December 2014 - Lord of Life Church
December 2014 - Lord of Life Church
December 2014 Our Mission - Inspire a deeper and richer connection to Christ, our community, and each other. Advent 2014: I CHOSE YOU . . . I chose you to bring justice, and I am here at your side. I selected and sent you to bring light and my promise of hope to the nations. Isaiah 42:6 Dear Friends, We have entered into a sacred time! The season of Advent is upon us and we are given these next days and weeks to prepare our hearts and minds and our homes for the arrival of the Christ child – into this world, into our homes, into our hearts once again. This time of year often proves to be filled with both expectation and exhaustion. We delight in the sights and sounds and smells of Christmas – but we also put a lot of pressure on ourselves and others to make things “just right!” What if this Advent season you choose to live a little differently? What if we, as a body of Christ, the people of God, daily remember these words from the prophet Isaiah and recall the love of God that says, 'I chose you . . . to bring light and hope'? What might that mean for our lives during this Advent season? How will you be light and hope for others? Throughout worship in this Advent season we will hear from others who have been chosen by God for certain purposes. And we will learn that in some situations we are called on to be patient. In others, we are called on to be bold and courageous. Sometimes we are needed to shed light and hope and at other times we are invited to simply rejoice in all that God is doing. The truth is this, that God has chosen to be made known in flesh and blood –most fully in a baby named Jesus and his life and death and resurrection – and then through the work of his spirit – God has chosen to be made known through you and me! So, dear chosen ones . . . wherever you are – in whatever place you find yourself in life, in this time and in this place – God will use you to bring light and hope to the world. And such a call comes with a promise, “I am here at your side.” Thanks be to God! In Peace, Pastor Erika Daily Advent Devotions at Lord of Life Every weekday – Monday through Friday from 12:00 – 1:00pm there will be Advent devotions! 1st week in Advent – Ichoseyou...bepatient! 2nd week in Advent – Ichoseyou...bebold! 3rd week in Advent – Ichoseyou...belight! 4th week in Advent – Ichoseyou...bejoyful! Come for a time of quiet, conversation, scripture, prayer and coffee. You will be blessed!! Sunday Worship Schedule • • • • Worship - 8:15 a.m.-9:15 a.m. CONNECTION TIME - 9:30 a.m.-10:15 a.m. Fellowship - 9:15 a.m.-10:15 a.m. Worship - 10:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m. Wednesday Worship Schedule • • Worship - 6:00 p.m.-6:45 p.m. CONNECTION TIME - 6:45 p.m.-7:00 p.m. Christmas Eve Worship Pastor Erika Wed., Dec. 24th 3:00 p.m., 5:00pm & 9:00 p.m. Candlelight Services with Holy Commmunion Wednesday Worship in December: Holden Evening Prayer Service will shape our Advent worship on December 3rd and December 10th. On Wednesday night December 17th – our teens and children will present A Charlie Brown Christmas in worship! Advent Resources: If you missed the Advent Festival – please come and pick up a daily Advent devotion for families and/or a daily Advent Devotion for adults. Let these tools bless your time throughout the season of Advent. Deadline for 2014 Financial Contributions is Wednesday, December 31st. All contributions must be received or postmarked by that date, or they will be counted as contributions for the 2015 =inancial year. Thank you for your continued support of Lord of Life and its mission. December 7th - Esther SUNDAY SCHOOL DECEMBER SCHEDULE December 14th - Light to the Nations * Connection Time on 12/7, 12/14 and 12/21 * Connection Time will be used for “Charlie Brown Christmas” rehearsal. Rehearsal will be in the SSR. * If your child is not participating in the Christmas program, class will be held as normal 2 DECEMBER CONNECTION TIME • • • • • • Adult Faith Growth—Rooms 7 & 9/Fireside Rm 1st & 2nd Graders and Parents - Fellowship Hall Regular Sunday School for all Ages Adult Faith Growth—Rooms 7 & 9/Fireside Rm 3rd & 4th Graders and Parents - Fellowship Hall Regular Sunday School for all Ages December 21st - Jesus as Immanuel • • Adult Faith Growth—Rooms 7 & 9/Fireside Rm Regular Sunday School for all Ages Lord of Life is again accepting donations for the purchase of Christmas Poinsettia and other items to decorate our Sanctuary for the Christmas season. Cost is $7.50 each pre-paid; please specify on the form (available at the church starting Nov. 23rd) if your gift is in honor or in memory of a loved one and if you would like to take your poinsettia home after the Christmas season. Sarah Circle Meeting Sarah Circle will meet at 1:00 p.m. on Tuesday, December 9 at Lord of Life. Join us for Bible study and fellowship. If you have questions, please contact Bugs Schmidt at 829-3864 or [email protected] T he Scripture tells us to pray for each other (James 5:16). As a body we pray for our congregation, alphabetically rotating through our church family on an annual basis. Each week we will pray for speci=ic Lord of Life families. Although you may not know each member of our congregation, our God listens to the prayers we bring on each other‘s behalf before his throne. Please make a commitment to include your brothers and sisters at Lord of Life Lutheran Church in your daily prayers. December1-6 Mike & Andrea Anderson Jerry & Delia Bruggeman Anadell Johnson Dan & Jenny Owens Tami Teague Chris & Kim Erickson Brian & Randa Haug John & Jennifer Larson Sandra Schaefer December7-13 Allen & Jessica Balsley Andy & Laura Campbell Julie Fenske John & Conith Mackner Adam & Chrissy Henkensie=ken Keith & Jane Peterson Jimmy & Sindy Shanks Joel & Carol VanDenBoom December14-20 Andy & Jana Behr Michael & Nadine Fraki Dustin & Megan Christenson Kurt & Lori Hoelzel Huy & Katy Kelm Elsie Melby Tim & Kim Quincer Rick & Deb Smith Janet Walters December21-27 Mike & Judy Bialka Thomas & Terri Getty Ron & Nikki Huber Don & Glorya Narveson Ben & Katie Starns Jama Davidson Paul & Audrae Gruber Tom & Kristin Koop Mark & Karin Roach Jason & Jane Winter December28-31 Brandon & Amy Borgstrom Kathy Hamlin Darrin & Sherry Dumpprope Kevin & Elise Jensen Mike & Deanne Kruse John & Melissa Obermiller Elden & Wendy Rueger Glen & Dinah Sundberg 3 LordOfLifeOfice&ProgramStaff ChurchBusinessAdministrator Ken Campbell [email protected] OficeManager Anne Laechel [email protected] YouthMinistryDirector Michael Carmack [email protected] YouthMinistryAssistant Tammie Benson [email protected] Receptionist Mindy Anderson [email protected] SeniorChoirDirector Sarah Aamot [email protected] SpiritualGiftsCoordinator Wendy Adamson [email protected] SundayMorningCoordinator Wendy Adamson Custodians Karen & Paul Erickson [email protected] WeddingCoordinator Tessa Hall [email protected] Bookkeeper Julie Ho=ius [email protected] SundayContemp.WorshipDir. Jeff Johnson [email protected] TeensUpstreamLeader Guy Kelm [email protected] Pianist Jennifer Person [email protected] SundayTraditionalGroupDir. Jennifer Person WedMusicianCoordinator Jennifer Person WedWorshipAccompanist Jennifer Person NewsletterTeam Editor: Mindy Anderson Please send all email articles to: [email protected] The GoodNews is published monthly. Articles for the January newsletter are due December19.Articles for the December Late-Breaking News are due December26. 4 CONTACT THE CHURCH… 828-9374 When you or a family member is hospitalized or will be hospitalized. When there is a birth or death in the family. When there is a crisis. When you change your address. When new neighbors move in near you and they are looking for a church home. When you have good news to share. When you have a suggestion to make or a comment to share. If you belong to another church or do not wish to receive our newsletter. If you have a college or post high-school young person no longer living at home. Provide us with their new address so that we an keep the GoodNews coming to them! Snowbirds, contact us to forward your newsletter on! Your pastors are available to walk with you in times of sadness and joy. Pleasecontactthechurchoficeby phoneat828-9374,faxat825-7922oremailat [email protected] Thepastorscanalsobereachedviaemail: PastorSteve:[email protected] PastorErika:[email protected] PastorLilja:[email protected] Lord of Life Lutheran Church Council President - Jeff Mattson Vice-President-Sarah Speer Secretary- Needed Treasurer-Mary Anderson AdultFaithGrowthTeam Tom Koop Children’sEducationTeam Needed CongregationalLifeTeam Vickie Borgstrom EvangelismTeam Pam Braland FinanceTeam PropertyTeam Rick zumBrunnen SocialConcernsTeam Denise Stromme StewardshipTeam Needed WorshipTeam Andy Holmes YouthTeam Katy Kelm & Mike Shogren Prayer Requests… ForHealing… Verna Hawkinson, Jaimie Senger, Jane Harvey, Roz Haapajoki, Ken Toole, Curt Nelson, Sharon Syvertson, Jeanette Miner SympathyinTimeofLoss… The family of Jackie Arveson who died. Darren Larson’s family on the death of his father. Lloyd (Helen) Henke on the death of Lloyd’s mother. Narrative Lectionary December7-Esther Esther 4:14:1-17 God’s timing is always the right timing. God put Esther in the house of the king at a time when the Jewish people (her people) were threatened by Haman. God’s timing may not be predictable, and it may not be our timing, but God’s timing is always the right timing. December14-LighttotheNations Isaiah 42:142:1-9 The people of Israel suffered terribly at the time of their exile. Yet God promised and kept the promise that one day God’s justice would prevail, and the people would return to their homes once again. God would not extinguish them like a candle, but instead would help them to burn brightly for all the world to see. December21-JesusasImmanuel Matthew 1:181:18-25 “An angel told Joseph in a dream that he and Mary would raise God’s son. God told them the son would be named, “Emmanuel,” which means, “God is with us.” Youth Highlights ConnectingwiththeCommunity The kids of Lord of Life will meet at Excelsior Place to share their musical talents with the residents. Parents will be asked to provide transportation and stay through the performances. * Little Lambs – young at heart. * December 14. 1pm. * Excelsior Place; 14211 Firewood Drive; Baxter * Please sign up on the clipboards ChristmasEvePreludeMusic If your son/daughter would like to play Christmas music before the 3pm or 5pm worship services, please sign up on the clipboards. Prelude music will begin 30 minutes prior to the start of worship. The piano is available to use. If you play the violin, cello, or other instrument, please feel free to bring and play it. The kids will continue to rotate until the start of the worship service. 7THAND8THGRADECONFIRMATIONUPDATE Salvation Army Bell Ringing • 7th and 8th Graders will be ringing the SA bells on 12/10 and 12/3, respectively. The group NOT ringing bells will have class as normal. * They need to be dropped off and picked up at their assigned bell ringing location. Locations will be assigned and communicated through email. * They will start at 6:30 and =inish at 8:30pm. * Be sure to dress for outdoor conditions. * Small group leaders - please con=irm with Michael/Tammie that you will be at your group’s assigned location. Please try to be at your location 5 minutes early. Con=irmation Christmas party (7th and 8th grade) * 12/17 - Movie night * SPECIAL TIME: 7pm-8:30pm * Provided: Movie, Hot Chocolate * Please bring a Christmas snack/treat to share. * We will still need small group leaders to attend. 5 Youth Highlights MIDDLESCHOOLYOUTHGROUP December gatherings 12/7 and 12/14. * 12/14 Provided: Hot Chocolate * Please bring a Christmas snack/treat to share. WILL NOT MEET 12/21 or 12/28 RAPIDCITY,SDYOUTHWORKSMISSIONTRIP 9thGRADECONFIRMATIONDec.Schedule * 12/3 – Class 7pm-8:30pm * 12/10 – Seasons of Light @ the Forestview Planetarium * 12/17 – Teens Upstream Christmas Party SYNODJOURNEY–DETROIT,MI Here’s who is going: * Students: Blair Benson, Reese Benson, Anne Campion, Hanson Devine, Signe Devine, Renae Ford, Emma Grunenwald, Hailey Hensel, Kyle Hensel, Megan Hensel, Ashley Huber, David Kelm, Lydia Larson, Grant Madison, Maggie Mattson, Sydney McConkey, Preston Owen, Abby Rubado, Hannah Rud, Nathan Rud, Nicole Rud, Charlie Rude, Eric Rude, Zach Rude, Megan Ryder, Kristopher Rye, Jenna Swenson, Taylor Tyrrell, Jamie Wallace, Julia Wallace Con$irmation Mini Courses begin soon * January - February, no regular weekly large group classes * Called Faith in Life * Several mini-course offerings * Purpose is to give each Con=irmation student the opportunity to choose a course based on his/her interests, wonderings, questions, passions * Most classes are scheduled for Wednesdays or on the weekends * Please attend at least 2 courses * In most cases, these courses are meant to be attended with your mentor. BE SURE to stay in touch with him/her. * Course Descriptions and registration information will be communicated through email. SRHIGH * Teens Upstream will be performing “A Charlie Brown Christmas” on Sunday, December 14 at 4pm and Wednesday, December 17 at 6pm. *RegistrationdeadlineisNovember30 * Non-refundable $100 deposit and initial covenant needed * See mission trip fundraisers *Adult Leaders: Pastor Erika, Michael Carmack, Tammie Benson, Wendy Adamson, Chris Ford, Guy Kelm, Karen Rubado Decembermeetings 12/14 at 5pm * Next payment due January 15 = $450 per participant MISSIONTRIPFUNDRAISING December * Heggies Pizza * Bang Printing (ongoing). We will notify everyone via email when a job becomes available. Evenings with Pastor Steve As the new Senior Pastor at Lord of Life, it's Pastor Steve's deep desire to get to know each and every member of the Lord of Life family. Because there are a great many members who haven't had the opportunity for such a conversation with him, we're hosting a series of meet-and-greet "Coffee/Tea and Desert" events where any interested members have the opportunity to share their story in a small group setting and engage in dialog with Pastor Steve about any topic you wish. Groups will be limited to ten participants. All members are invited to RSVP at the church of=ice for one of three initial events that will be held on December15and19,andJanuary12.As these three evenings =ill up, if the demand seems strong, more evenings will be announced. If you are unable to make any of the =irst three offerings, but are interested in attending the event - please leave your name at the church of=ice as well. Each "meetand-greet" will begin promptly at 7:00pmatLordofLife - in the Commons, or in some other unused room. We'll wrap up by 8:30pm sharp. 6 Baptisms News of the Family Births Nov. 4 Alex Andrew Rangen Nov. 8 Bryson Wesley-Joseph Kelm Nov. 10 Charyle Price Carmack Death Nov. 10 Jackie Arveson Celebrate the Season of Giving Celebrate the Christmas season and the spirit of giving by donating a gift to someone in need. Please take an ornament from the “Charlie Brown” Christmas tree located in the narthex. Each ornament speci=ies a requested gift for someone who needs assistance this Christmas. We ask that the gift be wrapped and placed under the tree with the ornament attached to the outside. Please have your gifts back to the church no later than Sunday, December14th.There will also be a box for cash donations and gift cards. Greta Rose King, daughter of Tony & Jeanne King, was baptized on November 2, 2014. This year’s gifts will bene=it Lord of Life families and residents of two of our local facilities for youth and women. Thank you for your generous support!! Brady Owen Herman, son of Jordan & Lyndsey Herman, was baptized on November 9, 2014. Charlie Brown Christmas Pageant Mark you calendars to come see Charlie Brown’s Christmas! SundayDec.14at4:00PM WednesdayDec.17at6:00PM 7 Welcome New Members! Gary&BettyKrall Joined 2014 Gary is retired and enjoys =ishing, hunting and woodworking. He is always busy with a project. Betty is retired and enjoys sewing, quilting, baking and stained glass. She grew up in South West MN. They both are from Ruthton, MN Rick&AnnSmallman Joined 2014 Rick is from St. Paul, he enjoys golf and works at the Brainerd Dispatch. Ann is from Spooner, WI, she enjoys reading , baking and works at Range Inc. Gerald&DebBergstrom Joined 2014 Gerald enjoys target shooting, =ishing, reading and now works as a Factory Welder. Deb enjoys sewing, being with family, gardening and works at Essentia Health. They both are from Lisbon, ND. Shirley(Bunny)Window Joined 2014 Bunny enjoys traveling, word puzzles, board games, reading, baking, and spending time with family. She moved from Las Vegas back to her roots in Pequot Lakes. 8 Alex&AshleyKunesh—Eli Joined 2014 Alex enjoys running, hunting, =ishing and works as a High School Science Teacher at Peqout Lakes. Ashley enjoys running, shopping, family time and works as a 1st Grade Teacher at Brainerd Schools. Eli is 1 and enjoys swinging, toys, the beach and going for walks. JeffGrunenwald&ShariNordean—Emma Joined 2014 Jeff enjoys cooking, hunting, ice =ishing and owns Green Forest Recycling Resources. Shari enjoys spending time with family and friends and works at ISD #1 Aitkin as a Teacher. Emma is 14 attending Brainerd Jr. High. She enjoys basketball and outside activities like 4-wheeling and hunting. SharonJohnson Joined 2014 Sharon enjoys kayaking, biking, camping, cooking and loves being outside. She works as an Administrative Assistant to the Principal for 31 years. She also does doggy daycare. DorothySchmidt Joined 2014 Dorothy enjoys reading, playing Bridge, and gardening during her retirement. She moved here from Harlan, IA, originally from Randolph, Nebraska. 9 DanaAnderson—GavinStallard Joined 2014 Dana works at the Crow Wing County Court Administration as a Court Operations Supervisor. Gavin is 12 and attends Forestview School. Jim&MelissaGrover—Thomas Joined 2014 Jim enjoys hunting, =ishing and works in TV Production /Editor. Melissa enjoys biking, hunting, National Ski Patrol and works in Sales at Bang Printing. Their son Thomas was born 7/2/14. KathyHamlin—Kasey Joined 2014 Howard“Rob”&AnneFreelove—Joshua,Paul &Samuel Joined 2014 Rob works as a music teacher for Pillager and Anne works at Ascensus as a Sr. Account Executive. 10 PastorSteve&SuzanneRye—Becca& Kristopher Joined 2014 TrentGrams Joined 2014 SharonFreelove Joined 2014 3rd Grade Bibles Received 3rd graders received their own bibles this year! Here’s the crew from Wed. Oct. 29th Sam Simpson Maren Ceynowa Tia Bruggeman Kal Knowles 11 LONGEST NIGHT SERVICE DEC. 21 – 4:00 PM Highlights of November 13 Church Council Meeting You are invited to attend a service of prayer and healing on SundayDecember21,at4:00pmhereat LordofLife.December21stis the date of the winter solstice, and it also marks the longest night of the year. In spite of the holiday glitter, many folks =ind that they need God’s comfort and help when the days grow dark and cold. Amid all the wishes of good cheer, you or someone you know may be the kind of person who needs a reminder of healing, hope, and peace for yourself and for this world. If you do, please join us in worship as the sun goes down on December 21. • • • • • • We will take time for individual prayers of healing and we will share communion together. In our prayers, we ask God to shine a healing light into our darkness and give us hope for whatever challenges we face. All are welcome. If you know of someone who might bene=it from this service, please extend a welcome to friends and neighbors. Income Expenses CashFlow • • GKLKMNOFPLQSPRRNMS-OTUVWKM31,2014 October October Difference YTD YTD Budget* Actual Budget* Actual 38,630.43 40,577.77 1,947.34 360,814.05 362,852.25 38,437.90 43,465.48 5,027.58 385,135.46 398,294.09 192.53 (2,887.71) (3,080.24) (24,321.41) (35,441.84) *OriginalBudgetasapprovedat2/2/14CongregationMeeting 12 • Approved minutes of October 23 Council meeting. Approved matching grant from Thrivent Member Directed Funds of $300 to Youth Mission Trip. Approved temporary transfer of $6,100 from dedicated funds to General Fund to meet current obligations. Approved October =inancial report. (See separate article.) Noted that October property expense included items normally paid in September. Accepted, with regret, resignation of Greg Bennett from Council and Finance Team. Approved forwarding designated Thanksgiving contributions plus loose offerings from Thanksgiving Eve services to World Hunger. Approved forwarding 10% of designated Christmas contributions and Christmas Eve loose offerings to World Hunger and transferring 90% balance to Capital Fund. Received without recommendation proposal for Virtual Pipe Organ. Proposal tabled. Next Council meeting is Thursday, December 18 at 7:00 pm. Difference 2,038.20 13,158.63 (11,120.43) Lord of Life Lutheran Ministry Opportunities Connecting to Christ Connecting to Each Other Circle,Martha- Meets the second Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m.Next meeting is December 9. Contact leader for meeting location - Mary Anderson 330-6171 [email protected] Circle,Sarah- Meets the second Tuesday of the month at 1:00 p.m. at LOL (Sept-May). Next meeting is December 9- Bugs Schmidt [email protected] Men’sBreakfast- Fridays, 6:30 a.m. at LOL for Bible study, fellowship, fun and food - Roger Tietz 829-2151 Men’sFellowship- Thursdays, 10:00 a.m. at LOL for Bible study, fellowship and fun - Ted Anderson 831-1372 NewMemberClass- For individuals and families interested in joining Lord of Life. Childcare is provided upon request. - Pastor Steve 828-9374 [email protected] Pray&PonderWomen’sBreakfast - A gathering of women on one Saturday each month, 9:0011:00 a.m. in the Commons. (September-May). Next meeting is December 13. Experience great food, conversation, inspiration and prayer. Wendy Adamson - [email protected] SundayEveningBookDiscussionGroup has concluded its discussion of “SoulKeeping:Caring FortheMostImportant PartofYou” by John Ortberg. A new book will be started in January 2015. See January newsletter for details. Everyone is welcome. Ken Campbell 829-5130 [email protected] CaringFriendsMinistry - Find out how to become a Caring Friend or to receive this ministry as you navigate life transitions. Meets the fourth Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. Contact Pastor Lilja Behr 829-0763 - [email protected] Cancer/ChronicIllnessSupportGroup - Contact Pastor Lilja if you are interested in this type of support. Pastor Lilja Behr 829-0763 [email protected] FaithfulMothers- Come to share a cup of coffee, the particular joys and struggles of motherhood, feast together on a word of hope, and =ind yourself washed in God’s grace. Meets weekly on Monday mornings from 8:30-10:00 a.m. (Sept-May) at LOL. Tammie Benson 829-0045 [email protected] LOLMinistryTeams - Congregational Life, Children’s Education, Youth/Adult Education, Evangelism, Finance, Property, Social Concerns, Stewardship, Worship, Youth - Pastor Erika 8289374 - [email protected] LOLLY(LotsofLivingLeftYet)- Meets the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 11:30 a.m.; ages 55+; (Sept-June). Next meeting is December 17th. Call Mary Anderson at 330-6171 or Ted Anderson at [email protected] for more info. Pre-MarriageRetreat - For couples preparing for the joys and struggles of married life. This is a prerequisite for couples planning to be married at LOL. Next retreat is in the spring. For more details, contact Anne in the church of=ice at 828-9374 [email protected] WednesdayNightSupperPrep&Serving - Assist with cooking and serving of our Wednesday evening meal. (Sept.-May) - Vickie Borgstrom 8287768- [email protected] Connecting to our Community HabitatforHumanity- Scott Hall, (w) 828-8517– [email protected] LOLQuilters- Piecing lap quilts for local charities and working on personal projects. Fabric donations are welcomed. Thursdays, 9:00 a.m. at LOL (Sept-April) PrayerShawlGroup- Meets 3 to 4 times a year. Anyone who is interested in this wonderful ministry is welcome to join our group. Please contact Jeannine zumBrunnen [email protected] or Leone Johnson 8284126- [email protected] or check the website at for more information. SoupKitchen- Serving meals at Sharing Bread Soup Kitchen at Communitas Church (923 Oak St., Brnd), 2nd Sunday of each month. (December 14 11:00 a.m.) - Pastor Erika 828-9374– [email protected] For updated information on the above events, check out our website: 13 LSS Energy Assistance Lutheran Social Service wants residents of Crow Wing County to know that applications for the 2014/2015 Energy Assistance Program are now available in the LSS of=ice. The Energy Assistance Program (EAP) helps pay home heating costs and furnace repairs for income-quali=ied households. EAP is federally funded through the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Grants are available for renters or homeowners and are based on household size, income, fuel type, and energy usage. Income guidelines are at or below 50% of the state median income. Assets are not counted. The LSS of=ice is located at 716 E St, Brainerd, MN 56401, and their phone number is 218-829-5000. Please call us to have an application mailed to you, or you can stop by our of=ice between 8:00 and 4:30 and pick one up. (Call =irst to make sure they are available.) The application will also be on our website- If you do not live in Crow Wing County, call 1-800-657-3710 to =ind out where to apply in your county. Thanks for new Cabinets Our cabinets are in and functional and our group is so very pleased. We have so many within our church to thank for making this happen. Our Fall fundraiser was our start for this project, along with our aluminum recycling got us started. A pancake breakfast from the Friday morning men's group headed by Roger Tietz, along with Thrivent Choice Bucks put us on track. Then a LARGE donation from Melba Gevik put us well over what was needed. Next our friend Sid Johnson along with his helper Joe VanDenBoom started the building of the cabinets. What a welcomed surprised to come in one Thursday and there they were. There were several who helped with the installation and we want to THANK each and every one who has helped make this happen. We are looking forward to not climbing stairs as much as before. What a blessing this is for us. Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Lord of Life Quilters Pray & Ponder Women’s Prayer Breakfast Pray & Ponder meets on December 13th at 9:00 a.m. Breakfast will be made & served by some of the men of the church! And a beautiful Advent Service will follow. All women of Lord of Life (and friends) are invited to join us one Saturday a month for fellowship, study and food. A light breakfast is served at 9:00 a.m., followed by study, conversation and lots of laughter. Meeting dates for the coming year are: Dec. 13 Jan. 17 Feb. 21 Mar. 21 Apr. 18 May 16 This year we are using the DVD series Animate: Bible, which is an adult faith formation series that explores seven big conversations about the Bible, including the canon, history, testaments, Gospels, genre, interpretation, and grace. I am very excited to see where the Holy Spirit leads us during the coming year. Everyone (and every question) is welcome, no matter where you may =ind yourself on your faith journey. Please come check this great opportunity to feed your soul and your spirit! 14 Newsletter Now Available Online! This is the message that 76 of our member households receive via email each month. Instead of receiving the monthly newsletter in the mail, they read the newsletter online through our website. It never gets lost, it never gets eaten by the family dog, and they can make the font as large or small as they want. It also saves the church money in printing and postage costs. Additionally, some 43 member households prefer the printed copy, and come to church frequently enough that they can pick it up in their church mailbox. This saves us the cost of postage. To sign-up to receive your monthly Lord of Life newsletter via our website or to receive it in your mailbox, visit the link: contact/emailsignup/ Questions? Contact Anne Laechel, Of=ice Manager at [email protected] or 218-828-9374. DecemberBirthdays… 1 Daniel Kozitza, Blake Peterson 2 Cheryl Klemmetsen, Hannah Larson, Dave Linder, Jared Senger, Hannah Staehling 3 Emma Dewey, Bill Mitsch, Leigha Sanow, Tyler Schaitberger 4 John Berns, Greg Pedersen, Justin Youngquist, Mary Zeise 5 Marcie DeBoer, Charles Young 6 Howard Bahn, Lilly Hamilton 7 Lloyd Henke, Helen Herbon, Olivia Nichols, Zachary Rude, Paul Springstead 8 Emily Ehlert, Lauren Hardinger, Ella Helmrichs 9 Emery Dumpprope, Tim Hardinger, Connor Marichalar, Kristi Weideman 10 Dave Domeier, David Kelm, Tyler Stoen, Isaac Tupy 11 Paul Braland, Kristofer Rye 12 Katy Jacobs, Steven Kohls, Gabe Maurer 13, Patti Baillif, Jessica Balsley, Kathleen Kelm, Karen Rubado 14 Pamela Caughey, Rob Felix, Leanne Kozitza 15 Anthony Augustinack, Troy Bialka, Auni Jobe, Aubrey Mithun 17 Hannah Paysse 18 Michael Owen 19 Matia Bruggeman, Lori Fink, Christine Garlich, Madalyn Garlich, Jeffrey Johnson, Tammy Schultz 20 Kim Quincer 21 Mary Ann Majerle 22 Brandon Borgstrom, Greta Isackson, Morgan Price 23 Vickie Borgstrom, Brenda Johnson, Dan Larson, Dave Stengrim 25 Riley Anderson, Theodore Anderson, Amy Foley, Mark Workman 26 Reilly Peterson, Taylor Schmeck 27 Tif=inni Dewey, Ellen Frank, Krista Mithun, Faelynn Mulholland, Kevin Peterson, Sarah Speer 28 Lori Hoelzel, Donna Peppel 29 Henrietta Erickson 30 Gloria Gregersen, Shirley Hansen 31 Lorna Heidmann, Kiley Jendro 1 2 4 8 11 13 14 19 20 21 22 23 26 27 28 29 30 DecemberAnniversaries... Tom & Sandie Youngblom Brian & Janice Gapinski Kevin & Jan Hall, Bret & Cheryl Steffen Rob & Bri Grutsch Richard & Deb Koop, Eric & Brooke Nybeck Chuck & Ruth Nelson Cliff & Maxine Sanders Dan & Andy Holmes Terry & Karen Hermanson Jim & Tammie Benson, Rod & Val Rangen Jon & Mary Belanger, Darrell & Liz Stave Thomas & Kris Koop Dan & Jenny Owens, Jason & Darcy Walkowiak Gary & Arlo Hill, Kevin & Joyce Olson Charlie & Amy Campbell, Steve & Ellen Frank Kurt & Kate Porter Christopher & Amy Foley Denotes they are celebrating an anniversary from 25-49 years! Denotes they are celebrating an anniversary of 50+ years! Don’t see your name listed but consider yourself a member of our Lord of Life family? Please contact Anne in the church of=ice at [email protected] or 828-9374 with your information. SUMMER CAMP REGISTRATION! Sounds crazy to think about – but if you register for LutherCrest Bible Camp by January 1st – you will receive $100.00 off of your registration fee! Go to NOW and register for summer camp!! Thank you for making the Lord of Life Directory a success! A huge thank you goes out to Ken Campbell, Anne Laechel, our pastors, Sarah Circle, Martha Circle, Sarah Spear, Steve Kohls, and the many members of Lord of Life who worked on the new Lord of Life Directory and photography registration! We are forever grateful for your willingness to help! We could not have done this without you! Thank you! The Evangelism Team, Arlo Hill, Mary Anderson, Pam Braland and Deb Bergstrom 15 Lord of Life Lutheran Church (ELCA) 6190 Fairview Rd. Baxter, MN 56425-2749 Check out our website! 2014 Con=irmands Behind the Scenes Late Breaking News Dec. 2014 FIRST ANNUAL CLOTHING GIVEAWAY “LoveIsSomething...IfYouGiveItAway”RetrospectivebyPastorLilja First, I said, “We don’t have enough time.” Second, I said, “How can a small group of women do this?” Third, I said I was too tired. Fourth, I said a reluctant OK. Fifth, I said, “God, you are here.” GOD WORKED THROUGH US ALL at the clothing giveaway. We were able to share some beautiful clothing with folks who needed coats, boots, and sweaters. We were able to live out God’s unconditional love by welcoming the stranger into our midst. And, just as the parable of >ive loaves and 2 >ish taught us, there were leftovers. We gladly shared our more-than-12 baskets-of–leftovers with the folks at Dorcas, a service arm of the Seventh Day Adventist Church on Oak Street in Brainerd. Although Nancy Smith says she doesn’t want to think about clothing for the next few months, I guarantee you that she’ll remind us again next fall about the beauty of this clothing giveaway. And in the meantime, we can all count our blessings and offer our thanks to God for the abundance of love we were (and always are) able to share with one another. But beware: God could change you in the process. I am a member of the Monday afternoon book group. At our best, we are only seven women strong, but I discovered how seven women can make a difference. We have been reading some books that remind us that we cannot call ourselves Christians unless we get off our comfortable chairs and go out into the world to serve God’s people. The authors have been compelling; their challenges have changed our hearts and minds; and we have kept saying to one another, “We have to DO SOMETHING.” Nancy Smith is part of our book group. Nancy came to our group in early October and she said, “I think we should have a clothing giveaway during deer hunting opener.” I looked at my calendar and counted the weeks and said, “We can’t do this. We have so little time to get the word out.” But Nancy said, “The weather is getting cold. I think we should do this.” Then, I asked Nancy, “Who is going to help you?” And Nancy replied, “Our book group can do this.” I looked around at our seven members and said, “I don’t know about you, but I’m tired already.” But our wonderful book group members said, “OK, Nancy. God is moving in you. We’ll do what we can.” And with that I said, “OK.” And I will confess to you right now that I was reluctant, I was unenthusiastic, I was . . . well, I was not feeling very faithful. SO GOD DID SOMETHING TO ME. I’m talking conversion here, and I had to see it to believe it. The First Annual Clothing Giveaway renewed my faith. 1) In the short time we had, God got us all going. Thank you, dear congregation, for cleaning your closets, washing your clothes, and bringing them to us so freshly folded. Believe it or not, it was a delight to arrange your clothes and offer them to others in an attractive way. I’m proud to say our giveaway looked like Herbergers’ West. 2) Our small book group did indeed pull off the clothing giveaway--with the help of many of you from our congregation. Thanks to all of you who hauled, stacked, and rearranged clothing; who came for an hour or a day. Without your help, we never would have been able to move so much in such a short amount of time. 3) Yes, I was tired, but all of us felt renewed in strength and faith as we worked and laughed together. I think we were more blessed by the experience than those who came through the doors. 4) My reluctance turned to joy as I witnessed my book group friends welcoming complete strangers into our church. As families arrived seeking some warm clothes for the winter, I watched hesitant people relax in the warmth of God’s love. “Welcome! Come in! I think we have something right here for you,” I heard over and over again. “Here. Let me help you. Can I play with your child while you pick out a few things?” And then, the most lovely of offers: “Would you like a cup of warm soup while you look around? Or how about a cup of coffee and a cookie?” 5) Armloads of clothes went out our doors. 90 coats left the building within the >irst hour. A woman came by bus from one of the senior apartments in town and picked out “new” coats for every elderly tenant in her building. She told us, “They never get anything new these days. This will be such a treat for them!” Another person said in amazement, “I can’t believe you are giving this away!” The >inal gift of grace came on Saturday afternoon as we were getting ready to pack up. One of our own members came in, looking for clothing for clients who were going through chemical dependency treatment. “Yes,” we were able to reply. “We still have plenty to share with you!” Upside Down? Even amid increased secularization, God makes the core Christmas message known. Take, for example, the story of a “winter pageant” a mother attended at her son’s grade school. Songs of reindeer, snow and Santa included one titled “Christmas Love,” in which the youngest performers held up letters as the song progressed: “C,” “H,” etc. When a little girl unknowingly held her “M” upside down, the older kids snickered and the adult audience smiled acceptingly. But as the song drew to a close and all the letters were revealed, surprised recognition struck the Christians in the room. “CHRISTWAS LOVE,” read the string of student-borne letters. God’s truth had penetrated the human clutter and confusion around Christmas — as it has power to do throughout our lives: “Christ was love.” And of course, he still is. December 2014 December 2014 January 2015 Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 7 14 21 28 1 8 15 22 29 2 9 16 23 30 3 10 17 24 31 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 1 8 15 22 29 2 9 16 23 30 3 10 17 24 31 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Nov 30 Dec 1 2 3 4 5 6 8:30am Faithful Mothers (SSR) 12:00pm Daily Advent Devotions (Commons) 1:00pm Monday Afternoon Book Discussion Group (Commons) 7:00am Baxter Area Kiwanis (FH) 9:00am Adult Small Group A (Rms 1 & 3) 12:00pm Daily Advent Devotions (Commons) 6:30pm Team Meetings (FH) 10:30am Office Staff Mtg (Rms 7 & 9) 12:00pm Daily Advent Devotions (Commons) 5:15pm Wednesday Supper (FH) 5:15pm Wednesday Musician Rehearsal 6:00pm Worship w/Holy Communion 6:45pm Faith & Family Learning (Rms 1 & 3) 7:00pm Teens Upstream (SSR) 7:00pm 7th Grade Confirmation Class (FH) 9:00am Quilters (FH) 10:00am Men's Fellowship (Commons) 12:00pm Daily Advent Devotions (Commons) 6:00pm Baxter Sandpipers 4-H (FH) 6:30am Men's Breakfast (FH) 12:00pm Daily Advent Devotions (Commons) 7:00pm Open AA (Rms 7 & 9) 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 8:15am Worship w/Holy Communion 9:15am Fellowship (Commons) 9:30am CONNECTION TIME 9:30am Sr. Choir Rehearsal (Sanctuary 10:30am Worship w/Holy Communion 11:30am Charlie Brown Christmas Rehearsal 6:00pm Middle School Youth Group (SSR) 7:00pm District Band Rehearsal (Sanctuary) 8:30am Faithful Mothers (SSR) 12:00pm Daily Advent Devotions (Commons) 1:00pm Monday Afternoon Book Discussion Group (Commons) 6:30pm Pinetree Patchworkers (FH) 7:00pm Sunday Contemporary Group Rehearsal (Sanctuary) 7:00am Baxter Area Kiwanis (FH) 12:00pm Executive Committee (Rms 1 & 3) 12:00pm Daily Advent Devotions (Commons) 1:00pm Sarah Circle (FH) 6:30pm Cub Scout Pack 36-Den 1 (SSR) 7:00pm Martha Circle (Off-site) 10:30am Office Staff Mtg (Rms 7 & 9) 12:00pm Daily Advent Devotions (Commons) 12:00pm Finance Team (FH) 5:15pm Wednesday Supper (FH) 5:15pm Wednesday Musician Rehearsal 6:00pm Worship w/Holy Communion 6:45pm Faith & Family Learning (Rms 1 & 3) 7:00pm Adult Small Group B (Rms 1 & 3) 9:00am Quilters (FH) 10:00am Men's Fellowship (Commons) 12:00pm Daily Advent Devotions (Commons) 6:30am Men's Breakfast (FH) 12:00pm Daily Advent Devotions (Commons) 9:00am Pray and Ponder Women's Prayer Breakfast (Commons) 7:00pm Open AA (Rms 7 & 9) 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 8:15am Worship w/Holy Communion 9:15am Fellowship (Commons) 9:30am CONNECTION TIME 10:30am Worship w/Holy Communion 11:00am Soup Kitchen Ministry (Sharing 1:00pm Caroling & Music Event (Excelsior 2:00pm Charlie Brown Christmas Dress 4:00pm Charlie Brown Christmas Program 8:30am Faithful Mothers (SSR) 12:00pm Daily Advent Devotions (Commons) 1:00pm Monday Afternoon Book Discussion Group (Commons) 7:00pm Evenings with Pastor Steve (FH) 7:00am Baxter Area Kiwanis (FH) 9:00am Adult Small Group A (Rms 1 & 3) 10:00am Office Staff Retreat 12:00pm Daily Advent Devotions (Commons) 5:00pm Adult Small Group C (Rms 7 & 9) 10:30am Office Staff Mtg (Rms 7 & 9) 12:00pm LOLLY 55+ Potluck (FH) 12:00pm Daily Advent Devotions (Commons) 5:15pm Wednesday Supper (FH) 5:15pm Wednesday Musician Rehearsal 6:00pm Charlie Brown Christmas Program 6:45pm Faith & Family Learning (Rms 1 & 3) 7:00pm Teens Upstream (SSR) 9:00am Nursing Home Worship Services 9:00am Quilters (FH) 10:00am Men's Fellowship (Commons) 12:00pm Daily Advent Devotions (Commons) 7:00pm Church Council (Rms 1 & 3) 6:30am Men's Breakfast (FH) 9:00am Nursing Home Worship Services 12:00pm Daily Advent Devotions (Commons) 7:00pm Evenings with Pastor Steve (FH) 7:00pm Open AA (Rms 7 & 9) 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 8:15am Worship w/Choir Cantata and Holy Communion (Sanctuary) 9:15am Pancake Breakfast (FH) 9:30am CONNECTION TIME 10:30am Worship w/Choir Cantata and Holy Communion (Sanctuary) 4:00pm Longest Night Service (Sanctuary) 7:00pm District Band Rehearsal (Sanctuary) 12:00pm Daily Advent Devotions (Commons) 1:00pm Monday Afternoon Book Discussion Group (Commons) 7:00pm Caring Friends Group (Commons) 7:00am Baxter Area Kiwanis (FH) 12:00pm Daily Advent Devotions (Commons) 10:30am Office Staff Mtg (Rms 7 & 9) 3:00pm Christmas Eve Worship w/Communion (Sanctuary) 5:00pm Christmas Eve Worship w/Communion (Sanctuary) 9:00pm Christmas Eve Worship w/Communion (Sanctuary) Christmas Day - Church Office Closed Church Office Closed 7:00pm Open AA (Rms 7 & 9) 28 29 30 31 9:30am Worship w/Holy Communion & Christenson Baptism (Sanctuary) 10:30am Fellowship (Commons) 1:00pm Monday Afternoon Book Discussion Group (Commons) 7:00am Baxter Area Kiwanis (FH) 10:30am Office Staff Mtg (Rms 7 & 9) 5:15pm Wednesday Musician Rehearsal (Sanctuary) 6:00pm Worship w/Holy Communion (Sanctuary) Master LOL Calendar 1 Dec Jan 31,- Cont'd 15 2 7:00pm Freshman Confirmation (Commons) 7:00pm Senior Choir (Sanctuary) Dec 10 - Cont'd 7:00pm 7th Gr. Confirmation Bell-Ringing (Meet at LOL) 7:00pm 8th Gr. Confirmation Class (Fellowship Hall) 7:00pm Freshman Confirmation (Commons) 7:00pm Senior Choir (Sanctuary) Dec 14 - Cont'd 3 6:00pm Middle School Youth Group (SonShine Room) Dec 17 - Cont'd 7:00pm Freshman Confirmation (Commons) 7:00pm Senior Choir (Sanctuary) 11/26/2014 3:25 PM