached to the outlet of each engine, which was flush with the headstock of the wagon, was a discharge tube 8 ft Sin long, supported by wire cables attached to the stanchions of the test frames. The engines were depressed to about 15 degrees below the horizontal, so that the centre of the jet would strike the rail 13ft ahead of the end of the tube. t The snow clearance train at Dowlais Top in 7947 with the two jets prominent at the front of the train. Other than the extract reproducedabove, little is written of the experiment in the official reports and it is therefore not possible to ascertain if similar trials were carried out elsewhere on the Great Western system. Certainly the severe winter encountered that year was one of those fortunately only seen at long intervals in this country and hence the need to develop alternative methods of snow clearance did not have the urgency witnessed in other countries. Not mentioned in the report is that the opposite reaction from the forcr expelled at the nozzles attempted to propel the train backwards. 31 At the rear of the Conflat a 325-gallon aircraft fuel tank with filters was mounted. Between this and the engines stood a control and instrument panel, with 24-volt coach lighting batteries underneath for starting purposes. Behind the Conflat was a Loriat 'B' carrying an 850-gallon road motor fuel tank equipped with mechanically operated pump, to serve as a fuel storage tank in which the lubricating oil for the engine pumps could be mixed with the fuel oil. In the tests, soft snow in sidings was almost completely removed for the whole of the length of the sleepers, with the engines at less than full throttle. Where night frost had formed ice around the rails the blast was used twice at full throttle to clear it. At times the blast worked underneath the ice and flung off lumps up to 4 ft > 2ft bin. Sometimes snow was blown on to the rollers of the switch rodding, which required careful cleaning and signal wires were shaken violently, but not broken. In general, the tests distinctly indicated the possibility of developing the gas turbine method of snow clearance. Moveable mountings would increase mobility, enabling the jet to be traversed horizontally and vertically, with the engines themselves carried at the lowest possible level. A 'fish-tail' or other specially shaped blast tube might prove an improvement on the present circular pattern. Alternatively smaller engines might be used, and three of these mounted side-by-side, to give a more even distribution of blast across the breadth of track. The erection and working of the jet engines was in the hands of representatives of the Royal Air Force, the National Gas Turbine Establishment, and the Rolls-Royce Servicing Department. Their co-operation with the local officers of the Great Western Railway was of the greatest help, and the expert advice given to the Company added largely to the success of the experiments at Dowlais Top. Rumour suggests there were also some difficulties in anchoring down the equipment for fear it might take off. After all, the GWR was flying from Cardiff to the Channel Islands in 1937 and could have gone from Dowlais Top to eternity in 1947! The above story comes from the book The Great Western Railway Gas Turbines; a Myth Exposed by Kevin Robertson, published by Alan Sutton Publishing. We are grateful to the author and publisher for allowing us to reproduce the extract in Archive. We are also grateful to member Les Thompson for spotting it and negotiating with both parties on our behalf. Les makes the following observations: On a technical note, the reference to coach-lighting batteries being used for starting the snow-blowing jet engines surprises me. I would not have thought that batteries designed for lighting supplies could have supplied the heavy currents, peaking at some hundreds of amps, needed for cranking over a jet engine. Especially after standing overnight in the bitterly cold weather of that winter. The only saving grace was that the engine lubricants in those days was a hydraulic fluid DTD 44D, which was as thin as water, even at sub-zero temperatures. (Today's synthetic lubricants were only just beginning to emerge from the laboratory). The same paragraph refers to mixing lubricating oil with the fuel, which was kerosine, for the engine (fuel) pumps. This was the practice because the engines' own high-pressure swash-plate type fuel pump needed 1% of lube oil to survive pumping kerosine. If run on petrol (and if a jet aircraft had to put down at an ordinary airfield, petrol would be the only fuel available), then 3% of oil had to be mixed with the fuel to allow for the even lower lubricity of petrol. This oil incidentally, was a conventional lubricating oil. 1% of oil showed up quite clearly in the kerosine. 1 'r k 1 111141116 After the passage of the jet engines, with areas clearly marked where blocks of impacted snow and ice have been dislodged. It was also found that where covering of snow was not so compacted the force of the blast would send ballast flying in all directions. Apart from this, had the experiments continued special care arrangements would have been necessary in the vicinity of stations and wooden structures to protect both from the heat and flying debris. In the photograph, however, the absolute bleakness of the surrounding terrain is apparent. Worth mentioning is that the LMS attempted a similar method of snow clearance around the same time on the High Peak line between Ashbourne and Buxton which was blocked by drifts for several miles. The results though, were identical. Evidently the original intention had been to try the first G VVR experiments on the Abergwynfi Branch but this was not proceededwith. The LNER also conducted similar tests around this time. I heard two comments made at the time from people who had been concerned with the snow-clearing trials. One was that some of the displaced snow sometimes blew back over the jet engines and settled on the air intake screens of wire gauze, blocking them up. One of the accompanying pictures shows well the total lack of protection for the jet engines, their auxiliary equipment — or operator! The text refers to lumps of ice 4' x 2'6" being flung around; and there's not a hard hat to be seen in the photo! The second story may apocryphal: I was told that when the snow-clearing train was in operation, the steam-locomotive driver, who was two or three vehicles back from the leading end of the train, could often only see ahead of him an enormous cloud of displaced snow into which his train was disappearing. The story goes that if the snow suddenly deepened, as in a drift (and drifts many feet deep were common that year), a previously-safe train speed could suddenly become much too high for the new situation and the jet engine's propelling nozzles were stuffed into the snow. Needless to say, even a tolerant centrifugal-compressor jet engine could not tolerate this 'treatment! I wonder how long it took for the message to reach the steamlocomotive driver! 33 Yc;Ted and the Merlin PART ONE by Gary Mills Most people who take an interest in these things are aware that the Battle of Britain saved England from invasion and was perhaps one of the most decisive battles in English history. They may further be aware of the deciding factors in our favour, and that the Rolls-Royce Merlin engine, of the Spitfires and Hurricanes that fought this battle, was one of the most important of these factors. The Merlin engine is by now legend. The Merlins that fought the Battle of Britain were Mk Ills, with their singlestage, single-speed superchargers. All of these Battle of Britain engines were produced at the Rolls-Royce factory in Derby or, from 1939 onwards, at their factory in Crewe. Altogether over 160,000 Merlins were produced in three Rolls-Royce factories, at Derby, Crewe and Glasgow, and under licence by Packard in the USA and Ford in England. This article is concerned with the Fordproject to manufacture the Merlin, which as the story unfolds, will be seen as a great feat. Unfortunately it has not received the recognition or credit it deserved over the years. The Merlin was developed in two ways during the Second World War. The first and obvious development was of the engine itself to give roughly double the power at the end of the war that the Merlin Ills of the Battle of Britain were giving. The Sprint Merlin used in the development of a high speed Spitfire for an attempt on the world's landplane speed record during the period 1938 to 1940 amply proved what could be safely taken out of theMerlin, when a Mk. HI was modified to give over 2,000 bhp. It did not take the record but gave the Rolls-Royce designers absolute confidence to develop this 34 engine. This technical development, throughout the war, took three lines. Firstly, higher octane fuels were developed and exploited. Secondly, the Merlin's supercharger was developed to give greater boost pressures. These higher boost pressures allowed the engine to retain more and more of its power at increasingly greater altitudes as the war went on. Without the high octane fuels these boost pressures could not have been used. Lastly, the engine itself was developed in mechanical detail to increase its strength so as to contain these boost pressures and powers. The basic layout and dimensions of the engine, however, did not change. For instance its cylinder bore and stroke remained unchanged throughout but a continuous process of modification improved its components. It remained a 27.5 litre V-12 from start to finish. The second line of development of the Merlin was the improvements in quantity production. In the inter-war years a ero-engines, like aircraft themselves, were produced in limited numbers by the batch system and virtually hand-built by a highly-trained workforce. All this had to change with war. In 1939 only Derby and Crewe were producing Merlins for a limited number of types of aircraft, notably Spitfire, Hurricane, Defiant and Battle. It was basically a fighter engine, where one engine powered one aircraft. Over the next six years it was to be mass-produced in five factories for over twenty different types of aircraft, including heavy bombers where four engines were needed to power one aircraft. Each type of development was as important as the other, as the engine's quality improved hand-in-hand with its quantity. The Germans recognised the Merlin as the great engine it was but never thought we could mass-produce such an intricate piece of machinery in the numbers we did. Ford, although not involved with the Merlin's technical development and only manufacturing one basic mark of Merlin (the Mk. XX with single-stage, two-speed supercharger, the 'bomber engine') greatly assisted in the Merlin's production development by mass producing, from scratch, over 30,000 during the war. The Rolls-Royce Derby factory itself only produced slightly more than Ford, but to be fair they did bear the brunt of the technical development and produced many different marks of Merlin, plus Peregrines, Vultures, and later the Griffon, and countless repairs of all types, whilst Ford confined themselves to the 'bomber engine'. It was realised, by the authorities, quite early-on that production of aero engines on an unprecedented scale would be needed to fulfill the projected bomber and fighter programmes. So it was that Ford was approached late in 1939 by the Air Ministry to build, equip and manage a shadow factory for the licence massproduction of Rolls-Royce Merlin XX aeroengines. On 22nd October Sir Percival Perry, the Chairman of Ford of Britain, received a letter from Air Vice Marshal (later Air Chief Marshal) Sir Wilfrid Freeman, then an Assistant Chief of the Air Staff, asking him to consider undertaking this project. Perry was the Father of Ford in England. He had started importing Ford cars to England in 1907. In 1909 he was appointed to take full charge of the new branch of the Ford Co. in England, and by 1911 was assembling the Model T at a factory in the southern outskirts of Manchester, on the Trafford Park Industrial Estate. Later they were manufacturing cars in this factory rather than assembling imported parts from the USA. Perry and General Manager A. R. Smith (later Sir Rowland Smith and a Managing Director of Ford) visited London to meet Sir Wilfrid. Following this meeting Smith took over negotiations. He was responsible for the production of the first car at the mighty Dagenham factory, in February 1932, and had the reputation of one of the leading production engineers in the country. Before the war, Sir Wilfrid, then Commandant at the R.A.F. Staff College, had been shown round the Dagenham factory with a number of colleagues under Smith's guidance. It is thought that this visit had given him the later confidence to approach and entrust Ford with the task. On 2nd November Smith and other Dagenham experts travelled to Derby to meet Ernest Hives (later Lord Hives) head of Rolls-Royce and H. J. Swift (production manager) to obtain the necessary information and advice on which to base their preliminary plan. This was freely given in an atmosphere of amity by the RollsRoyce people, but it was understood that apart from this Rolls-Royce could not help materially in the manufacturing sense. Within two weeks of this visit to Derby, Smith was able to meet Freeman again in London and give him the 35 rough figure of £7 million as the cost of building and equipping the shadow factory. It was wisely realised that a new factory would be needed so as not to interfere with Dagenham's war work. The first agreed target for this new factory was to be 400 Merlins per month. Freeman accepted Smith's figure of £7 million immediately and despite working with incomplete data Smith was very close with his estimate to the actual cost of completing the factory, which was £6.6 million. Such was the reputation and influence of Rolls-Royce that the Crewe and Glasgow shadow factories were, at Hive's insistence to the Air Ministry, totally managed by Rolls-Royce from the Head Office at Derby, and they remained in Rolls-Royce's possession after the war, as indeed they have to this day, although only Rolls-Royce cars are made at Crewe these days. The Ford shadow factory was to be different. Here the factory would be owned by the Government but managed by Ford. As dictated by the agreement between them, Ford undertook to design, build, equip and run a factory for the Ministry of Aircraft Production. Perry had always liked Manchester as a production centre so, after eight other sites had been inspected and rejected, it was decided to build the new factory there on an 84 acre site at Radcliffe Road, Eccles. Treasury permission for the expenditure was secured and buildings to cover 25 acres were begun in March 1940. A.R. Smith was made Controller with H. A. Denne as his Deputy Controller and resident Ministry production and accountant liaison officers were installed. To begin with, part of the old Ford factory at Trafford Park was used to house a tool room, and draughtsmen, technicians and machine tools were sent north from Dagenham to make a start. Rolls-Royce had turned over copies of all the necessary blueprints to Smith and his team, and specially-chosn Dagenham employees were sent to Derby to plan the engineering methods, plant and equipment necessary and study the specification of machine tools, determine jig fixtures, tool and gauge design and procurement of machine tools. The following is from Not much of an Engineer - the autobiography of Sir Stanley Hooker published by Airlife Publishing Limited: 'In my enthusiasm, I considered that RollsRoyce designs were the ne plus ultra, until the Ford Motor Company in Britain was invited to manufacture the Merlin in the early days of the war. A number of Ford engineers arrived at Derby, and spent some months examining and familiarizing themeslves with the drawings and manufacturing methods; One day their Chief Engineer appeared in Lovesey's office which I 36 was then sharing, and said, 'you know, we can't make the Merlin to these drawings'. I replied loftily, 'I suppose that is because the drawing tolerances are too difficult for you, and you can't achieve the accuracy'. On the contrary', he replied, ' the tolerances are far too wide for us. We make motor cars far more accurately than this. Every part on our car engines has to be interchangeable with the same part on any other engine, and hence all 'parts have to be made with extreme accuracy, far closer than you use. That is the only way we can achieve mass production'. Lovesey joined in. Well, what do you propose now?' The reply was that Ford would have to redraw all of the Merlin drawings to their own standards, and this they did. It took a year or so, but was an enormous success, because, once the great Ford factory at Manchester started production, Merlins came out like shelling peas at a rate of 400 per week. And very good engines they were too, yet never have I seen mention of. this massive contribution which the British Ford Company made to the building-up of our air forces'. Each Merlin consisted of about 10,000 separate parts, and the task of organising the procurement or production of the machine tools necessary to make these parts was left to the Ford management as they intended to adapt the Merlin's production to their own kind of mass production and therfore only they were in a position to know what was required. About 80% of the jigs, gauges and fixtures for the tooling-up had to be bought by the Purchase Dept. in strong competition with every other engineering factory in the country. The Ford toolroom undertook to design and make the balance of the machine tools necessary and by the end of 1940 had manufactured over 2,000 items. Some of the tools were purchased from overseas. Two crankshaft machines were bought from the USA. One of them ended up at the bottom of the Atlantic. Its replacement also suffered the same fate, but the next one managed to get through. Jig borers, working to the highest tolerance of 0.00005 inch, were bought from Switzerland. These machines journeyed safely across German occupied France in 1943, through Spain, which was friendly towards Germany, and thence by sea to England under the noses of the Germans. The Germans had to let them through as the Swiss, being neutral, insisted on their right to trade with all sides, and the Germans badly needed other precision machine tools which the Swiss provided them with. Long before the factory was completed these tools were busy making Merlin parts which were sent to the Rolls-Royce factories for them to use. The first such parts were made in the old Ford Trafford Park car factory and sent to Crewe in August 1940. Skilled engineers and machine tool operators were very scarce during the war years and Ford knew that they wouldn'tbe able to recruit many for the new factory. Even if they could get them they would be depriving other firms, including Rolls-Royce, of such talent. Two things enabled them to get around this seemingly insurmountable obstacle. In the years leading up to the war there had been a great development in automatic and semi automatic machine tools which could make the large numbers of highly accurate and intricate parts needed. Secondly, these machines, once set up, could be operated by trainees and unskilled workers. Pre-war, Rolls-Royce at Derby was in the position of having a lot of skilled workers who had started as apprentices and this is why they could open and operate the new Rolls-Royce factory at Crewe without recruiting outside of the Company. Skilled men were simply transferred from Derby and promoted to positions of responsibility. By the time Ford needed such men, however, there were not enough left at Derby to-provide the nucleus of skill at Trafford Park. To overcome this difficulty Rolls-Royce and Ford agreed to open a miniature factory in a building at the Rolls-Royce Derby factory. One hundred and ninety of Ford's best men were sent here from Dagenham and given the 20,000 drawings of the Merlin and told to set-up their machines to produce the 10,000 separate parts of the engine. Once a man had become proficient at making one part on a particular machine he was transferred to the next and so on until each had built all the parts for a complete Merlin. These men were then ready to start production at Trafford Park, supervising unskilled workers to look after machines they had set-up. Other men, such as section supervisors and departmental foremen, were placed in manufacturing, inspection, fitting and ancilliary departments at the Derby factory, working with their opposite numbers in RollsRoyce, in a department corresponding to that for which they would be responsible in the new factory. All this enabled these men to gain the new practical experience in aero-engine manufacture, which made a prompt start and steady progress possible once the new factory was ready. Additional skilled and semi-skilled men were later recruited in the Manchester area and sent to Crewe for training and familiarisation with aero-engine manufacture. 37 Three buildings were completed by September 1940 and 2,300 people were employed, this figure including 150 Dagenham technicians. All the buildings were completed in May, 1941 and covered 4434 acres. The following month the first Merlin XX came off the production line. By this time the original nucleus of 190 skilled men had been swelled by a great number of men and women, in the main unskilled, but each of whom knew their special job and was 'skilled' in that particular operation. Before war's end the total workforce would number 17,316 of which 7,200 were women. Less than 100 of them had had anything to do with an aero engine before they started at Ford, and no more than 300 anything to do with the engine of a motor car. Most, especially the women, hadn't even set foot in a factory before. A training system was devised by which jobs were carefully broken down and the trainees became fully proficient at their jobs within three months. In many cases men and women were trained to handle machines never operated previously by anybody except fully trained and experienced workers. Ford's own skilled men were not only skilled in the manufacture of internal combustion engines but, just as important, skilled in Ford's own methods of manufacture. Merlin manufacture was adapted to Ford's method of mass-production, and it was these skilled Ford's men who used to supervise and control this entirely new process of Merlin manufacture, whereby machines were operated by men and women of average intelligence to do the same work as that of the highly-trained Rolls-Royce technicians and mechanics. Preparing for the Duration Part One Els.12/1CW 28 August 1939 Production of Aero Engines in War-time We have been able to watch the growth of various Departments in connection with aero engines which have been established since the last war. Several of these departments — whilst one tolerates them in peace time — would have to be restricted in war time. We accept at the present time an enormous amount of scrap, which could be made into 100% reliable engines. A lot of this scrap may be due to the fact that the part is non-interchangeable, but it would make no difference at all to the complete life of the engine, and in many cases the part is not likely to have to be replaced. Another big item where considerable saving can be made is on the question of castings and lead bronze bearings. These are scrapped at the present time due to blow-holes, which we are positive would have no detrimental effect. The main point we wish to stress is that we have the knowledge and experience, and should be given the power to say which parts should be used. There is no-one on the Air Ministry staff who possesses that same knowledge. It should also be remembered that our engineers are just as conscientious as Air Ministry officials, and that nothing would go through unless we were satisfied that it would not affect the reliability. For years now we have made a practice of running engines built up with parts which have been scrapped by the A.I.D., and therefore we have that experience to draw upon. With regard to the accuracy of the screw threads, although this is important on main stressed units, the quality of threads demanded on some of the unessential parts restricts our and subcontractors' production considerably. Another thing is the external finish a considerable number of hours can be saved in reducing the quality of external finish without any reduction at all in the finish of the engine, but we claim that our engineers are the people to decide what can be done. 38 Manufacture To obtain the maximum production we should require the whole of our sub-contracting firms to be allotted to Rolls-Royce work, and that they should only be allowed to take on additional work on condition that we agree. There are cases where we could not employ the whole of the plant. We should also like to be in the position that if some of our sub-contractors have plant which cannot be used, and we find that plant could be transferred to another firm and used efficiently, we should have the power to do this. It would also be a part of our policy to scatter the production of Rolls-Royce engines as widely as possible. We may even take plant from Derby and put it into a sub-contracting firm as soon as we were satisfied that we could still obtain the maximum production. On the manufacturing side we claim the same specialised knowledge and experience as we claim on the engineering side, and therefore the whole group of factories working on Rolls-Royce parts should be under our complete control. Personnel We have considerable reserves in personnel, which normally work in the motor car division. These are first-class men: a number of them are already experienced in aero engine work and the rest of them can very quickly be absorbed and made into efficient aircraft engine technicians or manufacturers. From our experience in the last war, and the whole of the experience that has been built up since then in the R.A.F., we should strongly recommend that every squadron using Rolls-Royce engines should have a permanent Rolls-Royce engineer attached to it, even if he was made an Engineer/Officer in the R.A.F. These men would have the specialised knowledge which will be so valuable to the services. They would also have direct contact with all the experts at these works, and could get a reply to any problem immediately. We are certain that an arrangement such as this would help the R.A.F. officers and add considerably to the efficiency of all the squadrons. Engine and development work Assuming war, we should ask to put back the delivery of the Boreas engine. The question of the Vulture would have to be considered in cdnnection with the aircraft programme. The engine which I think might prove valuable is the Griffon, because there is the possibility of this replacing the Merlin in several types. The question of the factors would no doubt be re-adjusted under war conditions, so we consider that the Griffon may be a very important unit for war. We shall still be left with some very highly qualified research engineers and technicians, who would be valuable to tackle any special problems. Dear Hives, 30th August 1939 Reference your letter Hs.12/KW. dated the 28th August 1939, and your memorandum on the production of aero engines in war time. As a result of our talk this afternoon we came to the following conclusions that in the event of war. (1) in the interests of production you can use for non-stressed parts, scrap which is strictly noninterchangeable and which would not in any way affect the efficiency of an engine: (2) you will consult with Major Bulman as to what present scrap material could be used, even in stressed parts, without affecting the life of an engine: (3) that external finish, as finish alone, should not be attempted: (4) that the Rolls-Royce representative in charge of sub-contracting should give Mr. Musson the names of all firms at present carrying out sub-contracting for Rolls-Royce, and say what proportion of each firm's capacity can be employed by Rolls-Royce in war. Mr. Musson would inform Rolls-Royce what capacity of firms has been already allocated to Rolls-Royce in war time, and would write to the firms and inform them what amount of their capacity is allocated to Rolls-Royce. (5) we welcome the offer of Rolls-Royce to supply engineers for work at stations in this country and abroad where there are squadrons using Rolls-Royce engines. It is agreed that these engineers should remain part of the Rolls-Royce organization and should not, unless it is necessary, become engineer officers in the R.A.F. (6) it is agreed that in the event of war the Boreas engine will not be proceeded with but work on the Griffon should continue; (7) the manufacture of the Vulture must be proceeded with. Yours sincerely W R Freeman 39 Dear Sir Wilfrid War Production 2nd September 1939 Since our meeting at the Ministry on August 30th. I have been thinking about the ways and means of producing the numbers of engines you estimate will be required in time of war. The largest potential for aero engine production is the U.S.A. I realise at the moment that the U.S.A. Neutrality Act prevents aero engines being built in that country, but we should anticipate what advantage could be taken if there is any modification to this act, and also what can be done within the present act. We are favourably placed because all the essential drawings for the Merlin engine were sent to the Ford Company at Detroit for planning the production for the manufacture of Rolls-Royce engines in France. At the same time we sent out there models of the most important pieces, so that they could see exactly what it was intended to produce. Most of the special machine tool equipment for the production of the difficult pieces of the Merlin engine is obtained from the U.S.A. We have on order a considerable amount of this equipment for Vulture production at Derby; and for the new factory at Glasgow. It needs to be weighed up very carefully whether it would not be better to leave this equipment in the U.S.A. and carry out the production operations on it out there, where there is plenty of skilled labour and skill, instead of taking the risk of transporting the machinery , which if it was lost would take months to replace, and also the additional risk of it being destroyed when it is installed here. I have in mind sending two of our engineers to the U.S.A. as soon as possible, in order to progress the machine tools we have on order, and also to make sure that these tools are fitted with the necessary jigs, so that they can start work immediately: in fact, if the decision is to bring the machines over here, we may send samples of the work over there, so that they can prove out that the whole machine operates satisfactorily and can be put to work immediately it arrives. At present it is a considerable time from the receipt of the machine tool until it is doing useful work. In the last war it took us two years before we appreciated the possibility of producing aero engine parts in the U. S.A. This time if we mean business, whatever we can possibly do out there should be done as quickly as possible. Dear Sir Wilfrid, Operation of Standard Merlin Engine 2nd September, 1939 It should not be overlooked that the present standard Merlin fitted to Hurricanes and Spitfires could obtain increased performance at lower altitude immediately if 100 octane fuel were used. All the necessary tests to clear this have already been carried out. I am sure we could easily convince R.D.E. that this is so. The demonstration P.V. Hurricane which Hawkers have been using has been operating for a considerable time with 100 octane fuel, full throttle. The point I want to stress is that there is no alteration needed either to the engine or the installation. It will not give any increased speed at the maximum altitude, but there will be an immediate increase in the performance at lower altitudes and climb. The best thing I think in all these cases is for the operational people to try out a flight of Spitfires with 100 octane fuel and see whether the gain in performance is valuable or not. Unless it has some real military value there would be no purpose in carrying this out. Air Ministry, Berkeley Square London W.1 3rd September 1939 Immediate Gentlemen, With reference to Air Ministry letter of the 26th ultimo numbered as above, calling for intensification of production, I am directed to request that, since your products will be one of the determining factors in the rate of production of complete aircraft, you will at once take steps so to organise your staff and labour force that, as far as your own supplies allow it, your production will continue for twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. On the assumption that this rate of work will be necessary indefinitely, I am to ask that you will commence to build up your organisation so that it may be possible to give all employees one day off in seven with the least amount of dislocation to production. Owing to the urgent need for your products, you should, unless otherwise ordered, give priority' over civil work to all Royal Air Force requirements (without detriment of course to your orders for the other Defence Services). If these instructions involve any unavoidable increase in the total cost of productions, equitable adjustments to agreed prices will be allowed in the production of satisfactory evidence. V Meadowcroft Director of Contracts 40 6th September 1939 Dear Hives, Thank you for your letter of the 2nd September informing me that you have arranged for the despatch of six of your engineers to R.A.F. Stations. I have now been asked by the Air Officer Commanding-in-Chief, Fighter Command, to add Croydon to the list of Stations which I sent you by telegram, and if you have sufficient engineers available I should be grateful if you could arrange for this to be done. I welcome your suggestion to short-circuit the present perhaps somewhat cumbersome procedure by arranging for the despatch of spares and mechanics to squadrons immediately on the request of the Commanding Officer. Certain detailed arrangements will have to be made from this end, but I need not trouble you with them. The main point is that it will be necessary to arrange for financial cover and contract action. We propose to do this by asking the Commanding Officer to forward to the Air Ministry a copy of the signal or letter which he may send to you asking for your services. The necessary action will be taken here on receipt of this copy. By the way, I should like to congratulate you on the great drive and energy which you and your firm are displaying at the present time. Yours sincerely W R Freeman 7th September, 1939 Dear Sir Wilfrid, I am afraid it will be necessary to have a further discussion with you before we commit ourselves definitely to the Boreas programme. If we take the Rolls-Royce point of view, it would be in our interests to proceed with the production of that engine. We have done 3 or 4 years' work on it: we are satisfied that as a type it has considerable merit over the radial sleeve valve engine, and we are definitely going to be the losers if the production of this engine is held up. From a national point of view, however, we think it would be wrong to proceed with this engine. I estimate that the 275 Boreas engines will be equivalent in production effort to 1200 Merlin engines. This is a modest estimate because it entails all new test plant, rigs and fixtures, apart from the manufacture. The most important point of all is that we are not satisfied it is essential. I had a telephone message to-day from Barlow at Faireys, Hayes, and he asked me our policy. I told him the exact position, that the national interests we were recommending that it should be stopped, but that we had received instructions from the Air Ministry that the production should go on. I also told him that I was certain, because we had already laid it out, that a Merlin power plant could be installed instead of the Boreas with very little trouble, no sacrifice in performance, and very little sacrifice in weight. We disagree on the estimates as regards the difference in weight. You will appreciate that this is not surprising, because we find one of the most difficult things we have to deal with is to get agreement between estimated and actual weights. I explained to Barlow, however, that we were in a favourable position because we have got several Battle machines fitted with Merlin engines, we also have a Battle machine fitted with a Boreas engine, and that it will save a lot of mistakes in calculation if we weigh these two machines and get the real answer. We have already done it once, and whereas Faireys estimated a difference of 500 lbs in weight, we say that the actual is 150 to 200 lbs. I am arranging to work in connection with Faireys and to get out an agreed policy as regards this machine, and if necessary we can jointly attend a conference which you might wish to call, with the Admiralty officials present. We must expect that a certain amount of work which Faireys have already done will have to be scrapped, and done again to suit the Merlin, but as for years now the engine builders have been making sacrifices in order that the airframe programme should not be interfered with, I think it is time that the airframe makers helped to relieve the engine position. To summarise the position, we are going ahead with all our development work and testing for the Boreas engine, but we should like to have another talk with you before we get committed on production. P.S. You might make a bargain with the Admiralty that they can have some more Merlins for marine work if they do not insist on the Boreas. 41 Wartime Sub-contracting IN- II.. Ilim Ilim Illim II. The expansion of the R.A.F. in 1935 caused the firms manufacturing aero engines to consider methods of increasing their production. The Government had started a series of shadow factories, the idea of which, was to increase the production of certain types of engines in a place remote from the parent firm and fully financed by the Treasury. In December 1936 Hs wrote a memorandum on the subject: AERO ENGINE PRODUCTION Rolls-Royce are the only firm in this country producing aero engines today which designed, developed and produced their own aero engines during the last war. 80% of the design and supervisory staff who were responsible for producing aero engines during the war are still with us. All kinds of schemes for expediting the production of aircraft engines were tried out, but we claim the scheme that gave the most satisfactory results is the one we adopted of producing a large number of sub-contractors, controlled by Rolls-Royce. It was because of the experience we had that we were able, on the first expansion programme order for Kestrel engines, to anticipate the Air Ministry delivery dates, and it would have been easy for us, witnout working any excessive overtime, to have completed the Contract 6 months before the scheduled date. We admit that at the present time, when all engineering firms are busy and there is no control, and they can pick and choose the most profitable work, sub-contracting is more difficult. We are finding in the case of big units like Merlin crankcases, that we cannot sub-contract this work at the present time, and we are having to increase our plant on this section in order to get the required output. As regards war emergency production of Rolls-Royce engines, our views briefly are as follows. We should first of all arrange that the equipment in this factory is such that at a day's notice we could double our aero engine capacity by stopping all work on motor cars. To do this it would mean analysing the machines used for motor cars, and balancing up the capacity for the production of aero engines, and in some cases getting improved types of machines. We should also require duplicate jigs, tools, fixtures and patterns. In a war emergency we should expect the acceptance tests of aero engines to be reduced; there would also be less experimental work, so that we consider our present test plant under these conditions would look after the whole of this present factory for producing aero engines. We do want to stress that we have the most wonderful asset for war production, owing to the fact that we have the personnel, the organisation and the experience to immediately double our production, as long as the project is planned and organised. We estimate that the present factory, with the present sub-contractors, could produce 3,000 Merlin engines a year. As an approximate figure, we estimate that to build a factory and equip it completely to produce a further 7,000 engines per year would cost approximately £7,000,000. The scheme we recommend for increasing the quantity of engines in case of war would be as follows. We assume that in the case of another war, all factories capable of producing war material would be conscripted. We know from experience that there are a large number of firms in this country whose ordinary business would stop in case of war, and yet they are quite fitted for producing aero engine parts. Two of the best sub-contractors we had in the last war were (1) The British Boot and Shoe Machinery Co. of Leicester, and (2) The Linotype Co. of Manchester. We got infinitely more help from these people than we did from any of the motor car people. 42 If we were given the necessary authority, we could organise a section to go round the country and to examine the equipment and tabulate the capacity of various factories for producing Rolls-Royce parts. It would mean setting up a department to do this, but we are certain that there is any amount of capacity for producing aero engines parts in factories which at the present time have no connection with war material. When it was known how much this capacity was, a factory or factories would have to be built up to provide the balance of equipment necessary and to provide for erecting and Hs testing. At a conference held at Derby on 7th December 1936 with Colonel Disney, Director of Aeronautical Production of the Air Ministry, he stated he was very interested in a proposal made by the Company that they should set up a department to take stock of the machining capacity of suitable firms throughout the country. Nothing came of this point, however, although it would have proved very useful when the time came for the rapid expansion of the Company's output. Discussions continued for the next two years, Hs always insisting that the method of sub-contracting was the most efficient and most economic. The Company's expansion proposals came to fruition in 1938 when it was agreed that a factory should be built at Government expense at Crewe, the chassis division at Derby should be adapted to enable it to change-over to aero engine production at a moment's notice and that the Company should find additional sub-contractors both for Derby and the new factory at Crewe, enlarging their capacity if need be by the supplying of additional machine tools at Government expense. At the beginning of 1939 the Company started to hunt for additional capacity. A team was sent to Scotland to inspect possible firms and they visited 30 in the Glasgow and Aberdeen district, 8 of whom proved suitable. At the same time, a team of ten men was sent round England which was split up in four main areas — North East England, Lancashire, Yorkshire, Midlands. Some 60 firms were visited, 17 proved suitable and their services were immediately available. Hs and Sft visited Scotland in February 1939 to discuss the Company's proposals and it appeared that there was a genuine desire to help. In order to find additional firms, the Engineering and Allied Employers Federation were asked to circulate members and 450 applications were received. These firms were sorted out into (a) 110 who appeared to have machine tools of our type (probables) (b) 100 who appeared to require only small additions to their plant (probables) (c) 140 who were not at all suitable for work we have to place. Unfortunately, on closer contact a large number of the (a) and (b) classes were ruled out as not suitable. The firms chosen and willing to take on sub-contract work in some cases required additional machine tools to enable them to complete the series of operations necessary. In these cases machine tools were supplied at Government expense out of the capital grants received by the Company. At first it was suggested that a rent of 10% of the capital value should be charged but the Company pointed out to the Air Ministry that this rent would only be charged back in the form of increased prices and it was finally agreed that no rent would be charged. The Company had full control and disposition of the plant and the terms and conditions under which it was supplied were sent out in a circular letter, the salient points of which were: (1) The Company could specify the work and purposes to which the plant should be put. (2) The Company could transfer the plant at any time without compensation. (3) The sub-contractor was responsible for the installation and maintenance of the plant and adaptations to suit local conditions was to be done at the sub-contractors expense. 43 More than 120 firms received machine tools, plant and equipment under this scheme. Throughout the war the number of sub-contractors increased and the proportion of sub-contract work to total production at Derby and Crewe was as follows: U Year Actual labour Sub-contract Derby and Crewe Actual labour R.R. Production Derby and Crewe Per centage of Sub-contract to R.R. labour 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 £ 654,534 1,194,133 1,459,358 1,717,427 1,812,813 1,652,301 892,822 £ 1,023,034 1,909,465 2,327,758 2,455,032 2,630,134 2,772,831 1,547,875 64.0 62.5 62.7 69.9 68.9 59.6 57.7 It was the policy of the Company to increase its output by the use of sub-contractors for the machining operation, the assembly being done at Derby and Crewe. In this way workshop space which was particularly tight at Derby, was saved for the inspection and assembly operations, thus enabling a greater number of engines to be produced and keeping the activities of the Company dispersed as much as possible, reducing the possibilities of an air attack upsetting output. In order that this complex system of sub-contracting might work efficiently a special department was set up. It consisted of a manager and his assistant, office staff of clerks and typists, progress men and outside representatives. The outdoor staff consisted of Rolls-Royce trained men up-graded from the Inspection, Fitting or Machining Departments. It was their responsibility to progress the parts from the firms under their control and to give any help they could of a practical and technical nature on the spot rather than the sub-contractor having to contact the Derby Works every time he had a problem to solve. It was found from experience that this was essential as almost every firm needed such help and this method enabled the quick attention to difficulties and a watch to be kept on material floats and actual deliveries. The office staff was responsible for the office routine. On the issuing of a production card to the depat tinent, it became their responsibility to produce that part and to arrange payment for it. A check, therefore had to be kept on all outgoing material — bar, forgings and castings — and all finished parts received. The inspection reports of these finished parts had to be reported to the firm concerned and care taken that only good pieces were paid for. The price fixing was the responsibility of the Chief of the Department and he was, of course, also responsible for the smooth working of the organisation. From Laurie Fletcher comes this picture of a Merlin-powered motor-cycle. Actually, it has two cylinders only from an engine that once powered a Mosquito, giving it a capacity of around 4 1/2 litres. There is no kickstart — the engine being fired up by a DC-3 starter. The noise it makes is, apparently, deafening and it goes like a dingbat. So far the rider has ventured to 4000 rpm in second gear but the estimated 200 mph in top gear is not considered safe with the present frame. Firms which produced parts for Rolls-Royce Alvis Ltd. Coventry (supercharger casings, cylinder liners, air screw shafts, general machining). Armstrong Whitworth Ltd. Gatesheadon-Tyne (cylinder heads, cylinder skirts). Ashtead Engineering Co. Ltd. Surrey (adaptors, bushes). Associated Motor Cycle Co. Ltd. London SE 18 (gears, shafts). The Austin Motor Co. Ltd. Birmingham (gears, shafts). J. W. Bamkin & Co. Leicester (levers, etc.). Beans Industries Ltd. Tipton, Staffs. (gears, shafts). Brighouse Motor Agency Ltd. Brighouse (flanges, clamps, etc.). The British Gear Grinding & Manfg. Co. Ltd. London NW10 (tooth grinding). Brock Motors Ltd. Huddersfield (casings, housings, liners). David Brown (Tractors) Ltd. Huddersfield (gears, shafts). Geo. Brough Ltd. Basford, Notts. (general machining). Cannon & Stokes Ltd. Leicester (conn. rod bolts, carrier plates, general machining). Carlier Bros. Ltd. Little Eaton, Derbyshire (flanges, clamps). Thos. Chatwin & Co. Birmingham (flanges). Clarke Cluley Ltd. Kenilworth (camshaft brackets and general machining). Clifford Aero & Auto Ltd. Birmingham (machining small parts). Wm. Cotton Ltd. Loughborough (plates, housings etc). Coventry Gear Cutting Co. Ltd. Coventry (gears and shafts). Craven's Railway Carriage & Wagon Co. Ltd. Sheffield (exhaust manifolds). Daimler & Co. Ltd. Coventry (propellor shafts, casings). Durion Ltd. London (plating). Gear Grinding Co. Ltd. Birmingham (tooth grinding, gear production). Hanwell Engineering Co. Northampton (studs, screws). Hepworth & Grandage Ltd. Bradford (pistons, gudgeon pins). Humber Ltd. Coventry (bearing bushes, general machining). Hoburn Aero Components Ltd. Rochester (valve seats, gears, shafts, oper. levers, general machining). A. A. Jones & Shipman Ltd. Leicester (races, etc.). N.C. Joseph Ltd. Stratford-on-Avon (exhaust manifolds). Jowett Cats Ltd. Idle, Yorks. (coolant pump units). Laycock Engineering Co. Ltd. Sheffield (coolant pump units, exhaust manifolds, general machining). Lloyd & Ramsden Ltd. Nottingham (machining small parts). Low Moor Foundry Eng. & Machine Tool Works Bradford (valve seats, water rails). Mattersons Ltd. Rochdale (gears). Mellor & Sons Ltd. Huddersfield (adaptors, caps, etc.). Mitchell Ltd. Nottingham (housings, plugs, etc.). Morris Commercial Cars Ltd. Birmingham (conn. rods). Robert Morton & Co. Ltd. Burtonon-Trent (pipe bending and brazing). Motor Components Ltd. Birmingham (valves). Monochrome Ltd. Redditch, Worcester (plating). Morris Motors Ltd. Coventry (gears). Nuffield Mechanisations Ltd. Coventry (clutch units). Pressed Steel Co. Ltd. Cowley, Oxford (exhaust manifolds). Petrie & McNaught Ltd. Rochdale (bearings, etc.). A. Pattison Ltd. Coventry (shafts, housings, etc.). Frank Price Ltd. Derby (pipe bending & brazing). Peglers Ltd. Doncaster (boost control units). W. H. Paul Ltd. Breaston, Derbys. (exhaust manifolds). Ruston & Hornsby Ltd. Lincoln & Grantham (casings etc.). Rushworth Automobile Components Ltd. Bradford (valve guides). Sanderson & Holmes Ltd. Derby (pipe bending & brazing). Spencer & Co. Leicester (gears). Ambrose Shardlow & Co. Ltd. Sheffield (crankshafts). Sheepbridge Stokes Centrifugal Castings Co. Ltd. Chesterfield & Sutton-in-Ashfield (cylinder liners).. Slack & Parr Ltd. Kegworth, nr. Derby (lateral bolts, cylinder studs, clutch weights, etc.). Smith & Jewell Ltd. Chichester (exhaust manifolds). Specialloid Ltd. London N.12 (pistons). Standard Motor Co. Ltd. Coventry (cam. brackets, wheelcase units, manifolds). Swinnard Ltd. Tunbridge Wells (plating). Tilling-Stevens Ltd. Maidstone (cylinder liners). Wolseley Sheep Shearing Co. Ltd. Wilton, Birmingham (guide vanes, housings). Woodhouse & Mitchell Ltd. Brighouse, Yorks. (connections, pipes). Webley & Scott Ltd. Birmingham (conn. rods, gears, rockers, general machining). Wellworthy Ltd. Lymington, Hants. (pistons). Westinghouse Brake & Signal Co. Ltd. Chippenham, Wilts. (oper. jaws & levers, gears, etc.). Weyburn Engineering Co. Ltd. Elstead, Surrey (boost units, liners). Williamson Higgs Ltd. Southampton Row, WC1 (exhaust manifolds). Yarwood Ingram Co. Ltd. Birmingham (studs, screws). British United Shoe Mach. Co. Ltd. Leicester (wheelcase assembly). Riley Ltd. Foleshill, Coventry (carburettor assy.). Turner Manfg. Co. Ltd. Wolverhampton (boost assy). A. Beebee Ltd. Wednesbury (studs, bolts, screws). Clancey Brown Ltd. West Bromwhich (valve guides, etc). Coventry Repetition Co. Ltd. Coventry (fuel pumps, valve seats). Cylinder Components Ltd. Birmingham (general machining). Glyco Metal Co. Ltd. Manchester (general machining). Jaff Engineers Ltd. Manchester (general machining). Peacock & Waller Ltd. Hinckley (casings). Vickers Armstrong Ltd Newcastle-on-Tyne (cylinder blocks). Dixon Bate & Co. Chester (studs, etc.). Gilmore & Daniels Ltd. Blackpool (machining small parts). W. H. & S. Jones Ltd. Wilmslow, Manchester (pipe bending & brazing). Maudslay Motor Co. Alcester, Warwick (casings, etc.). 45 Other firms for which type of parts produced is not known Aluminium Engineering Ltd. Birmingham. Alexander Ltd. Surbiton, Surrey. Axminster Carpets Ltd. Axminster. Adam Steel Ltd Beeston, Notts. Adcock & Shipley Ltd. Abrey Heating & Engineering Ltd. Henley-onThames. B.C.R. Motors Ltd. Torquay. Blackstock Engineering Ltd. Cockfosters, Herts. The British Organ Blowing Co. Ltd. Derby. Bullock Parsons & Co. Ltd. Brimscombe, Gloucester. F. Blount & Co. Ltd. Belper, Derbys. British Metallic Packing Ltd. Sidcup, Kent. The Bird Manufacturing Co. Ltd. Eastbourne, Sussex. Bow-Styles Ltd. Leicester. F. G. Burgin Ltd. Birmingham. Clarendon Engineering Co. Ltd. Leicester. The Cinemaker Co. Nottingham. Thos. Coleman & Sons Ltd. Derby. Cunliffe & Ward Engineering Dept Blackburn. Clifford Motories Engineers Ltd. Eastwood, Nottingham. G. E. Compton Ltd. Teddington, Middlesex. Cotterill Ltd. D. R. Croft Ltd. Birmingham. H. H. Cook Ltd. Derby Gas Co. Ltd. Derby. Duplus Specialited Co. Ltd. Leicester. R. I. R. Dean Ltd. Derby. Doughty & Smith Ltd. Nottingham. Dean & Mullhall Ltd. Sheffield. Ena Engineering Co. Heanor. B. Finnan & Co. Ltd. Nottingham. C. A. Foyster Ltd. Lincoln. G. & R. Garage Ltd. Surbiton, Surrey. The General Engineering Co. Ltd. Derby. A. Green Ltd. Derby. Government T. Centre Ltd. Leicester. John Gaul Ltd. Crawley, Sussex. Haycock Engineering Co. Ltd. Ashboume. W. A. Hodkins Ltd. Mansfield. Hodgkins & Blythe Ltd. Mansfield. Holland Ltd. Preston. Heathcote Ltd. Derby. Harcourt Motors Ltd. Ashboume. Hayes Plant Ltd. Cowley, nr Uxbridge. Haydon Peters & Co. Ltd. Wellingborough. Thomas Hill Ltd. Derby. W. Jenkins Ltd. Cheltenham. J. D. C. Engineering Co. Wimbledon, London. Kennings Ltd. Sheffield. Kelvin, Bottomley & Baird Ltd. Basingstoke. Loughborough College Loughborough. Loxham Garage Ltd. Lancaster. Lake Manufacturing Co. Ltd. Ambleside, Westmorland. Monitor Engineering Co. Ltd. Birmingham. J. F. Mellings Ltd. Bourne, Lincs. Musgrave Spinning Co. Ltd. Bolton. Motor Repairs Ltd. Nottingham. Mathew Hall Ltd. London. Modem Machine Tools Ltd. Coventry. Geo. Mann Ltd. Leeds. Morton & Sundour Fabrics Ltd. Carlisle. Musgrove & Green Ltd. G. E. Neville& Sons Ltd. Mansfield. Northampton Polytechnic London. Newton Engineering Co. (Bedworth) Ltd. Bedworth. Oakengates Engineering Co. Ltd. Oakengates, Shropshire. A. Pearson Ltd. Hull. John Player & Sons Ltd. Nottingham. Pneumatic Components Ltd. Sheffield. Precision Castings Ltd. Wolverhampton. Pye Ltd. Cambridge. Pye Motors Ltd. 46 R. B. Page Ltd. Stoke-on-Trent. Prices Patent Candle Co. Ltd. Battersea. Pikar Robinson Ltd. London. Rustless Iron Co. Ltd. Keighley. Roberts Ltd. Cleckheaton. J. V. Rushton (Anodise) Ltd. Wolverhampton. Qualcast Ltd. Derby. Sharston Garage Ltd. Manchester. Siskol Machines Ltd. Sheffield. Leo Steinle Ltd. London. R. Sutcliffe Ltd. Wakefield. W. & G. Sissons Ltd. Sheffield. Tom Senior Ltd. Liversedge, Yorks. Status Office Equipment Ltd. Nottingham. J. Smith Ltd. Derby. Satchwell Smith & Co. London. J. Sankey Ltd. Wellington, Shropshire. Spot Engineering Co. Ltd. Derby. P. Thornton Ltd. Stafford. J. I. Thomeycroft Ltd. Basingstoke. BOOK REVIEW Trust member Reginald Phillips has written and published his autobiography entitled Bulldog to Matador. Born and raised in Filton he grew up observing the activities at the local aerodrome of the British and Colonial Aeroplane Company (on whose premises he was born) and those of the Bristol Aeroplane Company following the re-naming of the former in 1920. The book is a 50/50 evocation of life away from the Bristol aircraft works and within it. The former records the long-gone sleepy village-style life before the expansion of the suburbs and tells us of family life during the inter-war years, all peppered with characters and habits of the time. He commenced work at Bristol at the time when the delightful Bulldog fighters were being built, and progressively prospered under the influences of such notables as Frank Barnwell, Roy Fredden, Stanley Hooker and Archibald Russell until his retirement in 1980. In 1942 he joined the Service Department instructing service personnel of all nationalities in the maintenance of engines and was to remain on the training side for the rest of his career, being strongly involved with the Proteus in the Britannia and finally thePegasus in the Harrier. The book is well illustrated and contains an excellent collection of photographs of the radial engines along with nostalgic scenes of the Filton of his childhood. The odd error creeps in now and then, the worst, perhaps, being the complete mis-spelling of Bristol Chief Test Pilot Godfrey Auty's surname. It is the same size as books in the Trust's Historical series and with, 118 pages for a price of £3.50 is very good value for money. It can be obtained from the author at Pantaw, Camarthen Road, Llandeilo, Dyfed SA19 6RY. Presumably you should add something for postage. D Birch Kestrel engines undergoing strip, inspection and assembly. From the left: Pat Bate, later manager of Hucknall, author, Jim Lomas, Harry Nixon and Wat Moreton. Extreme right is Bert Millwa rd. AN APPRENTICE'S STORY PART ONE by Tony Henniker When my father approached the Bristol Aeroplane Co. with the view of me becoming an apprentice, he was met with casual indifference, while the encouragement received from R—R was quite the reverse. A visit to Nightingale Road quickly followed, and an interview with Arthur Wormald (Wor.), Director and General Works Manager, had a successful outcome. He said I would never get rich, but Rolls-Royce made me feel wanted: many years later I felt wanting! On 12 August 1929 Rod Gratton, Wen dle Holmes, and I — three eager premium apprentices — arrived at the old main entrance at the No.1 gate end of the Nightingale Road office block (pre 'Marble Hall'), to commence our four years of tuition. Perhaps 'The Glorious Twelfth' signalling the start of grouse shooting on the moors, influenced the course of my subsequent training for trouble-shooting in the field! Formalities completed we were taken to where our four-week initiation period was to be spent. As I was concentrating on aero work, I was sent to the '190' shop on Kestrel build under Bill Smithdale, or as the lads called him, 'Buffalo Bill'. He always wore a hat on the back of his head, a worried look, but a sense of humour waiting to explode. I was put with several of the fitters in turn, including Walter Hampton, and given simple jobs to do to assess whether or not I would make an engineer. There was no set tuition; you learnt the hard way, joined the AEU, and if you were keen enough nearly everybody was ready to help you. Coming straight from a boarding school where you are organized by the staff and everything is laid on for you, I found this marked contrast took a little getting used to. Bill (whose secretary Francis attracted wolf-whistles), was a great help to me, and we became good friends over the years. He considered I had a future in the Company — even after successfully scrapping a cylinder block by drilling a dowel hole for a sparking plug adaptor through into the cylinder head! At seventeen I felt rather lonely in this Midland town where the dialect was strange to me, and local expressions I heard at work were difficult to comprehend at first. The apprentices saw little of each other at work or play. There was nothing in the way of a room or club where we could meet, discuss our work, voice our grievences, or suggest improvements. We had to find our digs: I had six in the first eighteen months, and a total of eleven in four years. R—R paid us the lowest legal wage of one shilling per day from which twopence ha'penny was deducted every week for 'widows and orphans' leaving 5/91/2d spending money 47 to which my father added half a crown weekly and covered my digs. Mr Scott, the chief cashier, made me a small loan once when I was very broke. I knew not a soul, and as events had scattered my father and his family from their Ashbourne home (now a 'country house restaurant'), the only acquaintance he could find from times past was a Miss Oakeover, but after one meeting I felt the range of my push-bike was inadequate for return trips to Mappleton (also my grand-parents resting place), so contact was lost; new friends found. Infrequent chance meetings at work meant that it was some time before I got to know any of the other sixteen or so of my peers that I can now recall by name. Their four years completed few were offered, or wanted to accept employment with the Company. George de Sechias and Harry Rugeroni returned to Portugal, the latter to run his family's very anglicized Aviz Hotel - the Ritz or Raffles of Lisbon, Frank Evershed (car Sales Conduit St.) and Lesley Thomas live on the south coast, Rod Gratton and John Martin live in Canada, while Terence - of the two Henrys - and Wendle Holmes live locally ( Hny passed-away last year-Ed.). Gordon Wood-of the two Woods - returned to Weybridge to run his family's garage; the RN entrusted him with a motor torpedo boat during WWII, while Peter Bair was for a while a Lt/Cdr. on Mountbattern's staff in India. Others did not return. The now extinct premium apprentice was never highly thought of in certain circles, but over the seventy years or so of their existance some Platford, Haldenby, Robotham, Harker, Nicholson and others including - in another place Henry Royce, might be considered worthy ones. It seemed strange to me that we were not encouraged to attend the Derby Technical College (in Green Lane), but if you wanted to you were excused one morning a week, while the remaining tuition was covered by evening classes, plus homewbrk -all in your own time. I found that living in digs, often with no private room, was not conducive to study. There were five of us in my year; Terence Henry, Wendle Holmes, Ron Kibby and• George Watson, and while mechanical engineering was the subject, the majority were LMS students, so in my time we learnt a lot about superheated steam and hot bearing boxes, but in deference to the R-R students an old 1925 Singer 8 chassis with flat tyres was there for us to look at! However we learnt to put the spark on an indicator diagram (gas engine), and that Brinell was not, as I had thought, the West Country engineer who built railways, bridges and ships. I understood torque a little better when I found that the word in early English meant necklace - made by twisting metal! 48 The exception to the apprentice 'apartheid' was the monthly works visit to other motor-car manufacturers in Coventry or Birmingham; steel works in Sheffield, or on one occasion the Players factory in Nottingham - for which we were excused work on the Saturday morning. There was no coach laid on of course: you had to supply your own transport. I went with anyone who had a car. Most had four wheels of some kind, with the exception of Dick Buckle and 'Lousy' Henry who owned three-wheeled Aero Morgans. We were always given a good lunch and after the visit the race back to Derby was always won by Buckle or Henry with their snarling twin cylinder JAP motorcycle engines. Remembering a few faces of the six thousand Company employees should help me recall more of that period of over sixty years ago; coupling names with faces may be more difficult. Memory can tell lies; can be distorted by sentiment, or by a touch of nostalgia, but some facts can hardly be in doubt. Times were hard for the works employees, and they worked hard in accord with the times. Jobs were scarce which helped the management to strictly enforce the unwritten but quickly learnt, rules. The factory gates closed at 7.55 am only to open again after fifteen minutes ensuring the loss of that much pay for the late arrivals. You vacated your workplace only when the 'bull' went. Strikes were unheard of; employment too valuable to chance losing, and the AEU had no teeth. The rarity of overtime was a luxury. Except for two half hour periods, smoking was prohibited unless driven by desperation you were prepared to sit on a non-lifting seat of two wooden strips embedded in porcelain, anticipating the thunderous kick on your pub-like half-door by the boot of the lavatory attendant so terminating your few puffs of Players. Even the labourers wore ties, and for foremen and apprentices, 'plus fours' were quite the thing for Saturday morning wear. The majority travelled to and from work by bicycle for which racks were placed near the four factory gates: no requirement for car parks. Trams were still ,running until 1934, and riding with the wave of cyclists down Osmaston Road required a certain amount of skill. Where the road narrows over the railway bridge it tended to become congested, and the trick was not to get your tyres in the tracks. One day I was nudged into one line, and as I fell off the domino effect was quite dramatic, and I heard a few new expletives for the first time! Rolls-Royce had been in Derby as a Company for a little over twenty years: the thoughts of a certain young RAF officer in No.111 Squadron were turning to gas turbines engines for aeroplanes. The enormous developments of the next decade were about to begin. One of the 76 Submarine Scout Zero 'Blimps' built; powered by the Hawk Westland Wizard with the Kestrel F.XI 49 Starting from basics So after one month probationary period I was launched on my four-year journey through the twenty or so departments in the factory, the first group being the three foundries, dropforge, and pattern shop. The latter, a carpenters paradise, was run by a Mr Walker (who had a daughter named Ivy), and where seasoned timber was carved into shapes as surrogates for the castings they would replicate in aluminium, iron, or brass in the foundries. The working conditions were dusty, but reasonable compared to those I found in the foundries which were pretty grim. The brass foundry was not unpleasant as it was small, but the iron and aluminium foundries I thought dreadful. Particularly in the summer with the heat of the furnaces and the atmosphere of smoke and acrid fumes, I felt I would never survive the two months schedule. The aluminium foundry was the worst, and being isolated from the main works, there was no escape during working hours, but I found a steel ladder leading out onto the roof where I took in lungs of fresh air before descending into the murk again. Die casting was worse than sand as the operation was practically continuous, while for the larger items — crankcases, cylinder blocks, wheelcases and the like it was less strenuous as pouring the metal took only a fraction of the time taken to that of making the sand moulds. The iron foundry was slightly better as it was within the main factory (long since displaced by the `chapel'), and I could slip outside for a breather, or to feed the cupola with pig iron, and casting car cylinderblocks and exhaust manifolds was only carried out twice a week. With the wooden pattern I had made in the pattern shop, and the sand mould with the brass tools I had made in the brass foundry, I cast what was to emerge after my machine, grinding and fitting experience, a small cast iron surface plate now serving as a reminder of the foundries. My father used to tell me (I suppose with a farmer's outlook), that motorcar manufacturers were really sophisticated blacksmiths! Had he been more specific and compared the dropforge with the smithy, his analogy would have been more accurate. I found that the smith's hammer and anvil had been replaced by steam operated hammers, or larger drop hammers with dies interposed between them and the 'anvils' hollowed to the shapes of valves, conrods, shafts or gear wheel blanks. The real blacksmith was the large man with the beefy arms who, with a pair of tongs would pull a large white hot ingot of steel out of a furnace and manoeuvre it undera large hammer cleverly controlled by his mate and beat it into a long shaft of different diameters, or a blank for a 50 reduction gear wheel. Yes, I was told to pick up that bar of steel, but I had been warned, and made sure it had cooled off first! All these items which I had now seen made in the rough were followed through to their various cleaning up processes the castings having all the unnecessary runners and flashes cut off, wire brushed or sand blasted before being machined to receive their moving parts which were made from the forgings. But before going on to what I considered the more interesting stages of turning what I had seen into parts of aero engines, I was put into a variety of small departments which in their own way played their important roles, but I felt I was being side-tracked, as much of the work had little or nothing to do with aero engines. The electrical department for instance, which was operated almost exdusively by girls (who frightened me), and wound ignition coils, dynamos, starter motors for cars — but not magnetos; the work that Lucas did in later years. I found the gearbox and back axle assembly and test interesting where gears were run in pairs and checked for high spots by the use of Prussian Blue (red, actually), and then quietened by hand stoning the high spots. Next I was sent to the coppersmiths which I enjoyed as I was able to do some useful work by myself, and after a while help with the production of parts for cars and aero engines. Here car radiator shells were built by hand, and the honeycomb matrix built by stacking brass tubes in a jig and dipping both sides in a bath of solder. One of my mentors was Harold Fogg who taught me how to braze, bend pipes and generally turn copper or brass sheet into useful 'foreigners' for domestic use!. He told me that the standard test to qualify for coppersmith status was to be able to turn a piece of copper tube one inch in diameter and one inch in length, inside out. Of course I believed him and after days of continuous hammering and annealing, expanding one end and contracting the other, I had a flat copper disc with a tiny hole in the centre. 'You simply reverse the process until you finish up with the short length of tube with which you started — only inside out'. I made a small copper jug instead. It was while I was learning to weld that I had my first brush with the management. One became very popular doing odd private jobs for friends you didn't know you had. Fishtails for exhaust pipes were fashionable, and I had progressed far enough to weld together the two halves of stainless steel pressings forming fishtails for the car production. One day Peter Barr brought two halves of an extra large fishtail for his MG Midget which was a bit large to conceal and sure enough Jimmy Bowers the shop super- intendent must have seen it, and Jimmy disliked apprentices. The next day I was sent for by Wor. who gave me a lecture and severe reprimand, which I considered quite unnecessary. As I was leaving his office quaking in my oily welding shoes, Wor called me back and in a different tone of voice explained that he had broken his fire tongs at home and would I call at his office in the morning to collect them and weld them up for him, and he expected a good job made of them. Then came the punch line; 'and if you are caught or anyone finds out who they belong to, I'll sack you, and I mean it'. I looked for a comforting expression on Miss Tunnicliffe's face (Wor's secretary), but drew a blank, so trembled my way back to the shop, my hands being much too shaky to do any more welding that day. But, was I in luck? Jimmy Bowers was taken ill the very next day and was whipped off to the DRI. I was never thanked for doing the job, and I nevergot the sack—well not until forty years later. My second encounter with management was on the occasion when I found my way into the Experimental Department and it wasn't long before I was hounded out by Bob Cloverley — or was it HPS? I can remember Royce Speed smiling, but perhaps this was on another later occasion when I was spying for EP. I suppose because nothing was actually being manufactured, and that test-tubes and bunsen burners reminded me of chemistry classes at school, that I found the labs, one of the least interesting of all the departments. No doubt the occupants of the small building between the Technical Block and Addison Road produced many important things such as Bill (Eric) Whitehead's RR 50 aluminium alloy series. My contribution was the making of a large soldering iron which I hack-sawed from a copper ingot. Mr Bradbury was not pleased, while Mr Hall (HI), who ran the small staff seemed impressed by the method in which I attached the head of the shaft: by drilling the hole for the shaft undersized, heating the head and shrinking it onto the shaft. Hi. talked about the coeficient of expansion — of which I had never heard — and next time the iron was heated the head would fall off. It hasn't yet! I can't remember whether Eric Aspley was there at the time but I got on well with a lad some five years my senior named Harold Gresham. Although some distance from the labs., a Mr Talbot ran a small mechanical test dept., appropriately at one end of the central stores near the Hawthorn Street entrance. Measuring the physical properties of metal I found interesting. Of the hardness (I think the Brinnell scale was used), ductility, and elasticity testing, I thought the latter the more dramatic; gradually increasing the load and waiting for the test piece to pass through its elastic limit and break with a bang. Less spectacular was impact testing on the Izod machine. I seem to remember there was also a certain amount of viscosity testing done on various grades of lubricating oils. Which reminds me that one could buy a five gallon drum of Prices Motorene oil through the firm for something under nine shillings. Of course it was stopped when some idiot started re-selling at a profit. Unscheduled excursions When a working week was 47 hours and holidays measured in days rather than weeks as today, at times I felt slightly restricted compared with the freedom enjoyed by the erstwhile schoolboy. So during my four years I managed to wangle one or two jaunts into the outside world. I spent a few days at Pobjoy Airmotors (bought by Shorts in 1936) at Hooton Park to see the small geared radial engine of 80 bhp being made. As it was almost half the diameter of the Bristol Pegasus, Shorts were able to power their half-size flying replicas of the Stirling bomber and Empire flying boat, each with four Niagras. My next escape from captivity requiring Wor's permission, was to attend the Schneider Cup of 1931. By now I had a Douglas 350 cc motorcycle which carried me to Portsmouth where conveniently one of my RN uncles had an assignment which sounded something like 'Portsmouth Harbour Master'; two boats went with the job. My uncle (Ratsey of Cowes — makers of 'fine sails for fine vachts'), wasted no time in showing up my lack of nautical skills, and then proceeded to extend my ignorance by airing his aeronautical knowledge. He enumerated all the airships which had been powered by Condor, Eagle and Hawk engines. At the time I had never heard of the latter, let alone that it had ever been installed in aeroplanes such as the Avro 504F, Sage III, and a few BE2E's, but the number must have been small as the bulk of the total production of 100 powered the small North Sea class airships (Class B — Limp, hence 'Blimp'). One of my uncle's crafts was a speed-boat in which we made our trips to shore from the larger boat, and out to one of the timing ships for the actual race. My attempt to make fast to the rope ladder lowered for us from the latter vessel, extracted salty expletives from my nautical relative which seemed to amuse the matlots above on deck. We were not piped aboard, but uncle was on christian name terms with the captain, and 51 several pink gins later I tried to follow the S6B as it passed over the ship! I wanted to have a look at aircraft being manufactured, so arrangements were made for me to spend one of my summer holidays at Westlands, Yeovil. I motor-cycled the daily round trip of 90 miles from my home in Somerset; well worth a respite from living in digs. Wapitis were in full production, while the Wizard II (F/Kestrel), was on test at Martlesham Heath, but returned to Yeovil for a couple of days while I was there. I flew with Capt. Paget while he flight tested production Wapitis, and on one trip over Portland Bill we could see the stricken submarine 'M2' lying in seven fathoms like a large sleeping fish. One of three vessels in her class, a small hangar had replaced the large 12" battleship gun to house a small folding wing float-plane. Catapult trials of the Parnell 'Peto' had been successful, but in January of '32 the vessel had dived with the hangar doors not completely closed, and no further contact was received from the sixty officers and ratings — including the pilot. to be continued Dear Sir In 1949/1950 during the course of my Engineering Apprenticeship I was posted to the Experimental Test Department (Sinfin A Site) run at that time by Frank Greaves. In those days we were mainly involved in testing Nenes, Tays and Avons and I had the good fortune to be placed under the watchful eye of Leading Tester Dusty Miller, a very experienced ex Power Jets man. The assistant tester, Bill, whose surname escapes me was a tall, powerfully built man with a good sense of humour and a strong disdain of Authority. Like John Poyser (single cylinder test memories, Archive 24) I recall the long, somewhat boring, periods of endurance testing being enlivened by numerous incidents. During an early morning start on a Nene, Dusty noticed a momentary higher than normal JPT reading. A precautionary shutdown was carried out and we gathered round the engine to check for any anomalies. At this moment the labourer arrived and with mixed expletives removed the remains of his mop and broom which he had stored in the Jet Pipe overnight. On another occasion we were caught in a torrential rainstorm as we cycled into work. Bill decided he would hang his trousers up to dry in the detuner annexe. We were running performance curves at that time and at the lunch break Bill was not amused to find that his trousers had apparently been stolen. He was even less amused when the remains, including scorched pound notes and coins were eventually located at the end of the detuners. You can guess who had to crawl down the filthy interior to retrieve them. Still on the subject of detuners there was the occasion when we ran our first Avon (an RA.7) as the engine passed the previously unheard of thrust level of 7000 pounds. Dusty detected a rattling and rumbling noise and hit the 'panic' button. It transpired that the detuner, previously accustomed to a max thrust of 6500 pounds for the Tay, had jumped its chocks and headed off in the direction of Sinfin Moor. Another incident which could have had tragic consequences involved an Avon which had a vibration problem, serious enough to require the personal attention of Dizzy Drew. Dizzy favoured a manual approach to vibration analysis which consisted of putting his left hand on the starter fairing (no intake guards in those days!) and signalling for RPM changes with his right hand. At some fairly high RPM we saw, to our horror, that his left arm had disappeared into the intake. The 'panic' button was hit and we descended into the cell in some trepidation to find Dizzy minus the left sleeve of his jacket but otherwise unharmed. Fortunately his hand had lodged on an intake strut. The engine was R.T. S. with the cryptic but true comment, 'Harris Tweed in the bleed valves'. The fire extinguisher system in those days was somewhat archaic being mechanically operated by a system of wires and pulleys which led to large fire bottles mounted on the wall in the pre-rig area. A millwright working in the cell hooked his ladder round the wire which triggered the alarm but did not fire the extinguisher bottles. The fire brigade arrived in record time but then blotted their copy book by discharging the bottles. The interesting result was several seconds spray of a mixture of oil and kerosine from the large bore fire extinguisher pipes which were located in a trench directly below the engine. This somewhat lethal cocktail being followed by the foam which was most effectively deposited into the intake, jet pipe and over the whole Test Cell. A somewhat Shake- 52 spearean R.T.S. note read, 'Full of foam, old oil and kerosine but signifying nothing (in terms of fire damage)'. The presence of the millwright in the test cell was an edict to check all test cell hoists as a result of another incident. These hoists were of the manually operated chain type and ours managed to jam solid with the Avon suspended in mid-air during installation for a 150 hour test. Nothing daunted Bill clambered onto the engine and performed a war dance, to no avail. Considerable activity by the millwrights eventually enabled the engine to be parked back on its transportation stand. This was fortuitous to say the least as further investigation resulted in the complete hoist crashing down onto the test stand. It transpired that the bolts on the top travelling pulley had sheared due to heavy corrosion and wear. Bill was a bit subdued for a while after this event. Other incidents included a new design of multi-breech cartridge starter for the Nene where all the cartridges fired simultaneously distributing the contents of the wheelcase over a wide area. Then there was the new Esso oil which during endurance testing degraded into a tomato soup colour. Frank Greaves came to witness this phenomenon, dropped his Parker pen into the sample bucket and was slightly affronted when Bill in no uncertain terms refused to retrieve it for him. All the above occurred in a 12 month period but in between times a considerable number of successful tests were completed. IP D Sherrard East Kilbride Dear Sir Following the appeal to RRHT members to help in creating a classified filing system of historical data (Archive No.26). I wish to thank three members for volunteering. They are Mrs Betty Arnold, Mr John Powell and Mr Tom Bowen. Good work has already been done in accelerating the classification of material. In due course there will be the need to rearrange the classified data into years and, in the case of the Engine Type box files, to subdivide these into Design, Development, and Installation. At present I think that is as far as we could reasonably consider developing this classified system. We would still welcome assistance from other RRHT members interested in creating as soon as possible a reference system of valuable data that might otherwise be lost to everyone. G L Wilde Turnditch, Derby Dear Sir No doubt, as with all recipients of the Archive, each new issue triggers my own memory cells, prompting a written response which may be of interest, or useful for the records. With regard to the RB39 Clyde, I recall that late in its development, before air cooled turbine blades became the vogue, we (Exp Department) received scheme drawings for steam cooled turbine blades, the design required water to be fed into a collector ring in the rim of the turbine wheel, where it would immediately turn into steam, and be centrifuged through holes in the wheel rim, and through corresponding holes in the blade roots and up through a hole running inside the length of each blade leading edge. The blade LE hole was blind at the tip, with the idea that the heavy wet steam entering the blade root would be centrifuged up the core of the LE hole, and as it became further heated and therefore lighter, it would be forced back down around the inside wall of the hole by the mass of fresh steam entering the blade root. I remember this project particularly well, since at that time we had not developed ECM and we broke many drills trying to drill the small diameter, deep holes, before Noel Thompson (Exp Drilling Foreman) developed the technique of 'peck drilling'. In the event, the blade steam cooling scheme was quickly abandoned after testing because the bulk of the steam did not recirculate, and was therefore lost through the turbine. The net result being that the potential increase in engine power could not compensate for the substantial amount of water the aircraft would have to carry. Incidentally, I have a hollow Clyde Stage-1 rotor blade which I made as an experiment at this same time, when I was heavily involved in finding new ways of manufacturing blades. In this case, I etched .010"—.012" from the surface of a standard blade, and cast a die from it using the 'Cireperdue' method. A wax replica of the blade was then cast and coated with copper powder and then slow plated with hard chrome .010"—.012" thick. After drilling two holes in the blade root, the wax core was melted out and the root and a short stub of the aerofoil cavity was filled with tin/antimony alloy to provide solidity to the root. I was agreeably surprised at the apparent rigidity of the blade, which easily polished to a very smooth finish, and of course it is much lighter than the original blade. At the time I showed the blade to several people in Development with the suggestion that a strengthening matrix could be planted inside the blade if 53 necessary. However, it ended up stuffed in my desk drawer along with the samples of all of the other blades I worked on, starting with Dr Griffith's CR1 blades in KE965 material in mid 1940. Ken Grundy Ontario, Canada Dear Sir In today's Daily Telegraph (5 March 1991) an obituary is published of 'Jock' Bonar GC who, as many will know, was a Test Pilot at Hucknall during the 39-45 war; he flew also on liaison duties between the Company and RAF Stations. He flew me, as Installation Development Engineer at Hucknall, on several 'troubleshooting' missions to Service Squadrons in Yorkshire and Lincolnshire to investigate reported faults or misbehaviours in the oil and coolant systems of Whitley, Manchester and Lancaster bomber aircraft. Frequently, the Miles Whitney Straight dualcontrol liaison aircraft was used. Having taken off from Hucknall and set a course at 2000 ft he would leave me — a non-pilot — to keep the machine straight and level till we arrived over the destination, with a firm instruction 'If you see anything coming towards us, wake me up bloody quick' whilst he took a nap or read some more chapters of a paperback thriller. A great character with a 'not to worry' attitude to life. Incidentally, in pre-war days Hucknall was a grass airfield with no hard runway. In one corner, very remote from the Flight Hangar, an area known as 'Ronnie's Patch' had a liberal sprinkling of mushrooms. The Skipper (Captain R Shepherd) on returning from a test flight in one of the Hawker biplanes — usually a Hart or Hind — would side-slip over the boundary fence and pull up in this corner to cram his pockets with these delicacies before taxying back to the Flight Hangar. Tom Stern photography, on a fortnightly basis, should be employed. This was fine, except that the proposed site was then an indeterminate area in a vast and beautiful wilderness, bounded by random sections of Hadrian's wall. Frank Kirk, now sadly dead, was to be pilot of the aircraft. Frank was then chief air traffic controller at Hucknall, also a Company communications pilot and CFI at Tollerton, and was of course an excellent navigator. After much poring over maps he said: 'What we need is an 'X' to mark the spot!' And that is exactly what happened. A local farmer was recruited to lay out flour bags in the centre of our 'target'. The result was quite spectacular and the cross could be seen many miles away. The farm, very inappropriately, was called Moscow Farm. The wastes of Cumberlandwith the cross of flourbags marking the spot where the Spadeadam site was to be built Nottingham Dear Sir As a retired photographer I take perverse pleasure in enclosing for your readers scrutiny probably the most uninteresting photograph ever submitted to the Archive, or any other publication for that matter. When the Cold War was very cold, Spadeadam rocket site, in the depths of Cumbria, became a new and important part of Company activity. An early MoD requirement was the supply of comprehensive photographic coverage to monitor building progress, disposition of plant, rigs and so on. It was decided that aerial 54 The same site under development The initial aircraft was a Proctor but later an Auster was used. By removing the passenger door and dual 'stick', an excellent camera platform was achieved. And so there followed many months of the 'milk run' up to Spadeadam, a task of mixed blessings; I learned not to have too much pre-flight liquid intake; it was a long way with legs and fingers crossed. The photographs despatched to MoD were treated with rigorous security; stamped 'secret' and put in an envelope marked 'secret'. This envelope was then placed in another envelope. During the long, sometimes boring cross country flights, I had a very bad habit of using up film by photographing anything that looked even faintly interesting: grazing sheep, canals and boats, country mansions and railway stations. One building I filmed brought me very close to becoming a statistic in the espionage war: the odd looking structure turned out to be the 'oh-so-secret' Calder Hall Atomic Power Station! And the photograph found its way into one of the 'secret' envelopes. 35 years on it is difficult to imagine the hysteria generated in those days by anything 'atomic', and I was indeed fortunate to escape with a severe reprimand. Footnote: I was offered a job of starting up the photographic department at Spadeadam, reporting to the respected Colin Smith. A great car enthusiast, his reaction when I proposed the purchase of an expensive camera was ' Good God— I could buy a decent car for that!' I almost replied (but didn't) that I could buy a nice house for the same money, but would have some trouble filming rocket engines with it! George Webb Hucknall Dear Sir Those who came to know Clitheroe through working at Bankfield Shed or Waterloo Mill will have had memories revived by the T.V. coverage of the recent Ribblesdale by-Election with its several shots of the town centre including the High Street with the Swan & Royal Hotel, the venue of the deal between Hives and Wilkes for the swap of the jet work of Rover for the Rolls-Royce tank factory at Nottingham (as mentioned in David Oddie's letter). Another very significant and important event which took place in this hotel, affectionately known at Barlick as the Swan & Jet Pipe, was a meeting of Hooker and his team with Gloster test pilots during their visit in November '44 to see the B41 which had started running at Barlick and performing very well. Discussion followed on possible application to the Meteor then in operation with 616 Squadron R.A.F., and whilst successful in dealing with 'doodle-bugs' really needed improved performance. Realisation that the B41 (Nene) was too large in diameter, led to the suggestion, claimed to have been made by John Herriot, for a scaled down B41 tailored to Meteor installation requirements. This was taken up with typical Barlick enthusiasm, and if I remember correctly was the engine drafted one lunch time on the table cloth by Lombard and Hooker in the Senior Staff Canteen! Both had sketched all over the table cloth with blue pens and after the meal Lombard turned to me and said 'now RTO, you can sort out the security!' The immediate problem in late November '44 was to sell the Derwent V project as Hives had taken over a factory at Newcastle under Lyme and this had just been tooled for Derwent I production. Hives did not forbid the change, so Barlick went ahead with design and Ron Kibbey cleared all outstanding work in his D.O. to start detailing on 1st January 1945 with 'clean sheets of paper'. By then the war situation had changed dramatically and Barlick was told in the strongest terms that every effort was to be exerted to get the Derwent V cleared for production. Barlick took up the challenge, by the end of January all detail drawings of major components were issued and a record set for design, manufacture and test of the new engine in six months. This Derwent V put the Meteor into an advanced fighter class and with improved turbine blade material took the Air Speed Record in 1945 and '46. The late John Herriot was a very forceful character and as Hooker's Chief Development Engineer kept the test beds very actively engaged on endurance testing the major design changes which were arising from the change from Rover to Rolls-Royce management. Herriot had been loaned to Rover by the Aeronautical Inspection Directorate and claimed to know his way around official regulations, Herriot was transferred from Barlick to cover the opening up of the Newcastle factory. He told me some 500 engines were produced there before the factory was dosed following Hives decision to concentrate jet engine design and manufacture within the Derby organisation. Barlick was retained for experimental manufacture and test. Herriot had intended to write a book covering 60 years in aviation, from a boy in Royal Flying Corps to becoming a General Manager of a Rolls-Royce Division — unfortunately this book was never completed but much of the information collected was passed over to Hooker for his lecture in 1978 to the Royal Aeronautical Society. 'Early Days at Barlick' I was, fortunately, able to attend this lecture and participate in the discussion pointing out the unique conditions under which Barlick operated. This was a small group of young men with adequate facilities and great freedom of operation under the technical direction of Stanley Hooker with skilled design support of Adrian Lombard and Fred Morley and Harry Gresham's metallurgical guidance with Les 55 Buckler's skilled factory management and Hives full support if additional help was required'. Hooker agreed. I would like to mention one of Herriot's less known skills, that as a magician. He was a very polished performer and a member of the Magic Circle. He gave a very fine performance at the Reactionaries Dinner at N. G.T.E. Pyestock in April 1947, including his act of making a radio set, whilst playing, disappear; so amazed were the diners that he was persuaded to repeat the act the following year. Arthur H. Travis R.T.O. (Engines) Barlick 1943-48 Dear Sir Following on from D. Birch's account of his visit to Santa Maria in the January 1991 Newsletter, there was another 'Golden Gathering of P51's' in California last year. Pat and I moved to Long Beach in early April 1989. My secondment to RR Inc has been to cover the Adour in T-45A Goshawk, and we are now in St. Louis, but that's another story. Around the middle of 1990, Ray Barnes who is based in the Commercial Aircraft Office at Douglas, asked if I would be willing to help out on the RR stand at Hawthorne Air Show in August. This was the weekend before we closed the T-45 office and shipped our chattels east, but tales of 'a dozen or so Mustangs, some Mitchells and sundry other interesting stuff', made the decision easy. A little closer to the date, Ray phoned to say there might be the chance of a flight and was I interested. Darn right! The implication was that a circuit or two in a B25 might be on offer and the engines are the right shape for a Bristol lad, no offence intended. 25 August dawned with just the right shade of sepia to promise a great day in the LA basin. Hawthorne is only twenty minutes up the freeway, and we got there early. Eight Mustangs and a half dozen Mitchells were parked within touching distance along the barriers, glinting in the early sunshine, looking glorious etc. More Mustangs arrived whilst we hunted for the RR stand, and a TriMotor started giving ten dollar, (there's inflation for you, it was ten bob in my day), trips around the circuit. Having found the stand we settled down to a most agreeable day. There are stacks of airplane nuts in California, and Pat had read the brochure, so became quite good at conducted tours of the Merlin. Then John Hodson turned up, and it became apparent that the 'flight' was a big ceremonial deal and no seats had been actually booked so 56 we trailed along to the briefing. It was decided that thirteen Mustangs and five Mitchells had the right paperwork, so the formation would consist of a box-plus-one of B25's escorted by four flights-of-three P51's and a singleton. The flight plan included a fly-by of all the major airfields in the Los Angeles area. Sounded good, but how to get a ride? John managed to get with Clay Lacey in a P51, but the B25's all seemed to be full up and a whole posse of extras were trying to find seats, so I wandered down to the flight line looking for a lonely pilot and found one. Mike DeMarino had brought along the Planes of Fame P51D from Chino, and readily accepted my offer to keep him company in the back seat. This one is finished in a fetching scheme of polished aluminium withblue 'Mickey Mouse' camouflage, invasion stripes and a yellow spinner. He would be flying number three in the third flight of P51's. I couldn't believe my luck. The flight? Well, what can I say? It was sheer poetry. An almost two hour, low level, tour of the home town. They even closed LAX for fifteen minutes for the fly-by of antiques from fifty years ago. Pat 'counted them out and counted them back in' with a sense of relief when we finally rolled to a halt in front of the crowd. I was in a state of total euphoria and was pleased to see that John Hodson, despite his greater experience, was just as brim full of enthusiasm. The evening banquet to honour 50 year anniversary of Battle of Britain was fun but an anticlimax. Anything would have been after that. John summed it up in his after dinner speech by saying that if he ever had a 'Monday morning feeling' he would just have to remember that flight. I have some good, if not great, pictures and some video which, since it is in PAL format, I won't be able to even see in colour until we return to the UK. Most important, I have an irradicable memory of noise, smell, vibration and sheer pleasure which can be replayed without even closing my eyes. Just because we were in the right place at the right time. What a fabulous fiftieth birthday present! Chris Powell Bristol Branch