To-Shin Do Ninja Martial Arts


To-Shin Do Ninja Martial Arts
To-Shin Do
Ninja Martial Arts
"BEYOND The 5 Ninja Secrets of Self-Defense"
Property of NPMAC, WQS Inc. All Rights Reserved © 2013
-- Find more about Ninja skills at: 805-499-9033 -
Call us (805) 499-9033
(Say you read 'Beyond the 5 Ninja Secrets')
Property of Newbury Park Martial Arts Center. The information contained in this presentation are
for illustrative purposes only and are not intended to be interpreted as instruction in Martial Art.
NPMAC will not assume any liability for misuse or untutored attempts to apply these techniques in
practice or in self defense. These techniques and instructions are inherently dangerous and
should not be practiced without guidance of a competent To-Shin Do® instructor. Contains
adaptation of materials developed and owned by Stephen K. Hayes' SKH Inc. All rights
"BEYOND The 5 Ninja Secrets of Self-Defense"
Property of NPMAC, WQS Inc. All Rights Reserved © 2013
-- Find more about Ninja skills at: 805-499-9033 -
Why learn 'To-Shin Do' Ninja self defense?
Here's just a few reasons why you need Ninja skills…
• Have you ever had someone yell at you for “taking their parking space”?
• Have you ever had a co-worker that had a bad day, and they decided to drag their
grouchy, hostile attitude to work with them?
• Have you ever been in some dimly lit place and felt uneasy?
• How about a physical assault?
• Have you been in a situation where you had to defend yourself, or someone you love?
Take a second to recall some personal real-life adrenaline spike events like
these… Do you remember how you felt?
Most self defense programs begin with the “hitting”Without ever addressing what may have been happening prior to the physical grab or strike.
This is like starting a movie half way through!
What they really mean is... 'Hit first, ask questions later?'
Wait a minute! Isn't this picture backwards?
To-Shin Do martial arts training was developed as a way to promote peace,
security, and well-being in the world – You can take command over
adversity – not as a way to practice violence. Put another way...
"The world needs more protectors,
Not more predators!"
To-Shin Do Ninja Self-Defense martial art has a secret to share with you;
We can teach you to be so aware of your surroundings that
you see a problem - before it gets to you?
To-Shin Do helps you see exactly what the problem is, thus putting you in a better position
to perfectly find a solution. We help you clearly see the problem and find a safe solution, with
your ninja-skilled ability, before its too late. Let's take a look at 5 of our Ninja secrets...
"BEYOND The 5 Ninja Secrets of Self-Defense"
Property of NPMAC, WQS Inc. All Rights Reserved © 2013
-- Find more about Ninja skills at: 805-499-9033 -
Here are the 5 secrets of "To-Shin Do"
Ninja Martial Arts
The following 5 Ninja secrets are referred to as the “Five D’s of Self-Defense” and
are unique to To-Shin Do Ninja Martial Arts. Now, you too, can have the secret!
#1 “Discern”. What does your gut tell you? Is there a sense of danger you recognize? Trust your instinct,
and make a promise to pay attention to paying attention.
#2 “Defend”. This means to keep the problem from hurting you. What can you do RIGHT NOW to win? See
what the problem is, then move to safety. The person may be stronger than you, so DO NOT stand and go toe to
toe during this Defend stage. Most important is moving. If a push comes, move with the push; if a hit comes,
knock it away or move to a temporary safe position. If a person is verbally assaulting you, take a breath and
create personal space.
#3 “Disrupt”. This is the next step.
Interrupt the problem and keep it from
coming back at you. If a person has
grabbed you, you may lock them up; if
a person tries to wrestle you to the
ground, you might move your feet so
they lose their balance; if a person is
yelling at you, you might ask them
questions to confuse their mind.
Danger sense?
Avoid harm
#4 “Deliver”. Deliver means to
Next steps?
Take over &
take charge and change the direction of
the assault. This is where most other
self defense systems begin. If you
begin here without experiencing
Discern, Defend and Disrupt, you will
be attempting to “out muscle” the
attacker – and that simply won’t work
when you are out gunned. Move
smarter, do not try to be “bigger” than
you are. There is always someone
bigger and stronger, so take a
different tact. As the person has to
defend against your “Deliver”, you will
have a window of opportunity to get
away and get home, healthy and
#5 “Discern” again...
Look around you. Is the trouble still near? Is there an opening for you to escape?
Is the attacker attempting to come back for seconds? Do not take this step lightly. Developing larger sense of
what is around you will benefit you.
Follow this Ninja self-defense plan and do not skip steps!
This progression will guarantee that even though you may appear to be the victim, with guided training
you will be able to be victorious. Remember, these guidelines are prompts that are made based on
experience & skills developed with a certified
To-Shin Do instructor.
"BEYOND The 5 Ninja Secrets of Self-Defense"
Property of NPMAC, WQS Inc. All Rights Reserved © 2013
-- Find more about Ninja skills at: 805-499-9033 -
Take defensive action before trouble arises! But wait-there’s more!
For your free lesson experiencing these 5 Ninja Secrets of Self-Defense in person,
and for more information about To-Shin Do ninja self-defense, yoga, meditation and
fitness, contact us at Newbury Park Martial Arts Center. Call to save your space in the next class (805) 499-9033
The 5 Ninja Secrets of Self-Defense;
Here is the secret that NO ONE ELSE will tell you; there is foundational preparation that MUST take place in
order to stack the odds in your favor and make the 5 D’s your personal secret weapon!
Why won’t anyone else be bold enough to share this info? Simple- either they don’t know it, or they want to keep
people relying on them for more info, instead of helping to create well-rounded, happy and prepared students
ready to take on the challenges of today’s busy lifestyle.
Newbury Park Martial Arts Center is here to help
you become a TATSUJIN- a peaceful warrior
that is dedicated to creating more peace and
safety in the world, not a predator.
Now you can become a person that is fulfilled
mentally, emotionally, financially, spiritually, and
physically. Are you ready to be that person? Are
you ready to be that bright light in your family and
your community? If so, then welcome to the world
of the ninja- welcome to the dojo friends and
family of Newbury Park Martial Arts Center!
Newbury Park Martial Arts Center is dedicated to
helping students become protectors, not
predators. If you wish to find out about “fighting”
and “competing”, then stop reading now!
If, however, you wish to live an even happier,
healthier life, then read on!
Dangerous situations happen. As ninja, we wish to
avoid the trouble, but sometimes negative energy
surrounds us.
Note: “Conflicts to be avoided are not just physical
assaults. There are many ways to be defeated.
For some in these days of fierce economic pressures generated by an ever changing international marketplace,
danger appears in veiled forms that threaten to undercut the personal financial security needed to sustain a
family. For others in these days of disintegrating cultural values and their emerging hollow and disjointed
replacements, threats to personal fulfillment take even more subtle guises to sap the energy and defeat the will to
-The Ninja Defense by Stephen K. Hayes, pg. 16
"BEYOND The 5 Ninja Secrets of Self-Defense"
Property of NPMAC, WQS Inc. All Rights Reserved © 2013
-- Find more about Ninja skills at: 805-499-9033 -
The first step in the secret to successful Ninja training...
(and thus a successful life and foundational preparation) is to have a strong code to anchor oneself in
the vital role of peaceful warrior protector- a person that helps make their community a better and
brighter place.
Having a code is vital- but even this step alone is not enough to create true accomplishment. We personally have
seen many karate schools that are based on some add- on program that was purchased on line and was
supposed to add value, but won't add anything of value to your training. We don't do that.
To succeed and find the right martial arts school you should always ask the following questions:
How is your code supported in your school?
Do you have an active personal development program that helps explore the deeper meanings of these
What is your specific path to help teach focus, self discipline and respect?
Are you experts at the 12 most common assaults? What are those?
Do you charge for monthly tests?
We know- you can’t focus on the rest of the book until you get the answers a smart security seeker
should ask! We can help you, future ninja!!
Let’s answer a few questions before we continue:
What is our code of ethics?
Newbury Park Martial Arts Center’s (NPMAC) Code of Ethics is supported by our Student Creed- three
foundational pillars for personal growth. Belief in oneself, belief in a strong proven method, and a community to
support you on your journey. This Ninja course is not made up fluff, but actual secrets for successful living
passed down through 34 generations (not an add on program to cost you more money).
For a copy of our Student Creed and Code of Ethics just call us & ask.
Can NPMAC help with self control?
Yes! As a member of NPMAC you will learn the basics of meditation, which means to control your emotions
under duress, and reduce your stress. These easy to use techniques can be used at the office, on the soccer
field, in the classroom or in traffic. For those wishing to further develop their practice, classes are FREE with
What other unique and valuable benefits do NPMAC students, get?
Finally- someone that realizes EVERYONE says they teach focus, self-control and respect- but how do they do
that? Our EIGHT STEP ACCOMPLISHMENT PLAN is our teaching method, proven time and again, and rooted
in history over 2,000 years old! We will show you not only what focus, self-discipline and respect look like, but
how to instill these qualities daily. In addition, our Personal Development Program is rich in extra credit
opportunities for youth with merit badges, coloring sheets and more! Parents love the program, and adults find
stress reduction a huge benefit.
For more detailed benefits including a look at more student testimonials, call us and ask, or come over
and visit.
"BEYOND The 5 Ninja Secrets of Self-Defense"
Property of NPMAC, WQS Inc. All Rights Reserved © 2013
-- Find more about Ninja skills at: 805-499-9033 -
You're wondering what important Ninja skills can you show me now?
The 12 most common assaults are what you start learning as a member of Newbury Park Martial Arts Center.
These lessons are for everyday people- teachers, parents, students- anyone wishing to look at a problem and
analyze a solution, anyone wishing to learn how to rescue a loved one, anyone wishing to be able to make a
decision under pressure powerfully. You will get a sense of how it feels to win and get home, healthy and happy!!
Enroll for a complimentary Ninja training class and
Preview of the 12 most common assaults;
Call us to schedule your demonstration class 805-499-9033
The second step in foundational preparation is to take personal responsibility for your awareness and
surroundings, so you may begin on the path to personal protector.
“Ninja Defense” 5 Key Areas:
1. External Awareness
2. Internal Awareness
3. Body Language
4. Boundaries
5. Preparation
“Awareness in these five key areas can help you
address the possibilities for effective personal safety in
a world that can sometimes turn threatening. What are
you doing proactively to increase the likelihood of returning
home happy and healthy every day? What can you alter in your daily routine to increase your likelihood of
safety? How can you reduce unnecessary exposure to bad people, bad places and bad times.”
-The Ninja Defense by Stephen K. Hayes, pg. 27
"BEYOND The 5 Ninja Secrets of Self-Defense"
Property of NPMAC, WQS Inc. All Rights Reserved © 2013
-- Find more about Ninja skills at: 805-499-9033 -
What's the next step you need to protect yourself and those you love?
You have done your martial arts homework. You may even have a code & have a method for calming your mind
and expand your awareness. What if an assault happens? You CANNOT count on out-muscling an attacker
with aggressive movements that rely on strength to overpower an assailant. You CAN prepare though.
Have you ever had someone (a friend) sneak up on you and say “boo!”. Do you remember that feeling, your heart
rate increase? Now, imagine increasing the intensity of that feeling, times 10,000. An incident with an attacker
that clearly is not your friend; an enemy that intends to keep you from coming home to your family, possibly has
a weapon, maybe is also threatening your child or loved one.
You can quickly develop your instinctive response & the ninja skills to use it effectively
to protect you and those you care about most.
You MUST have a method in place that was practiced in a way that has allowed you to make a rapid decision
under pressure in uncertain circumstances. You must have the peace of mind to ward off the attacker if possible,
and have a protection method that gives you the advantage to divert from danger. Now you can take the next
step and try the Ninja experience for your own benefit. Call us today to save your spot in the next class, free.
Remember: Take defensive action before trouble arises!
Learn more about defending yourself and your loved ones...
-- Contact us today at -Newbury Park Martial Arts Center
1111 Rancho Conejo Blvd, Suite 503
Newbury Park, CA 91320
"BEYOND The 5 Ninja Secrets of Self-Defense"
Property of NPMAC, WQS Inc. All Rights Reserved © 2013
-- Find more about Ninja skills at: 805-499-9033 -
To order your copy of “The Ninja Defense by Stephen K. Hayes” book, Call us at 805-499-9033
BEYOND The 5 Ninja Secrets of Self-Defense
Call us at (805) 499-9033
Property of Newbury Park Martial Arts Center. The information contained in this presentation are for illustrative
purposes only and are not intended to be interpreted as instruction in Martial Art. NPMAC will not assume any
liability for misuse or untutored attempts to apply these techniques in practice or in self defense. These
techniques and instructions are inherently dangerous and should not be practiced without guidance of a
competent To-Shin Do® instructor. Contains adaptation of materials developed and owned by Stephen K.
Hayes' SKH Inc. All rights Reserved.
"BEYOND The 5 Ninja Secrets of Self-Defense"
Property of NPMAC, WQS Inc. All Rights Reserved © 2013
-- Find more about Ninja skills at: 805-499-9033 -