Session 4: Water Pollution
Session 4: Water Pollution
Session 4: Water Pollution Abstract: In this session the students of class 6 - through picture study - learn the different sources which pollute the water directly and indirectly. Objective: To develop awareness among the children about the sources of water pollution. Duration of the session: 40 minutes Support Material (i) Picture of a pond (a) showing people engaged in various activities (ii) Picture (b) showing settlement around a river. (iii) Worksheet # 1 Steps Step 1: The students will work in groups. The maximum number of students in each group is 4. Each group is given a picture of a pond with people engaged in various activities (picture a). The students are asked to refer to the picture and identify the different activities or things they see in the picture which they feel is polluting the water in the pond. The teacher collates their findings on the blackboard. Step 2: The students continue their work in the same group. Now each group is given another picture (b), a picture showing a settlement around a river. The students refer to the second picture and identify those objects around the river, which may indirectly pollute the water in the river. The teacher collates their answers on the blackboard. The teacher sums up the activity by highlighting on point source and non-point sources of pollution. Water pollution| EVS | Mahuya Sen Gupta | Azim Premji Foundation Sometimes the sources of pollution can be easily identified, e.g. a pipe from the industrial plant or sewage treatment plant that may drain directly into a water body. Such pollution is described as Point Sources and can be easily managed. Water pollution can be caused indirectly. For instance water that drains from agricultural fields, located far from the water body, may carry chemicals found in insecticides or fertilizers and pollute the water. These sources which are spread out and which indirectly lead into the water body and cause pollution are called Non-Point Sources. Assessment/ Recapitulation Procedure: The teacher distributes worksheet # 1 on pollution to all the students. After the students fill the worksheet, the teacher will discuss the answers. Water pollution| EVS | Mahuya Sen Gupta | Azim Premji Foundation Water pollution: Picture (a) Water pollution| EVS | Mahuya Sen Gupta | Azim Premji Foundation Picture (b) Water pollution| EVS | Mahuya Sen Gupta | Azim Premji Foundation Worksheet: water pollution From the list given below, mark the Point sources of pollution with P and Non Point sources with NP 1. A landfill or an open garbage dump. 2. Water runoff from highways and roads. 3. Leaks from underground septic tank. 4. Leaks from underground storage facilities like petrol pumps. 5. An oil spill in the ocean from a tanker 6. Mining activities close to a river Water pollution| EVS | Mahuya Sen Gupta | Azim Premji Foundation 7. Silt and dirt washed into the river from construction sites. 8. Industrial discharge pipe directly leading into a river. 9. Dumping garbage in a pond. 10. Washing clothes at edge of a pond. 11. Run-off from agricultural fields sprayed with pesticides and fertilizers. 12. Untreated sewage waste discharged into the sea. Water pollution| EVS | Mahuya Sen Gupta | Azim Premji Foundation