panchakarma cure - Institut für Ayurveda
panchakarma cure - Institut für Ayurveda
ZURICH -S EEFELD PANCHA K ARMA C URE WITH D R . J OSHI PANCHA K ARMA C URE PanchaKarma is an ayurvedic cleansing process that assists the body in regaining its natural balance. These processes are the very soul of ayurvedic medicine. During its life time a human organism collects and embeds metabolic waste and toxins in the body tissues which in normal expulsion can’t be eliminated anymore. These harmful substances affect the metabolism and bring about health disturbances and diseases. The medical diversion enhances preemptively your health and heals diseases from its originate. By means of century long proven holistic concepts of PanchaKarma water and fat soluble waste are being diverted sustainably from the body. These cleansing processes consist of three phases. During a preparatory phase the toxins and bodily waste are being dislodged from allover the tissues through internal ingestion of a small amount of medicated ghee and pushing medicated oily substances through skin pores by systematic oil massage techniques. Then the second phase starts with five different ayurvedic cleaning methods that can be applied to divert actively dislodged toxins and waste from the body. The diversion effect is not restricted to the digestive tract only but extends into the cell layers of entire organ systems. After this intense cleaning the body is being strengthened in a third phase with tranquility and endowment of bodily tissues. That way the acquired balance can be stabilized. Our intense ayurvedic cure is an eight day special program for an effective renewal under supervision of a PanchaKarma specialist. We don’t apply standard therapies but rather treat every cure guest individually and carefully on the basis of there doshic imbalances. For each participant the extraordinarily high number of 40 or more treatment units is envisioned. Besides the professional execution of the diversion procedures we create an appropriate frame for this time offering a light vegetarian fare and lots of stillness. You will receive, in each case personally adjusted, synchron massages as well as warmth applications, shirodhara, herbs and ayurvedic special therapies. Precondition for the cure is participation in an active ayurvedic programme with individual guidance. To be able to continue the positive effects after the cure and integrate them into daily life an accompanied support by Dr. Joshi and the team is recommendable. Consultations are available right away. The cure takes place in our institutional facilities in Zurich-Seefeld. If you need help or any assistance finding over night stays facilities near our center, we willingly offer our support. Doshas which are balanced by using “Shamana” – palliative treatments like fasting, digestive medicines, can get imbalanced again, but with the help of “Shodhana” – purificatory treatments like PanchaKarma Therapy, you can irradicate root cause of the disease and disease does not come back again. «Prevention is the best healing.» (Sabro) 8 D AY PANCHA K ARMA I NTENSIVE with the PanchaKarma specialist Dr. Sunil Joshi Dr. Joshi is a renowned ayurvedic expert and author of the book “Ayurveda & Panchakarma”. He is head of the Vinayak Ayurveda Clinic and of the Panchakarma Research Centre in Nagpur, India ( Through 15 years of clinical work in America Dr. Joshi has acquired an integrative understanding for specifically western health requests. Dates Continuously new dates, check our website. Cure-independent single sessions are also available. Get procedure informations at: INSTITUT FÜR AYURVEDA Praxis Zürich-Seefeld, Dufourstr. 106, Tel 043 497 97 19 [email protected],