W. Beck Wins Earlham College Citation for Work


W. Beck Wins Earlham College Citation for Work
Pep Committee Plans
Saturday as Dads/ Day
Football G am e , O pen
House, a n d G ym Jam s
Offered on Dads' Day
where they w ill receive n am e tags
VOL. 72, H O . 5
Fridoy, Oct. 24, 1952
and back n u m e rals to correspond
with those worn by their gridiron
sons. W hen the te a m trots in fo r 1
The p a p p a ’s of m a n y of the the Wck-off, lh e y wiU run through
. ..
, , . an honor guard of the fathers,
fre sh m e n
(and they 11 probably, 0 „ h a „ d' to w elcom e a „ the dads
b rin g the m a m m a s) w ill be on ;md jntroduce the football progcniC am pus tom orrow for the biggest tors w ill be pep com m ittee eoD a d s ’ D ay ever held at Law rence, chairm en . Betty Beyer and MarIn v ita tio n s have been sent to the shall Pepper.
fathers of all the freshm en and to 1 After the ga m e ag ainst St. O la f
fo o tb all te a m fathers.
'college, the parents w ill be enAt 1:00 p .m . the dads of the foot- tertainod at an open house in their
b a ll players w ill be m et by the honor at the M e m o ria l union. The
pep co m m ittee at W h itin g f i e l d party w ill last until 5:00 p .m .: cof­
fee and do ughnuts w ill be served.
Lois H ovorka, Sue Sw atell, D el
Joerns and N ancy V an Peened w ill
! assist M iss Beyer w ith po u ring at
the reception. Clean-up duties w ill
fall to Spence Roberts, D on Carlsen, W in Jones and Pepper.
A d dition al en te rtain m e n t w ill be
Ioffered the m ore athletic pops who
are also invited to the all-college
iGyrrt-jam to be held at A lexander
gy m fro m 7:00 to 10:00 p .m . B a s ­
b a d m in t o n ,
I ping-pong, s w im m in g and o t h e r ;
College Gives A w ards Isports w ill be offered. W R A and
“ L “ club are sponsoring the par-
W. Beck Wins
Earlham College
Citation for Work
To O u tstan din g A lum s |ty
D a d s’
At Dinner on Oct. 25
the pep
Betty Guerin, center, distributed regal waves at half-time after Jim Boldt, ROTC Cadet
Major crowned her queen over all homecoming events.
She rode with her court, Estie
Clingman, left, and Peggy Link in a modern golden coach to review her subjects.
rnajesties are pictured above enthroned on the back of the convertible.
Day isi the m a in event on
co m m itte e s p ro g ram and p ^ o t o )
w ith it they wind up their fo rm a l
iif ___ „ ^
W a rre n Beck, professor of Engii.l
. T
11 .
- duties of the year. They were also
llsh at L aw rence college, is one of
<0 a lu m n i of E a r lh a m CoUcee. ,m
c h , r * t of *?* ™ d” . " * h ‘
Q u a k e r institutio n at R ic h m o n d hT
- *
In d ia n a , who w ill receive a cita: r* d r f " d ■•»*•*>>">*«
tion for his record in the field of “ W* U
,h r
d »>' Pr»lite ra tu re an d for public ■
-- 1— g ra m
, . .
honor upS ^ u p plans to work inforW hich
torchOn E a r lh a m college.
The citation w ill be aw arded at es in rc p a ir for next y e ar’ and t o i
the a n n u a l h o m e co m in g dinner Sat- m ak e the n u m e rals w orn by thej
ttrday. October 25, as a clim ax to fo° tba11 fathers of pe rm a ne nt ma- —
A week-long convocation p ro g ra m te n a l ln tho past the co m m itte e Film Classics Presents
w hich w ill feature n a tio n ally know n was in charge of the
ba nd for ~
fig u re s, and w hich w ill em phasize the ba ske tba ll season, but t h i s t j e r m a n /V\ OVie S u n d a y
F ilm C lassic’s th ird m ovie of the
♦he co ntrib utio n of this college in year the ROT C band w in 1 a k e
semester, “ Der H a u p tm a n von Kocthe fields of religio n an d science. over
pe nick ,” w ill be shown at the art
President N athan M Pusey this'
D u rin g the p ro g ra m the new $800.
center S u nd ay at 1:30, 3:30, 6 30 week approved Student A ctivities . . . . '. n * * a
!|M<< * °
000 D ennis Science H a ll a n a the B r O f C C I W O O G t l
j „
Athletic Board deficit, and a th ird
S tout M e m o rial M eetinghouse w ill
____ . F «n d expenditures of $30,400 00. $ iooo.oo was volunteered to cover
. c . 1m
a. amoUS co im y
S A F budget has been in pie- the ca p ital deficit of the M e m o rial
in A m o n g the speakers d u rin g the
* satirizin g a u th o rita ria n ism . A dis-i
Week w ill be S ir O liver F ra n k s ,! B ro k a w ’s a n n u a l open house w ill charged soldier, unable to get a p a ra tio n for several weeks, and the u ion. These m easures leave $882.a reserve for next year's
re tirin g B ritish am b assad o r to the be held S unday afternoon, O ctober passport, hires a c a p ta in ’s uni- Student E x ecutive Council has de- n as .
„ m .„ iim on , m ,lv
m cnt
U n ite d States; C harles F . Kettcr- 26. from 2 to 4:30 p .m . A ll stu- form , co m m a nd ee rs a squad of sol- v°ted several m eetings to its ap‘
' y
in g , G e n e ra l M otors engineer: Dr. dents, facu lty and parents are in- diers, arrests thc m a y o r and trcas-,Proval.
a ^a
F ra n k Kellogg, chief, Soil
Sur- vited to attend a n d inspect t h e u re r of K oepenick and sends them
1 hc total receipts from the curJ.
K* * s " "
1c° r
Vey, U. S. D e p artm e n t of Agricul- freshm en m e n ’s do rm itory .
!off to B e rlin w ithout anyone quesWL^C e slim a lo d al
„ !iriw
D ick Bohan, c h a irm a n of t h c tioning his authority. H is escapade 400.00 (figured on as average en.
l*r< K™ U,>S ’ *
\x "
tu re ; D r. W endell Stanley, E a r l
» . 'so Nobel
n u u tt |
»ti£c w inner
u u ic r «
, roll m en t of 735 students tim es the
HIirr<!L* ” t "i,-*!!
h acm
d not- B rokaw social com m ittee, is mak- becomes a n atio nal joke.
ed biochem ist, fig hter of v iru s; and ing arran ge m en ts for thc event
G e rm a n dialogue is supplem ented in div idu al fee of $40.00*. an am ount
Dr. W alter M iles, another E a r lh a m R efreshm ents w ill be served in tho w ith E ng lish subtitles throughout insufficient to cover the total re..
tionm«>nts aro brokg ra d u a te who is professor of psy- do rm ito ry lounge and all room s the m ovie. A dm ission Is 50 cents, quested apportionm ent. Because of
in ad equate en rollm en t the coun- l‘n down in *he follow ing figures:
chology at the Y a le U n iv er s i t y w ill be open for inspection.
I payable at the door.
cil voted to d ip into a surplus of *bc Athletic Board received th e
School of M edicine and one of th e ; -------------------------------- -------— — — -----$3,882.85. realizin g that further cut- largest appro priation, $9555.00 (plus
w o rld 's leading authorities on a v ia ­
ting on the p a rt of the in d iv id u a l *be special grant of $1000.00 to covtion m edicine.
sharers in the fund was im possible er an a c cu m u la te d de ficit). Union
Those to receive the citations
if they hoped to operate effective- operations were next with $7350,
w ere n o m in ated by the 6500 form er
and the A riel third w ith $2850.
itu d e n ts of E a r lh a m , and fin a l se­
A ccordingly. $1000 00 was put in-’ Th,“ rM t
th«* nionry was given
lec tio n was by a co m m ittee of
current operations,
another *o:
I*awrence t'ollege Choir,
Sam ter, R elig io n in Life con-1 An early evening w orship ser- _______________________________________ $735.00; the C o ntributor, $465.00;
the I<awrenoe A rt As»oelation, $150.b e r of short stories, plays and nov- ference c h a irm a n , announced this vlce w ,ir be o r ^ in i/o d by the Ves00; the I*awrence C’ollege T heatre,
i » J
pers com m ittee and the forum comThe Associated Press selected week that heads for 15 co m m ittees m|t(ce wi|, arrang<) a pancl o(
$2000.00; Law rence W om en's Asso­
ciation, $440.00; the L aw ren t i a n ,
have been selec,cd an d work «* speakers for open discussion of
$2750.00; the social committee, $20O f his third novel, " In to T hin A ir .” |n<>w
conference pertinent questions.
50.00; Student C hristian Association,
O th e r of his novels include: " F in a l whl,ch **'' bc held som etim e In
F u rth e r dl.cu»slon « w ill be ar$225;
W om en’s
S co re ” and “ P ause U n de r t h e early F e b ru a ry. ‘ The purpose of ranged by the discussions com m itAssociation, $215.00; and the L aw ­
Sky ’ H is short story
“E dg e of tbe conference >s t° e x am ine reli- tee, where m eetings w ill be held in
rence College Ski club received
D o o m ” appeared in Best Ameri- # 'on from an intellectual basis and the various do rm itories and fraterD ick Bledsoe w ill be the featured $450.00
to prom ote sound thin k in g on reli- nity groups.
« a n Short Stories of 1950.
gious issues.” S am ter said.
I Suitable m eeting places for the speaker w hen “Los Charladores.” | S E C subcom m ittees r e c e i v e d :
E lm e r Pfefferkorn, survey chair- various functions w ill be planned *bc Law rence college Spanish club, $98.25, the handbook co m m itte e ;
Lois Hovorka to Receive m an , stated th a t “ beginning to- by another co m m itte e w hile the gathers for its first m eeting of the $305.58, the ho m ecom ing commitm orrow everyone w ill have an op- guides group w ill act as host and year on Tuesday evening, O c to b e r,t«*e; $90.92, new student week com*
Activities Blanks
28. Meeting in the Terrace room of m ittee; and $130 00. pep com m ittee,
portunity to indicate his desire to hostess for visiting speakers,
Seniors who have filled out an serve in co m m ittee w o rk .” Survey
The local churches co m m ittee the M em orial un io n at 7:00 p. m., Law rence U nited C harities will opA rie l activities b la n k
preference s h e e ts 'w ill be handed w ill collaborate w ith area church- Bledsoe w ill tell of his experiences crate independently and therefore
out in all the do rm itories and those es in m a k in g the religion in life in M exico d u rin g the past sum m er, did not su bm it a budget request.
The Student Executive Council
M e m b e rs or officers of c a m p u s
desiring to help are asked to com- conference a success, and thc sur- where he w orked w ith a group
itself, w hich does not form ally sub­
groups or have received ad d itio n ­
pletc them and send them via cam- vey com m ittee, in addition to con
a l honors are being given the op­
S inging, refreshments, bridge and m it a budget received a residual
pus m ail to Pfefferkorn, at Bro- ducting the w orker’s preference
p o rtu n ity to com plete these blanks.
w ill follow Bledsoe’s talk app ro pria tion of $540.25 to cover
kaw 218.
survey, w ill m ak e a study of the
A list of these new activities m a y
students are co rdial­ its own office expenses, special pro­
A m ong the co m m ittees on w hich religious c lim a te of the cam p u s,
b e sent to Lois H ovorka of the
Memberships jects and spccial appropriations
students m a y sign up for work which w ill be used as a guide for
A rie l staff, Sage hall. She w ill re­
m ay be paid to Miss Joyce in room w hich m a y be requested during the
are: the preview , w hich arranges speakers.
ceive the additions u p to October
for the opening m ee ting a t w hich
All publicity w ill be handled by 15, M ain hall, or at the door.
Forensic* and IR C did not sub­
the speakers w ill be introduced to a separate co m m ittee as w ill the
m it budgets this year, but in the
studnet body; the
retreat, finance, w hich w ill m ake all flnanpresident; C arl S tum p f, treasurer; event the groups reo rg an iie and
The A riel, Law rence ye ar, w hich w ill p lan and conduct a re- cial a rran g e m e n ts for the confer- Peggy L in k , secretary; and Gretchpresent a valid p ro g ram of aebook, needs a new photographer treat for a ll w orkers on the con- ence.
en Olsen, social chairm an.
tlvltles, S E C will grant them
c ia l appropriations.
Im m ediately. The position open­
L yn n Casper, treasurer of t h e
ed this week w hen D on Rup- im itte e, w hich w ill prepare a sche- prepare a display of pertinent literpin. present pho tog rapher, re­ dule of personal conferences be- ature, to be shown in the lib rary
A m ee tin g of the Law rence student body, was in charge of
during the conference.
ceived his d ra ft notice. 8 t a- tween students and speakers.
*kl clu b w ill be held F rid a y at S A F budgeting, and D ick Olson, stu­
The luncheons and dinners com“ Students should be considering
le n ts w ith experience in pho­
12:30 p .m . in Science h a ll 200. dent body president, directed dis­
tography are requested to sab- m ittee w ill arran ge in fo rm a l meet- their preference now ,” Pfefferkorn
%ll old m e m b e rs and prospec­ cussions of the in d iv id u a l budgets
tnti their ap p licatio n s to C yn ­ ings in the cam p us d ining room s concluded, “ so that they can quicktive new m em b ers are urged to and signed the fin al budget to in ­
whlle the Social hour group w ill ly fill in the sheets and return
thia F u rb e r or M a rio n W hite,
kttend. A m ee tin g of the ski dicate app ro v al of thc C ouncil on
plan for a get-together in the un- them , allow ing us am p le tim e to team w ill be held there Sunday
all recom m endations. President Pliso-editors, R ussell Sage h a l l .
ion som etim e du rin g the confer- get thc co m m ittees picked and
sey’s signature puts the m easure *
Photographer is a p a id position.
at 1:30 p .m .
into effcct.
Pusey Signs SAF Budget
For $30,400 Expenditure
SEC Votes $1,000 of Balance
To Cover Current Operations
be dedicated.
House to be Sunday
Samter Sets Up 15 Committees
For Religion in Life Conference
Spanish Club
To Hold First
Meeting Tues.
Friday, Oct. 24, 1952
2 T h e Lawrentiow
Expressionalistic Settings Begun
By Eight New Production Crews
Faculty, Staff to
Get in the Swing
AtCountry Dance
P roduction work
for the L a w - -- ------------------------------ ■
rence College Theater presentation
for a ll ot the p la y * seven
of "The A d d in g M achine" by Elwil1 be accom plished by dism er Rice is now underw ay.
ported projections of lig ht onto the
According to Mr. Jo h n Ford Sol backdrops in order to allow for
lers, technical
scene” shift­
director, M s,m P,e an<l rapid
ing as possible.
Hoedown to be Oct. 27
In Campus Gym; Jeans,
Ginghams Tops in Style
If someone were to ask you to
nam e one m o d e m classic composer
of A m erican birth, could you nam e
one? Most of us w o uld m ention
G ershw in. A n d a few more m ig h t
be able to th in k of someone else,
but perhaps the finest composer in
A m erica today w ould go unnam ed.
A lex N orth m ay not be the bestk no w n composer, but he certainly
F a c u lty and staff m e m b e rs of
is one of the finest. Born in 1910
rence College Theater productions L aw rence college and the Institute
in Chester, Pennsylvania, N orth
since the
1945 presentation
spent m any years studying w ith
on M onday n ight in the figures of
'•Home of the Brave.”
A aron C o pland and Ernest Toch.
Crew heads and members
the a country dance. The C a m p u s C lub
His first m ajor compositions were
play, w hich w ill be presented on has entitled its first event “C oun­ specialties in background m usic for
The N ational Poetry A ssociation Novem ber C, 7 and S in the Law- try D ance and F a ir ; ” it w ill be m odern dance groups. The nature
invites students to su bm it verse for Sf,11?*
Mrt M fo**ows: Lights: held October 27 from 8 to 10:30 p of this type of m usic is such that
. . .
W ck C alkins, bead; D ick K nuth, m . in the ca m p u s gym .
m an y sequences and passages m ust
Joan Timmtrmamt
publication in the A n n ual Antholo- N anry Fjnig
be blended together w ith the m ove­
D ick
Z aehlke,
of College Poetry. There are no Roger Christian,
ments and steps created by the
charges or fees for inclusion of M ike H am m ond, and Bob Sonkow- cotton-skirted and blue jeans-clad choreographer.
The choreographer has the p at­
facu lty w ill square dance and vie
verses in the Anthology. The c lo s - .'^ ^ ’
“ a r ; for cupie dolls at the fa ir booths. tern completed before it is given
in * date tor »u b m iU in * f n . n j ,
iha Stone, M arty Schubert, Carol
to the composer whose job it is to
eripts is N ovem ber 5.
P o rtm ann and Georgia R einhardt. Non-dancers w ill m a tc h talents in create the music for the steps. Mr.
E ach effort m ust be on a sep- Paint: Grace Iden, M arty Mander- various tests of their artistic creat­ North succeeded in a short tim e in
ara te sheet and bear the follow- w n , Carol P o rtm a n n ,' Barbara Bear ivity. Mr. F red O ppen of Green doing w hat most dance m usicians
spend years tryin g to achieve, creat­
ing; n am e of author, hom e address *,n<* Nancy Weiss. M akeup: Em m y B ay w ill call the dances.
„ i , it
. .
Bunks, head; Barbara B u m , A rlene
ing a background m usic that w ould
an d college attended. All manuM
Keller, Pat Messing. C hris Swan*
stand alone as well as be suited for
scripts should be sent to the As son and K ath ie Ellis.
m a n of the party, urges the d a n c­ dancing.
sociation, 3210 Selby Avenue. Los i Costumes: B arbara Zierke, head; ers to w ear rubber soled shoes to
W ith this valuable m usical tim in g
Angeles 34, C a lifo rnia
Vlet.iuw. K,.v Buyer, Mur- 'com plete their eoMumes. since the and experience, he wrote the h ig h ­
Both H aro ld G ru n e w ald
and (
udl c leather-shod have a w ay of m a rrin g ly successful m usical score for the
_____ ,.
w aiw o rth, Clare Teigten, Nancy
H ollyw ood production of “People of
George C handler, recent graduate s Reynolds and Sandra L ockh art
floors. The ca m p u s gy m floor was the C u m b e rlan d .” In this effort he
of Lawrence, have in the past subStage:
Justin e 'refinished recently,
com bined his greatest m usical as­
m ilte d work.1 to the N ational Poe- Johnson. Karen Mortonson, A m y 1 R efreshm ents are being planned sets, a rem arkable sense of rhy thm
C onnie C ru m p, Ju n e Taylor, by Miss Shirley Hanson and Mr. and unusual m elodic freedom. These
tiv Association The recognition afI'h il A lly,
A n n R obert L u tte n n o se r, M r. Kenneth
forded by pub lication brings def Maggie lloye r,
Schafer, and J«mn H rrnthal. B u ild ­ H a m m o c k and Miss P at Leydon are
im te credit to our school, as well
ing: Toni Roberts, Hob Sm ith. Don in charge of en tertainm e nt. D ecor­
as affording satisfaction to stu­
dent.-. who m ay see their work in Nelson. A n n W atlner, Donna Amos ations w ill be done by the Misses
and Rowrmary Freeman.
N ancy W ilder, E llen Stone and Maprint and com pare such work w ith, _
that of others of their own age and 1r, Propei f ‘“ : S h ,rle y R l,rich - hcad: ija L ak stig ala.
attainm e nts.
P o nna Zizek, Kay Sue Hooley. CarOfficers of the C a m p u s C lub as
I’he association’s purpose is “ to
W aneta Esch, S ut Tartar elected last spring are M rs. E d g a r
support and prolong our democra- *'
Barbara Everts w ill D irkey, president: M rs. Jo y n M c­
cy and Its culture by the promo- ** l*>e
m anager for the pro- M ahon, vice-president; and Mrs.
tion of o rig in al thought and ex- ” u c ,'on*
Stephen Ford, secretary-treasurer.
pression through poetry.”
A dditional in fo rm atio n m ay be
obtained from Jo h n F andel, room
44 M ain hall.
May Submit
College Poetry
To Anthology
type of
setting has not been done in L aw ­
Four Lawrence Teachers
N am ed in 1952 Edition of
W ho's W ho in America
S ia n * S M l ltl»AV
F our Law rence college (acuity
and staff m em bers are n a m e d in
the |}*52 53 edition of " W h o ’s Who
In \nn iH u which lately came from
the press They are President Nathan
M Pusey, Dean of A dm inistration.
Mai.sh.iII B llu lb e rt, Professor War-|
ren Beck of the English departm ent,
and Professor M M Bober of the
economics departm ent.
A survey of W ho's W ho made]
two years ago revealed th a t m ore
than I.SO persons listed were con­
nected w ith L aw rence college in
som e wuy — either as a I u m n i,|
trustees, honorary a lu m n i or fa c ­
ulty m em b ers.
E A R T H "
4 1 WAYS
I I I Jt
Q U A M T Tt
Men's Shop
Street Floor
(? u i
On Sale Friday Evcnin9
ond Saturday
Gordcnias . . . . 29c eo.
R o s e s ............98c doz.
Carnations . . 98c d oi.
1 6 .7 5
3 1 4 W . Cotteye A v«,
Hi tone colors ore news this foil Perk up your wardrobe
with one of these fully lavon lined jockets in rust cr
Smartly styled with a Reg, collar — knitted
wristlets ond waistbond Sizes 36-46
aspects are clearly bro ught out ia
an y th in g he does.
It has been said th at in the m idst
of a ll the strife,
wars an d
h a rd ­
ships of the present day, the mus>c
of the m odern composers lacked the
happy, free, healthy feeling. This
can’t be said to be typical of N orth.
In bis “The H ith e r an d T hither « l
D anny D ither,” an opera for chil­
dren, be emphasizes the Joy am 4
w arm th « f h u m a n sym pathy when
a confused, lost, little boy even for­
gets his nam e an d Is taken in by
some k in d people w hen all seeaM
This is typical of the m usic of
A lex North. He expresses rhythm ,
m elody, w arm th, feeling and mas­
terful techniques in his m usic. H it
most recent co ntrib u tio n to A m e ri­
can m usic was his score for the
m ovie "Streetcar Nam ed Desire.” In
this he combines a ll the talents be
possesses to present one of the fin ­
est pieces of m odern classical m usic
ever penned. A lex N orth should
become in fu tu re years one of
America's greatest musicians.
Dancers Hold M eeting
The M o d e m D ance clu b w ill
m eet for the first tim e on Tues­
day, O ctober 28 in the ca m p us gy m
at 7:00 p .m . The club is open to
m en an d wom en of the student bo­
dy and faculty. A ll who are inter­
ested in the dance are in vited to
p articipate in reorganizing t h e
club and discussing a p ro g ra m for
the co m ing year. M iss N ancy W il­
der is the gro up’s facu lty sponsor.
T h e Law rentian 3
Friday, Oct. 24, 1952
J. Fandel, N ew 'Old Freshman/
Finds Lawrence Campus 'Leafy'
Junior Press
Conference on
TV Program
Twenty-five L y ric s” . In
a d d itio n '
Atnong the m u ltife ro u s b e am in g
to these books he had two poem s,'
new freshm en faces this year are
“Body of E a r th ” and “ P o e m ” in
those of an older group of fresh-:
|the last su m m e r issue of “ Voices”
m en
the m a n y new teacher* who m ag azin e, an d poem s en t i t 1 e a
have joined the “ L aw rence Fam- “ H a w k ” and “ R e v e la tio n ” appearA new network television show.
ily .“ One of these w onderful new- in * in the H opkins Review and last
J u n io r Press Conference, w ill be
com ers is M r. Jo h n Fandel who is edition of the New Y ork er magaaired Sunday m ornings at 11:30 A.
fillin g in for M r. W arren Beck of z*ne- respectively.
M , Eastern Standard Time.
the E ng lish de partm en t for t h e
show is dedicated to expressing for
ers are constantly trying to get
forthcom ing year.
the first time, the views and opinM r. F an del a rriv e d at Law rence their works and nam es in as m an y
college on S eptem ber 16 just after °* ^ e sm all m ag azin es as possi' Mk '
the United States.
com pleting a m a n u sc rip t on w hich ^l©- It ce rtainly seems that Mr.
It will
of ;i
he had been w orking for five years. ** « ndel is doing quite well by himm 'B p
V’ ■
t cm
He was com pletely delighted w ith se^ anc* *s setting up a notable
^ W .v *
o i i .s
w lu t
the Law rence ca m p u s w hich he reputation. < I his interview er went
m m m •j f r s f ^
‘interview well-known
t e r m s __
as “ ____„
le a fy ..”
The tirst thing that im pressed ^ °rk e r and has one co m m e n t —
h im was the beauty of the new un- suPei'h, stupendous
ion and a rt center w hich are as he
M r > t a n d e l ’s t-reative w riting
term s them , “ m a rv e ls of architec- an<* E ng lish tutorial courses here
tu re .” He also noted that the c o m ­ at Law rence are quite different
b ination of m od ern buildings ancj fro m his past teaehing experienc­
m ore pro vincial buildings such as es. In his stays at Notre Dam e
M am hull gives picturesque and and F o rd h a m universities, he had
all lecture classes and now pro­
w a rm setting for the college.
S peaking of the union, M r. F a n ­ fesses that he finds helping studel is fast becom ing a “ union adfs in d iv id u a lly on their w riting
d ie t” as he spends m an y free mo- l)r° i e‘‘ts *s niueh m ore enjoyable,
m ents between classes “ d ra in in g 0 ,,,‘
the highlights ot his year
the cu p.” It doesn’t take these
Notre D am e was m eeting l»ilprogram w ill be Mrs. R uth Gert
John Fandel, another of the new faces on the faculty, is Hagy, wno has spent twenty-five
freshm en long to get into the swing.
T hom as, notable Welsh poet,
M r. F an del has spent a good por- am l other distinguished writers
handling some ot Warren Beck's courses while Mr. Beck is years in the newspaper and public
M r. F a n d e l gradu ate d Phi Beta o n |e o v e under a Ford Fellowship grant. Mr. Fandel has been relations fields.
ti*n of his life trav e lin g . Being In
T rinity College in I
(hr navy d u rin g the last w orld w ar K appa from
cited by poet Robert Frost as "the finest young poet to come Ju n io r Press Conference w ill be
i___ __ i i • I
i televised from the studios of WKaccounts for his South P acific view- H artford, Connectcut and received
his m a s te r’s degree
m ---B r e a d - attention in the lost twenty
---, . years. ,
pub is ed iL.-pv, Philadelphia. Pennsylvania,
teg, but after the w a r he travelled
in two books of poems and has had h is works appear in several lor the first tim e this Sunday, Ocoatensively across the whole U nit­ loaf. He also spent a year
Iliterary magazines. (Schumann Photo).
Itober 19
ed Stales. He spent quite a while * ra d u a te st«d y at Yale
this last sum m er touring the eastern
states around his hom e state of
New Y ork. T aking a ll into consider­
j ciaq ou^
ation he has to confess th a t “ there
of us '* * ^ ‘£ W V'<
la m place like V erm ont” . He was
a student of M r . B eck’s at U»c
B re adlo af School of F n g lK h in
VUA of** h
M iddle bury, V erm ont.
A ltho ugh he loves to tra v e l in
his spare tim e (and there ce rtainly
c ity C o if * ’
isn 't m u ch of it>, he finds that he
gets m ost of his inspirations for
w riting after s im p ly taking long
walks. A m ong his m a n y achie ve­
m ents are two books entitled ‘The
Seasons D ifference and O t h e r
P o e m s” and “ T hrough M any Soils,
College students
prefer Luckies in
nation-wide survey!
A nation-wide survey based on actual
student interviews in 80 leading col­
leges reveals that more smokers in these
colleges prefer Luckies than any other
cigarette —and by a wide margin. The
No. 1 reason given for smoking Luckies?
L u c k ie s ’ better taste. What’s more, this
s a m e survey shows that Lucky Strike
g a in e d far more smokers in these col­
leges than the nation’s two other prin­
cipal brands combined.
WATA X-Ray Unit
To be on Campus
The W isconsin Anti-Tuberculosis
m obile x-ray u n it w ill be on c a m ­
pus October 27 and 28. M onday
an d Tuesday. The unit will set up
operations next to the M e m o rial
union and be open from 8:30 to
11:30 a.m . and from 1:00 to 4:30
All faculty, staff m em bers and
atudents are u rged to take advan­
tage of this opportunity fot an an­
n u a l tuberculosis check-up. The xrs y p ro g ram has traced m a n y be­
g inn in g cases of the disease since
it began operation and has saved
Ind iv id uals the long hospitalization
that is inevitable
if the early
stages are not detected.
The unit covered the Beloit c a m ­
pus recently and got a 100 per
•e n t turn-out there.
Yes. . . LUCKIES
. .
i t hrilUr'4 l'<*
£h“ * , e r h>d
f io U t D a m #
Sm ith'Corona
Make $25!
Send in your
Lucky Strike
jingles now!
(3 mos. rental applies on
purchose price)
Choice of 3 models ond 3
type styles.
». W Q t
h a n n o n
. t i t . * .
H /A » « c
B e Hapf>y-
© 9 LU CKY!
t ‘Y ' 1
4 The Low rentian
across the cam pus after dark are she is now m entioned In his w ill,
hereby w arned to be on the look­ so th a t’s a ll th a t m atte rs.
Ken C u m m in s is in love.
out for a gang of girls, who attend
Friday, Oct. 24, 1952
Greeks Offer Great Big Hug
To Homecoming Engineers
Jo h n Tatge is now on the B oard
Law rence college and think it is
proper to attack innocent w alkers of the C o ntrib u tor where be is be­
w ith lip-stlck as our own J a c k ing groom ed for Colonel McCor“ Stones” G rist, a form er m usic m ic k 's job.
student in the Appleton
R oger is going to buy a cow for
schools, who still has to hand in D ave Sackett. D id you ever notice
m an y of his fourth grade music that g le am in our treasurer's eye
assignm ents.
when he sees Sack at n ight chow ?
B ill (Sycophanth) Cerny w arns j Poor Zip, who h a sn ’t had an y ­
-------------------------------A big fat "w ell done" to all concerned lo r last w eek’s lin e Home- on the p in n in g of Jo a n A rm b rust all those who ever enter Don thing to cheer about since the
corning — despite the usual n u m b e r of loose ends most everyone s e e m e d D e P a u w and brother Thores’s j"Styles’* L e m k e ’s hom e to be sure W orld Series, in fo rm s m e that Y o ­
happy, and the turn-out of alum s was particularly gratifying. We chew-)
, „
to secure a guide im m e d ia te ly as gi B erra is now p lay in g first string
td our nails to the elbow, rem em bering K ip o n ’s hom ecom ing gift tojP,n n ,n ® °* Green B a y 8 Grace Anan- [one m a y become lost very easily.'
fu llback at Syracuse.
us two years ago, but the boys in blue came thru. A fter St. O la f’s rom p ger. Also we offer congratulations Several people entered the h o u se .
H e a v y ’s classes next year w ill be
up at Carleton last Saturday it looks like the boys w ill be w o rking just to “I go Pogo” Jo h n Purves on his
ten years ago and have n’t been m oney and bank in g, statistics and
hard tom orrow to keep the dads happy.
first date of his college career.
heard from since!
econom ic theory he has just decidWe hear th<* place to go to meet your friends these days is the in- Som e of the left w ing m embers of
It was very good to see so m an y ed.
firm ary
unless, of course, your friends are freshm an girls, in w hich this group seem to th in k that this
J im Brow n has been socially os­
case they’ll be glad to meet you at the Superburger any week nite after!w as purely a political m aneuver, of the old alum s back from the
lights out. H um or has it that the school has ju st placed a large order however we the C hinchillas know hom e co m ing weekend, and w hat a 1tracized by the Sheepshead boys
for leg-irons w ith a prom inent Mid-west hardw are concern. L u x Et Lux thut this was purely secondary and weekend it was! Nice going to Ber- for not using a Speedo m ark .
QueaMon of the week: W hy doesn't the U nion m ake up its m in d we
Jo h
cu„ Kra, u |a . nie Heselton and his boys for really, W hat D elt reversed the usual o r­
w hether to use the* n um b er system, or first come first served?
showing up the R ipo n R ed m e n this der of things an d was seen sport­
The cold weather may be hard on the Q u ad sleeping porch habitues.
Along thr lines of congratulation. year as they are accustom ed to do­ ing a sorority pin one day last
but C upid continues undaunted. For evidence he cited the follow ing:
ing alm ost every year. It was cer-1week?
IK I Peg Howe, who traded a shoe for Bob Z im m e rm a n ’s Delt pin; Joan
“»“ ®t say » f*w words to room ­
mates. "Schnoa”
H endrinihl
and tainly good to see that long m is s ­ A lpha C hi O m e ga
A rm b ru st of D ePauw is wearing Jo h n H a m a r 'i Beta badge;
We really had a happy ho m e­
Shirley F ly nn of K auk au n a received Phi Tau Tom W rig h t’s pm ; Grace * n ort*
Tippet on an excellent ing face of C a rl L a u m a n n on c a m ­
A nanger of Green Bay was pinned to Beta Jo h n Thorse; and one more bouse decoration. We do not mean pus again. Dean P in k y “ S ile n t” co m in g this y e ar! C ongrats to the
bit of ancient history, Cheri P feiffe r’s p in n in g to Phi Delt W eb Hron. to
w ill endorse their Pearson also returned to preach team on a w o nd erful gam e. A hear*
O n e last item of rom antic news is the m arriage of A D P i alu m Carolyn B e nd lx ’s, but we leave that up to “ Quiet H ours” to all L aw re ntians. ty thanks to all the frats for their
Last, but not least, we offer h e ar­ open houses too. The ca m p u s sure
Maier to B<‘ta alum Je ri Sop.men
you. O u r newly trained interogaKig m .1 Phi Kpsilon
—--- tion corps has been finable to fig- tiest congrats to our new actives: had an ad u lt atm osphere. . was
Wt* acquired four illustrious new
went up in flam es
F rid a y ure out who was the m ain cog in G e ra ld M ortell, Stretch H art, and nice to see so m a n y L a w re n tia n
“ Ninety-one,
ninety-three” parents. W as great to see so m a ­
brother* over the n a it week Those n‘* ht al° " * w ith the ho m e co m ing the planning of the pledges float. Dick
raft on the Fox. K im b a ll, suffering but it did leak out that “ U nerw ear” Welch.
ny alu m n s, too. . .
activated were Pete Ziebell. Don from pn eum onia, reports that they Buckley, was one of the leading
Ed note: S u b m itting a colum n in! The U. m u st have been desert­
M eunch, Keith Schim ke. and Dick used too m uch alcohol. M ay they m onkeys to say the least. To you, red ink has no effect on our typo­ ed. There were so m a n y guests at
rest in peace.
pledges, we say “Good going."
Sage the elevator even stopped ru n ­
graphy. Try the D aily W orker.)
In regard to hom ecom ing, the
Suggestion of the week: that the
In a recent m eeting of "Tops in I>elta Tau Delta
ning out of sheer exhaustion, I'm
electrifying developm ent failed to A .F .R .O .T .C . give up m a rch in g for Pops,” the local hit parade club,
on fourth
This seems to be the thing to do sure.
m ate rialize . It m ig h t
noted the winter.
it was announced that Dave Brown, nowadays, so here we go. O ur enough exercise for a week.
however that ce rtain other expectQuestion of the week: W hat vin- currently initiated into the "Inter- pledge officers are Ken Seefeld,
How m a n y m ore can the in fir m a ­
ed things did not occur either.
egar lover was recently activ ated ? national C liqu e ,” was very strong president; Jo h n M urdock, vice pre­ ry hold? Anyone care to guess?
Nn*r that hom ecom ing is over, I*hi Kappa Tau
in his feeling for having the great sident, and Dave Sackett, secreta- A w fully sorry ab out all these fluP ersike is busy getting his howitI.ast weekend was Hom ecom ing, old favorite song, “B razil" pushed ry-treasurer.
.m iss you a ll and hope y o u ’ll
*er ready for the deer season. Bro- and m ulti alum s came home. They to the top of the hit parade in
A gratefu l thank you is in order be back in the swing soon.
ther R ichard Sell, noted M arshfield v ere all at the open house after lieu of the older favorite "O ld
W ell, cam p u s is going to seem
for both the actives and pledges
p io fitee r w ill handle the yearly the game too
The house hasn't Black Joe.” Attention bird watchwho put in so m uch tim e on our dull for a while. . .but w e’ll a ll
ra tc h fur the m aster hunter. He been so crowded since rushing. I ers; it has been announced that
ho m eco m ing
decorations. bo busy w ith classes, etc. W hich
w ill set up headquarters at “ Ole's understand there were four Phi Tau "F lush ’em out" Sneed has in his
C ongratulations to thc pledges for rem inds m e. . I do have som e
T rading Post Bar" near the Sha- presidents and two vice - preei- possession Conservation
w inning first place w ith their float. hom ew ork tonite so I'll bid you all
« .m o reservation and has enlisted dents eating
off one
table at exceeding the legal num ber for an
It showed that hard work really a hasty “ adios” ’till next tim e .
7.ie. Babcock. Jorgenson and Cue- Goode’s Saturday evening
am ateur rating and we feel that it
A lpha Delta Pi
paid off.
n o to help run thc m eat out ahead
W ith th«ir float nut of the w,»y •» our responsibility to report tHis
G ra tin g s and hallucination s — ah
•if the m ounties
and the prize won, the pledges
that he is m ak in g it u n fa ir for
yes — there's good news tonight
Tl»* attem pted assaHsin.ition of elected
M onday
night. the rest of you bird-watchers. We
even though a few of the sisters
D avid was thw arted last S aturday These are the results: president, jarc *ure that you w ill be able to for his an n u a l jau n t down College are still dragon around,
m orning by (ire e n Hornet, operat- Ed Howe; vice president, Dick Nor- have access to his room any week Avenue w ith Big Gort.
i Recent activities include b u ild ­
D apper D an Sprich has just sign-'
lint w ithout Cato, who w.»s busy in man; secretary - treasurer, Dick
from here on. because of his
ing an annex to pan hell to hold
M ilw aukee checking report* of a Bohan and social chairm an Goody v,eekly safaries to the northland
our shining new trophy. Not t o o
co m m un ist revolution,
They're good men. all
At this point we feel that it is tra point m an w ith the ( hicago proud!
Podew eltz is busy buying North- of them.
our responsibility to end here so Bears, n ettin g now roots for the
S urprise of the week is the a n ­
Western H ailroad stock in order to
Congratulations to Tom W right, that the other literary artists inay Packers.
nouncem ent of a h im C arolyn MaiWe
ft.tin icvenge on the beer crazed ''hose pin is now being worn by continue 1,1 their pursuits unham *
er's m a rria g e to Beta a lu m Je r i
conductor who forced h im at gun- Shirley F lynn of K au k au n a.
pered by our weekly abstracts, till A lum Pete Notaras was back for Sopanen. C ongrats and best of
point to ride to West Bend and HeU Theta Pi
MCXt week then, we rem ain yours another hom ecom ing last weekend. luck.
R u m o r has it that Ken H arn ish
back last Sunday night, d ie was
Greetings once .ig.,m from the
C hinchilla*
Seemed like old hom e week w ith
alm ost froze to death in bed one the old gang back together a g a in
only trying to suy good-by to some sacred halls of "The House of
»h e U
one »
Scorn." Here it is the end of an
C ongratulations and an apology cold night last week.
— T iff. Bobbie C.illotte, M .irv J a n e
The curre nt en te rtain m e n t at the M ille r, Joyce B ond, G in le A nder­
The only b rig h t spot in 1.ai sen's other week and we have m any a ' e *n o ld e r to our illustrious, wealhom e co m ing weekend was t h e things to look back on It is our in- lhv W ebster
S p a n " Spa cam e directly fro m the C apitol son ahd Bev K iv e ll — all back to
Vike's victory He was last seen tent, in this colum n to bring to H ron* who P 'nried C heri Pfeiffer Kar in M anty. Isn 't that right, help cheer on the Vlkes.
• n the Jo h n Street bridge with a you these events of. if not nation- m a n v " hkhis j, 8°- w e suggest in C harlie?
G et out your glad rags and your
large weight around his neck, shak- wide inteiest, at least campus-wide
future that all pinnings be m ade
M other R u g c's 85 ypar old pent­ da nc ing slippers ’cause S atu rd a y
ing hands with Ole who helped h im interest.
known to the w riters im m e d ia te ly , house boy friend couldn’t m ake it
C o ntinued on pagr 5
over the side.
We stated in our colum n of bust
Nice * oin* to W arren L aM a ck . for h o m e co m ing last weekend, but
iK d Note: C o ng ratulatio ns S i g week that you the pu b lic w ould Webst«*r H ron, and Guts ’ M opey”
F ps Unless that w eight broke yoin not hear the pungent words of R utherford and their crews for our
typist's neck you m ay have a col- scorn em anating from our c a r l
P , a c c finish in both the house
»imn in every week from now on > loom
It seems that these words decorations and float contests. Be
B io th e r Bohl and his herd of .ire still being heard, and we ofhereby known that the Phis go
A p p le n u t 's S m a r t e s t S h a r e P o r t
P in k F.lephants paid our next door fer as an excuse the lack of in- ,n f ° r m o ,e constructive enterprisOver Scklintz Drug Store
neighbors an unexpected visit last terest shown by brother Bissell a n i
S unday m o rn in g
brother M cIntyre, since they were
Suggestion of the week goes to
601 W . College Ave.
1‘etrovski dropped a cool thou- put in charge of m oving the site T iger "F re sh A ir” Reinicke. Why
•miuI *h« last week s W isconsin ,,f the card room across the house don't you m ove your bed outside
g a m e , t>ut picked up his Io*m*s on \Ve hope this w ill put thc pressure ,n the quad ! M ay we further sugFLAT TOP CREW CUTS
llie M ichigan
Northwestern ci>a- t>n th.'in so that you. our public. R e s t that you be sure to become
3 Mo*ter Borber*
test. H ill is giving W isconsin iwen- H ,n once again w alk in peace across em ployed at the North Pole during
I* .igatnst I •< .L .V
our cam pus
the su m m e r m onths or you m a y
S ti.iss is locking foi « tiophy
w«* w ould like to offer heartiest suffocate from lack of fresh air!
« < ld in g co m pany
congratulations to brother H am ar
W arning
w .ilk in g
L a k a in a c h e r and Spence Heberts — ■
Hair Cuffing & Styling
Phone 4 2131
11 Y Serve
T h e I lest
.4 Complete
I .jiic of Dnt^s
aud Toiletries
feelli+ U f
Prescription Phormocy
DIAL 3 5551
F o r I lie I V/ y
n e r s
F loners
P E R S IK E .......................................
..................................... 3-5824
C o ntin ued from page 4
flight’s the big night. P iek out your
bestest beau and w e’ll see you all
Hulbert Urges Seniors
To Apply for Fulbrights
There will be a short m eeting
today, October 24, for a ll those
interested in soliciting ad v er­
tisement for the 1952-1953 Ariel,
rhis meeting w ill be held at
1:30 in the Ariel offiee; both
men and wom en are needed. If
you have a conflicting app oint­
ment but would like to sell ads,
contact Don M arth, business
m anager of the yearbook.
The Lawrention 5
Frid a y, O ct. 2 4 , 1952
W RA, 'L' Club Sponsor
Year's First G ym Ja m
Tomorrow N ight at 7:00
at the U nion at 9:30.
Delta G a m m a
“ F u lb rig h t scholarship applica-,
Thanks, to everyone who helped tlons are now be g accepted for been granted a college degree, and
The first gy m ja m of the sea­
with the float. Such a po pu lar
H cu
son w ill get underw ay tom orrow
com petition for the 1953-54 acade- he m u st have good health. In a d ­
night at 7:00 o’clock when t h e
And now we w ill have the de- m ic y e a r,” said M arsh a ll B. Hul- dition, the app lican t m u st have a
W om en's Recreation Associat i o n
1ailed play-by-play description th at.b e rt, F u lb rig h t p ro g ram adviser at
and the “ L ” club u n pack the spor­
you’ve all been w a itin g for, e n titl­ L aw rence, this week. Senior stu-,of his proposed study to carry on
ting equipm ent it A lexander gy m
ed, “ The co nstruction of the flo a t” .
dents who are interested are urg- his work satisfactorily. The degree,
for the all school event.
Ham mer,
ham m er,
Students, faculty, and especially
ed to see H ulbert im m e d ia te ly be- however, need not have been grantp ain t.
fathers who ate here for D ad s’
cause applications w ill close Octo-!et* at
tim e of application,
H am m e r, h a m m e r, paint, paint,
day are urged to attend. R efresh­
H am m e r, h a m m e r, paint, paint, ber 31.
| These scholarships, sponsored by
(A C P ) Princeton university ad­ m ents w ill be served and various
p ain t,
Q ualifications, according to HulFederal go vernm ent under an m in istrato rs discovered last week sports such as jw im m in g , volley­
paint, paint, paint.
by the ^ t h
Congress,1that two m em b ers of the 1952 g ra d ­ b all and ba dm in ton w ill be offer­
P a in t, p ain t, paint.
citizen of the U nited States, have are com petitive in nature, and are uating class forged their senior ed.
P ain t, p ain t, paint.
Show off!
-------— japplied for by thousands of stu-1
theses in “one of the most fla­
Lutheran G roup to Meet
Motto for the week. “ E a rly to that th? ADPoos took their prize dents annually,
grant examples of plagiarism " ev­
The L utheran Student associa­
bed, iate to rise, m ak es anyone too. At hom ecom ing, there were a
The selection of cand idates is
tion w ill m eet this Sunday evening
Qf a ium s _
M ary G rubisha m ade on the basis of the anoli-1er attem pted at Princeton.
healthy, w ealthy and wise.
Both m en, m em bers, of the E n ­ at 6:30 in the T rinity
L uthei;»n
m T V ? n iT * ? r ?
an 111
POOI> a n Jansen. B arbie Bassett, a n d 'c a n t’s personal q u a lific a tio n , for!
glish and M odern L anguages de­ church parish house. Bob Esse an d
" B est“wishes to PegKy Rowe an d P<'“
.<wh°!? s,l’e ’ '
' hro" 1' “ 5 » < " • « " ' « record.
Don K inn will lead the discussion
partm ent, were found to have sub­
Bob Z im m e r m a n of Delta Tau DelAnd “ *» * l h
» " d « '« * *h“ l
“ W hat Should a C hristian 's P o lit­
m itted alm ost exact copies of m a s ­ ic a l P la tfo rm B e ’ ”
,a =
i.y who were pinned ta. , « —
* " « ,?
ter’s theses stolen from the Co­
All L utheran students are u rg ­
ed to attend this pertinent discus­
«W . e p ig r a m :j'^ O r a n ts ^ fr e m ade for a per.od o f ’lu m b ia university lib rary last w in­
sion. R efreshm ents w ill be served
xt w eek in d we re looking B c au ties are only skinny. Q, well, app ro x im ate ly nine m onths, or for ter. W hen faced with the evidence,
next week and we re looking
, jm e
a full y e a r’s study. They are given both ad m itted the work w'as not and plans m ad e for the fall con­
ference, N ovem ber 7-10.
I*' Beta P h i ’
2 new Pledges: Jo a n on,y to students who plan to enroll their own, but denied outside help
n w
H om e eom ine has di- M ertens and Donna Amoo. We like in an educational institutio n a b r o a d .1or having paid for the theses.
Now that H o m e co m in g has diT hey’re swell
I Awards, are m ade entirely in the
m inished to n othing but a pile of
'currencies of p articip a tin g coun-l No discip linary m easures have
refuse, all good Pi Phi ' can g.
-Theta eyes are sm ilin g
" and tries abroad They cover transpor- been announced. Tw'o years ago
down to things of real m o m e n tu m .
in e ia eyes are sm iling. .
expenses of a language re- there were num erous reports of
Haisintf grade noints nerhaDS* O f w h^ not! We had not one b u t , 110" 1
01 a language re- New Y ork agents receiving up to
K .using graae points p e in a p s . u i ..
• fh
course w ith our b u m p e r crop of
™be rs m the hom ecom ing)
abroad tuition b o o k s and $700 for the forging of theses for
Princeton seniors.
Betty G uerin, and attendants, Esfor one acad e m i c
m ighty big things.
There’s a ce rtain pledge who, if|J, C 9 1*” * 1" * 11 and Peggy Link. A n d i7 The m ainten ailce allow ance varshe doesn’t stop prac ticin g ju-jits>
p io ut o >ou ° ° ’ |«*s from eountry to country. It is
T h e re 's a th rill in
su on actives, m a y cause serious or
p ace 1,1 the
° a* sufficient to m eet the n o rm al llvcatastrophies. W hat do you say. p a ™ de , ^ e expected ya m ig h t!!
inf, expenses of a single person for
store for you when
Turtle? H ave you been properly
le p
f es have elected then a year No transportation or mainy ° u to know tenanee allow ance is provided for
adm onishing that little sister
of ° ,cers a,u " ( "
your favo rite clothes
Who s who. Bev G rad y is presi- dependents.
The B euhla W itch of Sage Cot- ^
• M t,,y Ann R ichert. v e e p ;
Countries included in the F u l come back r e a l l y
tage m a y not be best loved early ®a ib a ,a
s e c r e t a r y : bright P lan agreem ent are Austrain the a .m ., but she perform s her
an c^
. and Dotlio Sta*Rer. ija A ustria, the B enelux countries,
C -L-E-A -N
chores well. B icker sure does wield scrap boo k ; Ann Billings, treasur- B u rm a , E gypt. F rance, Greece, Ina w icked bro om stick around five er: B a rb E rickson, and Ann Bid- d jai j ran> Italy , New Zealand. Norm ger, m arsh a lls; R osann H einritz way> Xhv Philippines,
T hailan d,
and six!
co - social Turkey and the United K ingdom .
C o ng ratulatio ns to Betty G u erin, and Betsey Ja rre tt,
Law’rence graduate s who have
Kstie C lin g m a n , and Peggy L ink c h a irm e n and Ja n ie W helan was
Im p-----r e s s iv e 01"
recently benefited from the p lan
_____ _
, *.
. . . ing
who m ad e - really
ch a irm a n . The ju n io r pan h e llam c are W illia m Diver, who studied at
It was swell to see B arb ie Me- dele* ate» are C harlotte Peters and the U niversity of R o m e ; Shirley
Bride over the weekend She s still B^ v G r a d v ‘ C o ng ratulatio ns to you E m m o n s B ald w in . Ita ly ; J o y c e
Herried, F rance; and Shirley Hanune of our loveliest lovelies.
Estie is setting a fine exam ple sen, F rance. Miss Hansen recently
To A m y, L ib b y , and Ja k e .
College Avenue
You d id a capital j.,b on the float, * ,lo,o k in *
,a " ncw s,“ ' r e tm n ed to Law rence as an In208 E. College Ave.
Kals Thanks a m illio n
dents — . . .' Theta lips are smil- structor in F rench and E ng lish hisNeor the Campus
ing. .
Ha-Ha-Let ! ! !
K appa D elta
We w on’t say who did it, b u t
somebody m entioned H e rm a n last
week. So le t’s all get it straight!
that H e rm a n died and w-e’re all;
better off that he left us. He was
so obnoxious anyw ay. And w e’re!
not going to get any more cute lit- ]
He pets or toys either — so there!i
And, for the sake of being p re ­
cise and correct,
E llie Trew in;
W ith a Convenient Postal Substation
would like you to know that s h e ’
for Busy Students.
is a co-social-chairman. We m ad e
Bob Reefi, Proprietor
a m istak e last week, and w e’re
sorry. H ave you he ard of the new|
222 E. College Ave.
327 W . College Ave.
book titled. “ She H ad Too M uch
Pride and He M ade F un of H e r“ |
by M occasin? The Book-of-t h eMonth club's latest selection
' She Sewed L ace on the B V D s ’’
by Dresser D raw er.
We sure were proud to take that
prize on our ho m e co m in g f lo a t .'
In Your Favorite Clossic
See w hat we m e a n t about
pledges? A nd we think it's grand
Princeton Catches
Senior Plagiarizers
Homemade Candies
★ Thai C h r istm a s T r ip
Be It Travel to Your Home-town or to a Resort
You can see
that he
eats at
★ T ra n sp o r ta tio n to E u r o p e n e x t
(The demond is extremely heovy)
Dial 3-5448
For Travel Anywhere:
Black and white . . . with block sol31
°>rOwn and white . . with red sole>
Miss Elise Bohstedt
Mr. John Ruyter
2nd Floor Zuelke Bldg.
... .r -
Friday, Oct. 24 , 1952
6 The Law rcn tiao
Gridiron Men Seek
Thirteenth Victory
In Tomorrow's Tilt
Vikes Face Stern
Test Against Oles
In Spite of Losses
in 22 attem pts. A lthough John son
does m ost of the b a ll carry in g,
the Oles depend to a great extent
on their passing attack.
Against G rin ne ll, q u arte rb a c k
A ttem pting to win n u m b e r 13 in C lint S a th ru m com pleted 11 pass­
es in 21 attem pts, hitting a w ide
o row. Law rence will entertain St.
assortm ent of receivers. However,
O la f college of N orthfield. Minne- Jo h n G ustafson, a ju n io r end
B, ,1g tom orrow afternoon in
a p a rticu lar, has been giving the op­
all season.
D a d s ’ day tUt at W hiting field. position a headache
Against G rin ne ll, G ustafson caught
K ic k o ff tim e is 1 30
one TL> pass, and set up the other
Despite thc fact that the Oles
with u circus catch that gained 48
h a v e lost two gam es this season, yards.
G ustafson in turn w ill probably
L aw re nc e faces its sternest test of
the season.
If there is a «PoUer not only give the l.aw rence secon­
te u m in the league, 5>l - ° li,f t‘lls dary a lot of trouble, but also w ill
the bill. After losing their season have a lot to say about the suc­
op en er to K nox 14 13, St. O la f went cess of the Vike ae rial attack ,
on to trounce unbeaten Sim pson playing an outstanding gam e
41 <i The next week the inconsis­ safety on defense.
Against C arleton. the Oles oper­
tent Oles were dum pe d 34 0 hy St.
J o h n 's college of Collegeville, M in ­ ated off a spread form ation, w hich
The above two shots show what happened in the last two
enabled S a th ru m to cut loose. D e­
plays of the three play set-up which garnered the winning
Two weeks ago. St O la f scored spite the fact that St. O la f gener-'
Us first M idw est conference v ic ­ ally tries to outscore the
third period touchdown for the Vikes in their 52nd meeting
tory. rally in g from a 14-0 deficit to team in a wide-open offensive b a t­
with Ripon since 1893. Lawrence had taken a short Ripon
t r im hapless G rin n e ll 20 14*. and tle, the Oles have three exception-'
punt on the Ripon 15 to start the series. The first three plays
last weekend the Oles upset a fa ­ ally outstanding defensive stand-J
netted nine yards and Stumpf gained four yards for a first
vored C arleton te a m 41-12 to c lim b outs. A lthough no team has failed
down on the Ripon 2-yd. line. The top photo shows the followin to a cha lle ng er’s position in the to score less than two touchdowns'
up with Bruce Bigford punching to the two yard line. In the
league race w ith a 2 1 record SL ag ain st St. O laf. hack C a rl Brek-[
O la f has gam es re m ain in g w i t h ken. guard Ted T hompson, a n d
bottom picture Bigford has gone over the goal line and is lying
tw o of the three top team s, the tackle Art Johnson are definitely
m the end zone. The arrows point to the ball. Ripon players
Vikes this week and M onm outh rough custom ers on defense.
Icon be identified by the white patterns on their shoulders,
In hopes of stopping the Oles,
n e st weekend. Victories in these
tw o gam es could boost the Noith- the Vikes have worked hard a 1 1
Frosh Squad Follows
week on their pass defense, a w eak
fie ld squad into the top spot
H ead St. O la f grid coach A d e point in the R ipon gam e. B lo c k in g 1
Up W ith 15-45 Score
4 h risttan »e n brings * tea m of !3 has also been stressed, especially
le ltr r m e n to A pplet«a, Indicating pass protection. Law rence t h rewj Last S atu rday m orning the L a w ­
th a t the Olea have f i d
reserve only nine tim e s against R ipon, and rence h a rrie rs outdistanced the R i­
atre ng th . F a llb a c k ftaan e
Hovea on m ost attem pts. C a rl S tum pf. Kd
pon squad to m ake the big H o m e ­
a n d halfba ck H a m o m R an ke l cap^ Grosse and C a p tain Bruce B i gco m ing weekend a com plete ath ­
turn the Inv aders’ U r * f s q u a d ford were hurried.
I.aw rrnce appears t o be in the letic success. L aw rence's 15 points,
w hich num b er* M m ea.
O u tstan ding ground gainei f o r best physical condition it has been the absolute m in im u m w hich can
Triumph Marred by
battle, but had to com e fro m bett»>* Oles is P a u l Johnson, hard h it­ in fur a long tim e . Higford aud
RipM any Mistakes M ade hin d to notch the victory. A tw o
tin g S‘ 10 ”, 1*5 pound fullback. linebacker Stan Preston have fu l­
or throe touchdow n favorite, the
A g ainst G rin n e ll Johnson had
a ly recovered from the flu. and end on’s 46 points.
Despite an o v e r w h e l m s super- y|keJ brokc a
h a lftim e d c a d .
A strong wind slowed the tim e s
Ci eat day, pic k in g up I'W yards J im Overby is again ou two sound
legs. Only doubtful starter is line down, but Bob Z im m e r m a n b u c k ­ iority in the statistical calculations, ^
, louchdow n
the lh|rd
backer Kotn H am m e r, who suffer­
. . ___ , ..
. . ,
ed it successfully and finished the Lawrence college V ikings were period
and then held on stubborned a serious ankle
in jury
m ig h ty happy to w alk off W hiting j v
weekend which forced h im out of first. His 3 m ile tim e of 16:25 is
the second half.
highly com m endable. W in 3ones, field Saturday w ith a 12-6 home-; The R edm en, play in g inspired
If St. O la f puts out another top- who is running better each week, co m ing victory over their arch ri- b a ll all the w ay, scored m id w a y
perform ance
a* it d i d cam e in second. Dick S harrat ran vals, the R ipon R edm en. It was through the first period. After R oa
u. win w
against Carleton, Lawrence w i l l his best race as a L aw re ntian fin ­ the fifth straight
of ,L
the ____
year .B. ale j pounced on F.d G rosse’s fumble on the L aw rence 22, R ip o a
have to play its best ball gam e ishing a pow erful third.
runn in g
of the season to rem ain on top of
The fourth and fifth place w in ­ for l.aw rence, thc fourth in Mid- P a r te d to m ove. Three
Coach George W alters w ill send the Midwest conference standings. ners. J im Seger and W ayne Bosh* west conference play, and the 12th plays and an offside penalty gave
lit' Law rence college freshm an toot- A loss would alm ost ru in any title ka respectively, were of great as­ straig ht over the past two sea- them a fourth down on the V iking
18. Then Don Forrest flipped a pass
as Law rence and M o n ­ sistance in garnering L aw rence’s
l»«ll tea m throug h an mter-squad hopes.
to B alej in the northeast corner
m outh do not meet this season.
perfect score. P hil Weber copped
The Vikes were anything but sat of the rn d lo n r am| th r R e d m e n
s c rim m a g e this afternoon at W h it­
Viking Thinclads
Outclass Ripon
In 15-46 Win
Vikes 'Mighty Happy' in
12-6 Win Over Redmen
Frosh Squad
Prepares for
Ripon Contest
isfied with the triu m ph. The feel- had their first scalp,
ings of the team were pretty well
On the ensuing play some 4.000
expressed in the words of their V iking hom ecom ers rose to their
. feet for the m ost b rillia n t run of
coach, Bernie Heart en when he |h(, attl. rnoo„ C tr lto n shield5 „ . ab.
O rig in a lly , the Lawrence trsoh
said. -We m a d e a lot of m istakes. b<-d , h(, R ipon kickof( rac cd n g h l
w ere to m eet the R ipo n tea m to­
the m id d tc and broke in to the
hut we won.
rt. t\ but arran ge m en ts fot this fell
L aw rence had num erous oppor- c|ear
mid(1(.ld F o r a mom<.nt ,
It's hom ecom ing tim e in the Mid- yet to win a game, w ill battle it
throug h. The date i^ not definitely " ' « t conference Saturday. Three of ou( at Cornell. The hosts w ill be tu nn ie s to score in the h a id fought look, d URe (he n j(ty Vlkjn(( rig h ,
aet. hut it w ill probably be som e­ thc four league games have been t __.
. .
. ,
, ,
trying to stop a 12 game losing sixth, and then the R o d m an f i n > , l f * * * “ '“/ ■ '• but B a l« j c a m e up
set aside for the special yearly fes­
tim e next week.
;?r.o m ^ i n d to m a k e a d iv in g tactivities
A fourth, the St. O la f *treak extending over the past two ally began to p la te
In this afternoon's d rill the frosh
The St. (Hat harriers w ill fur- W '< > » "» * " ’P f ” ** 5?«> " * * •
game here at Lawrence, w ill be a seasons.
w ill divide into B lue and W hite Pad's D ay” affair.
I St. O la f comes to l.aw renre for nlsh a toucher team far this Sat-1 J vcn ! i „
*core \
h ‘s
» “ > >l sel
After the M onm outh homecom- the first meeting w ith thr de frnd ing u rday'a home meet. Law r e ■ c e. f “ *
team s. It w ill probably not be a
-vnf ted to hold its ^
ueing touchdown. After a
re g u la tio n ga m e in length, but It
rne less undefeated team in the m n over C arleton and the rather
w ill he playe d u n d e r gam e co nd i­
'!'U" ' ?
w h “i
! " r:
M idweM conference Thc Scots have disappo in ting 12-6 Lawrence victory earners. The V ik e . w ill be t r y ln f
. '.lfl *
L. rllc,‘
rolled over four opponents and are o v r r R ipo n. thr game is rated a for their third straig ht du al m e e t ''
victory of thr curre nt c a m p a ig n .
The gam e w ill fo lio * the Apple­ tied w ith Law rence for the top spot t o vs u p
an<* Inen passed to C harles CiamoThe V ike harriers, hungry for a ,a fof ten m oro
Coe is just a step behind w ith three, K nox steps ouU ide of conference
ton hig h school contest
inside thp ten but on
straight wins.
com petition S aturday for a game
once crown, are train in g hard un- thp fourth S lu n
GalesSchedule First W om en's in league play, but also u n b e a te n !^ ,r- j||
der coach D e n n y s cham pio nship for thr fin a , ei>?ht
m ethods. The squad is remember-! E d Grow ie. , punl out of bounds
S w im m ing Meet, Nov. 13 for the season. If it should get' M inn i > r k i m i k i m i
by Coo S aturday M onm outh w ould
w 1. T f t>»’ mg the in itial season loss to pow on th r R|po„ o n r.vard , in f s ri
O n N ovem ber 13. the fu -»i w o m ­ have only St O la f and G rin n e ll be- •
• l«l
SI e r fu l C arleton and hopes to avenge thr d r c M v r L a wreBce scorc ln ih r
• S?
e n 's s w im m in g m eet will he held tween it and at least •• share of con-1
third period. A short R ipon punt
s t
•1 IS 11
‘ Carls
recently put
up was returned to the R e d m e n ’a 21.
at A lexander g y m pool for girls
hr v lk „ m o v rd >n th r w ay dowB
Coe on the other hand, w ith only <
w ho have com pleted at least two
s ?s lit the I'n iv e rslty of M innesota. H al to thr o n r. fool ,ln<. h rfo rr helnK
\ix confrrenee tilts, m ust beat Mon•
h o u r* of s w im m in g practice before m outh. R ipon and U w r r n r e in I h < , r i n n r i i
Jt ir? H igdon, the ( arleton ace and an Mopped this tim e,
» !• II* arch riv a l of W in Jones and Bob
But it was only „ m a tte r of tim p
last three gamett
The Kohaw*ka i'»r»*n
the event.
/ im m e r m a a . finished second be- Ripon's next pun t was returned all
S w im m e rs can get credit for have ta.<ded defeat once thU <*ea-ji,\sr s \ti ri»\Ts r i m i t s
I. t W I O N O I* . K i poii
hind a G opher m an .
the way to the 15. It took the Vikes
th e ir p rac tice by signing in w ith son. a ?7-2ti conte<«t w ith poM erfal
M .»n n i» u I li .•«. K a n t «.
Iow a te a r h m .
The Vike frosh squad also slam- j ust four plays to push it over
At. O la f 11. ('a r le ln n I t .
M iss P a t l e y don. Miss N ancy WilC m t l . 4 • r n r ll •
Ripon and Carleton w ill both be
m ed the R ipo n frosh. J im Hagen u ith Bigford counting from the one
d e r or one of the life guards alter trying lo rebound in the Redmen*! O tta w a I n U r r o l t tS. O r in n r ll U i N m * and J im Sm ith tied for first w ith
B ut R ipon wasn t through yet
r im lr r r n r n .
the fine tim e of 16:M. Ted Suther- Once m o re w ith the w ind at their
c o m p le tin g a stin t in the pool hom ecom ing battle. Carleton w ill
have the addl'd incentive of trying T OSt.
land. M ike S im onds. D ave S ack-backs, the R ed m e n m oved inside
O la f at I U U t l M f .
G y m J a m • v im m l n g w ill be cre­
to avenge a 13-0 defeat at the hands
ett. and Ja c k G rist followed the the L aw rence 20-yard line tw ice in
I a r lr tn n at R ip a n . ( H * m r r a m in | >
dited. a n d other p rac tice hours \wl> of R ipo n last year.
G r l n n f l l at t a r n r ll. <H t m r r « m in | *
|two in d iv id u a l w inners in before a the last quarter. Intercepted past o r at M i i n i n * i lk . i I t a m r r a m ln f >
be a v a ila b le on M o nd ay. W ednes­
G rin n e ll and Cornell, the only
Law rence had ses by C ianciola and R oger Stiles
O m a h a I n t f t r i l t y at K n i t , (N *n-cen R e d m a n finished.
tw o teanvs in the league w ho h a v e ,iercnrV),
H i ixunts: R ioon had 4a.
s to p p e d the&e t b ic a u .
day and F rid a y at 1.30 p «oing
in p re p aratio n
forthco m in g g a m e with the Kipon
Coe; Monmouth Play Tomorrow;
Lawrence to Face St. Olaf Here
The Press Box
Football Race
Tightens Up
21-4, while the Betas edged the P h i
Delts, 14-7, and the Institute de­
feated the Sig K ps 24-4. J im Brow n
The Lawrentian 7
Frid o y, O ct. 2 4 , 1952
passed twice to Coon K unschke for Delt counter in the Beta-Phi D elt
touchdowns an d Bob R ie tz in ter­ gam e.
T bf Institute started on their
cepted a pass for a score in the
would be h a rd to say that L a w ­
D elU P hi Tau g a m e . The D e l t s road t-o recovery in the Sig K p
The obvious of last S a tu rd a y ’s rence squeaked by R ipo n. In fact,
trappe d the P h i Taus once in their gam e. P a rk e r passed once to Jeho m e co m in g ga m e is that L a w ­
it's h ard to say an y thin g except
ow n end lo n e for a safety and terc and a g ain to Sultze for scores.
rence narrow ly squeaked by R ip ­
jt fa r k passed to R a n d a ll for the P ark e r also intercepted a pass for
on. B u t the obvious is w rong in L aw rence deserved to win.
a touchdow n and the Sig E ps were
A factor th a t m ad e the h o m e co m ­
P h i T au touchdown.
this case. L aw rence hopelessly out­
ing a little lew h ip p y than
| D on L e h m a n passed twice to caught once in their own end zone
classed R ipon.
Neil N e um ann , gian t end, for Beta trying to pass for an Institute safe­
In the first downs de partm en t, should have been w as the lack of
The m te rfrate rm ty touch football , ouchdowns and Lu
threw a ty.
L aw rence m assed 12 first downs to sp irit in the stands. M aybe m ost of
race has tightened up considerably! ass to Ron M
for the p h i
7 by R ipo n. L aw rence gained 255
and w ill probably be undecided
yards on the ground and in the dance th a t was co m in g th at n ight.
right dow n to the wire. The Delts
a ir to 155 by R ipo n. It is also in ­ W hatever it was, it proved t« be
lost their first gam e of the season
teresting to re m e m b e r that R ipo n a depressant to the g am e.
H om e com ing should be the hig h T uesday to the m u ch im pro v ed In ­
never got beyond its own 33 yard
of the football season. There stitute te a m , 7-2. In a rough g a m e
line ’til the th ird quarte r. It was
from start to finish in w hich two
the recovery of a L aw rence fu m ble should be an unequaled spirit on
Delt players were in ju red, the In ­
K e r o r ih
in the first period th a t lead to cam pus the whole week preceding
stitute scored on a long pass fro m
R ip o n ’s touchdown.
P ark e r to Jezerc. The Delts scor­
O n the basis of these facts, it pus should tra n sm it this spirit to
the students, the faculty and the ed a safety by catching P a rk e r in
his ow n end zone.
football team .
I t isn ’t so m uch the yelling th a t’s I Also on Tuesday the Betas m o v ­
Z e n it h R n r f io s
done at a gam e. The players h a r d ­ ed into a first place tie w ith the
ly ever he ar that. I t ’s know ing or Delts by beating the P h i Taus, 21feeling that the whole school w ill 2. D on L e h m a n passed twice to
be behind them when they enter Neil N e um ann for touchdowns and
a gam e that inspires a team .
E a to n 's
We doubt that the players felt iThe P h i T aus scored a safety by
V - M M ild W e h r o r
any backing a t all except the ba ck ­
C o rrasab l© Bond
R e r o r d P la y e r *
ing they got from their ow n team ­ end zone. This gam e was also a
Aa a i4 ia a iy p*Mil ru b b a i im o im
Denny Hopes to Form m ates. We don’t know w hat the rough one as no love was lost be­
typaw M ttaa w eida, M lUaCH, aafans were behind, but it m u st have tween the two team s. Two players
lira p « u « i i p k i w ith o u t i tr a c a l
M ixed Bonspiels
were ejected from the gam e for un­
*--------- ~ — •"«- "K1*'
I K I t t u l M , w iita ia
spo rtsm an lik e conduct.
P lan s are now underw ay for an ,l resPc c t» h o m e co m ing was lack
who »a« i l call it Ik * M U acla FaI In the th ird ga m e last Tuesday
early opening of the 1952 cu rlin g '" * •
pat. Try It y oura«li » * 4 aa* why I
the P h i Delts beat the Sig E ps,
season at L aw rence college, ac-'
* ... .
cording to A thletic D irector A C
^ornorrow the Vikes w ill play the
D enny
toughest opponent they w ill face at touchdow n and ran once h im se lf
for a counter. The th ird 'to u ch d o w n
T his' year, for the first tim e in 11°™ , ™ e ' “ OIes” thouRh new to
history, the sport w ill not be ham- !? *
have proved th a t ca m e when H all intercepted a pass
and w ent all the w ay to score. The
pered by tne lack of ra in Curly Can ake their share of M id '
ers w ill be using the new a rtific ia l
^ onfeurence com petition. T o Sig E ps scored on a pass from
Persike to H artney.
224 E. College Ave.
D ial 3-5095
rin k a t Jones park , D enny said. ? at4C* ‘ h.e y , have a 2' 1 record. They
The a rtific ia l ice eq u ipm en t was ost tho,r *,rst gam e of the season
put in at the p ark by the AppleK no x - but cam e back to defeat day the Delts beat the P h i Taus,
Institute Team Trounces
Unbeaten Delts 7-2;
Two Delts Injured
Viking Curlers
To Use New Rink
ton C u rlin g club. They have s e t1
aside F rid a y afternoons for use by
Law rence college curlers.
P resent plans call for two groups
each F rid a y . W ith the three rinks
available , it would m e a n that 48
players could be using the rinks
each week.
How ever, this is not to be a lim ­
itation of the n u m b e r of players
because the class w ill be split into
two sections, the first of w hich
would start about N ov em be r 15
and finish around the end of the
present semester. This w ould m e a n
that 96 players could be using the
rink du rin g the course of the sea­
20-14, and C arle ton 41-12.
The ploce to shop for your
Featuring Nationally Known Labels
107 W . College Ave.
Men's & Women's
— make nice gifts —
303 W . College Ave.
“ A m erica's Fa v o rite”
Call 3-4444
**ftim e n ™
The Low rention
Friday, O ct. 24, 1952
the catbird
from the editorial board
charity at a bargain
, 11f ia a i
• *
j [people thought m y last c o lu m n was
S to p ! I t s n o t e v e n H a llo w e e n ! W a it to b u y y o u r C h r is tm a s cards too long. It was too long the w ay
u n t il w e ca n see w h a t L U C has to o ffe r. T he L a w re n c e U n ite d j life is too short. The iro ny is that
C h a r itie s is c u r r e n tly h o ld in g a co nte st in c a rd d e sig n a n d in th e the People for w hom it was writn e x t few w eeks w ill p r in t som e in e x p e n s iv e co lle g ia te m a s t e r - nn ^ ave P^ob®bly never read any'
[thing com pletely through, voluntariP ,(,( **s
|ly. >n their lives. There is a reason
T he ca rd s w ill h a v e a n a d d itio n a l a p p e a l in th a t th e ir proceeds for Q uick an d the R e a d e r’s Digest,
v i I I go to n eed y lo r e ig n s tu d e n ts as p a r t o f th e L U C f u n d d riv e , a j D o n ’t get m e wrong. I'm not upW o rth w h ile m o tiv e for th e C h r is tm a s season. A n d the s e n tim e n t set abou^ **• * knew when I started
this co lu m n that the m a jo r ity of|
attac hed to each w ill o u ts h in e the m ost e x p e n siv e tin se le d c o m ­ people w ould follow it hoping I ’d
m e r c ia l p ro d u c tio n , since th e m a jo r it y o f the c a m p u s w ill be i n ­ start a fight w ith the A d m in is tr a ­
v o lv e d in the p ro je c t in som e w a y . A g r o u p o f professors fr o m th e tion, or m ak e a series of sm art
a r t d e p a r tm e n t w ill ju d g e th e cover- design contest, M iss E lle n cracks about the R O T C and fr a ­
ternities, and I ’ve pro bab ly disap-i
S to n e w ill le n d h e r c ra fts e x p e rie n c e to th e a c tu a l p r in t in g o f th e pointed them . The reason for this,
cards, a n d m a n y stu d e n ts w ill h e lp in th e p r o d u c tio n an d sale.
is the sam e one that would stop
T he p ro je c t o u g h t to be a success. I t ’s a sugar-coated c h a r ity a p - r n e from ever becom ing a prize
p e a 1 th a t w ill g iv e n s o m e th in g m o re th a n s a tisfa c tio n to th e g iv e r. Ifig hter or a bu llfig hter: I dislike
j a m u sin g people w ith m y blood.
A n d I ’m no crusader. I have m y
from the editorial board
own life to lead and I d o n ’t have
tim e to bo ther w ith a fla m in g cross.
I d o n ’t give a tin k e r’s d a m n w hat
people think of me, m y opinions,
or m y dog. The faceless m a jo rity
T o d a y 45 re g istrars fro m schools a ll ov e r the state w ill be o n are a bunch of sheep, capable onth e L a w re n c e c a m p u s for th e ir 1952 state c o n v e n tio n . M iss D o ro th y ly of m ob reaction an d not any
a little laurel
'O k a y w ise g u y , w h e n
I o rd e re d a T -bone . •
the tackle box
D i a h e im , L a w r e n c e r e g is tra r, w ill serve as hostess. L a w r e n c e !,inj lvJT
T!iev w ant to be
. ...
led. Not only that, they m u st be if
w e lc o m e s these r e g is tra tio n b a ttle - scarred v ete rans w h o serve so they are to su rv ivje
f a it h f u lly a n d a rt-o fte n so lit t le a p p re c ia te d .
It only takes some guy with a
Vot a system ! Life in the Law-|^*ou®b^ ~" a n d 1 ve seen some little
To th e m f a ll th t d u tie s o f s c h e d u lin g courses a n d exam s, h a n d lin g little strength to com e along and rence c o m m u n ity is getting to be dri,,lnK ln m y thn e.
m 14* i <1 Ih n n t n
to fa .ll.. I
.. .
Before leaving the gam e, there is
s tu d e n ts w h o ju s t c a n ’t m a k e u p th e ir m in d s to lik e F r e n c h a n d lf™ ,*w tl£ |™ t u a i R h t ^ t o H e U ^ T h e about as ordered as debris. Q u ick
e.ui w e plea se tra n sfe r, c o n te n d in g w ith ju s t e v e ry b o d y w h o d lik e follow ers of Huey Long, H itler, and hke it’s over w ith the a n n u a l Frosh- ju st one m ore blast that agitates
be heard.
ethinks that perhaps
th e M W F classes because r e a lly o u r m o
e rs
a n t us
lind ly were
Soph as
als to greek
u th
u ic
ia w
u to
iu co m e h o m e F a th e r C oughlin r were
u in r r as
i m binium
so p hgreek
S a t u r d a y m o r n in g s , a n d m a n a g in g th e c o m p lic a te d p r o b le m s o f faith fu l to Injustice as the follow- and h o m e co m ing come-? it F ilin one co ntrib utin g factor to the lack
Cil b ill s tu d e n ts a n d those h o u n d e d by S e le c tiv e S ervice._____________ rrs of (
Clh* nd,, a " d B uddha Classics, m ore form als, p o litica l of hootin’ and hollerin’
th a t Law*
...... _________________________ ________ were to Justice. It ju st depends on
____ .
A m illio n o th e r a r r a n g e m e n ts w h ic h w e ta k e fo r g ra n te d m u s t
^ i- V of persoiT t h e ' r u y ” w ith suitors *or the v a rsity vote, m ira c le rence students m an ife st at gam es
pass th r o u g h th e ir h an ds. B e cause som e o f th e m easure s m u s t in 'strength happens to be.
Im ovies, displays in the A rt Center, m a y be the fact that they are often
volv«> d is a p p o in tm e n t for on e p a r ty or th e oth e r, or are greeted
There have been one or two guys
m v
t im o
n /h n
tHr» C r im in 3 1 SIlClTla . , g 6 l l l n
f;.!! seated sixty leagues upw ind, fro m
SO 3 ££111
w it h h u m a n it y ’s in e v ita b le s tu b b o rn e ss w h e n ru le s are la id <* ° W n' |mistake o l'a s s u m in g T h a t Z
«"<* « " » “ > w ash out a few jw hencc one co u ldn't hear a tr a in
not a ll o f th e r e g is tr a r s tasks a rc p le a s a n t.
^dent body was a thinking body and th in 8s- • -nor Set no learning done, .whistle.
H ere’s th re e cheers for th e ir u n se lfis h e ffic ie n c y a n d c o n tin u e d knew w hat it wanted.
They were neither. . .you know?
) M in d you, I 'm all in fav o r of
One factor that seems to have having a reserved seat section for
selfless, and it m ade them weak.
po<»d h u m o r.
They were n ailed to their ow n cross­ been all but lost in the flash and the p ay in g custom ers; but does it
es, still w ondering what the hell had flourish is the co m m encem ent of a have to stretch fro m K a u k a u n a to
from the editorial board
series of faculNeenah? How about hav ing the stu­
dent section be the top four rows
The thing they never realizes is
recitals by
all along the stands? I f we spread
n r O \ A / in / 1
i m
tbat collage *s an artific ia l society .! instructors
our cheering section (and leaders),
I l l y
The problem s in college are n o t the
Conservawe m a y hear a little noise fro m
. . .
. . ,
* j
strong enough to do an ythin g about tory.
I t ’s too
In the w eek b e fo re th e l.a w ie n c e - R ip o n fo o tb a ll gam e, s tu d e n t them
late to do anythem ; after all, spirit is contageen th u M a: m at bo th schools reaches a pe ak . N o t m a n y ye ars ago, in
They take great pride in not be- thing about the
fact, d e s tru c tiv e ra id s w ere accepted as a m a tte r o f course. A fte r longing to fraternities, in being studied letharThe dance proved rather an in ­
teresting foray. A ll was under w ay
o n e p a r t id u la r ly d e s tru c tiv e ye ar, b o th schools c a lle d a h a lt a n d m alcontents and intellectuals^w hat- gy of the up
ever the hell that m eans) instead pcrclassm en, but we m a y yet oe w hen we arrived . . . (Due to one of
a g ree d to d o e v e r y th in g in th e ir p o w e r to stop them .
of athletes. B ut of course they are able to offer salvation to some those m aca b re quirks of
I Ins year w« w ere d is a p p o in te d to see th a t a few R ip o n stu d e n ts m>| w orth considering as leaders freshm en and the few others th a t yours truly had a date w ith a really
wi t h a d a r in g sense o f o r ig in a lity h a d p a in te d la rg e R ’s on o u r — they’re not strong, they’re Just have not yet donned the m an tle of true fem ale g irl — liv e !)
Mdew .dk ., a m* s that o u r a lr e a d y bu sy m a in te n a n c e cre w h a d to ‘" ‘happy and d o n ’t know w hat to m orb id m onotony that is all the
We boldly penetrated the meloddo about it
rage around here.
ic gloom , and all went w ell for a
Clean up.
No, the flow of life in the aver
Now, therefore, be it known that tim e; but som ebody m ust have taS a tu r d a y , the d a y o f the h o m e c o m in g g am e, th e re w ere no re - ;uKe s m all lib eral arts college is
all en tertainm e nt and pleasant ed- ken a w rong turn som ewhere along
port- nf c o u n te r ra id s b y L a w r e n c e stu de nts. It is e n c o u ra g in g th a t too placid, too obviously okay, for u c a tion proffered w ithout the class- the line because, after seeing m u ch
w e d id n ot stoop to m e re v a n d a lis m , b u t r a th e r saved o u r enthusi- a l,y body of students to seriously room ancj chapel is not inferior, a m b u la tin g osculation around m e
contem plate changing it w itho u t a There seems to be a prevalent idea in the obscurity, I tried Just a Utasm to h e lp the te a m to a w e ll e a rn e d w in .
leader doing it for them (or, ra th ­ am o ng students and (alw ays eager tie one and m y p artn er did deliver
er, h im se lf). They gorge them se lv­
to set an exam ple) faculty here- m e such a titan ic clout that I roares on the pap of fratern ity life,
, ,
.. . ,
.-.bouts that unless someone de- ed for lights, and discovered that
school dances, a little tim id , very
d j to
, oberl
proud d rin k in g , a m o ra l oode comh
pounded of eq ual parts of the Boy
It was also interesting to note
I ----------------------------- — Scout s oath, la tn n c w a ll s cn b b lin g s
. . ..
. .
that one Miss F re id lan d e r p aire d
For those of us who fin d it hard h* v* foum l ‘d ™l«>rlcal Justifirations and the novels of C harles Dick- ; « • « « « > « « * no.r )ust th = ,lcke>
--a „ u sspend
p c u the
m e nrest
s i of
w the
u . e tim
i i m e'
thereafter, but
hr still
declares ens. and
T hl* Ls
1 **ay
casj*. off w ith an equally gay partn er and
v I m i now
.. to u ( Rt. h im se lf to l»e a M arx laa-L eninian trying to forget anything they m a y Mon* 1 re«ol,ec* wben D lrk F m K !*1’ cut — slashed — a m e a n rug, to
cu f.u in support of the Soviet Un- r o m m v n M . He still believes that have learned in class.
a fe,,ow in m ate, threw a piano re- the delight of all. E veryone took,
Ion du ring the last w orld w a r as 'he has the T ruth and the only true
This last is obviously a general*or
*b a* ra n ked w ith any|Or should have taken, it in smashto m ak e this d ictato rsh ip not only M ethod In hi* c o m m a n d .
ization. There are plenty of excep- •in d out-ranked m any of the Art- j ing good hum or, of course, even
•troiii* enough to help to defeat
E v en though Tito tries to bridge tions. The thing is, these excep- '•* Series capers I ’ve seen. M a n y though it definitely was not in
the Nazis but the strongest power ,bc KaP between western democra- t i o n s , the ones w ith the strength of you m erry folk are ba lking your- keeping w ith the finest fusty tradi*
in F urope and Asia, we would c >«*s and his own regim e by various and selfishness necessary to m ak e selves out of some excellent per- tions of Law rence,
re c o m m e n d w atc h in g the present concessions to foreign tourists, w ith leaders, don't m u ch care, w h y f ° n n a n r e s by insisting on buy ing
I know little about the young
Y u g o s la v ia n issue. We he ar a great » tem porary m itig atio n in the men- should they?
only brand nam es. M ister D u n can blade that accom panied her, but
d e al about the d e m o cra tizatio n in tal reg im entatio n, and some modi-; W hy the hell should they care? did a fine job last week, and by j precursory research has revealed
progress in T ito’s country, the wcl- fication* in his in itial communiza- T hey’ll be through here in four the tim e this appears. M ister By- that, as fa r as her students are
co m e given to visitors fro m the turn p ro g ra m , he ought not to be years. They re a liie college is tran- ler w ill have followed suite. C ol- !concerned. Miss F re id lan d e r is an
W e s t , the lav ish parties given to able to convince us of his sincerity, sitory. You can see them lau g h in g lege Is
expensive; do n't short- ex trao rdinarily popular instructor,
foreign d ip lo m a ts w here M a d a m e We should bear In m in d that the (or crying, depending upon tem pe r- c han ge yourself.
'and w ill probably go and get herT ito cut a p a rtic u la rity good fig-difference between Tito and his am e nt) to them selves every tim e
B ut all this is not to scorn home- self ho no rarily elected to M o rta r
f * ' Cf*™ra d l in ^ c K re m lin is only the lives of one of the sheep is com ing and all its retinue. The Board. One enthusiast w ent so fa r
We hear that churches are open-.t
diffe ie nce of the life or death crowned w ith the high honors col- gam e was good enough to p le a s e ’as to com pare her to M rs R an e y
cd a g a in a n d people can w orship of Tito, a few rolling heads, and ie*e has to offer. They know that even me. I especially liked the long w hich is ju st about as high a recw ithout hostile intervention. We are som e torn pages from the Marx- the rest of that person's life m ill run .back of a kick-off that one Vik- o m m e n d atio n as one can g e t
told that the Yugoslavs are allow-j L e n in K oran. All this m ig ht hap- be an a n tic lim a x .
jin g m ade. M y com panions tried t o ............................. .................................. ——
ed to discuss the relative m e rits of pen m u c h easier than we w ould
Out of these people com e your convince m e that it was some line- _ _
c a p ita lis m and c o m m u n is m a n d th in k
leaders, the ones who, after you m a n or som ething, but I know M iss 7 / 2 0 L Q W T G T l t l C U l
re a d books tran sla te d fro m the au
are out of college, w ill tell you W elsh w hen I see her! F abu lo u s!
in Y u g o sla v ia — the
C om m unist w hat to w ear, how to sm ell, and tt>nman that — eouallv at h o m e ! p*b,uh«*
thors of the free countries.
week during the c«iSom e of the New D ealers a m o n g p a rty . E d u ca tio n , press, and rad io do your thinking for you. Som eday
. , 1/1
are m n n n n o liir d bv t h e P a r t* If
. *.
. '
/ W i t h griddle or gridiron.
I rniUn B o » r d o f C*nlr«l o r L*wrene«
u-s close one eye and speak about are m on opo lized by m e 1 arty. « one of them w ill come along and
, had tw# lit|lc
lnts about the
Appiefn, w i.c n .m ,
without haste
a n 'a z in g progress done in the religious w o rship Is tolerated the say. W hat the h e ir and this col-'ROT<. b
that , was
to Eni.r,d . .
( i . . . m .t tr , s .,In d u stria lisa tio n of the s till back- pro pag a tio n of religion is m a d e |c ge w m either change com pletely
. rnnnH hllt
t in , .
»»">*«’ *•.
*•»« p « it office »i Apw a rd co u n try : the T itoists are ec- v e ry d iffic u lt. Y ug o sla v ia is still a or ^ razed and
SOwn in the j
o n o m ic refo rm e rs. They are social police state in the direct sense of site It should be pretty in te re s tin g 1a<cent counier-m arehlng since hig h
re fo rm e rs, too. they sent th e ir an- the w ord.
jto see, but I doubt if It w ill hap*rrl»,IUn rlklM mr* »5!i# P*r
liq u a te d K in g to count his days ln
B u t It Is s trate g ica lly Im p o rta n t'
in ’ v t lm _
school, over six yean, ago (dumbMm*,irr.
.Lynn Cw>tr
London, destroyed the large estate to keep R u s s ia out of Y ugo sla v ia.
.Iest freshm an I^w re n c e ever had!) Edit«r-ln-rhief
Phone 3-97M
ab olished the g a sp 1 n g J u g o s la v ia w ith IU access to the w elcom e because of h u m an e rca- 1 '•* lhc *qu adron S cotchm an didn t
. . .
' — ...
__ a * __ a a _____
« «
* il
tf I I Ac
I h n t i t#
cfass differences. T ito becoines wor^ M e dite rrane an should not form a sons B ut we should not repeat the *'p* r
• -th en if he’s swap his
thy of not on ly our m ilit a r y sup- Soviet basis o# op eratio n. Besides, m istake that has m ad e us pay sc pipes for friend Seeger’s broken ba-| M
eJ1Ur J#ha R, nk#l.
port but of our m o r a l support, too. there are slaeable deposits of mill- dearly, and try to convince our-,ton» we d ha\e a quasi-m ajorette n| butineu m m iier, oienn pirroat;
e d i u r . non* R e im e r: sporu e»W e should not be m is ta k e n . T ito ta r ily Im p o r ta n t ores in the coun- selves th a t the Y u go slav commu- after all. R egulations should have
a com m unist The realt- proven no h a rrie r: C a p tain TapT/i?* ‘ ” l,f" *n*
Le" ke:
!■ and r e m a in s a c o n firm e d com- try : copper, Iron, lead, alnc and nist is. .not
_ . . ____
i n l i r * e d IU r . M * r y M a lt ; C o p y e dito r,
ty is that our p artn e r is obnoxious Un s u niform of the day, It seems, (iro i nathie; Headline editor, m at*
m u n ls t. H e m a y have bro k en the b a u x ite to m en tio n a few.
to** w ith S talin because of the latT ito’s late concessions in easing and it can be only a m a r r ia g e of was gloriously garbled garb. Any- a»"J**h»eh: G reek eo-editora. Jiit M oore
how, the boys did a nice Job, U r ' i I J
c ir e .ia u ..
fe* a tactle saucM an d greed, aod the lot of Y u go slav s arc ce rtainly.ex ped ie ncy .