03-18-2016-Ranga Shankara-SE-Artboards-Edit


03-18-2016-Ranga Shankara-SE-Artboards-Edit
This interactive workshop is all
set to introduce children to the
amazing world of puppets.
Students will first get to make
their own puppets and then learn
to create a story board using
simple techniques. The workshop
will emphasise on exploring the
world of emotions, which children
usually go through during their
childhood, via puppets.
Workshop by : Shravan Heggodu
Eligibility : 10 - 12 Years
Dates : April 11 to 23, 2016
Time : 10 am to 4 pm
Venue: Ranga Shankara - 3rd Floor
Shravan Heggodu has worked with
one of the leading puppeteers in
India, Anurupa Roy (Katkatha
Puppet Art Trust). He graduated in
theatre from Ninasam Theatre Institute. He then studied theatre design
in the National School of Drama,
Bangalore. Currently, he is working
on designing giant puppets.
This workshop aims to introduce children to the
basics of theatre and performance through the
eyes of the Bard, William Shakespeare. His
timeless stories will be explored in simple prose
language, and the participants will attempt to
find their essence. Through improvisations in
both storytelling and performance, the
participants will try to make Shakespeare’s
stories relevant to themselves in this day and
age. The workshop will have individual
exercises, as well as ensemble improvisations.
Aspects such as imagination, improvisation,
sharpening of instinct and impulses,
team-building and complicity, relationship with
rhythm and space, confidence-building, and
breath-voice-speech, will be covered. There will
be a special focus on body language and
physical expression.
The emphasis of the workshop will be on
making the journey through a shared process
rather than on mastering the art of
performance. The sessions will focus on each
participant exploring their own creativity,
imagination and madness in a laboratory-like
environment – through shared participation,
bonding, and observational learning. From
playing characters to becoming story-tellers,
the participants will understand how to hold an
audience’s attention, how to create
imaginative worlds on stage, and how to share
the joys and tensions of a good story
Workshop by : Sujay Saple
Eligibility : 9 - 13 Years
Dates : April 11 to 24, 2016
Time : 10 am to 4 pm
Venue: Ranga Shankara Foyer
For someone who just chanced upon
theatre during his college days,
Mumbai based Sujay Saple has
worked with likes of Atul Kumar, Adil
Hussain , Rajat Kapoor and others. He
is also the director of a theatre
company, ‘Shapeshift Collective’. He
works with children on theatre and
Workshop by : Anita Salim
Eligibility : 8 - 12 Years
Dates : April 11 to 24, 2016
Time : 10 am to 4 pm
Venue: Kappanna Angala
This workshop will see drama at
its creative best. Using a variety
of skills like observation,
imagination, speech, movement,
music, costume and unique props,
participants will get an
opportunity to enact scenes from
world mythology and folk tales.
Anita Salim has been
conducting drama workshops
for students, amateurs and
professionals all over India;
using theatre techniques as
creative communication for
three decades. She has
performed at National &
International Theatre Festivals.
Anuja Ghosalkar is a theatre actor, writer and
director based in Bangalore. Drama Queen, her
theatre company, is evolving a unique form of
documentary theatre in India. Anuja has
worked with popular directors like Atul Kumar,
Abhishek Majumadar, Kirtana Kumar and
Arundhati Raja.
When not doing theatre she works on
Experimenta, a festival of moving image art in
India. Previously, Anuja has worked as a
programme officer at India Foundation for the
Arts, in film research, curating, writing and
teaching cinema. More recently, she was an
artist-in-residence at Art Lab Gnesta, Sweden
where she wrote Lady Anandi.
Workshop by : Anuja Ghosalkar
Eligibility : 7 - 10 Years
Dates : April 25 to May 8, 2016
Time : 10 am to 4 pm
Venue: Ranga Shankara - 3rd Floor
Anuja’s workshop will focus
on storytelling and theatre
making. Using tales from the
lives of children, students will
get a chance to create a
performance piece that uses
objects, photographs, recipes
and music. The workshop will
explore documentary theatre,
a new concept in India, and
enable children to write
original scripts using real
stories from their lives.
Anitha Santhanam, a seasoned
actor-dancer based in Bangalore, is a
member of the PERCH theatre ensemble
headed by director Rajiv Krishnan. A two
time awardee of the Charles Wallace India
Trust Award (2007, 2012), she completed a
three-year physical theatre program at
London International School of Performing
Arts (LISPA). Her work has a special focus
on creating theatre through the body.
Anitha worked for an international arts
collective in the premiere of Herencia
Espaniola for the BE festival in
Birmingham, July 2010. She has conducted
many theatre workshops in Germany, India
and the UK.
Workshop by : Anitha Santhanam
Eligibility : 9 - 12 Years
Dates : April 25 to May 8, 2016
Time : 10 am to 4 pm
Venue: Ranga Shankara Foyer
Based on the physical theatre
pedagogy of Jacques Lecoq, this
drama workshop for children is
about devising exciting dramatic
pieces using the body, breath and
voice. This is a physical embodied
approach to create characters,
text and scene work. Students
will train in the fundamental
principles of Lecoq’s approach to
Working in solos, pairs and groups
the children will work towards
creating and performing original
acts through spoken word, dramatic scenes, narration and
comedy, taking inspiration from
folk narratives.
This hands-on playmaking workshop
for children between 9 and 14 years
old, aims to take children on a journey
to make something from nothing. In
the real world, ‘nothing’ is seen as an
empty, somewhat scary place; in
theater it is a place filled with
immense possibilities. Children begin
by exploring these possibilities
through the lens of their own
The students will look at what makes
good stories and the kinds of stories
that excite them. The workshop emphasizes the journey of making and
aims to expose children to playful and
artful ways of making and telling
stories. At the end of this journey, the
participants will perform that
‘something’ that they have created,
for an invited audience.
Workshop by : Sukheshwar Arora
Eligibility : 11 - 13 Years
Dates : April 25 to May 8, 2016
Time : 10 am to 4 pm
Venue: Kappanna Angala
Sukhesh Arora is the founder and
artistic director of Yellowcat, a New
Delhi-based collective of artists/
educators, who create playful
experiences for youngsters. A Charles
Wallace and IVLP Fellow, Sukhesh
studied physical theatre at the Royal
Holloway College, London. He focuses
on arts pedagogy, and the application
of games in learning. These form the
foundation of his work with children,
young people and educators. In
addition, Sukhesh teaches in the
Elementary Education department at
Delhi University.