May - Arkansas Ultra Running Association
May - Arkansas Ultra Running Association
The CATSMACKER THE ARKANSAS ULTRA RUNNER X!2a00 A Nade Fe Aia6d.:fth. lrtu atb.tunter,lbed EIGtlHCrt: rtdin rtuRA nab6 ed .enbd oi Frs@ ril ittld . fi@q datlg d 630 .! A@ t!. or.ffi. Ttdfiprl !di.g toi r I-.l. Tt !aEd6.N bzlc@ I e not 10096 e dri! tud. td Sr&.ihi!..!@ {tn it f,il t .@trl" loE foEr S*i. rod. ad oldLrgiqM& Idrddinnbtb 20 dl6, lt G *{ b...hdl{ XiB" m tur 6..G i/tD E mt !! to soilE tL fd de... Ili f, t.8oodo&E ME8SAGE trRoM TI|E r'r.y 2d, Sta -d etuy lctl* of y@ f,to tw dlmd 6r Ut I'dl S6ir'Kq&d Q@ ofdE Lr idtl AU& 6c nEd. .! dl t irs wc!.!il @ &d I lil sd t!@ ro yo! dt@ np.dL. AtuG cd.dirsMt]ld a& tr.*i[!dd.!fr.&goryf.r ib 60 ad oE .gc g@F-ICnelAE, d6, Trilrsr4pa lb&r. rrlrlibdT rD.yirD3d. ldo@rideddi@[email protected] d. Ld yqw wld @. c.d& PiElhdfoldiig tu @ w. & oldiig d doiig {* .re6i16. r)o E inraE Ed iniini's_IrrE m d*.1' n' ffi lwm llma |Ilrtr!. rlrdr r; dlo.idrE: id *E mlql f!@ lvrBhr w.ytEE_ annr h Ify@oh!s@,cioq oll6d E n6r nrd yqoEldcbiscloinJ{.itfor}q! li A gol4 noa odihe 6 foE hoE i.. gld s8y b o.p dltr d.y. On Aldf 2f ft trd r.paiil dry.l@e 6r.tdq ofLf. O!&h SEE Eltolo t@d li. In &ay Nd l\,!oEdn Fa R@ Id uir...hdt ir irbrilltir! !l.rra. achihdi..lncqhirpodm{irodo.!ir Fdnir R.rt l i! Gl@ood(l-8t7-20r-9t49). !fuAUR ffiEEoLdo[st d*riLdI!!Ej!!AIrEaNrib6. "Vrytot, AI-IRA HOROSCOPE CEne.iI-UEtrld d6y &.9.d !p@ y@ nd! ,iEl @id lad iiD/h6lo & dnboL LElDdnE you !d &.6il.e. ylq *i[ b. l! ugrrt of ab ArdB Ar., ARIE&Y@ t&Etb*.E yd.d. mt SCORPIO-Y@ tB 6e t qrtE" dd n dEh b. lh. rieL li@ lo b& yoE m&. '@i!g rwlldrF*6; Nu6.rIF^IIE AURA..... frEi+"srw dle pd. AURA Profile-r.on * Ou AURA b'orid, JEtrIlornAi i. !.!ror ofFtrd Brpliit clnucl itr aeult4 iite.' W. clriD tiE {.n Uln Rl!ffi a h! ta [email protected] orlE rh. oEcrrlr Tail50 a *€ll a mry of rte L,ltri TBil scrinr rin . Reidy lbd a E-"nl er.dom sirh hi6 &d rh. frlloEe h p{t of ou A&A !!ta*{: adr,ldr! vhd,'tu. I' h I te flte rla,i/E rE, N h a@L olo'lh',.,,.,11eM6 ctrlm.honio6Jflrr&a.hymi'[email protected] A&rs. ,IlEh.?.ofrurEE@s r&rsbdd.dEyiaima [email protected] Fiot [email protected] ru l?'. lr$ tttw M haat "DM st@cr it,r.t@l at no2...-l..nqiCdEv.iiurri.nwiiiriiE ldin Mdidltu dotluEg 6. hhln rr{r6.d [email protected]!IlatEynad Ddbdr!Iroldrdr6tu,^rt BdBnybht[n sh.r.*mrp@'yofttr,mdhr ,ElE ofd.,a 6rM B d &: ..Idrlr. ylaullw @ 6 dr.t,,t b.2...1usoiisromnmFdtSoibioW!*M.Eie IrilM o fiEhr.y 6ab Cdply, md nF ddrlwh l,ird. Ro.L Linb.,mnECrh[Rddnlm8htnd. Ro.t6n @ @ 6. BEdlwlyhid8e inb Noih l,id. Aod ddit lq!{!]rlbv.dMaroi' r h@ r. m 35 r, 4orn6 i dry. a rrdddrli.dGldp. Noddytli.a.paid ftnl6har.bBhim.r.nd&m [email protected]. laoEsqmiEzl!2JrneferyldEm. t @ sirE b rs* w io 6 816 dany 6r Ey ir.Lly.hdtm I m rh. ordibTnil J0 LE rA!r, e. I hlr6drnEn6I q. I mE ing btu 600e0{, u.r.2d3J0 psri6o3onidrEb,alfeDIDL Iifri! A<}@ b6md!d m dl d Ddt ofnrih*. I bntnE bE !.opL r hm lrtri''8 enn E.46 dly dr. sata Ey dm6d6[!&lid. l.&[email protected].,t.yr,i, Yhdirwwtu@Mteh.,tadFds !A7....Wa]ItE &D&!;.dGfly&trhIaIn E i.drd li6 dE lidis FedniqrnhEiadnfln nEit, G6rk.d.trEs *idl &.l rith ltdir I noF b.i& ndry, M rut hopc. cidn! Si6rimukftjlapcruilyrofl6!iMi.g&tuofhiF. Ihor.nymriniBDiGo$ft ro llrudrnd@ Iluywrbdd[t !onrL.ddEri6iorherr&tuFMdaiidpl@uEcioe mdlIilswi&dviifddiMtdlilneql E6.i jrh@s399@ndlgn tr(r/0)3l7r71. AI]RA QIIEST]ON OF TIIE MONIH &}.qdoEuadFdLrhttu,b. rhc fol.dr'iog odDd! ir Ma 4FrFiac u!.g. dyd u&b lle$... ClEl orly @. ,b&. l. UEe.@ur@tu . tm fd @.nI4. dl&r,,a od&s4EEa.!mr( ) 2. 15% it!.oun @ Mk Thil S116 *-t*t Fd F.4.( ) 3, Ai.t StdG F!ftMe n rhe b*@ta lr@da 100 ML Foe n@.(t 4. oi.AE r64&am e.Biglt t() I" M.y'3 Qu.did: Wlic! of AURA Twtai Edlionj Nu!6 4-ItE AURA.-.. fieiGtog r@ ohom paih- ULTRACORNER AIIRA oeabers otr the nm this past eonth Gmsslands Rrm@-t".r*)r2'zooo 50 ML l0 ML sc,Lri. Amerioan Riva 50 l2Pne Clridy 9r FcrEu.o932 r. D.v.Ceh 5:l!a2 5l&50 F J::921 r. ,.*nl,6dd, 5:0713 L+Iiqs 6!?.19 'i. 7. Sr4hE; slnrbqly 6t0:9 F 3 Pandt Brctintd 6,1127 F 9. Bln!\l]listulir c2o:,13 P r0. leyrr.hy n2tiAl rl. Ei.PcnE 610:06 u. o,ysas 6:n$1 13. r.'l!rH.thn 6:5.t 1,1, ChkBdi. 6:,t3J3 F It D.,id&ril! 6-6.1, 15. J.afTn@e &!taj lr. PrDfttr n 6:,15:51F 19. riEGdE 7$6'OJ ,. n!6.6sFin ,1. c@iLYdhEUeh 7JIl9F 22. n.bAplL T3t6 21 D.rinc,ld 75230 2! RoDM*r!.Lr 25, J@Le 3:o€:o P 26. f,ib Fi-h6 ltr.jsh 6ri!b 50 Mile and 50Km 2. Jobrf,giak 3. li LMEdl 1 w6Lyk taua 2:3r t5 Mle staFdgleTio:I2 o4ohila willim for (hisy air r',ro0o OILD Benton Track Ono Hour/Six Hour Track Asn 22, 200GP.l! Irdd4 Rtrl Rs Di@te !6rlsn darr.d of hou alY ad colBld 44 mil6 u the 161 a ss rhe ft!! ALrR{ E!' si' t * -a sO rOt aii"t -ao 7 llo$. th.2.iBigsh.,t hil6. lo cmrL& lho l-Eou M tih a dilirre d .ALRA'. chnlsy lnke MoMutry Tr6il Ruo 2000 50K 25K The Hickory Nut Mountam 20 miler (Eubie's Run) S.tud,,. AFn 2.l - 8:00.8 lin61 ofA*,e rfiB Rull@ g.dH€d ,1 UE cr!$al sFntgB C&Paodd rdnn d ,:55 .h 6d @iEd drElihr fim S@ F[}mk t}x rh. clrlN firn TLi! Eodd tL d, our to o. ro, otrtLo.r xur MohiiiD o*noot .dd l,n ".rl wdcr rop cqy rtudlc.' banlifril loild. Wc had. &it ba.l cole @ forBt h ec a{'u dd a LieL df, Whd a pdftct .lA. tr'. lco lEry cool dr. pa* &d .!dr . qldln of. drc out rc cELd @ fBl glolb ta&Ir nr tL6 Or@tiE NltidEl Fct Et of I-idE Roct, rhc t din Si@ E (tuo.i Msry nic! (sl@Ur sysan . tdl E4'ix nol8E!.) bu b.ditulrcUitrstdn *oina lh., f,u1ro Thc f,€46f, mlle lol o!r!s !'6i! &mrtE eitto lh. Tho ir wdd mi* iqddE duxd! t@ud. t t.. ft qhd s rc..h.d rhc Eotqy Nd ME o\Etioo! |!c xI t !E $t *i€ pdlfu ofL&c Owhir& Iab ru. crydrl c16 d.y &drne 6od &d ish& d in Lbaw wylir:blq. Buti. msr u *i[ , m&, n.M!t, bigd!, olna necha .nd ffi E5rd. It wB i@losue ml l,o d.lry the rcth fd lO hiNl4 ad 1,tc h lL€ liEw b.fc lsding b&! dlm th! fdHr rdix ro.d to lh. tr i.i. Mo€t oflh. trrlffi goaio hde or'.i $c !idi@ ed ti6n i:kc h ih. old d.$. Wc *h @d ro rctm 6 rhiE E iniig ground 6d Tqrclnn E&iqE }llftbd 4-Thc AUAA.-.. ihnidlitrg yN c1iog Pnrh- 5 t4!.dd@'@.drb barny ofl& ordln &dth& CD!|.l [email protected] llE !E.!!d! F&d ftr !md! tildne; 6'ths, FdditSDodt, dd.qiig W. Dd !o codda. wd64 t ti$ ihit &rat!.! @4 &r e tn !E.rrl dde.--{$ P.!,rn &y ULTRARACECALENDAR r\ li'ri'E.fuhr rdin rrho.d tu@dilg G-.) {Plr6 E EniE.r rEeEl k S-br6. ) d 2!oo b&'.tu& V.i!r.., T@!M. C@!.r: C.jrc.tdl Al@t@rbd[o!cdgldi.g.ielo.dlogploor'lrforlh.ric! D..trlctny8ood i!& ioE,Ite laec te db tr. w. d[ C& 6 eoiig &d @qir8.!otd r0 DjLg Au Ih..r!tIrrldi : I-2,1s.d tNrtsi!., Erit r05 io Whi46ilcorls c@ercut! tr5.0o !a.@L{lan). l-ru+223. M!v2d.20oo Tlc@a. 22 Dil6(!t!,hie) @ r6!d $q{ic! R..ds. [email protected]{tiiglold!,lo8tvi.. sladd frkry Fsrr!@, R.e Dicldr. No o&y. Ndord Ttdt tut v..rad 6to lEId6Rrra. Albdl Pitr crqsME4 o!r.e lrdb.l FBBi La8&y, Attu{. S6 ido &d .iEcli@ i! MIv f ,ttua.,Ml',aus,r. 3ttu{tukdM)@FGtsdio. W*,M R6d4 8{Ope i.rttrmll.olD.h'LTrdllatioSloa.lLLsttlia 20OrIJlt. Tdl Sab #1. No at$ m 4udl ARKANSAS TRAI/EILER lOO DIARY adi.nih nr. Th. re 4dieiid fd nm od dnd. !d rs odLd tB f x!* oflt {(t- rAURA Ddba! e deiE6.ddbsrt b.ltir.rdnafr NoctEr6!.sr.d.t*Ic 'e.0tiri, tt@i&Edr IIn b6! @ fplicde6d8 .rp@ilglt!@lLalordry 6i! doo6 I hllr iE irod rb. sFdd uE Prdir iE rh. usFs tu rh. 2(m 1T100. I!. !..t te P.tdioo D. b6 ,!d.d fd Sedty Cldo6.. Zd.n lr,@!tl tt* ad Ei[.!dy ltir qEd( io ltc USAT&F fd @ ErdiD &!.& diceae, NqirD n It*2d@deiig: sd !p ! Eliitrgpi6 To@, , D:E fudE D6t[ d D6Dry-T1i. it nE eAtlBAD.@bc! Je ad nfi"8rirt!&.r.gpr Ih6 iElFdr od I'D aoiIg io hdd dt f6 Srirt be dk n @ dd,rdo !wo, T*$n E lni6t N6D.r &-TI!. AURA,.,,. lbDirlri.g yM ds6 p.6, lNodcc to ATTENIION! R.lirEc! dd st!ck6. Ilifr i! ! Gi! Il !99'-!r! $'r lmc of lh. :!'4. rctai.g.66. dre.djutrinsloDrj:iir s.!io8E TiG Th. prcbleh i' dl,!m.fl E w*hg Ep'l yc bblogic.! lim.-t:m t.h.. o n0 t n. DLS lna ,@ b,BLt rl ofttr&' ad d! nd blils ce olbuiN n is apPtMI) 16r!@LbJ i lnin*iie dod .dins r I :0o th. Ch*h,Be. Wc win tt-v n 6. tlm lim Th. }I,ft!.r: car.l rbiDr Sdir. Nrii le ll:oo@ I8 a&ia n !o Eo robLJa,lbr oEdo&d I t rrTil-rrr _.1 2OOO ARKANSAS TRA\,IEITER 1OO lL Mtr.E FOOT RACE ?.1ME: ENTRY FEE: i12O00. Libitd .Drry. Spei,l Rr€ Memaro La*. Sylvii Retrarion Aro, Ouachira Natioml io lhe fi6t For.n. !5 100 otuh mites *ho !rc ,*krerd v6r of l? mile lmp followed by 33 sile. our d b€ck. Mounhjnous tdqi eryiE Eads. jep hos dd 7 mres of thc Ouachiu TEil. 24 aid statims. 30 hor curofl Ptaqls b tnc fid f.nre ud nat. frisber. sFci.t buckls ro sub 24 hdr inish.6. BrcE bDckl.s to 30 hour 6nirt. Fatw.tnbno on dtd.t Arlostu Uth Ruming Alscia on urtl. RocL Arkmsas 72227 Cbad.y P.ytoo (501) 25-6649 [email protected], hnP://svw.tug.rft .@/al3/ar1(Ir 20fo En6 if i Ti# E&riq !n!!$d +-,TLc AUR^,,... llcinding ye cno6:n ?iri |tr_frNUIAL NATANAL TM,LS DAY CELEBRAT,ON ALBERT PIKE RECREATION AREA OUACHITA NAT'ONAL FOREST 8 Att - SATURDAY, JUNE 3, 2000 AMPHITIIEATER TRAI BRIEFtr'lG BEGINS AT THE AISERT PIKE (MAPS & DESCRTPTIoN oF rHE HIKE/RI Iq!tsSE!14!LEE!EqVqLEDI 7145 AM REGISTRATION BEGINS AT 7 AM NEAR TI{E ALBERT PIKE AMPH]THEATER AI-L NTD EIENTS ARE FREE _- NO ENTRY FEES, NO T-SHIRTS, NO AWARDS 19.MILE "BRUSHHEAP MOUNTNN" CHALLDNGE Thb keyhote course begins at the speed bump in Arca "C" of the Albett Pike Recrcatiol Are.L The course crosses the Lisle Mitsoun Rivet bridge within the Recreation Area on Road 106 aLd contirtues (2 miles) to the "Winding Stnils" Traithead The course then leaves ihe rcad to lhe W lollous the Liale Missoun -,'ail (crossirrg the Litle Missoai "WiU" River at 2.5 miles) lot 3 niles: then fight across the Lidle Missoui "Wild" River ot the Viles Branch Truitfor 3.5 miles; the right on the Athens-Big Fork Truil fot 3.2 ,niles; then igh, on Road 106 for 6.3 ,nilzs .Winding Stairs" Trailhead) back to the starrit g point it the Albert Pike Qrast the Recrcatio Area- This cha e ging course incla.les ttl,o tiwr ctussings,15 cruek crusings antt otet fow nountaintops (Btushheap Moat tuin, Brushy Mountairt" and Leadet Mounuifi (tb'ice), PleLse do not attempt lhis couBe utless you aru in excellent physical cottditiorl Reconme d rutning only ifyou have compleud a Marathorl lraterbill be provided at srat 2,6' &5' 11.7,16 nilzs and the ish alea. 64ILE "WINDING STAIRS" OUT & MCK RIVER CHALIENGE This out-an.l-bock cou6e begins at the "Winding Stoirs" Truilheod uthich is 2 miles fftn ,r lbeta Pike Re.rcation Areo on Road 106 (gravel). This couse inclules scenic views fron ...e cliffs obove the Little l issouri "wild" River. lnclu.les a footbrictge crossing of Blaylock Crcek onct wa.tins the Liatle l{issouti River twice. TIr€ 3-nile ntmaround *iU be at the inte$ection of the Little ttissouti Truil ond tlr€ Viles Bronch Ttoil. Therc will be a Forest seNice ernDlovee at the tufiaround. Water available ot this clpclooint. a f For further information rbout thes€ National Trails Day everts, cempfug areas, etc. contact the Caddo Ranger District offrce iD Gletrwoo4 Arkansas rt 870-356-4186. Directions Flm Hot sprilgs rake gigbway ?0 w*t 36 nil6 rnrcugh Gl.nwood lo Sal.D, Tud pest or tlighway 84 od go 13 miles to Leglc, At tagl.y tlE norn @ tlgbBy 369 ald go 6 bilcs