b. additional technical tests
b. additional technical tests
technical manual Catálogo Connect 04.indd 1 20/10/06 20:49:10 Catálogo Connect 04.indd 2 20/10/06 20:49:17 CONTENTS ESPAÑOL 1.- INTRODUCTION TECHNICAL DATA 2.- FLOOR TRUNKING A. General Technical Characteristics B. Additional Technical Tests C. Usable Sections and Maximum Cable Diameters Table 1. Usable Sections and Maximum Floor Trunking Diameters ENGLISH 3.- TRUNKS FOR DISTRIBUTION (CD) AND MECHANISMS (CAM) 3.1. INSULATING CD/CAM TRUNKS A. General Technical Characteristics B. Additional Technical Tests C. Usable Sections Table 2. Usable sections of CD Trunks Table 3. Usable sections of insulating CAM Trunks 3.2. ALUMINIUM CAM TRUNKS A. General Technical Characteristics B. Usable Sections Table 4. Usable Sections of Aluminium CAM Trunks 4.- MECHANISM HOLDER UNIT A. General Technical Characteristics B. Additional Technical Tests 5.- MULTIFUNCTION BOXES 5.1. SURFACE BOXES, BOXES TO BE BUILT IN ON SITE, AND BOXES TO BE BUILT INTO PLASTER WALLS A. General Technical Characteristics B. Additional Technical Tests 5.2. BABILON TOWER A. General Technical Characteristics B. Additional Technical Tests 6.- TECHNICAL FLOORS A. General Technical Characteristics B. Compliance with existing Standards C. Additional Technical Tests D. Sizes 7.- OFFICE SYSTEM A. General Technical Characteristics B. Assembly diagrams 49 Catálogo Connect 04.indd 49 20/10/06 21:04:14 8.- MECHANISMS 8.1. 250V 10/16 A SOCKETS 8.2. DOUBLE 250V SOCKETS 8.3. CONTROL MECHANISMS (BREAKERS AND SWITCHES) 8.4. RJ11 AND RJ12 TELEPHONE SOCKETS 8.5. RJ45 CONNECTORS 8.6. MAGNETOTHERMAL AND DIFFERENTIAL SWITCHES 8.7. TELEVISION SOCKETS 9.- ADDITIONAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION 50 Catálogo Connect 04.indd 50 20/10/06 21:04:31 TECHNICAL DATA 1. INTRODUCTION TECHNICAL DATA ENGLISH Safety in electrical installations is one of AEMSA’s priorities when developing products for manufacture. For this reason, all these products undergo an exhaustive control to check compliance with all applicable standards and regulations, complemented by subsequent quality controls in all production phases. This Technical Data section refers continuously to the tests applied to guarantee safe installations. Mention is also made of the legislation governing these products, with reference always made to the applicable standard. Furthermore, AEMSA provides the installation instructions needed to guarantee the safety of the installation, and not just on the basis of its own standards as a manufacturer, but also in accordance with the applicable legislation and standards. Moreover, all the products in this catalogue fall within the scope of the European Directive BT 73/23 EEC for low-voltage installations, and the products bear the corresponding EC mark and the marks applicable to it as required by this Directive and by the relevant legislation. AEMSA participates in the following national harmonisation work groups which are in charge of drafting the standards applicable to the products in this catalogue: AEN/CTN 201/SC23A/WG1: Trunks AEN/CTN 201/SC23A/WG7: Fire behaviour in electrical wiring systems AEN/CTN 201/SC23B/WG5: Junction boxes and electrical mechanisms AEN/CTN 201/SC89: Fire hazards All under the strictest possible Quality and Environmental Management System, pioneered by AEMSA, as substantiated by the SGI certification (Integrated Quality Management System ISO 9001, and Environment 14001) for all its facilities, being the first company in the electrical sector to obtain this certification. Finally, mention must be made of the company’s technical media, with one of the most important laboratories in the sector, that respond to the major and continuous investments made by AEMSA in Research, Development and Innovation. 51 Catálogo Connect 04.indd 51 20/10/06 21:04:33 2. FLOOR TRUNKING A. GENERAL TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS MATERIAL COLOUR M1 rigid PVC Technical characteristics and tests included in the “Additional Technical Tests” paragraph RAL 7030 Grey COMPLIANCE WITH THE STANDARD EN 50085-1:2005 “Cable trunking systems and cable ducting systems for electrical installations. Part 1: General requirements”. OPERATING TEMPERATURE: -15ºC to +60ºC MIN. STORAGE AND TRANSPORT TEMPERATURE: -45ºC COVER RETENTION OPENED ONLY WITH THE HELP OF A TOOL Dossier no. 95.889 of the L.G.A.I. IMPACT STRENGTH 2 J (MEDIUM) ELECTRICAL PROPERTIES INSULATING FLAME SPREAD RESISTANCE NON-FLAME SPREADING Dossier no. 22017201 of the L.G.A.I. GLOW WIRE TEST DEGREE OF SEVERITY 960ºC (according to UNE EN 60695-2-11:2001) HEAT RESISTANCE TEST SATISFACTORY AT 70ºC PROTECTION FROM SOLID AND LIQUID PENETRATION (*) Floor trunk PC-1250: Degree IP64 Floor trunks PC-1875 and PC-25100: Degree IP65 According to UNE 20324:93 (EN 60529) Report no. S00-01834 of the AIMME (*) Applicable only to the closure of the Cover - Floor Trunk section 52 Catálogo Connect 04.indd 52 20/10/06 21:04:43 TECHNICAL DATA DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY MARKING. COMPLIANCE WITH THE EUROPEAN DIRECTIVE BT 73/23/EEC COMPLIANCE WITH THE STANDARD EN 50085-1:2005, WITH CLASSIFICATION: (*) Code 121: ENGLISH • NON-METALLIC. • IMPACT STRENGTH 2 J (MEDIUM) • TEMPERATURE 121 (*) • NON-FLAME SPREADING. • NO ELECTRICAL CONTINUITY. • WITH ELECTRICAL INSULATION. • IP65 (PC-1875 and PC-25100) and IP64 (PC-1250) • ACCESS COVER THAT CAN ONLY BE OPENED WITH TOOLS 1: Minimum storage and transport temperature (-45ºC) 2: Minimum installation and application temperature (-15ºC) 1: Maximum installation and application temperature (+60ºC) B. ADDITIONAL TECHNICAL TESTS FIRE REACTION TEST i (flammability index) = 0 s (flame spread index) = 0 h (maximum flame length index) = 0 c combustion index) < 1 Classification: M1 According to UNE 23727-90 According to dossier no. 145.397 of the L.G.A.I. PLASTIC MATERIAL FLAMMABILITY TEST Classification: Degree 94-V0 According to UL 94-1990 Dossier no. 029696/079596 of the AIMPLAS GLOW WIRE TEST Result of the test: Satisfactory. Degree of severity: 960ºC According to UNE-EN 60695-2-1:02 Dossier no. 029196/071996 of the AIMPLAS SELF-EXTINGUISHING TEST Classification: FH1 Extinguishing time: 0 sec. According to UNE 53315 Dossier no. 95.888 of the L.G.A.I.I. 53 Catálogo Connect 04.indd 53 20/10/06 21:04:44 FIRE REACTION TEST FOR BUILDING MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES Classification: Class 1 Method for the classification of flame spread According to BS 476 part 7: 1997 Dossier no. 99016714 of the L.G.A.I. RESISTANCE TO ABNORMAL HEAT Result of the test: Satisfactory (T 500ºC) Dossier no. 98021854 of the L.G.A.I. CORROSIVENESS OF THE GASES EMITTED DURING THE COMBUSTION OF THE PVC Result of the test: pH > 2. Conductivity < 2750 µS/cm According to UNE 21147-93 (part 2) Report no. AT – 0373/98 of the AIMPLAS DETERMINATION OF CO AND HCl IN THE COMBUSTION OF THE PVC Result of the test: HCl: 262 mg/(g. of sample) CO: 47 mg/(g of sample) According to NF C 20454 Dossier 98020922 of the L.G.A.I. DETERMINATION OF THE LIMITING OXYGEN INDEX (L.O.I.) Result of the test: Limiting oxygen index (concentration %) = Interval between 58 and 59. According to UNE EN ISO 4589-2:01 TEST FOR THE DETERMINATION OF SMOKE OPACITY DURING COMBUSTION Result of the test: Maximum specific optical density:Dm= 395 Value of darkening due to smoke V0F4=182.2 According to NF X 10-702:86 (ASTM E 662-83) Dossier 99002296 of the L.G.A.I. CLASSIFICATION OF FIRE BEHAVIOUR: FIRE REACTION, OPACITY AND SMOKE TOXICITY Classification: I1 F4 According to NF F 16-101 TEST FOR THE DETERMINATION OF THE DIELECTRIC STRENGTH OF PERFORATION OF PVC Result of the test: >Dielectric strength 20 kV/mm According to UNE 21316-94 (part 1) Dossier no. 98001717 of the L.G.A.I. TRANSVERSAL AND SURFACE RESISTIVITY DETERMINATION TEST Result of the test: Surface resistivity (s): > 1.88 x 1015 W Transversal resistivity (r): > 3.25 x 1014 W cm According to UNE 21303:83 Dossier no. 22007766 of the L.G.A.I. PROTECTION FROM MECHANICAL DAMAGE Result of the test: Classification Degree IK-09 According to UNE EN 50102:1995 54 Catálogo Connect 04.indd 54 20/10/06 21:04:53 TECHNICAL DATA C. USABLE SECTIONS AND MAXIMUM CABLE DIAMETERS (mm2) A B TOTAL A B 41 93 175 5 9 PC 18-75 150 272 572 10 14 PC 25-100 196 330 1052 15 17 PC 12-50 ENGLISH MAXIMUM CABLE DIAMETERS (mm) USABLE SECTIONS MODEL 3. TRUNKS FOR DISTRIBUTION (CD) AND MECHANISMS (CAM) 3.1.- INSULATING CD/CAM TRUNKS A. GENERAL TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS MATERIAL COLOUR M1 rigid PVC Technical characteristics and tests included in the “Additional Technical Tests” paragraph RAL 9003 White COMPLIANCE WITH THE STANDARD EN 50085-1:2005 “Cable trunking systems and cable ducting systems for electrical installations. Part 1: General requirements”. OPERATING TEMPERATURE -15ºC to +60ºC MIN. STORAGE AND TRANSPORT TEMPERATURE: -45ºC COVER RETENTION OPENED ONLY WITH THE HELP OF A TOOL IMPACT STRENGTH 2 J (MEDIUM) 55 Catálogo Connect 04.indd 55 20/10/06 21:04:59 ELECTRICAL PROPERTIES: INSULATING FLAME SPREAD RESISTANCE NON-FLAME SPREADING Dossier no. 22017202 of the L.G.A.I. GLOW WIRE TEST DEGREE OF SEVERITY 960ºC (according to UNE EN 60695-2-11:2001) HEAT RESISTANCE TEST SATISFACTORY AT 70ºC PROTECTION FROM SOLID AND LIQUID PENETRATION (*) Classification - CD and CAM Trunks: Degree IP55 According to UNE 20324:93 (EN 60529) (*) Applicable only to the closure of the Cover - Trunk section DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY MARKING. COMPLIANCE WITH THE EUROPEAN DIRECTIVE BT 73/23/EEC COMPLIANCE WITH THE STANDARD EN 50085-1:2005, WITH CLASSIFICATION: • NON-METALLIC. • IMPACT STRENGTH 2 J (MEDIUM) • TEMPERATURE 121 (*) • NON-FLAME SPREADING. • NO ELECTRICAL CONTINUITY. • WITH ELECTRICAL INSULATION. • IP55 • ACCESS COVER THAT CAN ONLY BE OPENED WITH TOOLS (*) Code 121: 1: Minimum storage and transport temperature (-45ºC) 2: Minimum installation and application temperature (-15ºC) 1: Maximum installation and application temperature (+60ºC) B. ADDITIONAL TECHNICAL TESTS FIRE REACTION TEST Classification: M1 According to UNE 23727-90 VERTICAL FLAMMABILITY TEST Classification: Degree V0 According to UNE EN 60695-2-12 and UL 94-1990 HORIZONTAL FLAMMABILITY TEST Classification: Degree HB40 According to UNE EN 60695-11-10 56 Catálogo Connect 04.indd 56 20/10/06 21:05:13 TECHNICAL DATA GLOW WIRE TEST Result of the test: Satisfactory. Degree of severity: 960ºC According to UNE EN 60695-2-12 PROTECTION FROM SOLID AND LIQUID PENETRATION Result of the test: CD and CAM Trunks: Degree IP55 Applicable only to the closure of the Cover - Trunk section According to UNE 20324:93 (EN 60529) ENGLISH PROTECTION FROM MECHANICAL DAMAGE Result of the test: Classification Degree IK-09 According to UNE EN 50102:19955 C. USABLE SECTIONS SECCIONES ÚTILES ENTRE TABIQUES USABLE SECTIONS (mm2) MODEL (mm2) A B C D E CD - 4070 A 1.850 A 1.850 --- --- --- --- CD - 4070/2 A B 900/900 A B 900 900 --- --- --- CD - 4090 A 2.320 CD - 4090/2 CD - 40110 CD-6080 A B A A A B 825 1.340 --- --- --- A B 615 1.550 --- --- --- A B C 615 780 615 --- --- A B C 825 360 825 --- --- A B C 615 570 825 --- --- 1.160/1.160 A B 1.160 1.160 --- --- --- 3.010 A B 1.170 1.685 --- --- --- A B 960 1.895 --- --- --- A B C 960 780 960 --- --- A B C 1.170 360 1.170 --- --- A B C 960 570 1.170 --- --- A B 1.350 2.100 --- --- --- 920 2.530 --- --- --- A B C 920 1.440 920 --- --- A B C 1.350 580 1.350 --- --- A B C 920 1.010 1.350 --- --- 3.620 A CD-60110 A 4.950 B A B 2.015 2.765 --- --- --- A B 1.585 3.195 --- --- --- A B C 1.585 1.440 1.585 --- --- A B C 2.015 580 2.015 --- --- A B C 1.585 1.010 2.015 --- --57 Catálogo Connect 04.indd 57 20/10/06 21:05:40 CD-60160 (*) 7.330 A CD - 60200 (*) CD - 60200 / USABLE SECTIONS BETWEEN WALLS TOTAL USABLE SECTION (mm2) MODEL 9.530 A A B 3.465/3.465 2x8 (mm2) A B C D E A B C D E 1.585 1.450 580 1.450 1.585 A B C D E 2.015 590 1.440 590 2.015 A BC D E 1.585 1.020 1.010 1.020 2.015 A BC D E 2.015 590 1.010 1.490 1.585 A B C D E 2.685 1.450 580 1.450 2.685 A B C D E 3.115 590 1.440 590 3.115 A B CD E 2.685 1.020 1.010 1.020 3.115 A BC D E 3.115 590 1.010 1.490 2.685 C D 1.585 1.710 1.710 1.585 --- A B C D 2.015 1.280 1.280 2.015 --- A B D 1.585 1.710 1.280 2.015 --- A B C Table 2. Usable sections of CD Trunks. (*) In the distribution trunks CD-60160 and CD-60200, the sections are defined for the maximum number of conductors, the other combinations of 2, 3, or 4 trunks may be set by differences as from the maximum section. 58 Catálogo Connect 04.indd 58 20/10/06 21:07:09 TECHNICAL DATA CAM - 60110 (mm2) 5.505 CAM - 60160 CAM - 60200 (*) / USABLE SECTIONS BETWEEN WALLSV TOTAL USABLE SECTION (mm2) 8.228 5.088 / 5.088 2x8 A B C D E A B 2.238 3.097 --- --- --- A B 1.732 3.603 --- --- --- A B C 1.732 1.701 1.732 --- --- A B C 2.238 1.701 2.238 --- --- A B C 1.732 1.195 1.732 --- --- A B 3.600 4.458 --- --- --- A B 3.095 4.458 --- --- --- A B C 3.600 688 3.600 --- --- A B C 3.095 1.698 3.095 --- --- A B C 3.600 1.193 3.095 --- --- E 1.440 1.197 2.111 2.111 1.440 A B C D A B C D E 1.440 1.711 1.597 1.597 1.440 A B C D E 1.954 683 2.111 2.111 1.954 A B C D E 1.954 1.197 1.597 1.597 1.954 ENGLISH MODEL Table 3. Usable Sections of insulating CAM Trunks (*) In the trunk CAM-60200/2x80, the sections are defined for the maximum number of conductors; the other combinations of 2, 3, 4, or 5 trunks may be set by differences as from the maximum section. 3.2.- ALUMINIUM CAM TRUNKS A- GENERAL TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS MATERIAL COLOR Satin-finish anodised aluminium RAL 9006 Aluminium COMPLIANCE WITH THE STANDARD EN 50085-1:2005 “Cable trunking systems and cable ducting systems for electrical installations. Part 1: General requirements”. 59 Catálogo Connect 04.indd 59 20/10/06 21:08:01 OPERATING TEMPERATURE: -25ºC to +120ºC MIN. STORAGE AND TRANSPORT TEMPERATURE: -45ºC COVER RETENTION OPENED ONLY WITH THE HELP OF A TOOL IMPACT STRENGTH: 2 J (MEDIUM) ELECTRICAL PROPERTIES: WITHOUT ELECTRICAL INSULATION FLAME SPREAD RESISTANCE: NON-FLAME SPREADING PROTECTION FROM SOLID AND LIQUID PENETRATION (*) Degree IP55 According to UNE 20324:93 (EN 60529) (*) Applicable only to the closure of the Cover - Trunk section DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY: EEC EC MARKING. COMPLIANCE WITH THE EUROPEAN DIRECTIVE BT 73/23/ COMPLIANCE WITH THE STANDARD EN 50085-1:2005, WITH CLASSIFICATION: • METALLIC • IMPACT STRENGTH 2 J (MEDIUM) • TEMPERATURE 114 (*) • NON-FLAME SPREADING. • WITH ELECTRICAL CONTINUITY. • WITHOUT ELECTRICAL INSULATION. • IP55 • ACCESS COVER THAT CAN ONLY BE OPENED WITH TOOLS (*) Code 114: 1: Minimum storage and transport temperature (-45ºC) 1: Minimum installation and application temperature (-25ºC) 4: Maximum installation and application temperature (+120ºC) 60 Catálogo Connect 04.indd 60 20/10/06 21:08:49 TECHNICAL DATA USABLE SECTIONS A B TOTAL CAM - 60110 5.505 --- 5.505 CAM - 60160 8.228 --- 8.228 CAM - 60200 (*) / 2 x 8 5.088 5.088 10.176 ENGLISH (mm2) MODEL Table 4. Usable Sections of Aluminium CAM Trunks 4. MECHANISM HOLDER UNIT A. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS Material Colores Self-extinguishing and UV-stabilised ABS. RAL 9003 White Colour frames RAL 1003 Yellow RAL 3020 Red RAL 5015 Blue RAL 6032 Green PATENTED SYSTEM Compliance with the Standard EN 50085-1:2005 “Cable trunking systems and cable ducting systems for electrical installations. Part 1: General requirements”. The CD and CAM series mechanism holders for distribution trunks and mechanisms comply with existing national and international standards. The aforementioned mechanism holders have AENOR certification (N mark) regarding the standards: UNE 20315: “Socket bases and plugs for household and similar use” UNE EN 60669-1 (EN 60669-1: 1999): “Switches for fixed, household and similar electrical installations. Part 1: General requirements”. UNE EN 60669-1/A1: “Switches for fixed, household and similar electrical installations. Part 1: General requirements”. N MARK. ACCESSORIES FOR ASSEMBLING SWITCHES AND BASES: AENOR Product Certificate no. 030/001959. 61 Catálogo Connect 04.indd 61 20/10/06 21:08:54 DECLARACIÓN DE CONFORMIDAD EC MARKING. COMPLIANCE WITH THE EUROPEAN DIRECTIVE BT 73/23/ EEC. COMPLIANCE WITH THE STANDARD EN 50085-1:2005, WITH CLASSIFICATION: • NON-METALLIC • IMPACT STRENGTH DURING INSTALLATION AND APPLICATION: MEDIUM • STORAGE, TRANSPORT AND INSTALLATION TEMPERATURES: CLASSIFICATION 121 (*) (*) Code 121: 1: Minimum storage and transport temperature (-45ºC) 2: Minimum installation and application temperature (-15ºC) 1: Maximum installation and application temperature (+60ºC)) • NON-FLAME SPREADING • NO ELECTRICAL CONTINUITY. • WITH ELECTRICAL INSULATION. • WITH ACCESS COVER THAT CAN ONLY BE OPENED WITH TOOLS B. ADDITIONAL TECHNICAL TESTS GLOW WIRE TEST Result of the test: Satisfactory. Degree of severity: 650ºC According to UNE EN 60695-2-12 PROTECTION FROM MECHANICAL DAMAGE Result of the test: Passed, according to UNE EN 60669-1 ABNORMAL HEAT RESISTANCE Result of the test: Satisfactory at 70ºC according to UNE EN 60669-1. AGING RESISTANCE TEST Result of the test: Satisfactory at 70ºC according to UNE EN 60669-1 MOISTURE RESISTANCE Result of the test: Passed. Moisture range: [91%, 95%] according to UNE EN 60669-1 EXTERNAL LOAD TEST Result: Passed. Tested to 1.5 times the maximum breaking load according to UNE EN 50085-1. 62 Catálogo Connect 04.indd 62 20/10/06 21:09:09 TECHNICAL DATA 5. MULTIFUNCTION BOXES ENGLISH 5.1. SURFACE BOXES, BOXES TO BE BUILT IN ON SITE, AND BOXES TO BE BUILT INTO PLASTER WALLS A. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS MATERIAL COLOR Self-extinguishing and UV-stabilised ABS RAL 9003 White The system may be adapted to allow for easy expansion and/or reduction, and so “expansion modules” are supplied Tools and fixing screws are not necessary to assemble all their components. The box may be serviced on any of its four sides. It can be mounted both horizontally and vertically to suit the mechanisms’ orientation, according to installation requirements. SURFACE BOXES: The mains covers allow access to the following trunks: MC 1625 MC 1640 MC 1640/2 MC 2540 MC 2540/2 BUILT-IN BOXES: They may be serviced using trunks of up to Æ20 mm on one side and up to Æ16 mm on the other. They are specially designed to enable the frames to be removed together, without the need to dismantle them one by one. They enable straight and curved plugs to be connected, without interference between them. PATENTED SYSTEM Compliance with the UNE 20451:1997. Boxes and enclosures for electrical accessories for household and similar fixed electrical installations. Compliance with the IEC 60670-1:2002. Boxes and enclosures for electrical accessories for household and similar fixed electrical installations - Part 1: General requirements. Compliance with existing national and international standards: UNE 20451: 97: “General requirements for accessory enclosures for household and similar fixed electrical installations” 63 Catálogo Connect 04.indd 63 20/10/06 21:09:12 IEC 60670-1: “Boxes and enclosures for electrical accessories for household and similar fixed electrical installations CB Certificate from the IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission), for international standard IEC 60670-1: AENOR Product certification (N Mark): BOXES FOR SWITCHES AND BASES: AENOR product certificate no. 030/001964. AEMSA was the first Spanish company to obtain the N certification with magnetothermal protection DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY EC MARKING. COMPLIANCE WITH THE EUROPEAN DIRECTIVE BT 73/23/ EEC. Compliance with the standards UNE 20451:1997 and IEC 60670-1, with classification ACCORDING TO UNE • TYPE OF MATERIAL 5.1.1. Insulating material • METHOD OF INSTALLATION 5.2.3. SURFACE BOXES: Surface-mounted BUILT-IN BOXES: Semi built-in • METHOD OF ASSEMBLY SURFACE BOXES: Surface enclosures on non-combustible walls and ceilings BUILT-IN BOXES: Enclosures on non-combustible walls, ceilings and hollows. • TEMPERATURE INTERVAL DURING INSTALLATION 5.4.2. –15ºC to +60ºC • MAXIMUM TEMPERATURE DURING THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE WORK 5.5.1. +60ºC • DEGREE OF PROTECTION FROM DIRECT CONTACT AND HARMFUL PENETRATION OF SOLID OBJECTS AND WATER 5.6. IP-3X - Surface Boxes with Magnetothermal switch IP-4X - Surface Boxes without Magnetothermal switch IP-3X – Built-in Boxes • THE EXISTENCE OF SUSPENSION MEDIA 5.7.1. Without suspension media ACCORDING TO IEC • TYPE OF MATERIAL 7.1. Insulating • METHOD OF INSTALLATION SURFACE-MOUNTED - Non-combustible Walls / Furniture BUILT-IN ASSEMBLY (Boxes built-in on site) – Non-combustible walls, non-combustible ceilings or non-combustible floors. BUILT-IN ASSEMBLY (Boxes built into plaster walls) – Hollow walls, hollow ceilings, hollow floors or furniture. SITE - Suitable for all types of installation, except in concrete. • TIPO DE ENTRADAS 7.3.3. Con entradas para tubos lisos o corrugados. 7.3.5. Con entradas para otros tipos de conductores / cables o conductos. 64 Catálogo Connect 04.indd 64 20/10/06 21:09:18 TECHNICAL DATA • TYPE OF INLETS 7.3.3. With inlets for smooth or corrugated tubes. 7.3.5. With inlets for other types of conductors/cables or trunks. • FIXING MEDIA 7.4.1. SURFACE BOXES: With cable retention. 7.4.4. BUILT-IN BOXES: Without fixing system ENGLISH • MAXIMUM AND MINIMUM TEMPERATURES DURING INSTALLATION 7.5.2. -15ºC to +60ºC • MAXIMUM TEMPERATURE DURING THE CASTING PROCESS 7.6. Not applicable B. ADDITIONAL TECHNICAL TESTS PROTECTION FROM ELECTRIC SHOCKS Result of the test: Satisfactory According to IEC 60670-1:2002. According to dossier no. 030/001964 of the CEIS CONSTRUCTION PROVISIONS Result of the test: Satisfactory According to IEC 60670-1:2002 According to dossier no. 030/001964 of the CEIS RESISTANCE TO AGING, PROTECTION FROM THE ENTRY OF SOLID OBJECTS AND FROM THE HARMFUL PENETRATION OF WATER Result of the test: Satisfactory According to IEC 60670-1:2002 According to dossier no. 030/001964 of the CEIS RESISTANCE OF INSULATION AND VOLTAGE STRESS Result of the test: Satisfactory According to IEC 60670-1:2002 According to dossier no. 030/001964 of the CEIS MECHANICAL STRESS Result of the test: Satisfactory According to IEC 60670-1:2002 According to dossier no. 030/001964 of the CEIS HEAT RESISTANCE Result of the test: Satisfactory According to IEC 60670-1:2002 According to dossier no. 030/001964 of the CEIS RESISTANCE OF THE INSULATING MATERIAL TO ABNORMAL HEAT AND FIRE Result of the test: Satisfactory According to IEC 60670-1:2002 According to dossier no. 030/001964 of the CEIS 65 Catálogo Connect 04.indd 65 20/10/06 21:09:20 PROTECTION FROM ELECTRIC SHOCKS Result: Satisfactory. Degree of Protection IP 30 (with magnetothermal switch) Degree of Protection IP 40 (without magnetothermal switch) According to UNE 20451 According to dossier no. 030/001964 of the CEIS CONSTRUCTION PROVISIONS Result: The enclosures have a suitable mechanical resistance. According to UNE 20451 According to dossier no. 030/001964 of the CEIS RESISTANCE TO AGING Result: After the test, the samples showed no deterioration. According to UNE 20451 According to dossier no. 030/001964 of the CEIS 5.2. BABILON TOWER A. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS MATERIAL Plastic parts: Self-extinguishing ABS Available in the following colours: RAL 7026 Grey RAL 3020 Red RAL 6032 Green RAL 1003 Yellow RAL 5015 Blue Aluminium: Aluminium injected with epoxy coating. PATENTED SYSTEM Its functional design offers advantages in the installation, such as saving the skirting board in wall installations, opening the mechanism holder by means of a hinge system, thus providing easy access to the Tower’s interior, as well as allowing for a wide range of assembly combinations, etc. The Babilon Tower may be directly accessed with the PC 1250 Floor Trunk, or laterally by means of the corresponding accessories, with PC 1875 and PC 25100. The Tower may be accessed through the MC1616, MC1625 and MC1640 minitrunks by means of an optional accessory (minitrunk coupling) inserted into the back of the Tower 66 Catálogo Connect 04.indd 66 20/10/06 21:09:30 TECHNICAL DATA STANDARDS It is suitable and safe for the purpose it has been designed for, and it complies with the following standards: UNE-EN 50085-1:1997 Cable trunking systems and cable ducting systems for electrical installations. Part 1: General requirements. ENGLISH According to Standard EN 50085-1:1997 the Babilon Mechanism Tower is classified as: A.2. SCC/SCNC type for floor installations Type: Service Unit For: Apparatus Assembly: On the floor surface. SWITCHES UNE-EN 60669-1:1996 Switches for household and similar fixed electrical installations. Part 1: General prescriptions. SERVICE POLES PrEN 50085-2-4 CABLE TRUNKING AND DUCTING SYSTEMS FOR ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS Part 2.4: Particular requirements for Service poles B. ADDITIONAL TECHNICAL TESTS Test for protection from the penetration of solid bodies, according to standard UNE 20324:93. Result: IP-4X. Test for impact for installation and application: Pr EN 50085-2-2:2003-02 Section. 10.3.2. Shock resistance: Medium. Impact test according to UNE EN 50102: 96. Result: IK-07. Glow wire test according to UNE EN 60695-2-11. Degree of severity: 650ºC Heat resistance (Imprint test / Air ventilation heater) according to EN 50085-1: 2005. Section. 12.3. Test satisfactory (70 ºC 6 2 ºC). 6.- TECHNICAL FLOORS A. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS MATERIALES Insulating materials: Metallic materials: Self-extinguishing Polyamide 6 (ST Boxes) Self-extinguishing PC+ABS (CPA Boxes) Galvanised steel plate SZ (CPM Boxes) 67 Catálogo Connect 04.indd 67 20/10/06 21:09:32 COLOR RAL 9004 Black Advantages The most outstanding advantages of this Technical Floor range or system, and which give it a special edge on other products currently on the market are: Regarding the ST-2 boxes 1.As with the ST-4, ST-6 and ST-8, the mechanism holder frames can be removed in order to assemble the mechanisms. 2.The ST-2 mechanism holder box enables us to connect both curved and straight plugs, with the same connection and assembly characteristics. 3.The latch regulation range enables us to cover thicknesses of between 8 and 47 mm, without the need to exchange their position. 4.Safety cover system with multiple independent openings that facilitate connection at the work station. REGARDING THE ST-4, ST-6 AND ST-8 BOXES 1. Their carefully studied V-shaped design allows for maximum use of the interior space, whilst at the same time reducing the total height of the box. In this way we may place any type of plug (straight or curved) inside without the need to increase the height, and we may also safely close the cover. 2.The boxes’ mechanism holders may be removed in one block in order to facilitate connection. 3.The cover may be placed in 2 positions (tools are required) 4.Simple removal of the cover using a tool, to be placed in the required direction. 5.Easy opening system. 6.Device for placing magnetothermal switches (only ST-6). The box height does not have to be increased for their placement. 7.The box has compartments for flanges and connection leads 8.Guide for cable outlet and retention. 68 Catálogo Connect 04.indd 68 20/10/06 21:09:44 TECHNICAL DATA IMPORTANT FEATURES The ST-4, ST-6 and ST-8 boxes have certain important features that must be known: ENGLISH 1. The latch has 2 assembly positions according to floor thickness. In order to cover all floor thicknesses, the latch has 2 positions: the normal position set by the manufacturer has a thickness interval of 12 to 35 mm, and the other position is for narrow thicknesses of 3 to 25 mm. Normal position set by manufacturer WIDE THICKNESSES NARROW THICKNESSES 2. The Schuko mechanism has a set position. It is important to bear in mind that the correct placement of the mechanism is essential for a correct interior distribution of plugs and cables. 3. The hollow for the carpet, parquet, tiles... is 5 mm deep. 4. The BCM mechanism cover base has inlets for tubes of between ø18 and ø30. 5. In order to install boxes, the false floor must be equal to or higher than 75 mm. The standard height on the market is 80 mm 7. Sizes for the hollow where the boxes are to be inserted. ST-2: ST-4: ST-6: ST-8: 2 taladros de Ø80 cuyos centros están separados 60 mm. 164x182 cm 164x246 cm. 182x347 cm. 69 Catálogo Connect 04.indd 69 20/10/06 21:09:48 Below the Surface Metal junction boxes – CPM (only applicable to ST-4, ST-6 and ST-8) The AEMSA metal junction boxes offer an innovative and functional system. Their special design enables us to guarantee that the system is the easiest and safest on the market. The metal junction boxes stand out for the following: 1. Their regulation and levelling system is completely new and can be carried out with just 1 Allen key, without the slightest effort. The metal Junction Boxes (CPM) have a regulation range of between 75 and 110 mm. This regulation option is included out of the need to level all the premises’ boxes in the installation below the surface, so that the concrete is at the same height at all points. 2. With the AEMSA below surface system, there is no need to increase the minimum height, as 75 mm enable us to cover all types of plugs and sockets, including magnetothermals. In other systems on the market, if you attempt to place straight or magnetothermal plugs, you must increase the height (in some cases up to 100 mm.) in order to have sufficient space inside the connection boxes. This new installation concept enables a saving of concrete of up to 25% in some cases, with all the advantages that this entails: financial and the fact that it is not necessary to increase the premises’ admissible load. 3. The safety requirement for the installer and the user has been a priority during the metal junction boxes’ design stage. These boxes have no cutting edges or facets, which greatly facilitate their use and operation. Following this principle, the unit is held with metal “zeds” that are subsequently removed, preventing any possible harm to the installer during the electrical cabling process. 4. Electrical continuity all over the box through four points (corners). Earthing device (Cable minimum 4 mm2) 5. The boxes have bypass boards for trunk, tube and those without holes that may be easily removed from the box to be serviced or replaced. 6. The boxes have alignment marks that enable us to position several boxes in perfect order. 70 Catálogo Connect 04.indd 70 20/10/06 21:10:00 TECHNICAL DATA Plastic junction boxes – CPA (only applicable to ST-2, ST-4 and ST-6) Important: This application is not possible with the ST-8 model. Should you require an installation below the surface with ST-8 boxes, a CPM metal box should be used. Plastic junction boxes have the same function as metal boxes but they are used for small installations where cost is an important factor. They also allow for greater freedom of movement in the installation as they are inter-connected with tubes. ENGLISH The CPA junction boxes stand out for the following: 1. As with the CPM boxes, the CPA boxes have a chipboard to prevent material from falling inside. 2. Access to the box has been prepared for tubes of Ø18 and Ø30. With a pre-punched access, we can insert tubes of these diameters inside the box. 3. The regulation and fixing system for the CPA-4 and CPA-6 boxes is carried out using screws: 4 screws increase the height and another 4 secure the box. 4. The CPA-2 has the same regulation-fixing system but only 2 screws are used for fixing. The tube access is Ø24 mm. 5. Regulation height: Between 75 and 95 mm. Metal trunks - CM The AEMSA technical floor box system has an additional complete system of metal trunks and accessories for below the surface, with all the required measurements and heights. 71 Catálogo Connect 04.indd 71 20/10/06 21:10:03 AEMSA has the following measurements: height 28 and 38 mm and width 150, 200, 250 and 300 mm. The trunks have interior compartments to separate the different types of cables, whilst at the same time increasing the trunk reinforcement. AEMSA supplies trunks with 2 and 3 compartments. For quick installation, AEMSA has developed a part that can be used for coupling, fixing and as a final cover for the trunks. Depending on its position, a revolving part that is placed on the ends serves as a final cover or for coupling-fixing. B. COMPLIANCE WITH EXISTING STANDARDS COMPLIANCE WITH THE UNE 20451:1997. Boxes and enclosures for electrical accessories for household and similar fixed electrical installations. Compliance with Standard IEC 60670-1:2002. Boxes and enclosures for electrical accessories for household and similar fixed electrical installations - Part 1: General requirements. Compliance with Standard IEC 60670-1-23 Ed. 1: Boxes and enclosures for electrical accessories for household and similar fixed electrical installations - Part 23 : Particular requirements for floor boxes and enclosures Declaration of conformity MARKING. COMPLIANCE WITH THE EUROPEAN DIRECTIVE BT 73/23/EEC. Compliance with the standards UNE 20451:1997 and IEC 60670, with classification: ACCORDING TO IEC 60670-1 Technical floor boxes for false floors (ST models) 7.1. Insulating Non-combustible floors Combustible floors Suitable for all types of installation except into concrete 7.3.3. With inlets for plain or corrugated conduits (si se utiliza la caja BCM) 7.4.1. With cable retention 7.5.2. -15ºC to +60ºC 7.6. No aplicable 7.7.1. Class Ha IP>2X 72 Catálogo Connect 04.indd 72 20/10/06 21:10:09 TECHNICAL DATA The classification of technical floor boxes according to point 7 of the standard CEI 60670-23 and which is in addition to the classification provided in section 7 of the general part, is for all technical floor boxes. Floor boxes or enclosures intended to be installed in floor subjected to drytreatment. Flush-floor enclosures intended to protect accesories against traffic load. 7.8.1. Enclosure with a removable lid. ENGLISH Insulating technical floor boxes for surface (CPA models) 7.1. Insulating Non-combustible floors Suitable for installation into concrete during the casting process. 7.3.3. With inlets for plain or corrugated conduits 7.4.1. With cable retention 7.5.2. -15ºC to +60ºC 7.6.2. +90ºC The classification of technical floor boxes according to point 7 of the standard CEI 60670-23 CD and which is in addition to the classification provided in section 7 of the general part, is for all technical floor boxes: Floor boxes or enclosures intended to be installed in floor subjected to drytreatment. Flush-floor enclosures intended to protect accesories against traffic load. 7.8.1. Enclosure with a removable lid. Metal technical floor boxes for surface (CPM models) 7.1.3 Composite Non-combustible floors Suitable for installation into concrete during the casting process. 7.3.3. With inlets for plain or corrugated conduits 7.3.5. With inlets for other types of conductors/cables or conduits 7.4.1. With cable retention 7.5.2. -15ºC to +60ºC 7.6.2. +90ºC The classification of technical floor boxes according to point 7 of the standard CEI 60670-23 CD and which is in addition to the classification provided in section 7 of the general part, is for all technical floor boxes: Floor boxes or enclosures intended to be installed in floor subjected to drytreatment. Flush-floor enclosures intended to protect accesories against traffic load. 7.8.1. Enclosure with a removable lid. 73 Catálogo Connect 04.indd 73 20/10/06 21:10:12 C. ADDITIONAL TECHNICAL TESTS PROTECTION FROM ELECTRIC SHOCKS Result of the test: IP4X According to IEC 60670-1:2002. (10) EXTERNAL LOAD TEST Result of the test: Satisfactory According to UNE EN 50085-1:2005 GLOW WIRE TEST Result of the test: Satisfactory. Degree of severity: 650ºC According to UNE EN 60695-2-11 HEAT RESISTANCE Result of the test: Satisfactory at 70ºC According to 20451:1997 COMPRESSION TEST FOR FLOOR MOUNTING BOXES Result of the test: Satisfactory According to IEC 60670-1-23CDV D. SIZES 74 Catálogo Connect 04.indd 74 20/10/06 21:10:25 ENGLISH TECHNICAL DATA 75 Catálogo Connect 04.indd 75 20/10/06 21:10:31 76 Catálogo Connect 04.indd 76 20/10/06 21:10:45 ENGLISH TECHNICAL DATA 77 Catálogo Connect 04.indd 77 20/10/06 21:10:51 ENGLISH TECHNICAL DATA 79 Catálogo Connect 04.indd 79 20/10/06 21:11:14 80 Catálogo Connect 04.indd 80 20/10/06 21:11:36 TECHNICAL DATA ENGLISH 42 60 055 / CPM 48-8 7.- OFFICE SYSTEM A. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS MATERIALS MatInsulating material: Metal material: COLOUR Self-extinguishing ABS Silver anodised aluminium with satin finish RAL 7024 Graphite grey RAL 9006 Aluminium RAL 9003 White COMPLIANCE WITH EXISTING STANDARDS UNE EN 50085-1: Cable trunking systems and cable ducting systems for electrical installations. Part 1: General requirements. Pr EN 50085-2-4: Cable trunking systems and cable ducting systems for electrical installations. Part 2-4: Specific requirements for Service Poles. UNE EN 60669-1: Switches for fixed household and similar electrical installations. Part 1: General requirements. 81 Catálogo Connect 04.indd 81 20/10/06 21:11:43 B. ASSEMBLY DIAGRAMS 8. MECHANISMS ELECTRIC SOCKETS RJ45 CONNECTORS AND HOLDERS PHONE SOCKETS SWITCHES OTHERS DIFFERENTIAL TELEVISION SOCKET 8.1. 250 V 10/16 A SOCKETS They comply with the UNE 20315-94 standard: “Socket bases and plugs for household and similar use” Product certified with the AENOR N mark, with dossier no. 030/001960. This certificate also guarantees compliance with all the requirements of the aforementioned standard. Main technical data: • Material: Self-quenching technical polymer with high impact strength and against cleaning products and ultraviolet radiation. • Terminals for cables of up to 4 mm2, rigid or flexible. • Connection by means of mixed-head screws supplied loose for faster installation. • Insulation resistance > 5 M_ at 500 V. • Dielectric strength > 2000 V • Minimum cutting power: 100 operations at 1.25*IN and 275 V, with cos_=0.6 • Minimum service life: 10000 changes of position at IN and 250 V, with cos_= 0.8 • Degree of protection according to UNE EN 20324-93: IP-X1 8.2. DOUBLE 250 V SOCKETS SPECIFIC COVERS AND FUNCTIONS Double 250v sockets Field of application • Power supply for computers, printers, cash registers, portable lighting appliances, and generally, all common equipment in the tertiary sector. 82 Catálogo Connect 04.indd 82 20/10/06 21:12:03 TECHNICAL DATA • There are articles (refs: U3.069.XXSD) designed for connecting plugs with adaptors for selective seal opening. They are usually sent to installations with specific power supply systems (circuits with UPS, etc). • All sockets may be selected in red to indicate special circuits (UPS equipment, etc). Technical and installation characteristics ENGLISH • Allocated voltage: 250V • Assembly by pressure on the frames without the need for screws. • Terminals are aligned on both sides and internally connected. Terminals for conductors of up to 4 mm2, rigid or flexible. • Connection of the phase and neutral terminals using mixed head screws and arched swing-arm washer (“yoke screw”), which enables a perfect cable grip, even where there is a difference in diameter. This technique is developed by Schneider Electric. • Front tightening system makes it easier to tighten and loosen for maintenance operations. • The cover is secured using a single screw. • The socket is dismantled from the front of the frame using a simple unlocking system. • There are articles with neon lights to indicate voltage in the socket. • All articles have safety seals. • The covers are supplied in a shiny finish, signal white (RAL 9003), pure white (RAL 9010), aluminium and red. • Technopolymer material that is resistant to abnormal heat and fire, halogen free and highly resistant to impact. The front parts are resistant to cleaning products and UV radiation. Standards • • • • • • • In compliance with Standard UNE 20315 Insulation resistance: > 5MΩ a 500V Dielectric strength: > 2000V Minimum cutting power: 100 operations at 1.25 x IN and 275V, with cos�= 0.6 Elastic and enclosing cells. During operations, the earth contact is established first, and it is stopped last. Minimum service life: 10000 changes of position at IN and 250V, with cos�= 0.8 Sizes 83 Catálogo Connect 04.indd 83 20/10/06 21:12:39 8.3. CONTROL MECHANISMS (BREAKERS AND SWITCHES) They comply with the UNE EN 60669-1 standard: 2002 + A1: 2003: “Switches for fixed, household and similar installations. Part 1: General prescriptions”. Product certified with the AENOR N mark, with dossier no 030/001961. This certificate also guarantees assurance of all the requirements of the aforementioned standard. Main technical data: • Shiny material resistant to cleaning products and stabilised versus UV radiation. • RAL 9003 White. • Degree of protection according to UNE EN 20324-93: IP-X1 • Self-quenching material with high impact strength • For the connection of rigid or flexible conductors to terminal strips. • Insulation resistance > 5 M_ at 500 V. • Dielectric strength > 2000 V • Minimum cutting power: > 200 operations at 1.25*IN and 275 V, with cos_= 0.3 > 200 operations at 1.25* IN and 250 V, with tungsten filament lamps. • Minimum service life: > 40000 changes of position at 1.25*IN and 250 V, with cos _= 0.6 > 10000 changes of position with fluorescent charge (mechanisms of 10 AX) > 5000 changes of position with fluorescent charge (mechanisms of 16 AX) 8.4. RJ 11 AND RJ 12 TELEPHONE SOCKETS (4 AND 6 WIRES, RESPECTIVELY) Compliance with the requirements of RD/1/1998 and RD 279/1999 (Telecommunications Common Infrastructure Regulation) (only 6 contacts sockets). For connection to the telephone network, modems, faxes and other telephony equipment. Category 3 (transmission speeds of up to 16 Mb/s) The typical line of 1 pair of wires is connected between L1 and L2, the connection of ISDN, DSL and other 4 wire lines (two pairs) is between L1-L2 and TX-TS. 84 Catálogo Connect 04.indd 84 20/10/06 21:12:49 TECHNICAL DATA Wiring diagram: TERMINAL No 1 2 3 4 5 6 SYMBOL AND COLOUR 2 TX L2 L1 TS T ENGLISH RJ12 RJ12 RJ12 RJ12 Shiny material resistant to cleaning products and stabilised versus UV radiation. RAL 9003 White. Self-quenching material with high impact strength. 8.5. RJ-45 CONNECTORS (8 WIRES) Category 5E (5 improved) Wiring system: Universal Insulating material: Self-quenching polycarbonate V0 according to UL 94 Contact material: Bronze / phosphorous (contact material); Nickel with gold film (contact mating area); Nickel with lead film (contact termination area plating). 85 Catálogo Connect 04.indd 85 20/10/06 21:12:52 Assembly diagram: 1 2 3 Trim Flush CONTACT No ELA/TIA568B ELA/TIA 568A 1 Green-White 2 Green 3 Orange-White 4 Blue 5 Blue-White 6 Orange 7 Brown-White Brown 8 4 Green-White Pair 3 Green Pair 2 Orange-White Pair 1 Par 2 Blue Blue-White Pair 1 Pair 3 Orange Pair 4 Brown-White Brown Pair 4 86 Catálogo Connect 04.indd 86 20/10/06 21:13:03 TECHNICAL DATA 5.5. MAGNETOTHERMAL AND DIFFERENTIAL SWITCHES Field of application ENGLISH The automatic magnetothermal switches and automatic magnetothermal differential switches are used as a supplementary protection measure at the head of the installation. They thus make it possible to substantially increase the protection of the sensitive parts of the installation from overcurrents, short-circuits and branch faults. • The automatic magnetothermal switches and automatic magnetothermal differential switches are used as a supplementary protection measure at the head of the installation. They thus make it possible to substantially increase the protection of the sensitive parts of the installation from overcurrents, short-circuits and branch faults. • Power sockets for electronic devices (PC and accessories, typewriters, electronic scales, cash registers, etc.) This also allows us to reduce and locate the fault areas, thus obtaining better availability of the rest of the installation upstream from this additional protection system. Installation characteristics and techniques • Rated voltage 230V • Rated operational current (gage) and cut-off power of the automatic magnetothermal switches. Reference 42 55 240 42 55 245 42 55 255 42 55 260 42 55 265 42 55 270 No. of poles 1 1 1 1+N 1+N 1+N gage (A) 6 10 16 6 10 16 Cut-off power (A) 1500 1500 1500 1500 3000 3000 • Rated operational current (gage) and cut-off power of the automatic magnetothermal differential switches. Reference 42 55 275 42 55 280 42 55 285 No. of poles 1+N 1+N 1+N gage (A) 6 10 16 Cut-off power (A) 1500 3000 3000 • The switch installed on a vertical wall with an IP41 degree of protection. • The device should be used in a dry and powder-free place, with an ambient temperature between –5º to 40ºC. • The circuit is closed by pressing the switch towards the «I» symbol. • The circuit is opened by manually pressing the switch towards the «O» symbol, or automatically by a thermal or magnetic action. • In the magnetothermal differential switches the circuit is also opened by pressing the test button «T» and automatically by differential action. 87 Catálogo Connect 04.indd 87 20/10/06 21:13:07 5.6. TELEVISION SOCKETS TELEVISION SOCKETS Installation characteristics: AEMSA • Prepare the coaxial cable according to the measures specified in the following figure: Make sure that no wire of the outside mesh touches the central wire (live). • Raise the main lid of the socket and fit the cable/s according to the following photo: On installing two cables (in the Intermediate series sockets) check that the cable matches the position indicated by the arrows on the “signal input” and “signal output” socket. • Lower the lid and screw it down tightly. LIDS FOR STANDARD MARKET SOCKETS AEMSA The lids with ref. U9.440.XX and U9.441.XX make it possible to provide the standard TV bases with the UNICA finish (such as TELEVES, IKUSI, etc.). Zip-type guides must be removed from the fmae, as indicated in the attached drawings. Standards: AEMSA • EN 500831-1, EN 50083-4, EN 50083-2 • UNE 20-523-73 (2nd) • DIN 45623 • DIN 45330 • EMC Guideline 88 Catálogo Connect 04.indd 88 20/10/06 21:13:16 TECHNICAL DATA Dimensions: AEMSA SM Lid ENGLISH TV socket 6. ADDITIONAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION CONNECTOR COMPATIBILITY AMP ® REF. CONNECTOR 1375055-x 1375188-1 406372-x 1375191-x 1116604-x 1116515-1 1375189-1 1339015-1 1479139-x 1479140-1 406373-2 TYPE UTP STP Cat. 3 WIDTH ¸ ¸ ¸ ¸ ¸ ¸ ¸ ¸ ¸ ¸ ¸ NARROW ¸ ¸ ˚ ¸ ¸ ˚ ¸ ¸ ˚ ˚ ˚ Cat. 6 Cat. 5e WIDTH ¸ ¸ NARROW ¸ ¸ Cat. 6 UTP Cat. 5e STP UTP STP UTP Cat. 5 AVAYA ® REF. CONNECTOR MGS400-xxx MPS100E-xxx TYPE UTP 89 Catálogo Connect 04.indd 89 20/10/06 21:13:21 BRAND REX ® REF. CONNECTOR C6C-JAK-U-01-2 C6C-JAK-U-01-3 C6C-JAK-F-0K-2 C6C-JAK-F-AK-2 C6C-JAK-F-BK-2 GPC-JAK-U-B1-3 GPC-JAK-U-A1-3 GPC-JAK-U-BK-3 GPC-JAK-U-AK-3 GPC-JAK-U-013LF GPC-JAK-F-01-2LF GPC-JAK-F-B1-2 GPC-JAK-A1-3 GPC-JAK-BK-2 GPC-JAK-AK-3 TYPE UTP Cat. 6 FTP UTP Cat. 5e FTP WIDTH ¸ ¸ ¸ ¸ ¸ ¸ ¸ ¸ ¸ ¸ ¸ ¸ ¸ ¸ ¸ NARROW ¸ ¸ ¸ ˚ ˚ ¸ ¸ ¸ ¸ ¸ ¸ ˚ ˚ ˚ ˚ WIDTH ¸ ¸ ¸ ¸ ¸ ¸ ¸ NARROW ˚ ¸ ˚ ¸ ¸ ¸ ˚ WIDTH ¸ ¸ ¸ ¸ ¸ ¸ ¸ ¸ ¸ NARROW ¸* ˚ ¸ ˚ ¸ ˚ ¸ ˚ ¸ GENERAL CABLE ® REF. CONNECTOR CU6PJACBLP CU6PJAKBLP CU5EJACBLP CU5EJAKBLP CF5NJAC99P CU5PJACBLP CF5PJAC99P TYPE Cat. 6 UTP Cat. 5e FTP UTP FTP Cat. 5 KRONE ® REF. CONNECTOR 6380 1 800-04 6380 1 810-04 6380 1 305-01 6380 1 312-xx 6540 1 100-07 6540 2 161-60 6540 1 130-xx 6540 1 154-02 6467 1 081-xx TYPE UTP STP UTP STP UTP STP UTP STP UTP Cat. 6 Cat. 5e (*) After wiring, remove the sliding clamp from the connector. 90 Catálogo Connect 04.indd 90 20/10/06 21:13:32 TECHNICAL DATA NEXANS ® TYPE UTP FTP STP UTP FTP STP UTP FTP Cat. 6 Cat. 5e WIDTH ¸ ¸ ¸ ¸ ¸ ¸ ¸ ¸ NARROW ¸ ¸ ¸ ¸ ¸ ¸ ¸ ¸ ENGLISH REF. CONNECTOR N420.610 N420.620 N420.630 N420.510 N420.520 N420.530 N420.416 N420.426 Note: The article Ref.: 429.620 by NEXANS, must be used with these connectors NORDX/CDT ® REF. CONNECTOR AX101313 a 101328 AX101307 a 101317 AX100577 a 100587 TYPE Cat. 6 UTP Cat. 5e WIDTH ¸ ¸ ¸ NARROW ¸ ¸ ¸ WIDTH ¸ ¸ ¸ ¸ NARROW ˚ ˚ ˚ ˚ SUPERIOR ® REF. CONNECTOR KMJSIXB02 KMJVL8A/B02S KMJVL8A/B02 KMJE3FS8B02 TYPE UTP FTP Cat. 6 UTP Cat. 5e 91 Catálogo Connect 04.indd 91 20/10/06 21:13:35 Much more than products. AEMSA was created in 1978 as a company dedicated to the wholesale design, development and manufacture of Low Voltage cables, products and accessories for the electricity industry. Our mission involves offering a wide range of solutions that meet with our customers’ most demanding requirements or go far beyond them, offering at all times a product and service with the quality they would expect of a company with the profile of AEMSA. From the outset AEMSA has maintained a solid philosophy aimed at offering a specific product and integral service that is totally adapted to meet each customers’ needs. AEMSA currently has more than 20,000 m2 of installations in three operations centres, equipped with the very latest technology used for pro- Norma System, Mini System, Connect System and Installation Material are the four main lines of AEMSA products. Four areas especially defined to cover each and every one of the needs of the electrical sector . duction, storage and design processes. 92 Catálogo Connect 04.indd 92 20/10/06 21:14:29 ENGLISH LABORATORY AND QUALIT CONTROL Quality from the outset. 1999. AEMSA’s efforts in the area of quality control are awarded with the ISO 4001 Environ- 1978. From its very beginnings, quality has al- mental Management certificate. ways been at the forefront of AEMSA’s management system. 2003. AEMSA becomes the first company in the electricity sector to receive the SGI- 008/2003 1991. AEMSA sets its “General Quality Plan” certificate (Integral Management Certificate underway, with the aim of continuously im- combining Quality Control and Environmental proving its products, processes and services systems) from the Spanish certifying authority, in order to obtain the highest levels of cus- AENOR. At present, very few companies have tomer satisfaction. been awarded this certification. 1994. Thanks to the constant efforts of However, our respect towards the environment a team of great professionals, AEMSA is and the quality of our processes is not just aimed awarded the ISO 9001 quality certificate, at obtaining certificates, but instead the correct one of the first companies in the sector to and intelligent use of our natural resources and receive it. respect towards our environment, our team and our customers. 93 Catálogo Connect 04.indd 93 20/10/06 21:15:19 TESTS PERFORMED BY SYSTEMS CERTIFICATION PRODUCT CERTIFICATION 1.- CONTROL MECHANISMS 4255145 4255155 4255165 4255175 4255180 Narrow Breaker 16ª Wide Breaker 16A Narrow Switch 16A Wide switch 16A Wide pushbutton 10A AENOR Product Certificate no. 030/001961 2.- POWER SOCKETS 4255010 4255015 4255020 4255025 4255026 4255030 4255035 Schuko Base 2P+EC Schuko base 2P+EC safety Red Schuko base 2P+EC safety Red French base 2P+EC safety White French base 2P+EC safety Narrow Plug base 2P narrow Wide plug base 2P safety AENOR Product Certificate no. 030/001960 94 Catálogo Connect 04.indd 94 20/10/06 21:15:39 3.- MECHANISM HOLDERS FOR INSULATING CAM/CD TRUNKS 4251640 4251650 4251660 CAM-CP Mechanism Holder CD 110 Mechanism Holder CD 160/CS Mechanism Holder 4252102 4252103 4252104 4252105 4252106 4252107 4252108 4252202 4252203 4252204 4252205 4252206 4252207 4252208 4252212 4252213 4252214 4252215 4252216 4252217 4252218 ENGLISH 4.- MULTIFUNCTION BOXES CS - 2 CS – 2 + 1 SUP + MGT Holder CS – 4 CS – 4 + 1 SUP + MGT Holder CS – 6 CS – 6 + 1 SUP + MGT Holder CS – 8 CE – 2 CE – 2 + 1 BUILT-IN PLADUR + MGT Holder CE – 4 CE – 4 + 1 BUILT-IN PLADUR + MGT Holder CE – 6 CE – 6 + 1 BUILT-IN PLADUR + MGT Holder CE – 8 CEO – 2 CEO – 2 + 1 BUILT-IN + MGT Holder CEO – 4 CEO – 4 + 1 BUILT-IN + MGT Holder CEO – 6 CEO – 6 + 1 BUILT-IN + MGT Holder CEO - 8 QUALIFICATIONS AND OFFICIAL APPROVALS CE TELEFÓNICA VODAFONE EL CORTE INGLÉS REPRO AGENCIA DE PROTECCIÓN CONTRA INCENDIOS REPÚBLICA DE CUBA 95 Catálogo Connect 04.indd 95 20/10/06 21:15:45 42 60 008 / ST-8 78 Catálogo Connect 04.indd 78 20/10/06 21:11:03 CONSULT OUR 3 TECHNICAL MANUALS 48 Catálogo Connect 04.indd 48 20/10/06 21:03:48