HUilIDSPORT - Rasta Hunden
HUilIDSPORT - Rasta Hunden
MEMBERS ggggre T News about pet sittingand pet sitters... It's everywhere! Each day,all over the globe,the pet sitting industryis gettinga lot of noticein the media.AndthatmeansPSImembers with their Names in the News. lt also meanspet ownerseverywhereare learning aboutthe advantagesof professional pet sitting-and that'sgood for all of us! @ ArcundT*wn I i HERO INOURMIDSTJ Wher Debre Mllior, owne.oj Four Pa*: ?elSiittng Service, recently experierced tre p:lsing of lwo pel;ovi!.tg Ineejs, sie decided tc do someihing göod for ånintålsin her loued ons' i:oeor Sle began purchasing seb ol aninraloxygen-.*cwry HUilIDSPORT rckl6ffilsklffi $tort behovay hundrastare i helalandet Et åv y*e€ .cn ide k En dag på hundjobbet* gaska upp 1Hqndspods pågåend€ dikelserie hlrdfsb€ okånt i Sref;gg [4s Yriei äf fo.tiaraftde nyll €ril lehöve1 av professioneJlå h$dF$iåre åt slod i heh men* SlsaFne Holrcne 'åndsl tanshisirgsrgdnistionen Rafr Hunds. 4 son e!trs sdil lhnr ns, tu' jg qn' qp resks lor Dougias Couniy li.e stationseod K.9 units,and mcouraged olhers io doihe same."Blr supplying lhese seis io lrcal{irel4hters, Forr Pews hopesiogive more an:sals i4 ihe cefielnity å betier chanc of survlva!iroft å dwaslaiing house lire,"Milion says. Ja daie nore iirar 18 :ets oi casks hae been donaied to ihe couniy, enorgir tesårvix iheeniie comru:iy,llilicn saysshe hopx olfrers will {ollow her leae anC bedasidiar prc{ects in iheir cwr ccurlies. "ihe iespon*elo:his eiforl has bren amazieg, ond I'd iove io ss it cöniicue i* otirer arees,' sle eys. "Thesedogs need our l'reip,:*d we owe it ioli:em ic as*st ihenl For more in{ormaiion on Four Paws Pel5iliing.Service,visil wlw rpaw spelshi ng,<om. i it &q r4Ndr å b niie Rii6r. d€lN tutuh;r R d.$r j i l m tinud k M * c .k s em . rrd:Sr. nn Sn**r -hRm tds * ft* be b.d.r dld *f,{i* d U6s.. tun mid d * nd siJk*jhr rd @ i& u nrDs Hunan dns dl6 C%*.&r+ tu$, !r-;F'e :$, V5rd de :*t€ {E&å!W:isrhs ,& e rs:*tudMfi le& iod!*!'lE { *p$ nrn -l+ &s& u d sd{ !u' $i$ d $n d 6nN Sa ta iq in( *i$u!et *rud. hpm2 n$ * &x n( lry Ar flFr* *dan.e s.i r:n4r lS.nss:5ll* *ndrF* r*fd ns* $&. s ?idnnl M d låMHkI nor oilt rft*då Dn riilbrtn*n \ini: i.e cs!" fi $an^ r&es:: Qid&n. ! o, dn du, -lE b :nr n$ 6b lunds d dX *[ dt dlil!;p *ft i4 &inrr. in i 6 dn r* ,! #* $sdm e i ril Hs R: 9i. -.hs h' t*r;r*d tohr,c :r n,adffi.' .tr i Hr ldd. lEr olldF ihrs i:* k,xr Fh tir& SSr6r tll tn \in 'rirs nd, HudS ilfir nddd{ ra l* tuf_ t rnL: Lo .rn s tr*&ln. 'Lrd, kBk irc hn&r d6 hrdnt de fu j J+r Y!€&d', {rlcr d brtli rgfti: as Senn€ rgr6nr. tF. &e * * $ *r *n&s3 i'r ur n*i&, ii ii d.r & ile -\! ,an,!ilrw i tu,! Hddn. M6 o$h dh tpd. M.i - rs * .n mRh{ an rilihö€ i. i! $å * I $d, nn6 & s r*. s@||dfm*h&å!e* b* uF $edw @ b*!e*@r&'snl'k, d srk rydie:tof, Md o rdl|hlJ e wn nirp n{d dl 6!d ds.!!* *i rni*,ins vi br d! *d r,+ rtvlo*r xh likBndr- l:S hriwr r( lGii'iryr€ k. ril 6:r$l $e!8. S :ba$Sdiq d ior lldldn&f uk i?p iqn i &d, * ai i4 k I!6 4 l$S*us, loatuM{ ud i{ k9, ;,n tu i! *r dn $ k,nr*sd d.4s Jin -Å{ Br Sr&t5S& lki rr inE k R $ddta: M& j+ dilhr d iis v*n* tohbieRr tu&r på idi, !e k.* 6&iiB k &n. { i,,t åarF! h ;d Un {r tr a F r i ds Åi l o,+* i !i dl k d 16r lids itryil !s dI illrddipEdr*!1 \|E Talkabout"ForeignPress." Susanne Holmene, owner of Rasta Hunden, Stockholm, Sweden, was featuredin the SwedishKennelClub publicationHundsport The magazine'scirculationof 100,000+will go a longway to educateSwedish pet owners about the still-newprofessionof pet sittingand dog walking in their country.Congratulationson gettingyour Name in the News, Susanne!(P.S."RastaHunden"means"Walkthe Dog"in Swedish.) 50;lrew*lLn GivethF Gift of PuppyLoVC Gillceriliicaies ai*ays make a greai g:*i-epecially whe* ycl dcai know eracily;,,hat y+ur lrierC or iamiiy remborrvanis. lnstead oi shovrirg rp to * ioved one's lause wi:ir a puppy, why roi give ahen ? ciii ceriiicete iö picir oui the pooch the"y reallyw:ni? LA Anrmal Ser':lceq an organizatioe ihat:irives io pronole a.d troteci ihe heaiih, saletyani weFre ol animals and peopie ir Los Argeies, ol{ers gil cetilicals so 1os.ei do just tha| Sdeciing a pd io join youriamiiy i:a penoreido{lsion, wi:ich f,,akesihe gi{i cerliiicaie suci: a k;ll;ort ;dea.The recipieni ca* choo* irom hunCres ci adopiabh a*irels a: ihe ciiys six aniaia:-ser"ice ceniers. Ceriililales a:e a.;ailablein a va.ieiy anC aie valid ior one,vear*5ut why rculd aeyone wöni tö waii? Doggie AficionadocalledPSImember Debra Milton, Four Paws Pet Sitting Service, Douglasville, GA, a "heroin our midst." That high praisecameforthe donationof animal oxygen-recovery masks for her hometowncounty fire stations and K-9 units. Debra's good deeds earned her Name in the News and will helpsavelives threatenedby devastatingfires,too.