No Title - port of taranto
No Title - port of taranto
i r M E v A s e S s r T S e S s A s A R e r S A u t o r i t à P o r t u a l e d i T a r ant o N p w G A e Tar a nt oPor tAut hor i t y i A E N v P e S G i r M E A s S s r T S e S s r A s p A R e r A N p w G e i A E v P e S G i r M S E A s A S s T R S e S r A p A R A N p w P G e iSTAMPAPA RASSEGNA M E v e S A i r M S A s A s T R S e S r 2 9 A GOS T O 2 0 1 4 A w p A e R i A N v w P G e i M E v P e S A i r M T S S A s A s T R A e S r w p A e i A N v w e P G i e i r M E v e S A i ss r T S S s A s T R A e S r N w p Di r ez i oneAf f ar iGener al ieI nt er naz i onal i / Pr ogr ammaz i one/ Per sonal e Sez i onePr omoz i one I nt er nat i onal andGener al Af f ai r s / Pl anni ng/ HumanRes our c esDi v i s i on Pr omot i onDepar t ment arburanti, in vigore nuovi limiti nei porti .j. i. . . -- . -.-. il '-all'-alli genova -in base alla normativa si d' ~ b ' b " i ina n 'o i e c n a v' r .1 p . a~ s. .s.e cg q: e cn ~ .in ' s. e rv~ r ~il ~ . d: .1 ",".~.," ~, . ",~!,~ ~c., linea all'uso di carburanti con contenuto di l'o' ifoc filnoc , a' un ma ssc~lm o,. dc elio 1 sal" ~in . . , , , c .;' , . , . , ., ,10 nav igazione ~ ::;enova - entrano in vigore oggi in tutti i portl talianil nuovlllmltl che impongono alle navll'ulo dl =,a rb ",ucra ; nti ~re c e,n a b"a i ;cl:o, c~ ;o, ~n ,ufo. ,. d; i :zi[io ;io~ . ~ È s. ta: to~ . n.tatt.1 pubb.l.lcc,actoc s~ulla' gc,azz,'er:-ttac uffi c .la'lek kll d"ig:s~ nc.o '",'c'. i""'.,., 112 de116 giugno 2014 di attuazione direttiva no ~12/' , ,!33~clru. , e. ~ c; 'h e. : ma , c ,d 'ifi c; ,ac la,: d:.i~e, "t t .w"! a; 19;9,9,1,!3..c2/, !ic';e ~ s~u i ~ve. ,n ,oc cre, " d. '1 z"o cl~o, d; e :.1 c, ,o cm 'b .u 1;,st'lb :.ln'l'lm '. n base alla ~uova normativa il obbligano le navi ",a 1,i'e- :~~-,e,ri .in s~:e, ~ra( .1"'~0: d.; '1 i.ln e" ",a ac il ' u "s~ 0.; d.; '1 c.; "a: rbu .rac nt .1 :0 .n c: o.n~te "n ' ut 0 d':1 :olfo . fino a un m a l'llmo d elio ...'- . . , . -. &; ..- ~c - - -c c c - ~ 1.5..,~c in n ~1~~"""o,;;cn ,e., u.n ' i.lm .ite..' c!,h .,e ~ s. '1 p~rec. ;'v,re, "d e. i1iy!le~n~a :lb;.i~..añ;~.5~ dal1 gennaio 2020" ... shipownersc'- "'a. " r'b," ura. , n"' t.1 .1 n' v:, ..ig. , o. , r'e' . ~ ," ' ~"* , \r! .c ~ , -"--,j r ' -.,j ." nuovi limiti nei porti italiani genova -in base alla normativa si o: ~ b ' b: " i ina: n 'o: i e c n a: v' r .1 p . a~ s. .s..e cg q: e cn ~ .in ' s. e rv~ r .il , . d: .1 ",..~.,. ~, . .,~!,~ ~c., linea all'uso di carburanti con contenuto di l'o' ifoc filnoc , a' un ma ssc.lm o,. dc elio 1 sal" .in , . , , , c .;~ , . , . . ., ,10 nav igazione . genova - entrano in vigore oggi in tutti i portl italianil nuovlllmltl che impongono alle navll'ulo dl c.',a rb ",ucra ; nti ~re c e,n a b"a 1 ;cl:o. c~ ;o. ~n ,ufo. ,. d; i :zi[io ;1 o~ . . È s. ta: to~ " 'in.tatt.1 pubb.l.lcc,actoc s~ulla' gc,azz,'er:-ttac uffi c .la'lek 'ii d"ig:s~ nc.o , c. c c, " , c' . i' , , , ,.. , , , 112 de116 giugno 2014 di attuazione direttiva no 20cl;;l2/' , ,!33~clru~ , e. ~ c; 'h e. : ma , c ,d 'ifi c; ,ac la; d:.i~e, "t t 'iv"! a; 19;9,9,1,!3..c2/, !ic';e ~ s~u i te. ,n ,oc cre, " d. '1 z"o cl~o, d; e :.1 c, ,o cm 'b .u 1;,st'lb :.ln'l'lm '. in base alla ~uova normativa il obbligano le navi pca 1,i'e- :~~-,e,ri .in s~:e, cra( '1"'~0: d.; '1 i.ln e" ",a ac il ' u "s~ 0.; d.; '1 c.; "a: rbu .rac nt .1 con c~~tenut o d'i ;olfo fi no a un mal il mo d,;; elio 1.5..,~c in n ~1~~"""o,;;cn ,e., u.n ' i.lm .ite..' c!,h .,e ~ s~ '1 p~rec. ;'v,re, "d e. i1iy'le~n~a ab;.i~..añ;~.5~ dal1 gennaio 2020" ... ~7 agoslo 20141 la confenna dell'authority egiziana, che conterebbe anche sugli investimenti cinesi - a garanzia gli introiti dei pedaggi, che in lui anno coprirebbero i costi dell'escavo ".....,n.... ,--'--,-,-----.,-,--,---------.-------",----,--'----,---,-----------;empre più spesso nell' africa del noni. con capii ali in buona pane cinesi. per u n' opera slralegica come i l raddopp io del canale di suez i n u no dei lrall i p iù slrell i. i cinesi si sono subilo falli a vani i. )allendo anche gli impegni promessi - ma rima$li più che ahre nel limbo delle inlenzioni - dei paesi occidenlali. a conferma che la cina non ha dubbi sul fallo che i lraffici marillimi ira il far easl e il medilerraneo riprenderanno a crescere. alla fine :lell'alluale "grande depressione". ;ul piano lecnico. l'annuncio è slalo confermalo dal generale mohab mimish. presidenle dell' aulhorily del canale di suez. il rallo cruciale ira i laghi amari è quello dove allualmenle le navi devono lransilare a flusso ahernalo (circa 70 chilomelri) con .lna serie di rilardi che co$lano cari sia alle compagnie armalrici sia al canale. 1 n quella lralla i l canale slesso non è allargabile. o ijmeno non lo è dal punlo di vi$la della convenienza economica: meglio scavare un canale lalerale. pressoché parallelo. in una ~ona dove i lavori saranno più veloci e meno coslosi. il prevenlivo è di circa 4 miliardi di dollari. si sia già lavorando al progello ;he è slalo affidalo alla socielà egiziana di ingegneria dar ai-handasah supponala dai lecnici dell'esercilo. per quanlo riguarda la cifra. considerando che i lransil i nel canale frullano ali ' egillo circa 5 m il iani i di dollari ali ' anno. le ~ranzie fornile agli inve$lilori sono più che accellabili anche a livello inlernazionale. 1 rischi sono semmai legali alla scarsa ;labililà polilica dell'area. malgrado l' egillo si sia dichiaralo pronlo a dare lulle le garanzie. anche di vigilanza mililare. perché ~n ci siano inlerferenze né rilardi. per il medilerraneo i'apenura della seconda lralla del canale di suez rappresenlerebbe un grosso vanlaggio. scoraggiando .lheriormenle anche il periplo dell ' africa che ai lempi dell ' imperanle piraleria somala e del lransilo delle na v i sem ivu ole era ji venlalo convenienle. da vedere quali saranno i lempi pralici. e se alle i nlenzio ni segu iranno i fall i . 27 agoslo 20141 la confenna dell'authority egiziana, che conterebbe anche sugli investimenti cinesi - a garanzia gli introiti dei pedaggi, che in lui anno coprirebbero i costi dell'escavo il cairo - la decisione polilica è si ala copenura finanziaria sembra sia $1 ala già assicurala: e come sia succedendo sempre più spesso nell' africa del noni. con capii ali in buona pane cinesi. per u n' opera slralegica come i l raddopp io del canale di suez i n u no dei lrall i p iù slrell i. i cinesi si sono subilo falli a vani i. ballendo anche gli impegni promessi - ma rima$li più che ahre nel limbo delle inlenzioni - dei paesi occidenlali. a conferma che la cina non ha dubbi sul fallo che i lraffici marillimi ira il far easl e il medilerraneo riprenderanno a crescere. alla fine dell'alluale "grande depressione". sul piano lecnico. l'annuncio è slalo confermalo dal generale mohab mimish. presidenle dell' aulhorily del canale di suez. il lrallo cruciale ira i laghi amari è quello dove allualmenle le navi devono lransilare a flusso ahernalo (circa 70 chilomelri) con una serie di rilardi che co$lano cari sia alle compagnie armalrici sia al canale. 1 n quella lralla i l canale slesso non è allargabile. o ajmeno non lo è dal punlo di vi$la della convenienza economica: meglio scavare un canale lalerale. pressoché parallelo. in una zona dove i lavori saranno più veloci e meno coslosi. il prevenlivo è di circa 4 miliardi di dollari. si sia già lavorando al progello che è slalo affidalo alla socielà egiziana di ingegneria dar ai-handasah supponala dai lecnici dell'esercilo. per quanlo riguarda la cifra. considerando che i lransil i nel canale frullano ali ' egillo circa 5 m il iani i di dollari ali ' anno. le garanzie fornile agli inve$lilori sono più che accellabili anche a livello inlernazionale. 1 rischi sono semmai legali alla scarsa $labililà polilica dell'area. malgrado l' egillo si sia dichiaralo pronlo a dare lulle le garanzie. anche di vigilanza mililare. perché non ci siano inlerferenze né rilardi. per il medilerraneo i'apenura della seconda lralla del canale di suez rappresenlerebbe un grosso vanlaggio. scoraggiando uheriormenle anche il periplo dell ' africa che ai lempi dell ' imperanle piraleria somala e del lransilo delle na v i sem ivu ole era di venlalo convenienle. da vedere quali saranno i lempi pralici. e se alle i nlenzio ni segu iranno i fall i . asia-europe rates slide for third consecutive week linton nightingale i marted o. 26 agoslo 2014 )ownward irend expecled 10 conlinue in ihe run-up 10 seplember rates on the asia-europe trade have fallen to their lowest levels since june and with lacklustre generai rate .... . ....~ .." ...... ..... .". .....i'...... .... . . i'. ....." ... .. ..". .."i'......... ." i'..... ..i' "'&.............) ....) ....... """... ~e lalesl shanghai conlainerised freighllndex shows ihal freighl rales on ihe key irade roule fejj for ihe ihird :onseculive week by 7.7% from $1.198 per leu 10 $1.106. services belween shanghai and ihe medilerranean. meanwhile. 'ojjowed a similar pallern. fajjing $97. or 6.4%.10 $1.427. ::'reighl inveslor services broker richard ward said ihings are nollikely 10 improve in ihe coming weeks eilher. wilh a ~ialively weak seplember gri anlicipaled. 'firsl impressions are ihallhe seplember gri wijj no1 be as slrong as recenl allempls. which is allribuled 10 several 'aclors." he said. 'firslly. reports ihal zim was offering spol cargo rales of $1.000. as expecled seem 10 have been ihe calalysl for ihe jnderculling. secondly. ihe disruplion allhe port of ningbo has forced some carriers 10 offer discounied rales in an lliempllo fjjj ihe void crealed by ihe slrikes." norryingly for carriers. mr ward added il is underslood ihal zim wijj offer further ad -hoc sailings in ihe monlhs 10 :ome. 'this could creale a similar silualion 10 augusl and impacl any successful gris:' he said. ~erefore. he expecls even more declines in ihe run-up 10 seplember. wilh reports ihallhere are currenlly rales available )n ihe physical markel for as lillle as $1.800 per leu on roules belween asian and european ports. ::isewhere lasl week. member lines of ihe transpacifjc slabilizalion agreemenl announced plans of a further $600 per 'eu gri from seplember 1 from ajj asia origins 10 us deslinalions. hikes similar 10 ihose implemenled allhe slarl of ~ugusi. the successful augusl gri resu1led in prices soaring 10 iheir highesllevels since ihe inceplion of ihe scfi. 'lines have made modesl revenue gains 10 dale ihis year. bullhey conlinue 10 slruggle in lerms ofrelurning 10 >rofjlabilily." tsa execulive adminislralor brian conrad said in a slalemenllasl week. 'in mos1 roule segmenls. ihey are operaling al or near fujj capacily. wilh lillle room for error in managing assels. so ihis ncrease is needed as a cushion 10 cover cosis and assure service choice and reliabilily:' rsa member lines said ihe rale hike comes as forward bookings suggesl slrong cargo demand and high vessel ulilisalion evels in recenl monlhs wijj conlinue ihrough seplember. jnlike rales on ihe asia-europe irade. prices have remained relalively slable on services belween us and asian ports ;ince ihe implemenlalion of ihe tsa 's augusl gr i. fajjing jusl $154 per feu on wesl coasl roules and $26 on easl coasl ;ervices. ..asi week's scfi shows ihal rales for ihe us wesl coasi siood al $2.044 per feu. while for ihe easl coasllhese were ~corded al $4.161 per feu. fajjing 3.1% and 0.4% respeclively. nilh rales fajjing across ajj oflhe major irade roules ihis week.lhe comprehensive index fejj by 44.35 poinls. or 4%.10 1.076.47 poinls. linton nightingale i marted o. 26 agoslo 2014 downward irend expecled 10 conlinue in ihe run-up 10 seplember rates on the asia-europe trade have fallen to their lowest levels since june and with lacklustre generai rate increases expected for september. prices are not expected to pick up significandy any time soon. the lalesl shanghai conlainerised freighllndex shows ihal freighl rales on ihe key irade roule fejj for ihe ihird conseculive week by 7.7% from $1.198 per leu 10 $1.106. services belween shanghai and ihe medilerranean. meanwhile. fojjowed a similar pallern. fajjing $97. or 6.4%.10 $1.427. freighl inveslor services broker richard ward said ihings are nollikely 10 improve in ihe coming weeks eilher. wilh a relalively weak seplember gri anlicipaled. "firsl impressions are ihallhe seplember gri wijj no1 be as slrong as recenl allempls. which is allribuled 10 several faclors." he said. "firslly. reports ihal zim was offering spol cargo rales of $1.000. as expecled seem 10 have been ihe calalysl for ihe underculling. secondly. ihe disruplion allhe port of ningbo has forced some carriers 10 offer discounied rales in an allempllo fjjj ihe void crealed by ihe slrikes." worryingly for carriers. mr ward added il is underslood ihal zim wijj offer further ad -hoc sailings in ihe monlhs 10 come. 'this could creale a similar silualion 10 augusl and impacl any successful gris:' he said. therefore. he expecls even more declines in ihe run-up 10 seplember. wilh reports ihallhere are currenlly rales available on ihe physical markel for as lillle as $1.800 per leu on roules belween asian and european ports. elsewhere lasl week. member lines of ihe transpacifjc slabilizalion agreemenl announced plans of a further $600 per feu gri from seplember 1 from ajj asia origins 10 us deslinalions. hikes similar 10 ihose implemenled allhe slarl of augusl. the successful augusl gri resu1led in prices soaring 10 iheir highesllevels since ihe inceplion of ihe scfi. "lines have made modesl revenue gains 10 dale ihis year. bullhey conlinue 10 slruggle in lerms ofrelurning 10 profjlabilily." tsa execulive adminislralor brian conrad said in a slalemenllasl week. "in mos1 roule segmenls. ihey are operaling al or near fujj capacily. wilh lillle room for error in managing assels. so ihis increase is needed as a cushion 10 cover cosis and assure service choice and reliabilily:' tsa member lines said ihe rale hike comes as forward bookings suggesl slrong cargo demand and high vessel ulilisalion levels in recenl monlhs wijj conlinue ihrough seplember. unlike rales on ihe asia-europe irade. prices have remained relalively slable on services belween us and asian ports since ihe implemenlalion of ihe tsa 's augusl gr i. fajjing jusl $154 per feu on wesl coasl roules and $26 on easl coasl services. lasi week's scfi shows ihal rales for ihe us wesl coasi siood al $2.044 per feu. while for ihe easl coasllhese were recorded al $4.161 per feu. fajjing 3.1% and 0.4% respeclively. wilh rales fajjing across ajj oflhe major irade roules ihis week.lhe comprehensive index fejj by 44.35 poinls. or 4%.10 1.076.47 poinls. meanwhile. drewry's hong kong-los angeles conlainer freighl rale benchmark was unchanged lasl week. al $2.075 per feu. however. ihis figure is down 7.2% when compared 10 ihis lime lasl year. when ihe benchmark was recorded al $1.936. drewry said wilh a number of reports suggesling ihal a growing number of shippers are diverting cargoes 10 easl coasi ports 10 avoid wesl coasl congeslion in ihe us. ihere has become more available capacily. consequenlly. drewry expecls ihe hong kong-los angeles benchmark 10 decline ahead of ihe seplember 1 gri announced by ihe tsa carriers. rotterdam cargo flows returning to normal .;essel wailing limes improve signifjcanlly afler weeks of congeslion container operations at dle port of rotterdam are finally returning to normal following weeks of congestion at europe.s busiest box port. ~ spokesman tor rollerdam 's europe conlainer terminals said ihal wailing limes tor bolh barge and teeder vessels al ils erminals had been broughllo a minimum. and ihallhe silualion had improved signifjcanlly in recenl weeks. 'of course we slijj have our peak periods bul as far as we are concerned operalions have now relurned 10 normal." he ;aid. l,1eanwhile. measures 10 ajjeviale congeslion. focusing on improving ihe handling ofinland shipping iraffjc in a bid 10 'ree up quay and labour capacily in favour of seagoing vessels. appear 10 be working. according 10 joyce bliek. ihe pori )f rollerdam aulhorily's conlainers breakbulk direclor. )ince iheir implemenlalion ihere has been a nolable improvemenl in ihe wailing lime of ocean carriers. she said 'hundreds of hinlerland movemenls are connecled wilh ihe mainland vessels. whose scheduling is consequenlly tisrupled as wejj. i have good hope ihal from now on ihe silualion wijj only gel beller." she said. ~e tlow of cargo in roilerdam has been severely disrupled for a number of weeks due 10 bolh upgrades allhe ect )e1la terminai and deepsea ships arriving oui-of-window. pulling even furlher slrain on roilerdam's already slrelched 1inlerland operalions. ~e upgrades al ect included ihe inslajjalion offjve quay cranes allhe soulh-side lerminal. however. ihe ect ;pokesman said ihallhe cranes had now been inslajjed and were fujjy operalional. )elays in rollerdam prompled barge operalor conlargo and feeder operalor team lines 10 inlroduce surcharges allhe ::ct lerminals. while hapag-lioyd. on 10p of inlroducing ils own surcharges. swilched ils cajj allhe dulch pori of ils 'our-ship europe-asia loop 4 service. operaled wilhin ihe g6 carrier ajjiance.10 anlwerp. ~e german carrier said ihal il would conlinue 10 monilor ihe silualion closely. rotterdam cargo flows returning to normal vessel wailing limes improve signifjcanlly afler weeks of congeslion container operations at dle port of rotterdam are finally returning to normal following weeks of congestion at europe.s busiest box port. a spokesman for rollerdam 's europe conlainer terminals said ihal wailing limes for bolh barge and feeder vessels al ils lerminals had been broughllo a minimum. and ihallhe silualion had improved signifjcanlly in recenl weeks. "of course we slijj have our peak periods bul as far as we are concerned operalions have now relurned 10 normal." he said. meanwhile. measures 10 ajjeviale congeslion. focusing on improving ihe handling ofinland shipping iraffjc in a bid 10 free up quay and labour capacily in favour of seagoing vessels. appear 10 be working. according 10 joyce bliek. ihe pori of rollerdam aulhorily's conlainers breakbulk direclor. since iheir implemenlalion ihere has been a nolable improvemenl in ihe wailing lime of ocean carriers. she said "hundreds of hinlerland movemenls are connecled wilh ihe mainland vessels. whose scheduling is consequenlly disrupled as wejj. i have good hope ihal from now on ihe silualion wijj only gel beller." she said. the tlow of cargo in roilerdam has been severely disrupled for a number of weeks due 10 bolh upgrades allhe ect de1la terminai and deepsea ships arriving oui-of-window. pulling even furlher slrain on roilerdam's already slrelched hinlerland operalions. the upgrades al ect included ihe inslajjalion offjve quay cranes allhe soulh-side lerminal. however. ihe ect spokesman said ihallhe cranes had now been inslajjed and were fujjy operalional. delays in rollerdam prompled barge operalor conlargo and feeder operalor team lines 10 inlroduce surcharges allhe ect lerminals. while hapag-lioyd. on 10p of inlroducing ils own surcharges. swilched ils cajj allhe dulch pori of ils four-ship europe-asia loop 4 service. operaled wilhin ihe g6 carrier ajjiance.10 anlwerp. the german carrier said ihal il would conlinue 10 monilor ihe silualion closely. tanger med new container port to get us$10 million cold-store facility )tuart todd i venerd o. 29 agoslo 2014 ),.n;..'... h",..~..... h., ~n"";,,,h f\"n...."..'.."" ""... ii~ ;".,..",.n'.." )tate-of-dle-art cold store warehousing attracting total invesbnent of us$10 million is to be built at tangiers. new ~ntainer port. tanger med. in morocco. ijamed allas cold porl.lhe projecl is backed by inveslors from spain (frio puerlo). morocco (yacoui inveslissemenl) ind ihe us (lixia capsia). il is designed 10 boos1 exporls of moroccan-origin fruil. vegelables and seafood 10 deslinalions worldwide. the modern 'acililes are expecled 10 faci1lale access 10 ihe us markel. in parlicular. as ihey will allow regulalory conlrols 10 be :arried oui in morocco. =:jrsl-phase developmenl will see ihe conslruclion of a 6.600 sqm unii offering annual slorage capacily of 40.000 10nnes 'or perishable foodsluffs. il will also lead 10 ihe crealion of 55 jobs. stuart todd i venerdo. 29 agoslo 2014 projecl backed by spanish. moroccan and us inveslors state-of-dle-art cold store warehousing attracting total invesbnent of us$10 million is to be built at tangiers. new container port. tanger med. in morocco. named allas cold porl.lhe projecl is backed by inveslors from spain (frio puerlo). morocco (yacoui inveslissemenl) and ihe us (lixia capsia). k is designed 10 boos1 exporls of moroccan-origin fruil. vegelables and seafood 10 deslinalions worldwide. the modern facililes are expecled 10 faci1lale access 10 ihe us markel. in parlicular. as ihey will allow regulalory conlrols 10 be carried oui in morocco. firsl-phase developmenl will see ihe conslruclion of a 6.600 sqm unii offering annual slorage capacily of 40.000 10nnes for perishable foodsluffs. il will also lead 10 ihe crealion of 55 jobs.