the render documens tiom thc Ponal
the render documens tiom thc Ponal
TENDERNOTICE FTcnders are inviled for purchase olbelow heniioncn itcms in i.e. t*o bid Tcchnic.l Bid .nd Finoncial Bid: 8.90 11.01.2017= 113!!l: 1000+t000 (2000/-) I 12 mon$E. Thd Biddea can the tiom thc download render documens Ponal Th. Biddes shall hrle ro pay for the Tcnder documents, EMD Fecs & cscrvicc licc ol Rs.l000 onlinc by usins lhe *rvice of secure eiectronic payment slreway. The secu.e eLectmnic paymenh ealervay is an online interface bewem contdcros dd online paynenl llE t. Paymenl lor Tendcr Docunent r'ec and eseRice fee can bc madc b) clisibc bidderv onhcn's online direcrly through Debit Cards & lntener Baiking Accdui6. The Parhenl for EMD cln be made online di@lly lhrough RTGS /NEFT dd rhe bidde. *ould remitthc tirnds al leastT+ I dsy(TBnsaction + One workins day) in advancc lo rhe lisr day dd make the payment viaRTGS / NEFT ro the be.eficiart accoml numbE. as mentioned in lhe challan. The Bidde6 crn subnir thentender docunenh (Online) as pefthe dares ocpanm*r l' srage fender Doclmenl end Bid Download Prepararion & I frql!!g! BdPrepsrt01& 5 oF''o' nJg"on re hdJ.6.Ae 'o.dno'. ', ti-e as menri"nea aOo'e rfanv bidder failed to conplete hivher aforesaid hi'l sr'tus rhc stipul.ted onLineiimc schedule for this srage hG/her $ill be l-'d led $age in conrdcrc'l as bidsrotsubnited. n ;ld;.; -".i confirh & check hislw bid sratus aner conplelion or his/her all actirities lor e biddine & lJ Bidder car rswork orr his/hcr bids even ancr comPlerioD of Bid PEParanon rak' subnission stdlc (Bidder Stsse), subjedt to the co'dition thal the res'rk mtrs place duins the stjP0tated time fime ofthe Bidder Siase' ln3aructions to bidd.r on tlectroDicTend€rinp Stslcm Thcsc c.ndilio" *ill ovcrrule tht condilions ststtd in the tonder documcnts' *he.erer relc'rnr and rpplic!i'1. Allrhe biddcs irxendineto Pxticiparc in dre tendeu proccsscd online are requftd ro ]r!!!ll!3ry!!!Q4Eu!!!41!!!.!r' 2. 3er Plede visii ihe *ebsitc for mdr dcta'l!. Obt ininsa Diqittl Ccrtificatc: The llids sdbmined .nline should be encrypted aid signed electonicalf he{ $nh a DigiiaLCenilicale b cslsblish the id.nlitv ofthe bidder hidding onLin' DigitalCenilicarcs ae ksued bt an Approved Cenifing Authoril] bvthc(ontollcr' ccrtifying Authorilics. Covernnerl ol lndia 2,1 of naDdaior! idenr lr lL c' dencd b)_ thc App icrnfs PAN cafd) cnd Address prcofs and rerilicarion fonn du ) rcd Bnik Mdugd / Po{ Mdb / cazctted oiijcdr' onlv ut.n the feceipt olthe "qu please v \illh' \cb c docudenG. a digirxl ccnlfi.are can b. snLed lor morc dctaih 2.? A Digital ccilificxre ls issucd uPon rcceipr htpsJ/haryrnaeproc!f emcnt gov ii1 fhe biddes mx] obrrii Cla$ 2.3 cctify ng Atrrh. rt ll orllldigital signrtur ccniii'atclon an! or Sub ccrtifling Aulhoritl sudr'rizcd bv (hc (oftoLc or ccnit!ins AulIorilics or rm) obrain intbmation and app]ication lomaL d lbrrhc knroldiSita cenificate ftom M/s Nert€ndeB (Indin) Pvt, Ltd. E nNil: Chandiq.rhaanert.ndcre.em flcLp Dcsk: 1300-130-2097 (loll !rcc Numb€r) 2.4 Bid for a pa(icrlar lender nus bd submited onlinc usin! rh. diSikl cqtificate (Fncryption & Signing).which isused roencryprand sign tlrc Jara Jtrringdl' bid pf.pxrarion $a!c. lrcase.duifgrhepFcessofnpxnicultutcndcr.theuser o\eshis JigLr cedilicare (Juc {! r fus rack. hsfdwarc trchLem. Aerdt'ng stnem or.n} orlrel poblem) [e \vi]l not be able ro $,bdn $c bid onlinc. Hcnce. thc useF arE rlivi\cd t) korp x brckdp of the certificlle and aho keep rhc copies 3t :xlc Placc undcf propcl scqr ilr (lor its usc in cose ofemeleencicr. 2.5 ln.asc olorLinc rcDdering. ifthe diEnrl ceniticare ksued to rhe aurhorLzed user olr li.n is used lor si-!diiU nnd submiltinga bid, ihvillbe considered equivactrr ro a no objedion cedificrt/poNcr .l dtrorncy /lawful authoriTatlon to drit llser. |he nrm lms ro authorize a specific individudllhrough ar sulhorizalion cetrificaie si-gned b! aLl p.nne6 to use tlre dieirll cenificarc as pcr iDdian lnfonnatlon'lechnologl,^cr 2000. tJnless the cedilicares arc reloked. ir will bc asumcd to rcprcscDt adcquate authori(! !l' the use. ro bid .n behall.l nrc fim in rhe depadmenr rondcrs xs pcr ltrlnm.liof 'lcchnoloey Acr 2000 lhc digitaL\ignalure offin aurhorized usef silbe bnJ ng of $. 2.6 ld crse.lrnr_ chatrge in the xulhorization. il shalL bc rhc rcspoDsib ltl.f nrnrgemefl/Fnne$.lrhcirnro nfomlhdccdilyineadhornlabotrrthcdrxngcard !o obllir the digital signatrtres ol the ncw person / usd on behrlfof thc nnn / compaiJ remai'r the\amclorlhr I ren.ocedureloraCplicrrtunofadigitalcetifcathoweverwiLl 2.7 lmircd ft' the autho.iTed Ners in i r 0. vrtcrPub compxnr-.ln r srose. rhe authoir.rlotr ccrtilicatc wiLlha!clo bc siencd b\ th! The same proc.dtra holds nue 3 Opcnins ofon Blechonic€nt Account: Fo. pu.cha\ing the rchdddocunerrs online. hlddeis a.e Fqrned h pa! rre rcntlcr doctrmcnb fees online us ng rhe electonic paymcns salqvar_ scr!icc sh!lL bc lnlcgrrtd th rhe s!nem. F.r onlinc paymens guideLin.s. pl.asc rclc. ro rh. Homc p.!c ol rhc c \ Frdq irs Ponal hnps:,rharrnaeproctrrcmctrlllu. x ll'' L-r:'4F5!gineer ,l Pre-reouisitcs for online biddin!: In ordcr ro bid onlind on thc podal hltps:/hananaeo.ocurement.s.v.ii , rhe us$ machine musr be updated rnh the late$ Jaw & Dc sclrp. lhc Link br nr ld(e{jav3aFFler&Dc serup are available on lhe Home page orthe e tendefingPo{al. 5 Online Viesine ofDctail€d Notic€ Inyiiine Tend€rs: The bidden can viewrhc dcrailcd N.l.'l and therime schedule (Key Datet turLl rhe lendeN floated dnlugh rhe single ponxl eProcurcmcnt sy$cm on lhc Home Psge at Ap r$veqi$!)gll94q4rq.]l1 6 ll9!!.l.9erl9lJs!.dsdl!!!!!!!! 'lhe tcnder documenrs can be doNnloaded frec of cos fron the ePrccurenent potu| 7 hl$!llqr4!!lpa!!lq!!lgqir Aq-&!e!.: bidde6 are sdcny adrked ro iblloadarcsand iimcs as indicarcd iD rhc oflirre Noti.e lnvhing Tcnde6 Tlrc daE and tiine rhall bc binding.n all biddo.s. AIL onlifc ad!ilics arc tirne lmcked !nd the sllem entbrces timc locks thal cnsure dra! ro acfrir' or r.trsacrion catr Lakc placc outside the srdr and end dares and rhe rimc ofrhc $age as t he d.lincd in rhe onlidc Noticc In!irine lcndc6. 3 Bid Prepar.iian (Technicll & Finucitl) Online Prlnent of Tender Docuhcnt Fee. cso^ice fee, EMD f€es ofonlin€ Bids: 3 L lhe onlide payrncnt lir lender docudent fed. ese.lice Foc & EMD.xi b. dofe usi',9 the secufe elechrnic pryfrent Eaterut.lhe Pa!ment lor lerder Dorumen lcc and cScNicc lcc con be nade by €Ligible biddcN/ contactots online direcnylhmusli Dcbn Crrds & Imcrncr Bankirg Accouhtslnd rhe Pxtment fdr EMD c.n be nade.n inc dircdly thoueh RTOS / NEFT. The sectr.e electonic palnens garervay is an onllne inrefllce berycNn corrFcr.N and l)ebil card /on ine Fayment aurho zation nedrorks. 32 The bdJctr sraLluplord rhcn tcchDica ofie. conllinirrg documents. quaLirying oireria.lechnical specilicatior, schedule ol dolivcrics, and all orhcr rcms and cotrd I ons e\cePr rhe .ales (p'ice hid) Il-L,ioo- r' Iqunrc1.p . rp'Rebrdionr. NOTEr (A) Ifhiddcr f,ils ro.onplele Ihe Online Bid Preparation & SubDissioD stagc otr the stiDulared date and rine, hi/he6 bid will be cohsidered as bid not subnitled. rnd hcnce notrppcdr during tender openirg stage. iB) Biddea pftticiprting in online tende( shlll check the validity of his/he. DigiialSienaturc Certilicate bcfo.e p,rticipnting in the onun€T€nde6.l the portll hrtosr/ fr lV. E -'.;irtFnq$$6 /' weD$rc For help mrnualplcNercfcr tolhe'Homc Prg€' olthc ePro.urem€nr link Hol lo 7 at htlpsr/h,nanaoproctrr€ncnt,eov in. and click on thc rraillble (C) ll!!r!!!sr!!!i! ! Po-r'rrrnrrn' hddI 1l ftuccdro'o-onoh ' ng I n d i"l ru iL ' it' r"'" p! ' and " tro' D'i' | fl'le '"-' ' h inrcfe$ed irr' On rhe Dep'tinenl s page ri ihc e rhc knder hc 'espcdire e eridg potul. rlrc Biddcr Lvould hale ioilowing opnons to make palincnr N cuiddine lbr onllE iendd docurnenr & IMD: Operatile lor Biddcf PavmeDrs TIE procedurc f.rpaying rhough Debii crd willbe as lbllo$s (i) Biddcr selec6 Debn cad oFtion in c_PNcurehent potul (ii)'lhee-Procurencrtp.(aldlsplalslhe amoum and rhcclrd clrafse\1o 0c PrL0 h) bldder. Thc podr! ako dirpl.)srhetotllrmdtrnrtobeFaid bv rhcbLdder (ili) RiJdcrc icLsoi *C.nliinLe btrrton (i!) ll,e c Procurefrcfl P.txl tlkcs tlre bidder to Debir c!'d lalmenl -!xlc\a! (v) Biddc. cnlcs card creJcnriaLs xnd confims payneir strccerslirl o! (!i) rhe gareway lcriiles rhe ctodcnlias and 'onlirms _lxilure" rnessaec, $hlcI isconlirmedback toe Procuremenr p0nxL Nih (vii)Thcp.Sc i\automxricalL) rtJutdbackroc-PmcurcmentPod'l (!iii) lhe dxtu ol lhc palment 15 displaled as -succe\ni'l in e Pfoctr'cmcnr Thc e'Procurcnenl ponal also Ecnerres 3 receipr Ibr alL ponal. \uccc$fu!tmnsactnJns the biddercan lake a Print out ofthc sarnc' pr (ix) Thc c-Procurement Porlal sllots Biddcr ro p'ocess anolhf palinenr ane in casc Cryfrcns rrc nol successtullbr prerious alternp(' Thcprocedrrc fortayingrh.ouehNer LhnkiI-g wiLl beds lollo$\ (i) Biddcr selec[ Nel Batrki']g optlon ii c_Procurenenr nortal li) lhee-Procurmcrl NnaLdispl.ysiheddoun!h b' pald bi_ bldder (iii)Biddercli.kson_continuc' Lruron (iv) Thc c-Procuremenr Pdna ukes lhe bidJctlo Net Bankrng palmcnr g're\a) sc.ccn dis0!ating li\1ol Blnks (v) uidder.hooses hn /her Bank (vi) Thc ).let B.trklns s.te$!y rcdntds Bidder b rIc Nel Bankins P]!c orlhc (vii) tsidderenters his accounrcrededrials and connflns Palm'trt i IV tite Enolneer _ruccessn'l- or The Bani verilies rhc credentiah and conlirms with -taliuN nEssase Lo ihc l"ler Banki.a g'rewav $hich s c'nft'ned back to e_ lriiil Ineoa^r.a,. ' lal''oLFob3. lePro'u'erc'o 'd 'ir. 1*.",. rleo 1"P! -crr' di DL)'o ! 'J"e'' nc '., ponil. Pocuredenr Donal aho gener'tes a receipl for al su'cesnuL (ri) the e'Procr'tncn' lransactions. The bidder can lake a prinr out of the same pa}nenc d'r ponal rl1ol$ Bidder 1o processanorhq psFenr afiedp{ in crse 're sEessful fbr prevrous atempl Thc e Rlcs] Thd bidder shall hxvc thd optiod ro muke thc IMD pavmem via thcir eriiine Bank NEFT. Using this module, bidder {ould be able to P'} iiln qide reach lbr mor' then accoun rrrrcugh RICS^IE|T. This wouid ofltf a pavmenr tronl 90.000 bank branches and Nould enablc $e bidder to in'kc the almosr dny bank bFrch across lndia I Bidde'ahdlloe intothe cLient .-procurenent nodal using dscr d add pa\\*ord palnenl oprion as pe. exhing proce$ xnd selecls the RTCSNEFT E|"ereroedprc_file"'h€l;' T\c t_p'o!rencnrP "al ", ' ire"" hd hr_o reob\ '1 bddi o 'rrP .'(' rlt -,Ln uoo .1. ,q thcrcfore include lhc follo*ing iv de[ils tha{ will bc . . Rcdcficisr!accotrn(no: (unLque: phanu nEn( !ode lor crender n!) Bcneficixry IFSC Codel . B.trcficiary bank bmnchl Ihe Bidder shall be rcquired lo rdkc a print prc this challan and m![c rhc 'l ch'llan' p nted on lhe RTGSAI_IFTon rhebaslsofthedetaik v. lhe bidder Nould .einir lhe iirnds ar lea$ T + Ldtv (T'ansacrion + oN *orkirg the La{ dav rnd m*e rhc pavment lia nT(iS / NEF1 b thc day) irr adtance beneliciary occ.unt Duinbd!s mentioned iD the challsn potarrnd vi. Post making thc paymenr, the bidder w'uld login blhce Tendenng orpavnrenr' their go lo rhe paymcnl p+e. on clicking rhe RTcs / NEFT mode \ould bc a link tbr real rime vtlidaiion On clickin8 the sanc svnen souLd do duto va idation ot thc PaYmenr madc t l-i9ofNetbankilgbank5 3. Ba.k ofBrhmin and Kuwait E):ecuii;e Inqineel 6. Bank ofMahardhh 7. Can.ra Bahk 8. City Union Bdk centdl Bdk or lndia l0.cdtholicSyrianBsk 9. ll, CorDodtion Bdk l?,DeutscheBek l3. D.velopnenl Credft \, g Bek 14,DhdlahiB.nk 15. FedeFl Borl 16. HDFC Bsk 1T.ICICIBdk I8.IDBIBahk l9.lndianBmk 20,IJdian Oves6 Bdk 2l , Indusind Bank 22. INC Vysya Bok 23. J .nd K Bank 24, KmackaBank 25. Kobk Mahindia Dank 26. Kmr Vysys Bank 27, Pmjdb National Bok 28. Oriolol Bsk orComn.@ 29. 30. 31, 32. 33. 34, 35. 36. Soulh 37, Thiln d Mercdlile Bdk lndid aank Slndard Charlerd sr6te Bdk Bdk ofBiknrand Jaipu Bmk ofHydedbad state Bsk of lndia Slar€ Bdk ofMysrc Stat€ Bdk ofTmvocore stale star. Bmk ofPatialr 38. Union Bank of India 19. Unit€dBankoflndia 40. vijayd Bmk 41. Yes Bdk il*"*rys" DNIT estimate fof vdious 0€l water supply $hemes under Public Heahh EnC'n..rins DivEbn No,-1, Kaithal (Sub Division No,-l, Kanhal) "Opemlion & Mtc. ofsuhm.sible puoping tucfirn.ry inoluding panel board , sort€rs and all othef i€lated equipnhts theicto"(for the pciod 01,04.2016 to 31.032017= l2 ,Mtc. ary r:- Mtc of slbn rsible punpi.s mlchinery inoluding Motor, pump, €lectical conlrolpsel, slbnetsible €ble, serteG . and lll a@esories at the followins Fo! Sub- motor pumps uplo 20 HP 75,00BHP 5x 20.00 BHP 25 x 5!0!0-Bl! 15.00BH!= = = 575.008H? r€r Monlh Fo. Sub motor pxnp moE th€n 20 HP ll x 2?.50 2 x 25.00 BHP= DHP= 247.50 BHP 50.00 BHP 297.50BHP P.i Month w I Erh rd elery T/well in perfect running order wirh its all electical and mcchanical fixtur.s i,] rvorkirs condition Nillhe handed ov$to aeency atthetimeofcomnencenenr ofcontmct lhe sanc in workins cordilion willbe trken back at the lime ofexpiry ofthe conracr Duplicarc invenrory *ill prEparcd a he time orhddin8 ovo (as per p$forno Anrexure). fhe dereds ahorcomingsif.nyshallbcmctrlionedinrheinlenrorr. A response lime of less ihan 2,1h6 in case ofany lailuEs shall be ensurcd by rhc lgency mobile nouble shooting unil shall be 3. lvailable to aDd ensure innediare rcsponse ro en) The agency shall ensurc the minimum assurcd availabiLity of wder at rhe design.ted pressure a! the T/\vell Maintenance ofthe all machinery & elecnical pans shall ako be a pad olscope of work and wiLl be mointained by a8ency. The contBclor should have sulflcicnt number ofsland by pumping seis of$rirablc capacitics so rhdr rhe samc can be pul into opemtion imnediarely tnef occuircncc of any fsult in Prmp ns The agenc! shall operare alre.dy fixed Eenemtins sets ifany as per schedule of riming dccidcd by DngineeFin chsrge. Hovever maintendco of eencraling sets. Fu€l and oiher consrmaber shnlibe bome bylhe Deplt. AlLtypes naintenance rcqinding servicins ofsubmeNible motorand Ptrmp is ro bedone by rlre Repair afd repllcemenr ofrll rypcs olelectrical fixtute in pansl bo.rd an subme6ible clble.rc havc to be coded out by the.gency with naterial oa SAME MAKE OR [QL]lVAl.liNT vdKr No localo sro. a ds'd rre"d .ha lbe ir rd for Rps r' lfrcdevelopnent orttrbewell is requiEd or thm is rcqui€ment ofadditional quantill ol g(vc. ir $ill be donc by departmenl lid EnEineeFin-chdge. Executive EnBinee. Public Hcalrh Fng neennC D \ sonNo. l,irhdldeci!ron sh!llbe finol. llrlo longth olcolLrmn pipcs is to puDoseand aLso as be ncreaseditwillbedonebytheagencybutrhcppesolrhi5 repldcefrent lor old damaged pipes rillbe prcvided by Engidccrin-ch.fgc Kaitha!f€eofco$ThclensrhofSub.Cablerequiredfot$ispufposeshall.hobcsuppLiedh) rhe Depadnem tiroolcos Nil Thc old/unseryiceable nateri.lNillbe retumcd seclilt, of rhc $rucrurcs ifd t0 l[e IT Ihe electicity choges ror operalion, mainrenance or rhe said inslallarion tl Al aeefc]' rhe be .esponsible fot safcty, watch and $ard by rhe agen.y ro thc *il bcDaidbyrhe equipnenrinstumcns olher mlrerial usc!/fixcd al site for runnire/mrimenancc become the propeny sha I olEngineer in{h.rge Ksithal!fterexpiryofthecontacrp$iod. Anl dkpulcd/an) comtensarion penalty levied upon aAcncy Nill be the sole responsib I r) of agency during the contact pe od. Any dispute rrising rvnh dep.nncnt will be liabilir! ol rhc QulLficd liccnscd peNons as rcquire! by various Golt authoitie\ shall rcp.n al t,1 Machinery/electiical in$al aiion /mechanical instaLlations. l5 AllelecticdLdtul ncchanica iNtallation shaLlbe maintsined snd chddkcd lbrthcn pcrlomlnce es L6 pcfthe code of prrcrice and manual prolidcd by thc manut' 24 ho06 frdn irsbrakdorvn, beyond{hichapcnahyofRs. 1000/ Perd.y p$ inslalaiioD uPio M,d.)s $il : bumta notorpu'nt wirhii Thc agency be willEplace /recrit! lhe damaged submereible ifrposcd on thc agency. Aftd rhar pcriod,lhe Engined in shxllbc liberr! d,e insrallarion ftrncllonal and sel dre pump scl repaned al ihe risk and scraing him ary noli.e ii rhis resard. lf the entractot fails b nra[e cosofrhe dgcnc| $nhour lo mainlairr fie lnsrall.ri.n tnr d\urded period. rhc working pefon.ncc h obsered unsatisfactory the depadme is ar lben] ro cancel the conl.act rsreemont ar any time after giving drc show work ofthe onlraclof shall be forfeited and rhe causc notice. cxh Ln drat !ase. amotrnr irrvo vcd. t dnl. on occounl ofgeting rhc sork done at his risk atrd cosi will aho bc rccolered from oendingdrcs. ilany. in the depadmcnt or fild hr his inmovable/ movable prcPcdy 'lhe agency shall topaif ccctricll rnd mecharicsl faulG wirhin rno hours the. dcctr(ctrce liriling$hich a ll 0endltyolRs.50l)/ peri.slallaliof*! rhe.gency &il to Ectify thc liuh qnhin $ipulated period Engg in chargc can gct t ftclfi.tL i$.*n cos and lhc double ofns cost willbe recolercd/charged frorn dgenq pcnall)_ rrn)_ d ril bc imposed by the Executive EDeineerconcemed. rf, Thc lvorketoperator shall rcporl to rhe elecnicit} compl.inl ccntrc i'r case ofposer rsilr'c or olhd rcl.tcd com0lainl. he installation and also obtain rhe complalnr ntrdbcf lhcconce'ned .unior Ensinccr/Sub Dirkional Eneineei,of Eng.. DeN Kanhd sh,ll rko be intinarcd i'nmddiarelyrcgardingdn!comploinldntclephoneorinwrningwirhinonchour' Durirg disfr.nrling /lorvering ofcolum pipes, llslbmdaiblc motor pumP nlong$ith asemblc pipcs fail in rhe borc itlvill beduryofthe agcncv to retrieve rhe sane ai thcno{n cosr o' Piv the conolmat riulsolostoljxecuriveEngineerPublicHslihEnginc$ingl)ivisi'nNo KcilhrL ntrh.ltooh plxnc requned for proper running/mlc shrll l(l AI )l All thc consumsbLes such as lubricarins oil, gland dori, and reqtriredrvould be arin gcd b) the 22 c on Sxease dnd ld rhc cventofstikesbyopeari.n and mai.tensce$affe'nploled b! l[csgenc! rhe Exccutilc ma niain rhet/sclk during r I be empo*crcd lo ope rrc xnd the conlract period at lhe sole risk and con olagencv Thc pcriod of oper.tion.nd mtc ddn bc incEased/decrcased egJrd )4 flrbber sheet. sasc cotron tactor/:gencr d htr orvn co* Public llerllh Ensineering Division No I Krithal shall 2; b) thc xgcrc, d be airanged bvdt DePt and no clainr ii rhis ADr- Der5oi who is nol conrtllin-Q rvnh insruction of lhe Sub Divisional DfgineerlEnglrccr i'l charlc can bc removed by the Dept. Nnhoul dl.atce $, t:..i zEnsined 25 Srb DivGionel EDginee/En8ineeFin ch.rge has b $N orhcr Co!t. \dk fulllibenvb shilithe hbolr /opftalor idll .Dgaged 'r forcohFltinA wnh allthe reLev.nt.cs/ruLes *har so ar any oilrer placckite to Thc connacFr/asency shallbe resPonsible la[e the optimum use ofrhe efgagcd ever arc applicabLe are as no date or ftadc apPlic$le in furure duriDg the pfiod ol cortrcr bt !rate/Cedtal Govt /Judicitr!/any other body 27- ,{ll the lpplicable slalutor! paymenl like ESITEPP/PFI graruirv/ seBice from time to time shall be paid by lhe onlraotor and will 28 c(c as apPlicable be delosited with rhe concq rcd depanment on/b€lbrc due date ever' month as reqrired under relevant havins dcpartmeDt bx la*tacr and prool ol dre.nounl shallbc submnred to EngineoFin_charee' bc lhc jurisdicrlon olDept otlicer & officialovet the work concemed under rhc cortacro' caf chdnlcd by rhe Jepri. Any rime belore or aftet the award olthc contmcr and no cLdim il rhis Egard wille']lenxincd. 29 fie contad can be rcrmi'raloJ lulL)_ o' ln case oi lioLsrion ofany condilions dcnlioned 'bo!e pdially in the inEren oi public ard accordins the asencv an opPdunirv ofbeins hea'd bt issuine! 2 dals rotice at hh designaled addE$ 30 Thc conlractull agency havins cxperience ofsame Nork for more than lbr rhe issle oftcndcr wolk ll d'ne b' llro Anv repair to the nructuE damaaed d0elo Datualdkaster like lloods erc shallbc de;anm$t bui repsir Equned bt.nv orher reson shall bc done bv rhe contrldor d ils d\n l2 (he snoodr An! assoclded.lttrse, rYhich has been lctlour inadvcrtently b0r out is necess'rv lor qo|k rui;irsofschenc wilLako be followcd by rhc conr6clor' He sha Iincludc cost olsuch 'n h s off;.. Theoffered arc shall be inclusile ofaLlsuch tems ll Read,-dep,nr.r,l or vo"ns |. e"v,,roe' f", bc o.' ' -. ^9r' ^ i-, ".t L\.8 | o- ope'ar'on L **.S's 'h 8" Li\ <,""+. Lr o*.v)ol $*r,{4! .\- ["-{"1".[ r.r"G'f'1". 7ffii;*i"&'#f""*", I leaN sha lbe cligiblc llnricllflb D' iotu r ':(1 l1/l/l ,,..,1ffi,.,""". e.,.r"1p',r' ,r" * , mt r supply schnd under Public Health Ehsineding Division No.-1, Koilhol (Sub Division No.-1, Kaithll) "Operation & Mrc, of subnesible punpins nehinery including psel board ,ganes and all orhef €lated eqlipm.nts dFreto"(for lhe pedod 01,042016 to 31.03,2017= l2 AA4c. estidlte for veious rual Sr. No. Descriplion ofitds Qtv Mic of submesible pumping nachinery includine el@Eic6l co.hol pm€l, subnersible eble, startcr sd oll &6sori6 at lhe following For Sub, mo@ioumDs uD@ 20 HP sH?: 7a.0oBHP /_ 25 r 20.00 BUP = l!0!!€!! Pd Monlh 5 r 15.00 = llx22.50BHP2 x 25.008HP= 575,00 BHt - t 241.50 BFP 50.00 BHP 29?.50 BHP/ rq Mdrh Rs22908.00 R5 ?/$33 0u 74081 r 1, Rs.8839961 - a.81 IM, ExEcurp/qgryrER ,^/M1.. e$nnate for varioN rural waref supply schcmes uider fubli. llcaLrh & lngin€ering Division No_1. (lnhal (Sub Dilhion No l. Kairhol) 'opeilrion and all $ait^ pancl boa Mt ofsubncsible pumping flachinery including l2 other rclated equipments fiefeto (lbr the period 01.0,1.2016 10 11.03.201? AnalYsis of Rate | (A) Mlc otsubncsible pumpins ers for T/well onLy'onsktins hainlv of motor. pumF, clccnical connol panel, dl acccsones - x t06%r 106%x 106% x 106%rl06%= 88.66 PcrBHPperMonth 1061.89/12 = Siy Rs, 89-00 PeTBHP Pcrnonth (4Rs 650/ per BllP +6%G)tuPourd'd-s +6%Compolndrng 6%C.mPoondine Compound ng +6%Coinpoundrng 106% x I 06%= 922.0,1 per BHP pefycar +60,1, x l06% x 106% x 106% I ?6.84 PetBHP PerMonth =92204112 = =650 r106% Sry Rs, 77.00 Per BHP Pcf nonth Ponchkula memo copv cnclosed) 19 2010 r609? 16l lo PHE/P 5 doted aAs Der I lead N. olice instruction !ide EIC MI Pr.r€nsiic?ltFltio Nd- I ListofBHP underPublic Healtfi Engln.odng sub Division No.1 Kaithsl I No Nam€ or Scheme 2254 +. 2 2