Termovar LK 810 Termovar LK 810 ECO
Termovar LK 810 Termovar LK 810 ECO
Loading Units | LK 810 ThermoMat G Eco LK 810 ThermoMat Termovar LK 810G Eco Termovar LK 810 ECO Technical G r u p p Dat o da i c a r i c a m e n t o Voltage LPow o a er d iconsum n g u ption nit 230 VA C 50 H z 5-45 W depending on pum p speed The function of the loading unit during the different phases of heating: D i s p o s i t i f d e c h a rg e m e n t M ax. boiler capacity 75 kW at 30°C ΔT Return tem peratures 55°C, 60°C, 65°C or 70°C Working tem perature M in. +5°C/ M ax. +110°C A m bient tem perature M in. +5°C/ M ax. +60°C M ax. working pressure 1.0 M Pa (10 bar) M ax. f ow 2300 l/ h M edia Water - Glycol m ixture m ax. 50% Thread standard Rp - fem ale thread Circulating pum p Grundfos A lpha 2L 60 M aterial, valve body Brass EN 1982 CB752S M aterial, insulation Expanded Polypropylene EPP ErP ready 2015 LK 810 ThermoMat G Eco is a loading unit for heating applications with solid fuel boilers and storage tanks. The loading unit is intended to ensure a high return temperature as well as an optimal temperature stratif cation in the storage tank, thus increasing the eff ciency of the system. Tarring and condensation are prevented w hich prolongs boiler life. The LK 810 Therm oM at G Eco is a com pact design w ith an integrated low -energy circulating pum p, that fulf lls the requirements of ErP 2015, and a thermic loading valve that regulates on two ports. The loading unit has three ball valves to simplify installation and maintenance, three thermometers that allow for simple control of the loading process and an insulation to minimize heat loss. The loading unit is available in two versions - with or without check valve. With a check valve the functions described under phase 4 w ill be obtained. LK 810 ThermoMat G Eco is installed in the return circuit betw een the solid fuel boiler and the storage tank. The unit should be mounted upright w ith the drive-shaft of the circulating pump in a horizontal position. The loading unit is reversible and can easily be adapted for mounting to the right or left of the boiler. Gruppo diunit caricamento per ilnocollegamento The loading normally requires maintenance. The installation should be checked regularly. Thanks to the three della caldaia a legna o caldaia pellet con Puffer ball valves any part can be changed w ithout draining the system in case of servicing. (volano termico). Per caldaie fino 60 kW 1. Heat up phase The water circulates between boiler and loading unit while the temperature of the boiler is rising. 2. Loading phase The thermostatic element starts to open and allows return w ater from the storage tank to be mixed with supply water before it returns to the boiler. The return tem perature to the is kept constant. C A L boiler D A I E D A L 1 9 6 2 3. End phase The thermostatic element is fully open and the bypass is closed. This results in an optimal transfer of heat from the boiler and the storage tank is f lled w ith supply w ater. 4.Sel f - cir cul at ion wit h check valve Self-circulation will be obtained as soon as the f re has gone out and the circulating pum p has stopped. The remaining hot w ater is loaded to the storage tank. In case of pow er failure or pum p breakdow n the check valve autom atically opens to allow self-circulation. The check valve also stops recirculation from storage tank to boiler. Loading unit to connect wood or pellet boiler with Buffer Tank. For boilers up to 60 kW S S O R I E S C E • A 13 C S O I R E E S C E S S O R A C I • C C Groupe de chargement pour connexion de la chaudière à bois ou chaudière à granulés avec ballon-tampon. Pour chaudières jusqu’à 60 kW A pumpen startar när eldningen påbörjas och stannar nä Vänstermontage Termovar LK 810 ng GRU PPO DI CA R I CA M E N TO tingen till höger eller vänster om pannan. Termome- LOA DI N G UN I T G RO UPE oblemfri, måste installationen utföras så att ingen luft DE tion för att starta och stanna laddningspumpen. Till on rekommenderas en rökgastermostat. LaddningsTankMontaggio a destra Panna nar när eldningen uppför. C HA RG EM EN T pumpen startar näraeldningen Montaggio sinistra påbörjas och stannar Right-hand mounting Montage à droite Högermontage Left-hand mounting Montage à gauche Vänstermontage Backvent il ens Funkt ion ng Loading Units | LK 810 ThermoMat G EcoLK 810 laddningspaket har, beroende på modell, en inby cirkulation när laddningspumpen inte är i drift. Backve 1. 2. 3. Mat G Eco Vid avslutad eldning kan restvärme pannan tingen till från höger eller vänster om pannan. TermomeVid strömavbrott kan värmen i pannan självcirk Loading Units | LK 810 ThermoMat G Eco Förhindrar återcirkulationoblemfri, från tanken till panna måste installationen utföras så att ingen luft tionblockeras. för att starta och stanna laddningspumpen. Till Backventilsfunktionen kan vid behov Backve on rekommenderas en rökgastermostat. LaddningsSe sida 22-23, del 13. Tank Panna P anna T anknar när eldningen uppför. LK 810 Generatore Heating Boiler Chaudière LK 810 ThermoMat G Eco Funkt ion ErP ready 2015 i b db k Serbatoio Accumulo Storage Tank Ballon-tampon 1 ilUppvärmningsfasen i k ö fö jäl Loading Units | LK 810 ThermoMat G Eco LK 810 ECO ErP ready 2015 Loading Units | LK 810 ThermoMat G Eco Serbatoio Accumulo Generatore Storage Tank Heating Boiler Högermontage Chaudière Ballon-tampon Backvent il ens Funkt ion LK 810 laddningspaket har, beroende på modell, en in cirkulation när laddningspumpen inte är i drift. Back 1. Vid avslutad eldning kan restvärme från pann Diagramma Capacità Caldaia The function of the Technical Dat aloading unit during the different 2. Vid strömavbrott Boiler Capacity Diagram kan värmen i pannan självc Caratteristiche Tecniche of the loading unit duringDiagramme the different ist The ics function Boil er3. Capacit y Diagr am från tanken till pan LKer810 LK 810 ECO phases ofVoltage heating: 230 VAPump C 50 H zChar act desFörhindrar Capacités Chaudière återcirkulation on pum pTechnical Data / Caractéristiques Techniques 70 100 hermoMat G Eco 52S Capacity (kW) C ∆p (kPa) LK 810 ThermoMat G Eco capacità [ kW ] capacity [ kW ] / capacité [ kW ] phases of heating: Pow er consum ption 5-45 W depending on pum p V/Ph/Hz 230/1/50 230 /1/50 alimentazione / power supply / alimentation électrique Backventilsfunktionen kan vid behov blockeras. Back speed 60 consumo elettrico Se sida 22-23, del 13. 80 1. Heat up75phase 65 - 95 min. 5 - max. 45 1. Heat up phase P anna T ank M ax. boiler capacity kW at 30°CW ΔT power consumptions / puissance absorbée50 III 70°C Return tem peratures 55°C,circulates 60°C, 65°Cbetween or 70°C boiler The water The water circulates between boiler potenza max. caldaia (∆t 25°C) / max. boiler capacity 60 kW 60 60 40 tem perature M in. +5°C/ ax. +110°C and loading unit while the tempemax. chaudière (∆t 25°C) 10°C (∆t 25°C) / puissanceWorking and loading unitMwhile the temperature of the boiler is rising. Funkt ion A m bient tem perature M in. +5°C/ M ax. +60°C 30 of temperatura di ritorno rature the boiler 40 0°C °Cis rising. 60 60 II return temperature M / température retour ax. working pressure 1.0 M Pa (10 bar) 20 ErP ready 2015 Loading | LK 810 ThermoMat i b d b k 1 ilUppvärmningsfasen i k ö fö jäl min. +5 G Eco min. +5 temperatura d’esercizio temperature2300 / M ax./ fworking ow l/ hUnits °C 20 max. +110 max. +110 température de fonctionnement 10 Technical Dat a M edia Water - Glycol m ixture m ax. 50% I min. +5 min. +5 temperatura ambiente ammessa 0 Thread Rp - femThe ale thread °C function of max. the loading unit during the different 0 e mVoltage ax. 50% 230 VA Cstandard 50 H z ambiante +602.0 max. +603.0 ambient temperature / température 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 2. Loading phase phases of heating: Circulating pum p Grundfos A lpha 2L 60 Pow er consum ption W depending on pum p Flow (m³/ h) 3 Flow[ (m³/ h) ] / Débit [ m3/h ] pressione massima5-45 d’esercizio Porta [ m /h ] /to Flow m3/h The thermostatic element starts speed M aterial, valve 2. body Brass EN 1982 CB752S bar 10 10 max. working pressure Loading phase Char act er ist ics open and allows returnPump w ater from 60M ax. boiler Pump Characteristics LK 810 pression max. de fonctionnement capacity 75 kW at 30°C ΔT M aterial, insulation Expanded Polypropylene EPP1. Heat up phase the storage tank to be mixed with Witelement h Check Val ve The thermostatic starts to 70 Wit hout Check Val ve ∆p (kPa) ∆p [ kPa ] l/h 2800 2300 max. / max.55°C, flow /60°C, max. 65°C débit or 70°C Return portata tem peratures The water circulates betweensupply boiler water before it returns to the and allows w ater from LK 810 ThermoMatopen G Eco is a loadingreturn unit for heating 60 to the ” Rp 1” 1/4 F Rp 1” 1/4 F the boiler. III collegamenti / thread standard / cotes Working tem perature M in. +5°C/ M ax. +110°C and loading unit while tempe-The return tem perature ylene EPP applications with solid boilerstank and storage tanks. The the fuel storage to be mixed with boiler is kept constant. II rature of the boiler is rising. Grundfos UPSO Grundfos circolatore (motore) 50 A m bient tem perature M Loading in. +5°C/ ax. +60°C loading unitUnits isMintended to ensure a high return temperature as | LK 810 ThermoMat G Eco supply water before it returns toEnergy the 65 Low Alpha 2L 60 circulating pump /well pompe deoptimal charge ErP ready 2015 stratif cation in the storage tank, orMheating ax. working pressure 1.0 as M an Pa (10 bar)temperature 40 boiler. The return tem perature to the thus increasing the eff ciency of the system. Tarring andbrass, ottone, ottone, brass, materiale corpo tanks. The M ax. f ow 2300 l/ h I boiler iswkept condensation are prevented hich constant. prolongs boiler life. EN 1982 laiton EN 1982 laiton material, valve body 30 perature as M edia bloc Water - Glycol m ixture m ax. 50% CB752S CB752S loading unit during different The LKThe 810 function Therm oMof at the G Eco is a com pact designthe w ith 230 VA C 50 H z orage tank, Thread standard di isolamento Rp - fem ale thread 3. End phase20 Expanded materiale -energy circulating pum p, that Expanded fulf lls phaseslow of heating: 5-45 Wand depending on puman p integrated 2. LoadingPolypropylene phase arring Circulating pum p Grundfos A lphaof 2LErP 60 2015, and a thermic loading Polypropylene material, insulation The thermostatic element is fully the requirements valve 10 speed toand the bypass is closed. EPP element starts d’isolation open lerM aterial, life. matériau that regulates onCB752S two ports. The loading unit has three EPP ball The thermostatic valve body Brass EN 1982 Loading Units | LK 810 ThermoMat G Eco open and allows return w ater from 75 kW at 30°C ΔT This results0 in an optimal transfer 1. Heat up phase valves to simplify installationEPP and maintenance, thermomm three 210 x 210 x 110 210 x 210 x 110 ingombri / dimensions / cotes M aterial, insulation Expanded Polypropylene 0.0 0.5 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 the storage tank to be mixed with esign w ith of heat from the boiler and1.0the 55°C, 60°C, 65°C or 70°C meters that allow for simple control of thekg loading process The water circulates between boiler Flow[ (m³/ h) ] / Débit [ m3/h ] 3 4,8 supply 4,8 peso / weight / poids Porta [ msupply /h ] / Flow m3/h to the tank is f lled 3. phase storage w ith hat fulf llsM ax. +110°C insulation to End minimize heat The loading unitthe is tempe- water before it returns M in. +5°C/ LK 810 ThermoMat G Ecoand is an a loading unit for heating andloss. loading unit while boiler. The return tem perature the PumpCharacteristics Char act er ist ics ECO w to ater. Pump LK 810 available in two versions - with orrature without check valve. With The thermostatic element is fully ding FUNZIONE / FUNCTION applications with fuel boilers and storage tanks. The of the boiler is rising. ErP ready 2015 M in.valve +5°C/ M ax.solid +60°C boiler is kept constant. 70 a check valve the functions described under phase 4 w ill be Wit h Check Val ve unit is intended to ensure a high return temperature as the LK 81 0 G EcoFemal e t hr ead open and bypass is closed. sloading three ball 1.0 M Pa1.(10 bar) Fase di riscaldamento 2. Fase di caricamento 3. Fase finale 4. Circolazione naturale con valvola obtained. well as an optimal temperature stratif cation in the storage tank, in an optimal transfer E 60 This results di ritegno ree thermophase 2. Loading phase 3. End phase 2300 l/ h1. Heat up thus increasing the eff ciency of the system. Tarring and LK 810 ThermoMat G Eco is installed in the return and circuit 4. Self-circulation with a backflow The function of the loading unit during the different 1. Mise en température de 2. Phase de charge de le 3. Phase finale of heat from the boiler the ng process 50 III condensation are prevented w hich boiler life. and the storage tank. The unitpreventer Water - Glycol m ixture m ax. betw 50% een prolongs the solid fuel boiler la chaudière ballon-tampon 4.Sel f - cir cul at ion wit h check valve of heating: storage tank is fdrive-shaft lled w ithofsupply um p unitphases ding is 4. Fonctionnement en thermosiphon should be mounted upright w ith the the Rp fem ale thread The LK 810 Therm oM at G Eco is a com pact design w ith 40 Self-circulation will be obtained as C ater. valve. WithA lpha 2. Loading 3. End phase in w a horizontal position.phase The loading unit an integrated low2L -energy circulatingpump pum p, that fulf lls Grundfos 60 circulating soonDas the f re has gone out and the 30 is reversible and can easily be adapted for mounting to the The thermostatic element is fully pum p has stopped. The to 1. Heat up phase se 4requirements w ill the of ErP 2015, and a thermic loading valve The thermostatic element starts circulating II Brass ENbe 1982 CB752S left of unit the boiler. open and allows return w ater fromand the bypass is closed. Cthat regulates on two ports.right The or loading has threebetween ball open remaining20hot w ater is loaded to The water circulates boiler Expanded Polypropylene EPP This results in an optimal transfer the storage tank to be mixed with valves to simplify installation and maintenance, three thermothe storage tank. In case of pow er C The loading unit normally requires no maintenance. The and loading unit while the tempethe or10pum p breakdow n the supply water before it returns the from the boiler and meters that allow for simple control ofshould the loading process urn circuit failure installation be checked regularly. Thanks to the three oftoheat rature of the boiler is rising. I o is a loading unit for heating B w ith supply F storage tank is f lled boiler. The return tem perature to the and an unit insulation to minimize heat loss.any Thepart loading unit is check valve autom atically opens ball valves can be changed w ithout draining the k. The A el boilers and storage tanks. The 4.Sel f cir cul at ion wit h check valve 0 w ater. available in two versions - with or without check valve. With boiler is kept constant. to allow self-circulation. The check system 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 nsure of a high return temperature as in case of servicing. haft the Self-circulation will be obtained as a check valve the functions described under phase 4 w ill be valve also stops recirculation Flow[ (m³/ h) ] / Débit Porta [ m3/hfrom Flow m /h [ m3/h Weight ] re stratif cation in the storage tank, Article Type Return Dim. A mm B mm C mm D] /mm E 3mm F mm kg ading unit obtained. storage tank to boiler. soon the fprecisa re has gone out and the ax. Nota: nell’otticaTarring del miglioramento prodotti,as l’Azienda che le caratteristiche estetiche e/o dimensionali, i dati tecnici e gli accessori possono essere soggetti a variazione anche senza preavviso. ncy50% of the system. and costante dei nostri number temperature nting to the Note: the product specifications may be changed without notice. / Annotation: dans le but d’une amélioration caractéristiques esthétiques, les dimensions, les circulating pum paucun has stopped. The constante de ses produits, la société tient à préciser que lesWit 810 ThermoMat G Eco is installed in the return circuit edLK w hich prolongs boiler life. données techniques et les accessoires pourraient subir des variations sanscheck préavis. h Check88Val ve130 181048 without valve 55°C F 1” 235 201 203 263 3.5 betw een the solid fuel boiler and2.the storage tank. The unit hot w ater is loaded Loading phase remaining to 4.Sel f cir cul at ion wit h check valve G Eco is a com pact design w ith LK 81 0 G Femal e t hr 181050element without check valve 55°C F 1¼” 237as 205 205 265ead 90 130 3.6 should be mounted upright w ith thethermostatic drive-shaft of the The starts to 3. End phase Self-circulation will be obtained E the storage tank. case of pow circulating pum p, that fulf lls nance. The Via delInCommercio, 285er 41058 Vignola (MO) Italy Tel. +39 059 772 733 Fax +39 059 772 080 circulating pump in a horizontal position. loading unit open andThe allows return wwithout ater from soon as the f re has the The thermostatic element is fully 181054 check valve 60°C F gone 1” out and 235 201 203 263 13 88 130 3.5 015, andthree a thermic loading valve [email protected] www.mescolicaldaie.it or pum p breakdow n the A L D I E D for A Lmounting 1 failure 9 6 2to the oisEPP the ne reversible and canCeasily beAadapted tank to be mixed circulating pum p has stopped. The openwith and the bypass is closed. s. The loading unit has three ball the storage181056 without checkatically valve opens 60°C F 1¼” 237 205 205 265 90 130 3.6 check valve autom right or left theof the boiler. the remaining hot w ater is loaded to Thistoresults in an optimal transfer naining and maintenance, three thermo- supply water before it returns heating to allow self-circulation. The check boiler. The return tem perature to the 181060 without check valve 65°C F 1” 235 201 203 263 88 130 3.5 the storage tank. In case of pow er of heat from the boiler and the The loading unit normally requires no maintenance. The le control ks. The of the loading process LK810 2013.10 ∆p (kPa) ∆p [ kPa ] t G Eco C D