pdf-targetzero - Intactix Systems
pdf-targetzero - Intactix Systems
CONTROL THE P RO C ESS • E NSU R E ACCOUN TA BI LI TY • ACHI EVE ZERO TI ME LOSS We provide our clients with an employee focused, return–towork system that ensures accountability of all stakeholders and minimizes time loss. Target Zero is a turnkey, web-based R E D U C T I O N I N WC B P R E M I U M S system that eliminates the frustration of managing claims and puts the control back into the hands of the employer. U P TO 90% Developed from 22 years of WCB expertise involving more than 10,000 B EFO RE A FTER case file reviews, Target Zero is the only Eliminate 3rd party claims management simple, easy-to-use software designed to costs and increase the efficiency and manage WCB claims to ZERO time loss. success of in-house claims coordinators. #1 Online WCB Claims Management System Stay on top of your claims every step of the way Automatically produces all the processes, procedures, documentation and claim workflow necessary to maximize efficiency and keep premiums to a minimum. R E D U C E S WC B PREMIUMS R E D U C E S L O S T T I M E DAYS A N D C L A I M CO S T S With the claims overview screen you have instant access to all your claims, can analyze recent activity and track claim performance against key success metrics. Arm claims coordinators with timely information and real-time data that will allow them to react faster to important claim deadlines and responsibilities. INCREASES CLAIMS CO O R D I N AT O R E F F I C I E N C Y P U T S E M P L OY E R I N CO N T R O L O F T H E P R O C E S S E N S U R E S ACCO U N TA B I L I T Y O F A L L S TA K E H O L D E R S S E L F -A D M I N I S T E R E D T U R N K E Y S YS T E M Features & Benefits P L AY B O O K P OW E R F U L R E P O R T I N G REAL TIME INTELLIGENCE Access to all the action steps, Instant snapshot of Visual analysis of documents and processes vital financial and claims critical data that drives required to manage every management reports. the best decision-making, claim scenario. Access the numbers WCB at the right time. doesn’t want you to know. C L A I M ACCO U N TA B I L I T Y DA S H B OA R D Ensure accountability and execution with an associated deadline, required documents RESOURCES N O T I F I C AT I O N S Includes all the Never miss an important know-how, best practices, deadline or task again customizable templates with automatic and resources required notifications of all past to manage every claim due, current and future scenario effectively. claims requirements. SIMPLE R E G U L A R U P DAT E S SUPPORT A simple, easy-to-use Stay informed with automatic Access to WCB expert system that guides you updates on critical changes advice and a community through the entire claim to WCB policy, cost relief, of claims coordinators appeals precedence and to manage even the medical duration guidelines. most difficult claim. and financial performance dashboard for every claim. process step-by-step. Learn how Target Zero will drive your company to ZERO time loss. After 1 year implementation of Target Zero system: WC B C L A I M CO S T S LOST TIME INCIDENTS –89.9% LOST TIME DAYS –83.9% –82.3% — PCL Construction Since implementing the Target Zero system within two years we achieved a 67% reduction in time loss claims. This has reduced our claim costs by over 71% and we will be in a healthy discount position on our employer rate next year. The Target Zero system is a superior approach to injury management. The step-by-step claims management process generates all the documentation necessary, complete with references to WCB policy, saving time and making the whole process work more effectively. — BP Canada — Acculogix E DM O NTO N (780) 477 6991 [email protected] CA LGARY www.intactix.ca (587) 352 5419