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TOOLING NEWS E-90 Exchangeable Head Endmills Modular Tools with Steel and Carbide Arbors WEX Wave Mill Type WRCX ! w e N Wave Radius Mill MSX Type Metal Slash Mill Type Endmills WEX square endmill type (15 items) WRCX radius endmill type (7 items) MSX high feed endmill type (13 items) Arbors Carbide (16 items) Steel (4 items) Easy to change screw-on endmill type WEX and carbide arbor Wavemill Series Modular Tools Characteristics Up to 6 x D from Modular End Mill with Carbide Arbor Modular head + carbide arbor Standard shank type endmill 6D C50 WEX2025M12Z4 (øD=25, 4 teeth) v c = 100m/min, f t = 0,1mm/tooth d oc = 8mm x 3 passes, woc = 2,0mm, Equipment: M/C BT50 Note Cutting conditions can vary according to cutter reach, rigidity of machine tool / workpiece etc. 3rd Step (8mm) Carbide arbor Steel arbor Carbide arbor Overhang (mm) C50 WEX2025M12Z4 (øD=25, 4 teeth) v c = 100m/min, f t = 0,1mm/tooth d oc = 8mm x 3 passes, woc = 2,0mm, Equipment: M/C BT50 Equipment : Vertical Machine M/C BT50 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 WRCX10025M12Z2 0,5D 0,5D 0,5D 0,5D 0,75D 0,75D 0,75D 0,75D Radial width of cut 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 00 00 Radial width of cut 0,25D 0,25D 0,25D 0,25D 0,5D 0,5D 0,5D 0,5D 0,75D 0,75D 0,75D 0,75D 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 100 100 100 100 130 130 130 130 150 150 150 150 180 180 180 180 1xD 1xD 1xD 1xD 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 00 00 MSX12032M16Z2 (vc =160m/min, doc =1,2mm) Overhang 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 (vc =180m/min, f t =0,1mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 Axial depth of cut (vc =160m/min, f t =0,2mm) 0,25D 0,25D 0,25D 0,25D (Dry) Axial depth of cut Axial depth of cut 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 00 00 WEX3035M16Z3 (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 Overhang WEX2025M12Z4 Steel arbor 0,25D 0,25D 0,25D 0,25D 0,5D 0,5D 0,5D 0,5D 0,75D 0,75D 0,75D 0,75D Radial width of cut 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 100 100 100 100 130 130 130 130 150 150 150 150 180 180 180 180 1xD 1xD 1xD 1xD 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 00 00 100 100 100 100 130 130 130 130 150 150 150 150 180 180 180 180 1xD 1xD 1xD 1xD (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 Feed rate per tooth Application Range Work Material: C50, (vc =180m/min, f t =0,1mm) Vibration amplitude Deviation Work Material : Tool : Cutting conditions : Low vibration ! Overhang 2nd Step (8mm) Carbide arbor comparison ... Vibration amplitude 1st Step (8mm) G Shoulder milling squareness Deviation (µm) Shoulder reference line Performance A Carbide Arbor improves feed rates, surface finish, sizing, and tool life. Overhang Work Material : Tool : Cutting conditions : 3D Radial width of cut 0,25D 0,25D 0,25D 0,25D 0,5D 0,5D 0,5D 0,5D 0,75D 0,75D 0,75D 0,75D 100 100 100 100 130 130 130 130 150 150 150 150 180 180 180 180 1xD 1xD 1xD 1xD Note: These tables indicate reference machining conditions. Actual machining parameters should be adjusted based on machine rigidity and work clamp rigidity. 2 Wavemill Series Wavemill Series WEX 2000 M Type WEX 3000 M Type 10 mm 90° 14 mm 90° High speed and high efficiency machining endmills High speed and high efficiency machining endmills Axial rake angle: Radial rake angle: Heads Cat. No. WEX2016M08Z2 WEX2018M08Z2 WEX2020M10Z3 WEX2022M10Z3 WEX2025M12Z4 WEX2028M12Z4 WEX2030M16Z4 WEX2032M16Z5 WEX2040M16Z6 Stock G H G H G H H G H øD 16 18 20 22 25 28 30 32 40 ød 8,5 8,5 10,5 10,5 12,5 12,5 17,0 17,0 17,0 Dimensions (mm) M L l1 l 2 l 3 M8 42 25 5 17 M8 42 25 5 17 M10 49 30 5 19 M10 49 30 5 19 M12 56 35 5 21 M12 56 35 5 21 M16 63 40 5 23 M16 63 40 5 23 M16 63 40 5 23 8 8 8 8 10 10 10 10 10 G G G G G G G G G G G G 13 13 15 15 19 19 24 24 24 Cat. No. WEX3025M12Z2 WEX3028M12Z2 WEX3030M16Z3 WEX3032M16Z3 WEX3035M16Z3 WEX3040M16Z4 G G G G G G G G G G G G r a AXMT 170508 PEER-L AXMT 170504 PEER-G AXMT 170508 PEER-G AXMT 170512 PEER-G AXMT 170516 PEER-G AXMT 170520 PEER-G* AXMT 170530 PEER-G* AXMT 170508 PEER-H AXMT 170512 PEER-H AXET 170502 PEFR-S AXET 170504 PEFR-S AXET 170508 PEFR-S 0,4 0,08 0,8 0,08 0,4 0,08 0,8 0,08 1,2 0,08 G 0,2 0,025 G 0,4 0,025 G 0,8 0,025 G = Euro stock H = Delivery on request G – General Purpose H – Strong Cutting Edge S – Sharp Cutting Edge for Aluminium L G H S Identification of Catalogue No. WEX 2 016 M08 Z2 Cutter type Spare Parts Diameter insert size Wrench Screw TRDR 08 I P BFTX 0305 IP BFTX 0306 IP Mounting screw H H H H H H øD 25 28 30 32 35 40 ød 12,5 12,5 17,0 17,0 17,0 17,0 Dimensions (mm) M L l1 l 2 l 3 M12 56 35 5 21 M12 56 35 5 21 M16 63 40 5 23 M16 63 40 5 23 M16 63 40 5 23 M16 63 40 5 23 W 10 10 10 10 10 10 No. of teeth – – – – 19 19 24 24 24 24 (mm) DLC Un Dimensions Coated Coated (mm) ACP ACP ACP ACK ACK 100 200 300 200 300 DL1000 H1 r a G G G G G G G G H G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G H G G G G G G G G H 0,8 0,08 0,4 0,08 0,8 0,08 1,2 0,08 1,6 0,08 2,0 0,08 3,0 0,08 0,8 0,08 G G G 1,2 0,08 G 0,2 0,025 G 0,4 0,025 G 0,8 0,025 G = Euro stock H = Delivery on request Low Cutting Force General Purpose Strong Cutting Edge Sharp Cutting Edge for Aluminium * ATTENTION: No.of teeth 2 2 3 3 3 4 S Inserts are not included. Coated Carbide Cat. No. 1,2 0,08 G G G Stock 16°~ 24° 8°~ 15° Inserts for WEX 3000 Type DLC Un Dimensions Coated Coated (mm) ACP ACP ACP ACK ACK 100 200 300 200 300 DL1000 H1 G G G G G G S (mm) Coated Carbide AXMT 123504 PEER-G AXMT 123508 PEER-G AXMT 123512 PEER-G AXMT 123504 PEER-H AXMT 123508 PEER-H AXMT 123512 PEER-H AXET 123502 PEFR-S AXET 123504 PEFR-S AXET 123508 PEFR-S W Axial rake angle: Radial rake angle: Heads No.of teeth 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 5 6 Inserts are not included. Inserts for WEX 2000 Type Cat. No. 14°~ 25° 10°~ 18° If nose radius of inserts is 2,0 mm or more please modify cutter body as indicated. Spare Parts Required torque (N.m) Applicable endmill 2,0 2,0 WEX 2016M ~ WEX 2018M WEX 2020M ~ WEX 2040M 3 Wrench Screw TRDR 15 I P BFTX 0407 IP BFTX 0409 IP Required torque (N.m) Applicable endmill 3,0 3,0 WEX 3025M ~ WEX 3030M WEX 3032M ~ WEX 3040M Wave Radius Mill Wave Radius Mill WRCX 08000 M Type WRCX 10000/12000 M Type 4,0 mm 5,0 mm (WRCX 10000M) High efficiency multi purpose endmills 0° -3° WRCX08020M10Z2 WRCX08025M12Z3 Axial rake angle: Radial rake angle: Heads For insert type : QPMT 0803 Cat. No. (WRCX 12000M) High efficiency multi purpose endmills Axial rake angle: Radial rake angle: Heads 6,0 mm Dimensions (mm) No.of Stock øD ød M L l 1 l 2 l 3 W S teeth G 20 10,5 M10 49 30 5 19 8 15 2 G 25 12,5 M12 56 35 5 21 10 19 3 Cat. No. WRCX10025M12Z2 WRCX10028M12Z2 WRCX10030M16Z3 WRCX10032M16Z3 Inserts are not included. Heads WRCX12040M16Z4 QPMT – QPMT ... H 16 corner insert for General Purpose Application 16 corner insert with Strong cutting edge QPET... S Fig. 1 Cat. No. ACP 100 QPMT 080330 PPEN QPMT 080330 PPEN-H QPMT 10T335 PPEN QPMT 10T335 PPEN-H QPET 10T350 PPFR-S QPMT 120440 PPEN QPMT 120440 PPEN-H QPET 120460 PPFR-S G G G G Coated Carbide ACP 200 G G G G G G G G ACP 300 G G G G G G ACK 200 G G G G G G For insert type : QPG GT 10T3 Stock øD G 25 H 28 H 30 G 32 ød 12,5 12,5 17,0 17,0 Inserts are not included. Rake angle: 25° 4 corners use Max. doc G G G G G G 10 12 19 19 24 24 No.of teeth 2 2 3 3 Round insert with Sharp cutting edge for Aluminium Uncoated 8 10 10 10 10 S Inserts are not included. Fig. 2 DLC W Dimensions (mm) No.of Stock øD ød M L l 1 l 2 l 3 W S teeth H 40 17,0 M16 63 40 5 23 10 24 4 IC r s ACK Coated Carbide (mm) (mm) (mm) 4 corners 8 corners application application 300 DL1000 H1 G G G G Dimensions (mm) M L l1 l2 l3 M12 56 35 5 21 M12 56 35 5 21 M16 63 40 5 23 M16 63 40 5 23 For insert type : QPG GT 1204 Cat. No. Inserts 0° -3° 3,0 3,5 5,0 4,0 6,0 3,18 3,8 3,97 4,7 4,76 5,6 Fig. Applicable endmill 1,0 1,2 WRCX 08000M WRCX 10000M 1,5 WRCX 12000M G = Euro stock H = Delivery on request – – Identification of Catalogue No. WRCX 08 020 M10 Z2 Cutter type Spare Parts Diameter insert size Wrench Screw TRDR 08 I P BFTX 02506 IP Mounting screw No. of teeth Spare Parts Required torque (N.m) Applicable endmill 1,5 WRCX 08020M ~ WRCX 08025M 4 Wrench Screw TRDR 15 I P BFTX 03584 IP BFTX 0409 IP Required torque (N.m) Applicable endmill 3,0 3,0 WRCX 10025M ~ WRCX 10032M WRCX 12040M ”METAL SLASH MILL” ”METAL SLASH MILL” MSX 06000 M Type 1,0 mm MSX 08000/12000 M Type (MSX 08000M) High feed and high efficiency machining endmills Cat. No. MSX06016M08Z2 MSX06018M08Z2 MSX06020M10Z3 MSX06022M10Z3 MSX06025M12Z3 8° -3° ~ -8° Heads For insert type : WDMT 0603 Stock øD G 16 H 18 G 20 H 22 G 25 ød 8,5 8,5 10,5 10,5 12,5 Dimensions (mm) No.of M L l 1 l 2 l 3 W S teeth M8 42 25 5 17 8 13 2 M8 42 25 5 17 8 13 2 M10 49 30 5 19 8 15 3 M10 49 30 5 19 8 15 3 M12 56 35 5 21 10 19 3 Cat. No. MSX08025M12Z2 MSX08028M12Z2 MSX08030M16Z3 MSX08032M16Z3 MSX08035M16Z3 Inserts are not included. Heads Cat. No. MSX12032M16Z2 MSX12035M16Z2 MSX12040M16Z3 Inserts for MSX 06000M Type Coated Carbide Cat. No. ACP ACP ACP 100 200 300 WDMT 0603 ZDTR WDMT 0603 ZDTR-H G G G G 20° (MSX 12000M) High feed and high efficiency machining endmills Axial rake angle: Radial rake angle: Heads mm 20° 2,0 1,5 mm 20° G G H – Strong Cutting Edge Axial rake angle: Radial rake angle: For insert type : WDMT 0804 Stock øD G 25 H 28 H 30 G 32 H 35 Stock ød 12,5 12,5 17,0 17,0 17,0 Dimensions (mm) M L l1 l2 l3 M12 56 35 5 21 M12 56 35 5 21 M16 63 40 5 23 M16 63 40 5 23 M16 63 40 5 23 ød 17,0 17,0 17,0 Dimensions (mm) M L l1 l2 l3 M16 63 40 5 23 M16 63 40 5 23 M16 63 40 5 23 Spare Parts No.of teeth 10 24 2 10 24 2 10 24 3 W S Inserts for MSX 08000M/12000M Type Dimensions (mm) Max. doc ød s r 6,35 3,0 1,5 Cat. No. WDMT 0804 ZDTR WDMT 0804 ZDTR-H WDMT 1205 ZDTR WDMT 1205 ZDTR-H 1,0 G = Euro stock H = Delivery on request Mounting screw 19 19 24 24 24 No.of teeth 2 2 3 3 3 Inserts are not included. Coated Carbide ACP ACP ACP 100 200 300 G G G G G G G G G G G G Dimensions (mm) Max. doc ød s r 8,5 4,0 2,0 1,5 12 5,0 2,0 2,0 G = Euro stock H = Delivery on request MSX 06 016 M08 Z2 insert size 10 10 10 10 10 S Inserts are not included. Identification of Catalogue No. Diameter W For insert type : WDMT 1205 øD G 32 H 35 G 40 H – Strong Cutting Edge Cutter type 8° -3° ~ -8° No. of teeth Clamp C Ring Clamp screw Wrench Insert screw – CCH 3,5 CCH 3,5 – CR 03 CR 03 – BFTX 03510 IP 08 BFTX 03510 IP 15 TRDR 08 IP TRDR 08 IP TRDR 15 IP BFTX 02505 IP BFTX 0306 IP BFTX 0409 IP 5 Required torque (N.m) Applicable endmill 1,5 2,0 3,0 MSX 06016M ~ MSX 06025M MSX 08025M ~ MSX 08035M MSX 12032M ~ MSX 12040M Carbide and Steel Arbor for Modular Tools Carbide Arbor Steel Arbor Carbide Arbor Cat. No. MA15M08L120C MA15M08L160C MA16M08L120C MA16M08L160C MA18M10L150C MA18M10L200C MA20M10L150C MA20M10L200C MA23M12L200C MA23M12L250C MA25M12L200C MA25M12L250C MA28M16L200C MA28M16L300C MA32M16L200C MA32M16L300C Modular Tool System Stock G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G M M8 M8 M8 M8 M10 M10 M10 M10 M12 M12 M12 M12 M16 M16 M16 M16 ød 8,5 8,5 8,5 8,5 10,5 10,5 10,5 10,5 12,5 12,5 12,5 12,5 17,0 17,0 17,0 17,0 Dimensions (mm) l1 øD L 15 120 10 15 160 10 16 120 10 16 160 10 18 150 10 18 200 10 20 150 10 20 200 10 23 200 10 23 250 10 25 200 10 25 250 10 28 200 10 28 300 10 32 200 10 32 300 10 G = Euro stock ( Modular tool head + arbor ) ( Germany ) SUMITOMO ELECTRIC Hartmetall GmbH Siemensring 84, D - 47877 Willich Tel. ( 02154 ) 49 92-0, FAX ( 02154 ) 4 10 7 2 e-Mail: [email protected] Internet: Distributed by : l2 18 18 18 18 20 20 20 20 22 22 22 22 24 24 24 24 LM 145 185 145 185 180 230 180 230 235 285 235 285 240 340 240 340 Steel Arbor Cat. No. MA16M08L120S MA20M10L150S MA25M12L200S MA32M16L200S Dimensions (mm) l1 M ød øD L M8 8,5 16 120 10 M10 10,5 20 150 10 M12 12,5 25 200 10 M16 17,0 32 200 10 Stock G G G G Identification of catalogue No. G = Euro stock l2 18 20 22 24 LM 145 180 235 240 MA 15 M08 L120 C Modular Arbor Shank diameter Mounting screw Arbor length Recommended Tightening Torque Screw M8 M10 M12 M16 Wrench S 8 13 8 15 10 19 10 24 W Notes about tightening the head: G G G Material C: Carbide S: Steel Torque ( N.m ) 23 46 80 90 Refer to the Head Cat. No. chart on pages 3 to 5 to select the arbor size in the table above. Check the mounting screw size of the head and arbor beforehand. When attaching head to an arbor, follow the standard tighting torque in the table above. ( UK and Irland) SUMITOMO ELECTRIC Hardmetal Ltd. Summerleys Road, Princes Risborough Buckinghamshire HP27 9 PW, UK Tel. ( 018 44) 34 20 81, FAX: ( 018 44) 34 2415 e-Mail: [email protected] Internet: E-90 (II) -12/10-MD
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