Dilovası O.S.B. 4. Kısım Ceyhan Cad. No:10 Tavşanlı Köyü Gebze / Kocaeli TÜRKİYE Tel : +90 262 724 85 50 ‐ +90 262 724 91 14 Faks: +90 262 724 85 49 E‐Posta : [email protected] Web : 2010 All products described in this catalogue are manufactured according to ASTIM INC. Quality System procedures. ASTIM INC. is certified for manufacturer according to EN ISO 3834 ‐2. Our quality management and organization system has been certificated by T ÜV NORD according to Management System as per DIN EN ISO 9001:2008 and ensures that the entire production process, starting from the processing of the order to the technical service after delivery, is carried out in a controlled manner that guarantees the quality standart of the product. Equipments are manufactured under conformity with related EU mechanical and electrical directives and CE marked and also they are provided with GOST‐R Certificate, renewed periodically in order to be exported to Russia and CIS countries. ASTİM ENDÜSTRİ TESİSLERİ İMALAT MONTAJ TAAHHÜT A.Ş. ASTİM MANUFACTURING & INSTALLATION Inc. ASTİM A.Ş. komple endüstriyel tesisler oluşturmak, paslanmaz ve karbon çelik malzemeden çeşitli makina ve ekipman üretimi ile proses ekipmanları, basınçlı basınçsız tanklar, kolonlar, çelik konstrüksiyon çalışmaları ve su ve atıksu arıtma ekipmanları imal etmek üzere kurulmuştur. Astim Inc. has been established and organized to build complete industrial plants and to manufacture various mechanical equipment such as; stainless steel and mild steel tanks and process equipment, pressure vessels, columns, steel construction works and wastewater treatment equipment. ASTİM A.Ş. 1980 yılında kurulmuştur. Halihazırda 6000 m² kapalı ve 8000 m² açık imalat ve depolama sahası ile İstanbul’dan 40 km uzaklıkta bulunan ve Avrupa karayoluna ve limanlara çok yakın bir endüstri bölgesi olan Gebze’de, Dilovası Organize Sanayi Bölgesi’nde faaliyetlerini sürdürmektedir. Since 1980 ASTİM Inc., establishment that has 6000 m² covered and 8000 m² open-air manufacturing and storage area, has been situated in the heart of industrial region of Turkey, Gebze – Dilovası Industrial Organized Region, that is 40 km away from İstanbul and very close to European Highway and harbors. Astim A.Ş. uygun makina ve ekipmanlarla donatılmıştır ve yılda 5000 ton çelik çalışması yapabilecek kapasitededir. Astim A.Ş. organizasyonu, diğer alt müteahhitler ve uzman ekiplerin katkısı ile bu kapasiteyi daha da yükseltecek şekilde kurulmuştur. Şirketimiz, tek bir parçada 5 m çap, 40 m uzunluk ve 40 ton ağırlıkta ekipman imal edecek donanımdadır. Astim is equipped with suitable machinery and tools and is capable of fabricating steel works 5000 tons/year. Using other local suppliers and subcontractors can increase this capacity. Astim manufactures as large as diameter 5 m, 40 m and weight 40 tons, tanks and other equipment. ASTİM; DIN EN, AD 2000-Merkblatt, ASME, API 650 ve EN ISO 3834-2 gibi uluslar arası normlara uygun dizayn ve imalat yapma tecrübesine sahiptir. Astim orta ölçekli, tecrübeli ve kaliteyi en önemli kriter kabul eden bir kuruluştur. Projelerinin pek çoğu TÜV SÜD, TÜV NORD, American Bureau of Shipping, Bureau Veritas, SGS ve LR gibi uluslar arası denetim kuruluşlarının kontrolü altında tamamlanmıştır. Astim has experience in design and manufacturing according to the international norms such as; DIN EN, AD 2000-Merkblatt, ASME, API 650, EN ISO 3834-2. Astim is a medium-sized, experienced company and accepts the quality as the most important criteria. Many of projects have been completed under the control of the international inspectors such as TÜV SÜD, TÜV NORD, American Bureau of Shipping, Bureau Veritas, SGS and LR. Kalite yönetimimiz ve organizasyonumuz TÜV NORD tarafından DIN EN ISO 9001:2008 yönetim sistemine uygun olarak sertifikalandırılmıştır. Ekipmanlarımız Avrupa Birliği ilgili mekanik ve elektrik talimatlarına uygun olarak ve CE belgesine haiz olarak üretilmekte olup periyodik olarak yenilenen GOST-R belgemiz ile bu ürünlerin Rusya ve BDT ülkelerine sorunsuz olarak ihracatı sağlanmaktadır. Avrupa Birliği İmalatçı belgesi olan EN ISO 3834-2 belgesine de haiz olan kuruluşumuz diğer belgeleri de gerektikçe çok kısa sürede alacak altyapıya sahiptir. Our quality management and organization system has been certificated by TÜV NORD according to Management System as per DIN EN ISO 9001:2008. Equipments are manufactured under conformity with related EU mechanical and electrical directives and CE marked and also they are provided with GOST-R Certificate, renewed periodically in order to be exported to Russia and CIS countries. Astim has got certificate for Manufacturer according to EN ISO 3834-2 and our company has infrastructure to get other certificates in a short time. ASTİM Endüstri Tesisleri İmalat Montaj Taahhüt A.Ş.; CARGİLL, Cadburry-KENT Gıda, Unilever, Leverİş Deterjan ve Sabun Fabrikası, Shell Petrolcülük, Levi’s Jeans, PepsiCo Foods Int., EFES PİLSEN ve Mauri Maya gibi tanınmış çok uluslu şirketler ve Modern Karton Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş., Toros Gübre Sanayi, Ereğli Demir Çelik Fabrikası, Komili Kimya, Pektim Petro-Kimya Endüstrisi gibi yerli tanınmış şirketlerine taahhüt, ve Enka, Tefken, Alarko, Entes vb. gibi Türkiye’nin uluslararası müteahhit firmalarına alt müteahhit olarak imalat hizmeti vermiştir. Özellikle son 10 yıl içinde aralarında Linde-STRABAG, WTE, PWT, BROCHIER / Almanya; Vatech WABAG, Aqua Eng. / Avusturya; TME ve EMIT / İtalya; OTV ve Degremont / Fransa; Biothane / Hollanda; Comsa ve PMS / İspanya, BIWATER / İngiltere gibi Avrupa’nın en büyük arıtma taahhüt firmalarının dünyanın her tarafında üstlendikleri atıksu arıtma projelerinin makine ve ekipmanlarını yapmakta ve bunların gerekirse montajlarını da üstlenerek Avrupa’nın ekipman sağlayıcısı konumuna gelmiştir. In addition to the contracting Works of well known multinational companies CARGİLL, Cadburry-KENT, Unilever, Lever Detergents, Shell Petroleum, Levi’s Jeans, Pepsi Co. Foods Int., Efes Pilsen Brewery, Mauri Yeast, and Turkish leading companies, Modern Karton Pulp and Paper Mill, Toros Fertilizer Factory, Ereğli Iron and Steel Works, Komili Chemistry, Petkim Petro-Chemical Industry, Astim has also been served as subcontractor of the international contractors of Turkey such as; Enka, Tefken, Alarko, Entes and others. Astim manufactures machines and equipments for wastewater treatment projects of European biggest treatment firms such as Linde-STRABAG, WTE, PWT, BROCHIER / Germany; Vatech WABAG, Aqua Eng. / Austria; TME, EMIT / Italy; OTV, Degremont / France; Biothane / Holland; Comsa and PMS / Spain; BIWATER / UK in the last 10 years and Astim came to a European’s equipment supplier position by taking on assemblies of these firms if needed. ASTİM FABRİKA PERSONELİ ASTİM FACTORY STAFF Makina Mühendisleri / Mechanical Engineer Çevre Mühendisi / Environment Engineer Elektrik Mühendisi / Electrical Engineer Konstrüktör Ressam / Designer Makine Teknisyeni / Mechanical Technician Elektrik Teknisyeni / Electrical Technician Ustabaşı / Formen Kaynakçı-Montajcı / Welder men-Montage men Kaynakçı-TÜV Onaylı / Welder Certificated by TÜV Yardımcı / Auxiliary men İmalat Kapasitesi (ton/ay) Manufacturing Capacity (tones/month) : 12 :2 :2 :4 :5 :3 :3 : 40 : 25 : 16 :400 FAALİYET KONULARIMIZ: Atıksu Arıtma Tesisleri, Kimya, Petrokimya, Kağıt, Gıda ve diğer endüstri tesislerinde bulunan konstrüksiyon, makine ve ekipmanların, mühendislik, imalat ve montajlarıdır. ACTIVITY SUBJECT: Engineering, manufacturing and installation of construction, machinery and equipments belong to wastewater treatment plants, chemistry, petrochemistry, food, paper industries and other industrial plants. Su, Atık Su ve Atık Gaz Arıtma ekipmanları Water, Wastewater and Fuel gas treatment equipment manufacturing - Döner Köprülü Sıyırıcılar Rotary Bridge Scrapers for Clarifiers - Merkez Tahrikli Yoğunlaştırıcılar Central Drive Thickeners - Yatay ve Düşey Milli Aeratörler Horizontal and Vertical type Aerators - Kum ve Yağ Giderim Üniteleri Sand & Grease Removal Systems - Su Şartlandırma Tankları ve Kolonları Water Conditioning Tanks and Columns - Gaz yıkayıcılar, Siklonlar, Toz Tutma Sistemleri Gas Scrubbers, Cyclones, Dust Collecting Systems - Lamelli Çökeltme Üniteleri, DAF Sistemleri Lamella type Settling Units, DAF Systems - Kanal Izgaraları Channel Screens - Kanal ve Ayar Kapakları Channel & Weir Penstocks - Kum Ayırıcılar Grit Classifiers - Paket Su ve Atıksu Arıtma Üniteleri Package type Water and Waste water Treatment Units Paslanmaz Tank, Reaktör Tankı ve Ekipmanlar Stainless Steel Tank, Reactor Tank and Equipments Baca, Hava, Gaz Kanalları ve Isı Eşanjörleri Heat Exchanger, Stack, Air, Flue Gas Channel Basınçlı Kaplar ve Proses Tankları Pressure Vessels and Process Tanks Tekstil Fabrikaları için Kot Taşlama Makinaları Stone Washing Machines for Textile Industries Depolama Tankları, Kolonlar Storage Tanks, Columns Makina Montaj ve Boru Tesisatı Machine Installation and Piping Filtre Pres, Belt Pres Filter Press, Belt Press Özel Çelik Yapılar, Şasiler, Yürüme Yolları, Platform ve Merdivenler Special Steel Constructions, Foundations, Walkways, Platforms and Ladders Karıştırıcılı Tanklar, Kum Filtreleri, İyon Değiştiriciler Tanks with Mixer, Sand Filters, Ion Exchangers Vidalı Konveyörler, Şaftlı ve Şaftsız; Bant Konveyörler Screw Conveyors, with or without Shaft; Belt Conveyors FABRİKA VE MAKİNA OLANAKLARI / FACTORY AND MACHINE FACILITIES Kapalı Alan / Closed Factory Area : 6000 m² Açık Alan / Open Factory Area : 8000 m² Fabrika Enerjisi / Factory Power : 250 kVA+108 kVA Diesel Generator Tavan Vinci / Over Head Crane : 20 ton (3 pcs), 10 ton (2 pcs), 5 ton (6 pcs) Hidrolik Abkant Pres / Hydraulic Plate Bending Press : 300 tons / 4 mt-1 pcs + 200 tons / 3 mt-1 pcs Hidrolik Pres / Hydraulic Press : 300 tons – 1 pcs Eksantrik Pres / Eccentric Press : 80 tons – 1 pcs Giyotin Makası / Plate Shearing Machine : 16 mm / 3 mt-2 pcs Sac Kıvırma Silindiri / Roll Forming Machine : 16 mm x 2000 mm Zımba Makinası / Punching and Shearing Machine : 1 pcs Alevle Sac kesme (oto.) / Auto. Oxyacetylene Cut : One torch 1 pcs, double torch 2 pcs Plasma Kesme Makinası / Plasma Cutting Machine : 2 pcs Pulse MIG / MAG Kaynak Makinaları Mig / Mag Pulse Welding Machine :4 pcs MIG / MAG Kaynak Makinaları Mig / Mag Welding Machines : 20 pcs Kaynak Jeneratör ve Redresörleri Welding Generators and Rectifiers : 20 pcs Argon Kaynak Makinası / TIG Welding Machine : 15 pcs Sütunlu Matkap / Drilling Machine : Ø32 – 3 pcs Radyal Matkap / Radial Drilling Machine : Ø50 – 1 pcs Tank Döndürme Pozisyoneri, Hız ayarlı Positioner For Tank Welding with Variable Speed : 3 set Elektrik Jeneratörü, 108 kVA Emergency Diesel Generator : 1 pcs Torna Ø800 x 2000 / Lathe Ø800 x 2000 : 2 pcs Kopya Kesme Makinası / Copy Cutting Machine : 1 pcs Raspa Ünitesi / Blasting Unit : 1 pcs Airless Boya Ünitesi / Airless Spray Paint Equipment : 1 pcs Otomatik Şerit Testere / Horizontal Bandsaw : 2 pcs Dairesel Testere / Circular Saw : 1 pcs Manyetik Matkap / Magnetic Drilling Machine : 5 pcs Hava Kompresörü, 55 kw / Air Compressor, 55 kw : 1 pcs ASTİM ORGANİZASYON ŞEMASI ASTiM ORGANIZATION CHART YÖNETİM KURULU BOARD GENEL MÜDÜR GENERAL MANAGER SEKRETER SECRATARY FİNANSMAN & MUHASEBE FINANCING & ACCOUNTANCY DEPARTMENT FİNANSMAN FINANCING MUHASEBE ACCOUNTANCY PERSONEL BE İDARİ İŞLER PERSONAL & MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT PERSONEL FINANCING İDARİ İŞLER & GÜVENLİK MANAGEMENT & SECURITY BİLGİ İŞLEM INFORMATION PROCESSING PAZARLAMA & SATIŞ MARKETING & SALE DEPARTMENT PAZARLAMA & TEKLİF MARKETING & OFFER LOJİSTİK & SATINALMA LOGISTICS & PURHASING DEPARTMENT LOJİSTİK LOGISTICS SATINALMA PURCHASING AMBAR WAREHOUSE NAKLİYAT SHIPPING DIŞ ATÖLYE EXTERNAL WORKSHOP KALİTE GÜVENCE QUALITY ASSURANCE DEPARTMENT KALİTE KONTROL QUALITY CONTROL MÜHENDİSLİK VE DİZAYN ENGINERING & DESIGN DEPARTMENT DİZAYN DESIGN İMALAT / PLANLAMA MANUFACTURING / PLANNING DEPARTMENT ÜRETİM / PLANLAMA PRODUCTION / PLANNING İŞ HAZIRLAMA WORKSHOP PREPERATION ATÖLYE WORKSHOP BAKIM MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT MAKİNA BAKIM MECHANICAL MAINTENANCE ELEKTRİK BAKIM ELECTRICAL MAINTENANCE PERSONEL EĞİTİMİ PERSONNEL TRAINING ATIKSU ARITMA TESİSİ MAKİNELERİ, EKİPMANLARI VE MONTAJI WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT MACHINARY, EQUIPMENT & INSTALLATION ¾ BUCHAREST WWTP PROJECT - ROMANIA Customer Project Name Capacity Manufacturing year : Aktor & Athena JV (Greece) : Bucharest WWTP : 1.450.000 m³/ d : 2009 Scope of supply 8 pcs. of Ø 55mt PST Scraper Bridges; Dry Parts = CS+ Sand B. + Epoxy coated, Wet Parts = AISI 304 with its accessories such as SS weirs & baffles and GRP difuser drum. 3 pcs. of Longitudinal Grit & Grease Scrapers; Dry Parts = CS+ Sand B. + Epoxy coated, Wet Parts = AISI 316L with its accessories such as motorized cable drum 3 pcs. Ø 20 m Thickening Tank Central Driven Scrapers (with Weirs and Diffuser Drums); Dry Parts = CS + Sand B. + Epoxy Coating, Wet Parts = AISI 304. 8 pcs. of 20mt FST Longitudinal Scraper Bridges; Dry Parts = CS+ Sand B. + Epoxy coated, Wet Parts = AISI 304 with its accessories such as SS weirs & baffles and motorized cable drum. 189 pcs. Penstocks, Completely from AISI 316L. 32 pcs. Stop Log Frames and 17 pcs. Stop Logs; Completely AISI 304. 96 pcs. Telescoping Valves; Completely AISI 316L. ¾ EREN ENERJİ PROJECT - TURKIYE Customer Project Name Manufacturing year : EREN ENERJİ (Turkiye) : Zonguldak Eren Enerji Thermic Energy Plant : 2009 Scope of supply 7 + 4 pcs. of Cable Operated Type Coarse Screens with ~13 m. Length and 3.500 mm. & 2.600 mm. Width, Completely AISI 316L. 22 + 8 pcs. of Stop Logs; Completely CS + 800 micron epoxy paint. 11 + 4 pcs. of Coarse Screen; Completely CS + 800 micron epoxy paint. 1 pcs. of Conveyor Screen; Completely AISI 316L + ST52 spiral. ¾ TIMISOARA WWTP PROJECT - ROMANIA Customer Project Name Manufacturing year : PWT (Germany) : Timisoara WWTP : 2009 Scope of supply 4 pcs. Longitudinal Grit & Grease Scraper Bridges (with Control Panel, Grease Ramps and Motorized Cable Drums); Dry Parts = CS + Sand B. + Epoxy Coating, Wet Parts = AISI 304 4 pcs. Ø 40 m Full Type SST Scraper Bridges (with Weirs, Baffles and Control Panels); Dry Parts = CS + Sand B. + Epoxy Coating, Wet Parts = AISI 304. 4 pcs. Ø 48 m Full Type SST Scraper Bridges (with Weirs, Baffles and Control Panels); Dry Parts = CS + Sand B. + Epoxy Coating, Wet Parts = AISI 304. ¾ 9 BICOM PROJECT Customer Project Name Manufacturing year : Biwater Turkey Branch (Istanbul/Turkey) : 9 Bicom Projects (Libya) : 2009 Scope of supply Manufacturing of steel platforms, ladders, gratings, covers, lamella pack supporting systems etc. (∑: ~ 40.000 kg); Material: CS + Galvanizing Manufacturing of stainless steel channels in various sizes (∑: ~ 6.900 kg); Material:AISI 304 28 pcs. of Manually Operated Penstocks in various sizes and dimensions; Material:AISI 304 9 pcs. of Belt Conveyors 18 pcs. of 3 m³ Containers; Material: CS + Galvanizing 9 pcs. of Grit Classifiers (AGS 14); Material: AISI 304 18 pcs. of Manual Screens in various sizes and dimensions; Material: AISI 304 10 pcs. of Mechanically Operated Arc Curved Bar Screens in various sizes and dimensions; Material: AISI 304 10 pcs. of Pista Type Grit Removal Tanks in various sizes and dimensions; Material:AISI 304 10 pcs. of Pista Type Grit Removal Tank Stirrers in various sizes and dimensions; Material: AISI 304 Necessary Piping Works for PTU Units ¾ BACAU DWTP PROJECT Customer Project Name Manufacturing year : Biwater Turkey Branch (Istanbul/Turkey) : Bacau DWTP (Romania) : 2009 Scope of supply 3 pcs. of Manually Operated Penstocks; Material: AISI 316 8 pcs. of Electrically Operated Penstocks; Material: AISI 316 3 pcs. of Flash Mixers; Material: AISI 316 3 pcs. of 4 Wing Paddle Mixers for 9 m. x 9m. Tanks; Material: AISI 316 6 pcs. of Mixers in various sizes and dimensions; Material: AISI 316 Weirs in various sizes; Material: AISI 316 6 pcs. of Dissolving Baskets; Material: AISI 316 Manufacturing of steel platforms, ladders, gratings, covers, lamella pack supporting systems etc. (∑: ~ 33.000 kg); Material: CS + Galvanizing Pipes and Pipe Supports in various sizes; Material: AISI 316 / CS + Galvanizing ¾ BANDAR ABBAS PROJECT - IRAN Customer Project Name Manufacturing year : Aria Electronics (IRAN) : Bandar Abbas Pumping Stations : 2009 Scope of supply 2 pcs. Chain Operated Linear Mechanical Screens for Channels 1.300 x 2.100 mm.; Dry Parts = AISI 316 Wet Parts = AISI 316 2 pcs. Chain Operated Linear Mechanical Screens for Channels 1.500 x 2.900 mm.; Dry Parts = AISI 316 Wet Parts = AISI 316 2 pcs. Chain Operated Linear Mechanical Screens for Channels 2.000 x 3.120 mm.; Dry Parts = AISI 316 Wet Parts = AISI 316 2 pcs. Chain Operated Linear Mechanical Screens for Channels 2.400 x 3.720 mm.; Dry Parts = AISI 316 Wet Parts = AISI 316 with Dimensions (WxH): with Dimensions (WxH): with Dimensions (WxH): with Dimensions (WxH): ¾ OTV FRANCE SUD PROJECT Customer Project Name Manufacturing year : OTV France Sud (France) :… : 2009 Scope of supply 4 pcs. Cable Operated Fully Enclosed Screens for Channels with Dimensions (WxH): 1.800 x 3.270 mm.; Dry Parts = AISI 316 Wet Parts = AISI 316 3 pcs. Longitudinal Grit & Grease Scraper Bridges (with Control Panel, Grease Ramps and Guirlande System); Dry Parts = CS + Sand B. + Epoxy Coating, Wet Parts = AISI 316 2 pcs. Ø 42 m Half Type PST Scraper Bridges (with Weirs, Baffles, Control Panels and Channel Cleaning Brushes); Dry Parts = CS + Sand B. + Epoxy Coating, Wet Parts = AISI 304. 6 pcs. Ø 42 m Cantilever Type SST Suction Scraper Bridges (with Weirs, Baffles, Control Panels and Channel Cleaning Brushes, Scum Removal Pumps) ; Dry Parts = CS + Sand B. + Epoxy Coating, Wet Parts = AISI 316 3 pcs. Ø 20 m Thickening Tank Central Driven Scrapers (with Weirs and Diffuser Drums); Dry Parts = CS + Sand B. + Epoxy Coating, Wet Parts = AISI 316. 2 pcs. Ø 12 m Degazeur Tank Central Driven Surface Scrapers (with Weirs, Baffles and Scum Hoppers); Dry Parts = CS + Sand B. + Epoxy Coating, Wet Parts = AISI 316. 11 pcs. of Manually Operated Penstocks in various sizes and dimensions; Material: AISI 304 ¾ ASTANA WWTP PROJECT - KAZAKHSTAN Customer Project Name Manufacturing year : EBARA (Japan) : Astana WWTP Project : 2008 / 2009 Scope of supply 1 pcs. of Gas Holder with ~ Ø14700 mm. diameter and ~ 18.000 mm. Height Premanufacturing and process accessories, Completely CS + Epoxy paint. 2 pcs. of Pista, Material : AISI 304 + CS 2 pcs. of Grit Seperator; Completely AISI 304 + ST52 spiral. 10 pcs. of Grit Container; Completely AISI 304 1 pcs. of Desulfurizer tank with ~ Ø2000 mm. diameter and 7.500 mm. Height, Completely CS + Epoxy paint. ¾ HAMEDAN WWTP PROJECT - IRAN Customer Project Name Manufacturing year : ABIRAN (Iran) : Hamedan WWTP : 2008 Scope of supply 104 pcs. Penstocks & Stoplogs, Completely AISI 316L. 3 pcs. Coarse Screens; Completely AISI 304L. (Linear Mechanical Screens) 5 pcs. Fine Screens; Completely AISI 304L. (Linear Mechanical Screens) 2 pcs. 8m & 10m Screw Conveyors AISI 316L Through, Screw: Special Steel 2 pcs. 6mm. Screw Conveyor & Compactors AISI 316L Through, Screw: Special Steel 2 pcs. Longitudinal Grit & Grease Scraper Bridges; Dry Parts = CS + Galvanize, Wet Parts = AISI 316L. 2 pcs. Ø 38m PST Scraper Bridges; Dry Parts = CS + Galvanize, Wet Parts = AISI 316L. 8 pcs. Ø 38m SST Scraper Bridges; Dry Parts = CS + Galvanize, Wet Parts = AISI 316L. 2 pcs. 700 kW Pipe in Pipe Type Heat Exchangers; Completely AISI 316L. ¾ ATAKÖY WWTP PROJECT - TURKIYE Customer Project Name Capacity Manufacturing year : WTE (Germany) : Ataköy WWTP : 400.000 m³/ d : 2008 Scope of supply 4 pcs. of Coarse Screens with ~ 19 m. Length and 1.500 mm. Width, Completely AISI 316L. (Cable Operated Type) 9 pcs. of Fine Screens; Completely AISI 316L. (Cable Operated Type) 4 pcs. of Belt Conveyors 2 pcs. of Screw Conveyor & Compactors; Through: AISI 316L Screw: Special Steel 20 pcs. of 5,5m³ Containers; (CS + Galvanize) 12 pcs. of Container Trolleys; (CS + Galvanize) 6 pcs. of Longitudinal Grit & Grease Scrapers; Dry Parts = CS + Galvanize, Wet Parts = AISI 316L. 2 pcs. of Ø 42m PST Scraper Bridges; Dry Parts = CS + Galvanize, Wet Parts = AISI 316L with its accessories such as weirs & baffles. 12 pcs. of Ø 44m FST Scraper Bridges; Dry Parts = CS + Galvanize, Wet Parts = AISI 316L. 1 pcs. 20m³ Methanol Storage Tank and its Dosing & Control Systems. 98 pcs. Penstocks, Completely from AISI 316L. 14 pcs. Stop Logs; Completely AISI 316L. 6 pcs. of Gas Doms for Digesters; Completely AISI 316L. 6 pcs. Pipe in Pipe Type Heat Exchangers; Completely AISI 316L. 96 pcs. Gas Lanzen for Digesters; Completely AISI 316L. 6 sets of Various equipments for Digesters; Completely AISI 316L. All piping works above ground level in water treatment area & all piping works in digester area; Material of piping AISI 316L ¾ SKIKDA WWTP PROJECT Customer Project Name Manufacturing year : OTV France Sud (France) : SKIKDA WWTP : 2008 Scope of supply 1 pcs. Ø 10 m Degazeur Tank Central Driven Surface Scrapers (with Weirs, Baffles and Scum Hoppers); Dry Parts = CS + Sand B. + Epoxy Coating, Wet Parts = AISI 304. 2 pcs. Longitudinal Grit & Grease Scraper Bridges (with Control Panel, Grease Ramps and Guirlande System); Dry Parts = CS + Sand B. + Epoxy Coating, Wet Parts = AISI 304 ¾ TULA PROJECT Customer Project Name Manufacturing year : Hager & Elsässer (Germany) : Tula WWTP (Russia) : 2008 Scope of supply 1 pcs. Ø 10 m Half Type PST Scraper Bridges (with Weirs, Baffles and Control Panels); Dry Parts = CS + Sand B. + Epoxy Coating, Wet Parts = AISI 316. 1 pcs. Ø 16 m Half Type SST Suction Scraper Bridges (with Weirs, Baffles, Control Panels and Scum Removal Pumps) ; Dry Parts = CS + Sand B. + Epoxy Coating, Wet Parts = AISI 316 ¾ IASI WWTP PROJECT - ROMANIA Customer Project Name Manufacturing year : STRABAG (Austria) : IASI WWTP : 2007 Scope of supply 1 pcs. Grit- Grease Scraper Unit with pinion rack drive system; Dry Parts = CS + Sand B. + Epoxy Coating, Wet Parts = CS + Galvanize. 4 pcs. Ø 40m. PST Scraper Bridges; Dry Parts = CS + Sand B. + Epoxy Coating, Wet Parts = CS + Galvanize. 3 pcs. Suction Type Longitudinal FST Scrapers with pinion rack drive system; Dry Parts = CS + Sand B. + Epoxy Coating, Wet Parts = CS + Galvanize. 1 pcs. Ø 65m. SST Suction Scraper Bridge; Dry Parts = CS + Sand B. + Epoxy Coating, Wet Parts = CS + Galvanize. 2 pcs. Ø 20m. Thickeners; Dry Parts = CS + Sand B. + Epoxy Coating, Wet Parts = CS + Galvanize. 4 pcs. 467 kW Pipe in Pipe Type Heat Exchangers, Completely from CS + Painting. ¾ KAUNAS WWTP PROJECT Customer Project Name Manufacturing year : WTE (Germany) : Kaunas WWTP Rehabilitation Project (Litauen) : 2007 Scope of supply 1 pcs. Ø 40 m Half Type PST Scraper Bridges (with 4Control Panel, Channel Cleaning Brush); Dry Parts = CS + Sand B. + Epoxy Coating, Wet Parts = AISI 304. Rehabilitation of all Scum Removal & Sludge Removal Systems of 4 pcs. Ø 55 m Cantilever Type SST Scraper Bridges (with Weirs, and Scum Removal Pumps) ; Wet Parts = AISI 304 ¾ CAN THO & SOC TRANG WWTP PROJECTS Customer Project Name Manufacturing year : WAROTEC : Can Tho & Soc Trang WWTP : 2007 Scope of supply 2 +2 pcs. 60mm. Bar Screen Dry Parts = CS + Epoxy Coating Wet Parts = AISI 316L. 2 + 2 pcs. Platform & Ladder Materials: CS + Epoxy Coating 1 + 1 pcs. 5m. Belt Conveyor for Coarse Screen, the material of contract with sludge: AISI 316L, Supports & Constructions: CS + Galvanizing 1 +1 pcs. 100mm. Coarse Screen, Material: AISI 316L. 2 + 2 pcs. 6mm. Bar Screen, Dry Parts = CS + Epoxy Coating Wet Parts = AISI 316L. 1 + 1 pcs. Grit & Scraper with twin type Bridge with motorized Cable Drum, Dry Parts = CS + Sand B. + Epoxy Coating Wet Parts = AISI 316L. 1 + 1 pcs. Longitudinal Primary Sedimentation Scraper – with twin type Bridge with motorized Cable Drum, Material: Dry Parts = CS + Sand B. + Epoxy Coating Wet Parts = AISI 316L. 2 pcs. Ø 45m. Final Sedimentation Scraper – with half Bridge, Material: Dry Parts = CS + Sand B. + Epoxy Coating Wet Parts = AISI 316L. DN 250 Telescopic Valves Material: 316L. ¾ SÜTAŞ AKSARAY & KARACABEY PROJECT Customer Project Name Manufacturing year : Arbiogaz (Turkey) : Sütaş Aksaray & Karacabey Project : 2007 Scope of supply 1 +1 pcs. of Manual Screen; Material: AISI 304 1 + 1 pcs. of Neutralization Tank Mixer; Material: CS + GRP Coating 1 + 1 pcs. of Ø 2.300 x 2.500 mm. Coasting Tank with its Manholes, Nozzles, Coils etc.; Material: CS + Sand B. + Epoxy Coating 1 + 1 pcs. of Ø 225 x 1.250 mm. HCL Steam Absorber; Material: PVC 1 + 1 pcs. Ø 12 m. Central Driven Clarifier Scraper (with Weirs and Diffuser Drums); Dry Parts = CS + Sand B. + Epoxy Coating, Wet Parts = CS + Galvanizing 1 + 1 pcs. Ø 10 m. Thickener Tank Central Driven Scraper (with Weirs and Diffuser Drums); Dry Parts = CS + Sand B. + Epoxy Coating, Wet Parts = CS + Galvanizing 1 + 1 pcs. of Automatic Polymer Preparation & Dosing Unit (Capacity: 1.000 l/h); Material: AISI 304 1 + 1 pcs. of Ø 800 x 1.200 mm. Water Trap with its Nozzles; Material: AISI 316 1 + 1 pcs. of Ø 23.850 x 16.000 mm. Anaerobic Reactor Tank with its Manholes, Nozzles, Ladders etc.; Material: CS + Sand B. + Epoxy Coating ¾ PERPIGNAN WWTP PROJECT Customer Project Name Manufacturing year : OTV France Sud (France) : PERPIGNAN WWTP : 2006/2007 Scope of supply 3 pcs. Longitudinal Grit & Grease Scraper Bridges (with Control Panel, Grease Ramps and Guirlande System); Dry Parts = AISI 304, Wet Parts = AISI 304 3 pcs. Ø 14 m Thickening Tank Central Driven Scrapers (with Weirs and Diffuser Drums); Dry Parts = CS + Sand B. + Epoxy Coating, Wet Parts = AISI 304. ¾ TANGER WWTP PROJECT - MOROCCO Customer Project Name Manufacturing year : OTV (France) : Tanger WWTP : 2006 Scope of supply 3 pcs. 5,5 m. Longitudinal Grit- Grease Scraper Unit with grit – grease scraping mechanism, completely AISI 304 L 2 pcs. Cable Operated Bar Screen with 10 mm. bar spacing, completely AISI 304 L 2 pcs. Cable Operated Bar Screen with 50 mm. bar spacing, completely AISI 304 L ¾ NADOR WWTP PROJECT - MOROCCO Customer Project Name Manufacturing year : OTV (France) : Nador WWTP : 2006 Scope of supply 2 pcs. Ø 10,55 m. Central Driven Clarifier, scraping mechanism, completely St- 37 2 pcs. Ø 12m. Picket Fence Sludge Thickener, the material of overflow weir is AISI 304 the other parts are St- 37 ¾ BACAU WWTP PROJECT - ROMANIA Customer Project Name Manufacturing year : PWT (Germany) : Bacau WWTP : 2006 Scope of supply 1 pcs. 13 m. Longitudinal Grit- Grease Scraper Unit with grit suction mechanism, divider baffles mechanism, material of dry parts is St- 37 and wet parts is AISI 304 L 2 pcs. Ø 45 m. Primary Sedimentation scraper with half rotating bridge, sludge scraper mechanism, completely AISI 304 L ¾ ORADEA WWTP PROJECT – ROMANIA Customer Project Name Manufacturing year : PWT (Germany) : Oradea WWTP : 2006 Scope of supply 2 pcs. 6,7 m. Longitudinal Grit- Grease Scraper Unit with airlift mechanism for grit removal, by rail system, dry parts St- 37 and wet parts is AISI 304 1 pcs. Ø 30 m. Primary Sedimentation scraper with half rotating bridge, sludge scraper mechanism, material of dry parts is St- 37 and wet parts is AISI 304 1 pcs. Ø 40 m. Primary Sedimentation scraper with half rotating bridge, sludge scraper mechanism, material of dry parts is St- 37 and wet parts is AISI 304 2 pcs. Ø 45 m. Primary Sedimentation scraper with half rotating bridge, sludge scraper mechanism, material of dry parts is St- 37and wet parts is AISI 304 3 pcs. Ø 45 m. Secondary Sedimentation scraper with full rotating bridge, sludge suction mechanism, completely AISI 304 1 pcs. Ø 20 m. Sludge thickener with half rotating bridge, bridge construction material is St- 37 and wet parts is AISI 304 ¾ ABUJA WWTP PROJECT – NIGERIA Customer Project Name Capacity Manufacturing year : BROCHIER (Germany) : ABUJA WWTP : 140.000 m³/ d : 2004 Scope of supply 2 pcs. 11,8 m. Longitudinal Grit- Grease Scraper Unit with grit suction pump, material of dry parts is St- 37 and wet parts is AISI 316 Ti 72 pcs. Guide Baffles for Mammoth Rotors in Activated Sludge Basin 72 pcs. Safety Bars for Mammoth Rotors in Activated Sludge Basin 72 pcs. Stainless steel Covers (15 m3/each) 5 pcs. Belt Conveyor in different sizes, completely AISI 304 6 pcs. Ø 44 m. Secondary Sedimentation scraper with cantilever rotating bridge, material of dry parts is St- 37 and wet parts is AISI 316 Ti 6 pcs. Container Trolleys with railways 2 pcs. Ø 25 m. Picket Fence Sludge Thickener, completely AISI 316 Ti 3.000 m Stainless Steel Handrailing 7 pcs. Overhead Cranes 13 pcs. Container, capacity is 7m3 450 m2 Stainless Steel Grating 5 ad. Bantlı Konveyör 5 pcs. Belt Conveyors 2 ad. Ø25mt Yoğunlaştırıcı 2 pcs. Ø25 mt. Thickiner 6 ad. Son Durultucu Köprü 6 pcs. Sec. Sed. Bridge ¾ LIAOYANG WWTP PROJECT - CHINA Customer Project Name Capacity Manufacturing year : AQUA ENGINEERING (Austria) : Liaoyang WWTP : 133.000 m³/ d : 2003 Scope of supply 2 pcs. 9 m. Longitudinal Grit- Grease Scraper Unit, grit and grease scraping mechanism, completely AISI 304 4 pcs. Ø 42 m. Primary Sedimentation scraper with cantilever rotating bridge, completely AISI 304 8 pcs. Ø 42 m. Secondary Sedimentation scraper with full rotating bridge, sludge suction mechanism, completely AISI 304 2 ad. Doğrusal Kum&Yağ Sıyırıcı Köprü 2 pcs. Longitudinal Grit & Grease Scrapper Bridges 4 ad. Ø42 mt Ön Durultucu Tankları için Ön Durultucu Köprüsü 4 pcs. Pre. Sed. Bridges for Ø42 mt. Sec. Settling Tanks 4 ad. Ø42 mt. Son Şartlandırma tankları için Emişli Son Durultucu Köprüsü 4 pcs. Sec. Sed. Suction Bridges for Ø42 mt. Sec. Settling Tanks Suction system of Sec. Settling tank, during installation stage as an opposite way in the factory. ¾ KAYSERI WWTP PROJECT- TURKEY Customer Project Name Capacity Manufacturing year : VA TECH WABAG (Germany) : Kayseri WWTP : 160.000 m³/ d : 2002 Scope of supply 3 pcs. Cable Operated Coarse Bar Screen with 30 mm. bar spacing, material of dry parts is St- 37 and wet parts is AISI 316 Ti 3 pcs. Cable Operated Fine Bar Screen with 10 mm. bar spacing, material of dry parts is St- 37 and wet parts is AISI 316 Ti 9 pcs. Screw conveyors in different sizes, completely AISI 316 Ti 2 pcs. 12 m. Longitudinal Grit- Grease Scraper Unit with grit suction pump, material of dry parts is St- 37 and wet parts is AISI 316 Ti 1 pcs. AGS 27 Grit Classifier, completely AISI 316 Ti 5 pcs. Various dimensions penstocks, completely AISI 316 Ti 18 pcs. Various dimensions penstocks, completely AISI 316 Ti 2 pcs. Lime Silo, 50 m3 capacity 1 pcs. Ø 20 m. Picket Fence Sludge Thickener, completely AISI 316 Ti 2 pcs. Ø 38 m. Primary Sedimentation scraper with full rotating bridge, scum suction mechanism, material of dry parts is St- 37 and wet parts is AISI 316 Ti 4 pcs. Ø 60 m. Secondary Sedimentation scraper with full rotating bridge, scum suction mechanism, material of dry parts is St- 37 and wet parts is AISI 316 Ti 2 pcs. Inclined Belt Conveyors 2 pcs. Double Shaft Paddle Mixers, 4 ad. Ø60 mt Son Durultucu Sıyırıcılar 4 pcs. Rotating Full Scrapper Bridges for Ø60mtç Sec. Settling Tanks 4 ad. Ø60 mt Son Durultucu Sıyırıcılar 4 pcs. Rotating Full Scrapper Bridges for Ø60mt. Sec. Settling Tanks Pedal Karıştırıcı Pedal Mixer Burgulu Konveyör Screw Conveyor Kum Ayırıcı Grit Seperator Çamur Yoğunlaştırıcı Sludge Thickiner Kireç Siloları Lime Silos Halatlı Kaba Izgara Cable Operated Coarse Screen ¾ EUROPEAN FOODS PROJECT- ROMANIA Customer Project Name Manufacturing year : BIOTHANE systems International BV : European Foods : 2002 Scope of supply 1 pcs. Polymer Preparation Unit Automatic, 1m3 capacity 1 pcs. Ø 9 m. Picket Fence Sludge Thickener, completely St- 37 1 pcs. Ø 28 m. Secondary Sedimentation scraper with half rotating bridge and without scum scraper mechanism, completely St- 37 ¾ FRITO- LAY KASHIRA WWTP PROJECT- RUSSIA Customer Project Name Manufacturing year : BIOTHANE Systems International BV : Kashira WWTP : 2002 Scope of supply 2 pcs. of Settler 1 pcs. Polymer Preparation Unit Automatic, 1m3 capacity 1 pcs. Ø 6 m. Pre-Settling Tank with Scraper mechanism, completely AISI 316 Ti 1 pcs. Screw Conveyor, spiral diameter is Ø 215, completely AISI 316 Ti 2 pcs. SBR- Automatic discharge system (Telescopic valve, electric actuator operated) ¾ LOS ANDLES & SAN FELIPE WWTP PROJECT- CHILI Customer Project Name Manufacturing year : GEIGER INTERNATIONAL GmbH (Germany) : Los Andles&San Felipe WWTP : 2002 Scope of supply 2 pcs. Grit Scrapper 4 pcs. Circular Scrapper 2 pcs. Thickiner 35 pcs. Penstocks in various dimensions Overflow weirs, Stilling grids, Baffle boards ¾ BRITISH SUGAR FACTORY FINAL SCRAPER BRIDGE MANUFACTURING- UK Customer Project Name Manufacturing year : BIOTHANE systems International BV : British Sugar (England) : 2001 Scope of supply 1 pcs. Secondary Sedimentation scraper with half rotating bridge, scraper mechanism, completely St- 37 ¾ QIQIHAER SLUDGE THICKENING UNIT MANUFACTURING- CHINA Customer Project Name Manufacturing year : AQUA ENGINEERING (Austria) : Quqihaer : 2002 Scope of supply 2 pcs. Ø 16 m. Picket Fence Sludge Thickener, completely AISI 304 ¾ GAAFOUR & GHARDIMAOU WWTP PROJECT- TUNESIA Customer Project Name Manufacturing year : GEIGER INTERNATIONAL GmbH& Co.KG : Gaafour & Ghardimaou WWTP : 2001 Scope of supply 32 pcs. in Various dimensions Penstocks and Stoplogs, completely AISI 304 2 pcs. 3 m. Longitudinal Grit- Grease Scraper Unit with grit suction pump, grit silo, completely St- 37 2 pcs. Ø 5 m. Picket Fence Sludge Thickener, completely AISI 316 8 pcs. Ø 24 m. Sedimentation scraper with half rotating bridge, scum suction mechanism, completely AISI 316 ¾ CANADA & GLERISDORF PROJECT PIPESHAFT of HORIZONTAL AERATOR MANUFACTURING- JUNGBUNZLAUER & CANADA Customer Project Name Manufacturing year : VA TECH WABAG (Germany) : Canada & Gleisdorf Project : 2001 Scope of supply 40 pcs. of pipeshaft of horizontal aerator 40 pcs. of Spray Protection plate from carbon steel material coated with epoxy 160 micron in thickness 1 1, 2 Alman BROCHIER firmasi için yaptigimiz SÜRGÜLÜ KAPAKLAR - 40 adet - 2000 PENSTOCKS for BROCHIER Germany. 40 pcs. - 2000 Özellikleri: Komple AISI 304 paslanmaz, sizdirmazlik testleri yapildiktan sonra cam kumlama yapilarak teslim ediliyor. Specifications: Material is AISI 304 SS, after leakage test, glassblasting is applied. Yapilan iş: Proje, imalat ve paketleme Scope of work: Design, manufacturing and packaging for transportation. 3. Akçüatörlü ayar kapaklari Overflow weirs with e-actuator 1 2 1. Ø24 m çökeltme tanki sıyırıcı köprüsü Ø24 m Primary Sedimentation tank scraper bridge Islak kısımlar paslanmaz 304 kalite, kuru kısımlar karbon çelik epoksi boyalı. Wet parts are AISI 304 SS, Dry parts are CS+epoxy coated. 2. Ø26 m emmeli tip son çökeltme tanki siyirici köprüsü Islak kısımlar paslanmaz 304 kalite, kuru kısımlar karbon çelik epoksi boyalı. Ø24 m Primary Sedimentation tank scraper bridge Wet parts are AISI 304 SS, Dry parts are CS+epoxy coated. Düşey Mlli Havalandırıcılar Vertical Surface Aerators 1, 2 ARBIOGAZ için 5 ila 55 kW arasi AERATÖR imalatları. Toplam 207 adet. 1985 - 2009 AERATOR manufactures between 5 kW and 55 kW for ARBIOGAZ, 207 pieces in total. 1985 - 2009 Düsey milli aeratör oksijen verim testi, 30 kW - 57 d/d. TÜV gözetim firmasi, ENGICO-Mısır denetim firması ve Brochier-Almanya firmasının temsilcilerinin gözetiminde yapılan test sonucu oksijen verimi bu tip aeratörler için en yüksek deger olan 2,1 kgO2/kWh olarak bulunmus ve onaylanmistır. Vertical Aerator oxygen efficiency test for 30 kW - 57 rpm. The test was applied under the control of the following representatives TÜV, the supervisior, ENGICO from Egypt, the inspector and BROCHIER from Germany, the client, and the result of the oxygen efficiency test determined and approved as 2,1 kgO2/kWh which is considered as the highest rate for this type of aerators. 1 3 2 4 1. Kum Klasifikatörü Grit Classifier 2. Kum Sıyırıcı Tahrik Mili Grit Scrapper Drive Shaft 3. Mamut Pompa Mammoth Pump (Airlift) 4. Teleskopik Vana, DN150 Telescopic Valve, DN150 2 1 ARBIOGAZ -Denizli Organize Sanayi Atıksu Arıtma Tesisi için Biyolojik Çökeltme Havuzu Döner Köprülü Sıyırıcıları, 4 adet -1998 Rotary Bridge Scrapers of Biological Sedimentation for ARBIOGAZ -Denizli Industrial Estate Water Treatment Plant, 4 pcs. -1998 Özellikleri: Havuz çapı: Ø45 m, köprü boyu: 26 m; su üstü kısımlar: St.37 + kumlama + epoksi boya, su içindeki kısımlar AISI 304 paslanmaz. St. 37 ağırlık: 12.000 kg/adet, paslanmaz ağırlık: 8.400 kg/adet Specifications: Tank diameter: Ø45 m, bridge length: 26 m; dry parts: St. 37 + sandblasting + epoxy paint, wet parts: AISI 304 SS. St. 37 weight is 12.000 kg/each, SS weight is 8.400 kg/each Yapılan iş: Dizayn, imalat, nakliye ve montaj. Scope of work: Project, manufacturing, transportation and erection. 2 ARBIOGAZ -Modern Karton Çorlu Fabrikası arıtma tesisi için çökeltme havuzları, döner köprülü sıyırıcıları, 4 adet – 2000 Rotary Bridge Scrapers of Sedimentation tanks for Modern Karton Corlu Factory wastewater treatment plant, 4 pcs. -2000 KENT GIDA Atıksu Arıtma Tesisi çökeltme havuzu sıyırıcı köprüsü, 1 adet -1999 KENT FOOD Industry WWTP sedimentation tank scraper bridge, 1 adet -1999 Özellikleri: Köprü kirisi, ızgaralar, köpük alma sistemi ve dip sıyırıcılar. Komple AISI 304 paslanmaz çelik, ağırlık: 2000 kg Specifications: Main bridge, gratings, scum collecting system and bottom scrapers are completely made from AISI 304 SS. Weight: 2000 kg Yapılan iş: İmalat, nakliye ve montaj Scope of work: Manufacturing, transportation and erection 1 2 1. BESLER çikolata & bisküvit fabrikası arıtma tesisi için lamella çökeltici, köpük toplama sistemi ile-2001 Lamella Clarifier Tank with scum scraping system for BESLER chocolate & biscuit factory WWTP - 2001 Özellikleri: AISI 316 L kalite paslanmaz çelik Specifications: AISI 316 L Stainless steel Yapılan iş: Projelendirme, imalat, nakliye ve montaj Scope of work: Design, manufacturing, transportation and erection at site 2. EFES PILSEN bira fabrikası anaerobik arıtma tesisi için şartlandırma tankı - 2001 Conditioning tank for EFES PILSEN brewery factory anaerobic treatment plant - 2001 Özellikleri: AISI 316 L kalite paslanmaz malzemeden Ø3800x900 mm Specifications: AISI 316L quality SS metarial, Ø3800x900 Yapılan iş: Projelendirme, imalat, nakliye ve montaj Scope of work: Design, manufacturing, transportation and erection at site 1 2 1 Düsük hızlı yüzey havalandırıcılar ve çökeltme tankları -Bodrum İçmeler, 1995 Mechanical surface aerators (low speed) and sedimentation tanks -Bodrum Icmeler, 1995 2 Yatay havalandırıcılar -Amasya Et Balık, 1992 Brush aerators, Amasya Et Balık, 1992 ARBIOGAZ A.S. - Modern Karton Fb. - Çorlu Atıksu Arıtma Tesisi için arıtma tankları, sıyırıcı köprüleri, çelik konstrüksiyon ve paslanmaz borulama işleri - 1999 - 2000 ARBIOGAZ A.S. - Modern Karton Factory Sewage Treatment Plant, treatment tanks, scrapers, steel construction and stainless steel piping - 1999 - 2000 Özellikleri: Toplam çelik ağırlığı 160 ton olan 4 adet muhtelif büyüklükte CS saha tankı, toplam 32 ton çelik konstrüksiyon boru köprüleri, DN50 (2") ÷ DN300 (12") arasi, AISI 304 kalite toplam 600 m, AISI 316L kalite toplam 380 m Specifications: 4 pieces various sizes field tanks which are 160 tons in total weight, steel AISI 304 SS totally 600 m, AISI 316L SS totally 380 m 2 1 ÇINKUR Kayseri - Merkez Tahrikli sıyırıcı, 1 adet - 1998 Central Drive Scraper for CINKUR Kayseri, 1 pcs. -1998 Özellikleri: AISI 316 kalite paslanmaz çelik, ağırlık: 1600 kg Specifications: AISI 316 SS, weight: 1600 kg Yapılan iş: İmalat ve nakliye Scope of work: Manufacturing and transportation 2 ARBIOGAZ Kaltun Madencilik, Ø4m SLAM THICKENER VE TANK, 1 adet - 2000 Ø4m SLAM THICKENER AND TANK for ARBIOGAZ KALTUN MADENCİLİK WWTP, 1 pcs. - 2000 Özellikleri: ST32-2 Karbon Çelik Specifications: ST32-2 CS Yapılan iş: Proje, imalat ve montaj Scope of work: Desing, manufacturing and erection Atıksu arıtma tesisleri için kanal ızgaraları. Kaba ve ince ızgara olarak muhtelif tesisler için muhtelif büyüklüklerde toplam 118 adet üretildi. 1997 – 2009 Channel screens for wastewater treatment plants. It was manufactured 12 pieces in various sizes for different applications. 1997 - 2009 İnce ve kaba ızgara, Islak kısımlar paslanmaz 304 kalite, kuru kısımlar karbon çelik epoksi boyalı. Curved Bar type coarse and fine screen Wet parts are AISI 304 SS, Dry parts are CS+epoxy coated. 1 1 ARBIOGAZ - MALATYA OSB Atıksu Arıtma Tesisi için Dogrusal Sıyırıcı imalatı - 2002 Longitidunal Scraper manufacturing for ARBIOGAZ - Malatya Industry Park - 2002 2, 3 ARBIOGAZ - MALATYA OSB Atıksu Arıtma Tesisi için Kum Sıyırıcı imalatı - 2002 Grit- & Grease Scraper manufacturing for ARBIOGAZ - Malatya Industry Park - 2002 ARBIOGAZ ve Çeşitli Müşterilerimiz için FILTRE PRES imalatları. Toplam 32 adet. 1998 - 2009 PRESSFILTERS manufactured for ARBIOGAZ and Other Customers, 32 pieces in total. 1998 - 2009 1 1. DOSB Atıksu Arıtma tesisi için yapılan AGS14 14lt/sec cap. Grit Classifier for DOSB WWTP 2. El Concorde Projesi için yapılan Kum Klasifikatörleri 10 ad. AGS27, 10 ad. AGS14 Grit Classifiers for El Concorde Project 10 pcs 27lt/sec, 10 pcs 14lt/sec capacity units 2 Bu ünitelerden toplam 62 adet imal edildi, seri olarak üretimi devam ediyor. Until today, it is manufactured 62 pieces in total, and it continiues as serial manufacture. TANK, SİLO, MİKSER, BACA GAZI VE DİĞER ÖZEL EKİPMANLAR TANKS, SİLOS, MIXERS, FLUE GAS & OTHER SPECIAL EQUIPMENTS ¾ ÇUMRA ŞEKER PROJECT Customer Project Name Manufacturing year : NOVASEP EUROASIA : Çumra Şeker Project : 2008 Scope of supply 1 pcs. Ø 2.200 x 3.000 mm. Mixed Bed Exchanger Tanks supplied complete with supporting legs, manholes, sight glasses, nozzles etc. Maximum Working Pressure of 3 bars; Material: CS with 3 mm. Rubber Coating Inside 1 pcs. Ø 1.400 x 2.500 mm. Hydrolise Column supplied complete with supporting legs, manholes, sight glasses, nozzles etc. Maximum Working Pressure of 3 bars; Material: CS ¾ TULA PROJECT Customer Project Name Manufacturing year : Hager & Elsässer (Germany) : Tula WWTP (Russia) : 2008 Scope of supply 2 pcs. Ø 2.500 x 2.500 mm. Sand Filter Tanks supplied complete with supporting legs, manholes, sight glasses, nozzles etc. Maximum Working Pressure of 6 bars; Material: CS 2 pcs. Ø 2.600 x 5.120 mm. Bio-Filter Tanks supplied complete with supporting legs, manholes, sight glasses, nozzles etc.; Material: CS ¾ ANTALYA HURMA PROJECT Customer Project Name Manufacturing year : ANDRITZ (Switzerland) : Antalya Hurma WWTP Sludge Drying Plant : 2007 / 2008 Scope of supply Steel Construction Building with SS Grating & Handrails 1 pcs. Ø 2.500 x 8.000 mm. Kondenser Tank supplied complete with manholes, sight glasses, nozzles etc. Material: Complete AISI 304 1 pcs. Bunker with dimensions (W x L x H): 5.000 x 5.200 x 1.650 mm., Material: AISI 304 & Carbon Steel 1 pcs. Bunker with dimensions (W x L x H): 2.900 x 7.000 x 2.100 mm., Material: AISI 304 & Carbon Steel ¾ SIEMENS PROJECT Customer Project Name Manufacturing year : CHRIST HOLLAND B.V. (Netherlands) : SIEMENS Project : 2007 / 2008 Scope of supply 4 pcs. Ø 2.000 x 2.700 mm. Mixed Bed Exchanger Tanks supplied complete with supporting legs, manholes, sight glasses, nozzles etc. Maximum Working Pressure of 10 bars; Material: CS with 3 mm. Rubber Coating Inside 1 pcs. Ø 1.600 x 4.500 mm. Separation/Cation Reg. Filter Tank supplied complete with supporting legs, manholes, sight glasses, nozzles etc. Maximum Working Pressure of 6 bars; Material: CS with 3 mm. Rubber Coating Inside 1 pcs. Ø 1.400 x 4.500 mm. Mixing/Anion Reg. Filter Tank supplied complete with supporting legs, manholes, sight glasses, nozzles etc. Maximum Working Pressure of 6 bars; Material: CS with 3 mm. Rubber Coating Inside 2 pcs. Ø 1.400 x 2.500 mm. Gravel Filter Tank supplied complete with supporting legs, manholes, sight glasses, nozzles etc. Maximum Working Pressure of 6 bars; Material: CS 2 pcs. Ø 1.400 x 2.700 mm. Active Carbon Filter Tank supplied complete with supporting legs, manholes, sight glasses, nozzles etc. Maximum Working Pressure of 6 bars; Material: CS 4 pcs. Ø 800 x 3.000 mm. Mixed Bed Exchanger Tanks supplied complete with supporting legs, manholes, sight glasses, nozzles etc. Maximum Working Pressure of 6 bars; Material: CS with 3 mm. Rubber Coating Inside Manufacturing of Necessary CS Platforms and carrying out necessary Piping Works ¾ ZICUNAGA PROJECT Customer Project Name Manufacturing year : CHRIST HOLLAND B.V. (Netherlands) : Zicunaga Project : 2007 Scope of supply 2 pcs. Ø 1.600 x 2.500 mm. Mixed Bed Exchanger Tanks supplied complete with supporting legs, manholes, sight glasses, nozzles etc.. Maximum Design Pressure of 10bars; Material: CS Manufacturing of Skid for Exchanger Tanks (∑: ~ 1.500 kg) and; Material: CS + Sand B. + Epoxy Coating Necessary Piping Works FAUDİ AVİATİON - Basınçlı Yakıt - Su Ayırma Tankları, 13 Adet - 2004/2005 Özellikleri : CS, Çalışma Basıncı 16 Bar, Çaplar Ø 700 - Ø 1250mm arası FAUDİ AVİATİON - Pressure Vessels for jet fuel - water separation, 13 pcs - 2004/2005 Specifications : CS, Working Pressure 16 Bar; Diameters = Between Ø 700 - Ø 1250, 13 pcs Biray Grup-Nijerya, İçme suyu arıtma tesisi için yatay kum filtresi,Toplam 9 adet-2006-2007 Özellikleri: st37, Ø2200x6000, 3 bar, ağırlıkları: 5800 kg/adet Horizontal sand filters for Biray Group-Nigeria potation water treatment plant, Totally 9 pcs, 2006-2007 Specifications: st37, Ø2200x6000, 3 bar, weight: 5800kg/each NSC-Suriye, Endüstriyel Atık su arıtma tesisi için dikey kum filtresi, Toplam 2 adet- 2007 Özellikleri: st37, Ø2800x2500, 5 bar, ağırlıkları: 4700 kg/adet Vertical sand filters for NSC-Syria industrial waste water treatment plant, Totally 2 pcs- 2007 Specifications: st37, Ø2800x2500, 5 bar, weights: 4700kg/each ¾ ISDEMIR HOOD CAR PROJECT Customer Project Name Manufacturing year : ISDEMIR DEMIR CELIK A.S. (Turkiye) : Hood Car Manufacturing Project (Davlumbaz Arabası) : 2005 / 2007 Scope of supply 3 pcs. of 25 tons/pcs. Hood Cars supplied complete with steel construction, drive units with Ø680 wheels, walking platforms and handrails, hydrolic damper supports. Arbiogaz - Akteks baca gazı arıtma tesisi için gaz yıkama kolonu - 2002 Wet gas scrubber for Arbiogaz - Akteks waste gas treatment plant - 2002 Özellikleri Ø4 x 28 m AISI 316 High Molibden kalite paslanmaz çelik, boş ağırlık: 20 ton Specifications: Ø4 x 28 m AISI 316 High molibden SS, empty weight: 20 tons ¾ YOUSSIFIYAH WTP PROJECT- IRAQ Customer Project Name Manufacturing year : VA TECH WABAG (Germany) : Youssifiyah Project : 2002 Scope of supply 4 pcs. of Sand Filter Tanks, Ø 4000 x 4600 mm, 6 bar test pressure 2 pcs. of Mixed Bed Exchanger tank, Ø 1700 x 3300mm, 6 bar test pressure 4 pcs. of Cation Exchanger tank, Ø 1400 x 2250mm, 6 bar test pressure 4 pcs. of Anion Exchanger tank, Ø 1400 x 3300mm, 6 bar test pressure 19 pcs. of tanks in various dimensions in between with Ø 5500 x 16000 mm 1, 2, 3 Anyon- ve Katyon Değiştirici Tankı Anion- & Cation Exchanger Tank Steuler - Birlik Enerji baca gazı arıtma tesisi için kireç silosu - 2001 Lime Silo for Steuler - Birlik Enerji waste gas treatment plant - 2001 Özellikleri Ø3,8 x 13 m CS + Epoxy Specifications: Ø3,8 x 13 m CS + Epoxy 2 1 Arbiogaz - Oguzhan Tekstil baca gazi aritma tesisi için gaz yikama kolonu - 1999 Wet gas scrubber for Arbiogaz - Oguzhan Tekstil Industry waste gas treatment plant - 1999 Özellikleri: Ø2000 x 9000, AISI 316Ti kalite paslanmaz çelik, bos agirlik: 4 ton Specifications: Ø2000 x 9000, AISI 316Ti SS, empty weight: 4 tons Yapilan is: Projelendirme, imalat, nakliye ve montaj Scope of work: Design, manufacturing, transportation and erection at site 2 MAURI MAYA Bandirma Fabrikasi için paslanmaz borulama - 1995 Stainless steel piping for MAURI YEAST Co. Bandirma Factory - 1995 Özellikleri: AISI 304 kalite paslanmaz malzemeden Ø110 ile Ø800 mm arası toplam 400 m paslanmaz boru imali ve tüm enstrümanlari ile beraber yerinde montaj ve kaynağı. Specifications: AISI 304 quality SS material, from Ø110 till Ø400 mm, totally 400 m stainless stell pipe manufacturing and erecting with related instruments and welding. Yapılan iş: Projelendirme, imalat, nakliye ve montaj Scope of work: Design, manufacturing, transportation and erection at site 1 1 Alboy - Beymen Ayakkabi Fabrikasi için Tozsuzlaştırma tesisi, Jet Pulse Torbalı Filtre. 1998 Dust Collecting System with Jet Pulse Bag Filter for Alboy - Beymen Shoe Factory. 1998 2 Cihangir Deri - Tozsuzlastırma Tesisi Multi-siklon imalatları. 1998 Dust Collecting System Multi - Cyclone manufactures for CIHANGIR DERI. 1998 KENT GIDA A.Ş. Şeker Siloları - 6 adet KENT FOOD Indrustries Sugar Silos - 6 pcs. Yapım yılı: 1997 Manufacturing year: 1997 Özellikleri: Ø4 m çap x 28 m boy, AISI 304 kalite paslanmaz çelik, boş ağırlıgı 24 ton/adet Specifications: Ø4 m diameter x 28 m length, AISI 304 quality stainless steel, empty weight 24 tons/each Yapılan iş: Projelendirme, imalat, nakliye ve montaj Scope of work: Desing, manufacturing, transport and erection 1 1 Fabrikamızın paslanmaz imalat holünün şeker silolarının yapımı esnasındaki görünümü 1997 A view of the stainless steel production workshop of our factory during manufacturing of sugar silos - 1997 2 KENT GIDA şeker silolarından biri fabrikadan çıkarken - 1997 One of the KENT GIDA sugar silos while getting out of the factory - 1997 3 Şeker silosu yolda - 1997 Sugar silo on the road - 1997 İSTANBUL BELEDİYESİ Halk Ekmek Fabrikası - Cebeci için un siloları, 8 adet - 1998 Flour silos for ISTANBUL MUNICIPALITY Bread Factory, 8 pcs. - 1998 Özellikleri: Ø3 m çap x 17 m boy, AISI 304 kalite paslanmaz, boş ağırlık: 9 ton/adet Specifications: Ø3 m diameter x 17 m length, AISI 304 SS, empty weight: 9 tons/each Yapılan iş: İmalat, nakliye ve montaj Scope of work: Manufacturing, transportation and erection at site KENT GIDA Glikoz tankları - 4 adet - 1997 KENT FOOD Industries Glicose tanks - 4 pcs. - 1997 Özellikleri: Ø4 m çap x 9 m boy, AISI 316 kalite paslanmaz çelik, boş ağırlıgı: 9 ton/adet Specifications: Ø4 m diameter x 9 m length, AISI 316 SS material, empty weight: 9 tons/each Yapılan iş: Proje, imalat, nakliye Scope of work: Design, manufacturing and transportation MAURI MAYA Sanayi için maya fermenter tankı imali, 3 adet, 1989 - 1991 Manufacturing of yeast fermentation tanks for MAURI MAYA Industry, 3 pcs. - 1989 - 1991 Özellikleri: Ø4000 x 13000, AISI 304 kalite paslanmaz çelik, iç kaynaklar sıfır taşlama + 220 kum moblama, boş ağırlık: 9000 kg Specifications: Ø4000 x 13000, AISI 304 SS, inside welds grinding and 220 grid emery, empty weight: 9000 kg Yapılan iş: Proje, imalat, nakliye, borulama ve montaj Scope of work: Design, manufacturing, transportation, piping and mounting Mauri Maya - Bandırma, Maya Reaktör tankları, 3 adet - 1989 Yeast reactors for Mauri Yeast Co. - Bandirma, 3 pcs. - 1989 Özellikleri: Ø3250 x 6000, AISI 304 kalite paslanmaz, karıştırıcılı, soğutma serpantinli, poliüretan izolasyonlu ve izolasyon için paslanmaz ceketli, içi komple polisajlı. Specifications: Ø3250 x 6000, AISI 304 SS, with agitator and cooling serpantine; isolated with polyurethane, covered with stainless jacket to provide isolation and inside completely polysage. Yapılan iş: Proje, imalat, nakliye, montaj ve paslanmaz borulama. Scope of work: Design, manufacturing, transportation, erection and stainless steel piping. STEULER firmasi için yapıip, Almanya'ya ihraç ettigimiz gaz arıtma prosesi kimyasal madde tankları - 4 adet, 1999 Flue gas treatment plant chemical tanks for STEULER Germany - 4 pcs. - 1999 Özellikleri: AISI 316Ti paslanmaz çelik, pnömatik pistonlu kapaklı, bos ağırlık: 2200 kg/adet Specifications: AISI 316Ti SS, cover with pneumatic piston, empty weight: 2200 kg/each Yapilan iş: İmalat ve nakliye Scope of work: Manufacturing and transportation 3 1&2 NİDA İNŞAAT / KENT GIDA - Basınçlı akümülasyon ve sıcak su tankları, 12 adet - 1998 - 1999 NIDA CONSTRUCTION / KENT FOOD Industries - Pressurized accumulation and hot water tanks, 12 pcs. - 1998 - 1999 Özellikleri: AISI 304 kalite paslanmaz, 8 atü çalışma, 12 atü test basınçlı, Ø1600 - 2000 mm çapları arası, röntgen kontrollü. Specifications: AISI 304 SS, working pressure 8 atu, test pressure 12 atu, between Ø1600 - 2000 mm diameters, radiographic controlled. Yapılan iş: Proje, imalat ve nakliye. Scope of work: Design, manufacturing and transportation. 3. COSTER VALF - Kerosen tankı, 1 adet - 2000 COSTER VALVE - Kerosene tank, 1 pcs. - 2000 Özellikleri: AISI 304 kalite paslanmaz, Ø2200 - 4000, karıştırıcılı, ex-proof motorlu, ağırlık: 2500 kg Specifications: AISI 304 SS, Ø2200 - 4000, with agitator and ex-proof motor, weight: 2500 kg Yapılan iş: Proje, imalat, nakliye ve montaj. Scope of work: Design, manufacturing, transportation and erection. EFES PİLSEN İstanbul Bira Fabrikası için CIP tankları. Toplam 18 adet - 1994 - 1995 CIP tanks for EFES PILSEN Istanbul brewery factory - totally 18 pcs. - 1994 - 1995 Özellikleri: AISI 304 kalite paslanmaz malzemeden, iç kaynakları taşlama + 220 grid moblama, ağırlıkları: 1000 ÷ 2000 kg/adet Specifications: AISI 304 SS, inside walls grinding and 220 grid emery, empty weights: 1000 ÷ 2000 kg/each Yapılan iş: İmalat + nakliye Scope of work: Manufacturing + transportation 1 2 1 TEKSER - Libya projesi için 10 adet kostik soda tankı 10 pcs Caustic Soda Tanks at Libya for TEKSER company Yapılan iş: Projelendirme, imalat ve montaj Scope of work: Design, manufacturing, and erection at site 2 EFES PİLSEN bira fabrikası için su şartlandırma tankları Water conditioning tanks for EFES PILSEN brewery factory Yapılan iş: Projelendirme, imalat ve montaj Scope of work: Design, manufacturing, and erection at site 1 UNILEVER Adana Fabrikası için Yağ Reaktörleri, 2 adet 1989 Oil Reactors for UNILEVER Adana Factory, 2 pcs. - 1989 Özellikleri: Ø4 m çapında, 9 m boyunda, buhar serpantin ısıtıcılı, karıştırıcılı tank. St. 37 malzeme + dış epoksi boyama. Ağırlık: 20 ton/adet = 40 ton Specifications: Ø4 m diameter, 9 m length, heater by steam coil, with agitator tank. St. 37 material + outside epoxy paint. Weight: 20 tons/each = 40 tons Yapılan iş: İmalat + nakliye Scope of work: Manufacturing and transportation 2 CARGILL Gıda Orhangazi Fabrikası için Kum Filtreleri, 3 adet 1999 Sand Filters for CARGILL Food Industry Orhangazi Factory, 3 pcs. - 1999 Özellikleri: 90 m3/h kapasiteli, iç-dış kumlama + epoksi kaplı, tam otomatik. Ağırlık: 24 ton komple. Specifications: Capacity: 90 m3/h, inside and outside sandblasting + epoxy coating, full automatic. Complete weight: 24 tons. Yapılan iş: Filtre tankının, proses ve borulamanın dizaynı; anahtar teslimi imalat, nakliye, montaj ve borulama. Scope of work: Project of filter tanks and piping, manufacturing, transportation, erection and piping as turnkey basis. BETA GROUP - Cargill Rusya için Double Paddle Mikser ve vidalı konveyör, 1 + 1 adet - 2000 BETA GROUP - Cargill Russia, Double Paddle Mixer and screw conveyor - 1 + 1 pcs. - 2000 Özellikleri: Paddle mikser: Gövde, mikser mili ve pedallar AISI 316, ön ve arka kapaklar CS + AISI 316 SS kaplama, konstrüksiyon ve supportlar CS + kumlama + epoksi kaplama, komple ağırlık: 9000 kg. Vidalı Konveyör: 14 m uzunluk, aşınma plakası paslanmaz çelik Specifications: Paddle mixer: Body, mixer shaft and paddles are AISI 316 SS, front and back covers are CS + AISI 316 SS cladding, construction and supports are CS + sandblasting + epoxy coating, total weight: 9000 kg. Screw Conveyor: 14 m length, weir plate is stainless steel Yapılan iş: İmalat projeleri, imalat, deneme testleri Scope of work: Production design, manufacturing, tests Anaerobik Atıksu Arıtma Tesisleri için UASB ve EGSB tipi settler imalatları. ARBIOGAZ’ın Biothane Hollanda firmasi patenti ile toplam 74 adet imal edildi. 1996 - 2009 Manufacturing of 74 pieces settlers in UASB and UGSB types for different anaerobic wastewater treatment plants in licencing with Biothane, The Netherlands for ARBIOGAZ. 1996 - 2009 KOT YIKAMA & TAŞLAMA makineleri imali: 34 adet. 1985 – 2001 JEANS WASHING MACHINES MANUFACTURING: 34 pcs. 1985 - 2009 Dilovası O.S.B. 4. Kısım Ceyhan Cad. No:10 Tavşanlı Köyü Gebze / Kocaeli TÜRKİYE Tel : +90 262 724 85 50 ‐ +90 262 724 91 14 Faks: +90 262 724 85 49 e‐posta : [email protected] web :
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