DUNEDIN STIRLING SOCCER CLUB iDutfit rI. W 5tufu 2U6-2A17 GYSA (FALL) REG'STRHTION FORM PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY PLAYERNAME AGE As DATE OF BIRTH BOY[ | GrRLI otr'lucust tst ] ADDRESS ZIPCODE STATE PARENT/GUARDIAN NAME(S) HOME PHONE ALT. PHONE EMAIL ADDRESS (PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY) ARE YOU INTER.ESTED IN COACIilNG? () YES 0 NO PLAYERINF'O: 0NEYERPLAYED O PLAYED l -2 SEASONS OPLAYED3+ POSITIONS PLAYED ( )GOALTE ( )FORWARD ( REGISTRATION F'EES: )MTDFTELD ( )DEFENSE ( SEASONS )NOSPECTF'TCPOSTTTON U-6: $ 75 + g5g Volunteer fee U-8: $95 + $50 volunteer fee U-10 thru U-19 players: $135 + $50 volunteer fee VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES: I UNDERSTAND TTIAT TIIIS IS A VOLUNTEER ORGANIZATION AND WOULD BE WILLING HELP OUT IN TIIE FOLLOWING AREAS 0 CONCESSIONS 0 F'IELD MARSIIALL 0 MARKETING O OTHER: **THE VOLWTEER FEE IS RETURNED ONCE 2 VOLWTEER HOARS ARE COMPLETED FORTHE CLUB. ***** For Offlce Age Grp: Paid By: In Gotsoccer: Amount Pd: Use Only **** Accepted By: Check/Conf#: ry Dundin Stlrling &ccer Club lMlcal Release Forn (Parent/Guardian) hereby give permission for any I, (Child's and all medical attention to be administered to my name) in the event of acqident, injury, sickness, etc., undir the direction of the person(s) listed below, until sush time as I may Ul contacted. t also assumc the responsibility for the paypent of any such treatment, shild . Parent(s) Name Add"ress City zip State Code Alt. Phone Home Phone - Insurance Carrier Subscriber Group # Policy # behalf: In case I oannot be reashed, any of the following persons is designated to act on my Coach, assistant coach or team rnanager Any league or tournament representative whore my child is playing o o Child's Physician Physician Address Known allergies Phone # Date Siguature of ParenUGuafdian State of Florida, County the- On this personally appearcd of daY public, the yndelig:t-*,T:tt' , before rne a notary t tow, to me (or satisfactorilY of i::i'.1iil;:tfi: [.i,ti'!ilt",; t'ff;r,n for the strument. and acknowredeed that conuined' Purpgses therein WITNESS mY hand and official seal' Signature of Notary Public Both parentdguardians and players are advised to take the Center for Disease Conhol's free online concussion faining HERE. Under Florida law, this player who has suspected concussion or head injury must be removed from play or practice. Before the player may r€turn to practice or competition a written medical clearance to rehrn stating that the youth atlrlete no longer exhibits signs, symptoms, or be*raviors consistent with a coticusion or other head injury must be received fiom an appropriue health care professional tained in the diagnosis, evaluation, and management of concussions. In Florida, an appropriate health+are professional (AHCP) is defined as either a licensed physician (MD, as per Chapter 458, Florida Statutes), a licensed osteopathic physician (DO, as per Chapter 459, Florida Statutes), a licensed physicians assistaat under the supervision of a MD/DO (as per Chapters 458.347 arrd 459.U22, Florida Statutes) or health care professional trained in the management on concussions. I have read and understand this consent fonrL and I volunteer to participate. Player Name Signature Date: As a parent or guardiarq I have rcad and understand this consent form and I give permission for my child, namcd above, to participate. ParenUlegal Guardian Name Signaturc Date: DI]NEDIN PARIiS & RECREd,.TION DEPARTMENT RELEASE, WATVER AND TNDEMNTTIUTTON for myself, my heirs and personal and his/her heirs representatives, and for the minor child, and personal representatives, hereby assume for myself and for said child, all liabilities, risks of loss, property damage, injuries, including death, and hazards incidental to participation in all activities and programs offered by the City of Dunedin Parla and Recreation Departnent or other sponsoring organization in which I, or said child, particrpate(s), includiug transportation to or from the activity or program. I represent that I am the natural parent or legal guardian of said child and have firll lawful authority to execute this release, waiver and indemnification on behalf of said child, binding myself and said child and the c.hild's heirs and personal representatives to the undertakings herein set forth. I am aware of, and acknowledge, the fact that this activity or program may involve phlaical contact or other inherent risks where injuries may occur. I do hereby waive, release and agree to indemuifr and hold harmless the CIIY OF DUNEDIN, its ofEcers, agents, employees, the organizers, sponsors, activity superisors, and co-sponsoring organipli6ns for and from any claim, demand, liability, costs, suits, drarges or compensation for loss, damage, injury of any kind, or death , including losses or injuries arising from the negligence of the CITY OF DUNEDIN, its officers, agents, employees, sponsors, organizers, or activity supenrisors, that may occur as a result of my, or said child's, participation in, or presence at, the activity or progftlm. I assume all risk of injury, liability, and loss arising from the child's participation in or presence at said activity. I acknowledge that the CITY OF DIINEDIN will not assume any costs relating to any injtrry while the child is invotved in this activity. This waiver, release and indemnification is in consideration of the CffY OF DUNEDIN or activity sponsor permitting my, or said child's, participation in the activity or program and in furttrer consideration of the CITY OF DUNEDIN not requiring seH-funded liability insurance coverage as a condition precedent to my, or said child's, participation in the activity or program. I freely and voluntarily assume for myseH and for the said child all risk of loss or injury arising from the child's participation in the activity whether due to the child's negligence, or the negligence of others. I acknowledge that, absent this release and indemnification, the CIIY OF DITNEDIN or other sponsor of the activity or program would not have offered me, or said child, access to the activity or program because of unacceptable exposure to liability claims. I have read this Release, Waiver and Indemnification form in its entirety and understand the terms and conditions it contains and sign it freely and voluntarily, and understanding that I waive legal rights to which I and the child might otherwise be entifled if the child is hurt or suffers loss during the child's participation in the activity. I represent and warrant that I have fulI legal authority to execute this form for the purposes expressed herein as natural parent or legal guardian of the minor child. This Release, Waiver and Indemnification form shall remain in firll force and effect for a]l activities or prograrns until such time as the undersigned withdraws this Release, Waiver and Indemnification form in writing and delivers same to the City of Dunedin Parla and Recreation Departrnent. r o o YOU MUST CAREFULLY READ THIS DOCLJMEI.IT BEFORE SIGNING YOU ARE WAIVING OR RELEASING VALUABLE LEGAL RIGHTS. ft. YOU ARE ADVISED TO SEEK THE ADVICE OF AN ATTORNEY T,JNDERSTAND THIS DOCUMENT. SIGNED THIS DAYOF (Parent/Legal Guardian ifunder 18 years old) Signed in the presence of the following witresses: l,D. - r/16 GeneralWaiver 20 IF YOU DO NOT FT]LLY UNIFORM ORDEROLEASE CHECK SELECT ONLY ONE) YOUTHSIZES: SIIIRT SMALLII MEDIUM[I LARGEII XTRALARGEII TRAINTNGSHTRTSMALLII MEDIUM[ A,DULTSIZES: SOCKS: srroRTs SMALL[ SIIIRT SMALL[ I MEDTUM[ ] ] I TRATMNGSHTRTSMALLI I MEDTUMI I SHoRTS SMALL[] MEDTUM[ I | MEDIUMI SMALLJI MEDIUMII LA.RGEII I LARGEI I II\RGE[ LARGE[ | I LARGE[ I LARGEJ XTRALARGE[ I XTRALARGEI I XTRALARGEI I XTRALARGEI I XTRALARGEI I XTRALARGE[l UNIFORMS: UNIFORMS ARE THE PARENTS RESPONSIBILITY AND ARE ORDERE,D ON LINE USING ADMIRAL OUR UNIF'ORM \rENDOR THE UNIFORM COST IS $45 AND INCLUDES A COMPLETE GAME KIT AND A TRAINING JERSEY. YOU CAN PURCIIASE THE UNTFORM BY FOLLOWING THE LINK ON OUR WEBSITE. PARENTS MUST ORDER THE PLAYERS UNIFOR}I BY NO LATER THAN SEPTEMBER 23'd - @gn3nurc).
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