Christmas 2008 - Bridgeport Index
Christmas 2008 - Bridgeport Index
Page 2...Merry Christmas to you, 2008 Bridgeport Elementary MackuP Box with Makkup in it. My dab nes a goob crismis. My sistr Pre-K nes a goob crismis. My flanle nes a (Because of the age of this particu- goob crismis. The ho wold nes a goob lar group, the children were given crismis. pre-written letters and asked to fill Ellexas Friddle in what thing they wanted for Christmas, with a little help from their teacher, Mrs. Johanson) Dear Santa, Dear Santa, How is yuor ren dees? I am gud at I have been very good this year. hom? Can yuo dreig my mom? Can Please bring me a _____ For yuo breig my dap Can yuo breig my Christmas. meads? Can yuo breig my wii? Your Friend, Cres Cortez _______ Barbie - Cathy, Power Rangers - Connor, Hannah Montana - Emily, Motorcycle - Davyn, Kitchen - Kara, Truck - Bandon, PSP - James, Purse - Jessica, Elmo - William, Princess - Raven, Play Doh - Gabriel, Motorcycle - Alex, Dollhouse - Miguel, Kitchen - Stormy, PSP - Tanner, Dinosaur - Koda, Motorcycle - Syrus, Truck - Mogie, PSP - Dustin 1st Grade - Lester Dear Santa, Are your efs poen wrek? I help my mom? I help my Ms. Lester? I wot a reg for my mom? I wet a DS gems? I wet kack mune? Eozs back ovin? I wet a skobe poo stuf andumull? Mckayla Kenne Dear Santa, How are your rane deer? I’m good soum tims at school. I ware hard at school. Can you breeg me a rockit plez. Can yu breeg my mom a dres. Can you breeg my dad soom hox hoos. Denver Dobbs Dear Santa, Are your efs doen wrck? I that my babby brdipr? Wilu you breg a regu four my mom? Four Chrimis I wot a biack win my mom tel me to go to my rum and I dow it. and I witu you a marey chrimis. I wot a timoes four Chrimis. and a pink prsu fil wif Kaylee Jones Dear Santa, How are you dowing? I wec wvill hard in Shoole. I wot you to go in my howe I wat a ten-o-well, and a DS. My mom wast a jroole Box, and I wot my dady to have a woch. I wots my sistre have a BRATZ cur I wot my sistre Jague to have a play sashin. I wot Abuney to have a new rumock, I wot Alix to have a labtop. Dear Santa, Victoria How are you doing Santa? Are you feeling goob I’m hae no my mom Dear Santa, tobay. I wok hed at school. I wut a Are You Doiog god? I barbie. and a brats doll too I ’m doiog god in Ariand Vargas SchooL? My mom nes a gon. My mmom nes a chruck. I what a DS. I what a PSP. I what a Merry Christmas to you, 2008... Page 3 Page 4...Merry Christmas to you, 2008 1st Grade - Lester- continued you gimwe? Santa hal are ecboin? I wunt a blastashn I wut a noo kostum Dear Santa, Triston Santa redir Are you ells. I’m dng a Dear Santa, gucid today uabers? I wut the Dear Santa, How are you dooingg? I I’m dooing dulsmuen miramontes goud. I wrk hord at my wrk. I hlep Andres How are you? How is it at the Norf Pooll? I’m grat. I neat set the crismas my Dad klen the yrd. I wont a gotortree. I hwp woch the kias. I wot a Hiwo Anthony Archuleta Dear Santa, carm fot crismas. I wot a pet. I wot Santa are you do gu? I’m gud at a detat. I wot to get my mom a Raing. Ava Mills skl? Ha are your randir? Santa will Dear Santa, Santa How aen you? i hap lluen. Santa P wut a DS i love Santa. Santa i wot a bobe. I wut a bobe move. Autumn Lee Buis Dear Santa, Santa are you? Are your ells. I wock Hode. Are your deer’s Fin? Wold you beig me a DS. Santa wold you beig mom a DS. Are you at the nod-pow. We are good. I wold like a gotorHiwo I wot the moovy sooby dee 2. Armonie Monk Dear Santa, Hary dev? I cud satuho most i woat dses? Guy it my susat? Hary u a nopica be me wre st Romeo Padro Dear Santa, How are you doing Santa? I hep my mom to klen? I wut you to Bring Makup four my mom? I wut a diyez? Sumtim I koc food with mom? Kortni Dear Santa, Santa are yur elf wre hod? I’m good santa. My mom is good too santa? me and mom and dad and brathr bun good. I wat mucup for cresmes. I wut a DS for cresmes. Cod you mbruthr a facgod Jacob Simonds Dear Santa, How are your rander? How are you Santa? How are your ells? I am a goo boy? I wont a scooy doo? Cameron Q Garcia Dear Santa, Aer your alfs wrcentind? I am beig good in school? I am beig good at homu too? I am yrceg hard? can my bruthr have a boll for crismis? Hooo are your rad des? can I have a DS? We all bin good? can my mom have a BrBe? Justria Lavy Dear Santa, How are you doing Santa? I am doing good in school. I am folowing drexchonns. I want for Chrismas is a smors pony. Jenna Huitt Merry Christmas to you, 2008... Page 5 BES -1st Grade - Davenport Dear Santa, For Chrismas I would like a Dirtbike Dear Santa, I will leave you some cookies. Dear Santa, My name is Ashley and I’m going your friend Kobey tom you sirs house and my mom sat How are you? How are the reindeer? Is your workshop busy? How are the it is to cold to go outside and I said elves? I have been a very good girl. Dear Santa, I theres a rainRow and a lots of starts For Christmas I would like a book of I have been a very good boy. For and asnow man. the Gingerberad Girl. I will leave you christmas I would like a four weeler. your freiand, Ashley I would leave you milk and cookies. milk and cookie. Your friend Dalton H. Dear Santa, Giselle - 1 for Christmas I want a laptop and a Dear Santa, Dear Santa, yorky I hope you put some thang in How are you? How are the reinder? I would like a fourwheeler for Christ- my stoking Thomas Is your workshop busy? How are the mas By cielo elves? I have been a very good girl. For christmaas I would like a barbie Dear Santa, Dear Mr. and Mrs. Claus, I want a guitar. for christmas. I will leave you milk and cookies. My name in Anna. I am going to leave your friend Marryna your Friend Daltonn! some chokeis for you. Do you like gioing to kidds house of do you get Dear Santa, Dear Santa, tired. How do the reindeer fly. I help How are you How are the reindeer? For Christmas I would like Four? my bruther clen his room after I your Friend Jacob M clean my room. i helped my nana cook is your workshop busy/ Hw are the elves? I have been a very good girl my pan-cake that I wanted. For for Christmas I would like a game Dear Santa, Christmas I want Biscit my loveble for my DS I will leave you Milk and For Christmas I would like batgon. I pup. For Christmas I want moon will leave you milk and cookies. cookies shoes. See you soon by your frind Maddyson your Friend Tyler P.18 your friaend Anna Dear Santa, Dear Santa, I have been a good girl. For Chrismas For Christmas I would like Four? your Friend Jacob R. I wood Like a camra. I will leve cookes and milk. Cassady Craddock Dear Santa, For Christnos I would like a atop. I will leavle you milkl and like gost. Dear Santa, yourl friendll Kattelyn Mccomis I have been a very good girl. For christmas I would like Tus. I will leae you milk and cookies Jenny Dear Santa, For christmas I would like Brasmak Kurston BES - 2nd Grade - McKinley Dear Santa, My name is Whitney hager. I will put out cookies for you. Do you like delivering ots all over the world? Do you like bing Santa? I have take my medines. I have put betteries in sometings. I would like a wii. I would Dear Santa, For chirstmas I wold lika wle cholstim like drums. Thank you Santa, Whitney H Your Friends Elizabeth Dear Santa, I have very gogod girl. I will leave you milk and cookies. Hannah dearsantas Dear Santa, How are you How are the reinbeen? mynamemagen tell trem you will leaves cookie. ask Is your uor. I have been a very good some questishs. Tell boy. I would lika a wii for Christmas trem sometrings Freddy youve doe tris year. ask them for 2 things Dear Santa, ycv i woug dogke. ini For Christsmas I would lik I will leave woulike at. yu milk and ciokies bi magen Yoar Friehd Gabriel Dear Santa, I will leave cookies. are you ready for Christmas? Haw the reindeer? I heplt my brother pick up hes room. I heply my mom find her keys may I have whatever you yud like your friend Emily Claus bake you cookys? Are you happy or sad? Is roodof happe or sad? How do rein deer fly? I would like a cup cake maker and a DS. This year I have hen baking finglly whith carmol. By Amaily Jo Dear Mr. and Mrs. Claus, My name is Christian. I will leave milk and cookie so you can keep your spirits up. Do you have to go all over the earth? Is evvy body at your workshop doing good? I’ve heped my mom with my cats and dogs. Can I have a drum set and some huddies? Your best bud, Christian Dear Mr. and Mrs. Claus, my name is Jerica. I hope you have a great Christmas. I hope it is better than las year. I would like a pupy that grows 12 inch long. And a baby doll than can swim under water. My friends Santa, Jerica Dear Santa, my name is Destiny. I will leve you son cookies. haw mene ranber do yu have. haw mene pepiarps ending you noys. I hav ben hellping my techr. I ben hellping my freds Dear sana, Destiny i will leve malk, cookes. i will nice. ill feed the raindeer. i will be asleep on chrismes. i will selbrat chrismes. i Dear mr. and mrs. Claus, will be wating for yoo. i will be retty. name is Alexis. do you have and chrildren. can your i will put up tree. Love Ty ranedear ilea fly. we mite give you some cookies. I want a Dear Santa, My name is Amaily Jo. How do the smart bord Alexis rein deer poo the sled? Dus mrs Page 6...Merry Christmas to you, 2008 BES - 2nd Grade - McKinley Dear Santa Claus, My name is Daniel. how many reindeer pool the slad? how many elf work at your shop? I am leave you some cookies and mik. this year I Learn that snowflakes melt before they hit the ground. This Christmas I want a psp and a DS. my friend is Ethan Sincerly Daniel I won for cremis is a nir and a fisehpol and a fol wilr. Haw dus ur randrs fli. Haw dus ur elfs mac the taus. Isaiah deer are the elves rede? I do what my dad says. can I please have a dirtbike and a 4-wheeler and a new howse and a good christmas. Rudolph have a lot of fun. Love chris Dear Santa, Hey there! Are the rein Deer Read for the Big Trip cawse if They Are I will send you a Thank you note i will give you a plate of cookies a with some candy and Milk. How Are things going at the North Pole. I think I deserve a gift for helping others in my class. I would Like a wii sports. Love, Brendon for chismas I want a new phone and Dear Santa, a bakugon how are you doing? Are the reindeer Rey going well? Is the sleigh rady? I deserve something because I clane the mr. and mrs. Clause dishes and I clane the yand. Please I want a remote cor and remote boat. bring me a phone and two remote I want a DS controls Have a merry Chistmas! Love, Cody Love, Carson Dear Santa, My name is Amara. I babysat my little sister and bother. Do you get tired when you stay up all night. may I please have a ipod and some roalerskates. your friend Amara Dear Santa, Hi. how are you doing? How are the elves doing? How is the westher in the North Porl? I hove tried to be a good girl this year. I would like a Kit American Girl Doll. and a leaster two game and kits clothes. I hope I see you soon Mr. C Love, Jayden Dear Santa, Hi! How are things going? Are they going good? I beileve thst I deserve 2nd Grade - Myers a gift because I followed procedures. Please bring me my own lap-top and Dear Santa, What’s up! How do you deliver all a new DS game in my stocking Have those Presents in one night? How do a fun Christmas! Love, Claire you make all those reindeer fly? I believe that I deserve a gift because I help my friends up off the ground Dear Santa, at the play ground. I would like a How are you? Are the reindeer ipod and a DS with games and a ready? How is Mrs. Clause? I believe that I deserve a gift because plastation game! Good Luck. Love, Christopher I’m nice. Please can I have a Dallas Cowboys jersey of Zack thomas to play with on my pads. Dear Santas By, Sam hey how are you doing! Are the rein- Dear Santa, What’s up? How are you? How are the elves? I believe I beservle a gift because I lisen to my teacher. I woud like a wii and a relineer Merry Christmas. Sicerely, Azia Dear Santa, Hello! How many elves are there? How are you? I think I deserve a gift because I help my Nana put up the tree. I wold like a Wii fit please Can I have some DS games and Wii games please. I will leave some yummy cookies. Love, Katelyn Dear Santa, Hi! How do you get all over the world in one night? why do you need raindeer? I been helping my mom do her homework. Can I please get an iPod and can I have a bike please. Dear Santa, Have a safe trip. Hello Santa! Are the reindeer reaby Love Leilan for the big trip? What does Mrs clause do when your working? I beDear Santa, lieve that I deserve a gift because I Hello! Are you awake for the trip? helped my dad put the christmas Are your reindeer happy and jittery? tree up and fold the laundry for my I believe I deserve a gift because I mom. Please bring me a case for cleaned my room. And I took my my DS and a America girl doll. dishes to the sink. So if you could I love, Morgen would like a teddy bear, jack-in-thebox and a happy Christmas! Have Dear Santa, fun eating those cookies! Hey How are the reindeer going? Is Love, Faith Rudoph ready to ride. I deserv a gift because I helped Christopher and Dear Santa, John. With ther work. and this mornHow are you? Do you buy them or ing I helped ms. Shepherd cary a you maek them. I deserce a gift pack of water. And at Thanrksgiving becase I help my mom to be good in win they wer playing poker I cheered school. I want a Game Boy. I’m go- my dad on. please leave Me a ipod. ing to Leave you cookies and milk. and a Now Avery duck call and sum Edgar weighters. I will leave you some yummy cookies. Love, Grant Thank you for your patronage. We hope you have a Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year! SanDford PETROLEUM 501 S. US 81 Bus. • Decatur • 940-627-2689 206 Hwy 380 • Bridgeport • 940-683-2501 Merry Christmas to you, 2008... Page 7 Submitted by: Shannon Green Potato Soup Ingredients 6 bacon or turkey bacon strips, diced 3 cups peeled and cubed potatoes 1 can (14 1/2 oz.) chicken broth 1 small carrot, grated 1/2 cut small chopped onion 1 T. parsley flakes 3 T. flour 3 cups milk 8 oz. chopped velveeta 1/2 t. each: celery seed, salt and pepper Directions In a large sauce pan, cook and drain bacon. Add potatoes, celery seed, salt and pepper, carrot, onion, parsley and broth. Cover and simmer until potatoes are tender, about 15 minutes. Combine flour and milk until smooth. Add to soup. Bring to a boil for about 2 minutes. Add cheese. Stir until melted. for everyone who does not like candied fruit submitted by: Wanda Rose Christmas Cake Ingredients 3/4 cup oil 1 1/3 cup mashed ripe bananas 1 small can crushed pineapple Jar of maraschino cherried, drained 1 tsp. vanilla 2 1/2 cups sugar 3 eggs, beaten 2 1/2 cup flour 1/4 tsp. salt 1/2 tsp. baking soda 1 cup pecans, chopped Directions Mix sugar, bananas, eggs, pineapple and cherries in large bowl. Stir in oil, sift together dry ingredients and add to first mixture, stirring well. Add nuts and vanilla. Mix well by hand, not mixer. Grease bundt or tube pan with solid shortening and dust with flour. Pour batter evenly into pan. Bake for 1 hour 45 minutes at 300 degrees. Cool before inverting pan. Page 8...Merry Christmas to you, 2008 submitted by: Judy Smith submitted by: Crunchy Lime Jello Shannon Smith-Green Ingredients 1 large pkg lime jello 2 cups boiling water 12 oz. mini marshmallows 3 oz. pecan pieces 1/2 lb. green cabbage, shredded 2 cups crushed pineapple (drained) 1 1/2 cup salad dressing 1 carton whipped topping Flourless Chocolate Cake Ingredients Directions Dissolve jello in boiling water. Stir in marshmallows until dissolved-cool. Add nuts, cabbage and pineapple. Fold in salad dressing. When jello becomes thick, fold in whipped cream-pour into mold. submitted by: Margaret Lockhart Crusty Pecan Pie (No Crust) Ingredients 1 cup pecans (chopped) 1 cup sugar 20-24 Ritz crackers (crushed fine) 1 tsp. vanilla 3 large egg whites beaten stiff Cool whip Directions Combine pecans, sugar, crackers and blend together. Add vanilla. Beat egg whites till stiff and fold into other ingredients. Blend till moist. Pour into ungreased pie pan and bake at 350o for 25-30 minutes. Completely cool. Top with Cool Whip. 1 2/3 cup (10 oz. package) Nestle Chocolatier 62% Cacao Bittersweet Chocolate Morsels 1 cup (2 sticks) unsalted butter, cut into pieces 1/4 cup water 1/2 tsp. Nescafe Tasters Choice 100% Pure Instant Coffee granules 1/3 cup granulated sugar 8 large eggs powdered sugar whipped cream Directions Preheat oven to 325º. Grease bottom of 9-inch springform pan. Line bottom with wax paper. Grease paper. Place morsels, butter, water and coffee granules in saucepan. Heat over medium-low heat, stirring frequently until melted and smooth. Stir in sugar until smooth. Remove from heat. Beat eggs in large mixer bowl for 5 minutes or until volume doubles. Fold 1/3 of beaten eggs into chocolate mixture. Fold in remaining beaten eggs 1/3 at a time until thoroughly incorporated. Pour batter into prepared pan. Bake for 33 to 35 minutes or until cake has risen (center will still move and appear underbaked) and edges start to get firm and shiny. Cool completely (center will sink slightly). Cover cake. Refrigerate for 4 hours. To Serve: Thirty minutes before serving, remove by running a knife around edge of cake. Invert cake on wax paper. Peel off paper on top of cake. Turn cake right side up on serving platter. Dust with powered sugar. Serve with whipped cream. Merry Christmas to you, 2008... Page 9 True Holiday Spirit by Bryan Golden Among other things, the holidays are a time of giving and receiving gifts. The question most often asked of people is , “what did you get?” Much less frequently asked is “what did you give?” Invariably, the inquiries concern mater i a l gifts. Purchasing a gift can certainly be thoughtful and a wonderful gesture, especially when it’s backed up by your actions. However, the most valuable presents are those that aren’t sold in stores. When you give your love, your time, help someone in need, aid another in solving a problem or overcoming an obstacle, you give something priceless. The true spirit of the holidays is giving. When you give unconditionally, you don’t just impact the recipient; you start a chain reaction. By brightening the life of one person you also effect all those who they then touch. No gesture of giving or kindness is too small. Holding the door open at a store, helping someone carry groceries to their car, letting another car in front of you, saying please and thank you, and saying hello to a stranger you pass on the sidewalk, are some of the many things you can do daily. For family and friends, your time is one of the most precious gifts you can offer. Are you there for others when they need you? Do you offer a hand without being asked? Do you help out when asked? Too often, people get caught up in their own desires, thus losing sight ofthe needs of others. A person who tries to get through life by looking out for himself or herself first is invariably frustrated. Often this person views life as a competition to determine who can accumulate more. On the other hand, those who are concerned for the well being of others are happier, more content, and more satisfied. By giving without expecting, they in turn receive the things they need. Giving is a simple concept that works every time it is applied. There will be people who don’t appreciate what you do, but it doesn’t matter. You are giving without anticipating anything in return. Besides, there will be many more who are thankful for your efforts. If you don’t treat others well, buying a gift won’t compensate for your behavior. The recipient might like what you give them but it won’t make up for your actions. You can’t bribe someone to forgive the way you treat them with a present. The best gift you can receive is the joy of making someone else happy. Being unselfish is a wonderful way to live. When you give with no ulterior motives, your actions are seen as genuine. Should you expect something in return, your behavior is always suspect. We all know people who do nice things only when they want something in return. Make giving a daily routine. Don’t start and end with the holiday season. Every day is a good day to do something nice. When people feel good due to your actions, you can’t help but feel happy yourself. And that is priceless. The most significant action you can take is having a positive impact on the lives of others. Bryan is a self-development expert, syndicated columnist, author of “Dare to Live Without Limits”, and professor. Pictured above, second grader Brendon Johnson colors a Christmas card to be sent to the soldiers. The project, Cards for Soldiers, was put on by Bridgeport High School Student Council members. Christmasfoto by Whitney Blaylock Members of the Bridgeport High School Student Council visited the classrooms of Bridgeport Elementary students. The Student Council helped second graders create Christmas cards for the troops. Above, Morgan Davidson colors her Christmas card. Christmasfoto by Whitney Blaylock Page 10...Merry Christmas to you, 2008 BES - 2nd Grade - Lara Querido santa yo quiero un NiNtendo DS y un PSP y dinero muncho dinero. Fernando Querigo Santa yo quiero una bisidet nueva y un x box para Navidad. Sebastian Querido santa Claus y quiero un Nintendo DS para mi porque yo no tengo un Nintendo DS tamdien quiero una computadora para tomar una foto do Abigail y que salgo una cansion con fots y flores con cosas vonitas tamdien quiero unas zapatos con brib y uunas blusas my vonitas un pinito my vonito y lo quiero dlanco y tamdien quiero une foto de Mexico tamdien quiero una perita myt chiquita y muy vonita. Natalia Querido Santa yo quiero un psp y un juego para mi nintendo DS y una cumputador y ciero Querido Santa Claus una tele y mucho dinero. yo quiero un DS o una computadora Edgar y a donde vives y como esta tu familia y yo quero unos nuevos zapatoa Querido Sata, como se mira tu casa you quiero un psp y mi hermanito Eunice quieria una moto y todos los Diaz mi hermanito quiere juga m DS y yo Querido Santa, quiero un intendo DS para mi yo quiero un Nintendo DS Huneca hermanito que le puedes peinae la, I pod, Clara telefono, computadora do verdad y un bord mediano y libro de coloriar. Querido santa, y te voy a dejar galletas, Victoria yo quiero una cumputadora y un selular por que ami me gusta la Querido Santa claus, cumputadora porque me gusta jugar yo para Navibad quiero un I pod y n los juegos y tambien escribir y perrito que este cachor to para jugar tambien un selular porque pued con el en mi casa. Santa claus? Como hablar con mis amigas y con mis te va con los regalos y como esta tu primosy primas y con mi familia y esposa? y cuales niños y niñas no van un juego do bingo y tambien una a garur regalos de ti en Nadibad. bicicleta. Stephanie Keyla queirdo santa Querido santa clos yo quiero un playstayshen 3 y un juego quiero una computadora huera de de starwars of force en playstashon brats y para mi mama una cadella y pohnmelo en el cakentin de navidad que tenga un corasor y para mi papa y quiero un DS y un ex box sixty. billetes y parami hermano david un Lucio carode control y para mi hermary ta una Perxta dejugete. Querido Santa Nanci Quiedo Para Navidad un xbox y juegos comoe Bolt Sonike unlish crash Queirod Santa Claus, over Miotenbs y un DS y juegos tk quiero unPSP y un Nitendo Wii the incratobol Honk tampien pokimon tambien un carro negro y un corro Rancer Parol od llogia y un I bod amrillo y unos zapatos y ropa. tambien un bell computadara y un Tambien un jugete de WWe. jugete perro. del Undertaker. Gilberto Jose Alison Querido Santa yo quiero un Nintendo DS porque voy a jugor con el en la troca y en la Querido Santa porfavor me trai una bicicleta. Yo casa. Jose tambien qurero un saeter porfavor. Me trai una cumputadora con una si Querido Santa You quiero un Nintendoas y un muñeca Escribir carta para santa claus que se muera. Y tambien quiero un psp con un juego de careras. y el que tenga el juego de spngbob y quierora un dinero Giovanni Halo kity y mario el que tiene keya y Baltazar aviero pulseras las que vi en las 2nd Grade - Thetford Querido Santa walmart el color dediferentes colores yo de nafido foi a querer un exboxs y el color Negro y Rojos. querido Queirdo a Santa, y un ipod y una bisicleta y quiero Santa Karen Yo quiero un juego de Playstation2. el saber si tu tefas euno fenodos y juego que sonic ue hizo un mostro en sitienes una esposa y ijos grades o el mano. chigito y tambien quiero sabersi diQuerido Santa claus, Cesar ene duende que te ajiuda con los yo quiero una telvision chicita y quiero regalos y sison puen para ti. un Nintendo Ds con los juegos de Alan princesas y de otros juegos como de Querido Santa para Navidad yo quiero un psp y si rosita fresita estodo. Abigail no hay mas psp comprame una guitara y una flauta y un juego de Mario y un Intento Ds. querido santa you quiero un PSP you quiero un sled con todos los jugetes y un game ciub Miguel IT’S A HOLIDAY TRADITION TO WISH A MERRY CHRISTMAS TO EVERYONE WHO’S STOPPED BY TO SEE US THIS YEAR. IT’S BEEN A PLEASURE SERVING YOU. J. D. Coffman Tank Trucks 503 W. Sherman • Chico, Tx 940-644-2664 Merry Christmas to you, 2008... Page 11 Pumpkin Fudge submitted by: Shannon Smith-Green Ingredients 3 cups white sugar 1 cup milk 3 tablespoons light corn syrup 1/2 cup pumpkin puree 1/4 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice 1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract 1/2 cup butter 1/2 cup chopped walnuts (optional) Directions Christmasfoto by Jo Gilbreath Butter or grease one 8x8 inch pan. In a 3 quart saucepan, mix together sugar, milk, corn syrup, pumpkin and salt. Bring to a boil over high heat, stirring constantly. Reduce heat to medium and continue boiling. Do not stir. When mixture registers 232 degrees F (110 degrees C) on candy thermometer, or forms a soft ball when dropped into cold water, remove pan from heat. Stir in pumpkin pie spice, vanilla, butter and nuts. Cool to lukewarm (110 degrees F or 43 degrees C on candy thermometer). Beat mixture until it is very thick and loses some of its gloss. Quickly pour into a greased eight-inch pan. When firm cut into 36 squares. submitted by: Shannon Smith-Green German Chocolate Fudge Ingredients 2 cups semisweet chocolate chips 12 (1 ounce) squares German sweet chocolate 1 (7 ounce) jar marshmallow creme 4 1/2 cups white sugar Christmasfoto by Jo Gilbreath 2 tablespoons butter 1 (12 fluid ounce) can evaporated milk 1/8 teaspoon salt 2 cups chopped pecans Directions Combine chocolate chips, German sweet chocolate and marshmallow creme in large bowl. Combine sugar, butter, evaporated milk and salt in heavy skillet. Bring to a boil over medium heat. Cook for 6 minutes, stirring constantly. Pour hot syrup over chocolate mixture. Stir with wooden spoon until smooth. Stir in pecans. Spread into buttered 10x15 inch pan. Let stand until firm; cut into squares. Christmasfoto by Jo Gilbreath Page 12...Merry Christmas to you, 2008 BES - 2nd Grade - Thetford Querido Santa Cluse Yo quiero ropa y sapalos tambien quiero un nintendo wii y un PlayStation three y un Jugete de perrito de Pelude y un iPod tambien un exbox 360. Lluvia Alexandra Querido Santa Yo Quiero un iPod Porque me gusta para oir musica y Que es tu numero de tele fono y yo me acuerdo cuando nos tomamos una foto. Joycelyn Querido Santa, Yo quiero Una India que vi en Varmasia la farmaspa se llama Family Clinic Vale $50 dolares y tambien quiero ipod. cual es tu numero de telefono. Vanessa Este dia nuestra familia va qr a Walmart a comPrar comida Para cuando sea invie invierno y Para que no esteron frios. Natalie y una bisicleta y quiero que me traigay tadora y un salolar que tenga Querido Santa clos muchos Luegos. yo quiero un juego que se llama sonic Rovicel rush y una compudora para jugar todos los juegos y trae todos los Querida Santa regalos para los niños para que no Para Navidad yo quiero ropa y un sepone triste y para ayudar Navidad perro de verda y unos zapatos y para y gracias Santa clos para a yudar mi hermano Alex yo quiero un regalo Navidad. muy grande. En 24 va aser Navida y Fernando mi mamå y mi papå estava escrido un papelito y le puso mucho nombres Querido Santa, y lo puso en una bolsa y mi papå le Para navidad yo quiero un fuego vamo a los niños y las niñas y ellos SmakDown vs Raw 2009 y una se playstation2 y un ipod y el color azul. Melanie El fin the End. Gonsalo Querido Santa lo que quiero para Navidad es una Querido Santa clos gitara de verdar y una pelicula de Yo quiero un Nintendo Ds los juegos Naruto de sthno land. que quiero son Pokemon Ranger Gaby Mario de coros y Raw vs Smack Down 2009 y Raw vs Smack Down Santa clos 2008 y tambien los quiera en Para Navidad yo quiero un PSP cuales playstation 2. El televon de tu numiro Para llevar la Fernando carta y quiero zapato y mis hermanos y hermanas Bruat y mi hermano Escribe carta para Santa clos. Yo quere un cavallo y ond vives santa quiero que me traiga un PSP y clos muchos carros y caballitos y tambien Luis Querido Santa, yo quiero un nintendo Ds y un carro de jugete para montarme yo tambien quiero una computadora que tenga internet y juegos para que juege en la computabors y aprender de todas cosas para sever todas las cosas que hamos aprendido en la escuela y ambrender ole ciudades y de bacer maestra. Cynthia y el juego de Sonicx y un Psp y el juego de Naruto y el juego Smakdown. Ivan Querido Santa Clous, yo quiero cumputadora, un juego de Mario party para mi DS, un iDog con un ipode color vosita de fresa Adamarie Querido Santa yo quiero un psp con el juego de pelea y quiro un tele para mi cuarto Querido Santa, para Navidad yo quiero un juego de tambien queria un ipot para que veo Pokemon para un gameboy y un DS vidios y movies. Maks Out of Eternity, out of His love – God gave his best gift – Jesus came from above, He came as a baby, homeless and poor And centuries later, still knocks at the door. He’s God’s gift of life as he’s been from the start With no need for an inn, if there’s room in your heart. This Christmas and always, we wish you blessings, Brought only by his abundant love. Merry Christmas! Tressa, Carl & Christi THE ELDON R. KAKER AGENCY 1104 STEVENS ST. • BRIDGEPORT • 683-2621 Here’s hoping your stocking is stuffed with peace, love and joy this Christmas, just as we’re overflowing with best wishes and gratitude for all of you. WISE READY MIX 2205 16th Street • Bridgeport, Tx. • 940-683-4255 Merry Christmas to you, 2008... Page 13 The history of Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer by Angela Dale The story of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer was brought to life in 1939 by a gentlemen named Robert L. May. At the time, May, 34, was a copywriter for the Department store chain, Montgomery Ward. He was asked by the Company to come up with a Christmas story that could be given away to shoppers as a promotional tool around the Holidays. For years, the chain had been spending big bucks on buying and giving away coloring books to their loyal patrons, so with penny pinching in mind, department heads came to the conclusion that creating a giveaway book of their own would be a way to save money. May had been known around the office for writing children’s stories so the folks at Ward’s had their man. May, relating to his self, realized that ,as a child, he was teased for being small, shy and somewhat The next obstacle was to a mis-fit. At this point he knew name this awkward reindeer. his character had to be Several someone that names folks would were want to cheer tossed for, somewhat around. of an underdog. The name What better than a Rollo was deer who was ostraconsidcized by the reindeer ered, but community just belater decause he had a glowing red nose. Although department heads shuttered at the thought of a red-nosed reindeer, (red noses were associated w i t h drinki n g and drunk people at that time) nounced because they soon overcame that just seemed to their hesitancy after May cheerful. The next name had an artist friend sketch deer was Reginald, but that was too from the local zoo. “British.” Then the name Rudolph came to mind, and there was no looking back. In 1939, 2.4 million copies of the Rudolph booklet were distributed even though wartime paper shortages hindered printing for the next several years. By the time 1946 rolled around, 6 million copies had been given out to patrons. Although May had created the story, he was a paid employee of Montgomery Ward, so they held the copyright and he received no royalties. This was hard for May because he had lost his wife to a terminal illness about the same time he created Rudolph, and he was in debt due to medical bills that racked up during her illness. May conguered up enough courage to ask the corporate president to turn over the copyrights to Rudolph, and fortunately for him they were turned over in 1947. This secured Mays financial future. With the copyright in hand, “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer” was printed commercially in 1947 and shown in theaters as a cartoon the next year. Most Americans know that with the cartoon that is so familiar to every child old enough to watch, is a song that goes right along with the story. Johnny Marks, Mays brotherin-law, developed the words and lyrics, that no artist would touch. That was until Gene Autry’s wife urged the famous singer to record the song. The song sold 2 million copies that year, and went on to become the second best selling song of all time, underneath Bing Crosby’s “White Christmas” as number one. The 1964 television special about Rudolph is an all-time tradition for many families this time of year. It remains a holiday favorite and Rudolph himself has become a great Christmas icon. EMPLOYERS EMPLOYEES U Try, Before You Hire U Reduce Work Comp Claims U Reduce Your SUTA Rates U We Drug & Criminal Screen U We Pay All Payroll Taxes U We do the Advertising U Our Services are FREE* U 85% of Jobs Temp-to-Hire U We Find the Jobs for You U All Experience Levels U Many Types of Jobs U Health Benefits Available * employee paid 940.626.4488 Page 14...Merry Christmas to you, 2008 g{x ÜxtáÉÇ yÉÜ à{x áxtáÉÇ by Beth Toombs These days we see a slogan that says, “Jesus is the reason for the season.” “Who is this Jesus?” you ask. “What season?” Well, let me tell you. Jesus is the Son of God, and the season is the time of the year when we celebrate His birthday. A long time ago, more 2000 years ago, in the little town of Nazareth in Galillee of Judea, a young woman named Mary was sitting by herself, when the angel Gabriel, who was God’s chief angel, appeared to her. Of course she was frightened, and he said, “Don’t be afraid, Mary. I have come to give you a message, marvelous news which shall be important to all people. You will conceive and bear a son, and call His name Jesus. He will be great, and reign over the house of David, and his kingdom will have no end.” Mary was puzzled. She said, “How can this be? I am a virgin. I have never been with a man.” The angel explained, “The Holy Spirit will come over you and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. For that reason, the child shall be called the Son of God.” “And also, you cousin, Elizabeth, eventhough she is old and has never had a child, is also going to have a baby. For nothing is impossible with God.” (Elizabeth’s baby is the one who grew up to be John the Baptist.) Mary said, “I am the bondslave of the Lord. Let it be to me as you said.” and the angel departed. Mary immediately went to see Elizabeth, and when she entered the house and called out a greeting, the baby in Elizabeth’s womb leaped, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. Elizabeth cried, “How is it that the mother of my Lord shall come to me? For behold, when you greeted me, the baby leaped in my womb for joy. You are blessed among women!” Mary sang a song of praise and dedication. She stayed with Elizabeth for three months, and then went back home. Mary was engaged to be married to Joseph, a carpenter. When he learned that she was pregnant, at first he thought he would break the engagement, but an angel came to him in a dream and said, “Don’t be afraid to take Mary for your wife, for the child she carries is of the Holy Ghost.” So he honored his committee to her. He took her to be his wife, but did not h a v e marital relations with her until after the baby was born. The months went by, and when Mary was well along in her pregnancy, the governor of Judea made an ordinance that all men should go to the hometown of their ancestors to pay taxes. Joseph was a descendant of King David, so he and Mary had to go to Bethlehem. When they got there, the town was full of people, and they couldn’t find a place t o stay. F i nally a kindly inkeeper, seeing t h a t M a r y was close to the time to have her baby, said they could sleep in the barn where they would be warm. And there the Baby Jesus was born. Mary wrapped him in some swaddling clothes and laid him in a manger filled with hay. Outside of town there were some shepherds tending their sheep. Suddenly a bright light surrounded them, and the Glory of the Lord shone abut them. They were really scared. But the angel of the Lord said, “Don’t be afraid. I have come to give you news of great joy which shall be for all people. Today, in the City of David, a Savior was born, who is Christ the Lord. You will find Him, a little baby wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.” And about that time, a multitude of angels appeared, praising God and shouti n g , “Glory t o God in the highest, and on earth, peace among men of good will.” When the ang e l s left, the shepherds looked at each other in wonderment and said, “Let’s go straight to Bethlehem and see this thing that God has made known to us.” And they hurried to Bethlehem and found Mary and Joseph and the baby, just as the angel had said. And they told everybody what they had heard and seen. Everybody who heard about it wondered at the news, but Mary treasured all these things in her heart. Merry Christmas to you, 2008... Page 15 BES - 2nd Grade - Myers Dear Santa, Holle Santa! can you wake my Dad up Please and then my DaD will wake me up and then can I see your reindeer? i think I deserve a gift because I follow procedures sometims and I give Claire the eraser and when people will not let me play and that is not nice. I like your reindeer. I love you Santa. Love, Ashley Dear Santa, How are you. are the ryindees. could you bing me a presen . Besafe. Merry christmas. Love John Dear Santa, How are y do you make the toys or do you bay the tho toys. Is it cold at the noth pole. I deserver a gift bcause I have ven good please bring remote air plaene. At might leve a cookie it my brather dessn’t ehat all of them. love kevin Dear Santa, Whats up Have you ever seen a penguin Do the ELFS Word Hard. I deserve a gift because I helped my Baby Brother get up wad you get me a Pro Skate bord a Tony Hawk one. By Jimmy Dear Santa’s, Heoll! How are you doing? How do you get toy’s? I deserve a gift because I help my famly. I want a phone and a Cd and a bike with a helmet with to and tennshoes. I will give you a cookie’s it is going to be a gingerbread. Love, Tianna Dear Santa, Hey! How are things going at the North Pole? Are the elves reay to make some toys? I belive I desrve a gift because I help my mom do the laundry. Plese leave a new radio. an a Batz makeup doll. Love, Erica 2nd Grade - Shepherd the elves work-ing hard? I belive that I deseerv a present becaus I help peaple beat Pinkys Revenge and Volcano Island I would want a DS and ah x-box 360 and a controler for a wii pleas and thank you. Love, Rami Dear Santa, Hey there! How are the elves? How are the reindeer? I shoud get a present because I help the teachers. Can I have sonic unleashed the game for wii. Merry Christmas! love, Hunter Dear Santa, Hi how are you doing? Are the elves Dear Santa, Doing good Santa? Is everything good yo! How are the reindeer? I really at the North Pole. I belive that I dewant to really know about Rudolph. serve a Present because I had Being can you please send me a note about nice and helping my Friend and when how ya’ll are doing? I believe I de- my family is in the Docter I care serve a present because I helped a about them I would Like a trip to lot of freinds and family. I also help the aquarium and a kitten. I will take my teachers. I would like to find a care of her I Love Kittens. ipod in my stocking incase my parLove, Jolene ents don’t get me one. And a toy Motorcycle not the one at ToysRus a Dear Santa, mini size one. I’ll give you yummy What’s up Santa How are things cookies and mik. going at the Northpole? How do the love; Bryson reindeer keep warm? I believe that I deserve a present because I helped Dear Santa, tallan with a word. I olso helped Will Peae up! What’s up in the North with a word. i would like a Siver Dodge Pole? How is Rudolph? I think I truck with a back hoe. I will leave deserv at least one present beccause cooke for you! I have done my homework and I also love, Kaleb helped my friend Brooklyn with some words. Well I would like to have something in my stocking like well like a lock journal And maybe just a few hang down earrings. I hope you have a nice trip. love always, Beka Dear Santa, Do you got toys made yet? How is the reindeer? I dessetve a Present because I nevr got in trouble. I want a guinea Pig and rock Band and a DS and Football of wii, mak sure the reindeer dot escape so you can Fliy Love, Taylor Dear Santa, Hi there how are the elves doing? How are you doing? I hope christmas is doing well gour you! I believe that I deserve a present because I have been Helping the salvation Army. I would like a touchscreen Ipod in my stocking. I hope you have a great christmas. Love, Kristen Dear Santa, How do your raindeer fly? Do you only go to U.S.A.? I believe that I deserve a present because I helped my parents pick-up leaves also I cleaned the yard. I would like a wii wrapy under the Christmas tree and a kid car. I will leve some cookies for you. P.S. I have no chimney or fire place in the house. Love, Tanner Dear Santa, Hows it going? Does roodoff nose realy flow at night? What is your sleigh made out of? wood or metal? I beliee that I shood get a preset because I help my mom evry bay and because I have christmas spirit and i would like a p.s.p. and a DS. Love, Deymun Dear Santa, Hi There How is your wiffe? How do the elves make toys? I belive that I deserve a present becau I help my sister with tying her shoe. I also help my mom with a poster. I would like a American Girl Doll. Tell the elfes I said have a happy hollay. Love, Delaney Dear Santa, Hi There How are the elves doing at the north pole? How’s it doing at the north pole Santa I would like some coffe In my Stocking Bye Santa. i hope you have a great chrip Love, Karie Dear Santa, What’s up! How are the reindeer? Dos Dancer Dance a lot? I believe that I derve a present because I heklped my mom feed my dog. I would like a ppink PS with mario racing game. Leave me a note. I love you Love, Holli Dear Santa, Hi every one! How are things going at tork? Is Mrs. Clause working there? I believe that I deserve a present because I helped my family do chors and alot of stuff. i would like to get a DS in my red stocking eney kind of coler wou wont me to Dear Santa, fet and I wold leave you sme cookies hey there!!!! How are things goie at and milk and tell Mrs. Clause I said the North Pole? How are the rein- har a very nice Christmas this year. deer? I believe that I deserve a Rccar Love, Emilly bacause I Let My DaD SleeP Long. Dear Santa, BecAuse my DaD wassick. Love, from Mario Hi Santa! How are the randers? Our Friends, Family, Festivity! May your holiday contain all the makings of a joyous season. `xÜÜç V{Ü|áàÅtá 9 [tÑÑç axã lxtÜ4 Trinity Care Center 2108 15th Street • Bridgeport, Texas 940-683-5023 Page 16...Merry Christmas to you, 2008 BES - 2nd Grade - Shepherd Dear Santa, Hi! How are the reindeer doing? and How is your Sleigh? and How is Mrs Clause doing. and i would really like a selver Dodge truck because i help my Mommy and my Daddy. bye Santa Clause. love, Tallan Dear Santa, Hi there! Are the elves busy at Work? How are the raindeer? I deserve a present because I helped people. I want a PSP. I will leave two cookies on the plate and juice. Love, Tyeler Dear Santa I like you too! I like to see reindeer! I like to be a Dancer. What are you ding? I like to get a present because I help my mom to wash dishes. I like to ride a sleigh. please can I have gbs in the game is going to be Mario racing Please can I have some clothes can I have some shoes love, Jessica Dear santu, How are the elves doiing and How are The reindeer Doing san tu? I think I help my frriend. tell Mrs. Clause I said Hi Love, Will your frind’s Kathryn please give me a trophy. Please santa give my mom a sewing machine. Dear Santa, Please Santa give my brother a skate I’ve been good. Please bring my dad boar. Please Santa give my sister a work boots. And me boots to. A hat. ironman set. I will take good care of your friend Michaela it. And my dad will get a for my family. your love, Matthew Dear Santa, I hope my brother comes home. I Dear Santa, hope my mom gets a Giftcard. I been I want a fonphone. I want some good. i got straight As. could you give Heely’s. I want myt mom to get a me a Nintendo DS. chair to you duw. I hop my baby sistr Love, Nicolas a babydoll. I hop my bruther ges some Heely’s Dear Santa, Johnny please can I have one thing for Christmas. I want a new DS game Dear Santa, and a new will game. I will appreciPlease can I get me a wii. can I please ate it. I will do a good thing to deHave an xmox. can I please have an serve it. Oh and a new styller. xbox 360. can I please have a real Your Friend, Stetson dirtbike. can I please have a reall fourwheeler. can I please have a wa- Dear Santa, ter gun. can my brother please have I would like a wii. And to wish evryone a Biohocol. Can I please have a PSP. a happy Christmas this year. I would Becus I do chors fore my mom. like some of these toys because I’ve your frend Zack been making good grades a lot. But two B’s and therest As and I’s aslo Dear Santa, would like a peepee and the poty doll. I want a pretty necklace. Santa can Your friend Alexia you help the poor. I help my teachr Ms. Hill. I want a puppt. She is nice. Dear Santa, thank you. Your friend, Michelle Dear Santag, How are the elves the nohth p? How are yeu? I wus nise to Kanie. I need a new pair of shoes. Have a safe tripk. I wele leve cookies and milk. Love, Kevin Dear Santa, I wolnt a dirtbike a trophy, treehouse, pleese Give the poo people money. People enough money I ehlped. My MoM and dad i Made real good grads. your Friend, Colby Dear Santa, Peace up! So How is Rudiolph doing? Santa do you have a different name Santa? i think I deserve one Pesent because I help my mom at work. I would like the bigest drum set ever. Love Brooklyn Dear Santa, My little brother will like something of winnie the pooh. My other brother will like some ccars. I will like something of Hig School Musical or something of Hanna Mantana. Love, Yarenci Dear Santa, I would like you to bring my dad a new watch. my mom a new camera. I would like you to bring me a Wii, and games to play on it, and DS games. please bring my brother a cool big toy. And Kayleigh an i-phone. Please bring my dog, Sally a new 2nd Grade - Hill collar. And Jazzy my mom’s dog also Dear Santa, Please give the Poors people money a new collar. Your freind, Maikan and presens. i want DS Games for chrstmas and my mom neads my dad Dear Sant, and me nead cowboy boots. Dear Santa, how are you? I want to spend the night at your house and haw is winstor and I am goin to kellys and I might get to go to your house. By Riley please get my baby brother a fourwheeler that goes 10 mile’s fast and for Nicholas please get him a LittLe tent and stuff that wiLL not blow away. My mom need’s a new truck. your friend, James at least one person a wii. I also want at least two Nintendo, DS games. Sincerly, Tanner dear santa, if you can give my brother a trampoline and give my mom a yorkie Femal dog. my BaBy Brother some Toys and my dad a new phone. and Dear Santa, please can you get me game. I just give me a lap top computer. and I want two It is a x box 360 and a hope every Body has a nice chrismas Your truthful Friend Emma Army game. i just want a happy christmas. your Friend, Devin Dear Santa, i want a wii. my brother wants a x box. me too. My baby sister wants a Dear Santa, I wish fur uther people that are poor baby toy. I’ve been Good so is my to have foob. wat I wish for is a ds. Broth. Austin I was kinnd and sharing. For christmas this year Cole Dear Santa, I want moon Sand, a wii, a furry I dog, Please dont forget about my Dear Santa, Please give the poor people nice gifts. baby sister or the kidss at cook’s I want a girl nutcracker for christ children Hospital. love, Brianna mas. I desever this stuff bec-ause I’ve been really good. your friend Casey Dear Santa, I hope someone this year gets a Wii. I want a Wii also but please just give Here’s hoping the holiday season delivers the best gifts of health and happiness to you and yours. We’re proud to be your bank of choice, and we’ll continue to strive to exceed your expectations in 2009 and beyond. HOLIDAY HOURS: Wednesday, December 24, close at noon - Thursday, December 25, Closed Friday, December 26, close at noon Regular hours, December 31 - Thursday, January 1, Closed Friday, January 2, close at 2:00 p.m. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK First Since 1890 RUNAWAY BAY, TEXAS A branch of First National Bank of Jacksboro 1055 Hwy. 380 West • ATM open 24 hours for convenience Merry Christmas to you, 2008... Page 17 BES - 2nd Grade - Wood makup box. Thank you for being so kids and are big family and to big kind to kids. I love you Santa claus kids. Oh, Santa you are good to your. Dear Santa, and Mrs. Claus. i love the reindeer Genesis How are you doing? I will send too 2nd Grade -Cox Chrstmas cookies to you. Thank you Love, Aimee for evrything. I want for Christmas Dear Santa, a intendo DS. Dear Santa, Tony How are you doing? I wish I coud How are you doing? How is your rehave a wii and a four wheeler and a indeer doinng? For Chrismas I want to have a new intedo dols and wil Dear Santa, x box 360 Thank you. How are you ding? How is Rudolph Love -Matthew milk and cookies. Hope and the elves doing? How is everybody doing? For Christmas I would Dear Santa, like to have a DS a Laptop and a Every boty is doing good here at Dear Santa, doll. thank you. school. We all love you and Mrs. Claus How are yuo doig and the elfew and Love, Infiniti and the randeers and the eves. For Mrs. Clors and the reindeer I want dolls. Santa happ chrismas day say Chirstmas I what a intindon DS Dear Santa, Brooklyn hi to Mrs. Clurs for me. I love you How are yuo gueeg? I love you santa give my mom a new necklace. and I want a PSP and a tindodes Dear Santa, Amelia and I want it pink and I love you and For Christmas i would like to have a I want you to breg me a PSP and a psp x box360 and a lintendo DS. Oh, Dear Santa, tindodes. and I wandt it pink. Haw are you boeng. I want a lote of Santa thank you! Jackie Love, Javier Dear Santa, How are you ding? How is Rudolph doing and the North Pole. How is Mrs. Claus. I hope she is ok. I want for Cristnis a DS four weelr and a PS2 remote control for my PS2 thing you Santa. love, DiAngel Dear Santa, My sister want anthing wer do you live? For Christmas I would like to have a DS. thank you I will leave you milk and cookies. Be carful for for my cat. Makayla Dear Santa, How are you doing and Rudolph is his Red nose helping you is a good leder for you sleigh, are you elfs doing good . so are you reindeer rede to fly on Christmas evey for Christmas I can I plesa have and xbox 360 and a litte transformar name Jazz and bone crush and a acsnin figer named Tom cenu and the undertaten for my cool man I will give you some milk and som cokeis. Love, Dylan Dear Santa, How are you doing? I love our Raindeer and I Love you and I Love everybody with you you now! For Christmas I want a wii and a live x Box 360 and a play station 3 Unsigned Dear Santa, Does Rudolph help you fly in your sleigh? For Christmas I would like a DS light, wii and a dog. And I will leave you milk and cookies. Juanita Dear Santa, I want a remot control car. I want a reamot control boat. I want a remot control plain. Thank you Atwendling Dear Santa, How is Rudolph doing good or dad hor chirimus I want a my FuerBear Dear Santa, pupy bescet plees that is ol. How are you doing? How are the Teresa raindeer to? How is Mrs. Claus is doing to? I hope you have a nerry Dear Santa, Christmas. Have a lot of fun there. How is Mrs. Claus? I heard she was Merry Christmas to all! sick. I want an xbox 360. Thanks. Love, Izabelle Harley Dear Santa, How are you doing? How is everybody doing? For Christmas I would like to have a big art set and a big make up set and a lot of studys books so I can get redy for 3rd grade. Love, Cheyanne things but jest so wont be notey. I want 1 thing most of all, o reindeer, PS I will give you lots of cookeys. I know it sounds crase, but if you can doow it cood you chrie please o and i will give you 10 cookes! By Cole Dear Santa, How are doing?k Are your reindeers are fine? Oh, Santa for Chrstmas I want a psp and for my brother a psp to. and for my sister some toys. And for my mom and dad I want you to give them a new tv, compter. And santa me to. Oh, Santa I want a wil and a doll and a poony for my sister Dear Santa, and mom. Oh, sant thaks you and For Christmas I would like to have a you are the best. Oh, and you are so bakes and a cupcake maker and a kind. And you are so kind to little Here’s hoping the Christmas season brings you lots of goodies and happy memories with family and friends. Thanks so much for your loyal patronage. We look forward to serving you next year! GA & Jan Buckner Chico Butane Gas Co. 400 Hwy 101 South Chico 940-644-2624 Page 18...Merry Christmas to you, 2008 submitted by: Wanda Rose BES - 2nd Grade - Cox dirt bike and a wii. Thank you Santa. We are going to leave you some warm Dear Santa, milk and some cookies but watch for For Christmas I would like to have a our dogs. They are very dangerius. dirtbike, xbox 360, bolt for the wii. Fabian Ethan Dear Santa, Hi Comet! You are my favorite reindeer. for Christmas i would like to Dear Santa, have intendo dogs. Tony Hawk’s Is it sold reindeer is on cold Rudolph. American Wasteland. Tony Hawk unyou Christmas is cooll we is wii hot derground. cocoa chocolate cookies mill a new Xavier doll watch alive x box 360 I love Dear Santa, Christmas Chris I saw my name in the book it’s name is Santa Claus is coming to town. For Christmas can you make me a wii and please make it cool? And a Dear Santa, i was thinking about the reindeer. How playstation 3 for cristmas? And have do they fly? For Christmas I would a good day in the North Pole. Love, Edwardo like a nitendo DS, D. Sanda easy bake oven. You rock Santa Claus Madison Dear Santa, Is it cold at the North Pole? Is comet the best reindeer? For Christmas I Dear Santa, I would like a trampoline, and a Dog. would like to have a wii and make-up I will leave you a cup of milk and and that one that you can do your hair you can put up your hair. I will cookies. I love you Santa! Love, Emily give you warm milk and chocolate cookies. Raegan Dear Santa, Are the elves makeing presents? For Christmas I would like to have a DS and a fourwheeler, snow glove. I have a bad dog so be careful! Katelyn Dear Santa, I want for crismus is a digal camru a stuft snuml and a ds game for my ds I osow wunt 5 hotwels you my be a cool man. Samuel Dear Santa, How do your elves build toys and how Dear Santa, do your Reindeers fly in the cold over I wont a motoccle and A win Tom there in the Northpole. Don’t you get Big. I want an exploder. thank you. cold over there. For Christmas I wold Sergio like to have a playsastion 2 and a Fruit Cake Ingredients 2 1/2 cup flour 1 cup sugar 1 cup butter 1 cup dark syrup (Grandma Molasses) 2 cups candied fruit 3 eggs 1 box raisins 3/4 cup buttermilk 1 tsp. cloves 1/4 tsp. nutmeg Directions Mix well and bake in round thin layers 3-4 fill with icing below. Filling Ingredients 3/4 cup sweet cream 1 1/2 cup pecans 1 lb. dates 2 cups sugar Directions Cook to almost candy. Spreading thickness. Ice entire cake. Decorate with Maraschino cherries. Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas Commercial and Domestic Propane Delivery Locally Owned and Operated Tanks Leased or Sold WISE PROPANE A Fully Owned Subsidiary of Wise Electric Cooperative, Inc. A Full Service Propane Dealer Call Wise Electric at 940-627-2167 or 1-888-627-9326 Toll Free or Call Direct 940-683-2683 US Highway 380 West, Bridgeport, Texas & a Happy New Year! Merry Christmas to you, 2008... Page 19 BES - 2nd Grade - Kent Dear Santa, I want a bratz bike. i want my own christmas tree with red green and blue ornaments. I wish my sisters wanted the same thing as me. And I want a phone. your frind, summer Dear Santa, This year for christmas I want a bow that can shoot a deer. Some Airrows and a quiver. I deserve these things becaus I take my dag out. I olso want a game. I want a x box to. I hope me friend Ty gets a rifile. your frined Brody glasses. I deserve it becue I neury deseerve an x-box 360 had one before. Thank you. Christine sinserle Alexis Dear Santa, Dear Santa, I want An electric scooter. I hope I would like to have a wii. because I someone else gives me a marsh cleaned my room. Birttany would like mellow chair. I deserve to get an electo have a T.V. because she made Ats. tric scooter because I got As and Thank you Santa. Bs. Thank you for what you did for Yours truly, Lacy me. I hope you would give all my frends presents. Dear Santa, Love Trinity this is what I want. I would like to have a machie gun BB gun. This is Der Santa, what might my brother want a pistal I want a Big car. I also ant DS FoR BB gun CRistmas. I want a X Box 360. I Help your Frind Zachary do my chore For a week. Love, Justin Dear Santa, I would like a PSP for christmas. Dear Santa, Some one else would like a plastton I want a mouny machine from Christ3 but I all ready got one. I desrve It mas. I want a desk. I want a rolling becuse I lisstened to my mom when cheer from Christmas. I hope she was talking. thank you. My friend is noah. He wanted the playstaton 3. Your friend Calvin For Chrismas For Chrismas I want a game for my ds. I want the game of Bratzs. I only have one game for my ds. At lest I wish I could just get that present. My dad told me that if I write a card to santa I might get the game of Bratzs I’v always wanted a game for my ds. Dear Santa, Martha I would like a real, pink, mobile phone. I would like a computer I would like Dear santa, dolls of cloe, yasmink, and sasha. I I would like Ads. My mom wants a hope my Brther gets a Blue Toy car. ring. My Frind want a Gameboy. My I hope my mom gets dad want new tools. I help my Dad your friend Mia get the Mail. Gabriel Dear Santa, I would like a four willer. I hope Noah Dear Satata gets a ipod. I hope Brody gets a I would like a digtal camer. I would pocket knife. I hope Romeo gets a like my mom to get a candle. I say game. I hope my sister gets a LG yes mam and yes sir. slider Love, Brianna Ray Dear Santa, I want Heely XBox 360 sonic unleashed, bagugon Ball, a pool. My brother get’s a transformers my mom want a ring. My dad want a play stashen 3 Love, you f friend Kyle Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like a DS please. I would also like a wii and a play station two. I hope Gabriel m. gets a four wheeller and a bike. your friend, Gabriel Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Please Santa could you give me a for chrismes I wont a MP3 Player. bike. I hope Trinity gets a set of Mrs. Hill shold get a per ot sun- cothinv for her Christmas present. I Martha gets a bracelet from Christ- Dear Santa, mas. I hope my mm get’s new dishes. I would lik a black flip phone for Love, Kirsten shristmas I hope Noah get a Dirt bike. I hope someone else get a stars Dear santa, shirt. I hope my mom get the new I would Lick a Bike. I hope Romero paper for christmas. gets a video gam. I hope mesi Hll your friend Remea gets a stars shirt. I hope mes Hill gets a stars room. I hope mes Hill Dear Santa, gets a stars classroom. I hope my I want a psp and a game and a mom gets a Dog. I hope I get a new spogbob christmas movie Because I room. been good. your frind Noah Your friend, Anthony Dear Santa, I would like nintendo ds and a pocket mod daisy. and one more thig a karokee player I woud like my friend to have an out fit. I eaned it becaause I helped my mother clean. Your friend, Mareny Page 20...Merry Christmas 2008 A Christmas joke Earlier this month, a gentleman stopped into the office and had a funny story to tell. I thought it was a lot of fun, so I’ve decided to send it on your way. Enjoy! - Whitney Bridwell to insure prompt full or partial consideration of your request, please submit a revised “Letter to Santa” as soon as possible. Please be sure your response satisfies the critical requirements listed as follows: 1) Include a salutation. Example: “Dear Santa,”. A saluA christmas list tation allows our client to route your correspondence to the I want a handsome Ken. I want the island princess. I want a person you would like to rebaby crib for Lucy. I want the view and consider your request. In this specific example, nintendo D.S. the salutation can also function “Hi friends, to confirm your belief in the This is too funny. When my addressee. niece Ciara wrote Santa a 2) Include behavioral documentation. Example: list this year basi“I have been a cally detailing the 4 very good/ items she wanted, bad boy/girl my boyfriend this week/ Jeff decided it month/ was an opyear.” portunity to Please teach her a note: All lesson so he behavsent her the ioral letter beclaims low from are S a n t a ’s sublawyer. Enjoy! Evelyn” P e n guin, Bear & Fox, LLP 6 North Pole Plaza, Suite 2 North Pole, AC 00000 Client: S. Claus, Inc. Re: Christmas List Dear Miss B----, Our client is in receipt of your undated Christmas list. Although it is the sincerest wish of our client to honor your request, the vagueness and brevity of your correspondence poses a problem. If our client were to honor your request, which lacks specificity and the traditional salutations, behavioral documentation, and expressions of adoration and belief, our client would be exposed to legal challenges from beneficiaries world wide and could face censure from the governing body of all gift and reward delivery workers, the International Sainthood of Dreamsters. To rectify this situation, and ject t o verification. Verification of claims may require a review of all records and files documenting prior behavior, eye witness interviews and direct surveillance. 3) Include expressions of adoration and belief. Examples: “I can hardly wait for Christmas and to see what you will bring me” or “I love you Santa”. Alternatively, our adoration and belief can be expressed at the conclusion of the correspondence by simply signing “Love, Ciara”. Thank you for your swift attention regarding this matter. Please address your revised correspondence as before: Santa Claus, the North Pole. Sincerely, Penguin, Bear & Fox, LLP J. Inthebox Esq. of Counsel Christmasfoto by Jo Gilbreath Did You Know? While the most widely known American version of Santa Claus is often credited to the 1823 Clement Clarke Moore poem "The Night Before Christmas," Santa as we currently know him can be traced back even further, with origins dating as far back as the 4th century. An early Dutch depiction is based on legend of Sinter Klaas, which was brought by Dutch natives when they settled in New York in the 17th century. In "History of New York," famed author Washington Irving, writing under the pseudonym Diedrick Knickerbocker, provided detailed information about the Dutch version of Saint Nicholas. This Saint Nicholas would arrive on horseback every year on the Eve of St. Nicholas. The Christian-era Santa Claus owes much of its origins to Bishop Nicholas of Smyrna (now Turkey). Rich and generous, Bishop Nicholas was said bring joy to poor children by throwing gifts in their windows. The legendary Santa Claus has evolved over the years, and it should come as no surprise that hecontinues to enchant children no matter the era. Merry Christmas to you, 2008... Page 21 Page 22...Merry Christmas to you, 2008 Chico 1st Grade - Romines Dear Santa, I like rodof. I miss you. I want jewlery. I want teddybears. I want castles. I want makeup. I want christmas tree. Love, Rosie Dear Santa Is roodof and oeg ok? Tah. I have most thidos. plezd can I have a gomedox I thank you are great. I want Indiana Jones cube. Love, Ethan and a game boy. A toy puppy I got Dear Santa, fresh cookies and milk I would also like a controlley tv. Lave, Cayden Howisthe NohllhIvoveyov santa Gabriel Dear Santa Is rudolphh oks. I want some clothes Dear Santa, I would like a kitten. I would like a DS. I would like a and a wrestler. Love, Raul xboksss. I Love you. How do your reindeerfly? How are you? I want a PSPk. Santa you are cool. Santa you Dear Santa, I LOVE YOU. I want a nido ds are grat. Santa is cool. I wunt a kitgamboy with a highmussl3 Is ridof o ten. I love you. you are cool. you are cool. I Love you. I Love you. ok? I have benn good. Billy M Love, Breeanne Dear Santa, I would like a stroller. I have bin good this yeer. I reelee went a d.s. thack you for the m.p.3 plarr. I love you how much do you get tirdd at night. that is all I reelee went. thank you I want a red four wheeler. Aubrey W Dear Santa, I would like a d.s. d. Rex sonclunlesnd for wii s-box egoand a pupy. Haw ar yeiling? Will J Dear Santa, Dear Santa, I would like a a real horse all a x box Dear Santa I would like a D.S. I would 360 How cold is it in the North Pole? Dear Santa, like a t.v.k I would like a bike. Do Jordan b. I would like a rano i hvae Been very you like choclate chip coo kies? gooj for north pele! Mallery I Savanna L Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Dear Sant I would like a DS Dea Santa I would I want ay teddy bear snowman and I would like a DS. I would like a liked four Dea sant puppy Dea Santa a sled and a Hanna guitar for band. puppey. I would like a horse. I would I love yuo. Dea Santa I will be a go like clothes. how far is the North man. Dea Santa I will wit a ctrhero. I want glitter shiney? Love, Monica pole? A singing reindeer toy. I would Dae Santa I wat a rader. Dae santa like a electric guitar I wut a bike. Dae santa I wut a hos Dear Santa, Darbi W Edde S I want some hats and a horts and notes and dols and lots of snowmens Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Love, Victoria I would like a pink four wheeler. Santa I would like a real puppy. I would do you like candy? I love you santa like a four wheeler. I would like a Dear Sant’o you are nice. babdoll. I would liki a t.v. I would liki I love santa I want a MP3 player Keylee S a D.S. I would liki a bike. I would liki and some jewelry. How is roodoff and a boat. Dear Santa how r the elves I want a rabbitt and Iwant every9one Dear Santa bing a gud sport? to be happy. I would lik a dirt bike. I would like Tiffany W. Love, Kirsten toy puppy. I would lika four wheeler. What awe the reindeer doing Dear Santa, Dear Santa Will F I would like a I dog. I hedt my mom How are the elfs? How is Roodol? Is nush my dolls. where is the Norvth he doing good I want a cabich Pach. Dear Santa, pole? I love you. How cold is the North I want a wi. I want mywii game to be I would like a bike. Is Rudlolph sil,l pole. I would like a t.v. I would like a Hanna Montan dimng good? Sleah? Can I pleasar babydoll. I would like a D.S. I love Love, Chole haaveushat gupp foct sgent tv. you los anblos Charles m Jessica B Der. Santa I want some jewelry and I love you. Dear Santa, Dear Santa, How are you doowing! I bet it is cold I would like a monster triuck. Can I I would like a for wheeler. I bin a god there at the Noerth Pole. also have a remote control for it. I grl. I would like singing. I would like Love, Kambree also want a puppy doy. How are you a rabbit. what kind of coo kies do doing? you like? p.s.p. Dear Santa, JR p Shelby H I want a DS. and a monster truck Dear Santa, How are you and Mrs. Claus doing? I what a new knife for my Dad and a new teddy bear for Dylan. I what a new barbe house and a toy hors Love, Iris Chico 1st Grade - Pendley Dear Santa, I would likd x box sicse. I want a woeeler. Donavon r Dear Santa, I would like a blaket. I would like a prest for my mom. I would like a puppy. I would like a foo doll. I would like a hat. Santa Clos haw is your reindeers? I would like a psp. I wold like sum clothes. Haw far is the North Pole? a sinnging reindeer too. I also want a rabbit. what kind fo cookie do you like? I want 4 wheeler bike and a toy trck. santaclos I bin so veree good. I wold like a babydoll. my sistrs bin so good. One uv my Audrey L Merry Christmas to you, 2008... Page 23 Mom’s Pineapple Pie submitted by: Carla Munn Ingredients 1 1/2 cups sugar 3 eggs 1 stick butter 1 cup crushed pineapple 2 T. flour (undrained) 1 t. vanilla 1 cup coconut 1 9” or 10” unbaked pie shell Directions Combine sugar and melted butter. Add flour, vanilla and 1 egg at a time. Add pineapple and coconut and mix well. Put in unbaked pie shell and bake for 1 hour and 15 minutes at 350 degrees or until golden brown. submitted by: Shannon Green Chicken or Turkey Noodle Soup Ingredients 12 fresh baby carrots, cut into 1/2” pieces 4 celery ribs, cut into 1/2” pieces 3/4 cup finely chopped onions 1 T. minced parsley 1/2 t. pepper 1/8 t. cayenne pepper 1 1/2 t. mustard seed 2 t. minced garlic 1 1/4 lb. cooked chicken or turkey white meat, chopped 1 1/2 lb. cooked chicken or turkey dark meat, chopped 4 cans (14 1/2 each) chicken broth 1 small package pasta Directions Place broth in soup pot. Add vegetables. Cook until tender. Add seasonings. Add pasta, cook until done. Add chicken or turkey. Heat through. Christmasfoto by Francine West Page 24...Merry Christmas to you, 2008 Toy safety at Christmas time Chico 2nd Grade - Spann suport for yalls hard work. I whant some christmas colring books. I am Dear Santa also giving you suport cus you have I want makuy, a psp, I want a DS, I to go around the world giving kids want a game for my DS it is toys. tinkerbell, a psp game, it is king pank Breanna and I want a candy can From Chloe Dear Santa I wish I can see roodoff. I wish to dear Santa see his father. I wat for chrismes a what is want is a artset. What I want DS. a kittin. What I want a bike What I Love, Austin want a fish. What I want a skooter. What I want is a fack dog and a Dear Satea facke cat. yayay can you give me a good chresmes Lovei, Blysse and I whant lots of toys and a p.s.p and rock band and more game for Dear Santa my xbox 306 and more game for my How are you And your Dear? I want psp. a sneakrs ples? four christmas. Love, JD Thank you for the christmas present. Love Michelle Dear Santa Dear Sant. I want makeup. And I also want a Love Michelle game for my DS. And I want a candy can. And I also want a hannah Dear Santa montanna wig. I want a bike and I want a notendo From Debbie DS thats pink and a new Hannah Have a sweet christmas Montana Baarby that sings and a live dog and a Hannah Montana Dear Santa Skoder and a Artr Sate How are you? Can you gve me a D.S. Love, Hannah ? I hope you are haveing fun at the north pole. How are your raindeer? Dear Santa Love Katie I want CANDY, HANNAH Montan Merry Chirstmas! stuff, mintkins, warm and soft socks, heart pillow, Hannah montana books, Dear Santa jammies, colerbook, Hannah montana I want for chrestmas the dall of the DVD, charm braclet, charm necklace, dimmin Kasl, it is a dimmin kasl it is heart bracelt & necklece. from wallmart. my little baby wants Rebeka a mopurdlsikl. From Jacqueline Dear Santa I want a lot of toys. And a be-be- Dear Satata gun so I can gohunting in the woods. I love you and yall love me back and I hope you have a good time you haf brases. The elfs make by Issac brases I wat a bird flou cemstmas Love, Kasota Dear Satea Kan you give ma a Nitndo D.S. and a Dear Santa I want these. a wii and grat Chresmes and a X box 360 live the nerf game. Sky hawk, echarger and a game tote me D.S. and a psp X Box, x Box 360, x Box live game and Gtruhere and roke ban 2 and cube, DS, german shepard puppy ps. gams for me p.s.p. and a X box 360 PS3 Big game hunter, Alaskun bear and lot toys and a vole doll. hunters, cell phone. PS have a merry Love, Adrian christmas. Ryan Dear Santa I hope you and Mrs. Claus and th elfs are doing good. I am giving yall by Angela Dale With all of the recent toy recalls, it is important to get the facts out there about toys and their dangers, especially during this gift-giving time of year. The idea of the product safety experts at the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) want shoppers to keep a few things in mind when shopping for toys. First of all, know the child and know the toy. With these two pieces of information you can almost guarentee the toy will not only be enjoyed but it will also be safe. Read the labels for age recommendations, and learn everything you can about toy recalls. The label will tell you if a toy is safe for younger children and if it is not safe, why. Toys that are meant for older children may have parts or strings that can choke or strangle a younger child, especially those under 3 years of age. Product safety inspectors regularly visit mega-sized retail outlets, small stores and resale shops looking for dangerous items and for those products that have been re- called, but not every item that has been recalled can be removed from circulation. This is why it is important for you as a parent or anyone that will give a gift to a child to educate themselves about the dangers. Consumers can look at a list that is researched by the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) for toys or items that have been recalled. One of the major concerns this year has been toys recalled because of lead hazards. Lead is used in two ways during toy production. It is found in the paint on the toys and in plastics. Toys that have been made in other countries and imported into the U.S. or antique toys passed down through generations may expose children to lead. Only a certified lab can make a positive analysis and accurately test a toy for lead. There are some do-it-yourself kits, but they will not tell you how much lead is present, and they may not detect low levels of lead. The best advice would be if you suspect your child has been exposed to a toy contain- ing lead, take the toy away and call you health care provider. DSHS offers these additional safety tips: Select toys that are age appropriate. Look for sturdy toys with no loose parts For children under 3 years of age, don’t buy toys with small parts such as balls, marbles, etc. For children under 6 avoid building sets with small magnets. If the magnet or magnetic pieces are swallowed, serious injury or death could occur. If you buy toys that contain arrows or darts, be sure they have rubber suction cups or protective tips and teach them how to play with them safely. Discard plastic wrapping on toys immediately, before they become deadly playthings. Look for toys that have strings as part of the toy. Make sure that they are not long enough for children to get wrapped up in. For more information about toy safety please visit the web at www.dshs.state hazpro/toys.shtm. or for a complete list of item and toy recalls Christmasfoto by Jo Gilbreath Merry Christmas to you, 2008... Page 25 by Whitney Bridwell The story behind the song Silent Night goes back in time nearly 200 years and half a world away. It begins in Austria with assistant pastor Father Joseph Mohr. He had penned a poem while assigned to a pilgramage church in Mariapfarr, Austria. When he moved to become assistant pastor at St. Nicholas Church in Oberndorf in 1817, he brought his poem with him. Christmas time approached and with Midnight Mass coming quickly, Father Mohr went to the home of Franz Gruber, a schoolteacher / musician for the church, and asked for help adding a melody so that the congregation would have a new Christmas song. As with most churches of that time, organ was the preferred choice of instruments. There are several speculations on why the song was written for the guitar. Some say the organ in the church was broken. Others believe that Franz and Father Mohr simply liked the sound of the guitar better. Later that evening during Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve, the two men, backed by the choir, stood in front of the main altar and sang “Stille Nacht! Heilige Nacht!” for the first time. They were unaware of the impact the song would make on the world for years and generations to come. Over the next few years, a master organ builder and repairman named Karl Mauracher, traveled to Oberndorf to work on the organ several times. While working at St. Nicholas, he obtained a copy of the composition and took it home with him to the Ziller Valley. Some friends of his were traveling families of folk singers and incorporated the song into their repertoire. One of the families, the Strassers, made their way to Leipzig in December 1832 to perform a Christmas concert and during this period, several notes were changed and the carol evolved into the melody we know today. The other family, the Rainers, performed the carol for Emperor Franz I and Tsar Alexander I. The Rainers made their way to America in 1839 and performed at the Alexander Hamilton Monument outside Trinity Church in New York City, giving Americans the first opportunity to hear the piece. Joseph Blezacher, the Court Opera singer from Berlin, reported that by the 1840’s the song was a favorite of the Royal Cathedral Choir and King Frederick William IV of Prussia. By the time the song had gained popularity in Europe, Father Joseph Mohr had died and never took credit for his composition. Franz Gruber wrote to music authorities in Berlin stating he was the composer, but met with much doubt as most had thought it was the work of Haydn, Mozart, or Beethoven. Many people believed this until 4-5 years ago when a long-lost arrangement of “Stille Nacht”, written in Father Mohrs handwriting, was authenticated. In the upper right hand corner of the ar- rangement, Father Mohr had written “Melodie von Fr. Xav. Gruber”. The original composition is probably the closest to the arrangement sung at Midnight Mass in 1818. The Gruber family moved to Hallein during Franz’ lifetime and it is now the site of the Franz Xaver Gruber Museum. It contains several furnished rooms in his former home and exhibits including Father Joseph Mohr’s guitar. Gruber’s grave is outside the house and is decorated with a Christmas tree every December. Father Mohr’s final resting place is a tiny Alpine ski resort in Wagrain, where he had transferred to another church. He died penniless as he had donated all his earnings to be used for eldercare and the education of children in the area. His memorial from the townspeople is the Joseph Mohr School, located a dozen yards from his grave. Silent Night has truly become “The Song Heard ‘Round The World”. Silent Night (English) (This is the version often heard in this part of the world, though there are nearly 200 versions.) Silent Night, Holy Night All is calm, all is bright ‘Round yon virgin Mother and Child Holy infant so tender and mild Sleep in Heavenly Peace Sleep in Heavenly Peace Silent Night, Holy Night Shepherds quake at the sight Glories stream from heaven afar Heav’nly hosts sing Alleluia: Christ the Savior is born Christ the Savior is born Silent Night, Holy Night Son of God, love’s pure light Radiant beams from Thy holy face With the dawn of redeeming grace Jesus, Lord, at Thy birth: Page 26...Merry Christmas to you, 2008 Dump Cake Ingredients 1 pkg coconut 1 can crushed pineapple cut up 1 banana 1 white cake mix 1 cup milk submitted by Patsy Wolverton 2 eggs Vanilla flavoring ( 1 large tsp) 1 cup sugar 2 large spoons oleo 1 can mixed fruit (small) Directions Use electric mixer and greased squared pan (or spray with pam) Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes. Use cake icing or whipped cream after cake cools. submitted by Shannon Green Saturday’s Vegetable Soup (leftover Soup) Ingredients Weeks’ worth of leftover vegetables 1 lb. cooked hamburger meat or sliced kielbasa 1 can (28 oz.) diced tomatoes, undrained V-8 or tomato juice (if needed) salt pepper onion garlic basil thyme parsley Directions In a large soup pot, add tomatoes (include v-8 or tomato juice if more juice is desired.) and leftover vegetables and meat. Add seasonings one teaspoon at a time until desired taste is achieved. Simmer for 1 hour. Serve with crackers and cheese or cornbread. Christmasfoto by Francine West Page 27...Merry Christmas to you, 2008 Chico Elementary - Chico 1st grade - Daniels Dear santa Dear Santa, Dear Santa, how are u I wut clos I wut a tooy Thak you for the bike in first Christ- please my haev a grass snake Mrs. Terrell’s Dear Santa, mas I love you Santa, Love, Ducna. hose I love you Sarta Thank you please give my little Kindergarten Class love, Bailey Love Nicko brother a toy. Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Sydney Dear Santa, Scat bad cat you bit my hand the Dear Santa How is Roodof? I wud like a Thomas I like rodof. Is he dooing god? I want Thank you please giv my sis a babe eabis for the man with the cast. and The axshun canyun. Dear Santa please giv me and my sis a tree Tanner a lago Indiana Jones. I will leave fresh Love, Layne I wont a toy car. please and Thank hauss. cooces and fesh milk. you., Paul Luve, Logan Taryn Dear Santo, Dear Santa, How r the rander? I wont a toe truk. Dear Santa, I want a wii and Love, Dustin I want a new compuder please and Dear Santa Thank you. and vidoe games Car, Bad Hooes, Guns, Ball Dear Santa, Joye Thank you Please tree hooes, Shork and lots of stuf and How r the rander? I wont a rel litl lots of things please. toy, fish toy, Give my sister a BarBy, pupe dog. Dear Santa, I love Santa TenJods, Tenjo, Tenjowee, Kuck, Chico 1st Grade - Romines Love, Emily Will you get my meme a glas Jesus. rimmuokrorobt, toymoryotoy lolge Love, Kilby thank you for me presis. Will you How are you? Kenyon Dear Sant, Dear Santa, get me a glass god. I wnt nutheng. only a DSM bubver. R the elvs makg gud tos? I wud like Dailyn Dear Santa, Dear Santa,I wbwutud on a present. I want a T-rex. a culrful Brats dol. spiderman 4 nickotr. please my haev a grass snake Love AAron Love, Cassie Dear Santa, Pluck-wp truck. neilcopter. Love, Jose Thank you for a bat. Love Santa. my Love, Sean mm once a glass ornament. Dear Santa, Brock Ho r u? I wot a babe dol. Love, Kalli Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Thank you Santa for all that you gave R u rede? I wont a futbal. me on chrismis nigte but all i whont Love, Kaden is legus it is ok. Love, Katy Dear Santa I luv u. I wont a pupe dog fr rel. Dear Santa, luv, Dusti Give my sister a doll and I need a rabbit. Dear Santa Love , George Is ti cold? I wont a tran. LOVE, Cordale Dear Santa, Thank you for the presis my sis wat Dear Santa, a bick I wot a psp my Mom ros a How r the elvs? I wud lik a rol ovr hars my Dad ros manee. pup. Love, Lester Love, Destiny Dear Santa, Dear Santa I will enyly to be good. R U ok? I wont a skutr. Corbyn Love, Heaven Dear San4a Dear Santa Thok you for the bike in first 1703 Chico Hwy • Bridgeport • 940-683-6566 Ho r u dong Is it cold? I wont a bat christmas I love yous santa 425 W. Rock Island Ave. • Boyd • 940-433-3322 and bal. Love, John LOVE , Colton 1001 W. Wise St. • Bowie • 940-872-4909 Dos Chiles Grandes Cafe Page 28...Merry Christmas 2008 Did You Know? Though it might seem as though it's been around forever, the beloved holiday song "Frosty the Snowman" actually wasn't produced until 1950. Written by Jack Rollins and Steve Nelson, the song was first recorded by legendary country singer Jack Autry and the Cass County Boys. Once they finished penning the now classic Christmas tune, Rollins and Nelson shipped the lyrics to Autry, who just a year earlier achieved great success with another holiday favorite, "Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer." While Autry's version remained the most successful, and arguably most recognizable, version of "Frosty" for many years, its success in terms of charting was actually outdone just a year ago. The peak position for Autry's original version on the U.S. Pop Singles chart was #7 back in 1950. However, the 2007 rendition by former American Idol participant Kimberly Locke reached #1 on the Billboard U.S. Hot Adult Contemporary chart. The television adaptation of "Frosty the Snowman" remains astaple of the television schedule each holiday season Bridwell Publishing Co. Publisher: Keith Bridwell Photo Editor & Photographer: Jo Gilbreath Pagination Director & IT Tech: Francine West Reporters: Whitney Blaylock, Whitney Bridwell, Angela Dale-Fair Front Cover; Design & Layout by: Francine West Photographer: Jeannette Ward Merry Christmas to you, 2008... Page 29 Chico 2nd grade - Loper Dear Santa, How are you dooing Santa Claus I lieke yuo reindeer. Wut did yuo brab me? I want aeriocinthrohavmeh and aerocihtrofoowiler Love, Justin Dear Santa, How is Mrs. Claus. I would like an hanna montaia wii game. And a blue video camrea. And four wheeler. Love, your friend Lindsey Dear Santa, How are you and your reindeer. thak you four all the toys you gavus lastyeer. I want a wii and a xbox and a Plastation2 and a Phash 3. Love, Joseph Dear Santa, Place bring me a wii for Christmas. also bring me a playstation. How is Rudolph the red nose reinder. How are you Santa are you fin. How is the south pole isn’t coold at the south pole. Form Erick Dear Santa, I hope I get a ipod and a mp3player. and I hope I het the best cresmis ever. and also I want to be the first person to get my present. I want a ps and a little pet shop game for it. I trust in you because one night a person ate all of our cookies on our tablle. My name is nicki Fisher. I live in a old yellow house in Shermaon texas it is a our away. It has a silver car. and a very pretty house. I been Good to my mom and Dad and sister and bruther so that you no I am good but my sister has not been good. She has been hetting me. love Nicki - Thanks you! Dear Santa, How is Mrs. Claus and how are the reindeer? May I Plise hav a tomy 20 and x-Box or X-Box 360 and wii and PlaStatine games. Luv, John Dear santa. I want a present because I,m, a sweet girl and pretty. I have green eyes and blue. Is it snowing on the north pole on summer? Sant I want a book Chico 3rd Grade Letters because I like to read alot. I wish you could give a presen’t to my dog. Dear Santa, Do you like chocolete cokkies because how are your deer? I hope they are I,m ganna make them and I almost good and helthy. I wish I can see you forgot the milk. Maybe I have some so I can say hi. But I can just send because my mom aways fingets to you letters to you. How are you? Are by milk but I by them with my money you cold over there? I beleav in you now. I sell sodas that is how I get because you bring presents toi ev- my milk that make me pretty and eryone. I want you to come to school smart and white. On chirsmas we sing whith me but you can’t because you I sing to my mom and dad at night I are bizzy. Right? What I want for aways follow my mom dencshens. Chrismas is an mio pup and an Ipot That why I,m being nice or else I and also I want a little puppy that don’t get no presen’ts that’s whath never grows. my mom told me I behive and shcool Love from Gardenia to Santa tey say that I have cat eyes maybe I do. But I want to now if your deers Dear Seata could really fly I still belive on you it Cene I have a Iclopsniteveshen plese like the cow jumps over the moon I i love tnem mae i have a storwors heard that story It is funny. I made the clonewes legos do dorf spidr aroid a stony about santa jumps with the And a Lasrtas And a weii purprekt deers and the elves theres so little shot And a repstek g. and have ears like a traengle I also Form: Blake like to write alot I write like two pages full of bureful word. Of chirsmas we also seleprete and mexico I wanet to write more but I don’t have any pages BY. Alondra Santa I always wanted a XBox and a wii also a Playstaition 3. How old is Mrs. Clause? Santa could you let me ride in your soay? Santa the thing I mostly want is a big heap of hunting equipment then I would have, the best Dear santa,. Christmase in the world! Dear Santa, I want a bout for ChristLove PC younger mas cause my baut won’t work so would you get me abaut. How? is the Dear Santa, elfs if you now. I want a pony and a How are your raindear? what kind of nother cat cause i have only one cat. cookies do you whant? How is miss So i want another cat so my cat won’t claws? Here are some things I whant be mean to me. And if you don’t mide for a present. I whant a psp and a get me a nother pony i do not care if game to play with it. I whant a cate it is a big pony or a small pony just. borte. I whant a i Dog for a present. Please get me one i am begoget I would love to have biscout the puppy. oget wont. For Christmas just get me I allso whant as I pod. I would allso wont on the pappe. love a Gocart. The most thing of all Sydnie is a four willer love Kaitlyn Dear Santa, how old are you? How old are the Dear, Santa elves? How old are the reindeer? I would like to ask you something. You got elfs right ok. How do you choose your elf’s? Do they die than you pick them? Do you just ride your rain deers and get them? Santa, dor christmas. I want a black and yellow idrt bike for christmas. Santa, how do you deliver all the presents in one night? Santa, were did you get your rain deer’s? Santa, who is your momm and dad? Santa, do you got bothers and sister’s? Santa, what kinds of toy’s do your elf’s make at the north pole? Santa, were is the north pole at? Santa, why don’t you want no one to see you? Santa, do you no all your elf’s name? Santa, I hope you love Breanna because I love you. love Breanna Page 30...Merry Christmas to you, 2008 NAME THAT HOLIDAY MOVIE After the fiasco of trying to vacation at Wallyworld, you can understand why this family sticks close to home and invites family to join them for a holiday respite in this third installment of the Warner Brothers series. Mishaps abound but none funnier than that of manic squirrel that leaps out and “terrorizes” the family. A discarded silk top hat magically transforms this ice-crystal creature into a fun-loving companion for a young friend. This 1942 Irving Berlin musical was intended to feature songs for all holidays of the year, but it was the Christmas number that stole the show and won the Oscar for Best Music: A beagle decorates his dog- convinced he does and is holdhouse, the resident philosopher ing court in a New York departexplains the true meaning of ment store in this 1947 film the season, and the main char- which won four Oscars. The acter struggles with all the matter is settled once and for materialism that surrounds him all when the New York SuJim Carrey’s facial contortions in this holiday classic which preme Court and the United States Postal Service both conare a bit over the top in the first appeared in 1965. cur. 2000 remake of the 1966 animated holiday classic, but the This 1954 movie was inspired residents of Whoville still man- by the success of the bears the There are 33 screen versions of age to enjoy Christmas. name of an Irving Berlin tune the Dickens’ novelette featurfirst performed in an earlier ing plum pudding, roaring fires, Unrealized dreams and $8000 movie. This time Bing Crosby snowstrewn streets, carolers, in missing funds pushes pairs up with Danny Kaye to and, of course, the bitter curGeorge Bailey to the brink in romance a pair of singing sis- mudgeon who’s visited by three this 1946 movie, but a guard- ters performing at a Vermont ghosts on Christmas Eve. The tale reminds us that Christmas ian angel named Clarence lodge. isn’t about gifts and money, but helps George see that even the twists and turns of life can be After an outcry of protest in- rather friends, family and love. wonderful if you have the right sisting on a happy ending for perspective. the Misfit Toys, new scenes This 1990 comedy stars were created to show Santa’s Macaulay Culkin as an eightsleigh rescuing them and find- year-old who mistakely left ing homes for them all in this behind when his family flies to 1964 animated classic. Other France for a Christmas vacaCharacters include an elf who tion. Most of the film was shot wants to be a dentist, an abomi- in the Chicago suburbs of nable snowman, a prospector Winnetka, Illinois and anmed Yukon Cornelius, and, Wilmette, Illinois. Any other of course, the guy with the shots, such as those of Paris, are accept their fate heroically. You chapped proboscis. either stock footage or faked. don’t really hear a soldier complain that he is missing Christ- “Does Santa Claus really ex- An infant in an orphanage mas at home. Most of them ist?” A young Natalie Wood is crawls into Santa’s sack of toys know that they have their buddy right there and that young soldier is depending on him. Christmas at wartime brings mixed emotions mainly because most soldiers wake up on Christmas morning to the same thing they have waken up with the other 364 days of the We’re sending our best wishes to the year. They wake up to raids, blarring sirens, rocket attacks, many good friends and neighbors IED’s being detonated, and we’ve had the pleasure of serving this enraged detainees and citizens. year.May your heart and home They wake up to war. So this time of year please be filled with good, old-fashioned realize the importance of supChristmas cheer. porting our troops by demonstrating our faith in what they We look forward to serving you in the are set to accomplish. year ahead. Providing this world with freedom and peace and coming home alive, healthy, and well. Original Song and led to the movie being considered a Christmas one! It paired up Bing Crosby and Fred Astaire for the first time. Remembering our troops at Christmas time by Angela Dale The sacrifices of wartime are most felt around the holiday season. For the small minority of American families who have someone serving in Iraq, Afghanistan, or anywhere for that matter this time of year can be devastating. Those left behind are left to fill a void that just can’t be filled. Children don’t understand why mommy or daddy can’t be there with them over the holidays. The war is something everyone is familiar with. It dominates our evening news, our political debates, our dinner conversations, and our lives in general, however, the men and women of our armed forces are often invisible. We see them in photos, television ads and obituaries columns, but not as real people. Even though this happens, the soldiers of our armed forces one Christmas Eve and is accidentally taken to the North Pole. Santa decides to allow the child, called “Buddy” after a label on his diaper, to be raised by a helper who has no children of his own. This 2004 film expands a story that can be read in less than three minutes into a ninetynine-minute movie. It tells the story of a young boy on Christmas Eve who is hoping for belief in the true spirit of Christmas. After falling asleep, a magical train pulls up in front of his house and he is invited to journey to the North Pole. When 9-year-old Jessica stumbles across one of Santa’s reindeer in a remote part of the forest, no one will believe her, not even ther no-nonsense father (Sam Elliot). Jessica nurses the deer back to health in secret and is determined to contact Santa and let him know where his reindeer is, but her efforts only result in public humiliation for her father. Cloris Leachman appears in this 1989 film shot entirely on location in Indiana. Decatur Tire Store 1201 N US 81/287 Bus • Decatur • 940-627-3657 Mon - Fri - 7:30 am - 5:30 pm • Sat 7:30 am - 12 noon Merry Christmas to you, 2008 . . .Page 31 Chico 2nd grade - Loper Dear Santa, Has it been bizzy down there. I want a dirt bike. I want a Flat screen TV. I want Bunk Beds. I want a pet dog. I want a new Black D.S. and new D.S. games, like Animal Rescue The Tiger. I want a PSP and a play staishiontwo. I want a new X Box games like Star Wars The Unlimeted Force and Break Heads. I want anew wii games like marine carts and wii fitness. I want new clothes. I want new shoes. Love Hank Dear Santa, I wander how you are doing. And I wish youa merry Christmas. And I wish Mrs. Claus a Merry Christmas to. now please get me a phone. I wish it was red and I want a necklace. And I wont a realy cool playball and a scooter and a barby play house and a cool Bratz doll hous wif a doll and gif it some clothes. Merry Christmas Love, Journey Dear Santa, How are you doing? Are the reindeer and Mrs. Claus are they doing good? Can you please bring me a R.C. helicpter and a Tommy 20 and a toy car. Love, Joey Dear Santa, How are your raindeer this year. This year will you please biring me a new DS. And a horse set. And a DS cheerleding game. And a sccret jurnle for me and Hank and Paige and Macy. Love, Calli Dear Santa, How are the elves I wood rile liketo no? I liket what I got for chrismas last year. Iwood rily like realmagic stuf that rily workds. with amagic oned. Bring a one secrit agent costoom. And an alien costoom. Love Domanick Dear Santa, Dear Santa How are today, may I have a wii and a i clops biotricam? And the republucins to win in the next four years? How are the reindeer doing? May I have awii tennis game player. How is mrs. Clasu? I cHanged my minde I dont want a maginexjungle any more. Love, Nicholas Dear Santa, How are you? I want a babe doll. I want a Barbie doll. I want sum CD.s I want 1 wii gam. Love Paige Dear Santa, How are you this year? How is Mrs. Claus? Thank you for the dog you gave me I named her Sarah. How is RUdolph the red nose reindeer? How are Rudolphs friends? please bring me a nindindo DS. I would like a wii fit for my family Love, Macy Dear Santa, How are you? Is your reindeers healthy. How is Mrs. Claus. Santa please can you give me a phone. and anise shrt and a Dallis Cowboy shirt. and please a Dallis Coby featball Love, PJ Dear Santa, What is the spesheies elf? Will you please ring d P/\.S.P. dand a 4 wheeler. I will triy to b good. Love, Gene Dear Santa, I have been good. can I please have a ice cream maker, a pink phone. please Love, McKensiy Dear Santa, How are you? Am I on the good list? I have been good. How cold is it at the North Pole? How is your reindeer? I want to know a lot about you. I bet you want to know about me. For Christmascan you please bring me some petshops? Can you bring me a Wii game and console? A littlest petshop house and a little peka-boo peteres! I want a jije and a jige game of SOnci the Hedgehog. Love, Jessica Page 32...Merry Christmas to you, 2008 Chico 3rd Grade Letters Dear Santa, Santa how are the raindeer? Santa how are you boing at the northpole? Santa how do you get around the world in one night? How can the raindeer care the sled and the prenst in the sled? Santa are the elf boing good? Santa the thing I want is a DS game at rs cole poekon ranger. And theres one more thing X box. I hope you have a safe trep. your freind Patricio Dear Santa, Do you have any pets besides raindeer? Have you ever ate all of the Christmas cookies in the world? How do you fly all over the world in one night? For Chistmas I want an fourweeler or a gocart cause my dad said I could get one but my dad has no money to get me one. I also want a pony so I can ride it and I want a slay so I can ride it in the creek. I also want a flying remote controll airplane so I can fly it higher than my two brothers. I want an big, big, big stuffed cat. I don’t now if I asked for to much stuff so i’m just going to say goodbye good bye. your friend Jessica p.s. I hope you have a safe trip Dear Santa, How have you ben this year? How do you go around the world in one night? I can’t wait till December 25th. How is Rudeolph? How does his nose glow? I want a playstation 3. Also I want a spy gear kit so I can spy on my sisster. I also want a romote control air plane. I hope you get around the world fast enough and nobody sees Dear Santa Clus how have you been dooing this year? you in their house. your friend Chiris Tate How can you put all the tays in the bag? How do you get across the world in one night? For Christmas I would Dear Santa, like a gutar hero, a scooter, NDS How air you. How is yror Rain Dear games, a gutar, HSM1, HSM2, Books, doing you weir get cooks and micke wall pappar, simes cat, Border collie, if you came mick hous and I have Grassie a cool cat house, beebee gun, ben rile good thish year and I have a bowand arrow, target, cookies, ham, new dog She well chace bribs she is hourse, sattel, phone, tv, more movie, rill nise but she bits fi she see a cat bed, lizzard, frog, fish, bird, snake, sranger and he salw a sranger and nylite dog that sase in side mat bark crab toys from Allison at you but he nont bite I want a tet dritpake, xbox, tv, witeysh, glatsldr, when you deliver presents. I have your friend Xavier been good but I allways fight with my brother. So this is what I want for Christmas I want a white PSP Dear Santa, How do you go a roun the world in a with a 2009 football game for it. A holl night. How is roodoff is he ok sim card for it. That is all I want for are you ok I hop you are not nerves. Christmas. Sincerly, Jerod I have bena good boy this year. I hop I can get a lot of presents. How are the elfs. Wat cind of cookes do Dear Santa, you wont. How can the rain deer fly How are you and your randee do they eat something or do they drink something. Do you have a pet. Wat do you feed th raindeer. Can I have a robot. your friend Bailey Kieth Umphress Dear Santa, I am so happy Christmas is here. How have you been doing are your reindeer okay. Is Mrs. Claus doing good how many cookies do you eat. I bet you eat about 30 then save the rest. Does your elves come with you to our many friends and neighbors. Look for our grand opening in JANUARY at our newly remodeled store in Bridgeport. Chico Hwy, Bridgeport • 940-683-2300 Merry Christmas to you, 2008... Page 33 Christmasfoto by Jo Gilbreath Christmasfoto by Jo Gilbreath Page 34...Merry Christmas to you, 2008 Chico 4th Grade Letters Dear Santa, I thank you for a white Christmas loast year and the allmy presents. This year i am hoping for a CD player, or some earmuffs an mittens for Christmas. But mainly I would like others to be happy an joyful. Wish Mrs. Claus and Rudolf a merry christmas and Happy New Year. Heidi Spann Dear Santa, Thank you for what you brought me last year, my very own nintendo DS lite. I dont have it anymore but hopefully I get another one that is silver and with madden o0. Younever letus down every christmas morning. We wake up and there is always presents under the tree, but more importanly you are the one who keeps the christmas spirit alive. Thanks for Dear Santa, that to. Thank you for all the things you got Michael Galindo me for christmas last year. I really enjoyed them. I don’t care what I Dear Santa, get this christmas. As long as I have I thank you for getting me a guitar one present I will be happy. I mostly last year for Christmas. This justwant movies and cds. It’s been ChristmasI would like a Shih-Tzu getting really cold in Chico every day. puppy, a fourwheeler and puppy I can’t wait tell will have arechristmas clothes. Those are the onlything Iwant break. We’re goig to have 2 weeks for Christmas. I almost forgot, I also off. That’s all for now. want a new acoustic solid black guiYours truely, Oliva tar. Your truly, Kimberleigh Orona My letter to Santa Dear Santa, Dear Santa, I thank you for all the presents you I appresiate what you do for the kis gave me last year but this year I fo the world. Thank for doing what need the new toys to play with for you do best of all. Since you do so Christmas. I would like a nintendo much for the world - don’t get me ds and for the S.S I would like Call anything. of duty World at war and long hawks Thank you, Robert proving ground. Thas all I want for Christmas. Please and thank you, your friend, Jacob May the twelve days of Christmas brighten your heart and home, creating goodwill, joy and fond memories to last the whole year through. We feel fortunate to have you among our circle of friends. Thanks for being so good to us this past year. We look forward to seeing you again soon. Have a safe and happy holiday! 836 FM 2952 • Chico • 940-644-2759 Merry Christmas to you, 2008... Page 35 Chico 4th Grade Letters eveyrhing I want. The main thing I want is for my little Brother to be clean of cancer! My whole family is tired of watching Bailey go through thise! I want a very happy Chirstmas! Merry Christmas to all! Yours truly Math Umphress Dear Santa, This Christmas I want a PS3!!! That’s all I want for Christmas. Maybe some nerf guns to annoy my parents. Last year, I gt a DS, so a ps3 would go with it. I would also like a scooter, if you have time Dear Santa, Your friend, Austin This Christmas is going to be great! I will be able to se both my parents. Dear Santa,I appreciate the things From the Firday we get out to the you got me last year, like high school Tuesday the next week I will be at musical clock, a new born baby kit- my moms. The rest of the break I ten the day before christmas, High will be withmy dad at my grandma’s Schoolmusical lamp, the things in my house. I love it when I get to see my stocking. This years list contains: an family even if I miss the Christmas MP3 player, a pussy cat doll CD, a party I will still see my family. Thank new desk for my room, fuzzy boots you! and fuzzy socks, a new tobogen. Sincerely, Darian Your’s truly, Brittanie Dear Santa, Dear Santa, For Christmas i would like a I appreciate youbringing me a PSPwhich is sorta like a gameboy I Nintendo DS last year, butnow I would hope you have anice christmas but I love something bigger! I would like a whould reallylike if you whould leave Iphone. On I phone’s you can just me a new tv mine is ok but i whould doabout anything. You can of course really like that. And oh do’t worry i call and text, and geton the internet. will leave you some cookies and some But it also has an ipod built inside to milk. hold you music. I would realy like an Your’s turly, Chris I phone Yours truly, Destinee Dear Santa, Thank you for the Playstation 3 that Dear Santa,Thank you for what you you brought me last year. I will use it gave me last christmas everybit of until it doesn’t work at all because I it. My christmas list for this year love it. This year, I want the Lego contains some Wii games, some DS Ultimate Collector series Millenium games if you could get some new Falcon with 5,000 pieces. It is huge! movies the ones Iwant themost is It will be awesome when I finsih it! It Narnia-Prince Caspein and Batman willbe the coolets Star Wars ship the dark night. If you could get me that I have. Thank you and fly safely! some of those things I would realy Happy Holidays, Ryan appreicate it. Oh and Merry Christmas Dear Santa, Austin Santa Claus will you see if I am naughty or nice. Because if I amnice Dear Santa, I whant a DS game called Ben 10 Thank you very much for everythinbg alien Force. Butt if I amnaughty you i got last year. It came in Handy for will give me cole. But I know I amnice. roadtrips, and Boredness! I still use Hold on I what not a DS game I will everything! This year is a totally rather have an Ipod. diffrent list, which contains: new wii Sincerely, Jacob games,new cds, that is just some of Dear Santa, I wish you could bring me an Entendo D.S. to play when I whanto. And please bring clothes to my puppy Fiona so she whonot be cold when it is cold and freezing outside. And thank you for all the stuff you gave me. Love, Alondra My letter to Santa Dear Santa, What I wont for crismis is the Ben ten alean fors for nitendo DS, the new indeana jons move thetemple of cristul skuls, an imp3 player with spekers or ipod with speakers, a videocamra and a we or x box 360 thats all I wont for crismas. Senerly, Tyler Dear Santa, I would like to ds games. One: Lps, Two: My sims kingdom. Maybe some furniture for my doll house. A friend and girlfriend for my dog. A boyfriend for my cat. To see all my friends. Imiss them a lot. Well I would like to get a picture of my mom’s dad, he is a clown. A trip to mexico to seemy family. Love, Martha Dear Santa, Last year I got some amazing gifts, thank you for that. But this year I have grown up. Sohonestly I really dont want anything but just for ever little boy and girl to have a sonderful Christmas. But if you had the time I think that I would really like a new Dear Santa, Thank you for what you got me last phone. Butif I dont get it, it is really year, it was the beast evers. This year no big deal. Love, Hope.=) Di really want a mr three player. The best gift youcan get is to be with your family, that is what i think. I Dear Santa, would reall also want a labitaop. Thank yo for getting us our twofourChrismas is my very favorit holidy. I wheelers last year. Also here our somethings I really would like to have love how it is cold and snows. Your friend, Cheyanne Hale on my Christmas list. I would like to have another horse For our horse Angel also. I would like to have; a wii, Dear santa, For Christmas this year I would like plystation3, a parrot, some more a vidio camra. I would love to be able jeans, walkie talkies, a couple video to vidio my cousings and familey. I games, and a cell phone with a conwould also like alot of pain supplies tract. Tahnk you Love you, Kayla like an easil, oil paints, pastels, pencils and other drawingpieces. I would love to also open up a I pod. The Dar Santa, coler I would like is blue. I love that I have waited all year long for this coler. I would also like a pair of one holiday and I want and I really, really want htis it’s a nintindo wii! My rollrblaids. Yours truly, Katie friend Cameron from Weatherford had one, he said it was really fun. I alos want a new memory card for Dear Santa, I loved what you gave me last year, my camerra, I also want the movies: so this will give you ideas of what I The Clique, The Dark Knight, Last ant for this year. Well I always not NOT least I want the wanted an xbox 360 and getting gui- soundtracks, actually albums: Keeps tar hero for it, but then they made it Gettin Better By Christina Aguleria, for nintindo DS also. So ib you will and David Archoleta’s new cd. That’s please ge me that I will be so happy. all for now! Sincerely Yours, Brianna merry Christmas from yours turly, austin Are you well rested up for Christmas. How about your reigndeer? Hope so cause I’ve gotHow is roodoff? How is Dassher? I have bin good the whole year. Can I have a dirt bike and a wii. Can I have a set of drums and a laptop. Can I have a pear of roller skates and a guitar or a new game chair. Can I have a new game for my Xbox 3 and my game cube and DS. Can I have a 6 wheeler and a Jesk. Your freind, Ty Dear Santa, How can you go around the world in one day? Is your slay magic or what? I wenderd how roodoff was doing is he feeling good or, bad? How are you feeling Santa? Are you ready to dilever present. Can you bring me a dirtbike. and a lambergini. Are you going to Texas yes or no? Your Friend Arnold Dear Santa, Can you watch us from tv? how do raindeer fly? how many presents will I get from you? My brother does no bleve i bleve santa is real. Do you get cold in the nothpole? For Chrismiss I won’t a milayon dallars and a car that is blue and a dimend neckless and real dimends and more shoes. and a dog. Love, Rheanna Dear Santa, How are you? I’m fine and haveing a good time. I want to have a DS game called Ben ten and a nothe D.S., playstation three with some games like Naruto and Ben ten. How are the raindeer and Rudolph too. How is Misses clause is she ok. Can you get in a house with out a chimny. Thank you, sancerly Jesse Dear Santa, How are you? Are you cold? I want Closs Shoos want every oneto have a good Christmas your friend Dennis Page 36...Merry Christmas to you, 2008 T fÉÄw|xÜá V{Ü|áàÅtá T’WAS THE NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS, HE LIVED ALL ALONE IN A ONE BEDROOM HOUSE MADE OF PLASTER AND STONE I HAD COME DOWN THE CHIMNEY WITH PRESENTS TO GIVE AND TO SEE JUST WHO IN THIS HOME DID LIVE I LOOKED ALL ABOUT A STRANGE SIGHT I DID SEE NO TINSEL NO PRESENTS NOT EVEN A TREE NO STOCKING BY MANTLE JUST BOOTS FILLED WITH SAND ON THE WALL HUNG PICTURES OF FAR DISTANT LANDS WITH MEDALS AND BADGES AWARDS OF ALL KINDS A SOBER THOUGHT CAME THROUGH MY MIND FOR THIS HOUSE WAS DIFFERENT IT WAS DARK AND DREARY I FOUND THE HOME OF A SOLDIER ONCE I COULD SEE CLEARLY THE SOLDIER LAY SLEEPING SILENT, ALONE CURLED UP ON THE FLOOR IN THIS ONE BEDROOM HOME THE FACE WAS SO GENTLE THE ROOM IN SUCH DISORDER NOT HOW I PICTURED AN AMERICAN SOLDIER WAS THIS HERO OF WHOM I’D JUST READ? CURLED UP ON A PONCHO THE FLOOR FOR A BED? I REALIZED THE FAMILIES THAT I SAW THIS NIGHT OWED THEIR LIVES TO THESE SOLDIERS WHO WERE WILLING TO FIGHT SOON ROUND THE WORLD THE CHILDREN WOULD PLAY AND GROWN-UPS WOULD CELEBRATE A BRIGHT CHRISTMAS DAY THEY ALL ENJOYED FREEDOM EACH MONTH OF THE YEAR BECAUSE OF THE SOLDIERS LIKE THE ONE LYING HERE I COULDN’T HELP WONDER HOW MANY LAY ALONE ON A COLD CHRISTMAS EVE IN A LAND FAR FROM HOME THE VERY THOUGHT BROUGHT A TEAR TO MY EYE I DROPPED TO MY KNEES AND STARTED TO CRY THE SOLDIER AWAKENED AND I HEARD A ROUGH VOICE “SANTA DON’T CRY, THIS IS MY LIFE CHOICE; I FIGHT FOR FREEDOM I DON’T ASK FOR MORE MY LIFE IS MY GOD, MY COUNTRY, MY CORPS THE SOLDIER ROLLED OVER AND DRIFTED TO SLEEP I COULDN’T CONTROL IT I CONTINUED TO WEEP I KEPT WATCH FOR HOURS SO SILENT AND STILL AND WE BOTH SHIVERED FROM THE COLD NIGHTS CHILL I DIDN’T WANT TO LEAVE ON THAT COLD DARK NIGHT THIS GUARDIAN OF HONOR SO WILLING TO FIGHT THEN THE SOLDIER ROLLED OVER WITH VOICE SOFT AND PURE WHISPERED “CARRY ON SANTA ITS CHRISTMAS DAY ALL IS SECURE.” ONE LOOK AT MY WATCH AND I KNEW HE WAS RIGHT “MERRY CHRISTMAS MY FRIEND AND TO ALL A GOOD NIGHT.” Page 37...Merry Christmas to you, 2008 Chico 4th Grade Letters Dear Santa, I Have den nice all year. please can i have a ds and raide whie cedes and toys. And how is Rudolph and the elvews and you. My chimney is dlaked off how are you going to get in dy the door or the winndows or go there the dack door. How is Mrs. Clause i will leave some Santa and elves and Rudolph cookies and milk. your Friend, Macie been bringing. ok. How is Bomit? He Sencirly is doing good. Mrs. is Clouse ding? Macie She is doing good. She is making cookies and milk and Hot coco with Dear Santa if you are really alive this marshmellow. is coming to you. This is what I want Your Best Friend Tristan for Christmas playstaion 3, x box 360, pants, shirts and games for the game Dear Santa, systems. I would also love if you would Are you well rested for Christmas give me a billon dollars or so, and if How about your reigndeer? Hope so you would liek tot hrow some more cause I’vegot a list of what I want. I in there for my family. Well anyway would like to get a Highschool musi- give the raindeer a carriot for my, cal brand new “u” hadnbook., and marry Christmas Santa. Littlestpetshop display and playround By: Jericoe and round pet town, Littest pet shop figures with accessories and bundle. Dear Santa, I would also like I want a bait caster fishing pole. One LPSpetsonlyclughouse (LPS means that will not break very easy. Some LittlestPet Shop) LPS teenist pencil line to put in it and biat would not case. hurt at all. Thanks Love from Corbin Cyohee Dear Santa, I nee to see you at least one time. Santa how are comet, and Rudolph? Santa I need some cool shoes. Santa are you lactos intollerant? Santa can I have my name on all my toy’s? Santa thank you for Christmast! Santa for Christmas I would like to go to buid a bear. Santa would you put 20 mor AR point’s and let me see my frend Bailye agen. Santa how Dear Santa, are the elf’s? Iwant a dirt bike and a mp4 that your frend Ayesha would be awsome oh yeah and guitar hero on tour would be awsome and Dear Santa, the Ds case that comes with it and how is Rudolph the red nose raindeer. maybe a poky mome starter kit Hor are the raindeer and Mrs. Clause PS how are the elves and how are you Santa Clause. I want codey an gameboy with allot of cool and fun games. That I will like forever Sear Santa, i been waiting for and ever. I want a xbox 360 with all Chrismas I woold like for you to give the cool and fun games that are not me a psp ofs a DS i never had a borring and wierd and are not fun at game sistme exep for a nintendox64 all. I want all the ps3 gamen and the o wpp;d a;sp ;ole a x bpx360. or a ps2 games. g;asjactopm2 bpity ,pst pf a;; o wpp;d your freind Nicolas wjamt tje [s[ Victor What I Want for Christmas What I want most of all, is an XBox Dear Santa, 360 with lots of games. I played with Are you excited Christmas? Well, I my cousin one day and I really liked am. Did you hear what my family it. I also would like to have a 4- are doing, My sister and I got one wheeler. If I had one I would ride all present from are parents and then around my house. We have a ramp I we are going to Women and children would like to try it on. selter and give gifts to them. I really Jon Bruner only want tow things for christmas, anyway. I would like to keep in touch Dear Santa with the people from the shelter and How is Rudolph? He is doing good. a ew laptop, but I’m saving up money He is helping people. So how are you for the laptop. I just want those Santa? I am doing good. You have people that we buy for to be happy. Dear Santa, what I will like from you is some more video games that probably be all. no I want anew bike, i think that will do it for this eyar. see you next year. Trey Nintendo Wii for CHristmas. The only bad thing is that we don’t have a chimeny, so good luck trying to get in without getting arrested. I alsowant a PSP, too. Joseph Dear Santa, I would like a pair of boots and a ds light and one hundred dollars but so if you dont mind thats pretty much all I want other than a wonderful Christmas. So if you can, thatwill be my christmas wish so if you could make it happen that would be wonderful. Anyway, I gettwice asmuch presnt in Decemberbecause of my birthday, but other people gat thatto. Cortney Dear Sant, thank your for all of the presents you give me on christmas day. Imight ask for alot sometimes, so I am very sorry for when I do ask for alot of thing. On my behalf I would like to say thank you sined, Marco Dear Santa, all Iwant for Christmas is four things one is a game called starwars the force unleasht two a wii three a game for wii called Destory all humans big Dear, Santa, willey unleasht four a game for wii Just to let you know, I have been called super smash brothers bral pretty good this year. I really want a from Thomas Page 38...Merry Christmas to you, 2008 Chico 4th Grade Letters and milk for you and one for the raindeers and two for Rudolph. I almost forgot I want clothes and a Ds game. You have to come in from a window or a door. i don’t have a chimmney. I’m just telling you so you can know and take all night looking for the chimmney. Your friend, Deisy Dear Santa Clause, How are you? how are the reinbear? how is miss. Clause. how is the North Pole? what I what for Christmas is a hamster and a new puppy I would also like a new born baby bunny and a new kitten, a new improved bike with raindow ribbons. and a new baskit witha horn. a new improved Dear Santa, skooter with ribbons. How are you doing? I like Christmas Sincerely, Juidan and Thanksgiving do you like them to? Can you please bring me a dog Dear Santa, Ds. How is Rudolph? Do you like hot How is Rudolph? I hope you are ok. choclet? Santa can you please bring I’m fine and so is my family. For me a dall house with a mail box and Christmas I want only 2 things. I hope mail. Santa the prsents you got me that’s no trouble. all I want is 2 last year I liked them. The Prsents webinz. a cat and a horse. I hope you bring this year I think I’ll like you don’t mind P.S careful going down them to. Can you please bring me a my chimnet it is locked at the bot- baby doll or some CD’s or nail polis. tom. It might have more dust than What Hoiladay do you like? you think. Please do not sneeze it will your Frined, LuLu wake me up and I will know who it is. Please leave me a candy cane. Dear Santa, Merry Cristmas, Caelia How is Dasher? Soms upi are santa I will tell you what I want for ChristDear Santa, How are you today. Tell mas. I whant a now tramplen, and a me how is Mrs. Clause. Santa what hot tud, and a i pold, and I whant a is your elf’s doing right now. Santa noe rateow, and a flower pot witha this what I want. i want a Nintendo flower in it I talc it wont de a sath DS and some cloths, shoes. i hope pass in the day so I tank the elf everyone is going to have a good cand hold it so it whont brak. I bet Chrismas I hope you have a good the elfs has bin woking hold and i Chrismas to. I want some fun pa- tank you habs bin woking hold. The pers to do at my house. I want a wii elfs and you ned a glos at mike and to have lots of fun. I would want a a cokey. The rander neww ned a little gald fish to play with. cerit be for the flit or a ball or roll your friend, Verenice Sincerely, Tala Johnston Dear Santa, How are the raindeers and you? I alwaays wanted to see Rudolph but I can’t I have to sleep so you can come. Tell Rudolph he is my favorite because I have seen his movie and almost every raindeer is mean to him. He is very pretty and nice he did not get mad or got in to a fight when they said mean things to him. He just got sad and ran home crying. I am going to leave you some cookies Dear Sant How do elves make toys? Santa, for Christmas may I have a bear that coimes with a needle and a heart listener and all veterenarians stuff. Santa can the elves make me a guitar cans I wand to be in a rock band with Ayesha, can Ayesha get a guitar too. At christmas can I also got a drum and winter boots that are brown and omes from fomovs footwear? How do rain dear fly Your Christmas Angle Haley Dear Santa, I’ve had a good time in third grade so far. Gor my christmas I want a new nintindo ds game the I imagine baby game. When Christmas comes there will be cookies nd milk also we will put out carrots out for the raindeer. we can put water on the porch if their thirsty. I can’t wait for Christmas to get here so I can get presents and for Christmas I want to get a cross neckless. Your friend, DJ Dear Santa, I always wanted a Santas helper costume. I would love a chinchilla or a dwarf hamster. My favoit holiday is Christmas, and because you get to spend time with your family. I would like a pair of Gir PJ’s with slippers. How is Mrs. Clause? Tell Rudolph he is my favorit. My hamster would like a small stocking. Be carefull sometimes my dad forgets to put out the fireplace. What king of cookies do you like. your favorit, Azia P.S. Reminder BE CAREFULL! Dear Santa, I Have den nice all year. please can i have a ds and raide whie cedes and toys. And how is Rudolph and the elvews and you. My chimney is dlaked How is Mrs. Clause. Is Rudolph real? Can I have a intendo ds? How can you get in my house when I don’t have a chimeny? My birthday is on December 23, I was allmost born on Christmas. What is the reindeers names? I no just a little bit. I wish my frinds could come for Thanksgiving. I don’t no any elves, I bet you do because youre Sant Clause and everybody knows you. But I want everybody to have a merry Christmas. You Frend Miranda T [xtÜàãtÜÅ|Çz [ÉÄ|wtç From our home to yours, we wish you and your loved ones the best holiday season ever! Kokomo Energy Inc. 101 Turkey Creek Trail ~ Bridgeport Merry Christmas to you, 2008... Page 39 Chico 3rd Grade Letters Dear Santa, How are you I hope youre fin. I see christmas is coming up and we get presents. I want a I pod nanow and a I dog and 3 hurmitcrabess and whon of those things that you can take and wach in your car a Dvd palyer. and a barbie dokll and a Ds. Love 1 # Kassandra Barron Dear Santa, I would like a wii. I would like a big fawiir. Please mpu peare, and a now dirt bike boots. Please brang me a xbox to. how are you mes. clues how are you santa, how are the evas and the riandeer. love Kolton Dear Santa, I would want a hannah montana chair and beanbag. A new dry earase board mine is broke and a chalk board whith chalk. The new wii whith games and a d.s. whith games. How is your reindeer and Mrs. Clause? An imp3 player and a ipod. A fourwheller and a dirtbike. A tv and a minidrege. A computer and a laptop. a letric gutar and a set of drums. A hanna montana movie and all her song that she has made I wount the songs put on a c.d. A micorphone. Love, Taylar Wootton you doing today? at night coming through the chiminey. Chairms I went a DS. For a gam I Love youer fined, Autum Hale your friend, Laynee wed gemy mats. I have a wii thoes I went a game. I see you soon. Dear Santa, Daer Santa. Love, Leslie Aguilar are you good to your raindeers. I How is roodoff? do you change the woulnt a nume crad. I want a mpe3 lightbolb in his nose evry day or week. Dear Santa, plaer. I wont a ipod. I wont a set of Is your slay mageck you must cary How are you? How are your elvs? Are make up. I wont a sel phone. How is alot of toys. Speaking of toys do you you haveing fun with the RainDeer? I roodof. How is all the raindeer. I wont know what I want. I wan’t a ps3 a hope you are not sick. Is Mrs. Clause a raindeer. I like rakits. I wont a four Ipod and $900,000. I will lay some sick I hope she is not? Is your sled weeler. I have a meen dog. I have a cookies out for you and a glass of magic? I have ben a good boy. I can’t dog like to jump on you and lik you. milk. My crhismas tree is very cool. weight for Christmas. I hope your PS From Taylor Lee Sory I want one more thang a 4 weller elvs are done makeing the toys for Tank you and a gater a RV. How do the the boys and girls. For Christmas I raindeer fly, is it mageck? See you want a PSP. I wish Christmas was Dear Santa, soon, Santa!! every day How are you doing today? Just that your friend Aric From your friend Jacob you know that my little brother wants cars, I want a day care center D.S. Daer Santa, Dear Santa, game, and my big brother want a How is Mrs. Clouse? How is are youer How do you make it all the way new DVD player. I love all your iandear?k How is roodofe? I had been around the world in one night? Do raindeers. Did you know that my good. How are you doing? How do you get full from eating all those cookmom and I are going to make cook- you get of round in one night. For ies? Can you get me catchers gear ies for yor? I hope I have a good Chistmas this year. I would never sleep in on Chistmas Eve. Love, Jamie Dear Santa, How lange is yore borde? I bet it is relex longe how old are you? How short are the elves? thay look rely short How is ms. clase? How is the raindere? do you fend them maghie foode How coled is it? How fate are you? you haftto ent loots of cookings Dear Santa, If bene gode this year i want a nowe How are your deer? Santa how old bicke. are you? Are you good to your deer? your frined, Jules Oh I trust you! On the day of Christmas I will make lots of cook and one Dear Santa, grass malk? I want for Christmas a How can you get across the world in DS and a ipod. My gavorite bolday 1 night? I was wandering how roodoff is Christmas. Santa you have fun giv- is doing. I wanted to tell you that my ing the presents to the kids. brother doesn’t beleive in you. I forLove Daniela Salinas got what all the raindeer names. I know one in named roodoff. I’ll sing Dear Santa, the song. I forgot I’ll just tell you Will you give me a mp3 plaer, a itopte what I want. I’ve always wwanted a for Creismse. How aer the rndis do- bell from the raindeer. but the only ing? I will lave you some ckoose and people who beleive in you can here it. milke and lite rodoff came in. I alseo I’ve been king of bad this year. I wante a ipade and a epet’s a wkinse. promise never to do that again. I’v e How is Mis. Clase doing? How aer allways wanted to see you in person for baseball. And 1,000 dollars. Does Rudolf’s nose really glow? How do your deer fly? Will you get me a psp. Can you get me a gocart. your friend Javan Dear Santa, How are your rain deer? How do the rain deer fly? How are the Elfs? How are you please Give me a ripstick. Please give $30,000. Pleas give me a car. Pleas give me a dog. Pleas give me a barn. How do you land? How do ou make toys? How can you live in the north pole? your freind Logan. Hope you have safe trip. your freind Logan May this holiday season be your best yet, by leaps and bounds! IPS E-Line Services 2269 N. Masch Branch Rd., Ste. 1 • Denton 940-484-4481 ••• Chico Hwy • Bridgeport Merry Christmas to you, 2008... Page 40 Chico 5th Grade Letters Dear Santa, How are you? How is Mrs. Clause, the elves, and the reindeer doing? If I could have one wish, I wish the soldiers in Iraq would come for Christmas. Ii would like to have an IPod Nano, Kung Fu Panda, and Star Wars the Force Unleashed fort the PSP. I hope you have a safe Christmas and a happy new year! Love, Ancelmo Dear Santa, I whould like the Twilight series books to read and movie to watch. and one more thing I whould like is a Baby Alive Learns to Potty, if that is not to much to ask for. Sincerly, Whitney Dear Santa, I would lilke a ripstick for Christmas this year. I would also like a new MP3 player, or Ipod. Merry Christmas, Kyler P.S. If you would not mind I would want a four weeler. Dear Santa, Hey Santa it’s me Nick do you remember me? Ya you perobly do so how are you and Mrs. Claws? So how do you like are new presisdent Oboma. I was mad when he became presisdent. tell all the raindeer and elfes I said have a good christmas and I said high. P.S. Can you bring me a PS 3 and a douneugy. Have a good christmas good by from Nick Dear Santa Claus, how are you are you getting ready for Christmas? If you are wondering what I would want I’d like two things. I’d like a dog and The Series of Unforturnete of Events Book collection. there are two wishes I’d like you to grant. If somebody canfind a cure for the sickness my grandmother has. The other one is if world poulition can stop. Sincerely, Cryan Dear Santa, I would like a Wii and baskball and laptop. my Name Tamara and I am the Cool kid in school. Tamara Dear Santa Claus, Can you please get me and my mom a Pokemon Peal game? Oh! I almost forgot to ask you can you allso get me and my brothers a bike plese and thenk you. Merry Christmas! Sincerly, Devin Dear Santa Claus, For my Christmas wish I want my brother Rowdy to be able to speak. The reason why is because he is not able to speak well for his age. If that were to happen I would be happier than ever. Your Fellow Texan, Julia P.S. If you could bring me a present, and please don’t forget the safty rope so you can’t fall off the roof. Merry Christmas to you, 2008... Page 41 Chico 5th Grade Letters Dear Santa, I would like a Star Wars The Force Unleshed ds game and a Tomb Raider Underworld ds for mu brother along with something for my mom. Sincerely, Kevin P.S. If there was ne miracle I would want it would be for the wars to end and the soldgers to come home for Christmas. Dear Santa, I would like a ripstick for Christmas because they look so cool and I can ride it ast the skate park. I would also like a wii so me and my brother can play with it. If there could be a miracle it would be that all of the solgers could come home for Christmas and bring peace to our state. Merry Christmas, Stephen Whatley P.S. Say hi to ms. claws for me in bring joy to the world in have a merry christmas HO HO HO!!! Dear Santa, I would like it if I could have a Madden 2009 PSP, Because I’m alway’s traveling and there’s nothing to do but look out the window. Thank you Sincerly: TJ P.S. Merry Christmas Dear Santa, All I want four christmas is a pair of Longhorns P.J.s or a wii. I would like a knew bedspread of Longhorns. I would like all king’s of stuf in longhorns to decorate my room. I would like a ds with the game gitar hero or a laptoq. Your’s truley, Geri P.S. I wish that all the kids over ten will get 100$. Dear Santa, There are many things I want for Christmas, but the main thing I want is a new phone. My old one broke. That is one of the many things I want for Christmas. There is one more thing I want a 4-10 my couisn came over a I got to shoot his. It was very fun. Merr Christmas, Chandler Dear Santa, I would like the Eragon series of books. I would also like to donate money to the people in the need of money. Merry Christmas - Sincerely, Dear Santa, Courney Byers I would like for you to bring me a new gameboy. I will also want you to Dear Santa, bring me some new clothes. I will love What I want for christmas is a xbox it. 360 and playstation 2 with madden Sincerely, Diana 09, Also, I would like Netindo DS with Mario and Poemon ranger the game. Dear Santa, Sincerely, Brady I like to play so can I have a wii with a game? I love to read so can I have Dear Santa, secret of Droon collection? I am readFor Christmas I would like a new 4- ing #12 of the collection and I hae wheeler. I would also like some new not read #1,#2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, nintendo ds games. The last thing I #9, #10, #11? Can I also have a huge want is an I-pod. If I could have a eletric blanket so I won’t freeze newt special wish it would be that the war winter and some jelwery? ended for Christmas break so all the Shelby soldiers can go home to thier familie. Merry Christmas, Love, Leah Dear Santa, Hae you seen the game system called Dear Santa, wii? I think that they are so cool. I I realy like video games and if you really want one. I would also really don’t mined can you bring me a psp like to have a new game for my and my dad a ps3 to share. I would Nintendo DS. I wish that somebody also like a brand new four-wheeler would find a cure for cancer so for my family to share since my dad everbody with cancer could live a is sailing my dirtbike. I would also happy life. like basketballs and footballs and all Merry Christmas, Tracie Pryor the other kinds of balls like that.. Merry Chrstmas, sinserly, Tyler Dear Pure Noel Howes the Mrs? It is almost the Dear Santa, holidays agin so I wish to feed the I want a star to wish on each night. I want its light to glow bright across the world. and let it take my tears away. lay a smile upone my face. I promise not to be selfesh. I’ll share with all. may each child wish...wish on my christmas star. From, Zoe Dear Santa, I only wan’t two thing from you this year. The first thing is a 45-47 pound bow. The last thing is the new I phone 3G. And the Get Smart video Sinceraly, your friend Jeremy Dear Santa,, what I for christmas is a playstation 3 becuse they are cool, and plus a psp becuse I whant one really really bad. They can do anything you want it to do, like internet, FM radio and pictures, and play games on it. Sincelry, R.J Dear Santa, For christmas I want a psp and a naruto game for the psp. I wanta I pod, naruto season 6,7,8,9 on DVD merry Christmas! Sincerely, Waylan hugry and home the homeless. Dear Santa, oxox Colby How are you? For christmas I would like a cellphone. My mom will not Dear Santa, buy me one because they are so exi wish all of the people in jail could pensive. I would also like a new bike just get out and behave that would because my old one is getting small. be such a miracle. An let Barrok Thank you. Obama do the right things for are Merry Christmas, Stacee country and let all of the soldgeirs to go home and see there famlies for Dear Santa, Christmas. let all the pour people get I would like a wii and rockband to go buches of presents and get what they with it. I also would like a lapon, a wish for genie pig, and a camera, too! Also Sincerely, Logan P.S. what I like to have is a cd called Will you make my wish true? Now 29, I would like more but that is all I am going to name. Dear Santa, Love, Bradi Hay it’s CJ how is the mises anyhow. I hope your haveing a good time too, Dear Santa, but if you can and I would love it if How are you. well im fine if you are you would maybe make me a wii and wondering. For christmas I would like skate for it. If I could have one world a cell phone or a go phone. If I had wide thing it would be to end the war. to have one wish i would wish for no Sincerely, CJ one goes hungey again With Love, Rachel Dear Santa, If you can bring me a yorkie or a four-wheeler that would be great but I will acept whatever you bring me and be greatful for it. I wish my little sister will be nice from now on. Merry Christmas, Dakota Here’s hoping your holiday season hits all the high notes. It’s been a privilege and a pleasure serving you this past year. Merry Christmas! GOT TO GO SOLUTIONS 500 W Sherman • Chico 940- 644-5500 • 940-644-5228 Page 42...Merry Christmas to you, 2008 Chico 5th Grade Letters series. I would also like to have a bakogon clip for my brother Will. Dear Santa, Maby even some more bakogon for I would like a new I phone for Christ- him. He realy like them. mas. If I get an I phone I would get Merry Christmas, Sincerely, Katie all my teachers one for Christmas. I would also like a puppy. If I get a Dear Santa, puppy for Christmas I will name it I wish I could have an I phone. I also Cory. wish I could have a NCAA football or Merry Christmas, Margarita foran exbox. Kalan Dear Santa, I would like a cellphone, i would also Dear Santa, like my own cooking set so i could I would to have a wii and two wii cook desert. Love, Bailey controlers with wii sports too. Sincerely, Jason Dear Santa, P.S. Can you visit Chico Elkementy? I would lidxe an i pod and i wan’t a ps3. Merry Christmas, Dear Santa, Sincelely, Chris Im the coolest kide in Chico Elementary. And if it wood be ok I wood like Dear Santa, to have something besides the hole This is what I would like for 5th grade getting coal besides Mrs. christmas. a D-rex, & the Alien vs. Bowyer and I. I wood allsol like a Preadtor requiem for psp. cross bow. Now we all mow chrismos Merry Christmas, Dylan is a time for mirecles. I wont is God to come back and tack us to the Dear Santa, Heavens. Hey, how’s it going.Okay, let’s cut to Love: Cody the chase. I really, really, really, extremely want Jonas Brothers tickets!! Dear Santa, Mostly, because they are my favor- My name is Connar. I am eleven ite band, i absolutely love their mu- years old. I live in Chico Texas. I wish sic, sound, and sonmgs, and well, duh, for Christmas that the war will STOP they are cute! My favorite song is “A so all the soldiers could come home little bit Longer”. Anyway that is one and be with their families for Christthing I would like for Christmas. Now, mas! P.S. If it is not to much trouble here is another. What is it you ask? I would also like a four-weeler It is... a hair straightner. I love my Sincerly, Connar hair straightene our. I am gonna straighten my hair befor school and Dear Santa, see what everyone thinks of it. Now, I would like a Wii with an otheir conthat would be awesom. Don’t you trol. I would also like a mp3 player think so? I do. Hey I know what i touch thats white, so I can lissten to would really like..... a wii, and the game my own music in the car. wii fit!!! I have heard from a ton of Love, Brenden people, that this game rocks! Sorry, that I put, too much exclamation Dear Santa, marks. It just shows that I’m happy I would like a wii for christmas. I and excited.. would also like some new clothes for With a lot of love, Brittany school this year too. Like jean’s and shirt’s. I would also like a little fridge Dear Santa, to put in my room. I would like two series of the Woriior Love, Victoria Dear Santa, I would lilke a psp for chrismas because when I go to Mexico in the car I wont be bord. I also whant a MP3 to listen to my favoret music. Sincerely, Armando a cure for cancer and to cure Baily and make this Christmas special. I would also like for the U.S. Government to make it where you have to take a test to vote. Question example: Will raising taxes on oil companies lower gas prices? If yes, they’re Dear Santa, wrong. I wish that all the democrats I would lilke a Wii and a D.S. Also a were impeached and I wwas presia new playstaion game. Pleas and dent. I also wish the rule: He who thank you doesn’t work, doesn’t eat. I would also Sincerly, Timothy like a griffen. Merry Christmas, Taylor Dear Santa, P.S. Try not to hit grand ma. Sorry about my first list, I was being really greedy and the things I Dear Santa, want are the new D-Rex, Pokemon i would like a puppy, but if you can’t ranger shadows of almmig, and a get me a puppy, the elves could make nintendo DS. me the world’s greatest toy. Sincerly, James Love, Alyssa P.S. Sorry about the half eaten Dear Santa, cookes last year, my brother got I would likie for researchers to find hungry. Dear Santa, For Chistmas I want a playstatio 2 and a new PSP and newgames for the playstation 2 and for my PSP. I want a xbox 360 and a new games for my xbox 360. From: Guillermo Dear Santa, I would like to have a new phone because my brother dropped mine in his koolaid, I would also like to have a laptop so I can play games and listen to songs. Another reason I want a laptop is so I will have something to do after school. If I could have one wish in the world it would be for my brother to come home for Christmas. They came down during the summer, but I still miss them. your fried, Ivy P.S. I would also like to see my dad for Christmas. We really appreciate your continued and loyal business this past year. With a bundle of best wishes to all our neighbors and friends this holiday season. Happy Holidays from your friends at RGA HomeCare 1411 Chico Hwy. • Bridgeport 940-683-6370 Merry Christmas to you, 2008... Page 43 by J.D. Clark Last night, a group of friends and I went driving around to view the Christmas lights that are on display in our area this year. As we enjoyed the elaborate displays at some homes, I began to think about my annual Christmas story for the paper and what I would write about this year. I wondered where and how the tradition of Christmas lights started and decided that would make an interesting holiday piece. To my surprise, a quick Internet search revealed piles of information about historic Christmas lights. In fact, there are numerous collectors of antique Christmas lights that are incredibly knowledgeable about the topic. Let’s jump back to 1879, when Thomas Edison invented the world’s first light bulb. Edward Johnson, the vice president of Edison’s electric company, experimented with lighting and electricity and in 1882 became the first person to electrically-light a Christmas tree. The tree was displayed in the foyer of his New York City home, which was located in the first section of that city to be wired for electricity. Johnson adorned his tree with 80 lights encased in glass eggs of red, white, and blue. A reporter named Croffut visited Johnson’s home and wrote about the tree in the Detroit Post and Tribune, widening the awareness of a possible new holiday decoration. Two years later, in 1884, Johnson improved his tree lighting design and decorated his tree with 120 lights in globes of different colors. This time around, the New York Times did a story on the tree, complete with detailed technical descriptions. In 1890, Edison’s company published a 28-page catalog that for the first time included lighting for Christmas trees as a genuine product. President Grover Cleveland displayed the White House’s first electrically-lit Christmas tree in 1895, and the nation took notice. By the next Christmas, high society members were hosting Christmas Tree parties. These events were quite elite; typical lighted trees at that time cost $300, which is equivalent to $2000 in today’s currency. In 1900, Edison began advertising his miniature tree lights in popular magazines, which could (oddly enough) even be rented. Edison’s ads claimed that the lights had “no danger, smoke, or smell.” At the time, however, electricity did not have the widespread public distribution that we know now. If a person lived outside of a major city and wanted an electrically-lit tree, he or she had to supply their own power from household generators. A “wireman” also had to be hired to light the trees, because few people were willing or able to perform the intricate job of hand-wiring all the lights on the tree. Because electric socket outfits had not yet been invented, the tree lighting had to be hand-wired each time. Battery-operated strings of lights, which were smaller but less expensive, were also avail- able for people who wanted to attempt the hand-wiring themselves. In fact, Popular Electricity Magazine featured a piece for children detailing how to light a tree with batterypowered lights. In 1903, however, Christmas tree lighting changed. The General Electric Company (GE) introduced the first sets of pre-wired sockets, which they called festoons. GE attempted to patent the festoons, but the court system decided that the idea was based on knowledge possessed by “any ordinary wireman,” so the design was not patentable. GE’s failed attempt to patent the festoons left the market wide open. Many companies began to manufacture and sell the strings of lights, and the Christmas lighting industry was born. Incidentally, the cost of GE’s first string of lights was $12 per string of 24 lights. While this amount may not seem expensive today, in 1903, the average weekly wage was approximately $13.20.