BIDvoice - Bidvest
Bid QUARTERLY magazine for BIDVEST people issue one 2007 Ship unloader launch at SABT See page 4 u7u14 u30 u40u47 u53 Bidvoice Contents Corporate communiqué Best CEO and employer survey Meet the Dinatla shareholders Caterplus course 2-9 Edvoice Hello everyone 2 There’s no doubt about it, we are all working for the most in- 8 credibly interesting, exciting and diverse Group. There is always 10 something really amazing to learn and report. Divisional roundabout Aloe Ridge conference Always fresh flowers for the office McCarthy opens first Mahindra in the Cape 10-27 15 On the one hand, we have SABT MW5’s new world-class ship unloader, able to handle 800 tons of free-flowing cargo an hour. Then, on the other hand, Group company Execuflora’s new faux “fresh” flowers division helps create attractive and pleasing workplace environments. 17 These are but two of our myriad services and products on four continents. One thing remains constant – you, the Bidvest people, whose hands pull the levers, press the buttons, handle the logistics, 26 drive the vehicles, and make the deliveries. Read also the story of the wonderful accomplishments of our Employee connection 28 Profile on… 30 own initiatives and innovations they are actively and positively, in countless ways, conserving and sustaining their companies and our environment for the future. Look out, too, for the articles on healthcare we will be running from this issue onwards. Good health is important for a good life. And this time The Village centre pullout guides you around our 36 Working in harmony Group’s intranet, and has some special offers on frivolous, but fun, 38-45 ring tones and screen savers. Last but not least, the Bidvest ethics line has been relaunched. Please take note and “do the right thing.” Doctor Jagot advises: All about TB 38 The Pure-O man does good work 42 A heart-wrenching experience 44 The mixed bag Rotary walk colleagues in 3663 UK, who have taken responsibility for doing their share towards sustainability in their businesses. Through their Cleaning up the competition Long service awards and retirements 28-37 Until the next time, go well! Jenny M Editorial team Jenny Meilhon • editor Jack Hochfeld • Group communications Send contributions to 46-53 46 The first since the merger 47 Waltons blood drive 50 Jenny Meilhon, Editor, Bidvoice, The Bidvest Group P O Box 87274, Houghton, 2041, South Africa Tel: +27 (11) 731 7600/731 7649 • Fax: +27 (11) 880 3254/086 510 2385 E-mail: [email protected] 2007 deadline dates for copy to editor February 28 • May 7 • August 7 Bidvoice is published quarterly by The Bidvest Group Limited for the people of Bidvest companies, worldwide. Its mission is to communicate the news and growth of the Group, to inform about Bidvest companies, their services and products and to encourage mutual understanding and the will to succeed. Design and layout: Bastion Graphics • Printers: Phakama Print Cover photograph: Roy Reed Photography quarterly magazine for bidvest people • issue one 2007 Corporate communiqué Bidvoice Quarterly highlights SABT takes South Africa into super cargo-handling era The media was out in force at Maydon Wharf when SABT unveiled Africa’s fastest and largest grain ship unloader at a ceremony attended by Bidvest CE, Brian Joffe and Bidfreight CE, Anthony Dawe. The SKT ship unloader from Buhler of Switzerland can handle 800 tons of free-flowing cargo an hour. “Understandably the focus was on the machine, but the men and women of SABT are capable of some remarkable performance statistics,” says SABT MD, Koos Smith. From left: Shipping overseers, Amos Ntombela and Albert Ngcobo, logistics manager, Dhesigen Moodley and shipping supervisor, Tommy Cheary. Bidvest ethics line is relaunched Fraud, crime and theft are Graduate Academy increasing in South Africa. The Bidvest Graduate Academy Too often, these go undetected and will be launched in May 2007. are unreported, resulting in financial This academy will further test losses to the detriment of a company those graduates who excelled in and its employees. the first stage. In the top five for excellent sustainability Combining Bidvest reporting buying power Bidvest was placed in the top five Bidprocure, a business falling under Bidserv, has been for excellence in sustainability launched. Bidprocure enables any and all Bidvest com- reporting. panies to reduce their procurement costs. The survey, organised by Ernst & Bidprocure’s mission is to optimise procurement through- Young, ranked all 58 companies out Bidvest by analysing current practices, coordinating currently listed on the JSE’s Socially suppliers, negotiating rebates or Group deals and advertising Responsible Index. these throughout the Group. quarterly magazine for bidvest people • issue one 2007 1 Bidvoice Corporate communiqué Bidvest in top 5 Excellence in sustainability reporting is a response to the ever-increasing focus and challenges that companies face around reporting on their sustainable development activities. Organised and approached in the same way as its sister/parent award, excellence in corporate reporting, the objective is firstly to recognise and commend those who report comprehensively and secondly to improve the quality of reporting by all companies. The survey, organised by Ernst & Young, ranks all companies listed on the JSE’s Socially Responsible Investment Index (SRI) and reports are adjudicated by leading professors Alex van der Watt and Ben Marx from The University of Johannesburg. The sustainability reports are rated from “other” to “excellent” and the top five companies are then selected from the “excellent” category. Bidvest’s sustainability report was rated third after Sasol in first place and Anglo Platinum in second place in the annual Excellence in Sustainability Reporting (ESR) Awards. BHP Billiton took fourth place followed by Kumba in fifth. Congratulations to Jack Hochfeld and the communications team and good luck in the next survey. Best CEO and employer survey A company you can trust Bidvest remains a company widely admired. admiration: trust, brand, leadership, competence, Equally, its chief executive, Brian Joffe, social responsibility and (rated most important) continues to be held in high esteem. This is financial governance and this year included meas- for each of the top three companies. Respond- not conceit or egotism. It’s the finding of a re- ures of brand power and company trust. ents were prompted and asked whether they spected annual survey of most admired CEOs Researchers conducted 210 interviews (by and companies. It’s compiled by the research telephone, fax or email) with senior executives and organisation, Ask Afrika. directors sampled from the Johannesburg Stock The latest survey (2006) found three “most admired CEOs.” Some 100 random interviews were conducted knew of the company and CEO in question. Their answers were ranked on the 0 to 10 scale. In an environment in which business leaders are expected to be calm, resource- that Bidvest was South Africa’s ful, insightful and unfailingly ener- fourth most admired company and getic in working for shareholders, Brian Joffe was the second most staff and society, the survey found admired boss. (SA Breweries, that Jack Maree and Brian Joffe Anglo American and Standard Bank shared similar business attributes ranked higher among the compa- that garner respect in their own nies, and Standard Bank’s Jacko business sectors and the broader Maree was the most admired CEO.) marketplace. Ask Afrika’s “most admired com- Both are known as low-key, even pany measurement” aims to set a shy, individuals who knuckle down guideline that helps stakeholders to to getting the job done. Both are identify the core building blocks of highly respected for their direct – organisational success and to focus some might say blunt – business on their businesses in an integrated style. Neither tolerates fools. Both way to optimise business output. The measurement also identifies business practices that make companies both highly re- deliberately shun the limelight and Exchange Handbook and rated spontaneous are wheeled into the public only when it’s manda- answers on a scale from 0 to 10. tory for them to represent the interests of the The 10 “most admired companies” and most garded and highly successful, thus affecting their companies they work for. bottom lines. “It focuses beyond the hard finan- admired CEOs were ranked according to the cial indicators and encapsulates the softer issues number (by percentage) of times they were is particularly well known outside business circles, of companies – those that define their admira- mentioned. This year’s survey included a new with public awareness of Jaco Maree and his role tion,” says Ask Afrika’s MD, Andrea Rademeyer. “prompted” rating, by the general public, of the at Standard Bank at 30% and Brian Joffe at 33%. Ask Afrika defined six traits that drive company 2 top three “most admired companies” and the top quarterly magazine for bidvest people • issue one 2007 Ask Afrika’s research showed that neither man Corporate communiqué Bidvoice Greetings from Brian Joffe As we enter the second quarter of 2007, I should like to share with you a quotation from our Group’s 2006 annual report to help you reflect upon personal ownership as we progress through the year. “Once seeds take root, each individual has the authority and responsibility to deliver results. Coupled with pride and commitment, a future full of potential awaits.” B idvest’s seed took root 18 years ago and in each of those years Bidvest has grown ever stronger through you, our employees, now numbering over 93 000. Among all of you is the emerging new generation of Bidvest managers who are encouraged to grow personally in the context of business growth. I have every confidence in the ability of the Group’s versatile leaders to adapt and grow the business during this year and in the years to come. The Bidvest Academy has played a large part in identifying those young men and women who will be tomorrow’s Group leaders. This year we have inaugurated our Graduate Academy which will further test those graduates who excelled in the first stage. You will read in the pages of this edition of Bidvoice that we have relaunched our Bidvest ethics line. Sadly, it is a fact of life that crime exists – fraud, theft, corruption, intimidation and dishonesty may be found at all levels of the community. Should crime occur within Bidvest this would be detrimental to the growth and prosperity of our Group and its people and I urge you not to be afraid to do the right thing by reporting to the Bidvest ethics line any suspicions you might have of wrongdoing. On a no less serious note, I would like all of you to be aware of the increasing importance of sustainability in our world. All businesses face a growing obligation, and indeed challenge, to address persistent environmental and social issues. Many of our companies are doing good work in these areas and our UK company 3663, in particular, has received a number of environmental and social awards. Inside you will find a case-study on 3663’s achievements over the past decade, from which you may well gain ideas on what you can do to add to your own company’s efforts in this regard. By the time you receive this edition of Bidvoice, our Group’s half-year results will have been announced and will be available on the Bidvest website, The Village and all company notice boards. I extend my heartfelt thanks to all of you for your contribution and team effort during 2006 and I look forward to your continued commitment, passion and pride in Bidvest throughout 2007. Proudly Bidvest as always. Brian Joffe Chief executive quarterly magazine for bidvest people • issue one 2007 3 Bidvoice Corporate communiqué An outsized Thinking big is core competence at SABT, the bulk terminal’s business unit within our Bidfreight division, and its outsized vision sure made national headlines when it commissioned the latest addition to its dockside infrastructure. T Wharf, Durban, when SABT unveiled enough, the media focus was on the machine, increase to 250 000 tons a month or three million Africa’s fastest and largest grain ship but the men and women of SABT are also capa- tons a year. This is more than the combined ca- unloader at a ceremony attended by Bidvest ble of some remarkable performance statistics. pacity of all other bulk terminals in South Africa. chief executive, Brian Joffe, and Bidfreight SABT, for instance, introduced Panamax-sized The commissioning of the new unloader has chief executive, Anthony Dawe. he media were out in force at Maydon Koos Smith told Bidvoice: “Understandably SABT’s unloading capacity at the wharf will grain shipments to the South African grain trade spotlighted Bidfreight’s proactive approach to the SABT managing director, Koos Smith, was also at their Island View 3 terminal and also became challenge of dealing with ever-increasing cargo on hand to show off the “Giant of Maydon Wharf” the first in the world to handle large volumes of volumes at our ports. to the assembled press corps and describe its rice successfully with pneumatic unloaders. vital statistics. Though the new equipment can handle fully “They are a great team and have put in a laden Panamax vessels, the benefits will only be tremendous effort to improve throughput and fully realised when the Port of Durban deepens land can handle 800 tons of free-flowing cargo an efficiency and put the new ship unloader to work. the Maydon Wharf berths. hour, a rate that enables efficient discharge from The challenge now is to optimise the efficiency ships up to 80 000 deadweight tons. This puts gains made possible by the new technology.” The SKT ship unloader from Buhler of Switzer- the SABT heavyweight into the global big league as it means it can handle Panamax vessels – ships so big they can only just squeeze through the Panama Canal. Brian Joffe told the media contingent that the ship unloader is only part of Bidfreight’s current R200 million capital expenditure programme – strategic spending intended to improve the nation’s cargo handling capabilities and ports efficiency. The ultra-modern technology harnessed by the ship unloader will reduce average berth occupancy at the SABT MW5 terminal from 26 days to 10 days per month. The system, which incorporates a large chain elevator, has a discharge rate of 18 000 tons a day and is ideal for the soft and dust-free handling of cargoes. The ship unloader represents a R45-million investment and completes Phase I of the SABT terminal modernisation programme. Phase I also included the upgrading of all conveyors and electrical reticulation and the installation of new crane rails in order to accommodate the additional weight of the new unloader. 4 quarterly magazine for bidvest people • issue one 2007 For the moment, SABT has to lighten Panamaxsized vessels at its Island View terminal before Corporate communiqué Bidvoice vision shifting the vessel to the Maydon Wharf terminal. was modified to Bidfreight specifications that in- The SABT Island View 3 terminal is the only cluded the up-rating of the crane-lifting capacity sub-Saharan grain terminal presently capable of from 10 to 15 tons and the installation of video handling a fully laden Panamax vessel, typically feeds to ensure safe and efficient operation. 230 metres long, with a beam of 32 metres and Advanced safety features include a fully a draft requirement of 11,8 metres. The National Ports Authority has already committed to a major capital expenditure programme to facilitate the handling of larger vessels in the Port of Durban. Koos Smith saluted the NPA for this initiative enclosed operator cab with computerised controls, plant interlocking, overload sensors and warning devices. The new technology will operate in tandem with Bidfreight’s existing Maydon Wharf bulk cargo unloader, a system installed in 1976 with and added: “This strategic process will take an hourly capacity of 290 tons. They are Africa’s some time, but must be included in the future only mechanical unloaders south of Mombasa. planning of private sector fixed investment. The combined daily discharging capability of SABT is known for developing innovative solu- the two unloaders is 22 000 tons per day. This tions and is proud to take the lead by installing could result in freight savings of up to R28 per new capacity and seeking new efficiencies.” ton, a benefit that SABT will share with the The standard design of the SKT unloader importers. The largest Proudly Bidvest logo in the Group located on the agricultural silo of SABT’s Maydon Wharf terminal, Durban. In 2006, Bidfreight commissioned six new SABT grain silos at a cost of R45 million and a further R5 million was spent upgrading the plant to all-weather loading and improving landside traffic flows. In November, piling began ahead of the construction of another six grain silos at a total installed cost of R50 million. SABT’s Maydon Wharf facility celebrated 30 years of operation in 2006 as well as boasting the largest Proudly Bidvest logo (12 metres long by 17 metres wide). Unveiling the SKT ship unloader at SABT’s Maydon Wharf terminal. From left: Anthony Dawe, Koos Smith and Brian Joffe. Picture courtesy of Independent Newspapers. Photographer: Gcina Ndwalane. quarterly magazine for bidvest people • issue one 2007 5 Bidvoice Corporate communiqué Bidvest Academy VI rated the best yet Table setting at the Bidvest Academy Vl gr aduation. Bidvest CE Brian Joffe presented Bidvest Academy Vl graduates with their certificates at a gala ceremony held at the Sandton Sun’s Maroela Room on November 2 2006. I n his congratulatory speech, Brian commented that sophisticated United States journalists had been speculating that Bidvest may be bidding for a US foodservice company worth R44 billion. This gives an indication of the status in which Bidvest is viewed internationally. Already a leader in South African business, Bidvest is likely to be a world leader in the future. He congratulated the graduates Bidvest CE Brian Joffe congratulates all graduates and is impressed by the commemorative booklet produced on Bidvest Academy Vl. on their excellent final presentations – some of the best to date – and forecast that one among the group of graduates could well be the Bidvest CE of the future. “I often sit down and wonder why Bidvest is so successful,” he added “and the answer is all of you.” A futher accolade was paid to the graduates by Academy facilitator, Jack Hochfeld, who revealed that 73% of the Academy Vl group were in the top quadrant of their leader- Above, left and right: Graduates process onto the stage to receive their certificates. ship assessment and their raw scores were the highest in the Many talents emerged over the six months. Here Sibusiso Hlongwa (far left) and Jayson Kleinschmidt (below) entertain graduates, facilitators and guests with song. history of the Bidvest Academy. Academy Vll will commence on April 27 2007. Launch of Graduate Academy May 2007 will see the launch of the Bidvest Graduate Academy. This academy will take the top graduates of Bidvest Academies l, ll and lll to the next level of training for top management positions in the Group. quarterly magazine for bidvest people • issue one 2007 * Charmaine Hoods thanks Brian Joffe and Bidvest for the life-changing opportunity that the academy has proved for all the graduates of Bidvest Academy Vl. Corporate communiqué Bidvoice Don’t support it – report wrongdoing to the Bidvest ethics line! Fraud, crime and theft are increasing in South Africa. Too often, these go undetected and are unreported, resulting in financial losses to the detriment of a company and its employees. B idvest is no different. We are committed to conducting healthy business practices with honesty and integrity, which will not only ensure a stable employment environment but also ensure the continued success of Bidvest. Bidvest encourages all stakeholders to make use of the Bidvest ethics line, an outsourced hotline service of Deloitte to report any wrongdoing within the workplace. The service, which is independently managed by Deloitte, offers employees the opportunity to remain totally anonymous when making a tip-off. No one will know who reported the fraud or dishonest and inappropriate behaviour. How does it work? § Anyone can contact Deloitte using the Bidvest ethics line’s dedicated FreeCall 0800 telephone number, e-mail and the generic FreePost and FreeFax facilities. § Trained operators, using sophisticated call-centre equipment, will respond to calls in English, Afrikaans, Zulu, Sotho or Xhosa, 24 hours per day, 365 days per year. § Operators will interview callers, probing for specific facts so as to record as much information and understand things as clearly as possible. § The information is then analysed and forwarded to designated senior Bidvest officials who will decide on corrective action. § Although you may choose to tell Deloitte who you are, the tip-off report will never reveal your identity or even your gender (unless you choose your identity to be made known to Bidvest). What are our contact details? FreeCall phone: 0800 50 60 90 FreeCall fax: 0800 00 77 88 Unique e-mail: [email protected] FreePost address: Tip-offs Anonymous® FreePost KZN 138 Umhlanga Rocks 4320 Don’t be part of the problem – be part of the solution. Be bold and take a stand. Make a real difference and report what you know. MAKE A PROFIT – DO IT THE RIGHT WAY quarterly magazine for bidvest people • issue one 2007 7 Bidvoice Corporate communiqué Meet the Dinatla In past editions of Bidvoice we introduced you to the three major shareholders in Dinatla Investment Holdings (which owns 15% of Bidvest). We now introduce you to other Dinatla shareholders and the services they provide throughout South Africa, beginning with Tlhware Trading, Jalang Investments and Ukuvula Investments. Tlhware Trading Founded in North West Province in 2002, Tlhware Trading is an investment company that finds and unlocks investment opportunities for previously disadvantaged residents of North West Province. Tlhware currently has seven North West-based shareholders and is chaired by Mike Gcabo. The other three directors are Jeanette Mgwane, Constance Mashaba and Thapelo Tshephe, who take turns in representing Tlhware on the Dinatla board. Until recently Tlhware was purely an investment business focusing on its Dinatla shareholding, but has recently decided to broaden its scope to participate in the management and Phathiwe Phalatsi Nondi Nkuhlu Jalang Investments Jalang Investments, a women’s empowerment company, is the Gauteng member operations of its interests. As Mike Gcabo says: “We intend becoming one of North West’s most active BEE investment companies so that we can benefit more people in our region. At this stage we are actively seeking new deals in investment, management and operations.” For further information on Tlhware Trading, please contact Mike Gcabo on 083 269 7822 or fax number 0866 707 034. Mike’s email address is [email protected] of the Dinatla Consortium. Jalang is actively seeking to grow by adding its expertise and energy to new investments, and is presently in discussions with its KwaZulu-Natal counterparts on combined ventures. Phathiwe Phalatsi is Jalang’s current representative on the Dinatla Board, and she co-manages the company with fellow shareholders Nondi Nkuhlu, Mapula Moyo and Unathi Ngwenya. Jalang recently launched Jalang People Solutions specialising in labour broking and recruitment, using traditional recruiting methods alongside an innovative internet-based system that enables job applicants to register their CVs on a dedicated website. A major user of Jalang People Solutions’ internet recruiting capability is Bidvest’s Safcor Panalpina, the leading South African freight logistics corporation. Another Bidvest partner is Concorde Travel, which has invited Jalang to grow its management by appointing two Jalang shareholders to the Concorde board. The beginning of construction for the Gautrain project is causing the province to gear up for the long haul ahead, which Jalang views as a golden opportunity to bid for procurement contracts and further build itself as an energetic and expanding representative of women’s interests in Gauteng. Jalang Investments is based at the Safcor Panalpina head office adjacent to OR Tambo International Airport in Gauteng. For further information on Jalang Investments, please contact Phathiwe Phalatsi Mike Gcabo 8 Jeanette Mgwane quarterly magazine for bidvest people • issue one 2007 on +27(11) 922 9600 or at [email protected] Corporate communiqué Bidvoice shareholders Ukuvula Investments Founded in 2002, Ukuvula Investments meaning “to open up” in Xhosa, represents smaller Eastern Capebased BEE enterprises in pursuing BEE opportunities. Ukuvula’s successful association with Dinatla has enabled its shareholders to unlock further down-stream BEE deals. Port Elizabeth – based and comprising prominent regional entrepreneurs and black business leaders, Ukuvula represents thirteen largely BEE Eastern Cape – based shareholders made up of investment companies, family trusts and private investors. Overseen by a board of directors, Ukuvula is managed full-time by Neil Campher. Ukuvula’s chairman is Alfred da Costa, former chief executive of the Port Elizabeth Alfred da Costa Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry, a non-executive director of Bidvest and a member of the UNISA Council. Other directors are George Yerolemou, managing partner of Ilithe Management Services (Pty) Ltd, and Bulelwa Qupe, a recipient of the Technology for Woman in Business Award (TWIB) and National vicepresident of the South African Women’s Entrepreneur Network. Bulelwa also owns Buntu Marketing and Exports, a BEE fishing company that exports its products to Europe. From a humble beginning as a fisherwoman, Bulelwa is now acquiring her own fishing vessel. The fourth board member is Mkhuseli “Khusta” Jack, in earlier years a prominent anti-apartheid activist and presently chairman of Emfuleni Resorts, which operates the Boardwalk Casino and Entertainment World with Sun International. Khusta also represents Ilinge Development Services, an Eastern Cape com- Neil Campher pany with government contracts in the construction and telecommunications sectors. Ukuvula continues to seek out investment opportunities to add to its Dinatla stake. Ukuvula shareholders have leveraged their Dinatla profile and influence to found Zikethele Trade and Investment 44 (trading as Ukuvula Ventures) to pursue specific industrial and manufacturing opportunities in this region. So far it has clinched at least two transactions in industrial properties and medical rentals. Ukuvula’s individual shareholders, too, have excelled, with Ilithe Technologies (Pty) Ltd being a prime example. In the late 1990s Ilithe became a major owner in Breathetex Corporation, the award-winning niche laminator of waterproof and breathable fabrics for military, security and protective and foul-weather gear. Ilithe has since acquired a 40% interest in Eagle Workwear cc, which distributes personal and protective equipment to government and corporates. Ilithe’s acquisition of 100% in automotive compo- George Yerolemou nent manufacturer Acoustex, together with its more recent 80% acquisition in industrial heavy equipment distributor Universal Equipment, has generated strong growth. Ukuvula Ventures and Ilithe have acquired 50% in Cape Town-based Priontex Medical, which rents medical garments to Western Cape hospitals. Founding Ukuvula shareholder, Speedo Nondumo, recently opened the very first Pick ’n Pay Family Store in the township of New Brighton. Alfred da Costa is confident that Ukuvula’s future is bright, “We may represent smaller BEE investors who lack the necessary capacity to secure the bigger national deals, but the success of Dinatla has proven that broad-based empowerment can build upon an initial major empowerment deal.” For more information on Ukuvula Investments, contact Neil Campher on +27 (41) 373 3295 or email [email protected] Bulelwa Qupe quarterly magazine for bidvest people • issue one 2007 9 Bidvoice Divisional roundabout Extensive sales training under way Caterplus transform their approach Since late 2006 over 400 sales and frontline Caterplus employees have attended a two-day sales orientation course as the first phase of a division-wide sales training programme designed to transform the typical employee’s approach to sales interactions with customers. Jack Hochfeld, who is responsible for Peter added further, “Even in an ideal situation are actually in the same business – to make Bidvest’s corporate communications and also students retain little of what they’re taught in their customers happy. Our clients must see us heads the Bidvest Academy, was given charge the classroom – as little as 5%. But once I’ve as partners in achieving their goals. In this age of the Caterplus sales management pro- opened their minds to new sales concepts they of information overload we don’t want them to gramme. He was expertly supported by Sue will learn effectively – with retention of over 90% be tempted to look elsewhere – we should be Haynes, who managed the detailed logistics – from their managers. The Caterplus sales man- supplying them with all the foods and catering required by a programme of this nature. ager component of the Caterplus sales manage- supplies they’ll ever need.” Jack brought in sales training guru, Peter ment programme launches in March 2007. “My initial impression of Peter’s training? Finkelstein, to design the initial courses and then A refreshingly new insight into our ever- conduct lectures and practical exercises. Charlie changing marketplace. He affirms the need Watt, the Caterplus sales director, is integral to this programme, drawing from his in-depth knowledge of the foodservice industry to complement Peter’s conceptual framework, “The mix and interaction between Peter and Charlie has been terrific” says Sue. Peter Finkelstein has been training salespeople for 48 years and holds a doctorate and an MBA. He teaches and consults in the USA, Germany, the UK and Dubai. In South Africa he has earned plaudits for his work with the sales forces of a “These days it is not about pushing the product, it is about understanding what your customers need to solve their problems, which enables you to sell more effectively at higher margins.” prominent vehicle tracker company and an IT for us to be ahead of our competitors by developing the business skills of our people.” In conclusion, Jack Hochfeld explains the way forward, “The next step at Caterplus is to train the senior sales staff more extensively as in “train the trainer”. They will learn the management tools to provide ongoing “on-the-job” training to their sales force, which has already been orientated through the initial two-day courses and will be trained further at the three-day sales manager programme.” “Once this new-look Caterplus sales man- (Information Technology) company, both of whom agement programme is firmly established at consequently met and exceeded sales targets. Caterplus, similar sales programmes will be As Peter Finkelstein says, “The initial two-day I will be teaching Caterplus sales managers launched at other Bidvest businesses requiring course I gave to the entire Caterplus sales staff how to coach and develop the skills of their sales attention, and so on. Throughout this pro- was to change their mindsets and give them a people through “on-the-job” training. cess we will continually be evaluating results and glimpse of a sales environment out there that is Besides his 40 years in sales, Caterplus sales updating our training accordingly.” very different from when many of them started director Charles Watt has performed many other out in sales. These days it is not just about push- executive roles, including developing and rolling tion with the Bidvest Academy and the Academy ing products, it is about understanding what your out business models for various Caterplus busi- for graduates launching later this year – will customers need to solve their problems, which nesses. improve employee and management efficiencies enables you to sell more effectively at higher margins.” 10 quarterly magazine for bidvest people • issue one 2007 “In time, these sales programmes – in conjunc- Charles fully endorses Peter Finkelstein’s throughout Bidvest and will make us more adapt- views on sales strategies, “We and our clients able to changing environments than ever before.” Divisional roundabout Bidvoice Voltex acquires LSIS distributorship Bid Industrial and Commercial Products countrywide. The agreement with LSIS came electrical accessories distributor, Voltex, after around six months of negotiations and has acquired the main distributorship for sets Voltex IS in the upper echelons of quality electrical switchgear manufactured by Ko- in such products. rean giant, LS Industrial Systems (LSIS). The deal is seen as a major step in protect- Voltex Industrial Systems executive director, Coen Esterhuizen, said the market for switch- ing the South African market against cheap gear in South Africa was highly competitive, Chinese imports. and as Voltex was among its major suppliers, A new company, Voltex Industrial Systems, has been set up specifically to market the switchgear and components predominantly its LSIS products would help to fight off lowquality imports. LSIS, said Mr Kim, was committed to the to SA mines, industry and housing projects venture with Voltex and hoped in time to countrywide. Its new headquarters at Midrand extend its range of exports to SA. were jointly opened recently by Bid Industrial Established in 1974, LSIS has its head office and Commercial Products’ chief executive, in Seoul and operates through 12 overseas Myron Berzack, and LSIS senior vice presi- offices and 180 distributors in 50 countries. dent, Overseas Business Division, Mr JS Kim. LSIS is the industrial systems arm of the international LG Group. The 1 800 square metre warehouse, considered large for the type of products it holds, is Voltex is the country’s pre-eminent distributor and wholesaler of electrical cables, electrical accessories and related products for the industrial reticulation, domestic and general electrical markets. dedicated to LSIS products, which will be distributed directly and through Voltex branches quarterly magazine for bidvest people • issue one 2007 11 Bidvoice Divisional roundabout Aston Martin Racing DBR9 pictured on the indoor track at last week’s Autosport International, NEC. How low can you go? As low as you like says Ontime Automotive, Automotive has once again ensured it is able two-car carrier was involved in the movement UK, whose addition to its transporter fleet is a to meet and exceed all of its new and existing of ten vehicles, ranging from an MG Lola, to a two-car transporter that can carry the world’s clients’ needs. Kramer Porsche, to a 1983 Aston Martin Nimrod Ontime Automotive, a long-standing partner most challenging vehicles – such as the Aston from collections around the UK to BEN’s Le Mans Martin Racing DBR9. of Aston Martin Racing, has started to equip its Experience at the Autosport International Show This transporter has been specifically adapted hard-sided enclosed transporters with Dhollandia at the NEC. BEN is the Motor and Allied Trade’s by Ontime Automotive to carry low ground- tail lifts. The first tail lift-equipped vehicle, which Benevolent Fund. The total value of cars moved clearance cars. Based initially on its experience has been operational since December 2006, by Ontime Automotive for this event was over of transporting the Aston Martin DBR9, Ontime proved its worth: in the space of two days the £7 million. Changing the Status Quo Rennies Distribution Services provides a warehousing and distribution management function for Paperlink, the merchant paper business unit of Mondi Business Paper South Africa. The business is typified by the sale would be used to retrieve pallets only, and delivery, with minimal lead time, while the pickers would be deployed of various types and grades of paper to pick and pack which is their core and related products. The order sizes function. The result has been a 100% on-time vary from full pallet lots to individually service level being maintained ever counted and wrapped sheets. Faced with the ongoing challenge of since. The operations team is experienc- reducing costs, while at the same time ing a significant reduction in workload improving efficiency of service levels, pressures brought about by real team- the operations team at the RDS facility work, as opposed to operating in isola- in Pinetown identified that the business tion which was previously the case. was being served by three high-reach The RDS Pinetown team: From left: Christo Pieterse, RDS general manager, This is an example of how challengPaper Pulp and Packaging Division, Stanton Pillay , RDS storeman operator, ing the status quo and being open and Seelan Naidoo, RDS storeman operator, Naieem Suleman, RDS storeman two to three hours of active duty per day. receptive to change can result in simpler, operator and Revei Namasivayan, RDS Pinetown operations manager. machines which were all only averaging Pickers were using the equipment for more effective and efficient business both full pallet picks and less than full pallet picks, resulting in the machines processes. The innovative approach to the business employed by Rennies being inactive for extended periods during the working day. Distribution Services Pinetown operations team has resulted in significant, Operations manager, Revei Namasivayan, together with his team, conceived the innovative and lateral idea that using only one machine for five to six hours a day and two pickers to do the fine picking and wrapping of orders would result in a 66% reduction in required capacity. The remaining machine 12 quarterly magazine for bidvest people • issue one 2007 sustainable and bankable savings for the customer – critical in achieving continued customer success. Teams like this make Rennies Distribution Services a Proudly Bidvest company! Divisional roundabout Bidvoice A prestigious unpack at SACD Freight Durban SACD Freight Durban was thrilled to once again be part of the prestigious 5th International Vintage Bentley Tour from September 28 to October 23 2006. The Durban unpack team of Warren Robinson, James Ndlovu, Blessing Khuzwayo and Patrick Mpanza displayed great efficiency as they worked together to ensure that each and every one of the vintage cars was unpacked from the containers and delivered to their owners in pristine condition. The Vintage Bentley Tour covered some 4,500 kilometres, visiting various tourist attractions in Swaziland, Paulpietersburg, Central Drakensberg, Lesotho, GraaffReinet, Cradock, Port Elizabeth, Plettenberg Bay, Matjiesfontein, Hermanus, finishing off their trip with a final dinner at Llandudno, Cape Town. This precious cargo was then re-loaded into containers and shipped back to their various destinations across the world until the next tour takes place. Well done to the Durban unpack team for once again ensuring the successful handling of this very valuable cargo. BOSS of the year Terry Volkwyn, CEO of Primedia Broadcasting, was announced winner of the 16th Boss of the Year award at the Castle Kyalami on Monday, October 26 2006. Finalists included Brian Riley, GM, Motor Division, WesBank: Division, First Rand Bank; David Collen Noko, MD, De Beers Consolidated Mines Limited; Dennis Lupambo, director Self Service Banking, Standard Bank Self Service Banking; Eugene Wait, HoD Cashroom, Alexander Forbes Financial Services and Thabo Seopa, MD, TDS Directory Operations. Founder sponsor, Stabilo BOSS, Silveray Statmark MD, Hans Servas (left), congratulates Terry Volkwyn (right) as Boss of the Year. In the centre is Terry’s second-in-command, Yusuf Abramjee, Group Head News and Talk Programming. quarterly magazine for bidvest people • issue one 2007 13 Bidvoice Divisional roundabout Safcor Panalpina moves Springboks on tour of Ireland and England Moving the “Boks” For the fourth consecutive time Safcor Panalpina was asked to assist the Springbok rugby team with the movement of its excess baggage for the recent Ireland and England tour. When travelling internationally, the cost of excess baggage can be prohibitive, hence the SARFU request for Safcor Panalpina’s assistance. The cargo was moved using conventional airfreight and inland methods, while still providing a seamless door-to-door service. The four tons of excess baggage contained the team’s kit for the various matches, their practice apparel, energy bars and a generous amount of bandages. It was a challenging exercise, with many tight deadlines and most of the project being handled at arm’s length. Wally Hoddinott, Safcor Panalpina’s export expert, coordinated the various baggage movements and was on standby for the duration of the tour. Lawrence Sephaka with just some of the kit that needs to be transported. Safcor Panalpina – a top employer again Safcor Panalpina was once again selected thing in common: the belief that people are a for publication in Corporate Research company’s most important asset and that an Foundation’s book, The Best Companies investment in employees pays very significant to Work for in South Africa. dividends both in the short and long terms. The majority of companies featured have CRF works with the best local financial The companies featured come from all sec- embraced the changes required in the corpo- associations to identify the top performers in the tors of business and commerce and included rate environment. These include managing the marketplace and, in conjunction with top media global giants, locally listed companies and requirements of black economic empowerment, partners, publishes exclusive books on these specialised niche-market suppliers. In spite of embracing cultural diversity and proactively best-performing companies. their varying sizes, they all have at least one developing employees. journalists, analysts, academics and business 14 quarterly magazine for bidvest people • issue one 2007 Divisional roundabout Bidvoice SSC sales and marketing conference at Aloe Ridge Aloe Ridge conference Much hard teamwork and some timeout fun was experienced at the second SSC sales and marketing conference held at Aloe Ridge, during August 2006. The new look Croxley logo and updated products were presented to the sales team. “The merge between Silveray and Statmark was eighteen months down the line, and, as with any eighteen-month old, each day we learn more, become more confident, perfect our talents and test new ground,” says Shelby Zimmerman, National Marketing. Provicom Risk Solutions in Pretoria Provicom Pretoria, now two years old, was established to render service to clients based primarily in the Pretoria area. May 16 2005 saw the official opening of the branch staffed by six personnel comprising a branch manager, office administrator, sales executive, site technician and two assistants. In line with established Provicom Electronics high standards and procedures, a highly effective administration system was implemented and new procedures, forms and control measures were established. Some of these forms and procedures have proved so highly efficient that other branches have begun using them. By September 2005, as the customer base grew, the staff complement was increased by four. “Here at Provicom Pretoria, we pride ourselves in maintaining mutual respect, a mutual growth vision, service excellence, customer satisfaction and teamwork, and we are all Proudly Bidvest,” says Ferdie Schmidt. “We all have regard for the development of each other’s knowledge and skill and our motto is ‘Never be afraid to ask for help’ – we are a team as sharing knowledge and experience can benefit all.” The Provicom Pretoria team: From left back: Dawie Pieterse, site technician; Christo Jansen, technician; Galafani Jiyane, preventative maintenance technician. Centre: Petrus Ngomane, assistant; Christian Ndlovu, assistant; Divan van Wyk, sales consultant; Hendry Mohwasa, assistant. Front: Paul Makgatho, preventative maintenance technician; Ferdie Schmidt, branch manager; Karen Brits, office administrator. quarterly magazine for bidvest people • issue one 2007 15 Bidvoice Divisional roundabout Teamwork drives efficiencies up and costs down – online Waltons Stationery Company’s search for a supplier connector, supplier accelerator, supplier as how they are subsequently handled,” he says. “best fit” e-procurement partner was over order and supplier reporting. “The dynamic electronic catalogues and integra- Waltons’ early adoption of almost before it began – the obvious choice tion tools ensure that all the information on which gave it an immediate edge over its competitors transactions are based is 100% accurate. As a Founded in late 2000,’s plat- and its success is evident in the numbers. From result, the correct products are being ordered form went live in July 2001. “Despite the dotcom a zero base in 2001, Waltons is now managing in at the correct prices, which has allowed us to collapse that wreaked havoc among internet- the region of 10 000 purchase orders online each reduce the number of returns and credit notes by based companies across the globe,” says MD month, accounting for more than R100 million in Philip Katz, “ kept faith in our trade each year. was Bidvest’s at least 80%.” On the operational side, automated business model and weathered the stormy years processes allow us to manage by ex- to emerge as one of South Africa’s ception rather than manually process- leading e-procurement providers.” ing every order,” Paul adds. “As a result, our order clerks have moved Today processes over 100 000 transactions worth from processing 30 – 35 orders a day more than R250 million per month, its to a far more productive 110 orders user and transaction base grows by a day with, while our over 15% each month and there are customers gain the benefit of real- more than 6 000 listed suppliers that time order status reports. The direct interact with over 200 corporate buyers result is greater internal efficiency and cost saving, faster delivery to on the system every day. customers and ultimately quicker payment “It was clear that for Waltons.” was one of the early leaders in the “This rapid growth clearly indicates that and Waltons are currently en- core business processes and the large volumes Waltons has met the needs of its customers by gaged in a joint programme to integrate Waltons’ it was processing from the outset, but also providing them with an electronic platform that new ERP system directly with the because of the extensive functionality that its makes their purchasing both quicker and easier platform. technological platform offered,” says Paul Morel, to manage,” says Philip. e-procurement arena, not only due to its Paul agrees, pointing to a number of benefits Waltons national e-business manager. As a result, For further information contact: Waltons’ adoption of was able to that Waltons has attained through its usage of Wayne Muirhead,, take advantage of a number of key features of the “We have achieved a far greater +27 (11) 731 7600 platform, such as dynamic electronic catalogues, control in the way orders are submitted, as well or Paul Morel, Waltons, +27 (11) 620 4000. Surreal peace for health department Execuflora KZN secures tender for top health department office upgrade. A fresh new garden now exists in a lavishly upgraded wing of a dreary 1970s government building. As part of a recent upgrade of the Department of Health offices at Natalia, Execuflora was awarded the contract to install an indoor terrarium. Grow lights and ventilation were installed as the atrium is entirely glassed into a windowless boardroom. The overall effect in the far end of a dark, concreted, windowless wing is now one of surreal peace with the muted sound of the water feature amid the plant fronds. 16 quarterly magazine for bidvest people • issue one 2007 Execuflora “Greens” Department of Health offices. Divisional roundabout Bidvoice Always fresh flowers for the office Remember those dreadful artificial silk flowers of the 1970s and 80s, which thankfully fell out of fashion. Well, silk or faux flowers are back, and Today’s “faux” flowers are so realistic that they can only be distinguished from actual flowers by touch and smell. Scented faux flowers are planned for the near future. so exquisitely made – from a variety of Modern faux flowers are largely materials – that they’re often more pleas- manufactured in Asian countries such as ing to the eye than the real thing. Thailand, India, China and others from Even better, faux flowers don’t decay silk, rayon, cotton, polyester and plastics. and become smelly within days as fresh- Much careful hand-crafting is required, cut flowers do, therefore can save up to with each petal or leaf easily taking an 75% of the budget for your fresh flower hour to dye or paint. arrangements. The result is the breathtakingly real Execuflora, a Bidvest company and a flowers you see in the accompanying leading South African provider of indoor pictures – and these don’t need water, plants for commercial spaces, is now fertiliser, sunlight, pruning or tender care. offering a wide range of amazingly real- Execuflora obtains its flower arrange- looking faux flowers to its clients. Established in 1979 when the interior plantscape industry was in its infancy, Execuflora was acquired by Bidvest in 2003. Its 156 employees currently maintain 90 000+ planters per week in office ments from its Durban supply partner, where they are assembled and arranged before being fixed in glass vases with resin that looks exactly like water – so much so that people often mistakenly attempt to water the flower arrangements. buildings, shopping malls, hotels and restaurants for more than 2 500 clients nationally. As the flower industry began “Faux” flowers in the office to bloom again around the world, Execuflora decided to Execuflora’s new and growing range of faux flowers allows enter this new market and, in May 2006 acquired Flower its customers a broader choice than ever before. Clients can Genie, a family-owned business that for six years had now complement their traditional office plants and shrubs with been Gauteng’s largest provider of rented faux flowers. a dazzling selection of faux flowers. The Flower Genie brand was discontinued and the company became the faux flower division of Execuflora. Why throw out your drooping and smelly fresh flowers every few days when you can save up to 75% of these costs by installing faux flowers? Execuflora will collect your faux flowers “Silk” or “faux” flowers at regular intervals and replace them with an entirely new Hand-made flowers were first recorded in Italy as far back selection, keeping your office plant inventory fresh and new. as the twelfth century, but historians believe that this craft Execuflora has opened faux flower outlets in Johannes- originated in China centuries before. As techniques im- burg, Cape Town and Durban, with an outlet in the East Rand proved and more materials were introduced, Marie Antoi- launching soon. nette is said to have fainted at the perfection of a rosebud presented to her in 1775. The Victorian English had the rather bizarre habit of making flowers from the hair of favourite deceased relatives. In the 1940s the USA banned the import of celluloid flowers from Japan, as these easily caught alight and all too often burnt the house down. Hard to believe these aren’t real! Contact your closest Execuflora branch to arrange a free trial of faux flowers for your office Gauteng: East Rand (011) 392-7851 North Rand (011) 430-8600 Durban 086 111 3339 Cape Town 086 111 3247 quarterly magazine for bidvest people • issue one 2007 17 Bidvoice Divisional roundabout New logo and livery In a bold move to further stability, familiarity and trust of the entrench its position as South previous logo,” adds Kathy. Africa’s leading travel manage- A further significant change to ment company, Rennies Travel Rennies Travel’s insignia is the addition of the HRG logo. The logo now introduced two major changes to its corporate identity simultane- namism of Rennies Travel, while building on the The new Rennies Travel and HRG logos. ously: a commanding new corporate logo appears throughout Rennies Travel’s branding, instead of the Business Travel Interna- and a realigned international partner, tional (BTI) colours. This move follows HRG’s split Hogg Robinson Group (HRG), on its livery. from BTI earlier in 2006. HRG has a global network of wholly owned or The Rennies Travel logo has retained the red square logo, but revitalised the central R figure to majority controlled travel operators that extend depict the company’s energy and passion. The to over 90 countries. The new network, of which solid red rectangle has come to represent stability Rennies Travel is a strategic partner, has a global and trust – qualities that have been paramount to turnover of $12 billion and a total workforce of Rennies Travel over its 75-year history. over 15 000 employees. The relationship allows Rennies Travel to extend its network globally Commenting at the launch of the new logo, Kathy Harris, Rennies Travel MD, says: “We and provide an unparalleled service offering to believe the more contemporary logo retains the its clients. Hogg Robinson plc had always been the essence of Rennies Travel, while also reflecting driving force behind Rennies Travel’s partnership Rennies Travel’s 21st century positioning.” with BTI. Therefore, Rennies Travel elected to As the existing Rennies Travel logo had been around since the late 1960s, Rennies Travel continue its relationship with HRG as its global management felt that it was long overdue for a partner of choice. In particular, HRG boasts an touch up. exceptionally advanced African network. “The new logo truly reflects the current dy- Kathy Harris, MD, Rennies Travel New acquisitions by Bidvest Australia Coffee Break Services and Crofts Hospitality Supplies are latest acquisitions by Bidvest Australia, both located in Melbourne, Victoria. Coffee Break Services specialises in the supply of tea, coffee, biscuits, packaging and a wide variety of allied products (primarily used for staff amenities) into the SME office and manufacturing market in Melbourne. The company will continue to operate as a stand-alone business, but with access to the full Bidvest range of products. Bidvest Australia will continue to expand its presence in this segment of the market, which further compliments the Beverage Office Supplies acquisition made in Sydney in July 2006. Crofts Hospitality Supplies, a leading supplier of hospitality products, greatly enhances Bidvest Australia’s presence in this area and it looks forward to the expansion of its Hospitality Supplies Division, as they Crofts Catering Supplies, Melbourne staff members: From left: Tom Mills, Kylie Weir, extend their national footprint in this segment. John Croft, Lynne Croft, Gerri Jones, Rina Gaulteri, Michael Farrell and Greg Wells. 18 quarterly magazine for bidvest people • issue one 2007 Divisional roundabout Bidvoice Bidvest Hospitality, Brisbane: From left: Julie Allen, Stephen Mecner, Johann Garth, Nigel Bearham, Fiona Shanahan and Kirsten Millbank. Macmont South Australia Warehouse, Adelaide: From left: Steve Bremert, Tony Fortainer, Ollie Pywowar, Alex Balford, George Giotis, Bob Weinert, Michael Gauci. It’s all about teaspoons, teapots, tureens and tasters, along with 4 500 services throughout Australia. Selling everything from toothpicks to an lines specifically designed for the hospitality business in Australia. A$30,000 “combi-steamer” provides the team with constant challenges. Hospitality solutions Starting some 150 years ago as a purveyor of corks to the wine industry, the The addition of Croft Hospitality Supplies (based in Victoria) to the fam- Macmont business has been part of the Bidvest Group for only a few short ily, doubles the size of the company’s Victoria volumes, and is part of an years, but has seen some dramatic changes in the size of the business, both ongoing strategy that is set to make the Bidvest Hospitality division a truly in terms of staff numbers and in the geographic spread of its influence. national operation. Macmont now distributes in South Australia, Victoria, Queensland and What is really exciting is the prospect of Bidvest First for Foodservice the Northern Territory on a direct basis to the trade, and through com- and Bidvest Hospitality offering a total solution to the Australian foodservice patriots in the Bidvest food business, Macmont has been able to provide business. Macmont Staff Group, South Australia: From left: Louise Fulwood, Kirsty Millard, Wendy Catford, Paul Crupi, Natalie Drazil, Fraser Fyfe, Marilyn Smith, John Harland, Maria Garuccio, Anne Manos, John Schneebichler, Kym Rogers, Greg Cordingley. Macmont Hospitality Victoria. From left: Charlie Green, Mal Smith, Lindy Smith, Graeme Smith, Rob Richard. A name change for Crean Crean Foodservice has grown to become the leader in the New Zealand foodservice and hospitality wholesale and distribution market. The growth of the business and the development of further operating divisions has resulted in the need to make some changes. The overall company name will now be Bidvest New Zealand, incorporating the following three divisions: w Crean First for Foodservice – the national broadline wholesale distribution business, with 15 businesses located throughout New Zealand selling frozen, chilled and shelf-stable products to the foodservice and hospitality industry w Fresh First for Foodservice – a new, but growing, division specialising in the wholesale supply of fresh fruit and vegetables to the foodservice and hospitality industry. There are four stand-alone businesses in this division, with a further three combined in the Crean distribution centres w Bidvest Logistics – serving QSR (Quick Service Restaurant) customers in the Auckland region and coordinating the importing, storage and re-distribution of products to the company’s national business network. quarterly magazine for bidvest people • issue one 2007 19 Bidvoice Divisional roundabout Bidvest Logistics New Zealand Progress to December 5 2006 on the first Bidvest Logistics facility in Albany (north shore Auckland), New Zealand, which services the QSR and contract distribution market. bidvest new zealand One of top three performers Each year since 1990, Deloitte and Management magazine have held the Top 200 Companies Awards, New Zealand. Nominees are selected from the Top 200 companies list, compiled each year by Management magazine. Congratulations to Crean Foodservice, which was honoured as one of the top three New Zealand companies in the “Most Improved Performance” category, sponsored by Marsh. The Crean Foodservice executive team. Foodservice Fair – a great success With almost 5 200 people visiting the Deli XL Foodservice Fair in Holland, there was no other conclusion to draw than that it was a great success. Each year Deli XL organises a fair for the food market and in 2006 the fair concentrated on new trends in foodservice with “experience”, “easy”, “multiculEnjoying Reuser & Smulders coffee at the Deli XL Food Fair. offee Original c used re e cans w box, d n e tr a as new filled with from ts produc liers. p p u s Deli XL 20 quarterly magazine for bidvest people • issue one 2007 tural” and “healthy” being the main categories of this three-day event. Enthusiastic and positive feedback was received from the increased number of visitors. The fair took place from September 26 to 28, and was the centre of attention for the entire Dutch food market. The four main themes were presented throughout so that visitors had the opportunity to follow four different trend routes to separately experience each trend. The fair was the perfect place to promote the recently launched coffee brand Reuser & Smulders. Visitors were welcomed with a delicious cup of Reuser & Smulders coffee at the entrance of the fair, setting the mood for more tasting to come. When departing the fair, visitors were surprised with a trendbox filled with new products from Deli XL suppliers. Divisional roundabout Bidvoice Executape tape bars – a unique concept Buffalo Executape’s Sellotape tape bar was launched at the Builders Warehouse group in August last year, with great success. Since then, these tape bars have been placed in all 14 Builders Warehouse stores. “The sellotape tape bars are a unique concept,” enthuses Wayne Pollak, Buffalo Executape’s national sales manager. “Rolls of the tape are packed into a gravity feeder – there is nothing like it in the world, let alone around the country.” Builders Warehouse is thrilled with the tape bar as their sales of adhesive tape have rocketed since the introduction of this concept. An example of a Sellotape tape bar which may now be found in all Builders Warehouse stores. Meet the Buffalo Executape admin team The Buffalo Executape administration department is a closeknit group of people who work well together as a team. The debtors’ department consists of Judith Thysse, Sonja Meissner and Sarah Dhlamini; Lorraine Mkhasibe does creditors; Reg Vincent is IT manager; Angie Coetzee is MD’s PA; Cindy Hodgson is the administration manager, and Peta-lee Urdang is the financial manager. From left back: Sarah Dhlamini, Sonja Meissner, Lorraine Mkhasibe, Peta-lee Urdang (financial manager), Judith Thysse, Angie Coetzee (PA to MD), Cindy Hodgson (administration manager). Front: Trevor Girnun (managing director) and Reg Vincent (IT manager). Cindy, who celebrates 11 years of service at the end of March 2007, boasts the fact of being the only staff member in the company who has never had a day off work for sick leave. quarterly magazine for bidvest people • issue one 2007 21 Bidvoice Divisional roundabout Speedy delivery a key factor in success In any industry, speed of delivery is always a key factor in the overall success of the business. “Vulcan’s dedication to complete efficiency is still a quality we can all be proud of,” says MD, Margaret Crawford. “A perfect example of this efficiency can found in the story of the Steers franchise at the Wanderers cricket stadium. At approximately 11:00 on Thursday November 16, Vulcan receives an equipment list for a new Steers outlet at the Wonderers stadium and confirms that all the equipment is available ex stock in finishing touches on the equipment the following with Vulcan, and everything was installed with less than an hour. The order is placed by Famous morning. Total time elapsed 18 and a half hours. a day to spare. Vulcan delivered on its promise The people at Vulcan say that this is note- of speedy and efficient service and the Steers Brands at 13:00, Steers Wanderers franchise confirm their method of payment by 15:00, picking worthy, but no more than they expect. The franchise now knows that they have a reliable slips are sent through to the warehouse at 16:00 Steers franchise in question was under pres- partner in Vulcan. The summer months at the and the equipment is loaded on trucks at 09:00 sure, with the first test between South Africa Wanderers will provide them with ample oppor- the following morning and delivered to the stadium and India due to start on Sunday November tunity to test the equipment as will the five-year at 10:00. The installation department puts the 19 at 14:00. Fortunately, they placed the order lease agreement. MiSix changes name to KMPS Konica Minolta has announced that its MiSix ment including warehousing, archiving, adminis- design and implementation, at the core of what (Minolta Integrated Systems Information tration, inventory obsolescence, and distribution. we offer our clients.” Product manager, Mohammed Vachiat, says: Exchange) has been renamed Konica Minolta KMPS also offers training and educational Professional Services. “The KMPS team offers services and technol- services. “In addition to formal training courses, KMPS offers customers a wide range of client ogy to help clients bridge the gap between rapid our engineers conduct on-site training for end- requirements relating to document services and technological introduction and the market’s in- users to get optimal use out of their devices,” is made up of specialist engineers – network ability to absorb those changes at the same rate. he says. specialists, application software specialists and With technology changing so rapidly, it’s often For further information, please contact: colour specialists who advise on everything that difficult for the layman to keep pace. Our model Mohammed Vachiat, Konica Minolta South contributes to the lifecycle of a business docu- puts intellectual capital, incorporating solution Africa on tel: (011) 661 9000. 22 quarterly magazine for bidvest people • issue one 2007 Divisional roundabout Bidvoice Colour-coded new look Silveray Statmark Company has launched a new-look range of exercise books. These are colour coded – feint and margin is red, Irish and margin is green, quad and margin is blue and unruled is purple, which makes them easy to identify on the retail shelves. The books are available in A4 32 and 72 pages as well as in a gloss cover, triple stitched spine and a new grid system. This grid assists the consumer in making the right decision when buying exercise books. The grid also identifies the ruling inside the book. Call your regional Croxley customer service department for more information: (011) 677 0000; (031) 462 2081; (021) 442 1300; (041) 391 8600; (043) 722 3781; (051) 447 4313. Combining Bidvest buying power On July 1 2006 Bidvest took a further step to becoming more efficient and cohesive as a group. The launch of BidProcure (Pty) Ltd – a new business falling under Bidserv – enables any and all Bidvest companies to reduce their procurement costs and source larger slices of their procurement inventories from fellow Bidvest enterprises. BidProcure is headed by Ravi Govender and administered from’s premises in Rosebank, Johannesburg. This arrangement enables BidProcure to use’s sophisticated electronic procurement and communications systems to carry out its mission. Bidvest Communication Officers represent BidProcure in the Cape, KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng. BidProcure’s mission and advertising these throughout the Major telecommunications group. savings in the pipeline What BidProcure can do for you is: w Gather information across a selected business unit or the entire group on procured products or services (for w Enter your details and log an that BidProcure will conclude is a enquiry on what services, suppliers voice and data communications or products you require assistance. agreement being negotiated with w You may contact BidProcure Telkom that can potentially save the through the help- group about R120 million over the desk number +27 (11) 731 7600, next five years. This is just the first or telecoms). of many planned w Identify if a Bidvest group deals in com- company or com modities such as fuel panies supplies and computer equip- these products/ ment that BidProcure services. will negotiate on w Leverage the behalf of all Bidvest economies of bulk negotiate improved prices (preferably Ravi Govender who heads Bidvest Group’s procurement company. with Bidvest companies). w Disseminate these improved prices across the group. BidProcure community. A prime example of the type of deals example, diesel fuel purchasing to intranet site and log into the companies. How do I contact BidProcure? Although the BCOs will be contacting the MDs and procurement managers of all Bidvest companies in due In essence, BidProcure’s mission is This approach enables Bidvest to optimise procurement through- companies to improve cost efficien- out Bidvest by analysing current practices, coordinating suppliers, cies with minimal risk as the research, You may contact BidProcure evaluation and negotiation of prices is as follows: negotiating rebates or group deals handled by BidProcure. course, there is no need to wait. w Log on to Bidvest's The Village +27 (11) 731 7700 or e-mail BidProcure directly at [email protected]. Other procurement projects BidProcure is setting up a Bidvest procurement council that will meet quarterly to review and select preferred vendors and suppliers. The company will also set up a similar IT procurement council to assist Bidvest companies in choosing IT equipment and platforms (ie Microsoft, Linux, SAP and Exapta) to achieve economies of scale and coordinate IT functions for inter-group cooperation. Conclusion BidProcure is a new and invaluable resource that all Bidvest companies can use – without risk and undue cost – to improve their bottom lines. quarterly magazine for bidvest people • issue one 2007 23 Bidvoice Divisional roundabout High praise for Océ commitment The air was positively electric when the very first print rolled off the very first JETi machine to be installed in Africa at the appropriately named Thiela Image Laboratory. “The name ‘Thiela’ means storm, so it’s extremely appropriate that we created a stir in the marketplace by being the first to acquire not just one, but two of these super-wideformat printers,” says Theo Antoniades, a director of Thiela. Océ South Africa is a local distributor for Gandinnovations’ JETi range of machines and supplied the machine to Thiela. Océ South Africa’s display graphics business development manager, Wojciech Skrzeszewski, was on site when the installation took place last year. “We were impressed by the commitment shown by Wojciech Skrzeszewski of Océ South Africa’s display graphics division to improving our quality levels and ensuring that our goals were achieved by committing resources, Wojciech Skrzeszewski from Océ South Africa (left) and Theo Antoniades, a director of Thiela Image Laboratory. both locally and abroad, to meeting our very specific requirements,” says He is extremely knowledgeable about the industry and we feel very Theo Antoniades. “Wojciech has shown incredible energy in making this partnership work. privileged to have him on board. On the whole, we felt that the support Over the past two years we have discussed various technologies with him levels from both Océ and its overseas supplier, Gandinnovations, were very and his commitment to Thiela as a potential client has been extraordinary. solid and impressive.” More value from McCarthy McCarthy has launched an exciting new Mark White, recently appointed MD of McCarthy On why McCarthy is venturing into importing initiative aimed at presenting customers with Value Centres, is upbeat about the possibilities this Chinese vehicles, Brand Pretorius, McCarthy’s an honest-to-goodness purchasing and new venture holds. “Currently some 40 percent of CEO, says, “A number of factors contributed to servicing experience that offers excellent the South African passenger vehicle market can be our decision. Operating in a growth-driven value. February 2007 saw the first two labelled as being in the so-called “value” segment environment, we need to find avenues to grow McCarthy Value Centres opening for busi- of the market. Talking numbers, this offers our business, not only to meet the demands of ness. This initiative is set to roll out to some McCarthy a huge opportunity.” our shareholders, but also to ensure the 20 such dealerships in the medium term. The McCarthy Value Centres will house McCarthy’s Chinese vehicles will also serve a specific segment of the market. “We believe the long-term viability of the group. “And, as the opportunities to grow our Call-a-Car Direct (McCarthy’s used vehicle light and medium commercial vehicles in existing franchises are limited as we already outlets previously known as McCarthy particular will be welcomed by all users of utility hold a large market share in almost all our Pre-owned) and Value Serv (McCarthy’s vehicles. These affordable vehicles will undoubt- franchises, this venture provides us with a out-of-warranty servicing arm previously known edly play an important role in our economy as meaningful opportunity for growth. It will as McAuto). From the second quarter of 2007, we gear up for World Cup 2010.” increase the size of McCarthy’s dealer network and deliver meaningful benefits to McCarthy’s the Chinese vehicles that McCarthy will import will be sold from these outlets as well. Jolyon Nash, McCarthy executive director, One-stop shop The centres will also build on McCarthy’s Financial Services division. “But also very importantly, I am pleased that explains, “McCarthy has campaigned for one-stop shop philosophy. ”Convenience is key we can offer our customers much more, for affordability for many years. The Value Centres for customers today, and we are able to offer our less. I have always been a strong believer in will give McCarthy the opportunity to offer customers the vehicle of their choice – new or offering customers value for money without customers all the quality and backup of dealing used – as well as finance and insurance on the compromising quality and backup and this is with a franchised dealer without the costly frills.” spot, all under one roof,” says Mark. our opportunity to do so.” 24 quarterly magazine for bidvest people • issue one 2007 Divisional roundabout Celebrating success… a group of Budget’s head office staff members. Bidvoice Tough year for Top Franchise Budget Car and Van Rental (BRAC) was recently named the Franchise of the Year for the European, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) region. The region consists of 67 countries, and is the most coveted award in Budget internationally. Robin Borton, regional director for Budget’s EMEA Region says, “South Africa richly deserved to win the award. “If you add up South Africa’s commitment to service and the brand, coupled with revenue growth, fleet growth, location growth, and market Why did Budget win this award? Here three staff members respond: Gale Schutte, national credit manager This award goes to show that Budget people are ordinary people with an extraordinary amount of determination to strive for – and achieve – excellence! Renette van der Merwe, regional manager KwaZulu-Natal Winning such a prestigious award is not only recognition for past achievements. It places an enormous responsibility on us to ensure we do not merely maintain our current standard, we have to continue striving towards greater excellence. Customers expect great service from a “Franchise of the Year” and as a team we have to work together to exceed expectations every day. share growth of 3%, and not least the team’s strong Bev Vorster, business and support manager commitment to the Budget system, not forget- Winning the prestigious award is definitely an exciting end to what has been a very challenging ting the strong growth in profit, then there was no year! All credit must go to an incredible team of people who, through blood, sweat and tears, contest.” achieved targets previously out of reach. Proving their mettle McCarthy Finance has been awarded the coveted WesBank Motor Select Circle Award for the Best Joint Venture operation, and its Northern Region continues to prove its mettle, snatching up an unheard of five consecutive Best Region Awards. “McCarthy Finance must be one of WesBank’s best JVs – it really has stood the test of time,” says Ronnie Watson, WesBank’s CEO. About the Northern Region’s success Dave Howell, MD of McCarthy Finance, receives the Select Circle Award for Best JV from Ronnie Watson (left) and Brian Riley, WesBank Motor’s general manager. Top region five times in a row… Joanne Croft, Martin Manne and Alex de Wit are with Ronnie Watson, WesBank CEO (second left) and the trophy for being the Top Region, again. he says, “They have a healthy competitive spirit, great relationships, and excellent market share and CSI figures. They have consistently performed incredibly well and are way ahead of the other regions.” quarterly magazine for bidvest people • issue one 2007 25 Bidvoice Divisional roundabout McCarthy opens first Mahindra in the Cape retailing some 25 vehicles per month in the not too distant future.” Six-decade history And while many people perceive Mahindra as an unknown foreign brand, its tracks run much deeper. Remember the Willys Jeep, widely regarded as the frontrunner of all 4x4 vehicles? It had a top speed of almost a 100km/h and the four-cylinder engine could run at 4,000 RPM for 100 hours non-stop. It could climb a 40º slope and tilt up to 50º to either side without tipping over. It could even run under water, with special attachments for air intake and exhaust. Back in 1954 Mahindra entered into collaboMcCarthy’s first Mahindra dealership is open in the Cape. Dealer Principal Gerhard Olivier (left) is pictured with a vehicle while sales manager, Andrew Parker, looks on. ration with Willys Overland Corporation (now part of the DaimlerChrysler group) to import and assemble the Willys Jeep for the Indian market. McCarthy has added another marque to its 30 years and many senior positions under his But it took the company just under ten years to portfolio with the opening of the group’s first belt, is no newcomer to the field. produce some automotive products of their own. Mahindra dealership in Parow’s Voortrekker Gerhard is upbeat about the new dealership. Road, and is also the first of the large motor “I’ve followed Mahindra’s progress with interest groups to be awarded a franchise of the brand. since they entered the market two years ago Heading up the team is dealer principal, Gerhard Olivier, who, with a career spanning McCarthy development in the motor district of Voortrekker Road, where it happily co-habitates and the vehicles have been very well accepted with the new Volkswagen Mastercars and Call-a- in the market,” he says. “We are looking at Car Direct dealerships. Classy flagship launch Giorgio Gorelli, managing director of Fiat Auto South Africa (centre), unveils the plaque to mark the official opening of McCarthy’s freestanding Fiat and Alfa dealership in Germiston, while McCarthy CE, Brand Pretorius (left) and Geoff Jooste (Franchise MD) look on. 26 You will find Mahindra as part of the new quarterly magazine for bidvest people • issue one 2007 In preparation for the 2010 Soccer World Cup, five new stadiums will be built, five existing Divisional roundabout Bidvoice stadiums will be upgraded, provision is being made for bulk services to these stadiums and for supporting infrastructure, including transport. In addition to this there will be further spending by municipalities. McCarthy branches into “yellow metal” Always thought “yellow metal” referred only executive director, who has been tasked with to that precious commodity that graces many establishing McCarthy Heavy Equipment, the fortunate fingers? Group’s newest division. Product quality The product is based on tried and tested older generation Komatsu technology. Thorough According to Jolyon, Shantui is a reputable Well, now’s the time to broaden your vocabulary – it’s also the collective name for earthmov- brand which enjoys a 40% market share in China. ing equipment, a market McCarthy will soon be The company also has a joint venture with Komat- entering – bulldozers, excavators, rollers, and su, one of the other leading yellow metal brands. “Locally, the market has been dominated by loaders – a full range of earthmoving equipment. McCarthy has obtained the South African distri- can make significant inroads in the value segment in China and exported to over 70 countries. of the market,” notes Jolyon. “The proposed positive about their experiences with the brand.” tablishing a strong technical support structure and a strong team of experts in the field. Up to now, Shantui has been sold only in spend on infrastructure leading up to 2010 also the Western Cape, but the footprint will be makes this market an excellent proposition.” which is forecast to grow by between 10 and 15 Shantui customers. “Customers are all very Key to the success of this project will be es- Komatsu and Caterpillar, and we believe that we bution rights to the Shantui brand, manufactured “The time is right to enter this R6 billion market, research was also conducted among existing expanded nationally over time. percent per year,” notes Jolyon Nash, McCarthy’s Black ties to tie-in Bidvest top brass The team at McCarthy Volkswagen recently held glittering functions for their Bidvest customers. At three separate ceremonies in Gauteng, KwaZuluNatal and the Cape, guests were introduced to the full range of marques and models on offer, entertained by the likes of Nataniël, Barry Hilton, and Cape Town’s very own Three Loxton Aloni of Silapha Office Products (left) with his Tenors, and were given the opportunity to get to know the wife Dudu (right) and Mojabatho Finger (centre). team a little better over good wine and excellent cuisine. MD of Manica, Mark Gunther and his wife Annelise. quarterly magazine for bidvest people • issue one 2007 27 Bidvoice Employee connection Cleaning up the competition through effective training It is common cause that South Africa is trained staff at all levels to be a key competitive moderators and coaches, reporting on asses- desperately short of skills. Many skilled and advantage over rivals. sors and coaches. The training department also Prestige’s traditional contract cleaning markets experienced people have left our borders to recovers skills development levies and assists in seek their fortunes, while our rapidly expand- are hospitality (hotels, resorts, casinos and simi- drawing up employment equity, workplace skills ing economy needs more and more trained lar); healthcare (hospitals and clinics); education and in-house training plans for Prestige and its people to sustain its growth. (schools and tertiary education institutions); com- BEE partners. Prestige long ago recognised the need to keep mercial (banks, office blocks and parks etc.); min- on building its skills-base, and the company’s ing and industrial (surface operations, factories, Training objectives for 2007 continuing success since being founded in 1969 warehouses and similar); retail (shopping centres) Training in Prestige is dynamic and is continu- proves how right it is. and food hygiene. Cleaning of shopping centres ally being re-shaped according to the changing and malls is an increasingly important area of operational requirements of the group. Monthly operations for Prestige. training reports are issued to every Prestige “We generally don’t need to go outside the company to find supervisors and managers, as we develop people from within our general manager. Their feedback ranks for these positions. People is analysed, trainers are de-briefed join us as ordinary cleaners and and courses amended accordingly. those showing ambition and the The current focus is on “train the will to work hard can rise to the trainers”, with the primary objective top. Our commitment to employee for 2007 being to equip in-house development is proven by the high trainers with the skills to manage percentage of people that climb the their own learnerships. management ladder within Prestige,” says Leon Steyn, divisional execu- Management development tive, Human Resources. and succession planning A Bidserv business and one of Where possible, Prestige sources Bidvest’s biggest companies, its supervisors and managers from Prestige specialises in contract within its own ranks, supported by cleaning of commercial and indus- an ongoing Management Develop- trial premises. Prestige currently employs over 23 000 people and operates through a decentralised Prestige KZN group of trainees: From left: Jane Govender, Erasmus Ndlovu, Diane Ngwane, David Mabala and Anna Mwandla. (Collette Jonker is missing from the picture.) management structure based at 32 Prestige Training Department regional offices spread throughout South Africa. The Prestige Group has two training and de- Although contract cleaning has tradition- ment Programme that upgrades general management skills and develops people with the potential to rise to higher positions. The current seven-month programme for lower velopment managers who report to its general and middle management consists mainly of work- ally been highly labour-intensive, the constant manager: training and development. Each of place assignments that are signed off by senior demand for quicker and better cleaning is forcing these managers controls 10 trainers, giving 20 managers. This efficiently structured learning providers to introduce more specialised skills and dedicated trainers in all. Although the training de- system delivers excellent results, yet requires just machinery. partment is based in Isando near the OR Tambo two hours of lecture-room contact per month. This process is making effective training more vital than ever before. Long gone are the days of international airport, much of the actual training is conducted at regional venues. handing a cleaner a bucket and mop and telling him or her to get on with it. Even so, Prestige top management has always taken training seriously, as it considers well- 28 “We pride ourselves in the working standards and continual development of our workforce. Included in this training structure is a skills Our ongoing and extensive training programmes development manager, whose functions include keep Prestige consistently ahead of our competi- managing learnerships and coordinating these tors. We regard our employees as the best trained with the relevant SETAs, training of assessors, in the industry,” states Danie Otto, Prestige MD. quarterly magazine for bidvest people • issue one 2007 Employee connection Bidvoice PMI graduation of SACD Freight staff Rikesh Budhram Members of the first group of SACD Freight’s Production Management Institute students have successfully completed their studies for a certificate in supervisory skills. Congratulations to Rikesh Budhram, Mervyn Chetty, Anand Govender, Wilton Langa, Vassie Moodliar, Leon Pillay, Mark Pillay, Kanthan Ragavan, Angela Rix, Dayalan Reddy and Terence Govender who were awarded their certificates by Dr John McDonald at a formal graduation ceremony on the October 27 2006. Leon Pillay Mark Pillay Mervin Chetty Anand Govender Wilton Langa Vassie Moodliar Kanthan Ragavan Angela Rix Dayalan Reddy Terence Govender Annual Steiner Awards The Mont Aux Sources Hotel in the KZN Drakensberg was the venue for Steiner Hygiene’s annual awards and conference, attended by 200 delegates. Steiner delegates were joined for the first time by new group members, Steiner Environmental Solutions, Puréau Fresh WaDivision of the Year – Puréau Fresh Water Company. ter Company, Execuflora and Rochester Midland Industries. Prizes were awarded in 18 categories to the top achievers in the Steiner Group with the division of the year award going to Puréau Fresh Water Company and the Bidserv chairman’s award went to Bidserv chairman’s award winner – Rika van Rooyen. ar – Leader of the Ye i. ap Tsepiso Hl Above: Administrator of the Year – Charmain Gebhardt. Left: Innovator of the Year – Bob Heimann. Rika van Rooyen. quarterly magazine for bidvest people • issue one 2007 29 Bidvoice Employee connection profile on… Tennis stars keep Koos on the ball Norman learnt adaptability at school Perhaps it’s the tennis courts of Flushing Norman Smith is nothing if not adaptable. He’ll make Meadows that inspire Koos Smith most. himself at home anywhere. After all, he’s been doing so Koos, the managing director of SA Bulk since he was a schoolboy. Terminals, is a regular visitor to the home of The group managing director for the Steiner Group grew the United States Open Tennis Cham- up in most parts of South Africa, literally, as his father was pionships in New York. Indeed, he a commercial salesman and the family was almost con- visits every year. stantly on the move. The efforts of the athletes “During my school career, I was registered who continually strive to go at 16 schools, 13 of them different ones,” he one step further; who keep fighting no matter what; who give their all to be better are not unlike the attributes that drive Koos’s own work style. He says his life-guiding philosophy is to strive for continual improvement; to challenge the status quo; to be the best he can be. points out. Hardly did he settle, make friends or win selection for a sports team than he was moved and had to begin again. “Yes,” he confirms, “it’s not surprising that adaptability is one of my strengths. I can accept change easily and adapt to it quickly.” Flexibility is clearly evident also in his working career. Just as the tennis stars inspire him, he seeks to lead by example to inspire others to be the best they can be. He wants always to grow as an individual and never to stop learning. Soon after school, he went out to earn a living in procurement, but moved quickly into logistics, purchasing and sales before a move towards his lifelong ambition of general management. “I always wanted to run a business,” he says. “I realised quickly that a career in Such deep-seated beliefs have enabled him to turn SABT into one of the most successful companies within Bidfreight and won him the Bidfreight CE’s award in both 2002 and 2005. In his time with the company, he spearheaded the conversion of procurement would not get me very far.” Completing UNISA diplomas in general management and marketing along the way, he handled the marketing and general management of a small factory producing folding doors and curtain rails. His real break into general management came when the Durban Bulk Shipping terminal to an import facility; expanded he joined Tarry M&G, an industrial supply company, where he ran the head office and Rennies Bulk Terminal to a world-class terminal; introduced Durban office. He then returned to the manufacturing industry before joining Bidvest Panamax-sized vessels to the South African grain trade; and 14 years ago as part of the sales team at Steiner. guided the company to pioneer the handling of rice successfully in large volumes with pneumatic unloaders. Taking leadership from the now Bidserv chief executive, Lindsay Ralphs, and learning from him the true meaning of general management and leadership, Norman Born and bred in Pietermaritzburg, Koos obtained a B Com (Accounting, Economics, Business Economics) and an MBL moved through the group and its ranks serving various companies in sales, marketing and management roles. (specialising in corporate strategy) from Unisa in 1977 and 1981, His business qualifications, he says, were all acquired at the “University of Bidvest”. respectively. Around nine months ago, he became Steiner Group MD, taking responsibility for He joined Bidvest from the Tiger Group when, in 1994, SABT was formed through a joint venture by Tiger and RBT. Bidvest acquired Rennies Group in 1998 and Tiger’s share in the joint venture in 1999. five operations in the group: Steiner Hygiene, Steiner Environmental Solutions, Puréau Fresh Water Company (in whose establishment he played a leading role), Rochester Midlands Industries and Execuflora. It’s a group involved, in a nutshell, in all things hygienic away from the home: wash- He has been in the current post since 1997. room dispensers and consumables, deep cleaning, pest control, cleaning chemical Koos is married to Alta. They have two daughters, Lachelle manufacture, purified water and indoor plants. and Chantal, and a son Jean. Chantal qualified as medical doctor As might seem inevitable, given Norman’s peripatetic schooldays, Norman concen- in 2006 and is doing her internship; Jean did his pilot training trates in business on constantly adapting and re-inventing himself and inspiring and in Florida, USA and is an instructor now accumulating his flying guiding people to do the same. hours. He is married to Elize, and they have two boys, Juan (28) a Methodist minister, and Koos says his major interests outside work include DIY, watch- Dean (23) who recently completed a Multimedia diploma. ing motor sport, photography and, of course, his regular visits to He enjoys the outdoors and his 4x4 and is a keen golfer. the US tennis. Honesty and integrity, he believes, are the principles that guide his life. 30 quarterly magazine for bidvest employees • issue one 2007 Employee connection Bidvoice profile on… Why you’ll find Masly in supermarkets Jannie’s in tune with most things Jannie Roux enjoys music – in fact most of Masly Notrica travels extensively in the course of his today’s pop. “I like music, and I like to share job. It’s unlikely, though, that you’ll spot him at the music enjoyment with my children, so I’m major tourist attractions. More likely you’ll bump quite up to date with the latest stuff. I have a into him in a supermarket checking on what is new pretty large collection of popular music post in the food industry. 1960,” he says. Jannie (46) is, one might say, a It goes with the territory, as they say. man in tune with things around him. The managing director of Patleys, the It shows in his business approach. Group’s distributor of branded local and His philosophy includes an emphasis imported food products to the retail industry, feels particularly proud about the brands that are part of his daily business. “I am passionate about what I do, and being involved with major international and local brands such as Kraft, Tabasco, Evian, Nestlé, Bertolli, Lurpak, Kiri, The Laughing Cow, Tuc, Nando’s – to name but a few – just makes all the difference,” he says. “I am also proud of the achievements of our own brand, Goldcrest, which evolved from small beginnings to becoming a well-recognised brand on the South African market.” So there’s a special thrill attached to calling at a supermarket almost anywhere and spotting the brands with which Patleys is involved. Masly (57) was born in Lubumbashi in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (ex Zaire), but matriculated in Harare, Zimbabwe and did one year of Business Administration through UNISA. He worked in food distribution in the Congo until the government nationalised the business in 1974. When he immigrated to South Africa, he continued working in the food industry with another major distributor and he ultimately joined Bidvest in January 1989 as Patleys’ MD. “In other words, I’ve been involved in the food industry since I started work,” he says. His position today is at the head of an organisation that evolved from a small family-owned business in 1892 into a leader in the marketing and distribution of local and imported quality brands. Patleys markets and distributes premium local and international fast-moving consumer brands – a range that spans dry groceries, snacks, biscuits, confectionery and perishables – to the retail, food service and industrial markets in southern Africa. An international infrastructure enables it to provide world-class service and, through its suppliers, products and employees, sustainable earnings to shareholders. “It’s our policy to market and distribute only world-leading brands,” says Masly. “We will not sell any commodity items.” Masly is married to Myriam. They have a married daughter, Valerie, living in Sydney, and a son, Robert, in Johannesburg. Away from work and the world’s supermarkets, Masly enjoys rugby and, given his upbringing amid the French influences of the Congo, tends to shout for Le Bleau whenever they’re playing anyone other than the Springboks. Because both his parents were Italian, he also keeps an avid eye on the achievements of the Ferrari team in Formula One racing. His life-guiding philosophy? “I am a highly motivated person and am determined to achieve what I set out to do, no matter what. I hate failure,” he says. on being open minded and awake to opportunities. So it’s not surprising that he views the turnaround of SA Stevedores four years ago as one of his major successes in business. Today Jannie (real name David) is the managing director of Bidfreight Port Operations. The company was formed in 2004 in a merger between two of South Africa’s leading portside companies, Rennies Cargo Terminals and South African Stevedores, both Bidvest companies. Rennies Cargo Terminals had built a formidable reputation as a world-class warehousing company, and was the national benchmark in the handling of steel and forest products. South African Stevedores was South Africa’s largest stevedoring company, and the only one operating in all six of South Africa’s major ports. It brought to BPO knowledge in the stevedoring of commodities from standard breakbulk cargo through to containers and cars. The sister companies worked in close synergy, which enabled them to give customers efficient, one-stop-shop services. Further synergies were explored at management level, resulting in a decision to merge the two entities into a company capable of offering a complete port operations solution to any customer importing to, or exporting from, southern Africa. Jannie is proud to have been part of its creation. Born in Johannesburg, he obtained a BA Hons and MBA from Rhodes University, the University of Cape Town and University of Durban (Westville) and has been with Bidvest for six years. He is married to Beverley, who, he says, has been a major influence in his life, as a supportive, interesting, engaging, fun and loyal partner. They have two children, Megan (15) and Luke (12). Major achievements of his life were “finding and marrying a superb life partner and being father and friend to two great kids”. He enjoys reading, especially current affairs and books on mountaineering, exploration and popular science, and likes to spend time in the mountains or on the lonely beaches of Mozambique and northern KwaZulu-Natal. Just over a year ago, he reached the summit of Kilimanjaro. His views are positive and he is proud to support political transition in SA. “Hopefully we will beat Aids, crime and poverty over the next 20 years now that the economy is growing,” he says. But the fondness for music never abates. “I like to strum a guitar when I get the chance and I encourage my kids in their piano lessons. Being able to play an instrument stays with you all your life, so it’s really something special,” he says. quarterly magazine for bidvest people • issue one 2007 31 Bidvoice Employee connection profile on… Nigel puts Crean on the scoreboard Nothing is impossible for Hisham Success at cricket demands an unwavering Everyone, of course, deserves real enjoy- concentration on building an innings and continual ment from life. Hisham Al Jamil is no dif- striving to add a few runs more. ferent. And there is no doubt that he gets a As a coach, even though it’s just to his son’s school real kick out of it. eleven, Nigel Boswell knows the required attributes Indeed, he gets many. Literally. For Hisham, re- only too well. So it’s little wonder that he’s enjoyed laxation, enjoyment and a level of physical fitness success at business by building a market- come from kick-boxing. leading business and setting new standards. The “nearly 40-year-old” managing In the seven years since Nigel came into director of Horeca Trading in the United Bidvest, when the group entered New Zealand through the acquisition of Crean Foodservice in April 2000, the company has enjoyed compounded annual growth around 35% to today’s annual turnover of 320 million NZ dollars. Arab Emirates climbs into the kickboxing ring three times a week. “It’s a great way to release the frustrations of the day and switch your mind to something different,” he says. “It’s been exciting,” he says. “We’ve acquired new businesses, established Although he began his involvement with the sport when he was in his a national network and now we’re developing a fresh produce division and a mid-teens, and came close to a black belt when he was at his best, he logistics business.” was forced to stop for a long time when a stray bullet in the Beirut unrest Nigel is managing director of Bidvest New Zealand. shattered his shoulder, and he takes no part in tournaments or competitive Born in Te Awamutu, New Zealand, he graduated with a Bachelor of events. Management Studies at Waikato University in 1987 and began his career as an accountant in a food manufacturing business. At the time, he knew people in Crean and went to work with them. He left for a period but was soon back. His particular focus on customer service and keeping customers happy has brought business growth and a good deal of job satisfaction. The biggest “buzz” is seeing people succeed in the process, he says. “But kick-boxing really helps me stay in shape,” he explains. The bullet remains in his shoulder; a remnant of the Beirut troubles amidst which he grew up and lived, before moving 18 years ago to Dubai to found Horeca Trading. Between 1985 and 1988, he also studied at the American University of Beirut for a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science. The company, which derives its name from Hotel Restaurant Catering, Nigel is based in Auckland – a city known in the Maori language as Tamaki is a leading distributor of world-renowned food brands – such as Knorr, Makau Rau, the city of 100 lovers because it’s said to be a place desired by all Hellmann’s, Bertolli, Lipton, Flora, San Pellegrino, Acqua Penna, among and conquered by many – in a region boasting three harbours, two mountain many others – to the food service channel of the United Arab Emirates. ranges, 48 volcanic cones and more than 50 islands. With a population of approximately 1.3 million, it is by far the largest city in New Zealand. Following Bidvest’s investment in Crean, a major acquisition drive underpinned the establishment of new distribution centres nationally, to the extent that Bidvest is now the largest specialist food service distributor in New Zealand. Because it has 21 strategically located distribution centres, He has been at its helm since the start-up in January 2003. Bidvest acquired majority shareholding in September 2005 and the company became “HORECA First for Foodservice”. Hisham believes success in business comes from believing in what you do. Only passion for what you do allows you to change with innovation. “It’s the ultimate passion that drives the success of the company. It is Crean is the only company offering a true national distribution service to neither the idea alone nor the implementation of the business plan, it’s the multi-site customers. dynamics and changes in the business environment that stimulate me to It services the food service and hospitality and leisure markets with a keep rethinking the business model and adapting to the changes so that comprehensive range of products in all major food categories – frozen, dry, we exceed the expectations of the market and eventually act as a barrier to chilled and fresh goods. competitors,” he says. Nigel is married to Nicki and they have three sons, Fletcher (11), William (8), and Richard (5), and a daughter, Sarah (3). His major interest when he’s not at work is “very definitely my family”. Nigel plays tennis and has an interest in most sports but says he keeps pretty busy doing things with the children, involving himself in their school activities and coaching their sports teams. He believes strongly in the philosophy of Carpe Diem (seize the day), which probably translates to taking runs from any loose ball bowled to him. 32 “You have to keep telling yourself: ‘We were good, now we’re even better’.” At a personal level, Hisham believes it is important to know what you want in life. “If you do, you are half way there. I believe in setting goals even for the smallest details of my life. Nothing is impossible in life. If others can do it, so can I.” Hisham is married to Rim and they have two sons: Omar (4) and Fares (3). Away from work, Hisham goes swimming and snow skiing once a year. For a few extra kicks, you understand. quarterly magazine for bidvest people • issue one 2007 Employee connection Bidvoice profile on… Perseverence of the Be guided by long distance runner education, says Thierry Slow and steady wins the race. That’s the Like many great men, Thierry Legat entertains saying. And Dick Slootweg understands no criticism of the value in life of education. it as well as anyone. It was Aristotle who said: “The roots of educa- That’s not to suggest that the manag- tion are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.” ing director of Deli XL in the Netherlands In the words of GK Chesterton: “Education does anything too slowly, but he runs is simply the soul of a society as it passes marathons and knows the value of from one generation to another.” Oscar steady perseverance and com- Wilde took it a little further. He felt: mitment to the end result. “Education is an admirable thing, but “Usually, you have to be patient and prepared to keep going, no matter what,” he says. “You can’t stop until you reach your goal.” It’s a philosophy that has served Dick well in completing both the New York and Berlin marathons, and will no doubt do so again when he runs the London Marathon on April 22 this year. In his training – and he stresses that he’s a non-professional – he covers around 40km a week. That’s besides the exercise he enjoys in coaching the hockey teams in which his three children play. He and his wife, Marjon, have two daughters, Eefje (11) and Noortje (10), and a nine-year-old son, Niels. For about a year-and-a-half now, since Bidvest acquired Deli XL in September 2005, Dick has been at the head of Deli XL Netherlands, one of the country’s largest suppliers of dry, fresh and frozen foods, servicing healthcare, catering, hospitality, leisure and related industries. It is part of Bidvest Europe, which comprises leading, foodservice product distributors in the Netherlands, United Kingdom, Belgium, and the United Arab Emirates, providing products, quality ingredients, finished products and equipment to the catering industry. Before joining Deli XL in 1999, Dick travelled extensively as sales director in the Middle and Far East for a company selling bakery ingredients, extending his career in the food industry to around 16 years. Before that he had been in the closures division of Van Leer Packaging in Europe. it is well to remember from time to time that nothing that is worth knowing can be taught.” In Thierry’s view: “The purpose of education is to improve the quality of life and life management. Education for life, education through life and education throughout life must be the guiding philosophy of any process.” It’s the belief that has been his guiding light in life. The purpose of education, says the philosophical managing director of Deli XL Belgium, is often stated as learning to know, learning to learn, learning to do and learning to live together. But he believes education has greatest value when it brings with it an upliftment and reinforcement of the human spirit. “Human spirit has many purposes beyond the acquisition of skills for the world of work,” Thierry feels. “It involves developing a person’s ability to reason systematically on critical questions and issues, to place facts in a broader context, to consider the moral implications of actions and choices, and to communicate knowledge and questions effectively. “With the increasing importance attached to emerging areas such as information technology, there is a perceptible decline in interest in understanding the importance of awareness of humanities, communication and team spirit.” Born in and bred in Brussels, Thierry gained university qualifications in applied economics, management and marketing from ICHEC (CERGECO) and EPHEC in Brussels in 1986, and came to Bidvest when it acquired Deli XL in July 2006. Deli XL Belgium supplies a wide range of fresh and frozen food items to institutions such as hospitals and company canteens, and to contract caterers and restaurants. It is part of Bidvest Europe, which comprises leading foodservice product Dick was born and raised near Amsterdam and gained a man- distributors in Belgium, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands and the United agement degree from the Erasmus Rotterdam University “too many Arab Emirates, providing products, quality ingredients, finished products and years ago to remember”. equipment to the catering industry. While the long-distance runner philosophy governs his approach to business, he recognises that life will never be at its best without some fun. His life philosophy: “Geniet van het leven het duurt maar zo even”. “That means: enjoy life while it lasts,” he says. At work, Thierry is especially passionate about people management, quality and productivity. Thierry is married to Catherine and they have four children, Edouard, Laura, Emilie and Lola. Away from work Thierry takes a keen interest in motor racing and skiing. quarterly magazine for bidvest people • issue one 2007 Bidvoice Employee connection Prestigious award for Rob Waltons divisional director of KZN Back to School, Rob Grieveson, has received the 2006 Mondi Business Paper Ithabise award, Industry Contributor of the Year. Rob came to Waltons via Palladium’s merger with Gala Stationers and its subsequent acquisition by Waltons. Since that time Rob has headed the Waltons Back to School division, which he still manages with great commitment and enjoyment. “The success of the division is due to the great team we have in Durban, and to the unique friends and customers we have made over the years,” says Rob. The Mondi Award recognises an individual who has made an outstanding contribution to the office products industry at local or national level over the period of one year. Judged by a panel of 12, the criteria include three main categories: a compelling motivation, contribution to the company and overall impression. Rob Grieveson of Walton’s KZN receives his award from Viv Mcmenamin as Industry Contributor of the Year at the Ithabise Shop SA Awards evening. Life-long learning at Crown National Congratulations to Alfred Modibedi, Matthew Mutshinya and Jeffrey Sithole who participated in the Life-Long Learning Skills in-house programme. The management skills learned through these programmes will ensure enhanced productivity in the workplace. Alfred Modibedi Matthew Mutshinya Jeffrey Sithole Awards at Waltons The Manager’s Choice Award was presented to Niney Moonsamy (right), bulk stores warehouse manager, for his continuing service excellence to branches. With him is Ebrahim Choonara, financial director. 34 Branch of the year finalists: front: Fabian van Rooyen, Strijdom Park branch, Vanitha Pillay, Midrand branch, the winner; and Quinton Bennett, Edenvale branch. Back: sales director, Trevor Kane-Berman. quarterly magazine for bidvest people • issue one 2007 southern Gauteng region Call centre agents of the year: Nikckson Manganye (right) the winner, and Theodora Sithomo who was runner up, with sales director, Trevor Kane-Berman. Employee connection Bidvoice Prestige healthcare’s strike heroes Beyond the call of duty Sue Bell, the MD of Prestige Healthcare that we are in partnership with our clients division reports that Prestige held a and today can confirm this. special awards function at the end of “We cannot thank our valued clients October last year to recognise its enough as they supported us through the customers and staff members who entire two and a half months – we know went beyond the call of duty during that it could not have been easy. They the cleaning industry strike. backed us up, assisted where possible and “August 1 2006 was a day faced with motivated beyond belief. much trepidation as our indusry entered a “The entire management team, from phase in our history never before experi- supervisors to operations managers never enced,” says Sue. “The plans were in let the side down. place and back-up training completed, Everyone at the support centre gave but nothing could have prepared us for in many ways but especially the human what lay ahead. resources department, training and quality “The continual demonstrations outside literally dropped everything to assist when our contracts, not only disrupted the clean- we needed them most, coping in true style ing staff inside, but the patients and hospital when going into areas sometimes out of staff alike. Long hours were worked, fetch- their depth. ing and carrying staff and permanent clean- The operations team from Prestige healthcare division, Johannesburg. From left: Mona Ahmed, Sanet Wienand, Corine Goss, Stephanie Janse van Rensburg and Pria Mudaly. “I believe during it all we walked tall and ers who came to work suffered terrible, every one of the team can be extremely degrading consequences. proud that our “What stands out is that what could have Linda Bossert, hospital manager, Parklane Clinic, receives the hospital award (and a box of Bar Ones to replace those she handed out to all cleaning staff who worked 25-hour days during the strike). From left: Johan du Toit, Danie Otto, Prestige Group MD and Sue Bell. main goal of become an extremely chaotic situation, did service delivery not due to the incredible healthcare team was met members who have more guts than anyone 100%.” I know. It was amazing to see the support and teamwork, the back-up and support for one another and the very real commitment and determination to provide a service to our clients. Prestige has always believed The Super Stars from Wilgers Hospital. CWT receives accolades from suppliers Carlson Wagonlit Travel received several Below: Paula Howell (Left), Chevron In-House team leader, and Ingrid Ward, team leader of Safmarine In-House, with their Lufthansa Top Agent Awards. illustrious industry supplier awards during 2006 and proudly acknowledges the efforts of all its staff members. Well done. Johannesburg Travel Service Centre received the Lufthansa Top Agent Award, the BA / Comair Top 20 Award, Airlink Top 10 Award, and the Top Travel Agency KLM Air France 2006. Pretoria Travel Service Centre was awarded the Most Improved KLM Travel Agency 2006. Unilever division received the Lufthansa Top 10 Award, Chevron In-House and Safmarine In-House were awarded the Lufthansa Top Agent Award. CWT Unilever division team with their Lufthansa Top 10 Award. quarterly magazine for bidvest people • issue one 2007 35 Bidvoice Employee connection long service awards and retirements Keeping the loyalty flag flying SACD Freight – Durban branch SACD Durban paid tribute to 17 of its long-serving employees at a function on October 18 2006 when MD Graham Peinke was on hand to present the awards. A combined total of 275 years of service is boasted by these staff members. From left: Front: Alfred Shange (25), Susheela Pillay (15), Angela Rix (15). Prabha Durgapersadh (15), Martine Basson (10), Michael Mbhele (10). Back: Josias Khoza (25), Sivalingam (Logan) Govender (25), Dolan Chetty (10), Clive Peters (10), Jeeva Govender (10), Parmanundha Soobramoney (25), Never Sibisi (25), Mziwakhe Walter Mahaye (10). Missing from the picture are Agrippa Ntini (25), Bongani Wenselous Ncayiya (10) and Thomas Pillay (10) (who has since moved to Rennies Ships Agency.) SACD Freight – johannesburg branch A record 32 long-service awards were presented on November 23 and 24 2006 to SACD Freight Johannesburg employees – a proud moment for the depot as this was proof that SACD is a worthwhile company to work for. Of the long-service certificates awarded, seven were for 25 years, one was for 15 years and 24 were for 10 years of service. Regional director, DennisTrotter, seen here with awardees, presented the long-service certificates at the City Deep offices to mark the events. From left: Mahomed Vally, Mervan Berzack the regional director of Berzack Brothers, Durban, and Omar Khan. 36 quarterly magazine for bidvest people • issue one 2007 Long service at Berzack Brothers At the year-end annual awards presentation at Berzack Brothers, Durban, two special awards were made. Mahomed Vally received an award for 35 years’ service in the Sato labelling division, while Omar Khan received his award for 30 years uninterrupted service in the industrial spares department. Employee connection On the MOVE Steadfast and true bidserv bidvest iom Lisa Tindall left the company at end-February 2007 to emigrate to Australia. Suzanne Bentley will replace Lisa as PA to Justin Unsworth. Eleanor Cooper has replaced Julie Bell as treasury administrator. It’s a sad, but undeniable fact that the business world has changed over the years, and not always for bidfreight Safcor panalpina the better says Vulcan Catering Equipment. Our reliance on technology has increased a thousandfold and Bidvoice Colne Moodley, appointed to the board of Vulcan Catering Equipment. sometimes even the most affable Catering Equipment. To many of us employers lose sight of the fact that this would be enough, but Colne it is people, and people alone, who is a man who constantly seeks provide the heartbeat of a success- improvement. Already laden with ful business. Vulcan counts itself various diplomas and certificates in fortunate to have Colne Moodley, management and accounting, he who has proved to be a loyal and graduated from the Bidvest Academy steadfast member of the family for 25 in 2005 and is currently completing years. Colne took up his first position his degree in corporate govern- at Vulcan as a production clerk, on ance with the Institute of Chartered March 5 1982. Colne’s dedication, Secretaries (ICSA). Colne’s story is commitment and standards of excel- inspirational for many reasons. Not lence were evident from the start. only has he dedicated himself to the Ten years later, having moved pursuit of excellence in business, but through the ranks, Colne was ap- he’s proved that happiness can be pointed management accountant and found in balance. He is married to reached the pinnacle of his career Elaine Moodley, and dotes on his two on August 1 2006 when he was beautiful daughters, Jadene (14) and appointed to the board of Vulcan Michaela (11). Dennis Thomas SSC Cape Town James Dennis Thomas, has retired Jules Kramer has retired after 18 years with the Group, during which time he worked for Bidvest corporate office, then Crown National and Caterplus. Jules came across to as financial manager in June 2002. Jules who has seen Bidvest grow from its inception, is wished much happiness in his retirement by all his friends and colleagues in the Group. Simone Ramos joined on January 8 2007 as financial manager to replace Jules Kramer. Simone, who has a diploma in accounting and a BCom degree, has a varied business background, having worked in the motor, advertising, imports and exports and coal industries. Catherine Flemmer joined the company as account/project manager on January 8 2007. Catherine’s background is in IT and she has completed a project management course. Dean Smith joined as a project coordinator on January 8 2007. Dean has a diploma in multi-media. Guy Hancock has been appointed general manager, imports, Gauteng. Jenny Retief has been appointed national servicing executive, Gauteng region. Rennies distribution services David Leisegang was appointed MD of RDS in October 2006 to replace Rick Sheldrake who has left the company. SA bulk terminals Gavin Schafer, formerly financial director of SABT Maydon Wharf, was promoted to commercial director of SABT Island View in October 2006. P & I associates Sash Naidoo and Anne Marie Bonin have been appointed as directors of P & I Associates with effect from August 2006. bid industrial and commercial products Buffalo executape Peta-lee Urdang has been appointed financial manager. The following have relocated to new premises: Commercial sundries after 43 years. Dennis joined John Dickinson in Cape Town in Decem- Pencil Park, Croxley Close, Heriotdale Ext 15, Germiston. Telephone:+27 (11) 417 9300. ber 1963 as a stock record clerk. Puréau fresh water company At Silveray Stationery he became an No.3 Bedflord Place, 18 Skeen Boulevard, Bedfordview. Telephone: +27 (11) 455 8160 • Fax: +27 (11) 455 1573. The postal address remains P O Box 102, Isando, 1600. order clerk, then the bespoke buyer and in the late 1980s was promoted G fox & co to sales representative. Dennis is wished well in his retirement and will be missed by his colleagues and customers alike. Hans Servas wishes Dennis Thomas (right) well in his retirement. Croxley Close, Pencil Park, Germiston. Postal address: P O Box 751243, Gardenview, 2047. Telephone: +27 (11) 626 3200 Fax: +27 (11) 626 2398 Emails: [email protected]; [email protected]; URL: quarterly magazine for bidvest people • issue one 2007 37 Bidvoice Working in harmony Doctor Jagot advises All about TB à à à What is TB? TB is a disease that mainly affects the lungs, but can be found in any other body organ. It is caused by a germ called Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The germs are present in the sputum coughed up by those that have TB of the lungs. The germs usually destroy the soft tissue of the lungs, and this causes cavities (holes) in the lungs, resulting in difficulty with breathing, and blood can be coughed up. If untreated, TB can cause death. DOTS – DOTS stands for Directly Observed Treatment Short Course (6 months) How do people get TB? The disease is passed on from person to person. When a person who has TB coughs, sneezes or spits, germs are spread into the air from where they can be breathed in. Fortunately not all those infected contract TB, in most cases, the germs are sealed off in the body and they do not multiply. However, if the body’s defenses can no longer control the germs, they become active and the person gets TB. Who is at risk à à à à à à à Close contacts of TB patients Children under 5 years old Persons with diseases like diabetes and Aids Persons who take excessive alcohol, and drug addicts Persons with poor nutrition and lack of food Persons suffering from stress Persons living in poorly ventilated and/or over-crowded rooms. What are the symptoms of TB? à à à à à à A cough lasting longer than 2 weeks Chest pains Tiredness and weakness of the body Loss of appetite and weight Night sweats, even when it is cold Coughing up blood. How is TB diagnosed? Any of the signs and symptoms mentioned may be an indication of the disease. Seek help at your clinic or hospital if you have these symptoms. TB testing and treatment are free. The germs are found in the sputum (spit), when tested in a laboratory. An X-ray done at a clinic or hospital may show cavities or changes in the lungs. A skin test done on children by a nurse or doctor can be an indication. When a person has been diagnosed as suffering from TB, all children under five years of age that have been in close contact with that person should be examined, so that if necessary they may also receive treatment. Treatment of TB TB can be cured with little or no complications. Medication must, however, be started as soon as possible and it must be taken regularly according to the instructions given at the clinic. It takes 6 months for TB to be cured 38 meat, fish, eggs, beans, amasi, brown bread, maize meal, vegetables, and fruits Avoiding alcohol because it lowers body resistance, and affects the treatment By not smoking since smoking causes further damage to the lungs and can also cause heart disease and lung cancer Getting some sunshine, fresh air, exercise and living in a clean environment. completely, but within 2 weeks of starting treatment, the person will no longer spread the disease. Intensive phase medication is given for the first 2 months, 4 or 5 tablets (depending on body weight) are taken Monday to Friday. Continuation phase medication is given for the next 4 months, 2 or 3 tablets (depending on body weight) are taken Monday to Friday. Treatment must be completed It is a mistake to stop taking medicines when a person feels better. All treatment/medicine must be taken for the full 6 months. If treatment/medicine are missed, the risk of a drug resistant strain of TB is possible. This TB is very difficult to treat and needs more than 18 months of treatment/medicine, with a long stay in hospital. It takes a long time for TB germs to be destroyed. If medicines are stopped too soon and without instructions of the nurse or doctor the disease may start all over again. TB and HIV interactions In people with healthy immune systems, only 10% of those who are infected with TB ever become sick from TB. Over 50% of people who are co-infected with TB and HIV will get sick with TB before they die. HIV increases the risk of developing TB. Not all HIV-positive people have TB. Not all people with TB are HIV-positive. HIV and Aids are common in socio-economically stressed communities, and these same communities are also vulnerable to TB. How can TB be prevented? à à à à quarterly magazine for bidvest people • issue one 2007 By curing those who are ill with TB in order to stop the spread of the disease Covering your mouth when coughing Immunisation of all babies at a clinic within 1 year of birth Eating balanced meals consisting of food like à à à à DOTS supporters help patients to ensure that medicines are swallowed daily DOTS ensures TB diagnosis is available to every one free of charge DOTS ensures that good quality standardised treatment/medicines are available for all TB patients free of charge DOTS does not involve long periods of hospitalisation. Instead, a person can take treatment at home, at work or at school. DOTS combines five elements: political commitment, microscopy services, drug supply, monitoring systems, and direct observation of treatment. TB in the workplace Once a person has been on TB treatment for 2 weeks, they are not infectious. Persons with TB can continue to work. TB treatment can be given by a treatment supporter at work. Multidrug Resistant TB (MDR-TB) Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) is a form of tuberculosis that is resistant to two or more of the primary drugs used for the treatment of tuberculosis. Resistance to one or several forms of treatment occurs when the bacteria develop the ability to withstand antibiotic attack and relay that ability to newly produced bacteria. Since that entire strain of bacteria inherits this capacity to resist the effects of the various treatments, resistance can spread from one person to another. On an individual basis, however, inadequate treatment or improper use of the anti-tuberculosis medications remains an important cause of drug-resistant tuberculosis. Extreme Drug Resistant TB (XDR-TB) Extreme Drug Resistant TB (also referred to as Extensive Drug Resistance) is MDR-TB that is also resistant to three or more of the six classes of second-line drugs. The description of XDR-TB was first used in 2006, following a joint survey by WHO and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Resistance to anti-TB drugs in populations is a phenomenon that occurs primarily due to poorly managed TB care. Problems include incorrect drug prescribing practices by providers, poor quality drugs or erratic supply of drugs, and also patient non-adherence. Working in harmony Bidvoice 3663 CE Fred Barnes presents the award for environmental excellence to the Lee Mill Depot: From left: Sue Webster, Jon Scantlebury, Fred Barnes, Brian Watson, Environmental Awards. Environmental award trophy. 3663 presents Environmental Awards At 3663’s Annual Environmental Con- local community groups, all activity ference in October 2006, Lee Mill depot being recorded and monitored became the proud winners of the first • Depot environmental newsletter is award to be presented for environ- produced to an exceptional standard mental excellence within 3663 First for by Jon and Sue Foodservice. • Segregation of wastes in the canteen Lee Mill depot was among five sites • Environmental notice board for short-listed for the award, Birmingham, • Segregation of wastes in the garage Nottingham, Salisbury and Severnbridge • Effective communication all being finalists. • Lee Mill depot has been recognised as a site of environmental excellence and Examples of Lee Mill’s has certainly set a new company achievements include: standard. In October 2007, a second • Excellent standard of awareness of environmental award will be presented: the depot’s EMS and those employ- the Most Improved Site of the Year. ees informally interviewed, had a good understanding of how their role fitted into the EMS Environmental notice board for effective communication. The conference also saw the first presentation of the supplier environmental • Objectives and targets had been set performance award, designed to recognise for the depot, they were posted on the environmental performance improve- the notice board along with achieve- ments being made within the supply chain. ments and progress Own brand/label suppliers registered • High standard of recycling activity within the 3663 Supplier Environmental Performance Improvement Scheme were covering a vast range of wastes • Good evidence of environmental communication through induction Segregation of wastes in the garage. invited to apply for the award. Speedibake (a supplier of and training, all of which up to date bakery products) was the and records maintained to a high successful winner and two standard representatives, Ray Collier • Paperless training initiative, issued to and Mark Edwards, attended all HoDs who have been made the conference where they responsible for training, resulting in were presented with the award minimal paper usage by group commercial director, • Innovative partnerships formed with Segregation of wastes in the canteen. Ian Crawford. Ian Crawford, 3663 group commercial director, presents the 3663 Supplier Environmental Performance Improvement award to Ray Collier (left) and Mark Edwards (centre) of Speedibake (a supplier of bakery products). quarterly magazine for bidvest people • issue one 2007 39 Bidvoice Working in harmony A decade of environmental progress A case study of 3663’s journey beyond environmental compliance. Just over a decade ago, 3663 set out to needed to be encouraged. A network of electricity, by placing ‘switch off’ stickers on light proactively tackle environmental issues. This environmental co-ordinators, all volunteers who switches to encourage employees to only use has led to many environmental improvements, expressed a genuine interest in this function, was lighting when required. Other projects focused on inspired employees and helped create a more established to champion the initiative at each site. recycling of paper, cardboard, metal and glass. There are now some 60 co-ordinators, at least competitive business. These initial projects, which aimed to involve one at each of the 50 sites, who have taken on as many employees as possible, helped create The business case this task in addition to their other duties. They fulfil awareness and in many cases resulted in cost sav- In 1995, as a response to growing environmen- a vital communications function and support site ings. Projects would often be piloted at one or two tal, employee and stakeholder pressures, 3663 managers in identifying and implementing envi- sites, before being rolled out to others. With time, decided to improve its environmental performance. ronmental improvement projects. Their tasks also more comprehensive projects were tackled, many Not only has the company satisfied these stake- include environmental auditing, record keeping, of which have resulted in cost savings. holder needs, but this initiative has turned out to reporting and assisting with training. be an astute business decision that has enhanced Annual environmental conference business performance. 3663 is the environmental “We believe that a component of running leader in this industry and continues to work at A forum was required to bring together the company’s many environmental co-ordinators. To this exceeding environmental legislative requirements a truly great company is a sustainability effect, a yearly two-day environmental conference and customer expectations. The programme has values-based approach. We are proud of is held where participants can network, learn and resulted in numerous benefits, which include cost our environmental achievements and plan upcoming projects. The conference has been savings and improvements in brand awareness, reputation, employee motivation, customer retention, community relationships, operational efficien- are committed to being a socially set to coincide with a 3663 board meeting. This responsible organisation.” allows co-ordinators to ensure new environmen- – Fred Barnes, CE, cies and overall business competitiveness. 3663 First for Foodservice, UK. Getting started The environmental programme became the tal projects are supported by executives and it allows executives to stay abreast of environmental progress. Campaigns build commitment Involving the community Campaigns play an essential part in developing As 3663’s level of environmental commitment awareness, understanding and commitment. For grew, sites were encouraged to share their newly- steering group was established to assist in guid- example, an environmental awareness day was gained knowledge and enthusiasm by working ing the process, developing policies and raising used to educate employees about environmental with communities on environmental initiatives. awareness. An Environmental Mission Statement issues, environmental objectives and to collect sug- Sites have initiated a broad range of projects, and Environmental Policy were drawn up to com- gestions for improvements. The best suggestions which include educational projects for scholars, municate the environmental vision, objectives and received prizes and were implemented with the help such as the development of school gardens, guidelines to employees and other stakeholders. of employees. A longer-term campaign focused on poster competitions and river clean-up initiatives. Fred Barnes, the then operations director, was waste minimisation using the Reduce, Re-use and Sites also collaborate with communities to resolve a strong supporter of the initiative and ensured Recover philosophy. Campaigns are supported by mutual issues such as noise pollution and water board support. posters, dedicated environmental notice boards, run-off problems. responsibility of the environmental services controller, who is also tasked with health and safety management. A cross-functional environmental Empowering employees discussions at staff meetings and newsletters. Environmental management system To inspire everyone to create a culture of Low-hanging fruit In 2001 a decision was made to formalise envi- environmental commitment and continual Initial projects focused on areas where easy gains ronmental practices by investing in a certifiable improvement, better employee participation could be made. One project focused on saving environmental management system, ISO 14001. quarterly magazine for bidvest people • issue one 2007 Working in harmony Bidvoice Since much of the groundwork of creating com- • Five-own brand suppliers committed to • Vehicle parts are salvaged from discarded fleet mitment and putting basic systems in place had ongoing environmental improvements as vehicles. This initiative was introduced a been done, the certification for all locations was part of 3663’s supply chain environmental decade ago and has resulted in savings to achieved in a record two years. mentoring programme. date in excess of £2 million. • Innovative rainwater harvesting systems are • Ammonia-glycol refrigerant systems, which included in new depots and so far two are in help reduce electricity consumption, are now use with a third coming on-stream. The water used in the new larger depots. Over the last two is used for washing vehicles. Prior to this, years these initiatives have resulted in savings of recycled water systems were installed in £67 500 and 1,3 million kWh of electricity. new depots. Together with a programme of • Installation of warehouse lighting systems, installing low-flush WCs, these initiatives have utilising low energy bulbs and reflectors, have over the last two years saved £40 000 and resulted in savings of £53 825 and 750 000 25 000 m3 of water. kWh in electricity usage over the last two years. Managing the supply chain Recently, an environmental supply chain manager was hired to work with own-brand suppliers to improve their environmental standards. While this scheme is voluntary, it is likely to become mandatory for all own-brand suppliers and already suppliers that commit to ongoing improvements are audited and given ratings, which in future is likely to contribute • An ongoing vehicle-routing optimisation to a preferred supplier status. initiative has resulted in reduced vehicle mileage and fuel usage, which has resulted Measuring performance in savings of at least £50 000 in the last year. All sites are being tasked with setting environmental targets and measuring performance against these indicators. 3663’s elegantly succinct This will make 3663’s environmental Environmental Policy policy objectives more concrete, ensure 3663 is committed to continually improving deeper commitment and allow 3663 to the environmental performance of its activities set targets and report against these at and products through a process of pollution company level. prevention and compliance with appropriate environmental legislation. These indicators, amongst others, include waste to landfill and recycling volumes and resource consumption of wa- Specifically, 3663 aims to: ter, electricity and fuel. Site environmental • Identify and manage the environmental performance, based on compliance with impacts of products, packaging and legislation, company standards and services and, where possible, work with ISO 14001 requirements, are monitored. suppliers to improve overall environmental performance in these areas. The future • Manage all wastes appropriately and As legislative requirements and stake- reduce the burden on landfill by holder expectations grow, 3663 continues implementing the principles of the to be well-positioned to use its environ- waste hierarchy, namely Reduce, Re-use mental excellence to further improve and Recover. business competitiveness. Recently, a • Reduce consumption of energy sustainability board committee was estab- and resources and, where appropriate, lished to take responsibility for all social implement a green purchasing policy. and environmental issues. • 3663’s fleet of 1 000, 18-tonne trucks are fitted with Scania’s new Euro 3 engine which Continual environmental improvements to our Key environmental achievements reduces particulate matter and nitrogen business operations will be achieved by setting • Over the last two years a cost saving of oxide emissions. environmental objectives and targets which will be £400 000 has been realised through a variety • Approximately 80% of own-brand outer pack- monitored and reviewed through the implementa- of resource conservation initiatives, focused aging and approximately 40% of own-brand tion of an externally recognised environmental on water, electricity, fuel and recycling savings. primary packaging now bear eco-labelling management system. • A corporate recycling strategy has resulted symbols. These symbols provide consumers This will be achieved by raising awareness in 12 depots becoming recycling hubs, where with recycling and other relevant information. and providing education to all staff and, where cardboard and plastic pallet wrap from other • 3663’s local sourcing initiative, which now necessary, suppliers and customers regarding depots are baled in preparation for recycling, covers half of the UK, helps reduce food miles, the company’s position on the environment, its diverting some 1 300 tons from landfills and by reducing the logistics and thus energy environmental management system and their yearly generating in excess of £31 000. required to store and transport food products. responsibilities. quarterly magazine for bidvest people • issue one 2007 41 Bidvoice Working in harmony Good work Pure-O man Puréau Pretoria branch helped out with the Tannery Industrial Park Christmas party for orphaned and underprivileged children. The Pure-O man was there to hand out Puréau water and sachets of juice and entertain as only he can. It was a day that the children will remember, thanks to Puréau staff members and Pure-O. Left: Pure-O does his stuff at the children’s Christmas party in Pretoria. From left, back: Ruth Golding, Megan Thwaites, Renette Reid and Shafiek Abrahams. Middle: Joan Phillips, Rene Fortuin, Amanda van der Heever and Tony Cleghorn. Front: Linda Segalla, Michael van Tonder and Annalize du Toit. Hats Off! Wearing the charity hat at Crown Cape Town The people at Crown National Cape Town Branch did their bit to raise funds for the disabled by wearing a variety of hats on casual day. They challenge all other Bidvest companies to do likewise to make a positive impact for a worthy cause and help bring joy to somebody’s life. Kliniek Koks Take two cooks with their hearts in the right place, add a couple of sponsors and mix it up with a cooking workshop by and for children who are seriously ill and what have you got? Girls for quadbikes Any customer who purchased a Simba product in the month of April from any of the Caterplus companies nationally was entered into a lucky draw for a 100cc quad bike. St Michael’s School for Girls in Bloemfontein was the lucky winner in the draw which took place in June. Kliniek Koks (Clinic Cooks), a heartwarming initiative that lets sick children forget their problems and simply have fun. Enough reason for Deli XL to fully support this initiative, and help the Kliniek Koks to give joy to sick children who are hospitalised. The Kliniek Koks Foundation was initiated by Bill Riem and Edward Booij, owners of a restaurant and cooking school. They wanted to use their enthusiasm and passion for cooking to do something good for society. And what is more satisfying than letting sick children forget about their illness for a while? About 50 children participate in each workshop. Even children who can’t get out of bed are still able to enjoy the party. By placing televisions in front of each bed they are able to follow the instructions on the screen and participate in the workshops. Deli XL is the main sponsor of this initiative and takes pleasure in giving sick children an opportunity to forget their problems and be careless kids again, even if just for a moment. 42 quarterly magazine for bidvest people • issue one 2007 Chipkins Catering Supplies Bloemfontein branch MD Ricky Ramos, handing the prize over to the principal of the school, Cathleen Linda Pienaar, to the delight of the learners and Marthie Coomans, the school hostel’s matron, who placed the winning order. Working in harmony Bidvoice TMS CSI supports schools TMS Group has chosen to support schools as its corporate social investment programme. The programme will be jointly managed by MD Michael Dreyer and Dumi Mathonsi who is the national manager of industrial relations and CSI. The fist school to benefit will be the KI Thwala Secondary School at Embalenhe in Secunda. The school accommodates learners from grades 8 to 12 and presently there are 90 to 100 learners in one classroom. Mtshungase Trading is contracted to build on new classrooms and the work began in November 2006. Standing: Michael Dreyer, managing director TMS Group. Seated from left: Dumi Mathonsi, national manager: Industrial Relations and Corporate Social Investment and Gideon Mayenjane of Mtshungase Trading. Hospital contracts tour The healthcare division of Prestige Group recently took financial director, Bina Gosai, on a tour of their hospital contracts and to meet various clients. From left: Prestige financial director, Bina Gosai; contract manager, Jenny Naidoo; Matron Elizabeth Munjeri of the Brenthurst Clinic; regional director, Sue Bell, and operations manager, Stephanie Jansen van Vuuren. Silver bullet for Irene Homes McCarthy Mitsubishi Centurion recently made life easier for the staff and residents of Irene Homes by donating a Colt LDV bakkie. Irene Homes is a unique facility providing life-long care to mentally disabled women. Residents are housed in seven residential “homes from home” and are cared for by qualified nursing staff and house-mothers. Irene Homes also provides a working environment to both residents and day-workers where each person is evaluated and given tasks suitable to their individual mental and physical Residents of Irene Homes express their joy with their new Colt LDV bakkie donated by McCarthy Mitsubishi Centurion. capabilities. Therapy of this nature creates self-worth, selfadvocacy and dignity. Projects include knitting, weaving, assembling and collating. These products need to be collected and delivered to customers, and this is where the Colt LDV bakkie will be put to good use. “Our existing modes of transport were no longer safe or effective for this purpose,” says workshop manager, Eugene van Wyk. “Now we can transport larger volumes in comfort and style. The residents have also remarked that the vehicle looks really smart, too!” quarterly magazine for bidvest people • issue one 2007 43 Bidvoice Working in harmony A heartwrenching 1000 Hills community helpers Right: Khanyi Zondi and a mother holding her child. experience Bidfreight Terminals recently donated baby the jobless, promoting community vegetable formula, baby bottles and nappies to the gardens, home-based care, food parcels and the community is and we got to hold the tiny 1000 Hills Community Helpers’ organisation. clothing, and assistance to several crèches in babies that rely desperately on the formula and The organisation has been active in and around the area. nappies that the clinic hands out. Some Bidfreight staff members recently “What was very encouraging was to see Natal for the past eleven years and has been visited the baby clinic at St Theresa’s Mission people who had turned their lives around by registered as a non-profit organisation by the in Inchanga to hand out the donated items. learning crafts and using these skills to earn a Department of Social Development. “This turned out to be a heart-wrenching and living,” she added. “We came away from this emotional visit,” says Nicky Lahner. “We got to experience being grateful that we could help in experience first hand how great the need in some small measure.” the Valley of a Thousand Hills, in KwaZulu- The Helpers provide support such as a feeding scheme, a medical and baby clinic, helping 44 quarterly magazine for bidvest people • issue one 2007 Working in harmony Bidvoice Above and right: Arriving at the baby clinic at St Theresa’s Mission in Inchanga. New kitchen cupboards being installed in the cottage. Adopting a cottage Since adopting cottage no. 2 at the William Clarke rmula e baby fo di with th n o Z ls. yi a n in a Kh ight Term by Bidfre d te a n o d Children’s Home in Mayville, Durban, SACD Freight has been busy for the best part of 2006 renovating and repairing several areas that needed attention. Electrical wiring and points were made safe and approved. Broken and leaking plumbing was fixed, the roof cleaned and fixed and the ceilings repaired. A bedroom wall and the front door area have been bricked and plastered, fascia boards replaced, and tiling in the kitchen, pantry, bathroom and toilet areas replaced or cleaned and fixed and the kitchen cupboards replaced, and doors and windows fixed or replaced. The remaining problems, such as bedroom cupboards and the garden wall, will be given attention during 2007. SACD Freight Durban and its people are ensuring that Above, right and below: Khanyi Zondi and Nicky Lahner in the clinic dispensary. cottage no.2, William Clarke Children’s Home is a safer, more comfortable home for the orphaned children who live in it. New ceilings and ceiling fans were also installed. quarterly magazine for bidvest people • issue one 2007 45 Bidvoice The mixed bag Been there, gave the T-shirt Once again the Bidvest marquee at the prestigious Nedbank Golf Chal- enjoyed the golf, but also refreshments and light meals throughout the day lenge on December 2 2006 at Sun City was an unqualified success. in the air-conditioned marquee. VIP guests were invited by Bidvest management to enjoy watching some Although guests received a Bidvest T-shirt (and cap), it was on condition of the world’s top golfers compete for one of the richest prizes in profes- that they each swapped it for one of their own golf shirts. Needless to sional golf. say, everyone gave a shirt and, at the end of the day, the Salvation Army’s supplies were replenished with the resultant large box of golf shirts to help The journey was stress-free for the guests, as luxury coaches transported them from the Inter-Continental Sun to Sun City where they not only Giving hope for life clothe the poor and destitute who seek their help. Sponsors and guests at the launch of the Hear for Life Trust Fund at the Centre for Hearing and Language Impaired Children in Parktown, Johannesburg were greeted with this very special welcome sign prepared by the children themselves. SACD Freight Cape Town recently donated a converted container to Living Hope, a non-profit organisation that cares for people infected with and affected by HIV and Aids. The container has been placed at the Capricorn/Vrygrond informal settlement where it is being used as a home-care base and HIV-testing area. From this base, Living Hope also runs classes in prevention for children and support groups. Hannes Mundey of SACD hands over the key to Avril Thomas of Living Hope. Rotary walk Staff members from Steiner Hygiene, Steiner Environmental Solutions and Puréau Fresh Water Company gathered at the Modderfontein Sports Centre for the annual Rotary/Nedbank Charity walk on September 2. By entering the race, people contributed towards helping children’s homes around Johannesburg. Steiner HyGienie and Pure-O were on hand for those less adventurous and especially the children who attended the event, to educate young and old on the finer points of good hygiene. Hot dogs were handed out by Steiner to those children who were able to join in the walk. 46 quarterly magazine for bidvest people • issue one 2007 The mixed bag Bidvoice Hygiene in your hands Steiner HyGienie and the marketing team recently visited the Johannesburg Children’s Home for a day full of fun. HyGienie demonstrated his entertaining dancing skills to the children, teaching them that “Hygiene is in your hands”. Steiner Group donated cleaning materials to assist the home in its job of maintaining a clean and safe environment for the homeless children of Johannesburg. Simultaneously, Steiner Hygiene visited Shepherd Keep in Durban and donated materials for the daily cleaning routine. The first since the merger Caterplus head office enjoyed their first end-of-year lunch since the merger of the foodservice companies. “We decided to do something a little different this year,” says Candice Porter, “and that was to shoot each other and get rid of all our frustrations in a paintball show down.” Although some were left unscathed and others with many bruises, the day was fun-filled and something to put in the experience book. quarterly magazine for bidvest people • issue one 2007 47 Bidvoice The mixed bag 32 nd NSRI Golf day A huge success A pirate’s life… Since its inception in 1974, the NSRI Golf Day has raised just over R750 000 for those in peril at sea. Funds raised in 2006 went towards the urgent major refit recently completed on Durban station’s new 10 metre deep-sea rescue craft. October 12 was a fun-filled, fundraising day with bundles of wonderful prizes and dreaded “hole police” waiting to pounce on unsuspecting golfers with bulging wallets. Rennies Ships Agency has always supported the NSRI Golf Day and, this year, golfers were “robbed of their loot” by pirates Glenys Winter, Johanna Cordier and Gloria Shezi. Golfers did not leave empty handed, however. In exchange for their donation, each golfer was given a gold coin (alas not the type to be left in your pocket) with which to search for the “hidden treasure” buried on “the island”. The Pirates raised R1 810.00 for NSRI, and the RSAL brand retained its prominence in the market. Running for the Community Chest Rennies Ships Agency Cape Town staff members enthusiastically joined in the annual Community Chest Fun Run on December 5. From left: Lameez Jacobs, Velda Jacobs, Lynne Perry, Helen Hampson, Megan Gobey, Lindy Alcock and two supporters, Nicky Brown and Gloria Isaacs. Other colleagues who ran but are not pictured were Jonathan Whittington, Elsabe Martini and Candy Bowers. Croxley reveal at South Coast marathon The Silveray Manufacturing team recently volunteered to man a watering table at the KZN South Coast Marathon (Scottburgh to Amanzimtoti). The team used the experience to plan for other such occasions and the day turned out to be a fun-filled, team-building event. Everyone wore company-sponsored T-shirts and caps and enjoyed breakfast together. Transport was also provided by Silveray and the watering table was used to draw attention to the exciting new look Croxley logo. Silveray Manufacturing MD, Niel Speres, thanked all the staff members who had volunFrom left: Nonhanhla Maphumulo, Pretty Ndlovu, Richard Maistry, Niel Speres, Betty Prithipaul, Marilyn Speres, Audrey Maphumulo, Professor Ngcobo, James Killoran, Ivana Titton, Kemraj Prithipaul. 48 quarterly magazine for bidvest people • issue one 2007 teered, especially as the day began with the sparrows at 04:30! The mixed bag Bidvoice A first of many for Keith 3663 First for Foodservice, Banbury Depot’s Keith Page of the transport department, entered the London marathon for the first time last April and clocked in a time of 5 hours 11 minutes. In the process he raised £600 for the Warwickshire and Northamptonshire air ambulance. To cap this achievement, he and his wife, Sarah, celebrated the arrival of their firstborn, Edward, in June. Keith Page of 3663 First for Foodservice, Banbury depot (right), raised £600 for the Warwickshire and Northamptonshire air ambulance in his first-ever London marathon run. Raising HIV/Aids awareness This is my story Therese Bezuidenhout, marketing manager of Afcom GE Hudson, ran a competition during December and January for the children of Afcom and Ramset staff members. Children had to design an Aids poster for use in the By Palesa Kg company poster campaign on HIV/Aids awareness. Palesa Kganakga (14), daughter of Margaret Magana of Ramset, wrote this story with her poster design. anakga Sammy is a ne w girl in the clas s. Paul and Sa mmy are in the same group an d he finds out some interestin g things about At break he sa her. ys to the friends : “Guys we mus t invite Sammy our home som etimes, she do to esn’t have pare nts. She lives in home with othe a r children who have HIV and Ai ds. The childre there learn how n to look after th emselves and live healthy lives Linda asks: “C .” an we get Aids from Sammy? ” Paul says: “N she has the vir o, us, but you co uld only get it if her blood got your blood.” into Later they talke d with Sammy. She tells them that she is at means she has the HIV vir us. The HIV vir makes her body us weak against ge rms, and the ge her sick. Peop rm s m ak e le who are not infected with H IV have a strong immune system that kills almos t all the germs that could mak them sick. Lind e a says: “What do you do to fig ht germs then?” Sammy says: “We have to ke ep clean in ever y way, and keep the house clea n and wash ou r hands before eating food. W eat healthy food e . We stay away from drugs and those kinds of sm ok in g and habits.” Tahera says: “C ome and share our lunch. Be ou r friend.” HIV positive. Th Fourteen year old Palesa Kganakga, daughter of Margaret Magana of Ramset. quarterly magazine for bidvest people • issue one 2007 49 Bidvoice The mixed bag No late nights and junk food A cup of oats cooked in hot water without the sugar, salt and milk for breakfast, a generous portion of steamed vegetables and boiled hake at around 10:00, a lunch of brown rice, boiled vegetables and boiled chicken breast, again without the salt, and a supper of rice cakes and an apple. This is what Vuyo Ntshoko, learner technician at McCarthy Toyota Kenilworth, lives on when preparing for a bodybuilding competition. Not that it’s much different at any other time, though. Vuyo cites the discipline aspect of bodybuilding as one the biggest drawcards of the sport. This discipline filters through to other aspects of his life as well. He spends two hours every day lifting weights and gladly sacrifices late nights and junk food for his chosen sport. His entry into the sport came about when he joined a friend at gym. Within six months he entered his first competition where he achieved second place in his category. Since then Vuyo has collected many titles. His next competition is early 2007 when he hopes to add another Want to look like this? It’s all about discipline and diet. Vuyo Ntshoko shows off his hard work at the Muscle Mania competition. Western Province title to his name. How did he fare over the indulgent festive season? Vuyo admits, “I might have cheated with a slice of pizza, but worked it off in the gym the next day.” Vincent Bellingham was the first male to donate blood, showing all the other guys how it’s done, even if the girls had to chase you down the passage, drag you back and pin you down! Waltons blood drive On Friday, October 27 last year, Waltons Gauteng staff members donated a total of 39 units of blood to the South African National Blood Service, substantially exceeding the blood bank’s target of 20 per day for its mobile units. Waltons Gauteng challenges other Waltons regions and Bidvest companies to get involved with this worthy cause (even if it is for a couple of free cookies and a cup of juice). See if you can beat Waltons Gauteng’s record blood donation. 50 quarterly magazine for bidvest people • issue one 2007 The mixed bag Bidvoice BackChat It’s time for you to have your say From Lucky Sibisi, Chipkins Catering Supplies, Johannesburg On the lighter side… Dear Jenny and Jack, J The best way to forget all your troubles is to wear tight shoes. J The nice part about living in a small town: when you don't know what you're doing, someone else always does. J Just when I was getting used to yesterday, along came today. J If you don't know where you're going, you'll end up somewhere else. One liners from Anon It is with great pride, joy, peace and thankfulness that I write this letter to the Bidvoice editorial team and fellow Bidvesters. Issue no. 4 for 2006 was the most exciting copy I have ever read. I am one of the Bidvest employees and one of the talented players in the Bidvest Company. On behalf of my fellow employees and Bidvesters I would like to make a proposal to the Bidvest Chief Executive, Mr Brian Joffe, and I would appreciate it if our energetic editorial team could pass this message on to Mr Joffe in person. Remember when…? A computer was something on TV from a science fiction show of note A window was something you hated to clean and ram was the cousin of a goat My proposal is regarding Wits being part of our Bidvest family. We are happy for them and we hope to meet with the whole team one day or perhaps play a game with one of their divisions. Bidvest has brought some of us close to our dreams by bringing the “Clever Boys” in the camp to be part of us. We will cheer them on at their games and support them with every game they play, as per Mr Joffe’s request for us to do so. Bidvest Wits is one of the biggest teams in Meg was the name of a girlfriend and gig was a job for the nights Now they all mean different things and that really mega bytes South African football, they have been in the history of South African football for a An application was for employment A programme was a TV show A cursor used profanity A keyboard was a piano be one of the posted players in the Bidvest posters. Not only me, but there are a Memory was something that you lost with age A CD was a bank account And if you had a 3” floppy you hoped nobody found out our help as supporters and hoping to be one of the “Clever Boys” in the future. Compress was something you did to the garbage Not something you did to a file And if you unzipped anything in public you’d be in jail for a while Log on was adding wood to the fire Hard drive was a long trip on the road A mouse pad was where a mouse lived ers, is like a dream come true for some of us. Please keep up the good work. Cut you did with a pocket knife Paste you did with glue A web site was a spider’s home and a virus was the ’flu I guess I’ll stick to my pad and paper And the memory in my head I hear nobody’s been killed in a computer crash But when it happens they wish they were dead! long time, and although they had to spend the past season in the first division they showed character and bounced back to the PSL. My proposal includes the hope to wear the blue and white Bidvest colours and lot of talented young players in the Bidvest family who I know would also like to be part of the Clever Boys one day. Just like me, the Clever Boys are my favourite team and I would like to see them lifting the PSL trophy this coming season, with I would appreciate it if my proposal could be taken into consideration, specifically by the Chief himself, Mr Joffe. What you, Mr Joffe and the Bidvoice editorial team has done for the BidvestShould you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact Chipkins Catering Supplies (Proudly Bidvest) and ask for Lucky Sibisi. May 2007 bring you good luck, health and prosperity. Proudly Bidvest Lucky Sibisi To all Bidvesters, Well? What have you to say? The Editor, Bidvoice, The Bidvest Group Limited P O Box 87274, Houghton 2041, South Africa E-mail: [email protected] Fax: +27 11 880 3254 quarterly magazine for bidvest people • issue one 2007 51 Bidvoice The mixed bag Winners’ CIRCLE! Answers to Bidvoice Four 2006 competition The winners of the Afcom sponsored prizes for the Bidvoice Three 2006 competition Winners of a rapid tacker and staples received their prizes from Afcom Durban sales manager, Derick Anthony. Kunjan Manik (left) of Silveray, Durban on the left and Zakhele Poswayo of Bloch and Levitan, Durban (right). Therese Bezuidenhout, Afcom marketing manager, presents Monki Ntlamelle of Magnum Shield, Heriotdale, Johannesburg with his prize of an angle grinder. 1. Best Performance and Best Practice 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Horeca Trade UAE Crown Foods Vendors 7. 8. New Zealand Corné van Stokkom Belgium Australia Independent 3663 First for Foodservice Congratulations to all the winners of the food hamper prizes for the Bidvoice Four 2006 competition New Zealand prizewinner, Joanne Moore, receives her Bounty of Bites prize hamper from Auckland general manager, Martin Wright. Australasia The winner of the Bounty of Bites hamper sponsored by Bidvest New Zealand, is Joanne Moore. South Africa Crown National’s regional sales director, Peter van Alphen presents the company’s sponsored piquant sauces and spices hamper prize to Nicolene van Blerk, Rennies Travel Finance Department, Cape Town. vPatley’s decadently delicious selection hamper winner is Joan Phillips of Crown National, Cape Town. vBidbake’s sponsored various baking products United Kingdom hamper winners are: Michael Gopolan of Allan McGregor, regional director, of 3663 First Safcor Panalpina, Isando; Annah Zanele David Leibowitz, general manager of QSR Melbourne, presents the Crikey! A dinki-di hamper to the winner, Sanschea Rogers. for Foodservice Midlands Region (left) presenting Hlongwane, Continental Spice Works, The Bidvest Australia sponsored Crikey! A dinki-di Rupert Biddiscombe, the operations manager Modderfontein and Ana-Lize Drummond, hamper winner is Sanschea Rogers, Bidvest at Abingdon Depot, with his festive fare hamper. Steiner Hygiene, Centurion. QSR – South Oakleigh. 52 Benelux Region United Arab Emirates The Gemoedelijkheid hamper from Deli XL, Netherlands The Horeca Trade sponsored hamper winner is Ozlem Kiran, Deli XL, Amsterdam. prize winner is Carolyn Mae There were no entries from Deli XL Belgium. Lanticse, Horeca Trade, Dubai. quarterly magazine for bidvest people • issue one 2007 The mixed bag Bidvoice COMPETITION time! one/2007 Prizes for this competition ‚ Two domestic economy class air tickets sponsored by South African Airways. ‚ Five shopping bags, T-shirts and caps sponsored by Rennies Travel. ‚ Three days’ car hire anywhere in South Africa sponsored by Budget Car Rental. ‚ One trolley sports bag, 4 picnic blankets, 2 picnic backpacks and a Pick ’n Pay voucher to the value of R750 sponsored by McCarthy Limited. ‚ The letters in the blocks below spell out three words – 3 letters, 4 letters and 9 letters. ‚ These words appear in an article that every Bidvest employee should take note of. ‚ To give you a clue, the first word begins with a T and the last word begins with an A and ends with an s. ‚ To give you a clue – remember, it’s the right thing to do. N T M I S A P N OY F O S O U F Answer: Your details First Name and Surname: Name of Company (indicate whether HO or branch): Street Address: Send your competition entries to: The Editor, Bidvoice, c/o (by any of the following methods) E-mail: [email protected] Fax: +27 (11) 880 3254 Post: P O Box 87274, Houghton 2041, South Africa. Telephone and Fax: E-mail: Answer: Deadline: Wednesday May 30 2007 Only employees of Bidvest companies may enter. 53
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