Newsletter: Spring 2016


Newsletter: Spring 2016
 Spring NBHEA Newsletter
New Brunswick Home Economics Association INVITATION 96th NBHEA 2016 CONFERENCE HOME ECONOMICS, MORE THAN EVER, A NECESSITY The Board of Directors and the Conference organizing committee invite you to join them for the NBHEA 2016 annual general meeting and conference. This meeting will be held May 27 and 28 at the Bathurst Community College Campus situated at 725 College Street in Bathurst. We are looking forward to seeing you at the social evening Friday night. Saturday morning at 9:00 will be our Annual general meeting followed by our guest speaker, Denis Desrosiers. He will talk on how innovative ideas can become a reality. In the afternoon, we will have a panel discussion with six Home Economics graduates and a student at the École Secondaire Népisiguit who will share their views on how their work enhance the quality of life for individuals and families in 2016. Minister of Education and Early Childhood Development, Serge Rousselle, will be present. He will take part in the panel discussion. Keep this newsletter with all the reports and bring it with you at the Annual General Meeting. Registration is in the center of this newsletter. 1 96th NBHEA Conference, May 27th, 28th, 2016
NBCC, 725 College Street, Bathurst N.B
PROGRAM Theme: The Home Economist, more than ever, a necessity
Friday May 27th, 2016
4 pm – 6 pm
7 pm – 9 pm
NBHEA Board Meeting and meal (Eudistes Room)
Registration, kiosks and social meet (Bibitte Room)
Saturday, May 28th 2016 8 am -­‐ 9 am Registration and breakfast (Bibitte Room) 9 am – 10:30 am NBHEA Annual meeting (Eudistes Room) 10:30 am – 11 am Break and visit of kiosks (Bibitte Room) 11 am -­‐ noon Guest speaker: Denis Desrosiers, Founder and Manager of Sentinel systems Ltd, NBCC. Topic: Awake and nourish innovative ideas within us. (Bibitte Room) 12:00 – 1:15 pm Lobster lunch (Cafeteria) 1:15 – 3:15 pm Panel (Eudistes Room) Moderator : Marcelle Mersereau, P.H.Ec. Panelists: Marie-­‐Ève Boudreau Huard, P.H.Ec., Instructor in Family and Early Chilhood; Julie Caissie, P.H.Ec, PhD, Specialist in Newborn Behavioral Observations, Boston’s Children Hospital, U.S.A.; Joline Gautreau, P.H.Ec., Program Officer, Addiction and Mental Health Services; Georgine Rioux, entrepreneur and owner; Annie Thériault; P.H.Ec, Home Ec. Teacher, École Secondaire Nepisiguit; Mélissa-­‐Josée Roy, Grade 12 Student, ESN; Jolaine Thomas, Coodinator in community education for the Canadian Mental Health Association in N.B.; Honorable Serge Roussel, Minister of Education and Early Childhood. 3:15-­‐ 3:30 pm Evaluation and Wrap up (Eudistes Room) Hurry to book one of these Motels: Auberge de la Vallée, 549-­‐4100 (site of Bathurst’s last Conference); Lake View, 548-­‐4949; Danny’s Inn in Beresford, 546-­‐6621. Bathurst Chapter members can host up to 10 NBHEA members. Call Jocelyne at 783-­‐9000; Riba Riordon at 732-­‐5261 or Marcelle Mercereau at 546-­‐3705. Welcome! 2 NBHEA Annual General meeting Saturday May 28, 2016 Salle des Eudiste, NBCC-­‐ Bathurst Campus, 725, rue du Collège at 9:00 AGENDA 1. Call the meeting to order and check quorum Jocelyne Savoie 2. Roll call of officers Jocelyne Savoie 3. Adoption of agenda Jocelyne Savoie 4. Adoption of May 2, 2015 Minutes Marie-­‐Ève Boudreau 5. Business arising from the minutes Jocelyne Savoie 6. President’s Report Jocelyne Savoie 7. Treasurer’s Report Aline Landry Stéphanie Arsenault 8. Legislative and Permanent Committee Reports 8.1
Committee of examiners 8.2
Complaints Committee Margaret MacCormack 8.3
Discipline Committee Paulette Robichaud 8.4
Continuing Education Committee Jeanne Godin 8.5
Scholarship Committee Annie Godin 8.6
By-­‐laws Committee Aline Landry 8.7
Université de Moncton Representative Murielle Gaudet 9. Chapter Reports and their financial report 9.1
Moncton Chapter Joline Gautreau 9.2
Bathurst Chapter Ida Nardini 9.3
Saint John Chapter Marilyn Upton Tanya Hachey 11. Nominations and elections Murielle Gaudet 12. Signing officers 10. Correspondence Jocelyne Savoie 13. Unfinished business Aline Landry Jocelyne Savoie 13.1
Proposed budget 14. New business 15. Ajournment 3 Minutes NBHEA Annual General Meeting May 2, 2015 Université de Moncton, Moncton, NB 1. Call to order: With 22 voting members present Jeanne Godin, president, calls the meeting to order at 9:24 2. Role call of officers: Jeanne Godin, President Barry Robertson, Past president & Chair Education Committee Jocelyne Savoie, President-­‐elect & Chair Investment & Scholarship Committee Aline Landry, Treasurer Tanya Hachey, Corresponding Secretary Murielle Gaudet, Moncton Chapter President & U de M representative Ida Nardini, President -­‐ Bathurst Chapter President Regrets: Julie Caissie, Registrar Lydia Comeau, Recording Secretary; Marie-­‐Eve Boudreau accepts to be recording secretary. Marilyn Upton, Saint John Chapter President 3. Approval of agenda Moved by Riba Riordon and seconded by Annie Godin that the agenda be approved with the changing the order of items 12.1 Proposed budget and 12.2 IFHE 2016 Conference in Korea. Motion carried. 4. Adoption of minutes May 3, 2014 AGM Moved by Aline Landry and seconded by Tanya Hachey that the May 3, 2014 minutes be approved with 3 corrections: 1) Agenda item 8, Committee of Examiners Report – After the number 41 Non-­‐employed members, add a parenthesis with the explanation: 40 retired members and 1 non-­‐employed member. 2) At the bottom of page 6, omit in the absence of Lydia Comeau. 3) In the English version of the minutes, correct the spelling the name, ‘Angèle’. Motion carried. 5. Business arising from minutes Since there is no business arising from the 2014 AGM minutes, a motion is made prior to the presentation of the annual reports. Moved by Aline Landry seconded by Rhonda Broad that the adoption of all reports is done at the end of the presentations with the exception of the treasurer’s report. Motion carried. All written reports submitted to the corresponding secretary were published in the
2015 Spring NBHEA Newsletter mailed to members.
6. President’s report – Jeanne Godin presents her written report printed on page 7 of the Newsletter. See attached report. 4 7. Treasurer’s Report Aline Landry, seconded by Barry Robertson moves the adoption of her report, Statement of revenue and expenses from March 1, 2014 to March 1, 2015 distributed to the attendees. Motion carried. This revised version of the one printed on page 8 in the Spring NBHEA Newsletter with the explanations for changes has been e-­‐mailed to all the members. See attached report. 8. Legislative, Standing Committee and U. de M. representative Reports 8.1 Committee of Examiners Report In the absence of Julie Caissie, Jeanne Godin presents the printed report on page 9 of the Spring 2015 NBHEA Newsletter. The president takes this opportunity to note that outsiders who would not be familiar with the Non-­‐employed category could believe that all these members are looking for work. See printed report. 8.2 Complaints Committee Report – No complaints were received. 8.3 Discipline Committee Report -­‐ No complaints had to be studied. 8.4 Education Committee Report Barry Robertson, chair of the committee, reports that the majority of the members have the required continuing education points and many have more than required. 8.5 Scholarship and Investment Committee Report Jocelyne Savoie presents her written report printed on page 9 of the 2015 Spring NBHEA Newsletter. See printed report. 8.6 By-­‐laws Committee Report Aline Landry presents the written report printed on pages 10 to 13 in the 2015 Spring NBHEA Newsletter. The membership is asked if they have any objections to the proposed changes on each page. A vote was taken to keep the original wording of by-­‐law number 7.02. All the other proposed changes were adopted unanimously by the membership. 8.7 Social Action Committee Report – No report. 8.8 Université de Moncton -­‐ Murielle Gaudet presents her written report printed on page 14 and 15 of the 2015 Spring NBHEA Newsletter. 9. Chapter Annual Reports including financial report 9.1 Moncton Chapter Murielle Gaudet presents her written report printed on page 16 the 2015 Spring NBHEA Newsletter. 5 9.2 Bathurst Chapter A written report is printed on page 17 of the 2015 Spring NBHEA Newsletter. Jocelyne Savoie and Riba Riordon present the results of the Chapter’s Project. Jolaine Thomas has been hired to work on this project. 9.3 Saint John Chapter – See the report distributed at AGM. Ghislaine Arsenault, seconded by Marion MacEachern moves the adoption of all the reports. Motion carried. 10. Correspondence – no specific correspondence to report. 11. Nominations and elections The following Board members accepted to continue in 2015-­‐2016: 1) Tanya Hachey, Corresponding secretary. 2) Aline Landry, treasurer 3) Jocelyne Savoie, president 4) Jeanne Godin, past president 5) Murielle Gaudet, U de M representative Jeanne Godin informs the membership that we have 3 vacant positions: 1) President-­‐elect & Chair of Investment & Scholarship Committee 2) Recording secretary 3) Registrar Several members were asked to fill these 3 positions; unfortunately, they all declined. The president asks if anyone present volunteers. Marie-­‐Eve Boudreau volunteers to be recording secretary; Stéphanie Arsenault as registrar and Annie Godin as president-­‐elect. No other nominations coming from the floor after asking three times, all three are elected by acclamation. 11.1 Signing officers Margaret McCormack, seconded by Anita Landry, moves that Jeanne Godin, Jocelyne Savoie and Aline Landry remain as the signing officers for the year 2015-­‐2016. 12. New Business a. The treasurer presented the Proposed 2015-­‐2016 Budget distributed to the attendees and e-­‐mailed to the other members. A few corrections were made to the report printed on page 18 of the 2015 Spring NBHEA Newsletter. 12.2 The 2016 International Home Economics Federation (IFHE) Conference in Korea Marion MacEachern, seconded by Joline Gautreau, moves that NBHEA offers up to $ 3000 to members applying to attend the 2016 IFHE Conference according to specific criteria adopted by the Board specified on the application form. Motion carried. 13. Adjournment -­‐ The meeting adjourned at 11:04 _________________________________________ ________________________________ Marie-­‐Eve Boudreau, Acting Recording Secretary Jeanne Godin, NBHEA president 6 6. PRESIDENT’S REPORT Greetings members of NBHEA, Snow still covers the ground in northern New Brunswick. Recently, we received another 15 cm of snow. At this beginning of spring, we wait, impatiently for milder weather to warm our bodies and souls. Our upcoming AGA and Conference will conclude the end of my first year as president of NBHEA. These past eleven months have been rich, interesting, and full of challenges during which I have learned a lot. My experience has led me to appreciate the work accomplished by our past presidents and I thank them for their contribution to our association. I also want to thank the members of our board of directors who have worked so hard to accomplish the necessary tasks. Special thanks go to Murielle Gaudet and Aline Landry who have helped and supported me immensely all year long. A variety of activities have kept us busy. Since our last report in October, there have been many exchanges, mostly over the phone and through e-­‐mails. Aline and I have continued to revise the Professional Development Grant Application Form. The French version is completed. We are waiting for the English version approval before publishing them on our Webb site: NBHEA/ANBEF. We have studied, among other topics, the correct method to conduct an official meeting. Lately, we have evaluated the demands of grants to assist the international conference in Seoul. Also, we continue to maintain links between Home Economics associations throughout Canada. To help stimulate enrolment à ÉANEF au U de M, a letter was sent to a high school guidance counsellor to inform her of the Thelma Sewell grant; others will follow. Lately, a letter was sent to Ms. Natalie Carrier, director of ÉSANEF at U de M concerning the future of ÉANEF. Recently, we have prepared official documents for the AGA meeting in May. The board of directors held 5 meetings: May 2nd, 2015, Moncton October 17th, 2015, U de M, Moncton December 1st, 2015, Telephone conference call February 23rd, 2016, Telephone conference call March, 30th, 2016, Telephone conference call We have experienced a sad event in November. Janet Slaney, a Bathurst Home Economist, passed away. You can read a text in her honor in this publication. The AGM and the annual NBHEA Conference under the theme, The Home Economist, more than ever, a necessity, will be held on the 27th and 28th of May at NBCC, 725 College St. in Bathurst. You will find the program and registration sheet in this Newsletter. Much effort was devoted to reducing registration fees. We are ready and eager to greet you and hope you will attend the Conference in large numbers. Jocelyne Savoie EFI President of NBHEA/ANBEF 7 7. TREASURER’S REPORT Statement of Income & Expenses from March 1, 2015 to March 1, 2016 ASSETS Share at Caisse Populaire Beauséjour Legal Fund Scholarship Fond Special Project Fund TOTAL ASSETS 25.00 22822.55 79204.63 66779.79 168806.97 Balance March 1, 2015 2714.02 INCOME REAL BUDGETED Membership fees 3275.00 3300.00 Refund of bank fees 16.00 Transfer from Scholarship Fund 2570.00 Transfer from Special Project Fund 3000.00 8861.00 Total EXPENSES Ass. Canadian Students Human Ecology UM 500.00 500.00 Bank charges 12.00 0.00 Post Office Box 176.28 160.00 Honorarium Registrar 500.00 500.00 Expenses related to members fees 607.26 500.00 Newsletter 449.07 500.00 Board 1379.98 2700.00 Membership fees rebate to Chapters 770.00 500.00 Translation 100.00 350.00 By-­‐laws Committee 200.00 700.00 International Federation Home Economics 450.00 220.00 Scholarship Committee Scholarship 1500.00 Travel 61.50 Special Projects Web Site 158.20 Info for Ministers 99.66 Food AGM 51.66 Board participation Seminar at U de M 503.43 Repay Legal Fund 2000.00 Total 9519.04 Balance March 1, 2016 2055.98 Prepared by treasurer, Aline Landry, P.H.Ec. 8 8.1 COMMITTEE OF EXAMINERS REPORT From March 1, 2015 to March 1, 2016, sixty seven (67) professionals asked to be registered as NBHEA members according to the Act to Incorporate the New Brunswick Home Economics Association, 1990. All were qualified and accepted according to the following membership categories: NON-­‐
HONORARY CHAPTER TOTAL ACTIVE EMPLOYED STUDENT RETIRED MEMBERS FREDERICTON 10 1 0 0 9 0 SAINT JOHN 11 0 0 0 11 0 MONCTON 26 14 1 2 9 1 BATHURST 12 4 1 0 7 0 NONE / 8 6 0 0 2 0 AUCUN TOTAL 67 25 2 2 38 1 NBHEA Registrar, Stéphanie Arsenault, P.H.Ec. 8.2 COMPLAINTS COMMITTEE REPORT According to the Committee chair, Margaret MacCormack, no complaints were received. 8.3 DISCIPLINE COMMITTEE REPORT According to the Committee chair, Paulette Robichaud, the committee did not have to meet to study any cases. 8.4 CONTINUING EDUCATION COMMITTEE REPORT 8.5 SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE REPORT The scholarship committee members were Jocelyne Savoie, Barry Robertson and Annie
Godin. The meeting to study the scholarship applications was held at 5:30 pm November
12, 2015 in Moncton. We received one application for the NBHEA Scholarship and one
for the Helen Crocker Memorial Scholarship. The NBHEA $1 500 scholarship was
awarded to Marie-Hélène Ferguson, a 4th year student completing a B.A.-B.Ed. with a
major in Family Studies at Université de Moncton. The Helen Crocker Scholarship could
not be awarded since the application was incomplete.
Annie Godin, P.H.Ec., Chair
9 8.6 BY-­‐LAWS COMMITTEE REPORT The By-­‐laws Committee moves that the following changes to : By-­‐law 5.05 Board (e) Minutes By-­‐law 5.5 Board (e) Minutes now reads : The minutes of all meetings of the Board of Directors shall be available either in French or in English and shall be sent within …………………….. meeting. The word, either, will be omitted and the word, or will be replaced by the word, and. This will reflect what we are doing in practice and according the NB Official Languages Act . By-­‐law 5.5 Board (e) Minutes will read as follows : The minutes of all meetings of the Board of Directors shall be available in French and in English and shall be sent within ………………meeting. 8.7 UNIVERSITÉ DE MONCTON REPRESENTATIVE REPORT
École des sciences des aliments, de nutrition et d’études familiales (ÉSANÉF) Faculté des sciences de la santé et services communautaires (FSSSC) Students’ registration at the ÉSANÉF as of January 2016 : B.A. major family studies: 10 students B.A.-­‐B.Ed. major family studies: 2 students Minor « Personal and Social Development »: 21 students B.Sc. nutrition with internship: 73 students and 20 students in their internship Master’s in Food and Nutrition: 2 students University degree in October 2015: B.Sc. nutrition with internship 16 students University degree in February 2016: BA major in Family Studies: Karine Regnier University degree in May 2016 (projection) BA major in Family Studies: Erika Levesque Activities at the ÉSANÉF in 2016: January: Ass. of Canadian Human Ecology Students: Senior delegate: Hélène Fiolek. The annual ACHES Conference was held at the University of Alberta in January. There were four participating students from Université de Moncton: Alice Dostie, Hélène Fiolek, Jenny Lee Michaud and Elizabeth Meloche. In March, they presented a powerpoint of the conference to the students in the two programs: Family Studies and Nutrition. February: The Merit Ceremony for the Faculty (FSSSC) was held to acknowledge the success of the students for their outstanding university academic performances. Congratulations to the students in the BA (major Family Studies): Martine McIntyre 2nd year Lori-­‐Lynn Breau 3rd year Karine Regnier 4th year The 4th and 5th year students in the Nutrition and the Family Studies programs were able to place their orders for the professional ring. 10 March: Nutrition Month – Theme:Take a 100 meal journey The student have organized activities by giving workshops on the university campus and in the community. Murielle Gaudet, PhD, P.H.Ec., UdeM representative 9.1 NBHEA MONCTON CHAPTER REPORT Calendar 2015-2016
1st meeting: November 24th 2015
Theme: Getting Back to Simplicity
Guests: United Way and Blessings in a Backpack
2nd meeting: December 21th, 2015
Theme: To be known better in our community, Christmas food boxes for Dépot Alimentaire
3rd meeting: March 22th 2016
Theme: Getting back to simplicity
4th meeting: May 5th 2016
Guest: Véronic Cormier and Pro Kids Jeunesse
AGM Moncton Chapter and Ring Ceremony
NBHEA Moncton Chapter Executive 2015-2016
Joline Gautreau, President
Stéphanie Arsenault, President- Elect
Lise Jaillet, Secretary
Sonya Bourgeois, Treasurer
Joline Gautreau, PHEc, EFI, President Moncton Chapter Treasurer’s Report
Assets April 9, 2015
Rebate of membership fees 2015-2016
Snacks and gifts for meetings
Donation to attend ACHES 2016 Conference
3USB 8 GB for executive
Ring Ceremony Supper for Graduates
Printing of recipe book by Maison des Jeunes Inc
Total des dépenses/ Total expenses :
Solde/Balance 28 avril 2016:
Folio 9570 Caisse Populaire Dieppe-Memramcook
Préparé par/Prepared by Sonya Bourgeois, EFI/PHEc, Trésorière/Treasurer
11 779.15
9.2 NBHEA SAINT JOHN CHAPTER REPORT 2015-­‐2016 The Saint John Chapter held one meeting this fall to help organize our major project, the Saint John School Milk Fund. A second meeting was held in January to update members on the progress for 2015-­‐2016. We had received sufficient funding to start distributing milk to 14 schools in October. This is a month earlier than the usual start up in November. At this point we have reached week 18 and will pass our usual 20 week distribution span. The program costs approximately $700.00/week. We hope to continue into April and perhaps even early May. Our celebration of International Home Economics Day will take place in April. We plan to hold an annual meeting in June. Respectfully submitted, Marilyn Upton, PHEc., Saint John Chapter President Saint John Chapter Treasurer’s Report $ Balance as of December 31, 2015 1464.72 Expenses Special Award for the Atlantic National Exhibition 40.00 Income Nil Balance as of March 31, 2016 1424.72 Mary Crilley, Saint John Chapter treasurer 9.3 BATHURST CHAPTER’S REPORT Since September we have been concentrating on the 2016 NBHEA Annual Conference
at our Chapter meetings. The theme will be: A HOME ECONOMIST, A NECESSITY
MORE THAN EVER. A draft version of our program materializes as the different tasks
are assigned to our members. We aim to gather as many members as possible.
Ida Nardini, P.H.Ec. , Bathurst Chapter President
12 Bathurst Chapter treasurer’s Report
Balance February 28, 2015
Rebate of membership fees
Total income
Bank charges (mars 2015 à février 2016)
Special Projet
Global Brigades Mount Allison
Total expenses
Balance February 29, 2016
Lisa Landry EFI , Bathurst Chapter Treasurer
In memorian of a Home Economic who passed away in 2016 Janice Slaney – Home Economist from Bathurst passed away November 11th, 2015, after a lengthy struggle with cancer. A very proud Home Economist, Janice was a determined lady with a strong work ethic. So proud of being the only Home Economist in her office, she felt special and unique. Her pride was only surpassed by her devotion, her devotion to her clients, her co-­‐
workers and her dedication to NBHEA. A master trainer for the ‘Nobody’s perfect’ program, she was also the ‘Parenting Plus Program’ coordinator. Countless parenting classes to prepare, meetings to organize or training to give… these were her biggest satisfactions and she glowed in them as a true professional. One cannot forget that she was instrumental in keeping ‘the Bathurst area milk foundation fund’ program going, as she saw a definite need to give school children a glass of mild every day. She was so, so proud of that. 2008 had to be the worst year of her life… In May she was diagnosed with cancer. In July she lost her dear mother. A few months later, another tremendous blow… all the Home Economist government positions were cut throughout the province. Devastated! We, the Bathurst Chapter, would like to recognize Janice’s passing and may she remain an inspiration to us all. 13 10.CORRESONDANCE A questionnaire re: Possible Review of Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA) for Labour Mobility of Home Economist or Human Ecologist signed in April 1990 was received. The 3 questions were as follows: 1. How has the MRA worked for your Association? 2. Are there any issues which need to be addressed to make the agreement work more effective? 3. Have any modifications or new occupational standards or occupational requirements been adopted in your jurisdiction that might impact the interprovincial mobility of workers? To date, request was made so we never had to apply this agreement to allow the use of the title, Professional Home Economist, and practice their profession in New Brunswick. We received a request from Mélanie Morin who is doing research for her thesis, "Conservative housewives"? : Women's activism in the Maritimes under the Royal Commission on the Status of Women in Canada, 1967-­‐1970. She would like to interview some of our members who presented when the Commission came to NB. Our own research in our NBHEA files stored at the NB Provincial Archives, confirmed that three of our members presented a brief in February 1968 when the Royal Commission on the Status of Women in Canada came to NB. 1) Donna Young presented as a professional representing herself ; 2) Ruby MacNeil and Gladys MdGivery presented the NBHEA brief prepared by a committee of 5 persons from Saint John : Ruby MacNeil, Norma Beville, Mary Maddox, Gladys McGivery and Betty MacRae. 3) Nancy Cook presented for the ‘NB Section of the Canadian Federation of University Women’. Ms Morin will be coming to New Brunswick next May or June to interview some of our members. 14 11. NOMINATION COMMITTEE REPORT AND ELECTION Murielle Gaudet, president of the Nomination Committee, confirmed the following for the 2016-­‐2017 NBHEA Board members: Jocelyne Savoie, Annie Godin, Aline Landry, Stéphanie Arsenault, Murielle Gaudet, Jeanne Godin, President Vice President Treasurer Registrar U. de M. Representative Past President 2 positions are vacant : 1) Corresponding Secretary and 2) Recording Secretary 12. SIGNING OFFICERS The Board recommends to keep the same signing officers : Jeanne Godin, Jocelyne Savoie and Aline Landry. 15 13.1 PROPOSED BUDGET 2016-­‐2017 ASSETS Share at Caisse Populaire Beauséjour Legal Fund Scholoarship Fund Special Project Fund TOTAL ASSETS 25.00 2714.02 22822.55 79204.63 66779.79 168806.97 Balance March 1, 2015 INCOME PROPOSED Membersship fees 3300.00 NBHEA Annual Conference 200.00 Transfer from Legal Fund 1600.00 5100.00 Total EXPENSES Ass. Canadian Students Human Ecology UM 500.00 Bank charges 10.00 Post Office Box 200.00 Honorarium Registrar 500.00 Expenses related to members fees 600.00 Newsletter 500.00 Board 2500.00 Membership fees rebate to Chapters 800.00 NBHEA Conference Committee 200.00 Translation 350.00 Legal Committees 300.00 Standing Committees 400.00 International Federation Home Economics 450.00 Management Web Site 500.00 7810.00 Total Income on expenses 4.02 Prepared by treasurer, Aline Landry, P.H.Ec. 16 Keep your newsletter
with all the reports
and bring it with you
at the conference!
Hope to see you there!