Rf Catalog Issue H
Rf Catalog Issue H
c c n c r a l M a t e rPi ar o l p ei e s . . , , , , . . . . . . , . . 1 tnsinein8 K6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 cylindri.al corcAppli.arions ............ HollowCores Maie rl situralioncures . , , , , , . . . . . , , , . . 9 lhrcadedcorc!.......... Q v e ^ u st r c q u e n . y c u n e s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 wihdingIabh . . . . - - . . . . . . . - - . . . . . . . . . l 1 Ioruids(Rectinsuhn, Squai€d s i o r d b a n d A p p l i c n t i o n s . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . .l .s Additional Literature. ...,,.. Na eiilr nF.r i r e ; r , i r ( o i , mt r { r k r { t , ) | f g MTCRoMETALS, nc.dsoi rh..ied,onic idunry As L'e re.n,. o8yhrs.h:n8edire\v dL.edtr,he{.i,.lndsiry n:,drd\ ron Powd.,.orc! ro moctthc :nn mal.ri.rs hivebeen do 'Q" nn poryd., htrshee, sed rs r.ofe m ei:Lin Rf_c r.tr E io, m:ny ycaE rl s {fpici ! Lse(l !, P(nk,.a hth Jr br.a.Jhin.lr:nlfomrcE rbovo s0 MHz I ir r p,c'ciied.o,e mlrei:L.ue b [ {ibi tr hi!r'Q, nequrn.v,e!ponse,:nd po\verhandlinscit),rl]ili e\ Mn,omeras !ffeA tun poude,.o,es prcduced1onr.o\! ltnerb u, i.mir] q lhii lot ind €hrive ui romiLytotri lo1L. or liry L! e.ai..s, $,.h,.su t ir.orc! lvith. osc !- MATERIAT CHARACTERISTICS CENERALMATERIATPROPTRTIES FORRFMATERIATS Srability -2 ,3 95 2.5 35 9.0 -3 240 35 35 255 t50 2.5 t.5 25 l.l 550 0 l -MrrTwsdeleopedxa rnpfla!€*ibkiFn*f (_ RISONANT c tRcutT* . R o o r o dn q f r c / D4e 53\fl romi12iid 5rc ) AND BROADBANDfRfQUENCYRANGT(- --) oopim{a b.iy ircn! Ihey sil prcvidehishQ arerhem6t popua, md€iak lor amrbu radiotrnda va,i eryof orhefcofrnliicationippl.aiions. Theyareaso s€ful for modeorebrid ransjo'fre6 in rhe 200 io 400 -1, -r, .3, -l 5 Maenal!: Thesemdeia s aie aniea erl car bonyl rcns prcvidins d,€ hishsi .al|).iyl pefteah ]iry. Theyareuselullor hish q app .ationsb€lowI MHz, Theywi I poide the bbadel band tEdomeu corer ng a qp .ar rangerom 50 ro500 MHz. .10, i7 ]!t leriils: rhesemarefalsaG the highenfreqlen.y.a6onyl 'otr!. Ihe wi I prcvde h3h Q up to rso MHz a area popur maredallor cabe te*ision appli .*ions Theywill prcdu.emode,ate bandtandomeA iypi.i|ycftrn3400la70oMHz' .0 Mate il: Thn isa nonmaBnd.mde,ia. t pmvides a elid lom rorwhd ig .n co k. 11h ture$:hiiry trndwilrp@ dehighQ up b rheh che! rre. qlen.ies. lr is ale Gelu lo, modeab bandftnnormer INTRODUCTION iYailtbenom no.k P a do m b e 6 n r h i s . d a q w h . l r a p p e t in bold$ntrrc nand.d remsandarcscncrally orher itemsde.i a buidro o'dcr basis Ode6 mry be ph.ed d F.l y w rh on mainofiiccii C.liroma orliih ,oD"re1b" iH.n.NJnp .r.,d'trDno Fdp I ,rFr"" .d. ,^r "j".v.,-,... ,idr,op" np. d s"dl,,, o"."'dFL KIT'23 TNCINETRINC '|7,r1),r 16,r20,r22,J2s,r77 tBtur!l!. ' Trr 4d,nn \pn .r!nt n a n o h r e s( 1 0 ' H . n r n no e r , u m1 N 5) q ! r d r n H / N 4 An endp a ol a.onverion fon pfrL, ro0 tum! ro nHNr \: r5o pH fo' 100tums= ls 0 nlVNl rumsrequral i.,ades rcdindu.bice lL) n =[.-*,*",1 v'oad|.'o'po'dq"f'|""Jo'bJ'''|-'!'d'.o5' q rc! 2" r !r^d t_ .\r.1o.. "",\",1,.r"t,"5\.1.r,-d" o., n h ' - no o ^ - d D D , ;;*:i. I do\' ro 6+' ^i5 ,o' b' D*lB*-h-"-,e l.i "i.eeds.oppcr g or" o. o$sholld be avoidedHvneres.ose! rc unifie.tedbv rhe . mo- t,.o c rdo,',rod 'i-;.-o,r + ,-o o q \,, rLn {r5 nhF m n,mlm di.lll'tr, solveiG mav have detinenb tl o,oJJ , .r.d o. o -o oosd ro' io ,i od"i P.""d d 9 lor at su r , p p m v e or c ' I r r r efiec d d.!d"" Mr omdJ, 6cy wil eventualylorm edace ru{. lo \od- dsaid iire, :ny loBrcm dimise e \ ' TOTERANCES Thc.orcs . mnuiacrurcd Ioih. A a.hn:re,:lirftn.ereHcelny. rooida .o,esre reled Wirheveny {E.cd windinssn orderbn,inn,izel$[a8e enetu rctrpowde,coresrned wirha t cvcny distibutcdwillprodu.ch shcr nd!.tan.crc:dingrhaneipe.red. e h r v e r t y p . . l r o l c r a n . e o t : r 0 ! rToh. e c o r co $ . u R . s o n p i 8 c l 0 h : v e a TotIRANct (inche, DTMENSIONAL T5 - Ir2 1005 BALUNCORES TOROIDIIRECIANCUTAR, OD 9 5 3 3 0 5 0 r . 5 8 3 3 3 3130 0 1 L€nerh RFTOROIDS T 2 5- 1 0 I oDh rm i hr6 J | | -1 { MACNrT|c DIMENsroNs v RFTOROIDS l- -l I MAcNEnc DrMENeroNsv T20-1 r22.2 hh RFTOROIDs T25-10 MtruhdesMiNo'_] ; .\ I I MAGNFncDlMtN5loNsv B+ l. RFTOROIDS T25.10 l- -) I T oDhr0hh.h6 r J 8rcneLM^M i l I Rf TOROIDS I T 25 _',10 l 'f T IMAcN rcDTMTNSTONSv 9 ;c SATURATION CURVTS :a -irr :-:: :.F=-I: I I I ] : . : : ' :j := ::: 3 5 ! ; j i ir{ E lrlq 9 =:] ,|l , fltl ross coRE CHARACIERISTICS CORELOSS ptrge! ronmeds!,.h r in.v r r2 trndrr olth s cah os rid ii In orherenY Th. Q..mveson r "Q Curvasi., r.tr .rc, orh$ tliiioi5h p5w needto be 6sl rr r,ike\ Powda,corcr tr,c vcry uselulior desigfns high Q, ibourz homsor.on{:nr polvcrds ow ApPlicilonsiN.!is rcich 6 rnr renrperarure lolv pore, ndu.1o6an.l r,aisio ,e{lrlrcmmesu,eneiFn:deoi o\rv.b8eQ metcE ddv.v.eorin The des3n of hdu.1!6 :id tra, Do$e,apDlndons'equi,esaddiro pisc 9) k ihe p,mry linritinsiad ons.Howcvc,,.or. applicar p o t r d a r . o , e sa r h s h r r e q u e n ( rhe lula.e Je: Io, mon.orc \nes ns tab e on pase I rhe n,,i:.e are: oi tr to,o d d amcre,whie rhevo ume .trb.d de rhe rca r n $d sma lrcm rhe .$es r fic windnBand rhc coc mrto,r n Ihe .ore lo* niom,arionshorvn . u b . c e n r m e r oe l' . o r c m d e , a l t r si t u n . r i o r . rl F a k AC ilui detrirylo,varioc n quei.ies frndtryt t:w s use.lro.r.uhte theperr AC rur d do$ s..ti!nJ .et lid !. !n,e de:.h.ore sizei! is( e apprcximtr Ihe io owinBfo.muhp,.videra reasonab lne of a .orc r on lor rherempa,aru,e '.,""' ,," r'-""';l '",'. F"',' "'.' suda.c Arca 1.m]r L J e 3 A r o , m u a ! p r o v d c do n . a . h N o p hw h l . , a p P r c x i mrresIheexpc,ment .ub..cntim.tor8. ruf.ri.tr oi te. uen.yind peJ AC lux dens{!. rf \ .ar he sei! loN r rrcqlen.icsmu.h h shero sh.wn on the sFphsniy h. rei shouldbc vc.l0d.xpeimenbry. coRrross : t .! -irc- 3E € , avsFREQUENCY olan ndKinn ere+iiad hf rhc a R = etie.rve se,es,esilbmedle i, b.rh .oppc,and rcn oss a aa uLl ^r,# a " rril-. Q vs FRIQUINCY Frr. a, ddu,.r,e. lue \ ^. moredebilin M.(,,er,rriQ curycsLppement,Q cuNeslor mn Po\dercorcs, a a WINDINGTABI-E wlNDINC IABLI SINCTITAYER r; n ?91 9q: '::! 119]46 l .:::! Il r 1: !t LL l ia I14l }L ,j! L :l lqt! rj, EE 1:! ]2 a I :9 ]L ntl rl. r1 ! JL JL t!: lIi I11lrlq ll!9 lL! APPTICATIONS BROADBAND TORSROADBAND APPL'CATIONS IRONPOWOTR CORES r.n roldc,.or$ & lery { ohm! .ruit ippr.d.n wherehishQ lq ma./ ob,e.riF TE "ceE€ or piso r ndi.are!thei,e.uen.y,anBEl,i.h $l po d!!trrFhsrcnQfo,ci.h.ocmibri.Thcu{n' Lc quer.v ,an8rto. bnidbin(l qdi. ior f.qlncthchishe!Q, lbe i,!.h h Bhe, psoi:ny.1 rrc ror polrn mitr i s w I bc d.d...e0L ri rish Ftrr, irJol .tioi!, rh! ..re ,nrterr lose! : e ol lenr on ic.ds ro ). ;b l1l i,alcr:ls lvi prci.c Dtrs corclos trnd.rhish po$e, .ond ons.Trc{' owe, peD .,Lhui.s.orclos. Thclrqlen.v ran8eoi a .o€ mde,ialo, rmr bandLse y : p p r . t or {.p.ndcnr s hBh Resinive Windin& Lo$e!:Lis dD,a. rhd triredihe perlomDn.t or lJodlbi ir. rh.\e rhed ng I s u . , l d e s 3 n i . a n . . r E Lr a r b e i habmkcndord pll lomin.! in r :nd rhosc:h!.rins r rc hish nlrtucn.y lomrdceI mir Ihedai8nofa brca.rardtaa\6n.r sa o' i Theni n trd.6 rnid,rhshl€qlery pcnormance iri$ rhelow:rd h8h requenryFri(ffuc 8rcadb:nd t .d.man 0md!.edw v l n o t h , j v a r j , e w i . e b : r d w i . i h : b n : h e \rdi 8hh p e k i polvdcr.oG! re trr l-!u redrd l r modcrile|iidtri.rrh, en.yperlomD re ol a tr: n mainr.do6 lmirirlror lreqL iomer d .rde, ol in,podan.crrc PrinaryIndudan.c:Thc mininrum ir a.ccpbblc pcdomin.o rt or t.(N.f.y w I pddu.e ndd ve rachnle.r Jxu iourii,r trn.c.Indu.tncek r ilncron Dfth .hedie p,qn4Lriiryoi rh..orc m:rcra rrhc orcnh3 fuquei.y rnd rherario!l ihc .o,c s .,6! sedionalrci to l" i.t Thchilii psmcabiiryol fic rcn pownomdcia r.onl Fnse!lrcm.1rols.A ot monlysen lo, RFappli.dions iDleralsmi nir n th. nKl inital rcmerb iry ro Lhes," ens.s core M.re.i,lto$e!: Thatuned.i.! I frequen.y list.d I rherableon pa8. I indicdr the nequencyn uhi.h ea.hmrcia lvi I pmduc.rh. l. scli.ipr. hnc.orthc ndins ofrhe winding:MninriziB sei.tpr selrcapacirance c dn.e oI tre windiqw I nin.. sc I caDa.irrn..oi. wiid. ri'y of a.rF(n wiq lcr$r ol s rc, ind opcririnslc q u e , . r { i a I a i l e ( s el . i p i . i MinimziGiumsir thoii6r lep ro i, teaLge lndu6nce: teal4€ indl d: d,ze. ior su..c$auhishnqucn.v o.do'hiic! rh\ n t vc y lotr rEneib I r! .r ron P.\d \vndi,BF.hii .l. helpr I n, zc I rr,ro,.rmplc, trttrndomsuleornd dn i todidi core w$ fie p,imary win.lin8on onesde s..on.iNwind nB!n ih. oth!,rideo rn or $.:bi t or ihema8ner.fiod rh..dc mda,ii r.c.nu n trndtrrnsle, wih \u.h a $ id fB ..nl BLrr on, t r. rc divcly ov pr. netrb I ry ol no , polder \i I .r& a iEBr.ti.lic{ .akiBcllcikaso ndu.bi.e) rca r 's i poo,.oLpin3 betwef rhepritur. i ngsThs wi i Qu.. . nere..nriono Whene\r,rosbcnutllarNindinB! Jr'o!ldbesd rha ! hi , l i B \ v i l h ep l o m o e .loF p,oximiryorn'w Hf, APPLICATIONS BROADBAND I i n €- €- t I \ BALUNCORTS A i 94 BLN1728-10 T T N BLNri2srFl LlLNr7z3 2A'qr BrNr72S6A/9r BrN1723-aA/,r4 6el1.2e .13)i 16 r1.0 .169/.r.29 rg2l: 16 077/ 96 kr/r 66 2:/r r7 BROADBANDAPPLICATIONS r.oi Nqrl t s r v . o u p l a d , ap , m i r yr i . l { . o i d . t u r h u sn, n 1 3y, t u e t r , e nr l , e! r d i n si r : p p e dJ o n o , e h oa r o rh. orh.,, dhr rhrntrro!rd rr..uGid. oir,c.o c b:nd tanro.nta re Lotudi lorsiidl,iur.ore!. Toroidil C.res,roi, (r.' b,or.lbri r:nsr.m,e, rppr.,oi! Dr un .oresrrc iom.wh.r hor. d ll.(lt rd \!ind thiD due b rr'. chic Tre 3 aphlon rase]6.!ra n a nLmberoi im.Dedar.e tride { amere,rtio lnoG lik-": vcrn! lrcqucn.v.urycs lor bo$ ioro di .orcs ind hc rwrlr.ndroprcdK.b,oidsbindpcnornar... s a l u i c o r e ! :r , e b r u i . . n i g ! h eN rr da.opr.lsro.iii.a y io bro:dbandrpr .tr v r l , i r o r { , i ( . (, f e $ h c np r o . u l r n n oinir.Lrri rhclimc...e n'rla.ii rhissfD. si r.nd ro p.odrlc u s i ns n i n 8 . p l r r u , . 1 6 0 9 2 i ntcndedD,mr I t! r$n !houklb. i.red. ,.ra!er, rhi|h n lor IONS COREAPPLICAf CYTINDRICAL rhe indudaft.e.i M rtomcrrs ptrn.orcs Ihtr.lcd corcs,ho ow.!res i mrcdriomrrrlollo$n!lornuisfo,.rlind.ni..,er insancores.rn b..l.relr tppr.i Mi.ronettrs .ups,d scsii(lJeeves whe, use. n .onruncioi w rh r.orc w I rai$ rheera.rivepermabiliivoI rhe5yiemrnd hc p contol nny rn:cner. ilux. {l 9;rn- t L= rn.lu.hi.e 1m.rohetren letr = Eitc.rvc p.mcib ryor..,e Geesnrr beowl = lengrh.r.oif.orcI n.hc, Trc lamiy oi cu es to ir. elr shows how rheeiip.rve pemcab ib llenr or r $o!nd.y id,.a or rhe cores lensthto d trmete,rario ( r / D r a s$ e l d r h eh i . m a r a r iP ae , T h c s e . u a e s n d i c a r ct h a t i n m . i y calcsvrrJloi5 | the en8lhldnfrerer i.rio w I mo e sisnlf.andytre.r rhe rhtrriiGaar in erre.rve perneabiliry rhepamr.ibi Iy!irhe.o€ mareria Ih s sroup ol c0ivestr€s .al.u ated u s i n Bi r y i d , i . r . o r c w i h a s i s e oi s en8thThey.anbe ded r: rr, apprcxrrton ot thc eiia.rve Pe,me ab liiy lor mur .liye, windru! PLAINCORES P68-106 ) HOttowcoREs H918-1002 I SLEEVTS OI ODJ s15-1408 LD THREADED CORES I T l- TH34-0202F ;E : CUPS -r,Ar c12-1002 DrSCS ol t-i I [ir D23-1102 xa TOROIDS(RECTANGULAR) o TRlt-64/94 O D i n l 0 0 rihn c h e] r MiaumualsMn. No.J Indiors rl'ernarehciShr] I I " /94" indicrrs Pi4leneCoating BOBBINS SQUARED -.-l 02 s88r010-18 . : . 2 1: d , o r/r qb .r9r1, ADDITIONATCATATOCS o o