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Page 1.pmd - Lewis Central High School
The Wire Alone Again Opinion True Life: Up com i ng Events Februa r y 18-27: Romeo & Juliet @ the Rose Theatre 19: Large Group Speech All-State. Break a Leg! 25: Dodge PRCA Championship Rodeo @ MidAmerica Center 7:30 26: LC Jazz Band Invitational Ma rch 5: LC Show Choir Invite 8: Mr. LC Contest 14: Band Concert @ LC Auditorium 7:30 17: Taste of Chaos Tour! Bands include My Chemical Romance, The Used, Killswitch Engage, Senses Fail, A Static Lulluby, Saosin and many more @ Sokal Auditorium. Cost $25.00 21: LC Swing Show “When Daddy Was Gone...” On Valentine’s -page 2 In Sports: Diving in to a New Practice -page 3 The Phantom of the Opera: An “Angel of Music” -page 7 Cell Phone’s Continue Corrupting Classrooms Should the Electronic Menace Be Banned at Lewis Central? “Text messaging is definitely a serious problem” Megan Longmeyer Co-Editor-In-Chief “Good morning Lewis Central students, and these are your student announcements. Cell phones may be used for after school ride arrangements, but should not be turned on or used during classes, in the hallways or commons areas unless use is approved by staff members…” An announcement as such is not foreign to the students of Lewis Central, who have been receiving reminders in the past weeks regarding the use of cell phones. The announcement was broadcast over the school speakers after comments and complaints from teachers started to pile up about disruptions in their classes. Some faculty and administration think that having cell phones in school is a minor problem; others, however, view it as a slightly bigger issue. “As their capabilities have grown, some of their annoyance factor has too,” said assistant principal Paul Massman. “They’ve gotten smaller, they’re cheaper, there are more of them... that doesn’t necessarily mean there’s anything wrong with them, though.” The problem of having cell phones in school is not a new issue for Lewis Central. Since the birth of this “new age” technology, it’s become more and more common for teens to have cell phones, and even harder for faculty to get through the day uninterrupted. “There are too many of them around,” said attendance office secretary Marcy Hamsa. “I understand why we have them, but they’re disrupting classes and causing all kinds of problems.” The people who justifiably have the biggest problem with cell phones in the classroom are teachers. Teachers are interrupted everyday by cell phones that are “Picture phones should be used just for personal reasons” neither turned off nor turned down. shocking way: picture phones. Even if a student puts his cell It’s been reported around the phone on silent, it’s a good chance area in both high schools and that its vibration will stir some colleges that students have attention. Either way, some been using picture phones to take vulgar or obscene pictures teachers are less than happy. “My issue with cell phones is of themselves or other students. that I didn’t really notice that big Even more shocking is that of a problem in my class until we students are cheating with made the announcement,” said them, taking pictures of their English teacher Kim Muta. “Now tests and sending them on to they’re going off every five their friends as a way to prep minutes... sometimes the reminder t h e m f o r w h a t ’s c o m i n g . can prompt more issues.” The biggest problem when it comes to cell phones is ringing during class. Whether it is another student in the school or someone’s parent trying to remind his or her child of something, it can be a pretty big disruption. “What really irritates me, probably more than anything else, is when parents call their kids in Photo by Hannah Hopson school, during the day,” said English teacher Marilyn Freshman Zane Burgenhemke coWandersee. “For crying out loud, vertly plays with his cell phone. what do they think we’re trying Neither of these offenses to do here?” Then there’s technology’s have been reported at Lewis newest creation: text messaging. C e n t r a l y e t , b u t t h e With text messaging being an easy administration and faculty way to talk to someone, most of are keeping a close eye to the time part of a person’s cellular make sure nothing is going to plan, and a little easier to hide than happen. “It’s up to teachers to talking on the phone, this has been students’ next best way to talk to watch, there’s no monitoring,” their friends undetected. This form said Massman. “There isn’t of communicating is almost perfect anything special you can do; all for pent-up teens, and has created you can do is watch for them. On the student side of an added challenge that teachers things, cell phones are not as have to watch out for. “Text messaging is definitely big of a threat. For most a serious problem when it comes students, cell phones are simply to possibilities of students cheating a way for students to get a hold on exams and whatnot,” said of friends in case they need to science teacher David Bergman. “I talk to them, whether the just try to keep a careful eye out conversations are important for students to see if they’re or for the heck of it. “It’s nice because I have reaching into their bag or pockets unlimited minutes and for their cell phones.” Another new technology for unlimited distance,” said cell phones has taken the junior Olivia Gaytan. “I can talk problematic scene in a more to my friends who are out of the state and not have any penalties for it.” Still, other students have cell phones simply so their parents can get a hold of them when they need to, or in case of emergencies. “(My parents) want me to use it for emergencies only,” said junior Andy Sondag. “They don’t want me to use up too many minutes, either.” When asking students about text messaging on their phones, some people didn’t see it as a big deal. Nowadays, a text message is equivalent to writing a note for someone and passing it around; this way, you can pass it anywhere you want in the entire school, and you don’t waste one sheet of paper. It’s simple and, in some ways, less of a hassle, and to some students that isn’t such a bad thing. “If you don’t disrupt teachers or kids or anything, and if you just do it when you’re not doing anything, then it’s alright,” said an anonymous sophomore. During the past few weeks, students have been informed and shocked when finding out about the cheating going on with picture phones, let alone people taking distasteful pictures with them. The cheating is less likely to happen at Lewis Central with the teachers being wellinformed from other schools. As for inappropriate pictures on cell phones, the punishment for such behavior will be dealt out swiftly and appropriately by school officials, with each punishment abiding by the handbook and being administered according to the severity of the crime. However, regardless of whether it goes on at LC or not, many students see using phones in such a manner as irresponsible and a new distasteful way to cheat the system. “Picture phones should be used just for personal reasons,” said senior Kim McFerrin. “It’s your responsibility to study for tests, and if you don’t do it, then you shouldn’t get the credit for it.” However major or insignificant cell phones may be, being referred to the office for one does have a price. Students who disregard the rules can have their cell phones taken by their teachers for a day, or worse yet, have their cell phones sent to the principal’s office where a parent or guardian must claim them for you. Students refusing to abide by the rule of no cell phones can be given detentions by their teachers, o r a r e f e r r a l t o t h e o ff i c e . From there, there’s the possibility of more severe disciplinary action, depending on how far a student has gone to break the rules. “We’re going to take a look at (punishments), because we’re going to direct a little heavier revision than normal in our student handbook next year,” said Massman. “If there’s an issue, you have to follow up on it, and consistently. If there’s no issue, then you don’t worry about it.” Cell phones work against and with the school and all those who dwell within it. The administration isn’t looking to ban cell phones at this point, but to avoid any future troubles, it would be best that students turn them off and not use them during the day. “My first advice, of course, is keep you cell phone off, you don’t need to have it on during the day,” said math teacher Kim Jones. “Don’t use it during class time and if it has to be used, talk to your teacher first and get permission.” Ray McManus Volunteer Award A Well Deserved Award Goes Out to the Secretary Serving...YOU! Dani Mescher Co-Editor-In-Chief In December of 2004, Lewis Central activities secretary Cindy Brockman was honored with the Ray McManus Volunteer Award. The award has been in place for seven years, and the first recipient was the man whose name appears on the award. “Seven years ago we selected the best LC football players of all time, and we held a banquet for them,” said FCA sponsor Pat Campbell, “At the banquet a suggestion was made that an award should be given to honor Ray for all of his volunteer work, and everyone agreed that Ray was very deserving of an award.” It was clear that McManus was deserving of an award because of his countless contributions to Lewis Central over the years. He not only volunteered during his daughter’s years at the school, but before and after as well. “Ray has videotaped football for over twenty years, and he also videotapes girl’s basketball,” said Campbell, “He’s a mover and a shaker on the Booster Club, and he’s a staple at the football jersey auction. You can always count on Ray.” McManus was incredibly touched at the outpouring of gratitude that went along with the award, and he was quick to commend the LC Fellowship of Christian Athletes for all that they do. “The year I got the award I was very overwhelmed. The LC FCA is such a great bunch of people, and they’re very important Cindy, and felt that she was quite deserving of this award. “She was an outstanding candidate because she does so much behind the scenes for this school,” said McManus. The plaque that Brockman received to commemorate her award beautifully summarized all that Cindy is to this school. “To know Cindy is to love Cindy. She is a tireless worker who always gets the job down well and then some. She is well known for going beyond what is expected. She often downs that which is over and above the call of duty. To be around Cindy, one finds out Photo Submitted By: Mrs. Campbell that she does not While recieving her award, Brockman was honored to be in the company of complain. She is a very McManus himself. positive people person to the school and the students, and q u a l i f i c a t i o n s n e e d e d t o with a wonderful attitude about I was very grateful, said receive the honor. She is her work and volunteer clearly admired and respected activities… She always goes McManus. After the initial award was by those in the school and above and beyond the call of duty-always willing to fill in the given out, it was decided that the community alike. “There was a consensus gap.” FCA, alongside McManus, would Brockman was very honored sponsor an annual award given to that Cindy does over and above her duty,” said Campbell, “All to receive the award, and she a deserving LC volunteer. “A person that represents of the coaches and people in the reacted as humbly as would be volunteerism here at Lewis community agree that she expected when she was asked Central by doing more than does things in such a way about her achievement. There are what’s expected in terms of time that she treats everybody many hard-working volunteers at a n d e ff o r t i s a p e r s o n w h o with respect and she always Lewis Central, and she was would be a good choice for the h a s e n o u g h t i m e f o r shocked that she was considered everyone.” the best. award,” said Campbell. McManus himself had “I was very surprised because This year, it was decided that Brockman more than fit all of the nothing but praise to give to I had no idea,” said Brockman, “I felt there were a lot of people who were more deserving than me.” The student body disagrees with her feelings. Not only does Cindy help run the office, but she goes out of her way to support LC students in all of their endeavors. Cindy is such a friendly face in the office, and on top of that she comes to so many of our athletic events,” said senior Sara Gundlach, “She’s just an allaround great person, and we’re lucky to have her here.” With this award, Cindy is now in the company of McManus himself, who is the standard for all volunteers to measure up to. She is also joining others, including Bernie Heller, who puts countless hours in with the LC Foundation and among other things, announces at home basketball games. Dorene Scheffel is also on the list, and she gives unselfishly of herself to help the LC drama department in any way possible. Being on an equal playing field with these LC volunteers isn’t an honor that is lost to Brockman. “I feel very honored to be held in that capacity with them.” Each year another LC volunteer will have the chance to join this list because the award will continue to be distributed annually to an unsung hero whose contributions help benefit everyone at Lewis Central. As for this year’s recipient, Cindy simply stays true to her character when she comments about her award. “I’m just doing my job.” Clearly she’s doing a whole lot more. February 2005 Opinion Opinion Love & Lonesome Too Much Homework hard days for t he single kids I arise from the comforts of my bed, get ready, and make my way to school. It seems as if all is well, but no, my friend. The true purpose of the day is yet to come. As soon as I open the door, “love” envelops me, making it quite difficult to g e t i n a g o o d b r e a t h o f a i r. Couples gaze into each o t h e r ’s e y e s , h o l d h a n d s , a n d me!” “Choc olate AND a teddy bear! It must be love!” Ridiculousness everywhere. Of course, all of this Has anyone ever noticed that makes sense when you realize Valentine’s Day is a pointless t h a t Va l e n t i n e ’s D a y i s t h e holiday? I mean, really, who wants holiday of all evil. Sure, they to have their noses rubbed in the fact say it’s about love, but it’s not. It’s they don’t have a boyfriend or about the people who have girlfriend and everyone else does? boyfriends and girlfriends showing Okay, perhaps that’s just me. off their devoted admirer. It’s Every time Valentine’s Day about all the singles wishing they rolls around, a sense of dread either had a boyfriend or girlfriend descends on the innocent or could barf all over everyone who singles of the world. I, being does. What kind of celebration is one of these unfortunate that? souls, have decided to voice I really think that the women my opinion on this particular in this world just decided they issue. wanted to have another giftS u r e , Va l e n t i n e ’s D a y g i v i n g h o l i d a y. C h r i s t m a s , was, at some time, quite birthday, why not just put in enjoyable. I remember the another one if we can get away days of exchanging little with it? Come on guys, you Va l e n t i n e s with your know what I’m talking about. classmates, and whoever got the Your sweetie is always begging most jumped up and down at least you to be romantic, and then a thousand times to express their t h e r e ’s t h i s h o l i d a y t o t a l l y ecstasy. Everyone would spend devoted to everything lovey hours making the perfect box to dovey…hmmm. receive all the messages from It’s true, if I had a wonderful friends and enemies alike. Those person to spend this “delightful” were the good old days. Now, as I Photo by Andrea Larison holiday with, I would love it as look back, I realize why they were Valentines Day keeps those who are single much as the next person, but that’s so good… no one had a “special someone.” Then we had to get to firmly set in the background feeling alone not t h e p o i n t . T h e r e w i l l always be someone who high school where the world and somewhat bitter. k i s s e v e r y doesn’t have someone to love, revolves around who is going out t w o h o r r i b l e s e c o n d s . H e a r t s and this holiday will seem like a with who. Drat. Being alone on Valentine’s is a r e h a n d e d o u t , f l o w e r s a r e nightmare. So, until you’re that one of the greatest horrors known to p a s s e d f r o m a r m t o a r m , person, you can’t talk. Enjoy it womankind. The day arrives in all “ a w w w s ” e c h o d o w n t h e while you’re young and in love, its gloom, disguised as a normal day. h a l l w a y s . “ L o o k w h a t h e g o t people. Jennifer Ettinger Copy-Editor Unused Resources American Sign Language, The Wave of the Future? Shun-Sho Fong Reporter We are in an educational environment that does not allow us to shut our eyes to a world close by. Our teachers and administration want us to be inquisitive and ask “why”, to acquire wondering minds. And we do. I do. I am asking “Why?” Why, since we are in a school that has deaf and hard-of-hearing students whose form of language is ASL, do we not have it offered to us as a foreign language? Almost daily I see a deaf student enter the building or watch as a deaf student and his/her interpreter walk down the hallway, going to their next class. ASL would not be just a language that we would take home and set in on a shelf to gather dust. It would be a usable form of communication with our peers on a daily basis. Why are we not being encouraged in socializing and communicating with our deaf peers by being taught a language used just as much as Sp a n i s h ? D o e s Spanish matter more because it is a “spoken” language? Just because they are deaf does not mean that they are not people. Why is ASL not offered right along side of Spanish? This type of segregation must stop. Why, since we live in two coexisting communities, one hearing and one deaf, do we not have American Sign Language (ASL) offered to us as a foreign language? ASL is a beautiful and picturesque way of expressing one’s self, full of nuances and silent, yet tonal qualities. Despite this, it is not just a series of pictures and hand gestures. ASL has been proven to be a distinct language in itself. It has its own syntax (grammar structure) and its own phonology (system of language). As such, ASL has become the third most used language in the United States, next only to English and Spanish. ASL is a way of communication, not only within the deaf and hard-of-hearing world, but also within the world of the aging, those with special needs, and those who cannot yet speak for themselves, such as babies. Why, since our nation’s people use ASL as a major source for communication, do we not have it offered to us as a foreign language? While ASL has always been an issue of controversy within the deaf community as well as in the educational system at large, it continues to grow in popularity in all areas of America’s society. Schools all over the country are accepting ASL as a foreign language credit. Some of these are considered to be the best schools in the nation. These include Brown University, M.I.T., Harvard, Georgetown and even the University of Iowa and Iowa State. ASL is constantly gaining prominence, acceptance and respect. Editors-In-Chief..Dani Mescher and Megan Longmeyer Assistant Editor....................................Amber Johnson Design Editor................................................ Molly Lich Photography Editor................................Andrea Larison Ads Editor...............................................Ashley Richter Copy Editors....................................... Jennifer Ettinger Design.....................................................Maggie Fields Reporters................................................Heidi Behrens, Lindsey Behrens, Vicki Burnett, Kellie Doffin, Courtney Dusing, Hannah Hopson, Joe Krezmien, Bridgette Mucha, Alyssa Ranney, Shun-Sho Fong, Pat VanNordstrand, Thomas Webering People are looking towards signing as a positive answer. Why aren’t we as a school doing the same thing? Why, since Iowa School for the Deaf (ISD) is just across the street, are there not any active steps being taken in implementing this language into our school? I believe that steps to changing our foreign language department are not beyond our grasp. A tremendous resource is at our fingertips, waiting to be accessed and opened. Starting a class that is in conjuncture with ISD would be a quick, easy and proficient way of offering this class to students. With many other classes being offered to students from both the Lewis Central and the ISD campuses, why does this class still not show up on the list? Why? You see them everyday…walking in their own little worlds. Maybe you try to reach inside, with a smile or a wave. Yet, you realize how futile this effort really is without words. You try and find some words but find that that is the exact problem: you don’t have any. Something needs to change. In middle school they whet our appetites with a taste of what ASL could mean and then they refuse to feed us. I believe that there is a hunger in the student body for this language. Why aren’t they doing anything about it? I have moved from asking “why?” to asking “how?” and “when?” I think that we need this language and the staff and administration need to know that. I ask, “when?” Kellie Doffin Reporter Parents are always telling us that high school is one of the best experiences of our lives. However, how can we enjoy it when we are always trying to complete homework assignments and study for tests? Take myself for example: I really don’t do much outside of school. The reason is because I am always completing homework and prepping myself for class, by studying notes, etc. There are some times when I come home from school and all I do is homework. Some days I can have anywhere between four to five hours of homework a night. Honestly, how fair is that? I rarely have time to go out with friends and have fun without thinking about school. A particular conflict with homework for students tends to be jobs. Let’s face it, as soon as teens are able to get jobs, a majority of us do. When teens start seeing the dollar signs and the incentives of working, most of their time is spent “Having homework can make my life difficult at times, especially since I have a job, I participate in church activities, and I’m in extracurricular activities,” said junior Emily Cox. To be quite honest, I’m not sure how the students who are involved in so many activities can find time to do their homework; I have a hard time just being in student council, NHS, drama, speech, and church activities. Having to go from sports, to drama, then church activities all in the same night, and then having to do homework… I think that it could become very exhausting. I guess school is starting to prepare us for college and all, but isn’t high school supposed to be full of fun and positive experiences? Just going to basketball games or seeing drama productions are just two of the many activities that can be fun for students. In my personal opinion, I just feel we, as students, don’t get to have those experiences because we have such heavy homework loads. Could This Work? myself that when a majority of the students in a class want to learn, they can easily get everyone else to pipe down and be quiet. It’s quite a nice A lot of people might think me thought, and another good reason why either stupid or brilliant for writing a a system like this could work; it can paper on such a topic, but it is my easily re-enforce and take care of itself. opinion, so here we go. Whenever we It’s a large possibility that faculty have early-out’s every other and parents won’t like this sort of Wednesday, all I hear is “Why don’t system because we need to be in we have early-out every day?” After school, like they were, with the same an unbearable amount of people said systems as they were brought up with that phrase to or toward me, I started (after all, this is a school of longthinking to myself why we couldn’t lasting traditions). To that, I’d at least have it every day. This is a day that’s like to propose a change that not only designated so that teachers could have releases the student body a little bit their special “in-service” meetings, but earlier, but also allows for more classes I’d like to challenge why this couldn’t and errors on the students’ part. actually work every day? I have This change would be to create just a few suggestions on how this eight, forty-five minute periods, could work, why, and why it’d with lunch being one of them, and actually come out to be quite the still get out about a half an hour success. ahead of time (this includes the First of all, I know that five-minute walking periods everyone is thinking time; with between bells.). And hey, if this early-out’s everyday, that’s going doesn’t work, we could always to be freeing up at least some time just stay with six periods and get for both the students and faculty. out over an hour early. My point, Time is oh-so precious this day however, is that over the span of and age, and as a student, I know four years, this system would give that I would appreciate the extra a student twelve more periods to time everyday after school. Those fill with electives and required few precious minutes would be classes, along with more chances very beneficial to us, and in more to graduate on time if he or she ways than one. had done poorly in previous For those students who are classes. Again, these are just some overly involved in a variety of insights, suggestions, and activities, this would be a Godsend, because they’d have Photo by Andrea Larison prompting from a student who knows the system all too well; it time to get more things done Joy fills the air as students crowd the could work, if we’re willing to try before running off to a dozen doorway on early-out afternoons. activities every night. The extra time themselves, and their lesson plans. In it out. Like I’ve stated before, this is just would allow these crazily-involved the end, this leaves teachers better students to achieve their academic and prepared, getting everything done that a topic that’s been on my mind, but extracurricular goals with a little more need to be, and a little less cranky, and it’s one that can easily argued upon harmony in their lives. Now wouldn’t to me (especially for some teachers), when it comes to whether it’ll work that be nice? that doesn’t seem like such a bad thing. or not. There are a lot of positive Believe it or not, but I think this Another advantage for teachers benefits coming from rearranging would also be a good preparatory for would be that with shortened periods, our school schedule, either giving college. Class periods would be they’d better have the attention of your students more time or an extra shortened, meaning that more of the students. It’s likely that some are going period to ensure that they get all knowledge that we come to learn is to “horse around” and not take the their classes taken on time. Setting learned at home by ourselves. Once shortened periods very serious at first, up new systems like these would take students go to college, the workload but once they realize they have limited careful planning and much they receive is pretty big and squarely learning time, a larger majority of consideration, but in order for on their shoulders; students are students will make sure everyone settle anything or anyone to grow, there basically put on an island when it down and listen so that classes as a needs to be change. I’m offering it, comes to learning in college. With this whole can learn. Basically, with a right here, right now. You don’t have system, students mature from being system like this set up, students to consider my thoughts, or even like fully taught to a little more individual become more responsible for their them for that matter, but a lot of things learning and then onto college, where learning, and to ensure they receive can change for the better if we were they will be fully expected to learn on everything they need from their to try implementing a new system. It their own. Putting in place a schedule teachers, they learn to listen. It’s kind might not be a probability at this point, like this could gradually move of an ironic system, but I have full but it is a possibility... just think about students to relying more on themselves confidence that it works. I’ve seen it. Megan Longmeyer Editor-in-Chief Letter to The Editor This letter is in response to an article written by Dan Hall Not Until Marriage, Why Waiting is Worth it featured in the October issue of The Wire Dear Editor, Finally, a refreshing article from Dan Hall on premarital sex. Thank you. Kudos to Dan for his integrity and courage to write an article that goes against the current teen culture. I would like to add two points: the very best gift you can give your future husband or wife is yourself, Secondly, if you are one who has gone too far and made mistakes with your sexuality and morality, it’s not too late to change and recover your purity and self esteem. We have excellent counselors who could direct you toward resources to make changes in your personal life and become the person you want to be. Sincerely, Mrs. Reida receiving a paycheck. For a student, balancing a load of homework, may it be science; history; English; etc.; and a job can be extremely stressful. “Having a job is a commitment in itself, and excess homework just adds to it,” said junior Claire Knigge. Another conflict for students and homework is church. Today, more and more students are becoming involved in activities with their church, such as church youth group, prayer groups, and Bible studies. Besides students taking up jobs and becoming more influenced through church, some students participate in extracurricular activities. Extracurricular activities range anywhere from sports, drama, and speech, to many other fine arts. Although students do have to keep an accumulative grade point average of at least a 1.6 to participate in extracurricular activities, having time to actually do homework can be a very straining situation. than their teachers, and thus preparing themselves for the journey ahead. The next (and possibly should have been the first) thing to think about would be our teachers. During these early-out’s, teachers have to go to meetings and work even harder to get everything done because they receive their own homework assignments during these meetings. If we were to install a shortened system into our school, teachers would have more time for grading homework assignments, doing their own homework, and giving students extra help if needed. This would also give many teachers more time to better organize Editorial Policy Where We Stand The Wire is the official Lewis Central student newspaper and is distributed free of cost to students. The opinions expressed in this publication reflect those of the student writers and not Lewis Central administration, faculty, or its advisor. The Wire is published seven times throughout the school year by the Suburban Times in Papillion, Nebraska. The purpose of The Wire is to: * inform students of current and relevant events * interpret and analyze complex events and issues that affect students *serve as a forum for discussion of controversial issues Letters to the Editor: The Wire staff strongly encourages responses to articles appearing in the newspaper. Letters may be submitted to room 401 or e-mailed to [email protected]. The letters must be signed, legible, and concise. The staff reserves the right to edit letters for length, grammar, and punctuation. These letters should also be free of profanity, vulgarity, or words with undesirable meanings. Advertising: Advertising will be sold at $25 for a 2 x 2.5 space or $50 for 4.5 x 4 space. Information can be obtained by calling 366-8220. Ask for Mary Langille. Or by e-mail: [email protected] Page 3 Emily Sports Straight Ballin’ For Real Joe Krzemien Reporter Photo by Megan Longmeyer Shanks Name: Emily Shanks Year: Senior Sport: Dance team Level: Varsity/Select dance squad How Long Have You Been Doing This: Thirteen years Why Do You Do It: I do it because it allows me to exercise without exerting myself too much and it’s not painful. Main Goal: To make Lincoln’s dance team. What Separates This Season From All The Others: It’s different because I’m actually a leader this year. It’s been four years, so we want this year to be the best. Most Memorable Moment: When I was Janet when we did Rocky Horror Picture Show. As time winds down, Justin Toole spots up for a three pointer to give the Titans a one point lead with only a few minutes left. This is a normal occurrence for the Lewis Central boys basketball team. It always seems as though they perform best when the clock is ticking the fastest. Thanks to seniors Doug O’Reilly, Dan Gulden, Brady Erickson, Justin Toole, Ben Edwards, Adam Cooney, and Brad South, the Titans have managed to hold almost every game to within just a few points. The ability of starting junior Troy Weber and inside presence Eric Burmeister are quite an advantage as well. The Titans have acquired a record of 10-6 over the season, and their victories can often be credited to clutch performances from every Titan player. It appears as though the Titans get stronger as the game goes on. O’Reilly, and Burmeister look unstoppable down in the paint, pulling down rebound after rebound, and putting it right back up for an easy two. Justin Toole could be having the worst shooting day ever, but when it comes to the last quarter, the crowd can prepare for a show because Toole is unstoppable from behind the arc. Dan Gulden’s defense, although nearly flawless for the entire game, does nothing but improve. His feet seem quicker, his hands better, and his look more intimidating, not to mention Gulden’s much improved shot. Brady Erickson seems consistent through most of the game. His remarkable ability to drop threes all game, as well as his impeccable free-throw percentage, only add to the awesome mullet factor. Troy Weber is a perfect representation of his jersey number, 23, that of Michael Jordan. Weber may not elevate from the free-throw line to stick his tongue out and dunk the ball as if it were a golf ball on a nerf ball hoop, but he has his own Jordanesque qualities. Weber is dominant both inside and out, and is one of the most dependable players in a Titan uniform. Fans know when Weber enters the game that there could be a quick rally from a deficit, or an increase in a lead. Brad South is incredible inside. South can jump higher than anyone else on the Lewis Central team, and it is clear when his 6’2 frame elevates (what appears to be four feet) to pull down a monster rebound. His aggressiveness makes him an even more impressive player. There is not a single play when South is not hustling for a loose ball, or trying to stop a play inside. The starters are not the only ones holding together the Titan season. Off-the-bench players Ben Edwards, Trent Hough, and Adam Cooney, have played a huge role in all of the Titan’s games. It is as though everyone on the bench is sixth-man of the year; all have dependable defense, and the offense to match any team. Overall, the Titans may not have the best record in high school basketball, but they certainly are deserving of it. No team could hustle more, or want a perfect season, more than the Titans. From watching just one game, a fan can see how dedicated the players are. From morning shootarounds to afternoon practices, it is obvious that the basketball team has got as much passion, if not more, than any other team. “I’m pleased with the way the guys have played, and I’m excited about the possibilities as we come into the last few weeks of the season. This is a great group of guys, and we’ve had a fun year. They are good students, and good people, which is more important than basketball,” said basketball coach, Mr. Miller, of his Titan team. December 2004 Time Out ! !! Sports Talk With Joe Krzemien Bowl Bonanza A Recap of This Year’s Bowl Games Joe Krzemien Reporter The college football season came to an end on Tuesday January 4, when the USC Trojans went head to head with the Oklahoma Sooners. The game was anticipated to be the most exciting bowl game since Ohio State beat Miami for the championship in 2002. The bowl season included some of the most gut-wrenching games in bowl history. The Tostitos Fiesta Bowl was January 1, 2005, and ended in a, 357, decisive victory for the fifth ranked Utah Utes. In a game that was expected to be a shootout until the very end, the Utes surprisingly dominated on both offense and defense, and allowed only one touchdown for the Pittsburgh Panthers. Utah quarterback Alex Smith completed 29 of his 37 Boys’ Swimming Dives Right In Courtney Dusing Reporter Photo by Megan Longmeyer While practicing a jazz routine, Emily Shanks kicks and holds her leg. A ce! n T Da H of L the E Issue T E S Dan Boys swimming is a sport that Lewis Central has a hard time ranking well in because of numbers, but this year may change that. The team is three-and-four in duals and has placed as high as third in invitationals, but this doesn’t mean they aren’t doing well. “The top three in each event get a certain amount of points,” explained freshman Caleb Housely. “Since we don’t have that many guys on the team, we won’t win the most points overall – even if we win every event.” The team includes boys from Lewis Central, Glenwood, and boys that are home-schooled. With all of that talent, plus new hopefuls next year, many are anticipating that the Photo by Megan Longmeyer Practicing his breast stroke, Johnathan Matula swims like a champ. team will go far. However, a few more guys adding a few more points could make a world of difference. “We really need more guys,” said team captain Chris Williams. “Like when Abraham Lincoln beat us – we out-swam them, but they pulled more points.” One benefit of being on the team is that the boys have a great time together. Every time they have a meet, you can see them in the halls, high-fiving each other and getting pumped up. “I love being on swim team because it’s really fun and we have a lot of team spirit,” said sophomore Anthony Garlough. Even other students realize the team spirit the boys have. Seeing them have a good time (even during school) puts a smile on many faces. Sophomore Melissa Carroll said, “When I see the swim team boys talking about the meet and getting pumped up, it gets my spirit up too!” With all that energy, no wonder the guys are getting great times. At the Lewis Central Invitational on January 22nd, the team finished eighth out of fifteen. With such a small team, that’s pretty good. The boys had many great finishes, such as Sam Black placing third with 2:25:51 in the 200-yard individual medley. Lewis Central’s own Jonathan Matula finished next with 2:27:34. In the 100-yard backstroke, Chris Williams finished third with 1:04:86, along with Sam Black, who was nipping at his heels with a time of Photo Taken from On his way to a 57-yard touchdown, Clinton Solomon helped lead the Hawkeyes to victory. Photo by Megan LongmeyerHaving finished their strokes, the boys take a moment to get some air. 1:05:75. Chris Williams, Sam Black, Jonathan Matula, and Chris Paff finished fourth in the 400-yard freestyle relay with a time of 3:57:35. With the boys doing fairly well with those times, and with a little more time to improve, going to state is a thought that crosses their minds. “None of the boys right now have times that would usually qualify for state,” said coach Bruce Shomburg. “But if they improve, they could have a great chance.” Seeing some of the boys go to state on the 18th would do the team well-deserved justice. Yes, they’ve got the potential, but what they need is more guys. They can out-swim in the pool, but not in ratings because of the same problem. And for the boys that are questioning joining the team, you should dive right in and try it out. It might just be worth it. Hot In More Ways Than One Photo by Megan Longmeyer Gulden Name: Dan Gulden Year: Senior Sport: Basketball Level: Varsity How Long Have You Done This: Since I was in about third grade Why Do You Do It: It’s really exciting and I love playing with other teams and players, I’ve been playing with them my whole life. Main Goal: Be successful and have fun; just to have fun I guess. What Separates This Season From All The Others: It’s my senior season and every game is closer and closer to the last game we’ll be playing. Most Memorable Moment: The first game I started last year was Atlantic, and that was a huge win… that was awesome. Photo by Megan Longmeyer Working on his shots, Dan Gulden is determined to do his best. Kellie Doffin Reporter A long-standing tradition for Lewis Central has always been basketball, especially girls’ basketball. This year has been no exception for the girls, who now have a winning streak of seventeen out of eighteen games this season. “The girls have played great this season,” said head coach Chris Hanafan. “We are all very proud of them; it’s hard to play so many games and to keep such a high achievement in winning, but the girls have fun and the team works together well.” Something that the entire team has is unity. It is visible every time the girls step out on the floor and begin their warm-ups, and it continues to be seen as the girls compete like a team throughout the game. Whether it’s during the first basket or the very last, the girls continue to work together. “The unity that the team has is because we have fun during the game. It’s the reason why we play so well,” said junior Kim VanNordstrand. Even though the team works together so well, they also have their hardships. Sometimes they might not agree on everything such as who runs the ball down the court, whose house will sponsor the team dinner, or what to do after practice. The most unfortunate of all circumstances, however, is the fact that the team has many strong leaders who will be leaving after this year. The current senior members on varsity this season are: Courtnie Dennis, Sarah Gundlach, Jessica Hansen, Bekki Heideman, Photo by John Petri Prepping for a shot, Jessica Hansen and Mallory Hutz (left) work to get the team some points. Ashley Knoble, Dani Mescher, and undefeated, next year still holds great Ashley Richter. promises for the team. Many “This year we will lose some dedicated players such as Kim great players and role models,” said VanNordstrand, Mandy Husz, Diana VanNordstrand. “The majority of Mescher, Megan Higgins, and the players on varsity are seniors.” freshman Mallory Husz will have to All in all, the season has gone step up and take the open leadership exceptionally well for the players. positions and the challenges that The girls have played hard to fulfill come with them. their goals and they have won “Everyone in the program is seventeen games out of twenty-one going to be a promise, if they games so far this season. The girls contribute to the cause,” said remained undefeated until they played Hanafan. “We have quite a few against Denison in early January, but juniors, sophomores, and a couple the girls have picked up the pace again freshmen who are definitely going to and have not lost since. help us a lot.” “As the season went on, more In order to end the season well, and more pressure was put on the the girls will continue to play hard girls to continue their streak, but and finish the season strong. The when you play basketball, pressure girls will compete at districts on is what comes with the territory,” February 17, then followed by said Hanafan, “and the girls have regionals. The outcomes of these handled it well.” games will determine if state is a Although the girls might not possibility. So girls…good luck and have finished their season make us all proud! attempted passes and threw for a total of 328 yards and four touchdowns. Smith, however, shocked the Pittsburgh Panther defense by leading the team in rushing with 68 yards. Utah has got a lot to look forward to in upcoming years, however is disappointed to have lost head coach Urban Meyer, to Florida. The Rose Bowl was the complete opposite of the Fiesta Bowl. The game featured the fourteenth-ranked Michigan Wolverines against the fifth-ranked Texas Longhorns. Texas held the lead early, but the score shifted with what seemed like every possession. Michigan’s Rivas kicked a field goal to give the Wolverines a 34-28 lead. However, they soon lost hope when Texas quarterback Vince Young scrambled into the end zone to give Texas a 35-34 victory in the first meeting between two of the best college football teams in history. Vince Young accounted for an astonishing five touchdowns, including one passing, and four rushing. At the end of the year, there were three undefeated teams in college football. One of those teams was the Auburn Tigers. The third-ranked Tigers had been fighting all year for a top two rank, seeing as their record was as good as both the first and second-ranked teams. However, the Sugar Bowl, which matched Auburn with ninth-ranked Virginia Tech, destroyed any hope the Tigers had in sharing a championship. The Tigers won the game, but did not play like a National Champion team, defeating the Hokies by only three points in a 16-13 finish. Jason Campbell of Auburn was named MVP of the game, but the real hero was Auburn’s kicker John Vaughn, who was responsible for nine of Auburn’s 16 points. All year, fans from Oklahoma, USC, and Auburn had been competing for the number one rank, and this year’s Orange Bowl was thought to be one of the most exhilarating BCS games ever played. Analysts had split opinions has to who would win, and ESPN spent weeks building anticipation among college football fans. The game, however, made it clear that there is only one team deserving of a National Championship title, the USC Trojans. Oklahoma took an early seven-point lead, on a great pass from Sooner quarterback Jason White. However it soon became clear that the touchdown would be the only decent play from Oklahoma all night. USC quarterback Matt Leinart was absolutely phenomenal, as was running back Reggie Bush. Leinart threw for 332 yards and a record, five touchdowns, and singlehandedly devastated the Sooner defense. USC’s defense was impeccable. It seemed like every single Oklahoma possession resulted in a forced turnover, from either an interception or a fumble. Leinart led the Trojans to a 38-10 halftime lead, and a 55-19 win. USC coach Pete Carroll decided after the game to stay with the Trojans rather than accept an offer to coach pro football for the San Francisco 49’ers. Now Trojan fans just hope that Leinart will return for one more year before entering the NFL draft. When asked what he thought of the championship game, senior Kevin Bogardus exclaimed, “I lost ten dollars in the stupid game!” (What’s funny is that he lost it to me.) One game that hit especially close to home for many residents of Council Bluffs was the Iowa vs. LSU Capital One Bowl. The Iowa Hawkeyes held a lead over the Tigers until the fourth quarter, when LSU shocked fans to come back and gain a 25-24 lead over the Hawkeyes. With 20 seconds left and two timeouts, Hawkeye quarterback Drew Tate completed two passes for two first downs. Then from his own forty-four yard line, with sixteen seconds left in the fourth quarter, Tate threw a fifty six yard hail mary to Holloway to retake the lead as time expired. Photo Taken from Posing with their new trophy, the Hawkeyes celebrate their victory over the LSU Tigers. Nearly every student of Lewis Central must have watched the game, because on the next school day it was the talk of the halls. Walking down the halls it was impossible not to hear the story over and over again. The story of Drew Tate with sixteen seconds left, dropping back, and launching a bomb to an unknown senior, in what seemed an impossible play. Then how Holloway not only caught the ball, but ran right through a potential stop. That was definitely a game that will be remembered in the history of Iowa football, but maybe next year it can be done for a championship. Sport’s Calendar February 14th: • 9th/JV/V Boys’ Basketball vs. Shenandoah @ home February 15th: • JV/V Boys’ Basketball vs. T.J. @ home February 17th: • JV/V Girls’ Basketball @ Districts February 18th: • 9th/JV/V Boys’ Basketball vs. Red Oak @ home • Boys’ swimming – state meet @ Iowa City February 19th: • 9th/JV/V Wrestling – Districts @ A.L. • Boys’ Swimming (continued) @ Iowa City February 22nd: • JV/V Girls’ Basketball @ Regionals • JV/V Girls’ Basketball vs. A.L. GOOD LUCK SPORTS!!! Page 4 February 2005 Feature Feature True Life: When Daddy Was Gone True Life Stories are stories meant to tell about realistic events in many teenagers’ lives, and provide help on such issues. These articles are a part of a series, but may be another person’s story and not my own, although written as told to me. Note: The following events described in this piece did not take place at Lewis Central. If you would like to be featured in True Life, submit a short description of your story and contact to The [email protected] said he didn’t want another only to find a dead end. I turned some CD’s left in the car, and an old games for our Sega Genesis. I Amber Johnson Did You child…he REALLY didn’t want around and started back towards “Happy Father’s Day” card that thought that, for sure, things would Assistant-Editor Know…Children another child, which is why he had school to start over and find my way mom had stuck to the refrigerator get better when he said that he was When I was little, I used to tell pushed mom down the stairs. From Fatherless home, only I couldn’t find my way with a magnet. I guess mom didn’t sorry and that he would see us people that my daddy ran away from The next week was hectic. We back there either. I must have know that he wouldn’t be waiting for tomorrow, we would go ice skating. Homes Are: home, like I hadn’t loved him stayed at grandma’s a few days and walked around for hours before I sat us. That night, mom didn’t stay up My brother and I waited in front of • 5 times more enough. Like he would come back then went back home. It took a down crying on the sidewalk, a waiting for Dad. She knew as well the window for two hours before if I were to just wait in front of my while but things got back to normal. stranger took me back to school, and as I did that that was it, and we both mom told us to come eat dinner. He likely to commit window long enough. But reality Mom had my baby brother, and dad, they called my mom. cried all the same. It took a while, never came. suicide had it that my father had everything; of course, was always away with Waiting in the office, all I could but we adapted The day before my twelfth • 32 times more a loving wife, daughter, and soon to work. think about was how I had failed I guess I never really accepted birthday Dad came again, with be son. Reality had it that he didn’t He would leave for work early in the him. Disappointed him. How I had the fact that he had left. When presents at hand. I was so excited likely to run away come back… at least not for long morning and not come back until the screwed up and how he could never Father’s Day rolled around each that I didn’t even open the presents, • 20 times more periods of time. late ends of the night. I know this be proud of me. How I was a bad year, I would make up reasons why and told him that I would save them likely to have I was only five the first time I because mom would often times sit daughter. I was only five at the time. I couldn’t work on the class Father’s for my party the next day. He took saw my dad hit my mom. I up and wait for him to come home When mom finally arrived, I Day project. I would tell teachers my brother and I swimming and out behavioral disorders remember being woken up in the and go to sleep, and I would sit up cried in her arms and she told me that he had died saving someone’s to lunch and promised he would be • 14 times more middle of the night by screaming. and wait for her to do the same. He that it was going to be okay and that life, because after all, most of the there the next day to see me open likely to commit rape They were fighting again. They became more distant each day, until daddy loved me. She told me that I other kids saw their dads as heroes. my gifts and blow out my candles. were always fighting. I remember one day… he was gone. would see that he loved me because I wanted my dad to be a hero. I But…he never came. Mom had to • 9 times more opening up my door and peeking I remember Daddy not leaving he would be waiting for me at home didn’t want him to be the abusive open up my gift from him a week likely to drop out of into the hallway only to see my dad for work early that day. Mom and that he wouldn’t be mad at me husband that never wanted kids and later, and I blew out my candles high school thrust my mother against our china decided to take advantage of the at all. wishing to never see him again. was never there. cabinet. Frightened, I slammed the situation and asked him to pick me We pulled into the driveway But every year I did. Once a I built up this image in my head • 10 times more door and ran and hid under my up from school. He said that he and went inside. of what my father would be like if year he came and once a year I was likely to abuse sheets. would. When mom left, Daddy “Dad?” I called. he had stayed. My images were let down. Promise after promise, chemical substances For an hour or so the yelling asked me if I knew the way home No answer. filled with us doing all the father- year after year. and clamor went on, starting with from school, being that it was only “Daad?” Silence. After countless times of broken daughter things from riding on his • 9 times more thumps and bangs, and ending with a block or so away. I said I did, and I set my backpack down and shoulders to him tucking me in at hearts, shattered dreams, and placing likely to end up in a soft and distant sobs coming from he asked me if I could be like the ran to the living room only to find night. When my dreams didn’t come the blame, I finally came to realize state operated my mother. And then… there was big kids and find my way home that the keyboard and his music true, I remember asking Santa Claus that having the perfect family silence. I couldn’t figure out why day. I said that I could. equipment… gone. I tore open his for a daddy on Christmas. He just doesn’t come from being picture institution Daddy was punishing mom. Had I was so anxious that day to go closet… empty. I pulled out his smiled at me and asked me if I perfect. You don’t have to have a • 20 times more she been bad or something? home and show my dad that I was a drawers… vacant. I even opened up wanted a pony instead. perfect house, in the perfect likely to end up in The next morning mother woke big kid. That I was smart. That I the cabinets and checked under the I never did, and I stuck with the neighborhood, with a white picket me up, packed our things, and we wasn’t a baby and knew how to bed… but everything and every sign same wish until sure enough, Daddy fence, and a perfect mother and a prison went to grandma’s house. I was told come home by myself. I wanted to of ‘him’ that ever was… wasn’t showed up on Christmas Eve when perfect father. In the perfect family, Resources: to stay in the bedroom as mom make Daddy proud. The moment anymore. I was eleven. We spent the whole all you need is love, and I had that. talked with the police about what the bell rang I headed off, past the I tore our house apart that day, day together watching movies, That night I crept downstairs, they had been fighting about. Mom flagpole, past the playground, down just looking for something… playing board games, sled riding past the bathroom, down the hall, Divorce Care Hotline: was three months pregnant, and I the street, down the other street anything… but all I could come up everything like I had imagined. He and posted on the refrigerator… 708-386-3900 didn’t know it then, but when dad where my house should have been, with was a few used rolls of film, even bought my brother and I new Happy Fathers Day, Mom. Americans Contribute to the Relief Effort Photo attributed to The generosity of the American spirit comes in many forms, including drops from helicopters. Lindsay Behrens Reporter On Monday, January 3, President Bush, with former presidents Bush Sr. and Clinton by his side, encouraged Americans to contribute to the relief effort for the tsunami victims in Asia. “We know that Americans have a history of rising to meet great humanitarian challenges and of providing hope to suffering people,” President Bush said from the White House. “I ask every American to contribute as they are able to do so.” The United States made an initial commitment of $350 million for disaster relief, but the President stresses the impact private donations have on the relief effort. “The greatest source of America’s generosity is not our government; it’s the good heart of the American people,” he said. “In the weeks since the tsunami struck, private citizens have contributed millions of dollars for disaster relief and reconstruction.” These millions of dollars are very important for not only reconstruction and medical needs, but also to feed the millions of people in the region. “We should definitely send money and people over to help the tsunami victims,” said junior Chelsea Luth. “There are more people who have died in this natural disaster than Americans have died in any war we have fought. These people need our help.” President Bush brought together ex-presidents George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton to lead a private fund-raising campaign. “In the coming days, President Clinton and Bush will ask Americans to donate directly to reliable charities already providing help to tsunami victims,” said Bush. “Cash donations are most useful.” President Bush has privately contributed $10,000 to help with the relief effort. He is now asking former Presidents Bush Sr. and Clinton to “solicit contributions both large and small” to help the millions of people affected by the tsunami. Businesses in Council Bluffs and Omaha have started fundraisers to collect money for the tsunami victims. “I work at Super Saver, and customers may round up the cost of their groceries to the next dollar,” said junior Andrea Larison. “The extra change is then given to the relief fund.” Bakers supermarkets in Omaha are also taking part in this type of fundraiser. In the first week of the program, Bakers collected $19,000 for the relief effort. Also collecting donations to send to tsunami victims, Gordmans Inc. is conducting a “helping hands” fundraiser, where customers may purchase paper hands for one dollar, and the Mall of the Bluffs has donation sites for people to donate money to the American Red Cross. At Lewis Central, Fellowship of Christian Athletes is doing its own fundraiser. “FCA is collecting old cell phones and sending them to an organization that will pay us to recycle them,” said instructor Pat Campbell. “The money will be used to help the tsunami victims. We sent out letters to students informing them about this, and it will last throughout the year.” “ We g o t t h e i d e a o f donating cell phones from the Internet,” said sophomore D i a n a M e s c h e r, w h o i s a member of FCA. “We chose this type of fundraiser because other groups have had a lot of success with it.” Lewis Central students are also donating money through their churches. “My church took an offering to send to the tsunami victims,” said senior Brady Erickson. Private donations like these are a crucial part of helping the relief effort. “For more information about how to make a donation, you can visit the USA Freedom Corps website at,” said President Bush. “I ask every American to contribute as they are able to do so.” When Life Turns You Toward the Cheetos Courtney Dusing Reporter When life gets you down and you’ve got nowhere to turn, an increasing number of people turn to food. America is a country where food takes over in any bad situation. Let’s say a family member, or even your dog, dies. What do people give you to bring you comfort? Food. Or when your boyfriend or girlfriend dumps you, what do you do? Eat. Now, everyone has something they do or eat to comfort themselves, but males and females of different generations have different choices of comfort foods. Young males have interesting cravings when they are upset. Some want sugar in a natural setting, like fruit, while others want sugar in candy. Some boys just don’t eat at all. “My comfort foods would be apples and apple juice,” said sophomore David Ebke. Young girls, on the other hand, aren’t so conservative. Younger females usually turn to junk food when they are upset. “When I’m upset I usually eat starch – fatty foods,” explains freshman Nicole Bridgeford. “It isn’t good unless there are lots of carbohydrates!” Chocolate, ice cream, and popcorn are among the many favorites, but as you age you start eating more practical things. The older generation tends to find comfort in foods of their youth. Eating such things as their mother’s cooking, soup, or even macaroni and cheese reminds many of their childhood and takes them away from all of the troubles of the adult world. Spanish teacher Kathy Thomsen said, “Any of my mom’s cooking is comfort food for me.” Although both the men and women of this older generation gravitate toward food reminding them of their youth, they still have different tastes in comfort foods. Men in this older generation love main course farm foods, such as biscuits and gravy, stew, and beef and potatoes. “I eat barbeque when I don’t feel good and am upset,” said science teacher Tim Spencer. As much of the older generation grew up on farms, this makes perfect sense, but as you can tell, the number of farm families is fast decreasing. This then changes the foods we eat normally and our comfort foods. Those of the younger generations are now reaching out toward the commercialized candy and chocolate market instead of their own backyard. Altogether, comfort foods change as you age and are extremely different for genders. As you age, you become more aware of what is somewhat healthy, but you still ache to be young again, even with your mom’s cooking. Males and females are opposite when it comes to comfort. Females eat anything and everything that’s bad for them. Males eat whatever looks good at the time. Either way, males and females of all ages eat what makes them happy, and that’s all that really counts. aspects of character, but the sun sign is the main determining factor. With information from the planets, predictions about different events throughout a person’s lifetime can be made. “I read my horoscope almost everyday. It’s pretty close except the one about work,” said junior Ashley Johnson. From these Zodiac signs, horoscopes can be created for the The water elemental signs of Scorpio, Cancer, and Pisces are best when planting above ground crops and flowers. Those should be planted during the new moon and first phase of the moon. Fire and air signs, including Leo andAquarius, are the best for cutting crops away or putting down pesticides. Some people view astrology as a deep method of explaining how everything is spiritually related. Not only does it let people explore th e m s e l v e s , t h e i r relationships, and their places in the world, but also how their environments affect them and how the people affect their environments. S y m b o l s surround every person each of which has special meanings. Through interpretations of these symbols people are able to see how random events relate directly to experiences in those people’s lives. Astrology can be utilized for many different purposes among the wide scope of understanding personality, relationships, and the basic fabric of existence and knowing when to plant for the best harvest. Horoscopes have been and continue to be used to predict the future. To attain some of this deeper knowledge, seek the stars. Personality By The Stars Vikki Burnett Reporter According to astrology, the stars determine personality. Though that is not the only use for astrology, it is the most common. One less common use is that astrology can inform a farmer of the sign to plant during for the best harvest. Astrology is a science of the stars. It studies t h e relationship b e t w e e n personality and locations of planets at the exact place and moment of birth. The constellations that can be seen around the earth are divided into twelve sections that represent different Zodiac signs. “I think Sagittarius is the kind that really drive in their career,” said junior Racheal Brookover. All of the signs like Capricorn, Virgo, and Libra, have different personalities, planets, elements, body parts, and birthstones associated with them. The sun passes through one of these signs a month and whatever constellation the sun passes through when a person is born is his/her sun sign. The ascendant and moon signs help determine some day, month, or year. In modern times, these horoscopes give readings of events that will happen. Through calculations and measur e m e n t s , astrologers have generated symbolic patterns, which aid in the accuracy of these predictions. They use those patterns to analyze, explain, and predict future social, political, and emotional characteristics of life on earth. Astrology can also be used when planting crops. Some people plant during different signs and moon phases so their crops will grow better. Page 5 February 2005 Feature Dropping Out Equals Flippin’ Burgers Bridgette Mucha Reporter “The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet,” philosopher Aristotle once said. Getting an education may prove to be a difficult task for many teens but once you have it you will be rewarded with a good job. Teens from across the country have always had the option to quit anything they want. Many teens have been quitting one very important thing, school. By the time some people hit their teen years they are past being ready to be done with school and therefore drop out. Teens that drop out of school have many different options on which direction they would like to go in life. According to an article by Wendy Schwartz, “Youth Who Drop Out: Why They Leave and What Happens to Them,” nearly 20% of dropouts were held back a grade, and half failed a course. Twenty-five percent of them changed schools at least twice for disciplinary reasons. “Lewis Central is one of the few schools that I know of that it is common to see students going into their 5th and 6th years of high school,” said Lewis Central counselor, LuAnn Peverill. Marriage is one of the most popular reasons for student to become dropouts, 20% of dropouts a drug problem, or perhaps they are married or divorced. Out of that don’t feel safe with people at school percentage 40% have or are who have such problems. “Regardless of their reasoning expecting a child. “Here at Lewis Central for one for leaving, students must keep a hour of Thursday nights there is a part time job, of at least 20 hours a week, in order “support to keep their group” license,” said f o r Peverill. young S o m e women dropouts just w i t h run away from children,” home, nearly s a i d 12% of them Peverill, take this route. “ I t E l e v e n encourages percent of t h e s e them were women arrested and t o 8% spent time balance school Photo By Andrea Larison in a juvenile home or a n d “I work hard at school because I want a having a good future ,” said sopomore Shanna Delfs. shelter. Onethird of child.” Young students in high school dropouts were suspended, on inmake the decision to quit for many school suspension, or put on different reasons. Some students probation, and more than 15% were just don’t like the school that they either expelled or told they could not must attend, while others don’t get return. “I think that it would be along with the faculty or students, and therefore have disciplinary difficult to prevent teens from problems. Others must get a job to dropping out of school. I think that help their family get by, or to support this is due to ignorance; most their new family after they or their students have the mind set that they girlfriend get pregnant and can not don’t need school. There is no handle bother school and work. changing their minds,” said Some other students may even have sophomore, Jessica Ohlinger. Poison in the Air Alyssa Ranney Reporter Plastics are not the only material that can be reused or recycled. For example, cars can be In the 1950s, people in Japan reduced to scrap by giant shredders became ill with a new disease called and the valuable metal used again. Minimata disease. The disease Industrial waste, such as was traced to eating tuna fish that poisonous chemicals or radioactive had become contaminated with waste, usually has to be buried deep m e r c u r y. T h e underground mercury had to prevent come from contamination. ch e m i c a l s “Right poured into the now, people sea by factories, don’t really and it had been care about co n c e n t r a t e d pollution. I along the food don’t think chain. In a study that people made in 1986, will really more than two in care until they five flatfish in are on their the Nort h Se a last breath of were found to a i r , ” have cancer-like Photo Obtained From Yahoo c o m m e n t e d disease. B r o d y Search: Pollution Pollution is Polluting the air, this powerplant Bockenstedt. not a new harms the environment. M a n y problem. In the people like the Middle Ages, most towns were dirty, idea of reducing pollution but not water supplies were foul and when it affects the way they live. diseases spread quickly. Although Pollution must be controlled, and much has been done to improve sooner rather than later. Doing so sanitation, new problems have will cost a lot of money and a arisen. Since the Industrial change in lifestyle. For example, Revolution, problems of waste filtering the harmful fumes before disposal have become more they emerge from power plant complicated. Incidentally, every chimneys can reduce acid raid, i n d u s t r i a l c o u n t r y f a c e s t h e but doing so will likely increase problem of waste. the price of electricity. Factories produce new goods Looking on the optimistic for people to buy, and old are thrown side, we can make a difference if away. Garbage is burnt, dumped in we act now. For starters, recycle rivers and seas pollute the water, p l a s t i c s , g l a s s , c a n s , a n d and garbage dumps are unpleasant newspapers. Be informed and and take up much-needed space. c h e c k u p o n y o u r s t a t e a n d Because getting rid of plastics is federal government; make sure particularly difficult, some choose to they are passing recycling and reuse by recycling. clean air acts. Bring and reuse “I recycle because it’s better for your own sacks when buying items the environment,” commented at the mall or g r o c e r. W h e n conscientious sophomore Alex l e a v i n g a r o o m , t u r n o f f Royce. computers, lights, and T.V.s. After some time wood and Don’t think you are going to be paper decay, but plastics never around in forty plus years to care decay. Scientists are trying to when pollution gets worse? Who make plastics that will break knows, technology has come a down naturally into harmless long way in the past century, and substances. you might live longer. When the Snowing Gets Tough... Top Ten Things To Do On a Snow Day Hannah Hopson Photography 1. Bake some of your grandma’s world famous cookies or your dad’s firehouse chili. Look through old family cookbooks to see what else you can make for a delicious lunch or just combine anything in your kitchen and see what you can come up with. 2. Keep warm and go sledding at the same time. Grab a nylon sleeping bag or anything that will slide down your stairs and let loose. 3. Call up a couple of friends and play a game on your X-Box live. Test out the game everyone has gone crazy for (Halo 2, duh) and see if it measures up to the hype. Blowing up buildings and taking out the bad guys just seems more fun together. 4. You know that brother or sister that always steals your stuff or does annoying things to you? Seek revenge on them. While they’re enjoying sleeping in, give them something to yell about and be sure to take pictures. I mean, who says your sister doesn’t look good in a mustache or your brother in pink lip-gloss and eye shadow? 5. Shuffle up and deal! Invite a few friends over and play some Texas Hold’em. Play with poker chips or use dimes and nickels to keep it cheap. Have a movie that everyone likes playing in the back round for the losers that get out early and call it the “Losers Lounge.” 6. Burn a cd or make a new play list with all of the funniest songs you have ever heard. I know it sounds corny, but you’ll have fun listening to Weird Al’s “The Night Santa Went Crazy” or “I’m a Barbie Girl” by Aqua while your driving to school or hanging out with friends. 7. Try playing your favorite sport indoors. Get creative and use chairs for a net or a teddy bear as a football. But be careful so you won’t have to explain how a teddy bear broke a lamp later on. 8. Blast some tropical music and grab a coconut shell drink with a little umbrella. Imagine sun bathing beside the pool or hanging out at a bonfire to keep your hopes. 9. Watch a movie or something on TV at the same time as a friend. Instant message each other during it to make it seem like your sitting beside each other. Funny comments about a bad hairpiece between friends can make even the most boring movie fun to watch. 10. If all else fails, just go outside and wage war against the neighborhood kids in a snowball fight. Go skiing or snow mobiling and maybe even try a snow angel. You have a cup of hot cocoa and cozy blanket to look forward to once you’ve had your fun. HAVE A FUN SNOW DAY! Congratulations! Lewis Corporation holds the title of the Grand Champion at the Westside Competition! Express performed well at the AL Competition and received a II rating! Large Group Speech All-State nominees are Reader’s Theater and Large Group Mime cheaper because David knows how to do some exterior and engine work. A lot of students dream of “Because of taking this class, I having a powerful car that people can knock at least $1,000 of the total envy. With this car comes the cost,” said Stokes. glamour of being stared at when at Some students have already a red light, having people want to begun their pimping projects. Mike ride in your car, and winning races Warner, a sophomore, has invested along with the respect of the close to $7,000 in his Ford Taurus. person you beat. The kids that want His investments include rims, paint, these cars also know that it is almost body work, neon lights, Pioneer sound products, and some reupholstering. “I know it is only a Taurus, but it’s my baby and an overall fun project,” said Warner. Another student that has done some pimping to his vehicle is senior, Photo By Andrea Larison Josh Probst. Josh Before the pimping this car looks plain and has a Honda Civic ordinary... that includes a impossible to buy a stock car that stereo system, rims, and racing seats, meets all of their requirements; if ringing up the price around $1,000. they do find this dream car, it “I didn’t do a lot to the car, probably costs the equivalent of a but I still get looks when I am house. So to improvise they buy the driving it,” says Probst. next best thing (or what they can One student that has found the afford). Soon after that, the easy yet time-saving way out of ex p e n s i v e p i m p i n g p r o c e s s manual pimping labor: E-bay. begins. This online auction site sells For David Stokes, a junior, varieties of every car, including his recently bought 69 Chevy C a lot of cars that are already 10, a classic truck, is in desperate pimped. This is what junior Becca need of some work. Unfortunately Shepard has resorted to. She bought for David, Xzibit (the host of Pimp her Dodge Neon (fully pimped with My Ride on MTV) does not typically an after market horn, carbon fiber travel all the way out to Iowa to take hood, custom interior, and more) on a “crappy old piece” to West Coast E-bay this last summer. Customs to have it customized “Some guy from New York and worked on. Also, Pimp My Ride was wanting to get rid of this doesn’t usually pimp out the engine, a necessity to most motor heads such as Stokes. He will have to invest his own hardearned mon e y t o l o w e r, paint, reupholster interior, upgrade engine, and put new rims on his Photo By Andrea Larison truck. He basically ... but after the pimpingit’s a high-tech beauty. wants to turn his truck into his own version of the “Pimp little beauty, and I got a bargain Mobile,” also known as a decked out on it,” said Shepard. car. Whether you want to take “It’s going to be expensive, the easy or hard way to get the but well worth it,” says Stokes. body kit, sound system, turbo Fortunately for David, he is e n g ine, new paint job, and in the auto body class at ISD, customizing for a decent cost, it where he has learned how to work is a possibility. Students at LC on cars and make them “prettier.” have found ways to do it and you Also, taking this class helps in too can officially be pimped just making the cost of work on the truck like them. Megan Heckerman Reporter Senioritis: The Curse Strikes Again Thomas Webering Reporter There’s More Than One Way to Say, “I Love You!” Shun-Sho Fong Reporter Afrikaans ..................................... Ek is life vir jou Bengali .................................. Ami tomake bahlobashi Czech ................................................ Miluji tev Dutch .............................................. Ik hou van je English .............................................. I love you French ................................................ Je t’amie German ...................................Ich liebe dich Hawaiian ..................................... Aloha wau ia ‘oe Italian ................................................... Ti amo Japanese ....................................... Kimi o ai shiteru Korean ................................... Dangsinul stranghee yo Lithuanian ..................................... As tave myliu Malaysian ....................................... Siya cintamu Norwegian ..................................... Jeg elsker deg Polish ............................................ Kocham ciebie Russian ....................................... Ya tyebya lyublyu Swahili ............................................. Nakupenda Thai ............................................... Phom rug khun Welsh .......................................... Rwy’n dy garu di Zulu .............................................. Ngiyakuthanda There are ways to prevent teens from dropping out of school to make sure that all young people get a good education. It’s key to always make sure that the option for tutoring, making up missed work, transferring, and placing those in a special program are available to them. Make sure a counselor, teacher, friend, parent, or even a sibling is there to talk them through their problems. Letting students know the possible outcomes of their decisions is also an option. A GED program should be encouraged to a teen if they do not finish school. “It think that a GED is a better alternative for high school dropouts,” said sophomore, Alyssa Brewer. D r o p p i n g out of school could cost a teen a great deal. Dropouts earn an average of $200,000 less than high school graduates, and over $800,000 less than college graduates, in their lives. In the last 20 years, the earn i n g s o f d r o p o u t s h a v e doubled, although, it nearly tripled for the college graduates. There are big differences between the people that drop out and the others that stay in. The live of those that do stay in high school to later go on to college have more career option and better alternative than those how do not. Be cool and stay in school! get through the last five months of the high school era. “We’ve been going to this school our entire lives, and now we can see the finish line. It really feels great to be a senior, but now As the final term is suddenly on our doorstep, many seniors reflect on how close they are to be graduating in May. To some this means buckling down and working even harder than they were to end the high school years on a good note, but for many this time is the time where they have to c o n s t antly be reminded by parents and teachers to just get the work turned in and completed. This is due to the annual bug called Senioritis, which hits virtually every high school Photo By Andrea Larison across the country For students struck with with senioritis, sleep when graduation becomes one common aternative to school work. just around the corner. This is no different at I’m ready to take the title of Lewis Central High School. alumni. I’m so sick of waking up “It’s so hard to keep coming to at 6:30AM to come to school and school. I have enough credits to go through the exact same motions graduate already but have to keep that I’ve been going through for 12 c o m i n g t o s c h o o l . I t a l m o s t years,” said senior Barak Davis. makes no sense to me,” said Although high school is a senior Ricky Paulsen. time to develop study habits and Many students share the to make friends, it’s also a time same feeling and are struggling to to look forward to being released into the real world after graduation. “I ‘m really looking forward to getting out on my own, and using all of this schooling for something. It’s so hard to keep focused when you’ve been infected with this bug. I know I should keep going, but I can’t help think of the end of high school,” said senior Lauren Thomas. As this bug begins to build its nest, better make sure that everyone knows the symptoms of this epidemic. This bug’s sym p t o m s may include: skipping class, not doing homework, not even coming to school, having off- campus lunch, and pretty much getting through school with as little effort as possible. “I’ve definitely been infected with the epidemic that’s taking control of many seniors. I keep finding it hard to stay up with everything because I know that I’m going to graduate in a couple of months, and it just doesn’t seem as important as it used to,” said senior Josh Grovesnor. As a fellow senior, I share all the feelings that the seniors share. All we really need to know is that in about five months we’re going to be the class of 2005, a nd we’ll be the ones saying to the under classmen, “ Have fun next year.” Page 6 February 2005 Feature LC BAND; Dressed To Kill...Literally. AND ALL THAT JAZZ Hannah Hopson Photographer and I Remember Clifford. Bluford picked these songs because he likes to teach the students about There are so many ways for different styles and also have self-expression. Painting, writing, music that fits the ensemble. “My favorite song is Cycle and singing are all excellent methods. Another more musical because I like the feel of it; it’s method is through playing an funky,” said junior Tiffany Clark. A few different styles the instrument in a jazz band. “Jazz band allows for a little band likes to look at are Count more individuality because jazz is Basie and Duke Ellington. Both of primarily about improvisation,” these are swing styles, but in the said band director Derick Bluford. Count Basie style everything is Improvisation is when a played laid back and Duke musician plays a solo off the top Ellington is played more lightly of his/her head. Although it may with a contemporary sound. As seem intimidating to think about with every other activity, there are playing something at random in some aspects of jazz band that not everyone enjoys. “ M y personal dislike is learning base cleft and having to transpose it,” said junior A n d r e a Oehme. S o m e students had to switch from their concert b a n d instruments to a more jazz s t y l e d instrument. The time of rehearsal is also an inconvenience. In years past, jazz band used to be Photo by Hannah Hopson during school. Nathan Quick getting jazzy at an after school practice. The band got front of a large audience, the same amount of rehearsal time improvising lets the individual as they do now, plus scheduling did interfere with other express his/herself in a very not relaxed and laid back manner. The extracurricular activitie s l i k e musician gets to decide the notes, speech and bowling. Even with these the beat, and the style that he/she plays. Improvisation is practiced at inconveniences, jazz band is still rehearsals by any of member of the doing well. The season is going a little slower than it has other years jazz band that is interested. “It’s a lot more serious (than but this year the band is younger. eighth grade) and we actually do The show is still pretty solid. work,” said freshmen Derek Stuhr. Their first competition was on The jazz band practices every January 29 at Abraham Lincoln. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday The band has the possibility of after school. During rehearsal the playing into early April at the Jazz band plays as a whole and breaks Championships at Des Moines. Jazz is about style and selfdown into sectionals to work on any parts that are giving them expression. Improvisation is a trouble. Bluford also helps soloists m e t h o d o f s p o n t a n e o u s selfexpression that is intimidating and work out with difficult rhythms. The band plays four exciting. In our jazz band there are stylistically different songs. The a few inconveniences but they songs they are playing include w o n ’t b e p l a y i n g t h e b l u e s Teddy the Toad, Duke it out, Cycle, anytime soon. Vicki Burnett Reporter pic for JAZZ BAND Loud music, great dancing, friends, and, of course, a little drama all add up to what? A school dance. It’s a place where busting a dorky dance move is just part of the fun. All of the great decorations (thanks to Student Council) and a good DJ help make the night memorable. But when it comes to deciding what to wear, there are all kinds of answers. “When I go and pick out a dress for a dance, I just wear whatever I like,” explained junior Ashley Smith, “I just have to feel comfortable in it.” Homecoming is more informal with shorter dresses and hair done at home for girls. Boys go with khakis and polos. “I like homecoming because it’s warm weather and I don’t have to bundle up just to walk to dinner,” laughed senior Erin Higgins. Sno Ball is more formal with long, sleek dresses and hair done at a salon with boys in a nice dress shirt and tie. “Sno Ball is like the under classman’s prom because most go all out. I just can’t wait though until I go to my junior prom,” said Smith. And then there was one. PROM. That little four-letter word that makes some girls go crazy. From finding the “perfect” dress, shoes, and accessories to getting a date, making plans, having your hair done…the list can just go on and on. Boys get a sharp tux and others have a little fun and dress up like a pimp, cane and all. But with all the excitement that comes with a dance, how do you decide what’s appropriate or not? In today’s fashion industry, shocking outfits are considered normal. Plunging necklines and the motto “skin is in” make some outfits considered risqué. It is becoming more and more common to show some skin at inappropriate times. Think of what your grandma would say if she saw you in a miniskirt and a sheer camisole. Where do you draw the line, especially at dances? The school handbook makes a point of not wearing profanity, sexual references, and etc. But it doesn’t specifically mention school dances. It basically leaves final decisions up to the principal or the authority figure patrolling the event. Serving as a large loophole in some minds. With no exact rules, some show a little more than any one wants to see. “Some dresses are a little too revealing for my taste. But other people were brought up with different expectations,” commented Cayla Gillette. With some students pushing the boundaries with certain dresses, are there any actions being taken at school activities to cover up? “There is no specific dress code for dances. The only time that actions would be taken was if the outfit caused disruption, was inappropriate, or didn’t comply with the school’s code,” Mr. Massman explained. Some students would have concerns if an actual dress code was created. “I would be afraid that the school would be way too strict and we wouldn’t have a chance to wear what we want,” said Smith. On the other hand, there are those who think some harsher rules would be a good idea. “Personally, I think we should just wear some nuns dresses,” smirked Higgins, “I mean, it would be a good idea for some guide lines, but not like super strict rules.” Of course a different set of rules apply when you compare every day clothes to more formal events like prom. You wouldn’t be asked to put a tee shirt over a dress at a dance like you would at school. But there are always some that decide to challenge authority and more severe consequences have been created. If you were asked to change by an agent of the school board and didn’t respond to it, you could be asked to leave and be suspended from school Mr. Massman said. If you chose to return, you would be charged with trespassing and be turned over to the police, who would most likely give you a ticket that would cost you about $54. “Most kids know the limit and they know when they cross the line,” said freshman Tyler Lowman. It all boils down to whether or not you feel comfortable in your own skin and realize what the consequences could be. Most people come to dances to have fun and hang out with friends. Many don’t want to see more than what they bargained for. You just have to express yourself in appropriate ways. Baskets For Bucks Shun-Sho Fong Reporter Kids gather to the court, lacing up their shoes with a mission ahead. Even a mascot shows up, in the form or a dog no bigger than a toy. Teams scatter across the court. An athlete steps up to the free throw line; he shoots. One down, nine hundred and ninety-nine left to go. That is exactly what happened when the Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) held their annual FreeThrow-Athon on January 23. The 19year running fundraiser boosts resources for the organization. The money goes specifically to the organization’s “Being An Example” scholarship, but it also allows for accomplishing different projects, such as the Angel Tree Christmas gift program, the Birthday Party for Jesus, or even flowers being sent to a family of someone who died. FCA sponsor Pat Campbell has been organizing and directing this every winter. He originally started the Free-Throw-Athon the year after he began teaching at Lewis Central, 20 years ago. It “enables us to do things without collecting a buck from everyone each time something needs to get done,” said Campbell. The idea of spending the time working on basketball skills is a selling point for many of the FCA members. For first-timer, sophomore Justin Carlson, the idea of shooting hoops was definitely a perk. “Since I’m a part of FCA and (it’s) doing something with basketball, I figured I would do it,” said Carlson. On the day of the Free-Throw- and they told me it was really fun and something that keeps the shooters on target. Athon, eight to twelve teams of FCA that I should (too),” said Husz. “Every time I miss, I just think Even though the Free-Throwmembers get together to spend the ‘That’s basically one less penny,’” Athon happened in January, gaining afternoon shooting 1,000 free throws. For freshman Mallory Husz, that support started months ahead. The said Husz. The students managed to make number seems to be the downside of the students involved went around an average of 70% of their shots. The asking friends, family and teachers event. to support them by donating a money will eventually be collected “That part is not fun,” said Husz. Despite the overwhelming number certain amount for every free throw from the sponsors and be spread of free throws, over twenty students that they made. A commonly among the different projects for the came out to shoot some baskets on suggested donation was a penny per rest of this school year as well as the their Sunday afternoon, the groups completed basket. That thought is 2005-2006 school year. ranging from one to three people. Although not a schoolwide event, the athletes entertained themselves, shooting, chatting, and, d u r i n g breaks, enjoying the s h a r e d refreshments. The occasion ahs become a family affair as well, with brothers and sisters both participating. That was a major reason for Husz’ involvement. “ M y sisters have Photos submitted by Mr. Campbell a l l (participated) Members of FCA shoot freethrows at the 19th annual FCA Free-throw-athon. ADream Come True? Lindsey Behrens Reporter On January 15, 2005, Lewis Central students and their dates danced the night away in the small gym, where the Snoball dance was held. The dance, like its theme, was a “dream come true.” The decorations took on a “dream” theme, and included a working waterfall, complete with a pond full of blue water. “My favorite part of the decorations was definitely the waterfall,” said freshman Sydnie Dennis. “I also thought the picture scene turned out to be gorgeous.” These decorations didn’t just put themselves up. Students in student council worked hard the morning of Snoball putting together the decorations for the dance. “I spent all morning putting together one arch for a doorway,” said senior Joel Edwards. “All the decorations turned out to look really good when we were done, though.” During the day on Saturday, most girls spent their day preparing for the dance. Getting hair, makeup, and nails done can be both expensive and stressful. “When I got my hair done, the lady did a terrible job and I literally looked like I had a mullet,” said junior Meredith Sillau. “I had to have one of my friends redo it for me, but it turned out to look good after she fixed it.” After students were finished getting ready for the dance, they began their evening by going out for some fine cuisine. “My group went to Biaggi’s for dinner,” said junior Austin Strohbehn. “I kind of felt bad for ordering the most expensive meal, but my date had enough money and the food was really good.” After dinner, it was time to dance. The music this year was noticeably different from last year, because student council switched DJ’s from DJ Rob to DJ Mecca. “I thought it was more like club music than music for a school dance,” said senior Brody Bockenstedt. “There weren’t as many slow songs as there were at the dances last year.” Despite the difference in music, it was evident that students had fun at Snoball this year. “Over 500 kids were at the dance,” said associate principal Paul Massman. “There were still about 300 students at the dance when it ended, so the kids must have had a good time.” With beautiful decorations at a l a rg e s t u d e n t a t t e n d a n c e , Snoball this year turned out to be a “dream come true.” Page 7 Entertainment Movies That Make You Want to Say... “Awwwww” Heidi Behrens Reporter was made in the 80’s, it is still very good and relevant to current times. I am a big fan of movies, but there is a certain kind of movie that I can barely stand to even think about seeing, let alone sitting through. This is the romantic movie; however, there is some good in all bad. To help you find this goodness, I’ve compiled a list of the better romantic movies. “Pretty Woman” “The Family Man” Jack Campbell is a stockbroker that seems to have it all, until one Christmas he wakes up to find his whole world has changed. His bachelor life has been traded in for a family. Through some blessing or curse he is now married with two kids. Slowly he learns how to cope with, and find himself with a life he never knew he wanted. Unfortunately for Jack just as he’s getting used to his new life he is brought back to his normal life. Jack must live knowing the happy life he could have had if he made different choices. Edward Lewis is a down-onhis-luck businessman, when he picks up Viv Ward for directions. As is turns out Viv is a woman who makes her money by ways of questionable morals. Edward needs someone to escort him to social events so he hires Viv for a few days. During this time Viv and Edward have a lot of fun going to social engagements and pretending to be a couple. Slowly, but surely, they realize they’re falling in love. “Where the Heart Is” “Romeo + Juliet” My only love sprung from my only hate. This is an updated version of Shakespeare’s famous play about star-crossed lovers from feuding families. Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet fall in love instantaneously upon their first viewing of each other. They pledge their love to each other, despite all of the odds working against them. Although the movie takes place in modern times all of the language is very Shakespearian. However, this love story is one of tragedy. Novalee Nation is a pregnant, seventeen year old high school drop out on her way to California with her boyfriend. While stopped at Wal-Mart, her boyfriend promptly drives off without her, leaving her stranded in a small town in Oklahoma. With the help of some local town folk, Novalee is able to get her life back on track, and eventually she finds true love in a town she comes to call home. “Garden State” “For Keeps” Darcy Elliott is a straight A student with career ambitions and a bright future. Then one day Darcy and her boyfriend Stan get a really big surprise: they’re going to have a baby. Unlike the average teen pregnancy flick, Stan decides to stick around. Darcy and Stan are disowned by his parents, and must forge through life on their own. Together they face the challenges of married life, while learning how to make a family. Though this movie Andrew Largeman returns to his small town in New Jersey for the first time in ten years to attend his mother’s funeral. While home, Andrew reconnects with some old friends and realizes all that he left behind. When Andrew is at a doctor’s office he meets a young woman named Samantha, who seems to be as corky and unusual as he is. At first Andrew wants to leave his hometown and return to his current place of residence, but Samantha offers a reason for him to stay. So there you go, a few romantic movies that I can stand to watch. They may not be the greatest movies ever, but they are definitely the top of the barrel when it comes to romantic movies. So if you are bored this Valentines Day and Blockbuster is not that far of a drive, I recommend picking this up to get you into the romantic mood. All Movie Posters Obtained From Yahoo Image Search: The Family Man, Romeo and Juliet Movie, For Keeps Movie, Pretty Woman, Where the Heart Is, Garden State. February 2005 Wonka and the Golden Ticket Return From Sweet and Scary and Shocking Amber Johnhson Assistant Editor Director Tim Burton has done it again, and this time is taking old friend Johnny Depp along for the ride. It has been fifteen years since the two dazzled viewers with Edward Scissorhands, but their upcoming film holds no room for any ordinary ride. This wild ride is filled with magic, thrills, excitement, and… chocolate? Upon its initial release in 1964, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory was but a book. That is, until it’s nearly perfect cinematic rendition in 1971. We sympathized with Charlie’s poor family, good heart, and love of chocolate, and we were mesmerized by Wonka and his magical world. To this day, it is impossible to deny that Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory is a classic that will set high standards for Tim Burton to beat. “I think as any sequel, that it’s just another attempt to make a profit,” said junior Chris Loftus, “I think that advancement in technology will make the movie more interesting to watch, but I think the storyline will be nothing like the old movie. You just can’t match it.” Some Lewis Central students disagree. “The first one was so good, but I think Tim Burton and Danny Elfmen will work wonders,” said senior Adam Tomford. “The set of the movie is just mind-blowing and Johnny Depp seemed good by the Trailer.” Shocking many viewers, Burton will stick more closely to the book version when reinventing the story, giving viewers different scenes and new adventures. However, Burton started off in the right direction signing Hollywood hottie, Johnny Depp, as Willy Wonka. Known for his stunning performances in E d w a r d Scissorhands (working with Tim), Pirates of the Caribbean, Secret Window, and Finding Neverland Photo Obtained from Yahoo Search: Depp is looking Charlie and the Chocolate Factory forward to his new character. With Johnny Depp starring as Willy Wonka, the new movie will be one wild ride. “It’s great being back with Tim (Burton)- it’s one sight after another, the tour before, and less on Charlie Bucket like coming home,” says Depp in an holds more than just a few surprises. and his innocent, bland role. “Charlie and the Chocolate MTV interview. “We’ve been “I personally like the old Factory is Tim’s version of the version because it’s a classic,” said having a great time.” For those that don’t Ronald Dahl classic book, and it’s junior SarahBruning,” and I don’t know the story, Charlie and gonna be a wild ride,” says Depp. t h i n k t h a t t h e y s h o u l d h a v e the Chocolate Factory is “Taking that character of Willy changed a perfectly good movie!” about an eccentric Wonka and going somewhere Despite the fact that the movie chocolatier, Willy Wonka, completely different is… he sort of will remain much darker and in and Charlie, a young boy made the job infinitely more ways more adult than the novel, in a poor family that difficult for me.” it will still remain a Ronald Dahl The original film does a pretty c l a s s i c . O t h e r R o n a l d D a h l spends most of his time dreaming about the good job of sticking with the book classics include Matilda and chocolate that he loves right up until Violet Beauregarde James and the Giant Peach. but can’t afford. chews the gum. After that, the new “ I t h i n k Ti m ’s m a k i n g a Things change when version will change. It will move r e a l l y amazing filma Wonka, head of the quicker, exposing Veruca Salt to combination of Tim Burton and Wonka Chocolate some trained squirrels as opposed Ronald Dahl is just a match made in Factory, launches a worldwide to the Golden Geese. Charlie and heaven,” says Depp, “so it’s very contest to select an heir to his candy his grandfather don’t actually break exciting.” empire. Five lucky children, any rules, therefore leading to no Charlie and the Chocolate including Charlie, find golden angry Willy Wonka claiming that Factory will hit theatres in July tickets in Wonka bars and win a tour Charlie won’t be receiving any 2005. The movie trailer can be of the factory that no one has stepped chocolate. The focus is also turned found online at foot in for fifteen years. Dazzled by more to Willy Wonka than ever The Music of the If Only I Knew Now... Night Hits Big Screen What I Didn’t Know Then by Mini Driver. Finally, Carlotta is tired of the threats so for one night Christine becomes the star of the opera. As she is singing, Raoul, the manager of the opera notices Christine because they were friends as children. Almost instantly Raoul, played by Patrick Wilson, starts to form a crush for Christine. Once Raoul talks with Christine after her beautiful performance, the two fall in love. Photo Obtained from Yahoo The Phantom Search: Phantom of the Opera becomes jealous over this The Phantom of the Opera dazzled moviego- because he has loved ers, bringing in nearly 42 million dollars. Christine for a very long time. To try and get Christine back Megan Heckerman the Phantom terrorizes the couple, Reporter but Raoul will not leave Christine. Along with the twisted plot of Here it is love-birds, the perfect movie to go see on Valentine’s Day lasting love, there is beautiful with that special someone. I don’t singing throughout the entire movie. care what those darn movie critics The harmonies give goose-bumps say, Phantom of the Opera is and the ballads could make a person BEAUTIFUL! I suppose you have cry. The allegro songs of the scenes to have an appreciation for art and with the Phantom were full of life music to understand; even if you and energy that could cause a want don’t, the movie is still worth your to dance in the seat. The scenes when Raoul and Christine confessed their time and money. The cast is not made up of love for each other on the rooftop of familiar faces, but they still rocked the opera house and in Christine’s the stage of the “Opera Populaire.” room, made me melt (because For starters, there is the Phantom, nothing like that happens anymore). Add all that with gorgeous played by Gerard Butler. Butler is fantastic in playing the mysterious costuming of fancy old-world ball role of a mentor, a terrorist to the room dresses with vibrant colors, opera company, a man insecure with sequins, and diamonds and sleek his hidden deformity, and the man tuxedos, great stage and dancing who has a deep love for Christine choreography that was beautifully directed and filmed from all the right (Emmy Rossum). As a young dancer with a angles that gave the movie a lot of hidden singing talent, Rossum really different visuals that helped makes the movie shine. She plays understand what was happening at the abandoned Christine Daae, who all times. Also, pretty scenes of fancy was taken in by a former dancer for the opera. She was brought up to rooms and enchanted nights that know almost everything about the looked like actual settings that opera, and when she was old enough sparkled and shined; you get one of she became a dancer for the show. the best love movies of all time that Christine wanted to be more than a has been adapted from a Broadway dancer, though, so at night through musical and put on the big screen. If you are very much into the walls, and in the shadows of the opera house, the mysterious dancing and singing then this is the Phantom taught her how to sing like perfect movie for you. Even if you are not, go for the romance. I an angel. The Phantom wanted Christine recommend that everyone go see to be the star singer of the show, so The Phantom of the Opera with that he placed many threats on Carlotta, special someone; it will really be the lead singer for the opera, played worth your while. Megan Longmeyer Co-Editor-In-Chief Ever since I’ve been nearing the end of my senior year, my mom has been on me about reading this book, Ten Things I Wish I’d Known - Before I Went Out into the Real World by Maria Shriver. She said I could relate to it a lot, since I want to be a journalist, and this woman describes a lot of her experiences as she trudges through the corporate ladder. My mom said this book would be a quick read and that when I was done to come talk to her about it. She gave me this book around the holiday season and it collected dust until a few weeks ago when I decided to pick it up and read it. She was right, it was a quick read, but what I really didn’t expect was that I would actually like it. I read it in about a day, and thinking back on it, realize how many of these lessons my mom has taught me herself and how long it took her to learn them. Needless to say, I liked the book... here’s why... The one thing that I really love about this book is how Maria gives so many personal accounts of her years as a journalist. Of course, seeing as I’m going to college to study journalism and mass communications, it’s easy for me to enjoy her takes on the business world of journalism. However, that’s not the only reason I love her insightful remarks... it’s the fact that she’s learned so much from these experiences she has had. In almost every lesson she teaches, she has her work somehow tied into how she learned her lesson. She learned humility, that to fail is to grow, and that every grueling job you do is to build you up, not tear you down. Mostly, it’s inspirational how she learned so much just by doing her job, and that if you’re willing to keep going, anyone can learn the same lessons she did. It was a very comforting thought that a job can be more than a place to pull hours and receive a paycheck; it can be a life-altering experience. Another aspect of this book that I liked was the lessons that Maria wanted to share, lessons that had taken her some of her life to realize and comprehend. Lessons that you need to find what you’re passionate about, and stay true to that no matter what comes up against you. To be willing to fail in life, and embrace it as a new chance to grow. Learning that you can’t do everything all at once, and that you shouldn’t expect yourself to. Embracing that children change your life drastically and that being married isn’t always having it easy. These lessons and more enhance the power of her book so much; they show that she really learned something. Along with teaching a lesson in each chapter, there are little reminders at the end of each chapter that adequately sum up each thought and make you ponder about what she’s trying to teach her readers. I found her lessons to be very humbling and open up my eyes for what’s ahead. If I thought I had it easy before, I’m a little less naive about what to expect from the world after reading this book. I think the best aspect you get from this book is a real taste of Maria Shriver. After years of being recognized as a Kennedy (and a Democrat), as a beautiful woman with national importance, and as the wife of Arnold Schwartzineiger, it’s nice to get a real taste and feel for who this woman is. Throughout the book and the lessons that she teaches you, you can see her personality shine through and watch her transform from the girl she was to the woman she’s still becoming. You get a sense of how, in some ways, she was naive and sheltered, and that as she came into the world, she compensated for what she didn’t know by working hard and learning how to deal with life. She matures and grows so much throughout her years as a journalist and a mother; it’s invigorating that a woman with every opportunity would work so hard and achieve so much. This book really puts a whole new face on Maria Shriver. I think the main lesson that I learned from this book, and the lesson that Maria would have wanted her readers to embrace, is that you have to make your own path of life. Forge your way through everything, hold strong to what you want, and work your butt off to get there. This really is a great book if you need some lessons on life, and even if you don’t, I suggest you read it anyway. You’ll come to recognized and appreciate one of the great women of our country, and to appreciate her for what is important, her being who she is, herself. Page 8 February 2005 Student Life To Ms . Mu t a Mallor y, Yo u s u r e a r e a shor t y Will you b e my Valenti ne? ? I We t h i n k you r you nge r t ha n for t y don’t have one this year, and I thought you would b e a goo d p ers on to ask! ! But you r lac k of heig ht You k now I’m always here for you if Is w hat m a ke s Eng l i sh r ig ht you nee d me ! When Mom a nd Dad Yo u r h a i r s u r e i s f u n n y get mad I’ll b e there to st ick up for Ye t y o u r r o o m i s n ’ t s u n n y you! I just wanted to say I LOVE U We h a t e t h e We s t W i n g a nd tha nks for b ei ng my B u t y o u l o v e t h a t d a r n t h i ng sister! You cla i m we c a n’t c r i p wa l k <3 You r favorite We s ay you r a l l t a l k. big sis, Ju l ie , Hey hope ya -6t h Pe r io d Ma ndy have a good Valentines day. Thanks Engl ish Comp for eve r y t h i ng you ’ ve don e for m e . You’re the best friend I could ever ask for! –L au r a D e a r A m b e r & D av id , t ha n ks for bei ng such awe some friends! K now that you’re al ways i n m y he a r t . <3 A l way s , D ay D e a r LC C olorgua rd, Happy Valenti ne’s Day ! I hop e you all have a g re at day; fille d with love . I c a n ’ t wa it for the next se ason to be gi n; I m iss you all! I hop e next se ason is as fu n fille d as the last ! I love you guys! L ov e Ya , K i m m ie Cla rk Happy one- ye ar! ~I love you~ J a re d : Hey Honey ! Happy Valenti ne s Day. I LOV E YOU! <3 Always, B aby Gi rl And rew R ichter Hey, I just wa nte d to you k now that you’re a g re at p erson a nd friend. I wish you a great Valentine’s Day. I wish you happiness and joy. – To G o of y/ D on a ld D uc k , Sabri na T he s e p a s t 8 mont h s , have b e e n t r u l y Mat te s a ma z i ng a nd I’m s o ble s s e d to have you i n m y l i fe . I c he r i sh eve r y d ay we sp e n d together! You me a n so much to me . Baby, you r eve r y th i ng I’ve eve r wa nte d a nd a whole lot more! I LOV E YOU soooooo much oh ya Happy Valentines Day! Love Always, The Be st Sa ra h A n ne & R ac h ie~ G i rl f r ie nd T ha n ks for b ei ng my BIG siste rs ! You E ve r a r e t he b e s t f r ie n d s I c ou ld eve r a sk XOXO for, a nd I c a n’t b e l i eve t hat t h i s i s My Hu l kTha n k you s o much for com i ng back i nto my life! You a re so special & perfe ct for me ! Prom is e we’l l b e to gether for a long, long time and maybe just forever! I love you with all my heart! You r Baby-g i rl A b by I just wa nte d to let you k now that I love you! Will you b e my Valentine? –L ove , J a ke Happy Bi rthday Ly n d s ay ! ! We Love you! Sometime soon you’ll get out of t h e wa t e r a n d s t a n d o n t h e c l i f f, a n d eve r y t h i ng w i l l b e f i n e ! I n t h e me a ntime however pu rple or blue? Next ye a r you, Kratie , B otox, a nd Iwill b e just fi ne . No reason tomove to Maryland. Happy 18th Lyndsay! We love ya! (Nothing fancy nothing fishy just a little happy birthday wishy!) -Molly, J e s sic a D a pp e n , Hey ! D on’t forget to re ad you r horos cop e ! That’s h ila rious that they’r e always rig ht ! D ra matic Oh h h h, even thoug h I don’t k now what’s goi ng on! Ha ha! I do not bre a k… well… not ever y th ing! Well I hop e you have a g re at Valentins Day ! Oh wa it ! What am I say i ng ? I k now you will b e c aus e all the g u y s wa n t y o u ! Ha ha! L ove - C a s sie April, and Luigi ou r la s t ye a r of h ig h s c ho ol together. I a m goi ng to m iss you so much! Happy Valent i ne’s D ay ! I love you g u y s ! <3 You r Lit tle Sis, B e t ha ny Em i l y & M a l lor y Sha n ks, What’s up Dawg ? How’s you r day going? I’m re ally g lad I got to meet you t wo when I move d here , it made it a lot e asier, plus I would have had to wal k to sk i zzo ol otherwis e a nd that would suck, but re ga rd le s s, you guys i ntro duce d me to most of the friends I have… T hat me a ns I’d b e a big los er if I d id n’t me et you, then I’d los e al l s elf-confidence , a nd would just sit all day, s o tha n ks. It was fu n the fi rst month a nd a hal f of s cho ol when we hu ng out a lot , I hop e we c a n st a rt doi ng that aga i n. Happy Va l e n t i n e s D ay E- U n i t a n d M a l l o r i z z l e ! – J o e K r z e m i e n J o s e ph- I aspire to be able J o e B oy, Holla! You would to da nce like you. Not to k now that if you watche d mention si ng as well as Ellen. Maybe you, Em, & I you. I re ally miss listening c a n si ng a l it tle h ig h to you sing ing, extremely pitche d Mace i n the J&B hig h, to Mace after s chool. Blue Lig ht Lou nge a nd afJ u s t r e m e m b e r, E l l e n ter that you could d islo c ate D e g e n e r e s , c ha n n e l 8 , you r shou lde r for Em ily. 3 : 0 0. ~E- U n i t L ov e , Ma l lori zzle Kyle , I never thoug ht somethi ng goo d could come from working at Old Navy, but I’m He y C a s si e! Happy Va lenti ne’s Day ! s o happy that I worked there b ec aus e i met you. D r a m at i c O h h h! A n d you r bre a k ever y th i ng! Horos cop e s ro ck! You’re the g re ate st a nd I suppos e we c a n You’re the b e st friend a nd b oy friend that i could forget about all you r emba r rassi ng ti me s! Ha ha! Have fu n a nd enjoy you r ever ask for, a nd I love you so oo much for that ! Va lentine s Day ! -J e s s Thank you for hobbling around Sno-ball with me , a nd for telli ng me I’m b e autiful (even thoug h we both k now it’s not true ! ). R achelEric, When you asked me who I love you sooo much and hope we b I guess I just don’t know my b e st friend was, I knew that have many more days to celebrate. where to begin; you are one of the you alr e ady knew the answer, I just most understanding guys I know. I love you!! Me ga n d id n’t know how to say it. I’m at your hous e Happy V-Day Thoug h my personality was a big change al most ever y nig ht and love ever y m inute (S ch nooku ms) so much Korey Gene!!! for you & it took you a while to get used of it , good mood or bad. I tell you everyday XOXO has ever happened to me! J eremy- Thank you for sticking by my side after ever y thi ng we’ve b e en throug h! I <3 U S O MUCH! L ove~ Da n i babe!!! I love you You’re the best thing that J Its great that I finally to me being loud & open how great you look, and I mean have s ome one who loves me, just as much every word. You always know about every thing, I can as I love him. You’re my favorite… ever yjust how to brighten my day or still count on you being t h i n g . Yo u r s o sweet!! ! I hop e make me smile. You’re always there. I couldn’t ask for any we a re together forever! I LOV E right, no matter what. You’re the more from you, although I hop e ever yone YO U S O MUCH! ! ! ! ! most unique person I know you still get red when has a nice You’re my life , my l o v e , m y and you don’t need to change certain subjects come Valentine s Day. – at all. There’s so many things KOREYGENE! <3 Baby Gu rl up and when McKayla I’d tell you but would never Rob ert S a r a y ou a re the best decides to leak foul put in print, but I’m sure that t h i ng t hat has ever gases. I know you get you already knew that. happ ene d to me. I love Toots, you’re my favorite sick of my you s o much. You person to talk with (and stubbornness and me a n everything Mi ke ; turn red), hang out sometimes you to me . I don’t know with (win at cards), Hey baby! Can you believe its b e en want to hit me what els e to s ay, but, I watch movies a ye ar, it’s seems li ke just ye sterday with a frying pan, with (Sweet Home Alabama), love you! I was t al k i ng on the phone with you but you never do no matter do homework with (math), or go out -Korey a nd Zack till fou r i n the morn i ng. how mad I make you. I’m glad on the weekends with (Valley I love you lots baby ! we are such good View Park & Manawa). L ove Always, friends and I want to D o you ever pla n on Pe a nut ! cros si ng the thank you Happy Valenti ne s picket l i ne? for everything. Day to all my Happy Valentines -Rachel Valenti ne s! Day, Mallor y, Hey bab e . Hey And rew ! –Ma rc y S a ra h hu n ny -Eric We’ve had some great times together Happy Valenti ne’s Day ! I hope Te Amo Siempre Te qu iero con the last 5 months. I c a n’t wa it for you have a g re at day! We’ve had to do me cori zon a nd no I d id n’t the ti me s to come . Have a g re at some goo d time s! I hop e we have Ka rrie , forget you Trent Byers Te amo to V alentine’s Day Sweetheart! a lot more! I luv ya lots! ! I j u st wa nt e d to l e t you you to J ack ie ! A nd to Trevor L ove , A nd rew Love , Mal k n ow t h at b e i n g w i t h love ya to big dude ! XOXO you ha s b e e n g r e at . <3 Ros e a n ne Happ y Va le nt i n e s D ay ! K rist i n Ebbs you a r e a n L ov e T homas awe s ome p e r s on ! D on’t eve r Steph & Erda: let a nyone tel l you d i fferent ! Hey guys! Happy Ly n z- tha nk you for b ei ng Wi l l you be my Valent i ne?! Vday ! <3 ya! such a goo d friend! Me only b ei ng a –You r S e c r e t Shau na sophomore you always let me hang out with all you r Abby Feller you are a n Va le nt i ne older friends a nd ever y thi ng th is ye a r has b e en a awe some g i rl! Don’t ever let a ny one blast s o fa r, a nd who k nows whats to come of it . But tell you d ifferent ! You a re my hero! I just wa nte d to tha nk you for ever y th i ng you’ve Da n i, Happy V-Day ! Will you b e my valenti ne?! B obble He ad Boy- You walk done . ~BF~ D -Rob –You r S ecret Valenti ne I wo u l d l i ke t o w i s h We n d y S el l e r s a n d L o opi e a h a p p y V A L EN T I N E S d ay ! L ov e S t e p h a n i e Hu g h e s You a re the g re ate st sister who ever l ive d on the face of th is pla net ! I don’t k now what I’ll do without you r da rl i ng s elf next year! Have a great day! Love, Diana L i t tle Si s te r, just wa nte d to tell you that I love you bu nd le s, a nd you a r e the b e ste st sister a g i rl cou ld have . Have a y u m my day, da rl i ng . <3 D a n i by me ever yday, a nd I thi nk that Hey Bloss om & Buttacup! I just wanted you both to k now that Hig h School you a re g ra ndpa cute! I also would n’t b e as gre at without both of thi n k you a re you! Happy Valenti ne s Day! RAD <3 Ya~ Bubble s T O TH E M A X! I love you!