
De Leon
March 20, 2008
14 Pages
Since 1890
Call Before Burning
HELPING THE EASTER BUNNY. Zakeri Sides, 4, was
among the family members who helped the Easter Bunny distribute eggs for the DeLeon first grader’s Easter party Friday,
March 14, on the lawn of the First United Methodist Church.
Kindergarten students had their party on the other side of the
church yard. Zakeri, the son of Micah and Lisa Sides carefully inspected each and every egg before gently placing them
on the ground.
EASTER BUNNY. The Easter Bunny made an appearance at
the DeLeon City Park, Saturday, March 15, to the delight of
dozens of children. After all the eggs were discovered (and
some eaten) Mr. Bunny posed for photos with many of the
children, including the cute little girl and boy pictured above.
The event, a long-time DeLeon favorite, was sponsored by
the Womens’ Division Chamber of Commerce.
Burn Ban
Everyone must call 893-5710
for permission prior to all
open outdoor burning.
Outdoor cooking and trash
burning in approved containers is permitted without
calling for permission.
Check on the internet at
for latest information.
Volume 117, No.37
DeLeon, TX 76444
Council Hears Complaint About Damage
Caused by City Vehicle
Two separate executive sessions (one new hire and possible
city responsibility for vehicle damage) turned a brief agenda into a
lengthy meeting during the most
recent session of the DeLeon City
Council, Thursday, March 13,
All council members were
present except Avery Carlisle who
is also a member of the DVFD and
was busy in that capacity.
Presentation segment of the meeting, Bobby Brinson, a representative of Air Evac Lifeteam, thanked
the council for the opportunity to
address them at the previous meeting regarding them purchasing the
membership program for city
employees. Brinson clarified that
it wasn’t an insurance program, but
that purchasing a membership
does provide a “peace of mind.”
After touching briefly on a
few more aspects of the air ambulance program, and answering a
question, Council members were
reminded by Mayor Danny Owen
County Placed in Restricted Burn Ban
Helberg was not present when the
meeting began, but arrived soon
At the outset of the meeting
Bobby Schuman asked if they
were going to change the existing
total outdoor burn ban to a restricted burn ban.
Garry Steele responded, "We
thought we had everything settled,
and then we went to a total burn
ban. And then everything got confused again. In my opinion, the
restricted burn ban will do the
same thing, but it will just resimplify things. That's just my thinking.
(See Page 11)
SWEEPSTAKES AWARD. Congratulations to the Mighty Maroon Band who participated in UIL concert and sight-reading
competition, Thursday, March 12, and received a superior rating in the sight-reading room. By receiving a superior rating during marching season, the band was awarded the highest UIL award presented to competing bands -- the Sweepstakes Award.
A sweepstakes award is only presented to bands who receive superior ratings in marching, concert, AND sight-reading, which,
according to Band Director Chuck Miller, “DeLeon has not done in a long time.” Miller said he wanted to thank the students
and their parents for all their hard work this year -- with a special thank you to the seven seniors “who led the band to greater
things throughout their four years.” Those seniors are Tamara Cagle, James Canterbury, Mercedes Chupp, Veda Holland,
Elizabeth Lewis, Ethan Royall and Susan Travis.
Total Burn Ban Lifted
Commissioners Court met in a
special called meeting on Friday
afternoon, March 14, for the purpose of addressing the total outdoor burn ban in effect in
Comanche County.
Even after a vote was taken
and the meeting adjourned, matters remained unsettled, at least in
the minds of some.
The meeting was held just
one day after a large wildfire had
engaged the efforts of firefighters
from several area fire departments
on CR 445 south of DeLeon.
Commissioners: Garry Steele Pct. 1, Kenneth Feist - Pct. 2,
Bobby Schuman - Pct. 3 and
Jimmy Dale Johnson - Pct. 4, were
County Judge James Arthur
was attending a judicial conference out of town and was unable to
attend. The meeting was conducted by Garry Steele.
Other county officials present
at various times included County
Clerk Ruby Lesley, Sheriff Jeff
Lambert, Chief Deputy Chris
Pounds, Emergency Services
Coordinator Ray Helberg and his
assistant Trish Grimshaw. Ray
Restricted Burn Ban
that this was not an agenda item, so
no discussion was allowed or they
would be in violation of the Open
Meetings Act.
No decision was announced
on whether the city would eventually purchase the membership program for city employees or not.
After several routine agenda
items were completed, Mary
Rhyne addressed the Council
regarding recent damage to her
“I was coming into town on
the Sipe Springs Highway,” Rhyne
said. “I had already passed the 55
mile limit, and the 45 mile limit, so
I was going about 35 or 40 miles
an hour. I saw this city backhoe
and I thought, I’m going to pass
him, so I don’t have to drive
behind him all the way to the highway.”
Rhyne said that when she
started around the backhoe, “he
turned right in front of me” and
that although she took evasive
action, her pick-up sustained a
scrape and “ a big old rip.” The
city employee in question was
never identified during the meeting.
“When I called down here (to
City Hall) they told me to get three
estimates,” Rhyne said, “and I presumed by that that they were going
to fix it.”
Rhyne said she later got a letter from the city’s insurance carrier
denying the claim. She finished
her statement by saying she did not
believe the accident was her fault,
and that she did not believe she
should have to pay for the repairs.
Mayor Danny Owen then
announced that the Council would
discuss the matter in executive session, in order to consult with Lois
Rockefeller, city attorney.
After reconvening in open
session, the council voted to take
no action regarding the damage
claims. Rhyne was not available
for comment, having left the meeting when the executive session
began, and not returning when it
reconvened in open session.
Vehicle Chase Saturday Night Results in
Police Shooting and Felony Charges
There was dust, gun shots and
excitement in the air late Saturday
evening as several area law
enforcement officials joined in a
search for a pickup running from
an attempted traffic stop. When all
the dust settled, a young DeLeon
man found himself facing serious
legal trouble.
Saturday evening, March 15,
at around 11:30 p.m., Comanche
County Chief Deputy Chris
Pounds was on routine patrol on
Highway 2921 north of DeLeon
when he observed a suspicious
Ford pickup, slowly rolling with
only its dome light on in the St. Joe
Baptist Church parking lot.
attempted to stop the pickup,
which then fled from the area.
Pounds pursued the pickup down
several county roads and to the east
across State Highway 16.
Other law enforcement personnel responded to the situation,
including DeLeon Police Officer
Ben Rowell.
At one point Officer Rowell
was out of his police car attempt-
ing to stop the approaching suspect
pickup. As the pickup drove past,
he was struck on the arm by a mirror, but not seriously injured.
Rowell then fired one shot at
the fleeing pickup and hit the right
rear tire.
For a short period of time, the
suspect pickup successfully managed to evade law enforcement. It
was driven onto an area farm off of
CR 454 where it was abandoned
behind a barn and the driver fled
on foot.
Officer Rowell later located
the pickup.
( See Page 14)
Levin, the new executive
director for the DeLeon
Chamber of Commerce.
Levin is New
It was announced this week
that Linda Levin has been hired as
executive director of the DeLeon
Chamber of Commerce.
Levin, who is scheduled to
begin work Monday, March 24,
will replace long-time executive
director Barbara Helberg, who
recently resigned to accept a position with the Comanche County
Water Supply Corporation.
Levin met two weeks ago
with the Chamber board of directors, and had an additional interview Saturday, March 15, with the
the executive committee -- Dr.
Randy Mohundro, (See Page 10)
RETREATING FROM FLAMES. Kay Hodges, who had been called to her parent’s farm on
CR 445 south of DeLeon late Thursday afternoon, March 13, heads back to her vehicle as the
advance of wind driven flames threatened. At this point she had been looking for her husband, John, and father, Neal Morris, who were somewhere out in the smoke fighting the fire.
Winds from a dry cool front caused ashes from an approved brush burn two days earlier to
spring back to life and ignite nearby dead coastal bermuda grass. The initial southwesterly
winds pushed the flames in a northeastern direction off of the Morris farm and onto the
Geneva Wilson and Terry Skaggs properties. Firefighters from a number of area volunteer
departments soon joined DeLeon VFD in the battle and kept the fire from leaping across CR
445. Later, the winds shifted to a more northwesterly direction and began pushing the wall of
fire back onto the Morris farm, threatening their home and hay and equipment storage.
Although the Morris home was saved, over 400 round bales of hay, a hay barn and some farm
equipment was lost. Neal Morris also suffered a heart attack during the action and was taken
to CCMC and later to Fort Worth. He was released and returned home late Saturday. There
were no firefighting injuries reported.
Page 2/ Thursday, March 20, 2008 / DeLeon Free Press
Personal Notes
by Jerry Morgan
There are so many topics that
I would enjoy writing on, yet many
would get me into trouble big time.
One of those involves the language restrictions that have either
been imposed or removed by society in the years since I first learned
to drive and headed off down the
road out of town.
It used to be that there was a
list of seven words as I recall that
could not be used on air in music,
radio and television broadcasts.
Way back then, those same words
were pretty darned rare in films
and books, not to mention newspapers and magazines.
But now, the barriers to foul
language have come crashing
down, pushed over from the
onslaught in music, movies, cable
television and some magazines.
Now we have some of those words
being routinely used on broadcast
media, with the few remaining
continuing to edge toward unfettered public use.
It used to be that popular
music had memorable melodies
and lyrics. This was true for my
parents’ generation and those that
went before, and it was certainly
true when I was a pup and beyond.
Even after Elvis was dead and the
Beatles were gone, there were
many memorable, beautiful
melodies and lyrics widely available.
But somewhere along the
way, grunge and crap (is that one
of those words?) music, (no I
believe it goes by rap music)
became popular. Now, if there is
still any good new music being
created out there (with the occasional exception of county music),
I don’t hear it, because I long ago
gave up trying to listen to popular
music. Even much of country
music leaves me disappointed.
It used to be that movies and
television shows fostered basic
morality. You could count on the
bad people suffering the consequences of their badness. Good
people generally persevered over
bad people or other troubles and
ended up with a smile on their face
and vindication for their goodness.
These days, however, it seems
that badness is the only thing glorified in much of popular entertainment. Hard working, good people,
as well as law enforcement folks,
are generally displayed as simpletons and losers. The bad boys and
girls often end up getting away,
driving off into the sunset laughing
at the poor saps they have beaten.
It’s no wonder that when our
young folks are fed a constant diet
of bad music, bad lyrics, bad
movies and television, bad words,
Besides Reading,
You Can Use
Them For:
Wrapping, packing,
housetraining, bird
cages, painting and
We, normally have a supply of old newspapers
available for no charge at
the DeLeon Free Press.
bad morals and more that I am
tired of listing, that even good kids
from good homes go bad. The
young folks that don’t have the
benefit of a strong, loving family,
both relational and church, just
don’t have much of a chance.
It used to be that most of our
news media was on the side of the
law, and believed in the goodness
of our American way of life and
traditional institutions. There was
basic respect for our leaders, and
our leaders behaved respectfully
toward one another.
I’m pleased to report that that
still is the case around here.
Nationally, however, the
media seems to feel they are only
doing their job when they are
being critical and casting doubt on
all of our governmental, military,
business, civic and church organizations. Everyone and everything
is subjected to withering criticism
and every journalist and writer is a
While this approach to news
may have yielded positive results
on occasions, I feel that the cumulative, combined effect of negative, skeptical, investigational journalism is very detrimental on our
society. Just report the news and
let law enforcement take care of
the bad boys and girls.
And then there is the very
queer trend in the usage of words.
Back when I was in high school,
queer was a legitimate word for
anything that stood out as odd,
abnormal or not readily understood.
I found out when I grew up
and got out into the world at large
that the word was also applied to
certain individuals. A few years
later on, I was told that they were
to be referred to as gay. Then even
more recently there was a television show, which I never watched,
apparently stocked with gays
changing the looks of straight
(another new name that apparently
means “regular”) guys by using
their “queer eyes”. Now I’m
straight confused.
I’m not even going to get into
the variety of words that have been
used and and no longer used, if not
outright banned for black people.
The worst of the bunch is still in
common use in some circles.
Apparently some words are only
allowed to be used by some racial
And what about POSSLQ’s?
It used to be you were living in sin,
or shacking up, or fornicating.
There were many other variations,
some involving getting free milk,
some with fancy names and even a
few clumsy legal terms such as
common-law wife or husband.
The days, however, significant
other or simply partner seems to
have been settled on as the most
commonly used term.
What’s the point of all this? I
don’t know other than to say that
life isn’t always an upward
progress, progressives aren’t
always such, and our popular language is having a hard time of
keeping up with all the changes.
By the way, POSSLQ was a
briefly used term a generation or
so back which stood for person of
the opposite sex sharing living
quarters. No wonder it didn’t succeed.
The DeLeon Free Press, P.O. Box 320, DeLeon, Texas 76444
(Publication No. 150080) is published by Morgan Publishing Co.,
51 weeks per year, at 324 S. Texas in DeLeon. Periodicals
postage is paid at DeLeon, Texas 76444. Telephone: 254-8936868; Fax: 254-893-3550; e-mail:[email protected], web site:
Mailed subscription rates per year: By Comanche County post
office-$25, elsewhere in Texas-$30, elsewhere in U.S.-$35.
We will be pleased to correct an erroneous description of any person or organization which may appear in the DeLeon Free Press if
it is brought to the attention of the editor. All reprinting rights are
reserved. Copyright 2008.
Publisher-Jerry Morgan
Editor-Laura Kestner
Office Mgr.-Margie Reyna
Production-Kay Hodges
Advertising-Betty Wofford
Sports Editor-Tim White
Serving the DeLeon area since 1890,
striving to be a positive voice in the community.
as read earlier in the
free press
March 19, 1998. Three
Bearcats were named to the
District 11-AA All-District Team.
Josh Hodges, a sophomore, and
Lance Hardin, a junior, received
First Team honors, while Dustin
Smith, a junior, was chosen for the
Second Team.
New Bearcat cheerleaders
were announced and included
Tiffany Sanders, Amber Golden,
Melissa Hare, Amber Vaughan,
Lisa Morris, Haley Huddleston,
Lupe Cervantes (mascot), Kristol
Gailey, Kimberly Smith, Latonya
Womack, Brandi Quinn, Ann
Perez and Montica Stewart.
The 6th grade Cubettes basketball team won first place in the
Gorman tournament. Team members included Sarah Thomas,
Ashley Weaver, Kendra Boswell,
Azure Carter, Emily Hardin and
Amber Carter. Coaches were
Donny Hardin and Xandra Carter.
March 24, 1988. Junior high
U.I.L. Literary Meet Winners
included Andrea Robinett, Shelli
Hammit, Kasey Bruton, Darla
Seckinger, Donny Butler, Kenda
Moon, Nikki Robinett, Charlotte
Owen and Patti Burk.
Chas and Elaine Bayer were
the new owners of DeLeon Video
across from City Hall.
Mozelle Pyburn was the winner of $100 at Food Fare’s “Let’s
Go to the Races” card game.
Pictured with her was the DeLeon
Food Fare manager, Gilbert
Participants in the “Jump
Rope for Heart” campaign at
DeLeon Elementary included
Junior Gerth, Shane Stone, Chris
Pounds, Wayne Kubiak, Ken
Burk, Brandon O’Donald, Roel
Reyna, Brook Ann Lopez, Mindy
Keck, Christine Perez, Christie
Wacker, Chayla Barnes, Dusty
Campbell, Brent
Frederick, April Walton, Melissa
Roberts and Kimberly Hardin.
Sponsors were Xandra Carter and
Sue Senter.
March 23, 1978. Manon
Locke, 4-year-old son of Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Locke, caught a five
pound catfish on his first fishing
trip of the season.
DeLeon Bearcats Gregory
Cisneroz and Rusty Weaver were
participants in a DeLeon Booster
Club boxing match.
The junior high Kitten mile
relay team members were Sue
Joiner, Tracie Barnes, Tammy
Kimmell and Cindy Wilkerson.
March 28, 1968. Toddlers
Lyndia West and Karen Stricklin
were shown playing outside enjoying the spring temperatures.
Lyndia’s parents were Mr. and
Mrs. Jim West, and Karen’s par-
ents were Mr. and Mrs. Jack T.
Mrs. Lex Shelby presented a
program to the local Lions Club
highlighting three Interscholastic
League representatives: Donnie
Nowlin, Debra Stephens and Jo
Ann Shelby.
Dan Burlison, 23-year-old son
of Mr. and Mrs. T.C. Burlison of
Stamford, announced the opening
(in early April) of the Burlison
Radio and T.V. Shop on Texas
March 20, 1958. The DeLeon
High School Band brought home
16 awards after an area competition. Band members and twirlers
included Anna Marie George,
Nelda Irby, Pat Locke, Cornelia
Cooke, Mackie Wright, Brenda
Simpson, Robert Campbell,
Evelyn Oglesby, Peggy Upshaw,
Cheri Boswell, Pat Golden, Pat
Donohue, Nancy Rowland, Judy
Wilkerson, Johnny Bethune,
Gerald Gilchriest, Gerald Nance,
Lenda Nabors, Jolene Gamblin,
Wanda Gore, Regina Kay and
Autry Andress.
Bibby’s was advertising CanCan Frou Frou Petticoats to “make
your prettiest skirts look outstanding.”
Miss Nelda Irby, of DeLeon,
was crowned the “outsider
Colleen” at the St. Patricks Day
Festival in Dublin.
County History Book Update
If you have not heard from me, we may have a problem!
Special to the Free Press
Thankfully, we are beginning
the final stages, heading toward the
completion of the county history
book, and it is imperative that we
cover a few details.
First and foremost…We did
have an email crash. I have contacted as many people as I could
think of; however, if you submitted
family information and have not
heard from me, please call me
immediately. If you have family
and friends who do not receive
either newspaper, please contact
them with this information. Also,
remember that we will not take
new information. Those who submitted by email should have a
record of it, and only those submissions will be accepted. I will need
to have the information in time to
have it written by March 29.
I also need to remind you
about the rules for submissions that
will go into the book. Ninety-nine
plus percent of you have done a
great job. However, there are a
few whose information cannot be
published as is.
The Rules Are:
• Copy is to be no more than
one to one and a quarter pages
when measured at 10 pt.
Excessive length has caused some
to be excluded.
• Spouses are written together,
not separately. Those we have
found written separately have
either been changed or discarded.
I know that multiple marriages
make this difficult, and I also have
my own family members who
“deserve” three pages. However,
think about it. That would triple
the number of volumes, triple my
workload, and triple the price of
what is already (by Comanche
County standards) going to be a
very pricey volume or volumes.
• One picture per submission
is the rule. I have “fudged” a bit
for those of you who do not have
mom and dad in the same picture
by scanning them together, giving
the illusion of one picture.
However, we are not using the several pictures that some of you have
scanned together and sent in as
• Proofs should have been
sent to you for every article you
submitted. We keep a list of when
these are mailed, and we are only
accepting proofed copy until
Wednesday, March 26.
Corrections must be made on
my document with corrections to
my errors only. New “stories” will
not be accepted. If you have not
received your proofs, call me!
• Multiple submitters: Please
remember that I am just the chump
who agreed to take on this megaproject, and all I can tell you is that
we are doing the very best we can.
There is no need to email me, asking that I not use “Cousin Sarah’s”
information. Besides, multiple
people have multiple memories,
and there is nothing wrong with
having multiple submitters on an
We are all working very hard,
trying to make the decisions that
will in the end give us the very best
book possible. However, every
book must have an editor, and in
the end, the decisions, right or
wrong, fall to me, and my decisions, down to the last comma, are
Now, having laid out every
negative, I have to tell you that we
are going to have an absolutely
wonderful book! Linda Frank and
Rose Taylor are spending untold
hours, making sure that every single article has a permission slip
because, of course, we cannot print
your information without one.
Many of you have not given us the
proper permission to print your
articles, and you should be receiving a form soon. If not, please call,
and we will get one to you ASAP.
Remember, if you took your picture or your information from
someone who has a copyrighted
work, we MUST have that person’s permission as well. We can’t
print without your forms.
Also, Vickie Harvick is rapidly going through submissions,
making sure that we have the right
picture with the right article. It
sounds very simple, but it takes
more hours than you can imagine,
so if you see any of these three
ladies, you really should take your
hat off to them because their help is
speeding the process up tremendously.
As for me, I’ve crossed the
800 mark with completed submissions, and I’m still beating the
keys. Don’t forget that there will
be a one-time “viewing” on
Saturday, March 29. It will be held
in the Comanche County Museum,
and it will be crazy, so please be
prepared to stay awhile. We will
have the completed articles available from 10:00-1:00 and from
The main thing I want to be
sure of is that we have the correct
picture with the correct article. I
would hate to scandalize the town
forever by having the wrong
grandma with the wrong grandpa!
I will also need some of you
to help us with captions for your
pictures, so come prepared to identify.
As horribly difficult as this project has been, meeting so very
many new friends has truly been a
blessing for which I am very
If you submitted Ethel French
Metz or Isaac Martin Harris and
Julia Lou Nations, please contact
me ASAP at 325-356-5129.
& Lake
This Week’s Weather
We had dry windy late winter
weather early in the week.
However, by the end of the period,
early Tuesday morning, generous
rainfalls were falling throughout
the area. West of DeLeon, we
measured around 1.75 inches, and
it is raining hard as this is being
written with more in the forecast.
Given the recent dry conditions,
the rain is badly needed.
For the latest area weather
forecasts, click the weather button
on our web site, www.deleonfreepress.com.
The following weather readings are taken by the Corps of
Engineers at Proctor Lake. Daily
readings reflect weather activity
for the 24-hour period preceding 8
a.m. on the day noted. When readings are not reported, “n/a” is indicated below.
2008 Cumulative Rainfall
YTD 2007
Proctor Lake Report
Lake Levels:
Prior Reading1161.81
Full Level
% Capacity:
Discharge rate (cfs)
Prior week
Wednesday, March 19:
Oven fried chicken, potato salad,
pinto beans, southern style greens.
onion slices, yellow cake/vanilla
cream frosting, milk, bread, butter
Friday, March 21: HOLIDAY!
Monday, March 24: Meat
loaf, corn o’brien, blackeyed peas,
cheese stick, chocolate pudding,
tossed salad w/carrots, cornbread,
butter, milk
Wednesday, March 26:
Chicken fried steak, cream gravy,
whipped potatoes, green beans,
banana cake, milk, bread, butter
Friday, March 28: Pinto
beans/ham bits, turnip greens,
pudding with topping, parslied
sliced potatoes, cornbread, onion,
milk, butter
Coming Events
Call 893-6868 if you have an event to list
The annual Penny Auction, sponsored by the Womens’ Division
Chamber of Commerce, is scheduled for Friday, April 4, beginning at
6 p.m. at the DeLeon City Hall.
A Wildflower “42” Tournament is scheduled for Saturday, April 19,
2008, beginning at 8 a.m. at the DeLeon City Hall auditorium. For
more information call the Chamber office at 893-2083.
A Candidates Forum, hosted by the Womens’ Division Chamber of
Commerce, is scheduled for Friday, April 25, 2008 at the DeLeon City
Hall auditorium beginning at 7 p.m.
DeLeon Free Press/ Thursday, March 20, 2008/ Page 3
Easter Sunday
11a.m. - 2 p.m.
Monday, March 24:
Tuesday, March 25:
Milk, rice w/cinnamon and
Wednesday, March 26:
Milk, chex cereal, banana
Thursday, March 27:
Milk, toast, scrambled eggs,
fruit juice
Friday, March 28:
Milk, apple cinnamon
muffins, juice
Monday, March 24:
Tuesday, March 25:
Milk, beef and bean burrito,
carrots, pineapple
Wednesday, March 26:
Milk, hot dogs, pork & beans,
Thursday, March 27:
Milk, salmon patties, wheat
bread, green beans, pears and jello
Friday, March 28:
Milk, meatballs, gravy and
noodles, salad, cantaloupe
Monday, March 24:
Tuesday, March 25:
Cereal, graham crackers,
juice, milk
Wednesday, March 26:
Hot pockets, milk, juice
Thursday, March 27:
Cheese omelet, toast, milk,
Friday, March 28:
Cinnamon rolls, graham
crackers, juice, milk
Monday, March 24:
Tuesday, March 25:
Corndogs, pork & beans,
baked chips, sliced peaches, milk,
Wednesday, March 26:
Frito pie, chili & cheese,
corn, carrot sticks, mandarin
oranges, milk, condiments
Thursday, March 27:
BBQ weiners, whipped potatoes, green beans, sliced apples,
milk, condiments
Friday, March 28:
HB/CB, lettuce & pickles,
tater tots, fresh oranges, milk,
Middle School
Monday, March 24:
Tuesday, March 25:
Assorted cereal, Teddy
Grahams, juice, milk
Wednesday, March 26:
Waffle & sausage, syrup,
juice, milk
Thursday, March 27:
Sausage & biscuit, jelly,
juice, milk
Friday, March 28:
roll, Teddy
Graham, juice, milk
Monday, March 24:
Tuesday, March 25:
Pizza, corn, pineapple, pudding, milk, condiments
Wednesday, March 26:
Chicken nuggets w/gravy,
whipped potatoes, green beans,
bread, diced pears, milk, condiments
Thursday, March 27:
Crispitos w/cheese sauce,
mexi-style beans, crackers, carrot
sticks, mandarin oranges, milk,
peppers, condiments
Friday, March 28:
Hamburger or cheeseburger,
H/B Veggies, baked chips, apple
or banana, milk, condiments
Call (254) 893-3888
104 W. Navarro, DeLeon
ONE ACT PLAY. The DeLeon High School theatre department will present its 2007-08 competition one act play, “The History of Tom Jones” during a public performance on Monday,
March 24, at 7 p.m. in the high school cafetorium. Admission is by donation, and all proceeds
will go to the One Act Play. The team will travel to Weatherford Junior College March 26 to
compete at the Zone contest. DeLeon performs at 1:00 p.m. and admission will be $5 for
adults and $3 for children six and above. They will compete against Gorman, Tolar, Ranger
and Santo. Two teams advance to the district meet held at McMurry University in Abilene on
March 29, with the plays beginning at 2 p.m. The DHS cast and crew (some of which are pictured above at a performance last week) include Tyler McKinney, Trevor Nowlin, Kristen
Powell, Jennifer Lewis, Kyler Caraway, Whitney McDonald, Courtney Caraway, Whitney
Morris, GeorgeAnne Landreth, Tanner Jordan, Cody Welch, Alex Rorie, Kody Travis, Jake
Paul, Margaret Nabors, Brody Hammonds, Catalina Gonzales, Scott Jordan, Tina Fleming,
Charlsa Hicks, Kelcie Feist, Terra Jobe and Michelle McIlvain.
Mr. Cottontail is right around
the corner and he is heading in
our direction!
Bring your Easter company to Rollies
for a delicious homemade
pizza, made just the way they like it.
Rollies also has many
delicious menu items to
choose from.
Rollie’s On
All of us at
Price’s Flowers
& Gifts
wish you a very happy and
blessed Easter!
CCMC HEALTHCARE VOLUNTEERS. Many of the hospital volunteers are pictured at their
memorial fountain near the rear hospital entrance.
Comanche County Medical Center
Healthcare Volunteers Hard at Work
Citizens of Comanche County
are blessed to live in a rural area,
but we are also fortunate to have an
exceptional medical facility that
serves Comanche County and surrounding areas.
A group of concerned individuals is dedicated to support this
medical facility with funding and
service. Comanche County
Medical Center Healthcare
Volunteers is an organization that
was created to promote and to
advance the welfare of CCMC.
Members feel that a local
medical facility is important to all
citizens of Comanche County and
surrounding areas. Membership is
Dear Sports
The DeLeon Sanders Storage
8 and under basketball team,
coached by Rodney Hardin and
supported by all the proud parents,
headed to the state championship
games in Bryan College Station
late Friday, March 14. Our first
game was played Saturday at 1:00
p.m. against the Beckley Saner
Bears. Jordan Hardin was the
leading scorer by putting 14 points
on the board. Xavier Reyna put 3
points with Chase Beck and Jake
Sanders putting 2 points each,
making the score 21-19, upsetting
the Bears.
Our next game was played at
8:00 p.m. against the De Soto
Suns I team. This game was an
upset to the Sanders team by losing to the Suns 34-13. However
we never gave up against this
team. The leading scorer was
Jordan Hardin scoring 6 points,
Anthony Lopez scored 4 points
and Chase Beck scored 3.
The parents of the DeLeon
Sanders Storage team are proud of
our boys. We along with De Soto
Wildcats, Round Rock Rockets,
and Full Court Athletes in the
Division I, 8 & under league,
placed 5th in the state championship. There were 24 teams in
our division. The team players
were Jordan Hardin, Chase Beck,
Jake Sanders, Calvin Martin,
Anthony Lopez and Xavier
Way to Go GUYS!!
Written by Carrie Martin
for all the proud parents
open to any interested person who
wants to participate in the activities
and fundraising projects designed
to benefit CCMC.
Healthcare Volunteers would
like to thank those who have supported our projects to raise funds to
aid CCMC. All money that is
raised is used to purchase items
that are needed to aid healthcare
professionals and patients.
Needs of different departments are considered. In the past
year, funds have been spent to purchase diverse items such as dishes
for the dietary department, coat
racks for the clinic and a SCIFIT
bike for cardiac rehab.
GPS devices were also provided for each ambulance so that
finding the location of those in
need will be easier.
A commercial blender was
acquired for kitchen use. Binders
for nursing charts, stretchers for
ER and OR and software for bookkeeping were purchased. Money
was also provided for games for
swing bed patients. Furniture was
bought for the Social Services
Healthcare Volunteers were
glad to be able to help meet various
departmental and patient needs of
CCMC. In addition to funding,
members have donated approximately 3,900 hours of volunteer
service during the past year
A major project of CCMC
Healthcare Volunteers has been the
memorial fountain that has added
much beauty to the east entrance of
the hospital.
Those who wish to honor
loved ones are urged to consider
purchasing a brick to serve as a
lasting memorial. Information
about the memorial/honorary
bricks can be obtained from any
healthcare volunteer.
CCMC Healthcare Volunteers
look forward to one of the biggest
fundraisers of the year on April 12.
Our Tenth Annual Hospital Charity
Golf Tournament will be held on
that day at PAR Country Club.
The tournament is sponsored by
the CCMC Healthcare Volunteers
and the money earned from the
tournament will enable the organization to fund projects throughout
the year.
The tournament will be a
three-person scramble, and cash
prizes will be paid for each flight.
Hole in One prizes include a New
Car (Bayer Motor), $10,000
Ladies’ Hole in One, Golf
Vacation, Golf Clubs, and a 3-Day
Cruise. All golfers are encouraged
to participate.
Playing in the Tenth Annual
Hospital Charity Golf Tournament
is a great way to have fun as well
as a great way to support our hospital. For information about the
Sandra Storey (254-879-4900) or
Pat Brownlee (254-893-3649).
We have...
Azaleas, Begonias, and Green Plants
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...Adorable Easter Decor
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all available at
Price’s Flowers & Gifts
Call 893-2644 or come by
133 N. Texas St.
We will be happy to help you with all your
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We deliver in town or around the world.
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PHONE: (254) 386-5318 ~ FAX: (254) 386-3999
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Prices do not include TT&L
Service - Repair
Page 4/ Thursday, March 20, 2008/ DeLeon Free Press
DeLeon Police
Department Report
By Sgt. Dustin Paulsen
Pizza Pro
125 N. Texas, DeLeon
Must Present Coupon
School Pizza
Call for information
Must Present Coupon
3 Large
1 Topping
1 Large
1 Topping
Offer expires 6/1/08
Offer expires 6/1/08
+ tax
+ tax
On Friday, March 7, 2008,
Chief Ralph Dickey was contacted
by a local pharmacist who told the
Chief he received a request to fill a
prescription over the phone and
believed the prescription was not
authentic. Chief Dickey and the
pharmacist contacted the doctor
whose name was on the prescription and was told by him that the
prescription was fraudulent. Chief
Dickey and Sgt. Paulsen waited for
the suspect to arrive and pick up
the prescription. The suspect,
Lynsey Lewis, from Cisco, arrived
and took possession of the prescription drugs. Chief Dickey took
the suspect into custody and Sgt.
Paulsen transported her to the
Comanche County Jail. Upon
arrival at the Jail, Lewis was
Prescription for Possession of a
Possession of a Controlled
Substance over 4 grams but less
than 200 grams, both second
degree felonies.
Other police activity: accident, animal cruelty, assault, civil
matter (x4), abandoned vehicle
(x2), theft (x2), funeral escort (x2),
unattended death, email scam,
fraud, possession of controlled
substance, sexual assault, neglectful supervision, criminal trespass
warning, and agency assist (x4).
A concerned citizen who had
received an email from an
unknown person claiming to have
been hired to kill her, and offering
to spare her life and reveal the person who had hired them in
exchange for $15,000 contacted
DPD this week. DPD contacted
the Texas Rangers and were
advised by them that this is a scam
written by a man in Nigeria.
Citizens are advised to not respond
to this email and delete it immediately. The emails have come from
a domain name of [email protected] or agent
[email protected].
Shop the pages of the
DeLeon Free Press
Our CD Rates
Bank-issued, FDICInsured to $100,000
deposit $10,000
deposit $5,000
1-year APY*
deposit $5,000
*Annual Percentage Yield (APY)-Interest
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of interest is required. Early withdrawal is
not permitted. Effective 8/23/01. Subject
to availability and price change. The
amount received from a sale of a CD at
current market value may be less than the
amount initially invested.
Call or stop by today.
207 N. Austin
Comanche, Tx 76442
Comanche County Court
House Records
February 16, 2008: Mr.
Kenneth Wayne Gilligan and Miss
Jennifer Lee Hefner by Harold
Higginbotham, Pastor Zion Hill, in
Comanche County, Texas.
February 16, 2008: Mr.
Thomas Leon Raines and Miss
Jessica Jean Koosman by Greg K.
Hardin, Pastor New Life
Pentecostal Church in Comanche
County, Texas.
February 16, 2008: Mr.
Kenneth Scott Nicholas and Ms.
Theresa Vern Nicholas by James
R. Arthur, Comanche County
Judge, in Comanche County,
February 22, 2008: Mr. Paul
William White and Miss Crystle
Rushelle Hodges by Bill Koenig,
Justice of the Peace, in Comanche
February 14, 2008: Mr.
Anthony Minelli and Ms. Jennifer
Renee Brinkman by Jan A.
Castlebury, Vicar Hope Lutheran
Church, in Comanche County,
February 14, 2008: Mr.
Rafael Pena and Ms. Eva May
Pena by James R. Arthur,
Comanche County Judge, in
Comanche County, Texas.
Warranty Deeds
August 10, 2007: Grantor
Eddie S. Dixon and wife, Judy
Dixon; Grantee: Albert and Nancy
Loeb Revocable Trust. Property
being all that certain lot, tract or
parcel of land lying in Comanche
County, Texas: A tract of land situated in the J. P. Stephenson Survey,
Abstract 833 in Comanche
County, Texas, being those same
tracts of land described in the deed
to Eddie S. Dixon recorded in
Volume 697 Page 89, Deed
Records of Comanche County,
August 10, 2007: Grantor:
Eddie S. Dixon and wife, Judy
Dixon; Grantee: Ira Schechter and
wife, Barbara Loeb. Property
being all that certain lot, tract or
parcel, of land lying in Comanche
County, Texas: A tract of land situated in the J. P. Stephenson survey,
Abstract 833 in Comanche
County, Texas, being those same
tracts of land described in the deed
to Eddie S. Dixon recorded in
Volume 697, Page 89, Deed
Records of Comanche County,
July 27, 2007: Grantor:
Ronald McClung and wife,
Malinda D. McClung: Grantee:
George Snow and wife, Phyllis
Snow. Property being all that certain lot, tract or parcel of land lying
in Comanche County, Texas: All
that certain lot, tract or parcel of
land being Lots No. 8 & 9, of Keg
Korber Subdivision, Comanche
County, Texas, as shown by the
plat of said subdivision recorded in
Plat Cabinet, Slide 18, in the Plat
Records of Comanche County,
County Jail
Census Date: March 20, 2008
Comanche County
Gillespie County
Lampasas County
Total Inmates
Jail Capacity
Thank You!!
Thank you very much for your
vote and support in the March
4th Democratic Primary
Election for Commissioner.
When my term starts in
January, I will be ready to
work for the citizens of
Precinct 3 and Comanche
Sherman L. Sides
(Pd. pol ad by Sherman Sides, 350 CR 452, DeLeon, TX 76444)
DeLeon Free Press/ Thursday, March 20, 2008/ Page 5
Vets Corner
I Got
by Charles Chupp
Greatest Show on Dearth
Might nigh four years ago,
when George Bush managed to
retain his grip on the reins of
America, he strode bravely
onward to his ultimate destination
in American Folklore. The final
assay as to whether he was gold or
iron pyrite will only be complete
once he departs Washington for
At that juncture “wanna bes”
were activated like unto a swarm
of bees loosed in a blossomed out
field of cantaloupes with high
hopes of a hitch in the White
House. The ensuing of a titanic
struggle for dominance has commanded our interest as the field of
politics claimed many a contestant
out on “The Campaign Trail”.
It’s my belief that a more fitting nomenclature would be “The
Campaign Trial”. The Quest for
the Golden Fleece is not for the
faint hearted, or those with limited
funds, and the battlefield is littered
with those gladiators who gave
their all in the Coliseum of give
and take. It’s a lot like a re-read of
Agatha Christie’s “And Then
There Were None”.
Anyways, the cast has constricted to a manageable number of
possibles, and the legitimate heirs
to the throne are drawing nigh for
the bout of the century. The D’s
and the R’s are posed to drag their
weary caucuses to the conventions
and make their choice for the actual showdown. It’s a short deck
now with the Super Delegates
lurking around the phone booth,
just in case they are called upon to
don their masks and capes in order
to save our country like Clark Kent
is called upon in DC comics. Wolf
Blitzer will play Clark Kent in the
movie version.
Just in case you give a hoot, I
feel compelled to admit that my
affiliation lies not with the D’s nor
the R’s, but you will note that D
precedes R in the normal alphabetical sequence.
After I learned to read I chose
the I’s, but that is not precisely my
political persuasion. In lieu of
“Impudent”. Our numbers are
legion, but we ain’t the organizing
I sipped from the cup of politics a
few years back at the behest of my
good wife Margaret and was elected to the DeLeon Independent
School Board, and served 2 of the
3-year term and at that point was
beguiled into seeking the office of
Mayor. Half-heartedly, at the
bequest of an adoring public, I
decided to take a stab at it, but alas
time to do so had fled. I thereby
ran as a write-in candidate, and to
my consternation succeeded to the
throne. By law I was forced to
resign my post on the school
A single term as Mayor
accrued unto me due to my
unabashed honesty—at least in my
opinion. My platform featured but
three planks. To wit: It ain’t stealing if you need it; Cash contributions gladly accepted; and, You can
do worse than vote for me—you
always have. I was the first, and
only, write-in candidate elected as
De Leon’s Most Honorable
I’ve sent one of my campaign
cards to the yet standing candidates for President of the U.S. of
A. and offered free use of my platform.
Politics, politics—my favorite
Let me hear from you. My
phone number is 254-893-5063.
My postal address is: 333 W.
Ayers Ave., De Leon TX 76444.
Or, you can send an email to
[email protected] or
check www.CharlesChupp.com.
I attended the funeral of a veteran this past Sunday. I played a
peripheral role in the services, as
Chapter #43 was asked to fold the
flag and present it to the surviving
family member. Myself and my
Adjutant, Jerry Shugart, performed
this service. I describe this selfpromotion to tell you some of the
entitlements veterans have earned.
The flag on the casket is one of
Also, upon death the veteran
is entitled to a headstone at government expense, and a small stipend
(very small) to help defray funeral
costs. The headstones are either
granite or marble (survivors
choice) or bronze. If marble or
granite is chosen, then either a flat
headstone or an upright stone may
be chosen. Inscribed on the headstone is the veterans name, date of
birth, date of death, military serv-
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We also have baked goods,
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dinner a delicious treat.
If you have an IRA elsewhere, it’s easy
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By opening an Edward Jones IRA, you’ll
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fill up a pretty Easter Basket!
Internet Hosting by
ice branch, rank and one or two
words of comfort. The bronze
plate is the best looking but I don't
recommend one because thieves
steal them from the grave almost
as soon as they are set to sell for
scrap. They (the bronze) will
weigh around 20-25 pounds, and
brass sells for a good price at junk
For you retirees, the services
have finally got the Survivors
Benefit Plan back up to 55% of the
retiree's earnings. Also, if you have
chosen SBP upon retirement, the
premium you pay will be discontinued after you've paid it for 30
For all retirees, if you are over
60 the Veterans Affairs will now
give you shots for Shingles. If you
have ever had shingles, the shots
will be more than welcome.
DeLeon Free Press Serving
The De Leon Area Since 1890
Here Comes Peter CottonTail....
Right around the corner!
Wal-Mart in Stephenville
By Jim Coats
Commander, DAV
Chapter #43
Page 6/ March 20, 2008/ DeLeon Free Press
Desdemona News
Remember to Renew Your Subscription
Check the date at the top of your address
label, on the upper left corner.
Your subscription will end that day.
by Vonnie Guthery
114 S. Patrick, Dublin
Queen Size
with head & foot
board, & rails
For Great Prices, “Irish” hospitality and
Texas-style service, come see us at...
Furniture Depot
114 S. Patrick, Dublin, TX
It’s a Girl!
Add one more to the city limit sign of DeLeon. Keilee Robin Lewis
was born November 29, 2007 at Brownwood, weighing in at 7 lbs 1 oz
and 19 1/2 in. long. This blond-haired, blue-eyed little girl is loved by
her mommy and daddy, Jennifer and Bryan Lewis, and all her family
here in DeLeon and in Houston.
Relay For
Life T-Shirt
Orders for the 2008
Comanche County Relay For Life
T-Shirts will be completed this
week. If your Team needs to turn
in sizes, or if you have not formed
your Team but still want to participate in the event, please contact
Susan Jones (254) 386-8650 or
Melanie Haile (325) 330-0190.
The names of two elementary
school teachers -- Sharon Coan
and Jessica Dyson -- were inadvertently omitted from a list of
teachers (published in last week’s
Free Press) whose contracts were
renewed during the most recent
DISD School Board meeting.
Desdemona monthly musical
will be held on Saturday night,
March 22, at the Community
Center School Building. The concession stand will open at 5:30
p.m. serving good food, homemade pie and drinks. Come early
to enjoy supper and visit with all of
the group before the music program begins at 6:00 p.m. All area
musicians, singers and visitors are
invited to attend. Bring your
friends and neighbors to enjoy
country and western music, combined with some bluegrass and
gospel. Admission it “FREE”.
Visitors with Humpy and
Betty Duke, during “Spring
Break” were Russell Duke and
daughters, Elise and Katie of
Stephenville; Ronda James and
daughter, Emily of Whitney.
Vonnie Guthery was in
Eastland on Saturday to attend the
wedding of Nikki Keith and Andy
Parsons. Nikki is the daughter of
Traci Keith of Gorman, and the
late Larry Keith.
There is a lot of sickness in
our community at this time.
Remember these with your cards
and prayers.
“Coming soon” - “Trade’s
Day” to be held at the Desdemona
Community Center School
Building. To reserve a space
(inside or outside) contact Gail
Clayton at 254-758-2257 or
Dale McKinney
Dublin Livestock Auction
Sale Every Friday at 1:00pm
9862 ESH, Hwy 6 Dublin, Texas
Dublin 254-445-4620
DeLeon 254-893-3087
Stephenville 254-965-6629
Sudoku Puzzle
3 4
9 2
1 6
6 2
1 9
1 9
7 2 5 9
Puzzle #186
If you can count to nine, you can play Sudoku! Each row,
columns and 3x3 square must contain the number 1 through 9. Use your logical
abilities to figure out the blanks.
Brought to you by
Vonnie Guthery at 254-758-2665.
Spaces will be at a reasonable cost
with different size spaces to
accommodate everyone.
Carol Sue Willis’s step-son,
Rickey L. Willis, age 47, of
Levelland, Texas, passed away
March 11, 2008, from an apparent
heart condition. Funeral services
and military burial was March 14,
in Levelland. He was preceded in
death two years ago, by his father,
Wayman F. Willis. Besides his
step-mother of Desdemona, he is
survived by his mother, Jean Willis
and a sister, Vickie Freeman of
Levelland; a brother, Freddie Gene
Willis of Haskell, and a sister,
Teresa Hand of Burleson, Texas;
three step-sisters, Cynthia Heinz
and Susan Shirley of Arlington,
and Pam Horn of Desdemona,
Jim Horn of Desdemona was
honored with a 53rd birthday celebration Saturday, march 15, 2008.
A large crowd of family, friends
and neighbors enjoyed a wonderful BBQ feast prepared by his
wife, Pam Horn, with some calorie-laden additions brought by
other family members, plus a couple of rather unique gifts. A tour of
their remodeled home, previously
owned by Dorothy Roberts,
showed off Jim’s work expertise
and Pam’s decorating abilities and
their collection of antiques, including a very old library table owned
by her grandparents, Ted and
Otella Hall, and a wonderful old
buffet from Jim’s parents, Jim and
Ruth Horn of Eastland. The lively
celebration lasted from 3:00 p.m.
to 3:00 a.m. and was much
Please contact this reporter
with your weekly news. Your help
will be appreciated. Thanks and
have a great day, Vonnie.
DeLeon Free Press/ Thursday March 20, 2008/ Page 7
by Missy Jones
Deubler-Abbey Exchange Vows
Cassie Dawn Abbey of
DeLeon and Larry Alan Deubler
Jr. of Burleson, Texas, were united
in marriage December 15, 2007 at
five o’clock in the afternoon at the
Desdemona, with Bro. Tim White
officiating the ceremony. Music
was provided by Vicki Robinett,
who played the piano and Ryan
White, who sang “I Will Be Here”,
during the lighting of the unity
The bride was given in marriage by her parents and escorted
by her father. The bride wore a
white satin gown with A-line halter with split front, beaded lace and
lace-up back with chapel train.
Completing her ensemble was a
veil with beads and a terra. The
gown was by David’s Bridal.
Maid of Honor was Latisha
Abbey, sister of the bride, of
DeLeon. the bridesmaids were
Dayva Abbey, sister of the bride of
Desdemona and Jennifer Long,
friend of the bride, of Keller. The
flower girl was Haley Buckley and
the greeter was Chelsea Buckley,
both cousins of the bride, and both
of Desdemona.
Best Man was Michael Cook,
friend of the groom, of Burleson.
Groomsmen were Jake Brownlow
and Corey Hudgins, both friends
of the groom, of Burleson.
A reception followed at the
Desdemona Activity Center, hosted by the brides parents with appetizers and a sit down dinner. The
bride and groom danced their first
dance to “Two Hearts, One Love”
followed by the father and daughter dance to “I Loved Her First”.
The groom’s parents hosted a
rehearsal dinner at the First Baptist
Church Annex.
The bride is the daughter of
Mr and Mrs. David Abbey of
DeLeon. She is the granddaughter
of Inez Abbey of DeLeon, and Mr.
and Mrs. Jerry Buckley of
Desdemona. The bride is a graduate of DeLeon High School and a
2006 graduate of Tarleton State
University with a Bachelor of
Science Degree in Economics and
a minor in Accounting. She is currently employed with First
Community Bank in Glen Rose as
Operation Supervisor.
The groom is the son of Mr.
and Mrs. Larry Deubler of
Burleson. He is the grandson of
Mr. and Mrs. Winston Deubler of
Burleson, and Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Davis of Crowley. The
groom is a graduate of Burleson
High School and is currently a
Senior at Tarleton State University,
majoring in Range Management.
He is currently employed at
The couple honeymooned in
Oahu, Hawaii on Waikiki Beach
and has made their home in
Saturday saw us with a pretty
day, and we enjoyed our visitors
very much. First of all, our good
friend, Ben Evridge along with his
daughter, Tony Furman of
Arlington, came by for a visit. It
looked so natural to see Ben and
his smiling face out with us again.
We miss him along with all of our
other volunteers that are not working with us now.
Also, we had other good visitors. I was so happy to see Tiffany
Beene May and her two boys of
Bulverde, Texas. Tiffany is the
daughter of David and Betty Gore
Beene and they were neighbors of
ours when Tiffany and my son
Mark were growing up. We have
many good memories of her coming to our house. They pretty well
kept the grass worn down between
our houses, running back and
forth. Also with Tiffany was
Meisha Arthur of Comanche. Of
course, Meisha is the daughter of
County Judge Bobby and Sue
Gore Arthur. We had a great time
with the two boys, I love telling
kids the stories of all our displays
in the museum. They took a
“ride” in our surrey with the fringe
on top. I wish I had a tape to play
of the sounds of the surrey and
wagons as they are rolling down
the lane.
Also, our good friend, James
Rucker dropped by with another
puzzle of the Asa Hoxey survey.
This survey was the largest one in
Comanche County, and was in the
lands acquired by Jane Craig
Rucker’s family. We appreciate
James so much. He and his late
wife, Jane were so generous with
their family history for our museum.
Remember that we will be
closed for Easter on Saturday,
March 22. This is a very early
Easter, and we wish for you and
your family a joyous Easter weekend.
Come see us.
With Many
We would like to take this
opportunity to thank our friends,
family, and neighbors who helped
with the fire Thursday afternoon.
A very special thanks to the
Department for their fast action.
Also we thank the fire departments
Promontory, Gorman & Sipe
Springs for their much needed
We are so grateful for Jimmy
Dale Johnson, Bobby Schuman
and all law enforcement people for
their help.
A very sincere thanks to
everyone who helped in any way.
Thanks to the EMT Crew
who helped with Neal in the field
and to Dr. Donham and the nursing staff at the Comanche County
Medical Center.
And we do appreciate all the
phone calls to the hospital and the
many calls to see about us during
and after the fire.
We really appreciate every
act of kindness shown us. We
have a great fire department in a
great community.
May God bless each of you.
Neal & Lugene Morris
Bryan, Leslie, Kay & Donna
Comanche Livestock Exchange
Has a Sale every
Saturday at Noon!!
Hauling is available!
HWY 67/377 East In Comanche, TX • Phone 325-356-5231
112 N. Austin ~ Comanche ~325-356-3031
Lunch from 11:00 - 2:00 p.m. Monday thru Friday
Reserve your table for Easter Sunday Lunch
Sunday, March 23, 2008 • 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Adults $20 ~ Children (10 and under) $13
We will be closed Friday, March 21
Truck Month
0 - 60
On 2008 Chevrolet & GMC 1500 Models
Having Easter Company?
Bring your guest to
Cook’s Fish Barn
for a delicious meal!
Lots of
“great” choices
at a
“great” price!
Cook’s Fish Barn
Hwy 36 between
Comanche & Rising Star
Open Friday, and
Saturday Nights
Card of
207 FM 3381 • COMANCHE, TX 76442
$2750 Bonus Cash & 1.9%-60mos wac
On 2008 Chevrolet & GMC
2500 & 3500 Diesel Models
$1750 Bonus Cash & 1.9%-60mos wac
On 2008 Chevrolet & GMC
2500 & 3500 Gas Models
Up to $4250 Factory Rebates
On Chevrolet & GMC
2500 & 3500 Models
0 - 60
remaining 2007 Models
‘07 GMC Yukon XL
‘07 Chevrolet 3500 Reg Cab Chassis
Topic: The Necessity of Revival in America
Guest Speaker: Dick Schmidt
with Glory Bound Ministries from Yates Center, Kansas
Special Music by:
The Andersons from Brownwood
Service Schedule
Saturday, March 29 • 7PM - Prayer Rally on Courthouse Square
Sunday, March 30 • 10:50AM - Morning Worship Service
followed by a fellowship meal
7PM - Evening Worship Service
Monday, March 31 • 6PM - Youth Night, Pizza for Youth • 7PM Worship
Wednesday, April 2 • 6PM - Children’s Night, Hot Dog Supper for Families
7PM Worship with Children’s Specials
Contact the church office at 325-356-3667 for further information
on most
BMC Discount
Bonus Cash
Factory Rebate
0% for 60 mos
1.9% for 72 mos wac
6000 V-8,
WT, 6 speed
Automatic &
BMC Discount
Factory Rebate
0% for 60 mos
Page 8/ Thursday, March 20, 2008/ DeLeon Free Press
Harold Ray Bolton passed
away Saturday, March 15, 2008, at
Hamilton Health Care Center.
Harold graduated in 1944, from
Gustine High School. He attended
Texas Tech University and
Howard Payne University and
from 1945 - 1947 Harold served in
the U. S. Army Air Forces.
After attending Barber
College in 1948, Harold worked in
Los Alamos and later moved to
Lubbock, where he was a barber
for 50 years. Harold moved to his
hometown, Gustine, when he
Deral Bolton,
Harold’s father had established a
barber shop at Gustine in 1929.
Harold remodeled his dad’s shop
and continued working until a
head injury a year ago. Harold
was an avid hunter and fisherman.
Harold Ray Bolton is survived by his wife of 31 years,
Zelda Faye Bolton; daughter,
Darlene Humphries and husband,
Greg of Rockwall; son, Dean
Bolton of Lubbock; two step-sons,
Danny and Kenneth Slack of
Abilene; one granddaughter,
Claire Humphries; seven stepgrandchildren; ten step-greatgrandchildren; sister, Anita
Boynton and husband, Robert of
Azle; as well as numerous nieces,
nephews and cousins.
Harold Ray Bolton was the
son of Deral and Buena Bolton
and grandson of Forest and Nanny
Pearl Bolton, and B. F. and
Georgia Inez Perkins. Harold’s
great-grandparents were G. H. and
Nancy Chancellor which were one
of the first settlers in Gustine,
Pallbearers were Larry
Adams, Monty Carmichael, Pat
Gunter, William Kirkland, Roy
Proctor, and Gayland Stephens.
Honorary pallbearers were David
Baker, Mack Applewhite, Matt
Holebock, Joe More, Albert Pack,
Herman Sparkman and Terry
In lieu of flowers, memorials
may be made to First Baptist
Church of Gustine or Evergreen
Cemetery of Gustine.
Jack Lowell Ercanbrack, age
58, of DeLeon, Texas, passed
away Tuesday, March 11, 2008, at
his residence. He was born on
August 29, 1949, in Calinte,
Mr. Ercanbrack served in the
U. S. Army, serving two tours of
duty in Vietnam. He was a member of the 101st Airborne Division
and was a Specialist 1st Class. He
was a carpenter by occupation and
had lived in DeLeon for the past
15 years. He was a Baptist.
Funeral services were held at
2:00 p.m. Sunday, March 16,
2008, at Nowlin Funeral Home
Chapel with Bro. Travis Ripley
officiating. Music was provided
by Jake Mix. Burial followed in
Pallbearers were Randy Wright,
Fredie Rubio, Tommy Hargus,
Donald Cogburn, Frank Ramus,
Nigel Nowlin and Karl Bridwell.
He is survived by his mother,
Betty A. Harris of Salinas,
California; son, Jack Lowell
Ercanbrack II of DeLeon; two sisters, Sharon Strange of Salinas,
California and Gail Ramus of
Corpus Christi, Texas.
He was preceded in death by
his father, Lowell M. Ercanbrack
and one sister, Mariba L. Davis.
Published March 20, 2008
DeLeon Free Press
Published March 20, 2008
DeLeon Free Press
H i gh l an d Mi ssi o n ar y
Baptist Church
David E. Locke, Pastor
Sunday School 10:00AM
Morning Worship 10:45AM
Evening Worship 7:00PM
Wednesday Prayer Meeting &
Bible Study 7:00PM
On Hwy. 2156
Parsonage 445-0368 Church 445-2090
Corner of Seguin & Travis
Sunday School 10:00AM
Morning Worship 10:50AM
Sunday Evening Youth 6:00PM
Sunday Evening 6:00PM
Wednesday Evening 7:00PM
Phone 893-5722
Liberty Baptist
Sunday Services
Sunday School - 10:30AM
Morning Worship 11:00AM
*West on Hwy 6 to Rucker
Left on CR 459
Cliff Sims - Pastor
St. Joe Baptist Church
Sunday School 10:00AM
Morning Worship 11:00AM
Discipleship Training 6:00PM
Young Women & Young Men
Bible Study 6:00PM
Evening Worship 7:00PM
Wednesday Services Beginning 6PM
RA’s, GA’s, Mission Friends, Youth &
Prayer Meeting/Adult Bible Study 7PM
Bro. Jackie Auvenshine, pastor
N. On Hwy 16 then L. on FM Rd 2921
DeLeon, TX Phone 893-2148.
United Pentecostal Church
125 E. Manchaca,
Sunday School 10:00AM
Sunday Evening 6:00PM
Wednesday Evening 7:30PM
Varence Janord Dupre
Church: 893-2795
Parsonage: 893-7280
First Christian Church
101N. Houston
First Baptist Church
DeLeon, Tx
100 South Houston
Sunday School 9:30AM
Morning Worship 10:40AM
Evening Services 6:00PM
Wednesday Prayer/Praise
7:00 PM
Daniel Harper, Youth Minister
First United
Methodist Church
On Main Street in DeLeon
Pastor Lisa Neslony
Lela McCoy Olson, age 85,
passed away Monday, March 10,
2008. She was born on March 21,
1922, in Hillsboro, to Dottie and
W. W. McCoy. She was a clerk in
the Tarrant County Tax Office.
Funeral services were held at
3:30 p.m. Wednesday, March 12,
2008 at Mount Olivet Chapel.
Burial followed in the Mount
Olivet Cemetery.
She is survived by daughter,
Dotty Hare and husband, Mike of
DeLeon; granddaughters, Stacie
and Melissa Hare, and sisters,
Mildred Choate and Hilda Rucker.
She was preceded in death by
her husband.
Published March 20, 2008
DeLeon Free Press
Bobby Ray Eads, age 78, of
Comanche, Texas, passed away
Tuesday, March 11, 2008, in
Comanche County Medical
He was born on
December 24, 1929, in Comanche
County, Texas, to Robert Carrol
and Susan Minerva Crownover
On September 2, 1949, he
married Norma Mean Hatfield in
Phillips, Texas. She preceded him
in death on August 26, 1987. On
March 2, 1989, he married Sue
Laughlin Skaggs in Comanche,
Mr. Eads had retired as a
Material Supervisor from Phillips
Petroleum Co., where he had
worked for 37 years. He had lived
in Comanche since 1985, having
moved from Fritch, Texas. He
was a Baptist and a member of the
East Side Baptist Church in
Comanche, Texas.
Funeral services were held at
10:00 a.m. Friday, March 14,
2008, at East Side Baptist Church
in Comanche, Texas, with Bro.
Dale Meinecke and Bro. Tim
Skaggs officiating. Music was
provided by Jamie Skaggs and
David Gregory. Burial followed
in the DeLeon Cemetery.
Pallbearers were Daylon Eads,
Clint Eads, Monty Skaggs, Terry
Lee Skaggs, Michael Skaggs,
Stewart Thomas, and Leslie
Morris. Honorary pallbearers were
Neil Carroll, Wayland Abbey,
Gayland Abbey, Luke Easley, Bo
Elro, Connie Keith, Cliff Conway,
and M. E. Strube.
Survivors include his wife,
Sue Laughlin Skaggs Eads of
Comanche; four sons, Neil Wayne
Eads and wife, Cindy of
Bartlesville, OK, Steve Skaggs
and wife, Debbie of DeLeon, Tx,
Terry Skaggs and wife, Kitty of
DeLeon, and Don Skaggs and
wife, Amy of Gainsville; one
daughter, Sandra Kay Gray and
husband, Clyde of San Marcos;
brother, Jay Eads and wife, Janie
of Meadlowlakes, Tx; five grandchildren; fourteen step-grandchildren; two great-grandchildren
with two, Camden and Hudson, on
the way; and twenty-five stepgreat-grandchildren.
He was preceded in death by
two brothers, Wesley Eads and
Royce Eads and two sisters, Opal
Hardin and Ileta Cavitt.
In lieu of flowers, the family
requests that donations be made to
Comanche County Hospice or the
Building Fund at East Side Baptist
Church in Comanche, Texas.
G.A. Hines, 95, of DeLeon,
died Monday, March 10, 2008, in
Mr. Hines was born January
26, 1913 in Utica, Oklahoma to
Will N. and Bessie Whittle Hines.
He was married to Winnie Wels on
November 20, 1982 in Gorman.
Moving from Stephenville,
Mr. Hines had lived in DeLeon
since 1983. He was a Baptist and
a member of the Gorman First
Baptist Church. During his lifetime, he had pursued several occupations including being a butcher,
a farmer, and a horseman.
Funeral services were held
Friday, March 14, 2008, at the
Nowlin Funeral Home Chapel,
with burial at the Acton Cemetery
in Acton, Texas. Bro. Bill
Campbell officiated. Music was
provided by Brad Hines.
Pallbearers were Brad Hines,
Benny Hines, Billy Hines, Jason
Edens, Barry Hines, Jarred Hines
and Cody Hines. Honorary pallbearer was Bob Haggard.
Mr. Hines is survived by one
stepson, Ray Shipps of DeLeon;
two sons, Wendell Hines of
Houston, and Everett Davis of
Granbury; two daughters, Francis
Lobb of Houston, and Betty
Anderson of Dublin; and numerous grandchildren and greatgrandchildren.
He was preceded in death by
his wife, Winnie Hines; three sons,
Bill Hines, Charles Hines and
Charles Davis; one daughter
Teresa Bauman; four brothers,
Coleman Hines, Homer Hines,
Marvin Hines and Vestal Hines;
two sisters, May Hines-Shipp and
Omie Hines.
Hallie Stephens passed away
peacefully surrounded by her family on March 10, 2008. Her home
of the last few years had been near
her daughter, Barbara Rouleau,
grandson, Glen Hargrove and
three great grandchildren, Austin,
Jesse and Hallie Ann Hargrove, in
Friday Harbor, Washington. She
was quick to tell you that her home
town was DeLeon, Texas.
Hallie was a homemaker,
strong Christian member of the
First Baptist Church, member of
Order of the Eastern Star and well
known for her southern cooking.
Born October 6, 1925, in
Belton, Texas, the third child and
only daughter of Lonnie C. and
Minnie Martin Shattuck. She was
reared in Odessa, Texas, where she
married her high school sweetheart, Earl Roy Stephens, Jr. June
7, 1947. They moved as a young
couple with their children to the
family homestead in the Oliver
Springs community near DeLeon,
Texas. Earl preceded her death
July 24, 1967.
She will be buried next to her
husband, Earl in the Oliver
Springs Cemetery in DeLeon,
She is survived by three children, Barbara Rouleau of Friday
Harbor, Washington, Deborah
Hooper of Desdemona, and Earl
Roy Stephens III of Alvarado. She
was the proud grandmother of
Glenn Hargrove of Friday Harbor,
Washington, Jennifer Ward of
Justin, Texas, Quincey Hooper of
Desdemona, Beth Hanson of
Deleon, Stephanie Stephens of
Cleburne, and nine great-grandchildren. She has two brothers,
William Shattuck and Ben Earl
Shattuck and wife, Marsha of
Midland, Texas.
She was preceded in death by
her husband, Earl Roy Stephens,
Jr., her parents and one brother,
Lonnie C. Shattuck, Jr, lost in
Florene Easley Watson, age
85, of Morgan City, LA., passed
away Monday, March 10, 2008, in
Patterson, LA. She was born on
February 21, 1923, to the late
Edgar Earl and Vera White Easley.
She was united in marriage to
Howard Franklin Watson and they
were married for 62 years.
Mrs. Watson was a homemaker.
Funeral services were held at
2:00 p.m. Saturday, March 15, at
Nowlin Funeral Home Chapel
with Pastor John Elliot officiating.
Music was provided by the Neil
Mayes family and the Gary Rogan
family. Burial followed in the
DeLeon Cemetery. Pallbearers
were Randy Ratliff, Tim Beaty,
Mark Beaty, Dennis Nowlin,
Lonny Ray Easley and Darrell
Survivors include three
daughters, Joann Pittman and husband, Wesley of West Monroe,
LA, Mary Watson of College
Station, Tx, and Becky Justice and
husband, Charles of College
Station, Tx; three brothers, Jack
Easley and wife, Martha, of
Morgan City, LA, Ray Easley and
wife, Barbara of Morgan City, LA,
and Edmer Easley and wife,
Louise, of Ponca City, OK; two
sisters, Jane Nowlin and husband,
Dale of Comanche, and Martha
Beaty and husband, John of
DeLeon; five grandchildren, Keith
Pittman, Paul Pittman, Tiffany
Haisler, Erin Justice and Sara
Justice; six great-grandchildren,
Jessica, Jacob, Martha, Ben, and
Rachel Pittman and Joshua
She was preceded in death by
her husband, Howard Watson; two
sisters, Willa Faye Rogan and Jo
Kathryn Ratliff; and parents,
Edgar Earl and Vera White Easley.
Published March 20, 2008
DeLeon Free Press
Love Is In
The Hair!
The 2008 Comanche County
Relay For Life is rounding up
activities for their annual event on
May 2, 2008 - and they need your
Hair! If enough people are interested, a special event will be held
to benefit Locks of Love.
Locks of Love provides hairpieces to children suffering from
long-term medical hair loss. The
children who receive these hairpieces have lost more than their
hair; they suffer from a loss of selfesteem. They often withdraw
from normal childhood activities
such as swimming, gymnastics, or
even playing with their friends.
The goal is to return a sense of
self-confidence and normalcy to
their everyday lives. In short they can be kids again.
If you’ve been putting off getting your hair cut - put if off a little longer! Hair must be in a ponytail or braid before it is cut and
measure at least 10 inches tip to
tip. Please contact Melanie Haile
(325) 330-0190 or Martha Hudson
(254) 445-8049 if you would like
to participate in Locks of Love at
this year’s Relay For Life.
Published March 20, 2008
DeLeon Free Press
Sunday Services
Early Worship 8:45a.m.
Sunday School 9:45a.m.
Worship 10:55a.m.
Evening 6:30p.m.
[email protected]
316 E. Navarro, DeLeon
893-5842 Office 893-2162 Fax
Funeral Home of Comanche
Independently Owned & Operated
Lord’s Day
Gideon Botha
Mid-Week Bible Class 7:00PM
Geoff Litke- Preacher
Louie “Annette” Ralston, age
65, of Ft. Worth, formerly of
DeLeon, passed away Tuesday,
March 18, 2008. She was born on
May 28, 1942, in Van Alstyne,
Texas, to Audrey Louise Jackson
McKim of Ft. Worth and the late
James Monroe Jackson.
Ms. Ralston worked and
retired from Alan Young Buick as
a Warranty Administrator. She
was a member of DeLeon Church
of Christ, and enjoyed working in
the garden and making crafts.
Memorial services are pending in Weatherford.
Survivors include mother,
Audrey Louise McKim of Ft.
Worth; three daughters, Penny
Lopez and husband, Tony of
DeLeon, Amy Skaggs and husband, Don of Valley View, and
Teri Bartle and husband, Mark of
Benbrook; six grandchildren; five
great-grandchildren; two sisters
and two brothers.
She was preceded in death by
her father, James Monroe Jackson
and infant sister, Gerald Jeanette
Family may receive condolences c/o Amy Skaggs, P. O. Box
3, Valley View, Texas, 76272.
Internet Hosting by
Bible Class: 9:45AM
Worship: 10:45AM &
Published March 20, 2008
DeLeon Free Press
Church 893-6155 Parsonage 893-6540
Sunday Services
Sunday School 9:45AM
Sunday Worship 10:30AM
Published March 20, 2008
DeLeon Free Press
Published March 20, 2008
DeLeon Free Press
Lorah Dean Richey, age 75,
of Abilene, Texas, passed away
Friday, March 14, 2008, at
Windcrest Alzhemers. She was
born on December 5, 1930, in
Abilene, Texas, to William C. and
Lorah A. (Branch) Smith. She
was united in marriage to Doyle
Richey on December 9, 1950, in
Abilene, Texas.
Mrs. Richey was a school
teacher and a member of Pearl
Street Church of Christ in
Comanche, Texas.
Funeral services were held at
2:00 p.m. Tuesday, March 18,
2008, at Comanche Funeral Home
Chapel with Gerald Stockstill officiating. Burial followed in the
Comanche, Texas.
Survivors include husband,
Doyle Richey of Abilene; sons,
Ronald Richey and wife, Rebecca
of Denver, Colorado, James
Richey and wife, Trish of Tool,
Texas, David Richey and wife,
Pennsylvania; daughter, Cyndy
Fischer and husband, Mike of
Abilene, Texas; sisters, Gwendell
Clemmen of Merkel, and Amelia
Smith of College Station; sistersin-law, Wanda Smith of Houston,
and Dr. Elaine Smith of College
Station; eight grandchildren, Kelly
Richey, Jeniffer Hawes, Brandon
fischer, Nikki Richey, Kayla
Richey, Tyrel Richey, Brian
Richey and Sarah Richey and five
Published March 20, 2008
DeLeon Free Press
Funeral Director
1508 North Austin
Comanche, Texas 76442
Fax: 325-356-3475
“Service Beyond Expectation”
DeLeon Free Press/ Thursday, March 20, 2008/ Page 9
Tim White - Sports Editor (Phone: 758-2272; Email: [email protected])
OUT AT THIRD. Kaitlyn Wilkerson catches the ball and prepares to tag out an opponent at
third base.
Lady Cats Go 2 and 5 in Busy Week
SAFE AT HOME. Matt Nowlin slides in safe at home in Eula game.
Bearcats Lose Heartbreaker in Eula,
Win Big in Ranger
The DeLeon Bearcats split
games last weeks, losing a tight
one in Eula, but winning a
blowout in Ranger.
The Bearcats fell to the Eula
Pirates in a close one in Eula by a
score of 13-12 last week. The difference in the game was big
Kris Hodges started the
game, but struggled slightly with
control. The defense also struggled behind him, creating five
errors in the second inning. The
Cats had 11 errors in the game.
Hodges was replaced in the
third inning by Mason Stewart,
who finished the game. Hodges
had given up five runs, but only
one was earned.
Both teams scored one run in
the first inning. Austin Koonce
singled, and was driven in by
Taner Winkles.
DeLeon scored again in the
fourth inning, scoring three and
cutting the lead to one (5-4). Matt
Salinas and Waggoner Spurlen
both reached on errors. With one
out, Chance Singleton was hit by a
pitch to load the bases. Aaron
Koonce singled in Salinas, and
Kevin Smith doubled to drive in
two more.
exploded in the bottom of the
inning for six runs on four hits and
three errors, taking an 11-4 lead.
DeLeon responded, scoring
eight runs in the fifth.
Stewart walked, and Austin
Koonce singled. Winkles walked
to load the bases. Stewart scored
on a wild pitch. Spurlen singled to
score Koonce. Wesley Beeman
reached on an error, allowing
Winkles to score, and Spurlen
scored on an error. Singleton and
Aaron Koonce both walked.
Kevin Smith tripled, clearing the
bases and scoring on a throwing
error. DeLeon had captured the
lead, 12-11.
Eula was able to score one in
the bottom of the fifth to tie the
game and one in the sixth to take
the win. DeLeon failed to score in
the final innings.
Smith led the offense with
three hits, including a double, a
Lady Cat Track Results
Keisha Floyd took third in the
triple jump with a distance of
30’11 1/2”.
She also helped the 1600
meter relay team take third with a
combined time of 4:30.62. Also
contributing in the race was
Courtney Caraway, Kayla Atchley
and Kyler Caraway.
Floyd also finished fifth in
the 800 meter run, with a time of
single and a walk. Waggoner had
two hits with a walk.
DeLeon defeated Ranger last
week in Ranger by a score of 161. The Bearcats improved their
defense, giving up only two errors,
while Kody Travis pitched well
for the win, allowing only three
hits and one unearned run.
DeLeon evened its record to 5-5.
Meanwhile, the DeLeon
offense racked up 15 hits and benefited from 12 errors committed
by Ranger, scoring in every
Mason Stewart led the
offense with three hits. Kevin
Smith, Austin Koonce, Taner
Winkles, Wesley Beeman and
Dustin Bennett each had two hits.
Matt Salinas and Kris Hodges
each had a hit.
Koonce, Stewart, Smith, and
Winkles each had two RBIs.
Salinas, Beeman, Hodges and
Bennett each added an RBI.
Travis sailed through the
game with eight strikeouts for his
first varsity start.
and follow the prompts.
The DeLeon Lady Cat softball team was busy last week in
tournament and district play, winning two, but dropping five
games. Three of the losses were in
the Santo Tournament.
DeLeon fell to a strong Eula
team last week by a score of 0-10
in Eula. Linsey Sanders took the
loss, pitching four innings and
giving up seven runs on nine hits.
Silvia Reyna pitched the final
inning, allowing five hits and
three runs. The defense committed
seven errors in the five inning
Meanwhile, DeLeon was not
able to get a hit off the tough Eula
DeLeon faced Brock in the
Santo Tournament and came away
with an 11-6 win last week. Silvia
Reyna took the win from the circle, allowing 10 hits and six runs.
The defense played better, committing only three errors.
R-Leigh McLearen was the
hitting leader, going two for two at
the plate. Kristen Powell, Reyna,
Krista Escamilla, Maci Williams,
Megan Williams, Tina Fleming
and Kaitlyn Wilkerson each had a
Powell picked up two RBIs
for the Lady Cats. Reyna, Megan
Williams and Fleming each had an
DeLeon lost to Santo in the
tournament by a score of 7-8 in a
close game.
Santo scored two in the first,
but DeLeon tied the game in the
second. In the third inning, Santo
added three. DeLeon scored one
in the fourth to narrow the lead to
5-3. Santo scored another in the
fifth inning. The Lady Cats scored
two in the bottom of the frame, but
fell one short.
Linsey Sanders took the loss,
giving up seven hits and six runs.
Only three were earned.
Offensively, Kristen Powell,
Krista Escamilla and Sanders each
had two hits. Megan Williams and
Kaitlyn Wilkerson each added a
Sanders had two RBIs. RLeigh McLearen and Wilkerson
each had one.
DeLeon defeated Bryson by
a score of 12-7 in the tournament.
Despite the defense having four
errors, Silvia Reyna was able to
pick up the win, giving up seven
hits and seven runs.
DeLeon scored in every
inning, picking up one in each of
the first two frames. The Lady
Cats then scored three, four and
three in the final three innings to
overcome a six run second by
Bryson. Bryson added another run
in the final inning.
Maci Williams led the
offense with three hits. Kristen
Powell, Krista Escamilla and
Megan Williams each had two
hits. R-Leigh McLearen, Reyna
and Kaitlyn Wilkerson each
picked up a hit.
Escamilla knocked in three
runs, Megan and Maci Williams
each drove in two. Powell,
Wilkerson and Linsey Sanders
each drove in one.
The Lady Cats let one get
away in Ranger in district play,
dropping by a score of 1-0 in
Ranger in district play last Friday.
Ranger scored their only run
in the third. DeLeon’s biggest
threat came in the seventh, when
Linsey Sanders was thrown out at
the plate, preventing the tie.
Sanders took the loss from
the circle, but pitched very well.
The only run she gave up was
unearned. She gave up only two
R-Leigh McLearen, Krista
Escamilla, Megan Williams,
Kaitlyn Wilkerson and Linsey
Sanders each had a hit.
Tournament play against Dublin
and fell by a score of 1-12. Silvia
Reyna took the loss, giving up
nine hits and 12 runs, eight of
them earned.
DeLeon scored its only run in
the third inning. Dublin scored in
each of the first four innings,
blowing the game open in the
fourth with seven.
DeLeon had only three hits,
one each by R-Leigh McLearen,
Megan Williams and Linzi Gray.
DeLeon faced Santo again in
the Tournament and lost by a score
of 4-9.
Linsey Sanders took the loss
giving up six hits and nine runs.
One run was unearned. Silvia
Reyna pitched the final two
innings, allowing only one hit.
The Lady Cats scored three
in the third to tie the game at three.
After giving up one in the fourth,
they matched it in the fifth to tie 44.
Santo jumped up five runs in
their half of the fifth to take the
R-Leigh McLearen, Megan
Williams and Kyler Caraway each
picked up a hit. McLearen and
Williams both drove in a run.
DeLeon Golf Finishes 5th
and 8th in Stephenville
The DeLeon Bearcat golf
team #1 finished in 5th place last
week with a total 419 points in the
Stephenville Tournament. Scores
were as follows: Pedro Calzada
(100), Kolby Powell (104), Taylor
Golden (104), Tim Lopez (112),
Lane Chupp(111).
Team #2 finished in 8th place
with 532 points. Scores were as
follows: Alex Rorie (123), Dustin
Gray (130), Austin Johnson (139),
Lane Garcia (140), Scott Jordan
(140), Stewart Martin (152).
Junior High Track Results
The 8th Grade Lady Cat track
team finished fifth place in the
Tolar track meet last week with a
total of 54 points. The 7th grade
girls also finished fifth, with 46
total points.
For the 8th grade, Micah
Cisneroz contributed to the total
by capturing first place in the
Triple Jump with a distance of
28’10 1/2”.
Desire Spurlen picked up a second place medal in the 200 meter
dash with a time of 30.73 seconds.
Cisneroz finished third.
The 800 meter relay team also
picked up second place, with
Fantasy Harper, Cisneroz, Demi
Dyson and Spurlen carrying the
Makenzie Barefoot threw to a
third place finish in the Discus,
finishing at 65’9”. Adrian Arzate
finished fourth in the Shot Put
with 24’3”.
The 1600 meter relay team fin-
ished fifth with Harper, Rachel
Riggs, Dyson and Spurlen running
the legs.
In the 7th grade division, Jessie
Lopez finished second in the triple
jump, with a distance of 26’6 1/2”.
Trish Taylor also finished in fourth
Lopez also finished second in
the 100 meter dash, running it in
14:32 seconds.
The 1600 meter relay team,
with Katie Nabors, Erin Sparger,
Lopez and Taylor, finished third
with a time of 5:18.58.
Taylor also finished fourth in
both the long jump, leaping 11’9”,
and the 200 Meter Dash, running
in 31.05 seconds.
The 800 Meter Relay team,
with Lopez, Nabors, Sparger and
Taylor, finished fifth, with a time
of 2:14.28.
The junior high boys’ track
team also competed, but no results
were submitted.
ON YOUR MARK. Courtney Caraway and Keisha Floyd dash
off to the 800 Meter Run in lane six.
QUICK OFF THE BLOCKS. Austin Koonce has a strong,
fast start off the blocks in 400 Meter Relay last week in
the Santo Track Meet.
Bearcat Track Results: Cats Finish 5th Overall
The DeLeon Bearcat varsity
track team finished fifth overall in
the Tolar Track Meet last week
with 78 points overall.
Kevin Smith took first place
in the triple jump, with a combined leap of 39’7”. Mason
Stewart finished fifth.
Smith also took second in the
high jump, clearing 5’10”.
Taner Winkles threw to first
place in the Discus with a distance
of 126’4”.
Cody Welch finished second
in the pole vault, clearing 11’5”.
Pedro Calzada threw for third
place in the Shot Put with a distance of 44’1 1/2”. Winkles placed
The 400 meter relay team
finished third, running Austin
Koonce, Tim Lopez, Derek
Sparger and Smith, with a time of
47.9 seconds.
The 400 meter relay team,
with Koonce, Lopez, Stewart and
Sparger finished fourth, running
in 1:41.1.
Smith finished fourth in the
110 meter hurdles, finishing in
16.8 seconds. Tanner Welch finished in sixth place.
Tanner Welch also finished
fifth in the 300 Meter Hurdles.
For the Junior Varsity team,
the Bearcats swept the medals in
the Shot Put. Kody Travis took
first place, with a distance of
40’6”. Matt Salinas took second
and Mike Reyas finished third.
Matt Nowlin finished second
in the Triple Jump, leaping 35’3
The JV 1600 Meter Relay
team finished third, running
Travis, Mitch Winkles, Nowlin
and Braxton Sadberry, with a time
of 3:59.1
The 800 Meter Relay team
finished fourth with a time of
1:45.5. It featured Chance
Singleton, M. Winkles, Nowlin
and Sadberry. These also ran the
400 Meter Relay and finished 5th,
finishing in 50.2 seconds.
Pierce Pierson finished fifth
in the 110 hurdles, with a time of
21.6 seconds.
The District track meet is
April 1 in Stephenville.
Page 10 Thursday, March 20, 2008/ DeLeon Free Press
108 N. Lamar
Horton Hears
A Who!
Easter Chicks Special!
Easter Chicks will be sold
Saturday 22nd & Sunday 23rd
only $5.00 each. See at 332 Sipe
Springs Rd., DeLeon, Texas. All
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yard pets.
Arrowhead Collections Wanted.
Cash purchase. Local area collections only.
Prior inspection
required. 842-4945.
GARAGE SALE: Clothing, windows, doors and many miscellaneous items. Friday, 8AM, 200
CR 450 DeLeon.
GARAGE SALE: Saturday,
March 22 Only. 332 Sipe Springs
Rd, DeLeon. Antiques, shop
tools, 1943 Maytag washer, dryer,
stools, clothes, & junk. Easter
chicks, NASCAR collection
“nice”. A little for everyone. 1tp.
Rated G
7:30 p.m. Showings
Fri-Mon Admission $4.50
Chocolates &
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1955 S. Loop
work & mowing. Also small
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Bobby Winkles
Construction &
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work and window replacement!
Call 893-4198 or
842-8167 tfnc
Buying Junk
& Pickups
Call Jamie Mason
DeLeon Auto
Windows, Doors, Bathrooms,
Kitchens, Custom Cabinets, Brush
& Tree Removal. Call for Free
Estimates. 893-5874. 1tp
85 sprigs for sale. Call Danny
Burgess at 254-977-2697. 33-39p
FOR SALE: 3/4 Australian
Shepherd & 1/4 Blue heeler. 7 wks
old. 2 boys, 2 girls. Call 254-8934858.
For Sale
Also clean offices.
References available.
Cost + 10%
All Manufacturers
Call 254-485-0114.
Rifles, Pistols, Shotguns
All State & Local Laws Apply
Must be 21 Years of Age
Skip Smith
After another brief executive
session, council members voted to
hire Rene Garza as a city employee, with no comment other than
“welcome aboard.”
An agenda item described as
“Discuss and consider authorizing
the moving of monies ($50,000)
from the Utility CD to the Utility
Fund for operating expenses” was
also addressed.
“Some of this money we’re
talking about here is to replace a
city tractor that burned last year,”
Mayor Owen said. “As you
recall, several meetings ago, you
authorized me to secure a loan at
one of the banks to replace this
tractor. We got to looking at our
utility fund and spoke to our
accountant, and the recommendation is to move some of this
money out and do what we need
to do, and save the interest on a
Mayor Owen and City
Secretary Karen Wilkerson then
discussed the fact that some of the
$50,000 would also be used to
“finish up some of the park stuff.”
After some discussion and
clarification, council members
voted unanimously to transfer the
In other business, council
• Approved the minutes from
the February 28, 2008 meeting.
• Approved the February
2008 Tax Statement:
• Discussed reviewing -- and
possibly re-writing, reorganizing
and revising -- the personnel rules
and regulations for the city.
Attorney Rockefeller suggested
council members use the next two
weeks to review the current rules
and regulations and make notes
about suggested changes, and
have their comments ready for the
next meeting, on March 27.
Rockefeller said a complete revision could easily take six to eight
CareFlite to sell memberships for
Residential & Commercial
New Construction,
Cabinet Finishing & Dry Wall
√ Free Estimates
Call: 254-893-5244
Turn Junk Cars or Trucks
Dodd Auto Parts
We’ll pick ‘m up!
“Open when I’m Here...
... Closed when I’m Gone”
Quilting & Sewing
Store Hours:
9:30-5:00 p.m.
Sunday &
FOR SALE: Ladies Bridal Set.
1ct. w/Baggetts, size 5. $600.
Mens diamond ring. 3/4 ct.
w/small diamonds on side, size 10.
$500. Call 254-734-5773. 37-38p
FOR SALE: 10 Good Ewes - 3/4
plus Royal White. Been with
Dorper Ram. 254-842-5277. 1tp.
FOR SALE: Tifton 85 Sprigs.
$14.00/bale. Jimmy Bingham (h)
254-842-5856 or (c) 325-3301685.
The Professional Leveling Co.
For Sale
Council Hears Complaint About Damage
Caused by City Vehicle
132 N. Texas St.
DeLeon,Tx. 76444
HELP WANTED: Auto & small
diesel tech needed. Call 325-3562155.
our own equipment). Call 254998-0020. Daniel Garcia.
$16.75/hr. Also need CNA, 3/11,
$9.00/hr. Please apply in person at
DeLeon Nursing and Rehab, 809
E. Navarro DeLeon,Texas
HELP WANTED: Construction
worker. Carpentry & painting.
Experience needed. Call 254-5791176.
HELP WANTED : Tire Laborer.
Must have drivers license. 6
months experience in changing
tires. Drug free environment. May
pick up application at Garcia Tire
Food service career with top salary
& bonuses for continued growth.
Responsible, honest leader with
people skills. Background & drug
test required; smoke free.
Richeson Home Office 940-5495041, ask for Twylah Price 9-5, MF. Other time leave message. 37-40c
HELP WANTED: Now hiring a
reliable full-time RN for CCS
Hospice. Flexible schedule and
hours available. Competitive pay
and mileage paid. Call 254-4454675 or fax resume to 254-4452975. Applications located at 118
E. Live Oak, Dublin, 76446. 37-38c
DQ: Foodservice career with top
salary and bonuses for continued
Responsible, honest
leader with people skills.
Background and drug test
required; smoke free. Richeson
Home Office 940-549-5041, ask
for Twylah Price; 9-5 M-f. Other
time, leave message. 35-38c
Comanche County Medical
Center currently has the following full-time positions available.
* Certified Respiratory
* Groundskeeper/
CCMC offers competitive
Applications may be picked up
at 10201 Hwy 16 N or mail to
Resource Director, 10201 Hwy
16 N. Comanche, TX 76442 or
fax to (254) 879-4990. EOE. 1tc
Crushed Rock
House Pads
Custom Work
under control.” He noted that
there was no risk that the city
would “lose any property” but
that at the current time “it cannot
be confirmed that the annexation
has been accomplished.”
Others participating in the
staff discussion included Rob
Duncan, public works administrator, who discussed several trips
he’s made for observation recently to wastewater facilities in other
Council member Stroud
asked Sgt. Dustin Paulsen for an
update on some of the incidents of
vandalism. During his report,
Paulsen noted that several curfew
citations have been issued recently. Sgt. Paulsen was filling in for
Chief Ralph Dickey, who was
attending “chief school” in
Huntsville. “We’ve cleared up a
lot of the investigations on the
criminal mischiefs and vandalism,” Paulsen said. “We developed suspects and sent six cases to
the County Attorney.” He then
noted that only two of the cases
would be prosecuted which led to
a discussion regarding evidence,
admissible evidence and insufficient evidence and investigative
difficulties relating to juvenile
Paulsen also noted that
Officer Heather Harding was
“working hard on the sex offenders” in DeLeon, having rearrested
three registered sex offenders “for
failing to comply with their status.” Paulsen also reported that he
and Harding were presently pursuing grants for new vehicles.
Karen Wilkerson stated that
Dora Rangel hoped to return to
work on Monday, March 24,
although in a limited capacity.
Rangel has been off work due to
health problems since last
Mayor Owen then noted that
he wanted to commend Wilkerson
and employee Marilyn Harbour
for all their efforts to keep the city
offices running while being shorthanded. His remarks were met
with applause from council members.
Levin is New Chamber
Executive Director
(From Page 1)
Jamie Welch and Tim Beaty.
Levin is a familiar face in the
downtown DeLeon area having
owned and operated, with her
husband Phillip, Stikbows
Antiques for four years.
“After I closed Stikbows
Antiques, I worked at Antiques
From Our Father’s House, in
Gorman, for a couple of years,”
Levin said. Most recently, Levin
said she’s been occupied with caring for ill relatives.
“Currently, my husband
Phillip and our son, Brandon,
have a shop, Stikbows Custom
Cabinets and Furniture in Beattie,
five miles from our house,” Levin
said. She said the Levin family
has lived in Beattie for 20 years.
“I’m looking forward to
working at the Chamber,” Levin
said. “I’ve always loved DeLeon
and the people, it’s home to me.”
Levin is scheduled to work at
the chamber from 9-3, five days a
week, and “as needed” for special
The first of those events, a
“42” Tournament, is scheduled
for April and Levin laughingly
admitted that she knew little about
the game.
“I’m a city girl,” Levin said.
“The only thing I know less about
than “42” is tractor pulls. But I
told the directors, what I lack in
experience, I’ll make up for in
enthusiasm. I’m very excited
about this job.”
One of the things fueling
Levin’s excitement is the attitude
of the chamber board.
“I believe that this is an
exceptional board,” Levin said. “I
just got a sense and feel that it’s a
very professional and devoted
Board members believe that
Levin’s employment history,
including a lengthy stint with the
Hilton Corporation in Dallas (as
credit manager and chief correspondent), has more than prepared her for work at the chamber.
“We’re excited to have her
on-board,” Dr. Mohundro said.
Levin said she hopes to have
an “open door” policy at the
“I would like to invite the
community to come by and share
their dreams and desires for
DeLeon,” Levin said. “I’ve
already been approached by one
woman about a project that might
just be wonderful for downtown.
I hope everyone will feel free to
drop by and share their ideas.”
Besides Reading,
You Can Use Them For:
(254) 485-2002 Clay
(254) 485-2007 Scott
Dublin, Tx 76446
Asphalt Repair
Road Base
(From Page 1)
their air ambulance service to residents in DeLeon. The Comanche
County Commissioners Court has
previously denied CareFlite permission to sell memberships in
the county. Councilman Roy
Dale Freeman noted that he
thought it was important to “let
people make their own individual
Although everyone agreed,
Councilman Howard Gifford
noted that he “wanted people to
understand that if they are in
DeLeon or Comanche County
they’re probably not going to benefit from a membership with
CareFlite, unless they go to Fort
Worth or something.”
After some discussion,
Mayor Owen noted that citizens,
whether they want to purchase Air
Evac memberships or CareFlite
memberships, or both, “need to do
their homework.”
During the staff report
between city employees and city
officials Mayor Owen stated that
he had some disturbing news.
“For some reason,” Owen
said, “we cannot confirm the
annexation of our park project. It
has not been put back through the
courthouse records. So we’re
going to contact Barney Knight’s
office (former city attorney) and
research this and see if somewhere down the line it didn’t get
back to us or whatever.”
Mayor Owen said that it
appeared that the city would have
to “start the process over again.”
“The city attorney did assure
me that we can get this turned
around,” Owen said, “and everything is going to be OK.” He
added that he’d been told that they
“should be able to fix things in
about 90 days.”
“What does that mean for
us?” Council member Gayle
Stroud said.
“Well, the property is ours,”
Owen said, “we’ve got the deeds
and all that kind of stuff. But
when we annexed it so that it
would be under the city ordinances, something was lost. So
we’re going to pursue this in a
rapid episode and try to get this
Dozer Work
Wrapping, packing, housetraining,
bird cages, painting and more.
We, normally have a supply
of old newspapers
available for no charge at the
DeLeon Free Press.
Pre-payment is required on
all Classified Ads.
Deadline is 12 noon Tuesdays.
DeLeon Free Press/ Thursday,March 13, 2008/ Page11
Total Burn Ban Lifted
County Placed in Restricted Burn Ban
(From Page 1)
It will still be under Ray
Helberg's discretion as far as when
to burn."
Steele added that the change
from a total outdoor to a restricted
burn ban should not take effect
until early in the following week
due to predicted high fire danger
followed by predicted wet weather.
"I think we can do the very
same things we have been doing,
with some discretion, and make it
a lot simpler," Steele added.
Bobby Schuman expressed
the frustration he and his son had
recently experienced when burn
permission was denied on a day
when it was raining.
Garry Steele responded that
he believed the confusion had arisen due to the fact that the
Commissioners had given the
County Judge the authority to
temporarily lift the total outdoor
burn ban and that somewhere
between he and Ray Helberg the
matter was getting confused.
"This way it would just get it
back to the way it was, to where
Ray would be calling in, and there
wouldn't be any confusion. Yes
there was some confusion. I know
that," Steele commented.
It was noted that the Judge
had sought legal opinion regarding his authority to temporarily lift
a total burn ban and had been
advised that he did not have such
Ruby Lesley noted that the
Judge could not lift a total burn
ban without an order of the
Commissioners Court.
Ray Helberg added, "You all
can do it whenever you want to."
Steele noted that in addition
to the County Judge, that Sheriff
Lambert had reservations about
the county's total burn ban procedures.
Lambert then stated, "I think
if you read the law on that, you
have the authority to put on that
burn ban, but you have to specify
for how long that burn ban is on,
not to exceed 90 days. You can
undo it, but I think you have to
come back into court to undo it."
Steele observed the impracticality of being required to call special Commissioners meetings
every time it rained.
Jimmy Dale Johnson said he
had heard it said on television that
Erath County had lifted their total
burn ban and then suffered 14
major fires.
Garry Steele said he knew
that the restricted burn ban had
worked very well in Comanche
Bobby Schuman restated that
the confusion over who can temporarily lift a burn ban needed to
be clarified.
The meeting became a bit
unfocused as Schuman received a
cellular phone call and talked at
the meeting table while others discussed various aspects of the burn
ban, including Garry Steele's
desire to obtain only one or two
phone numbers for people to call
when seeking permission to burn.
Kenneth Feist, who had been
Kim Miles
Comanche County
Extension Agent
largely silent during the meeting,
finally stated his opinion. "We're
taking all of the privileges away
from our people. We're telling that
there's five of us sitting here
telling everybody what to do. And
I don't really like that."
briefly that they didn't think that
they were exercising too much
control, Feist continued.
"I feel like they ought to call
in and tell us they are burning, but
us telling them they can't burn, I
just don't like it." He later added,
"The law says if they burn somebody else's property, they've got to
pay for it."
There was general agreement
among the other Commissioners,
however, that some type of restrictions on burning was necessary.
( See Page 14 )
has housing available to qualified
families and elderly applicants at
this time. An application may be
obtained at 200 E. Navarro
DeLeon, Texas or by calling
(254) 893-2535.
Monday thru Friday
10am-12:30pm &
1:30 pm to 4pm.
The Authority
equal housing
to all who qualify.
132 S. Texas St.
DeLeon, Texas 76444
tires inflated to the right pressure;
shop around for the cheapest place
to buy gasoline (hard to imagine
cheap gas anywhere right now, but
even a few pennies a gallon
• Shop for clothing at discount
and outlet stores and resale shops.
• Give up premium cable
channels and rent movies instead.
• Borrow books from the
library instead of buying them.
• Save loose change and dollar bills. My husband and I save
our change and dollar bills for a
year and use the money for vacation. We usually end up with $400$500. Believe me, it adds up.
• Keep track of spending and
review spending habits every
• Never make big purchases
on impulse. Think about it for at
least 24 hours.
None of these steps require
life-impacting changes but they
can help you grow wealth. These
savings can be used for retirement
or college funds, major purchases
such as a home, car or vacation, or
as a financial cushion in case of
emergencies. The key to any savings plan is to "pay yourself first."
Set money aside every month
before you are tempted to spend it.
Save before you even pay your
bills. If you are living so close to
the edge that you pay your bills
and have nothing left to save, you
are in deep water. The whole concept of paying yourself first is
basic to developing financial skills
and growing assets. If you don‚t
pay yourself first, you are never
going to save money.
209 N. Texas St. - 254-893-6502
Bill Lamb, Broker - Troy Morris, Agent
• NEW LISTING! 3 BR, 1 BTH Rock Home on corner lot with beautiful oak
trees, garden spot, double garage, w/shop/storage building. $39,500.
• NEW: 20.113 acres outside city limits on Hwy 6. $4,000/acre
• NEW: 55.613 acres, well, electricity, good fencing, mixed grasses. $2,250/acre.
• NEW: Unique 3-2 Barndominium on 6 wooded acres with pavement frontage.
CH/A, office, woodstove, loft, lots of cedar cabinets, loft etc. Barn, outbuildings
& shop plus 100 yr old farm house to redo. Go to our website and follow the
prompts for a tour. All the country charm anyone could want. $165,000.
• NEW: 3 BDR, 1 BTH Frame on approx 3 acres., Approx 1500 sq ft. CH/A,
Carport, pecan trees, water well, approx 1200 sq ft shop. $75,000 Call 254-4332433.
• 4Bdr, 2 Bath, 2 story frame on tree covered corner lot at edge of DeLeon. Really
nice place! $77,000!
• REDUCED!!Very charming older 3-2 frame home on corner lot. Home has
CH/A, formal living, dining and a huge den. This home has approx. 2616 sq. ft.
(CAD) $71,000.
• 2 Bedroom, 1 Bath frame on 4+ acres $92,000.
• 3-2-3 Brick on very nice corner lot. Hardwood floors. Large rooms. $92,500.
• 3-2-1 carport, 2 Story frame on nice lot. $45,000.
• LAND - Several pieces ranging from 56A to 360A.
NEW On Market! 53 A., m/l;
1/2mile from FM 2156, on CR
358 S. (Highland-Victor Area)
Coastal, 1 pond, 1 well; nice bldg.
site! $3,750 per acre. $3,500/Acre
Broker /Owner
NEW On Market! 185 A., m/l One of the most Scenic, Serene,
Rugged areas in Comanche Co.!
Hunting, Recreational, Cattle! 2
Lakes, Several Ponds; est. 60 A.
cult.; abundant waterfowl &
wildlife! Only 5 mi. from town;
1/2 from pavement. $2950 per
Location, Location
On Mocking Bird Hill,
surrounded by 5 giant oaks
and the biggest crepe myrtle in
Comanche County.
Completely remodeled inside
and out. $36,000.
524 Bell St. DeLeon.
by Owner
217 N. Comanche Drive, DeLeon
Want a little piece of Paradise in DeLeon?
Brick 3-2-2; 1,857 sq.ft. on 1.349 acres, CH/A,
“Earth” wood stove, water well w/wind mill, St.
Augustine, sprinkler system, back yard fenced,
storage, total electric. $140,000.
Call 254-893-2742 Bonnie Singleton
3 Bedroom , 1 Bathroom
Frontier Farm & Ranch
Specializing in Farm & Ranch Real Estate
111 E. Blackjack • Dublin, TX 76446
Office (254)445-4006 • Fax (254) 445-3770
300 Allen in DeLeon
Mobile Homes
For Sale
Selection D/Wides, Great prices,
starting @ $29,900! Completely
refurbed, financing available.
Crown Homes, 817-279-8505.
RBI 35823.
New 3+2 with acreage, $0Down
available, $550 per month! FHA,
7%, 360 mos. RBI 35823, 817279-8505, Crown Homes.
32 X 56 New D/Wide: Country
Style Kitchen, separate computer
or office room. Lots of extras.
$59,900! 817-279-8505 Crown
Homes. RBI 35823.
NEW 3+2 D/WIDE with acreage,
perfect 1st home. $0down, $595
per mo. FHA, 7%, 360mos. 817279-8505, Crown Homes. RBI
Single wides, all sizes 2+3
Bedrooms available, payments
starting under $260 per mo! 817279-8505, Crown Homes, RBI
Shop the pages of the
DeLeon Free Press
In DeLeon Continuously Since 1954
• 93’ X 125’ lot on North Texas. $5,000
• 5 lots totaling 1.531 Acres, all city utilities available, corner location, great building site. $18,500.
• 3/4 acre lot in DeLeon, well, pad w/elec., city water, phone &
cable, septic and 20x40 shop building. $20,000.
• NEW: Nice Fleetwood, 3-2m/h, 1216 sf, CH/A, 3 bay carport,
metal shop, quiet street. $27,500.
• DeLeon: 3-2-2 Brick, 1200 sf, CH/A, metal roof, city water and
water well, stg bldg, large oaks. $78,000 $74,950
• NEW: Remodeled 3-2-1 frame, 1170 sf, Central A/H. New
floors, plumbing kitchen/bath fixtures, water heater, & more. 14
x 20 shop, 117 x 120 lot, nice neighborhood. $52,500.
• NEW: 3-2-2 Austin Stone home, 1438sf, new laminate floors,
New CH/A, has 1-1 apt basement, water well (pump needs
work), fenced back yard.
• Nice 3-2-1 frame on approximately 2 1/2 acres, carpeted,
CH/A, metal roof, barn, 2 wells, beautiful location at edge of
town, large oaks. $77,500..
• 3-2-1 Brick, 1341 sf, CH/A, built 1984, approx. 1 3/4 acres,
nice trees, quiet street, well cared for home. $79,500.
• 19.6Acres DeLeon: 4 Bdr brick home w/2 full baths, 2 half
baths, 2 car garage, 2534’ (CAD), WBFP, lg. den, family room,
atrium and more! 2 water wells, pond, all metal building w/ 20 x
30 cement floored, enclosed shop area, plus ample additional
shed area, for up to 8 vehicles! Home overlooks Leon River bottom. $339,000. MAKE OFFER!!
• NEW: 38 A M/L south Gorman: Fronts FM 679, about 10 A large
Pecan Trees, nice location for pond, good fences, sandy land.
•REDUCED: 40 a m/l near Gorman, pasture, fenced, small
cabin, water well, small pond, elec., sandy soil. $2750/acre
• NEW: 45.08 A near Downing, part coastal, part cultivated, good
fences, pond, steel
well, 40x 60 all metal shop w/cement
floor, 2-2 mobile home. Nice building site. $2995 acre.
•49.83 A. Gorman, oaks, building spots, county water & elec.
available, fenced,On
barn/corral, great hunting.$2,900/acre.
• NEW: 77.68 A near Sipe Springs: Great hunting place! 30x40
metal bldg w/living quarters, deer, turkey, other wildlife, 2 ponds
stocked with fish. Live & post oak, mesquite. Owners mineral
rights included. $3,250/acre.
NEW: 80A n/w DeLeon, app. 30 a coastal, 7-8 wells, reservoir,
good fences, elec., good soil, nice pond site. Will divide $2,500
per acre
• 97.5 A, Hwy 16S DeLeon, part wooded, part open farm land, 2
ponds, electricity, county water available, pavement and county
road frontage. $3,200/acre
• 100 A West DeLeon, FM 587, 3-1 1/2-2 Brick, 1444 sq ft. CH/A,
fireplace, carpeted, some remodeling. 3 ponds, 30A crop land,
35A coastal, some native, fenced 2 steel corrals, 2 wells, shop
building. Nice setup. “MINERAL RIGHTS” $295,000.00
• 358A, west of DeLeon, 30% wooded, 60% old fields, deer &
hogs, 2 nice ponds, some new fences, elec, several water wells.
Owners mineral rights included. $2,300.00 per acre.
916 Texas St.
Call 325-200-6230.
The Housing Authority
of the City of DeLeon
Personal Savings Plans Can
Start Small
When it comes to developing
a personal savings plan, little
things mean a lot. These little
things are more important than
ever because American savings
habits don’t look good. On average, Americans are spending more
that they are taking in and saving
nothing. Therefore, debit is on the
rise. A recent study, commissioned
by Consumer Credit Counseling
Service, revealed that overall consumer debt has increased by 38
percent for households at all
income levels over the past year.
Let’s face it, saving money
isn’t easy, but it doesn’t have to be
that hard either. Establishing a personal savings habit and becoming
debt free can be done. Watch your
daily spending habits and determine where you can pocket money
instead of spending it. For example, buy store brand items instead
of name brands when shopping for
groceries and order water instead
of soft drinks or tea when dining
out. Other ways to start small, but
save big are:
• Drink regular coffee instead
of expensive coffee drinks.
• Bring lunch to work instead
of buying lunch out every day.
• Dine out one less time each
• If taking prescription medications, ask about taking the
generic versions and then shop for
the lowest-priced pharmacy.
• Reduce credit card debt and
be sure to make payments on time.
Late fees can add up.
• Keep your car tuned and its
DeLeon, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths,
central heat & air on 2 fenced lots.
Call 254-734-5836 leave a message. $45,000.
Low Down
Easy Qualifying
For Rent
Call Us At 254-893-6666
Skip Smith (254) 485-0286 Cade Richmond (325) 330-0590
NEW LISTING: 672 South Bowie
St, DeLeon. Large Immaculate
Brick Home 2330 sq. ft. (cad) 3 Br/
1 3/4 bath with fire place, 2 car
garage, well with sprinkler system,
too much to list. $119,500
• NEW LISTING: 52 Acres 4 miles from Dublin, 2400 sq ft custom double wide,
2nd Home 2/2 with office and RV hookup too much to list. $315,000.00
• NEW LISTING: 138 Acres near Lamkin. Older farm house, cultivation, wooded areas, tanks, great hunting. $3,500/acre.
• NEW LISTING: 167 Acres near DeLeon. Rent house, main home, 4 section
Pivot, 6 wells, side roll, 80 plus acres of coastal, 35 acres cultivated land, turnkey
sheep operation many extras. $775,000.00
• NEW LISTING: 123 Acres near Gorman, 40 acres coastal, 40 acres cultivation,
tanks & woods. $2250.00 per acre.
• NEW LISTING: 323 Acres near Ranger, Horse Barn, Living quarters, 40 acres
coast. Call for Details!
• NEW LISTING: 147 Acres Near Carlton, 2 tanks, great hunting! $2000/acre
• NEW LISTING: 161.5 A Acres Near Carlton, house, horse barn much more!
• NEW LISTING: 158 acres overlooking coastal meadow, 7 miles West of Dublin
on Hwy 6. CR frontage on 2 sides. Great building site, 1 well, coastal & native grasses, some hunting. $2,500/acre.
• 390 acres near Comanche home, pivot 7 acre lake much more $2,850.00 per acre.
• 218 acres large feedlot, permitted for 3500 head, 47 pens near Beattie. $2,500.00
per acre.
• 161 acres near Throckmorton great hunting. Lake $2,000.00 per acre.
• 700 acres large cattle or game ranch, 8 tanks, great cover, 8 tanks near Eastland.
$2250.00 per acre.
• 1738 acres near Graford, 2 large lakes, home, much more. $3,500.00 per acre.
• 80 acres near Edna Hill, 2500 sqft home, 3 pastures, large tank. $295,000.00
• PRICED REDUCED!! 160 acres near Carbon: Home, roping arena, pens,
great guest house, turn key horse & cattle facility. Reduced from $660,000 to
$495,000. MUST SALE.
• 25 acres near Comanche, great building site, well elect, minerals. $3,750.00 /acre
• 35 acres Sidney CR frontage, scattered trees, pens in oats $4,250.00 per acre
• 328 acres near Sidney, 3200sqft. custom home, spring fed creek, pens, barns, 160A
coastal, 100 cultivation. Great Hunting. CALL FOR DETAILS!
• 99.592 acres east of Comanche, 40 acres woods, 59 cultivation, well, minerals.
$3,500.00 per acre.
• NEW LISTING: 400 acres near Sidney, 35 acres conservation, small wooded
stream, 60 acres grain field, coastal, improved grasses, oaks, great fences, two sets of
corrals, CR frontage. Call for pricing.
• 158 Acres near Dublin, great building sites, well, tank, good fences, Hwy frontage,
• 2330 sq ft. custom home in DeLeon 3/2 CH/A, large den with fireplace, great
home. $119,500
Skip Smith, Owner Jackson Wilson, Broker
Comanche Office: 325-356-3739
Broker: Robert Gilder
Agents: Ronnie Golden, David Gilder, Wayne Parsons,
Bobby Newman, Debbie Gilder, Neal Butler
F A R M S , R A N C H E S & R E C R E AT I O N A L
Home carport, barn, wells & tanks, creek &
A,, 3-2 Brick Home,
613 A
hunting, partial minerals & royalities $2,025,000 [WW02]
455 A,
A wells & tanks, creek, tree covered hills, wildlife cover,
12,000 [RS0
hunting, Hwy.6 frontage $1
380± A,
A wells & tanks, gentle roling terrain, producing gas
1,000 [CW0
wells $950,000 REDUCED $93
328 A
enced Game Ranch,
Ranch hunting cabin, wells &
A,, High FFenced
er A
cre [RR0
tanks $3,350 P
250± A
Creek 150 wooded, 100 coastal, lake,
A,, on Copperas Creek,
tanks, cabin, hwy. frontage, rural water $850,000 [LB0
243 A
A, reservoir & wells, irrigation pit, highway frontage,
cultivation, costal, native pasture $2,500 per acre [AB0
236± A,
A wells & tanks, rolling terrain, minerals available,
195 per acre [DS02]
hunting $2,
A,, on Leon Riv
er, wells, pecan trees, hunting, minerals
available $751,530 REDUCED $665,280 [DK0
150 A
A, rolling terrain, approx. 90 acres wooded, wells & tanks,
42,500 [L[LO0
irrigation pit, hunting, minerals $4
90 A
A,, 4-3 Brick Home
Home, fireplace, game room, RV shed, well &
7,500 [BE0
tank, minerals negotiable $39
81 A
ecan Or
d , approx. 900 improved variety trees,
A,, P
underground drip irrigation, 9 wells $405,000 [REM0
52 A
Home carport, wells & tanks, corrals, barns
A,, 4-3 Brick Home,
$250,000 REDUCED $239,500 [LP0
51 A
A,, with highway frontage, spring creek and hunting
182,000 [RP0
30 A
om Built Home,
Home garage, porch, RV shed &
A,, 3-2½ Cust
shop, barn, wells & tanks, Hwy.16 frontage $450,000 [DB0
25.6 A
Home garage, carport, storage buildings,
A,, 4-2½ Brick Home,
10,000 [JB03] – UNDER CONTRA
water well & tanks $2
24.5 A
Creek with water well, native pasture, close
A,, on Flat Creek,
to highway $98,000 [MP0
20 A
A, approx. 40% wooded, remainder in costal, rural water
available, hunting $75,000 [WM0
Home fireplace, fenced yards, garages &
4±A,, 3-2 Brick Home,
80,000 [FW0
storage buildings, hwy. frontage $1
11 A
6’x70’ Mobile Home,
Home metal awning, well, rural water,
A,, 1
oak trees $70,000 [T[TC0
8.6 A
rame Home,
Home water well, above ground pool with
A,, 3-2 FFrame
deck, horse barn $129,900 [KJ0
8½ A
tal FFrame
rame Home
A,, 3-2 Me
Home, near Lake Proctor, work shop,
wells, underground sprinkler system $265,000 [JT02]
7± A
tal Building on slab,
slab large oak trees, pecan orchard,
A,, Me
hwy. frontage, water well $65,000 [FW02]
Home metal roof, carport, storage buildings,
A,, 4-2 Brick Home,
pecan trees, wells & tanks $120,000 [WK0
om Brick Home,
Home approx. 1.4 acre, 3 car garage,
3-2½ Cust
7,500 [D
rural water, paved drive, storage building $29
3-2 Double Wide,
Wide screened porch, workshop, wells, 2 large
35,000 [J[JA02]
lots and older frame home $1
3-3 Brick Home,
Home approx. 1 acre, carport, well, underground
30,000 [BC02]
sprinkler, C H/A, storage bldgs. $1
3-2 FFrame
rame Home,
Home 2.5 Acres, wood burning stove, carport, rural
water, well, shop $137,500 REDUCED $99,900 [CC03]
3-2 Brick Home,
Home carport, large shaded lot, fireplace, metal
roof, storage building $105,000 REDUCED $90,000 [W
2-1½ FFrame
rame Home
Home, garage, storage building $75,000 [S
3-2 Double
wide, 2/car carport, on 3+ lots $70,000 [LK0
2-1 FFrame
rame Home,
Home 2.3 A, screened porch $55,000 [GB02]
See Pictures at:
Page 12 / Thursday, March 20, 2008/ DeLeon Free Press
Deadline on a new mailing address is
4:00 p.m. on MONDAYS
so you won’t miss the next issue.
Remember to Renew Your Subscription
Check the date at the top of your address
label, on the upper left corner.
If your label has 03/30/08
Your subscription will end that day.
DeLeon City Council
Hospital District
Board Meetings
Meets at 6:00 p.m.
Every 2nd & 4th Thursday
Every 4th Tuesday 12:30 p.m.
Senior Citizens of
Sipe Springs
Lodge #537
1100 W. Reynosa
Lunch: Mon, Wed & Fri
Tuesday: Covered Dish
Every 3rd Tuesday • 7:30 p.m.
Study Club
3rd Monday of Month
Meeting 7:00 p.m.
F & M Hospitality Room
Armstrong Lodge #445
First Tuesday
Supper 7:00p.m., Meeting 7:30 p.m
Shakespeare Club
Lions Club
2nd Wednesday of
each Month
F & M Hospitality Room
2:00 p.m.
Every 2nd & 4th Thursday
2nd Thursday @ DeLeon Bistro 12 noon
4th Thursday @ Hwy 6 Cafe 6:30 a.m.
Order of Eastern Star
Chapter 693
2nd Monday
Meal 6:30pm Meeting 7:00pm
DeLeon 4-H Club
Third Wednesday of every month
@ 3:30 p.m.
Elementary School
DDT Committee
Food Pantry
(Developing DeLeon Today)
1st Wednesday of month
12:00 Noon at Prado’s
Hwy 6 East
1st & 2nd Tuesday
9:00 am till noon
Chamber of Commerce
Men’s Prayer Breakfast
First Tuesday - 6:30am
First Baptist Church or
First United Methodist Church
1st Monday of month
Reunion Center, Hwy 6
7:00 p.m.
ESA Sorority
Sons of Confederate
Veterans Camp #1904
Meets 2nd Monday of
each month Sept. - May
7:00 p.m. at
F & M Hospitality Room
4th Tuesday of each
month at F & M
Hospitality Room, 7:30p.m.
Visitors Welcome
D. A. V. Chapter 43
(Disabled American Veterans)
1st Monday of Month
Van Dyke Schoolhouse
6:00 p.m.
Comanche County
Commissioner’s Court
Board Meetings
Every 2nd Monday 7:00 p.m.
To make changes or
9:00 a.m.
2nd & 4th Mondays
DeLeon ISD School
make additions to the scheduled
LULAC Meeting
meetings list, call
Last Wednesday of each Month
Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church
Fire Ants
Recent moisture and warmer
temperatures have made conditions right for fire ant mounds to
begin popping up in the yards and
pastures. Over the weekend I managed to find a mound in the pasture
behind my house. Or should I say
the fire ants found me! Even
though it certainly seems warm
enough overall the soils are just a
little cool for fire ants to be as
active as they soon will be. Many
people, including myself, want to
treat those new mounds as soon as
they find them but the best treatment plan is to use the Texas Two
Step Method.
Using the Two Step Fire Ant
Control method has proven to be
very successful and if you are not
on the program now is the time to
start. The Two Step method
emphasizes applying broadcast
bait when the ants are actively foraging. In the next couple of weeks
it will be the perfect time to treat
since the warmer weather and
rains will have fire ants out and
about. There are many different
brand names for the bait products
but basically they all work because
the worker ants bring it back to the
mound and feed it to the queen and
other ants as opposed to most contact insecticides that kill the workers before they get back to the
mound. Killing off worker ants
alerts the mound that a problem is
happening so they move. To be
successful baits must be broadcast
so that all ants in all mounds big or
small get some. After broadcasting
the baits, you can then treat
mounds that need immediate attention. For this treatment use an
approved insecticide like orthene
or sevin or the organic treatments
Sudoku Solution
like orange oil.
Research has shown that
Extinguish Fire Ant Bait is very
effective but slow acting. The
advantage is that it can be used just
about anywhere - gardens, lawns,
field crops, pastures and more. We
now have organic approved baits
sold by Green Light called
Conserve which is .015% spinosad. There are many other products such as Over and Out, Amdro,
and Award. Most baits will work if
applied properly - when the ants
are foraging and when there is no
chance for rain for a couple of
The key to fire ant control is
to know which product you are
using and treat accordingly. Some
products are slow acting but work
well. Other products act very
quickly but do not last as long.
Always use fresh baits and use all
the contents once opened or store
in air tight containers. If the baits
dry out they will not be as effective. Apply baits mid-morning
after the dew is gone or late
evening and mound treatments in
the late evening when the temperature begins to drop. If it is hot and
dry the mounds will not be present
and that means that ants are not
foraging. It is important that you
apply baits in March or early April
when ants begin foraging, treat the
mounds that need immediate attention with a mound treatment and
reapply broadcast baits in
September/October. This early fall
treatment will help control ants
throughout the fall and reduce population before winter.
Leon River TMDL Update
TCEQ has released an agenda
for March 19, 2008. Item #75 is
related to the Leon River, Segment
1221 Total Maximum Daily Load.
The TMDL is being written by
TCEQ to reduce bacteria loads in
the Leon River. They are asking
approval to publish and solicit
public comment on the draft
If the TCEQ
Commissioners grant approval of
the TMDL the public comment
period will be from April 4 to May
5, 2008. A public meeting has
been TENTATIVELY scheduled
for April 17, 2008 at the Hamilton
County Courthouse from 7-9 p.m.
Information on the Leon River
TMDL can be found at
http://www.tceq.state.tx.us/implementation/water/tmdl/34-leonbacteria.html. It is very important that
we all become involved in the
TMDL public comment process.
The TMDL could affect everyone
that lives in segment 1221 area
which begins below Lake Proctor.
Garcia Tire Service
301 N. Texas • DeLeon
Newborn to Size 10. Also maternity clothes.
710 N. Austin, Comanche, TX
24 Hour Road & Field Service • General Mechanic on Duty
Call 254-893-5563
117 N. Texas St. DeLeon, Tx. 76444
Chiropractic Center
910 N. Austin, Comanche, Texas 76442
Call (254) 893-5990
Toll Free (877) 893-5990
For Appointments Call 325-356-5283
Wright Irrigation Supply
Hwy 6 West DeLeon
116 N. Tx. C o m e s e e u s f o r y o u r l i f e ,
health, home, auto, &
business insurance.
Johnny C. Smith, D.D.S.
740 N. Texas, DeLeon
1-800-658-6960 OR 254-893-2123
Cook Insurance
Custom Embroidery
3650 Hwy 587
DeLeon, Tx76444
7 Days A Week!
Your Way to Better Health!
Dr. Russell Reynolds
Custom LOGO Design
Mike Williams
[email protected]
In-House Digitizing
Fast Turn Around
DeLeon Bistro
104 W. Navarro, DeLeon
Riggs Cemetery Service, Inc.
Cemetery & Lawn Service
Mike & Mary Riggs
Robert L. Reedy, D.D.S
Gentle Family Dentistry
Monday thru Friday 6AM til 9PM
Saturday & Sunday 6AM til 2PM
(325) 356-2767
Better Living
For Texans
Carolyn Balzen
Only $30.00 per month • Call 893-7887
Study of water supplies shows
Austin's is OK
AUSTIN - With the U.S. population at 303 million and growing, whatever finds its way into
the water supply is increasing.
Say you take a prescription
medication, the part of it that your
body does not use passes naturally. This residue continues through
a sewer line or septic system, eventually ending up in the city water
The Associated Press did a
five-month study to learn the pharmaceutical content in the water
supplies of selected cities across
the nation. The AP reported the
results, and those results were
widely published.
Surprisingly, the tapwater
here in your capital city came up
negative when tested for pharmaceuticals. The city tapwater in
Albuquerque, N.M., also tested
negative, and so did the tapwater in
Virginia Beach, Va.
The rest of the cities tested did
not fare as well. Think San
Washington, D.C., and others.
Sixty-three substances found
included such things as antidepressants, cholesterol inhibitors and
sex hormones.
Now, changing the subject
from water to air: Austin, of
course, is the Travis County seat,
and it turns out the air in Travis
County does not meet the
Agency's new air quality standards
for ozone.
Travis isn't alone: other counties the EPA identified as not meeting air standards include Bexar,
Brazoria, Collin, Dallas, Denton,
El Paso, Ellis, Galveston, Gregg,
Harris, Harrison, Hood, Hunt,
Jefferson, Johnson, Montgomery,
Orange, Parker, Rockwall, Smith
and Tarrant.
Gov. Rick Perry on March 12
called the EPA standards a "moving target" that in effect restrict
But Perry lauded a March 3
editorial in the Wall Street Journal
hailing the Lone Star State's economic strength despite the national
economic slowdown.
Continuing on the subject of
commerce, your capital city was
consumed March 7 through 16
with the annual South By
Southwest music, film and interactive festivals.
Tens of thousands of people
came to hear bands ranging from
the famous to the barely known
from across America and around
the world.
They purchased "SXSW"
wristbands that worked like a passport to all the clubs they could
squeeze into.
Austin's welcome guests
bunked at hotels, ate heartily at
cafes and bistros and shopped
euphorically, even with the cost of
gasoline, milk, wheat and corn
inching skyward.
Employers to receive tax break
The Texas Workforce Commission
announced a plan to give about
370,000 employers a break from
paying unemployment insurance
Employers who had a payroll
in 2007 and paid all taxes on time
will qualify to receive the break,
which will come in the form of a
surplus tax credit.
Qualified employers will
receive the surplus tax credit after
their first quarter 2008 tax returns
are filed and taxes are paid.
The tax credit is expected to
total about $90 million. That
would average about $243 per
"Thanks to our healthy economy and low unemployment rate
last year, the state collected more
money for the unemployment trust
fund than we need, which is why
I'm directing the state to bring that
tax to a screeching halt for this
year," Gov. Perry explained in a
March 10 news release.
Pauken named
commission chair
Gov. Perry appointed Dallas
attorney Tom Pauken as chairman
Commission for a term to expire
Feb. 1, 2013.
Pauken served as chairman of
the Republican Party of Texas,
1994 to 1997.
President declares disaster
David Paulison, head of the
U.S. Department of Homeland
Security's Federal Emergency
Management Agency announced
that the president has declared an
emergency exists in the state of
Texas and ordered federal aid to
supplement state and local
response efforts in the area struck
by wildfires beginning on March
14, and continuing.
408 N. Austin• Comanche,Tx 76442
Kids in the Kitchen
It’s a great way to spend time
and have fun with your kids, teach
them about healthful eating, get a
meal on the table, and maybe even
sharpen their vocabulary, reading
and math skills -- all at once!!
Teaching children to prepare
their own food gives them important skills they’ll use for life. It’s a
fun way for the family to spend
time together and for you to teach
important lessons about healthful
eating habits and kitchen safety.
If your kids are fussy eaters,
you’ll be glad to know that when
they help prepare foods, they’re
more likely to try them, which can
boost good nutrition. And when
kids know their way around the
kitchen, it can be a time-saver to
help you get meals on the table
Before you get cooking,
check out these tips for a kidfriendly kitchen.
Take your role as "head chef"
seriously. Closely supervise kids to
head off potentially dangerous
mishaps and to teach them how to
keep food safe.
Make safety their first cooking lesson. As soon as kids begin
helping with meal and snack
preparation, teach them how to
safely use appliances and utensils,
and what to do if there’s an emergency such as a fire or they get
burned. Be sure to always start any
cooking activity with hand washing.
Assign kids age-appropriate
tasks. Kids as young as three years
old can help with simple tasks such
as stirring a bowl of ingredients or
tearing up lettuce for a salad. As
kids get older, they can take on
increasing responsibility, with
teens being able to prepare recipes
by themselves.
Be strategic about nutrition.
Most kids don’t eat enough fruits,
vegetables and whole grains. Have
them lend a hand in preparing
these foods because they’ll be
more likely to eat them.
Make it a learning experience.
Teach kids nutrition lessons about
foods they are preparing. For
example, milk, cheese and yogurt
contain calcium that helps build
strong bones and teeth; and fruits,
vegetables, and whole grains have
fiber that helps them stay healthy.
Read recipes together and discuss
the meaning of new words such as
"knead" and "sauté". Work on their
math skills by giving them tasks
such as measuring ingredients or
counting the number of strokes
when hand mixing a batter.
Share the fruits of your labor.
Sharing your culinary creation
gives you time to talk and reinforces cooking as a positive experience and a sense of accomplishment for kids as a bonus, the family might enjoy cooking together so
much that you do it more often,
and rely less on eating out or takeout foods -- a step towards better
nutrition for everyone.
"Easy Banana Pudding"
Slice a banana in half lengthwise. Stir together a single-serving
container of vanilla or chocolate
pudding and banana slices.
Sprinkle with crumbled graham
crackers, crisp cereal, or chopped
candy coated peanut butter pieces.
Shop the pages of the
DeLeon Free Press
DeLeon Free Press/ Thursday,March 20, 2008/ Page 13
May the Glory of the Day
Reside in Your Heart Forever.
Let us share with friends & family the unique blessing
of this season of rebirth and renewal.
AgTexas Farm Credit Services
Adcock Enterprises
Ballenger & Associates
Bayer Motor Company
Beth’s Hair Fashion
Burnett & Nowlin CPA’s
Joe & Paula Burnett
C Bar S Pipe & Steel
Callison Pump
Chamber of Commerce
City of DeLeon
Clemons Motor Company
Comanche County Abstract
Comanche County Medical Center
Comanche County Telephone
Comanche County Tractor
Comanche Electric Cooperative
Comanche New Holland
Comyn Baptist Church
Connie’s Jewelry
Cook Insurance
Cross Timbers Community
Health Center
Daniel Garcia Tire Service
DeLeon Auto Supply
DeLeon Irrigation Supply
DeLeon Motor Company
DeLeon Vet Clinic
DeLeon Free Press
DeLeon Nursing & Rehab
Doyle’s Performance Machine
Dublin Livestock
F & M Bank
Farley Farm Supply
Farm Bureau DeLeon and Comanche
First Baptist Church
First Christian Church
First National Bank
First United Methodist Church
First United Pentecostal Church
Frontier Boot & Shoe Shop
Gilder Mini-Storage
Gilder Realty
Golden Oak Milling
Gooden Petroleum
Hogan’s Tire Service
Hwy 6 Restaurant
Jason’s Cleaners
Lamb Real Estate
Lampman Pecan House
Lawrence Bros.
Lindley Transport
Maroon & White Car Wash
Mid-Tex Cellular
Nowlin Funeral Home
Pate’s Hardware
Paw Print Parlor
Rollie’s On Texas
Shelby Pharmacy
Steve Sheetz Plumbing
Dr. Johnny Smith, D.D.S.
Smith’s Flying Service
State Farm Insurance
Stephens Feed & Fertilizer
Teague Welding
Texas Chevron
Thomas Propane
Weaver Drug
Bobby Winkles Construction
Woffords Used Cars
Wright Irrigation
Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ!
In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead..
1 Peter 1:3
Page 14 / Thursday, March 20, 2008/ DeLeon Free Press
DeLeon Free Press Serving
The De Leon Area Since 1890
Total Burn Ban Lifted
County Placed in Restricted Burn Ban
(From Page 11 )
“Additional L i v i n g Expenses”
When your home is damaged by a covered loss
and your are not able to stay in your home, State Farm
will pay unlimited dollar amount for two years.
Does your policy have a limit? Ask Your Agent
State Farm
Insurance Companies
Home Offices: Bloomington, Illinois
P. O. Box 10, 501 S. Texas Street
DeLeon, Texas 76444
fax: 254-893-3249
the Sheriff's concerns "complicates business."
Lambert asked with a smile if
the Commissioners wanted him to
leave so they could complete their
observed that it put the
Commissioners "between a rock
and a hard place."
Garry Steele commented,
"We can sit here and discuss it for
three days and we still won't know
unless we have somebody of legal
knowledge to tell us."
Ruby Lesley asked if she
should try to call County Attorney
Craig Willingham in to join the
Garry Steele responded that
he doubted that Willingham
would have time to fully research
the matter and provide a bona fide
Bobby Schuman noted that
the Commissioners had always
done what they thought they needed to do and hadn't had any problems with it.
Garry Steele stated that he
understood where the Sheriff was
coming from because one fire
chief tells him he needs to write
tickets and another chief tells him
he doesn't need to, and it puts him
in the position of whether he is or
isn't enforcing the law.
Steele added, "But I am
thinking about the welfare of the
general public right now with the
heightened fire danger we've got.
Personally, I agree with Kenneth,
but then again, we've got so many
people that are not responsible
Jimmy Dale Johnson added
that up in his part of the world
there are a lot of people who move
Both Schuman and Steele
expressed support for returning to
a restricted burn ban with Ray
Helberg being given the responsibility for making the determination each day whether burning
would be allowed or not.
Jimmy Dale Johnson added,
"I can live with that."
Sheriff Lambert asked, "Can
I play the Devil's advocate just a
second? If you don't have the
authority to put on a burn ban and
take it off when you want to, then
how do you do a restricted? Has
anybody had the County Attorney
look at it?"
Garry Steele responded that
he did not know whether or not
the County Attorney had specifically investigated the matter.
Sheriff Lambert noted that he
had for some time been uneasy for
some time about enforcing a burn
ban that may or may not be legitimate.
One Commissioner could be
heard stating in a low voice that
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in from the city and "don't understand that the world can burn up!"
Steele continued, stating that
if he were a fire chief or in emergency management, he would
rather know that somebody is
burning and where, than for 15
people to call and tell him that
there's a fire out on a county road
and having everyone running out
there burning up high priced fuel
to go to a brush pile that is under
Ray Helberg was asked if he
was prepared to once again make
decisions regarding burning or no
Helberg responded, "The
only way rain helps you is when it
is falling. As soon as it quits
falling and we get wind like today,
then it will burn just like today."
Bobby Schuman continued to
express frustration with that line
of reasoning, arguing that there
was no substantive difference with
that and a total burn ban.
It was noted that one can burn
trash under a restricted burn ban
and cannot under a total burn ban.
Jimmy Dale Johnson said
that he could live with restricted,
and then asked Ray Helberg if he
could live with restricted. Helberg
responded that he would for right
Kenneth Feist continued to
lobby for no burn ban but still
requiring that burns be called in
for location.
responded that he doubted that
everyone would have the responsibility to call in burns and the
judgment to know when not to
Garry Steele stated, "I firmly
believe that a restricted burn ban
has worked well, both for the
county and the volunteer fire
departments in this county, for the
period of years that I have been
aware, and I advocate we return to
a restricted burn ban and give Mr.
Helberg the responsibility to make
a call on whether to burn or not
Jimmy Dale Johnson said, "I
second it."
Bobby Schuman continued to
express frustration with burning
restrictions during wet weather,
but added his opinion that a
restricted burn ban was better than
a total burn ban.
Steele called for a vote and it
was unanimous in favor of returning to a restricted burn ban.
Steele then added, "Kenneth,
if you and the Sheriff don't believe
this needs to be, get with your
County Attorney and show us different."
Jeff Lambert said, "The way
that reads, it's either on (a total
burn ban) or it's not. That's the
way I interpret it."
There was additional discussion regarding burn bans and the
specifics in area counties.
Garry Steele then stated, "A
motion was made and seconded,
and the vote was unanimous. We
will return to a restricted burn ban
Tuesday morning (March 18), at
7:00 a.m."
Ray Helberg told the
Commissioners to remember that
under a restricted burn ban that
trash can be burned without calling in (if in an approved container)
and that roughly half of the county's wildfires originate from trash
Garry Steele requested Ray
Helberg to make sure that the correct information regarding burning was made readily available to
the public.
The public may check
www.comanchefire.com for latest
status on Comanche County’s
burn ban status.
Vehicle Chase Saturday
Night Results in Police
Shooting and Felony
(From Page 1)
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Officer Rowell, other Sheriffs
Office units from both Comanche
and Erath counties and DPS
Troopers stationed in both counties participated in the pursuit.
At press time, Gardner was
reported to remain incarcerated in
Comanche County Jail.
Pig Tales From Hogtown
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Tyler Gardner, 17, of
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It was impounded by the
Sheriffs Office and processed for
evidence. It was later released to
its owner and an arrest warrant
was issued for the driver.
On Tuesday morning, March
18, James David Tyler Gardner,
17, of DeLeon, turned himself in
to law enforcement authorities.
Gardner was charged with
Evading Arrest with a Motor
Vehicle, a State Jail Felony, with
bond set at $10,000. He was also
charged with Aggravated Assault
Against a Public Servant, a first
degree felony, with bond set at
Another 17 year old male and
a 16 year old female were reported to have been in the fleeing pickup, neither of whom were charged
with any crimes.
Chief Deputy Pounds and
Sheriff Jeff Lambert stated that St.
Joe Baptist Church had not been
broken into.
In addition to Pounds and
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What wonderful rain! Let’s
all send up a little prayer of thanks
for it. This will certainly help our
fire situation. Maybe things will
start to green up now and we can
all give a sigh of relief for a while.
Everyone get out your Pig
Tales calendars – I have a few
things to remind you of:
The next thing coming up
here at the DAC is our usual first
Saturday of the month breakfast,
also known as ‘Breakfast at the
DAC’. April’s breakfast will be
held on April 5 from 7:00 a.m.
until 10:00 a.m. Can you believe
we are talking about April
DAC’s second annual Craft
Show will be held April 18 & 19.
We still need some crafters to fill
our building. Each booth rents for
$30. We have one space left for a
camper outside our building. We
will have a concession stand during the show. If you want more
information or would like to rent a
booth, please call me at 254-7582420 or Helen Depwe at 254-7582522.
Watch for information about a
huge garage sale coming up at the
DAC in May.
Desdemona’s first ever-public
library is now open. We have lots
of great books! Come check us
out. The library is open Monday
through Thursday from 2:00 p.m.
until 5:00 p.m. and every Tuesday
evening from 6:00 p.m. until about
8:00 p.m.
Every Tuesday evening the
DAC is open for dominos – everyone is invited. We also would like
to invite anyone who would like to
jam for a while to come. If you
would like to bring your board
games, we have room for you, too.
Come on in!
Did you enjoy our two
evenings of bluegrass? Weren’t
the bands wonderful! We will try
to get another jam together within
the next few months. The bands
are very difficult to get on short
notice – their schedules are usually
filled up by this time. We thank
‘Dr. Dan and the Band-Aids’ for
always being willing to play for us.
This is a great local group and we
enjoy them each time! Maybe Dr.
Dan will be able to join us soon –
he has been very busy and not able
to come lately.
I hope you have all this on
your calendars now and are making plans to come to Desdemona!
See you there!