Environmental Issues in Asia


Environmental Issues in Asia
Environmental Issues in Asia
• Several people sit on the edge of stone steps leading
down to the Ganges River in Varanasi, India. Two wade
in and splash water on themselves. Two others prepare
food. A man and a woman wash clothes and sheets.
Further up the steps, two other people change out of
their clothes in preparation for bathing.
• For Hindus, the Ganges River is the personification of
the goddess Ganga and is therefore sacred. They bathe
in it, wash their clothes and cooking dishes in it, and
even drink from it. However, high levels of contaminants
in the river including sewage, trash, and even halfcremated corpses make the Ganges one of the most
polluted rivers in the world and a potential health hazard
to those who come in contact with it.
• A building near the Ganges River overflows with
wood and tinder to be used in cremation.
Several sets of stairs wind up the bank and
around the huge piles of wood. A cow eats hay
near the shore where a boat is docked. A few
men are scattered across the shore.
• Cremation along the Ganges River is common
practice for Hindus. Hindus regularly bathe in it,
wash their clothes in it, and even drink from it.
Their dead are often cremated and thrown into
the river. Because some cannot afford enough
wood to fully burn a body, the corpses that are
thrown into the river are often partially-burnt or
unburnt. This, along with sewage, trash, and
other contamination, make the Ganges one of
the most polluted rivers in the world.
• The pollution of the Ganges River is becoming
increasingly worse as time goes on. Pollution
that is found in the Ganges include cremated
corpses, livestock carcasses, raw sewage,
waste from factories, and the used water from
peoples' daily lives. There have been many
attempts to clean up the Ganges, but they have
either failed or made the problem worse. India's
government has already spent over $33 million
to address the overwhelming sewage problem.
People wash laundry in the Ganges
• Water Pollution Has Become China’s Most Urgent
Environmental Problem Today
• At least 300 million people in China do not have access
to safe drinking water
• As much as 70% of China’s lakes, rivers, and streams
are affected by water pollution
• Although legislation is in place China’s government does
not strictly enforce.
• Riverside chemical and power plants, along with paper,
textile, and food production facilities, are a leading
source of pollution of China's rivers and lakes
• Pollution has often led to the temporary shut
down of tap water in areas along China’s rivers.
• Hundreds of thousands of farmers must use
filthy water for drinking and irrigation.
• The economies of entire farming and fishing
villages have been destroyed because of
• 1/3 of all fish species in the Yellow River have
become extinct because of pollution and various
other factors.
The Songhua River, despite its pollution and
trash, is a popular playground for Harbin
residents in the summertime.
Lanzhou, Gansu province: A
resident takes a water sample from
the polluted Yellow river".
Water pollution of the Ao River in
Effects of Monsoons
• The torrential rainstorms often cause violent
landslides in India and cause flooding of the
rivers; which drowns crops.
• Entire villages have been swept away during
monsoon rains, people are left homeless, and
people have died because of the severe floods
• Despite the potential for destruction, the summer
monsoons are welcomed in India. Farmers
depend on the rains to irrigate their land.
China and Flooding
• In the Northern Plain region of China is where
much of China’s food production occurs.
• This area is fertile because of the Yellow (Huang
He) River.
• The Huang He has been called "China's Sorrow"
because of its frequent and catastrophic floods
• To combat this problem the government has
instituted large irrigation and flood control
• Excessive summer rainfall in central and
southern China has leads to annual
flooding in the Yangtze River valley
• Because of annual flooding crops such as
cotton and rice can grow in China.
• However, when the flooding is too
excessive crops can actually be
The Asian Brown Cloud
• The Asian Brown cloud is a brown blanket of
smog that affects all nations of Asia India, China,
Japan, Thailand, etc.
• It can alter the patterns of the Monsoons, reduce
photosynthesis, increase respiratory problems,
and reduce solar radiation.
• Toxic waste, motor vehicles, cooking fuels, and
forest fires contribute to this air pollution
Satellite pictures over much of Asia and the Indian Ocean
show an enormous brown stain hanging in the air
• Air pollution is mostly
human made
• As many as five million
deaths are caused by air
pollution every year in
• Cities in India such as
Bombay and Calcutta are
below safety limits for
• Much of India’s pollution
come from motor vehicles
• Population in Asia is one of the major reasons
why Asia has problems with pollution
• China hold’s the world’s largest population at
over a billion and India’s population is growing
and expected to surpass China one day.
• Such a large number of people put a strain on
the environment and increased pollution.
• 7 of the world’s most populated cities exist in
• Because of the large populations of these
countries flooding is devastating because
crops are destroyed.
• The government of China has also tried to
control their population by instituting a one
child policy in 1979.