Effingham Noon Rotary
Effingham Noon Rotary
Service Above Self - He Profits Most Who Serves Best EFFINGHAM (OPINIONS OF THE TIMES) EFFINGHAM ROTARY CLUB CLUB NO. 3265 DISTRICT 6490 ORGANIZED 1920 Philip R. Coats, Editor ™ PUBLISHED BY THE ROTARY CLUB OF EFFINGHAM, ILLINOIS Scholar Athlete Awards Day 24 April 2013 Scholar Athlete committee co-chair Charlie Brumleve introduced the two athletic directors from our city’s high schools. Dave Wohltman noted it was his 25th year to be present for this award. He brought twenty-nine students today. Kevin Palmer is the AD at Saint Anthony High School and accompanied ten students to the luncheon. The students honored today must have at least a 3.5 GPA and have lettered as a Senior. SAINT ANTHONY HIGH SCHOOL Student Parents Sports Letter: College/University Major Jesse Haarmann Son of Tom & Janet Haarmann Track-2, Wrestling-3 University of Illinois Crop Sciences Alex Keller Son of Chuck & Fanny Mae Keller Swimming-4 Air Force Academy Aeronatutical Engineering Nick Nosbisch Son of Mike & Mindy Nosbisch Soccer-4 Quincy University Biology Paige Oltman Daughter of Paul & Myra Oltman Cheer-4,CrossCntry-4, Track 2 U of Missouri-Columbia Business Miranda Rohlfing Daughter of Brad & Carolyn Rohlfing Girls Golf-4, Bellettes-2 U of Missouri-St. Louis Nursing Emily Schultz Daughter of Bob & Audra Schultz Cheer-4,GirlsGolf-4,CrossCntry-4 St. Mary’s of Notre Dame Nursing Jake Spraul Son of Joseph & Carolyn Spraul Cross Cntry-4, Track-4 University of Notre Dame Bio Engineering Anna Utz Daughter of Bill Utz & Barb Utz Tennis-3 Southern Illinois University, Carbondale Undecided Claire Willenborg Daughter of Craig & Theresa Willenborg CrossCntry-3,Cheer-1,Bball-3,Track-1 Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville Dentistry Amber Wenthe Daughter of Brad & Vicki Wenthe Softball-1, Volleyball-2 U of Southern Indiana Nursing EFFINGHAM HIGH SCHOOL Student Parents Sports Letter: College/University Major Anthony Barrett Son of Phil & Debra Barrett Golf, Basketball Eastern Kentucky Univ Bus Mktg & Golf Mgt Shannon DaughteryDaughter of Mark & Kathy Daughtery Volleyball Lakeland College Event Planning Erica Feldhake Daughter of Don & Pam Feldhake Volleyball University of Illinois/Springfield History Kaitlyn Gurley Daughter of Kevin & Ronda Gurley Tennis Lakeland College Elementary Education Madisson Haake Daughter of Brian & Jill Haake Tennis Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville Nursing Matt Herboth Son of Mark Herboth & Sheryl Baker-Herboth Track Rose-Hulman Mechanical Engineering Lauren Hoekstra Daughter of Terry & Lisa Hoekstra Tennis Southern Illinois University/Carbondale Comm Dis &Sc Brenton Hull Son of Todd & Melinda Hull Football Eastern Illinois University Pre-Medicine Ashley Jamerson Daughter of Greg & Julie Jamerson Cross Country & Softball Eastern Illinois University Undecided Jeffery Keitel Son of Kal & Renee Keitel Cross Country, Wrestling, Tennis USAF Academy Economics Hunter Keith Son of Jim & Vicky Keith Basketball Lakeland, Ind St Univ Pre-Medicine Kallie Koester Daughter of Dan & Janie Koester Volleyball Lakeland College Broadcasting Thomas Lasher Son of Tom and Dawn Lasher Track Culinary Inst of St. Louis Culinary Arts Devin Mayfield Son of Amy Mayfield & Kevin Pocrnich Baseball Rose Hulman Mechanical Engineering Deedra Myers Daughter of Darlene & Larry Logue Volleyball & Softball LLC, EIU, Bradley Physical Therapy Nick Pellman Son of Clint & Sandy Pellman Tennis Undecided Game Design Brandy Pontious Daughter of Megan & Jamie Rieman Bball Cheerleading & Softball Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville Nursing Cody Sennett Son of Sabrina Sennett Football & Tennis Illinois Wesleyan UniversityPre-Engineering Jake Stombaugh Son of Stacey Bowlin & Jody Stombaugh Basketball Lincolnland Comm College Undecided Crystal Strauch Daughter of Doug & Brenda Strauch Fball Cheerleading Southern Illinois University/Carbondale Paralegal Studies Kelli Utz Daughter of Bob & Tammy Utz Volleyball, Basketball, Softball Lakeland Pre-Medicine Kourtney Utz Daughter of Bob & Tammy Utz Volleyball & Softball Lakeland Pre-Med/Dental Nathan Vail Son of Jeff & Melissa Vail Football & Baseball Millikin University Pre-Optometry Megan Wade Daughter of Timothy Wade & Joni Green Basketball Chrlding Col of DuPage, NIU Undecided Morgan Weiser Daughter of Patrick & Kathi Balsmann Basketball LLC, SIU/Edwardsville Accounting Courtney White Daughter of Charlie & Lori White Golf, Bsktbll Chrlding, Softbll Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville Nursing Holly White Daughter of Jesse & Sheila White Volleyball LLC, EIU Pre-Medicine Clark Williamson Son of Joe & Danette Williamson Basketball & Track Lakeland College Pre-Engineering Taylor Willis Daughter of Jay & Dena Willis Fball Chrlding & Bball Greenville College Secondary Education Past District Governor Ron Schettler introduced Sharon Boerngen, the location agent for Slay’s Restoration whose area office is in Mattoon, IL. Ron’s second greeting was to Gary Ernst whom we welcome back to his Rotary home-away-home. Upon the occasion of their 34th wedding anniversary celebrated on this the 24th of April, Philip Coats welcomed his bride, Melissa. A former Rotarian, Gayland Bourland, was announced by his great-uncle Ted Keller. Our student “guests” today were the intentional and calculated 39 Scholar Athletes And with that thought, we address one item from the recent District 6490 Annual Conference at Normal 19-20 April. President Rosie Gibbons, incoming President for 2014-15 Lois Hoene and Assistant District Governor Joe Fearday attended along with PDG Ron Schettler and Dave Ring. More than fifty Rotarians from the clubs within our conference were honored for more than 50 years of continual membership including Teddy Keller. He has been a member of the Effingham Rotary Club for 52 years and although unable to attend the conference Mr. Ring came back with the award plaque and made the presentation during the meeting today. Congratulations Ted The 5th Annual Golf Outing is Friday, May 3 at the Effingham Country Club sponsored by the Rotary Club of Effingham and the Effingham Sunrise Rotary Clubs. The deadline to enter was Friday, April 26 according to Rich Hartke, committee chair. The proceeds of the event, held in honor of Dr. David Bristow, a Noon Rotarian and strong advocate for the eradication of polio, are earmarked for Rotary International’s End Polio Now program. Golfers check-in is at 11:00 am Our regular Rotary meeting is at noon at the clubhouse with a short program concerning Rotary’s End Polio emphasis Golfers line-up for the shotgun start at 12:45 The event culminates with a steak dinner at 6:00 pm. There is no meeting Wednesday, May 1 at First Baptist Church – this Friday meeting IS our regular meeting for the week. ROTARY PAVILION COMMUNITY PARK Our new Rotary Pavilion at the northeast side will replace the furthermost north pavilion and be located at the old horseshoe grounds near the parking areas and thus more handicapped accessible. The tentative completion date is August 1, 2013. All pavilion designated funds are channeled through the Rotary Charities Foundation of Effingham maximum donor tax deductibility. View pictures and more information in Club Documents/Forms section of the website: http://www.effinghamrotary.com/content_files/rotary_pavilion.pdf https://rotary.sdsmanage.com/content_files/Rotary_Pavilion_Flyer.pdf Pavilion Committee: Jim Arndt, Monte Bartels, Carrie Crippen, Andy Hanfland, Stephen Hopkins, Jerry Jansen, Kevin Miller, Amanda McKay-Biarkis , Mike Varady , Bob Schultz, Carl Schwinke. (Sunrise members Noon Members) MORE STUFF YOOUU PROBABLYY WANT TTOO KNOW FF NEW MEMBERS WILL BE PROPOSED The Board of Directors will meet soon to discuss the introduction of more new members. Watch this for the announcement. Matching funds assistance, up to $500, is available until Wednesday May 15 for anyone wanting to complete a Paul Harris Fellowship. Read all about it here: http://www.rotary.org/RIdocuments/en_pdf/099en.pdf May 15 Contact Secretary Tonya Siner ([email protected]) or Rotary Foundation chair Dave Ring ([email protected]) if you are interested making an application. It is easy, painless and rewarding (who else will give you $500?) 18th Our annual Pancake & Sausage Breakfast was Saturday morning, April 27, from 7-10 am. Rotarians of all sizes and gender began to show up even before their first round starting time of 600 am, some in their snazzy new navy blue Rotary shirts. Now, we don’t have an official attendance count or dollar estimate but there was a steady flow of patrons all morning. The committee led by Bernie Blanchette includes Monte Bartels, Randy Jones, Todd Martin, Dave Gill, Bob Lakin and Mike Schmidt. Mostly they did everything the same and it works. They initiated a raffle to raise more $ and had the sausage pre-cooked at Martin’s but one addition thrilled and charmed everyone. The Rotary Week committee chaired by Twila Russell-Orr pioneered a writing contest for 3rd-to 6th graders in the county and hooked a few students. The winners read their essays entitled Someday I want to be a Rotarian. Cash prizes of $100, $50 and $25 were awarded along with a plaque with facsimile of their prose. Thank you for everyone who stepped up to help out from early to late morning. Take a look at the workers, the eaters, and the sleeper on the next page. Rotary Week Report April 21-27 Our Mealson-Wheels, April 23. Artisan Fair, April 26-27 (Does anyone have pictures of Meals on Wheels or Artisan Fair?) Past District Governor Ron Schettler reviewed some of the activities at the District Conference held in Normal this past weekend (April 19-20): the 6th grade chorus from Newton Elementary School performed. There was a wonderful oratory contest that will be continued annually. During the memorial service our friend Tim Fennessey was honored along with 28 others who passed during this last year. 80 Rotarians and clubs received honor for service to Rotary and their clubs. Rotary Leadership Institute graduation certificates were given including to the next president of the Effingham Rotary Club Kerry Hirtzel. The GSE team made their presentation and talked about their visit in the district and especially hailed the five days spent in Effingham with a hearty thank you to everyone here. We received a few thank you cards and notes from 3rd graders including Mrs. Merry’s class in Altamont and Mrs. Lange class in Effingham for the dictionaries distributed recently to every 3rd grader in Effingham County. Our next Rotary exchange student will arrive sometime in mid to late summer from Germany according to Youth Exchange Officer Eric Zeller Norbert Soltwedel brought “Flat Stanley” to Rotary today. For some things you just need to be here. Club Directory for 2013-2014 At the May 8 meeting we will embark on the passing of the current directory among the tables. Please check and correct information, e.g., phone numbers, e-mail address, snail mail address and enter particular information for your listing. Note: Your classification never changes. We will also take a new picture, if you wish, any week in May and the 5th of June (the editor’s birthday). Just come early or stay late if you want a new picture and see Philip Coats. You may also send your digital picture to [email protected] any time. Parsimony meets matrimony. When it is your wedding anniversary bring your husband or wife who will eat for free (once during the Rotary year). Unattached? Bring your fiancé or significant other or celebrate another noteworthy date, e.g., work, school, day you joined Rotary, and bring a guest who can eat for free. On the ATTENDANCE CARD write ANNIVERSARY behind the guest’s name. Hopefully our spouse or guest will feel included maybe even interested in joining. Free meal does not apply to non-members, visitors or guests and only one spouse per member per year R R EE AA SS OO NN SS TT OO CC EE LL EE BB RR AA TT EE (( NN EE XX TT 11 0 0 DD AA YY SS )) Jeff Althoff May 4 Bob & Debbie Fergus April 29 MAKE UPS Two reports of on-line visits: Matthew Hirtzel for April 23 and Randy Hall a couple times. You can always visit another club (consult page 37 in our directory for local listings) and if that doesn’t work for you do your Rotary membership duty on line. http://www.rotaryeclubone.org HI TECH PRESENTATION FOR YOUR PROGRAM? Computer/laptop projector and Wi-Fi are available at First Baptist Church – please make arrangements BEFORE your program. You may need a special connector or adaptor from your unit, i.e., your computer, to the projector…talk to President Rosie Gibbons and arrive early to set-up, please. FYI: Roger Marshall is our designated expert for equipment set-up. He’s the pastor at the church, too, and IMHO knows a lot of stuff. NNOOTT A ALLLL CCOOM MPPUUTTEERRSS OOrr PPRROOJJEECCTTOORRSS A ARREE CCRREEA ATTEED D EEQQUUA ALL D Doo nnoott A ASSSSUUM MEE A ANNYYTTHHIINNG G!! May Sunday Monday Tuesday (program chair in red) Wednesday May 1 NO MEETING Thursday 2 See May 3rd Friday 3 Regular meeting 12 Noon at the Effingham Country Club Saturday 4 Annual Polio Plus Golf Tournament 5 6 89 Mike McCollum 7 10 11 17 18 24 25 31 June 1 Program to be announced Directory picture taking 1130am – Noon and 100-115 pm with P.Coats 12 13 15 16 Jim Eder Scholarships awarded RYLA report 14 Directory picture taking 1130am – Noon and 100-115 pm with P.Coats 19 20 22 23 Deana Nuxoll 21 Program to be announced Directory picture taking 1130am – Noon and 100-115 pm with P.Coats 26 27 Memorial Day 29 30 Amanda McKay 28 Program to be announced Directory picture taking 1130am - Noon and 100-115 pm with P.Coats JUNE Final fiscal year club assembly is June 5 Why you need to join and promote the World’s Biggest Commercial Rotary all to in the Biggest is inviting supporters participate World's Commercial. Join Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Bill Gates, Jackie Chan, Amanda Peet, and other world figures participating in Rotary's This Close campaign to raise awareness and support for polio eradication efforts. The more images it includes, the more impact the commercial will have on the world. And thanks to a recent partnership with PhRMA, the trade association representing U.S. drug research and biotech companies, those photos will have even more impact: For each uploaded photo, the PhRMA will make a donation that can two children from contracting polio. But in order for the commercial to be recognized as the world’s biggest, we need to collect more This Close images. Here are tips on collecting photos at a photo booth: 1) First, try it yourself. Go to www.endpolionow.org, click on World’s Biggest Commercial at the top of the page, and follow the instructions to upload your photo; be sure to fill out the required dialogue boxes and permission check boxes. For more help, watch this video. 2) Take your show on the road. Now that you are comfortable uploading images, consider places where you can take your laptop and have others upload their photos. Perhaps set up a “photo booth” for club members at your next meeting or event. You can also use tablets and smartphones to upload images. 3) Plan ahead. Test the laptop, tablet, or smartphone to be sure it is working properly and that you have Internet access as well as a working webcam. 4) Get your best face out! Webcams often distort backgrounds or even the clothing you are wearing, so do your best to submit a clean, clear image. And be sure to capture your This Close sign. Here are more hints to help produce the best shot: Set the laptop on a desk and provide an adjustable chair for the photo subject. Make sure the hand position is correct, as it is easy to inadvertently make an offensive gesture. Wear solid colors; prints or plaids tend to be distorted by webcams. Clear clutter from the photo background. Make the event fun, to get people excited about joining in