CSR Report 2011
CSR Report 2011
Contents ■Toyota A uto B ody Profile 2 ■Top Message 5 ■Corporate Princ iples 7 ■Topic s Editorial Policy In 1999, Toyota Auto Body Co., Ltd. first published an Environment Report that later became the 11 ■Environmental A spec ts Envir onm e nt a l Policies 14 Energy and Global Warming 15 Environment and Social Report. In 2010, the report name was changed to CSR Report, which is the 13th yearly report that Toyota Auto Body has published. This year in particular, we at Toyota Auto Body have structured special features of our CSR R esour ce R ecycling 17 Subst a nces of C once r n 18 Environmental Management 19 Environmental Topics 21 activities to make efforts easy to understand in talking about “the way we desire to be“ and “considerations”for each theme. Furthermore, for those interested in learning more, detailed data is now available for viewing from the ■Soc ial A spec ts Cust om e r R e la t ions 22 main report text. Business Partner Relations 27 On the last page of this report, we welcome all C ommunit y R ela t ions 29 Em ployee R ela t ions 32 opinions through an electronic survey. ■Financ ial Data 38 Report Scope and Period Report scope : Toyota Auto Body Co., Ltd., and consolidated companies Reported Period : In principle, this report is to cover from April 2010 through March, 2011; however, this period is extended for items in progress that may lead to a deeper understanding of our activities. 1 ■Toyota Auto Body Profile Overview Toyota Auto Body Co., Ltd. Head Office 100, Kanayama Ichiriyama-cho, Kariya City, Aichi Prefecture, Japan Established August 31, 1945 Representative President, Takuji Amioka Paid-in Captal 10.371 billion yen Total sales 1,462.6 billion yen(FY2010 consolidated) Number of employees 16,872 (End of March 2011 consolidated) Manufacturing facilities Head Office / Fujimatsu Plant Inabe Plant、Yoshiwara Plant、Kariya Plant、 Kotobuki New Development Center Re l ated I n fo r ma tion Company Name Main Products Company Outline Product Lineup Mini Van Alphard Vellfire Commercial Vehicles / commuter Hiace Special-Purpose Vehicles Freezer & Refrigerator vehicle Coaster Estima Voxy SUV Land Cruiser 200 Sedan Land Cruiser 70 Pickup (Export model) Welfare Vehicles (WelCab) Wheelchair-accessible Vehicle Side Lift-up Seat Vehicle Noah Prius Electric Vehicle Specially-equipped Friend-Matic Vehicle (Well Carry) Electric Vehicle COMS 2 ■Toyota Auto Body Profile Main Business Sites Production Bases Development Bases Head Office・Fujimatsu Plant Development Center 100, Kanayama Ichiriyama-cho, Kariya City, Aichi Prefecture Inside Head office / Fujimatsu Plant Main products Estima、Estima HV Voxy、Noah、Prius Kariya Plant 2-1, Showa-cho, Kariya City, Aichi Prefecture Production Technology Center Inside Head office / Fujimatsu Plant Main products Welfare vehicles (Welcab) Inabe Plant 10, Ichinohara Inabe-cho, Inabe City, Mie Prefecture Main products Alphard、Vellfire Hiace、Regius Ace Hiace for Europe (Export model) Kotobuki New Development Center 1-36-1, Kotobuki-cho, Toyota City, Aichi Prefecture Yoshiwara Plant 25, Kamifujiike Yoshiwara-cho, Toyota City, Aichi Prefecture Main products Land Cruiser 200 Lexus LX570(Export Model) Land Cruiser 70(Export Model) Coaster Domestic and Overseas Consolidated Subsidiary Companies Domestic Consolidated Subsidiary Companies / Production Company Gifu Auto Body Co., Ltd. Tokai Utility Motor Co., Ltd. Ace Industry Co., Ltd. Tokai Parts Industry Co., Ltd. Toyota Body Seiko Co., Ltd. 3 ■Toyota Auto Body Profile Domestic Consolidated Subsidiary Companies / Others TABMEC Co., Ltd. Toyota Auto Body R&D Co., Ltd. Life Service & Security Corporation Inatec Co., Ltd. Life Creation Co., Ltd. Life Support Co., Ltd. Overseas Consolidated Subsidiary Companies / Production Company P.T.Sugity Creatives (Indonesia) PT.TOYOTA AUTO BODY-TOKAI EXTRUSION (Indonesia) Chun Shyang Shin Yeh Industry Co., Ltd. Thai Auto Conversion Co., Ltd. (Republic of China(Taiwan)) (Thailand) Auto Parts Manufacturing Mississippi Inc. TOYOTA AUTO BODY(MALAYSIA) SDN. BHD. (Malaysia) (U.S.A.) Related Information Overseas Subsidiary 4 ■Top Message Contributing to Society Through Vehicle Manufacturing That Satisfies Customer Expectations Takuji Amioka President, Toyota Auto Body Co., Ltd. Dramatic decreases in demand in the global automotive market resulting from the economic recession originating from the U.S. financial crisis of 2008 saw unprecedented expansion of vehicle production to more than 75 million units in 2010 in new market countries, such as China. With such demand continuing to recover, record sales gained further momentum in newly developing countries which made up 50% of worldwide new vehicle sales. Moreover, against a backdrop of heightened awareness of environmental issues, competition to develop environmentally-oriented vehicles is now severe with rising crude oil prices and systems of preferential taxation in countries throughout the world. For us at Toyota Auto Body as well, a central management concern hereafter is our awareness of“business expansion overseas”and“development of environmental technology”which centers on newly developing countries. The Toyota Auto Body 2020 vision calls for“aiming to be a complete vehicle manufacturer, adding specially-equipped vehicles and welfare vehicles to our core of commercial vehicles, minivans, and SUVs. Toyota Auto Body, mainly responsible for the product range in development and production within the Toyota Group, has secured market share and displayed our strength domestically; however, we have not yet fully reached overseas in regions with greatly expected future market growth. In 2011, we at Toyota Auto Body further strengthened activities for initiating market research of markets in newly-developing countries in Central and South America, Africa, the Association of South East Asian Nations(ASEAN), and China by progressing with creation of a system that allows making proposals, grasping customer needs, and swiftly planning products. We further combine these activities with continuously calling on our employees to“better know the world”in order to achieve heightened global awareness. In providing quality products at reasonable prices, we must further localize production. Even though our first North American base of production will begin production this fall, we will strengthen our coordination with Toyota Motor Corporation and business base abroad where markets grow. 5 ■Top Message In addition, with the need to further develop environmental technology amidst severe global competition in which it is not possible to survive, it is imperative to progress with improvement efforts and technologic developments in all processes ranging from raw materials to methods of manufacturing. Toyota Auto Body is directing efforts into creating plants which harmonize with nature and coexist with our communities in progressing to reduce CO2 and save energy during production. We are also making efforts to research and develop very small electric next generation models and plant materials with the aim to become carbon neutral. Our efforts also promote planned light-weight vehicle bodies to meet more stringent mid-to long-term environmental regulations in Europe and other regions. Great damage resulted from the March 2011 the Great East Japan Earthquake. We at Toyota Auto Body Group are doing all we can to provide support those who suffered in the quake and ensuing tsunami, and we genuinely seek a rapid recovery for the safety of all people in the disaster areas. The strength of Japanese to assist one another was strongly felt in this disaster. We at Toyota Auto Body firmly believe Japan will overcome such unprecedented challenges. Industry is said to be a public institution of our society. Indeed, Toyota Auto Body provides a useful service in society, and we will hereafter provide vehicles which meet our expectations, as well as those of the elderly, the handicapped, and our customers throughout the world in looking to continue as a corporation needed by society. We at Toyota Auto Body have compiled this CSR report for our CSR activities to be understood by many in society. We welcome and appreciate all opinions concerning our efforts. June 2011 The Estima welfare vehicle developed and manufactured at Toyota Auto Body 6 ■Corporate Philosophy Company Motto (Created in 1963) Fundamental Principles (Created in 1995、revised in 2004) Company Motto Toyota Auto Body stand in the view of the world with the aim to support research and manufacturing while contributing to society with our fine products with tireless efforts to advance the work of our company. Development: Respect for timing and innovative thinking and to always be ahead of current trends and styles. Peace and Amity: Measure cooperation and openness by loyalty and trust. Appreciation: Reflection should be the nourisment for the enterprising spirit, and one should live happily with one’s diligent labor. 1. Toyota Auto Body is a corporation that contributes to building a plentiful society and also gains trust from the international community, which are both based on open and fair corporate ethics in harmony with the environment. 2. Toyota Auto Body will provide “fine products” to enrich our living environment through research and manufacturing, while placing priority on the customer. 3. Toyota Auto Body will invigorate the organization and its workers, and also create a corporate climate of creative power and energy for growth of the enterprise and happiness of company employees. 4. Toyota Auto Body will build relationships of trust with our business partners and make efforts to strengthen management practices, thereby creating prosperous coexistence and long-term stable growth. CSR Policy “Contribution Towards Sustainable Development” Positioning of the CSR policy Basic Principles CSR Policy Toyota Auto Body 2020 Vision Contribution towards Sustainable Development Toyota Way CSR Policy Mid-term Management Plans Company Policies and Departmental Policies Daily Business “CSR Policy” “Our Promise” CSR Policy (Toyota AutoBody Group Action Policy) Since 2009, Toyota Motor Corporation and Toyota Auto Body have shared a CSR policy, which we at Toyota Auto Body are aiming to share and carry out with our consolidated subsidiary companies, support the purpose of CSR policy with our suppliers, and act based on this support. ( Action ) “Our Priorities” 7 ■Corporate Philosophy Corporate Governance Fundamental Thinking We at Toyota Auto Body, in raising our fundamental principles of open and fair business activities, look to improve corporate value through strengthening competition and continuous business growth, and we also aim to contribute to society which trusts us. To realize these principles, we place importance on achieving and strengthening corporate governance and we are making efforts toward personnel development in constructing a sound corporate culture and pursuing continuous improvement of the system that secures proper business execution. Establishing Independent Members to Enhance Management Transparency The arrival of the introduction of an executive member system at Toyota Auto Body allows for swift decision making in business strategy development and accelerating operations. In addition, we have established various committees within Toyota Auto Body for enhancing management transparency in fulfilling our corporate responsibilities. These committees execute monitoring and discussion concerning management methods and corporate action. Toyota Auto Body is using an auditing system for managerial monitoring. In June 2010, we appointed one independent auditing member from among auditors in order to enhance transparency. Toyota Auto Body Corporate Governance Shareholder’s Meeting Appointment and Oversight Board of Auditors Auditing (From among the majority of external Coordination auditors, one independent auditor) Reporting Board of Directors ・CSR Commitee Reporting ・Corporate Ethics Committee ・Product Environment Committee ・Production Environment Committee Accounting Audit Accounting Auditor ・Social Contribution Committee Audit Corporate Officer ・Central Safety and Health Committee ・Disaster-prevention Committee, etc. Department Internal Auditing Guidance Reporting Individual departments 8 ■Corporate Philosophy Compliance Thorough Compliance and Improved Awareness The“Corporate Ethics Committee”has been established as a subordinate CSR committee, which unifies Toyota Auto Body Group corporate action. Toyota Auto Body is executing the monitoring and discussion for activities in looking to construct a sound corporate culture and a complete system for observing laws. Revision and Impact of“Our Priorities”and Rooting of Activities In aiming to revolutionize human awareness, we revised the“Our Priorities”(Basic MAP), which indicates our stance in measuring awareness in ways of thinking on the job, our actions, and daily administration. In order to link realistic education (self-development) through work, we at Toyota Auto Body have reviewed easily understandable content, and have worked toward achieving methods which allow use of self-checks for one’s own actions, which are introduced through portable pamphlets distributed to all employees. In addition, our top management is holding a“Top Management Lecture”for all deputy managers in order to transmit the spirit of“Our Priorities.”Hereafter, the workplace will continue to be a pivotal place for responsible workplace managers to continue to introduce an understanding of the importance of transmitting and spreading this spirit. President Amioka speaking about the importance of ”Our Priorities”from the perspective of a previous case example (December 2010) “Our Priorities” (Revised in December 2010) Chairman Mizushima speaking about the importance of“Our Priorities”while sharing actual experiences (May 2011) Establishment of a Corporate Ethics Advisory Service We at Toyota Auto Body have a system that allows for appropriate handling of matters challenging to consult with superiors and colleagues concerning labor issues, compliance, and issues of concern. In addition, we have established an external legal advisory“Compliance Hotline”. 9 ■Corporate Philosophy Risk Management Fundamental Thinking We at Toyota Auto Body are making appropriate efforts to further enhance risk management of internal controls and minimize diversified risk. Approximately 180 Participants at a Subcontract Law Study Meeting In May 2010, Toyota Auto Body held a FY2011 company study meeting led by a lawyer guest speaker who spoke to approximately 180 departmental managers, those responsible for subcontract law, and managers from related companies. The guest speaker, Shirou Shida Esq., spoke on important points, cautionary items, and case example issues our representative employees may be potentially prone to in subcontract law. Subcontract Law Study Meeting Implementing a Crisis Management Public Affairs Seminar in Preparation for Risks That May Arise From Accidents and Disasters In September 2010, we held a crisis management public affairs seminar for approximately 100 people, including all executive staff, presidents of wholly-owned subsidiaries, and representative department managers. A lecture was held for points concerning initial responses in crisis management in preparation for unexpected contingencies. Risk Management Seminar by an outside lecturer Nighttime Comprehensive Disaster Training for All 14,000 Toyota Auto Body Employees Nighttime Comprehensive Disaster Training From 2009, in order to conduct realistic disaster training at three of our plants and at our head office in unison, we held the training during the shipping of parts at sundown in the evenings in November. Added to this training was delivery of water, food, and bedding supplies to employees facing Response training for employees unable to return home difficulties returning home. This training is serving toward improvement of our disaster manual. Rescue shooter rescue training 10 ■Topics The Toyota Auto Body Response to the Great East Japan Earthquake We at Toyota Auto Body offer our sincerest condolences for those who lost their lives and for those affected by the suffering as they recover in the wake of the Great East Japan Earthquake. We in the Toyota Auto Body Group are offering all possible support and we hope for a rapid recovery in the disaster area. Production Recovery Efforts From the Great East Japan Earthquake that hit Japan on March 11, 2011, at all Toyota Group companies, including Toyota Auto Body, was halted from March 14th. In the midst of the disaster, from March 17, we placed priority on resuming production of supply parts for vehicles in need of repair used in recovery efforts and the disaster area. In addition, in order to assure operation at overseas plants, we resumed part production. Thereafter, in considering part supply status from our disaster-effected suppliers, we resumed production from April 18th with complete-vehicle production done in one daytime shift four days a week at all Toyota Group plants. In May, plants operated five days a week, and in June, we were able to return to the same levels of production prior to the disaster by operating under a two-shift production system. With so many customers waiting due to decreased vehicle supply immediately following the disaster, our mission is to give every effort to production that allows expediting vehicle delivery to our customers. Swift Responses From Our Earthquake Disaster Countermeasure Meeting In order to construct a system that allows for immediate judgment and decision making and for swift information collecting after the earthquake disaster, we at Toyota Auto Body set up an Earthquake Disaster Countermeasure Committee from March 14th. President Amioka chaired the committee and directors and managers from every department including development, production technology, production, and administration met to deliberate concerning disaster recovery, and also confirm employee and family safety, the status of all of Toyota Motor Corporation, and our supplier status. Toyota Auto Body came together in their daily efforts toward recovery. Plant Efforts Our plants made efforts toward improvement and education in strengthening plant production in resuming complete-vehicle production. In addition, we made several changes, such as setting non-work days for adjusting our operation down time. Support and Disaster-Affected Suppliers The various affects of this earthquake disaster on our extensive supply network not only impacted our direct suppliers, but also suppliers of raw materials and component parts. Toyota Auto Body, upon examining the entire supply network for each part and material, confirmed 103 supply-related issues and moved forward in transitioning to alternative parts in concerned internal departments. Supply issues were resolved in June. Furthermore, we progressed in recovering production with our suppliers. Through minute adjustments we were able to manage financing for disaster-hit suppliers. Hereafter, efforts to maintain a system of stable procurement beginning will continue by reexamining our part and material supply network in learning from this earthquake disaster. 11 ■Topics Support Activities to the Tohoku Disaster Area Material Support Toyota Auto Body donated 100 million yen to disaster relief efforts, and then from contributions collected from labor cooperatives, we at Toyota Auto Body donated six vehicles, which include Hiaces, Estimas, and welfare vehicles to Iwate, Miyagi, and Fukushima Prefectures. In addition, Toyota Auto Body delivered living supplies, such as drinking water, food, and portable-style toilets in two 11-ton trucks in an effort to do what we could to provide relief to suffering disaster victims. Welfare vehicle donation ceremony in Fukushima Prefecture Provision of support supplies to the Tohoku Region Providing a company bus to the NPO (cooking for disaster victims) Volunteer Dispatching Acting alone, Toyota Auto Body has a welfare vehicle shuttle service. Volunteer employees from our company brought in our welfare vehicles to disaster-area shelters and are offering disaster victims a shuttle service to supermarkets and hot springs. In addition, our employees are assisting in removing mud and clearing debris as a member of the Toyota Group Disaster Volunteer Net. Employee volunteer and shuttle service users Removing debris 12 ■Topics The Toyota Auto Body Hiace cumulative production reaches 5,000,000 units. (March 2011) ・Production of the first Hiace model began in 1967 and it reached 5 million due to worldwide popularity First Toyota Auto Body Production Center in North America (*APMM) Preparing to resume production in the fall of 2011 ・Coordinated start of production at the new Toyota Motor Corporation Mississippi plant after resuming production preparation from July 2010. ※APMM Auto Parts Manufacturing Mississippi Inc. The environmentally friendly vehicle sent to the world is manufactured in part by Toyota Auto Body(May 2011) Prius α Developed jointly with Toyota Motor Corporation (May 2011) New model being manufactured at Toyota Motor Corporation In pursuing comfort and relaxation, Toyota Auto Body offers the customized Hiace (February 2011) ・We achieved a 5-door right-side sliding door van that allows for easy ingress and ・ Long sliding seats allow multiple seat arrangements First showing at the International Welfare Exhibit in China (December 2010) ・Jointly exhibiting products with MINTH, a local Chinese company, Toyota Auto Body exhibited the welfare vehicles Alphard and Hiace ・ Crowds excitedly swarm our booth Sixth Consecutive Dakar Rally Victory (January 2011) The challenge of using BDF (Biodiesel fuel) ・On the podium, chairman Mizushima and Dakar Rally team representative Oota and TLC members raising a placard with messages from employees at our Yoshida Plant 13 ■Environmental Aspects Environmental Action Plan Progress of Consolidated Environmental Management Based on the 5-Year Midterm Plan Since 1993, Toyota Auto Body has continued its planned environmental conservation activities. The Toyota Auto Body Group worked to achieve all targets promoted in the Fourth Environmental Action Plan. In FY2011, Toyota Auto Body is progressing further to undertake new activities with the establishment of the Fifth Toyota Auto Body Environmental Action Plan (FY2011-2015 activities) for constructing“a low carbon society,” “recycle-oriented society,”and“a society of natural coexistence.” Progression of Toyota Auto Body Environmental Action Plan Established the Environmental Action Plan ・Basic items of environmental conservation consolidated 1993 ・Improvement of the environmental management system ・Prevention of global warning ・Reduce waste substances 1995 First Action Plan Expanded selfinitiated action and range of activities Introduced ISO14001 to improve the level of action ・Prevention of global warming ・Effective use of resources ・Savings in water resources ・Reduce substances of concern (SOCs) in products 2000 Second Action Plan Efforts toward a low-carbon society and a society of natural coexistence Globalization and strengthening product design to be environmentally friendly production technology ・Energy and global warming, Global CO2 reduction target ・Develop small EV ・Sustainable plant activities ・Resource recycling ・Product LCA action 2005 Third Action Plan ・Develop low‒emission CO2 2010 Fourth Action Plan 2015 Fifth Action Plan Fourth“Toyota Auto Body Environmental Action Plan” Energy and global warming efforts (P15) Development and Design ・Lightweight design contributing to improved Resource recycling efforts (P17) ・Further introduce and Substances of Concern (SOCs) (P18) ・Management and reduction promote recycle design of vehicle SOCs fuel efficiency ・Countermeasures for Production and Logistics reducing CO2 in production ・Promote efficient use of resources activities Environmental Management (P19) ・Reduction of Substance of concern (SOCs) in production processes ・Promotion of new businesses that ・Establishment of environmental education contribute environmental improvement ・Participation in Eco-VAS through coordination ・Strengthen consolidated environmental with Toyota Motor Corporation management ・Mutual communication and environmental ・Promotion of coordination activities with suppliers information disclosure “The Fourth Environmental Action Plan Progress Status” “Environmental Action System” 14 ■Environmental Aspects Energy and Global Warming Efforts (The building of a low-carbon society) Introduction of Mid-to Long-Term Energy Savings and Measures Against Global Warming We at Toyota Auto Body position energy and global warming impact on humans and ecological systems as important environmental issues. We are making global efforts in all stages of vehicle development, design, production, and logistics to decrease CO2 through energy conversion and control of energy consumption. Lightweight Design Contributing to Fuel Efficiency Weight Savings of 40% Achieved Through Making Large, Resin Molded Parts Possible 「Prius α」 The new hybrid model of the Prius Wagon offers a roomy interior. We achieved top-class fuel efficiency through the hybrid system and also the synergy of reduced body weight and body shape results that pursue aerodynamic performance. (Jointly developed with Toyota Industries Corporation) 10 and 15 Mode Efficiency (Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism survey values) km/L 40 31 30 20 16 10 ※ Vehicle A: Same class gasoline vehicle In panorama roofs, we are using lightweight polycarbonate which has superior insulating properties. Materials in shapes that are a challenge to manufacture are made possible through technologies such as injection compression molding and hard coating. This has created weight savings of approximately 40% (approximately 8kg) over glass previously used. These weight savings are coupled with a rolling sunshade, which acts to limit rises in cabin temperature, which in turn reduces the need for air conditioner use and subsequent resulting efficiency losses. Panorama roof that uses polycarbonate Lightweight resin panorama roof weight reductions (glass roof comparison) 0 Prius α Vehicle A We increased use of high-strength tensile steel by a new hot press method and we are actively using new lightweight materials for the vehicle frame in order to achieve weight savings. Weight savings target status (Targets of Toyota Auto Body achieved) 29.8kg Target 40% Good Comparative thermal conduction ratio W/(m・k) 2.0 1.5 84 High insulation properties 1.4 1.0 0.5 Good Polycarbonate Glass 0.2 0 Polycarbonate Target Results Glass Iron “Vehicle Fuel Efficiency Improvement Design Efforts” 15 ■Environmental Aspects Energy and Global Warming Efforts (Building a Low-Carbon Society) CO2 Reductions in Global Businesses Toyota Auto Body Efforts We at Toyota Auto Body are promoting CO 2 reductions by introducing energy-saving technologies for equipment upgrades, performing detailed daily management for changes in production, and setting reduction targets at each plant. CO2 Reductions Through the Introduction of the Newest Technology We achieved upgrades in painting processes with extensive energy savings through the introduction of a paint spray air ventilation recycle system and methods for faster spraying. Air Ventilation Recycle System Flow (Previous external air intake) Ventilation equipment External air ・Improvements in production Ventilation equipment Introduction of revolutionary production technology (compactness, recyclability), and efficiency through consolidating low burden production lines Spraying method by line worker ・Introduction of energy saving technologies Energy-saving effects (CO2 emissions volume) 13% reduction Spraying method by robots Installation of small boilers and cogeneration systems ・Energy switches Previously, adjustment of emitted heat and humidity and then reuse of air recycled to the robot spray line Switching from petroleum fuels to city gas ・Use of recyclable energy Emitted air Previous Current Use of a solar power generation system Toyota Auto Body Group Efforts Toyota Body Seiko Co., Ltd. Through coordinating with domestic and overseas businesses, our group is promoting continuous energy-saving activities, introducing shared daily improvement case examples, thoroughly eliminating waste, and reducing non-operation losses. (Takahama City, Aichi Pref. ) Chun Shyang Shin Yeh Industry Co., Ltd. (Taiwan) (Indonesia) Use of natural light by installing transparent plating on factory wall surfaces. 【FY2010 Target】 Toyota Auto Body:Less than 196 thousand tons-CO2 (A similar 10% reduction from FY1990)※ (Thousand tons-CO2) (Tons-CO2/billion yen) Toyota Auto Body 300 300 Toyota Auto Body Group consolidated 222 ∼∼ ∼ ∼ 206 Corrections from review of plant inside lighting secured illumination intensity (lighting, installation height) Total CO2 Emission Volume in Production Processes 【FY 2010 Target】 Toyota Auto Body: Less than 185 tons-CO2/billion yen (10% reduction from FY2003) Consolidated: Less than 204 tons-CO2/billion yen (8% reduction from FY 2003) 200 (FY2010: 75 Kw, 113Kw cumulative) Reductions in electric power consumption by shortening resin mold cycle time. P.T.Sugity Creatives CO2 Emissions Volume Per Sales Solar Power Generation System use expanded 172 162 167 155 154 141 159 148 168 FY2010 Target Domestic and overseas group companies FY2010 Target 204 200 202 187 191 187 189 180 185 156 100 100 57.1 48.5 43.1 54.7 45.4 48.0 ∼ ∼ ∼ ∼∼ 0 0 ’03 ’06 ’07 ’08 ’09 ’10 (FY) ※In FY 2010, we achieved our CO2 reduction target; however, with extreme summer temperatures, emissions increased from FY2009. “CO2 Emissions Volume Reduction Effort in Production Processes” '90 '06 '07 '08 '09 '10 (FY) Since FY2008, from the target (10% reduction from FY1990) in complete vehicle production processes, the target changed (5% increase from 1990) in all production processes, including the newly installed chassis process for which control was transferred from Toyota Motor Corporation. 16 ■Environmental Aspects Resource Recycling Efforts Thorough Resource Utilization for Building a Recycle-Oriented Society Aware of limits of all resources, we at Toyota Auto Body are promoting efforts for efficient use of resources at each production stage, as well as promoting design that expedites recycling and dismantlement. Improved Dismantlement Design We are promoting activities for improving interior resin part removal, airbag disposal, and fuel removal in our research and development of“construction for ease of dismantlement”. Even with an increase of three rows of seats with an increase in Prius α, we achieved our target of shortened dismantlement time set for the Prius. Construction Allowing 3-Row Seat Dismantlement Construction ensuring dismantlement of the 3-row seat Prius allows easy removal of trim without removing a bolt, which on the side of the deck side trim, is now done easily by just cutting the seatbelt. Cutaway trim added Reductions in Production Process Emissions Outside of Our Company In 2001, we achieved“zero landfill waste” , which is still continuing. In addition, we are promoting reductions in waste emissions outside our company, which include recycling for profit(materials discarded that are sold for recycling) from FY2006 for further promoting effective use of resource in looking to become a recycle-oriented society. Trim removed Cut “Vehicle Recycle Design Efforts Emissions Volume Per Sales for External Waste Substances FY2010 External Disposal Volume of Waste Substances 【FY2010 Target】 Less than 126 tons/billion yen (3% reduction from FY2003) Waste substances : 8,000 tons Tons / billion yen 150 130 Valuable resources: 113,000 tons Metals: 109,000 tons Resins: 2,000 tons Petroleum: 2,000 tons FY2010 Target ∼ ∼ 121,000 tons 108 107 100 91 93 95 ’08 ’09 ’10 (FY) ∼ ∼ ∼ ∼∼ “Effective Resources Use Efforts in Production Processes” 0 ’03 ’06 ’07 17 ■Environmental Aspects Substances of Concern SOC Reductions From Both Our Products and in Vehicle Manufacturing By coordinating with raw material and part supplier affiliated companies, we evaluate the risks and also grasp the use of SOCs in both our“products”and“production”. Reductions and Management of Chemical Substances in Vehicles Actions for European New Chemical Substance Regulation Reductions in Cabin Room VOCs We at Toyota Auto Body have completely eliminated the four European ELV Regulations SOCs. We are promoting chemical content volume surveys with Toyota Motor Corporation and suppliers in response to the New Chemical Substance Regulation REACH*1 Toyota Auto Body is reducing toluene, xylene, and formaldehyde in vehicle interior volatilizing from new vehicle interior parts by re-examining VOCs* 2 materials, processing methods, and adhesives. *2:VOC:Volataile Organic Compounds *1:REACH:Registration Evaluation Authorization and Restriction Chemicals These regulations, through chemical substances, aim to clarify corporate responsibility for chemical substance management, along with protection of the environment and the health of people. Emissions Volume Reduction of Production Process SOCs Through Paint Equipment improvement Paints and thinner we use when painting vehicles contain VOC and substances of toluene and xylene covered under PRTR*3 are emitted. We are sequentially promoting reductions in cleaning solvent volume and disposal volume in switching to waterborne paints. Cleaning Solvent Recovery Ratio Less then 40g/m2 ( 60% reduction from FY1998 ) 150 100 100 47 % 100 g/m2 10 【FY2010 Target】 g/m2 ∼ ∼ Volume of Cleaning Solvent Used VOC Emissions Per Body Painted Area 50 FY2010 42 40 36 ’07 ’08 ’09 35 Target 90 5 5.1 5.1 4.6 79 80 ∼ ∼ 5.8 80 80 0 ’98 73 4.3 ’06 ’10 FY 70 61 60 PRTR Material Emissions (Atmospheric emissions) 【FY2010 Target】 0 50 ’06 ’07 ’08 ’09 ’10 FY ’06 ’07 ’08 ’09 ’10 FY Integration for Upgrades of Fujimatsu Plant Primer-Coat Painting Equipment Tons 3000 Less than 1,100 tons ( 60% reduction from FY1998 ) 2780 Cleaning solvent volume reduced ・Introduction of versatile vehicle painting equipment spray pattern methods ・Elimination of cleaning with similar colors 2000 Reductions in disposed cleaning solvent volume ・Installation of thinner recovery equipment in all painting processes 1000 FY2010 1170 1080 1020 951 Target ∼ ∼∼ *3:PRTR:Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (Specified chemical substance emission and transfer register) 1300 0 ’98 ’06 ’07 ’08 ’09 ’10 FY 18 ■Environmental Aspects Environmental Management Promotion of New Businesses Which Contribute to Environmental Improvement In looking to control global warming, we at Toyota Auto Body are making efforts toward technical development and commercialization which places importance on the field of environmental technology through aiming to reduce CO2 in developing parts for our very small electric vehicle (EV) COMUS, part development for fuel cell vehicles, and development for recyclable plant materials. EV Development and Required Elements of EV Technical Development The very small EV COMUS*1 serves as a pillar in our progress of environmental technical development for EV required parts, such as in-wheel motors. *1: The COMUS, being a“fuel efficient” and “low-cost” minimum-sized EV for moving short-distances, serves toward resolving issues of traffic congestion, parking space, and saving of resources. Very small EV COMUS Fuel Cell Development In collaborating with Toyota Motor Corporation in the development of their fuel cell vehicles, we are promoting development of core fuel cell parts. Toyota Auto Body parts in this vehicle *2: The Toyota FCHV fuel cell vehicle completed the 560km distance between Tokyo and Osaka without stopping on the way to refuel. Parts developed at Toyota Auto Body are in this vehicle. Toyota Motor Corporation FCHV Fuel cell vehicle *2 Plant Material Technological Development In parting with petroleum-based fuel and for saving resources, we are progressing in our material development which harnesses recyclable plant properties. Toyota Auto Body plant materials in the vehicle body *3: The Toyota Personal Mobility I-Real, which uses Toyota Auto Body plant materials for part of the body, in a demonstrative experiment conducted at Chubu International Airport. Personal mobility I-Real *3 19 ■Environmental Aspects Environmental Management Promotion of Management As the Basis of Environmental Efforts We at Toyota Auto Body are progressing with environmental measures at all stages of development, design, production, and logistics in positioning environmental efforts as important management topics. Fundamentally, these measures aim to be the best domestically for establishing a management system which coordinates first with Toyota Motor Corporation, and also our domestic and overseas group companies, suppliers, and communities. Environmental Management Progress Status Item Strengthen consolidated management Promote coordinated activities with our suppliers Progress Status ・Action items for Toyota Auto Body Group companies ・Information exchange for case examples and targets ・Risk prevention by environmental auditing Related Documents ・Individual plant efforts ・Completion of changes and application ・Request for Toyota Auto of a management system toward Body Group Green “substances subject to PRTR revision” Purchasing Guidelines which are included in parts and materials (2010/4 ∼ ) ・ISO14001 continuously requested ・Improve employee environmental awareness and continuously promote environmental improvement education in actual business (Environmental e-learning, stratified education, etc.) ・Environmental education and enlightenment efforts Reduce life-cycle environmental burden through involvement in Toyota Motor Corporation’s Eco-VAS. ・Evaluate all life-cycle environmental ・Evaluation of the Prius α life cycle environmental burden A c h i e v e m u t u a l communication and disclosure of environmental information ・Periodic holding (once a year) of ・Mutual communication “Environmental Discussion Meetings” and information disclosure in all of our offices and posting(when needed) of Toyota Auto Body environmental activities for understanding our efforts Achieve environmental education burden through coordinating with Toyota Motor Corporation for model changes and new vehicles Other related environmental data “Environmental Data Incorporated Into Products” “Amount of Resources Invested and Emitted in Business Activities” “Toyota Auto Body Hybrid Vehicle Production Unit Volume” “Environmental Accounting” 20 ■Environmental Aspects Environmental Topics Promotion of Coexistence With the Community for Creating Natural and Harmonious Manufacturing Humans themselves are a living part of the natural environment of the earth’s air, water, and ecosystems. For sustaining the earth’s environment, we at Toyota Auto Body, as a member of community, aim to create production sites which naturally circulate and harmonize in nature. The Start for Establishing an Eco-road We are now working with local communities and local government agencies to promote a plan to establish an“Eco-road”for study and learning history. This road would allow one be in touch with the natural environment while walking trail around five ponds surrounding our Fujimatsu Plant. Minamiike Pond Area Hanaike Pond Area Fujimatsu Plant Main Plan Creation of a verdant space with contrasting seasonal flowers ・Greenification of the area around our plants and a place to relax in growing flowers in fallow fields Creating places for relaxing ・Setting up benches and making wall murals in pond areas Nature viewing, local history, and studies of agricultural products ・Signs erected for wild birds, living creatures, and the history of the area Walking trail Fukidoike Pond Area Walking trail guideboard ・Walking trail information signs erected Event for Establishing Our Eco-Road In March 2011, we held an“Eco-Road Establishment Event”by Minamiike Pond. Approximately 120 people from the community and Toyota Auto Body employees with their families planted ‘Tamaryu’(Dwarf Mondo Grass) seedlings and also took part in cleaning and beautification activities of roads around our plants. Participants in the“Eco-Road Establishment Event” Expanded Use of Solar Power Generation at All Plants In FY2010, Toyota Auto Body introduced total power generation of 100Kw of solar power generation, enough to supply power to 25 family homes. The electric power is being used to charge the Prius plug-in converter and very small EV COMS, as well as for office lighting and air conditioning. Solar power panels installed at the Solar power panels installed Toyota Auto Body head office at our Yoshiwara Plant 21 ■Social Aspects Customer Relations Toyota Auto Body Delivers Fine Quality Products Which Place Our Customers First We at Toyota Auto Body are aiming to achieve the world’s finest quality vehicle manufacturing for customer safety that allows our products to be used with a sense of security. We are incorporating the voice of the customers in progressing with enlightenment activities for stressing the importance of quality, which is combined with strengthening improvement and accident prevention activities for assuring customer safety and confidence in our products. Building in Quality in New Product Development in Assuring Customer Confidence and Safety. Efforts to Reflect Worldwide Customer Opinion We at Toyota Auto Body have come to surpass our previous scope of product development in reaching higher and diversifying the needs of our customers. Such efforts to achieve the world’ s top level of quality entail knowing beyond ways customers have used our products and we place importance on stringent testing and evaluation through actual use of our products. Surveying in a Middle East desert (Land Cruiser200) Toyota Auto Body overseas staff receive customer information early from around the globe and from on-site confirmation of our products by designers, in each region of the world, we grasp the way our customers use our products and also environmental conditions, which we then reflect in our designs and evaluation. Vehicle use conditions in Australia (Land Cruiser 70) Changes in Activities to Eliminating Difficult Operations Improving Quality Through Ease of Vehicle Manufacturing Estima “Ease of manufacturing”vehicles from the development stage become manufactured vehicles of quality when mass produced. At Toyota Auto Body, those involved in design, production technology, manufacturing, and supply are working as one with us in progressing concurrently as we further evolve“Improvement Activities for Difficult Operations” for each model change. Voxy・Noah Land Cruiser 200 Alphard Prius ∼ Improvement and expanded range with each model change Introduced to multiple plants and production line workers Early start of activities (Implemented from the design consideration stage) Activities to build know-how (Use of IT and all designers sharing know-how) Expanding activity scope (Applied to basic operational tasks of wiring layout, removal, insertion, setting, and assembly) All worksite assembly basic operational tasks and countermeasures and also extraction of difficult operations by thoroughly examining the actual work ’06 ’07 ’08 ’09 ’10 (FY) <Improvement Case Example (Alphard headlamp connecting operation)> Virtual considerations ・・・“Ease of Manufacturing Considerations” Trial production considerations ・・・“Considering Burden-Free Operations” Consideration Uniform operation for connecting both headlamps, right and left, by using either dominant hand of any line operator Temporary-placement construction for headlamps Deciding operator standing position 22 ■Social Aspects Customer Relations Quality Assurance Efforts in Mass-Production Processes Efforts Aiming for “Zero” Quality Defects Why? Why? Why? ・・・ (Repeating) Problems We at Toyota Auto Body base improvement on standard operations, and we are progressing with countermeasures for finding root causes through inquisitive analysis when any quality defect arises. In addition, we are progressing in improving quality through ease of vehicle manufacturing as well as improvement along all production lines for difficult-to-perform operations and also potential problems. Main element of a problem = Root cause Enlightenment Activities for Stressing the Importance of Quality We are continuing to progress by stressing“Customer First”and“Quality First”to our employees, and in addition to stratified education on quality, we are holding regular quality lecture meetings and quality case example exhibit meetings. Corner for expressing “Appreciation” Corner for voicing “Complaints” Visitors looking around at case examples at our Quality Case Example Exhibit Meeting Visitors seriously considering our customers’ expression of appreciation and voiced complaints Promotion of Early-Stage Improvement Based on Customer Information We are introducing“EDER”activities in careful coordination with Toyota Motor Corporation for our customers’valuable information concerning quality. We have positioned a person in the Development Department for customer information for our mass-produced vehicles, which has allowed promotion of early confirmation and improvement prevention of reoccurrence in our new products. *EDER : Early Detection and Early Resolution EDER serves to detect quality issues in the market early, solve the problems immediately, and provide feedback to our customers about improvements and improvement results as soon as possible. System and Actions for Recalls In the event that a defect subject to a recall is discovered, we place the “customer first”in swiftly determining appropriate measures to be taken and addressing important issues by closely coordinating with Toyota Motor Corporation. We are also progressively implementing a similar system for our unique electric vehicles, daily living appliances, and our other products. 23 ■Social Aspects Customer Relations A Sense of Security Through Our Pursuit of Safety Based on considerations for vehicle manufacturing that is safe and reassuring, we at Toyota Auto Body are aiming to manufacture safe vehicle bodies that are the top of their class in all countries by promoting “collision safety”for minimizing accident injuries and also promoting development from the viewpoint of “preventive safety”that makes great decreases in potential accidents possible. We are developing and evaluating vehicle bodies that deliver superior safety performance based on actual accident analysis as well as continued referencing to regulations in all countries and third-party evaluations. Development and Evaluation of Safe Vehicle Bodies Based on Actual Accident Analysis We at Toyota Auto Body are incorporating the concept of Toyota Motor Corporation’s own concept of omni-directional compatibility *1 in pursuit of vehicles that differ in height and weight in collisions. Side-on collision Frontal collision In addition to previously conducted front and side collisions, we have strengthened the cabin to withstand rear collisions in aiming to ensure protective performance and safety space. Rear-end collision *1 Assures collision safety performance for lightweight vehicles and considers achieving mutual safety through reducing damage by heavy vehicles Vehicle Bodies for Reducing Pedestrian Injury In preventing bodily injury, Toyota Auto Body uses collision-absorbent structure in our bumpers, hoods, fenders, and cowls to lessen impact to the head and chest of a pedestrian. D C C B A A Collision-absorbing bumper construction B Collision-absorbing hood construction C Collision-absorbing fender construction D Collision-absorbing cowl construction 24 ■Social Aspects Customer Relations Achievements of Safe Vehicle Manufacturing Efforts The new model Prius, which we at Toyota Auto Body are developing and manufacturing, has earned the highest evaluation for collision safety assessment in Japan, Europe, Australia, and the United States. We are using collision-absorbing construction in the bumpers, hoods, fenders, and cowls to lessen injury in protecting the head and chest of a pedestrian in a collision. These efforts are balanced with a collision-absorbing vehicle body for improving occupant protection and also an increase in cabin strength for assuring survival space in a collision. Third-party Evaluation Achievements for Vehicles Developed and Manufactured By Toyota Auto Body 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Estima Japan J-NCAP *1 Voxy / Noah Highest rank Grand Prix award Japan J-NCAP Highest rank Alhard / Vellfire Japan J-NCAP Highest rank Grand Prix award Prius Japan J-NCAP Highest rank Europe Euro-NCAP *2 FY2009 Highest rank: 5-star safety ratings Australia ANCAP *3 FY2009 Highest rank: 5-star safety ratings *1 Japan J-NCAP National Agency for Automotive Safety and Victim's Aid *2 Europe Euro-NCAP An European Independent Consumer Group *3 Australia ANCAP Australian Automobile Association (AAA) United States IIHS *4 FY2010・FY2011 Highest rank TOP SAFETY PICK United States US-NCAP *5 FY2011 Highest rank: 5-star safety ratings *4 United States IIHS The U.S. Insurance Institute for Highway Safety *5 United States US-NCAP The United States Department of Transportation 25 ■Social Aspects Customer Relations Providing“Freedom of Movement”and ”Happiness” to the Many People Through Toyota Auto Body Welfare Vehicles We at Toyota Auto Body aim to be a company that supports good living for our customers by contributing to a better society through“providing comfortable freedom of movement for having elderly and the mentally and physically challenged to enjoy every day”by using welfare vehicles. In FY2010, Toyota Auto Body exhibited welfare products at a Chinese Welfare Exhibit as part of our activities to spread welfare vehicles overseas. Activities to Promote Welfare Vehicles Toyota Auto Body efforts to promote welfare vehicles involve direct interaction with customers by visiting welfare facilities and when exhibiting our products at welfare events held in all regions throughout Japan. In addition, we are reflecting direct customer opinions in product development. Customers listen to a welfare product explanation (Home Care & Rehabilitation 2010) Toyota Auto Body Welfare Products Command No.1 Domestic Share Welfare products manufactured at Toyota Auto Body, used in large part by Toyota Motor Corporation, are being used by all automotive manufacturers in supporting good living of customers. Listening to direct opinions of our customers Toyota Auto Body Domestic Welfare Market Share (Excluding minicars and buses) (Thousands of vehicles) (%) Share 50 40 30 20 100 69 64 22 22 66 22 Market 50 14 15 14 FY2008 FY2009 FY2010 Toyota Auto Body 10 0 0 Data:Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association, Inc.(JAMA) Activities to Promote Welfare Products Overseas Although we at Toyota Auto Body are introducing activities to promote welfare vehicles in the United States, Asia, and Europe, in an effort to allow us to support good living for more people, we exhibited our products at“Care & Rehabilitation Expo China 2010”held in Beijing from the 3rd to the 5th of December. Many visitors enjoying the Toyota Auto Body booth Customers experiencing our welfare products (Care & Rehabilitation Expo China 2010) “Welfare Vehicle Product Lineup” 26 ■Social Aspects Business Partner Relations Implementing Open and Fair Transactions and Also Realizing Purchasing Activities Aiming for Mutual Prosperous Coexistence Extending From Mutual Trust With Business Partners Purchasing Policy Disclosure That Communicates Our Way of Thinking at Toyota Auto Body In disclosing our Purchasing Policy, we are communicating issues and matters for which we desire to take action together with our business partners. In FY2011, we are making the below efforts in taking up our Basic Policy. We promote the importance of the two below items in valuing our partnership with business partners by having safety, quality, cost, and CSR as the axis of our activities. (1) Hereafter establish and strengthen the procurement base in this ever increasingly competitive domestic market. (2) Build in quality and cost for purchasing of parts for next generation vehicle model changes in looking to achieve new growth. In addition, we present certificates of appreciation to show respect for the significant efforts our business partners. In FY2010, a total of 28 business partners were presented with certificates of appreciation for quality and cost improvement activities. President Amioka presenting a certificate of appreciation to a business partner Activities Promoting Our Aim for Mutual Trust and Prosperous Coexistence With Business Partners Toyota Auto Body is progressing with activities for sharing the CSR Policy of Toyota Motor Corporation. These activities are summarized in our Supplier CSR Guidelines, which are presented to our business partners, from whom we seek cooperation toward carrying out CSR. In addition, we are making efforts to improve purchasing activities through placing great importance on our business partners by valuing their opinions, which we take into careful consideration before reflecting these in such areas as Toyota Auto Body education for model behavior. 仕入先CSRガイドライン 2009年10月 Supplier CSR Guidelines 27 ■Social Aspects Business Partner Relations Exchanges and Mutual Research at the Shatai-Kyowakai The Shatai-Kyowakai, consisting of a supplier’s voluntary group of 117 companies, aims to achieve mutual trust and mutual research. Toyota Auto Body supports suppliers in the Shatai-Kyowakai, which belong to vehicle part and equipment sectional meetings, Toyota Auto Body aims to further opinion exchanges through holding lecture meetings and visiting outstanding companies that include companies not involved in vehicle manufacturing. In FY2010, Toyota Auto Body managerial issue lecture meetings and departmental meetings introduced our efforts through case examples for the important theme of“safety.” Introducing Toyota Auto Body“safety”efforts Separate from sectional meetings, we are creating “research meetings”for the themes of quality, cost, and management. With related departments of Toyota Auto Body participating in each research group, we are making efforts to share issue awareness and resolve issues through mutual communication between Toyota Auto Body and research meeting members. An announcement meeting for research meeting activity results At the end of this fiscal year, we are aiming for mutual research and to have many employees from each of our meeting member companies and Toyota Auto Body participate in research efforts by holding“Outstanding Example Exhibit Meetings” for activity result reporting. Outstanding Case Example Exhibit Meeting for learning activity case examples of each company 28 ■Social Aspects Community Relations Active Promotion of Social Contributions as One With Our Communities We at Toyota Auto Body are aiming to promote the establishment of community volunteer activities through our employee volunteer association“TAB Fureai Club” activities and“Social Contribution Committee”based on each block of our production bases in FY2009 launched for fulfilling our social responsibility as a “good corporate citizen.”In addition, we are achieving activities in unifying with our communities through forest maintenance activities and other activities in each production base area. All Toyota Auto Body Volunteer Day (October 2010) “TAB Fureai Day 2010 ー Beautifying Our Working Towns!! ” As an impetus for volunteer participation, we are introducing volunteer activities that can contribute to communities through all Toyota Auto Body events linked to expanding and heightening volunteer awareness. *1“Make a CHANGE Day”is the one day of the year in which volunteer and citizen activities occur in all areas of Japan (potentially overseas) in unison We received“The Make a CHANGE Day” prize for encouragement 29 ■Social Aspects Community Relations Social Contribution Committee Block Activities We are promoting local activities for all Toyota Auto Body companies in relation to their communities, which are divided into four blocks Headquarters and Fujimatsu Block Kariya Block Social Contribution Promotion Associations Social Contribution Committee Headquarters and Fujimatsu Block Kariya Block Inabe Block Toyota Block TAB Fureai Club IT Support Circle Disaster Rescue Support Circle Event Support Circle Collection Circle Nursing and Welfare Circle Care Facility Visiting Circle Cleaning the Uga River Toyota Block Outing Assistance Circle Inabe Block Cleaning wheelchairs Greenification Activity Circle Establishing greenification around the plant New New Planting trees along the Aizuma River “TAB Fureai Club”Circle Activities We are promoting the stimulation of activities by attempting exchanges through activities with other employees who have shared interests. In FY2010, adding to the previous six circles, we newly established an“IT Support Circle”for the purpose of contributing IT skills acquired in company operations and also the“Disaster Rescue Support Circle”deriving from the importance of disaster rescue support. Disaster Rescue Support Circle IT Support Circle Emergency life-saving training Personal computer guidance 30 ■Social Aspects Community Relations Forest Maintenance Activities in Each Production Base Community Toyota Auto Body is promoting forest maintenance participatory activities involving our plant employees and local community residents. Locations that should be given consideration from requests of the communities for forest maintenance were selected near our production sites. Promotion of 16 hectars(ha) of forest to be maintained near our Toyota Auto Body R&D Co.,Ltd. facility Kagoshima Prefecture forest thinning location monitoring A mangrove forest of 100 hectares(ha) was decided to be rejuvenated off the coast of Jakarta near P.T.Sugity Creatives. Over the next five years, planting of one million mangrove trees is planned. Mangrove forest Indonesia signing ceremony for mangrove forest planting Community Sports Promotion, Community Discussion Meetings, and Community Campaigning We aim for activities that help us coexist with our communities and we value contact with those communities Community discussion meetings Community elementary school factory tour Community crime prevention patrol Skill lecture meeting for community children through our handball club Community campaigning Volleyball class for community elementary and junior-high school students 31 ■Social Aspects Employee Relations Promotion of a“Safe and Comfortable Workplace”As Dialog Activities for Mutual Enlightenment We at Toyota Auto Body place importance on activities for zero disasters concerning accidents that may occur in our plant facilities for truck deliveries, cargo handling, and non-workday plant visiting construction workers. In addition, we also place emphasis on having actual training activities using a different situation one may encounter each time in a maintained workplace, as well as activities to actually experience fear in near-misses as accident examples conducted according to special characteristics of the workplace. All Employees Pledge Safety All employees, including top management, at Toyota Auto Body affiliated companies read aloud in chorus our“Safety Rule Observance”slogan in an all Toyota Auto Body company competition in July. Each Toyota Auto Body employee pledges to have zero accidents through experiencing safety activities. Zero Accident Activities in Plant Maintenance Workplaces Under management of a supervisor, operations are conducted while ensuring safety in maintained workplaces, in which accidents may be encountered each time in differing situations. We are promoting the importance of actual training for on-site checking to be able to correctly instruct on safety points in safe operation procedures for supervising operations. Near-Miss Fear Simulation Activities of Each Workplace One a week, a section manager evaluates training of supervised skill bamboo We are promoting training considered important for increasing the sense of danger felt in simulated fear in near-misses by simulating the actual feeling of potential injuries at worksites. 15kg Experiencing being wedged Experiencing drops Activities for Zero Accidents in Our Facilities for Non-Working Day Construction Work, Truck Deliveries, and Cargo Handling Based on a desire to have zero accidents occur in shipping related to Toyota Auto Body, we are promoting activities to improve safety management coordinated with outside construction workers and shipping agents in our plant facilities. A Construction Safety Motivation Meeting prior to long holidays which centers on the Toyota Auto Body Safety and Health Liaison Meeting. “Safety and Health Basic Policy” Shipping Safety Research Meeting mutual research activities “Labor Accident Occurrence Status” 32 ■Social Aspects Employee Relations Aiming for Both Physical and Mental Health of Employees Employee health is considered the most important asset for both individuals and the company, and in aiming for creating healthy employees, we have posted a medical specialist at each plant for maintaining employee health. We have established the three pillars of creating healthy employees with mental health activities, metabolic syndrome prevention activities, and stop-smoking activities, which through lectures and other methods we are achieving health education for employees in our efforts to have them lead healthy company lives. Labor Health Monthly Lecture Meeting and Exhibit Meeting Practical exercise method guidance possible anytime, anywhere. Held at a lecture meeting during our Labor Health Month (October) We are promoting the creation of motivation for realizing employee self-initiated creation of health, whereby we set October as Labor Health Month with the aim to arouse health awareness in each employee. During this month, mental health, prevention of metabolic syndrome, and stop-smoking lecture meetings, and also exhibit meetings were held at each plant. Rapid Handling of Employee Anxieties For promoting an improved degree of mental health for employees, we are providing rapid handling of various points presented by employees for consultation by a permanently posted clinical psychotherapist, who is a mental health specialist, at each diagnostic office. Consultation meeting on mental health held at an exhibit during our Labor Health Month(October) In aiming to create lifelong healthy Toyota Auto Body employees, we are providing improvement guidance for living habits of employees over 35 years of age Improvement Guidance for Living That Places Emphasis on Countermeasures for Metabolism Toyota Auto Body is making an effort to provide improvement guidance for living habits by collaborating with health insurance associations in placing emphasis on diet and exercise as countermeasures for metabolic syndrome. As an example of promoting improved better body health for employees, we are implementing individual guidance in group education (health learning meeting) and necessary guidance in living habits for employees over 35 years of age. Stop-smoking Support Activities for Breaking Smoking Habits For those employees who want to stop smoking, but find it challenging to stop smoking because of dependency on nicotine, we are collaborating with a Corporate Health Insurance Association in conducting stop-smoking therapy at each diagnostic office. Implementing outside support to stop smoking (Explanation meeting by a nurse) Transitions in Toyota Auto Body smoker ratio (%) 51.3 50 48.1 42.7 40 0 FY2008 FY2009 By increasing efforts, the ratio of smokers is definitely decreasing FY2010 33 ■Social Aspects Employee Relations “Personnel Development and Career Support”Aims to Achieve Self-Realization Through Work and Exhibit Individual Employee Creativity We are continuously making efforts toward “independent human resources” capable of action based on the individual’s own thinking with Toyota Auto Body, individual employees, and managers uniting to construct a system (Career Support Program*1) for human resource development from a mid-to long-term view. We are progressing in placing importance on specialized technical education and personnel development in looking toward new growth, we are also continuing our efforts toward “strengthening manufacturing.” Personnel development to Lead the Next Generation Strengthening Specialized Fundamental Skill Training We are implementing education aimed at early acquirement of specialized fundamental skills and building an educational system in each field of vehicle development, production technology, and other fields. We established a Vehicle Development Center education exhibit which allows one to experience“vehicle assembly operations”and is useful for practical education. *1 : Career Support Program (CSP) Development Evaluation and thorough assessment Development plan and tools presented Development measures Evaluation and thorough assessment Discuss settling on plans and motivation Support・OJT Feedback and motivation Personal effort Growth and achivement of one’s goals Company Provide a place and tools for planned development Necessary ability and a clear standard Supervisor Development Plan Speaking with employees, motivation and support through guidance Clearly indicate and making correct decisions Individuals We at Toyota Auto Body are actively making efforts toward personnel development, which is the source of energy in promoting corporate strategy in looking toward new growth with expansion in overseas businesses and strengthening vehicle development systems. Noticing what should be done combined with an effort and attitude to grow Being aware of what should be done Clarifying of one’ s goals Create a plan for personal development Personnel Development Learned Overseas (On-site country) Toyota Auto Body is putting efforts into education for“personnel that can taught in the on-site country,”and we are inviting managers and supervisors who serve as the core of overseas affiliated company staff to participate in practical education lectures. Specialized fundamental skill lecture at the vehicle development center Heading Toward Future Developments From FY2011, our efforts to build human relations go beyond associations and companies that expand the scope of work by having each employee build work experience in domestic and overseas affiliated companies by creating activities in a job assignment system with the main objective of education which encourages coordination of overseas and affiliated companies. Practical education of overseas affiliated company student trainees 34 ■Social Aspects Employee Relations Strengthening Monozukuri (Manufacturing) Capabilities We perform the skill acquisition training and education since new employee join Toyota Auto Body through mid-long-term in order to strengthen [Monozukuri (Manufacturing) Capabilities], which shall to be built in quality to gain the customer’s confidence and trust. Education of New Employee The [Fundamental Skill and Knowledge Education] is performed by our dedicated trainers in order to develop our future’s workplace core personnel with early stage education which it is performed by attending the [High Skill Transition (Skill Olympic Competition Challenge)] Education Flow of New and Mid-Level Engineers Enter Company New Employee Fundamental Skill Education Selected Personnel High-Skill Transition (Skill Olympic Competition Challenge) Skill Acquisition Training Participated The National Skills Competition FY 2010 (Automotive sheet-metal workers) Basic Skill Training Mid-Level Engineer Education (Skill Acquisition training) The [Skill and Knowledge Education] is performed through eight types of skill qualification such as press, body, painting, injection, molding, assembly, maintenance by our dedicated trainers.. Especially, to be able respond quickly to the complicated and more sophisticated facilities in recent years, the education of transporting control and robotics shall be enhanced to achieve further productivity improvement. In addition, we perform the [Skill Competition] and [Skill Qualification] as reviewing the results of their efforts which can lead to improve the motivation of challenge and further knowledge and skill. Furthermore, with our devotion to Monozukuri [Manufacturing] over the years, some of our employees have been elected as [Contemporary Master Craft Worker] which this can lead them to the higher motivation. Scenery of creating control circuit of Maintenance Skill Acquisition Training, Intermediate Skill Level 2 Training Intermediate Skill Level 1 Training Advanced Skill Level 3 Training Skill Qualification Skill Competition Scenery of robot teaching at skill competition 35 ■Social Aspects Employee Relations Looking to Expand Individual Employee Happiness Through Creating Harmonious Worksites All personnel management and line supervisors are making efforts to create customs through having employees cooperate in“making worksites healthy and energetic”and“enlivening communication”beyond achieving and strengthening management of each worksite. We are introducing activities to enliven informal groups, and we are building human resources and a network that surpasses the framework of company position, like-minded circles, and alumni association and stratification. Additionally, our efforts naturally focus on communication between managers and their subordinates is being achieved. Implementing Mutual Communication Through C Meetings As one measure to enliven communication in the workplace, from FY2004, we introduced“C Meetings”. Different from normal meetings for discussion of such matters as operation progress, once a month for one hour, we have discussions and opinion exchanges in the workplace along such themes as human rights, safety, compliance, and social contribution. Through these C Meetings, we are progressing in creating a custom that allows all participants to share views on any subject that go beyond workplace barriers between management and subordinates as well as between colleagues. Once a month C Meeting Achieving Communication Activities Separate From Work As a place for employees and their families to interact in local communities, we are holding a festival once a year for each plant. At the festival venue, employees hold attractions that allow departments to rival one another and also make booths as an opportunity to share and deepen good relations. In addition, by having employees root for their teams and participating athletes who are in that workplace, we are aiming to nurture unity in the workplace for all handball, volleyball, and triathalon sports clubs at sporting event venues. Workplaces rivaling in the festival “Big Jump-Rope Competition”event Supporters rooting for women’s volleyball 36 ■Social Aspects Employee Relations Promoting a Workplace for Showcasing Ability and Ease of Tasks With Emphasis Placed on Employee Diversity We at Toyota Auto Body continue with efforts to achieve deepened awareness of human rights, respect for human rights of the physically and mentally challenged, and child support as examples of our efforts. Deepening Human Rights Awareness In looking to realize“respect of individuals”, we are implementing human rights education for enlightenment activities and also for new employees and executives. In addition, our efforts to resolve human rights issues begin with antidiscrimination issues through participation in the“Aichi Human Rights Enlightenment Corporate Liaison Meeting”and also outside agency training and courses with the aim to educate personnel who instruct for company human rights enlightenment activities. Toyota Auto Body human rights education Efforts for Human Respect in the Workplace In our Toyota Auto Body human rights education, Employment status of the physically and we are working to research the sense of human mentally challenged rights for employees in taking up concrete events FY ‘06 ‘07 ‘08 ‘09 ‘10 violating human rights in everyday life in the company for such as sexual harassment, power Numbers 144 147 146 144 150 employed harassment, and unpleasant words. In addition, we are making efforts to improve Employment single-employee dormitories and the work rate 1.95 1.90 1.86 1.81 1.83 environment to allow the physically and mentally (%) challenged to participate independently in society and also promote mutual understanding between society and those challenged. Achieving Child Raising Support In FY2010, Toyota Auto Body introduced a “Maternal Leave System”for female employees as a way to work during their maternity period. This system acts to protect motherhood by allowing women employees to take time off until their maternity leave for those who face challenges in working during their pregnancy. We are working to realize a work life balance that considers going beyond established law by making it possible to balance working methods and work times at each stage of pregnancy, childbirth, and child rearing. Mutual Day Care Facility “Tacchi-chi House Fujimatsu” “Support from Pregnancy through Childbirth and Child Rearing” 37 ■Shifts in Economic Index(consolidated basis) Volume of sales 1,571.5 (Billions of yen) 1,498.4 1,462.6 Unit sales Volume of Sales '07 '08 '09 Profit '10 (FY) (Billions of yen) Current Profit Current Net Earnings 22.4 20.8 17.2 15.6 13.2 (Thousands of vehicles) 1,651.2 1,432.7 '06 Unit sales 11.3 745 742 '06 '07 693 667 639 '08 '09 '10 Breakdown of unit sales (April 1, 2010 to March 31, 2011) Others 3% Estima 4% Hiace 24% Alphard・ Vellfire 14% Unit sales 639,000 10.2 5.7 Land Cruiser 18% Prius 19% -0.5 -1.0 '06 '07 '08 '09 '10 (FY) Total assets and net assets (Billions of yen) 486.7 476.4 447.3 Voxy・Noah 18% Current net profit per stock / Dividends (Yen) Current net profit per share Current dividends per share 118.97 418.9 391.2 98.86 Total assets 87.98 Net assets 212.2 227.4 227.5 217.3 (FY) 228.3 49.88 34 34 23 23 (23) -9.36 '06 '07 '08 '09 Capital investment 50.6 49.3 '10 (FY) (Billions of yen) '06 '07 '08 Ordinary income 23.5 19.4 '07 '08 '09 '10 Number of employees (FY) (FY) Unconsolidated Consolidated 1,389.1 bil. yen 1,462.6 bil. yen 10.4 bil. yen 15.6 bil. yen net income 4.2 bil. yen 5.7 bil. yen Net income per share 36.47 yen 49.88 yen Total assets 394.7 bil. yen 418.9 bil. yen Net asset value 213.1 bil. yen 228.3 bil. yen Return on assets (ROA) 1.00% 1.29% Return on equity (ROE) 1.99% 2.58% 14.2 bil. yen 23.5 bil. yen 11,694 16,872 Capital investment '06 '10 Unconsolidated and Consolidated Economic Index (FY2010) Net sales 45.7 '09 Number of employees (End of March 2011) (People) Temporary employees(average) Number of employees 7,353 6,385 4,874 4,574 5,704 14,448 16,067 16,447 16,794 16,872 '06 '07 '08 '09 '10 (FY) 38 Please share your opinions and anything that you think is needed concerning this report A survey can be found in our website at the address below (Also found in the top page of the CSR Report website) https://www.toyota-body.co.jp/english/csr/contacts/enquete2011.html Publishing Head Office Inquires Publishing Date Toyota Auto Body Co., Ltd. 100, Kanayama Ichiriyama-cho, Kariya City, Aichi Prefecture 448-8666 TEL: +81-566ー36ー2121 Corporate Planning Division TEL: +81-566ー36ー7510 FAX: +81-566ー36ー9113 E-mail [email protected] June 2011(Next publishing scheduled for summer 2012) http://www.toyota-body.co.jp/english/ Participation in the“Team Minus 6%”National Movement for the Prevention of Global Warming Toyota Auto Body is Participating in the“Team Minus 6%” national movement for the prevention of global warming. ①Setting air conditioning temperature to 28℃, and ②We are making efforts to limit CO2 emissions and we are encouraging to wear light clothing during the summer. Stop Global Warming! Team minus 6%