Ore Buddles at Snake Mine, Hopton and at Bonsall Leys
Ore Buddles at Snake Mine, Hopton and at Bonsall Leys
2rt, OFA qJ'DI,lg AT A{AB !iIX!, IOPTON. TND AT IC',ISAIT IAJS by OnxEoFY eit B. N. TINE .c om N. Do w nl oa de d fro m w w w .p dm hs In h1..rc.116t p.!.. o! Derbr.lti. l6Ed iirnlg, !. !. stoke8 latro&d ir !o..t!g, tb. pftc... hoh., iE{ddtlgi. Thi. i! a r.ihoit, ecb u.od Dy th. rold lb!!r ol ..laBttng ih€ lin.r o. rlelt&dr imD tne rc.t or tho rtn ri.rt.l or b.nins!. Dring th. .arly csliid€r oI Derby.hir. !i!bg a cod.ld€Fbr. @ut ol l.ad or EE lolt ln th. ar..rtuu @it !t ths tte ol Atok€! (r8a{) D.y ord h r..k! y.r. b.r!s mr}.d ro! th. r.ad ib.y cont r!.d, ! pr.ctlc. tbt ba. coltts.d t[-ush ih. y.ar. dd th. on]y c]algo ot -cat tira. ir ttat toilat th. htllo.k.& lFw*od tor truo..par and b6ryt€.. lt.ch&Iotlo! o{ cdEe l. rlrlDs chds.! to th. ap!.am.. ot ih€ tud.c. .l old dnl,s .!.a! &d @t vtll itt.qp.rr 'Bnddrinci vdrd tat. prace e ih€ .tte ot o.&ptu'tuclns rlne! to e:tEci u Dch on !! Jr.!ime. ldelty, @tl cudtille. oI tI!€ @tailal rcre pl.c€d at ila !p!er dd ot i!. hddl. dd by osd! ot . pt.c. ol sod ylth. b.!dl.r v.t. r6k.d bac&.!it tortb acE!..Iov o! ht.r pdFd l&! a hck.t. Th. $t.r €rli€d ih doh th. hrdda to collect.t the htre, rnltrt the on rbtn.it chi€lry tn ihe u!p.r.s.ti@, lt youlit b. m}€it tosaih.! eit reDnit to tLo .iockpil.. 1l th. o!.Etor re- not ..il.tl.it th.i rtt th. rl.rled! h.d b..! .nEct.d tn ons op.6tlo! b. vorrd t!k. the &!Ldr€ !.ck to thc to! ot !t. budi[. od r.!o!i th. prcce... t. h6E be.! lo!tu.t. 1l dircoErlq tYo buili[.r ln r@&.bly good .o!itttlo!, at lololl !.yr dd 6t th. 306&. Utr.' Eolton raooil. be or itirr.nnr p.!iod., (Bona6rr }ioo!) b€tng.outhtla ol . '!cBlt.le.r l.b, rh st tblt ai Srak€ !tt!. E. lutlt ylth aE lt!.!ton. .l.b! tor . lroo. ed ttdbe. ?h. Bou.rr L.y! .ii. ta! &tic6d r,y. loci.iy @!b.i, N. Cr.aoty, dndns 196{-5 rhil. .teEttrs old !tue tlp. (blroc}.) .nd lh.rrd op.!yo*. t! tb€ !.!!ch to! ed pFdlctton ot fltrorpsr tu.Ii€ril rBta o&nrr. ?h€ r&rddr.t in d adjotntls lteld at sr2fto'?oa rrss !y th. .id. ol a .tsli sd bntli on 6 Llllo.k. It h* a io't3l t.u ot t li, Th€ .td6. .F lor.d lro! drt rt!..td. .lab., yhtl.t tb. tloo! tswoil yith .trit.. slab e.ch .boui r0 ie. dtuoi.r in cnrt poelns paii.m. At t!. tatl ot th. liFt s.ction s rerl yom rr.t 23 ros. br Ia rns. toe r v.dicar 'tep U ro!. d..p ro rhe..n, I.ls.!.ectsn (rk. r). q*aliy (6bdt r to!) at tho iau ot th. brddr; rr.. r or qnr.[etsinch t.ryLer snw€I, qoit. "*ir cl€d, tb@gb gE.. coYor€d' jut a. li h3 reii hy th. tord rbn' yhe th. bddl€ B. lsi u.sd, Dit 25\. Do w nl oa de d fro m w w w .p dm hs .c om ol the .iz€ to vblcb th. or. s. brok€n lor tr6.treni {q"-i"--.h d.*). !.ins @e lrt.br. th. g.l.n! voutd on aEEs. the h.ryte!. It .e.r. p.obatle th.t ihe t.tl led trto . leE hr i to dich ninmter ed tbi. tNId b€ u€d oY.r 6sai., cl6r Eier lor ths nelt dat.€ ft.k. ll srk b6d c6tim.d th. len ymld h3ye bee. creded olt @d it..ont.!t. thFh 6io th. hlllock, ht 63 ihe {ortina oi the lis dev to o cro.a tbi. n...gl.ct.d dd lotbtla of ib. st.r hol. r6otnr. lrs tn.ft 1! no hM v.te. ppry yithin 200 yd.. 1t ..@ loEl€I in t ele ut.r rdld b. oht.lDed beina d6h up tbe .h.tt by bnck€t whd th. !.* st drr. ItnlorLu.tety th. to th€ glrgils havlDa cotl.p..d 6nd @y wetl be ddcenu. The inuddr€i t. .ti!rt.d tn . tt.Id ol 40 6c*. lsed lor tuwn !a.t ol th. non.rrl L.y€ ?.e, e ar.a .:td.tEly vo .sd by tt. 'Old lrqr, tbe u3t i€cent or hi8 vork heirg rtdtrt pioduc.d by ! Bon..tr r.! y turi.s th6 r92o'.. aor6 .hdt. tn tht. ar.a.r. e.iiEt.il to b€ h €r...s ol 20 t.tboe d..p, althoo{n th€ Bjority.n dch r..., bei4 ciror.! ald rrrr!3 . dl@ster o! antu. .bout 2 it. 6 in!rr rb. sb.k. rn. r€fi25rtty' rh. 'arddl.' (Fts. 2) r! 3r!trsred otr . ell pr.t.!ur ... tht.d ol tb. by dm tb. .id. ol o artilicl.t p..F.h.p.d hIIIoc&! atptu:i@iery rr0 rd., roDs ty ,0 yd'. iide. Th. dr. r. rm.diat.ry .dlotnina b tn. loFton l{ood Qurrr eit 1t ag .tt.r h.ll ol th. r9th celtnry. I bo!.ts atn s. usd lor vtndtDA !p tb€ rDi !h.p.it .h.lt, enich n E . d.e diuae. ot t ri. Dd. dalth ot .ppFtl4t.ry lo0 lt. Tn.r. t. .ftdenc. 01 rhe !rn. b.yi.g he.a yo.k d tor .hort pelrod. drlins thi. cdtliy ht ltitl. ...u to be hon ot Tne iPhddr.r t. .bont a lt. ttu! th. .b.li borlzontllly but .0!6 6 !1, lower d.r th. h rod.. It ..@ rd.tlr€ lor. chri€ to comeci tho tvo, t!il..d th.rc t3 d rncltn.d .1op. tlt no otb.r €rtdence. Unitke B.n.rrr, th. lloor ot th. '&ddr€i is ud. np fo! olry tb. ttr.t and ..m.. th. @tl€t tb..e ls 6 la.x. s tltole block rltn . chdner tut Il tbe uilerlrd. to lrroy Ete! sd Dt.ltal to !a.!. Tnor. 6r. ! lulb.r or stuo?e. dd .bape !uag..t thai lt y.. r.Il trred lor ltarperlrs Eln.$' tool!. B.lov ihe 31ab ! itEtalse trdrgh l2 inch.r rlde vith.id.! ol rib..ton. and th. ltoo! p..tly ol rrDelion€ p6.Lly vood. Ihe tftush t€ b!1ds6d h.tlv.y rrih . Iilestone .Ia! 24 in3. by I5 1$, dd b.rov .to!. linlrg p.t.!. ont, thowh ta... ot vood.! tNusluredi.. Th. r.n riD.tone !r.b. Dy L.r. .oD lt! tb. Eopion .ton. .aHul Dd thr! daa..t th.t ih. br iban lld-Igth c6trry. Th. ia.hin3. rea ti. bqdd tor sore 20 lt. Nqhr4 !.rtlotred aboy., 2rr. Do w nl oa d ed fro m w w w .p dm hs .c om rs6in. ol .o!€.!p!o!t. b.t!g.itll d.ttr.r to t rt t!tu !.€tilirg ilii .i th. tooi ot ih. btlloct n6r io eld r.y.r. l@ tt!. to ttu tb€ .€ttllrg iL! r@ld b. cl.e€it olt Dd .riet th.@ to @. .td. or ih. oihE! to gtr. tb. pE..!t .pp6ro.€ or lrvt'l basn te d&. &d tnde.d ti tr pFb.bl. that a. tb. du grcy ! r..@d t@td !. ior.d ift.Ditondlr rLtch yo it rrld ihe oy€rlld thd d. to p... to th. otL.r uit rp€.d rp ti. Ei. ol t.d1!dt.rr d.portt. In corclu.lm, tn.E.r. ra.nl h.!ic .t!tl.dtt.. b.ty..! th. ayo rra.., both hddl...!. vlthtn. td t..t ot r .lrtt r.d th. ltr€ htlloclo.r. !..d t! both 6... io DFv{d. r hll lor ib! 6r.r. IL ronld 3..! .to'i cert.In tbt st.r s. dbu !p th. .t tt .t Llell, vhtl..i th.3or&.!ltn. ths hoE<r tould 6*. ti pncitc.L' t!d..it d old photolFpb thqr r r.r!. vooit.n tuck t .i6dlna by ih. .b.rt, !b@t 1911, fh.r. r. 1n loth 6... lNirto! tor a p.ltttto! ltmi b.llr.y.loDs tn hddle, Drob.bly to .o!..r€ th. pr.cl6. mt.r .. Ysll .! .llovtlg !.ttltrg. Drrhs th... @rry d+y. ol ltnlns lt Yonld no itdbt b..n royor gEd.. ol oE dttl ttnoc.. o! th. .ilrotaa. to !too&U. th.ibuddter rerthar san rncdttye to eit th.r.lo!. tt Ellil lot b. o €cor.lic p.olo.lilon to nln. ed luddl. !t or. tt!., €v@ th. b.rt or. rdld {quls loe dF..ihg and tb€ B.to t!! thlr r@rd p.r. into ro d Diil in. poo! gr.d. hoh .. nBeltedrr wmld be hrdat.d. v t be dllcorer.a' on. or tvo It i. bop.d th.t oth.! !.Din!rBdrlt..' corc€altns h'rt !o d.ltntt. .Y!d€!c. t. klM to ih. anthor. at th. e!.ni, &d th.y dn t. pts...d to on ibt! !!bl€ct. Fc.tE oy tnto@itoD, . vo1. t. Pt. {. eD.25t-255. rq om .c hs dm .p w w w Do w nl o ad ed fro m Pton snd scction ol o Buddt. EgJ ot Bohsoll L€ys. st{ 2680 5708. EgZ scot. g_______ji Fect Pton ot Hopton. c Buddlc ot Snok. Min., st(.262555 oa de d nl Do w m fro w w m .c o hs w .p dm