VISIONING DAYS... An invitation


VISIONING DAYS... An invitation
Newsletter of the North of England More To Life Community
VISIONING DAYS... An invitation
Hello and Happy New Year!
Here we are in January 2014, with the year stretching out ahead of us.
It is traditionally a time to make new resolutions and, if you are like me, you may
have sometimes found yourself making promises to yourself and others that
have been unrealistic or driven. Such resolutions typically flounder...
A Visioning Day is an event that I have benefited from for 10 years and more. It is a
day for yourself where, through using mind-maps, drawing and guided
visualisations you can learn from the past and look forward to the future. The
morning is spent looking at what the past year held for you, what you learnt, what
you achieved, what is to be acknowledged and what you are grateful for. In the
afternoon, we look forward to the year to come, what we want to create or achieve
and what do we want to invite into our lives or have more of? Choices made in this
way can change the course of our lives and turn our dreams into reality!
I invite you to join me or another in your area for a Visioning Day:
11th Nottingham. 9.45am – 4.30pm. £20.
Presented by Ian Forbes. Contact; 0115 8461428 or 0798 0049898
18th Edinburgh. 10am – 5pm. £15.
Presented by Shena Pyke. Contact [email protected]
18th Carlisle. 10 – 4.30pm. £20. Presented by Ellie Hughes;
07739 013 947 [email protected]
Manchester. 9.45am – 4.30pm. £30 (includes hot buffet).
Presented by Tanya Lloyd and Jeannie Horsfield. Go to;
Knayton, North Yorkshire. 10am – 5pm.
Presented by Alison Wood.
Contact Aileen Smith; 01845 537534 [email protected]
Hebden Bridge, West Yorkshire. 10am – 5pm. £20
Photo: Kay Bastin 2012
Presented by Christine Brown
Contact; 07977462769 [email protected]
Brad Brown once said,
“We don’t do what we can’t visualise ourselves doing.”
Give yourself the chance to visualise yourself in 2014!
Alison Wood
You are invited... NEW YEAR GATHERING
Open house; 4th January, 2 - 8pm. 29 Snowdon Road M30 9AS.
RSVP: 0161 312 6013
New co-ordinator in the North of England
What role gives growth, stretches you till you wake up and remember you’re not
superwoman, gives the word multi-tasking a whole new dimension and has
connecting and contributing at the heart of it?
You’ve got it; it’s being the More to Life Northern Coordinator.
As we draw to the close of 2013, I will be stepping back from being the MTL
Northern Coordinator, a role which has enriched my life, enabled deep personal
learning and connection, rich insight into others, many abundant and varied
partnerships and a string of fulfilling accomplishments and open hearted
contributions that have touched many people’s lives. I am grateful for the opportunity and I am now ready to move into new and existing
important arenas in my life. In doing so, I am delighted to make way for Kay Bastin
who is stepping in to lead the community as our new Coordinator. Kay brings a
strong and vibrant vision, her passion and commitment, in addition to a wealth of
experience. She is steeped in the workings of the northern community having been
our NSG Chair for three years and recent MTLW Training Supervisor. Kay is a
Mentor and Mastery Teacher, is practiced in the skills of the programme, and has a
very big heart for people.
I wish Kay joy and growth in the role and thank you all for your connection,
partnership and companionship during my 2 year stretch. Much Love,
Jeannie Horsfield
We are saying goodbye to some members of the Northern Steering Group who
have made a huge contribution to More to Life in the last few years.
Jeannie is stepping down as Northern Coordinator. Jeannie has organised all our
courses, bringing purpose and clarity to her role; we have all benefited from her
integrity and grace, wisdom and personal mastery.
Kay has been the Chair contributing nationally, as well as locally. Kay is all about
inclusion and her personal use of the processes models courage, growth and
change for us all.
Ellie has made Update a regular and elegant feature of our community over her
time as Editor. Ellie has infused Update with her own reliability, vision and
Helen Smith
Acting Chair of the Northern Steering Group (NSG)
New office details...
Office hours:
[email protected] 0161 478 3786
Monday afternoon, Friday morning.
More To Life Weekend, November 8-11th, Manchester 2013
Wow! We have just had one of the deepest and most powerful More To Life
Weekend trainings, both for participants
and team;
of the North
England More To
led by Senior Trainers Louise Smith and Gerry Moline. They were delivering the
new Weekend format, including some
new wording and a change of emphasis;
working more with the truths, what is on offer in the lifeshock, and moving
forward with it. In my view this made it more accessible and I saw participants
picking up the processes quickly and working deeply with them.
At Completion Evening people described what they were noticing about their
lifeshocks and their behaviour, and how they were making choices and changes. It
was inspiring!
Over 45 people came on team and took up my vision of lighting a fire...
They climbed aboard the ‘fire train’ as it steamed towards its destination and
together we lit sparks as we enrolled participants, and prepared for the Weekend.
We held the space with strength and love for the 48 people who completed the
We lit a fire in our own lives too, many people said that they noticed a change,
some had personal breakthroughs. The Northern energy is certainly still buzzing!
Watch this space and the North Yahoo community group (you can subscribe at:
[email protected]) for more information about
local courses, e-groups etc.
We are planning another More To Life Weekend at the end of April, and some have
already said ‘Count me in’ to coming on team! How about you?
In order to go ahead with this, we are looking for a Training Supervisor
Could that be you?
Kay Bastin
Training Supervisor
My vision is of a More To Life Weekend in Scotland which sends positive ripples
out, like a pebble dropped into a pond.
I have felt the incredible benefit of truth telling and conscious choices in my own
life since I took the last training in Scotland which ran in Aberdeen in October
2008. I want these powerful tools to be available in Scotland again, and in our
small (but exquisite and passionate!) community we are building the energy to
realise our vision - a More To Life training in the new powerful format to take place
in Edinburgh in October 2014.
Could you bring your willingness to being part of the creation team?
Is there someone you want to see in that room?
If so, we would love to hear from you.
Much love,
Mairi Macpherson
[email protected]
07570 584631
At the time of writing, we have raised £6,479.46 across the
UK for the BIG 13 Challenge fundraiser. Raising money in
this way helps to achieve our goal of making the training
available to everyone who chooses to take it. In the North
this meant that 13 people took the November MTL
Weekend, who otherwise would not have been able to do so.
Issy’s Big Party
Many people have now completed a variety of challenges:
•  Kay Bastin had a big clutter clear, shifting over 13 bags of
clothes, papers and books from her house!
•  Isobel Hart had a big night in, inviting friends over for a
take away and night of socialising!
•  Issy Crocker had a big party on Friday 13th of September,
with over 130 feet crossing her doorstep that evening!
Kay’s Big Clutter Clear
A few of us took up physical challenges during the 13 weeks
from 13th September to 13th December... including:
•  Ellie Hughes took on 13 peaks in the Lake District
•  Louise Bowran embarked on 313 miles of walking and cycling!
Ellie’s 13 Peaks
in 13 Weeks
Thank you to all participants and to everyone who has
made donations. And it is not too late to contribute!
If you wish to sponsor the the BIG 13 Team please use the
following link:
Or text: MTLX99 £10 (or other chosen amount) to 70070
With congratulations and thanks from
the BIG 13 Challenge fundraising team,
Jonathan, Issy, Louise, Ellie and Lorraine.
Isobel’s Big Night In
Follow us on twitter: @BIG13Challenge
Visit our Facebook Page: The BIG 13 Challenge
More info:
I would like to thank our existing sponsors for their continued support. This regular
financial gift is really important for ensuring the ongoing viability of our work.
Your financial donations will help ensure future training events are planned for and
sourced in the North - with time and effort put in behind the scenes all year around
(the majority of which is given voluntarily).
Becoming a sponsor is really easy and massively appreciated – whatever amount
you are able to give. I will make the process really easy for you too by completing
the form and sending it to you, so all you have to do is sign and return it!
Please contact me to set up your regular donation;
Email; [email protected]
Phone/Text; 07870 599849 or 01733 321961
Louise Bowran
Thank you to Jeannie and the Northern Steering Group for inviting me to teach
Mastery following the November training. It was wonder-full! One student shared at
the end of the course ‘I can see now how I can use this in my day to day life’. Others said that they’d broken through ‘stuckness’ and ‘confusion’ into new-found
purposefulness and excitement about their next steps.
Each person dived deep into their processing and made radical choices, declaring
powerful stands and intentions for their future. Open to everyone who has taken
the More To Life Weekend, Mastery is a wonderful way to get back to basics,
challenging habitual self-sabotaging behaviours and claiming our full Essential Self! If you want to make changes in your life in 2014 then I invite you to attend the next
Mastery classes which will be happening in Knayton, February 8 and 16th 2014 with
Aileen smith; 07089265525 [email protected].
Kathryn Carr
The Northern Steering Group on Tour!
The Northern Steering Group wants to find out more about what is happening in the
different areas of the North, what is working for you and what isn’t, what you would
like more of... or less of...
Kay Bastin and Jane Meehan visited Thirsk and Darlington in August. It was lovely to
meet at Aileen and Issy’s houses over food, and then to have time to talk together.
The main themes were: wanting more meet-ups, courses and information locally
and looking at ways of doing this, including putting on a social event to keep a
connection with people who are not directly involved any longer.
There was a resounding Yes to our proposal of having a More To Life Weekend in
April, provided that we have a TS in place by December. There were some thoughts
about having a smaller Weekend in the future, somewhere in the North East...?
Do tell us what is happening in your area...
How you are connecting up?
What is working for you locally, what is not?
What groups or courses do you want to see more of in your area?
And how could you help to create this?
Kay Bastin [email protected]
WOW... Way of a Warrior 2014
WOW will also be held in the UK this year; 9-16th July, Dorset. We welcome Emma
Hackett as the new WOW Coordinator in the UK! Emma is gathering information
about interest in WOW and we will be hearing from her soon. If you are interested in
going to WOW in the UK or in the USA, as participant or on team, do let her know on
07951661406 or [email protected] and cc [email protected]
Check out our website about this advanced residential course and others...
Celebrating Success... MENTOR NEWS
Enrolling 9 people from my SEE community
The BIG 13 fundraising challenge had me thinking maybe I could enroll 13 people
from my community to the More To Life Weekend? "Impossible" was my first
thought, as it was less than 4 weeks away... I love the power of connecting that I
have as a mentor with More To Life. So I completed a Results Process and off I
went making calls, seeing how people were doing and whether they were
interested in coming to a Preview and or taking the More To Life Weekend course.
This was a great excuse to check how people were and what was going on for them
at the moment, active listening with no attachment or conditions to meet.
I made contact with all 60 of my students and spoke to about 25 regularly in the
four weeks before the course. On the Friday of the training one person dropped
out and fortunately I was able to enroll another person at 11.00 am that morning!
Thank you to the Northern Steering Group for their flexibility and time for all those
who were part sponsored from my community.
I am now in The Gambia, reflecting
(Photograph; Tanya Lloyd)
on such a powerful Weekend. I had
a fantastic time together with the
Hospitality Team! The photo (right)
shows those I enrolled, on the
Sunday night after much tears,
laughing and processing.
Thanks to Kay as Training Supervisor for making this weekend such a joy and a gift
of service, the fire is burning and lit brightly as I shine.
Natalie Teniola
Self Esteem In Darlington
I have just completed a Power of Self Esteem course. I am basking in gratitude
right now. I thought you might like to hear a few snippets of what the participants
are saying about their experience;
"It encouraged me to take a big step. I sat in a room full of
people and felt like I was “one of them.” Amazing feeling!”
“Best course I’ve ever taken. So happy with the content and the outcome.”
“This has been an incredible experience, helpful and empowering. Very insightful, enabling me to realise that I not only can be a better person,
but actually, have been all along. I just hadn’t allowed myself to believe it."
So do watch out for the next Power of Self Esteem course your way, or 2 day
course you can travel to. Whether you or your friends and contacts have done no
More To Life work before, or are coming to it for the second time round, it has the
potential to be transformative.
My next course will be 22nd and 23rd February 2014 in Darlington. Issy Crocker
07832 288 439 [email protected]
Opportunities for volunteering, making a
contribution, team work, leadership training and more.
More To Life in the North has recently been acknowledged by the national
organisation as well-run and financially sound, offering a model for the way
forward in other regions. We have seen in the last few weeks how the possibility
of a More To Life training weekend in April keeps the energy high.
What if we could offer more trainings, with more variety, in more places?
Coming on Team is a popular way of contributing, but to grow more leaders and
create more trainings we also need more of us between times to take on a
variety of roles and/or to bring our ideas and energy to the table.
There are two ways to think about what you might want to do to contribute or
get involved. First of all, what are your strengths? What do you most enjoy
doing? Could you offer a few hours every week, or would you prefer to tackle a
one-off project? Do you like working on your own, in partnership or as part of a
team? And then, what do you want to see in this organisation? Do take a few
moments to answer these questions – what might your unique contribution be?
Alternatively, let me tell you about the particular roles that are currently
available to be filled. Maybe one of these would fit for you?
•  A Chair for the Northern Steering Group
•  New editor for Update
•  Next Steps person (or group) to follow up and connect with new students
•  Someone to tidy and organise props
If you are interested in any shape or form, or you just want to find out more
with out committing, please do get in touch.
You can email me ([email protected]) or Kay Bastin, Northern
Coordinator ([email protected]) , call her on 0161 478 3786 or
07882 111 456).
Helen Smith
Acting Chair of the Northern Steering Group (NSG)
More To Life Coaching...
For you, for your friends, for moving forward in your life.
As a More To Life Coach I am so grateful that I can take this work with me when I
go to spend time with my family in Australia. Apart from lots of time as "Branny
YaYa", I can also find quiet moments of connection as I work with individuals and
couples, via Skype, from wherever they are in the world. Gratitude for the life I live! If you know anyone who would benefit from a More To Life perspective on their
life, whether or not they have taken the More To Life Weekend, do consider a More
To Life Coach. See the back page for a list or go to
You could even give someone (including yourself) an initial session for a Christmas
present. Call one of us to discuss.
Issy Crocker
Jan ’14
NEW YEAR GATHERING; open house - 29 Snowdon Road, M30 9AS. RSVP 0161 312 6013
Power of Purpose; Manchester – 7 x 10-1pm, 07725318702 [email protected]
Visioning Day; Nottingham – Ian Forbes 0115 846 1428 - £20 per person
Visioning Day; Edinburgh – Shena Pyke. Contact [email protected] £15
Visioning Day; Carlisle - 07739013947 [email protected]
Visioning Day; Manchester –
Visioning Day; Knayton – Alison Wood. Contact 07089265525 [email protected]
Feb ’14
Evolution of Mastery; Lyttelton, New Zealand
8/16th Mastery Class; Knayton - 07089265525 [email protected]
Visioning Day; Hebden Bridge - [email protected] 07977 462769 – tickets £20
21 Power of Self Esteem; Manchester - 5 sessions [email protected] 07932 733 348
22-23 Power of Self Esteem – Darlington - 07832288439 [email protected]
Power of Self Esteem; Manchester – 5 sessions [email protected] 07932 733 348
28-2 Power of Connection Mentor A; London - 0207 431 0922, [email protected]
Mar ’14
6-13 Way of a Warrior – Kwazulu Natal, South Africa
More To Life Weekend – London MTL GRADUATES ONLY
April ’14
5-6th Power of Self Esteem; Manchester. Issy Crocker & [email protected] 07932733348
More To Life Weekend – Manchester
May ’14
Living Creatively (formerly 7 days of Creation) - Texas, USA
Sacred Path Retreat – South Africa
More To Life Weekend – London
June ’14
14-21 Way of a Warrior – South Carolina, USA
22-29 Living Yes – South Carolina, USA
July ’14
9-16 Way of a Warrior – Dorset, UK
More To Life in the North, 28 Neale Road, Chorlton, M21 9DQ, [email protected]
0161 478 3786 or 07882 111 456.
London Centre, 0207 431 0922, [email protected]
Kay Bastin: Northern Coordinator - [email protected], 0161 478 3786, 07882 111 456
Louise Bowran: Kairos Foundation Sponsorship [email protected], 01733321961
Issy Crocker: UK Kairos Foundation Trustee - 07832 288 439, [email protected]
Isobel Hart: Finance - 0114 255 0448, [email protected]
Susan Maskew: Database/Admin Support - [email protected], 01457871796
Jane Meehan: Mentor Coordinator - [email protected] 07784 380 881
Helen Smith: Acting Chair - 0161 881 9568, [email protected]
Issy Crocker, Darlington - 01325 363735, 07832 288 439, [email protected]
Briggy Kiddle, Kielder - 01434 250 466, 07753 934 349, [email protected]
Alison Wood, Durham - 0191 383 2835, 07724 996 527, [email protected]