8 Bulletin December 2014 - Lions Clubs New Zealand


8 Bulletin December 2014 - Lions Clubs New Zealand
Serving the community since 1978
This is my final report for 2014.
Firstly what a great day it was at our annual Tuakau Christmas Parade. The weather was
kind for us, in fact it was a little too kind with the hot temperature which caused the children
to on the floats to become quite irritable, but I guess if it were a rainy day it would have been
a disaster.
I now wish to endorse my comments on the Parade that I quoted at our Business Meeting.
Once again thank you to those members and partners who assisted on the day and pre the
A great turn out of members and all were very conscientious in their input whether it is big or
small it all adds up to very efficient team work. To run an event like this in it’s entirety takes a
concerted effort which we certainly applied.
Once again I wish to comment on the Parade Head Quarters, we should nurture this venue it
is a perfect location.
I also wish to suggest that we make a donation to the Tuakau Country & Variety Music Club
and the Bombay School (Unicycles ) for their entertainment, it all adds colour to the event.
I was very rewarding to receive the compliments from the Noel Miller the Chairman of the
Onewhero, Tuakau Community Board on how valuable we the Tuakau Lions Club are to our
District, it gives you the
“feel good feeling” and it backs up our motto “We Serve” and Community Service.
Generally, in my mind I feel our club is going really well and this reflects by the attendances
at our meetings and working bees. I was very impressed with the quantity of members who
put their hands up for “Camp Quality” in January, keep up the good work it is rewarding.
I now wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy, Prosperous and Safe New Year.
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Don’t forget the new drink-drive laws, I know I shouldn’t need to remind you all of this, “Yeah
Right”. Cheers, President Bob.
Tuakau Christmas Parade -2014
Tuakau’s event of the year proudly organised by the Tuakau Lions
Tuakau Lions Club taking advantage of the exposure to be gained from the biggest public
event of the year
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Without participants there would be no parade
Below are some who took part making it the success that it was
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Mounted law enforcement officers policing parade were called to duty when during the
distraction of the event two youths were reported burgling a home and were chased down
“wild west style” by the Mounties.
What did the shy pebble say? I wish I was a little boulder
Message from District Governor Marion Andrews
Fellow members of the Lions Family
What a month November was!
Keith and I had the pleasure of hosting those that attended
our District Convention, held in Kumeu.
I would like to thank the Waimauku Lions along with the
Huapai Kumeu and Helensville Lions for the work they all did
to make this convention such a success. And a success it was
from all the reports I have had.
I take it that you would have all read the special KNews that
Gordon put out regarding the convention and how everyone enjoyed the weekend.
For those of you that did not attend you missed something special and maybe you should be
looking at attending next year.
Zone Chairman Anne Doyle of Zone 6 has just held a successful Orientation meeting for
Lions in her Zone and from other areas in the district. I urge all clubs and Zone Chairman to
follow her lead and hold Orientation meetings for your members. The only way people learn
about this organisation is through attending these sessions.
Our Peace Poster winner this year is Tiara Morris from Howick Intermediate School,
congratulations to Tiara and Howick Lions Club, I await to hear how her poster went against
the other MD202 posters. We only had 5 posters presented this year from across the district,
which was a little disappointing. Clubs need to talk to schools early in the school year to get
the Peace Poster into the curriculum so we can have a bigger competition over all.
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Keith and I have enjoyed visiting clubs that are celebrating large anniversaries. When we
visit there are usually Lions receiving awards for their service to the community. It is good to
see that they are being recognized by fellow Lions who appreciate what they have done for
those in need. At the Eden Epsom 50th is was great to see our DG elect Deidre Bridge
receive a Melvin Jones Awards, well done Deidre!
Orewa Lions held a great 50th Anniversary Luncheon as well with Don Turner and Stuart
Flexman receiving Life Membership and Harry Wills (the quiet Lion) receiving a Lloyd
Morgan Trust Life Award. Congratulations to you all.
We have the Emerging Lions Leadership Institute coming up in March, to be held in Rotorua.
So if you have someone in your club that could benefit from this, talk to GLT Leader PDG
Christine Ford and she will tell you more about how this can benefit your club. Applications
must be with Christine by 29th December
II do hope that all Lions in the district. are able to take a short rest over the Christmas period,
this will give you time to revitalize yourself for another 6 months of this Lions year.
Keith and I will be taking a spell out with our family to celebrate C benefit your club.
Applications must be with Christine by 29th December Christmas and we wish all Lions in
202K a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Take care and have a safe holiday.
District Governor Marian
Andrews and Keith
A message from International President Joe Preston
Why did the tightrope walker visit his bank? To check his balance
What happened when the ice man ate a curry? He blew his cool
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Ken Standen representing the Tuakau
Warwick Martin received honours for
Lions Club presenting Onewhero
twenty years continuous service with
School students with their end of year
Lions International
Almoners Report
Dee had a trip to the emergency room on the day of the Santa Parade. He has an infection
in his hand and is on antibiotics. All other members seem to be in a holding pattern, no
worse – no better than usual!
Keep safe over the holidays.
Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
The Almoner
January, February Celibrations
Sindy Wright Jan, - Colin Shewan Jan, - Claire Nicholson Feb – Maurice Tyson Feb. –
Debra MacMillan
Dee & Lumie Makan Jan, John & Claire Nicholson Jan, Clive & Susan Woodward Jan,
Ken & Debra MacMillan Jan, Bert & L,yn Pater Feb, Mark & Katherine Ball Feb
Bob Bell 34 years
Dee Makan 36 years
Paul Massey 6 years
Gail Cook 3 years
Colleen Clarke 2 Year
Bryce Coster 2 year
Noel Bocock 2 year
Ken Standen 2 year
Sue Standen 2 year
Rick Muir 2 years
Up-Coming Events
Camp Quality kitchen duties, Wesley Collage, Sunday 11th January 3.00PM – 8.00Pm
First business meeting, 7.00Pm Tuesday10th February 2015
Dinner Meeting February 24th;
Invocation….Paul Massey
Stewards…..Sue Standon & Colleen Clarke
Guest Speaker “The Elephant Man”
Business meeting, March 10th
Dinner meeting, March 24th
Invocation Bryce Coster
Stewards Ray Smith & Steve Lauer
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Above photos are of our end of year Christmas Party of individuals and groups intent
on taking advantage of the “no rules apply” swapping of presents. Every one
attending were asked to bring a present to the value of $10 which were placed in a
pool and later handed out at random and opened for all to see. From there, by drawn
number you could choose to keep your present or swap with someone else’s
treasured present, needless to say the most attractive present changed hands many
Once again the planned venue of the Les Batkin reserve was abandoned due to bad
weather and again John and Claire Nicholson graciously made their premises
This get together drew a close to a very busy period of recent times with sheep
manure sales then the Christmas Parade.
That behind us it is now time for a rest but don’t forget the Camp Quality
commitment on January 11th.
Wishing you all a merry Christmas and a happy new year,
Photography by Doug Crowther
Tuakau Lions Club - Serving the community since 1978
PO Box 77 Tuakau 2342
Business Meetings - Second Tuesday Monthly, 7.00 pm
Dinner Meetings – fourth Tuesday Monthly, 6.30 for 7.00 pm Start
Visitors Welcome
Dinner meeting apologies to Bob Bell by 9.00pm Sunday prior to meeting
Meetings held at the Tuakau Cosmopolitan Club corner of Madill and Carr
Streets Tuakau
Bulletin Editor& Photographer; Doug Crowther
09-236 8331 [email protected]
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