Class A Knot Tying - Fairbanks Girl Scouts
Class A Knot Tying - Fairbanks Girl Scouts
Class A Knot Tying The Knot Tying Class has two categories: Mounted Knots Decorative Knots: (ex. macrame's, lanyards, and friendship bracelets) Please make sure that your knots meet entry requirements on the criteria sheets attached along with criteria points needed based on girl scouting level. Criteria Points needed when making knots pet Girl Scout level ate as follows... Seniot: 10 points Cadette: 8 points Junior: 6 points Brownie: 4 points Daisy: 2 points Enclosed you will find numerous types of knots to choose from. Be certain to include knots that will earn you enough points for your scouting level. Entry Requirements: Mounted Knots: Decorative Knots: The entered item should include what the item is and how the finished project could be used. Each entry is required to have an index card visible on the poster board with the following items listed: 1. Name 2- Age 3. Date Completed You must have a total of knots to meet your girl scouting level of criteria points. Please remember to follow all entry requirements and to provide an entry that has a clear and neat appearance. Decorative Knots Name: Age: Date Completed: Describe the item and it's use: •••1 Point. i . • ; LOVER'S KNOT. -"-tie^ '...-by: loririlrtg ~two.;:.ijye;?i?i--d knots IHgt interlock as shown." This - (5 3:d8SQrSiK'e"";krrGt"-af5<1"-fs" of IHMtr ; ^rfe \W'£m -vi !?e - & n4fl-i-.-ii >' p^rj.$4vat-^"iiijnes. si lilies -a-nsn li: ?i»c'i a* '"• tfc 70%> - 6 points /JiSWfjr: tSSSiuf,, BirVDEn KNOT . f > H form ?>hj^n!^ : o rtpHier rope . . msit :1t Wolds fs^t. Tied 3 "' "