County Operations Committee Agenda Packet 2015526
County Operations Committee Agenda Packet 2015526
AGENDA County Operations and Physical Plant Committee Tuesday, May 26, 2015 @ 12:30 PM Peoria County Courthouse, Room 402 1. Call to Order 2. Approval of Minutes • March 23, 2015 (Executive Session) • April 27, 2015 (Regular Session) 3. Informational Items / Reports / Other Minutes / Updates • Quarterly Committee Budget Report • New Hire & Vacancy Reports • MBE Committee Update • Facilities Master Plan • Courthouse Water Leak Update 4. Resolutions • Purchase of a 2015 Prisoner Transport Van • Whistleblower/Anti-Retaliation Policy • Peoria County Election Commission Authorized FTE Count Increase (under separate cover) 5. Discussion • Customer Service 6. Miscellaneous 7. Adjournment Table of Contents Agenda April 27, 2015 Minutes Quarterly Committee Budget Report agenda briefing budget report New Hire & Vacancy Reports Agenda Brief New Hire Report Vacancy Report Facilities Master Plan Matrix Purchase of a 2015 Prisoner Transport Van Agenda Briefing Bid Documentation Bid Report Resolution Whistleblower/Anti-Retaliation Policy Agenda Briefing Policy Resolution 2 3 6 7 13 14 15 19 24 25 36 41 42 43 45 DRAFT MINUTES County Operations and Physical Plant Committee April 27, 2015 @ 12:30 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: Michael Phelan, Chairman; Phillip Salzer - Vice-Chairman, Mary Ardapple, Brad Harding, Stephen Morris, Rachael Parker, Paul Rosenbohm, William Watkins, Jr. Scott Sorrel, Kate Van Beek, Mark Rothert - Assistant County Administrators; William Atkins - State's Attorney's Office; Carol Trumpe County Board Member; Randy Brunner - Finance; Steve Sonnemaker County Clerk; Jennifer Fulton - Strategic Communications; Jason Hauer Recorder of Deeds; Judge Stephen Kouri - Courts; Rena' Parker - Court Administration; Shauna Musselman, Vicki Willis - County Administration; Daniel O'Connell- Director of Facilities; Doug Gaa - Sheriff's Office; Bonnie Eeten, Bill Shock - Unland Companies Call to Order Chairman Phelan called the meeting to order at 12:30 p.m. Approval of Minutes A motion to approve the minutes of March 12, 2015 and March 23, 2015 was made by Mr. Salzer and seconded by Mr. Watkins. The motion carried. Informational New Hire & Vacancy Report Mr. Sorrel noted that a Clinical Dental Assistant at the Health Department has been hired as a replacement for an employee who left as a result of the VRI. He advised that a recruitment firm has been retained for recruiting of a Heddington Oaks Administrator. He also noted the pending vacancy of the PCAPS Director, and advised that a recruitment firm will be utilized for the position due to the specialized leadership aspects of the role. He stated that a recruiter has not been selected for the PCAPS Director as yet, while the cost of recruitment services for the Heddington Oaks Administrator is anticipated to be within the spending authority of the County Administrator. VRI Report Mr. Sorrel advised that VRI numbers within the General Fund continue to be in line and tracking in the right direction. He stated that Staff is monitoring several revenues and expenses, particularly within State Shared Revenues in terms of Income Tax. MBE Committee Update Mr. Rothert advised that the Minority Business Enterprise Contractor Development Program will be ending in May; contractors continue to be engaged in training and pursuing job opportunities. A proposal will be introduced later on this agenda to review the sustainability of the program in future years. He stated that several meetings have been held with important stakeholders key to the future success of the program. 3 Facilities Master Plan Mr. Sorrel summarized the status of FY2014/15 budgeted projects and projects with high and medium priority. He noted that several projects with a high and medium status have been completed. Ms. Parker questioned why issues related to the Peoria Riverfront Museum are not included in the Master Plan, and Mr. Sorrell indicated the museum was a part of the original scope of the Plan, as the facility was new and the focus was on other County buildings. He stated that the museum is a priority and Staff will determine how best to report status. Courthouse Water Leak Update Mr. Sorrel advised that Courtroom 123 is operational, and staff has met with the architect in regards to the remodel of Courtrooms 222 and 322. The remodel creates an opportunity for change, in particular making the witness stand and jury box wheelchair accessible and allowing for a better integration with current technology. Mr. Sorrel advised that staff is working with an independent vendor who has subject matter expertise in the building automation system software that was purchased from Johnson Controls, and has requested a proposal from the vendor to perform a system audit and evaluation. He anticipates that the cost will be within the spending authority of the County Administrator, with the vast majority of the work to be done via remote access. Resolutions Employee Health Plan Updates A motion to approve was made by Mr. Harding and seconded by Mr. Rosenbohm. Ms. Van Beek advised proposed document incorporates changes that reflect both current practice and PPACA required changes. Ms. Musselman outlined major revisions, including the expansion of pediatric dental and vision benefits from age 18 to 21, and the out-of-pocket expense for medical and prescription costs. The motion carried. Residency Policy A motion to approve was made by Mr. Salzer and seconded by Mr. Watkins. Ms. Van Beek advised that the document establishes a residency policy for all department head positions that are under the jurisdiction of the County Administrator. The policy would immediately impact all new hires in that category, while grandfathering in the individuals currently in those positions who live outside Peoria County. Mr. Harding stated that with the recent, concerted efforts of Peoria County towards regionalism, a mandate to live within the confines of the County seems counterproductive. Mr. Sorrel noted that the policy informs that the County Administrator may grant a waiver if extenuating circumstances exist or if a newly hired department head lives in the Peoria MSA. He further clarified that the boundaries of the Peoria MSA encompass Peoria, Woodford, Tazewell, Marshall and Stark Counties. The motion carried, with Mr. Harding voting nay. Second Year Funding Support for MBE Contractor Development Initiative A motion to approve was made by Ms. Parker and seconded by Ms. Ardapple. Mr. Rothert advised that staff is proceeding with plans to raise funds for the second, third and fourth years of the program. He stated that Peoria County would pursue sponsorship campaigns with local governments, major employers, the State of Illinois and area prime contractors to support the program. He advised that the resolution requests a funding commitment of $20,000.00 for the coming year, as well as support of the continuation of the MBE Contractor Development Initiative as a multi-year program. He added that additional years of funding would be approved annually by the County Board. Ms. Ardapple stated that although she supports the program, it sends a mixed message for Peoria County, as the lead organization, to approve only one year of financing, particularly as other outside stakeholders are agreeing to multiple year commitments. Mr. Phelan advised that a decision was made to limit the funding to one year due to financial constraints and concerns. 4 Mr. Atkins stated that unless there is a contractual agreement, this Board cannot bind future Boards and cannot bind the current Board for the coming year. He further clarified that although it is within the authority of the County Board to state an intention and/or to contract, it is not within the authority of this Board to bind future Boards. Ms. Ardapple made a motion to amend the resolution to state Peoria County support for years two, three and four of the MBE Minority Contractor Development Program at an amount no less than $20,000.00 per year. Ms. Parker seconded, and the motion to amend carried unanimously. The motion to approve the resolution as amended carried unanimously. It was emphasized by Mr. Rothert that if the program is unable to reach the desired goal, the program would be scaled down to fit within the available funding level. Discussion Customer Service Mr. Sorrel advised that Staff has received no positive citizen feedback within the past month, and one complaint related to an open violation which is being referred to the State's Attorney's Office. He stated Human Resources has developed a curriculum and are searching for a customer service trainer for training opportunities based upon feedback from an internal survey of elected officials' offices and departments. Efficiency Study Mr. Sorrel advised that the RFP for the Efficiency Study was issued April 15, 2015. Four vendors attended a Pre-Proposal Meeting this morning, and final proposals are due by May 8, 2015. He briefly outlined the expected scope of work, noting that a two-tiered approach has been identified, from both from a scheduling and a deliverable standpoint. The first tier is higher level which will be accomplished within a timeframe as to allow utilization in the FY2016 budget process, and which will identify and recommend a more detailed examination into specific areas of the organization. Strategy would then be planned accordingly based upon those recommendations. Ms. Ardapple advised that an ad-hoc committee has been formed, under the County Board and Elected Officials Collaborative Committee, to review the RFP's. Mr. Harding stated that he is opposed to seeking an external vendor, as Peoria County has local and internal expertise and he is not in favor of investing in an outside firm with little knowledge of the ongoing efforts of the County. Miscellaneous Mr. Sonnemaker updated the committee on the status of the timeline for the War Memorial. Ms. Trumpe commended the recommended expansion of the MBE Contractor Development Initiative to include veterans; however, suggested that the recommended change in terminology of MBE to DBE (Disadvantaged Business Enterprise) be revised to reflect a more positive statement for the individuals included in the program. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned by Chairman Phelan at 1:55 p.m. 5 AGENDA BRIEFING COMMITTEE: County Operations MEETING DATE: May 26, 2015 LINE ITEM: N/A AMOUNT: N/A ISSUE: For INFORMATION: Monthly Facilities and Space Planning Committee Budget Report BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION: This quarterly departmental budget report covers revenue and expenditure activity for the period ending March 31, 2015. Accordingly, revenues and expenses should be approximately 25% of their budgeted levels on a prorated basis. Departments included: General County (Program 816); County Board; Facilities Funds included: IMRF; FICA; Public Facilities Sales Tax; Capital Projects; ICCJS; Parking; IT Services; Employee Health; Risk Management; Veterans War Memorial Revenues: • Through March, this is how these revenues in General County are doing compared to 2014 budget: • Public safety sales tax (February last month received) ($26,000) • Income Tax +$102,000 • PPRT +$25,000 • Local Use (January last month received) ($18,000) • Sales (February last month received) +$39,000 • Supplemental (February last month received) ($41,000) • Public Facilities sales tax revenue will mirror Public Safety sales tax figures. • Parking Facility parking revenues are at 22.6% of budget projections through March. Daily parking revenues have declined 16.7% from 2014 and employee parking revenues have declined 5.0%. revenues. Expenditures: • Expenditures for the Facilities department are at 12% of budget through March. Bel-Wood expenses are not included in the FY 2015 figures • IMRF expenses are at 22% through March versus 24% in 2014. VRI reductions should result in IMRF expense savings of about $340,000 below budget for FY 2015. • FICA expenses are at 22% through March versus 25% in 2014. VRI reductions should result in FICA expense savings of about $260,000 below budget for FY 2015. • Other expenses are routine year-to-date through March. COUNTY BOARD GOALS: WORLD CLASS PUBLIC FACILITIES STAFF RECOMMENDATION: N/A COMMITTEE ACTION: INFORMATIONAL ITEM PREPARED BY: DEPARTMENT: Randy Brunner, Assistant Chief Financial Officer Finance DATE: 6 May 20, 2015 7 8 9 10 11 12 AGENDA BRIEFING COMMITTEE: County Operations Committee MEETING DATE: May 26, 2015 LINE ITEM: AMOUNT: ISSUE: New Hire/Vacancy Update BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION: The County Operations Committee recently supported an initiative proposed by the County Administrator to enact a hiring freeze for all departments reporting directly to the Administrator's office (some exceptions apply) and for all hires made anywhere in the County being reviewed by the Committee. It was further recommended that Elected Officials participate in the hiring freeze. The County Board reviewed and supported this action. Attached is a report of hires made in Peoria County in recent weeks as well as a list of current vacancies for review by the Committee. COUNTY BOARD GOALS: HIGH PERFORMING PUBLIC ORGANIZATION STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Review report and file. COMMITTEE ACTION: PREPARED BY: Shauna Musselman, Assistant HR Director DEPARTMENT: County Administration DATE: May 20, 2015 13 MAY 2015 COUNTY OPERATIONS NEW HIRE REPORT Hire Date Department Title Position Title Status Rationale Vacancy Created 4/1/2015 4/3/2015 4/7/2015 4/11/2015 4/11/2015 4/14/2015 4/29/2015 4/29/2015 4/1/2015 4/7/2015 4/9/2015 4/27/2015 4/29/2015 4/27/2015 HEDDINGTON OAKS Housekeeping Housekeeping Laundry CNA CNA CNA CNA Laundry Correctional Officer Records Clerical Receptionist Intern Temporary Temporary Temporary Temporary Temporary Temporary Temporary Temporary Fulltime Fulltime Temporary N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 3/27/2015 3/9/2015 N/A Administrative Specialist I Kennel Technician Breastfeeding Counselor Fulltime Temporary Fulltime cover our full time employees days off/vacation coverage cover our full time employees days off/vacation coverage cover our full time employees days off/vacation coverage cover our full time employees days off/vacation coverage cover our full time employees days off/vacation coverage cover our full time employees days off/vacation coverage cover our full time employees days off/vacation coverage cover our full time employees days off/vacation coverage Replacement for employee that has left Replacement for employee that has left Grant Funded Position Replacement for employee that has left Due to increased seasonal workload Replacement for employee that has left SHERIFF STATES ATTORNEY OFFICE PCAPS HEALTH 14 2/27/2015 N/A 3/26/2015 Peoria County Vacancies as of 05/15/2015 Dept COUNTY ADMIN SAO CIRCUIT CLERK COURTS Position Title Grade Authorized FTE Number Filled FTE Vacancy FTE ORG COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR RURAL ECON DEV COORDINATOR 19 12 1.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 GENERAL FUND 1.000 GENERAL FUND 2.000 TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE PROSECUTING ATTORNEY ASST ST ATTY/DOMESTIC VOILENCE ASST ST ATTY/FELONY ASST STATES ATTY, MISDEMEANOR P/T ASST ST ATTY/TRAFFIC COORDINATOR, VIOLENCE VICTIM 13 13 13 13 13 10 1.000 2.000 6.000 1.000 3.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 5.000 0.400 1.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.600 2.000 1.000 6.600 BOOKKEEPER CLERK, ARCHIVES COMPLIANCE CLERK CLERK, DEPUTY COURT CRIMINAL CLERK, DEPUTY PROBATE CLERK,DEPUTY TRAFFIC PASSPORT SPECIALIST 7 5 5 7 7 5 7 3.000 1.000 2.000 5.000 1.000 4.000 1.000 2.000 0.000 0.000 4.000 0.000 3.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 2.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 8.000 ASSISTANT COURT ADMINISTRATOR P/T COORDINATOR, VISITATION CENTER ADMINISTRATIVE CASELOAD MANAGER INTENSIVE SUPERVISION OFFICER ADULT PROBATION OFFICER/DRUG COURT JUVENILE PROBATION OFFICER PRETRIAL PROBATION OFFICER COORDINATOR,CASE 14 9 8 11 10 10 11 7 1.000 1.000 1.000 5.000 1.000 11.000 3.000 1.000 0.000 0.500 0.000 4.000 0.000 10.000 1.000 0.000 Page 151 GENERAL FUND GENERAL FUND GENERAL FUND GENERAL FUND GENERAL FUND GENERAL FUND TOTAL GENERAL FUND GENERAL FUND GENERAL FUND GENERAL FUND GENERAL FUND GENERAL FUND GENERAL FUND TOTAL 1.000 GENERAL FUND 0.500 EDUC TRANSITION 1.000 GENERAL FUND 1.000 GENERAL FUND 1.000 GENERAL FUND 1.000 GENERAL FUND 2.000 GENERAL FUND 1.000 GENERAL FUND 8.500 TOTAL VRI Posted or Actively Hiring X VRI VRI (1) X X 2015 Entry Level Salary contract $48,946 $48,946 $53,649 $53,649 $53,649 $32,189 $107,299 $36,712 $337,147 $30,368 $26,187 $52,374 $30,368 $30,368 $26,187 $30,368 $226,220 VRI VRI X VRI X X $58,157 $19,771 $32,282 $40,372 $37,779 $37,779 $80,744 $34,218 $341,102 Peoria County Vacancies as of 05/15/2015 Dept SHERIFF FACILITIES Position Title Grade Authorized FTE Number Filled FTE DETECTIVE OFFICER, CORRECTIONAL RECORDS/CLERICAL RECEPTION TECHNICIAN, JAIL 10 7 6 6 8.000 60.000 6.000 13.000 7.000 57.000 5.000 12.000 MAINTENANCE ENGINEER, SHERIFF MAINTENANCE ENGINEER 8 8 4.000 3.000 2.000 2.000 Vacancy FTE VRI GENERAL FUND GENERAL FUND GENERAL FUND GENERAL FUND TOTAL VRI VRI VRI $52,517 $115,218 $28,558 $37,080 $233,373 2.000 GENERAL FUND 1.000 GENERAL FUND HEDDINGTON X (1) VRI $64,556 $32,278 1.000 3.000 1.000 1.000 6.000 3.000 RECORDER OF DEEDS CLERK,DEPUTY P&Z COUNTY CLERK AUDITOR EMA Posted or Actively Hiring 2015 Entry Level Salary ORG TOTAL $96,834 5 2.000 0.000 2.000 GENERAL FUND 2.000 TOTAL INSPECTIONS COORDINATOR 11 1.000 0.000 1.000 GENERAL FUND 1.000 TOTAL VRI $44,281 $44,281 CLERK, DEPUTY COUNTY CLERK II, DEPUTY ELECTIONS DIRECTOR OF ELECTIONS AND FINANCE 5 7 11 1.000 2.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 GENERAL FUND 1.000 GENERAL FUND 1.000 GENERAL FUND 3.000 TOTAL VRI $26,167 $30,368 $44,905 $101,440 P/T ASSISTANT AUDITOR INTERNAL AUDITOR 8 9 1.000 1.000 0.380 0.000 0.620 GENERAL FUND 1.000 GENERAL FUND 1.620 TOTAL VRI VRI ASSISTANT DIRECTOR/OPERATIONS DIRECTOR, EMA 8 12 1.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 GENERAL FUND 1.000 GENERAL FUND 2.000 TOTAL Page 162 $52,374 $52,374 1.0000 1.0000 $19,926 $37,273 $57,199 1.0000 1.0000 $32,278 $48,946 $81,224 Peoria County Vacancies as of 05/15/2015 Dept HEALTH HIGHWAY R & RC Position Title Grade Authorized FTE ASSISTANT, LEAD SAFE PROGRAM Number Filled FTE Vacancy FTE ORG 6 COORDINATOR, COMMUNITY HEALTH IMPROVEMEN 11 HEALTH PROTECTION SERVICES COORDINATOR 11 DIR OF HEALTH PROTECTION/ASST PUBLIC HEALTH 16 HEALTH EDUCATOR 10 C & F HEALTH PROG CLINIC OPER MGR 12 CLINIC NURSE 9 PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE P/T 10 PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE 10 SANITARIAN 10 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.500 4.000 9.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.000 7.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.500 2.000 2.000 11.500 HEALTH HEALTH HEALTH HEALTH HEALTH HEALTH HEALTH HEALTH HEALTH HEALTH TOTAL CIVIL ENGINEER II CONSTRUCTION ENGINEER IV SIGN DEPARTMENT ENGINEER TECH II ET IV/PROF LAND SURVEYOR 11 13 3 8 10 1.000 1.000 1.000 3.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 2.000 1.000 6.000 HIGHWAY HIGHWAY HIGHWAY HIGHWAY HIGHWAY TOTAL AUDITOR/INSPECTOR,SWM 8 1.000 0.000 1.000 R & RC 1.000 TOTAL VRI Posted or Actively Hiring VRI VRI X X X X X 2015 Entry Level Salary $27,249 $44,073 $44,073 $69,095 $34,570 48,039 32,646 17,285 69,140 $69,140 $455,310 $37,482 $44,527 $64,417 $64,557 $42,768 $253,751 VRI $32,718 $32,718 JDC COUNSELOR, YOUTH/SUPR 10 40.000 36.000 4.000 4.000 JDC TOTAL X $151,116 $151,116 HEDDINGTON FOOD SERVICE ASSISTANT I CNA-1ST SHIFT CNA-2ND SHIFT CNA-3RD SHIFT 4 6 6 6 14.000 27.000 29.000 14.000 13.000 24.000 25.000 8.000 1.000 3.000 4.000 6.000 HEDDINGTON HEDDINGTON HEDDINGTON HEDDINGTON X X X X $20,363 $70,462 $93,949 $140,924 Page 173 VRI/1 Peoria County Vacancies as of 05/15/2015 Dept HEDDINGTON Position Title MEDICARE/MDS COORDINATOR ADMISSIONS SALES MARKETING DIRECTOR EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, HEDDINGTON OAKS JANITOR, ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES LPN-3RD SHIFT RESTORATIVE REHABILITATION NURSE 2ND SHIFT RECEPTIONIST 1ST SHIFT MEDICARE RN 2ND SHIFT MEDICARE RN 3RD SHIFT MEDICARE RN LAUNDRY SUPERVISOR ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES TECH I ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES TECH II LAUNDRY TECHNICIAN Grade Authorized FTE 11 9 17 2 9 10 5 10 10 10 6 2 5 2 Page 184 1.000 1.000 1.000 3.000 6.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 3.000 1.000 1.000 8.000 1.000 6.000 Number Filled FTE 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.000 5.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.000 0.000 0.000 5.000 0.000 3.000 Vacancy FTE ORG 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 3.000 1.000 3.000 32.000 HEDDINGTON HEDDINGTON HEDDINGTON HEDDINGTON HEDDINGTON HEDDINGTON HEDDINGTON HEDDINGTON HEDDINGTON HEDDINGTON HEDDINGTON HEDDINGTON HEDDINGTON HEDDINGTON TOTAL 98.220 GRAND TOTAL VRI Posted or Actively Hiring X X X X X X X X X VRI (1) VRI (1) X 2015 Entry Level Salary $35,942 $33,943 $75,388 $17,160 $37,960 $35,988 $26,024 $35,998 $35,998 $35,998 $28,332 $51,480 $21,986 $51,480 $849,375 $3,362,410 Facilities Master Plan Project Status Update PRIORITY FACILITY Courthouse PROJECT ISSUE SOLUTION Elevator Upgrade Elevators C & D (public elevators on the Hamilton Square side of the Courthouse) are no longer code compliant. Upgrades to restore code compliance New Front Doors Access/Egress Security Renovate all entry and exit points including Sallyport FY2014 / FY 2015 BUDGETED Courthouse Jail Jail Jail Jail Jail Central Control Central Control equipment at the Jail is the Final phase of project. Update cell block guard stations/control centers; intercom original from 1985 & controls doors, alarms, cameras. It provides the electronic systems; & additional video cameras backbone of jail Security Jail Generator / Generator & Transfer Switch for 1985 Jail Replace Generator & Transfer Switch for Transfer Switch have far exceeded useful life & parts are 1985 Jail not available. 24/365 power is necessary at the Jail. Jail Improvements Mechanical systems in cell blocks of 1985 jail need replacement. Jail Locks Electrical, Plumbing, HVAC, & Locks will be replaced in 1 cell block per year for next 8 years. Cell locks at the Jail are beyond their useful Replace locks in batches as funds are life and require replacement. appropriated Fire Alarm Panel Jail Jail JDC Coroner / CAC JDC Fire alarm panel, many detectors and Phase 1 is to engage a consultant to related equipment is at or beyond its useful design and develop specifications for a life. replacement system. Jail Kitchen / Need expanded capacity Study physical, operational & cost Laundry Expansion feasibility of expanding Jail Building To better control the HVAC systems at JDC, Design, procure, and install technology Automation System additional controlers are needed along with needed to achieve result. the infrastructure for the controlers to talk to the building automation system. Gift Ave Roof & Fascia Sloped roof & vertical fascia are beyond warranty & useful life and leak. Replace sloped roof & vertical fascia JDC Site Grading Sally Port Road washes out / floods preventing transport Regrade drainage ares Updated: 5/20/2015 19 STATUS Kone has ordered materials for upgrade. Project starts in Spring 2015 Might be delayed and funds reallocated, if needed, to courts remodel. In progress Installation to be done using T&M vendor. Capital purchase from Gov't Purchasing Contract. RFP specifications being written One cell block expected to be completed in 2015 RFP planned for Q2 / Q3. RFP for Architectural and Engineering Services in Q3‐ Q4. Planned for Q2 / Q3 Bid specifications being written COMPLETE Facilities Master Plan Project Status Update PRIORITY FACILITY ALL PROJECT Paper Records Storage Heddington Oaks Bel‐Wood Hazardous Materials Space Utilization ISSUE SOLUTION Record Storage & Management Conduct more indepth analysis & study Basement Storage Compartmentalization & See reference above to County‐wide Security study Hazardous Materials Review and Update 2007 M & O Environmental Co. Survey and Abatement Estimate Space Utilization & Operational Efficiency Conduct Analysis/Study STATUS Future Project Future Project Future Project Future Project Departmental meeting space HIGH Life Safety Deficiencies EMA Options EMA Future Use of HCWC Options HCWC Highway JDC Study size and number of shared meeting Future Project spaces Life Safety Deficiencies Conduct Health Life Safety Survey & Future Project Implement Corrective Measures Physical environment no longer conducive Develop a short & long term facility Future Project replacement plan. to operational mission Roof Leaks Replacement Bids Received Future Project Adaptive Re‐use for the public good w/o Develop Business Plan to determine Future Project cost to Peoria County operational & physical viability as self sustaining entity Property Financial & Legal Liability for Sell property to entity approved by State Future Project Peoria County of Illinois Minimize as Financial & Legal Liability Demolish physical structures, clear land COMPLETE under County control and revert to natural prairie habitat Eliminate as Financial & Legal Liability Revert ownership to State of Illinois Future Project Public engagement response not Adaptive re‐use as shooting range for Future Project supportive of this use Sheriff's Department Sub‐standard Restrooms & Mechanical Renovate restrooms & Upgrade Future Project systems mechanical systems Restroom & Mechanical Systems Replacement Roof Replacement Roofs at end of life cycle Replace roofs Updated: 5/20/2015 20 Future Project Facilities Master Plan Project Status Update PRIORITY FACILITY PROJECT PCAPS Quarantine PCAPS Noise PCAPS Reduction PCAPS Entry PCAPS Bel‐Wood Kitchen West Campus Use PCAPS Bel‐Wood MEDIUM Courthouse Courthouse Bel‐Wood Site Disposition Courthouse Courthouse ETSB SOLUTION County Admin Remodel Courts Remodel STATUS Isolation of sick animals Excessive noise level Create isolated area Install Accoustical treatments Future Project COMPLETE Separation of aggressive animals Need expanded capacity & "newer" equipment Create new separate entry point Study physical, operational & cost feasibility of renovating portions of Belwood Demolish building & clear site of all improvements for outright sale or future alternate County use Plan, Design & Remodel Future Project Project Underway and on‐ schedule. Operational Inefficiencies & HIPPA privacy Revise office plan layout & Remodel Future Project Multiple deficiencies per current courts standards Study, Reprogram, Plan & Design Upgrades Crtrm 123 operational. Crtrm 222 and 322 in design phase. Future use & value County Boardroom Public Accessibility to County Boardroom Accessibility Courthouse Courthouse ISSUE Reconfigure space to provide better public access Lack of contiguous functional space Close off corridor to eliminate office separation Grand jury room ‐ upgrade quality of space Renovate to create more professional & presentable space Non‐ADA compliant access Replace existing access/egress ramp with ADA compliant access component Project Underway and on‐ schedule. Future Project Probation Remodel Privacy & safe separation Future Project State's Attorney Remodel Grand Jury Remodel ETSB Remodel ‐ ADA Future Project Future Project Future Project Countywide Record Inefficient, sub‐standard storage Coroner / CAC Storage environments Coroner's Inquest Coroner / CAC Remodel Coroner / CAC PCCHD Coroner Lobby Remodel New Health Dept Facility Renovate former juvenile cellblock, Future Project reconfigure old gymnasium area & upgrade storage systems Sub‐standard interior environment & public Renovate Inquest Room and integrate Future Project space for hearings SOA technologies for inquests & training uses Sub‐standard interior environment Renovate Lobby area Future Project Building condition & configuration not conducive to effective & efficient delivery of services Replace building at current location or re‐ Future Project locate to Gift Avenue site Updated: 5/20/2015 21 Facilities Master Plan Project Status Update PRIORITY FACILITY PCCHD Highway Highway MEDIUM Highway Highway Highway Highway PROJECT New Health Dept Facility Replace Maxwell Station Replace Fleet Garage Replace Maxwell Station Salt Dome Replace Maxwell Station Vehicle Storage Replace Fueling Station Demolish Maxwell Station Yellow Bldg ISSUE SOLUTION Explore opportunites to locate other County departments or agencies in new complex, ie: coroner's office Sub‐standard Facilities Future Project Sub‐standard Facility Conduct indepth analysis of programming needs, building, site and cost implications Developlong Short & Long Term Facility Replacement Plan Replace Garage Sub‐standard Facility Replace Facility Future Project Sub‐standard Facilities Replace Facilities Future Project Sub‐standard Fuel Tanks & Fueling Station Replace & relocate Future Project Sub‐standard Facility Abate hazardous materials, demolish & remove Project Underway and on‐ schedule. Lack of vehicle storage space Construct Additional storage building & renovate old section of vehicle storage bay Construct additional domes & loading system Expand core support functional areas ‐ food service, laundry, personal & evidence storage, recreational space Future Project Jail Addition to North Station Vehicle Storage Salt Dome Upgrades Jail Kitchen / Laundry Expansion Jail Night Court Addition Bed capacity & operational efficiencies Jail Shooting Range County controlled range Highway Highway Jail STATUS Need additional capacity & safer loading system Capacity & Operational deficiencies Future Project Future Project Future Project RFP for Architectural and Engineering Services in Q3‐ Q4. Study feasibility and cost effectiveness of Future Project locating night court at jail Study feasibility of developing range at Hanna City or Belwood site Updated: 5/20/2015 22 Future Project Facilities Master Plan Project Status Update PRIORITY FACILITY Courthouse LOW Courthouse RRC / VAC PROJECT ISSUE SOLUTION STATUS Department Relocation Department Relocation Lack of natural light Relocate offices to provide natural light Office location Office location in courthouse not Future Project essential for effective operation. Explore optimum location for County nneds. Office Remodel Office Remodel Minimal Public Visibility Add site/building signage More efficient office layout could Space utilization analysis, planning accommodate additional small department. RRC / VAC West Campus Property Disposal One Tech Plaza Property Disposal Develop Property West Campus Future Project Future Project Future Project Disposition of property Sell property Future Project Disposition of property Sell property Future Project Optimize value & return for Peoria County Sell property using proceeds fopr capital Future Project improvement projects Updated: 5/20/2015 23 AGENDA BRIEFING COMMITTEE: MEETING DATE: LINE ITEM: AMOUNT: County Operations & Physical Plant 00110013301 55081 $22,976.00 ACTION/DISCUSSION (Circle One) ISSUE: Planned Purchase for the 2015 Peoria County Vehicle cycle plan BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION: The County's 10 year vehicle cycle plan for 2015 calls for the purchase of a replacement prisoner transport van unit 764 for the Sheriff's Office. In a normal fiscal year the State of Illinois CMS would send out open bids for this type of unit. The Ford E250 cargo van has been selected in past bids and is the preference of many local government fleets for this type of use. However CMS did not bid these units this year and choose the Transit style van. The Mavron prisoner stainless steel insert design we use cannot be retrofitted into a Transit style that has all the wrong dimensions. Therefore the county must do the RFP's without CMS. With the help of the County's Purchasing Office bid #33-02-15 was sent out with one proposal received. COUNTY BOARD GOALS: HIGH PERFORMING PUBLIC ORGANIZATION SAFE AND HEALTHY COMMUNITY STAFF RECOMMENDATION: A resolution to purchase one 2015 Chevrolet 3/4 ton cargo van from the lowest qualified bidder, Ray Dennison Chevrolet. COMMITTEE ACTION: PREPARED BY: DEPARTMENT: DATE: Michael P. Patton County Highway/Fleet Management Agenda/ag_030618_car.doc 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 COUNTY OF PEORIA PURCHASING DIVISION PEORIA COUNTY COURTHOUSE 324 MAIN STREET - ROOM 501 PEORIA IL 61602 BID REPORT TO: HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE PEORIA COUNTY BOARD SCOTT SORREL, ACTING COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR FROM: JIM SMITH, PURCHASING AGENT SUBJECT: BID #33-02-15 PRISONER TRANSPORT VEHICLE DATE: MAY 6, 2015 CC: MIKE PATTON, FLEET MANAGER This office, on behalf of the Fleet Management/Sheriff's Office, solicited bids for a Prisoner Transport Vehicle. This report does not evaluate compliance with the bid specifications. The following documents are attached: legal notice; vendor mailing list; planholders list; vendor signature sheets and bid tabulation. Responding Vendors Vendor Cost EEO Status Ray Dennison Chevrolet Pekin IL $22,976.00 Applied for All required documents submitted 36 37 MAILING/PLAN HOLDER LIST PEORIA COUNTY BID 09-03-15 PAINTING SERVICES Business_name UFTRING AUTOMALL GREEN CHEVROLET RAY DENNISON SAM LEMAN MILES CHEVROLET GREEN CHEVROLET PLAN HOLDER LIST SAM LEMAN OF PEORIA Contact_Name JEFF PETERS BRYON CROMBIE Address_1 Address_2 City State Zip 500 FAIRLANE DR 8017 N KNOXVILLE AVE 2320 N 8TH STREET 1801 W PIONEER PKWY 150 W PERSHING RD 1700 W MORTON AVE EAST PEORIA PEORIA PEKIN PEORIA DECATUR JACKSONVILLE IL IL IL IL IL IL 61611 61604 61554 61614 62526 62650 1801 W PIONEER PKWY PEORIA IL 61615 38 Email 39 40 TO THE HONORABLE COUNTY BOARD COUNTY OF PEORIA, ILLINOIS ) ) ) Your County Operations and Physical Plant Committee does hereby recommend passage of the following Resolution: RE: The purchase of a 2015 Prisoner Transport Van RESOLUTION WHEREAS, A Sheriff's Office transport van is to be replaced in the 2015 fleet cycle, competitive bids were received and; WHEREAS, Ray Dennison Chevrolet of Pekin IL was the lowest qualified bidder and; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the County Board of Peoria County, to authorize the Finance Office to issue a purchase order to Ray Dennison Chevrolet 2320 N. 8th Street Pekin, Illinois, 61554 in the amount of $22,976.00. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, COUNTY OPERATIONS AND PHYSICAL PLANT COMMITTEE 41 AGENDA BRIEFING COMMITTEE: County Operations and Physical Plant MEETING DATE: May 26, 2015 LINE ITEM: AMOUNT: ISSUE: Whistleblower/Anti-Retaliation Policy BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION: At the request of the Committee Chair and Co Chair, the attached Whistleblower/Anti-Retaliation Policy has been developed for consideration. The intent of the policy is to promote a work environment free of gross mismanagement, malfeasance, misfeasance, gross waste of public funds or gross neglect of duty. Essentially, this policy seeks to ensure that employees will bring such issues to the attention of the County Administrator if they are aware of such issues. The policy acknowledges that County employees must not violate a law or rule that creates a threat to the public' health, safety or welfare and must act for the well being of the organization and citizens served at all times. The policy protects employees who, in good faith, file a written and signed complaint with the County Administrator; or participate in an investigation, hearing, committee meeting or other inquiry conducted by the county, state or federal government entity having the authority to investigate, police, manage or otherwise remedy the violation; or refuse to participate in any adverse action prohibited by this policy. In other words employees who properly bring issues to the attention of the Administrator and the County Board will be protected from adverse action connected with their reporting of the issue. Upon receipt of a written disclosure, the County Administrator will determine the appropriate jurisdiction for conducting an investigation. Thus, investigations may be conducted directly by Administration staff or may be conducted by the staff of elected officials if that is more appropriate in a given situation. Regardless of the outcome of the investigation, an employee following the proper procedure for reporting the matter will be protected from adverse action due to such reporting. COUNTY BOARD GOALS: HIGH PERFORMING PUBLIC ORGANIZATION STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Whistleblower/Anti-Retaliation Policy COMMITTEE ACTION: PREPARED BY: Kate Van Beek and Bill Atkins DEPARTMENT: County Administration and States Attorneys' Office DATE: May 21, 2015 42 Topic: II - Workplace Safety Subtopic: 6 - Whistleblower Policy Effective Date: COUNTY OF PEORIA II - 6: WHISTLEBLOWER/ANTI-RETALIATION POLICY II - 6A: STATEMENT II - 6A.1: It is Peoria County's policy to promote a work environment that is free of gross mismanagement, malfeasance, misfeasance, gross waste of public funds or gross neglect of duty. Peoria County employees must not violate a law or rule that creates a substantial and specific danger to the public's health, safety, or welfare. Further, Peoria County employees must act for the well being of the organization and the citizens served at all times. II - 6B: PURPOSE II - 6B.1: It is also Peoria County policy to ensure protection of employees who disclose specified information regarding unlawful activity, misfeasance or malfeasance by the County or independent contractors to the appropriate authorities for investigation and corrective action. II - 6B.2: In order to encourage employees to report such information without fear of reprisal, this policy prohibits adverse action against an employee for disclosing such information to an appropriate official or agency. II - 6B.2: This policy protects employees who, in good faith: a. File a written and signed complaint with the County Administrator; or b. Participate in an investigation, hearing, committee meeting or other inquiry conducted by the County, any state agency or federal government entity having the authority to investigate, police, manage, or otherwise remedy the violation or act; or c. Refuse to participate in any adverse action prohibited by this policy. II - 6C: PROCEDURE II - 6C.1: To ensure protection it is important that employees be proactive and report in writing using the disclosure form available on the intranet, the specific information of wrongdoing before the employee suffers adverse action. II - 6C.2: The policy is intended to encourage the disclosure of serious violations of County rules and procedures. It is not intended to address routine personnel disputes and other disagreements, which are covered by other County procedures. Complaints involving such things as breach of a collective bargaining agreement, employment discrimination and violations of the Personnel Policies continue to be governed by other existing procedures applicable to such matters. 43 Topic: II - Workplace Safety Subtopic: 6 - Whistleblower Policy Effective Date: II - 6C.3: Because of the serious nature of these disclosures, employees should describe their concern in sufficient detail with supporting documentation in order for a proper investigation to be conducted. The County Administrator will determine the appropriate jurisdiction for conducting the investigation. Employees should also provide their name, mailing address, telephone number, pager or email, so that they can be contacted about their disclosure. All complaints must be submitted on the disclosure form. II - 6D: ANTI-RETALIATION II - 6D.1: Under this policy, employees who are suspended, demoted ,terminated, assigned undesirable working assignments and/or suffer an adverse personnel employment action that is a materially adverse change in the employee's working conditions have the right to the grievance procedure noted in the Peoria County Personnel Policies, Section III-13: Workplace Conduct, III-13F: Complaints and Grievances. This does not include minor adjustments in assignments, purely lateral transfers, satisfactory evaluations or other matters which do not materially affect an employee's working conditions. Such adverse actions may consist of undue harassment, demeaning or degrading treatment that is contrary to the reasonable authority vested with the management of a department or office. 44 TO THE HONORABLE COUNTY BOARD COUNTY OF PEORIA, ILLINOIS ) ) ) Your County Operations and Physical Plant Committee does hereby recommend passage of the following Resolution: RE: Approval of the Whistleblower/Anti-Retaliation Policy RESOLUTION WHEREAS, Peoria County promotes a work environment free of gross mismanagement, malfeasance, misfeasance, gross waste of public funds or gross neglect of duties, and; WHEREAS, this policy protects employees, who in good faith, file a written and signed complaint with the County Administrator; or participate in an investigation, hearing, committee meeting or other inquiry conducted by the county, state or federal government entity having the authority to investigate, police, manage or otherwise remedy the violation; or refuse to participate in any adverse action prohibited by this policy; and WHEREAS, upon receipt of a written disclosure, the County Administrator will determine the appropriate jurisdiction for conducting an investigation; and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the County Board of Peoria County, that the attached policy as approved and adopted to protect employees following the proper procedure for reporting a matter from adverse action due to such reporting. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, County Operations and Physical Plant COMMITTEE 45