lnnnodation Nxs \ri i.rly olrhe rhir.t \orld v.rietn 2les the \izc!r Ilutthcn, Dost brdgct suidcbook\ doni furio,, \,iih n. "-,." "",i. .,a p gko. Ltur ll$oft. rhn)k p,r_, :ici,-.'1,it.::-"":jr :."nn ",a---"* sentlyn drebtucze Think t.rN\).,ttrout dre "_,,,* vc,;."nJlft;,;,1;:: L . A,'., lrr..ha ..,. 'rc,. t., .,. , ,. ,, ,r,. ,^.,i".,; .:;t,.,;,,, . 'tr.or,l..,rL.M,l \,r i,.r. 1,t.., . , ... .-.ll-'loq tnquonc \qt$ ... . r...,notM 1"li, rh. . .. r ^, .. r. ( \.,,.t,,,,,,r",1.,.i. o, ':h ri..h'...l .,r.. 'r.i,rt 'vrt.,rl ...-,v |.p,.,ro,.,. .,o hr rh-o{a{.... . |,, r... ... ..,,.o,, .., r,.:i5( ror'rtl.Jr.\! ^tJr .,r.r.,'.. 1t\.,t.,.^,,t T\. unr ..{,..d,.\ rt,.,., \ t, i..,. ,t"r.,. , ,,.. . tr.r,. t1,, -t r t.,,, .r.r r,o.rt .!,.f d..,t. (,, . r,r.,.r.. r .p,rr rt ,p.,,...,.,p,, I, r...rr"^tr,..r... ri. d y. rr , . h 'orl t. I _. .lr'.'. ., h . 1 Y,-," o,Ul,,'or,'ljdlh,joU.,'l,''lll,,\ ,'rvrrrr.. 1...^o,,hr...r.,t... :( U.,,p r,r,., ,,, , ,J.l ldtcy dolti.\ on trn errcDdcd liv ^v.., ,'o,-.1. \,.,o, \... | ,\t....d tr..rrr.,h. rt,._or rll rI !k ,h,f\, n(\ *L,Jd ,,,I t, rd,i _ &rt fd rhc Ncmge \rsscd out utbtrnirc, I,trnskoi L r 1\ defiruelvtr.hnnk grcnp ofBrifih An$,r_vt orhe.veD Thrnrvhrt1 cnr;th.Nebc.n llke.l,cfore TV mfii..PDs Dd thr hot(, nr th. ozonc lx)€r. And.[.like n., rou'vcjLrr cndur.d whit nu{ bc tfic cn;p] cst Welllnsron wnnc. on ,rcord. rtreD rtrc br1,u t0+ dcs,t. r",.p , -. .'d.r.. Id -. . h . .,r.. , r. ,t L,...,r 'r $/'1.'.'.'r ora, i,...,, , ,. \,. ,, . .,t ..,,,,.. p ,. ,.. .{ ,, , Ld (hh(., ,.'.s'l 'r..1,o,, l,ri ..',...t'.h. .f,,,trt,,.,. ,.\.,.,-,, o.,i rhrl .,.t.,,. to, \,,oo..,r ^1 it{.\. ,d r r ',1.d ii h. ()1..r r.,,t, o,., V., ,t,,,. t..,, (.rr...j. 1,. .tL,rr.rri . rl'.) i:,t|r. t, " -,r t1;,:r;or s.r. .-1'.,, pdoo..l,.Il i,'orlj,1o... .. \,r,..t t.,.l.o oll+',nljbu,L,,hch.,lj.tudt!.A!r..ih.h.,.1 .,1:... r,.,.,,,'1.,, o.\,.1, t..,,..,'.,joP,,.,t .\t. P' r,.d ,brtr.o n^,i. I r.,,.d ,,r.r ud btusr, the suites .ontun, Iords otMtrhysi., thcD)es - i..lL,il ,ng$e woodcn DnnlrlirDes tud.mb .tdvcd hnlb_ J,.,n.. ..,r r\.i do,',ro,,,s1,.....^, . But n\ the trrtcniior to rrrtrl re;Iv s.t\ l,rnsto. Lilt JD'.60, o r- .,r.,.(t5,,,.'r.J, .rr. ... ,.. ..,r ol (.hl.uj',rlr hp.p) \^', ,...,,.,,,,,..,.,. orp.,,, foutrwhich rppefiin ttr-oo.r cr.hdav in.rtll,;r.s. ofitrrtr 1,.,. r, r o,.o' ... I r o'...d. ... ir.., r. ,h..-..o. ) '10r".r,bro\r .to,. ur L o..d"^,...,t,-b,-1,,\ni.n nsernr ihc prvre .obblc.l .ourtvN rn Nnh whnc wrh.d rvrlh 127 that rdJorx etrch moDr. I spent nttrnv an hotrr sotrknrg up the even,ns breezes rnd Mtchnrg thc sr$ r$inklc Thrnlifullnrllroonxrr€atel.vniont;ee-zon..bu.1;r die- L r hs a b.seDreDt T\r .oorl !v,th r widc s.l..tion of v,d.os. hard lounge ]i2ads. Pa.gkor whi.h .onics .ompletc llootu\ rre. hoNever eqnUt.d rviih: (:l) phyer cu choose rhcnnntri.lx,I drc ($hich also stocks r unse olbo.rd books rsor\ ud nagrz,ncr. and gucsrs .ompurunsed libnry gdne\ rnd nnrtti ti.surl Unlike orher reso j, rh.,e\ no prclsu1t o. quc\rs to -get involvcd'. So if you vc co,tre to chill o(t (or you hN,e rhe sportnrg nNtind\ ofr nnil). dreD lolLng on rhe b.adr wnh I long .oo1 dr k and good book n pc iftl). e..eprtrbh. l'rogko. Ltrur hrs four bcrches. but rhc a |riprrrr a \. sl.r., J . ^, d or .. vo to. .r . , ' Ir\'on the orher sirle olthe "r rlanrt. up rcvenisteep in.hres. so hit h . ride on rhe r.sotr\ jeef G i..c md onbetrches. I^' to Ser ..,p, r d' . 'Lc o. rd.."_u oL. .h , r, .,,.'.. rcur hert pun,ting nrh,ding renDis. ludr o. r How Io cet Maaysan Ar lines ily from Auckland to KLala Lumpurihree tfres a week. A return ticket costs $1299. bur ch-..k wirh travel agents for bargains, The resort s a three.hour drive nodh. then a 45 minute boat transfer fyou re leelngiash, you can catch a timo from Kuaa LlmDur, aswe asahe cooter tEnsfe. cohmonwe.lrh .ifi. zens don't need a visa for Ma aysia. The Weaiher lt is hot and humid att Year temperatures rarey drop below 20 degrees and humiditycan hover around 90 Der cent. Drugs: Checkwith yourGP. but it's generar y recommended thar visitors be mmunised againsttyphoid, potio and HeDatitis A. Maaria tabtets are To Briig: Loads oidosh! Malaysa s nationa curency sthe Ringgit ($Nz1 about RM1.7o). Rooms go rrom $300 (pernghoto $1690 forthe uxury, twcbedroom suite. The srand is 45 minutes from the mainlard, so guests are preuy much restricted to the island s fve restaurants. Allow about $50 a day. t2B rnd th c \.rter spor\ .crtre. wh,.h oller sno*elling. wind n,r6.g. llfiknrg, dd wf \krins. Jr.qur\ Cousr.rn s,rnnrt.\ n,ould.he.L o!t the s.ut.r d1v i.g (iniN.ror5 .vriltrble) oi. ! y rhen h:nd ar d.cp sex nn,eg lbr plenriinl g,.upel btrm.ldr, \trnqm) or !rpp.r. rbor wli.r L\,.1. dren do $ I did .n hitu oDe oartrc rtve borts (ni.tldnrg j hxury rd x 3a, udn,rpcnd rilitv iol .'.,1 . ,,, p"c !..' ,,. t-., I rl '. nolv n,illionrn'$ trt: c Ir, ho$L.ver. \'o! .r!oy your5.ll n)on Il\ou'rc nr drnsc, I olqlrrvrr$ ,',',,|,,',,,11 j '! ro \ l1 ,orr$alk 1th mr.rqu c r'' overload, rhen h.&t io ttr. t, r. l. pr i.,r J , .,,1 ' i,iur{s, rnt D rbufdi,,.c ofbndliie,,n.l!dnrg Nhirc b.erreit erg1.5 Dd tombils onke_vs. n kc bo.l! lr -....'' ..., ,.' ,, ,1, v, \' .,, \,,. Drvid Atknborcngh, coiftr.s dtrilv gu ed rour. h!t llty r liDe too yd, Duv not .one out knoNeg cvrryrhnlg rLjour th€,.gion, blt it me r rh.t vou .aD go trr vour oNr pr( r. Ofourc, I girl . xr.r li!. Lry {!r rd {nd rlorc. l{etu.I .! ore ofrh. j!jorr'\ 6k re\r rr)t\ \vhek, r _lorit erpe.t. b,!: one inqnnidve monkry Sot .lo\e enough to Plannin wh.t ,. the tu1ly .qu,pped nr..$ .enrrc \hrr brblci are .,r.rcd tor N,rh thre. tools (n,.ludhs r 3r n,.k hp pool), $,ork-out ',r resorlwi change money and accepts malor credit cards. Also pack a hat, sunn es, rashings ofsLnscreen and nsectreperrenr (mozzies DO frake an appearance afterdark). what To wear: You tt $end most of yourtme n a swmsuit and saront, but pack a coLple oflightweght d/esses ford nner. Brng strong h k ing boots lorthelungre trek, Con I Think Abolt: Topess bathing. Ma aysia is an lslamic naton, so nude and top ess sunbatlrlng staboo. Al.olrol is forbidden to Muslms hd don'tworry the restaurarts are iu ly stocked and docdkta s thar The would make lom Cruise weep. thc nedu\ refle.r Mrhy\iripr.don,n!rr.ultures, Mah{ Chi .e\c rl lfttian l)ortgopstd,c l,il r crovc Ciri, $Ii.b seNrs dr. berbulIct brcrkfuns n ow. (r.v rl,r M]ltryru ndr Lrkes and ryle s.ranrbl.d .ggs) Llfch.s n equ.ll\ s.rumm! with tr nor roo hor p.trr. .uiry (\en.d m l co.oDursh.ll). d: irc.h liuir sird (se,ved,n i rlnQppl. htrli) hcins the CLEO ccrD 5 ftvonnrcs. Ltus Kn.h.r. rb€ op.. .rn ert.ry pcrhcd rtop l oLllc,op. hrs thc li.shei\ttrtood !r rh. wo,Ll:nd ro Lerl romi. iinalnDtion\ run flot by ocrtn,g ih. d1\h the,, drnr. onbnr:rn,r ofingkdna,6 )v,il.rbl. Irool .oDrc ro PaNkor Lfu lbr i tuu.ou\ DighrllLr. The !or'11s.r to Do.iu ul .nrcr hnnnc.t n r niqhrrt ir dr Ro\alllry tl.acli Chb bar, s4,.rc jhalling tioubidour lctu.rd. glcnr frcDr drc N,dc Brr dE,. rhis ph.r M$i d$ilred rvnh rhc ft nr nn.di th. lvholc poi.t of (o.rnrg ro PugkorLaurn ro d. (re$r l.r'e thc lrdDe\ .f modcii llfe brhn ll.ji(l.s \hi.h..onrc ughrhll, I wtrs ln,rllv $ k.rk.r.d tlom r fnlldtrI tn d,ir I coukl,ri hNc.hik.n mv bo.ry il,nr 1,i; ye