Les projets EMR en développement en Cornouailles britannique
Les projets EMR en développement en Cornouailles britannique
Les projets EMR en développement en Cornouailles britannique Cornwall’s MRE projects in the pipeline 02/04/2014, Océanopolis, Brest -Nicolas WALLET– MERiFIC Project Manager Marine Renewable Energy Strategy - Cornwall Council [email protected] Cornwall MRE network South West Marine Energy Park (SW MEP) Offshore Renewable Delivery Programme (ORDP) Marine Offshore Renewable (MOR) Group MARine Innovation Center (MARIC) Test facilities: From the idea to the industry PRIMaRE COAST Lab Hayle harbour Fab Test Wave hub A&P Building an industry Hayle harbour regeneration The new Marine Renewables Business Park Better infrastructure and a new road is crucial to the new Marine Renewables Business Park, which will be home to the new Wave Hub. Fred Olsen: Lifesaver – Bolt Fred Olsen is currently building on the success of Bolt lifesaver to determine their next steps Research activities - Exeter Mooring and Foundation: 1. Field experiments 2. Material and configurations 3. Load cases characterisation 1. 2. 3. Research activities - Exeter 1. Mooring and Foundation: 1. Dynamic Marine Component Testing 2. Sub-component testing 3. fatigue characterisation 2. 3. Research activities - Exeter Demonstration site: 1. 2. 3. 4. 4. FabTest development Field research around demonstration site Engagement with industry Marketing 2. 1. 3. From EMEC to Wave Hub: Seatricity Seatricity managing director Peter Mitchell said: “Our first generation Oceanus 1 device has undergone extensive and successful sea trials in Scotland and we are ready to make the next step to Wave Hub. The technology is scalable so once we complete our testing next year we hope to move quickly to a full array. Wave Hub gives us the essential grid capacity to do that and we look forward to working with the team in Hayle and the extensive local supply chain in Cornwall.” Wave hub: Development Deep sea floating project for wave hub Wave Hub could be at full capacity (4 berths/30MW, possible upgrading to 48MW) within 2/3 years: 1. Seatricity; 10MW multiple devices 2. Two Cornish companies work on a project to develop a floating wind turbine, at Wave Hub 3. Fortum signed an agreement to secure a berth 4. TBC •Supply chain focus on upstream services, operational services and O&M •Floating Wind proven and strategic potential •Wave energy proven potential, test infrastructures Wave Hub , Fab Test ... Cross border collaboration • Supply chain is able to meet all the needs of the sector • Tidal, precommercial testing • Floating Wind, one project Winflo • Wave energy , proven and strategic potential ( no1 in France ) Cornwall Brittany MERiFIC supports MRE in Brittany and Cornwall • Prioritising MRE • Create MRE observatory • Call for Expressions of Interest • B2B meetings Brittany/ Cornwall • Pooling efforts in R&D (including test sites) on strategic sectors • Organise a joint lobbying Thanks Merci Trugarez Meur ras www.merific.eu
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