- American Public Works Association


- American Public Works Association
Public Works:
Managing the issues and challenges of
Facilities and Grounds
Also inside: Annual Buyer’s Guide pages 86-116
North American Snow Conference pages 22-28
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Vol. 76, No. 4
The APWA Reporter, the official magazine
of the American Public Works Association,
covers all facets of public works for
APWA members including industry news,
legislative actions, management issues and
emerging technologies.
President’s Message
APWA Board of Directors
Meet your APWA staff
Technical Committee News
The value of attending a national conference
The North American Snow Conference takes flight
Des Moines in pictures
What you can do for National Public Works Week
Excellence in Snow and Ice Control Award
Meet APWA’s Professional Development Department
Generational Issues: Do you have them?
Update your community outreach efforts with Exploring the World of
Public Works
Ontario Chapter celebrates more than 40 years of history
Chicago Metro Chapter celebrates 75 years
Choosing the right tool: two perspectives on private firms and public works
APWA Book Review
Washington Insight
Cleaning up the Kitchen
International Idea Exchange
Ask Ann
An innovative beautification project
Sustainable Boulevards: Milwaukee’s strategic boulevard plan
The green lining in a cloudy economy
Funding energy efficiency
City of Bakersfield spray parks
Central Iowa Metropolitan Salt Storage Facility
Synthetic turf maintenance
The National Levee Safety Program: How might your local
government and citizens be affected?
B U Y E R ’ S
Alphabetical listing
Categorical listing
WorkZone: Your Connection to Public Works Careers
Products in the News
Professional Directory
Education Calendar
World of Public Works Calendar
Index of Advertisers
On the cover: one of the signature landscape beds in Sustainable Boulevards, Milwaukee’s strategic boulevard plan (p. 67)
April 2009
APWA Reporter
Sustainability practices:
We need to set the standard
Noel Thompson
APWA President
vices to a power conservation
mode, and turn off unnecessary
Sustainability: What is it and
what does it mean to those of us in
the public works sector?
The term undoubtedly means many
different things to many different
people, but for public works professionals in facilities and grounds,
sustainability means the use of more
energy-efficient materials and products in our buildings, parks, facilities
and vehicles. It also covers the cleaning supplies we use in our buildings
and to clean our trucks and equipment, along with the products used
in the maintenance of our vehicles.
The energy-efficient design of our
public buildings and our sustainable operations are the key to saving money while protecting the
environment and personal health.
The one thing we have all learned
by now is it takes green to go green.
With the state of the economy, what
can we all do now with the budget
cuts and restrictions imposed upon
us? I would argue there are many
things we can do on our own, without expending a lot of money to
start (or continuously improve on)
the green process. The following
practices and items should be in
place now or started very soon:
Become more organized with
work assignments.
Reconsider the routes for sanitation collections, pothole repairs, snowplowing and meter
reading. Reduce the idle time of
our trucks.
Change to energy-efficient
lighting by using fluorescent
bulbs and HID lamps where applications permit.
Use motion sensor lights in our
buildings, turn electronic de-
APWA Reporter
April 2009
Think about the best way to
maintain the heating and cooling of our buildings with the
use of set-back thermostats and
Increase our recycling programs. Let’s remove more items
from our waste stream. There
are numerous programs now
for e-waste, rechargeable batteries and old cell phones.
Regarding vehicle maintenance,
use green cleaning methods
with degreasers, parts washers
and vehicle wash systems.
For better fuel economy use the
proper lubricants.
Reduce paper in the office by
not printing out every e-mail.
Introduce green cleaners to our
building maintenance.
The most important part of sustainability is good conservation practices. Our conservation efforts are only
as good as our training and habits
that we extend to our employees.
We need to set the standard for them
to follow. Proper training of our employees and the public is the key to
saving money while protecting the
environment and promoting our
employees’ and the public’s health.
Educational programs should be undertaken so that all employees and
the public may become more aware
and informed of conservation techniques and sustainability design
concepts and be aware of potential
energy and financial savings.
Official Magazine of the
American Public Works Association
American Public Works Association
2345 Grand Blvd., Suite #700
Kansas City, MO 64108-2625
(800) 848-APWA (Member Services Hotline)
(816) 472-6100 (Kansas City metro area)
FAX (816) 472-1610
e-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.apwa.net
Peter B. King
R. Kevin Clark
Julie Smith
R. Kevin Clark
Amanda Daniel
Erin Ladd Kansas City Liaison
Jennifer Wirz
(800) 848-APWA
(800) 800-0341
1401 K. Street NW, 11th floor
Washington, D.C. 20005
(202) 408-9541 FAX (202) 408-9542
Disclaimer: The American Public Works Association
assumes no responsibility for statements and/or
opinions advanced by either editorial or advertising
contributors to this issue. APWA reserves the right
to refuse to publish and to edit manuscripts
to conform to the APWA Reporter standards.
Publisher’s Notice: The APWA Reporter, April
2009, Vol. 76, No. 4 (ISSN 0092-4873; Publications
Agreement No. 40040340). The APWA Reporter
is published monthly by the American Public
Works Association, 2345 Grand Boulevard, Suite
700, Kansas City, MO 64108-2625. Subscription
rate is $159 for nonmembers and $25 for chaptersponsored students. Periodicals postage paid at
Kansas City, MO and additional mailing offices.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the APWA
Reporter, 2345 Grand Boulevard, #700, Kansas City,
MO 64108-2625. Canada returns to: Station A, P.O.
Box 54, Windsor, ON N9A 6J5.
Reprints and Permissions: Information is available at
© 2009 by American Public Works Association
Address Change?
To alert us of a change to your membership record,
contact an APWA Membership Specialist at (800)
848-APWA or [email protected].
The APWA Reporter is printed by Harmony Printing
& Development Co., Liberty, MO.
Your Vote in APWA Does Count
As an APWA member, you will
have the opportunity to vote for
members of the APWA Board of
Directors between July 24 and
August 21, 2009:
APWA President-Elect;
One at-large director in the
functional area of engineering and
technology; and
Regions II, V, VI, VIII and IX
Regional Directors (by APWA members in those respective regions).
The ballot will be available for
online voting between July 24 and
August 21, 2009 on the “Members
Only” section of the APWA website.
There will also be a voting icon
on the home page of our website.
APWA Reporter
becoming greener
If you do not have access to a
computer at home or work, you
should be able to access the APWA
website online at your local public
library. You may request a paper
ballot from Kaye Sullivan at (800)
848-APWA (2792), ext. 5233 if
you cannot vote online. Additional
reminders of the voting process
will be sent through the infoNOW
Communities; through an e-mail to
every member for whom we have
an e-mail address; and in future
issues of the APWA Reporter.
We’re happy to say that your monthly magazine
is now being printed on FSC-certified paper
(see the FSC, or Forest Stewardship Council, Mixed
Sources label at the bottom right of this page).
Products with the FSC Mixed Sources label support
the development of responsible forest management
worldwide. By printing on FSC-certified paper, the
Reporter follows the path of APWA’s continued focus
on sustainability.
If you have questions, please contact Kaye Sullivan, APWA Deputy
Executive Director, at ksullivan@
apwa.net or (800) 848-APWA
(2792), ext. 5233.
As a reminder, the Reporter is also available in digital
format, as was announced in our January issue. To
check out the digital version, just go to www.apwa.
Notice anything different about this issue of the
APWA Reporter?
“Human diversity makes tolerance more than a
virtue; it makes it a requirement for survival.”
– René Dubos (1901-1982),
French-American microbiologist and
Pulitzer Prize-winning author
Mission Statement: The American Public Works Association serves its members by
promoting professional excellence and public awareness through education, advocacy
and the exchange of knowledge.
Noel C. Thompson
Thompson Resources
Louisville, KY
Larry T. Koehle, P.Eng.
Vice President, Infrastructure
ASI Technologies, Inc.
Brampton, ON
Larry W. Frevert, P.E.
National Program Director/
Public Works
HDR Engineering, Inc.
Kansas City, MO
Jean-Guy Courtemanche
Business Development
Lumec, Inc.
Boisbriand, QC
Shelby P. LaSalle, Jr.
Chairman and CEO
Krebs, LaSalle, LeMieux
Consultants, Inc.
Metairie, LA
David L. Lawry, P.E.
General Services Director
City of Elgin, IL
Larry Stevens, P.E.
SUDAS Director
Iowa State University
Ames, IA
Jimmy B. Foster, P.E.
Senior Project Manager
HNTB Corporation
Plano, TX
Ed Gottko, P.E.
Town Administrator (retired)
Town of Westfield, NJ
Ann Burnett-Troisi
Governmental Liaison for
Pacific Bell (retired)
San Diego, CA
Elizabeth Treadway
Vice President
AMEC Earth & Environmental
Greensboro, NC
Doug Drever
Manager of Strategic Services
City of Saskatoon, SK
Patty Hilderbrand, P.E.
Program Management &
Development Manager
City of Kansas City, MO
George R. Crombie, MPA
Senior Faculty, Public Works
Norwich University
Northfield, Vermont
Ken A. Nerland
Director, General Services Dept.
City of Fresno, CA
Diane Linderman, P.E.
Director, Urban Infrastructure
and Development Services
VHB, Inc.
Richmond, VA
Susan M. Hann, P.E., AICP,
Deputy City Manager
City of Palm Bay, FL
(Past APWA Presidents)
Larry W. Frevert, Chair
Robert Albee
Erwin F. Hensch
John J. Roark
Roger K. Brown
Robert S. Hopson
Harold E. Smith
Myron D. Calkins
Ronald W. Jensen
June Rosentreter Spence
Joseph F. Casazza
Dwayne Kalynchuk
Tom Trice
Nick W. Diakiw
Martin J. Manning
William A. Verkest
Robert C. Esterbrooks
James J. McDonough
Win Westfall
Jerry M. Fay
Robert Miller
Carl D. Wills
Bob Freudenthal
Judith M. Mueller
Herbert A. Goetsch
Ronald L. Norris
J. Geoffrey Greenough
Michael R. Pender
Ken Haag
Richard L. Ridings
Executive Director
Peter B. King
Executive Director Emeritus
Robert D. Bugher
Editorial Advisory Board
Myron D. Calkins
Susan M. Hann
Gordon R. Garner
Stephen J. O Neill
Neil S. Grigg
Kyle E. Schilling
April 2009
APWA Reporter
The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
of 2009: What does it mean for public works?
Julia Anastasio
Senior Manager of Government Affairs
American Public Works Association
Washington, D.C.
resident Obama won his first legislative victory on
February 17, 2009, when he signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARARA) into law. The
victory was not without its pitfalls but the bill marks
the Administration’s attempt to deal bodily with the current
economic crisis. Ultimately, the final package represents a
political compromise between investments in infrastructure, health, education, training, energy and tax cuts.
The ARARA provides $787 billion to stimulate the nation’s
economy and help bring the nation out of the current economic crisis by spurning economic activity and creating
jobs. The package includes no earmarks and establishes several oversight and accountability mechanisms to ensure that
the funds are provided under ARARA. Funds are distributed
whenever possible through existing formulas and programs.
The package also includes numerous provisions to ensure
the expedited obligation of funds. To ensure accountability and transparency the package provides additional funding for auditing and investigating recovery spending to the
Government Accountability Office (GAO) and Inspectors
General at many of the federal agencies receiving funds
under ARARA. Additionally, the new law will provide transparency by posting information about recovery spending,
including grants, contracts and oversight activities. Finally,
state and local whistleblowers who report fraud and abuse
are protected.
ARARA provides a substantial down payment to address
the current infrastructure funding crisis. Many existing
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Sponsored by the American Public Works Association
APWA Reporter
April 2009
federal infrastructure funding programs received significant funding mechanisms, including programs within the
Department of Transportation (DOT), the Department of
Agriculture (USDA), the Department of Homeland Security
(DHS), the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and the
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). There are numerous provisions in ARARA that will benefit public works and
infrastructure projects nationwide. This article provides an
overview of the highlights of the new law. Interested individuals can find more information on the APWA Advocacy
webpage. Visit www.apwa.net/advocacy. Once there click on
“Resources” in the left navigation column.
Environment & Water
Clean Water State Revolving Fund: $4 billion
Safe Drinking Water State Revolving Loan Fund: $2 billion
US Army Corps of Engineers Water Resources Projects:
$4.6 billion
US Bureau of Reclamation Rural Water Projects: $1 billion
Rural Water & Waste Disposal Program: $1.38 billion
Superfund: $6 billion
Brownfields: $1 billion
Transportation: $1.5 billion for “Supplemental Discretionary Grants for a National Transportation System”
Energy Efficiency & Conservation Block Grant Program:
$3.2 billion
Highways: $27.5 billion
Diesel Emission Reduction Act Grants: $3 billion
Transit: $8.4 billion
Rail: $9.3 billion (including $1.3 billion for Amtrak)
Airports: $1.1 billion for the Airport Improvement Program
ARARA provides significant funding for water and wastewater infrastructure projects through several existing federal programs including the State Revolving Fund (SRF) program, the USDA Rural Utilities program, the USACE and the
Bureau of Reclamation. Under both the Clean Water State
Revolving Fund and the Drinking Water State Revolving
Fund, ready-to-go projects means projects that can be under
construction or contract within 12 months of the date of
enactment. Local matching and cost-sharing requirements
are waived and at least 50% of the funds must be available
in the form of grants to provide additional subsidization in
the form of principal forgiveness, negative interest loans or
any combination of these. Finally, at least 20% of the funds
are provided for green infrastructure, water efficiency and
innovative technology projects to the extent that there are
sufficient ready-to-go projects. ARARA provides $1.38 billion to support $3.78 billion in loans and grants for rural
water and waste disposal projects and of this amount, $968
million is set aside for grants and $2.82 billion is for direct
loans. USACE and the Bureau of Reclamation funding are
directed to projects authorized by the Water Resources Development Act.
The Discretionary Grants for a National Transportation System is established by ARARA to provide competitive grants
to state and local governments for projects that will make
a significant impact on the nation, a metropolitan area or
regions. Priority under this program is given to projects that
can be completed in three years and eligible projects include
highways and bridges, public transportation, passenger and
freight rail, and port infrastructure. Additionally, ARARA
provides $27.5 billion for highway funding.
Fifty percent of these funds are apportioned to the states using the Surface Transportation Program formula and 50% of
the funds are apportioned to states using fiscal year 2008 obligation limitation distribution. ARARA requires that funds
be apportioned within 21 days of enactment and states must
obligate 50% of those funds within 120 days or unobligated
funds will be distributed to other states. Priority is given to
projects projected for completion within three years and
located in economically distressed areas, as defined in the
Public Works and Economic Development Act of 1965.
Finally, ARARA provides significant funding devoted to
public transportation funding. Again, funds are distributed
though the existing formula and the federal share is 100%.
Fifty percent of transit funds must be obligated within 180
days or unused funds will be redistributed to other states.
Eight percent of the funds will be apportioned using the
Urbanized Area formula, 10% using the Growing and High
Density State formula and 10% using the Non-urbanized
formula. Finally, $100 million will be distributed as discretionary grants for capital investments that will assist in reducing energy consumption or greenhouse gas emissions.
Emergency Management and Homeland Security
Department of Homeland Security, Coast Guard – Alteration of Bridges: $142 million
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) – State
and Local Programs: $300 million for grants, allocated
as follows:
-- Public Trans. and Railroad Security: $150 million
-- Port Security: $150 million
Under the FEMA Disaster Assistance Direct Loan Program
account, the amount of any loan issued for major disasters
April 2009
APWA Reporter
occurring in 2008 may exceed $5 million, and may be equal
to no more than 50% of the annual operating budget of the
local government in any case in which the local government has suffered a loss of more than 25% in tax revenues.
In addition, ARARA provides the President with the authority to establish an arbitration panel under the FEMA Public
Assistance Program to expedite recovery efforts from Hurricanes Katrina, Rita, Gustav and Ike. The panel will have
the authority to award or deny disputed public assistance
applications for covered hurricane damage for a project totaling more than $500,000.
While ARARA represents a significant victory for the new
Administration, the victory did not come without challenges. Because President Obama was not yet sworn in as
President when consideration and debate of the stimulus package began, the drafting of ARARA was handled by
House Democrats without much influence from the President. Moreover, the
majority failed to include the minority
in drafting the original proposal. As
a result, the package released by the
House included a wide variety of traditional Democratic spending programs
and failed to garner support from any
House Republicans when the package
was voted on.
Once the package reached the Senate,
Republican criticisms included that
the spending portions of the bill were
excessive and contained programs that
would not stimulate the economy,
such as funding for the National Endowment of the Arts or funding to the
National Park Service to spruce up the
National Mall, and that not enough
tax cuts were included in House package. A small group of Republican Senators, working with the Senate Democrats, were able to craft a compromise
measure that significantly trimmed
the spending portions of the bill and
included more of the tax cuts Republicans deemed necessary to jumpstart
the economy. However, when the Senate voted on the final bill only three
Republicans joined the Senate Democrats in voting for the final package, securing an early and significant victory
for the new Administration.
Julia Anastasio monitors legislative and
regulatory affairs touching on environmental, water and sustainability issues
for the Association’s membership. She
serves as the Government Affairs staff liaison to the Water Resources Management
Committee, the Solid Waste Management Committee, and the APWA Center
for Sustainability. She can be reached at
(202) 218-6750 or [email protected].
APWA Reporter
April 2009
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APWA Board of Directors
Noel C. Thompson
Thompson Resources
Louisville, KY
Shelby P. LaSalle, Jr.
Director, Region IV
Krebs, LaSalle, LeMieux
New Orleans, LA
[email protected]
Patricia Hilderbrand, P.E.
Engineering & Technology
Program Management &
Development Manager
City of Kansas City, MO
[email protected]
Larry T. Koehle, P.Eng.
Vice President, Infrastructure
ASI Technologies Inc.
Brampton, ON
[email protected]
David L. Lawry, P.E.
Director, Region V
General Services Group
City of Elgin, IL
[email protected]
George R. Crombie
Senior Faculty, Public Works
Norwich University
Northfield, VT
[email protected]
Larry W. Frevert, P.E.
Past President
National Program Director for Public Works
HDR, Inc.
Kansas City, MO
[email protected]
Larry Stevens, P.E.
Director, Region VI
SUDAS Director
Iowa State University
Ames, IA
[email protected]
Ken A. Nerland
Fleet & Facilities
Director, General Services
City of Fresno, CA
[email protected]
Director, Region I
Business Development
Lumec, Inc.
Boisbriand, QC
[email protected]
Jimmy B. Foster, P.E.
Director, Region VII
Senior Project Manager
HNTB Corporation
Plano, TX
[email protected]
Edward Gottko, P.E.
Director, Region II
Town Administrator
Town of Westfield, NJ
[email protected]
Ann A. Burnett-Troisi
Director, Region VIII
Pacific Bell
San Diego, CA
[email protected]
Diane Linderman, P.E.
Public Works Management and Leadership
Director, Urban Infrastructure and Development
Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc.
Richmond, VA
[email protected]
Elizabeth Treadway
Director, Region III
Vice President, AMEC
Greensboro, NC
Doug J. Drever, P.Eng.
Director, Region IX
City Manager
City of Saskatoon, SK
[email protected]
APWA Reporter
April 2009
Susan M. Hann, P.E.,
Deputy City Manager
City of Palm Bay, FL
[email protected]
Meet your APWA staff
he following photos and statements of responsibilities are designed to assist members in knowing whom
to contact for specific information. Members are encouraged to call the staff members whenever they
have a question or need assistance.
The toll-free office number in Kansas City is (800) 848-APWA
and the Washington, D.C. office number is (202) 408-9541.
In addition, the direct lines and e-mail addresses for all staff
members are included with their listings.
APWA Reporter
Kevin Clark
(816) 595-5230
[email protected]
Editor, APWA Reporter
• APWA Reporter
• Advertising liaison
• Media kits
Kevin is responsible for editing, managing and producing
APWA’s monthly magazine, the APWA Reporter. He oversees
the production of media kits and is responsible for the digital version of the APWA Reporter. He serves as the display
advertising liaison and as the staff liaison to the Editorial
Advisory Board. Kevin is also on hand to help edit marketing and educational materials.
Peter B. King
(202) 408-9541
[email protected]
Executive Director
• Chief executive officer
• External relations
• Public policy
Chapter Relations
Brian Van Norman, CAE
Peter is the chief executive officer of APWA responsible for
executing the Board’s actions and directing member programs and services in accordance with the APWA strategic
initiatives. He serves as chief liaison with other professional
associations and governmental agencies, and works from offices in Washington, D.C. and Kansas City, MO. Peter is also
the Executive Director of the Canadian Public Works Association (CPWA).
Kaye Sullivan
(816) 595-5233
[email protected]
Deputy Executive Director/COO
• Association operations
• Governance
• Management of KC office
Kaye serves as the chief operating officer of
the Association and is responsible for the day-to-day management of the Kansas City headquarters office. She also
manages the appointments and elections processes and
staffs the APWA Board of Directors, Finance Committee,
National and Regional Nominating Committees, International Affairs Committee, Diversity Committee, Jennings
Randolph Fellowship Fund, and various task forces.
(816) 595-5260
[email protected]
Director of Chapter Relations
• Chapter Relations
• Chapter Governance and Bylaws
• Awards Program
• House of Delegates
Brian serves as a liaison and resource in working with
APWA’s 64 chapters to support chapter capacity building
and development. He manages the APWA Chapter Leaders’
Training Conference and serves as the staff liaison to the
APWA House of Delegates, Committee on Rules and Bylaws
and Awards Review Committee. He serves as editor of Bridges, the APWA chapter leadership newsletter, and oversees the
annual APWA Awards Program and Proud to Care community outreach efforts.
Brian M. Sullivan
(816) 595-5263
[email protected]
Chapter Relations Program Manager
• College Student/Young Professional
• Emerging Leaders Academy
• Chapter Relations
April 2009
APWA Reporter
Brian is responsible for the development and implementation of programs and services targeted to higher education
students and young professionals. He also serves as a knowledge resource and liaison to chapters in establishing initiatives, benchmarks and goals to increase college student and
young professional member outreach. Brian is the primary
staff liaison to the APWA Subcommittee on Generational Issues and the APWA Emerging Leaders Academy.
As Certification Manager, Becky manages all of APWA’s certification programs, including the Certified Public Fleet Manager, Certified Public Infrastructure Inspector, and Stormwater Manager Certification programs. She has also developed
guidelines for other certifications that may be pursued in
the future.
Jill Boland
(816) 595-5294
[email protected]
Rhonda Wilhite
(816) 595-5261
[email protected]
Credentialing Coordinator
• Administrative services for the Accreditation and Certification Programs
• Administrative services for Self-Assessment Workshops
• Financial information on Self-Assessment
Workshops and accreditation fees
Chapter Coordinator
• Awards Program
• Chapter Relations
Rhonda provides administrative and project support to the chapters and the national
awards program. She coordinates the posting of information
to the Chapter Leaders Resource section of the APWA website and assists with the production of the Bridges newsletter.
She is the primary staff liaison to the Awards, Top Ten, Project of the Year, Excellence in Snow and Ice and PACE Committees, and assists in the planning of the APWA Awards
Ann Daniels
(816) 595-5223
[email protected]
Director of Credentialing
• Leadership and Management
• Progressive Women in Public Works
• Agency Self-Assessment and Accreditation
• Online Mentoring Program
• Small Cities/Rural Communities Liaison
Ann directs APWA’s Credentialing Department and serves as
staff liaison to the Leadership and Management Committee,
the Small Cities/Rural Communities Committee, and the Accreditation Council. She manages the Self-Assessment Workshops and Accreditation Program and provides oversight for
the Certification programs. She also hosts Online Mentoring
calls on a wide variety of topics designed to answer questions and provide insight from public works panelists.
Becky Stein, CAE
(816) 595-5212
[email protected]
Certification Manager
• Certification Programs
• Certification Commission and Councils
• Body of Knowledge Task Force
APWA Reporter
Teri Newhouse
Jill provides administrative services for APWA’s Accreditation and Certification Programs, as well as for the Self-Assessment Workshops. She maintains current financial information on Self-Assessment Workshops and accreditation
fees and prepares information for workshops.
April 2009
(816) 595-5277
[email protected]
Director of Finance/Controller
• Budget preparation and financial reporting
• Audit and tax issues for national and
• Treasury management (banking and
• Insurance and risk management for national and chapters
Teri is responsible for the financial, budget, treasury and
risk management functions for APWA. She coordinates the
budget process; disseminates financial information to APWA
staff, Finance Committee, Board members, and chapters; is
the staff liaison to the APWA Audit Committee; performs
risk management services for the Association; and assists
chapters with finance-related issues and reviews chapter
contracts for insurance compliance and legal capacity. Coordination of the APWA audit, federal and state income
tax, and state registration requirements is also within Teri’s
sphere of responsibility.
Mary Coleman
(816) 595-5273
[email protected]
Assistant Controller
• General Ledger Maintenance
• Reconciliation of Cash and Investments
• MicroPAVER billing
Mary maintains the General Ledger, including the monthend closing process for the accounting and membership
databases. She also reconciles all cash and investment accounts and processes refunds.
Anne Allen
(816) 595-5278
[email protected]
• Sales tax reconciliations and reporting:
U.S. and Canada
• Invoicing
• Reconciliation of fixed assets
• General ledger account maintenance
• Financial services to chapter leaders
Rebecca Leistico
(816) 595-5274
[email protected]
Accounts Receivable Specialist
• Check and credit card payments on customer accounts
• Receipts on accounts
• Invoice files for all sales transactions
Rebecca posts all check and credit card payments received
for APWA bookstore or catalog sales, educational workshops,
North American Snow Conference, Click, Listen & Learn
programs, and membership dues. She handles member inquiries regarding payment activity for all nonmembershiprelated invoices.
Anne performs a variety of professional accounting functions including sales tax reconciliations and reporting,
invoicing, reconciliation of fixed assets, general ledger account maintenance, and assists with the annual budget process. Anne also provides ongoing financial services to chapter leaders and their customers directly associated with the
chapter credit card processing services included in the new
chapter template and assists chapters participating in the
long-term investment funds sponsored by APWA National.
Kay Caldwell
(816) 595-5276
[email protected]
Chapter Financial Specialist
• Chapter financial reporting for audit and
tax purposes
• Chapter rebates
• Sales/use tax compliance research and
reporting for all U.S. chapters
• Insurance requests for U.S. and Canadian
chapter events
• GST/HST/QST reports for national and all
Canadian chapters
Kay is responsible for collecting, reviewing and combining
the chapter financial reports and approves/mails chapter rebate checks. She also facilitates the sales and use tax research
and filings for the chapters. In addition, Kay maintains the
Master Events Schedule that is used to properly insure all
chapter/branch events.
Greg Hartegan
(816) 595-5202
[email protected]
Pam Potthast
(816) 595-5275
[email protected]
Accounts Payable Specialist
• Accounts Payable
• Vendor records and related contracts
• IRS Form 1099 Reporting to the IRS
Pam is responsible for the timely payment of all APWA vendors. She maintains the in-house purchase order system
and works with staff and members to resolve any questions
or concerns regarding expense reimbursements. Pam also
maintains all vendor files, related contracts and submits the
annual 1099-MISC forms to the IRS for the national office as
well as chapters.
Raye LaViolet
(816) 595-5272
[email protected]
Finance Specialist
• APWA Educational Event Registrations
• Prorated membership invoices
Raye is responsible for entering attendee
and exhibitor registrations for more than
30 events sponsored annually by APWA National including
the North American Snow Conference; the Click, Listen &
Learn series; Self-Assessment, Construction Inspection and
Fleet Management Workshops; and special topic events.
Raye also processes prorated membership dues invoices and
credit/debit memos, and provides additional customer service support to the Finance Department.
Kelly Price
Database Administrator
• Database management
• Mailing labels, lists and reports
(816) 595-5271
[email protected]
Greg is responsible for Association-wide database management. He is also responsible
for the fulfillment of all data abstractions from APWA’s
member database (e.g., mailing labels, report requests), and
prepares reports from member data for all data requests.
Member Services Specialist
• Customer service calls from members
• APWA, CPWA and PWHS Membership
Dues Billing
April 2009
APWA Reporter
• Quality assurance and database reports
• Credit card payments for membership dues via telephone, fax, mail and online
• Member records maintenance, and monthly renewal
Kelly is responsible for handling membership-related inquiries from members and nonmembers. She processes the
monthly membership billing and performs ongoing quality
assurance programs to ensure member data is accurate.
Kathryn Ruth
(816) 595-5270
[email protected]
Member Services Coordinator
• Member records maintenance
• Credit card payments for membership
dues via telephone, fax, mail and online
• Customer service calls related to membership benefits, etc.
• Customer service calls for publication
Kathryn is responsible for handling membership inquiries and requests for information from members and nonmembers as well as maintenance of the membership database. She also serves as a customer service representative for
publications orders.
Michelle Vitale
(816) 595-5234
[email protected]
Member Services Coordinator
• Member records maintenance
• Credit card payments for membership
dues via telephone, fax, mail and online
• Customer service calls related to membership benefits, publications orders, etc.
• Annual Corporate Member Directory
• Administrative support for the APWA
Michelle is responsible for handling membership inquiries
and requests for information from members and nonmembers, maintenance of the membership database, and customer support for the Corporate Membership Directory and
the APWA WorkZone.
Human Resources/Office Management
Julie Bebermeyer
(816) 595-5280
[email protected]
Human Resources/Office Manager
• Oversee all areas of Human Resources
• Office administration
APWA Reporter
April 2009
Julie coordinates staff recruitment, benefits administration, payroll and all other human resources functions for
APWA. She also oversees the office management activities
for the office.
Mary Hunt
(816) 595-5285
[email protected]
Office Coordinator
• Daily office management duties for the
Kansas City office
• Executive Committee Event Calendar
• Special administrative projects
Mary coordinates the day-to-day office management activities for the Kansas City office. She also coordinates the
Executive Committee Event Calendar and supports special
projects for the department.
Lois Smith
(816) 595-5281
[email protected]
Staff Assistant
• Mailing and receiving
• Publications fulfillment
Lois primarily services the mailing, shipping, delivery, and receiving needs of the staff. She is in
charge of copies and supplies, and also fills orders for the
APWA bookstore.
LaRita Harris
(816) 595-5283
[email protected]
• Receptionist duties
• Administrative support
LaRita is responsible for receptionist duties
and administrative support for the Kansas City office including daily phone, fax and e-mail procedures and coordination of specific projects.
Information Technology
Daniel Armstrong, MCP
(816) 595-5200
[email protected]
Director of Information Technology
• IT project management
• Computer hardware/software/service
vendor manager
• Internal network, website, Internet access
• Phone and fax systems
Dann directs and coordinates all IT-related projects throughout the association. He is responsible for coordinating all
computer, network, phone, fax and Internet-related activities in and between the Kansas City and Washington offices,
as well as developing and maintaining working relationships
with computer hardware, software, and service vendors. He
maintains APWA’s internal and external e-mail systems and
is the technical contact for APWA’s infoNOW Communities.
He also maintains and monitors APWA’s internal network,
website, and Internet access, and establishes Service Level
Agreements for all network operations. In addition, he is responsible for all internal and external data security.
Dave develops marketing strategies for the Association and
directs the marketing of all APWA activities including membership, conferences, publications, workshops, continuing
education programs, and outreach. Additionally, he monitors members’ needs with periodic surveys.
Jon Dilley
(816) 595-5251
[email protected]
Christopher Lemon, MCSE, MCP+I
(816) 595-5201
[email protected]
Senior Web Developer
• APWA national website
• APWA website maintenance
• APWA WorkZone technical assistance
Chris is responsible for site development of
the APWA national website, website maintenance and new
projects. He is the technical contact for APWA WorkZone.
He also provides backup support for the Director of Information Technology.
Clint Helfers
Manager of Marketing and Graphic
• National Public Works Week marketing,
events and activities
• North American Snow Conference marketing
• Marketing campaigns
• APWA brand/logo usage standards and
• P.W. Paws mascot rental questions and
Jon develops marketing strategies and budgets for National
Public Works Week and the North American Snow Conference. In addition, he manages the graphic design team, providing art direction and managing the printing and production of collateral, web graphics, and the APWA Reporter.
(816) 595-5204
[email protected]
Web Developer
• Chapter template sites
• APWA site maintenance
Clint is responsible for development of the APWA chapter
templates, national chapter sections, web maintenance, and
new projects. He is the technical contact for APWA’s chapters
and provides support for the national website when needed.
Derek Thiessen
(816) 595-5203
[email protected]
Web Developer
• APWA WorkZone website
• APWA Congress website
• APWA website maintenance
• Self-Assessment online
Derek is responsible for site development and maintenance
of the APWA WorkZone website, APWA Congress website,
APWA website, and new projects. He also provides backup
support for the Senior Web Developer.
David Dancy
(816) 595-5250
[email protected]
Director of Marketing
• Marketing of APWA events and activities
• Membership recruitment and retention
• Publications and continuing education
• Outreach activities
Connie Hartline
(816) 595-5258
[email protected]
Publications Manager
• Books published by APWA
• Association historical information
Connie is the editor and production manager for books APWA publishes each year.
Working with Professional Development committees, authors, graphic designers and other staff to update existing
publications or create new ones, she takes projects from concept to print. She also edits marketing and educational materials and is the “go to” person for questions about APWA
historical information and out-of-print publications.
Patty Mahan
(816) 595-5256
[email protected]
Membership Marketing and Development Manager
• Membership recruitment and retention
• Development of membership materials
• Editor of APWA Advantage quarterly
• Staff liaison to national Membership
Patty provides tools and support for members’ and chapter
leaders’ use in recruitment and retention efforts, including
April 2009
APWA Reporter
development of membership-related printed materials, web
pages, reports, and PowerPoint™ presentations. She also coordinates the national membership marketing campaigns.
Lillie Plowman
(816) 595-5253
[email protected]
Product and Outreach Marketing
• Marketing of APWA events and activities
• Publication and resources marketing
• APWA Premium Collection marketing
• Development and marketing of K-12th
grade educational curriculum and outreach programs
• Internet marketing
Lillie manages the marketing functions of APWA publications and resources, the APWA Premium Collection and
APWA’s K-12th grade public works educational initiative.
She also pursues partnerships with associations and organizations to ensure that the most comprehensive public works
resources are available to inform, assist and educate APWA
members on the latest trends, case studies and training used
in their various professions.
Don’t Miss This
May 7, 2009
Elgin, IL
Come to the Asphalt
Preservation Workshop
and Learn How to Preserve
What You Have Now!
Cami Travis-Groves
(816) 595-5252
[email protected]
Graphic Designer
• Congress
• Marketing materials
• Books
Cami’s main projects involve the annual Congress event,
including designing the Congress website, the Congress
Preview, the Program and Show Guide, ads and marketing
material. Other projects include several newsletters, chapter
logos, postcards, brochures, corporate stationery and APWApublished books.
Julie Smith
(816) 595-5255
[email protected]
Graphic Designer
• APWA Reporter
• Education materials
• Marketing collateral
Julie is the graphic designer for the APWA Reporter. She also
designs catalogs, postcards, brochures, ads, signage, books
and web graphics.
Jared Shilhanek
(816) 595-5257
[email protected]
Program Marketing Manager
• Education programs
• APWA events and activities
• APWA WorkZone
Jared promotes all APWA educational programs including the Click, Listen & Learn programs, Construction and Self-Assessment Workshops, and the APWA
Congress & Exposition. He writes and coordinates the production of collateral materials including postcards, brochures, faxes and broadcast e-mails. He also manages and
promotes APWA’s online job board, APWA WorkZone.
Christine Robinson
Your Resource For:
l Asphalt Preservation
l Ice Prevention
Sound Practices
Register Today! (800) 747-8567
APWA Reporter
April 2009
(816) 595-5254
[email protected]
Marketing/Publications Coordinator
• Customer service calls for publications
and products
Christine is the contact person for those
wishing to purchase APWA publications and
products. She is responsible for the processing and fulfillment of orders, and assists in marketing publications and
educational programs as well as National Public Works
Andrea Harts
Diana Forbes
(816) 595-5232
[email protected]
(816) 595-5242
[email protected]
Member Marketing Assistant
• Marketing team support
• Member assistance/support
Meeting Planner/Exhibit Sales Manager
• APWA Congress and Exposition
• North American Snow Conference
• Other meetings/workshops
Andrea works with member relations in the Marketing Department on recruitment and retention support services.
She also provides assistance to members regarding their
membership with APWA.
P.W. Paws
(816) 595-5251
APWA Mascot
• Inflatable
• Lightweight
• Maneuverable
P.W. Paws, APWA’s nine-foot-tall mascot, creates excitement
wherever he goes, whether it is at Congress, the Snow Conference, at chapter events or your local school. If you would
like Paws to appear at your event, just give him a call.
Dana W. Priddy
(816) 595-5241
[email protected]
Director of Meetings
• The Best Show in Public Works: APWA
International Public Works Congress and
• Site Selection for Future Congress Events
Dana and the Meetings Department are responsible for the
facility management of all of APWA’s meetings, including
the annual Congress and Exposition and the North American Snow Conference. She oversees the site selection, logistics, and implementation for the annual meetings, including
the exhibit programs, sponsorship opportunities, sessions,
events and emergency planning. Meetings Department staff
also review all chapter facility contracts. Dana is the staff
liaison to the Congress Site Selection Committee.
Brenda Shaver
(816) 595-5240
[email protected]
Diana is a member of the APWA Congress and Exposition
team that coordinates the logistics for APWA’s annual event.
She also works with other Meetings Department staff in the
planning of APWA’s North American Snow Conference and
handles Snow Conference exhibit sales and operations. She
is responsible for the logistics of other meetings and workshops and is the contact to review hotel and convention
center contracts for chapters.
Professional Development
Mabel Tinjacá, Ph.D.
(816) 595-5214
[email protected]
Director of Professional Development
• Click, Listen & Learn and Web-Based
• Congress Education Program
• Education Summit
• Snow Conference
• Sustainability Conference
• Technical Committees
• Live Workshops
Mabel leads the development and fiscal management of the
department to provide members and the public works community, in general, with high-quality professional development, education programs, and cutting-edge information in
a cost-effective manner. The Professional Development Department is responsible for the interrelationship of the work
of nine APWA Technical Committees, an Education Committee, association-wide educational programs and training,
development of certificate programs, and partnership agreements with other organizations, in accordance with the Association’s strategic plan.
Christina Davis
[email protected]
Manager of Meetings
• North American Snow Conference
• Site Selection for Future Snow Conferences
• APWA Congress and Exposition
Brenda manages the overall meeting planning and site selection for the annual North American Snow Conference. She
also coordinates the scheduling, setup, audio-visual, and
food and beverage needs for meetings, sessions, and special
events at the annual Congress and Exposition and various
other Association workshops and meetings.
Continuing Education Project Manager
• Conference on Sustainability in the Public Works Sector
• Specialty workshops
• Master’s degree development
• Special projects
Christina is responsible for the planning and organization
of the Conference on Sustainability in the Public Works
April 2009
APWA Reporter
Sector. She is coordinating the development of a Master of
Public Administration degree with a concentration in public
works. She develops online tutorials as a resource for chapter
leaders who want to utilize education resources more effectively.
Kathy Dotson
(816) 595-5220
[email protected]
Instructional Designer
• Public Works Institutes
• Development and design of coursework
• Curriculum development for text-based
Kathy creates, modifies and enhances a variety of courses
for Association and chapter use to create blended learning
solutions. She is the liaison for chapters developing or having Public Works Institutes and supports the Public Works
Institutes Evaluation Committee.
Carol S. Estes, P.E.
(816) 595-5222
[email protected]
Professional Development Program
• Engineering and Technology
• Transportation
• Utility & Public Right-of-Way
Carol serves as the liaison to three of the Technical Committees: Engineering and Technology, Transportation, and
Utility & Public Right-of-Way. She is responsible for managing information related to each issue these committees
are working on. She works with the committees on their
monthly conference calls, publications, and web-based resources. In addition, Carol serves as the point of contact for
seven subcommittees: Winter Maintenance, Road Safety,
Smart Growth, Right-of-Way Management, Construction
Practices, GIROW, and One-Call Systems.
Teresa Hon
(816) 595-5224
[email protected]
Professional Development Program
• Fleet Services and Emergency Management
• Technical support for MicroPAVER software and subscriptions
• Public Works Historical Society
Teresa serves as the liaison to two of the Technical Committees: Fleet Services and Emergency Management. She supports the committees in their work to educate and respond
to the needs of the membership. She coordinates articles
contributed by committee members for the APWA Reporter,
APWA Reporter
April 2009
works with the committees on their monthly conference
calls, and coordinates educational sessions for Congress. Teresa serves as the staff liaison for the Public Works Historical
Society, and is the program coordinator and technical services contact for the MicroPAVER (pavement management)
Carrie Merker
(816) 595-5213
[email protected]
Professional Development Program
• Production of all Click, Listen & Learn
and Web-Based Training programs
• Speaker training in use of webcast technology and site registration
• Education calendar in APWA Reporter and
marketing materials
• Click, Listen & Learn and Web-Based
Training programs for after-market sale
• Special projects
Carrie handles the logistics of the Click, Listen & Learn webcasts and the Web-Based Training programs. This includes
orientations of the speakers and production of the 20-plus
live broadcasts each year. She is the customer service connection responsible for all communication and pre-testing
of software with the registered sites.
Phyllis Muder
(816) 595-5211
[email protected]
Continuing Education Project Manager
• North American Snow Conference Education Programs
• Web-Based Training and Click, Listen &
Learn Programs
• Speaker selection and contracting
Phyllis manages the development and execution of the webbased Click, Listen & Learn programs. She is also responsible
for the development and implementation of the Education
Program at APWA’s North American Snow Conference. She
manages the Call for Presentations and session selection
process through the NASC Program Review Committee, plus
speaker communications and contracting.
Colene Roberts
(816) 595-5221
[email protected]
Professional Development Program
• Facilities & Grounds
• Solid Waste Management
• Water Resources Management
Colene serves as the liaison to three of the Technical Committees: Facilities & Grounds, Solid Waste Management and
Water Resources Management. She supports the committees
in their work to educate and respond to the needs of the
membership. She coordinates articles for the APWA Reporter
contributed by committee members, works with the committees on their monthly conference calls, and coordinates
educational programs and publications prepared by committee members.
Courtney Thompson
(816) 595-5215
[email protected]
Professional Development Coordinator
• Speaker relations
• Database management for Congress and
Snow Conference education programs
• Member interaction for all education
• Logistic coordination for specialty programs
• CEU applications for chapter programs,
and individual member transcripts
• Support for Live Workshops: Fleet and
Construction Inspection
Courtney is the department’s information central for all
professional development-related inquiries. She coordinates
Congress speaker/education session information and communication, assists with coordinating Snow Conference speakers
and sessions, processes all CEUs from education events, and
handles registration logistics for educational workshops.
Washington, D.C. Office
Government and Public Affairs
Jim Fahey
(202) 218-6730
[email protected]
Director of Government and Public
• Advocacy and Public Policy
• Legislative and Regulatory Affairs
• Government and Public Affairs
• Transportation and Rights-of-Way
• Government Affairs Committee
Jim directs APWA’s government and public affairs programs
and is the primary staff liaison to the Government Affairs
Committee and legislative staff liaison to the Transportation
and Utility & Public Right-of-Way Committees. He serves as
senior staff advocate promoting APWA advocacy priorities
and positions before the U.S. Congress, federal agencies and
the media.
Julia Anastasio
(202) 218-6750
[email protected]
Senior Manager of Government Affairs
• Legislative and Regulatory Affairs
• Environmental, Water and Sustainability
Julia monitors legislative and regulatory affairs touching on
environmental, water and sustainability issues for the Association’s membership. She serves as the Government Affairs staff liaison to the Water Resources Management Committee, the Solid Waste Management Committee, and the
APWA Center for Sustainability.
Karen Wilson
(816) 595-5210
[email protected]
Senior Manager of Continuing
• Congress Education Program
• Speaker selection and contracting
• Specialty Workshops
• CEU Policy Management
• Curriculum Development
• Education Committee
Laura M. Berkey
(202) 218-6734
[email protected]
Karen, as team leader, is responsible for the development and
implementation of the Education Program at APWA’s International Public Works Congress & Exposition, which includes
four General Sessions, more than 130 sessions, and workshops. She manages the Call for Presentations and session selection process through the Congress Program Review Committee, plus all speaker communications and contracting. She
also serves as the liaison to the Education Committee.
Government Affairs Manager
• Issue Advocacy
• Public Policy Development
• Legislative and Regulatory Affairs
• Homeland Security and Emergency
Laura monitors legislative and regulatory affairs focusing
on homeland security and emergency management issues
for the Association’s membership. She serves as the Government Affairs staff liaison to the Emergency Management Committee.
April 2009
APWA Reporter
Becky Wickstrom
(202) 218-6736
[email protected]
Gail Clark
(202) 218-6732
[email protected]
Manager of Media Affairs
• Media Relations
• Communications
Becky promotes, coordinates and reports on
APWA events and activities and is the primary staff liaison to media professionals. She works with
the Government Affairs staff to communicate advocacy
priorities and positions to the press and other associations
and organizations. She is also editor of the APWA Washington Report.
Maggie Oldham
Special Assistant to the Executive Director
• Executive Director support
• Special projects and activities
• CPWA Board liaison
As Special Assistant to the Executive Director, Gail assists
the Executive Director by providing management and administrative support and by managing special projects and
activities. Gail also serves as liaison for the CPWA Board and
works to advance the CPWA legislative agenda in Canada.
Meg Cunningham
(202) 218-6712
[email protected]
(202) 218-6702
[email protected]
Government Affairs Associate
• Advocacy and lobbying events
• Legislative and regulatory issues
• APWA advocacy materials
Maggie coordinates advocacy and lobbying
events including Congressional and Federal Briefings, National Public Works Week on the Hill, and member visits to
Congressional offices and Executive agencies. She also researches and tracks legislative and regulatory issues. Maggie
works on a variety of projects to advance APWA advocacy efforts, including updating APWA advocacy materials such as
the website, Legislative Action Center, and printed material.
Office Coordinator
• Daily administrative duties for the Washington, D.C. office
• Support for Government Affairs and
Special Assistant
• Special Projects
As Office Coordinator, Meg coordinates and executes the daily administrative duties for the Washington, D.C. office such
as directing phone calls, coordinating shipments, and maintaining office equipment. She also provides additional support for the Government Affairs Department and the Special
Assistant to the Executive Director for any special projects.
Don’t miss this chance
…to get in the APWA Reporter’s Sustainability and
Top Ten issue
By advertising in the APWA Reporter, news of your equipment, product or
service will be sent to more than 29,500 APWA members, most of whom are
key decision makers in their agencies.
So, don’t miss this opportunity to advertise in the May issue, which will
be the first-ever “Sustainability” issue of the APWA Reporter. Topics will
include retrofitting existing buildings using green design, developing green
transportation for Smart Growth, and low-impact development.
Of course, the May issue will also feature the Top Ten Public Works Leaders
of the Year. The Top Ten award is a great honor and our members will be
looking eagerly to the issue to see which public works professionals have been chosen.
The deadline to reserve your space is April 6; the materials are due by April 8.
Bonus: Advertise and we’ll give you a free listing in our “Products in the News” column!
Call Amanda, Erin or Jennifer at (800) 800-0341.
APWA Reporter
April 2009
Information Overload
Colene Roberts
Professional Development Program Manager
American Public Works Association
Kansas City, Missouri
echnical Committees spend a lot of time talking
about what’s hot. They’re constantly seeking out hot
topics for APWA members. Since they provide much
of the content for the Reporter and the Click, Listen
& Learn programs, not to mention Congress sessions, they
really have to keep their eyes and ears open. The topics may
come from a project that a member heard about or worked
on, or it may just be something that the committee felt
should be covered so a committee member either researched
the topic or tracked down an expert to be the author or
presenter. This month the Reporter focuses on facilities and
grounds, so the Facilities and Grounds Technical Committee
provided several articles. How do committee members keep
up to date? Here’s a little look into the vast quantities of
facilities and grounds information available:
Alliance for Community Trees (ACT), www.actrees.org
Alliance for Sustainable Built Environments, www.
American Forests, www.americanforests.org
American Nursery and Landscape Association, www.
American Society of Consulting Arborists, www.ascaconsultants.org
American Society of Landscape Architects, www.asla.org
American Sports Builders, www.sportsbuilders.org
American Trails, www.americantrails.org
Arbor Day Foundation, www.arborday.org
Building Owners and Managers Association International (BOMA), www.boma.org
City Parks Alliance, www.cityparksalliance.org
Clean Link, www.cleanlink.com
Design-Build Institute of America, www.dbia.org
FacilitiesNet, www.facilitiesnet.com
FacilityZone, www.facilityzone.com
Green Roofs for Healthy Cities, www.greenroofs.org
Grounds Maintenance magazine, www.grounds-mag.com
International Facility Management Association (IFMA),
International Society of Arboriculture (ISA), www.isaarbor.com
Keep America Beautiful, www.kab.org
LED City, www.ledcity.org
National Association of State Foresters (NASF), www.
National Parking Association, www.npapark.org
National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA), www.
National Trust for Historic Preservation, www.national
Occupational Safety & Health Administration, www.
Professional Grounds Management Society (PGMS),
Project for Public Spaces, www.pps.org
Rails-to-Trails Conservancy, www.railtrails.org
Society of American Foresters (SAF), www.safnet.org
Society of Municipal Arborists (SMA), www.urban-for
Sustainable Urban Forests Coalition, www.urbanfores
Today’s Facility Manager magazine, www.todaysfacility
Tree Care Industry Association (TCIA), www.treecarein
TreeLink, www.treelink.org
US Green Building Council, www.usgbc.org
USDA Forest Service, www.fs.fed.us
Utility Arborists Association (UAA), www.utilityarborist.org
Maybe there’s something on this list that you really want to
explore. Or, maybe you’d rather rely on your APWA Facilities
and Grounds Committee to weed out what’s most pertinent
to you. The committee members weeding, pruning and polishing for you are: Harry Weed, Chair, Village of Rockville
Centre, NY; Al Olson, City of Ankeny, IA; David Fain, City of
Haltom City, TX; George Gonzalez, City of Los Angeles, CA;
Michele Ohmes, Michele & Associates, Kansas City, MO; and
Brad Underwood, City of Bakersfield, CA. The Board Liaison
to the committee is At-Large Director Ken Nerland and the
Staff Liaison is Colene Roberts. For more information on the
committee, go to apwa.net and select Technical Committees
and Facilities & Grounds.
Colene Roberts can be reached at (816) 595-5221 or croberts@
April 2009
APWA Reporter
The value of attending a national conference
R. Mark DeVries
Maintenance Superintendent
McHenry County Division of Transportation
Woodstock, Illinois
Chair, APWA Winter Maintenance Subcommittee
Des Moines, Iowa
April 26 - 29, 2009
imes are tight. That is probably one of the most understated comments of the year. These tough economic times have impacted everyone and public
works is feeling the pinch as well. In conversations
and in e-mails we constantly hear “we have cut all travel
and training” or “no out of state travel is allowed.” Training
is not the only area where agencies have been impacted, but
it is often one of the first.
Why is training an easy area to cut? Is it deemed unessential? Or is it that the funds sit there unexpended and it is
an easy way to supplement areas that have been hard hit?
I am sure each agency and policy managers have different
reasons. Changes in policies like this are almost always delivered from the top down and are often unchangeable and
The purpose of this article is not to condemn these judgments; most managers, when asked, would love to expand
training opportunities, not cut them. The purpose is to
examine if these are the right choices when you consider
the value obtained in training. The focus is on our national
conferences because they are often impacted the highest by
these trying times.
APWA hosts two national conferences each year: the North
American Snow Conference and the International Public Works Congress & Exposition. They move about North
America so travel plays into attendance most of the time.
So do lodging and meals. APWA does a wonderful job working to keep costs down and hotel costs reasonable. Most attendees stay in the conference hotels because the negotiated
rates are better than can be secured by an individual. The
price of attendance always includes materials, gatherings,
entertainment, some meals and beverages, paid motivational speakers, great educational sessions, technical tours and,
of course, networking opportunities. Travel to and from
the conference is always a short walk or buses are provided.
Most sessions offer credits for continuing education, and
in a single national conference you can often obtain what
is required for an entire year instead of attending multiple
conferences. The conferences are a great value if you only
consider these factors.
The conferences are also supported by a huge amount of
vendors, and attendees have access and time to meet and
discuss the needs for their agencies in addition to learning
what is new and innovative. Consider the amount of time
APWA Reporter
April 2009
There is great value in attending the education sessions at APWA’s
North American Snow Conference and the International Public Works
Congress & Exposition.
needed if every vendor called upon you instead. Consider
also that many of the vendors may not call on you at all
and there would be missed opportunities. Again, this alone
would be a great value.
One of the driving reasons for attending any conference is,
of course, the educational opportunities. APWA strives to offer its members all kinds of educational opportunities. Many
chapters host local events or seminars. Agencies may look
for online training, and webcasts are offered throughout the
year by APWA and others. APWA partners with others like
LTAP to provide educational opportunities. These are vital
to support APWA’s cause to provide information to its members, but they cannot replace the opportunities offered at
a national conference. Local and even some regional conferences often only offer local presenters. They play an important role and offer great information, but often lack the
national perspective. Local conferences often have limited
choices of presenters while our national conferences have
multiple choices each hour, and attendees are free to choose
depending on what their needs are. The national conferences bring presenters from across the globe, and at local
conferences this would be a rare occurrence to say the least.
What about the value of a trained employee? Well, let’s use
this past year and our Snow Conference as an example. Most
of the Midwest was devastated by a severe winter season followed by a salt supply issue that drove some prices to three or
four times higher than the previous year. Agencies scrambled
to find methods to conserve materials and find alternative
solutions. These are the very methods and training that we
have provided at the national conference each year. Here in
northern Illinois one truckload of salt was worth over $1,000.
Agencies not using the best practices, sensible salting and
calibrating their equipment, could easily realize thousands
of dollars needlessly wasted. The cost of sending supervisors
or operators to the national Snow Conference could have
been recovered in the first few events of the year if the proper
methods had been implemented.
Don’t rule out the idea of attending even if your agency
can’t support you with funding. The value is not only to
your agency. We support ourselves by furthering our education, taking college courses and attending management and
leadership classes. Our national conferences offer similar experiences and can be just as valuable.
R. Mark DeVries can be reached at (815) 334-4975 or rmdevries@
I present each year at APWA conferences nationally and locally. I attend
and present at many other conferences
as well. I always try to be engaging and
provide the best presentation I can.
What I have come to realize is that
the best part of every presentation is
the questions and comments following the presentation. Sharing experiences and varying techniques is often
as valuable as the information any presenter provides. That networking leads
to new friends and acquaintances and
new methods and innovations. It’s another value to attending our national
Knowing that policies are not likely
to change in the near future, we need
to explore options. Start by looking
into your own chapter and what they
may offer. Chapters know the value of
our conferences and their importance
to APWA. It is vital that we maintain
and expand our membership and promote attendance to these conferences.
Some chapters have used attendance
to a national conference as a reward,
such as the winners from a snowplow
rodeo, or as a reward for leading an
educational event. Consider applying
or nominating someone to the APWA
awards program. Can you, your agency
or your chapter be considered for an
award? Agencies are more likely to approve attendance if you or they are receiving an award. Again, chapters may
also consider this if needed. Become
more involved at the national conferences. Perhaps you can be a presenter;
perhaps you can volunteer; perhaps
you can be part of a committee. These
can also help in your request to attend
the conferences. Also, consider your
travel options. Carpooling and driving
to the conference can be economical
and fun.
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April 2009
APWA Reporter
The North American Snow
Conference takes flight
R. Mark DeVries, Maintenance Superintendent, McHenry County Division of Transportation, Woodstock,
Illinois, and Chair, APWA Winter Maintenance Subcommittee; Craig D. Stephens, Senior Airport Duty
Manager, Des Moines International Airport, Des Moines, Iowa; and Ron Morin, Director of Aviation/Field
Maintenance, Denver International Airport, Denver, Colorado
Editor’s Note: Craig Stephens and Ron Morin will give presentations at the 2009 APWA North American Snow Conference in
Des Moines, Iowa. Stephens’s session is entitled “Winter Operations at the Des Moines International Airport” and takes place on
Sunday, April 26, at 2:15 p.m. Morin’s session is entitled “Flying
through the Flakes!” and takes place on Monday, April 27, at
2:00 p.m. For more information on the Snow Conference, please
see pages 23-26 in this issue or visit www.apwa.net/snow.
It’s a new era. Our trucks have wings, the operator does a
pre-trip, climbs into a cab that resembles a cockpit, turns on
his computer, grabs the joystick and raises the nose of the
plow, heads out and lowers his wing, turns on his anti-icing,
lowers the nose of his plow and the snow flies. Well, that
is not exactly what we mean when we talk about the Snow
Conference taking flight. We don’t think we will be flying
our plows anytime soon, but it is all about aviation.
This year at the North American Snow Conference being
held in Des Moines, Iowa, April 26-29, we will be offering
for the first time two seminars focusing on snow and ice
removal at airports. We hope we can convey to you how
excited we are to include these sessions and how beneficial
we believe they will be.
Des Moines, Iowa
April 26 - 29, 2009
thing we do in public works and it is an untapped resource
that we should take advantage of. We hope our APWA Congress will host aviation sessions in the future as well.
So let’s compare some of the issues and how they correlate
to what public works agencies deal with. To start with, airports come in all sizes just as our agencies do. As you would
expect, large airports have more issues to deal with than
smaller airports. But just as a large city faces more issues
than a smaller one, the end result is the same: We are all trying to accomplish the same goal. Whether it is a large airport
or a small one, we are servicing the needs of our customers.
This is especially difficult in winter. We are faced with many
of the same challenges: clearing roadways, clearing parking
lots, staffing, maintaining equipment, etc. Add to that that
you have aircraft that travel at 100 mph, runways that must
be kept clear and the need for chemicals that are non-corrosive, you have a very unique environment.
Airport operations are also similar in many of the other things
we do in public works. They have facilities and grounds to
maintain, lighting and utilities to deal with, security issues,
fleet maintenance, safety, ITS issues, sidewalks and in some
cases police and fire, just to name a few. It seems natural that
we should share our experiences and learn from each other.
We depend on each other as well. Public works customers
are our customers. If you can’t get to and from the airport
then it is essentially shut down despite its capability to function. It is not just people that come through the airport, but
cargo, food and mail deliveries also rely on its daily operation. The economic impact from airports closing, especially
our larger facilities, is as important as the local impacts of
having our roadways close during winter events.
Des Moines International Airport snow removal team in action
Airports are really small cities. They are also public works
agencies. When you consider what they deal with on a daily
basis we find we have a great deal in common. While these
first two sessions are dealing with winter maintenance, we
find that airports have many areas that cross over to every22
APWA Reporter
April 2009
Airports can be a great source of information for us as well.
Many are official weather-reporting sites. Many can be contacted for current and future weather information. Most use
airport weather information systems (AWIS), identical to our
RWIS systems. Many make this data available as well. Some
even have webcams and current conditions can be observed.
Similarly, information we have can be valuable to airports,
and most agencies are willing to share their data if asked.
This year we are bringing you two examples of airport operations that differ in size. The Des Moines International Airport in our host city will highlight its operation, and Denver
International Airport will highlight its operation.
(continued on page 27)
2009 APWA North American Snow Conference
2009 APWA North American Snow Conference
2009 APWA North American Snow Conference
April 26-29, 2009
Iowa Events Center, Hy-Vee Hall
Des Moines, Iowa
APWA North American Snow Conference
Hosted by the Iowa Chapter of APWA
Where else can you go to find over 1,000 public works professionals
that have the very best knowledge and insight when it comes to
fighting snow and providing winter road maintenance? Join your fellow
industry experts from all across the U.S. and Canada for APWA’s North
American Snow Conference in Des Moines, Iowa.
The American Public Works Association is the public works community’s
number one resource for information and expertise on winter
operations. The Snow Conference will showcase four days of quality
programs and technical tours with opportunities to interact and
exchange ideas with manufacturers, distributors, consultants, and other
public works professionals.
2009 APWA North American Snow Conference
2009 APWA North American Snow Conference
Opening General Session
Sunday, April 26
3:30 – 5:00 p.m.
Top Gun Leadership:
How to Build a Culture of Courage at
Work and in Life
Speaker: Rob “Waldo” Waldman – The Wingman
The key to building a high-powered organization
that encourages innovative thinking, loyalty to
mission, effective communication, and a relentless
commitment to excellence lies with its leadership.
Join us for this high-energy presentation from
Waldo Waldman as he highlights the difference
between managing people, and leading them to
be more responsible, empowered, and confident
wingmen! What results is a more productive and
efficient organization with superior morale that
can rapidly overcome challenges.
Waldo will pinpoint proven leadership principles
based on his experience as a graduate of the
U.S. Air Force Academy, as a seasoned Air Force
officer and combat-decorated fighter pilot, and
an experienced businessman. Relentless selfdiscipline, passion for the mission, dedicated
teamwork, and a commitment to excellence are
the hallmarks of his message. Waldo speaks from
the heart, and his infectious passion for helping
people will encourage you to prepare diligently for
every mission, face challenges with courage, build
more meaningful relationships, and maximize your
potential both at work and in life.
General Session
“Talk Show”
Closing General Session
Tuesday, April 28
3:00 – 4:30 p.m.
Monday, April 27
8:00 - 9:30 a.m.
The Spirit of the Iditarod
Winter’s Budget Impact
Moderator: Holli Keyser, Administrative Support Supervisor,
Fort Collins, CO
Expert Panel: Phillip Anderle, Highway Maintenance
Supervisor, Colorado Department of Transportation, Greeley,
CO; Richard Balgowan, Director of Public Works, Township
of Hamilton, NJ; Mike Coffey, Statewide Maintenance &
Operations Chief, Alaska Department of Transportation and
Public Facilities, Juneau, AK; John (Paul) Johnson, Operations
Manager, County of Wellington, ON, Canada; Jay Wells,
Maintenance and Operations Superintendent, Washington
Department of Transportation, Olympia, WA
Economic downturn, budget cuts, escalating fuel
costs, salt shortages, higher prices, badly-timed
blizzards and ice storms, wear and tear on plows
and other equipment, expensive technologies –
how do you plan for the financial uncertainties of
snow and ice control and winter maintenance?
Attend this interactive session, featuring a panel
of experts from around North America, who
will share the challenges and solutions they
experienced during the winter of 2008/2009;
how they planned for the expected and the
unexpected; and solutions that still need to be
found. Come armed with your own questions, war
stories, and solutions.
Speaker: Martin Buser, Four-time Iditarod Winner and Owner
of the Happy Trails Kennel in Big Lake, Alaska
Born in Winterthur, Switzerland, Martin Buser
followed his fascination with sled dogs to Alaska
where he has dedicated his life to the care and
training of these magnificent animals. Martin runs
the Iditarod each year to test his dogs’ breeding,
training, and physical endurance. He regards his
racers as true competitive athletes and prides his
team on their longevity and spirit of competition.
Martin has won the Iditarod four times (1992,
1994, 1997 and 2002). His 2002 team currently
holds the record for the fastest Iditarod,
completing the race in 8 days, 22 hours, 46
minutes, and 2 seconds. As a tribute to his
treatment of his racers, Martin has been awarded
the coveted Leonhard Seppala Award four times
for his humanitarian care of his dogs. Following his
2002 victory, Martin became a naturalized United
States citizen in ceremonies held under the burled
arch that signifies the Iditarod finish line.
You won’t want to miss this inspiring story of
passion, discipline, training, and endurance – plus
you just might be treated to the riotous symphony
of barking dogs!
To view the full Program Preview, or to Register visit www.apwa.net/snow
Sunday, April 26
Monday, April 27
Tuesday, April 28
Exhibit Hours:
5:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Exhibit Hours:
9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Exhibit Hours:
8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
1:00 – 2:00 p.m.
Education Sessions
8:00 – 9:30 a.m.
General Session “Talk Show”
8:00 – 9:00 a.m.
Education Sessions
2:15 – 3:15 p.m.
Education Sessions
Winter’s Budget Impact
9:00 – 10:10 a.m.
Coffee Break on the Exhibit Floor
3:30 – 5:00 p.m.
Opening General Session
Top Gun Leadership: How to Build a Culture of Courage at
Work and in Life
Keynote Speaker: Rob “Waldo” Waldman
5:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Exhibit Opening & Welcome Reception
9:30 – 10:30 a.m.
Coffee Break on the Exhibit Floor
10:30 – 11:20 a.m.
Education Sessions
11:20 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Non-compete Exhibit Time
12:00 noon – 1:00 p.m.
Lunch on the Exhibit Floor
12:45 – 1:45 p.m.
Roundtable Discussion Groups
2:00 – 2:50 p.m.
Education Sessions
2:50 – 3:30 p.m.
Refreshment Break on the Exhibit Floor
3:30 – 4:30 p.m.
Education Sessions
10:10 – 11:00 a.m.
Education Sessions
11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Non-compete Exhibit Time
11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Lunch on the Exhibit Floor
12:30 – 1:30 p.m.
Education Sessions
1:45 – 2:45 p.m.
Education Sessions
3:00 – 4:30 p.m.
Closing General Session
The Spirit of the Iditarod
Keynote Speaker: Martin Buser
5:30 – 9:00 p.m.
Living History Farms Dinner
Wednesday, April 29
8:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon
Technical Tour – Iowa Winter Operations
About Des Moines
Des Moines’ central location in the heart of the
Snow Belt makes it a natural choice for the site of
the North American Snow Conference. Located
at the junction of U.S. Interstates 35 and 80, Des
Moines is an easy drive from almost anywhere.
Rather fly? The Des Moines International Airport
offers more than 100 flights daily at competitive
Our Iowa Chapter is ready to welcome you to
Des Moines, Iowa’s largest city and the state
capital. Located along the Des Moines River,
the downtown area has tons of restaurants
and entertainment options, plus shopping,
museums, parks, and other attractions – much of
it connected by an extensive four-mile skywalk
system. Des Moines offers big-city amenities with
small-town charm. You really must come see for
For more information, visit the Greater Des Moines
Convention and Visitors Bureau website at www.
Register online at www.apwa.net/snow
Exhibits, education sessions, and onsite registration will be
located at the Iowa Events Center’s Hy-Vee Hall.
Special APWA room rates are available at these official Snow Conference
hotels. All hotels are located within a 10-minute walk of Hy-Vee Hall. APWA
will also provide limited shuttle service between the official hotels and Hy-Vee
Hall beginning Sunday, April 26.
Make your hotel reservations early! Special APWA room rates are offered on a
space available basis until March 27, 2009. Rates do not include tax, currently
All hotel reservations must be booked through the Greater Des Moines
Housing Bureau. Go to www.apwa.net/snow and click on the hotel reservation
link (use convention ID# 2224), or use the hotel reservation form included in
the preview program. Do not call hotels.
Marriott Des Moines Downtown
(Snow Conference headquarters hotel, located approx. 6 blocks from Hy-Vee Hall and
connected via skywalk, non-smoking hotel)
700 Grand Avenue, Des Moines, IA 50309
APWA Room Rate: $114
Renaissance Savery Hotel
(historic hotel, located approx. 5 blocks from Hy-Vee Hall and connected via skywalk, nonsmoking hotel)
401 Locust Street, Des Moines, IA 50309
APWA Room Rate: $114
Embassy Suites Des Moines on the River
(all-suite hotel with complimentary full breakfast buffet, located approx. 8 blocks from HyVee Hall, not on the skywalk system, limited number of smoking rooms available)
101 East Locust Street, Des Moines, IA 50309
APWA Room Rate: $149
Quality Inn & Suites Event Center
(complimentary continental breakfast buffet, located across the street from Hy-Vee Hall, not
on the skywalk system, limited number of smoking rooms available)
929 Third Street, Des Moines, IA 50309
APWA Room Rate: $99
Register before March 15 and save $50 on a full registration!
If your city has an APWA agency membership, please note
that individuals must be listed on your agency roster to
receive the member registration rates.
Exhibit Only Pass
Exhibit floor-only passes are available for Monday and Tuesday only and do
not include lunch.
Full Registration
Member: $400, Nonmember: $550
Full Registration includes entrance into the exhibit hall, all education sessions
and roundtables, Sunday reception on the exhibit floor, Monday and Tuesday
lunch on the exhibit floor, refreshment breaks, the Tuesday Dinner at Living
History Farms, and the Wednesday morning technical tour program.
Group Discounts for One-Day Registrations
Send 10 or more people from your agency and receive a discounted oneday registration rate of $150 per person. Do not use the individual online or
printed forms for group registrations. Contact Brenda Shaver at bshaver@
apwa.net or 816-595-5240 if you would like to register a group.
One-Day Registration
Member: $175, Nonmember: $215
One-Day Registrations are available for Sunday, Monday or Tuesday. Sunday
includes the reception on the exhibit floor. Monday and Tuesday include
lunch. Tuesday does not include the Living History Farms event, but you may
purchase a ticket with your registration.
You must have a full registration to participate in the Wednesday technical
tour program.
Des Moines, Iowa
April 26 - 29, 2009
To view the full Program Preview, or to Register visit www.apwa.net/snow
(continued from page 22)
The Des Moines International Airport session will cover how
the airport complies with Federal Aviation Administration
regulations through the Airport Snow Plan. Determining
snow removal equipment requirements and prioritizing the
surfaces to be cleared first are all outlined in Advisory Circulars. How the snow removal team works to clear surfaces,
compiling surface data and then transmitting the information to staff and to the public, is all part of the orchestrated
routine of snow removal. The session will cover the tools the
snow removal team uses to assist in their decision-making
process in order to prep a surface for anti-icing, snow removal or de-icing operations, along with the equipment used to
accomplish the objective of maintaining a safe surface for
aircraft to operate on.
The benefit they see from transportation and aviation attending these sessions is that we have a lot in common;
there are strategies with each operation that can be used in
both operations. In Denver, they not only have an airfield
snow-removal operation but they have roughly 250-plus
lane miles of roadway that they are responsible for. Approximately 11 miles of that is a four-lane highway that connects
the airport to Interstate 70.
We hope you will include one or both of these sessions in
your plans while attending the Snow Conference. In addition to the sessions there is the possibility of a tour of the
Des Moines airport and a hands-on look at its snowfighting
operation and equipment. If you are interested in participating in a tour, please contact Phyllis Muder at APWA. Phyllis
can be reached at (800) 848-2792, ext. 5211. You can also
sign up at the Iowa Chapter room at the conference. The
tour is not advertised as part of the technical tour. The tour
is subject to participation. As of this writing, a date and time
have not been set.
The Denver International Airport session will explain how
the airport transformed its airfield snow-removal program to
include reduced runway occupancy times, equipment purchase, contracting ramp snow removal (how and why they
contract out this operation), and partnering with the local
fire department for snowplow operators. They will also discuss their training program and how they prepare 500-plus R. Mark DeVries can be reached at (815) 334-4975 or rmdevries@
operators for snow operations each year. Finally, they will co.mchenry.il.us; Craig D. Stephens can be reached at (515) 256briefly discuss this year’s potassium acetate issues and how 5009 or [email protected]; and Ron Morin can be
APWA Reporter_Surface Patrol_0409.qxp 3/10/2009 3:56reached
PM Page
1 342-2855 or [email protected].
at (303)
they dealt with it.
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April 2009
APWA Reporter
Des Moines in pictures
On this page you’ll see just a few of the Des Moines attractions you can visit before, during and after your North American
Snow Conference experience. For more information on each of these attractions, visit the Greater Des Moines Convention
and Visitors Bureau website at www.SeeDesMoines.com. For more information on the Snow Conference and to register
online, go to www.apwa.net/Meetings/Snow/2009. Why not combine business with pleasure and incorporate your Snow
Conference trip into your vacation plans?
Terrace Hill is the official residence of the Governor of Iowa. The home measures 18,000 square
feet. The house has a 90-foot tower that offers
a commanding view of Des Moines. It became a
National Historic Landmark in 2003. Terrace Hill
is open for guided tours from 10:00 a.m. to 1:30
p.m., Tuesday through Saturday. The tours are
available at 10:30 a.m., 11:30 a.m., 12:30 p.m. and
1:30 p.m. The tour usually lasts approximately one
hour. (Photo: Greater Des Moines Convention and
Visitors Bureau)
Western Gateway Park is home to the Pappajohn
Sculpture Garden. The garden showcases a collection of sculptures worth $27.5 million. The sculptures were donated by John and Mary Pappajohn,
well-known philanthropists in the community.
The sculptures (by 15 internationally acclaimed
modern and contemporary artists) purchased by
the Pappajohns are the largest single public gift
in Des Moines’ history and the largest public gift
of art in Iowa history. (Photo: Greater Des Moines
Convention and Visitors Bureau)
The Des Moines Botanical and Environmental
Center is one of the most popular cultural attractions in Iowa, providing educational, recreational
and community resources to thousands. Its goal
is to provide botanical displays and educational
services for its visitors. It is located on 14 acres
along the east bank of the Des Moines River, close
to downtown. The Botanical and Environmental
Center is managed and operated by Des Moines
Water Works. (Photo: Greater Des Moines Convention and Visitors Bureau)
APWA Reporter
April 2009
Special thanks to the City of Lee’s Summit, MO, Public Works Department for granting APWA
access to their wonderful facility and resources during our NPWW marketing efforts.
What you can do for National Public
Works Week
espite its name, National Public Works Week (May
17-23) has very much a local focus. It will succeed
through the efforts of individual members in your
towns and cities. It is you who can approach shopkeepers and librarians about displaying the NPWW poster,
you who can persuade local editors to cover NPWW activities, and you who can speak out about the importance of the
services your departments provide your communities.
This year’s National Public Works Week theme is “Revitalize,
Reinvest, Renew.” Here are a few suggested NPWW activities:
Each chapter should request a proclamation from the governor/premier. A sample proclamation can be viewed at www.
Solid Waste & Recycling
Don’t forget about posters. To be effective, they must be
displayed where they will be seen by large numbers of people. Shop windows, public libraries, and city halls are good
places. Don’t forget to display them on public vehicles, too.
This year’s National Public Works Week poster is a spectacular presentation of the theme “Revitalize, Reinvest, Renew.”
Robert Rodriguez, a New Orleans native, has painted the essence of public works: the care and nurturing of our communities as a city being “planted” in the soil of reinvestment.
The background shows fields of green, healthy communities
growing strong. The poster is available for purchase and can
be seen on page 32.
Facility Engineering
Sustainability and
Green Energy
We are your
Since 1985, a leader in waste
reduction and recovery strategies for
local, state, and federal governments,
industries, and non-profits.
(800) 517-9634
apwa.net/About/npww/proclamation.pdf. Individual members should ask mayors to issue similar proclamations. The
best time for the proclamation is a week or so before May 17.
If there is to be a ceremony, be sure to contact newspapers
and to have a photographer on hand. On May 29, forward
either the original proclamation or a copy to APWA Kansas
City headquarters.
APWA Reporter
April 2009
One aim of National Public Works Week is to interest capable youth in public works careers. Tell the guidance counselor at your high school that you would be happy to meet
with classes or groups of students to discuss public works as
a career. Keep in mind that a Shadow Day would enable a
high school student to experience a workday in the life of
the public works professional who performs a job of interest to the student. In the process, students learn that public
works services employ a variety of professionals, technicians
and administrators who have been schooled and trained in
a variety of fields.
Likewise, bringing an Equipment Show and Tell to a middle
school enables students to see firsthand the equipment you
use in daily operations. Recycling vans, refuse trucks, pavement recyclers, road graders and lift trucks hold fascinating
possibilities for students this age. This activity is especially
ideal if you have limited resources. You could schedule an
Equipment Show and Tell at a different school every day of
National Public Works Week.
Radio and Television
Contact the news or public affairs departments of your local
stations. Tell them that National Public Works Week is coming up and that you will be glad to arrange interviews for
their public interest programming. This would be a perfect
opportunity for you to tell the public how you are increasing productivity and that the city needs to maintain realistic
levels of expenditure to provide for adequate replacement
and preventive maintenance programs. Write your spot announcements to highlight the accomplishments of your department and send them to all stations in your area.
cesses and emphasize how they benefit all citizens. Arrange
to display your exhibit at libraries, community centers and
shopping malls. You may be able to take advantage of a captive audience by exhibiting at a scheduled community event.
Open House or Tour
An open house or tour offers participants a new perspective
on public works and gives professionals an opportunity to
discuss the daily operation at their facility. It also is a good
time to gather community members’ opinions of public
works projects and services.
Keep Headquarters Informed
List five changes your department has made in the last two
years to economize. Describe each briefly on paper. Could
any of them be depicted in photographs? Call the editor of
your newspaper, tell him or her that that you have a good
feature story he or she might want to run during NPWW;
then explain your economy measures and what they represent to your community in saved tax dollars.
Public Works Exhibit
Create an exhibit to spotlight your organization’s recent suc-
Your ideas may be very useful to other members or chapters next year. Your feedback helps headquarters staff know
what works and what doesn’t. Just go to the NPWW website
at www.apwa.net/About/npww and click on “Tell us about
your NPWW outreach.”
To help you get your celebration off and running, APWA
has created a web-based “How-To” guide. In this guide you
will find a wealth of information to develop activities for
your NPWW celebration. Just go to www.apwa.net/About/
Computer-Based Testing
NOW Available!
APWA offered its first open block of computer-based
testing for the Certified Public Fleet Professional (CPFP) and
Certified Public Infrastructure Inspector (CPII) on March
16-27, 2009 at over 170 locations in the United States.
Candidates received the benefit of taking the exam locally
and receiving instant scoring!
2009 Open Testing Blocks
July 6-17, 2009 (Eligibility Deadline: April 22, 2009)
November 9-20, 2009 (Eligibility Deadline: August 26, 2009)
For more information visit APWA’s website at www.apwa.net/certification
or contact Becky Stein at [email protected].
April 2009
APWA Reporter
National Public Works Week
Celebrate with us! May 17-23, 2009
2009 National Public Works Week Poster Now Available!
This year’s poster is a spectacular presentation of the theme “Revitalize, Reinvest, Renew.”
Robert Rodriguez, a New Orleans native, has painted the essence of public works: the care and
nurturing of our communities as a city being “planted” in the soil of reinvestment. The background
shows fields of green, healthy communities growing strong. All this is taking place on the national
stage, as represented by the curtains on either side and the typography reminiscent of a movie
Use the attached order form or buy online at www.apwa.net/bookstore.
PSTR08.S Unsigned: Members $12 /Non $15
PSTR08.L Signed by the artist Members: $50 /Non $65
Quantity Discounts (unsigned only):
6 - 10
11 - 30
31 +
Vintage NPWW Posters are still available. Check online for availability.
New Color! The Heart of Every City T-shirt (Heather)
PB.A910 (Men’s Small)
PB.A911 (Men’s Medium)
PB.A912 (Men’s Large)
PB.A913 (Men’s X-Large)
PB.A914 (Men’s XX-Large)
PB.A915 (Men’s XXX-Large)
The Heart of Every City T-shirt (White)
PB.A856 (Men’s Small)
PB.A857 (Men’s Medium)
PB.A858 (Men’s Large)
PB.A859 (Men’s X-Large)
PB.A860 (Men’s XX-Large)
PB.A861 (Men’s XXX-Large)
Always There T-shirt
APWA Navy Cap
PB.A623 • Member $10 /Non $15
PB.AHAT • Member $15 /Non $17
APWA Multi-Function Pocket Knife
PB.A317 • Member $10 /Non $15
“I Public Works”
Bumper Sticker
PB.A320 • Member $1 /Non $2
APWA Flashlight Keychain
PB.A301 • Member $3 /Non $5
PB.A300 • Member $6 /Non $8
APWA Traveler’s Cup
PB.A600 (Men’s Small)
PB.A601 (Men’s Medium)
PB.A602 (Men’s Large)
PB.A603 (Men’s X-Large)
PB.A604 (Men’s XX-Large)
PB.A605 (Men’s XXX-Large)
PB.ACUP • Member $7 /Non $12
APWA T-shirt APWA Silver Tumbler
PB.A417 (Men’s Medium)
PB.A304 (Men’s Large)
PB.A305 (Men’s X-Large)
PB.A306 (Men’s XX-Large)
PB.A307 (Men’s XXX-Large)
S, M, L, XL Member $12 /Non $17
XX-Large Member $14 /Non $19
XXX-Large Member $15 /Non $20
For bulk quantity prices for any items featured in this advertisment, please call 800-848-APWA.
APWA Thermos
PB.A322 • Member $15 /Non $20
APWA Can Cooler
PB.A319 • Member $1.50 /Non $2.50
PB.A744 • Member $13 /Non $18
APWA Coffee Mug
PB.A318 • Member $6 /Non $11
APWA Paper Coffee Cup (Package of 50)
PB.A806 • Member $20 /Non $25
With Plastic Lid: PB.A807 • Member $25 /Non $30
Outreach Items For Children
P.W. Paws Construction T-shirt
P.W. Paws Plush
PB.A313 • Member $8 /Non $13
PB.A900 (Child size 6-8)
PB.A901 (Child size 10-12)
PB.A902 (Child size 14-16)
Member $12 /Non $17
P.W. Paws Balloons
PB.A312 (Package of 12)
Members $3 /Non $5
PB.A405 (Package of 100)
Members $20 /Non $25
PB.A406 (Package of 250)
New! P.W.Paws Construction Hat
Member $2 /Non $3
Members $45 /Non $50
Not sold separately.
P.W. Paws Sampler
• P.W. Paws Plush
• P.W. Paws Pencil
• P.W. Paws Balloon
• P.W. Paws Comic Book
• P.W. Paws Coloring Book
• P.W. Paws Stickers (one sheet)
PB.A347 • Member $10 /Non $15
P.W. Paws Coloring Book
P.W. Paws Stickers
PB.ACPB1 (Individual Book) Member $1 /Non $2
PB.PAWS1 (Individual Book)
Member $1 /Non $2
PB.PAWS (Package of 25)
Member $25 /Non $30
P.W. Paws Comic Book
PB.ACPB (Package of 25) Member $25 /Non $30
PB.STIC1 (Individual Sheet) Member $1 /Non $2
PB.STIC (Package of 25)
Member $25 /Non $30
P.W. Paws Bobble Head
PB.A400 • Member $12 /Non $17
New! P.W. Paws Pencil Pouch
P.W. Paws
Children’s T-shirt
Size: 9 1/4” x 6”
PB.A832 • Member $1 /Non $2
PB.A833 (Package of 25)
Member $25 /Non $30
PW.TEE2 (Child size 2-4)
PW.TEE6 (Child size 6-8)
PW.TEE10 (Child size 10-12)
PW.TEE14 (Child size 14-16)
Member $10 /Non $15
P.W. Paws Pencils
PB.A324 (Package of 12)
Member $3 /Non $5
PB.A402 (Package of 100)
Member $20 /Non $25
PB.A403 (Package of 250)
Member $45 /Non $50
Not sold separately.
Fax: (816) 472-1610 • Mail Orders To: APWA • PO Box 802296 • Kansas City, MO • 64180-2296
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your attention to our policy and look forward to providing you quality products and service.
Excellence in Snow and Ice Control Award
PWA’s Excellence in Snow and Ice Control Award
was established to promote excellence in the
management and administration of public works
snow and ice operations, and to promote the best
practices in snow and ice removal while minimizing environmental impacts. The award is presented annually at
the North American Snow Conference. Following are this
year’s recipients.
City of Beloit, Department of Public Works Operations
Beloit, Wisconsin
Vital to the success of the City of Beloit’s Snow and Ice program is City employee and community education and involvement. To kick off the winter season in November, the
Director of Operations does a television broadcast with the
City Council on snow and ice. At the same time, a full-page
advertisement appears in the local papers and several live
radio broadcasts are performed by staff. The City also has
information on a local cable channel, and produces educational segments for a local television program, “Beloit Today.” Before and after the winter season, the City invites
neighboring communities for a roundtable to discuss the
season’s snow events. This is also done with police and code
enforcement to ensure a seamless operation.
City of Calgary, Department of Transportation – Roads Maintenance
Calgary, Alberta
The City of Calgary Roads utilizes a fleet
of sander trucks which spread prescribed
amounts of deicing or traction materials to the traveling
lane of the road surface. Each sander is equipped with a
computerized controller capable of delivering accurate
amounts of materials in kilograms per lane kilometer.
Many of the units also have a pre-wet system to add liquid
calcium to the materials at dispensing which makes the
material stick to the road surface preventing it from blowing off to the shoulders. In addition to sanders, the City
currently has a fleet of six anti-icing units used to deliver
liquid calcium to the roadway surface, assisting in melting
snow prior to it freezing on the road.
Training’s role at the City of Calgary Roads is to ensure that
there are an adequate number of employees trained to carry
out work, such as snow and ice control, in an efficient, effective and safe manner. Over the last year, in addition to
new employees hired and trained to cover newly-created
districts, vehicle and equipment trainers updated 110 employees from their Class 5 licenses to Class 3 licenses, with
additional training for sander and belly-plow operations.
Vehicle and equipment trainers act as mentors and coaches
for the new sander operators and will “drive-along” with
them during snow events.
The Department of Public Works Operations uses a combination of driver experience and Geographic Information
System (GIS) to chart their plow routes. They use the driver
experience to first write down how the routes are driven and
then use that information to draw the routes in GIS. They
then meet with the drivers to fine-tune the routes. If one
route is found to be too long, the staff can view the other
routes in the area and then move a street to the appropriate
route. The department uses the route sheets to estimate either when drivers were at particular locations or when they
might be able to get there.
The City of Beloit serves as a great model.
APWA Reporter
April 2009
At last year’s North American Snow Conference in Louisville,
Kentucky, then-APWA President Larry Frevert presented the
Excellence in Snow and Ice Control Award to James Statini, who
accepted the award on behalf of Westchester County, New York,
Department of Public Works.
Meet APWA’s Professional Development
t’s strategic management and it’s working for you! In
an effort to provide the best professional development
opportunities for APWA members and the public works
community, APWA has formed a new department at national headquarters. The Professional Development Department merges the Technical Services Department and the
Education Department. APWA Executive Director Peter King
commented, “This realignment is a major step forward to
ensure that APWA responds to members’ professional development needs in a coordinated and comprehensive fashion.
It made strategic and operational sense that the two areas
should come together as one department. APWA members
will benefit immensely from this change. The outcome will
be stronger and better positioned products and services.”
At the time the new Professional Development Department
was created, a new Credentialing Department was also established to place under one umbrella APWA’s rapidly expanding agency accreditation program and new emphasis
on development and delivery of credentialing programs.
This strategic move brings together professionals with technical knowledge in public works with professionals who
understand the science and art of designing and planning
educational training and networking opportunities for our
members. It provides APWA members working in Technical Committees direct access to this process. “It is a win/
win for everyone because of the synergy this brings for our
members,” said Kaye Sullivan, Deputy Executive Director in
the Kansas City office. “Working together, we can stay ahead
of the needs of our members, making sure they have absolutely the best educational experiences possible. This may
also serve to attract members to APWA.”
At a time when responsible public works means managing
resources wisely and effectively rebuilding the infrastructure
and economy in both the United States and Canada, it is
important that every offering meet and exceed the highest
standards possible. The newly hired Director of Professional Development, Mabel Tinjacá, Ph.D., summarized it this
way: “We offer the best value around….above-market quality at below-market fees. APWA should be the first place that
public works professionals turn to when looking for quality
educational, technical and networking opportunities.”
The department will (a) seek to stay in the forefront of practices and technologies in public works, (b) offer the best
possible quality-to-value ratio in professional development
products and services, (c) work to understand the needs of
APWA Reporter
April 2009
The members of APWA’s Professional Development Department. Front
row, left to right: Courtney Thompson and Carrie Merker. Middle row,
left to right: Teresa Hon, Mabel Tinjacá and Phyllis Muder. Back row,
left to right: Colene Roberts, Karen Wilson, Carol Estes, Kathy Dotson
and Christina Davis.
APWA members and all customers, and (d) search for partnerships and collaborations that add quality and value to
APWA programs.
Professional Development staff plan to achieve these goals by
exploring new technology for program delivery, increasing
online learning opportunities, streamlining some of the processes for program development and delivery, improving and
broadening opportunities for networking and peer-to-peer
knowledge exchange, and seeking out the best-of-the best in
public works talent to serve as advisors, speakers and authors.
With the merger, the Professional Development Department
is well positioned to meet the development and growth
needs of APWA members. In the coming weeks and months,
the department will gather information about what kinds
of experiences APWA members are seeking: what information, in what format, when, how and how often. Everyone
is encouraged to contact and express their opinions to any
of the team members.
“The Professional Development Department is here to support APWA members and the public works community to
achieve their goals for growth and development,” Mabel
said. “I am very pleased with the caliber of professionalism exhibited by the staff. It is a fun and talented group of
professionals, and we look forward to working very closely
with members.”
Take a few minutes to meet the staff:
Carrie Merker
Professional Development Program Producer
[email protected]
Mabel Tinjacá
Director of Professional Development
[email protected]
Phyllis Muder
Continuing Education Project Manager
[email protected]
Christina Davis
Continuing Education Project Manager
[email protected]
Colene Roberts
Professional Development Program Manager
[email protected]
Kathy Dotson
Instructional Designer
[email protected]
Courtney Thompson
Professional Development Coordinator
[email protected]
Carol Estes
Professional Development Program Manager
[email protected]
Karen Wilson
Senior Manager of Continuing Education
[email protected]
Teresa Hon
Professional Development Program Manager
[email protected]
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April 2009
APWA Reporter
Generational Issues: Do you have them?
Rosemary Baltcha
Personnel Manager (retired)
Fresno County Public Works & Planning Department
Fresno, California
Member, APWA Diversity Committee
s I sat there on a conference call with my fellow
subcommittee members discussing a tip sheet,
someone said maybe we should put it on Facebook.
I remember hearing the words, but I didn’t have a
clue what they meant. The Subcommittee on Generational Issues, a subcommittee of the APWA National Diversity
Committee, is tasked with working on generational issues
in the workplace. We are looking for ways to reach out, capture the attention, harness the energy, and then, even more
importantly, to retain the interest of young, aspiring and
competent public works professionals at the chapter level
and to groom them to become our future leaders at the national level.
But I sat there, mentally grasping at the word “Facebook.”
Was this in itself a generational issue? What was this term? I
consider myself more than reasonably intelligent, with some
substantive degree of business savvy, and while I confess I’m
not “techno dynamic,” I do have some basic understanding. I know what an iPod is! Well, let’s take a look—maybe
I do have generational issues. By definition, I am officially a
member of the Baby Boomer generation, born between 1946
and 1964.
Just for the record, a generation is best described as a group
of people within our society defined by age boundaries—
those born during a certain period in time, in a certain era.
Each generation has different experiences and exposures as
they grow up that cause them to share similar values, attitudes, attributes and specific knowledge.
There is an infinite amount of information out there regarding this topic which leads me to believe we are not the only
ones who struggle with how to bridge the age gap. But, since
public works professionals are literally known for building
bridges, I have no doubt that we will accomplish this task.
The name each generation is called and the dates in which
each is included vary slightly from source to source, so for
the purpose of this article I will use the most commonly
found terms to define each group. As an additional disclaimer, nothing about any one group of people is ever set in
stone, so please understand that I have relied on some generalizations to discuss this topic. There are of course many
characteristics associated with each generation (optimism,
idealism), but for our purposes I am focusing on how we
communicate and interact.
APWA Reporter
April 2009
Still comprising about 5% of America’s workforce is the Silent Generation. This generation was born between 1922 and
1945; they are currently between 63 and 86. This generation
respects authority (takes orders). Communication in their day
was typically through a formal memo (not a lot of time spent
talking). They put great stock in being respected for their experience, and typically do not mix work and family.
The Baby Boomers, who currently make up approximately
45% of America’s workforce and who are also rapidly retiring, are described as being between the ages of 44 and 62.
Baby Boomers are usually very committed to their jobs or
professions (lifelong careers); they are consensual in nature
and therefore like to meet to discuss things (they’re all about
“Let’s have a meeting”); and they feel the reward of hard
work is greater earning power and more important titles.
They like to feel valued and needed. They don’t necessarily
seek balance in their lives but rather have a “you got to work
to live” mentality. They see no real choice.
Generation X individuals, born between 1965 and 1980, are
currently 28 to 43 and account for 40% of America’s current
workforce. This generation is very self-reliant; they challenge themselves and others; their communication style is
direct and immediate (need answers today); they are motivated by being able to do it their way; and they seek balance
between work and family.
And last, but certainly not least, is our dear Generation Y
(Millennials, as some call them). This generation was born
from 1981 to 2000 (so some are not even old enough to
work yet). However, 10% of them between the ages of 18 to
27 are contributing members to America’s workforce. Sources say their numbers will be as great, if not greater, than the
Baby Boomers once they have all entered the workforce.
This group is the most fascinating to me personally because
of their uniqueness. They have always multi-tasked; they
have a higher tolerance level for just about everything (certainly greater than some of the rest of us); they seek a participative/collaborative work style (in your face); they have
always had e-mail and voice mail, and information on anything and everything has always been “a touch of a button
or keystroke away” for them; and they are not afraid but em-
brace the idea of being with and sharing with other bright,
creative and outgoing individuals like themselves.
If you don’t believe me, just check out Facebook and My
Space, like I did. The users of these sites are, admittedly, not
all Generation X and Y individuals, but they do make up a
majority of the users. They are sharing information on their
personal lives, what goes on daily, their jobs, their beliefs,
their concerns and their commitments. It is here that they
rally around and support common issues and concerns. It
is here that they discuss our world, our environment and,
believe it or not, our future.
What is fascinating is that all of these diverse and unique
generations with their quirks and nuances add up to 100%
of America’s workforce. Never before in our history has the
workplace been populated by four distinct generations “trying” to work together—each bringing a plethora of individual talents, knowledge, skills and abilities to the table, so
to speak, but each struggling with the others’ “quirks and
nuances” to such a degree that they are unable to partake of
the feast before us.
We’ve all seen these generational groups clash over things
like work ethic, respect for authority, dress codes, structured
hours, flexible benefits and many other items that one group
holds in high regard and the other sees as insignificant. We
all have value to add and we all are capable of learning
something new. Both the Silents and the Boomers learned
from Generation X to relax a little and take some time for
family and fun. They taught us balance.
We all have the ability to exercise a little flexibility and, as
with any other diversity issue (race, creed, sexual orientation,
gender), communication is the greatest tool we have. If we do
not use this tool to seek a greater understanding of each other,
then we do have “generational issues” that may cripple our
ability to transcend the future and remain strong.
Maybe we need to “keep our eye on the ball.” What is really important here is that we need to build a bridge to the
future. How do we accomplish this? Facebook, My Space, or
some other yet-to-be determined info sharing site? Well, I
don’t have all the answers. But I can say with some degree of
certainty that those of my generation and the one before us
need to realize that the burden is on us to understand how
to reach and motivate those who will replace us. So I “lol”
(if you don’t know this term then you, too, need to get with
it) at myself for not knowing about Facebook.
Those of us in the two older generational groups (the Silents
and the Boomers) have an obligation to our communities,
our chapters, our Association, and our country to reach out,
to understand, to mentor, and to harvest this great new talent that will come behind us (the Generation X’s and Y’s).
This past December I wrote a resignation letter to my boss
from which I will take a quote:
“… I clearly understand that the things of the greatest value to us are not always the tangible ones. I’ve
learned that whether we want to or not, there comes
a time when we must pass the torch, when we must
relinquish our watch to others, and move on to do
other things. In order to be successful in passing the
torch we must be sure to mentor, grow and groom
those who will succeed us, so that we leave our agencies and organizations in the hands of those who are
capable, eager, and competent enough to improve
these entities for the next generation. This may be the
purest form of sustainability.”
With that said, the Subcommittee on Generational Issues
developed a “tip sheet” entitled “Reaching Out to the Next
Generation: Steps for Engaging New APWA Student and
Young Professional Members.” We are particularly proud of
this work product. It was completed with input from members of the Emerging Leaders Program, current college students who were surveyed, and other young professionals
that provided valuable input. I encourage you to share it
with your chapter’s executive board and use it to grow your
membership and our future. Please see the sidebar for more
Finally, I want to thank the subcommittee and my co-chair,
Mike Fraser, for their tireless effort and hard work on this
project. And as always, we would not have been able to accomplish this or any other tasks without the commitment,
diligence, continued support and hard work of the APWA
staff. Thanks to all!
Rosemary Baltcha can be reached at (559) 349-2999 or
[email protected].
In an effort to assist APWA chapters and branches in
supporting new college student and young professional
members, a list of recommended steps has been developed. This new tool reflects what college students and
young professionals have told APWA is important to
them when they consider active involvement in a professional association. To access “Reaching Out to the Next
Generation: Steps for Engaging New APWA Student and
Young Professional Members” and other helpful items in
our Member Retention Toolkit, please go to www.apwa.
On April 23 at 2:00 p.m. Central, members of the Subcommittee on Generational Issues will host a webcast
for chapters and branches interested in engaging college students and young professionals as they become
APWA members. To register for this webcast, please
contact Rhonda Wilhite at [email protected] for more
April 2009
APWA Reporter
Update your community outreach efforts
with Exploring the World of Public Works
Brittany Barr
Marketing Intern
American Public Works Association
Kansas City, Missouri
ducating young people is an imperative task for public
works professionals. Just ask Barb Stiehl of Urbana, Illinois.
“The number of students pursuing careers in civil
engineering is decreasing, our national infrastructure is in
decline, and resources for maintaining our transportation
system are dwindling,” Stiehl said. “Educating our youth is
important if we want to improve and maintain our quality
of life. They will be making decisions in the future based
upon ideas and information learned today.”
That’s why she joined the Task Force for APWA’s 6th–8th
grade curriculum Exploring the World of Public Works. With
an education background and a goal to “make public works
more visible to students,” Stiehl jumped at the chance to
pilot the program in her own community.
“I was thrilled with the chance to work on a curriculum that
brought the public works field into the classroom,” she said.
“Students have little understanding about the invisible part
of their community.”
Fellow APWA member Mike Wise made the same decision
based on his experiences with grassroots outreach program
Play it Safe, which educates youth about the dangers of
snow-and-ice equipment in his Michigan community. Having received positive student feedback after conducting the
program, Wise realized the importance of outreach.
“We need to create a positive portrayal of public services and
make students and citizens see how much we help them in
everyday life,” Wise said. “You ask these students ‘What is
public works?’ and they don’t have a clue.”
But how exactly does this curriculum bring public works
into middle school classrooms? By combining information,
interactive learning activities, and in-depth details on public
works careers!
The curriculum covers five areas of public works and features
careers in each area. The Instructor’s Guide contains flexible
lesson plans, fun activities which fit three time frames, discussion lead-ins and outlines, and background information
on each topic, making outside preparation unneeded. The
Student Almanac is filled with timelines, career quotes, “Did
You Know” facts, and entertaining features such as “Grimey
APWA Reporter
April 2009
Gooey Grossology,” plus fascinating information about
wastewater treatment, road composition, and more. Mystery
of the Night Vandals, a novel, explores the impact of vandalism, reveals the role that public works has in city maintenance, and comes with its own curriculum that tests student
reading comprehension. Finally, the Resource CD-ROM contains all handouts and additional materials—games, charts,
statistics, and extra activities—which supplement the core
Exploring the World of Public Works in action!
Cathy Barr, author of the curriculum, calls the program a
“complete package.” “The Instructor’s Guide offers step-bystep instructional plans and fun activities that promote
learning,” Barr said. “There are assessments for all the lessons and the novel which gauge student comprehension.
The Student Almanac provides high-interest, ‘real-world’
content in an accessible format.”
Given her background as a former middle school educator
and a state curriculum consultant, Barr is familiar with educational programs—but does this curriculum pass the test of
public works professionals and middle schoolers? According
to Wise, yes!
“Our city council and city managers looked this curriculum
over, and they said it’s the most up-to-date, comprehensive
guide on public works they’ve ever seen compiled,” he said.
“It’s broken into chapters and clearly written, so it defines
and describes exactly what public works really is in an in-
teresting fashion. It piques the interest of the students—the
timelines and variety of information in each chapter keep
it fresh.”
Stiehl also noted student enthusiasm: “I was extremely
impressed by the students in
the classrooms where I presented the curriculum. They
were anxious to learn about
different topics other than the
traditional classroom materials and very open to learning
about public works.”
She also revealed that students enjoyed the activities, the
best feature of the curriculum since they “give students opportunities to learn by doing.”
This concept—learning by doing—is what Barr hopes the
curriculum encourages. “I saw the need to focus on the instructional delivery of the content—how students interact
with content determines the lesson’s effectiveness,” she
said. “I asked, ‘What do students need to know about this
element of public works? What will students do with this
knowledge? How will they interact with the content so that
they achieve understanding?’”
As evidenced in the piloted programs led by Wise, Stiehl and
others, this learning concept is a success. Read on to see how
you can use this curriculum!
Use it when you’re called to make a presentation
at a middle school. Present an overview of the field by
using the first chapter of the Instructor’s Guide and Student
Almanac, lead a detailed and interactive lesson about your
specific area by pulling information from Chapters 2-6, or
cover public works careers with Chapter 7.
The curriculum also can be adapted to create cross-chapter
presentations on important public works topics. As Stiehl
states, it “offers opportunities to familiarize or reinforce the
need for students to protect the valuable resources that we
have. Whether a public works professional wants to discuss
the importance of preserving and maintaining our infrastructure (transportation) or natural resources (water and
trees)…lessons can be used as a springboard for discussion
about recycling and sustainability.” In this way, multiple
chapters—traffic and transportation, water and wastewater, parks and recreation, and solid waste—come together
to cover one public works issue, making it a cinch to pull
together a presentation.
Donate the curriculum to local
schools. Career Exploration classes
might use the curriculum to motivate
student research in a variety of fields,
or a science classroom might focus on the physical science
aspects of projects in construction, traffic and transportation, water and wastewater, and solid waste. Because of the
multi-disciplined nature of the curriculum, it has a use in
nearly every classroom imaginable—subjects covered include social studies, creative dramatics, art, science, communication, and language arts.
Use it during your National Public Works Week
(NPWW) celebration. Chapter 1, Public Works in the Community, and Chapter 7, Careers in Public Works, might be
combined into one lesson presented on the Friday before
NPWW. After the students have gained the general understanding of public works and its many professionals, then
they could explore the five areas in-depth during NPWW.
Extend it into a summer school workshop or afterschool program. The Instructor’s Guide includes ideas for
Extension & Enrichment so that each chapter can become a
unit of study sustained over multiple days. The vast amount
of information presented in the Student Almanac also allows
for deeper investigation, since the time limits imposed by
most classrooms will not allow for thorough exploration of
the resource. The mystery novel curriculum supports development of pre-reading, during-reading, and post-reading
skills, making it perfect for an after-school reading program.
You might hold a workshop on sustainability and “going
green,” or simply expand each lesson using the Extension &
Enrichment suggestions. Barr suggests that the curriculum
“could be used in a nine-week program incorporating language arts, math, science, and social studies in an integrated
study of public works.” Who knows—contacting your local
district might lead to a public works summer course based
on this curriculum!
Use it to expand an outreach programs already in
place. Select pertinent chapters of the curriculum to supplement your current programs. By incorporating new information and activities into existing presentations, you’ll be
sure to retain and gain attendees, wowing them with a new
angle on a familiar subject.
Take Wise’s Play it Safe program. With over 400 attendees,
it’s already successful; however, to keep the information
fresh, Wise will incorporate relevant portions of the curriculum into Play it Safe. “I could take excerpts of what chapters
I need—1, 2 and 7—just to expand on the current program.
We also do a Work Site Safety program in which presenters usually have to wing it—with this [curriculum], there’s a
blueprint. It’s great for speakers to all be on the same page.”
To purchase this curriculum or for more information, please
visit our online bookstore, www.apwa.net/bookstore, or call
Lillie Plowman, Product and Outreach Marketing Manager,
at (800) 848-2792, ext. 5253.
April 2009
APWA Reporter
Ontario Chapter celebrates more
than 40 years of history
Terry Hardy, P.Eng.
Acting Manager of Engineering Services
Urban & Environmental Management Inc.
Niagara Falls, Ontario
Executive Director, Ontario Public Works Association
hapters of APWA invariably owe
their existence to a few special
people who, as a result of their
personal efforts and enthusiasm, sought to establish a local chapter
of the American Public Works Association. The Ontario Chapter (or the Ontario Public Works Association as it’s
now known) is definitely no exception.
Since OPWA was established more than
forty years ago, it will come as no surprise that most of the original founding Board members have since passed
away. However, we have many elder
statesmen who joined OPWA around
the time of its inception and who have
continued to work with and support
the organization ever since.
In 2006, OPWA decided it was time
to properly recognize those individuals who have made significant contributions to the chapter and therefore
created what became known as the
OPWA Pioneers Club. Membership
of the Pioneers Club is exclusive and
only conferred on individuals who
meet the following criteria:
Past Chapter Presidents
Past APWA “Top Ten” award winners
Recipients of the chapter’s “Long
Service Award”
Chapter members awarded Honorary Lifetime Membership in APWA
Individuals judged as having made
a special contribution to the chapter
As of writing this article, membership
in the OPWA Pioneers Club totals 34.
Truly an exclusive club for a chapter
that boasts well over 600 members!
APWA Reporter
April 2009
Some of the Pioneers Club members at the 2008 National Public Works Week luncheon. Back
row, left to right: Jim Drury (1), Bob Hamilton (1,2), Larry Koehle (1,3,5), Vik Silgailis (3,4),
Mike Sheflin (3,4), John Bray (1), Doug Doherty (1), Les Dawley (1), Angus McDonald (1,3), Paul
Smeltzer (1), Rick Bino (1), Jack McCorkell (1,3), Terry Hardy (1,3). Front row, left to right: Bill
Dunford (1,3), Joe Tersigni (3), Bruce Brunton (1,3), Bill Taylor (1), Maureen McCauley (1), Bob
Moore (3), Ric Robertshaw (1,2,4), Ken Thompson (1). Legend: 1 = Past Chapter President, 2 =
Past CPWA President, 3 = Life Member, 4 = Former Top Ten winner, 5 = Current APWA President-Elect
Members of the Pioneers Club are offered discounted registrations to most
OPWA events and complimentary tickets to the chapter’s annual National
Public Works Week Luncheon. The latter provides an opportunity each year
for the Pioneers to get together to renew acquaintances and get caught up
on the latest news affecting the public
works profession.
The feedback we’ve received from the
Pioneers over the past two years has
been overwhelmingly positive. Not
only do they greatly enjoy the opportunity to socialize with their peers
(many of whom they would otherwise
not see on a regular basis), it provides
a unique opportunity for current Board
members to discuss and exchange
views with many of the great public
works leaders of our generation. Certainly, the benefit of their wisdom cannot be overstated.
Since its introduction, the OPWA Pioneers Club has been an enormous success and a tremendous benefit to the
chapter. Most importantly, it has provided those of us who are currently involved in the chapter with the opportunity to honour and pay our respects
to those who came before us.
To quote one of our most distinguished
Ontario Chapter members: “Those of
us who drink the water would do well
to remember those who originally dug
the well.”
Terry Hardy can be reached at (416) 4550648 or [email protected].
We inadvertently listed Joe Superneau
as the author of the article “New ‘letters’ for stormwater managers” in the
February issue (p. 30). The article was
actually written by Bill Spearman, P.E.,
Vice President, Woolpert, Inc., Columbia, SC, member of the Government
Affairs Committee and former member
of the Water Resources Management
Committee. Sorry about that, Bill.
A Year of CHANGE
Exciting General Session Speakers:
Sunday, September 13, 2009
John E. Sununu
Former U. S. Senator, New Hampshire
These Financial Times and the
Impact on Public Works
Monday, September 14, 2009
Larry Winget
How to STOP Getting By and
Start Getting Ahead
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Bob Berkebile, FAIA
Principal, BNIM
Infrastructure for the 21st Century—This
Could Be Our Finest Hour
Regist PEN!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
“Jungle Jack” Hanna
Director Emeritus – Columbus Zoo
2009 APWA International
Congress & Exposition
September 13–16, 2009 | Greater Columbus Convention Center | Columbus, Ohio
Chicago Metro Chapter celebrates 75 years
Larry Lux
President, Lux Advisors, Ltd.
Plainfield, Illinois
Historian, APWA Chicago Metro Chapter
Former member, APWA Board of Directors
In 1933, as the City of Chicago was preparing for the “Century of Progress” World’s Fair to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the city, two major Chicago-based professional
organizations, the American Society of Municipal Engineers
(ASME) and the International Association of Public Works
Officials (IAPWO) decided to merge and form the American
Public Works Association (APWA). At that time three chapters of the predecessor organization already were in existence: the Chicago Chapter, the New Orleans Chapter and
the Delaware Valley Chapter. These three chapters became
the foundation upon which today’s premier organization,
APWA, was built.
In 2006, then-Chicago Chapter President Victor Ramirez
and the Chapter Executive Committee decided to organize a
celebration of the chapter’s 75th Anniversary with the goal
to increase awareness of the many services provided to our
communities by public works professionals and improve the
image of the many contributions that public works renders
every day. I was proud to be asked to lead the effort to put
together a group of members to organize the celebration.
The first meeting of the organizing committee was held on
July 26, 2006, at which time a draft plan was assembled to
mark the anniversary with a year-long series of events and
activities designed to draw attention to our chapter, its accomplishments and our members. It was also decided that
for every chapter event throughout the year a complimentary special commemorative memento would be included as
a part of the event.
Getting it together
The chapter agreed to provide the funding
necessary to get the project off the ground.
One of the very first decisions made was to create a unique identity and tag line for the celebration. We retained a professional graphic 75th Anniverdesigner to assist us in the effort. We wanted sary Logo
to have something that was reminiscent of
the Official 1933 World’s Fair poster, but reflected the 75
years of service of the chapter. After reviewing a number of
options, it was decided that we would adopt the logo shown
here that was used throughout 2008 to draw attention to the
various activities. The theme “Improving the Chicago Area
APWA Reporter
April 2009
Quality of Life for 75 Years” was also adopted and used on
all printed materials throughout the year.
No successful event, especially one of this magnitude, is possible without the financial support and participation of its
members and their organizations. Fortunately, Chicago has
always enjoyed the strong partnership with the consultant
and supplier community, and with their generous participation, the chapter was ultimately able to generate nearly
$75,000 in sponsorships that made the entire program possible. About 25 key chapter leaders and officers planned,
organized and executed one of the most memorable and
ambitious projects ever undertaken by the chapter. The following is a brief summary of the wide variety of events and
activities that were conducted to recognize this remarkable
The calendar
A 75th Anniversary year calendar was created that focused on
the rich history of the chapter.
The chapter and each of the five
branches had their own month
to feature their past events
and accomplishments. Other
months featured the chapter Calendar Cover
history as host of the APWA
Congress, our annual Holiday Party, educational programs,
current and former national leaders from the chapter, golf
outings and awards, culminating with a series of nostalgic
photos from the past. The calendar was distributed at the
chapter’s Holiday Party and mailed to every member who
was unable to attend the event. The calendar cover featured
the various logos the chapter has had over their 75-year history.
The kickoff
The year began with an “Anniversary Kickoff” held as part
of our annual Chapter Holiday Party in December 2007. Approximately 325 members and guests were present to join
in the day’s celebration. The event featured a slide show
highlighting many historic photos of past events and activities. As the APWA headquarters was in Chicago for much
of the history of the organization, all former headquarters
staff members still living in the area were invited to attend
Patents #6,943,698; #6,693,556
as guests of the chapter to renew old friendships and share
the day. Every year, the chapter also conducts a “Toys for
Tots” drive as a part of the Holiday Party, normally gathering about $5,000 worth of new toys that are donated to the
Marine Corps drive. The day was highlighted by a visit from
then-APWA President Larry Frevert and the unveiling of the
official logo.
The Post Anchor that meets all
Federal Breakaway Regulations!
In March, approximately 30 chapter members volunteered
at Chicago’s public television station, WTTW Channel 11,
to take part in their annual spring fundraising drive. For the
last dozen years or so, Channel 11 has featured a series of
documentary programs hosted and produced by Geoffrey
Baer, a noted Chicago historian, focusing on the history of
the Chicago area. Much of the focus of the programming has
been on public works projects and influences. Throughout
the evening, we (the chapter) were frequently mentioned
and we were “on camera” in our bright red shirts emblazoned with the 75th logo during every programming break.
We successfully raised over $65,000 in four hours. The event
was repeated in December 2008 when over 40 members
once again raised nearly $70,000 during the premier of a
new program on Chicago’s magnificent lakefront.
Evening of Elegance
The major and highest profile event of the year was held
on Friday, May 9, at the world-renowned Chicago History
Museum. This black-tie optional event was attended by over
300 people. The evening featured an exclusive opportunity
to visit the entire museum that features much of Chicago’s
public works history and a special presentation by Geoffrey
Baer, producer and host of WTTW Channel 11 in Chicago.
Mr. Baer presented a series of excerpts and comments from
his documentaries that focused on public works projects
and activities that had historic significance in the development of the city. The presentation was followed by a cocktail
reception and gourmet dinner and musical entertainment
in a room overlooking Lake Michigan. The major highlight
of the evening was the debut of a new book published by the
chapter documenting the nearly 250 years of public works
impacts on the growth of the city.
Documenting history
The major legacy project of the
anniversary year was the commitment of the chapter to fund
and support the research and
development of a “coffee table”
quality book that would document the rich public works history of the Chicago area. The
book includes a documented Cover of Chicago Chapter
history of the role that the Public Works History Book
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people, projects and profession have played in the growth
and development of the Chicago area beginning in 1673
through the end of 2007. It also includes a detailed narrative
and photographs of nearly 50 Chicago and suburban public
works landmarks. A featured highlight of the book is a series
of biographical sketches of the prominent local engineers, architects and public works leaders that have influenced the
profession both in Chicago and around the world.
The book also includes a series of interviews from 1994 and
2008 with notable local public works engineers and leaders
and provides a historical perspective of our chapter leadership.
Finally, it contains a detailed listing of the history of the Chicago Metropolitan Chapter and the people that have been
a part of the growth of the region. The book was written by
Chapter Past President Larry Lux; Howard Rosen, Ph.D., noted public works historian; and Elizabeth Trantowski, public
history researcher at Chicago’s Loyola University.
The book was officially released at the “Evening of Elegance”
and each person in attendance was given a complimentary
copy of the new book. Additional copies have been purchased at cost by the branches and are being used as speaker
gifts and door prizes. Copies are also being sold on the chapter website, in the APWA bookstore and at various events.
tainment before and during the entire event. It was truly a
memorable evening at a fantastic venue.
The year-long celebration was completed at the 2008 Holiday Party that was attended by over 400 members and
guests. A special slide show was put together that featured
photos from each of the anniversary events, and special recognition was given to the 75th Anniversary committee for
their hard work and effort.
Secrets for success
The entire program would not have been possible without
the enthusiastic support and commitment of a group of key
people and the solid support of the chapter, the consulting
community and our suppliers who contributed generously
to make the celebration a reality. Throughout the year we
were often asked, “How can you do this?” There is no secret
to the success. There are no easy answers, especially with
the pressures of our everyday jobs these days. In summary,
if you develop a clear message, set achievable goals and give
solid purpose to the event, success is within reach. If other
chapters are considering celebrating some special anniversary or event, we would offer the following blueprint:
Identify and involve key interested people in the chapter to assume the leadership responsibility for the plan.
Discuss, debate and agree upon the vision of the event.
Develop a unique identity for the event.
Develop a sound, realistic funding plan, budget and approach.
Provide the committee with the support, direction and
guidance they need in order to be successful, then step
aside and let them use their creativity to get it done,
monitoring progress along the way.
Stay flexible as things and circumstances will change
throughout the planning and execution period.
Watch the budget to make sure the event matches the
money available to support it.
Document your failures as well as your successes.
Be sure to recognize those involved in the plan at the
appropriate times.
Golf outings
One of the chapter’s major fundraising events is the Annual
Golf Outing which has been held every year since 1949 and
this year will be celebrating its 60th year. In 2008, each participant was presented with a lob wedge as a memento of
the event. The back of the club was engraved with the 75th
Anniversary logo.
Joint celebration in New Orleans
In September 2006, the representatives of the three chapters
celebrating their 75th anniversaries met in Kansas City during the annual APWA International Public Works Congress
& Exposition to discuss the possibility of hosting a joint
dinner in 2008 at Congress in New Orleans. Following this
meeting, two of the chapters, Chicago and Louisiana, agreed
that the idea was viable and a good way to promote the
chapters, celebrate the occasion within APWA, and provide
a great opportunity for networking and social interaction
between the two chapters. A committee of two representatives from each chapter began meeting by telephone conference call to put the event together.
The event was held at the spectacular World War II Museum
in New Orleans and was attended by over 300 people, including the APWA Board of Directors and many of the APWA
Past Presidents. Attendees were given the opportunity to
tour and visit this wonderful museum that is dedicated to
honoring those from the “greatest generation.” As a special
attraction, the Harry Connick, Sr., orchestra provided enter46
APWA Reporter
April 2009
If participation is a measure of success, this series of events
was the most successful in the history of the Chicago Metro
Chapter, with more than 1,500 people personally participating in the various events and countless others having been
exposed and informed about the history of the chapter and
the region.
Larry Lux can be reached at (815) 886-6909 or larrylux@
Choosing the right tool: two perspectives on
private firms and public works
Note: The Public Works Historical Society
Board of Trustees is composed of practitioners from within field of public works as
well as academics who are interested in
the history of public works. Bill Kappel offers his perspective as a public works practitioner while Charles Jacobson provides a
historical perspective.
A management tool
that works for public
William A. Kappel
Director of Public Works
City of Wauwatosa, Wisconsin
Chair, APWA Congress Program Review
Having begun my public works career
on what most would consider to be the
bottom rung of the professional ladder—as a laborer—the word “privatization” holds special meaning for me.
Early in my career the word “privatization” was used by managers like a cattle prod to induce greater productivity
out of employees. The threat was constant: “You’d better do the job quickly
and efficiently or we’ll just privatize
the work!” No wonder it had a negative
connotation in my dictionary.
The experiences I have had as a public
manager and especially since becoming
a public works director in 2000 have
changed my view of privatization. Today I view privatization as one among
many tools in a good public manager’s
toolbox. Indeed, over the course of my
career, I have been involved with decisions to privatize services formerly
furnished by municipal employees, to
deprivatize services formerly furnished
by private firms, and to employ hybrid
public-private arrangements.
APWA Reporter
April 2009
What is privatization?
I would define privatization as the
shifting of the production of a good or
the provision of a service from the government to the private sector. Goods or
services sometimes privatized by local
governments include streetlighting,
solid waste collection and disposal,
equipment maintenance and repair,
and facility maintenance. Involving
the private sector in the provision of
these and other goods and services has
been going on for a long time.
My first encounter with privatization
came during the late 1960s when I labored for the City of Milwaukee Public
Works Department as a “garbage man”
while also attending college. After finishing our daily collection route, we
would take our loaded truck and dump
it at one of several former municipal
incinerator plants. The solid waste was
no longer being burned at the plants.
Rather, each of the former incinerator
plants had been converted to a transfer
station. A nationally-recognized waste
management firm in turn hauled the
solid waste to its own regional “sanitary” landfill for burial.
This company was the same one our
supervisor used to threaten with the
loss of our collection jobs. Nevertheless, the company was performing a
valuable service for the City as they
were handling all of the solid waste
that the City could no longer incinerate because of changing federal regulations on air quality. It might also be
interesting to note that currently as a
public works director, in a municipality
neighboring Milwaukee, I am still dealing, on a contractual basis, with this
very same waste management firm for
both landfilling and recycling services.
Crack filling by contact
As a public works manager, I have at
times found privatization to be the
best means of delivering a particular
public service. In 2003, for example, I
had staff work on an analysis of crack
filling work. This was generally done
by seasonal help supervised by one
year-round employee. The crew leader
for this work crew was not a coveted
position among the more skilled employees and more often than not fell to
the least senior employee qualified for
the job. It would take three months to
complete the work that needed to be
done for the next year’s street sealing
program. In 2003, the crew did not finish the required area and after doing a
cost-benefit analysis, hiring a contractor was proposed. The City continued
to buy the material to take advantage
of its tax-exempt status, but the work
was let out by contract to the lowest
bidder. The work was bid on a squarefoot basis.
The City has been fortunate to get very
good contractors and pricing for this
work. Over the past four years, contractors have finished the areas within less
than two weeks. The cracks are also being routed prior to filling, which produces a much better end product and
was a service level increase not performed by the City workforce. The cost
of this service has remained relatively
constant for several years.
Deprivatizing streetlighting
While employing a contractor has
proven successful in the case of crack
filling, I have also found it necessary
in other circumstances to deprivatize
a service formerly provided by a private firm. Not long after becoming
the public works director for a small
suburban community I was besieged
by the public works management staff
to do something about the streetlighting contract. Both the superintendent
and the supervisor of the electrical
unit felt that the City was paying an
outside firm top dollar for maintaining
the streetlighting system and was not
getting its money’s worth. Burned-out
streetlight lamps or outages reported
by residents were not being repaired
promptly, and it seemed as though the
company did not always treat its obligations to the City as a priority if it had
other work. This service had been performed by City electrical technicians
prior to being privatized sometime in
the mid-nineties.
In looking over the bid documents,
it was not always clear how soon or
even at what cost lamps needed to be
replaced or outages repaired. The original cost-benefit analysis, performed in
the mid-nineties, decreased costs for
the City personnel department and
the City attorney’s office even though
these savings were never realized.
These lowered costs were a driving factor in privatizing the work. In 2001,
a new cost-benefit analysis was performed making sure to compare apples
to apples. It demonstrated that even
when accounting for the full benefit
package, two in-house electrical technicians could maintain the streetlighting system at less cost than the City
was paying out to a contractor. There
had been two different firms that had
won the contract over the previous five
to six years. The analysis was discussed
with the local elected officials during
the budget process (the budget is adopted in November and the fiscal year
runs from January 1 to December 31).
It was decided to give the department
another chance at running and maintaining the City’s streetlighting system.
Two electrical technicians were hired
at mid-year in 2002. They have been
maintaining the system ever since.
Lamps are now generally replaced
within 24 hours of notification of an
outage. Outages involving a circuit are
generally repaired with 48 hours of notification. The department has not had
an elected official complain about any
streetlights being out in a long time.
A hybrid approach to solid
waste and recyclables
Since 1994, the City had one of the
most successful “Blue Bag” recycling
collection programs in the country. A
blue bag program comingles the recyclables with the regular waste, which is
collected by one vehicle. The collection
work was done with municipal employees. The mix of recyclables in the
blue bags and solid waste was dumped
on the transfer station tipping floor.
From that point on, a private contractor took over and was responsible for
separating the blue bags from the regular solid waste. The mixed waste was
fed over a series of conveyers and the
blue bags were picked off and separated from the regular waste. Bags of
newspaper were broken open and the
printed material placed on a conveyor
that went directly to a large semi-trailer. The semi-trailer of newsprint and
mixed paper went directly to a paper
recycler on the other side of town. The
mixed recyclables were left in the blue
bags, fed onto a second conveyor and
into a second semi-trailer for shipment
to the contractor’s secondary sorting
facility. The remaining waste remained
on the main conveyor and was fed
into a large compactor. The contractor
trucked the compactor of solid waste to
their landfill.
Starting in December 2007, the City
privatized the collection of recyclables.
Since no one was laid off, there were
no union issues. We hired the existing
contactor to collect and process mixed
recyclables placed curbside in 95-gallon carts with a fully-automated vehicle. The City purchased the recycling
carts and opted to get carts made from
100% recycled material. This type of recycling collection program is commonly called “single stream” recycling and
is fast becoming the method of choice
for residential curbside recycling programs. The carts are emptied on an
April 2009
APWA Reporter
every-other-week schedule. Our own
workforce collects the residential solid
waste weekly using the same 90- and
95-gallon carts that we had been using since the late 1980s with semi-automated vehicles. The residential solid
waste is dumped at our own transfer
station, operated by the private contractor. This material goes to the landfill. The mixed recyclables are taken to
a new sorting facility, owned and operated by the contractor, where the various materials, newsprint, mixed paper,
aluminum, glass, etc. are separated,
baled and sold to various markets.
There were three major reasons for
privatizing the collection of recyclables. First, the cost of separating
the blue bags from the regular waste
stream was skyrocketing. The price per
ton was better than double the price
per ton for landfilling. The company
was pushing to get out of their contract
to sort the blue bags. The City did not
receive any money back from the recyclables in the blue bag method. With
market prices for recycled material on
the rise, the City wanted to change the
contract to reap some of the benefits of
the rising prices.
The second reason is the City had been
considering moving to fully-automated collection of solid waste for a long
time. Our municipality is a first-ring
suburban city, neighboring a major
metropolitan area. It has quite a mix
of housing and lot sizes. But staff foresaw several problems associated with
fully-automated collection. The waste
company has run into several of the
problems. Narrow alleys with tight
turns, cars parked in front of the carts,
or carts not being placed in an accessible location are just a few. We are letting the private contractor provide us
with solutions to these problems before we invest in new equipment. The
contractor began the collections using
a frontload vehicle, modified with a
grabber arm and a container. The contractor plans to purchase new equipment in the third or fourth quarter of
the year. In the meantime, they have
had to bring a third, smaller vehicle in
every other Friday in order to collect
APWA Reporter
April 2009
the carts in the narrow or dead-ended
alleys because their frontload vehicle is
too large to make some of the turns.
service than the contractor. It will be
interesting to see what role the cost of
the service will play in future decisions.
Thirdly, privatizing the collection of
the recyclables gives management a
clear costing benchmark for collection
services on which to base future decisions regarding the fully-automated
collection of regular solid waste.
While we are only five months into
the single stream recyclable collection,
our residents have drawn conclusions
that the private collection service does
not offer the same level of service as
we do with our own employees. Everything to be recycled must be placed
inside the container including items
such as large cardboard boxes which
our residents are used to just placing
next to their containers for collection.
The recycling containers also need to
be placed properly at the curb or alley
line, since the operator of the automated vehicle does not get out of the cab
of his truck. This has been a problem
in alleys where residents were used to
just leaving their carts where they were
stored for collection. At about 50% of
the homes that have alleys (this is only
a small fraction of our city), the resident needs to physically move the container on the proper collection day in
order to ensure a collection.
On the positive side, the revenue from
the sale of the recyclables coming back
to the City has continued to increase
each month. While it does not entirely
offset the cost of the collection, there
is no tipping fee for the recycling tonnage and the City has begun to get
back between $50-55 a ton for each ton
This example points out the importance of not only considering the
service that may be privatized, but
also the level of service. While I have
considered automating the regular
solid waste and reducing the workforce
through attrition, I expect this may not
be acceptable to all our residents after
their experiences with the recycling
containers. There is no question in my
mind that the City workforce offers a
higher and indeed expected level of
Over the course of my career in public
works, I have found it advantageous at
different times to privatize some public
services, deprivatize others, and to employ various hybrid arrangements. In
my experience, the wisdom of privatizing the provision of a good or service
depends on the circumstances.
As you have seen in the examples
above, it may make sense to do the
work using your own employees in
some settings or it may make sense
to privatize some or all of it. For each
service being recommended for a shift,
a complete cost-benefit analysis was
performed. The pros and cons of taking work back in-house or privatizing
work were thoroughly examined. In
all of the examples shown above there
was also a labor union to deal with.
While not the case in every municipality, this is one important step that
cannot be overlooked. The local union
is well aware of the fact that I have
added jobs as well as eliminated them
depending on how efficient and cost
effective our own workforce can be. I
have always communicated my intentions to them prior to taking the final
steps in the process. No surprises! Both
management and the labor union try
to operate under this type of a communication policy. The labor agreement
does contain a clause that allows for
contracting out services but only if no
one is laid off.
The final decision makers are the elected officials. One must be very clear
when presenting cost-benefit analyses
of these sorts if one expects to get a
positive recommendation. By the way,
it also is a good idea to follow up in the
middle or at the end of the year as to
just how the effort is working out. It is
important to provide this information,
even if it shows that the change may
not have been a good one.
William “Bill” Kappel is the Director of
Public Works for the City of Wauwatosa,
Wisconsin. He is a member of the Public
Works Historical Society Board of Trustees,
chair of the APWA Congress Program Review Committee, and a chapter delegate.
He can be reached at (414) 479-8933 or
[email protected].
A historical look at
the roles played by
private firms in the
provision of public
Charles D. Jacobson, Ph.D.
Senior Research Associate
Morgan Angel & Associates
Washington, D.C.
Past President, Public Works Historical
A short walk away from Baltimore’s famous aquarium along the city’s inner
harbor, there can be found a less well
known yet more unusual attraction
advertising itself as the “surprisingly
interesting” Baltimore Public Works
Museum. The museum lives up to its
billing. Housed in a handsome brick
structure built in 1912 as a sewage
pumping station, the museum contains numerous exhibits illuminating
the historical development and contemporary technological functioning
of some of the public works systems
still serving Baltimore and its environs
today. As shall be seen below, a surprisingly broad—and interesting—range of
variation can also be found in historical and contemporary roles played by
private firms and government agencies
in delivering public services and furnishing public works systems in American communities.
utility systems. The history, however,
is not just one of random variation.
Patterns and trends can be discerned
in the character of governmental and
private arrangements employed for
furnishing different goods and services and in how the arrangements have
fared over time in different settings.
and workforce that might otherwise
have been required. At the same time,
utilization of short-term rather than
long-term contracts appeared to offer a
means for local governments to avoid
becoming overly dependent on any
single firm and to keep alive at least the
possibility of future competition.
In the case of solid waste collection and
disposal, forms of private provision initially predominated. In many communities during the late nineteenth century, local governments arranged for
the provision of solid waste collection
and disposal services by entering into
short-term contracts with private firms,
with contracts sometimes awarded on
the basis of competitive bids. Relying
on private firms for service provision
in this manner was broadly consistent
with free enterprise ideology and held
the promise of obtaining publiclyimportant waste collection and disposal services economically without
the expenditures of funds and expansion of the governmental bureaucracy
Without the security of a long-term
contract or franchise, however, privately-owned service providers were generally reluctant to invest in expensive
but potentially useful capital facilities
such as incinerators. Late nineteenth
and early twentieth century municipal
reformers and sanitary advocates also
complained of other problems with the
prevailing contracting arrangements,
including the boosting of profits by
contractors at the expense of service
quality, corruption in contract awards,
and undue contractor influence over
municipal politics. Rather than relying
on profit-seeking private enterprises to
furnish important solid waste collection and disposal services, some con-
In different communities at different
times, for example, solid waste collection and disposal has been performed
by local governments themselves, by
private firms under contract with local governments, and by private firms
under contract with individual households and businesses. Similarly, numerous historical and contemporary
examples can be found of government
agencies and private firms owning and
operating water supply and distribution systems, electric utility systems,
and other public works and public
April 2009
APWA Reporter
tended, the public interest would better be served by democratically-elected
municipal governments doing the
work themselves.
In this context, an increasingly large
proportion of municipal governments
during the first and second decades
of the twentieth century chose to furnish solid waste collection and disposal services themselves rather than
to rely on private contractors. Organizational changes within municipal
governments accompanied this shift,
with many communities transferring
responsibility for sanitation services
health commissions to public works
departments overseen by professional
engineers and managers.
In recent years, responsibility for solid
waste collection and disposal has largely
continued to remain in governmental
hands in larger jurisdictions with more
entrenched and professional public works
organizations. Particularly in smaller
communities, however, the years since
1970 have seen something of a resurgence in the contracting out of the service
to private enterprises. Factors driving this
trend include the increased prominence
of anti-government ideology, desires on
the part of local governments to cut labor
costs and to avoid having to bargain with
unionized workforces, and greater difficulty and expense in siting and building
landfills and other disposal facilities due
to local opposition and new environmental regulations. Also important has been
the rise of large, professionally managed,
integrated solid waste collection and disposal firms which are better positioned to
invest in recycling systems and expensive
and distant disposal facilities than many
smaller and more geographically constrained communities.
In the case of water supply and distribution, the history has been quite similar in some ways but very different in
others. As with solid waste collection
and disposal, municipal governments
in the United States during the nineteenth century typically first turned to
private firms to construct water supply
and distribution systems. But whereas
APWA Reporter
April 2009
short-term contracting prevailed in
solid waste collection and disposal, private firms generally would not invest
in the expensive fixed facilities constituting water supply and distribution
systems without the security of a longterm contract or franchise.
In some cases, the initial contracts or
franchises agreed between local governments and water companies specified location(s) from which water was
to be drawn, quantities to be supplied,
provisions to be made for serving public fire protection needs, and other
such matters in considerable detail. In
communities experiencing little population growth or changes in demand
for water, such arrangements sometimes sufficed to structure relationships between local governments and
private waterworks firms for long periods of time. In the rapidly growing major American cities, however, increases
in demand for water and for facility
expansion during the nineteenth century quickly rendered initial contract
or franchise arrangements obsolete,
and municipal governments and waterworks firms often found themselves
at loggerheads.
As a consequence of such conflicts and
accompanying problems in service delivery, municipal governments in most
major American cities had built or acquired their own waterworks systems
by the end of the nineteenth century.
Although privately-owned waterworks
did not disappear from the American
scene, they served a relatively small
proportion of the urban population
and were mostly to be found in smaller
and less rapidly growing communities.
This broad pattern has largely remained
to the present day, with governmentowned waterworks predominating
in larger urban centers in the United
States and privately-owned systems
tending to be more modest in scale and
serving smaller communities. Interestingly, the relatively few large privatelyowned water supply and distribution
systems in the United States are mostly
to be found in heavily populated areas
such as northern New Jersey, which is
comprised of many small political ju-
risdictions for which individual waterworks systems would be impracticable.
Like their waterworks counterparts,
electric utility systems consist of fixed
and expensive facilities serving both
private consumer demands and public
needs. As in waterworks, private firms
owned the great majority of early electric utility systems in American communities during the 1880s and 1890s. At
the same time, in electric utilities as in
waterworks, requirements for long-term
investments in expensive fixed facilities
meant that bidding contests between
private firms for short-term contracts or
franchises could not be relied upon to
protect public interests in the provision
of services. As a result, private firms and
government agencies during the first
decades of electric utility development
typically found themselves enmeshed
in long-term relationships.
At least in most urbanized areas of the
United States, however, arranging for
delivery of high-quality services from
private firms did not prove problematical to nearly the same extent in
electric utilities as in waterworks. Because the output and quality of streetlighting could be easily measured and
monitored by the naked eye, municipal governments and private electric
utility firms, even in rapidly growing
cities, could arrange for provision of
service under relatively simple contractual arrangements in a manner impossible with water for fire protection. To
a greater extent than in waterworks,
market forces also created incentives
for electric utility firms to furnish highquality service and to exercise restraint
in pricing. Until well into the first decade of the twentieth century in many
American communities, for example,
electric utility firms faced aggressive
competition from gas companies for
both private lighting business and public streetlighting contracts.
In this context, private ownership
of electric utilities survived in most
American communities even though
the firms came under intense criticism
at times for overcharging consumers or
for exercising undue and corrupting influence on municipal politics. This pattern has largely remained to the present day, with residents of most larger
urban regions in the United States
continuing to be served by private
electric utility firms. However, there
are important exceptions. During the
early twentieth century, for example,
municipal governments in both Seattle and Los Angeles developed their
own electric utility systems as means
of bringing cheap hydroelectric power
to their communities and to achieve
industrial development goals. During the 1930s, the federal government
formed the Tennessee Valley Authority
and underwrote the formation of rural
electric cooperatives as means to fulfill
regional development goals and bring
the benefits of electric utility services
to rural areas. And far more recently,
during the late 1990s, a state agency
took over the privately-owned electric
utility on Long Island as a means to cut
costs to consumers and resolve problems resulting from expenditures by
the private firm on an ultimately abandoned nuclear plant project.
As can be seen in the brief historical accounts above, private firms have long
been involved in a variety of ways in
delivering public services and furnishing public works systems in American
communities. Factors shaping performance include the capabilities of the
firms themselves, market forces and the
presence or absence of competition,
utilization of expensive fixed facilities
in order to furnish service, ease or difficulty in measuring output and monitoring quality, and ease or difficulty in
devising workable, straightforward and
enforceable contractual arrangements
for service delivery.
For decision makers today, the history
suggests that profit-motivated private
firms can play valuable roles in the
provision of public services but that account needs to be taken of the factors
enumerated above in order to ensure
that the profit motive is harnessed in
ways consistent with broader public
When you need
more than a
snowplow to
protect against
winter weather
interests. Given that the future will
give rise to circumstances that cannot
be anticipated in the present, caution
is particularly indicated in entering
into long-term arrangements involving expensive fixed facilities such as
water supply and distribution systems
or toll roads. After all, it is unlikely that
anyone in Baltimore in 1912 could
have imagined that a sewage pumping station along the city’s waterfront
might someday be used as a museum.
But the fact that the structure remains
in public hands, and that it was built
soundly, beautifully and with an eye
to the long-term, is what has made the
transformation possible.
Charles Jacobson is a Past President of
the Public Works Historical Society and
Senior Research Associate for Morgan
Angel & Associates, a team of experienced
historians specializing in historical
research and public policy analysis,
located in Washington, D.C. He can be
reached at (202) 265-1833, ext. 14, or
[email protected].
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April 2009
APWA Reporter
APWA Book Review
Green Building through Integrated
256 pp • 2008 • McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing • Jerry Yudelson
Green Building through Integrated Design
is a guide to greening your next project. This is not a book about how to design a green building—there are many
fine books on that subject by leading architects—but rather
a book about the design and delivery process.
How can building teams design, build and operate commercial and institutional projects that are truly green? How can
they deliver buildings that will save at least 50 percent of
energy use against standard buildings? The way buildings
are designed and constructed must change to reduce overall carbon dioxide emissions below 1990 levels, the current
Kyoto target.
In Green Building through Integrated Design, Jerry Yudelson,
one of the foremost experts in the field, delivers a step-bystep process for planning, designing, constructing and operating high-performance green buildings—covering the
entire process of building a certified green building. This
comprehensive, well-illustrated guide is written for architects, engineers, project managers, general contractors,
cost estimators, property and real estate managers, facility
managers, and property developers. You’ll get expert insight
into tackling various projects, from concept and design, to
unifying members of the team, to constructing high-performance buildings on time and within standard budgets. This
heavily-illustrated book is an important resource for anyone
who wants to leapfrog years of experiential learning and get
right to the heart of effective design process management
for green building design.
The book features interviews with key players as a way to
illuminate the integrated design process, including relevant
issues, difficult challenges, lessons learned and problemsolving techniques. It includes:
Key questions to ask at each stage of the green building
Profiles of 30 LEED® Platinum projects in the U.S. and
APWA Reporter
April 2009
Detailed interviews with numerous designers and builders.
Useful checklists, tables and charts, along with numerous project photos.
Key tips on how to implement the LEED® design and
certification process.
Information on how to use green building project management software.
Green Building through Integrated Design also covers:
Project Costs
Business Case Benefits
Green Technologies
Rating and Certification Systems
Integrated Design Process
Certification Process
Case Studies
Green Building through Integrated Design is the most complete
overview of green building project delivery available, and
is a thorough blueprint that every member of the project
team will find invaluable. It includes real-world examples
and case studies from which core principles and practices
of integrated design, as practiced by leading architects, engineers, builders, developers and owners, can be extracted.
The author hopes that individuals will find this book to
be an extremely timely and highly informational resource
for addressing critical aspects of the design process, as they
make their contribution to the green building movement.
To obtain your copy, please call the APWA Bookstore at
1-800-848-APWA, ext. 5254. Or, for more information on
purchasing this publication and other American Public
Works Association books, please visit the APWA Bookstore
online at www.apwa.net/bookstore.
or more information about these programs or to register online, visit www.apwa.net/Education.
Program information will be updated as it becomes available. Questions? Call the Education Department
at 1-800-848-APWA.
= Click, Listen, & Learn program
= Web-Based Training
= Live Workshop
Spring 2009
Apr 9
Continuity of Operations—How to Stay On Top
Apr 14-16
Construction Inspection: A Review Workshop – Denver, CO
April 24
Self-Assessment Using the Management Practices Manual – Pocatello, ID
Apr 26-29
North American Snow Conference – Des Moines, IA
May 1
Self Assessment Using the Management Practices Manual – Pittsburgh, PA
May 5-7
Public Fleet Management Workshop—Boston, MA
May 6
Public Infrastructure Inspector Study Guide #1
May 13
Public Infrastructure Inspector Study Guide #2
May 20
Public Infrastructure Inspector Study Guide #3
May 21
Traffic Mediation—Neighborhood and Pedestrian Safety Programs
May 21-22
PSMJ’s Public Works Project Management Bootcamp – Vancouver, BC
May 28-29
PSMJ’s Public Works Project Management Bootcamp – Tampa, FL
June 3
Public Fleet Manager Study Guide #1
June 4-5
PSMJ’s Public Works Project Management Bootcamp – Costa Mesa, CA
June 10
Public Fleet Manager Study Guide #2
June 11-12
PSMJ’s Public Works Project Management Bootcamp – Chicago, IL
June 17
Public Fleet Manager Study Guide #3
June 18-19
PSMJ’s Public Works Project Management Bootcamp – Austin, TX
June 25-26
PSMJ’s Public Works Project Management Bootcamp – Albany, NY
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April 2009
APWA Reporter
William A. Sterling, P.E.
Director of Public Works (Ret.)
City of Greeley, Colorado
Member, APWA Leadership and Management Committee
The APWA Leadership and Management
Committee has introduced a series of articles entitled “Cleaning up the Kitchen”
which focus on a wide variety of leadership
and management issues. This is the fifth
series of articles contributed by the committee over the past few years. The purpose of the articles is to provide thoughtprovoking topics and situations which are
likely to be currently occurring in the public works arena with the intention of offering some insight or reference for members
who may be facing similar situations. The
members of the committee welcome your
input for other topics or issues you may be
facing. A current roster of the members is
available on the Leadership and Management web page at www.apwa.net/About/
“Fail to honor people, they fail to
honor you;
But of a good leader, who talks
When his work is done, his aim
They will all say, ‘We did this
– Lao Tzu, Book of Tao
The role of the manager has changed
significantly in many public works organizations. The strong manager capable of almost single-handedly turning
around an organization, while still a
folk hero in the eyes of many, has given
way to the recent demands of increasingly complex systems for managers
who are able to pull together people
of diverse backgrounds, personalities,
training and experience and weld them
into an effective working group-a team.
The Lone Ranger of yesterday is gone!
A manager must involve others in the
functions of planning, organizing, staff56
APWA Reporter
April 2009
ing and staff development, directing
and leading, and evaluating and controlling. It is a matter of necessity! Thus,
if traditional-bound managers can be
convinced of the superiority of the team
model over the heroic model, we may
yet see the light of day. We may witness
a transition from the Lone Ranger model to the Team Ranger model.
In his book Flight of the Buffalo, James
A. Belasco describes his change from a
one-leader organization to a team approach. All leaders face a challenge of
leadership; the old models and paradigms no longer work. How leaders develop, and live a new model of leadership, will be the critical success factor
for most every organization. For a long
time, he believed that his organization functioned like a herd of buffalo.
Buffalo are absolutely loyal followers
of one leader. They do whatever the
leader wants them to do; go wherever the leader wants them to go. He
was the lead buffalo. He realized that
his organization was no longer working as well as in the past because, being loyal to one leader, his staff would
stand around and wait for the leader
to show them what to do. He began to
find that being this type of leader was
hard work. Then one day he decided to
change. What he really wanted in his
organization was a group of responsible, interdependent workers, similar
to a flock of geese. In a flock of geese,
the leadership changes frequently because of the changing roles within the
formation; they no longer depended
on one leader. Every goose has a part in
the success; it takes teamwork.
Before we go much further, we should
define what a team is. The ideal defi-
nition is: A group of people, who
have been empowered to set
goals, make decisions and solve
problems, and who have the commitment to make changes to
implement their goals and decisions. In the workplace, a team is a
group of people pooling their skills,
talents and knowledge in a supportive
effort to complete a project, reach a
goal or solve a problem. Or a team can
be defined as a group of people drawn
from different disciplines, who work
together on a permanent basis to carry
out the agency’s mission. Peter Drucker’s observation is “that most organizations are increasingly populated by highly educated, highly
skilled workers who are more
interested in working together
to achieve shared objectives than
in being told what to do.” This observation is certainly true with the new
generation of workers (Generation X
and Y) entering the workplace.
The use of teams is growing, seemingly
popping up everywhere. They’re powerful when they work well and when
they have a defined purpose. Introducing team culture where it has not been
the custom can, in itself, be a powerful force for change. Set up teams to
help plan and implement any changes
and establish team targets linked to
the overall goals of the agency so that
team members can see how their role
fits into the agency’s mission. Make
goals ambitious, specific and measurable, and maximize potential by giving
teams as much autonomy as possible at
all times; empower them.
Teamwork doesn’t happen just because
people are doing the same job or working for the same section within an
agency. If an employee’s job is getting
out the work and the quality control
inspector’s job is making sure the work
is correct, it’s quite possible that these
two do not think of themselves as a
team. It’s even possible that these two
conflict with one another. Teamwork
must be created; it doesn’t just happen. It’s a product of positive reinforcement. It occurs when people receive
more positive reinforcement as a group
than any individual can attain alone.
Every group that commits to becoming
a team has many tasks to accomplish
in order to work as a team.
Today, I sense a widespread misconception that the minute a group of people
calls itself “a team,” it is one. Wrong!
Not every group of people who try to
work together becomes a team. In saying that, I mean that every group that
commits to becoming a team has many
tasks to accomplish in order to work as
a team. Let’s go back to the basics of
building a team. You remember: forming, storming, norming and performing (also known as initiation-definition-planning-realization). First the
group must form. In this stage, polite
talk is replaced by more open and honest dialogue; the group decides why—or
whether—it wants to work together for
a common purpose. Second, the team
The important elements of any team are:
They have a purpose – a reason
for existence.
The members are interdependent on each other.
They are committed to working
The group is accountable for
their actions.
The characteristics of an effective team are:
Outputs are the results of the
combined talents.
Objectives bring forth common
purpose and understanding.
Energy of the total exceeds the
sum of the individuals.
Structure is the means of dealing with control, leadership procedures, organization and roles.
Atmosphere of the team brings
forth the spirit of openness and
support for one another.
There are teams, there is teamwork and
there are self-directed teams. Today’s
manager needs to know the difference
and when to use each.
Why Teams?
Open communications
Don’t have to do it all yourself
Utilize others’ talents, skills and
Encourages personal growth and
pride in accomplishments
Invites ownership
Superior customer service
People are your most important
April 2009
APWA Reporter
must storm. In some ways, this is the
most interesting stage of team development. It’s also the precarious point at
which some groups renege on their inclination to be a team. Third, the group
must norm. There is a genuine sense of
relief and pleasure among group members when they finally reach this stage.
At this point, they know something is
starting to click. Lastly, the group must
perform. In the performing period,
a team reaches the payoff stage. Individual goals and roles mesh as team focus and member alignment merge into
a productive unit. All teams must go
through the four stages to truly become
a team. If you’re starting a team in your
organization (or already have teams
working), take these words to heart.
Then you will have truly begun to tackle the hard work of creating a team.
“The meshing of human energy
into a common spirit…makes all
the work at being a team worthwhile.” – Thomas L. Brown
Some Good Ways to Build a
High-Spirited Team
• Help each other to be right—not
• Look for ways to make new ideas
work—not for reasons they won’t.
• Listen and seek needed facts.
Don’t make assumptions.
• Help each other and take pride in
collective success.
• Speak positively about each other, the team, and your organization and obstacles.
• Act with initiative and “can do”
• Do everything with enthusiasm—
it’s contagious.
• Be persistent—never give up and
don’t lose faith.
• Constantly reinforce and support
each other.
Have fun!
APWA Reporter
April 2009
When you find yourself part of a group
of people who are equally committed
to the same mission, when you see
that you are appreciated for your special qualities, when you know that fellow team members care about you and
your performance as much as they care
about their own…well, that’s a team.
Success comes when every member of
the team takes ownership of the vision
and accepts responsibility for his or her
part in achieving it.
In most of today’s workplace, this is a
fundamental fact: Each of us has only a
part of the information or expertise we
need to get our jobs done. This reflects
the explosive growth of information.
More knowledge has been generated in
the twentieth century, it is said, than in
all of history before, and the rate of increase continues to accelerate as we enter the twenty-first. We have come to depend on the group mind as never before.
petitive strategy is critical and one of
the tools to use is through the development of teams. No matter how good
that strategy is, though, the key to its
success is in its implementation. The
concepts and tools for organizational
change, breakthrough technology and
situational leadership are valuable as
you proceed into the future with the
many changes facing you. The use of
teams can help assure that the changes
you pursue are constructive, efficient,
effective, successful and even fun. If
you don’t have teams working now, try
it—you’ll like it.
In order for teamwork to succeed one
must be a team player. A team player is
one who subordinates personal aspirations and works in a coordinated effort
with other members of a team. Public
works agencies often go to the effort of
coordinating team building events in
an attempt to get people to work as a
team rather than individuals.
A team approach to the accomplishment of work assignments has been
common for a number of years. Most
notable is the use of teams at Motorola,
Ford, 3M and General Electric. Teams
work well because they bring together
people with complementary skills and
experiences. The communication skills
and network that successful teams
develop create the ability to respond
quickly to new problems and situations. Teams also facilitate the breaking
down of barriers between genders, age,
races and ethnic groups. Finally, advocates argue that teams have more fun.
“The difference between good
teams and great teams can best
be summed up by the difference
between two words: willing and
eager. On good or average teams
the players, coaches, and support
crew are ‘willing’ to help each
other. But willing means they’ll
do it reluctantly without full enthusiasm. On great teams, everyone is completely united in their
eagerness to do whatever it takes
to support one another.”
– John Wooden
“None of us are as smart as all of
us.” – Japanese proverb
Flight of the Buffalo, James A. Belasco,
Werner Books
Your agency is facing monumental
changes. The changes facing you in the
future will be of increasing demands
for services, decreasing resources, infrastructure maintenance, increasing
costs for materials, new technology, retirements and concern for quality customer service.
As you proceed, it is important to have
a sound strategy and to assure that
organizational changes are driven by
that strategy, carefully planned for, introduced and managed. A good com-
The Effective Public Manager, Steven Cohen and William Eimicke, John Willey
& Sons
Beyond Success, Brian D. Biro, Berkley
Publishing Group
Working with Emotional Intelligence,
Daniel Goleman, Bantam Books
William A. Sterling, P.E., is a member
and past Chair of the Leadership and
Management Committee and a recipient
of the APWA Top Ten Award. He can be
reached at (970) 356-1159 or sterling@
Discovering the World of Public Works
Free K–5th Grade public wOrKs newspaper
This 8-page newspaper
created for students
in grades K–5 contains
Discovering th
e World of Pu
blic Works
stories, fun facts,
illustrations, activities
and much more, for
students to learn all
ting Nat
about public works!
PAWS Print (bundled
in quantities of 100)
will be mailed the
week of May 10th, in
time for distribution
during National
Public Works Week,
May 17 – 23, 2009.
ional Pu
Welcome to
the second
awesome ac
tivities to he of Paws Print Newspap
lp you lear
er. It’s full
of fun fact
n about th
s and
e world of
public wor
blic Wor
What is Natio
Public Works nal
e you read
y to celebr
National Pu
blic Works
Week? We
are! In fact
, we
are so excit
ed; we wan
t you
to celebrat
e with us.
National Pu
blic Works
(NPWW) be
gan in 1968
. It is
always the
third full w
of May. Th
is year it is
May 17–23,
2009 in citie
s all over No
America! W
hat is it that
The importa
men and w
omen of pu
works, of co
urse! NPW
is a time to
celebrate al
the great th
ings that th
people of pu
blic works
This year’s
to make yo
National Pu
ur commun
blic Works
poster was
ity a
safe and he
created by
althy place
Robert Rodr
shows a sp
live, work,
and play.
theme “Rev cular presentation of
italize, Rein
American Pu
blic Works
vest, Renew.
ks Week
NPWW ’09 Th
“Revitalize, eme:
Reinvest, Ren
This year’s
tional Publ
ic Works
Week them
e is “Revita
Reinvest, Re
new.” Thes
e three
big words m
ean big thin
They show
how public
are always
working to
keep our to
wns up-to-d
ate, safe,
and new. Re
vitalize mea
ns to
find new w
ays to keep
roads, brid
ges, and ot
her things
working. It
also means
using new
ways of bu
ilding. Rein
vest means
keeping th
ings safe an
them last lo
nger. Renew
fixing parts
that have br
and adding
new parts,
Public works
do these
three things
all the time,
just for
us! By revit
alizing, rein
and renew
ing, public
makes our
es the best
they can be
To order your FREE copies for elementary school students in your community, visit
Sustainability in Mexico
The 2008 ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability
National Conference in San Luis Potosí, Mexico
Bob Kass
Public Works Director
City of Campbell, California
Member, APWA Government Affairs Committee
ver the 2008 Thanksgiving holiday, APWA President
Noel Thompson and I traveled to San Luis Potosí
to participate in the Mexico National Congress of
ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability, in San
Luis, Potosí, Mexico.
APWA has recently
made a major commitment to sustainability
through the establishment of the APWA Center for Sustainability.
President Thompson’s
participation in the
Mexico Congress was a
clear demonstration of
to sustainability, as well
as its longstanding support of Mexican public works practitioners
through the efforts of
the International Affairs Committee.
APWA President Noel Thompson (left)
with San Luis Potosí Mayor Jorge
Loazno Armengol at the opening
The ICLEI Mexican Sustainability Congress brought together over 120 federal, state and local officials for two and onehalf days of technical and educational sessions. The conference also included a small vendor exposition. Conference
topics included: Sustainable Cities; Development and Climate Protection; Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy;
International Cooperation; Solid Waste Management; and
Sustainable Transportation.
President Thompson participated in the opening ceremonies along with the Governor of the State of San Luis Potosí and the host city mayor, where an accord was signed by
ICLEI, the Governor, and a number of the mayors in attendance, subscribing to use of sustainable principles in local
governance. I participated as a panelist in a session on International Cooperation; and on the last day of the conference,
President Thompson and I hosted a half-day workshop on
Public Works Management, which included an overview of
APWA’s efforts to promote sustainability in public works.
One significant outcome of APWA’s participation in the conference was an opportunity for President Thompson and I to
APWA Reporter
meet with ICLEI-Mexico’s Director, Edgar Villaseñor Franco,
to discuss strengthening the working relationship between
the two organizations. The two organizations will be working together over the next several months to identify how
they can jointly support each other’s goals in the areas of
sustainability and international cooperation.
April 2009
A highlight of the opening ceremonies was the signing of a climate
protection agreement by a number of local mayors and the Governor
of the State of San Luis Potosí (pictured in center), Marcelo de los
Santos Frago.
Got Surplus Equipment?
At the conclusion of the ICLEI-Mexico conference, I traveled to the City of Rioverde (two hours east of San Luis
Potosí), where the City of Campbell, Calif., was recognized
by local officials for our efforts in coordinating the donation of surplus vehicles and equipment to this community
of 90,000 persons.
Rioverde and Campbell were paired up in 2001 under the
auspices of the International City/County Managers Association (ICMA) Resource Cities Program. Although the
ICMA program is no longer active, Campbell and Rioverde
have continued their relationship, focusing on training and
technical assistance for Rioverde officials and the donation
of surplus equipment and vehicles. Recently, the City of
Campbell coordinated the donation of two surplus garbage
trucks to Rioverde, packed with surplus fire protection and
emergency response equipment. The vehicles and equipment, valued at approximately $220,000, were transported
via trailer to Laredo, Texas, where they cleared customs and
were driven eight hours south to Rioverde by local officials.
Rioverde Fire Department is in desperate need of replacing
this vehicle, and has requested APWA’s assistance in locating
a surplus unit that might be available for donation. Please
contact me at [email protected] or (408) 866-2150
if you may be able to help out with this request.
City of Campbell Public Works Director Bob Kass (center) participated in an exchange of recognition plaques in the central plaza in
Rioverde, Mexico.
During my two-day stay in Rioverde, I was shown how
quickly the surplus equipment and vehicles had been adapted for local use. I was also shown a recently wrecked rescue
unit that had only been acquired and put into service a few
months ago by the volunteer Rioverde Fire Department. The
2009 Jennings Randolph Fellowship
recipients named
The American Public Works Association is pleased to announce the recipients of the 2009 Jennings Randolph
Fellowship. Through a formal application process, the
following APWA members were selected to study public
works/infrastructure-related projects with two of APWA’s
international partners.
Catherine Chertudi, Environmental Programs Manager for the City of Boise, Idaho, will study water conservation and management practices in Australia to learn how
the country has addressed limited supplies and impacts
of drought, growth, or overuse and contamination in
providing safe and adequate water for needed municipal,
industrial and agricultural uses. Issues of interest for her
study will be: comparison of water usage; methods used
to communicate the value of water to citizens, business
and industry; exploration of the sources of water supplies
and comparison of what is used in Boise, the western U.S.,
and overall in the U.S.; methods used to protect the quality of water provided; exploration of what are the water
issues of concern to Australian leaders, water managers
and citizens; and the determination of their best management practices used to conserve water in arid regions. Ms.
Chertudi will also attend the Institute of Public Works Engineering Australia (IPWEA) Conference in August 2009
and present a paper to the registrants of the conference.
Wrecked rescue unit: The City of Rioverde’s only rescue vehicle sits in
a junkyard, wrecked in an accident with a drunk driver.
Mark A. Whitfield, PLS, Director of Public Works for
the Borough of State College, Pennsylvania, will study
the removal and composting of organic waste from the
municipal solid waste stream in the Czech Republic. The
project is expected to show the feasibility of recycling organic waste (green waste and food waste) as opposed to
depositing into a landfill. If successful, the project will be
used as a model for other communities across the state
and nation in the recycling of organic waste. Mr. Whitfield will visit small cities with successful programs within
the Czech Republic and has plans to meet with the Chairman of CZ BIOM, who is an expert in the field of composting; with the head of the Research Institute of Crop
Production in Prague, who studies the beneficial use of
compost in crop production; and with an individual who
evaluates and studies municipal composting programs
within the Czech Republic. Mr. Whitfield will also attend
the Slovak Public Works Association/Czech Republic Public Works Association Conference and present a paper to
the conference registrants in October 2009.
The APWA International Affairs Committee looks forward
to receiving applications for the 2010 Jennings Randolph
Fellowship Program for studies in Mexico and New Zealand. To learn more about this program, please visit the
APWA website at www.apwa.net under “About APWA –
International Activities” or contact Kaye Sullivan, APWA
Deputy Executive Director, at [email protected] or (800)
848-APWA, extension 5233.
April 2009
APWA Reporter
E-waste recycling in the Czech Republic
Dr. Jiri Neuzil
Medical Veterinary Doctor
Unicovská, Czech Republic
Member, Czech Republic Public Works Association
he first discussion about the recycling and collecting
of e-waste was done in western European countries
like Germany, the Netherlands and Scandinavia in
1990. Everything was controlled and directed by the
national government of each country, and the European
Union was not consulted and was not part of the process.
The methods of e-waste recycling were very different in each
country; some states had budgets to support e-waste recycling and some had no restrictions, regulations or budgets.
There were many discussions about the responsibilities concerning e-waste between producers, distributors, consumers
and municipalities. The long and difficult negotiations in
the Europen Union began at the end of the last century and
were finished in 2002. In January 2003 there were two new
rules published:
1/ Reglement No. 2002/95/EU – about reducing
hazardous components in e-equipment, including PCB,
heavy metals and other hazardous materials.
2/ Reglement No. 2002/96/EU – about recycling of
The purpose of Directive 2002/95/EC concerns restrictions
on using hazardous substances in electrical and electronic
equipment, as well as the protection of human health and
the environmentally sound recovery and disposal of electrical and electronic equipment waste.
The purpose of Directive 2002/96/EU concerns the prevention of generating waste of electrical and electronic equipment and, in addition, the reuse, recycling and other forms
of recovery of such wastes so as to reduce the disposal of
this type of waste. It also seeks to improve the environmental performance of all operators involved in the life cycle
of electrical and electronic equipment, e.g., producers, distributors and consumers, and in particular those operations
directly involved in the treatment and disposal of the waste
of electrical and electronic equipment.
These two fundamental reglements created national policy
and gave foundation to an e-waste policy for all 27 European Union countries. In the Czech Republic it was accepted
and implemented in the renovation of our basic laws:
1/ CZ No. 185/2001 about waste disposal – renovated in 2005, with implementation of e-waste recycling and collection of e-waste from consumers.
APWA Reporter
April 2009
2/ CZ Special Rule of Ministry of Environment
No. 352/2005 – about e-waste disposal and collection.
This special law encompasses everything about collection; recycling; the duty of producers, importers, vendors, shops, consumers, municipalities, collectors, recycling companies, and other participants of the system.
The list of electrical and electronic equipment waste is separated into the following ten groups:
Group 1: large household appliances such as refrigerators, washing machines, dryers, dishwashers, e-cookers,
microwave ovens, whirlpools and heaters.
Group 2: small household appliances such as vacuum
cleaners, irons, toasters, coffemakers, e-mills, haircurlers
and hair irons, and electric toothbrushes.
Group 3: telecommunications equipment such as computers, screens, keyboards, mouses, notebooks, printers
and plotters.
Group 4: consumer equipment such as radios, televisions, video cameras, Hi-Fi recorders, videorecorders,
audio equipment and electronic musical instruments.
Group 5: lights and lamps such as fluorescent lamps
and discharge lamps.
Group 6: electrical and electric tools such as drills,
power screwdrivers, circular saws, and tools for grinding, welding and cutting.
Group 7: e-toys and leasure equipment such as electronic remote cars, trains, videogames and sports equipment.
Group 8: medical devices such as cardiology equipment, dialysis machines, respiratory equipment, and
nuclear and diagnostic devices.
Group 9: monitoring and control devices such as
smoke detectors, regulatory valves, measurement machines from industry, electical control panels and laboratory equipment.
Group 10: automatic dispensers such as automated
teller machines, coffee and fast food dispensers, and
vending machines.
Duty of annual reporting for producers and
Creating the network of recycling between stores, consumers and municipalities.
All companies must fill a form with the Ministry of Environment about fulfilling their volume of recycling. One can do
it by a special accreditation for nonprofit organizations approved by the Ministry of Environment or do it by their own
network system or private company.
Recording and reporting data and annual status to the
Ministry of Environment.
Organizing the transporting and processing to recycling
facilities, authorizing contractual agreements, and creating partnerships between authorized e-recycling companies and facilities.
Supporting and helping to finance the system.
Promoting e-waste recycling and education.
There is a formula for the quota for recycling: (D-BC)/D=E x 100% where D = the weight of collecting
e-waste imported to the final recycling company; B =
the weight of residual e-waste for incinerating; C = the
weight of residual e-waste deposits to the landfill; and E
= the level of recycling.
This report must be done no later than March 31 each year.
Nonprofit collecting companies must use this calculating
Nonprofit collecting systém
If a company does not want to satisfy the formula for the
quota of recycling, the option is the nonprofit recycling system. This means that the company pays a fee for every piece
of e-goods produced or imported by the company to the territory of the Czech Republic. These fees are transfered to all
next distributors and stores, and at last it is calculated to the
price of the goods and transfered to the buyer (consumer). It
must be identified and clearly spelled out in the bill of sale
and all invoices.
Examples of recycling fees:
refrigerator 500.-Kč = $30 (USD)
washing machine 100.-Kč = $6
computer monitor 300.-Kč = $18
television 300.-Kč = $18
mobile phone 15.-Kč = $1
curling iron 50.-Kč = $3
lights 6.-Kč = $0.35
toys 100.-Kč = $6
Fees are being paid back to the nonprofit recycling collecting
companies. There are four recycling collecting organizations
approved by the Ministry of Environment with responsibility for each group of e-waste:
Asekol – responsible for managing groups 3, 4, 7, 8 and 10
Elektrowin – responsible for groups 1, 2 and 6
Ekolamp – responsible for group 5
Retela – responsible for group 9
All of these companies are nonprofit organizations, founded
by private companies whose focus is e-waste and production. For example, the founders are corporations such as
Panasonic, Sony, Philips, Samsung and Thompson. The duties of the companies include:
Signing contracts with producers, importers, shops,
stores and markets, including the level of recycling and
fee assessment and payment.
All four of these groups are members of the Waste Electrical
and Electronic Equipment Forum, the European system for
the collecting of used e-equipment. The Forum was established in 2002 with an additional 38 associations for e-waste
collection from 23 European Union countries.
There are additional recycling companies in the Czech Republic but they do not agree with some of the regulations
of the free market set by the Ministry of Environment, and
therefore are not able to get certified at this time.
Treatment facilities
Every two years all of the organizations set up selection
procedures for the suppliers of final dismantling, processing, treatment, material and other utilization of e-waste.
The selection of processing facilities is done on the basis
of valid authorization along with the geographical and social aspect—engaging so-called sheltered workshops while
observing the principles of using available state-of-the-art
technologies and best prices. Recycling uses include:
Sorted iron is used in the steel industry.
Lead, copper and precious metals are melted in foundries and reused.
Non-ferrous metals are used for production of cables
and electronic components.
Plastic materials and wood are reused in the car and furniture industry.
Leaded glass is usually reimplemented in computer
screens and television sets.
Unleaded glass is simply transfered to the glass company for reuse.
On the average, the material level of recycling varies between 60-80%. The rest of the waste is taken to the incineration plants or is deposited in the landfill.
Dr. Jiri Neuzil can be reached at [email protected].
April 2009
APWA Reporter
An innovative beautification project
David Fain
Director of Public Works
City of Haltom City, Texas
Member, APWA Facilities and Grounds Committee
raffic Signal Boxes (TSB) are everywhere…so
that most drivers do not even
notice them, unless they are
covered with something that attracts
the eye. For administrators in Haltom
City, Texas, the TSB’s attracting the
most attention were the ones covered
in graffiti. The idea to make the boxes attractive in a more positive way
came in 2008 from the Haltom City
City Manager, Tom Muir, and was proposed to the Coordinator for Keep Haltom City Beautiful, Fran Burns, who
thought the idea was a good one.
“We were experiencing a big jump in
graffiti,” she said. “It was common on
our signal boxes and really gave the
city a black eye.” Burns learned that,
for other public entities experiencing
problems with graffiti, applying murals
or other artwork to public surfaces had
proven to be a deterrent. The City of
San Diego, California, for example, had
initiated a TSB program several years
before that accomplished several goals.
It gave artists a means for displaying
their artwork and created a program for
public art, while discouraging graffiti.
Through her research, Burns discovered these same results occurred at a
nearby school. Carter-Riverside High
School in Fort Worth, Texas, is home
to a number of graffiti artists. In late
2007, the school provided an outlet to
these artists by dedicating an exterior
wall for a student mural project. Participating students cooperated with two
other schools on a single-themed design and spent several hours applying
the first leg of the design to the CarterRiverside campus. The other two campuses followed.
According to Mary Boswell, the art
APWA Reporter
April 2009
teacher who coordinated the project,
the wall remains untouched by vandals
who obviously respect the work.
The Haltom City program followed
suit, but committee members chose to
use photographs instead of drawings.
They considered winners and entries in
a longtime annual photo contest sponsored by the City. They also considered
historical photographs and entertained
new entries from some of the committee members. None of the photographers were paid.
In the spring of 2008, five City-maintained boxes were chosen by the committee for the project, along with the
photographs to cover them. The wraps
were applied late summer, and “The
project has gotten good reviews,” Burns
said. “Not a one of the boxes has been
touched by graffiti,” she added. The
idea has since spread to the neighboring City of Richland Hills that recently
covered many signal boxes along city
and state rights-of-way.
Once the transfer of photos onto the TSB’s is
complete, it takes a second glance to realize
a traffic signal box is there.
With these examples to fall back on,
Burns assembled a committee of interested citizens willing to seek out and
then select the works to be applied to
the Haltom City traffic signal boxes.
The committee hosted a presentation
by a representative from North Richland Hills, Texas, a neighboring city
that had already covered some of its
signal light boxes in art. North Richland Hills had commissioned and paid
well-known local artists. Then, they
contracted with a graphics company
that transferred the art to vinyl “wrap”
material, the same material used to apply advertisement graphics to commercial vehicles. The vinyl “wraps” were
then applied to the TSB’s.
This TSB depicts a railroad crossing and creates an optical illusion.
The City of Haltom City is now working on a second round of signal boxes.
The Texas Department of Transportation recently granted permission to
the City to include five of its boxes
on state rights-of-way throughout the
city in the project. The boxes will be
covered with photographs already selected by the committee. “We should
begin seeing new artwork along Denton Highway and on E. Belknap Street
by the end of March 2009,” Burns said
and added, “We don’t intend to stop
there. We’ve noticed a chronic graffiti
problem on utility boxes at railroad
crossings. We will target them next.”
within their special business district.
The goal of the project is to decrease
the instances of graffiti on the surfaces
of the boxes by converting the signal
boxes into artful objects. The budget
for the project includes $2,000 for each
signal box that includes an artist honorarium of $1,500 and an allowance
for materials of up to $500. The City
designates the primer and graffiti coat
sealant, both of which must be used.
Once the artwork is complete, the
TSB’s are very resistant to graffiti and
vandalism and contribute significantly
to the vitality and attractiveness of the
The City of Haltom City is not the only
community to add beauty to their traffic signal boxes. The City of Tampa,
Florida, public art program and the
Westshore Alliance formed a partnership to develop a public art project that
transformed their TSB’s into extraordinary art form in the Westshore business
district. Westshore alliance members
adopted seventeen signal boxes in the
Westshore district, and each company
developed their own unique design.
The City of Tampa provides a map for
those interested in experiencing the
artwork that local artists incorporate
directly into the streetscape.
The City of Emeryville, California,
with the assistance from the Emeryville
Public Art Committee, initiated a project to install public art on many of the
City-owned traffic signal boxes. The
City allocated funds from its public art
fund and hired an artist to assist in the
project. The artist worked collaboratively with art students from secondary
schools to develop the artwork. The art-
ist guided the students through a process of brainstorming, discussion and
sketching to develop their ideas into
a final product of artwork to be placed
on the TSB’s. The students volunteered
to be a part of this project and met
twice a week with the artist for about
six weeks to develop their ideas. The
student artists spoke at a City Council
meeting when the City Council considered final approval of the project.
Graffiti is a growing problem in many
communities across the nation. With
every clean surface is an invitation
for marking, and cities must find innovative ways to incorporate public
fixtures into their surroundings. The
incorporation of artwork and photographs by local artists and photographers is an innovative way to instill
pride in the community and deter the
graffiti artists.
David Fain can be reached at (817) 8349036 or [email protected].
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The photos are wrapped completely around
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The City of Columbia, Missouri, invites
local artists to participate in their public art program to create art on traffic
signal boxes in their downtown area
April 2009
APWA Reporter
Sustainable Boulevards: Milwaukee’s
strategic boulevard plan
David B. Sivyer
Forestry Services Manager
City of Milwaukee, Wisconsin
he City of Milwaukee has 120
miles of irrigated and landscaped
boulevards that represent a longterm investment in public infrastructure that is rare in major American
cities. Many cities have landscaped
boulevards in their downtown areas;
however, few are as extensive and welldeveloped as Milwaukee’s.
Milwaukee’s proud heritage of landscaped boulevards dates back to the
1920s and expanded as the city grew in
the 1950s and 1960s.
The City’s Forestry Section has been
and continues to be the steward of the
boulevard system. Forestry designed
the system based on a customer service philosophy responsive to residents and adjacent property owners.
The result is a visually striking boulevard system that is popular with the
community. At the height of its glory,
Milwaukee’s boulevards resembled
a roadside botanical garden boasting 475 acres of well-manicured turf,
over 3,000 stunning annual beds, and
thousands of shrubs and trees that
required a seasonal workforce of 120
employees to maintain.
While of collective importance to the
community, Milwaukee’s boulevard
system faces ever greater challenges.
The customer request service philosophy that fueled rapid growth of landscaped boulevards during the middle
part of the twentieth century could
not be sustained under the fiscal constraints of the twenty-first century.
Many of the landscape beds added at
the request of residents, or by staff in
attempt to conceal the base of light
poles, irrigation vacuum breakers, and
other street infrastructure, were small
and out of scale with the boulevard
APWA Reporter
April 2009
New signature bed constructed in Sustainable Boulevards
and consequently added little value.
Nevertheless, these low-impact beds
still required multiple maintenance
visits annually to plant, water, weed,
edge and mulch. Forestry recognized
that for the boulevard system to survive, significant restructuring would be
To ensure its future, Forestry developed a thoughtful and deliberative
plan based in part on recommendations from community representatives
and landscape professionals. The plan
provides for the long-term growth of
the boulevard system based on sound
design principles and the sustainability
of resources. The plan also recognized
that tough choices were necessary in
today’s climate of competing priorities
and tight resources. Forestry developed
Sustainable Boulevards, Milwaukee’s
strategic boulevard plan.
Sustainable Boulevards calls for:
Removal of approximately 1,800
low-impact flower beds to be replaced with grass and trees
The addition of signature landscape beds at approximately 300
designated locations throughout
the city
Planting of approximately 4,500
shade trees on boulevards to increase tree canopy; and
Conversion to an automated drip
irrigation system to save water and
operating costs
Sustainable Boulevards identifies three
distinct types of boulevards: Gateway,
Historic/Landmark and Connecting
boulevards. Gateway boulevards occur
at entry points to the city and within
the city limits at prominent areas such
cations. The remaining two phases will
be completed in 2009/10, respectively.
The City’s budget allocation of $1.5
million to construct the new signature
beds is leveraged by Milwaukee’s municipal nursery, which grows most of
the plants required to support Sustainable Boulevards at a substantial savings
over comparable wholesale purchase.
So what makes Sustainable Boulevards
Gateway signature bed constructed in Sustainable Boulevards
as the central business district. As the
name implies, Historic/Landmark boulevards occur in designated historic areas and at significant landmarks. Connector boulevards support the majority
of 4,500 new shade trees to be added to
the boulevards.
The hallmark of Sustainable Boulevards
is the striking large signature landscape
beds that are being installed at key focal points throughout the city. Signature beds average 1,200 square feet in
size and include natural stone elements
such as boulders, Lannon stone (limestone quarried from Lannon, WI) or re-
cycled granite street pavers, massed perennials (maximum of three species for
ease of maintenance), flowering shrubs,
ornamental trees, and annuals strategically placed at the noses or along the
borders of the bed for season-long interest. Signature beds also include modern
drip irrigation systems to conserve water and reduce operating costs.
Sustainable Boulevards will take three
years to complete. The first phase,
completed in 2008, removed approximately 600 low-impact landscape beds
along 70 miles of boulevard and added
103 new signature beds at strategic lo
Low-maintenance plant composition and simplistic design. Simplistic designs utilizing
perennials, flowering shrubs, and
ornamental trees and only limited
annuals in signature beds will reduce maintenance frequencies.
Fewer, but larger landscape
beds. The strategic placement of
larger signature beds near key intersections, commerce centers,
landmarks and gateways to the city
will enable the beds to be serviced
more efficiently than the smaller,
widely scattered beds they replace.
Water-conserving automated
irrigation. Sustainable Boulevards replaces Milwaukee’s manual
overhead irrigation system with a
sophisticated automated drip irrigation system. Automation of the
irrigation system represents a significant savings in labor costs.
Replacement of 1,800 annual
beds with turf and shade trees.
Additional mowing acreage represents a relatively low incremental
maintenance cost. Once established, the new shade trees will be
integrated into the City’s five-year
pruning cycle.
These combined efficiencies will enable the City to reduce its seasonal
workforce by 18 employees once Sustainable Boulevards is fully complete, at
a savings of approximately $160,000
annually, and ensure the longevity of
Milwaukee’s boulevard system for years
to come.
David B. Sivyer can be reached at (414)
286-3729 or [email protected].
April 2009
APWA Reporter
The green lining in a cloudy economy
Sustainable building strategies to increase productivity and
improve your community
Marc C. Rohde, AIA, LEED® AP, Director of Municipal Architecture, Legat Architects, Inc., Oak Brook, Illinois, and
Douglas J. Ogurek, LEED® AP, Communications Manager, Legat Architects, Inc., Waukegan, Illinois
ith its scenic Lake Michigan shoreline, its brick
streets lined by trees and old-fashioned lights,
and its diverse architecture, the Village of Wilmette on Chicago’s prestigious North Shore
seemed immune to trouble. Then the bugs came. An army
of Emerald Ash Borers, uniformed in their trademark metallic green, obliterated the community’s ash tree population.
In the next five years, the village will lose over 2,800 trees,
including 15% of its total parkway trees.
Energy and Environmental Design (LEED®) Gold certification with the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC). Donna
Jakubowski, Director of Public Works, says, “This project
represents the whole community’s intensified commitment
to energy-efficient and environmentally sensitive facilities.”
But Wilmette will prevail. When public works additions
and renovations finish in spring of 2009, some of the fallen
wood will resurface in a 30-foot-long countertop, and maybe in new furniture. This creative reuse of wood is just one
sustainable aspect of the project, registered for Leadership in
An addition and renovation at Wilmette’s public works project is
registered to receive LEED® Gold certification from the U.S. Green
Building Council. (Image courtesy of Legat Architects, Inc.)
Gains in green
In today’s volatile economy, municipal building projects
face many challenges: limited funds, intense scrutiny of
expenditures, escalating energy costs, a growing public demand to “be green.” Sustainable design has emerged as a solution, and public works organizations that embrace it will
reap improved energy efficiency, and reduced operations
costs. According to the USGBC, a $4 per SF investment in
green design nets a $58 benefit per SF over 20 years.
Research also reveals that sustainable design improves employee morale, which results in better productivity (see “A
Happy Worker is a Productive Worker”). A stuffy, dungeonlike facility with no exterior windows does not make a productive workplace. But a light-filled space with plenty of
fresh air does. It also delivers a message to employees: We
care about you.
Then there are the environmental benefits of green design. It reduces pollutants, greenhouse gas emissions and
waste. It saves water and protects natural habitats. Ultimately, sustainable design helps create a healthier planet
for future generations.
Finally, going green presents a good public relations opportunity. Public works employees drive large vehicles. They are of68
APWA Reporter
April 2009
ten seen outside. Also, they have a better understanding of facilities and sites than their police and fire service counterparts.
The green campus gives public works professionals a chance to
lead the charge in a community’s sustainable progress.
A Happy Worker is a Productive Worker
Several studies have shown the connection between sustainable design and worker productivity:
• The energy-efficient Lockheed Building 157 (Sunnyvale, CA)
decreased absenteeism 15%, which increased productivity
• Lighting and heating/cooling improvements at the Reno
Post Office increased productivity 8% in the first 20 weeks,
and leveled off to 6% after a year
• High-efficiency lighting at Pennsylvania Power and Light
increased productivity 13.2%, and led to a 25% decrease
in sick leave
Source: Greening the building and the bottom line: Increasing productivity through energy-efficient design by Joseph J.
Romm and William D. Browning
It was with these benefits in mind that Wilmette commissioned its public works campus master plan. The first phase,
now under construction, includes a new administration
building, a 4-bay wash-out facility, two materials drying
storage bins, and various site improvements.
The stormwater runoff it gathers from the roof can be used
for vehicle washing or toilet flushing.
Let in the light and the fresh air
Daylighting systems improve energy efficiency and staff productivity. Windows, skylights and light shelves gather light
and bounce it around a room. Clerestory windows on Wilmette’s new wash-out facility bring in enough natural light
to keep lights off most of the day. That means lower energy costs. Also, operable windows let employees control the
amount of fresh air in their work environment. Areas that especially benefit from light and air are the entry and corridors.
A glass wall is one of the most effective methods of bringing in light. Not long ago, these systems used tinted or mirrored glass to keep UV rays from ruining carpets and finishes. Thankfully, technology has triumphed. The Wilmette
administration addition entry wall features floor-to-ceiling
clear glass, and operable windows. It faces north to avoid
heat gain, and the glass has a low-emissivity (Low-E) coating, which lets in light, while blocking most of the sun’s
heat and UV rays. And it doesn’t look like you’re looking
through a pair of sunglasses! Donna Jakubowski says, “Ten
years ago, we made the windows in the lunch room bigger,
and employees loved it. This glass wall will make a huge
impact on morale.”
Following are green building strategies, supported by examples from the Wilmette project, that will help public works
organizations create more energy-efficient and environmentally-respectful facilities.
Set your sights on the site
There are many ways of greening a public works site. Wilmette, for instance, will offer preferred parking for those
who carpool or drive alternative fuel vehicles. Bike racks and
a bus stop within a quarter mile of the site encourage local
employees to cut their carbon emissions.
Several site strategies can also reduce the heat island effect,
which refers to temperature increases caused by dark surfaces retaining heat, particularly in urban areas. Gray or white
concrete and light-colored brick pavers reflect that heat.
Additionally, the more vegetation onsite, the better. Trees,
shrubs and vines shade buildings and pavements. Green and
white reflective roofs (discussed below) also reduce the heat
island effect.
Because water is a valuable part of public works operations,
the site should protect and conserve it as much as possible.
It starts in the parking lot. The soils and plants in bioswales
filter oils and sediments before vehicle runoff goes into sewers. Drought-resistant native plants only require watering
from Mother Nature. Another wise option is the rain barrel.
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April 2009
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APWA Reporter
Instead, heat pumps in the ceiling offer several benefits: less
energy use, lower first costs, and a cleaner appearance than
the bulkier roof-mounted systems.
A glass façade fills Wilmette’s new public works administration
building with light, while keeping out heat and UV rays. (Image
courtesy of Legat Architects, Inc.)
Look to the “Fifth Wall”
The type of roof a facility uses impacts energy costs and stormwater retention. Black membrane, the standard for many
years, causes indoor temperatures to rise, forcing air conditioners to work harder. In some cases, black roofs even raise
outdoor temperatures, contributing to the heat island effect.
Ideally, the facility will have a green roof, which uses varying
levels of soil and vegetation. Green roofs reduce heat, absorb
stormwater, reduce energy consumption, and last up to twice
as long as typical commercial systems. But green roofs aren’t
always financially realistic. Such was the case with Wilmette,
which chose a more affordable alternative: the white reflective roof. According to the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, buildings with lighter roofs use up to 40% less energy
for cooling than buildings with darker roofs.
Bring on the high-performance systems
Maximizing a facility’s energy performance starts with an
energy modeling analysis. Engineers use computer-based
tools to simulate a facility’s energy use for one year of operation. They input factors like location, building envelope,
schedules, and energy systems to determine the most efficient ways to heat and cool the facility.
Architects and engineers then determine which high-performance technologies work best within the client’s budget.
Among today’s systems are high-efficiency HVAC systems,
solar panels, wind power, and ground- or pond-based geothermal systems (see “Buried Treasures”).
At Wilmette, the energy-efficient wall system eliminated the
need for roof-mounted heating and air-conditioning units.
Choose green building materials and products
A review of current literature reveals that most building envelope materials offer sustainable benefits. Manufacturers of precast concrete, brick and metal all tout their product’s recycled
content, recyclability, long lifespan and low maintenance.
One important environmental consideration is embodied
energy, which is the energy needed to manufacture and
transport a material to its destination. According to Architecture 2030, embodied energy of a facility contributes 15
to 20% of its energy used over a 50-year period. Common
envelope materials with low embodied energy include: local
stone (.79 MJ/kg [energy density by mass]), concrete block
(.94 MJ/kg), concrete precast (2.0 MJ/kg), brick (2.5 MJ/kg),
and recycled aluminum (8.1 MJ/kg) and steel (8.9 MJ/kg).
In addition to glass, the envelope for the Wilmette additions
includes 3-inch thick (standard is 2-inch) insulated metal
panels. Their high thermal resistance value (R-value) helps
keep out heat in summer and cold in winter. The efficient
skin means heating and cooling units don’t have to work as
hard. Hence, the HVAC systems can be downsized.
Environmentally-friendly paint, furniture and carpeting options continue to become more abundant and affordable.
The Wilmette project will use paint with no volatile organic
compounds (VOCs), completely recycled carpeting, and recycled rubber flooring.
Keep those vehicles indoors!
One of public works’ biggest potential environmental and
energy blunders is fuel consumption. Lack of indoor storage
space contributes to the problem. Think about the damages
when vehicles have to warm up in sub-zero temperatures:
increased fuel costs, loss of staff productivity, reduced equipment service life. Then there are the pollutants that the vehicles pump into the atmosphere. Storing vehicles indoors
as much as possible, preferably in heated spaces, can make
a big difference.
Also, the more vehicles the wash bay can accommodate,
the better. Wilmette’s existing wash bay could only fit one
vehicle at a time, and it was too small to fit the sweeper
and sewer cleaning trucks. So while one vehicle was washed,
others idled outside.
The new wash-out bay (see illustration next page) fits up to
four vehicles, including the largest ones. It offers an automatic and a manual bay, as well as a system to recycle soapy
water. In combination with efficient landscaping, the bay
will contribute to a projected 40% water reduction onsite.
And, no more idling on those -20 degree Chicago days.
Buried Treasures: A geothermal system is one way to reduce a building’s heating and cooling load. Coils are placed in the earth or sunk
into water. The system relies on the earth’s constant temperature to
help heat or cool the facility, reducing how hard HVAC systems have
to work. (Image courtesy of Legat Architects, Inc.)
APWA Reporter
April 2009
The cost of green
When introduced to sustainable strategies, municipalities and their communities should understand the upfront
costs. Typically, a LEED®-based project requires additional
design fees for specialized services such as enhanced engineering, building commissioning, or design for renewable
energy systems (e.g., solar, wind, geothermal technologies).
The construction cost premium could vary between 0% to
8%, depending on the desired system or LEED® certification
level. Now the good news: Most energy-efficient systems
should pay for themselves in energy savings within five to
eight years.
“The biggest impediment to achieving a sustainable facility is first cost,” says Vuk Vujovic, Director of Sustainable
Design at Legat Architects and chair of the American Institute of Architects’ Chicago Chapter Committee on the Environment (COTE). Fortunately, many organizations offer
grants to defer the costs of sustainable design, engineering
and construction. Vujovic says, “In the last four years, we’ve
worked with organizations like the Illinois Clean Energy
Community Foundation (ICECF) to help clients obtain over
$700,000 in grant funding.” At Wilmette, a $76,500 grant
from the ICECF helped offset architectural and engineering
costs related to LEED® certification.
If you green it, they will come
High-performance technologies, water-friendly landscapes,
and recycled materials are all part of the sustainable formula. But what truly make an organization sustainable are its
people. When public works providers come to the table with
a firm commitment to sustainability, much like Wilmette
did, they stand to not only please employees and improve
operations, but also to better connect to their communities.
Marc C. Rohde can be reached at (630) 990-3535 or mrohde@
Wilmette’s new wash-out bay features clerestory windows and welllegat.com. Douglas J. Ogurek can be reached at (847) 406-1141 or
insulated aluminum panels. It is large enough to hold four vehicles,
[email protected]. Both Rohde and Ogurek are LEED® Accredited
and will contribute to a 40% reduction in water use. (Image courtesy
of Legat
Inc.) Apr 09.qxd:Layout 1 3/9/09 11:00 AMProfessionals,
Page 1
certified by the U.S. Green Building Council.
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April 2009
APWA Reporter
Funding energy efficiency
David Fain
Director of Public Works
City of Haltom City, Texas
Member, APWA Facilities and Grounds Committee
s local governments continually strive to become
more efficient in all aspects of daily operations,
usually focusing on saving time and money, energy
efficiency is one topic that has become particularly
important in today’s environmentally-conscious society. Local governments often serve as a kind of role model for the
citizens and businesses they serve. From reducing, reusing
and recycling to conserving water, to purchasing recycled
materials for everyday use, local governments have taken a
leadership role in helping to save the environment for future generations.
With the increasing demand to do more with less, governments are continually challenged to find sources of funding for projects to make public buildings and local government facilities more energy efficient, ultimately saving
both the environment and the public’s tax dollars. Across
the nation, new legislation has been passed, at both the
state and federal levels, requiring more energy efficiency
and conservation. To assist public and nonprofit organizations in this endeavor, federal and state governments and
private corporations have begun implementing grant programs and low-interest loan programs to assist with building renovations and new construction projects with the
goal of protecting the environment and conserving precious energy sources for future generations.
On December 19, 2007, President Bush signed into law The
Energy Independence and Security Act (H.R. 6). H.R. 6 includes a new grant program for state and local governments
called the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant
Program. This program authorizes $2 billion annually over
five years to primarily help larger-populated cities and counties address energy efficiency and emissions concerns based
on allocation levels. This program is modeled after the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program.
The State of Tennessee’s Energy Division administers the
State’s Local Government Energy Efficiency Loan Program
which offers low-interest loans to municipal and county
governments for energy efficiency-related projects in courthouses, administration buildings, schools, maintenance facilities, and any other building owned by the city and/or
county. Eligible projects include energy-efficient lighting,
APWA Reporter
April 2009
heating, ventilation and air conditioning, and boiler rebuilding, replacement or modification. Local governments
may borrow up to $500,000 and repay the loan annually
for seven years. Some communities can also qualify for free
energy audits.
The State of West Virginia Division of Energy provides
lighting evaluations and a 50/50 matching grant program
for the installation of energy-efficient fluorescent lighting
systems. Thirty thousand dollars is available for state and
local government facilities and schools, nonprofit hospitals and public libraries. A typical middle school could
complete a lamping project for $40,000 with 50 percent
support through this grant.
The State of Maryland’s Energy Administration is promoting
energy efficiency through the Jane E. Lawton Conservation
Loan Program and Energy Efficiency Grants. This program is
available to local governments, nonprofits and businesses.
Through this program, the State offers low-interest loans
and grants to encourage energy efficiency and renewable
energy projects. Grants and low-interest loans make energy
efficiency and renewable energy projects more financially
attractive. Another program offered through Maryland’s Energy Administration provides assistance to water and wastewater treatment plants for energy efficiency. About 3% of
U.S. energy usage comes from water and wastewater treatment. By focusing on this sector, significant energy savings
can be obtained for taxpayers.
The California Energy Commission offers programs such
as the Energy Partnership Program which helps cities and
counties to reduce energy use in their office buildings, police
and fire stations, and other buildings. An initial free feasibility study identifies possible energy efficiency projects. The
California Energy Commission’s Energy Efficiency Financing Program provides financing for schools, hospitals and
local governments through low-interest loans for feasibility
studies and the installation of energy efficiency measures.
Approximately $40 million is available. Loans can finance
up to 100 percent of the cost of energy efficiency projects for
schools, hospitals, cities, counties, special districts or public
care institutions.
Under the State of Pennsylvania’s Local Government Greenhouse Gas Pilot Grant Program, municipalities or regional
partnerships can apply for grants to hire technical service
providers who can help establish greenhouse gas emissions inventories and then develop plans to reduce emissions. This helps local governments play a role in combating climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions,
conserve energy, and lower operating expense. Individual
municipalities can qualify for up to $20,000, and a regional
application, with multiple municipalities, can request greater amounts.
The Oregon Department of Energy provides technical help
to schools and state and local governments to cut energy use
and save tax dollars. Services offered include energy audits,
assessments and design reviews. The State of Oregon’s Public
Energy Package identifies, encourages, and helps implement
energy saving and renewable resource measures in public facilities or facilities owned by public entities. It partners with
local utilities to deliver energy evaluation services and financing. The Department of Energy also offers low-interest,
long-term loans for governments, schools and others that
invest in energy conservation, produce energy from renewable resources, and use recycled materials to create products.
The State of Michigan’s Public Service Commission energy
efficiency grant program, funded by the state’s Low-Income
and Energy Efficiency Fund, supports the implementation
of energy efficiency projects and renewable energy projects
throughout the state. Businesses, nonprofit organizations,
government agencies and schools are eligible to apply. Renewable energy projects supported include solar, wind, anaerobic digesters, fuel cells and biofuel applications. The
Public Service Commission awards funds in three different
categories: (1) energy efficiency for low-income clients, (2)
energy financial assistance to low-income clients, and (3)
energy efficiency for all customer classes.
city and county partners that proactively manage energy
costs. CitySmart Program funds can be used for improvements such as lighting, heating, ventilation and air conditioning, high-efficiency technologies, including gas booster
heaters, and roofing and windows. These often-overlooked
measures can yield significant energy savings.
The rising cost of energy is not just some temporary market
aberration but rather a new reality that requires a whole new
set of coping strategies. That makes efficiency and conservation key. Measures that improve energy efficiency not only
make environmental sense, but they also save money. Local
governments must do their part in improving the environment in which we live, work and play. As legislation is passed
requiring higher standards in energy conservation, governments must become creative in acquiring subsidies to meet
these standards. Several state and federal government grants
are available, as well as assistance from private corporations.
These are just a few examples. To find funding opportunities
in your area, contact your state’s energy department, or your
local gas, electricity or other energy providers. Resources are
available to assist local governments in becoming more environmentally friendly and energy efficient.
David Fain can be reached at (817) 834-9036 or dfain@
Oncor Electric Delivery, a private electric company operating in the State of Texas, offers the CitySmart Program, an
energy efficiency program designed specifically for cities and
counties. The program offers financial incentives, technical
assistance, and organizational best practices to help entities
reduce peak electricity demand and control energy costs. CitySmart Program incentives, both financial and non-financial, are available specifically for local governments and are
offered by Oncor at no cost to participants. The CitySmart
Program recognizes the unique needs and challenges of trying to manage public organizations with limited budgets,
and is designed to help governments overcome barriers to
achieving better energy performance. Energy is typically the
second or third largest operating expense for cities and counties. The CitySmart Program can help these entities identify
and implement cost-saving energy efficiency projects and
provide positive public relations in the local community for
April 2009
APWA Reporter
City of Bakersfield spray parks
Brad B. Underwood
Assistant Public Works Director
City of Bakersfield, California
Member, APWA Facilities and Grounds Committee
n the late 1990s the City of Bakersfield faced a dilemma
with their nine pool complexes. The age of these pools
ranged from six years to nearly 70 years, with the majority being nearly 40 years old.
In 2000, the City hired a consultant to perform a comprehensive study of the pool complexes. The report summarized existing conditions, code violations and deficiencies.
Some of the issues that needed to be dealt with were pool
deck cracks, no handrail at the walk in stairs, no disabled access into the pool, and no safety handhold on the perimeter
gutter. In addition, several of the pools were leaking a substantial amount of water each day; the estimated amount at
one pool was nearly 33,000 gallons per day. The report also
provided proposed rehabilitation improvements to remedy
the code violations and deficiencies for each of the pool
complexes. The cost of these rehabilitation improvements
ranged from approximately $114,000 to $290,000, with full
replacement being significantly more. Hence the dilemma:
Either retrofit these aging pools (which would likely be only
temporary) or completely reconstruct them (for which the
City did not have the funding).
This caused City Recreation and Parks staff to take a fresh
look at these public amenities and see if there was something new that would better meet the citizens’ needs. The
attendance at many of the pools was declining with most
pools averaging 30 to 40 attendees per day. The active season for the pools was short—nine to ten weeks during the
summer—and the remainder of the year most had the water drained. This created additional maintenance to ready
them each season as they had to be painted manually by
City maintenance crews. Lifeguards were required at each of
these pools which was the most significant operating cost.
The operating and maintenance costs were reviewed and,
when compared to the attendance, the cost-benefit ratio was
extremely high. Other options were explored that would
provide an improved cost-benefit ratio. A review of a new
amenity called a spray park, or a wet playground, began and
staff determined that this would be a better alternative to
rehabilitation or reconstruction of the existing aging pools.
The spray park would have a longer active season of about
six months, would not require lifeguards and would have
reduced maintenance costs.
However, demolishing pools and building spray parks was
not an easy sell to the public and City Council. The local
high school district and swim clubs were very vocal and
APWA Reporter
April 2009
attended several City Council meetings to voice their concerns regarding reduction of pool availability. And, even
though attendance may have been low, the pools were an
amenity that the citizens were used to and provided recreation for some who did not have any other aquatic options.
What helped to alleviate concerns were the City’s plans to
build a new Olympic-size swimming pool and diving complex (now operational) and the rehabilitation of two of the
aging pools.
One of Bakersfield’s new spray parks
The first spray park was constructed in 2004 at Wayside
Park where the old swimming pool was removed, and a
3,850-square-foot splash pad and 2,500 square feet of concrete deck area were constructed. The project was designed
for a water recycle system including a 4,000-gallon underground surge tank. An equipment room was constructed to
protect the equipment and chemicals used for the recycled
system. The splash pad included 10 above-ground and 15
in-ground water features. New lighting was installed to light
the splash pad area in the evening while the park remains
open. The total construction cost including demolition of
pool, new equipment building and spray equipment was
approximately $400,000. Construction for the project was
completed by City forces.
The construction of these projects has truly been a team
effort by the Public Works and Recreation and Parks Departments. The design and purchase of equipment was
completed by the Design Engineering Division; subgrade
compaction and grading and waterline installation were
completed by the Parks Division; drain lines were installed
by the Streets Division; concrete installation was completed
by the City’s annual concrete contractor; installation of the
water features and their associated plumbing and equipment was completed by the General Services Division.
Since that first installation, the City has constructed five
more spray parks for a total of six and has the seventh currently under construction. These have ranged in size from
1,650 square feet to 3,900 square feet, and have included
nine to 25 water features. Total construction costs have
ranged from $220,000 to $400,000, with all but one being
constructed by City forces. Four of these locations replaced
existing pools which were demolished due to their age, extremely high maintenance costs, low attendance and failure
to meet health and safety codes.
Along the way the City learned some lessons. After a year of
operation, it was determined that the maintenance cost of
the recycled water systems was higher than expected due to
the need for daily inspection of the water quality control,
and cleaning the system of leaves and trash. These conditions created an excessive amount of down time resulting in
inconvenience to the citizens utilizing the facility as well as
high maintenance costs. This resulted in a design change to
utilize a flow-thru system which requires very little maintenance. Fortunately only two recycled systems were installed
and these have now been converted to the flow-thru systems. Initially sole-source bids were obtained for the water
feature equipment, and that has been revised to competitive
bidding resulting in a savings of approximately 20%.
It’s been a win-win for the citizens of Bakersfield and the
City. Each of the new spray parks is open for six months
and attracts an average of 100 to 1,000 users per day. Pool
attendance is up in the remaining six pools, providing a better cost ratio for the City. This is a great success story for the
City of Bakersfield and it is not unusual for the Recreation
Division to give tours to colleagues from other cities to share
best practices in relation to the spray parks.
Brad Underwood can be reached at (661) 326-3725 or bunderwo@
Children enjoying themselves at one of the spray parks
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April 2009
APWA Reporter
Central Iowa Metropolitan
Salt Storage Facility
Bruce A. Braun, Street Maintenance Administrator, City of Des Moines, Iowa, and Secretary/Treasurer,
APWA Iowa Chapter; Bret Hodne, Superintendent of Public Works, City of West Des Moines, Iowa,
and Delegate, APWA Iowa Chapter
s a public works manager have you ever been in the
situation of having a snow or ice event “knocking
at your door” and not had enough salt to handle
the storm? Well, don’t feel like the Lone Ranger—
many agencies face this same challenge every winter. In
many cases the options are limited and it can leave you feeling a little helpless. Several agencies in the central Iowa area
were experiencing this very feeling and decided to sit down
and see if they could come up with any solutions to alleviate
some of their “emotional distress.”
For years, many organizations in the area were struggling to
keep enough salt in storage to get them through the winter
months. Due to rapid infrastructure growth, inadequately
sized storage facilities, budgetary constraints, increased public expectations and a host of other problems, many of these
entities had a lack of recommended salt storage capacity. On
top of this, throw in some particularly nasty winters and
you had the recipe for some real “indigestion.”
So, where did this idea for a regional facility start? In the
fall of 2007, a handful of local agencies, along with representatives from the Iowa DOT, sat down to discuss whether
constructing a regional salt storage facility had any merit.
The group all seemed to have the same problem: difficulty
in obtaining rock salt in a timely manner during the winter
season. This was a major impediment in being able to effectively provide the level of service for snow and ice control that their constituents expected. With some of the past
situations they had encountered, they determined that they
had six realistic options to consider:
APWA Reporter
April 2009
1. Do nothing and “plod through another winter.”
2. Try to expand existing agency storage facilities.
3. Revert back to a sand/salt mix when salt shortages occurred.
4. Examine a salt company-financed storage site.
5. Store tarped salt outside.
6. Construct an agency-owned regional facility.
After much discussion it was decided that the option to construct an agency-owned regional facility would offer by far
the most advantages to this group. Since many of the agencies were already used to working together, it was a natural
“fit” that just seemed to make sense. Many members involved with the planning group had already developed and
implemented a complex regional automated vehicle location program, contracted for salt purchasing together and
shared other resources, so this was just another step in the
same direction. The development of a regional salt storage
facility would give the agencies the ability to take delivery of
salt “pre-season” and the capability to store their total winter season salt requirements. Additionally, it would handle
enough reserve to ensure material is available when needed
to provide safe roadways for the traveling public. The facility
would also enable savings in the cost of road salt due to the
fact that purchases would be made prior to the snow season,
when demand for salt is less intense and prices are typically
much lower.
After the path to constructing a regional facility was established, cost estimates were obtained from numerous manufacturers on various types of storage facilities. From here,
other factors were considered such as payback of the initial
construction costs, transportation options, maintenance
requirements and other numerous details. Once many of
these financial considerations and criteria were evaluated,
the “final players in the game” began to take shape. At the
end of the day there were about half of the original agencies
still at the table. It is important to note, however, that while
not everyone may have joined in, they were still given the
opportunity to participate.
From here on the discussions became a little more serious.
One major goal of the remaining members was to keep the overall costs of the
facility to a minimum so storage costs
could remain low. The group decided
that the best approach may be to see if
they could lease property from an existing quasi-governmental agency serving the metropolitan area. Discussions
were held with two regional entities,
the Wastewater Reclamation Authority
(WRA) and the Metro Waste Authority
(MWA), to ascertain if either of these entities would have available property to
site the facility and also the capability
of financing the construction. After numerous meetings, lengthy discussions,
and the opportunity to spend “quality
time” with the legal staff from the various cities, an agreement was developed
with the MWA and nine metro cities
for the lease-purchase of a salt storage
facility on a 10-acre property the MWA
owned in the City of Grimes, a suburb
in the northwest section of the Greater
Des Moines area.
of the property lease agreement for a total of 20 years. Due
to the fact the MWA agreed to longer-term contract extensions for the facility, the group decided to “upgrade” the
project by adding sub-drain and thicker pavement. It was
determined that this investment would increase the overall
lifespan of the facility.
Upon approval of the agreement by all of the cities, the
MWA entered into a contract with Prostruct Construction,
Inc., for the construction of the facility on August 1, 2008.
To highlight the support of the project,
the 18-member MWA Board of Directors unanimously approved the financing and construction of the facility.
While there were several agencies represented on this board that were not
participants, the overall value to the
area was still recognized and supported by this group of elected officials. It
was determined that the salt storage
facility would be financed by each city
paying its proportionate share of the
costs based on each city’s allocated salt
storage capacity. The cities are leasepurchasing the salt storage buildings
on MWA’s property for a period of five
years. At the end of the five-year term,
the cities will have sole ownership of
the 10,000- and 12,000-ton structures
while the MWA retains ownership of
the property. The agreement also provides for three- to five-year extensions
April 2009
APWA Reporter
The facility includes approximately 10,000 square yards of
pavement and two Accu-Steel fabric-covered “hoop-type”
storage buildings: one with a 10,000-ton capacity (84’ wide
x 260’ long with a 38’ center height) and the other with a
12,000-ton capacity (84’ wide x 300’ long with a 38’ center
height). The buildings have a useful life of 30 years with a
fabric life of 15 years at which time a replacement fabric
can be installed. The buildings are erected on large, precast
concrete blocks that were set in place on the hot mix asphalt
surface enabling the buildings to be relocated to another site
if that should be required or desired.
grading, landscaping, etc.) will be completed in the spring
of 2009.
In order to address the operation and maintenance aspects
of the Metropolitan Salt Storage Facility, a separate agreement was entered into by the nine participating cities which
established the terms and conditions for the operation and
maintenance of the facility. Maintenance responsibilities of
the cities include mowing of the property, sweeping of paved
areas, patching of paved areas, snow removal, and repair and
maintenance of the buildings. During the first five years of
the agreement, any maintenance that is required and is not
covered by warranty will be accomplished by the Contract
Administrator, designated to be the West Des Moines’ Public
Works Superintendent. The costs will then be allocated to the
cities according to each city’s proportionate share of the salt
storage capacity in the facility. After the first five years, each
city will pay a maintenance fee of $1.00 per ton of their respective storage capacity for each remaining year of the agreement. The fee will be placed in a maintenance escrow account
to be used for future repair and maintenance of the facility.
So, what did we learn during this process?
Asphalt surface being placed over the rock sub-base
The 10,000-ton capacity building facility is utilized by the
City of Des Moines and the 12,000-ton capacity building is
utilized by the Cities of West Des Moines, Urbandale, Johnston, Clive, Windsor Heights, Waukee, Grimes and Pleasant Hill. The total cost of construction is estimated to be
$1,241,000. This includes facility construction costs of approximately $1,162,000, architectural and engineering costs
of approximately $50,000 and permit fees and other costs of
approximately $29,000.
1. Try to include all applicable agencies in your identified
service area.
2. Vision well into the future—it may be a long time before you get another shot at this!
3. Try to identify all issues and potential problems “up
front” in the process.
4. Be patient—it can take time with multiple parties involved in the discussions.
5. Get the legal folks involved early—this can be the most
time-consuming part of the process.
6. Try to accommodate for potential expansion of the facility, if that is an option.
There were many obstacles to overcome in the development
of the Metropolitan Salt Storage Facility. However, the benefits that have already been realized during this past winter
have greatly emphasized the value to all of the cities that are
involved. Having readily available salt supplies throughout
the entire winter season has provided the nine agencies with
the tools they need to meet the demand for services. This facility will reduce many a stressful winter day by eliminating
the need to worry about salt availability.
Bruce A. Braun can be reached at (515) 237-1371 or babraun@
dmgov.org; Bret Hodne can be reached at (515) 222-3536 or bret.
[email protected].
Crews installing the fabric cover
Construction began on the facility in August with the original completion date anticipated to be December 1, 2008.
However, due to some unforeseen weather challenges and
delays, the facility was substantially completed for use by
late December 2008. Final completion of the facility (final
APWA Reporter
April 2009
Outside view of the Central Iowa Regional Salt Storage Facility
Synthetic turf maintenance
Harry L. Weed, II
Superintendent of Public Works
Village of Rockville Centre, New York
Chair, APWA Facilities & Grounds Committee
he hard driving rain has finally stopped but the field must
be too wet for sports practice,
right? Wrong! This field was
manufactured and installed utilizing
synthetic turf which, when properly
maintained, can easily handle large
volumes of rainfall.
The growing popularity of youth sports,
combined with the relentless hours of
practice, has a destructive impact on
natural grass fields. Synthetic turf athletic fields are popping up all around
the country and are becoming a “must
have” for good reasons. There is a longterm cost savings associated with synthetic turf that has environmentally
friendly overtones such as eliminating
pesticides and fertilizer as well as reducing the thirst for irrigation. The most
significant cost-saving influence can be
realized in the form of periodic maintenance. All types of fields require maintenance, including synthetic turf, but
the proper management protocol will
extend the life cycle of your field for
many years to come.
In order to keep your synthetic turf
field in prime condition, varying forms
of maintenance are required. These
maintenance procedures are designed
to keep your sports surface clean, the
infill levels evenly distributed and decompacted to ensure proper drainage,
and for consistency in ball speed. The
costs associated with synthetic turf field
maintenance vary depending on the
recommended frequency and level of
service. Maintenance services include
power grooming, drag brushing, moss
eradication, and infill removal and replacement.
Grooming your synthetic turf is crucial
APWA Reporter
April 2009
if premature deterioration is to be prevented. In addition to the fresh look
of a groomed surface, the purpose of a
comprehensive brushing procedure will
prevent the formation of a compacted
layer on the top of the infill bed that
may inhibit drainage. The bed of infill
is an effective filter, and therefore it unavoidably retains any particulate conveyed or blown onto the field or carried
by rainfall. By constantly agitating and
leveling the upper layers of the infill
surface, grooming can significantly extend the life cycle of your synthetic turf
field. It is important that the synthetic
turf pile (strands or yarns) is maintained
vertically, which can be achieved by
grooming in various directions. A “do
nothing” approach may have serious
long-term consequences with regard
to drainage, appearance, and bounce
and ball speed. The recommended frequency of grooming will depend on the
amount of use the field receives and
how subject the field is to pollution.
in the top few millimeters of the turf
and continuous play compacts the surface, the infill can become crusted and
hardened thereby causing drainage and
deterioration. Moss may form causing
the surface to become slippery creating health and safety concerns. In cases
such as this, technology exists whereby
high-pressure air is delivered into the
synthetic turf thoroughly extracting the
existing infill. The contaminants are
extracted from the body of the fibers
by compressed air alone. No moving
parts or mechanical contact with the
fiber prevents premature wear of the
surface. The contaminated materials are
then disposed of properly. During this
process, the pile fibers are cleaned, untangled and brought back to an upright
position. A spreader distributes and
brushes new infill to within 1mm of the
pile top and a lightweight tractor outfitted with oscillating brushes works the
infill into the surface of the synthetic
Moss and weed treatment
The technology incorporated in the
manufacturing and installation of synthetic turf fields has evolved considerably over the past two decades. Schools,
parks and recreation departments and
public works officials are looking towards synthetic turf fields as the surface
of choice when considering a new playing field. The initial cost for the installation of a synthetic turf athletic field
is a significant expense. Proper maintenance of your new field will not only
ensure that your investment will last for
many years, but will provide athletes
with the playability characteristics desired by each sport.
Synthetic turf fields provide ideal growing mediums for moss. Moss is not
usually found on areas of the turf that
receive heavy traffic, but more often
around the perimeter. When moss becomes established, it should be treated
immediately. Regular brushing will restrict growth but infestation can still
occur at the surface extremities or in
areas that are heavily shaded. The application of a suitable moss killer should
be considered at least annually. If moss
becomes established, the porosity will
be affected and reduced traction will be
prevalent which could lead to potential
safety hazards.
In some instances, field rejuvenation
becomes necessary. As dirt accumulates
Harry Weed is the Delegate for the APWA
New York Metro Chapter. He can be reached
at (516) 678-9267 or [email protected].
The National Levee Safety Program: How
might your local government and citizens
be affected?
Andy Haney
Public Works Director
City of Ottawa, Kansas
ecent hot buttons for some of us in the public works
community have been levee safety and the conversion of flood maps to digital format (DFIRM). The
conversion to DFIRM is when many of us first became aware of a requirement for “levee certification” if we
wished for our levees to be considered as flood protection
for (FEMA) insurance purposes. We subsequently discovered
how expensive the intended certification may be, followed
by the shock that very few engineering firms (if any) would
commit to a “certification” according to the FEMA guidelines due to liability concerns.
inspected our project, noted what they considered to be acceptable or unacceptable maintenance practices, and been
of significant assistance in helping to solve problems that
were beyond the technical capabilities of our staff.
Recently a recommendation has been made to Congress
by the National Committee on Levee Safety to establish a
“National Levee Safety Program” and to require “mandatory
risk-based flood insurance purchase in leveed areas.” The
economic impact of this recommendation is being gauged
for the federal government by the Office of Management
and Budget, but the economic impact on local governments
and our citizens may not be receiving the attention that is
necessary and warranted.
Local experience
Our local experience was gained when we obtained a grant
and retained a consultant to complete a Stormwater Master
Plan (circa 2004). We were aware of the imminent development of DFIRM, and involved FEMA and state water resources agencies in the early stages of our project. They assisted
in developing the project scope and participated throughout
the project. At the request of these agencies, and to assist
FEMA in collecting data to develop a county-wide DFIRM,
we expanded the scope of work to include property that is
unlikely to be incorporated into the city limits, is not impacted by our municipal stormwater system, nor likely to
have any potential to impact our systems.
It is notable that this summary includes no previous mention of levees. Upon completion of our Stormwater Master
Plan, we received direction from FEMA that our municipal
levee system would not be considered as protecting affected
properties until we submitted appropriate levee certification.
The levee in Ottawa, Kansas, was constructed by the U.S.
Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) circa 1960, resulting from
the devastation of a 1951 flood in the Midwest. Upon completion of the project the City of Ottawa accepted responsibility for maintenance and operation according to USACE
standards, and has worked diligently toward that responsibility since. Our relationship with the USACE, Kansas City
District, is something we’re proud of. They have routinely
APWA Reporter
April 2009
This June 2007 photo shows the high-water mark in Ottawa, Kansas.
The streetlights in the picture are on the Main Street bridge. The rolling gates at either end of the bridge held back significant floodwaters. The object against the light post is a round hay bale, and some
of our downtown buildings are seen in the background.
Other than the willing and able technical guidance we’ve
received from USACE over the years, all of the funding for
levee maintenance has been a local financial responsibility.
There has been no state or federal funding made available
to us for any maintenance activity. At least one project to
refresh the rip-rap on the levee after forty years was a very
significant expense. Small cities don’t come by $1.2 million
easily! Notable, we believe, is a significant flood that we experienced in 2007. We believe that event met the criteria to
be considered a 100-year (1%) flood event. All of the levees,
walls, gates, pumps and other structures performed exactly
as they were intended to do. We had approximately 6.5 feet
of freeboard at the crest of the flood. We don’t know how
any amount of number crunching by USACE or FEMA consultant engineers could be a better example of whether our
levee would perform.
Summary of recent federal government activity
The 2007 Water Resources Development Act created the Na-
tional Levee Safety Program Act of 2007. This act directs the
development of a national levee safety program, in addition
to the inventory and inspection of levees. A “committee on
levee safety” shall recommend a levee safety program. The
National Committee on Levee Safety (NCLS) submitted their
report, Recommendations for a National Levee Safety Program,
to Congress on January 15, 2009. The complete report can
be accessed from the NCLS home page at http://www.iwr.
usace.army.mil/ncls/. If you have a levee protecting your
citizens and their property, please make a point to
study the entire report in detail.
as is being considered with this project. More often than
not, there is not sufficient funding concurrently “delegated”
with the enacting legislation, resulting in a state/local government responsibility to raise additional funds to support
a new initiative.
This program is one that may be significantly more efficient
if not delegated, at least entirely. While some local governments may be able to fund this program in addition to the
many activities already a local responsibility, many will be
unable to generate additional funding for new programs. In
Appendix D of Recommendations summarizes the aggressive schedule undertaken by the NCLS in order to meet the
schedule established by 2007 WRDA.
The members of the NCLS were, I believe, very successful in assembling a
report representative of the opinions
of all the stakeholders. It was my privilege to represent APWA as a member
of the Review Committee. On two occasions the Review Committee was
called in to review the work completed by the NCLS and offer feedback.
The working document was modified
on each occasion in response to the
feedback received. The feedback from
APWA seems to have been overridden
in some cases by other interests.
Review Committee (APWA)
With APWA staff assistance, we worked
to gain input from throughout the
membership. This section represents
the feedback we gave to the NCLS.
Some local experiences in small towns
were cited, but this impact is not limited to small towns.
In general, there is significant concern
the aggressive schedule and limited
time to study/respond;
the complexity of the proposal;
the proposed added levels of bureaucracy;
the stated ineligibility for funding
where communities don’t meet
size thresholds to be considered
“high hazard potential”; and
the apparent intent to withhold
funding in some instances.
Program funding is difficult, regardless
of how significant the program may
be. Many programs are developed at
the federal level and then “delegated,”
April 2009
APWA Reporter
this regard, federal financial assistance would help implementation of the program and be more effective due to the
ability to work across political boundaries with fewer entities involved than if all “sponsors” had to have their own
programs and be solely responsible for funding. Consolidation of this effort to the maximum extent seems to be the
most cost-effective manner of implementation.
Our belief is that disincentives have little (if any) merit. If a
state has difficulty achieving an established standard, how is
“ineligibility for NLSP grants” going to help fix the problem?
Limiting the funds to “high hazard” areas as defined in this
edition of the draft eliminates many municipal systems,
and should be reconsidered. The willingness to fund a local share for levee enhancements should weigh heavily into
deciding where funds will be made available. There should
be some means to incorporate “economic” impact in addition to the number of lives at risk. “Percentage of property
value at risk” or the “percentage of population at risk” may
be possible starting points for that discussion.
Specifically, 10,000 lives at risk will not come into play in
our city of 13,000. However, inundation of the levee-protected area of our town will possibly affect that number of
jobs due to the “business centers” being within the leveeprotected area. The economic loss could be devastating. The
inability to access funding due to the population of our city
seems to be unnecessarily punitive.
NCLS Recommendations and possible effects on
local communities
Following are some points from Recommendations that may
cause some concern or action to be taken by the public
works community…also some opinions. Please become familiar with the document if you are responsible for levees
and develop your own opinions and local government positions on these issues.
The focus appears to be about saving lives and “turning
the tide on risk growth.” While we would all agree with
this concept and would also have it at the very top of
the priority list, I suggest we would also have property
protection and economical implementation of the programs as significant points of focus.
The report includes a specific recommendation to
“Change Levee Certification” to “Compliance Determination,” reinforcing that the intent of “certification”
under the National Flood Insurance program requirements does not constitute a safety guarantee or warranty, further encouraging Congress to address the liability concerns in order to keep levee safety programs
from coming to a halt. This must be more than simply a
change from using the term “certification.”
The report recommends establishing a “Certified Levee
Professional program.” This may be an educational program opportunity for APWA, as I believe the intent is
that a P.E. license wouldn’t be a requirement. The details, however, remain to be determined.
The report recommends establishing “the National LeAPWA Reporter
April 2009
vee Rehabilitation, Improvement, and Flood Mitigation
Fund.” The focus on human safety is the highest priority stated in the report, and the report indicates that emphasis should be placed where there is a risk to 10,000
lives if a levee fails. That threshold of danger to human
lives will likely exclude most of us in the public works
community with respect to receiving any federal funding to improve levees. Even the larger cities may have
difficulty attaining the 10,000 lives threshold.
The report recommends purchase of flood insurance by
all property owners protected by the levee in order to
reduce economic exposure. This may have the potential
to create a political firestorm in small communities.
The NCLS recommends a three-phased “strategic implementation”:
Phase I: Implement enabling legislation, inspect levees, and require affected property owners to buy flood
Phase II: Delegate the program to states and/or local
governments with incentives.
Phase III: Transition into sustaining levee safety at
state and local levels using disincentives, such as withholding funds.
Where do we go from here?
The NCLS report/proposal may create a significant contentious political discussion, as the details deeper in the report
indicate most levee systems may be excluded from funding
unless states accept “delegation” of the program. My belief is
that many states are not staffed to accept such a delegation,
and funding doesn’t seem to be an easy issue for any of us.
The current recommendation has a financial impact on private property owners in levee-protected areas that has not
been included in the report. The potential cost to a property
owner for flood insurance will be a significant factor, and
should be a component of the equations used to determine
the final direction of the proposed legislation.
The APWA feedback to the NCLS was that administration
of the National Levee Safety Program was probably best retained by the USACE. The USACE could promulgate rules
related to when and if a program could/should be delegated
below the federal level based on reasonable criteria. The
USACE could be augmented with staff to accomplish this
routine function, and could retain consultants in districts
far more economically than individual communities.
If you have responsibility for a levee in any way, you should
become very familiar with the NCLS report and measure
how your agency and citizens may be affected by the possible outcome. This may be an issue you wish to discuss with
your congressional delegations, and I suspect an issue that
needs to be at the forefront of APWA education until the issue is resolved.
Andy Haney can be reached at (785) 229-3630 or ahaney@
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Annual Buyer’s Guide
(alphabetical listing)
The Annual Buyer’s Guide is provided as a service by the American
Public Works Association to its
members to assist in identifying the
corporate members that represent the consulting, service, and
manufacturing firms serving the
public works industry today. It is by
no means an attempt to list all of
the firms serving the industry, only
those that are APWA members as
of February 17, 2009. The Buyer’s
Guide is not intended to provide
endorsement of any particular products or services listed herein.
The alphabetical listing appears
first, followed by the categorical
listing on page 106. For corporate
members that ran display ads in this
issue, we included their company
logos with their listings.
APWA makes every effort to achieve
accuracy, but cannot be held responsible for inadvertent omissions
or incorrect entries. If any errors are
detected, please notify the Finance/
Membership Department at (800)
A.D.A. Engineering, Inc.
(305) 551-4608 FAX: (305) 551-8977
8550 NW 33rd St Ste 101
Doral, FL 33122-1941
AAE, Inc.
(714) 940-0100 FAX: (714) 940-0700
1815 E Heim Ave Ste 100
Orange, CA 92865-3019
Abasto Utility Locating Co., LC
(505) 889-3341 FAX: (505) 889-8307
PO Box 6265
Albuquerque, NM 87197-6265
Ace Asphalt of Arizona, Inc.
(602) 304-4127 FAX: (602) 243-3768
3030 S 7th St
Phoenix, AZ 85040-1163
(202) 347-7474 FAX: (202) 898-0068
1015 15th St NW Fl 8
Washington, DC 20005-2605
APWA Reporter
Achen-Gardner Engineering, LLC
(480) 940-1300 FAX: (480) 940-4576
550 S 79th St
Chandler, AZ 85226-4706
ACS Industries, Inc.
(330) 678-2511 FAX: (330) 678-0859
Toll Free: (800) 321-2348
2151 Mogadore Rd
Kent, OH 44240-7261
(623) 363-6656
505 N 51st Ave
Phoenix, AZ 85043
Advanced Federal Services Corporation
(256) 772-7795 FAX: (256) 461-1927
250 Sun Temple Dr
Madison, AL 35758-5902
Advanced Storage Technology, Inc.
(607) 734-2868 FAX: (607) 734-2477
200 William St Ste 207
Elmira, NY 14901-3125
(407) 425-1100 FAX: (407) 422-3866
320 E South St
Orlando, FL 32801-3505
AEI-CASC Consulting
(909) 783-0101 FAX: (909) 783-0108
937 Via Lata Ste 500
Colton, CA 92324-3940
Aerostar Environmental Services,
(904) 565-2820 FAX: (904) 565-2830
11181 Saint Johns Industrial Pkwy N
Jacksonville, FL 32246-7643
Affinis Corp.
(913) 239-1100 FAX: (913) 239-1111
Toll Free: (877) 527-5468
7401 W 129th St Ste 110
Overland Park, KS 66213-2694
AgileAssets Inc.
(512) 327-4200 FAX: (512) 328-7246
April 2009
Toll Free: (800) 877-8734
3144 Bee Cave Rd
Austin, TX 78746-5560
Ahlborn Equipment dba Woody’s
Equipment Sales
(847) 772-1711
70 E Lake St Ste 1700
Chicago, IL 60601-5930
Air-Flo Manufacturing Co.
FAX: (607) 522-4412
40 S Main St
Prattsburgh, NY 14873-9419
Alan Plummer Associates, Inc.
(512) 452-5805 FAX: (512) 452-2325
6300 La Calma Dr Ste 400
Austin, TX 78752-3825
Albert A. Webb Associates
(951) 686-1070 FAX: (951) 788-1256
3788 McCray St
Riverside, CA 92506-2927
All States Asphalt, Inc.
(413) 665-7021 FAX: (413) 665-9027
PO Box 91
Sunderland, MA 01375-0091
All Traffic Solutions
(814) 237-9005 FAX: (814) 237-9006
204 E Calder Way Ste 200
State College, PA 16801-4756
Allianz Madvac Inc.
(450) 616-8100 FAX: (450) 616-8103
Toll Free: (800) 862-3822
1690 Eiffel
Boucherville, QC J4B 7W1
Allied Waste Industries
(800) 541-2916 FAX: (231) 777-8073
2611 Olthoff St
Muskegon, MI 49444-2687
ALM Corp.
(815) 673-5546 FAX: (815) 673-2292
Toll Free: (800) 544-5438
200 Benchmark Industrial Dr
Streator, IL 61364-9400
Alpha Corporation
(703) 450-0800 FAX: (703) 450-0043
21351 Ridgetop Cir Ste 200
Dulles, VA 20166-6561
Alpha Geotechnical & Materials, Inc.
(602) 453-3265 FAX: (602) 453-3267
5216 S 40th St
Phoenix, AZ 85040-3918
Altec Industries
(205) 991-7733 FAX: (205) 981-2522
33 Inverness Center Pkwy Ste 100
Birmingham, AL 35242-7640
Altec Industries
(608) 469-2129 FAX: (317) 872-2531
439 Mayfair Pl
Onalaska, WI 54650-8531
Amcor Precast
(801) 399-1171 FAX: (801) 392-7849
Toll Free: (800) 776-8760
PO Box 12730
Ogden, UT 84412-2730
(210) 699-6595 FAX: (210) 699-6597
17319 San Pedro Ave Ste 207
San Antonio, TX 78232-1419
(801) 999-2002 FAX: (801) 999-2098
9865 S 500 W
Sandy, UT 84070-2561
America West Environmental
(509) 547-2240 FAX: (509) 547-7861
Toll Free: (888) 547-5474
PO Box 730
3300 E A St
Pasco, WA 99301-0730
American Concrete Institute
(248) 848-3700 FAX: (248) 848-3701
38800 Country Club Dr
PO Box 9094
Farmington Hills, MI 48331-3439
American Concrete Pavement Association
(847) 966-2272 FAX: (847) 966-9970
5420 Old Orchard Rd Ste A-100
Skokie, IL 60077-1053
American Marking Corp.
(402) 895-5627 FAX: (402) 895-3976
Toll Free: (800) 777-4655
12712 Q St
Omaha, NE 68137-3200
American Road Machinery, Inc.
(330) 868-7724 FAX: (330) 868-3386
401 Bridge St
Minerva, OH 44657-1500
American Road Maintenance
(630) 417-0227
3755 N Wilton Ave
Chicago, IL 60613-6005
American Signal Company
(770) 448-6650 FAX: (770) 448-8970
2755 Bankers Industrial Dr
Atlanta, GA 30360-2745
American Traffic Safety Materials,
(904) 284-1708 FAX: (904) 284-8165
Toll Free: (877) 872-2876
PO Box 1449
Orange Park, FL 32067-1449
Ames Construction, Inc.
(602) 431-2111 FAX: (602) 431-5952
3410 E University Dr Ste 380
Phoenix, AZ 85034-8211
Amick Equipment Company, Inc.
(803) 359-6656 FAX: (803) 359-0925
PO Box 1965
Lexington, SC 29071-1965
Anaerobic Technologies, LLC
(805) 965-5059 FAX: (805) 965-1050
1503 La Coronilla Dr
Santa Barbara, CA 93109-1715
Anderson & Associates, Inc.
(540) 552-5592 FAX: (540) 552-5729
Toll Free: (800) 763-5596
100 Ardmore St
Blacksburg, VA 24060-5802
Angus-Young Associates, Inc.
(608) 756-2326 FAX: (608) 756-0464
555 S River St
Janesville, WI 53548-4783
APA Engineering, Inc.
(949) 770-4429 FAX: (979) 770-9468
23282 Mill Creek Dr Ste 160
Laguna Hills, CA 92653-1689
Arrington Watkins Architects, LLC
(602) 279-4373 FAX: (602) 279-9110
5240 N 16th St Ste 1010
Phoenix, AZ 85016-3214
APAC Southeast, Inc.
(813) 973-2888 FAX: (813) 973-3893
4636 Scarborough Dr
Lutz, FL 33559-8506
AshBritt Environmental
(954) 545-3535 FAX: (954) 545-3585
480 SW 12th Ave Ste 103
Pompano Beach, FL 33069-3538
Applied Industrial Technologies
(216) 426-4492 FAX: (216) 373-5578
Toll Free: 1-877-279-2799
1 Applied Plz
Cleveland, OH 44115-2519
Asphalt Pavement Alliance
(301) 731-4748 FAX: (301) 731-4621
Toll Free: (877) 272-0077
5100 Forbes Blvd
Lanham, MD 20706-4416
Applied Professional Services, Inc.
(425) 888-2590 FAX: (425) 888-2554
43530 SE North Bend Way
North Bend, WA 98045-9289
Associated Engineering Consultants, Inc.
(530) 226-1616 FAX: (530) 226-1617
20179 Charlanne Dr
Redding, CA 96002-9222
Applied Turf Products, LLC
(636) 970-2200 FAX: (636) 278-6027
50 Gerber Industrial Dr
Saint Peters, MO 63376-1075
APSI Construction Management
(858) 277-2500 FAX: (585) 430-2453
7990 Dagget St Ste A-1
San Diego, CA 92111-2337
AR Mays
(480) 850-6900 FAX: (480) 850-6901
6900 E Indian School Rd Ste 200
Scottsdale, AZ 85251-3899
Archer Western Contractors
(602) 246-1485 FAX: (602) 246-1491
1951 W Camelback Rd Ste 450
Phoenix, AZ 85015-3474
Aries Industries Inc.
(262) 896-7205 FAX: (262) 896-7099
Toll Free: (800) 234-7205
550 Elizabeth St
Waukesha, WI 53186-4511
Arizona Engineering Company
(928) 774-7179 FAX: (928) 779-1041
1501 S Yale St Ste 101
Flagstaff, AZ 86001-7314
Arizona Public Service Co.
(602) 371-7537 FAX: (602) 371-6600
PO Box 53933
Station 3876
Phoenix, AZ 85072-3933
Arkansas One-Call Center
(501) 328-2500 FAX: (800) 482-7997
Toll Free: (800) 482-8802
2120 Maple Ridge Cir
Conway, AR 72034-8503
Associated Right of Way Services,
(925) 691-8500 FAX: (925) 691-6505
2300 Contra Costa Blvd Ste 525
Pleasant Hill, CA 94523-3959
Associated Transportation Engineers
(805) 687-4418 FAX: (805) 682-8509
100 N Hope Ave Ste 4
Santa Barbara, CA 93110-2621
Association of Environmental Authorities of New Jersey
(609) 584-1877 FAX: (609) 584-8271
2333 Whitehorse Mercerville Rd
Ste 3
Mercerville, NJ 08619-1946
(780) 420-7500 FAX: (780) 420-3424
10540-112 Street NW
Edmonton, AB T5H 3G7
ATL Diversified Industries dba Arbor
Tree & Land
(561) 965-2198 FAX: (561) 965-9777
Toll Free: (800) 932-7267
PO Box 1387
Boynton Beach, FL 33425-1387
Atlanta Airlines Terminal Corporation
(404) 530-4013 FAX: (404) 530-2106
PO Box 45170
Atlanta, GA 30320-0170
Atlantic Detroit Diesel-Allison
(973) 575-0309 FAX: (973) 287-1086
PO Box 2030
Pine Brook, NJ 07058-2030
Atlantic Tractors & Equipment Ltd.
(902) 468-0581 FAX: (902) 468-4227
175 Akerley Blvd
PO Box 953
Dartmouth, NS B2Y 3Z6
Auto Truck Group
(630) 860-5600 FAX: (630) 860-5631
1200 N Ellis St
Bensenville, IL 60106-1119
Automatic Systems Company
(612) 501-2612 FAX: (651) 631-0027
16960 Kenmore Dr
Lakeville, MN 55044-8947
Avalon Engineering, Inc.
(239) 573-2077 FAX: (239) 573-2076
2503 del Prado Blvd S Ste 200
Cape Coral, FL 33904-5709
Avery Dennison Corporation
(724) 385-0061 FAX: (724) 385-0349
116 Orris Rd
Sewickley, PA 15143-8378
AWS Engineers & Planners Corp.
(905) 315-3500 FAX: (905) 315-3569
Toll Free: (800) 263-4178
5420 N Service Rd Ste 200
Burlington, ON L7L 6C7
Ayres Associates
(715) 834-3161 FAX: (715) 831-7500
Toll Free: (800) 666-3103
3433 Oakwood Hills Pkwy
Eau Claire, WI 54701-7698
AZTEC Engineering Inc. - AZ
(602) 454-0402 FAX: (602) 454-0403
4561 E McDowell Rd
Phoenix, AZ 85008-4505
B & E Engineers
(626) 446-4449 FAX: (626) 446-6566
24 W Saint Joseph St
Arcadia, CA 91007-2854
B&W Truck Repair, Inc.
(773) 247-7002 FAX: (773) 247-4506
3701 S Iron St
Chicago, IL 60609-2111
Balfour Beatty
(239) 242-0879 FAX: (239) 458-1893
2400 1st St Ste 214
Fort Myers, FL 33901-2982
April 2009
APWA Reporter
Baltimore Gas & Electric Company
(410) 291-4540 FAX: (410) 291-4955
1699 Leadenhall St
Baltimore, MD 21230-4854
Barnes, Ferland and Associates, Inc.
(407) 896-8608 FAX: (407) 896-1822
3655 Maguire Blvd Ste 150
Orlando, FL 32803-3047
BARR Plastics Inc.
(604) 852-8522 FAX: (604) 852-8022
31192 S Fraser Way
Abbotsford, BC V2T 6L5
Barrett Paving Materials, Inc.
(734) 483-4775 FAX: (734) 483-4774
5800 Cherry Hill Rd
Ypsilanti, MI 48198-9631
Bartlett Consolidated LLC
(508) 746-4246 FAX: (508) 747-6587
PO Box 810
Plymouth, MA 02362-0810
Baum Publications Ltd.
(604) 291-9900 FAX: (604) 291-1906
201-2323 Boundary Rd
Vancouver, BC V5M 4V8
Belanger, Inc.
(248) 349-7010 FAX: (248) 349-2309
1001 Doheny Dr
Northville, MI 48167-1957
Bell Equipment Company
(248) 370-0000 FAX: (248) 370-0011
Toll Free: (866) 597-0716
78 Northpointe Dr
Orion, MI 48359-1846
Bengal Engineering, Inc.
(805) 563-0788 FAX: (805) 682-3599
250 Big Sur Dr
Goleta, CA 93117-2435
Indianapolis, IN 46227-2147
Better Roads Magazine
(847) 636-5065 FAX: (847) 636-5077
2340 S River Rd Ste 202
Des Plaines, IL 60018-3223
(913) 663-1900 FAX: (913) 663-1633
6363 College Blvd Ste 500
Overland Park, KS 66211-1887
BHR, Inc. - An Arcadis Company
(904) 721-2991 FAX: (904) 861-2450
1650 Prudential Dr Ste 400
Jacksonville, FL 32207-8166
Big R Manufacturing LLC
(970) 347-2204 FAX: (970) 356-9621
PO Box 1290
Greeley, CO 80632-1290
Biggs Cardosa Associates
(408) 296-5515 FAX: (408) 296-8114
865 The Alameda
San Jose, CA 95126-3133
Bimasco, Inc.
(631) 234-3100 FAX: (631) 234-3281
735 Old Willets Path
Hauppauge, NY 11788-4101
Bio Clean Environmental Services,
(760) 433-7640 FAX: (760) 433-3176
2972 San Luis Rey Rd
Oceanside, CA 92058-1241
Blucor Contracting, Inc.
(480) 595-8073 FAX: (480) 575-0814
21738 E Orion Way
Queen Creek, AZ 85242-6448
Bolton & Menk, Inc.
(507) 625-4171 FAX: (507) 625-4177
1960 Premier Dr
Mankato, MN 56001-5900
Benham Companies, LLC
(314) 821-7017, 8531 FAX: (314)
622 Emerson Rd Ste 600
Saint Louis, MO 63141-6728
(262) 241-4466 FAX: (262) 241-4901
12075 Corporate Pkwy Ste 200
Mequon, WI 53092-2649
Bergkamp Inc.
(785) 825-1375 FAX: (785) 825-4269
500 E Schilling Rd
Salina, KS 67401-8966
(847) 816-1631 FAX: (847) 816-3762
1860 W Winchester Rd Ste 106
Libertyville, IL 60048-5312
Bernardin Lochmueller & Associates, Inc.
(317) 222-3880 FAX: (317) 222-3881
6125 S East St
(651) 636-4600 FAX: (651) 636-1311
Toll Free: (800) 880-4700
APWA Reporter
April 2009
2335 Highway 36 W
Saint Paul, MN 55113-3898
Bosak CPM
(602) 909-9507 FAX: (623) 561-0592
7414 W Louise Dr
Glendale, AZ 85310-5630
Bosch Rexroth Canada
(905) 735-0510 FAX: (905) 735-3074
Toll Free: 1-877-COMPU-11
490 Prince Charles Drive S
Welland, ON L3B 5X7
Boschung America, LLC
(724) 658-3300 FAX: (724) 658-2300
PO Box 8427
New Castle, PA 16107-8427
Boucher & James, Inc.
(215) 345-9400 FAX: (215) 345-9401
1456 Ferry Rd Ste 500
Doylestown, PA 18901-2393
Brandon Industries, Inc.
(972) 542-3000 FAX: (972) 542-1015
Toll Free: 800-247-1274
PO Box 2230
McKinney, TX 75070-8167
Brown & Gay Engineers, Inc.
(281) 558-8700 FAX: (281) 558-9701
10777 Westheimer Rd Ste 400
Houston, TX 77042-3475
Bucher, Willis & Ratliff Corporation
(785) 827-3603 FAX: (785) 827-3029
2335 E Crawford St
Salina, KS 67401-2077
Burns & McDonnell
(816) 333-9400 FAX: (816) 333-3690
9400 Ward Pkwy
Kansas City, MO 64114-3319
Burton Signworks, Inc.
(336) 789-5516 FAX: (336) 789-8490
Toll Free: (800) 476-9333
PO Box 1206
Mount Airy, NC 27030-1206
Bury + Partners, Inc.
(210) 525-9090 FAX: (210) 525-0529
922 Isom Rd Ste 100
San Antonio, TX 78216-4184
Cal Engineering & Geology, Inc.
(925) 935-9771 FAX: (925) 935-9773
1870 Olympic Blvd Ste 100
Walnut Creek, CA 94596-5067
California Property Specialists, Inc.
(714) 550-4628 FAX: (714) 200-0809
600 W Santa Ana Blvd Ste 115
Santa Ana, CA 92701-4577
(618) 254-3855 FAX: (618) 254-2200
Toll Free: (800) 347-5560
300 Daniel Boone Trl
PO Box 861
South Roxana, IL 62087
Camoplast Track Vehicles
(450) 776-3600 FAX: (450) 776-3625
1001 J-A Bombardier St
Granby, QC J2J 1E9
Bulk Storage Inc.
(708) 946-9595 FAX: (708) 946-7898
28101 S Yates Ave
Beecher, IL 60401-3603
Camosy Construction
(847) 395-6800 FAX: (847) 395-6891
43451 N US Highway 41
Zion, IL 60099-9455
Bureau Veritas
(858) 451-6100 FAX: (858) 451-2846
Toll Free: (800) 964-4274
11590 W Bernardo Ct Ste 100
San Diego, CA 92127-1624
Cargill Deicing Technology
(440) 716-4664 FAX: (888) 739-8705
Toll Free: (800) 600-7258
24950 Country Club Blvd Ste 450
North Olmsted, OH 44070-5333
Burgess & Niple, Inc.
(614) 459-2050 FAX: (614) 451-1385
5085 Reed Rd
Columbus, OH 43220-2513
(707) 542-6451 FAX: (707) 542-5212
15 3rd St
Santa Rosa, CA 95401-6204
Burgess Engineering & Testing
(405) 790-0488 FAX: (405) 790-0788
2603 N Shields Blvd
Moore, OK 73160-3302
Carolinas Concrete Pipe & Products
(803) 926-7500 FAX: (803) 926-7577
PO Box 5127
Columbia, SC 29250-5127
Carollo Engineers
(714) 593-5100 FAX: (714) 593-5101
10540 Talbert Ave Ste 200E
Fountain Valley, CA 92708-6049
(312) 346-5000 FAX: (312) 346-5228
125 S Wacker Dr Ste 600
Chicago, IL 60606-4437
Carroll Engineering, Inc.
(408) 261-9800 FAX: (408) 261-0595
1101 S Winchester Blvd Ste H184
San Jose, CA 95128-3903
CEAttachments Inc.
(262) 387-1210 FAX: (262) 387-1247
N19W6721 Commerce Ct
Cedarburg, WI 53012-2636
(563) 556-8120 FAX: (563) 556-8149
Toll Free: (800) 688-2656
3600 Digital Dr
Dubuque, IA 52003-8962
(479) 254-1437 FAX: (479) 273-0844
3317 SW I St
Bentonville, AR 72712-7156
Case Construction
(262) 636-6011
700 State St
Racine, WI 53404-3343
(309) 675-8684 FAX: (309) 675-1044
100 NE Adams St
Governmental Sales Division
Peoria, IL 61629-0002
Cavanaugh & Associates, P.A.
(336) 759-9001 FAX: (336) 759-1005
530 N Trade St Ste 302
Winston Salem, NC 27101-2957
CCG Systems, Inc./FASTER
(800) 753-2783 FAX: (757) 625-5114
Toll Free: (800) 753-2783
2730 Ellsmere Ave
Norfolk, VA 23513-2437
CDG Engineers & Associates, Inc.
(334) 222-9431 FAX: (334) 222-4018
1840 E Three Notch St
PO Box 278
Andalusia, AL 36421-2404
Centennial Contractors Enterprises,
(410) 528-1014 FAX: (410) 392-5295
1100 Wicomico St
Baltimore, MD 21230-2063
CenterPoint Energy
(713) 207-2111 FAX: (713) 207-9293
PO Box 4567
Houston, TX 77210-4567
CenterPoint Energy Minnegasco
(612) 321-5426 FAX: (612) 321-5480
PO Box 1165
Minneapolis, MN 55440-1165
Certified Power Inc.
(847) 573-3956 FAX: (847) 573-3836
Toll Free: (888) 905-7411
970 Campus Dr
Mundelein, IL 60060-3803
1020 W Fullerton Ave Ste A
Addison, IL 60101-4335
22414 W 143rd St
Plainfield, IL 60544-7622
Charles Abbott Associates, Inc.
(866) 530-4980 FAX: (310) 534-8082
2601 Airport Dr Ste 110
Torrance, CA 90505-6142
Civic Engineering & Information
Technology, Inc.
(615) 425-2000 FAX: (615) 385-4834
25 Lindsley Ave
Nashville, TN 37210-2038
Cherry Valley Tractor Sales
(856) 983-0111 FAX: (856) 988-6290
35 W Route 70
Marlton, NJ 08053-3009
Christopher B. Burke Engineering
West, Ltd.
(630) 443-7755 FAX: (630) 443-0533
116 W Main St Ste 201
Saint Charles, IL 60174-1854
Cimline, Inc.
(800) 328-3874 FAX: (763) 557-1971
Toll Free: (800) 328-3874
2601 Niagara Ln N
Plymouth, MN 55447-4721
Ciorba Group, Inc.
(773) 775-4009 FAX: (773) 775-4014
5507 N Cumberland Ave Ste 402
Chicago, IL 60656-4754
CIPPlanner Corporation
(408) 213-0134 FAX: (408) 715-6976
Toll Free: 1-866-466-8217
2075 de La Cruz Blvd Ste 111
Santa Clara, CA 95050-3035
(503) 968-6655 FAX: (503) 968-2595
15573 Bangy Rd Ste 300
Lake Oswego, OR 97035-3396
(510) 523-9700 FAX: (510) 523-9706
1040 Marina Village Pkwy Ste 200
Alameda, CA 94501-1030
CFA Software, Inc.
(800) 437-6001 FAX: (630) 543-1904
City Utility Equipment Co.
(815) 254-6673 FAX: (815) 254-8162
CivilTech Engineering, Inc.
(281) 304-0200 FAX: (281) 304-0210
11821 Telge Rd
Cypress, TX 77429-3288
Civiltech Engineering, Inc.
(630) 773-3900 FAX: (630) 773-3975
450 E Devon Ave Ste 300
Itasca, IL 60143-1263
Clark Dietz Engineers
(312) 648-9900 FAX: (312) 648-0204
118 S Clinton St Ste 600
Chicago, IL 60661-5767
Claunch & Miller, Inc.
(713) 622-9264 FAX: (713) 622-9265
4635 Southwest Fwy Ste 1000
Houston, TX 77027-7139
Clear Water Compliance Services, Inc.
(800) 992-4202 FAX: (425) 265-9905
12314 Beverly Park Rd Ste 134
Lynnwood, WA 98087-1513
Clearwater Technology, Inc.
(973) 466-1121 FAX: (973) 589-4509
Toll Free: (800) 980-1121
192 Clifford St
Newark, NJ 07105-1903
CMTS Florida LLC
(904) 739-9804 FAX: (904) 739-9816
9132 Cypress Green Dr
Jacksonville, FL 32256-7779
April 2009
APWA Reporter
(503) 242-1388 FAX: (503) 242-0094
Toll Free: (888) 661-7259
3207 SW 1st Ave Ste 225
Portland, OR 97239-4686
(916) 397-5644 FAX: (916) 2547425
5995 Sepulveda Blvd Ste 206
Culver City, CA 90230-6415
Cobb, Fendley & Associates, Inc.
(713) 462-3242 FAX: (713) 462-3262
Toll Free: (800) 662-4180
13430 Northwest Fwy Ste 1100
Houston, TX 77040-6153
Cole & Associates, Inc.
(314) 984-9887 FAX: (314) 984-0587
10777 Sunset Office Dr
Saint Louis, MO 63127-1019
CollectiveData, Inc.
(319) 665-4890 FAX: (319) 665-4894
655 Liberty Way Ste 3
North Liberty, IA 52317-9154
Collier Engineering Company, Inc.
(615) 331-1441 FAX: (615) 331-1050
7105 Crossroads Blvd Ste 107
Brentwood, TN 37027-2806
Compliance EnviroSystems, LLC
(281) 923-6863 FAX: (225) 769-2939
1401 Seaboard Ave
Baton Rouge, LA 70810-6262
Comprehensive Environmental Inc.
(800) 725-2550 FAX: (800) 331-0892
Toll Free: (800) 482-5557
225 Cedar Hill St
Marlborough, MA 01752-5900
Construction Estimating Institute
(941) 349-5401 FAX: (941) 346-0221
5016 Calle Minorga
Sarasota, FL 34242-1519
Construction Inspection & Testing
(480) 446-9876 FAX: (480) 446-7580
618 S Madison Dr
Tempe, AZ 85281-7248
Construction Testing Services, Inc.
(925) 462-5151 FAX: (925) 462-5183
2174 Rheem Dr Ste A
Pleasanton, CA 94588-2775
Converse Consultants
(626) 930-1200 FAX: (626) 930-1212
APWA Reporter
Toll Free: (800) 234-6393
222 E Huntington Dr Ste 211
Monrovia, CA 91016-3500
Converse Consultants
(480) 296-0266 FAX: (480) 296-0277
9831 S 51st St Ste C112
Phoenix, AZ 85044-5673
CORE Construction
(602) 494-0800 FAX: (602) 494-9481
3036 E Greenway Rd
Phoenix, AZ 85032-4414
Corradino Group
(305) 594-0735 FAX: (305) 594-0755
4055 NW 97th Ave Ste 200
Doral, FL 33178-2911
Covello Group, Inc.
(925) 933-2300 FAX: (925) 933-0434
1660 Olympic Blvd Ste 300
Walnut Creek, CA 94596-5190
CP&Y, Inc.
(214) 638-0500 FAX: (214) 638-3723
1820 Regal Row Ste 200
Dallas, TX 75235-2393
CPH Consultants, LLC
(425) 285-2390 FAX: (425) 285-2389
733 7th Ave Ste 100
Kirkland, WA 98033-5657
Crafco, Inc.
(602) 276-0406 FAX: (480) 961-0513
Toll Free: (800) 528-8242
420 N Roosevelt Ave
Chandler, AZ 85226-2601
Creighton Manning Engineering,
(518) 446-0396 FAX: (518) 446-0397
17 Computer Dr W
Albany, NY 12205-1614
Cretex Specialty Products
(262) 542-8153 FAX: (262) 542-0301
Toll Free: (800) 345-3764
N16W23390 Stone Ridge Dr Ste A
Waukesha, WI 53188-1196
Cryotech Deicing Technology
(319) 372-6012 FAX: (319) 372-2662
Toll Free: (800) 346-7237
6103 Ortho Way
Fort Madison, IA 52627-9412
DeAngelo Brothers, Inc.
(570) 459-1112 FAX: (570) 459-0321
Toll Free: (800) 360-9333
100 N Conahan Dr
Hazleton, PA 18201-7355
CTS Cement Manufacturing Corporation/Rapid Set Products
(714) 379-8260 FAX: (714) 379-8270
Toll Free: (800) 929-3030
11065 Knott Ave Ste A
Cypress, CA 90630-5149
Deery American Corporation
(970) 858-3678 FAX: (970) 858-3679
Toll Free: (800) 227-4059
PO Box 4099
Grand Junction, CO 81502-4099
(810) 232-2121 FAX: (810) 232-2460
Toll Free: (800) 223-5024
PO Box 70
Swartz Creek, MI 48473-0070
Cutler Repaving, Inc.
(785) 843-1524 FAX: (785) 843-3942
921 E 27th St
Lawrence, KS 66046-4917
CValdo Corporation
(858) 866-0128 FAX: (858) 866-0131
4901 Morena Blvd Ste 1110
San Diego, CA 92117-7341
D&L Foundry and Supply
(509) 765-7952 FAX: (509) 765-8124
Toll Free: (888) 765-0058
PO Box 1319
12970 Road 3 North East
Moses Lake, WA 98837-0194
D.L. Withers Construction
(602) 438-9500 FAX: (602) 438-9600
3220 E Harbour Dr
Phoenix, AZ 85034-8204
Dahl, Taylor & Associates
(949) 756-8654 FAX: (949) 261-9778
2960 Daimler St
Santa Ana, CA 92705-5824
DataDot Technology Canada
(780) 980-1002 FAX: (866) 618-4196
20050 5201 50th St
Leduc, AB T9E 6H4
Critex LLC
(419) 229-3015 FAX: (419) 228-7717
556 Honeysuckle Bnd
Lima, OH 45807-2293
David Evans and Associates, Inc.
(503) 223-6663 FAX: (503) 223-2701
2100 SW River Pkwy
Portland, OR 97201-8009
(251) 459-7430 FAX: (251) 459-7433
Toll Free: (800) 992-6207
5435 Business Park Way
Theodore, AL 36582-1615
David McManus Engineering Ltd.
(613) 225-1929 FAX: (613) 225-7330
30 Camelot Dr Ste 400
Nepean, ON K2G 5X8
April 2009
Delta Municipal Consulting
(925) 625-7003 FAX: (925) 625-9194
1120 2nd St Ste 106
Brentwood, CA 94513-2230
(703) 849-0200 FAX: (703) 849-0267
8401 Arlington Blvd
Fairfax, VA 22031-4619
Diamond Mowers, Inc.
(605) 368-5865 FAX: (605) 498-1222
27134 S Parklane Dr
Sioux Falls, SD 57106-8000
Diamond West, Inc.
(818) 444-1800 FAX: (818) 223-9215
26800 Agoura Rd Ste 100
Calabasas, CA 91301-5137
Dias and Dias Electronics
(416) 977-0070 FAX: (905) 822-9288
Toll Free: 1-888-215-6328
559 Centerline St
Newaygo, MI 49337-9053
Diaz-Yourman & Associates
(714) 245-2920 FAX: (714) 245-2950
1616 E 17th St
Santa Ana, CA 92705-8509
Dibble Engineering
(602) 957-1155 FAX: (602) 957-2838
7500 N Dreamy Draw Dr Ste 200
Phoenix, AZ 85020-4669
DLZ Kentucky
(502) 695-2300 FAX: (502) 695-1497
201 Brighton Park Blvd
Frankfort, KY 40601-3717
DMR Team, Inc.
(310) 338-3440 FAX: (310) 338-3446
6133 Bristol Pkwy Ste 270
Culver City, CA 90230-6629
Dome Corporation of North
(973) 744-0440 FAX: (973) 744-8759
15 S Park St
Montclair, NJ 07042-2704
Donovan Enterprises, Inc.
(800) 327-8287 FAX: (772) 287-0431
3353 SE Gran Park Way
Stuart, FL 34997-8837
Dow Chemical Company
(989) 636-3587 FAX: (989) 638-9851
Toll Free: (800) 447-4369
2020 Dow Center
Midland, MI 48674-0001
Downunder Municipal Services, LLC
(269) 344-0127 FAX: (269) 344-1038
2612 Miller Rd
Kalamazoo, MI 49001-4167
Drake Haglan & Associates, Inc.
(916) 363-4210 FAX: (916) 363-4230
10423 Old Placerville Rd Ste 200
Sacramento, CA 95827-2542
Dressler Consulting Engineers
(913) 341-5575 FAX: (913) 341-9127
Toll Free: (888) 373-7753
4425 Indian Creek Pkwy
Shawnee Mission, KS 66207-4013
Duke’s Root Control, Inc.
(315) 472-4781 FAX: (315) 475-4203
Toll Free: (800) 447-6687
1020 Hiawatha Blvd W
Syracuse, NY 13204-4163
Duplantis Design Group, PC
(985) 626-9547 FAX: (985) 626-0269
34 Louis Prima Dr
Covington, LA 70433-5903
Dyer, Riddle, Mills & Precourt, Inc.
(407) 896-0594 FAX: (407) 896-4836
941 Lake Baldwin Ln
Orlando, FL 32814-6437
E. Roberts Alley & Associates, Inc.
(423) 928-3500 FAX: (423) 926-3565
Toll Free: 800-869-5596
207 E Main St Ste 3A
101 Fountain Pl Bldg
Johnson City, TN 37604-5749
E.J. Breneman, L.P.
(610) 678-1913 FAX: (610) 678-9691
1117 Snyder Rd
West Lawn, PA 19609-1100
(502) 627-3708 FAX: (502) 217-2179
820 W Broadway
Louisville, KY 40202-2218
EAC Consulting, Inc.
(305) 264-2557 FAX: (305) 264-8363
815 NW 57th Ave Ste 402
Miami, FL 33126-2054
Saint Paul, MN 55113-2630
Earth Systems, Inc.
(805) 781-0112 FAX: (805) 781-0180
Toll Free: (866) 781-0112
PO Box 4259
895 Aerovista Place Ste 102
San Luis Obispo, CA 93403-4259
Earth Tech
(904) 279-7200 FAX: (904) 279-7230
6440 Southpoint Pkwy Ste 150
Jacksonville, FL 32216-8051
Earth Tech
(408) 232-2856 FAX: (408) 232-2801
695 River Oaks Pkwy
San Jose, CA 95134-1907
East Jordan Iron Works, Inc.
(231) 536-4444 FAX: (231) 536-4458
Toll Free: (800) 626-4653
PO Box 439
301 Spring St
East Jordan, MI 49727-0439
Eco Solutions
(905) 864-8740 FAX: (905) 693-8959
Toll Free: (877) 326-7658
1114 Lower Base Line
Hornby (Milton), ON L0P 1E0
ECO:LOGIC Engineering
(775) 827-2311 FAX: (775) 827-2316
10381 Double R Blvd
Reno, NV 89521-5991
Ed A. Wilson, Inc.
(817) 923-6400 FAX: (817) 923-6242
2526 W Pafford St
Fort Worth, TX 76110-5934
eda-design Professionals
(805) 549-8658 FAX: (805) 549-8704
PO Box 1829
San Luis Obispo, CA 93406-1829
EDAW, Inc.
(916) 414-5800 FAX: (916) 414-5850
2022 J St
Sacramento, CA 95811-3120
(314) 729-4100 FAX: (314) 729-4199
13523 Barrett Parkway Dr Ste 250
Ballwin, MO 63021-3802
EMA, Inc.
(651) 639-5600 FAX: (651) 639-5730
1970 Oakcrest Ave Ste 300
Emergency Management Controls
(305) 666-4210 FAX: (305) 666-4211
7035 SW 47th St Ste A
Miami, FL 33155-4625
Emmons & Olivier Resources, Inc.
(651) 770-8448 FAX: (651) 770-2552
651 Hale Ave N
Oakdale, MN 55128-7534
ENGEO Incorporated
(925) 866-9000 FAX: (888) 279-2698
2010 Crow Canyon Pl Ste 250
San Ramon, CA 94583-1344
Engineering Associates
(307) 587-4911 FAX: (307) 587-2596
PO Box 1900
902 13th St
Cody, WY 82414-1900
Engineering Resources
(951) 765-6622 FAX: (951) 765-6621
3550 E Florida Ave Ste B
Hemet, CA 92544-4937
Engineering Service
(601) 939-8737 FAX: (601) 939-8799
PO Box 180429
Richland, MS 39218-0429
Engineers Inc.
(575) 538-5395 FAX: (575) 538-5410
301 W College Ave Ste 1
Silver City, NM 88061-5002
England-Thims & Miller, Inc.
(904) 642-8990 FAX: (904) 646-9485
14775 Old Saint Augustine Rd
Jacksonville, FL 32258-2463
Enterprise Information Solutions,
(410) 381-7898 FAX: (410) 381-7835
Toll Free: (800) 889-6990
9891 Brokenland Pkwy Ste 300
Columbia, MD 21046-3002
(206) 269-5041 FAX: (206) 269-5046
101 Stewart St Ste 1101
Seattle, WA 98101-1060
EnviroWaste Services Group, Inc.
(305) 637-9665 FAX: (305) 637-9659
Toll Free: (877) 637-9665
4 SE 1st St Fl 2
Miami, FL 33131-1008
Envista Corporation
(978) 232-6300 FAX: (978) 927-0725
900 Cummings Ctr Ste 307V
Beverly, MA 01915-6181
(630) 692-7880 FAX: (630) 692-7885
1585 Beverly Ct Ste 115
Aurora, IL 60502-8731
EPCOR Water Services, Inc.
(780) 412-7755 FAX: (780) 969-7057
10065 Jasper Ave
Edmonton, AB T5J 3B1
Epic Land Solutions, Inc.
(310) 378-1178 FAX: (310) 378-0558
Toll Free: (866) 378-1178
2601 Airport Dr Ste 115
Torrance, CA 90505-6133
EPS Group, Inc.
(480) 503-2250 FAX: (480) 503-2258
2045 S Vineyard Ste 101
Mesa, AZ 85210-6890
Ergon Asphalt & Emulsions, Inc.
(512) 469-9292 FAX: (512) 469-0391
11612 Fm 2244 Bldg 1 Ste 250
Austin, TX 78738-5409
Erlandsen, Inc.
(509) 884-2562 FAX: (509) 884-2814
Toll Free: (800) 732-7442
250 Simon St SE
East Wenatchee, WA 98802-7710
EsGil Corporation
(858) 560-1468 FAX: (858) 560-1576
Toll Free: 800-983-7445
9320 Chesapeake Dr Ste 208
San Diego, CA 92123-1355
ESI Consultants, Ltd.
(630) 420-1700 FAX: (630) 420-1733
1979 N Mill St Ste 100
Naperville, IL 60563-1295
Environmental Partners Group
(617) 657-0200 FAX: (617) 657-0201
1900 Crown Colony Dr Ste 402
Quincy, MA 02169-0980
April 2009
(909) 793-2853 FAX: (909)
380 New York St
Redlands, CA 92373-8118
APWA Reporter
ESRI Canada Inc.
(416) 386-6035 FAX: (416) 441-2106
12 Concorde Pl Suite 900
Toronto, ON M3C 3R8
Etna Supply
(616) 514-5154 FAX: (616) 514-6154
529 32nd St SE
Grand Rapids, MI 49548-2392
Evergreen Safety Council
(206) 382-4090 FAX: (206) 382-0878
Toll Free: (800) 382-4090
401 Pontius Ave N
Seattle, WA 98109-5423
Exeltech Consulting, Inc.
(360) 357-8289 FAX: (360) 357-8225
2590 Willamette Dr NE Ste 101
Lacey, WA 98516-1325
EZ-Liner Industries
(712) 737-4016 FAX: (712) 737-4148
Toll Free: (800) 373-4016
PO Box 140
Orange City, IA 51041-0140
FallLine Corporation
(775) 827-6400 FAX: (775) 827-6749
Toll Free: (800) 325-5463
4625 Aircenter Cir
Reno, NV 89502-5948
Fanelli Industries
(631) 567-2880 FAX: (631) 567-2046
Toll Free: (877) 343-7227
1601 Locust Ave
Bohemia, NY 11716-5000
Fay, Spofford & Thorndike, Inc.
(781) 221-1214 FAX: (781) 221-1057
Toll Free: (800) 835-8666
5 Burlington Woods
Burlington, MA 01803-4511
Federal Signal Corporation - Environmental Solutions Group
(847) 741-5370 FAX: (847) 742-3035
1300 W Bartlett Rd
Elgin, IL 60120-7528
FGM Architects
(630) 574-8300 FAX: (630) 574-9292
1211 W 22nd St Ste 705
Oak Brook, IL 60523-3200
First Vehicle Services
(561) 578-0306 FAX: (561) 748-6599
567 Rookery Pl
Jupiter, FL 33458-8368
APWA Reporter
First Vehicle Services
(401) 845-5630 FAX: (401) 846-3084
80 Halsey St
Newport, RI 02840-1332
Fred A. Cook, Jr., Inc.
(914) 739-3300 FAX: (914) 739-8525
PO Box 71
Montrose, NY 10548-0071
G. Rabine & Sons
(815) 544-4122 FAX: (815) 544-3240
1311 McKinley Ave
Belvidere, IL 61008-1311
Fisher & Arnold, Inc.
(901) 748-1811 FAX: (901) 748-3115
9180 Crestwyn Hills Dr
Memphis, TN 38125-8502
Freese and Nichols, Inc.
(817) 735-7235 FAX: (817) 735-7490
4055 International Plz Ste 200
Fort Worth, TX 76109-4814
G.E.C., Inc.
(225) 612-3000 FAX: (225) 612-3015
Toll Free: (800) 883-5588
9357 Interline Ave
Baton Rouge, LA 70809-1910
Flexible Pavements of Ohio
(614) 447-3600 FAX: (614) 791-4800
525 Metro Pl N Ste 101
Dublin, OH 43017-5504
Frehner Construction Co., Inc.
(702) 649-2530 FAX: (702) 649-8834
3290 W Hacienda Ave
Las Vegas, NV 89118-1759
Flink Company
(815) 673-4321 FAX: (815) 672-2678
502 N Vermillion St
Streator, IL 61364-2245
FS3 Inc.
(320) 274-7223 FAX: (320) 274-7205
9030 64th St NW
Annandale, MN 55302-2452
Flint Trading, Inc.
(336) 475-6600 FAX: (336) 475-7900
115 Todd Ct
Thomasville, NC 27360-3233
Fuelmaster/Syn-Tech Systems, Inc.
(850) 878-2558 FAX: (850) 877-9327
Toll Free: (800) 888-9136
PO Box 5258
Tallahassee, FL 32314-5258
Foley, Inc.
(732) 885-3030 FAX: (732) 457-0551
855 Centennial Ave
Piscataway, NJ 08854-3912
Fugro Consultants, Inc.
(480) 961-1169 FAX: (480) 940-0952
7031 W Oakland St
Chandler, AZ 85226-2400
FORCE America, Inc.
(952) 707-1300 FAX: (952) 707-1330
Toll Free: (888) 993-6723
501 Cliff Rd E
Burnsville, MN 55337-1635
Fugro Consultants, Inc.
(512) 977-1800 FAX: (512) 973-9565
8613 Cross Park Dr
Austin, TX 78754-4565
(973) 429-5507 FAX: (973) 429-5507
391 Lakeside Ave
Orange, NJ 07050-2809
Fugro West, Inc.
(805) 650-7000 FAX: (805) 650-7010
4820 McGrath St Ste 100
Ventura, CA 93003-7778
(920) 497-2500 FAX: (920) 497-8516
2737 S Ridge Rd
Green Bay, WI 54304-5513
Fulghum MacIndoe & Associates, Inc.
(865) 690-6419 FAX: (865) 690-6448
10330 Hardin Valley Rd Ste 201
Knoxville, TN 37932-3742
Four Seasons Equipment, Inc.
(214) 388-1700 FAX: (214) 388-0107
Toll Free: (866) 270-1700
4120 Cedar Lake Dr
Dallas, TX 75227-4024
Fulton Pacific
(707) 446-6020 FAX: (707) 446-6097
1060 Piper Dr
Vacaville, CA 95688-8709
Foxfire International, LLC
(985) 867-1802 FAX: (985) 867-1822
1750 South Ln Ste 2
Mandeville, LA 70471-7796
Franklin Paint Company, Inc.
(508) 528-0303 FAX: (508) 528-8152
259 Cottage St
Franklin, MA 02038-3006
April 2009
Fuscoe Engineering
(858) 554-1500 FAX: (858) 597-0335
6390 Greenwich Dr Ste 170
San Diego, CA 92122-5923
Fuss & O’Neill
(860) 646-2469 FAX: (860) 643-6313
Toll Free: (800) 286-2469
146 Hartford Rd
Manchester, CT 06040-5992
Gabrielli Truck Sales
(516) 931-7915 FAX: (516) 822-2969
Toll Free: (888) 887-8557
880 S Oyster Bay Rd
Hicksville, NY 11801-3519
GAI Consultants, Inc.
(904) 363-1110 FAX: (904) 363-1115
1301 Riverplace Blvd Ste 900
Jacksonville, FL 32207-9051
Gannett Fleming
(505) 265-8468 FAX: (505) 881-2513
2155 Louisiana Blvd NE
Albuquerque, NM 87110-5409
Gasaway Distributors, Inc.
(630) 985-1600 FAX: (630) 343-2260
PO Box 4986
Oak Brook, IL 60522-4986
Gateway Industrial
Products, Inc.
(800) 701-4782 FAX: (800)
160 Freedom Ct
Elyria, OH 44035-2245
GBA Master Series, Inc.
(913) 341-3105 FAX: (913) 341-3128
Toll Free: (800) 492-2468
10561 Barkley St Ste 500
Overland Park, KS 66212-1834
GCC of America
(505) 881-5303 FAX: (505) 881-5304
4253 Montgomery Blvd NE Ste 210
Albuquerque, NM 87109-1130
GENTERRA Consultants, Inc.
(949) 753-8766 FAX: (949) 753-8887
Toll Free: 888-423-0111
15375 Barranca Pkwy Ste K102
Irvine, CA 92618-2211
Genuine Parts Company
(312) 287-1944 FAX: (312) 744-5243
700 Enterprise Ct
Naperville, IL 60563-1078
GeoDesign Inc.
(503) 968-8787 FAX: (503) 968-3068
15575 SW Sequoia Pkwy Ste 100
Portland, OR 97224-7195
(425) 861-6000 FAX: (425) 861-6050
8410 154th Ave NE
Redmond, WA 98052-3800
Geolabs, Inc.
(510) 465-5141 FAX: (510) 465-4454
1440 Broadway Ste 804
Oakland, CA 94612-2027
George Butler Associates, Inc.
(913) 492-0400 FAX: (913) 577-8380
9801 Renner Blvd
Lenexa, KS 66219-9718
Gewalt Hamilton Associates, Inc.
(847) 855-1100 FAX: (847) 855-1115
820 Lakeside Dr Ste 5
Gurnee, IL 60031-9165
Ghirardelli Associates
(415) 864-4180 FAX: (415) 864-4182
1970 Broadway Ste 920
Oakland, CA 94612-2221
GIANT Maintenance & Restoration,
(847) 388-3711 FAX: (847) 388-3712
300 N Seymour Ave Ste D
Mundelein, IL 60060-2340
Gilson Engineering, Inc.
(801) 571-9414 FAX: (801) 571-9449
12401 S 450 E Unit C2
Draper, UT 84020-7937
Global Sensor Systems Inc.
(905) 507-0007 FAX: (905) 507-4177
400 Brunel Rd
Mississauga, ON L4Z 2C2
Gonzalez Companies, LLC
(314) 961-1888 FAX: (314) 961-1814
1750 S Brentwood Blvd Ste 300
Saint Louis, MO 63144-1339
Good Company
(541) 341-4663 FAX: (541) 341-6412
65 Centennial Loop Ste B
Eugene, OR 97401-7904
GoodPointe Technology
(651) 726-2555 FAX: (651) 726-2545
287 6th St E Ste 200
Saint Paul, MN 55101-1656
Gorrill-Palmer Consulting Engineers,
(207) 657-6910 FAX: (207) 657-6912
PO Box 1237
15 Shaker Rd
Gray, ME 04039-1237
Gossen Livingston Architects, Inc.
(816) 224-4200 FAX: (816) 444-4355
9229 Ward Pkwy Ste 210
Kansas City, MO 64114-3311
GPD Group
(216) 518-5544 FAX: (216) 518-5545
5595 Transportation Blvd Ste 100
Cleveland, OH 44125-5359
(480) 285-3014 FAX: (480) 285-3100
7373 E Doubletree Ranch Rd Ste
Scottsdale, AZ 85258-2035
(773) 399-0112 FAX: (773) 399-0170
8501 W Higgins Rd Ste 280
Chicago, IL 60631-2817
Grand Junction Ready Mix
(970) 243-4291 FAX: (970) 256-4405
PO Box 1849
Grand Junction, CO 81502-1849
Granite Construction, Inc.
(775) 352-1953 FAX: (775) 355-9559
1900 Glendale Ave
Sparks, NV 89431-5507
Great Lakes Chloride, Inc.
(574) 267-2286 FAX: (574) 267-2235
895 E 200 N
Warsaw, IN 46582-7854
Great West Engineering
(406) 449-8627 FAX: (406) 449-8631
PO Box 4817
Helena, MT 59604-4817
Greeley and Hansen
(312) 558-9000 FAX: (312) 558-1006
Toll Free: (800) 837-9779
100 S Wacker Dr Fl 1400
Chicago, IL 60606-4000
Green Earth Force
(956) 256-7576 FAX: (956) 256-1312
PO Box 5655
Woodbury, NJ 08096-0655
Green Sweep, Inc.
(419) 861-6666 FAX: (419) 866-6663
10720 Airport Hwy
Swanton, OH 43558-9610
Gresham, Smith and Partners
(615) 770-8100 FAX: (615) 770-8189
511 Union St
Nashville, TN 37219-1733
Griffin Structures, Inc.
(949) 497-9000 FAX: (949) 497-8883
385 2nd St
Laguna Beach, CA 92651-2304
Groeneveld Group
(800) 263-1760 FAX: (905) 693-9562
Toll Free: (800) 263-1760
8450 Lawson Rd #5
Milton, ON L9T 0J8
GS Equipment Inc.
(813) 248-4971 FAX: (813) 247-3397
1023 S 50th St
Tampa, FL 33619-3629
Guida Surveying, Inc.
(949) 777-2000 FAX: (949) 777-2050
9241 Irvine Blvd
Irvine, CA 92618-1645
Gulf Industries, Inc.
(850) 562-1937 FAX: (850) 562-1934
5285 Tower Rd Ste C6
PO Box 180489
Tallahassee, FL 32303-7965
GVM Snow Equipment
(717) 677-6197 FAX: (717) 677-4291
Toll Free: (800) 377-2522
374 Heidlersburg Rd
Biglerville, PA 17307-9256
H.W. Lochner, Inc.
(312) 372-7346 FAX: (312) 372-8208
20 N Wacker Dr Ste 1200
Chicago, IL 60606-2901
Hanson Pipe & Precast
(503) 285-3817 FAX: (503) 286-0603
PO Box 11305
Portland, OR 97211-0305
Hanson Pipe & Precast
(860) 564-9000 FAX: (860) 564-9008
PO Box 307
174 All Hallows Rd
Wauregan, CT 06387-0307
Harris & Associates
(925) 827-4900 FAX: (925) 827-4982
Toll Free: (800) 827-4901
120 Mason Cir
Concord, CA 94520-1214
Harrison Engineering
(925) 691-0450 FAX: (925) 691-0460
399 Taylor Blvd Ste 100
Pleasant Hill, CA 94523-2297
Hart Crowser, Inc.
(206) 324-9530 FAX: (206) 328-5581
1700 Westlake Ave N Ste 200
Seattle, WA 98109-6212
Hastings Air Energy Control, Inc.
(262) 364-0500 FAX: (262) 364-0538
Toll Free: 800-236-8450
5555 S Westridge Dr
New Berlin, WI 53151-7900
Hatch Mott MacDonald
(973) 912-2511 FAX: (973) 912-2405
27 Bleeker St
Millburn, NJ 07041-1414
Haydon Building Corp.
(602) 296-1496 FAX: (602) 296-1495
4640 E McDowell Rd
Phoenix, AZ 85008-4559
HCI Trans Tech
(708) 447-3272 FAX: (708) 447-4435
7801 W 47th St
McCook, IL 60525-3204
Hammond Collier Wade Livingstone
(206) 632-2664 FAX: (206) 632-0947
4010 Stone Way N Ste 300
Seattle, WA 98103-8099
HDA Architects
(636) 449-2477 FAX: (636) 449-1176
16150 Main Circle Dr
Chesterfield, MO 63017-4689
Hamner, Jewell & Associates
(805) 773-1459 FAX: (805) 773-2418
340 James Way Ste 150
Pismo Beach, CA 93449-2880
HDR, Inc.
(509) 536-8158 FAX: (509) 534-6346
1401 E Trent Ave Ste 101
Spokane, WA 99202-2902
Hansen Thorp Pellinen Olson, Inc.
(952) 829-0700 FAX: (952) 829-7806
7510 Market Place Dr
Eden Prairie, MN 55344-3687
HDR, Inc.
(402) 399-1000 FAX: (402) 399-1238
Toll Free: (800) 366-4411
8404 Indian Hills Dr
Omaha, NE 68114-4098
April 2009
APWA Reporter
Heartland Communications Group,
Inc./Municipal Connection
(515) 955-1600 FAX: (515) 955-6636
Toll Free: (800) 247-2000
PO Box 1052
1003 Central Ave
Fort Dodge, IA 50501-1052
Heavy Equipment Training Solutions
(308) 289-0275 FAX: (308) 289-3575
PO Box 84
Brule, NE 69127-0084
Heil of Texas
(713) 923-7600 FAX: (713) 923-5522
5900 Wheeler St
Houston, TX 77023-5409
Helac Corporation
(360) 825-1601 FAX: (360) 825-1603
225 Battersby Ave
Enumclaw, WA 98022-8204
Henke Manufacturing
(913) 682-9000 FAX: (913) 682-0300
3070 Wilson Ave
Leavenworth, KS 66048-4637
Henry, Meisenheimer & Gende, Inc.
(618) 594-3711 FAX: (618) 594-8217
Toll Free: (888) HMG-ENGR
1075 Lake Rd
PO Box 70
Carlyle, IL 62231-1245
HJW GeoSpatial, Inc.
(510) 834-2001 FAX: (510) 834-2101
2001 Broadway Fl 3
Oakland, CA 94612-2301
Huitt-Zollars, Inc.
(214) 871-3311 FAX: (214) 871-0757
3131 McKinney Ave Ste 600
Dallas, TX 75204-2456
HNTB Corporation
(904) 596-7967 FAX: (904) 279-0260
7077 Bonneval Rd Ste 600
Jacksonville, FL 32216-6016
Huitt-Zollars, Inc.
(512) 231-1119 FAX: (512) 231-1129
3701 Executive Center Dr Ste 101
Austin, TX 78731-1651
HNTB Corporation
(816) 527-2236 FAX: (816) 472-5004
Toll Free: (800) 693-4682
715 Kirk Dr
Kansas City, MO 64105-1310
Hunter Contracting Co.
(480) 892-0521 FAX: (520) 744-0847
6930 N Camino Martin
Tucson, AZ 85741-2215
Hogan Company
(909) 421-0245 FAX: (909) 421-0249
Toll Free: (800) 214-6426
2741 S Lilac Ave
Bloomington, CA 92316-3213
Holdrege & Kull Consulting Engineers and Geologists
(530) 478-1305 FAX: (530) 478-1019
792 Searls Ave
Nevada City, CA 95959-3056
Hoosier Company, Inc.
(317) 872-8125 FAX: (317) 872-7183
Toll Free: (800) 521-4184
PO Box 681064
Indianapolis, IN 46268-7064
Horner & Shifrin, Inc.
(618) 622-3040 FAX: (518) 622-3070
640 Pierce Blvd # 200
O’Fallon, IL 62269-2579
Herzog Contracting Corp.
(816) 233-9001 FAX: (816) 233-9881
Toll Free: (800) 950 1969
PO Box 1089
600 S Riverside Rd
Saint Joseph, MO 64502-1089
Howard P. Fairfield, LLC
(207) 474-9836 FAX: (207) 474-6526
PO Box 188
9 Green St
Skowhegan, ME 04976-0188
Highway Equipment Company
(319) 363-8281 FAX: (319) 632-3081
Toll Free: (800) 363-1771
1330 76th Ave SW
Cedar Rapids, IA 52404-7038
Howard R. Green Company
(319) 841-4000 FAX: (319) 841-4012
Toll Free: (800) 728-7805
8710 Earhart Ln SW
Cedar Rapids, IA 52404-8947
Highway Technologies, Inc.
(630) 932-4600 FAX: (630) 932-7611
880 N Addison Rd
Villa Park, IL 60181-1153
Howard/Stein-Hudson Assoc.
(617) 482-7080 FAX: (617) 482-7417
38 Chauncy St Fl 9
Boston, MA 02111-2307
HIP Hot-In-Place Paving, LLC
(727) 327-4900 FAX: (727) 327-9815
Toll Free: (800) 272-0529
800 31st St S
Saint Petersburg, FL 33712-1923
Hughey & Associates Construction
(941) 483-4900 FAX: (941) 485-3744
119 Corporation Way Unit C
Venice, FL 34285-5564
APWA Reporter
April 2009
HVJ Associates, Inc.
(281) 933-7388 FAX: (281) 933-7293
6120 S Dairy Ashford St
Houston, TX 77072-1010
HWA GeoSciences Inc.
(425) 774-0106 FAX: (425) 774-2714
19730 64th Ave W Ste 200
Lynnwood, WA 98036-5957
Hydro Designs, Inc.
(248) 250-5000 FAX: (248) 786-1789
Toll Free: (800) 690-6651
5700 Crooks Rd Ste 100
Troy, MI 48098-2826
Ideate, Inc.
(888) 662-7238 FAX: (800) 214-1838
Toll Free: (888) 662-7238
44 Montgomery St Ste 1000
San Francisco, CA 94104-4612
Impact Sciences
(916) 787-0818 FAX: (916) 787-0828
1544 Eureka Rd Ste 180
Roseville, CA 95661-3092
IMS Infrastructure Management
(847) 506-1500 FAX: (847) 255-2938
Toll Free: (800) 467-7110
1895 Rohlwing Rd Ste D
Rolling Meadows, IL 60008-4803
INCA Engineers Inc., a Tetra Tech
(425) 635-1000 FAX: (425) 635-1150
400 112th Ave NE Ste 400
Bellevue, WA 98004-5540
Independent Equipment Corp.
(516) 877-2220 FAX: (516) 877-0409
332 Sagamore Ave
Mineola, NY 11501-1918
Industrial Magnetics, Inc.
(231) 582-3100 FAX: (231) 582-0622
Toll Free: (800) 662-4638
1385 S M 75
Boyne City, MI 49712-9689
Info Tech, Inc.
(352) 381-4556 FAX: (352) 381-4444
5700 SW 34th St Ste 1235
Gainesville, FL 32608-5376
Infor Public Sector
(916) 921-0883 FAX: (916) 921-6620
Toll Free: (800) 821-9316
11092 Sun Center Dr
Rancho Cordova, CA 95670-6109
INLAD Truck & Van Equipment
(630) 652-1200 FAX: (630) 652-0002
980 N Lombard Rd
Lombard, IL 60148-1231
Insituform Technologies, Inc.
(636) 530-8000 FAX: (636) 519-8010
Toll Free: (800) 234-2992
17999 Edison Ave
Chesterfield, MO 63005-3713
Inspection Services, Inc.
(415) 243-3265 FAX: (415) 243-3266
Pier #26 The Embarcadero
San Francisco, CA 94105
Integrated Paving Concepts, Inc.
(604) 574-7510 FAX: (604) 574-8970
Toll Free: (800) 688-5652
102-17957 55th Avenue
Surrey, BC V3S 6C4
InterClean Equipment, Inc.
(734) 975-2967 FAX: (734) 975-1646
Toll Free: (800) 468-3725
3939 Bestech Rd
Ypsilanti, MI 48197-9628
Interlocking Concrete Pavement
(202) 712-9036 FAX: (202) 408-0285
Toll Free: (800) 241-3652
13921 Park Center Rd Ste 270
Herndon, VA 20171-3269
International Municipal Signal Association
(315) 331-2182 FAX: (315) 331-8205
Toll Free: (800) 723-4672
PO Box 539
165 E Union St
Newark, NY 14513-0539
International Surfacing Systems
(480) 628-5713 FAX: (480) 940-9690
Toll Free: (800) 528-4548
6751 W Galveston St
Chandler, AZ 85226-2512
Interstate SignWays
(501) 490-3827 FAX: (501) 490-1693
7415 Lindsey Rd
Little Rock, AR 72206-3829
(509) 783-2144 FAX: (509) 736-0790
Toll Free: (888) 582-5951
2810 W Clearwater Ave Ste 201
Kennewick, WA 99336-2982
J.R. Giese Operations, LLC
(904) 730-7994 FAX: (904) 221-7521
3560 Cardinal Point Dr
Jacksonville, FL 32257-9235
Jacobs Engineering Group
(832) 351-7272 FAX: (832) 351-7766
5995 Rogerdale Rd
Houston, TX 77072-1601
Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc.
(405) 810-8254 FAX: (405) 810-2980
10001 Broadway Ext
Oklahoma City, OK 73114-6307
James J. Benes & Associates, Inc.
(630) 719-7570 FAX: (630) 719-7589
950 Warrenville Rd Ste 101
Lisle, IL 60532-1844
Janssen & Spaans Engineering, Inc.
(317) 254-9686 FAX: (317) 259-8262
9120 Harrison Park Ct
Indianapolis, IN 46216-2107
Jet-Vac Inc.
(800) 577-1841 FAX: (973) 659-0081
Toll Free: (800) 577-1841
15 Taylor Rd
Wharton, NJ 07885-1532
Joseph A. Cesare and Associates, Inc.
(702) 564-3331 FAX: (702) 564-8542
106 Cassia Way
Henderson, NV 89014-6415
Journal of Public Works & Infastructure - Henry Stewart Publications
0-2074043040 FAX: 0-2074042081
Russell House 28/30 Little Russell St
London, WCIA 2HN
United Kingdom
JSD Professional Services, Inc.
(608) 848-5060 FAX: (608) 848-2255
161 Horizon Dr Ste 101
Verona, WI 53593-1249
K & A Engineering, Inc.
(909) 279-1800 FAX: (951) 279-4380
357 N Sheridan St Ste 117
Corona, CA 92880-2029
765 The City Dr S Ste 400
Orange, CA 92868-6914
K M International
(810) 688-1234 FAX: (810) 688-8765
6561 Bernie Kohler Dr
North Branch, MI 48461-8886
Kansas One-Call
(316) 687-0494 FAX: (316) 687-0629
8100 E 22nd St N Bldg 2300
Wichita, KS 67226-2388
Kapur & Associates, Inc.
(414) 351-6668 FAX: (414) 351-4117
Toll Free: (800) 527-8794
7711 N Port Washington Rd
Milwaukee, WI 53217-3130
KBR, Inc.
(214) 224-2131 FAX: (214) 752-8366
1444 Oak Lawn Ave Ste 100
Dallas, TX 75207-3691
KCI Associates of NC
(919) 783-9214 FAX: (919) 783-8405
4601 Six Forks Rd Ste 220
Raleigh, NC 27609-5210
KDM Meridian, Inc.
(949) 768-0731 FAX: (949) 768-3731
22541 Aspan St Ste C
Lake Forest, CA 92630-6320
KE&G Construction
(520) 748-0188 FAX: (520) 748-8975
5100 S Alvernon Way
Tucson, AZ 85706-1976
(720) 904-4488 FAX: (702) 904-4320
Toll Free: (888) 224-7578
1675 Broadway Ste 500
Denver, CO 80202-4692
Keystone Plastics, Inc.
(908) 561-1300 FAX: (908) 561-3404
Toll Free: (800) 635-5238
3451 S Clinton Ave
South Plainfield, NJ 07080-1303
Kiewit Western Co.
(602) 437-7868 FAX: (602) 437-7806
3888 E Broadway Rd
Phoenix, AZ 85040-2924
Killeen Engineering & Surveying
(254) 526-3981 FAX: (254) 526-4351
2901 E Stan Schlueter Loop
Killeen, TX 76542-4593
Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.
(714) 939-1030 FAX: (714) 938-9488
Kirkham Michael, Inc.
(402) 255-3813 FAX: (402) 255-3850
Toll Free: (866) 973-9243
12700 W Dodge Rd
Omaha, NE 68154-2154
Kissick Construction Company, Inc.
(816) 363-5530 FAX: (816) 523-1557
Toll Free: (800) 335-4414
8131 Indiana Ave
Kansas City, MO 64132-2507
Klotz Associates, Inc.
(281) 589-7257 FAX: (281) 589-7309
1160 Dairy Ashford St Ste 500
Houston, TX 77079-3098
Kluber, Skahan + Associates, Inc.
(630) 406-1213 FAX: (630) 406-9472
901 N Batavia Ave Ste 301
Batavia, IL 60510-2195
Knapheide Truck Equipment Flint
(810) 762-1100
Toll Free: (800) 589-9100
1200 S Averill Ave
Flint, MI 48503-2975
Komatsu America Corp.
(847) 970-5763 FAX: (847) 970-4180
PO Box 5049
Rolling Meadows, IL 60008-5049
KPFF, Inc.
(206) 622-5822 FAX: (206) 622-8130
1601 5th Ave Ste 1600
Seattle, WA 98101-3665
Krebs, LaSalle, LeMieux Consultants
(504) 837-9470 FAX: (504) 837-9477
PO Box 19688
New Orleans, LA 70179-0688
Krieger & Stewart, Incorporated
(909) 684-6900 FAX: (909) 684-6986
3602 University Ave
Riverside, CA 92501-3331
KSA Engineers, Inc.
(903) 236-7700 FAX: (903) 236-7779
140 E Tyler St Ste 600
Longview, TX 75601-7256
Labrie Environmental Group
(418) 831-8250 FAX: (418) 831-5255
Toll Free: 800-463-6638
175 Route du Pont
St Nicolas, QC G7A 2T3
Lafarge North America
(262) 754-8488 FAX: (262) 754-8489
Toll Free: (800) 678-6220
150 N Sunny Slope Rd Ste 215
Brookfield, WI 53005-4810
Lakeside Industries
(425) 313-2681 FAX: (425) 313-2622
PO Box 7016
Issaquah, WA 98027-7016
Lamont Engineers
(518) 234-4028 FAX: (518) 234-4613
PO Box 610
548 Main St
Cobleskill, NY 12043-0610
Lamp, Rynearson & Associates, Inc.
(402) 496-2498 FAX: (402) 496-2730
14710 W Dodge Rd
Omaha, NE 68154-2027
Landau Associates Inc.
(425) 778-0907 FAX: (425) 778-6409
Toll Free: (800) 552-5957
130 2nd Ave S
Edmonds, WA 98020-3512
LandMark Consultants, Inc.
(760) 370-3000 FAX: (760) 337-8900
780 N 4th St
El Centro, CA 92243-1511
Larkin Group, Inc.
(816) 361-0440 FAX: (816) 361-0045
Toll Free: (800) 488-5275
9200 Ward Pkwy Ste 400
Kansas City, MO 64114-3381
Lawson-Fisher Associates P.C.
(574) 234-3167 FAX: (574) 234-3167
525 W Washington St
South Bend, IN 46601-1527
LCC, Inc.
(925) 228-4218 FAX: (925) 228-4638
930 Estudillo St
Martinez, CA 94553-1620
Legat Architects
(312) 848-8809 FAX: (312) 258-1555
651 W Washington Blvd Ste 1
Chicago, IL 60661-2123
Leighton Group, Inc.
(661) 257-7434 FAX: (661) 257-7430
26074 Avenue Hall Ste 1
Santa Clarita, CA 91355-3444
Lennon, Smith, Souleret Engineering, Inc.
(412) 264-4400 FAX: (412) 264-1200
April 2009
APWA Reporter
846 4th Ave
Coraopolis, PA 15108-1522
LiquiForce Inc.
(734) 955-2508 FAX: (734) 955-2509
PO Box 32608
Detroit, MI 48232-0608
Little Falls Machine, Inc.
(320) 632-9266 FAX: (320) 632-3484
Toll Free: (800) 772-7569
300 Lindbergh Dr S
Little Falls, MN 56345-1598
LJA Engineering & Surveying, Inc.
(713) 953-5200 FAX: (713) 953-5026
2929 Briarpark Dr Ste 600
Houston, TX 77042-3768
LJB Inc.
(937) 259-5000 FAX: (937) 259-5100
Toll Free: (866) 552-3536
3100 Research Blvd
Dayton, OH 45420-4022
LNV Engineering, Inc.
(210) 822-2232 FAX: (210) 822-4032
8918 Tesoro Dr Ste 401
San Antonio, TX 78217-6220
Lockwood, Andrews & Newnam,
(713) 266-6900 FAX: (713) 266-2089
2925 Briarpark Dr
Houston, TX 77042-3720
(630) 577-9100 FAX: (630) 577-9199
1560 Wall St Ste 222
Naperville, IL 60563-1146
Lorchem Technologies
(847) 468-8800 FAX: (847) 468-8811
1150 Davis Rd Ste J
Elgin, IL 60123-1345
LOT Maintenance, Inc.
(918) 446-4111 FAX: (918) 446-1310
909 W 23rd St
Tulsa, OK 74107-2817
Louisiana Machinery LLC
(985) 340-2800 FAX: (985) 340-2828
42440 Jackson Rd
Hammond, LA 70403-1252
Louisiana One Call
(225) 275-3700 FAX: (225) 272-1967
2215 W Boardwalk Dr
Baton Rouge, LA 70816-8334
LucyCo Communications
(916) 491-3161 FAX: (916) 491-3160
1614 19th St
Sacramento, CA 95811-6704
Lumec, Inc./Div. of Philips
(450) 430-7040 FAX: (450) 430-1453
640 Boulevard Cure-Boivin
Boisbriand, QC J7G 2A7
M.A. Mortenson Company
(847) 981-8600 FAX: (847) 981-8667
25 NW Point Blvd
Elk Grove Village, IL 60007-1056
M.H. Corbin, Inc.
(614) 873-5216 FAX: (614) 873-8095
8420 Estates Ct
Plain City, OH 43064-8015
MacKay & Sposito, Inc.
(360) 695-3411 FAX: (360) 695-0833
Toll Free: (888) 695-3411
1325 SE Tech Center Dr Ste 140
Vancouver, WA 98683-5554
MacQueen Equipment, Inc.
(651) 645-5726 FAX: (651) 645-6668
595 Aldine St
Saint Paul, MN 55104-2297
Magswitch Technology
(303) 468-0662 FAX: (303) 690-8144
621 Southpark Dr Ste 1800
Littleton, CO 80120-5682
Maguire Group Inc.
(508) 543-1700 FAX: (508) 543-5157
33 Commercial St Ste 1
Foxboro, MA 02035-5309
Mailhot Industries USA, Inc.
(603) 880-9380 FAX: (603) 886-8254
Toll Free: (800) 624-5468
7 Tracy Ln
Hudson, NH 03051-3031
Maintenance Design Group
(303) 820-5270 FAX: (303) 820-5272
1600 Stout St Ste 940
Denver, CO 80202-3100
Maintenance Facility Consultants, Inc.
(936) 372-1800 FAX: (936) 372-1803
PO Box 919
Waller, TX 77484-0919
Manhard Consulting Ltd.
(775) 882-5630 FAX: (775) 885-7282
3476 Executive Pointe Way Ste 12
Carson City, NV 89706-7956
Our “Tool Program” for
APWA members is very
special...and popular.
Manhard Consulting, Ltd.
(847) 634-5550 FAX: (847) 634-0095
Toll Free: (866) MANHARD
900 Woodlands Pkwy
Vernon Hills, IL 60061-3103
Manhole Adjustable Riser Co. Inc.
(641) 672-2356 FAX: (641) 672-1038
Toll Free: (800) 785-2526
PO Box 448
703 D Ave W
Oskaloosa, IA 52577-0448
Martin’s Power Sweeping, Inc.
(610) 759-8213 FAX: (610) 759-0873
2857 Bath Pike
Nazareth, PA 18064-9010
Mattern & Craig, Inc.
(423) 245-4970 FAX: (423) 245-5932
429 Clay St
Kingsport, TN 37660-3654
(610) 687-9202 FAX: (610) 971-9447
998 Old Eagle School Rd Ste 1215
Wayne, PA 19087-1805
ad 3-09 Reporter
B.indd 1
April 2009
3/11/09 12:29:47 PM
McCarthy Building Companies, Inc.
(480) 449-4700 FAX: (480) 449-4747
80 E Rio Salado Pkwy Ste 310
Tempe, AZ 85281-9104
McCormick Rankin Corporation
(905) 823-8500 FAX: (905) 823-8503
2655 N Sheridan Way, Ste 300
Mississauga, ON L5K 2P8
McKenna Long & Aldridge LLP
(619) 595-8016 FAX: (619) 595-5450
750 B St Ste 3300
San Diego, CA 92101-8188
Mesiti-Miller Engineering, Inc.
(831) 426-3186 FAX: (831) 426-6607
224 Walnut Ave Ste B
Santa Cruz, CA 95060-3836
MetaDome, LLC
(608) 249-8644 FAX: (608) 249-8922
Toll Free: (877) 270-3663
2136 E Dayton St
Madison, WI 53704-4723
Metal Forms Corporation
(414) 964-4550 FAX: (414) 964-4503
3334 N Booth St
Milwaukee, WI 53212-1697
Metro Hydraulic Jack Co.
(973) 350-0111 FAX: (973) 350-0112
Toll Free: (800) 649-5797
1271 McCarter Hwy
PO Box 9410
Newark, NJ 07104-3711
Meyer Products LLC
(216) 486-1313 FAX: (216) 486-3073
18513 Euclid Ave
Cleveland, OH 44112-1018
Meyers Nave Riback Silver & Wilson
(510) 808-2000 FAX: (510) 444-1108
Toll Free: (800) 646-3559
555 12th St Ste 1500
Oakland, CA 94607-4095
Michael Baker Corporation
(703) 960-5620 FAX: (703) 317-6281
3601 Eisenhower Ave Ste 600
Alexandria, VA 22304-6459
Michigan Municipal Risk Management Authority
(734) 513-0300 FAX: (734) 513-0318
14001 Merriman Rd
Livonia, MI 48154-4262
Michigan Pipe and Valve
(810) 230-2737 FAX: (810) 230-2992
4040 Eagles Nest
Flushing, MI 48433-2492
Santa Barbara, CA 93110-4027
Boise, ID 83702-6138
Mobile Power Sweepers
(608) 839-3816 FAX: (608) 839-9385
3895 Ridge Rd
Deerfield, WI 53531-9656
(832) 250-6491 FAX: (713) 850-7901
5100 Westheimer Rd Ste 580
Houston, TX 77056-5517
Midwest Rake Company LLC
(800) 815-7253 FAX: (574) 267-8508
PO Box 1674
1605 W Center St
Warsaw, IN 46581-1674
ModernTech AEC Solutions
(865) 531-6090 FAX: (865) 694-9505
Toll Free: (877) 531-6090
1626 Downtown West Blvd
Knoxville, TN 37919-5408
MWH Americas Inc.
(702) 821-4334 FAX: (702) 878-7833
3010 W Charleston Blvd Ste 100
Las Vegas, NV 89102-1969
Miller Pipeline Corp.
(317) 293-0278 FAX: (317) 293-8502
Toll Free: (800) 848-3742
8850 Crawfordsville Rd
Indianapolis, IN 46234-1559
Monroe Truck Equipment, Inc.
(608) 329-8105 FAX: (608) 328-8390
Toll Free: (800) 880-0109
1051 W 7th St
Monroe, WI 53566-9100
Milone & MacBroom, Inc.
(203) 481-0878 FAX: (203) 483-7205
500 E Main St Ste 326
Branford, CT 06405-2929
Morrison-Maierle, Inc.
(480) 517-5800 FAX: (480) 517-5801
Toll Free: (866) 862-9384
80 E Rio Salado Pkwy Ste 201
Tempe, AZ 85281-9108
Mindel Scott & Associates, Inc.
(502) 485-1508 FAX: (502) 485-1606
5151 Jefferson Blvd
Louisville, KY 40219-3209
Minuteman Trucks, Inc.
(508) 668-3112
Toll Free: (800) 225-4808
2181 Providence Hwy
Walpole, MA 02081-2528
Mirai Associates
(425) 820-0100 FAX: (425) 821-1750
11410 NE 122nd Way Ste 320
Kirkland, WA 98034-6927
MPRI, An L-3 Company
(801) 983-9900 FAX: (801) 983-9901
Toll Free: (888) 259-4746
2961 California Ave
Salt Lake City, UT 84104-4581
MSA Consulting, Inc.
(760) 320-9811 FAX: (760) 323-7893
Toll Free: (866) 297-3366
34200 Bob Hope Dr
Rancho Mirage, CA 92270-1762
MSA Professional Services Inc.
(608) 242-6627 FAX: (608) 242-5664
Toll Free: (800) 446-0679
2901 International Ln Ste 300
Madison, WI 53704-3177
Municipal Well & Pump
(630) 202-1377 FAX: (920) 324-3431
Toll Free: (800) 383-7412
1206 W Northwind Dr
Sandwich, IL 60548-3422
MJ Harden Associates, Inc.
(913) 981-99525
5700 Broadmoor St Ste 800
Mission, KS 66202-2424
MKEC Engineering Consultants, Inc.
(316) 684-9600 FAX: (316) 684-5100
411 N Webb Rd
Wichita, KS 67206-2521
MMM Group Limited
(905) 882-1100 FAX: (905) 882-0055
80 Commerce Valley Dr E
Thornhill, ON L3T 7N4
MNS Engineers, Inc.
(805) 692-6921 FAX: (805) 692-6931
4050 Calle Real Ste 110
Munsys, Inc.
(800) 696-1238 FAX: (800) 694-0293
3689 Tampa Rd Ste 320
Oldsmar, FL 34677-6312
Murray & Trettel, Inc.
(847) 963-9000 FAX: (847) 963-0199
600 N 1st Bank Dr Ste A
Palatine, IL 60067-8185
Murray, Smith & Associates, Inc.
(208) 350-2250 FAX: (208) 350-2251
950 W Bannock St Ste 910
(515) 262-9704 FAX: (515) 265-7593
2222 E Douglas Ave
Des Moines, IA 50313-2552
National Research Council Canada
(613) 991-2987 FAX: (613) 993-3142
Bldg M-20, Montreal Rd
Ottawa, ON K1A 0R6
National Water Main Cleaning Co.
(973) 483-3200 FAX: (973) 483-5065
Toll Free: (800) 242-7257
875 Summer Ave
Newark, NJ 07104-3616
Neel-Schaffer, Inc.
(615) 383-8420 FAX: (615) 383-9984
210 25th Ave N Ste 800
Nashville, TN 37203-1616
Neenah Foundry Company
(920) 725-7000 FAX: (920) 729-3661
Toll Free: (800) 558-5075
PO Box 729
2121 Brooks Ave
Neenah, WI 54957-0729
Nesbitt Contracting Co., Inc.
(480) 423-7648 FAX: (480) 423-7680
100 S Price Rd
Tempe, AZ 85281-3118
New Jersey Alliance for Action
(732) 225-1180 FAX: (732) 225-4694
PO Box 6438
Edison, NJ 08818-6438
Nichols Consulting Engineers, Chtd.
(916) 388-5655 FAX: (916) 388-5676
8795 Folsom Blvd Ste 103
Sacramento, CA 95826-3720
Ninyo & Moore
(858) 576-1000 FAX: (858) 576-9600
5710 Ruffin Rd
San Diego, CA 92123-1013
April 2009
APWA Reporter
Nitram Excavation & General Contractors, Inc.
(207) 453-2362 FAX: (207) 453-4774
330 Neck Rd
Benton, ME 04901-3545
NMG Geotechnical, Inc.
(949) 442-2442 FAX: (949) 476-8322
17991 Fitch
Irvine, CA 92614-6079
(916) 641-9100 FAX: (916) 641-9222
Toll Free: (800) 21-NOLTE
2495 Natomas Park Dr Fl 4
Sacramento, CA 95833-2940
North American Salt Company
(913) 344-9360 FAX: (913) 338-7945
9900 W 109th St Ste 600
Overland Park, KS 66210-1436
North Florida Emulsions, Inc.
(386) 328-1733 FAX: (386) 328-1887
701 N Moody Rd Ste 15
Palatka, FL 32177-2439
Northern Engineering, Inc.
(435) 635-3465 FAX: (435) 635-5900
1015 W 100 N Ste 1
Hurricane, UT 84737-1654
Northgate Environmental Management, Inc.
(510) 839-0688 FAX: (510) 839-4350
300 Frank H Ogawa Plz Ste 510
Oakland, CA 94612-2040
Northwest Playground Equipment,
(425) 313-9161 FAX: (425) 313-9194
Toll Free: (800) 726-0031
345 NW Dogwood St
PO Box 2410
Issaquah, WA 98027-3216
NUCA of Oregon & Southwest
(503) 742-8877 FAX: (503) 650-7555
PO Box 301251
Portland, OR 97294-9251
NW Engineers, LLC
(503) 601-4401 FAX: (503) 601-4402
Toll Free: (877) 648-4061
19075 NW Tanasbourne Dr Ste 160
Hillsboro, OR 97124-5858
O’Brien & Gere
(502) 587-7884 FAX: (502) 587-7895
730 W Main St Ste 200
Louisville, KY 40202-2640
Oates Associates, Inc.
(314) 588-8381 FAX: (314) 588-9605
APWA Reporter
720 Olive St Ste 1660
Saint Louis, MO 63101-2312
9370 Studio Ct Ste 160
Elk Grove, CA 95758-8049
5762 Bolsa Ave Ste 201
Huntington Beach, CA 92649-1172
OBEC Consulting Engineers
(503) 620-6103 FAX: (503) 620-8416
5005 Meadows Rd Ste 120
Lake Oswego, OR 97035-4288
Ossian Inc.
(563) 324-3381 FAX: (563) 324-0751
635 S Elmwood Ave
Davenport, IA 52802-2129
Parametrix, Inc.
(253) 501-5165 FAX: (253) 863-0946
1231 Fryar Ave
Sumner, WA 98390-1516
OBI Consulting Engineers, Inc.
(816) 822-7292 FAX: (816) 822-1377
1220 E 63rd St Ste 200
Kansas City, MO 64110-3424
(503) 699-4548 FAX: (503) 635-5395
17355 Boones Ferry Rd
Lake Oswego, OR 97035-5217
ODB Company
(804) 226-4433 FAX: (804) 226-6914
Toll Free: (800) 446-9823
5118 Glen Alden Dr
Richmond, VA 23231-4319
P&G Fleet Services, Inc.
(631) 289-9845 FAX: (631) 289-9848
40 Corporate Dr
Holtsville, NY 11742-2004
OEST Associates, Inc.
(207) 761-1770 FAX: (207) 774-1246
343 Gorham Rd
South Portland, ME 04106-2317
P&G Keene Electrical Rebuilders, LLC
(708) 430-5770 FAX: (708) 598-1277
Toll Free: (800) 443-5770
8432 Beloit Ave
Bridgeview, IL 60455-1774
Olsson Associates
(913) 381-1170 FAX: (913) 381-1174
7301 W 133rd St Ste 200
Overland Park, KS 66213-4750
PACE, Inc.
(602) 275-8066 FAX: (602) 393-3026
426 N 44th St Ste 120
Phoenix, AZ 85008-6595
Olympic Foundry Inc.
(206) 764-6200 FAX: (206) 764-1170
5200 Airport Way S
Seattle, WA 98108-1725
(509) 326-7789 FAX: (509) 326-8087
159 S Lincoln St Ste 321
Spokane, WA 99201-4418
OMNNI Associates, Inc.
(920) 830-6171 FAX: (920) 830-6100
Toll Free: (800) 571-6677
1 Systems Dr
Appleton, WI 54914-1654
Pacific Corrugated Pipe Company
(801) 432-7426 FAX: (801) 432-7427
Toll Free: 800-338-5858
PO Box 758
Midvale, UT 84047-0758
Ontario Concrete Pipe Association
(905) 631-9696 FAX: (905) 631-1905
Toll Free: 1-800-435-0116
5045 South Service Rd
First Floor
Burlington, ON L7Y 5Y7
OPW Fuel Management Systems
(708) 485-4200 FAX: (708) 485-7137
6900 Santa Fe Dr
Hodgkins, IL 60525-7600
O.R. Colan Associates
(704) 529-3115 FAX: (704) 529-3120
Toll Free: (800) 616-1627
4651 Charlotte Park Dr Ste 440
Charlotte, NC 28217-1549
Oscar Larson & Associates
(916) 691-2313 FAX: (916) 691-2595
Toll Free: 800-660-2043
April 2009
Pakpour Consulting Group, Inc.
(925) 224-7717 FAX: (925) 224-7726
5776 Stoneridge Mall Rd Ste 320
Pleasanton, CA 94588-2838
Paladin Light Construction
(563) 922-2981 FAX: (563) 922-2653
PO Box 266
Delhi, IA 52223-0266
Palmetto Utility Protection Service
(803) 939-0117 FAX: (800) 939-0704
810 Dutch Square Blvd Ste 320
Columbia, SC 29210-7318
Parking Sentry & Security Bollard
(562) 468-1126 FAX: (562) 468-0700
12052 Centralia Rd
Hawaiian Gardens, CA 90716-1028
Parsons Brinckerhoff
(480) 921-6887 FAX: (480) 966-9234
1501 W Fountainhead Pkwy Ste 400
Tempe, AZ 85282-1853
Parsons Brinckerhoff
(206) 382-5200 FAX: (206) 382-5222
999 3rd Ave Ste 2200
Seattle, WA 98104-4044
Pat’s Pump & Blower
(800) 851-7987 FAX: (404) 761-7003
5023 Georgia Highway 85
Forest Park, GA 30297-2431
Patrick Engineering, Inc.
(630) 795-7200 FAX: (630) 724-1620
4970 Varsity Dr
Lisle, IL 60532-4101
Pavement Restorations, Inc.
(731) 707-0731 FAX: (731) 613-2019
10162 Stinson St
Milan, TN 38358-6482
Pavement Savers, Inc.
(321) 635-9500 FAX: (321) 635-9555
Toll Free: (800) 677-9442
PO Box 759
Cocoa, FL 32923-0759
Pavement Technology, Inc.
(440) 892-1895 FAX: (440) 892-0953
Toll Free: (800) 333-6309
24144 Detroit Rd
Westlake, OH 44145-1515
Paveway - Designing the Way to
(813) 632-3500 FAX: (813) 632-3579
924 E 124th Ave
Tampa, FL 33612-3506
Panhandle Grading and Paving, Inc.
(850) 478-5250 FAX: (850) 479-5901
PO Box 3717
Pensacola, FL 32516-3717
Paving Maintenance Supply, Inc.
(316) 838-0300 FAX: (316) 838-0505
1616 E 37th St N
Wichita, KS 67219-3526
Paragon Partners Ltd.
(714) 379-3376 FAX: (714) 373-1234
Toll Free: (888) 899-7498
Payline West, Inc.
(847) 930-6900 FAX: (630) 584-4453
420 Nolen Dr
South Elgin, IL 60177-2238
Payne & Brockway, P.A.
(913) 782-4800 FAX: (913) 782-0907
426 S Kansas Ave
Olathe, KS 66061-4441
PBS Engineering + Environmental
(503) 417-7583 FAX: (503) 248-0223
4412 SW Corbett Ave
Portland, OR 97239-4207
(281) 493-5100 FAX: (281) 493-1047
Toll Free: (888) 658-7275
1250 Wood Branch Park Dr Ste 300
Houston, TX 77079-1213
(407) 647-7275 FAX: (407) 647-0551
482 S Keller Rd
Orlando, FL 32810-6101
PCL Constructors Inc.
(480) 829-6333 FAX: (480) 829-8252
1711 W Greentree Dr Ste 201
Tempe, AZ 85284-2717
Pease Associates
(704) 376-6423 FAX: (704) 332-6177
2925 E Independence Blvd
Charlotte, NC 28205-7034
PECO Energy Company
(215) 841-6485 FAX: (215) 841-6906
2301 Market St Fl 9
Engineering Services
Philadelphia, PA 19103-1380
(614) 488-2861 FAX: (614) 488-0019
Toll Free: (800) 233-7568
2550 W 5th Ave
Columbus, OH 43204-3815
Pennoni Associates Inc.
(302) 655-4451 FAX: (302) 654-2895
62 Rockford Rd Ste 201
Wilmington, DE 19806-1051
Pennsylvania One Call System, Inc.
(412) 464-7111 FAX: (412) 464-7104
925 Irwin Run Rd
West Mifflin, PA 15122-1078
Performance Consulting Associates
Inc. (PCA)
(770) 717-2737 FAX: (770) 717-7014
3700 Crestwood Pkwy NW Ste 100
Duluth, GA 30096-5583
Peridian Group, Inc.
(913) 856-7899 FAX: (913) 856-7644
265 Stonecreek Dr
Gardner, KS 66030-3001
Perteet, Inc.
(425) 252-7700 FAX: (425) 339-6018
2707 Colby Ave Ste 900
Everett, WA 98201-3565
Philips Engineering Ltd.
(905) 335-2353 FAX: (905) 335-1414
3215 North Service Rd
PO Box 220
Burlington, ON L7R 3Y2
PinnacleOne, Inc.
(480) 296-7547 FAX: (480) 394-0336
Toll Free: (800) 229-9050
950 W Elliot Rd Ste 220
Tempe, AZ 85284-1145
Plateau Engineering, Inc.
(928) 556-0311 FAX: (928) 213-9614
202 E Birch Ave
Flagstaff, AZ 86001-5246
Portland Cement Association
(847) 966-6200 FAX: (847) 966-8389
5420 Old Orchard Rd
Skokie, IL 60077-1083
Portland General Electric
(503) 463-4382 FAX: (503) 463-4308
4245 Kale St NE
Salem, OR 97305-2333
Postl-Yore and Associates, Inc.
(847) 640-1010 FAX: (847) 640-1079
2100 Golf Rd St 230
Rolling Meadows, IL 60008
Power Equipment Leasing Company
(815) 886-1776 FAX: (815) 886-1161
Toll Free: (800) 521-0246
605 Anderson Dr
Romeoville, IL 60446-1687
Professional Pavement Products
(904) 268-9908 FAX: (904) 733-8800
Toll Free: (866) 855-1256
9556 Historic Kings Rd S Ste 414
Jacksonville, FL 32257-2013
Progressive Innovations LLC
(877) 885-4834 FAX: (615) 790-7257
992 Davidson Dr Ste 108
Nashville, TN 37205-1051
Project Engineering Consultants
(208) 466-7190 FAX: (208) 466-7168
Toll Free: (866) 466-7190
3818 E Newby St Ste 101
Nampa, ID 83687-9225
Project Engineering Consultants,
(602) 906-1901 FAX: (602) 906-3080
2310 W Mission Ln Ste 4
Phoenix, AZ 85021-2812
Proseal Inc.
(316) 650-9805 FAX: (316) 465-5530
PO Box 741
El Dorado, KS 67042-0741
PSMJ Resources, Inc.
(617) 965-0055 FAX: (617) 965-5152
Toll Free: (800) 537-PSMJ
10 Midland Ave
Newton, MA 02458-1000
(714) 751-7373 FAX: (714) 545-8883
3187 Red Hill Ave Ste 250
Costa Mesa, CA 92626-3444
Public Works Equipment and Supply, Inc.
(704) 289-6488 FAX: (704) 283-2266
Toll Free: (800) 222-6803
3405 Westwood Industrial Dr
Monroe, NC 28110-5208
Public Works/Hanley Wood Business Media
(773) 824-2400 FAX: (773) 824-2401
Toll Free: (800) 524-2364
8725 W Higgins Rd Ste 600
Chicago, IL 60631-2713
Puget Sound Energy
(253) 476-6304 FAX: (253) 476-6323
Toll Free: (888) 225-5773
PO Box 90868
Bellevue, WA 98009-0868
Pulice Construction, Inc.
(602) 944-2241 FAX: (602) 870-3396
2033 W Mountain View Rd
Phoenix, AZ 85021-1999
QPR, Division of Lafarge North
(585) 944-7996 FAX: (678) 746-2238
Toll Free: (800) 388-4338
12735 Morris Road Ext Ste 150
Alpharetta, GA 30004-8904
Quest Civil Contractors Inc
(623) 581-9700 FAX: (623) 581-9710
1903 W Parkside Ln Ste 100
Phoenix, AZ 85027-1236
Questica Inc.
(905) 634-0110 FAX: (905) 634-4039
3190 Harvester Rd Ste 102A
Burlington, ON L7N 3T1
Quincy Engineering, Inc.
(916) 368-9181 FAX: (916) 368-1308
3247 Ramos Cir
Sacramento, CA 95827-2501
Quixote Transportation Safety, Inc.
(312) 467-6750 FAX: (312) 467-9625
35 E Wacker Dr Ste 1100
Chicago, IL 60601-2108
R-A-M Professional Group, Inc.
(904) 731-5440 FAX: (904) 731-5465
8298 Bayberry Rd Ste 1
Jacksonville, FL 32256-9400
R.J. Behar & Company, Inc.
(954) 680-7771 FAX: (954) 680-7781
6861 SW 196th Ave Ste 302
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33332-1663
RBF Consulting
(949) 472-3505 FAX: (949) 472-3742
Toll Free: (800) 479-3808
14725 Alton Pkwy
Irvine, CA 92618-2027
RBF Consulting
(760) 346-7481 FAX: (760) 346-8315
74130 Country Club Dr Ste 201
Palm Desert, CA 92260-1687
RBF Consulting
(702) 364-0180 FAX: (702) 364-0189
8335 W Flamingo Rd Ste 100
Las Vegas, NV 89147-4154
Reed Engineering Group, Ltd.
(214) 350-5600 FAX: (214) 350-7510
2424 Stutz Rd Ste 400
Dallas, TX 75235-6500
Reed Systems, Ltd
(845) 647-3660 FAX: (845) 647-5651
Toll Free: (800) 743-3661
PO Box 209
Ellenville, NY 12428-0209
Reef Industries, Inc.
(713) 507-4251 FAX: (713) 507-4295
9209 Almeda Genoa Rd
Houston, TX 77075-2339
Rehrig Pacific Company
(678) 252-2273 FAX: (770) 339-4840
1000 Raco Ct
Lawrenceville, GA 30045-3305
April 2009
APWA Reporter
Reid Middleton
(425) 741-3800 FAX: (425) 741-3900
728 134th St SW Ste 200
Everett, WA 98204-5322
ReNew Canada Magazine/Actual
Media Inc.
(416) 444-5842 FAX: (416) 444-1176
11 Prince Andrew Place
Toronto, ON M3C 2H2
Republic ITS
(817) 633-5300 FAX: (817) 633-5350
2725 114th St
Grand Prairie, TX 75050-6467
Retention Pond Services, Inc.
(888) 791-3600 FAX: (910) 313-6870
PO Box 15630
Wilmington, NC 28408-5630
RFE Engineering, Inc.
(916) 989-3285 FAX: (916) 989-3597
8680 Greenback Ln Ste 107
Orangevale, CA 95662-3970
RH2 Engineering Inc.
(425) 951-5400 FAX: (425) 398-2774
Toll Free: (800) 720-8052
12100 NE 195th St Ste 100
Bothell, WA 98011-5764
RHOMAR Industries, Inc.
(417) 866-5592 FAX: (417) 866-5593
Toll Free: (800) 688-6221
2107 E Rockhurst St
Springfield, MO 65802-6522
200 W Front St
Wheaton, IL 60187-5111
Roadware Group Inc.
(519) 442-2264 FAX: (519) 442-3680
Toll Free: (800) 828-2726
147 East River Rd
PO Box 520
Paris, ON N3L 3T6
Rock Mills Enterprises Magnetic
Manhole Lifter
(712) 451-6550 FAX: (712) 451-6551
1522 14th St
Rock Valley, IA 51247
Root Spring Scraper Co.
(269) 382-2025 FAX: (269) 382-5920
Toll Free: (800) 333-7668
527 W North St
Kalamazoo, MI 49007-2433
RootX Root Control Corp.
(503) 364-2999 FAX: (503) 485-5229
Toll Free: (800) 844-4974
1705 Salem Industrial Dr NE
Salem, OR 97301-8079
RORE, Inc.
(858) 404-7393 FAX: (858) 404-7395
5151 Shoreham Pl Ste 260
San Diego, CA 92122-5962
RoseWater GHD
(206) 441-9385 FAX: (206) 448-6922
1201 3rd Ave Ste 1500
Seattle, WA 98101-3033
Rick Engineering Company
(951) 782-0707 FAX: (951) 782-0723
1223 University Ave Ste 240
Riverside, CA 92507-7209
Roth Hill Engineering Partners, LLC
(425) 869-9448 FAX: (425) 869-1190
Toll Free: (800) 835-0292
2600 116th Ave NE Ste 100
Bellevue, WA 98004-1468
Rick Engineering Company
(805) 544-0707 FAX: (805) 544-2052
711 Tank Farm Rd Ste 110
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401-7075
(620) 225-1142 FAX: (620) 225-6370
2205 E Wyatt Earp Blvd
Dodge City, KS 67801-7016
Rinker Materials-Concrete Pipe Div.
(832) 590-5300 FAX: (832) 590-5399
Toll Free: (800) 909-7763
6560 Langfield Rd Bldg 3
Houston, TX 77092-1008
ROWE Professional Services Company
(810) 341-7500 FAX: (810) 341-7573
Toll Free: (800) 837-9131
PO Box 3748
540 S Saginaw St, Ste 200
Flint, MI 48502-0748
RJ RIVERA Associates, Inc.
(210) 785-0888 FAX: (210) 340-5664
7410 Blanco Rd Ste 250
San Antonio, TX 78216-4330
RJN Group, Inc.
(630) 682-4700 FAX: (630) 682-4754
APWA Reporter
RRM Design Group
(805) 543-1794 FAX: (805) 543-4609
3765 S Higuera St Ste 102
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401-1577
April 2009
RTVision, Inc.
(320) 632-0760
PO Box 394
Little Falls, MN 56345-0394
Rural Water Association of Utah
(801) 756-5123 FAX: (801) 756-5036
76 Red Pine Dr
Alpine, UT 84004-1557
S & C Engineers, Inc.
(510) 272-2970 FAX: (510) 272-2972
111 Broadway Ste 300
Oakland, CA 94607-3730
S E A Consultants Inc
(508) 270-6555 FAX: (508) 370-8259
Toll Free: (800) 489-6689
5 Whittier St Ste 600
Framingham, MA 01701-4691
Sage Engineering Corporation
(480) 966-9971 FAX: (480) 921-4956
3414 S 48th St Ste 8
Phoenix, AZ 85040-1937
Salaber Associates, Inc.
(707) 693-8800 FAX: (707) 693-8801
180 S 1st St Ste 10
Dixon, CA 95620-3439
Salt Institute
(613) 564-0534 FAX: (703) 548-2194
700 N Fairfax St Ste 600
Alexandria, VA 22314-2085
Salt River Project - Water
(602) 236-4637 FAX: (602) 236-2737
PO Box 52025
Phoenix, AZ 85072-2025
San Antonio Design Group Inc.
(210) 342-6700 FAX: (210) 342-6701
2101 Lockhill Selma Rd Ste 216
San Antonio, TX 78213-1409
San Diego Gas and Electric
(858) 636-5716 FAX: (858) 636-3967
8315 Century Park Ct Ste 210
San Diego, CA 92123-1550
Schaefer Systems International, Inc.
(704) 944-4500 FAX: (704) 588-1862
Toll Free: (888) 262-9112
10021 Westlake Dr
Charlotte, NC 28273-3787
Schlagel & Associates, P.A.
(913) 322-7155 FAX: (913) 492-8400
14920 W 107th St
Lenexa, KS 66215-4018
Schmidt Automotive North America
(603) 226-0150 FAX: (603) 226-0170
Toll Free: 877-572-4643
26 S Main St Ste 192
Concord, NH 03301-4809
Schwarze Industries, Inc.
(256) 851-1200 FAX: (256) 851-1105
Toll Free: (800) 879-7933
1055 Jordan Rd
Huntsville, AL 35811-8405
SCI Engineering, Inc.
(636) 757-1055 FAX: (636) 949-8269
130 Point West Blvd
Saint Charles, MO 63301-4408
SCI Products, Inc.
(630) 377-9100 FAX: (630) 377-9270
Toll Free: 800-327-4417
2500 Production Dr
PO Box 4314
Saint Charles, IL 60174-3350
Scully Inc.
(847) 891-1004 FAX: (847) 891-1006
PO Box 363
Medinah, IL 60157-0363
Sealcoating, Inc.
(781) 749-6802 FAX: (781) 749-2654
Toll Free: (877) 637-1800
120 Industrial Park Rd
Hingham, MA 02043-4316
SEC Group, Inc.
(815) 385-1778 FAX: (815) 385-0988
420 Front St Ste 100
McHenry, IL 60050-5528
SEIU Local 73
(312) 787-5868 FAX: (312) 337-7768
300 S Ashland Ave Ste 400
Chicago, IL 60607-2746
(630) 231-4840 FAX: (630) 231-4945
1400 Powis Rd
West Chicago, IL 60185-1644
Seton Engineering Service Corporation
(847) 776-7200 FAX: (847) 776-7239
19 S Bothwell St
Palatine, IL 60067-6113
SFM Services, Inc.
(305) 818-2424 FAX: (305) 818-3510
9700 NW 79th Ave
Hialeah, FL 33016-2514
Shafer, Kline & Warren, Inc.
(913) 888-7800 FAX: (913) 888-7868
Toll Free: (800) 280-8901
11250 Corporate Ave
Lenexa, KS 66219-1392
SharpeSoft, Inc.
(530) 671-6499 FAX: (530) 671-5739
Toll Free: (800) 777-0786
925 Market St
Yuba City, CA 95991-4210
Shawnee Steel & Welding, Inc.
(913) 432-8046 FAX: (913) 432-0819
6124 Merriam Dr
Shawnee Mission, KS 66203-3297
Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc.
(952) 912-2604 FAX: (612) 758-6701
Toll Free: (800) 734-6751
10901 Red Circle Dr Ste 200
Minnetonka, MN 55343-9301
Sidney B. Bowne & Son, LLP
(516) 746-2350 FAX: (516) 747-1396
235 E Jericho Tpke
Mineola, NY 11501-2032
Sierra Nevada Concrete Association
(775) 852-6551 FAX: (775) 853-8965
PO Box 19639
Reno, NV 89511-2163
Skillings Connolly, Inc.
(360) 491-3399 FAX: (360) 491-3857
PO Box 5080
5016 Lacey Blvd SE
Lacey, WA 98509-5080
Skire Inc.
(650) 289-2600 FAX: (650) 289-2650
111 Independence Dr
Menlo Park, CA 94025-1112
Slater Hanifan Group, Inc.
(702) 284-5300 FAX: (702) 284-5399
5740 Arville St Ste 216
Las Vegas, NV 89118-3070
Smith Grounds Management, Inc.
(704) 821-4066 FAX: (704) 821-9015
PO Box 2134
Matthews, NC 28106-2134
Smoky Hill, LLC
(785) 825-1224 FAX: (785) 825-7416
645 E Crawford St Ste E1
Salina, KS 67401-5117
SNI Solutions
(309) 944-3168 FAX: (309) 944-4620
Toll Free: (888) 840-5564
205 N Stewart St
Geneseo, IL 61254-1241
Soil Nail Launcher, Inc.
(970) 210-6170 FAX: (970) 858-8671
955 Malachite Dr
Fruita, CO 81521-8820
Somerset Welding & Steel/J&J Truck
(814) 443-2671 FAX: (814) 443-2621
Toll Free: (800) 777-2671
10558 Somerset Pike
Somerset, PA 15501-7352
Southeast Cement Association
(770) 962-3360 FAX: (770) 962-3361
175 Gwinnett Dr Ste 330
Lawrenceville, GA 30045-8461
Southeast Resins, Inc.
(205) 241-5100 FAX: (888) 842-1293
2908 Clairmont Ave S
Birmingham, AL 35205-1014
Southeastern Equipment Co., Inc.
(248) 349-9922 FAX: (248) 349-9191
48545 Grand River Ave
Novi, MI 48374-1245
Southeastern Surveying & Mapping
(407) 292-8580 FAX: (407) 292-0141
6500 All American Blvd
Orlando, FL 32810-4350
Southern California Edison
(714) 796-9800 FAX: (714) 796-9999
PO Box 11982
Santa Ana, CA 92711-1982
Southern California Gas Company
(213) 244-2528
555 W 5th St
Los Angeles, CA 90013-1010
Southwest Gas Corporation
(602) 484-5212
PO Box 52075
Phoenix, AZ 85072-2075
SouthWest Water Company
(228) 868-5740 FAX: (228) 868-5743
4050 Hewes Ave
Gulfport, MS 39507-3903
Spin Screed, Inc.
(217) 222-2378 FAX: (217) 222-7785
4932 Lake View Dr
Quincy, IL 62305-7914
SRBL Architects
(847) 272-9500 FAX: (847) 272-9510
1161 Lake Cook Rd Ste A
Deerfield, IL 60015-5277
St. Louis Retaining Wall Company,
(314) 389-9255 FAX: (314) 389-6416
12901 Saint Charles Rock Rd
Bridgeton, MO 63044-2419
Stanley Consultants, Inc.
(563) 264-6477 FAX: (563) 264-6658
225 Iowa Ave
Muscatine, IA 52761-3764
StarPath Technologies, LLC
(888) 674-4872 FAX: (908) 687-5166
Toll Free: 888-674-4872
1992 Morris Ave # 183
Union, NJ 07083-3507
Stasi Bros. Asphalt Corp.
(516) 334-1229 FAX: (516) 334-1245
422 Maple Ave
Westbury, NY 11590-3291
Stay Alert Safety Services, Inc.
(336) 993-2828 FAX: (336) 993-6929
Toll Free: (866) 897-2828
272 Clayton Forest Dr
PO Box 467
Kernersville, NC 27284-3796
Stearns & Wheler, LLC
(315) 655-8161 FAX: (315) 655-4180
Toll Free: (800) 229-5629
1 Remington Park Dr
Cazenovia, NY 13035-9469
Sterling Company, Inc.
(314) 487-0440 FAX: (314) 487-8944
5055 Baumgartner Rd
Saint Louis, MO 63129-2821
Sternberg Lighting
(847) 588-3400 FAX: (847) 588-3440
555 Lawrence Ave
Roselle, IL 60172-1568
Stewart Engineering, Inc.
(919) 380-8750 FAX: (919) 380-8752
421 Fayetteville Street Mall Ste 400
Raleigh, NC 27601-1792
Storm Reconstruction Services, Inc.
(251) 445-5500 FAX: (251) 445-5511
Toll Free: (866) 556-0049
1444 W I-65 Serve Rd South
Mobile, AL 36693-5100
Storr Tractor Company
(908) 722-9830 FAX: (908) 722-9847
3191 US Highway 22
Somerville, NJ 08876-3481
Strand Associates, Inc.
(608) 251-4843 FAX: (608) 251-8655
910 W Wingra Dr
Madison, WI 53715-1943
Sun N Lake Improvement District
(863) 382-2196 FAX: (863) 382-2988
5306 Sun N Lake Blvd
Sebring, FL 33872-2114
Sun Peaks Utilities
(250) 578-5416 FAX: (250) 578-5516
1280 Alpine Rd
Sun Peaks, BC V03 5N0
Sun Valley Lighting
(800) 877-6537 X 2076 FAX: (661)
660 W Avenue O
Palmdale, CA 93551-3610
Sundt Construction
(480) 293-3000 FAX: (480) 293-3079
2620 S 55th St
Tempe, AZ 85282-1903
Sunland Asphalt Inc.
(602) 989-6122
3002 S Priest Dr
Tempe, AZ 85282-3400
Sunshine State One-Call of Florida
(954) 389-7328 FAX: (386) 575-2045
Toll Free: (800) 638-4097
11 Plantation Rd
Debary, FL 32713-3825
Super Products LLC
(262) 784-7100 FAX: (262) 784-9561
Toll Free: (800) 837-9711
17000 W Cleveland Ave
New Berlin, WI 53151-3537
SW Engineering, Inc.
(951) 491-0433 FAX: (951) 491-0442
41951 Remington Ave Ste 160
Temecula, CA 92590-2554
Swenson Spreader Company
(888) 825-7323 FAX: (866) 310-0300
Toll Free: (888) 825-7323
PO Box 127
127 Walnut St
Lindenwood, IL 61049-0127
T.Y. Lin International
(480) 968-8814 FAX: (480) 921-0001
60 E Rio Salado Pkwy
Tempe, AZ 85281-9124
Taber Consultants
(916) 371-1690 FAX: (916) 371-1256
Toll Free: (888) 423-0573
3911 W Capitol Ave
April 2009
APWA Reporter
West Sacramento, CA 95691-2116
Buda, TX 78610-1468
TapanAm Associates, Inc.
(816) 941-6100 FAX: (816) 941-6102
201 W 135th St Ste 100
Kansas City, MO 64145-1201
Texas Excavation Safety System, Inc.
(817) 279-6011 FAX: (817) 279-8624
11880 Greenville Ave Ste 120
Dallas, TX 75243-3568
Tarheel Underground Camera
(704) 895-8015 FAX: (704) 895-1398
Toll Free: (800) 803-0332
18636 Starcreek Dr
Cornelius, NC 28031-9330
The CAD Store, Inc.
(623) 931-7936 FAX: (623) 435-9028
15353 N 91st Ave
Peoria, AZ 85381-3690
The PPI Group
(503) 231-1576 FAX: (503) 542-4369
6015 NE 80th Ave Ste 400
Portland, OR 97218-4034
Taylor Wiseman & Taylor
(919) 297-0085 FAX: (919) 297-0090
3500 Regency Pkwy Ste 160
Cary, NC 27518-8519
Thiele Manufacturing, LLC
(814) 467-4504 FAX: (814) 467-4172
309 Spruce St
Windber, PA 15963-2524
Telco Supply Company
(580) 622-2170 FAX: (580) 622-2451
124 W Vinita Ave
PO Box 775
Sulphur, OK 73086-3821
Thomas L. Brown Associates, P.C.
(202) 387-0022 FAX: (202) 682-1367
1400 I St NW
Washington, DC 20005-2208
Tenco Machinery (CDN) Ltd.
(845) 798-9528 FAX: (845) 791-8822
Toll Free: (800) 318-3626
1318, rue Principale
St. Valerien, QC J0H 2B0
Thompson Pump & Manufacturing
Co., Inc.
(386) 767-7310 FAX: (386) 761-0362
PO Box 291370
Port Orange, FL 32129-1370
Terasen Gas
(604) 576-7000 FAX: (604) 576-7220
16705 Fraser Highway
Surrey, BC V3S 2X7
Thompson Rosemount Group Inc.
(613) 933-5602 FAX: (613) 936-0335
1345 Rosemount Ave
Cornwall, ON K6J 3E5
Terrain Group Inc.
(902) 835-9955 FAX: (902) 835-1645
26 Union St 3rd Floor
Bedford, NS B4A 2B5
Tierra Right of Way Services, Ltd.
(520) 319-2106 FAX: (520) 323-3326
Toll Free: (800) 887-0847
1575 E River Rd # 201
Tucson, AZ 85718-5831
Terry Asphalt Materials Inc.
(616) 822-4357 FAX: (989) 466-2838
1950 Williams Rd
Alma, MI 48801-2085
Tiger Corporation
(605) 336-7900 FAX: (605) 731-0472
3301 N Louise Ave
Sioux Falls, SD 57107-0113
Terry Asphalt Materials Inc.
(513) 874-6192 FAX: (513) 874-6540
8600 Berk Blvd
Hamilton, OH 45015-2204
Tighe & Bond
(413) 572-3203 FAX: (413) 562-5317
53 Southampton Rd
Westfield, MA 01085-5308
Tetra Tech, Inc.
(520) 623-7980 FAX: (520) 884-5278
4801 E Broadway Blvd Ste 521
Tucson, AZ 85711-3652
Texas Asphalt Pavement Association
(512) 312-2099 FAX: (512) 312-5043
PO Box 1468
149 Commercial Dr
APWA Reporter
Timmerman Equipment Company
(908) 534-4126 FAX: (908) 534-2320
PO Box 71
3554 Rte 22 W
Whitehouse, NJ 08888-0071
TMT Asphalt Services, Inc.
(813) 645-1008 FAX: (813) 645-0022
April 2009
404 15th St SE
Ruskin, FL 33570-5020
Toter Incorporated
(704) 872-8171 FAX: (704) 878-0734
Toll Free: (800) 424-0422
841 Meacham Rd
Statesville, NC 28677-2983
Towill, Inc.
(925) 682-6976 FAX: (925) 682-6390
Toll Free: (800) 273-2023
5099 Commercial Cir Ste 100
Concord, CA 94520-1234
Trabue, Hansen & Hinshaw, Inc.
(573) 814-1568 FAX: (573) 814-1128
1901 Pennsylvania Dr
Columbia, MO 65202-1996
Trackless Vehicles Limited
(519) 688-0370 FAX: (519) 688-3644
PO Box 244
Courtland, ON N0J 1E0
Tracker Software Corp./PubWorks
(888) 920-0380 FAX: (760) 280-6660
PO Box 6502
Snowmass Village, CO 81615
Traffic Logix
(866) 915-6449 FAX: (866) 995-6649
3 Harriet Ln
Spring Valley, NY 10977-1302
Transportation Research Board
(202) 334-2934 FAX: (202) 334-2920
500 5th St NW
Washington, DC 20001-2736
Transportation Solutions, Inc.
(425) 883-4134 FAX: (425) 867-0898
8250 165th Ave NE Ste 100
Redmond, WA 98052-6628
TranSystems Corporation
(314) 997-2459 FAX: (314) 569-9858
Toll Free: 800-800-5261
1001 Craig Rd Ste 260
Saint Louis, MO 63146-6212
TranSystems Corporation
(816) 329-8600 FAX: (816) 329-8701
2400 Pershing Rd Ste 400
Kansas City, MO 64108-2526
TranTech Engineering, LLC
(425) 990-4139 FAX: (425) 453-6779
626 120th Ave NE Ste B100
Bellevue, WA 98005-3021
Traverse Technologies Inc
(617) 848-8847
145 Tremont St Fl 3
Boston, MA 02111-1208
TRIC Tools, Inc.
(510) 865-8742 FAX: (510) 769-1636
2317 Blanding Ave Ste D
Alameda, CA 94501-7064
TST, Inc. Consulting Engineers
(970) 226-0557 FAX: (970) 226-0204
748 Whalers Way
Fort Collins, CO 80525-7528
Twining Laboratories of Southern
(562) 426-3355 FAX: (562) 426-6424
2883 E Spring St Ste 300
Long Beach, CA 90806-6847
(254) 799-5546 FAX: (254) 799-2722
Toll Free: (800) 258-9626
225 E Industrial Blvd
Waco, TX 76705-9415
U.S. Arbor Products, Inc.
(847) 593-8100 FAX: (847) 593-8151
1881 Commerce Dr Ste 108
Elk Grove Village, IL 60007-2134
UltraSystems Environmental, Inc.
(949) 788-4900 FAX: (949) 788-4901
16431 Scientific
Irvine, CA 92618-4355
Underground Imaging Technologies
(518) 783-9848 FAX: (518) 783-9634
19 British American Blvd W
Latham, NY 12110-6405
Unique Paving Materials Corporation
(216) 441-4880 FAX: (216) 341-8514
Toll Free: (800) 441-4880
3993 E 93rd St
Cleveland, OH 44105-4052
United Rotary Brush Corporation
(913) 888-8450 FAX: (913) 541-8336
Toll Free: (800) 851-5108
15607 W 100th Ter
Lenexa, KS 66219-1362
United Survey, Inc.
(440) 439-7250 FAX: (440) 439-7255
Toll Free: (800) 981-8417
25145 Broadway Ave
Oakwood Village, OH 44146-6398
(281) 894-4990 FAX: (281) 720-1222
Toll Free: (866) 873-5438
11603 Windfern Rd
Houston, TX 77064-4866
1454 Javelin Way
Lewisville, TX 75077-7655
Universal Engineering Sciences Inc
(941) 358-7410 FAX: (941) 358-7353
1748 Independence Blvd Ste B1
Sarasota, FL 34234-2149
(888) 621-7533 FAX: (630) 839-0761
Toll Free: (888) 287-3835
PO Box 2485
Carrollton, GA 30112-0046
(847) 775-6901 FAX: (847) 775-6908
PO Box 9006
Gurnee, IL 60031-9006
Universal Field Services, Inc.
(918) 494-7600 FAX: (918) 494-7650
Toll Free: (800) 447-9191
PO Box 35666
Tulsa, OK 74153-0666
University of Wisconsin-Madison, EPD
Engineering Professional Development
(608) 263-2400
432 N Lake St
Madison, WI 53706-1415
Urban Engineers, Inc.
(215) 922-8080 FAX: (215) 922-8082
Toll Free: (800) 232-4597
530 Walnut St Fl 14
Philadelphia, PA 19106-3685
(612) 370-0700 FAX: (612) 370-1378
100 S 5th St Ste 1500
Minneapolis, MN 55402-1210
URS Corporation - Phoenix
(602) 371-1100 FAX: (602) 371-1615
7720 N 16th St Ste 100
Phoenix, AZ 85020-4493
US Infrastructure of Carolina, Inc.
(704) 342-3007 FAX: (704) 342-1666
1043 E Morehead St Ste 203
Charlotte, NC 28204-2898
US Right of Way Acquisition Company
(972) 966-2809 FAX: (972) 966-2819
V3 Companies of Illinois, Ltd.
(630) 724-9200 FAX: (630) 724-9202
7325 Janes Ave Ste 100
Woodridge, IL 60517-2350
Vac and Jet Services, LLC
(407) 260-0255 FAX: (407) 260-0472
PO Box 520986
Longwood, FL 32752-0986
Utilities Protection Center
(770) 623-4332 FAX: (770) 623-1847
3400 Summit Ridge Pkwy
Duluth, GA 30096-6390
Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc.
(617) 924-1770 FAX: (617) 924-2286
101 Walnut St
PO Box 1951
Watertown, MA 02472-4026
Utility Notification Center of
(303) 205-6301 FAX: (303) 234-1712
Toll Free: (800) 833-9417
16361 Table Mountain Pkwy
Golden, CO 80403-1826
Vanir Construction Management,
(916) 575-8888 FAX: (916) 575-8887
Toll Free: (888) 912-1201
4540 Duckhorn Dr Ste 300
Sacramento, CA 95834-2597
Utility Service Co., Inc.
(314) 378-2678 FAX: (314) 909-9555
Toll Free: 1-888-424-4188
439 S Kirkwood Rd Ste 215
Saint Louis, MO 63122-6100
Veolia Water
(304) 235-1626 FAX: (304) 235-1619
317 E 3rd Ave
Williamson, WV 25661-3621
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April 2009
APWA Reporter
Veolia Water
(785) 238-7142 FAX: (785) 762-2697
PO Box 686
Junction City, KS 66441-0686
Vermeer Corporation
(641) 628-3141 FAX: (641) 621-7733
Toll Free: (888) 837-6337
PO Box 200
1210 Vermeer Road East
Pella, IA 50219-0200
(315) 543-2321 FAX: (315) 543-2366
14331 Mill St
Harrisville, NY 13648-3331
Vila & Son Landscaping Co.
(407) 654-9415 FAX: (407) 654-9417
1900 Williams Rd
Winter Garden, FL 34787-9136
Visu-Sewer Clean and Seal, Inc.
(262) 695-2340 FAX: (262) 695-2359
Toll Free: (800) 876-8478
W230N4855 Betker Dr
Pewaukee, WI 53072-1430
Volvo Construction Equipment
(828) 650-2000 FAX: (828) 650-2503
1 Volvo Dr
Asheville, NC 28803-3447
VT LeeBoy, Inc.
(704) 966-3300 FAX: (704) 483-5802
500 Lincoln County Parkway Ext
Lincolnton, NC 28092-6132
VTN Consulting
(702) 253-2484 FAX: (702) 247-4262
2727 S Rainbow Blvd
Las Vegas, NV 89146-5148
Wallace Group
(254) 772-9272 FAX: (254) 776-2924
Toll Free: (800) 336-1683
PO Box 22007
Waco, TX 76702-2007
Walter P Moore
(713) 630-7300 FAX: (713) 630-7394
1301 McKinney St Ste 1100
Houston, TX 77010-3064
Walters-Morgan Construction, Inc.
(785) 539-7513 FAX: (785) 539-6521
2616 Tuttle Creek Blvd
Manhattan, KS 66502-4479
Water Movers
(602) 275-8822
30 N 56th St
Phoenix, AZ 85034-2110
Water Resources Learning Center
(703) 289-9600 FAX: (703) 289-9622
3918 Prosperity Ave Ste 100
Fairfax, VA 22031-3333
Wausau Equipment Company, Inc.
(262) 784-6066 FAX: (262) 784-6720
Toll Free: (800) 788-6066
1905 S Moorland Rd
New Berlin, WI 53151-2321
Waytek, Inc.
(952) 949-0765 FAX: (952) 949-0965
PO Box 609
Chanhassen, MN 55317-0609
WD Partners
(614) 634-7000 FAX: (614) 634-7777
7007 Discovery Blvd
Dublin, OH 43017-3218
W.E. Stilson Consulting Group
(614) 847-4670 FAX: (614) 847-1648
355 E Campus View Blvd Ste 250
Columbus, OH 43235-5680
WeatherBill Inc.
(415) 986-4453 FAX: (415) 391-7294
Toll Free: (888) 924-7475
420 Bryant St
San Francisco, CA 94107-1303
W.G. Zimmerman Engineering, Inc.
(562) 594-8589 FAX: (562) 594-8549
801 Pacific Coast Hwy Ste 200
Seal Beach, CA 90740-6210
(262) 317-3718 FAX: (262) 317-3801
5355 S Moorland Rd
New Berlin, WI 53151-7925
W.H. Shurtleff Company
(207) 885-1230 FAX: (207) 885-1240
Toll Free: (800) 663-6149
1 Runway Rd Ste 8
South Portland, ME 04106-6169
WEST Consultants, Inc.
(858) 487-9378 FAX: (858) 487-9448
11440 W Bernardo Ct Ste 360
San Diego, CA 92127-1644
Wade Trim
(734) 947-9700 FAX: (734) 947-9726
25251 Northline Rd
Taylor, MI 48180-4596
West Side Tractor Sales
(847) 526-7700 FAX: (847) 526-3565
1560 N Old Rand Rd
Wauconda, IL 60084-9751
West Yost Associates
(530) 756-5905 FAX: (530) 756-5991
APWA Reporter
April 2009
2020 Research Park Dr Ste 100
Davis, CA 95618-6148
Western Remac
(630) 972-7770 FAX: (630) 972-9680
1740 Internationale Pkwy
Woodridge, IL 60517-4994
Western Surveying & Engineering,
(630) 845-0600 FAX: (630) 845-0601
Toll Free: (800) 677-7988
321 Stevens St Ste A
Geneva, IL 60134-1318
Weston & Sampson
(978) 532-1900 FAX: (978) 977-0100
5 Centennial Dr
Peabody, MA 01960-7985
Whelen Engineering Company, Inc.
(860) 526-9504 FAX: (860) 526-4078
51 Winthrop Rd
Chester, CT 06412-1036
White Shield, Inc.
(509) 547-0100 FAX: (509) 547-8292
320 N 20th Ave
Pasco, WA 99301-4963
Whitestone Research
(805) 879-9928
2050 Alameda Padre Serra Ste 200
Santa Barbara, CA 93103-1704
WHPacific, Inc.
(360) 918-5327 FAX: (425) 951-4808
Toll Free: (800) 375-4167
724 Columbia St NW Ste 140
Olympia, WA 98501-1291
Wilbur Smith Associates
(816) 942-3570 FAX: (816) 942-3577
10401 Holmes Rd
Kansas City, MO 64131-3405
Wilbur Smith Associates
(904) 730-3032 FAX: (904) 730-8893
9432 Baymeadows Rd Ste 130
Jacksonville, FL 32256-7988
Wilbur Smith Associates
(803) 758-4517 FAX: (803) 251-3027
PO Box 92
Columbia, SC 29202-0092
Wilkinson Corporation
(989) 843-6163 FAX: (989) 843-6451
8290 Lapeer Rd
Mayville, MI 48744-9305
(714) 940-6300 FAX: (714) 940-4920
Toll Free: (800) 424-9144
2401 E Katella Ave Ste 300
Anaheim, CA 92806-5909
Wilson & Company, Inc.
(816) 701-3165 FAX: (816) 942-3013
903 E 104th St Ste 200
Kansas City, MO 64131-4508
Wirtgen America, Inc.
(615) 501-0600 FAX: (615) 501-0607
6030 Dana Way
Antioch, TN 37013-3116
Wiser Company, LLC
(615) 896-7375 FAX: (615) 890-7016
1431 Kensington Square Ct Bldg 2
Murfreesboro, TN 37130-6939
Wood Rodgers, Inc.
(916) 341-7760 FAX: (916) 341-7767
3301 C St Ste 100B
Sacramento, CA 95816-3350
(602) 335-8500 FAX: (602) 336-7915
2051 W Northern Ave Ste 100
Phoenix, AZ 85021-5180
Woodard & Curran
(207) 774-2112 FAX: (207) 774-6635
Toll Free: (888) 265-8969
41 Hutchins Dr
Portland, ME 04102-1931
Woodco Machinery, Inc.
(781) 935-3377 FAX: (781) 935-1563
22 N Maple St
Woburn, MA 01801-1707
Woolpert, Inc.
(937) 461-5660 FAX: (937) 461-0743
Toll Free: (800) 414-1045
4454 Idea Center Blvd
Dayton, OH 45430-1500
WRG Design Inc.
(503) 419-2500 FAX: (503) 419-2600
5415 SW Westgate Dr Ste 100
Portland, OR 97221-2409
(207) 725-8721 FAX: (207) 729-8414
99 Main St
Topsham, ME 04086-1292
WSB & Associates, Inc.
(763) 541-4800 FAX: (763) 541-1700
701 Xenia Ave S Ste 300
Minneapolis, MN 55416-1030
Zeiser Kling Consultants, Inc.
(714) 755-1355 FAX: (714) 755-1366
1221 E Dyer Rd Ste 105
Santa Ana, CA 92705-5634
APWA has launched WorkZone with
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Annual Buyer’s Guide
(categorical listing)
The Annual Buyer’s Guide is provided as a service by the American
Public Works Association to its
members to assist in identifying the
corporate members that represent the consulting, service and
manufacturing firms serving the
public works industry today. It is by
no means an attempt to list all of
the firms serving the industry, only
those that are APWA members as
of February 17, 2009. The Buyer’s
Guide is not intended to provide
endorsement of any particular products or services listed herein.
The categorical listing appears below; the alphabetical listing is found
on pages 86 through 104 (address
and contact information appear in
the alphabetical listing only).
APWA makes every effort to achieve
accuracy, but cannot be held responsible for inadvertent omissions
or incorrect entries. If any errors are
detected, please notify the Finance/
Membership Department at (800)
American Concrete Pavement Association
Heartland Communications Group,
Inc./Municipal Connection
LucyCo Communications
ReNew Canada Magazine/Actual
Media Inc.
American Concrete Institute
Asphalt Pavement Alliance
Association of Environmental Authorities of New Jersey
Flexible Pavements of Ohio
Interlocking Concrete Pavement
International Municipal Signal Association
New Jersey Alliance for Action
Ontario Concrete Pipe Association
Portland Cement Association
Salt Institute
Sierra Nevada Concrete Association
Southeast Cement Association
Bucher, Willis & Ratliff Corporation
APWA Reporter
Drake Haglan & Associates, Inc.
ESI Consultants, Ltd.
Exeltech Consulting, Inc.
Frehner Construction Co., Inc.
Horner & Shifrin, Inc.
Huitt-Zollars, Inc.
INCA Engineers Inc., a Tetra Tech
Mattern & Craig, Inc.
Mesiti-Miller Engineering, Inc.
MSA Professional Services Inc.
National Research Council Canada
ROWE Professional Services Company
S E A Consultants Inc
T.Y. Lin International
Taber Consultants
TapanAm Associates, Inc.
TranTech Engineering, LLC
Wood Rodgers, Inc.
Bridges, Construction
Ames Construction, Inc.
Bartlett Consolidated LLC
Bengal Engineering, Inc.
Biggs Cardosa Associates
David Evans and Associates, Inc.
Ed A. Wilson, Inc.
Haydon Building Corp.
Herzog Contracting Corp.
Pulice Construction, Inc.
ROWE Professional Services Company
Sundt Construction
T.Y. Lin International
Bridges, Expansion Joint Systems
Deery American Corporation
Sundt Construction
TapanAm Associates, Inc.
D&L Foundry and Supply
East Jordan Iron Works, Inc.
Foxfire International, LLC
Manhole Adjustable Riser Co. Inc.
Neenah Foundry Company
Cleaning, Catch Basin Cleaners
American Road Machinery, Inc.
Bell Equipment Company
Compliance EnviroSystems, LLC
EnviroWaste Services Group, Inc.
Federal Signal Corporation - Environmental Solutions Group
Fred A. Cook, Jr., Inc.
Howard P. Fairfield, LLC
Martin’s Power Sweeping, Inc.
Super Products LLC
Tarheel Underground Camera
Cleaning, Equipment
Belanger, Inc.
InterClean Equipment, Inc.
Cleaning, Graffiti Removal
DeAngelo Brothers, Inc.
RHOMAR Industries, Inc.
Cleaning, Services
Downunder Municipal Services, LLC
InterClean Equipment, Inc.
Cleaning, Washers
Belanger, Inc.
InterClean Equipment, Inc.
Bridges, Manufacturing/Design
Bengal Engineering, Inc.
Pacific Corrugated Pipe Company
Quincy Engineering, Inc.
Foxfire International, LLC
Integrated Paving Concepts, Inc.
RHOMAR Industries, Inc.
Metro Hydraulic Jack Co.
Advanced Federal Services Corporation
Advanced Storage Technology, Inc.
Balfour Beatty
Biggs Cardosa Associates
Bucher, Willis & Ratliff Corporation
Bulk Storage Inc.
Burns & McDonnell
Dome Corporation of North
Kluber, Skahan + Associates, Inc.
Mesiti-Miller Engineering, Inc.
Postl-Yore and Associates, Inc.
April 2009
Computers & Software
AgileAssets Inc.
CollectiveData, Inc.
Envista Corporation
GBA Master Series, Inc.
GoodPointe Technology
Ideate, Inc.
Info Tech, Inc.
ModernTech AEC Solutions
Whitestone Research
Computers & Software, Data Collection Systems
Boschung America, LLC
Info Tech, Inc.
Roadware Group Inc.
SharpeSoft, Inc.
Toter Incorporated
Computers & Software, Data Conversion Services
Enterprise Information Solutions,
MJ Harden Associates, Inc.
Computers & Software, Facilities
ESRI Canada Inc.
Computers & Software, Fleet Management
AgileAssets Inc.
CCG Systems, Inc./FASTER
CollectiveData, Inc.
Fuelmaster/Syn-Tech Systems, Inc.
OPW Fuel Management Systems
Computers & Software, GASB 34
AgileAssets Inc.
CIPPlanner Corporation
Civic Engineering & Information
Technology, Inc.
Enterprise Information Solutions,
GBA Master Series, Inc.
Computers & Software, GIS
CIPPlanner Corporation
ESRI Canada Inc.
GBA Master Series, Inc.
Infor Public Sector
ModernTech AEC Solutions
Munsys, Inc.
The PPI Group
Tracker Software Corp./PubWorks
Traverse Technologies Inc
Wiser Company, LLC
Computers & Software, Management Services
Epic Land Solutions, Inc.
Info Tech, Inc.
SharpeSoft, Inc.
Computers & Software, Mapping &
ModernTech AEC Solutions
Sage Engineering Corporation
The PPI Group
Computers & Software, Software
AgileAssets Inc.
CCG Systems, Inc./FASTER
CIPPlanner Corporation
Epic Land Solutions, Inc.
Ideate, Inc.
Infor Public Sector
National Research Council Canada
SharpeSoft, Inc.
Tracker Software Corp./PubWorks
Whitestone Research
Computers & Software, Traffic
Enterprise Information Solutions,
SharpeSoft, Inc.
Concrete Materials &
Carolinas Concrete Pipe & Products
Foxfire International, LLC
GCC of America
Grand Junction Ready Mix
Hogan Company
Lafarge North America
Metal Forms Corporation
Ontario Concrete Pipe Association
Pavement Technology, Inc.
Sierra Nevada Concrete Association
Southeast Cement Association
Concrete Materials & Equipment,
Interlocking Concrete Pavement
Concrete Materials & Equipment,
Crafco, Inc.
CTS Cement Manufacturing Corporation/Rapid Set Products
Concrete Materials & Equipment,
Unit Paving
Grand Junction Ready Mix
Interlocking Concrete Pavement
Ames Construction, Inc.
Bulk Storage Inc.
D.L. Withers Construction
Frehner Construction Co., Inc.
Fugro West, Inc.
Ghirardelli Associates
Haydon Building Corp.
INLAD Truck & Van Equipment
Kissick Construction Company, Inc.
Komatsu America Corp.
MetaDome, LLC
Nesbitt Contracting Co., Inc.
Pakpour Consulting Group, Inc.
Peridian Group, Inc.
Project Engineering Consultants,
Puget Sound Energy
Pulice Construction, Inc.
Smoky Hill, LLC
Walters-Morgan Construction, Inc.
Construction, Equipment
ACS Industries, Inc.
Atlantic Detroit Diesel-Allison
Case Construction
Cutler Repaving, Inc.
Foley, Inc.
Four Seasons Equipment, Inc.
GS Equipment Inc.
Komatsu America Corp.
TRIC Tools, Inc.
Volvo Construction Equipment
VT LeeBoy, Inc.
VT LeeBoy, Inc.
West Side Tractor Sales
Woodco Machinery, Inc.
Pulice Construction, Inc.
Quincy Engineering, Inc.
RBF Consulting
S & C Engineers, Inc.
Salaber Associates, Inc.
Stanley Consultants, Inc.
Strand Associates, Inc.
Sundt Construction
Tetra Tech, Inc.
Urban Engineers, Inc.
Vanir Construction Management,
W.G. Zimmerman Engineering, Inc.
Wilbur Smith Associates
WRG Design Inc.
Construction, Retaining Walls
Grand Junction Ready Mix
Construction, Service Maintenance
Ed A. Wilson, Inc.
Hastings Air Energy Control, Inc.
Herzog Contracting Corp.
Towill, Inc.
Construction, Geotextiles
W.H. Shurtleff Company
Construction, Grouting
CTS Cement Manufacturing Corporation/Rapid Set Products
Construction, Management
Alpha Corporation
APSI Construction Management
Associated Engineering Consultants,
AZTEC Engineering Inc. - AZ
Balfour Beatty
Bosak CPM
Bureau Veritas
Camosy Construction
Centennial Contractors Enterprises,
Clark Dietz Engineers
Construction Testing Services, Inc.
D.L. Withers Construction
Dahl, Taylor & Associates
Engineering Associates
ESI Consultants, Ltd.
Gannett Fleming
Ghirardelli Associates
Gonzalez Companies, LLC
Harris & Associates
Haydon Building Corp.
Info Tech, Inc.
Jacobs Engineering Group
Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc.
KBR, Inc.
LJA Engineering & Surveying, Inc.
Lockwood, Andrews & Newnam, Inc.
McCarthy Building Companies, Inc.
OEST Associates, Inc.
Pakpour Consulting Group, Inc.
Parsons Brinckerhoff
PCL Constructors Inc.
PinnacleOne, Inc.
Construction, Sewer Maintenance
Cretex Specialty Products
Duke’s Root Control, Inc.
EnviroWaste Services Group, Inc.
LOT Maintenance, Inc.
National Water Main Cleaning Co.
Progressive Innovations LLC
TRIC Tools, Inc.
United Survey, Inc.
Visu-Sewer Clean and Seal, Inc.
Construction, Survey Equipment
eda-design Professionals
Guida Surveying, Inc.
Consulting Services
Abasto Utility Locating Co., LC
Affinis Corp.
Angus-Young Associates, Inc.
Bucher, Willis & Ratliff Corporation
Burns & McDonnell
Civiltech Engineering, Inc.
Diaz-Yourman & Associates
Dibble Engineering
DLZ Kentucky
ECO:LOGIC Engineering
EDAW, Inc.
EMA, Inc.
Engineers Inc.
Environmental Partners Group
EsGil Corporation
Evergreen Safety Council
FGM Architects
Fugro West, Inc.
Gilson Engineering, Inc.
GoodPointe Technology
GPD Group
Greeley and Hansen
Griffin Structures, Inc.
Guida Surveying, Inc.
H.W. Lochner, Inc.
HDR, Inc.
HWA GeoSciences Inc.
J.R. Giese Operations, LLC
KDM Meridian, Inc.
Krebs, LaSalle, LeMieux Consultants
LucyCo Communications
Neel-Schaffer, Inc.
O.R. Colan Associates
Patrick Engineering, Inc.
Peridian Group, Inc.
PSMJ Resources, Inc.
Rick Engineering Company
Sage Engineering Corporation
Skillings Connolly, Inc.
Tighe & Bond
TranSystems Corporation
Universal Field Services, Inc.
V3 Companies of Illinois, Ltd.
W.E. Stilson Consulting Group
Wood Rodgers, Inc.
Woodard & Curran
WRG Design Inc.
Consulting Services, Architecture
Arrington Watkins Architects, LLC
Ayres Associates
Benham Companies, LLC
Bosak CPM
Burgess & Niple, Inc.
EDAW, Inc.
FGM Architects
Freese and Nichols, Inc.
George Butler Associates, Inc.
Gossen Livingston Architects, Inc.
HNTB Corporation
Huitt-Zollars, Inc.
Kluber, Skahan + Associates, Inc.
Legat Architects
Maintenance Design Group
Maintenance Facility Consultants,
OEST Associates, Inc.
PinnacleOne, Inc.
SRBL Architects
Strand Associates, Inc.
Thompson Rosemount Group Inc.
TranSystems Corporation
Consulting Services, Computer
RJN Group, Inc.
Whitestone Research
Consulting Services, Engineering
AEI-CASC Consulting
Affinis Corp.
Anderson & Associates, Inc.
Associated Transportation Engineers
Avalon Engineering, Inc.
Benham Companies, LLC
Biggs Cardosa Associates
Bolton & Menk, Inc.
Carollo Engineers
Ciorba Group, Inc.
Clark Dietz Engineers
April 2009
APWA Reporter
Claunch & Miller, Inc.
Comprehensive Environmental Inc.
Construction Testing Services, Inc.
Dahl, Taylor & Associates
David Evans and Associates, Inc.
David McManus Engineering Ltd.
Diaz-Yourman & Associates
Drake Haglan & Associates, Inc.
E. Roberts Alley & Associates, Inc.
EAC Consulting, Inc.
Earth Systems, Inc.
ENGEO Incorporated
Engineering Associates
EPS Group, Inc.
ESI Consultants, Ltd.
Exeltech Consulting, Inc.
Fay, Spofford & Thorndike, Inc.
Freese and Nichols, Inc.
Fugro Consultants, Inc.
Fuss & O’Neill
GENTERRA Consultants, Inc.
Geolabs, Inc.
Gewalt Hamilton Associates, Inc.
Gorrill-Palmer Consulting Engineers,
Hansen Thorp Pellinen Olson, Inc.
Harrison Engineering
HDR, Inc.
HNTB Corporation
Holdrege & Kull Consulting Engineers and Geologists
Howard R. Green Company
Huitt-Zollars, Inc.
HVJ Associates, Inc.
HWA GeoSciences Inc.
Jacobs Engineering Group
Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc.
Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.
Kirkham Michael, Inc.
Kluber, Skahan + Associates, Inc.
KPFF, Inc.
Landau Associates Inc.
Larkin Group, Inc.
LCC, Inc.
Leighton Group, Inc.
Lockwood, Andrews & Newnam, Inc.
Maintenance Design Group
Manhard Consulting, Ltd.
Mindel Scott & Associates, Inc.
MMM Group Limited
MNS Engineers, Inc.
ModernTech AEC Solutions
MSA Consulting, Inc.
Murray, Smith & Associates, Inc.
Northgate Environmental Management, Inc.
OEST Associates, Inc.
Oscar Larson & Associates
PACE, Inc.
Paragon Partners Ltd.
Philips Engineering Ltd.
Plateau Engineering, Inc.
Postl-Yore and Associates, Inc.
Project Engineering Consultants
Project Engineering Consultants,
Quincy Engineering, Inc.
RBF Consulting
APWA Reporter
RFE Engineering, Inc.
RH2 Engineering Inc.
Rick Engineering Company
RJN Group, Inc.
RoseWater GHD
RRM Design Group
S & C Engineers, Inc.
Salaber Associates, Inc.
San Antonio Design Group Inc.
Slater Hanifan Group, Inc.
Sterling Company, Inc.
Stewart Engineering, Inc.
T.Y. Lin International
Taber Consultants
Terrain Group Inc.
Thompson Rosemount Group Inc.
Transportation Solutions, Inc.
TranTech Engineering, LLC
Twining Laboratories of Southern
Urban Engineers, Inc.
US Infrastructure of Carolina, Inc.
Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc.
VTN Consulting
W.G. Zimmerman Engineering, Inc.
Walter P Moore
WEST Consultants, Inc.
Wilbur Smith Associates
Consulting Services, Environmental
Alan Plummer Associates, Inc.
AWS Engineers & Planners Corp.
Bio Clean Environmental Services,
Bureau Veritas
Christopher B. Burke Engineering
West, Ltd.
Comprehensive Environmental Inc.
Construction Inspection & Testing
David Evans and Associates, Inc.
E. Roberts Alley & Associates, Inc.
Earth Systems, Inc.
Earth Tech
EDAW, Inc.
Freese and Nichols, Inc.
Gewalt Hamilton Associates, Inc.
Good Company
HDR, Inc.
Howard R. Green Company
HVJ Associates, Inc.
HWA GeoSciences Inc.
Hydro Designs, Inc.
Landau Associates Inc.
MMM Group Limited
MSA Consulting, Inc.
Northgate Environmental Management, Inc.
OMNNI Associates, Inc.
Paragon Partners Ltd.
Reed Engineering Group, Ltd.
SCI Engineering, Inc.
Thomas L. Brown Associates, P.C.
Thompson Rosemount Group Inc.
Tierra Right of Way Services, Ltd.
Tighe & Bond
TranSystems Corporation
April 2009
UltraSystems Environmental, Inc.
Wade Trim
WEST Consultants, Inc.
Weston & Sampson
White Shield, Inc.
ATL Diversified Industries dba Arbor
Tree & Land
Consulting Services, Management
Alpha Corporation
APA Engineering, Inc.
APSI Construction Management
Benham Companies, LLC
CCG Systems, Inc./FASTER
Covello Group, Inc.
Gonzalez Companies, LLC
Maintenance Facility Consultants,
Michigan Municipal Risk Management Authority
Nichols Consulting Engineers, Chtd.
O.R. Colan Associates
Paragon Partners Ltd.
Performance Consulting Associates
Inc. (PCA)
PinnacleOne, Inc.
RoseWater GHD
Tierra Right of Way Services, Ltd.
Transportation Solutions, Inc.
Whitestone Research
Wilbur Smith Associates
ATL Diversified Industries dba Arbor
Tree & Land
Storm Reconstruction Services, Inc.
Consulting Services, Right-of-Way
California Property Specialists, Inc.
Cobb, Fendley & Associates, Inc.
eda-design Professionals
Epic Land Solutions, Inc.
Hamner, Jewell & Associates
Hansen Thorp Pellinen Olson, Inc.
IMS Infrastructure Management
O.R. Colan Associates
Paragon Partners Ltd.
PinnacleOne, Inc.
Terrain Group Inc.
Tierra Right of Way Services, Ltd.
Towill, Inc.
TranSystems Corporation
Traverse Technologies Inc
US Right of Way Acquisition Company
Consulting Services, Utilities
Abasto Utility Locating Co., LC
Burgess & Niple, Inc.
Cobb, Fendley & Associates, Inc.
David Evans and Associates, Inc.
EMA, Inc.
Hansen Thorp Pellinen Olson, Inc.
LNV Engineering, Inc.
O.R. Colan Associates
Thompson Rosemount Group Inc.
Tierra Right of Way Services, Ltd.
TRIC Tools, Inc.
Coupler Systems
ACS Industries, Inc.
AshBritt Environmental
Disaster Recovery, Debris
Drilling Equipment &
Aries Industries Inc.
Municipal Well & Pump
Reed Engineering Group, Ltd.
ReNew Canada Magazine/Actual
Media Inc.
San Antonio Design Group Inc.
American Concrete Institute
Asphalt Pavement Alliance
Heavy Equipment Training Solutions
International Municipal Signal Association
PSMJ Resources, Inc.
ReNew Canada Magazine/Actual
Media Inc.
San Antonio Design Group Inc.
University of Wisconsin-Madison,
Water Resources Learning Center
Affinis Corp.
Alpha Geotechnical & Materials, Inc.
Anderson & Associates, Inc.
Angus-Young Associates, Inc.
AZTEC Engineering Inc. - AZ
Bengal Engineering, Inc.
Biggs Cardosa Associates
Bolton & Menk, Inc.
Bucher, Willis & Ratliff Corporation
Bureau Veritas
Burns & McDonnell
Carollo Engineers
Carroll Engineering, Inc.
Charles Abbott Associates, Inc.
Ciorba Group, Inc.
Civic Engineering & Information
Technology, Inc.
Civiltech Engineering, Inc.
Converse Consultants
CP&Y, Inc.
Diaz-Yourman & Associates
Dibble Engineering
DLZ Kentucky
EAC Consulting, Inc.
Earth Tech
ECO:LOGIC Engineering
Engineering Resources
Engineers Inc.
Frehner Construction Co., Inc.
Fugro West, Inc.
Gonzalez Companies, LLC
Greeley and Hansen
Harrison Engineering
Hatch Mott MacDonald
HDR, Inc.
Howard/Stein-Hudson Assoc.
Huitt-Zollars, Inc.
INCA Engineers Inc., a Tetra Tech
J.R. Giese Operations, LLC
James J. Benes & Associates, Inc.
Joseph A. Cesare and Associates, Inc.
Klotz Associates, Inc.
Krebs, LaSalle, LeMieux Consultants
Lamp, Rynearson & Associates, Inc.
LandMark Consultants, Inc.
Lennon, Smith, Souleret Engineering, Inc.
Manhard Consulting Ltd.
McCormick Rankin Corporation
Michael Baker Corporation
Ninyo & Moore
O’Brien & Gere
OEST Associates, Inc.
Pease Associates
Peridian Group, Inc.
Portland Cement Association
R.J. Behar & Company, Inc.
R-A-M Professional Group, Inc.
ROWE Professional Services Company
Seton Engineering Service Corporation
Skillings Connolly, Inc.
Smoky Hill, LLC
Soil Nail Launcher, Inc.
Southeast Cement Association
Tighe & Bond
TranSystems Corporation
TST, Inc. Consulting Engineers
V3 Companies of Illinois, Ltd.
West Yost Associates
Wood Rodgers, Inc.
Woodard & Curran
Engineering, Architectural
GPD Group
Gresham, Smith and Partners
Kluber, Skahan + Associates, Inc.
Legat Architects
LJB Inc.
LNV Engineering, Inc.
Maguire Group Inc.
Maintenance Design Group
Michael Baker Corporation
OMNNI Associates, Inc.
Parsons Brinckerhoff
Postl-Yore and Associates, Inc.
Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc.
Wallace Group
WHPacific, Inc.
Engineering, Civil
AAE, Inc.
AEI-CASC Consulting
Alan Plummer Associates, Inc.
APA Engineering, Inc.
Arizona Engineering Company
Associated Transportation Engineers
Avalon Engineering, Inc.
AWS Engineers & Planners Corp.
Ayres Associates
AZTEC Engineering Inc. - AZ
Bengal Engineering, Inc.
Bolton & Menk, Inc.
Boucher & James, Inc.
Burgess & Niple, Inc.
Cal Engineering & Geology, Inc.
Carollo Engineers
Carroll Engineering, Inc.
Christopher B. Burke Engineering
West, Ltd.
Ciorba Group, Inc.
Civiltech Engineering, Inc.
Claunch & Miller, Inc.
Cobb, Fendley & Associates, Inc.
Cole & Associates, Inc.
Collier Engineering Company, Inc.
CP&Y, Inc.
David McManus Engineering Ltd.
Dibble Engineering
DMR Team, Inc.
Drake Haglan & Associates, Inc.
Dressler Consulting Engineers
Dyer, Riddle, Mills & Precourt, Inc.
EAC Consulting, Inc.
Earth Tech
eda-design Professionals
Engineering Associates
EPS Group, Inc.
Erlandsen, Inc.
ESI Consultants, Ltd.
Exeltech Consulting, Inc.
Fuss & O’Neill
G.E.C., Inc.
GENTERRA Consultants, Inc.
Geolabs, Inc.
George Butler Associates, Inc.
Gewalt Hamilton Associates, Inc.
Gilson Engineering, Inc.
Gorrill-Palmer Consulting Engineers,
GPD Group
Gresham, Smith and Partners
H.W. Lochner, Inc.
Hammond Collier Wade Livingstone
Hansen Thorp Pellinen Olson, Inc.
Harris & Associates
Harrison Engineering
Henry, Meisenheimer & Gende, Inc.
HNTB Corporation
Horner & Shifrin, Inc.
Howard R. Green Company
Howard/Stein-Hudson Assoc.
Huitt-Zollars, Inc.
INCA Engineers Inc., a Tetra Tech
James J. Benes & Associates, Inc.
Joseph A. Cesare and Associates, Inc.
KCI Associates of NC
KDM Meridian, Inc.
Killeen Engineering & Surveying
Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.
Kirkham Michael, Inc.
Klotz Associates, Inc.
Krieger & Stewart, Incorporated
Lamp, Rynearson & Associates, Inc.
Larkin Group, Inc.
LCC, Inc.
Lennon, Smith, Souleret Engineering, Inc.
LJA Engineering & Surveying, Inc.
LJB Inc.
LNV Engineering, Inc.
MacKay & Sposito, Inc.
Maguire Group Inc.
Manhard Consulting, Ltd.
Mattern & Craig, Inc.
McCormick Rankin Corporation
Mesiti-Miller Engineering, Inc.
Michael Baker Corporation
Mindel Scott & Associates, Inc.
MMM Group Limited
MNS Engineers, Inc.
Morrison-Maierle, Inc.
MSA Consulting, Inc.
Murray, Smith & Associates, Inc.
Neel-Schaffer, Inc.
Nichols Consulting Engineers, Chtd.
OBI Consulting Engineers, Inc.
Olsson Associates
OMNNI Associates, Inc.
Oscar Larson & Associates
PACE, Inc.
Pakpour Consulting Group, Inc.
Parsons Brinckerhoff
PCL Constructors Inc.
Pease Associates
Plateau Engineering, Inc.
Postl-Yore and Associates, Inc.
Project Engineering Consultants
Quincy Engineering, Inc.
R.J. Behar & Company, Inc.
R-A-M Professional Group, Inc.
RBF Consulting
RFE Engineering, Inc.
Rick Engineering Company
RJN Group, Inc.
RoseWater GHD
Roth Hill Engineering Partners, LLC
ROWE Professional Services Company
RRM Design Group
Sage Engineering Corporation
Salaber Associates, Inc.
San Antonio Design Group Inc.
Seton Engineering Service Corporation
Smoky Hill, LLC
Soil Nail Launcher, Inc.
Stanley Consultants, Inc.
Stearns & Wheler, LLC
Sterling Company, Inc.
Stewart Engineering, Inc.
Strand Associates, Inc.
SW Engineering, Inc.
TapanAm Associates, Inc.
Taylor Wiseman & Taylor
Terrain Group Inc.
Tetra Tech, Inc.
Transportation Solutions, Inc.
TranTech Engineering, LLC
TST, Inc. Consulting Engineers
Urban Engineers, Inc.
URS Corporation - Phoenix
US Infrastructure of Carolina, Inc.
V3 Companies of Illinois, Ltd.
Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc.
VTN Consulting
W.E. Stilson Consulting Group
W.G. Zimmerman Engineering, Inc.
Wade Trim
Walter P Moore
Water Resources Learning Center
WEST Consultants, Inc.
West Yost Associates
Western Surveying & Engineering,
Weston & Sampson
WHPacific, Inc.
Wiser Company, LLC
Woolpert, Inc.
WRG Design Inc.
Engineering, Construction
AAE, Inc.
American Concrete Pavement Association
Boucher & James, Inc.
Ciorba Group, Inc.
Collier Engineering Company, Inc.
Covello Group, Inc.
Dibble Engineering
Engineering Service
Exeltech Consulting, Inc.
Haydon Building Corp.
Henry, Meisenheimer & Gende, Inc.
Holdrege & Kull Consulting Engineers and Geologists
Lawson-Fisher Associates P.C.
MetaDome, LLC
Mindel Scott & Associates, Inc.
MNS Engineers, Inc.
OBI Consulting Engineers, Inc.
Olsson Associates
Pakpour Consulting Group, Inc.
R.J. Behar & Company, Inc.
S & C Engineers, Inc.
SCI Engineering, Inc.
Smoky Hill, LLC
Sundt Construction
T.Y. Lin International
Terrain Group Inc.
TranTech Engineering, LLC
URS Corporation - Phoenix
West Yost Associates
WHPacific, Inc.
Engineering, Consulting
AAE, Inc.
AEI-CASC Consulting
Affinis Corp.
Alan Plummer Associates, Inc.
Alpha Corporation
APA Engineering, Inc.
Associated Engineering Consultants,
April 2009
APWA Reporter
Cal Engineering & Geology, Inc.
Charles Abbott Associates, Inc.
Civiltech Engineering, Inc.
Clark Dietz Engineers
Claunch & Miller, Inc.
Construction Testing Services, Inc.
Covello Group, Inc.
CP&Y, Inc.
Dahl, Taylor & Associates
DMR Team, Inc.
Drake Haglan & Associates, Inc.
Dressler Consulting Engineers
EAC Consulting, Inc.
EPS Group, Inc.
Erlandsen, Inc.
Gannett Fleming
GENTERRA Consultants, Inc.
GeoDesign Inc.
GPD Group
Hammond Collier Wade Livingstone
Harris & Associates
Harrison Engineering
Hatch Mott MacDonald
HDR, Inc.
Henry, Meisenheimer & Gende, Inc.
Howard/Stein-Hudson Assoc.
INCA Engineers Inc., a Tetra Tech
James J. Benes & Associates, Inc.
Kapur & Associates, Inc.
KBR, Inc.
KDM Meridian, Inc.
Kirkham Michael, Inc.
Krieger & Stewart, Incorporated
Lamp, Rynearson & Associates, Inc.
LJB Inc.
Maintenance Design Group
Manhard Consulting Ltd.
Mattern & Craig, Inc.
McCormick Rankin Corporation
Michigan Municipal Risk Management Authority
Morrison-Maierle, Inc.
MSA Professional Services Inc.
OBI Consulting Engineers, Inc.
Olsson Associates
Pease Associates
Project Engineering Consultants
RBF Consulting
RJN Group, Inc.
Sage Engineering Corporation
Shafer, Kline & Warren, Inc.
Stearns & Wheler, LLC
Sterling Company, Inc.
Taber Consultants
Transportation Solutions, Inc.
TranSystems Corporation
TranSystems Corporation
URS Corporation - Phoenix
WEST Consultants, Inc.
West Yost Associates
WHPacific, Inc.
Engineering, Environmental
AEI-CASC Consulting
Alan Plummer Associates, Inc.
AshBritt Environmental
AWS Engineers & Planners Corp.
APWA Reporter
Ayres Associates
Bolton & Menk, Inc.
Boucher & James, Inc.
Burgess & Niple, Inc.
Carollo Engineers
Dressler Consulting Engineers
E. Roberts Alley & Associates, Inc.
Earth Systems, Inc.
Earth Tech
Emmons & Olivier Resources, Inc.
ENGEO Incorporated
Environmental Partners Group
Fay, Spofford & Thorndike, Inc.
Fuss & O’Neill
G.E.C., Inc.
GeoDesign Inc.
George Butler Associates, Inc.
Gewalt Hamilton Associates, Inc.
Greeley and Hansen
Gresham, Smith and Partners
H.W. Lochner, Inc.
Hart Crowser, Inc.
Henry, Meisenheimer & Gende, Inc.
HNTB Corporation
Holdrege & Kull Consulting Engineers and Geologists
Horner & Shifrin, Inc.
Howard R. Green Company
James J. Benes & Associates, Inc.
Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.
Kirkham Michael, Inc.
Krieger & Stewart, Incorporated
Landau Associates Inc.
LandMark Consultants, Inc.
Leighton Group, Inc.
LJB Inc.
LNV Engineering, Inc.
Maguire Group Inc.
McCormick Rankin Corporation
Michael Baker Corporation
MMM Group Limited
MSA Consulting, Inc.
Ninyo & Moore
Northgate Environmental Management, Inc.
Olsson Associates
Oscar Larson & Associates
Parsons Brinckerhoff
Pease Associates
R.J. Behar & Company, Inc.
R-A-M Professional Group, Inc.
RBF Consulting
S E A Consultants Inc
SCI Engineering, Inc.
Stanley Consultants, Inc.
Stearns & Wheler, LLC
Tighe & Bond
URS Corporation - Phoenix
V3 Companies of Illinois, Ltd.
Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc.
Water Resources Learning Center
White Shield, Inc.
Wilbur Smith Associates
Woolpert, Inc.
Engineering, Geotechnical
Alpha Geotechnical & Materials, Inc.
April 2009
Cal Engineering & Geology, Inc.
Construction Inspection & Testing Co.
Diaz-Yourman & Associates
Dressler Consulting Engineers
Earth Systems, Inc.
Earth Tech
ENGEO Incorporated
Fugro Consultants, Inc.
GENTERRA Consultants, Inc.
GeoDesign Inc.
Geolabs, Inc.
Hart Crowser, Inc.
Holdrege & Kull Consulting Engineers and Geologists
HVJ Associates, Inc.
HWA GeoSciences Inc.
IMS Infrastructure Management
Joseph A. Cesare and Associates, Inc.
Landau Associates Inc.
LandMark Consultants, Inc.
Leighton Group, Inc.
Ninyo & Moore
Northgate Environmental Management, Inc.
OMNNI Associates, Inc.
Reed Engineering Group, Ltd.
SCI Engineering, Inc.
Soil Nail Launcher, Inc.
Taber Consultants
Thomas L. Brown Associates, P.C.
Twining Laboratories of Southern
Zeiser Kling Consultants, Inc.
Engineering, Management
AAE, Inc.
Advanced Federal Services Corporation
Cal Engineering & Geology, Inc.
Clark Dietz Engineers
Covello Group, Inc.
DMR Team, Inc.
Gresham, Smith and Partners
H.W. Lochner, Inc.
Harris & Associates
Huitt-Zollars, Inc.
KBR, Inc.
KPFF, Inc.
Maguire Group Inc.
S & C Engineers, Inc.
TranSystems Corporation
W.G. Zimmerman Engineering, Inc.
Atlantic Detroit Diesel-Allison
P&G Keene Electrical Rebuilders, LLC
Hanson Pipe & Precast
Pacific Corrugated Pipe Company
Environmental Equipment, Maintenance Products
Bio Clean Environmental Services, Inc.
Environmental Equipment, Oil/Sediment Separators
Amcor Precast
Environmental Equipment, Sweepers
Allianz Madvac Inc.
Federal Signal Corporation - Environmental Solutions Group
Keystone Plastics, Inc.
Schwarze Industries, Inc.
Environmental Services
ATL Diversified Industries dba Arbor
Tree & Land
AZTEC Engineering Inc. - AZ
Bimasco, Inc.
Burns & McDonnell
Comprehensive Environmental Inc.
E. Roberts Alley & Associates, Inc.
Eco Solutions
ENGEO Incorporated
Engineers Inc.
Fugro West, Inc.
Gannett Fleming
Good Company
Hatch Mott MacDonald
Manhard Consulting, Ltd.
Schaefer Systems International, Inc.
Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc.
SouthWest Water Company
UltraSystems Environmental, Inc.
Water Resources Learning Center
Environmental Services, Dust
Dow Chemical Company
Gasaway Distributors, Inc.
Hastings Air Energy Control, Inc.
Proseal Inc.
W.H. Shurtleff Company
Environmental Services, Erosion
Hart Crowser, Inc.
OBI Consulting Engineers, Inc.
PACE, Inc.
Storm Reconstruction Services, Inc.
Converse Consultants
Gateway Industrial Products, Inc.
Environmental Services, Hazardous
AshBritt Environmental
Comprehensive Environmental Inc.
HVJ Associates, Inc.
O’Brien & Gere
Woodard & Curran
Environmental Equipment, Composting
Foley, Inc.
Environmental Services, Recycling
Rehrig Pacific Company
Schaefer Systems International, Inc.
Environmental Equipment, Culverts
& Drains
Environmental Equipment
ALM Corp.
Applied Industrial Technologies
Atlantic Tractors & Equipment Ltd.
Diamond Mowers, Inc.
Dias and Dias Electronics
E.J. Breneman, L.P.
FallLine Corporation
FORCE America, Inc.
Howard P. Fairfield, LLC
INLAD Truck & Van Equipment
Nitram Excavation & General Contractors, Inc.
Power Equipment Leasing Company
Stay Alert Safety Services, Inc.
Storr Tractor Company
Thompson Pump & Manufacturing
Co., Inc.
Equipment, Automated Sandbag
CEAttachments Inc.
Equipment, Blades & Cutting Edges
CEAttachments Inc.
Equipment, Brush Cutting
CEAttachments Inc.
Equipment, Buckets
ACS Industries, Inc.
Altec Industries
Altec Industries
CEAttachments Inc.
City Utility Equipment Co.
Timmerman Equipment Company
Equipment, Cleaning Equipment
Belanger, Inc.
Equipment, Conveying
Dome Corporation of North
Industrial Magnetics, Inc.
VT LeeBoy, Inc.
Equipment, Crack Sealing
Cimline, Inc.
Paving Maintenance Supply, Inc.
Equipment, Cranes
Altec Industries
Four Seasons Equipment, Inc.
Power Equipment Leasing Company
Equipment, Deicers
America West Environmental
Cryotech Deicing Technology
Equipment, Demolition
Equipment, Electronics
Dias and Dias Electronics
Equipment, Graders
Foley, Inc.
Komatsu America Corp.
Volvo Construction Equipment
VT LeeBoy, Inc.
Woodco Machinery, Inc.
Equipment, Instruments
Dias and Dias Electronics
The PPI Group
Equipment, Lifts
Metro Hydraulic Jack Co.
Power Equipment Leasing Company
Toter Incorporated
Equipment, Loaders
Case Construction
Cherry Valley Tractor Sales
Foley, Inc.
Four Seasons Equipment, Inc.
Komatsu America Corp.
Volvo Construction Equipment
Woodco Machinery, Inc.
Fleet, Maintenance
Belanger, Inc.
CollectiveData, Inc.
Groeneveld Group
P&G Keene Electrical Rebuilders, LLC
Power Equipment Leasing Company
Tracker Software Corp./PubWorks
Fleet, Parts Distributor
Genuine Parts Company
Fuelmaster/Syn-Tech Systems, Inc.
Sun Peaks Utilities
Fuel, Automated Fuel Mgmt.
Amcor Precast
Fuelmaster/Syn-Tech Systems, Inc.
OPW Fuel Management Systems
Equipment, Lubrication Systems
Groeneveld Group
Metro Hydraulic Jack Co.
Equipment, Mowing
Cherry Valley Tractor Sales
Tiger Corporation
Trackless Vehicles Limited
Fuel, Control Equipment
OPW Fuel Management Systems
Equipment, Paint
Franklin Paint Company, Inc.
Paving Maintenance Supply, Inc.
Equipment, Park & Playground
Northwest Playground Equipment,
Western Remac
Equipment, Pumps
Municipal Well & Pump
Thompson Pump & Manufacturing
Co., Inc.
Water Movers
Equipment, Root Control
DeAngelo Brothers, Inc.
DLZ Kentucky
Freese and Nichols, Inc.
Fuss & O’Neill
Gilson Engineering, Inc.
Gonzalez Companies, LLC
Lamp, Rynearson & Associates, Inc.
LJA Engineering & Surveying, Inc.
Peridian Group, Inc.
Skillings Connolly, Inc.
Tracker Software Corp./PubWorks
Woolpert, Inc.
GIS, Fuel
Sun Peaks Utilities
Equipment, Sweepers
Allianz Madvac Inc.
Keystone Plastics, Inc.
Equipment, Traffic Control
All Traffic Solutions
American Signal Company
Quixote Transportation Safety, Inc.
SCI Products, Inc.
Traffic Logix
Equipment, Trucks
Atlantic Detroit Diesel-Allison
City Utility Equipment Co.
Gabrielli Truck Sales
Knapheide Truck Equipment Flint
Minuteman Trucks, Inc.
Somerset Welding & Steel/J&J Truck
CollectiveData, Inc.
Minuteman Trucks, Inc.
P&G Keene Electrical Rebuilders, LLC
Western Remac
Fleet, Computerized Management
CCG Systems, Inc./FASTER
Fuelmaster/Syn-Tech Systems, Inc.
Vermeer Corporation
GIS, Management Services
Collier Engineering Company, Inc.
Environmental Partners Group
Jacobs Engineering Group
GIS, Mapping & Surveying
Ayres Associates
Dyer, Riddle, Mills & Precourt, Inc.
Enterprise Information Solutions, Inc.
Erlandsen, Inc.
ESRI Canada Inc.
Guida Surveying, Inc.
Hammond Collier Wade Livingstone
Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc.
Kapur & Associates, Inc.
KCI Associates of NC
Lawson-Fisher Associates P.C.
LCC, Inc.
Lennon, Smith, Souleret Engineering, Inc.
MacKay & Sposito, Inc.
Mindel Scott & Associates, Inc.
MJ Harden Associates, Inc.
MNS Engineers, Inc.
Ninyo & Moore
Rick Engineering Company
Southeastern Surveying & Mapping
Sterling Company, Inc.
Strand Associates, Inc.
Taylor Wiseman & Taylor
Towill, Inc.
VTN Consulting
Western Surveying & Engineering,
White Shield, Inc.
GIS, Software
ESRI Canada Inc.
Ideate, Inc.
IMS Infrastructure Management
MJ Harden Associates, Inc.
GIS, Traffic Engineering
Associated Transportation Engineers
Fay, Spofford & Thorndike, Inc.
Howard/Stein-Hudson Assoc.
Krebs, LaSalle, LeMieux Consultants
MSA Professional Services Inc.
Neel-Schaffer, Inc.
Wade Trim
Weston & Sampson
AshBritt Environmental
Vermeer Corporation
Grounds Maintenance
Advanced Federal Services Corporation
D&L Foundry and Supply
Hoosier Company, Inc.
Midwest Rake Company LLC
Pacific Corrugated Pipe Company
SouthWest Water Company
Storr Tractor Company
Vila & Son Landscaping Co.
VT LeeBoy, Inc.
Grounds Maintenance, Arboreal &
Martin’s Power Sweeping, Inc.
Vila & Son Landscaping Co.
Grounds Maintenance, Chippers
Cherry Valley Tractor Sales
Vermeer Corporation
Grounds Maintenance, Culverts &
Manhole Adjustable Riser Co. Inc.
Grounds Maintenance, Ditch Cleaners
Tiger Corporation
Grounds Maintenance, Hand Tools
Midwest Rake Company LLC
Grounds Maintenance, Lawn Care
American Marking Corp.
April 2009
APWA Reporter
Camoplast Track Vehicles
Vila & Son Landscaping Co.
WRG Design Inc.
Mailhot Industries USA, Inc.
Monroe Truck Equipment, Inc.
Grounds Maintenance, Leaf Loaders
American Road Machinery, Inc.
Trackless Vehicles Limited
Hydraulic Systems & Equipment,
Applied Industrial Technologies
Metro Hydraulic Jack Co.
Rock Mills Enterprises Magnetic
Manhole Lifter
Construction Testing Services, Inc.
Converse Consultants
Fugro Consultants, Inc.
Inspection Services, Inc.
Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc.
Joseph A. Cesare and Associates, Inc.
Reed Engineering Group, Ltd.
Twining Laboratories of Southern
Zeiser Kling Consultants, Inc.
Legal Services
Michigan Municipal Risk Management Authority
WeatherBill Inc.
Meyers Nave Riback Silver & Wilson
Grounds Maintenance, Mowing
Camoplast Track Vehicles
Tiger Corporation
Grounds Maintenance, Stormwater
Bio Clean Environmental Services,
Larkin Group, Inc.
LOT Maintenance, Inc.
Rinker Materials-Concrete Pipe Div.
Western Surveying & Engineering,
Grounds Maintenance, Vegetation
DeAngelo Brothers, Inc.
LOT Maintenance, Inc.
Hydraulic Systems &
Bosch Rexroth Canada
Certified Power Inc.
FORCE America, Inc.
HCI Trans Tech
Joint Sealing Materials &
Aries Industries Inc.
Cimline, Inc.
Crafco, Inc.
Cretex Specialty Products
Lighting Systems
Lumec, Inc./Div. of Philips
Sun Valley Lighting
Whelen Engineering Company, Inc.
Location Equipment &
Dias and Dias Electronics
Magazines & Publications
Deery American Corporation
K M International
Paving Maintenance Supply, Inc.
Laboratory Services &
Alpha Geotechnical & Materials, Inc.
Construction Inspection & Testing Co.
American Concrete Institute
American Concrete Pavement Association
APWA Reporter
Baum Publications Ltd.
Better Roads Magazine
International Municipal Signal Association
LucyCo Communications
PSMJ Resources, Inc.
Pavement Maintenance & Repair
Public Works/Hanley Wood Business
ReNew Canada Magazine/Actual
Media Inc.
Salt Institute
Transportation Research Board
Manhole, Services &
Cretex Specialty Products
Downunder Municipal Services, LLC
Hanson Pipe & Precast
Industrial Magnetics, Inc.
Rock Mills Enterprises Magnetic
Manhole Lifter
Altec Industries
GCC of America
Hanson Pipe & Precast
Hogan Company
Lafarge North America
Rehrig Pacific Company
Shawnee Steel & Welding, Inc.
Manufacturer, Bridges
Pacific Corrugated Pipe Company
Manufacturer, Marking Equipment
American Marking Corp.
EZ-Liner Industries
Paveway - Designing the Way To
Manufacturer, Pipes
Amcor Precast
Rinker Materials-Concrete Pipe Div.
Roads, Airports
Parking Lots
30 and 60 Gallon
Direct Fired Melter
Concrete or Asphalt
“The Quite Joint”
Heated DQ Bander/Applicator
Tools and
Crack preparation tools
120 and 250 Gallon
Mastic Mixer®
Pavement Preservation Products
APWA Reporter
April 2009
Engineering Resources
Guida Surveying, Inc.
HJW GeoSpatial, Inc.
MJ Harden Associates, Inc.
Plateau Engineering, Inc.
Tetra Tech, Inc.
Towill, Inc.
White Shield, Inc.
Wiser Company, LLC
Woolpert, Inc.
All States Asphalt, Inc.
Asphalt Pavement Alliance
Associated Engineering Consultants,
Bimasco, Inc.
E.J. Breneman, L.P.
Flexible Pavements of Ohio
Franklin Paint Company, Inc.
Frehner Construction Co., Inc.
Fugro Consultants, Inc.
GCC of America
Geolabs, Inc.
Gilson Engineering, Inc.
Integrated Paving Concepts, Inc.
Kissick Construction Company, Inc.
Lakeside Industries
MetaDome, LLC
Nesbitt Contracting Co., Inc.
Nichols Consulting Engineers, Chtd.
North Florida Emulsions, Inc.
Pavement Savers, Inc.
Portland Cement Association
QPR, Division of Lafarge North
Southeast Cement Association
Unique Paving Materials Corporation
Pavement, Asphalt
Ace Asphalt of Arizona, Inc.
Asphalt Pavement Alliance
Barrett Paving Materials, Inc.
Ergon Asphalt & Emulsions, Inc.
Flexible Pavements of Ohio
Herzog Contracting Corp.
HIP Hot-In-Place Paving, LLC
Integrated Paving Concepts, Inc.
International Surfacing Systems
Panhandle Grading and Paving, Inc.
Pavement Savers, Inc.
Proseal Inc.
Sealcoating, Inc.
Terry Asphalt Materials Inc.
Twining Laboratories of Southern
Pavement, Asphalt Concrete Road
All States Asphalt, Inc.
Barrett Paving Materials, Inc.
Crafco, Inc.
Lakeside Industries
North Florida Emulsions, Inc.
QPR, Division of Lafarge North
Terry Asphalt Materials Inc.
Unique Paving Materials Corporation
Wirtgen America, Inc.
Pavement, Asphalt Equipment &
Barrett Paving Materials, Inc.
Bergkamp Inc.
Cutler Repaving, Inc.
Herzog Contracting Corp.
HIP Hot-In-Place Paving, LLC
International Surfacing Systems
K M International
Pavement Technology, Inc.
QPR, Division of Lafarge North
Sealcoating, Inc.
Terry Asphalt Materials Inc.
VT LeeBoy, Inc.
Wirtgen America, Inc.
Pavement, Concrete
Ace Asphalt of Arizona, Inc.
American Concrete Pavement Association
City Utility Equipment Co.
CTS Cement Manufacturing Corporation/Rapid Set Products
Ed A. Wilson, Inc.
Hogan Company
Metal Forms Corporation
Sierra Nevada Concrete Association
Pavement, Crack Sealing Materials
& Equipment
Ace Asphalt of Arizona, Inc.
Deery American Corporation
North Florida Emulsions, Inc.
QPR, Division of Lafarge North
Terry Asphalt Materials Inc.
Unique Paving Materials Corporation
Insituform Technologies, Inc.
Ontario Concrete Pipe Association
Rinker Materials-Concrete Pipe Div.
Water Movers
Pipe, Maintenance
Duke’s Root Control, Inc.
LiquiForce Inc.
RootX Root Control Corp.
Pipe, Rehabilitation
Applied Professional Services, Inc.
Insituform Technologies, Inc.
LiquiForce Inc.
Miller Pipeline Corp.
National Research Council Canada
Progressive Innovations LLC
Project Engineering Consultants,
Quest Civil Contractors Inc
TRIC Tools, Inc.
Pavement, Dust Control
All States Asphalt, Inc.
America West Environmental
Dow Chemical Company
Proseal Inc.
FORCE America, Inc.
Mailhot Industries USA, Inc.
Municipal Well & Pump
Thompson Pump & Manufacturing
Co., Inc.
Pavement, Interlocking
Integrated Paving Concepts, Inc.
Interlocking Concrete Pavement
Pavement, Management Programs
Associated Engineering Consultants,
Charles Abbott Associates, Inc.
Civic Engineering & Information
Technology, Inc.
Envista Corporation
Ergon Asphalt & Emulsions, Inc.
Fay, Spofford & Thorndike, Inc.
Fugro Consultants, Inc.
Gasaway Distributors, Inc.
GoodPointe Technology
IMS Infrastructure Management
Nichols Consulting Engineers, Chtd.
US Infrastructure of Carolina, Inc.
Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc.
Recycling, Equipment
Fanelli Industries
Labrie Environmental Group
Schaefer Systems International, Inc.
Cutler Repaving, Inc.
Ergon Asphalt & Emulsions, Inc.
Sealcoating, Inc.
Pavement, Marking Materials
EZ-Liner Industries
Flint Trading, Inc.
Paveway - Designing the Way To
Pavement, Asphalt Patching Machines
Bergkamp Inc.
Crafco, Inc.
Deery American Corporation
Heil of Texas
K M International
Schwarze Industries, Inc.
VT LeeBoy, Inc.
Pavement, Markings
EZ-Liner Industries
Franklin Paint Company, Inc.
Pavement, Cleaning
RHOMAR Industries, Inc.
United Rotary Brush Corporation
Pavement, Markings Contractors
Ace Asphalt of Arizona, Inc.
Pavement, Survey Equipment
Roadware Group Inc.
Carolinas Concrete Pipe & Products
EnviroWaste Services Group, Inc.
Hanson Pipe & Precast
Recycling, Services
Pavement Savers, Inc.
Sealcoating, Inc.
U.S. Arbor Products, Inc.
American Traffic Safety Materials,
Ames Construction, Inc.
Anderson & Associates, Inc.
Applied Industrial Technologies
Avalon Engineering, Inc.
Balfour Beatty
Bimasco, Inc.
Brandon Industries, Inc.
E.J. Breneman, L.P.
East Jordan Iron Works, Inc.
Engineering Service
Envista Corporation
Flexible Pavements of Ohio
GCC of America
Hoosier Company, Inc.
Horner & Shifrin, Inc.
Infor Public Sector
Kissick Construction Company, Inc.
Lakeside Industries
MacKay & Sposito, Inc.
Manhole Adjustable Riser Co. Inc.
Mattern & Craig, Inc.
MetaDome, LLC
Metal Forms Corporation
Minuteman Trucks, Inc.
Morrison-Maierle, Inc.
Munsys, Inc.
Nesbitt Contracting Co., Inc.
Nitram Excavation & General Contractors, Inc.
Panhandle Grading and Paving, Inc.
Portland Cement Association
Professional Pavement Products
Proseal Inc.
Sierra Nevada Concrete Association
Slater Hanifan Group, Inc.
Stay Alert Safety Services, Inc.
Sun Valley Lighting
TapanAm Associates, Inc.
Urban Engineers, Inc.
W.E. Stilson Consulting Group
Wilkinson Corporation
Roads, Catch Basin Risers
D&L Foundry and Supply
Roads, Compactors
Volvo Construction Equipment
Wirtgen America, Inc.
Roads, Concrete Curbing
Bartlett Consolidated LLC
Hogan Company
Metal Forms Corporation
Roads, Crack Sealing Materials &
Pavement Technology, Inc.
Paving Maintenance Supply, Inc.
Roads, Culvert Rehabilitation
Bartlett Consolidated LLC
Roads, Culverts & Drains
Carolinas Concrete Pipe & Products
Ontario Concrete Pipe Association
Rinker Materials-Concrete Pipe Div.
W.H. Shurtleff Company
Roads, Dust Control
America West Environmental
Dow Chemical Company
Ergon Asphalt & Emulsions, Inc.
Wilkinson Corporation
Roads, Gas Valve Risers
Puget Sound Energy
Roads, Maintenance
Bergkamp Inc.
Bimasco, Inc.
Charles Abbott Associates, Inc.
CTS Cement Manufacturing Corporation/Rapid Set Products
Ed A. Wilson, Inc.
HIP Hot-In-Place Paving, LLC
Lakeside Industries
LOT Maintenance, Inc.
National Research Council Canada
Pavement Technology, Inc.
Terry Asphalt Materials Inc.
Unique Paving Materials Corporation
Roads, Maintenance Equipment
Bergkamp Inc.
April 2009
APWA Reporter
K M International
Root Spring Scraper Co.
VT LeeBoy, Inc.
Roads, Manholes & Risers
Amcor Precast
D&L Foundry and Supply
East Jordan Iron Works, Inc.
Manhole Adjustable Riser Co. Inc.
Rock Mills Enterprises Magnetic
Manhole Lifter
Roads, Marking Equipment
EZ-Liner Industries
Franklin Paint Company, Inc.
Roads, Marking Materials
American Marking Corp.
Flint Trading, Inc.
Paveway - Designing the Way To
Roads, Recycling Equipment
Cutler Repaving, Inc.
HIP Hot-In-Place Paving, LLC
Nesbitt Contracting Co., Inc.
Wirtgen America, Inc.
Roads, Signage
All Traffic Solutions
American Traffic Safety Materials, Inc.
Brandon Industries, Inc.
Burton Signworks, Inc.
Western Remac
Roads, Survey Equipment
SW Engineering, Inc.
Traffic Logix
Roads, Sweepers
Keystone Plastics, Inc.
Schwarze Industries, Inc.
United Rotary Brush Corporation
Roads, Sweeping Contractors
DeAngelo Brothers, Inc.
Fred A. Cook, Jr., Inc.
Keystone Plastics, Inc.
Roads, Testing Equipment
Flint Trading, Inc.
GoodPointe Technology
Roadware Group Inc.
Roads, Traffic Control Equipment
All Traffic Solutions
American Signal Company
Bell Equipment Company
Professional Pavement Products
Quixote Transportation Safety, Inc.
Rehrig Pacific Company
SCI Products, Inc.
Traffic Logix
Whelen Engineering Company, Inc.
American Marking Corp.
Applied Industrial Technologies
Bureau Veritas
Evergreen Safety Council
Global Sensor Systems Inc.
Groeneveld Group
Hastings Air Energy Control, Inc.
APWA Reporter
Hoosier Company, Inc.
INLAD Truck & Van Equipment
International Municipal Signal Association
Professional Pavement Products
Safety, Barricades
Bartlett Consolidated LLC
Burton Signworks, Inc.
Quixote Transportation Safety, Inc.
SCI Products, Inc.
Safety, Closed Circuit Televisions
DataDot Technology Canada
Global Sensor Systems Inc.
Safety, Driver Simulation
MPRI, an L-3 Company
Safety, Electronic Backing Safety
Global Sensor Systems Inc.
Whelen Engineering Company, Inc.
Safety, Hazardous Waste Management
Evergreen Safety Council
Compliance EnviroSystems, LLC
Cretex Specialty Products
Downunder Municipal Services, LLC
EnviroWaste Services Group, Inc.
LiquiForce Inc.
National Water Main Cleaning Co.
Tarheel Underground Camera
Visu-Sewer Clean and Seal, Inc.
Sewer, Rehabilitation
David McManus Engineering Ltd.
LiquiForce Inc.
Miller Pipeline Corp.
National Water Main Cleaning Co.
Progressive Innovations LLC
Quest Civil Contractors Inc
Visu-Sewer Clean and Seal, Inc.
Sewer, Rodding Equipment
Fred A. Cook, Jr., Inc.
Sewer, Root Control
Downunder Municipal Services, LLC
Duke’s Root Control, Inc.
National Water Main Cleaning Co.
RootX Root Control Corp.
Safety, Lifting Devices
Rock Mills Enterprises Magnetic
Manhole Lifter
Sewer, Sludge Management
Compliance EnviroSystems, LLC
Safety, Lighting Systems
Stay Alert Safety Services, Inc.
Whelen Engineering Company, Inc.
Air-Flo Manufacturing Co.
Atlantic Tractors & Equipment Ltd.
Cargill Deicing Technology
Certified Power Inc.
Dow Chemical Company
FallLine Corporation
FORCE America, Inc.
Gateway Industrial Products, Inc.
Green Sweep, Inc.
GVM Snow Equipment
Henke Manufacturing
Hoosier Company, Inc.
Howard P. Fairfield, LLC
INLAD Truck & Van Equipment
Meyer Products LLC
Pavement Savers, Inc.
Reed Systems, Ltd
Salt Institute
SNI Solutions
Somerset Welding & Steel/J&J Truck
Storr Tractor Company
Wilkinson Corporation
Safety, Security
DataDot Technology Canada
Roth Hill Engineering Partners, LLC
Safety, Signage
American Signal Company
American Traffic Safety Materials, Inc.
Burton Signworks, Inc.
SCI Products, Inc.
Western Remac
Safety, Traffic Control Equipment
All Traffic Solutions
American Signal Company
Flint Trading, Inc.
Paveway - Designing the Way To
Professional Pavement Products
Traffic Logix
Engineering Service
MacKay & Sposito, Inc.
Munsys, Inc.
United Survey, Inc.
Visu-Sewer Clean and Seal, Inc.
Sewer, Cleaning Vehicles
Federal Signal Corporation - Environmental Solutions Group
Jet-Vac Inc.
Super Products LLC
Tarheel Underground Camera
Timmerman Equipment Company
Sewer, Inspection Maintenance
Aries Industries Inc.
April 2009
Snow & Ice Control
Snow & Ice Control, Anti-Icing
Bosch Rexroth Canada
Cargill Deicing Technology
Certified Power Inc.
Flink Company
Reed Systems, Ltd
Schmidt Automotive North America
SNI Solutions
Swenson Spreader Company
Snow & Ice Control, Automated
Spray Technology
Boschung America, LLC
Snow & Ice Control, Blowers
Schmidt Automotive North America
Tenco Machinery (CDN) Ltd.
Tiger Corporation
Wausau Equipment Company, Inc.
Snow & Ice Control, Chemicals
America West Environmental
Cryotech Deicing Technology
GVM Snow Equipment
RHOMAR Industries, Inc.
SNI Solutions
Wilkinson Corporation
Snow & Ice Control, Deicers
Cargill Deicing Technology
Cryotech Deicing Technology
Flink Company
Gasaway Distributors, Inc.
Green Sweep, Inc.
GVM Snow Equipment
Highway Equipment Company
Reed Systems, Ltd
Salt Institute
SNI Solutions
Tenco Machinery (CDN) Ltd.
W.H. Shurtleff Company
Snow & Ice Control, Equipment
Bosch Rexroth Canada
Bulk Storage Inc.
Camoplast Track Vehicles
Cargill Deicing Technology
Certified Power Inc.
Cherry Valley Tractor Sales
Gateway Industrial Products, Inc.
GVM Snow Equipment
Henke Manufacturing
Knapheide Truck Equipment Flint
Little Falls Machine, Inc.
Monroe Truck Equipment, Inc.
Quixote Transportation Safety, Inc.
Reed Systems, Ltd
Swenson Spreader Company
Timmerman Equipment Company
Trackless Vehicles Limited
Snow & Ice Control, Plows
American Road Machinery, Inc.
FallLine Corporation
Fanelli Industries
Flink Company
Green Sweep, Inc.
HCI Trans Tech
Henke Manufacturing
Highway Equipment Company
Knapheide Truck Equipment Flint
Little Falls Machine, Inc.
Meyer Products LLC
Monroe Truck Equipment, Inc.
Root Spring Scraper Co.
Schmidt Automotive North America
Tenco Machinery (CDN) Ltd.
Wausau Equipment Company, Inc.
Snow & Ice Control, Spreaders
Air-Flo Manufacturing Co.
FallLine Corporation
Fanelli Industries
Flink Company
Four Seasons Equipment, Inc.
Green Sweep, Inc.
Highway Equipment Company
Knapheide Truck Equipment Flint
Little Falls Machine, Inc.
Meyer Products LLC
Monroe Truck Equipment, Inc.
Schmidt Automotive North America
Swenson Spreader Company
Tenco Machinery (CDN) Ltd.
Sweepers, Equipment
Cimline, Inc.
Jet-Vac Inc.
Schwarze Industries, Inc.
Federal Signal Corporation - Environmental Solutions Group
Heil of Texas
Timmerman Equipment Company
United Rotary Brush Corporation
Tools, Street Maintenance
Midwest Rake Company LLC
Sweepers, Roads
Training, Driver Simulation
MPRI, an L-3 Company
Sweepers, Streets
Allianz Madvac Inc.
Bell Equipment Company
Tools, Park and Rec Maintenance
Midwest Rake Company LLC
Midwest Rake Company LLC
MPRI, an L-3 Company
Walters-Morgan Construction, Inc.
Snow & Ice Control, Underbodies
Henke Manufacturing
Little Falls Machine, Inc.
Root Spring Scraper Co.
Wausau Equipment Company, Inc.
Snow & Ice Control, Weather
WeatherBill Inc.
Solid Waste
Somerset Welding & Steel/J&J Truck
Toter Incorporated
Solid Waste, Collection
Good Company
Storm Reconstruction Services, Inc.
Toter Incorporated
U.S. Arbor Products, Inc.
Solid Waste, Equipment
Bell Equipment Company
Fanelli Industries
Heil of Texas
Labrie Environmental Group
Rehrig Pacific Company
Schaefer Systems International, Inc.
Because swept is not always clean, call TYMCO. Our
Regenerative Air Sweepers blast into pavement cracks with
up to a 250mph controlled jet of air, forcing up even the finest
sand and particulates into a totally enclosed system — never
exhausting dirty air as do vacuum sweepers. All with only a
few moving parts, reducing maintenance cost and downtime.
Solid Waste, Processing
U.S. Arbor Products, Inc.
American Road Machinery, Inc.
Bosch Rexroth Canada
HCI Trans Tech
Highway Equipment Company
Swenson Spreader Company
Model 435®
Advanced Storage Technology, Inc.
Storage, Buildings
Advanced Storage Technology, Inc.
Bulk Storage Inc.
Dome Corporation of North
Model DST-4®
Dustless sweeping Technology
Storage, Tanks
Gasaway Distributors, Inc.
Howard P. Fairfield, LLC
Jet-Vac Inc.
Sweepers, Brooms, Brushes, Refills
United Rotary Brush Corporation
Sweepers, Contractors
Martin’s Power Sweeping, Inc.
Model 600
Arrange a Demonstration Today !
TYMCO REGENERATIVE AIR SWEEPERS are AQMD Rule 1186 Certified PM10 -Efficient
April 2009
APWA Reporter
Utilities, Location & Coordination
Abasto Utility Locating Co., LC
Applied Professional Services, Inc.
KCI Associates of NC
KDM Meridian, Inc.
Puget Sound Energy
Southeastern Surveying & Mapping
Taylor Wiseman & Taylor
Trench, Excavation
ACS Industries, Inc.
ATL Diversified Industries dba Arbor
Tree & Land
Vermeer Corporation
Underground Damage
Applied Professional Services, Inc.
Arkansas One-Call Center
Louisiana One Call
Palmetto Utility Protection Service
Pennsylvania One Call System, Inc.
Sunshine State One-Call of Florida
Thomas L. Brown Associates, P.C.
Utilities Protection Center
Utility Notification Center of
Utilities, Right-of-Way Services
APA Engineering, Inc.
California Property Specialists, Inc.
Hamner, Jewell & Associates
Southeastern Surveying & Mapping
Storm Reconstruction Services, Inc.
Universal Field Services, Inc.
US Right of Way Acquisition Company
Advanced Federal Services Corporation
Baltimore Gas & Electric Company
Engineering Resources
Envista Corporation
Epic Land Solutions, Inc.
J.R. Giese Operations, LLC
Kissick Construction Company, Inc.
Klotz Associates, Inc.
Lockwood, Andrews & Newnam, Inc.
Nitram Excavation & General Contractors, Inc.
Puget Sound Energy
San Diego Gas and Electric
Southwest Gas Corporation
Sun Peaks Utilities
TST, Inc. Consulting Engineers
Universal Field Services, Inc.
VTN Consulting
Walters-Morgan Construction, Inc.
Utilities, Consulting/Design
Avalon Engineering, Inc.
Dahl, Taylor & Associates
Dyer, Riddle, Mills & Precourt, Inc.
eda-design Professionals
Engineers Inc.
EPCOR Water Services, Inc.
EPS Group, Inc.
George Butler Associates, Inc.
Huitt-Zollars, Inc.
Jacobs Engineering Group
Kapur & Associates, Inc.
KCI Associates of NC
KPFF, Inc.
LCC, Inc.
Murray, Smith & Associates, Inc.
O’Brien & Gere
RBF Consulting
RoseWater GHD
Roth Hill Engineering Partners, LLC
RRM Design Group
S E A Consultants Inc
Shafer, Kline & Warren, Inc.
Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc.
Southeastern Surveying & Mapping
Stewart Engineering, Inc.
APWA Reporter
Utilities, Valve/Meter Boxes
East Jordan Iron Works, Inc.
Minuteman Trucks, Inc.
Somerset Welding & Steel/J&J Truck
Storr Tractor Company
Vehicles, Accessories
Atlantic Detroit Diesel-Allison
Vehicles, Blowers
Wausau Equipment Company, Inc.
Vehicles, Bulldozers
Case Construction
Vehicles, Cleaning
Clearwater Technology, Inc.
InterClean Equipment, Inc.
Vehicles, Construction
City Utility Equipment Co.
Gabrielli Truck Sales
Vehicles, Cranes & Hoists
Altec Industries
Vehicles, Garbage
Gabrielli Truck Sales
Labrie Environmental Group
Woodco Machinery, Inc.
Vehicles, Loaders
Case Construction
Super Products LLC
Vehicles, Snow Plows
Camoplast Track Vehicles
Root Spring Scraper Co.
Trackless Vehicles Limited
Vehicles, Sweepers
Allianz Madvac Inc.
Ames Construction, Inc.
Balfour Beatty
DLZ Kentucky
Earth Tech
ECO:LOGIC Engineering
April 2009
EDAW, Inc.
EMA, Inc.
Engineering Service
Gannett Fleming
Greeley and Hansen
Hatch Mott MacDonald
Infor Public Sector
J.R. Giese Operations, LLC
Klotz Associates, Inc.
Krebs, LaSalle, LeMieux Consultants
Krieger & Stewart, Incorporated
Lockwood, Andrews & Newnam, Inc.
Mesiti-Miller Engineering, Inc.
Miller Pipeline Corp.
MSA Professional Services Inc.
Munsys, Inc.
Project Engineering Consultants,
RBF Consulting
Slater Hanifan Group, Inc.
SouthWest Water Company
Sun Peaks Utilities
W.E. Stilson Consulting Group
Walters-Morgan Construction, Inc.
Wood Rodgers, Inc.
Woodard & Curran
Water/Wastewater, Consulting
Anderson & Associates, Inc.
Clearwater Technology, Inc.
Cobb, Fendley & Associates, Inc.
Converse Consultants
Dyer, Riddle, Mills & Precourt, Inc.
Earth Tech
EMA, Inc.
Engineering Resources
Environmental Partners Group
Hammond Collier Wade Livingstone
Hart Crowser, Inc.
Huitt-Zollars, Inc.
Hydro Designs, Inc.
Kapur & Associates, Inc.
Larkin Group, Inc.
Lawson-Fisher Associates P.C.
Lennon, Smith, Souleret Engineering, Inc.
LJA Engineering & Surveying, Inc.
Manhard Consulting, Ltd.
Morrison-Maierle, Inc.
Murray, Smith & Associates, Inc.
O’Brien & Gere
Oscar Larson & Associates
PACE, Inc.
Plateau Engineering, Inc.
Project Engineering Consultants
Roth Hill Engineering Partners, LLC
RRM Design Group
S E A Consultants Inc
Shafer, Kline & Warren, Inc.
Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc.
Slater Hanifan Group, Inc.
Stanley Consultants, Inc.
Stearns & Wheler, LLC
Stewart Engineering, Inc.
Taylor Wiseman & Taylor
TST, Inc. Consulting Engineers
US Infrastructure of Carolina, Inc.
Vanir Construction Management,
Wade Trim
Wiser Company, LLC
Water/Wastewater, Equipment
Aries Industries Inc.
Bio Clean Environmental Services,
Clearwater Technology, Inc.
Hydro Designs, Inc.
Jet-Vac Inc.
Municipal Well & Pump
Progressive Innovations LLC
Super Products LLC
Thompson Pump & Manufacturing
Co., Inc.
Water Movers
Water/Wastewater, Maintenance
Compliance EnviroSystems, LLC
David McManus Engineering Ltd.
Duke’s Root Control, Inc.
EPCOR Water Services, Inc.
Tarheel Underground Camera
Weston & Sampson
Water/Wastewater, Management
EPCOR Water Services, Inc.
Hydro Designs, Inc.
SouthWest Water Company
Water/Wastewater, Treatment
AWS Engineers & Planners Corp.
Clearwater Technology, Inc.
EPCOR Water Services, Inc.
Listings of corporate
members advertising in
this issue
Pages containing ads in bold
Camosy Construction: 88, 107, 126
CIPPlanner Corporation: 89, 89, 106,
Deery American Corporation: 47, 90,
106, 112, 112, 113
ESRI: 7, 91, 106, 111
Flink Company: 75, 92, 114, 115
Gateway Industrial Products, Inc.: 35,
92, 110, 114
Henke Manufacturing: 49, 94, 114,
115, 126
Midwest Rake Company LLC: 96, 97,
111, 112, 115
MJ Harden Associates, Inc.: 65, 97, 106,
111, 112, 126
QPR: 99, 113, Back Cover
Tracker Software Corp./PubWorks: 102,
106, 107, 111, 126
TYMCO, Inc.: 102, 115, 115, 116
Don’t miss this chance
...to get in the
APWA Reporter’s
Engineering and
Technology issue!
y advertising in the APWA Reporter,
news of your equipment, product or
service will be sent to more than 29,500
APWA members, most of whom are key
decision makers in their agencies.
So, don’t miss this opportunity to
advertise in the June “Engineering &
Technology” issue. Our members will be
looking to the issue for information on
new transportation technologies, new
recycling technologies, and emergency
management technologies based on
The deadline to reserve
your space is May 5; the
materials are due by May 8.
Bonus: Advertise and we’ll
provide you with a free listing in our
“Products in the News” column!
Call Amanda, Erin or Jennifer at
(800) 800-0341.
Cameron Harper, Public Works Maintenance
Manager, Clark County,
Nev., asks, “I am trying
to compost my sweeper
waste (25,000cy annually) and I
am interested to hear from anyone in the Southwest region currently doing it successfully or who
have tried it and failed. I have
seen information from Canada,
Washington State, Pennsylvania,
Minnesota and Illinois, but these
are all areas of plentiful vegetation and rainfall. If I am successful it will translate into $50,000
in fuel savings to the landfill, be
an inexpensive source of compost
for our Parks & Rec. Dept., and
save space in our landfill for nonrecyclable materials. Any information would be helpful.”
Great question and one I’d
like to know the answer to,
as well! My limited research
found programs in Long
Beach, Calif., and Portland, Ore., that
seem to be addressing the recycling of
much of the street sweeping debris in
a variety of ways. You might want to
check out the following two website
Welcome To The Latest Version Of The
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MicroPAVER™ is State-of-Art technology in pavement
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Order your copy of MicroPAVER for Roads and Highways (MP.NEW) or Airports
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Members $995*, Non-Members $1095* (*plus $44.50 S&H)
APWA Reporter
April 2009
sources: Long Beach at www.p2pays.
org/ref/12/11763.pdf for a report or contact the Public Works Director, Michael
Conway, at [email protected]; or Portland’s article at www.
1aggressrecycl.html or contact Michael
Boyle, Public Works Manager, at [email protected].
If your agency has information to
share with Cameron, please do so by
e-mail at [email protected] or you
can share it with me and we’ll all learn
something new, too!
“With the budget as
tight as it is now, we are
having trouble finding a
way to meet the newlyadopted mandatory standards
for road sign visibility from the
Federal Highway Administration’s minimum levels of retroreflectivity. It is so expensive to
replace all the signs but we know
we need to do so. Anything you
can suggest?”
We have been hearing for
several years that these standards were coming and now
they have arrived. The actual
requirement from FHWA is for state
and local governments to assess their
road signs and develop a replacement
plan for non-compliant road signs that
are not bright enough for the dangerous task of night driving. If it’s any consolation, your inspection may indicate
that not all of your signs need to be replaced at the same time. The 3M Company, longtime member of APWA, has
launched the 3M Sign Grant Program.
The program is designed to significantly reduce road sign replacement costs
for state and local agencies to meet the
standard. 3M will partner with agencies to improve traffic sign brightness
and visibility through top-of-the-line
technology, while providing significant
cost savings. The program is available
from January through November 30,
2009. For all the details visit the 3M
site at http://solutions.3m.com/wps/
electronics manufacturers and retailers
that fosters opportunity for consumers
to donate or recycle their used electronics. Major participants in 2008 include Dell/Staples; Best Buy; Sony’s expansion of its partnership with Waste
Management to more than 160 dropoff
locations in the U.S. at no cost; LG’s
launch of its partnership with Waste
Management; Samsung’s Recycling Direct program in partnership with WalMart; partnership between Panasonic,
Sharp and Toshiba; Toshiba’s free online takeback services; and free in-store
takeback or mail-in recycling programs
for cell phones and other mobile devices available from all Plug-In carriers
or cell phone manufacturers. Since the
program began in 2003, Plug-In partners have recycled more than 200 million pounds of electronics. For more
information about the Plug-In to eCycling program and a list of partners, see
“I read something in an
article about an employee being fired because
they parked the county vehicle in front of
‘some place they shouldn’t have
been’ on a weekend. How could
that happen if he was on his own
It can happen at any time
and at any location if you’re
responsible for use of a public agency vehicle! Most
employee policies dictate that an employee using the vehicle does so for
“public business” or “on call” purposes. Using it for a trip to a novelty store
in another city becomes a violation of
the policy and even an abuse of the
ethics code or code of professional
In the case you’re mentioning, one
employee had driven the vehicle to
For Light Pole Banners
KBW introduces the
Revolutionary New Bracket
“It’s been awhile since you
mentioned the electronics
recycling programs that
some of the major companies who sell electronics had begun. Is there any indication that
these programs are really working
to divert these items from going
into the landfills?”
There is. Plug-In To eCycling
partners expanded their electronics recycling programs
and collected and recycled
more that 66.5 million pounds of used
electronics in 2008, nearly a 30 percent increase from the previous year.
Plug-In To eCycling is a partnership
between EPA and leading consumer
“Space-Age” materials and
technology for maximum wind
dissipation, with no mechanical
parts to wear.
• Wind tunnel tested
• Eccentrically milled pultruded fiberglass w/UV coating
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See “Airow in Action”
Kalamazoo Banner Works by Consort
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“Banner bracket innovation since 1984”
April 2009
APWA Reporter
another county on a weekend, without
prior approval, and then had parked
it at the novelty store. Pictures were
taken and sent to the director. When
he investigated, the employee signed
a statement that he had, indeed, been
responsible for the whereabouts of the
vehicle during the weekend. The director then showed him the pictures.
The violation was three-fold: one was
taking the vehicle without permission;
the second was the location the vehicle
was parked; and the third was the fact
that there was a discrepancy between
the mileage that the employee wrote
down and the actual mileage put on
the vehicle over the weekend. In addition to the responsible employee being
fired, a second employee was also in
the vehicle and he was fired, as well.
Not only did the employees lose their
jobs over a “dumb mistake,” the director, the department and the entire
county were held up to scrutiny and
ridicule because of this action.
Ethical conduct is a 24/7 commitment
when you work for a public agency. If
you are a director, manager or supervisor, it should be a regular part of your
department meetings to review various
portions of the agency’s code of ethics
to ensure your employees are aware of
things that may seem perfectly normal
to them that are, in fact, ethics and employee violations.
Ask Ann…
Please address all
inquiries to:
Ann Daniels
Director of Credentialing
APWA, 2345 Grand Blvd.,
Suite 700
Kansas City, MO 64108-2625
Fax questions to:
(816) 472-1610
APWA Reporter
…to get in the APWA Reporter’s Transportation
and Projects of the Year issue
By advertising in the APWA Reporter, news
of your equipment, product or service
will be sent to more than 29,500 APWA
members, most of whom are key decision
makers in their agencies.
So, don’t miss this opportunity to advertise
in the July “Transportation” and “Projects
of the Year” issue. Our transportation articles
will feature topics such as road maintenance, construction,
traffic controls and paving materials. And the Projects of
the Year award is a great honor and our members will
be looking eagerly to the issue to see which public works
projects have been chosen.
The deadline to reserve your space is June 5;
the materials are due by June 8.
Bonus: Advertise and we’ll give you a free listing in our
“Products in the News” column!
[email protected]
Don’t miss this chance…
Call Amanda, Erin or Jennifer at (800) 800-0341.
April 2009
When you contact an advertiser regarding a product, please tell them you saw their ad in the APWA Reporter. Thanks! – The Editor
Legend: IFC = Inside Front Cover; IBC = Inside Back Cover; BC = Back Cover
AlertMat, p. 126
Hustler Turf Equipment, p. 51
AssetWorks, Inc., p. 37
MB Companies, Inc., p. 57
Burns & McDonnell, p. 127
Metal Forms Corporation, p. 127
Camosy Construction, p. 127
Midwest Rake Company LLC,
p. 96
CIPPlanner Corporation, p. 89
Consort Display Group, p. 119
Cover-All Building Systems, p. 71
Dannenbaum Engineering Company, p. 126
Deery American Corporation, pp.
47, 112
Designovations, Inc., p. 127
ESRI, p. 7
FirmGreen, Inc., p. 77
Flink Co., p. 75
Gateway Industrial Products,
Inc., p. 35
Gee Asphalt Systems, Inc., pp. 14,
Henke Manufacturing Corp., pp.
49, 126
MJ Harden Associates, Inc., pp.
65, 126
MSI Guaranteed Weather, LLC,
p. 53
National Society of Professional
Engineers, p. IBC and insert
NTech Industries, Inc., pp. 68,
Paragon Partners Ltd., p. 126
Pulltarps Manufacturing, pp.
126, 128
QPR, p. BC
Quixote Transportation Technologies, Inc., p. 27
Resource Recycling Systems, Inc.,
p. 30
Rubber-Cal, p. 76
RUD Chain, Inc., p. 69
Schonstedt Instrument Company, p. 127
Sherwin-Williams, p. 79
Solar Traffic Systems, Inc., p. 81
SWA Group, p. 127
TAPCO, Inc., p. 45
thomas engineering group, llc.,
p. 126
TMA Systems, p. 6
Tracker Software Corp./PubWorks, p. 126
Transpo Industries, Inc., p. 73
Transportation Professional Certification Board Inc., p. 83
TYMCO International, p. 115
Upper Iowa University, p. IFC
USABlueBook, p. 103
WEST Consultants, Inc., p. 127
The Willdan Group of Companies, p. 127
Winkler Canvas Ltd., p. 21
Holt Technologies, p. 127
April 2009
APWA Reporter
Products in the News
QPR RoadShop
QPR is excited to unveil
their new “QPR RoadShop” products available exclusively at Lowe’s
in the Midwest region. QPR’s high-performance pothole
repair product is now enhanced with the addition of nine
new items in this one-stop shop, which provides everything
you need to repair asphalt pavement. New products include
premium cold applied and hot applied crack fillers, a higher-grade sealer, and all the tools needed for proper application. By partnering with Lowe’s, QPR, an industry leader,
has made it possible for municipalities to acquire these innovative products in smaller quantities at easily accessible
Lowe’s stores. For more information please visit our website
at www.QPRRoadShop.com.
efficiency at a much lower cost than high-density discharge
(HID) lamps. The units can be refitted with potentially even
more efficient and economical LED lamps once that technology is proven. Twin T5 fluorescent lamps from Magnaray® now have a life rating of up to 48,000 hours with 90%
lumen maintenance, and a lamp unit replacement cost of
less than $12. Fluorescent electronic ballasts with a life of
100,000 hours are in the $25-$30 range. The Magnaray®
RGB system, used in Austin, Texas for over four years, has
been proven superior in eliminating the unwanted glare,
light trespass, energy waste and sky glow that accompany
HID streetlighting systems. For more information contact
Magnaray® International at (941) 755-2111 or visit the website at www.magnaray.com.
QPR 6690 Hot Pour Crack Filler
QPR’s newest innovation, QPR
6690, is a polymer modified hot
pour crack filler (ASTM 3405 &
6690 approved). Packaged in the
familiar 50-lb. box, it is usable in
both direct fire and oil jacketed
kettles. QPR’s retail distribution
channel, Lowe’s, has revolutionized the asphalt maintenance industry by offering their Hot Pour Crack Filler in all
stores throughout the Midwest. Lowe’s is the first to offer
this innovative product in their multiple locations, which
will allow users to carry lower inventories, with quick access to supply locations close at hand. This supplier/retail
partnership revolutionized the industry by offering their
#1 pothole repair product in 50-lb. bags. They are repeating
that success story with their 50-lb. boxes of crack filler now
available at Lowe’s. For more information please visit our
website at www.QPRRoadShop.com.
Magnaray® RGB fluorescent
streetlight systems better
than HID and upgradeable
to LED
has released RGB fluorescent
streetlighting units that provide improved light quality and
APWA Reporter
April 2009
Winkler salt/sand storage buildings
The Winkler commercial buildings combined with Allied Steel’s Gatorshield® Galvanized Tubing and ZRC weld
protection give a superior protection against rust. Further,
with applying the epoxy coat option it will extend the life
of the building in the harsh conditions of storing your sand,
salt or fertilizer bags. Winches are typically bolted on the
outside of the building to keep them away from corrosive
materials. When using the “barn” style the corrosive material goes up to a determined line on the wall, and so it does
not actually come in contact with the galvanized (inside and
out) steel tubing. It keeps the materials out of the elements,
and with the light that is allowed in through the 12-oz. cover it gives great natural lighting. The Winkler structures give
you the option of using wood, or concrete pony walls, and
if there is a need to be even more mobile a concrete block
pony wall is an option as well. For more information please
contact Winkler Canvas at (800) 852-2638, send e-mail
to [email protected] to find a dealer nearest
you, or visit our website at www.winklercanvas.com.
XAS 185 JD7 HardHatTM
No concrete crew is
complete without its air
compressor to power the
pneumatic tools necessary to get the job done
right. And not just any
air compressor can provide the reliability and
longevity that this HardHatTM offers. HardHat’s
most notable feature is
the revolutionary polyethylene canopy design—absolutely the toughest in the industry. It resists rusting, denting, corrosion or fading, and
performs worry-free in extreme temperatures. The canopy
protects the compressor from damage at the worksite, which
helps reduce the cost of ownership and boosts resale value.
With guaranteed 185 cfm of air at the discharge valves and
the reliable 49 HP John Deere engine, the HardHat compressor is the most efficient air end in the compressor industry.
For more information call Atlas Copco Construction
Equipment LLC at (803) 817-7434 or visit the website at
HeaterMeals provides hot
meals for public works
HeaterMeals Self-Heating
Meals come with everything
needed for “A Hot Meal Anytime, Anyplace,” thanks to
the patented food heater in
every box. HeaterMeals tasty,
¾-pound Self-Heating Entrees keep for up to five years
without refrigeration, and store and distribute easily to
provide nutritious, hot meals for public works field crews
on construction projects, ice and snow removal and storm
cleanup detail. HeaterMeals Self-Heating Meals are also available as HeaterMeals Plus Complete Meal Kits that come with
an entrée, snacks and beverage, and HeaterMeals 3 Meal
Kits come with an entrée and extended shelf-life snacks for
hearty appetites. For more information please contact Dave
Blandford, Marketing Director, at (800) 503-4483 or visit the
website at www.heatermeals.com.
SPORTLITE introduces an industryfirst technology for compact
fluorescent high bay fixtures
SPORTLITE, Inc., a Philips group
brand, introduces its TDX architectural grade compact fluorescent
high bay, the only fixture in the industry with eight 70-watt lamps. The
high bay generates 41,600 lumens
and is able to operate in 40 degreesCelsius environments. It is recommended for a variety of
commercial applications, including school and college gymnasiums, churches and convention centers. It is also ideal
for retail and airport applications when used in its recessed
modes. The TDX has a lamp life of 20,000 hours and is available with a clear polycarbonate dome, aluminum dome or
pearlescent dome. It can be used with 120-watt, 85-watt, 70watt, 60-watt, 57-watt, 42-watt, 32-watt and 26-watt lamps
and is available with two, three or four level switching. The
TDX offers complete ballast chamber access while hanging
for easy maintenance. For more information, visit www.
CENTRIA unveils Eco Sound Barrier
CENTRIA is proud to introduce the industry’s first inexpensive composite sound barrier. The Eco Sound Barrier
provides an environmentally friendly alternative to precast
concrete sound barriers at nearly one-third of the material
cost. The only highway product to be Cradle-to-CradleSM
certified, the Eco Sound Barrier is made from 25 percent recycled material and is 100 percent recyclable at the end of
its useful life. And at only 2.25 to 4.25 pounds per square
foot, Eco Sound Barrier is much lighter than traditional precast sound barriers, requiring far fewer trucks to transport
it to the jobsite. This dramatically cuts down on emissions
and reduces a highway project’s carbon footprint. Beyond
the environmental benefits, using Eco Sound Barrier can significantly cut project expenses. Eco Sound Barrier material
costs, on average, are about a third of what precast sound
barriers typically run. For more information, visit www.
April 2009
APWA Reporter
Accolades continue
for LiftPod® personal
and portable lift
JLG Industries, Inc.,
a leading manufacturer of aerial work
platforms and telescopic material handlers, was awarded the
Show Stopper Award
at the National Electrical Contractors Association (NECA) 2008
Convention and Trade
Show for its LiftPod®
personal and portable lift. The JLG LiftPod is the first portable
aerial work platform designed to replace the ladder. The
award was given because of the LiftPod’s unique design and
ability to improve contractor and maintenance worker performance. Its lightweight and portable design makes the
LiftPod easily mobile around the job site and convenient for
stowage in a pickup truck, van or SUV. The LiftPod reaches
a 14-foot working height and is operated using a common
18-volt drill or optional power pack. To learn more about
the JLG LiftPod, please go online at www.liftpod.com or call
1-877-2-LIFTPOD (1-877-254-3876).
Toro® Dingo®
Diesel Compact
Utility Loaders
All 2009 model
year Toro® Dingo® TX 525 wide
track and TX 525
diesel compact
utility loaders will be biodiesel compatible for blends up
to B20, which represents a mixture of 20 percent biodiesel
and 80 percent petroleum diesel fuel. The Toro Dingo TX 525
narrow track and TX 525 wide track compact utility loaders
feature a 25-horsepower Kubota® diesel engine and deliver
added torque and hydraulic flow for enhanced performance.
Toro compact utility loaders can be outfitted with a multitude
of productivity-enhancing attachments, making them the
ideal toolkit for constructing landscape features, demolishing interior structures, installing irrigation systems, preparing seedbeds, material hauling and handling, building decks
and fences, tree planting, pond building, and more. For more
information on Toro Dingo compact utility loaders, call The
APWA Reporter
April 2009
Toro Company at 1-800-Dig-Toro (1-800-344-8676), send an
e-mail to [email protected], or visit www.toro.com/dingo.
Rugby introduces
new Alumunim
Dump Body
Manufacturing recently introduced an aluminum dump body
to its line of Class
3-5 truck bodies. The aluminum construction provides the
strength of a work truck in an attractive dump body. Aluminum weighs over 30 percent less than traditional carbon
steel decreasing fuel expenses and increasing payload. The
hardened aluminum alloy material provides long-lasting durability and eliminates the need for paint. Rugby Aluminum
Dump Bodies feature a reliable stainless steel EZ-LATCH™
upper tailgate mechanism. Rugby backs each of its dump
bodies with a three-year warranty. For more information
please call (701) 776-5722 or visit www.rugbymfg.com.
introduces new SnoPro Plow Systems for
UTV’s and SxS’s
Curtis Industries has
introduced a rugged line
of 72-inch Sno-Pro
plow systems designed
for daily use on UTV’s
and Side-by-Sides. The Straight Plow is built of heavy gauge
steel, weighs only 180 pounds with mount, and has a height
of 19 inches. The Polymer Tapered (Highway Style) Plow is
made of a high-density, impact-resistant polymer with extensive bracing to provide superior strength and durability.
With a top of taper height of 28 inches and bottom of taper
height of 18 inches, the Polymer Tapered Plow and mount
weigh only 190 pounds and are balanced for stability while
in the up position. For more information on Curtis products
visit www.curtiscab.com or call 800-343-7676.
Rugged new 12-volt landscape
well lights now available from
A new series of durable12-volt
well lights with adjustable tilting
lamps is now available from Orbit/
Evergreen, a leading supplier of
landscape lighting fixtures and accessories. Well lights are typically
placed in a landscape design to illuminate trees, fountains, arbors or other garden features.
The new Orbit/Evergreen FG Series features five models with
varied cover styles to direct the light source, including full
view, louvered, round hood, square hood or a vandal-resistant criss-cross cover. Each fixture measures 4¾” wide and
has a 4½” depth. Models are available in black or bronze and
are constructed from injection-molded PBT composite for
longer-lasting outdoor performance. For more information
about Orbit/Evergreen, visit the website at www.orbitelectric.com or call (800) 906-7248.
Petro Vend K800™ Hybrid
Fuel Control System now
available with FSC3000™
built directly inside the fuel
island terminal
OPW Fuel Management Systems has announced that its
Petro Vend K800™ Hybrid
Fuel Control System is now available with the FSC3000™
fuel site controller built directly inside the fuel control system. Whether operating a small fleet with a single fuel site
or a large fleet with multiple sites, the K800™ Hybrid Fuel
Control System can help improve the management of unattended fueling operations by controlling one of the biggest
assets and expenses—fuel. The K800™ Hybrid has the flexibility of having the fuel controller within the Fuel Island
Terminal as a stand-alone system for sites that require outdoor installations, or as a separate unit indoors. The built-in
FSC3000™ creates a secure Bluetooth wireless connection
between the FSC3000™ fuel site controller mounted in the
K800™ Hybrid and a Bluetooth-enabled host PC. For more
information on the K800™ Hybrid Fuel Control System,
contact OPW Fuel Management Systems at (708) 485-4200
or go to www.opwfms.com.
cameras with
Installing a Voyager® Rear Observation System on
many commercial
vehicles can prove
to be demanding undertaking. Making sure that the rear
camera is stable and protected only increases the difficulty.
That is why ASA Electronics, manufacturer of mobile audio and video equipment based in Elkhart, Ind., is proud
to offer a pair of Voyager heavy-duty camera bracket assemblies—the VCCS130AB Arch-style Bracket and the
VCCS130WB “W” Bracket. The Voyager VCCS130AB
Arch Bracket is utilized to safely and securely mount a Voyager® rear observation camera above the center brake light.
The Voyager VCCS130WB “W” Bracket also offers a sturdy
mount for the Voyager rear camera and protects it from ex
terior elements such as branches, loading dock awnings, and
other obstructions. For more information please call (800)
688-3135 or visit www.asaelectronics.com.
SFT-10 High Pressure
Carbon Dioxide Pump
Technologies, Inc. has
introduced the completely self-contained SFT-10
Liquid Carbon Dioxide
Pump. Advanced Peltier
(thermoelectric) technology makes it possible to achieve high pressure without the
need for an external cooling bath. The SFT-10 pump can pressurize carbon dioxide up to 10,000 psi (69 MPa) at flow rates
from 0.01 to 24.0 ml/min. These characteristics make the
SFT-10 an ideal pump for use in supercritical fluid extraction
and a variety of other high pressure applications, including
supercritical fluid reaction chemistry and chromatography.
The SFT-10 utilizes reliable, dual sapphire syringe pump technology to achieve high pressures rapidly. The Peltier chiller
has superior cooling capability. It maintains the temperature
at the pump heads low enough to ensure the carbon dioxide
remains liquid. For more information, please call us at (302)
738-3420 or visit us at www.supercriticalfluids.com.
Telsmith’s highcapacity trackmobile primary
impact crushing
line of QuarryTrax track-mobile
Telsmith, Inc. has announced its QuarryTrax Model
TI6060, a track-mounted primary impact crushing plant,
which is designed for high-capacity production of up to 800
TPH. Featuring the heavy duty Telsmith Model PA6060 Primary Impact Crusher, the plant is engineered to maximize
crushing hours and minimize maintenance. A key differentiating component of this primary impact crusher is its massive, solid type rotor set on oversized 220 mm, wide series
bearings. With its heavier rotor, the impact crusher delivers
higher inertia to optimize crushing, and the ruggedness to
consistently crush 40-inch stone or concrete slabs. Easy to
transport, and ready to crush in just minutes, the QuarryTrax TI6060 is ideal for processing a specification product in
either concrete recycle or low-abrasion quarried stone applications. For more information on the Telsmith QuarryTrax
TI6060, call (800) 765-6601 or visit www.telsmith.com.
April 2009
APWA Reporter
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Retrofit Mats, Tiles and Cast in
Place systems for new construction
Safe & Dependable
Click, Listen & Learn
Neighborhood and
Pedestrian Safety
May 21, 2009
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ramps and ADA compliance
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Discover the benefits of integrating
your neighborhood traffic calming,
intersection safety and pedestrian/
bicycle safety programs.
For more information and to
register visit:
Click, Listen & Learn
Continuity of Operations
In an Emergency
April 9, 2009
Visit: www.apwa.net/education
Automatic & Semi Automatic
Tarp Systems
Simply The Best!
(800) 368-3075
APWA Reporter
April 2009
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Training Series
Public Infrastructure
Inspector Study Guide
This series will help you to prepare
to complete the process of sitting for
the The Certified Public Infrastructure
Inspector certification program.
May 6
May 13
John Bosman, AIA, ALA, LEED AP
(847) 395-6800
Public Works
Construction Management Specialists
May 20
Visit: www.apwa.net/education
Engineering and
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Cut concrete forming time in half
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A World Leader in Landscape Architecture
Landscape Architecture • Planning
Urban Design
April 2009
APWA Reporter
International Public Works Congress & Exposition
North American Snow Conference
Sept. 13-16
Aug. 15-18
Sept. 18-21
Aug. 26-29
Aug. 25-28
Columbus, OH
Boston, MA
Denver, CO
Indianapolis, IN
Chicago, IL
Apr. 26-29
Apr. 18-21
Des Moines, IA
Omaha, NE
For more information, contact Brenda Shaver at (800) 848-APWA or send
e-mail to [email protected].
For more information, contact Dana Priddy at (800) 848-APWA or send
e-mail to [email protected].
National Public Works Week: May 17-23, 2009
APRIL 2009
MAY 2009
APWA: Self-Assessment Using the Management Practices
Manual, Pittsburgh, PA, (800) 848-APWA, www.apwa.net
14-16 APWA: Construction Inspection: A Review Workshop,
Denver, CO, (800) 848-APWA, www.apwa.net
APWA: Public Fleet Management Workshop, Boston, MA,
(800) 848-APWA, www.apwa.net
19-22 Geospatial Information & Technology Association, 2009
Geospatial Infrastructure Solutions Conference & Exhibition,
Tampa, FL, www.gita.org
APWA: Web-Based Training, Public Infrastructure
Inspector Study Guide #1, (800) 848-APWA, www.apwa.net
APWA: Web-Based Training, Public Infrastructure
Inspector Study Guide #2, (800) 848-APWA, www.apwa.net
APWA: Web-Based Training, Public Infrastructure
Inspector Study Guide #3, (800) 848-APWA, www.apwa.net
APWA: Click, Listen & Learn, “Traffic Mediation—
Neighborhood and Pedestrian Safety Programs,” (800) 848APWA, www.apwa.net
APWA: Click, Listen & Learn, “Continuity of Operations—
How to Stay on Top,” (800) 848-APWA, www.apwa.net
19-23 National Association of County Engineers, 2009 Annual Conference,
Peoria, IL, www.naco.org
APWA: Self-Assessment Using the Management Practices
Manual, Pocatello, ID, (800) 848-APWA, www.apwa.net
26-29 APWA: North American Snow Conference, Des Moines, IA,
(800) 848-APWA, www.apwa.net
Simply The Best!
(800) 368-3075
APWA Reporter
Always the third full week in May. For more information, contact Jon
Dilley at (800) 848-APWA or send e-mail to [email protected].
April 2009
Public Works Director
Watertown, SD
The City of Watertown, SD (pop. 20,500) is accepting
applications for Public Works Director. This appointed
position is under the general direction of the Mayor
and provides administrative direction and coordination of the Engineering, Planning & Zoning, Airport,
Wastewater, Street, and Solid Waste Departments.
Minimum Qualifications: A bachelor’s degree in
civil engineering, public works, or related field from
an accredited college or university, a valid driver’s
license, and at least six years of responsible experience in the public works field. Starting salary range:
$62,281–$84,079, excellent benefit package. Go to:
for complete position description and application
forms or phone (605) 882-6203, Ext. 17. Closing: 5:00
p.m., Friday, April 17, 2009.
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