Ferrara Mantua
Ferrara Mantua
Landing place Deviation Navigation basin 1km A22 MANTOVA NORD San Giorgio di Mantova 1 Mantua Lago di Mezzo Ostiglia Lago Superiore Barbasso 23 MN San Biagio Bagnolo San Vito 2s Parco Golene Foce Secchia Brede MN 2d A22 MANTOVA SUD r ve M Villa Saviola Portiolo MN 2d h From Revere, proceed along the right river bank of the Po, following an itinerary crossing Secchia river and San Benedetto Po towards Suzzara. Felonica 2d Mincio River Regional Park and Lower Villa Oglio River RePoma gional Park take care of nature in Mantua territory. Mincio River Natural Park The Garda morainalPoggio amphitheRusco atre hosts, from north southwards, Castellaro Lagusello Regional Reserve, Bertone Natural Reserve in Goito – with a white stork nesting area – and Bosco Fontana Nature Reserve in Marmirolo. The Mincio Valley Natural Reserve, between Rivalta and Borgo Angeli, is the largest inner Oasi Bosco di Porporana Stellata FE Santa Croce wetland in Italy. The charming Vallazza flood land lays in Virgilio. Oltrepo too has its important natural reserves, such as Paludi di Ostiglia, Isola Boschina – a small island in Po river – and Isola Boscone in Carbonara Po. Malcantone Frati Here, Po crosses a typicaldeilandscape of flood plains, waterDragoncello plants and water lilies, river woods of willows, poplars and oaks; this area is full of life, colours, birds, frogs and mammals. Isola Bonello Pepoli at Bondeno and Porporana Wood, on the Destra Po route, are two nature reserves of the area: the second is an example of the ancient riverbank woods of wild plants and native herbs, which is today a poplar grove. Isola Bianca Reserve, dating from Este period, is one of the most ancient islands in Po river; it is an important area hosting several kinds of plants and herbs. The Po Delta Park landscape, along the last part of the river course, was modelled during the Renaissance and is still a good balance of water and land, spread with woods and swamps. This very special landscape, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, hosts several kinds of resident and migratory river birds, and Porcarafor birdwatchers. is a paradise Cycling along canal banks and though pine woods, you may experience a unique natural landscape, towards the sea as far as Goro lighthouse, on the Pilastri Adriatic shore. In the province of Ferrara, you should pay a visit to Mesola Wood, Sacca di Goro, Gorino and Comacchio lagoons. Walk, cycle and boat natural excursions start from all of these places. Malcantone Ponti Spagna Oasi Isola Bonello Pepoli Ravalle 20 Zerbinate Ferrara nature reserves and the Po Delta Park Fienili Zocca 0 FE 2 FE Ruina 20 6 Fossadalbero Sabbioni 0 FE 2 Pescara Francolino F Quattrelle Oasi Isola Bianca FE Porporana r P a n aro Burana Boara Codigoro Lidi di Comacchio Comacchio Salvatonica Pontelagoscuro Malborghetto di Boara San Biagio ve 20 Casaglia Diamantina A13 FERRARA NORD Settepolesini Ospitale Oasi Cava Sei Pontegradella Focomorto Mizzana Vigarano Pieve 1 FE 10 Bondeno Barco Parco urbano G. Bassani Ferrara o N 2s River S ecc Quistello Polirone monastery in San Benedetto Po is one of the most important Benedictine complexes in Northern Italy. It was Matilda of Tuscany to found the abbey, Schivenoglia which is also known as “Northern Montecassino”, and which hosts the Polirone Civic Museum, one of the largest ethnographic museums in Italy – with farm implements and period puppets. Matilda also built several Romanesque churches, such as parishes in Pegognaga, Quingentole and Pieve di Coriano, Comuna shrine in Ostiglia, Ghisione oratory San Rocco in Villa Poma, Sermide and Felonica parishes. Still, Nuvolato di Quistello is interesting for its Romanesque S. Fiorentino church and its museum. MN nic San Nicolò Po Parco Golene Foce Secchia MN 3s San Benedetto Po and Matilda of Tuscany’s lands Lame leo Po Nuvolato Caposotto E 20 po San Benedetto Po Fienili Ferrara is one of the most important Renaissance centres in Italy, whose structure was harmonized with an extraordinary city planning. The magnificent Este court has left a permanent heritage, such as the Addizione Erculea with the sumptuous Corso Ercole I d’Este, the Estense castle, and Palazzo Schifanoia frescoes. You should not miss a walk or cycle tour along the 9 km itinerary around the city walls, to discover towers, fortresses and earthworks. In 1995, Ferrara town centre became a UNESCO World Heritage Site, as a fine exemple of Renaissance urban planning, which retains its old town intact. This recognizement has then been extended to the Po Delta Park and the Residences of the Dukes of Este, examples of an extraordinary and original cultural landscape. River Po Na A 47 km long cycle track connects Mantua and Sabbioneta, the “Ciclovia Boccadiganda Mantova e Sabbioneta – Città dell’UNESCO”, running along scenic roads where cars too Borgoforte may go. In the surroundings, you may visit Vigoreto church and the impressive Villa Pasquali parish church. Gorgo Sermide Parco Golenale del Gruccione MN 2d vo Sabbioneta is a star shaped town 35 km far from Mantua. Planned and built by duke Vespasiano Gonzaga in late XVI century, it is an extraordinary example of ideal planned city, embellished with the prince’s buildings – such as the Ducal Palace, San Palazzo Cataldo Giardino, Galleria degli Antichi, Teatro all’Antica –, the Synagogue, and the Sacred Art MuRomanore seum, where Vespasiano’s Golden Fleece is held. Magnacavallo Santa Lucia Moglia Roversella Natural parks and reserves between Mantua and Ferrara rara bread, known as “coppia”, the “salama da sugo”, a local pork sausage, with mashed potatoes, “cappellacci”, a local pasta, stuffed with pumpkin; Mesola asparagus, Comacchio eel, and the tasty fish dishes of the Po Delta. Ca Sabbioneta San Giacomo Po Campione Cavo Diversivo Pieve di Coriano Quingentole San Siro Carbonara di Po Parco Golenale del Gruccione Ri Bellaguarda d Camatta Riserva Naturale Isola Boscone MN 8 2 MN Mirasole Bardelle 2d M Libiola MN 2s Correggio Micheli N In Bondeno, cross Cavo Napoleonico canal and proceed along the “Destra Po Route” as far as Pontelagoscuro. Museum – and the fishing ports in Goro and Gorino. In the surroundings, Mesola Wood lays; it is a unique coastal wood to be discovered on foot or by bike. Still, you may discover local tastes, such as the typical Fer- 20 Cappelletta o MN 1d Cerese di Virgilio Sustinente Bonizzo With its 120 kms running along Po right riverbank from Stellata to the sea, this is one of the longest cycle tracks in Italy. It is a flat itinerary almost exclusively for bicycles and easy to everyone. The most interesting stages, starting from Ferrara, are Ro – with its floating mill and its literary itineraries dedicated to Riccardo Bacchelli –, Guarda church, Berra and its “Porta del Delta” (the Delta door) in Serravalle – where the river mouth branches out – the nice Mesola castle – which today hosts the Wood and Deer FE 20 Diverting to the right, proceed from Soave towards Maglio along Diversivo canal bank; after crossing the bridge on Mincio river, proceed towards Sacca di Goito. Then follow the municipal road to Rivalta sul Mincio and the cycle track leading to Grazie, which is famous for its Marian shrine. Pietole Levata Mi nci Governolo Borgofranco sul Po Riserva Naturale Isola Boschina Revere ia San Silvestro A 43,5 km long itineraryCurtatone totally running on the cycle track along Mincio and canal banks, through Mincio River Natural Park. Starting from Peschiera, you may easily divert to see Ponti sul Mincio castle, Monzambano with its Della Scala castle and parish church, CastelLorenzo laro LaguselloSan – now a UNESCO World Heritage Site – and its small heart shaped lake, Cavriana, and Borghetto. In Volta Mantovana, you may appreciate Palazzo Gonzaga and the Italian garden. Serraglio Before getting to Mantua, you reach Bosco FonBuscoldo Pilastro tana, which was once a hunting ground of the Gonzaga family. Correggioli r Po Stellata di Bondeno is a compact village near the river, where the wonderful “Destra Po Route” starts from; here, you can also admire the star shaped fortress standing in the flood plain. You should pay a visit also to the archaeological museum, covering several ages. Crossing Panaro river – the last Po tributary – from Stellata, you get to Bondeno, the most ancient settlement in Ferrara province, whose history has always been strictly related to water. Today Bondeno hosts several fairs enhancing its traditional cookery. From Bondeno, you can take the fascinating shady cycle track along Burana canal to get to Ferrara through relaxing poplar groves. FE Peschiera - Mantua River Sabbioneta Torriana Bastia Parco del Mincio Andes Grazie Casale Garolda Formigosa Riserva Naturale Vallazza Lago Inferiore Rivalta sul Mincio 1d Rive Serravalle a Po Riserva Naturale Valli del Mincio MN 0,5 1:100.000 Stradella Porto Mantovano Parco d e l Mincio 0 Po river crosses lands and towns, entering Ferrara territory in Stellata di Bondeno, where the Panaro floods into it. Crossing orchards and fields, it gets to the Delta, in Goro, and then to the Adriatic Sea: here, the area is spread with irrigation canals and cycle tracks along their banks. 03 Fountain Po is the longest Italian river. Mincio river starts from Garda lake, makes three lakes around Mantua and floods into the Po in Governolo, where an impressive artificial basin, also known as ship lift, allows inland navigation towards San Benedetto Po. FE 2 City park Ro Mesola Lidi di Comacchio Comacchio Ferrara Po Marina FE20 Destra Po cycle track er Lay-by Vilimpenta Mantua had its highest glory during the long Gonzaga’s domination, from XIV to XVIII century. The Ducal Palace, with the attached castle, is one of the largest Italian archiPradello tectural complexes. The Prince Itinerary is a walk and cycle itinerary passing by the cathedral, S. Andrea basilica, Giulio Romano’s Loggias on the Rio canal, S. Sebastiano, Mantegna’s house and Palazzo Te, not to say about Romanesque San Lorenzo rotunda, Palazzo d’Arco and XVIII century Bibiena theatre. Roncoferraro In 2008 Mantua andBreda Sabbioneta became UNESCO World Heritage Sites, as they offer an extraordinary example of Renaissance architecture and town Nosedole planning, connected by Gonzaga’s ambitions and ideas. Stellata and Bondeno Riv Conservation area N MN Natural park Natural spot The rivers: Mincio and Po M Soave Cultural spot Railway station Mantua, a UNESCO World Heritage Site Gazzo 3d 1a Natural reserve Ri MN Riserva Naturale Bosco Fontana Services for cycle tourists MN Bypass Dirt bypass Planned bypass Tourist office 2s Marmirolo Cycle Network route Route with traffic roads MN Peschiera del Garda Oasi Vigarano FE 101 Cassana Porotto Cocomaro di Focomorto Cocomaro di Cona Gavello Ponte Rodoni Ferrara-Adriatic Sea Scortichino Vigarano Mainarda Running from Ferrara on cycle tracks and low traffic roads along Po river, you pass by delicious villas such as Villa Mensa in Sabbioncello, nice villages such as Tresigallo, a jewel of Italian Modern Archi- tecture, charming nature reserves such as Anse Vallive in Ostellato. Still, you cross picturesque places such as Migliaro, Migliarino, Massa Fiscaglia and, beyond Codigoro, you already see the bell tower of Pomposa Abbey, a very attractive complex frescoed by Giotto’s school. Not far from the sea, beside the lagoon, you may visit Comacchio and its peculiar centre spread with bridges and canals. i Andes Dosolo Ri Suzzara River Po Borgofranco sul Po Revere Quingentole Pieve di Coriano Quistello Carbonara di Po Berra Felonica Sermide Stellata River Valli del Mincio tel. +39 0376 653491 www.insolitomincio.it Published by Province of Mantua Province of Ferrara Printed by Italia Tipolitografia, Ferrara Graphics by Noemastudio, Ferrara Last update 09.05.2012 Ferrara Lake Garda Peschiera del Garda Mantua Ferrara Further information can be found on the tourism website of the routes. tel. +39 0532 299303 [email protected] www.ferrarainfo.com Copparo Jolanda di Savoia Contrapò Sabbioncello Tresigallo San Vittore Final di Rero Migliarino Lidi di Comacchio PROVINCE OF FERRARA Adriatic Sea tel. +39 0376 432432 [email protected] www.turismo.mantova.it PROVINCIA DI FERRARA Zocca Francolino Bondeno Vigarano Pieve Accommodation Ro P Pomponesco Viadana Po Serravalle P o D e lt a Park PROVINCIA DI FERRARA From Lake Garda to the Adriatic Sea e k i b y b along the rivers between Mantua and Ferrara di G oro Mesola 1st STAGE from Peschiera del Garda to Mantua km 43,5 ¹ 2h 54’ Goro Codigoro Pomposa Massa Fiscaglia landscape. Near Ro, you may admire the Mill on the Po, inspired by Riccardo Bacchelli’s famous novel. The river flows calmly till Serravalle, where it branches out in two: one branch flows northwards to Venice, the other, the Po di Goro, flows southwards. This river fork is called Porta del Delta; from here you proceed along Po di Goro riverbank towards Mesola, famous for its elegant Este castle. The river runs southwards for 10 km through the Po Delta Park. Then you keep on as far as Goro and Gorino, which are focused on fishing and green tourism, passing by a pontoon bridge to the Veneto province. From Gorino, you may proceed by boat towards the Adriatic Sea to the lighthouse. Valle Bertuzzi Po Delta Park Comacchio Valli di Comacchio Sacca di Goro 2nd STAGE from Mantua to Ostiglia km 43,5 ¹ 2h 54’ Gorino Volano Lido di Volano Lido delle Nazioni Lidi di Comacchio Lido di Pomposa Lido degli Scacchi Porto Garibaldi Lido degli Estensi Lido di Spina A dri a ti c Sea PESCHIERA DEL GARDA 7 MN 1 River Mincio 7 Governolo River Mincio 3rd STAGE from Ostiglia to Stellata km 35,5 ¹ 2h 22’ Revere San Benedetto Po km 43,5 Sabbioneta 6th STAGE from Ro to Serravalle km 25,5 ¹ 1h 42’ 7th STAGE from Serravalle to Mesola km 21,5 ¹ 1h 26’ Motteggiana River Po 8 MN 2d Stellata km 122,5 8 FE 20 River Po Francolino Ro FE 20 FERRARA km 150 0 5 1:625.000 10 km FE 20 Serravalle km 171,5 FE 101 Bondeno Po di Goro 8 Mesola km 197 Codigoro FE 218 COMACCHIO Valli di Comacchio GORINO km 240,5 km 218,5 Lido di Volano Pomposa 9th STAGE from Mesola to Comacchio km 44 ¹ 2h 56’ km 262,5 Bologna 8th STAGE from Mesola to Gorino km 22 ¹ 1h 28’ km 87 7 MN 1d 5th STAGE from Ferrara to Ro km 21,5 ¹ 1h 26’ Ostiglia MN 2s MANTUA 4th STAGE from Stellata to Ferrara km 27,5 ¹ 1h 50’ Lido delle Nazioni Lido di Pomposa Lido degli Scacchi FE 417 Canale Navigabile Migliarino Ostellato Porto Garibaldi Adriatic Sea Sabbioneta Rovigo Ostiglia FE 20 Casalmaggiore Governolo Sustinente River Panaro Bagnolo San Vito River Secchia Pietole Rimini MN 2d Grazie Cerese di Virgilio L o w e r Oglio Rive r S. Giacomo Po R e giona l P a r k Borgoforte Commessaggio Motteggiana San Benedetto Po San Matteo delle Chiaviche Forlì Mantua River Po Consorzio Navi del Delta Excursions by motorboat in Po Delta tel. +39 0533 81302 Olympusaquae [email protected] tel. +39 0376.681121 M/N Andrea Doria www.olympusaquae.it tel. +39 0533 313514 Girolibero mob. +39 360 331988 holidays by boat - bike [email protected] from Mantua to Venice Comacchio tel. +39 0444 323639 Natural and historical www.girolibero.it itinerary by boat in the Motorboat NENA Delta lagoons mob. +39 347 7139988 mob. +39 340 2534267 [email protected] [email protected] r O gl Soave is spread with pear trees, melon plants, Grana Padano and Parmigiano Reggiano dairies, Lambrusco winegrowers’ cooperatives. Bonizzo, a small village in southern province of Mantua, hosts the Truffle Museum. The province of Ferrara starts in Stellata di Bondeno; here the cycle track becomes the “Destra Po Route” on the right riverbank. It is one of the longest cycle itineraries in Italy and is a part of Eurovelo project; it starts from the star shaped Rocca Possente fortress. After crossing Panaro river, you get to Bondeno, where you may take the walk and cycle track along Burana canal as far as Ferrara. Its town centre is charming and tranquil, with many bicycles, and no car access. From here you may proceed to the sea, cycling towards Francolino and then along the “Destra Po Route” through a fascinating from there, you may take several deviations to explore nature and history along the morainal hills towards Mantua. From the lake banks in Mantua, you proceed towards Bagnolo San Vito, where the important Forcello archaeological park lays. Here you finally meet Po river, proceeding along Mincio left riverbank towards Governolo and passing over the lock. The itinerary keeps on along the Po left riverbank as far as Ostiglia, then Revere – and its Po river museum –; crossing the iron bridge, you get to Quatrelle along Po right riverbank. The Truffle Route celebrates a very special produce of Oltrepo area, while the landscape MN 23 Trenitalia www.trenitalia.com Ferrovie Emilia Romagna www.fer-online.it Inland navigation companies Motonavi Andes Negrini tel. +39 0376 360870 www.motonaviandes.it Navi Andes di Giuliano Negrini e C. tel. +39 0376 324506 www.naviandes.com I Barcaioli del Mincio tel. +39 0376 349292 www.fiumemincio.it Associazione Per il Parco tel. +39 0376 225724 www.perilparco.com Rive Adriatic Sea Bologna Mincio Rive r N a t ur a l P a r k Lago di Mezzo Verona “V. Catullo“ www.aeroportoverona.it Comacchio Marengo Goito Rivalta sul Mincio Lidi di Comacchio Ferrara Parma o Parma “G. Verdi” www.aeroportoparma.it Rimini “F. Fellini” www.riminiairport.com Treviso “A. Canova“ www.trevisoairport.it Venezia “M. Polo” www.veniceairport.it Ferrara Castello Estense | tel. +39 0532 299303 [email protected] www.ferrarainfo.com Mesola P.tta S. Spirito, 3 | tel. +39 0533 993358 [email protected] Codigoro Abbazia di Pomposa | Via Pomposa Centro, 1 tel. +39 0533 719110 | [email protected] Comacchio Via Mazzini, 4 | tel. +39 0533 314154 [email protected] Pozzolo io By plane By bus Bologna (Shuttle Bologna Airport-Ferrara), Atc www.atc.bo.it | tel. +39 0532 599490 Forlì, Rimini, Treviso, Venice, Verona By car By train Highway A13 Bologna – Padua Trenitalia exits Ferrara Nord and Ferrara Sud Venice – Florence – Rome Access road Ferrovie Emilia Romagna (A13 Ferrara Sud) Ferrara – Porto Garibaldi Mantua – Ferrara – Codigoro National road SS 309 Romea connection between Lidi di Comacchio Bergamo “Orio al Serio” www.sacbo.it Bologna “G. Marconi” www.bologna-airport.it Forlì “L. Ridolfi” www.forliairport.com Montichiari “G. D’Annunzio” www.aeroportoverona.it/brescia PROVINCE OF MANTUA Province of Ferrara FERRARA and LIDI DI COMACCHIO Venice Verona Lago Superiore By car Highway A22 Brenner – Modena exits Mantova Nord, Mantova Sud, Pegognaga Highway A4 Milan – Venice exits Desenzano, Sirmione, Peschiera and Verona Sud Highway A1 exits Parma Est and Reggio Emilia Volta Mantovana PaduaTreviso Mantua Borghetto di Valeggio sul Mincio Cavriana a By train Trenitalia Verona – Bologna Mantua – Milan Mantua – Padua Ferrovie Emilia Romagna Mantua – Ferrara By bus Apam www.apam.it | tel. +39 0376 2301 Secchi By plane Bergamo, Bologna, Montichiari, Parma, Venice, Verona Villafranca Lake G a rda Peschiera del Garda Bergamo Monzambano Solferino River MANTUA Venice Brescia Castiglione delle Stiviere A tour cycle itinerary running from Veneto to Emilia Romagna, crossing Lombardy, touching Lake Garda, Mincio and Po rivers, and two Renaissance cities on the water: Mantua and Ferrara. Mantua and Ferrara, which are UNESCO World Heritage Sites, were connected for a long time in past centuries because of marriages and alliances between Gonzaga and Este families; but they were also strictly connected with artistic and literary ties. Still, rivers and canals crossing their territories have always been fundamental for agriculture and communication and trades. Water actually characterizes this itinerary: Mincio in Mantua, Po in Ferrara and then the Adriatic Sea. You may easily and slowly travel by bike or by boat to better appreciate this peculiar territory. From the lake to the sea, from lake and morainal landscape around Mincio river to the majestic calm of Po stream and the relaxing Adriatic shores. The cycle track starts in Peschiera del Garda; n Verona Peschiera del Garda Province of Mantua Mantua Piazza Mantegna, 6 tel. +39 0376 432432 | sms +39 329 0189367 [email protected] www.turismo.mantova.it Castiglione delle Stiviere Via Perati, 13 | tel. +39 0376 944061 www.iataltomantovano.it Sabbioneta Piazza d’Armi, 1 | tel. +39 0375 52039 www.iatsabbioneta.org San Benedetto Po Piazza Matilde di Canossa tel. +39 0376 623036 www.oltrepomantova.it Monti Le r Po By car By train Highway A4 Milan – Venice Trenitalia exit Peschiera del Garda Directly from Northern Italy main stations Highway A22 Brenner – Modena exit Affi Piazzale Betteloni, 15 tel. +39 045 7551673 [email protected] i ss io By bus Aptv www.atv.verona.it | tel. +39 045 8057811 ve By plane Bergamo, Montichiari, Venice, Verona Villafranca Lake Garda Peschiera del Garda (VR) Lake Garda Tourist offices PESCHIERA DEL GARDA River Min c Getting here Porto Garibaldi Lido degli Estensi Lido di Spina Mantova, un territorio che accoglie United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Ferrara, città del Rinascimento e il suo Delta del Po Mantova e Sabbioneta in bici per l’ambiente