r - George Browns Ltd
r - George Browns Ltd
-) ** r**:J; *$,r:*rixfuj3 Ir"*p r,rr.tl l!;";.} *.iJ* *"lr;*-r* r'|.'', .[r; ' ,. 1' 's,i'-.t \ " if#*}s1 hMnr o <!$ieo hiiryac ( 360 tl) Built like a Groundsmaster All-Da, All-Terrain Dont bc looled Lry ns nimblc turoing Rsponsc; Ihir new C rcundsmi5t.r n a ircnrhono drbuEh ihLoush. ft\ ensine{ed rd lvirh 2ll rhs rugge{lGturrr Cruundsm{er reputation lor non*op !trlormrn.., plus innov{ioir thrt }ilt Lrallr bo.r rhar Luih rhe a New angre on op.rator safety By.o6bin n9 the re5pons vene$ ofQuad.Steer contolwnh a wderwhe€ nan.e.weGateda 'r mower that .an s.amper up neepdopes, tlm 160 dpqree circ es tround objecb on side h lk, and nl I ma nkin opt mal ta.tion and .ontol 5..16 Curh rn. trngrc Bound et the quad-steer Adva ntag. Al rourwheer pivot around the sane pornt in the Quad-steer ry{em so you can make tighterturni w thout njlrinq the turt An.l because it user a nandard aeerinq wh€elinne,d orit.k steeing,lhe Oround5ma5ter 360 k easy ror ns operato^ to learn how to drive. c one of the mon rmpres ve f earures about the €roundsnarer 360 a..ording to andrewSteninq of sydneyi Aun.al a, 5 how efforue$ly it ( imbr culbs, thank to the pivoting rrontaxre and h gh groun.l.e an.e. 'li the p.it we've blown out tyres and damaqed rimr," he iayr. "l.anl see any of that happening in the futum wirh this ma.hrnq and that win Pover Through Your Toughestlobs sh rr your produ.tiv ty nto h th qe wth th! 26.3 kw (36 hp) Kubota: 4{yllnder, lquid .oo ed, d er eiqine.lt not ony h al the hoEepower and toqueyou need to hand eyour mon d lfi.uft mowinq conditions, it r mp irei rourine maiiten.n.ewith qu.k, too lmea..estoregu ieN.epona,and .ommon p b a.m$ the cround5master iie rhe. A s mp e hole and pln synem A unique bu r.nose bumper height or currrom 2s mm. r52 mm 6 ) n6mm (% ) eading edqe and m nim ser (r nftmena.You.antempomrty rrerorotherobsta. eJ, and a ranrportre[ng e6yourane thede.koverrs2 hm (6 ), The eadinq€dqe s arro ra5ed 6 mm (rl ) ro sias nands up tnonrpindehousngr on thecroundiman€r, 160reaturea m rive2l m (9 ) diaheter ba$ and rpreads mpact l.ads a.ro$ a broader ea. Dua bpered ro ler be t up to r x tines ongerthan ba lbeminqi. The sp nd e shafi s nqr madeof 12mm0rr')h danedrteeland r25%thckerthan.onpetttvespndtes. Tha resuli i: unsurpased nab lty and nrengih lor onger de.r and sp nd e ife. Enqrneered to Ta||€ rhe Heat overhc we tta(kcd the De<Lr In Yoor Favor t5l3r.'n{/2 ) cu dian. Recy.ler de.k is enginsercd with a patented, ved.a dk.harge synem thatfor.e!. ippingi ro be.ut and r..ut ror berer .l pp ng managemenr aid salery.The r33.m (72 ) rear di(harge de.k powe6 rrrrouqh tar orth ck 9ra$ wthoutd s.hargtng. ippin$ outs de .\a4..,naoorL.t.ot) T 13). ii - (dco lo\ri or nbcde'o .eaner.utwrhout5a.rif . nq mownq rpeed. '30l)0rpr dn,,'s. ng won tdowyour opeoro6. rhe croundsmader 160 hasa plenum.oo inq iynem under the hood th PUL ar nrorhe rudiator and eiqine .omp tment, even underdurty.ondii ons l the re s.reen ir bro.ked wiih debrn, coo a r ir dmwi irom the top to Ther.roa o!rdln rr pe,r. fdre \, and 160 proilu.t! ir Ll u1trl:!, rl, 1tl $ $e cround.maier" 160 auad.steerr" 2wD . Qrrd srn_ nL,nr!r:{!( trr! . la s [\'i []rK!LDn{!lLirLlqJ$! u,rrD! . i3l!m Lll rlrn rgr. drlr . nJ!Jbrh.us(c@dieo R.!r-.!L o.kr JnJug< . Irr:n grgitrllJrJs( !u(i,,.qi<k; . rmq rddr(r !l,ir rrnon5ionrlr! hr'{lnutnrit. lrdri|5/r.hfqL \li!!J RDt!,0.5,DrF 10 OprioDiL dirFr.nrnl L.Li kn oPioD; sFcd 3lL (ion ttn L4 fhe Pourer to Mou, Mor- In Less Time Fol€{ rhout trLlrhe.bF.hs rl,trr used ro slow rou down on h.\ ing d.r: The :-vh!.l Driv! Gbnlsmdu 360 Quid Steer qui.ltl! sxil5 imud m.16, rreer or ro,vdrinsc|r in ns Nry, *nhrirtuih zcrc tim. YoL'. k!.p right oo movilg, inki olgonrg brk ro m*e lrorhtr.lexnup pN. AnJ, be.userGie!endtblLorvswirhiD rhe(idrboa .d..h.)oo (n mor in rtul ou oftighi rGJ Nnhout dN.ign'g utl rluipnrcnt or prcpdi or brrhins a nvext verFtlllty Nam. Vhen Kinr Hrnscn oaBmvi., lllinoir, hed r.hxn.! ro tus drivc rhr i.wCmu.dsnr{er 160. she qunkly $\'?ll linds ol*.ys n .ould n,x[e her nror! prcdu.dve. "Righr a*.y I(houghq ao\', ]ou .ould Ne thir to mov rcgulrr pxrk irerswtrh fl iermin. And rltn,lru.odd rls. D|J n nno rhe iougher re6, xnd nhe up ih. deck to do r m gh.ut Br onc. Ne gor ro dL" hili, let\ iLrr srr l\r iever seer aforher moner ihrr prlormJ lik! n dos on th! hilli." Sounds likeslt! 6und the one moLv( dxt killr does n.l. is lt5 ltriddl€ icd€trnlng "Eaty to op4at." Ihe Cround$arer 160 n deiiqned ro pul youropeGloE ii.ontro of thei,.omIort and re s.lety. The neering towpr, and mreft to indivldua preleren.er i. $.oids The operatorseat s 5olatedwth rubber mount ab5orb iatr ns vibratons that.:n staiian operator'r ba.kand shouLde6 All adjN th thee$entia.ontosarellnqertip.acce$be. Even the haighi or.u1.an be qui.ky.hinged w th a simp e hoe and pin rynem. Behlnd the seat nodqeforweather .r 4WD .ll allwhel$esinq .. croundsm.i€* t6o qu:d-St . . . Qud-src., 26.3 kv(364p) Kuhda,4cylindsdi.l9!.s;ginr l3l cm (22 ) cNinswidrh sid€ dis.harye Guidiano R()de,c ; rciinii:{EH 4 t -- (7-g:ugg klded s(l ring d!.k. ,.:t-:* 2-whel . ss ransporr mode rer MNi.s/rr.spon $*d Etrs.: O ' 21ltn/h (0 I4mph) opnoo, irer Qn i.lt Anr.h !r{ur, ritrrq$Dr rr.t,D.tr6 oPodnnrPriJ(dudo, (n Maximum Control. Maximum Tradion. Maxlmum Productivity. lnrhe.l d,na Gmu'rdln& 360 Qlrd srce. r rlt bis noro d[r driks sn]lL.IL 1,{5 a hugr apF(hc ti,rrl*ourhs I hn, k or'nE e,tr$. bu( lvhen rou n(d ihc pre.sion oirsmllermose( ir ,ip5 ii1tunl ouhd, aod sds rherob Jonr iNu fi,n inr mo\vu i$ nz..lt\ ako desisnrd to curvour mlint€nxn.e .os\, rvith x mlti-dn. vet .h.h Inxr lxss l.',ger rhrn .oDldnlonrl clu(hs, in! r .l ..drnr rnnsmissi.D rhdi ftquncr Ls svi... Ken Shephcrd I oll-o.kpoii lllinois, 5a! hc\ ncvcl J.cn rnyrhi,rslike thc ta.tion rnd.oni.oL olthe ne* Crotrndsmr$er360 Iwtrsul!, {Lrpri\od by hoN \rcll n .limben .ur ned hill, .lty Bere.linbins $ ight op rnd ihai nro\m msir crn skidng. r coddD r befeve n." Ks \d equall.v inrF$sd br rhe Groundsmrner360 on lh. wxv down. vhen rh! nroN.L sred rd ruLn, I rh.ugk \Y.s1 I hotc thar rhi.g d..nf nll.' Bur rtu opulror wri otully in.onrol rll dre my, whi.h is exrcJy *h{ Ken Lookr lor Cro$T,ax! 4wD a l-whee dr ve comes automalicaly senres when one tyrer beqnstos D andlnnanuy ranJer powerfrom the fer ro rhe oppor te rrontwhaer, io you can conri,ren y keep mow nq whar! the belt way to experien.e the power or crcsTni7 Loor forthe wo{r prac co to rhe mea whereyou 9etltuck, where irt uqht oryou ht th n9r As roon you go throuqh wth thir mowar, you'lrea 5e th r machtie doe5 thinq! you .an,t do wilh orher equ pmenti rr olthe,e 5r...in9 Lo.lout For High.spced c6.hot The4 wheerdrrve croundrm rer 160kavoo o.k the re&wheek nra qht,lor.ar ikel;onr whee neeinq lvhen the unir i5 div nq ar hiqher road rpeeds or mowrnq z ronq, n,aiqhr rui. 26:s k!r'(36 l,p) KuLoo.l lrlioJo .d,o. .-g.' ,ili.1 o ,. -. rr. J..h.S,l.k.p',"., ":ilil d d (. ,,i,qoe .. '1."..eY* .,-r . i,: ' - " l ktrdr.rL ',"'''i ,,y.{,{t mDee: 0 2tkDa(0 ll mpL) ero !liq, (6 wnh r\/C aid hear Grarmd * viiL en ridc sion ' 'u6pE ?qEa!or. oP *" nspdrtDodc .?,{tcdslo.t nnig[rn, Moviirs/mtrpotr 5p(d Cloth 'u ell .r o,o.iit \..,.t,\- ",.".",,t,,,1t.;t,r\i & ur.r.(d,co.,o1., ,,"r$,i wrih Al.rearo, Jafery cab All-Season PerformanGe, 365 Days of the Year lhr uLrim,k C,oundanar{ 340 Qmd-src( l\ 1lr on! ru..,n uscltrrrund.i\c(,hecnNod!n*(.r360QrL. srur,1vll l,irh trf trllie.JoD stur.al,.l6 rollovupu.(ion re{ined ..bL(ps*uorrtur\.,4.u,1.oinl.{rlLeld.Ll iiniior N(rlr.r wl,r.oul.lb. bcrtei i And the opioml lionr Qui.lt A(id, s$rm (Q S),so.ncF.rsoD ru.hrnsefir.hnenr i]k .' \rplo( rorrrlrooni, inju*rble Y bltrd.o, lhil I Lc$ rl,.n l nnNe, no (ools rtquirld lilk rbo( \6ri1nr Let Nelrh.r f,aln, Nor tl..t, Nor snow stop Your oper.toB rri lyl teft daf lor sreeting or dcrri,rg 'no\n,9, rno$Bhcn)ou're i,xide rhe qb r1\\ x Po ol .newG,onDdsnnrcr160 Thn tn,..0!nr, lullrcn 16.d.rb his li,u,,por ,ollorr prore.rion iDd rempered s lir v glxs A .[nilc.onrlol svleh ]rith Acrid h.rpmfudop rm$ ilm rhc &mnn. Retr. rnd iiilr *nrd6ta oF.r lor *ft ltion vl,d, rl,e 'eihcr n'rnr bad, iont ni.dshield wiperxn.l wrsher dxurc g.o,l viri6iliqr cLorh Gmnm:, frr snh rir $sl).ns on .odies $andxd. a hach n. to do it a I The c,oundnaner r50 Quad steer a wree drlve model rarthe optiona Qu.kAra.h synenl 6rnontata.hmen. on-A pe^0. .an .hanqe Use one rii. . R fRioom (\vi.ndni,rol . r\trjsr rrr v Rhdc (.{i' edernMD) . SLrr:rli, BIJ. (\\'icJcDnrD . Lronqil\lqmr \ul n1! DuPuhPh,i4i,(dd!alEhis bFn ! rtrhrcndq .rc*}l&E,.biu[/i4ti$Fcdly red t q nin ll Hr&r!nr! rtui4,k'h!dd! 1 4 4i P\ . "b. Ps, 0, l,\(.3. tu+ 1r qq) IOROd PROFESsIONAL SERVICES forc(trhE|tFlPrc,&,ng'lq@i|o(6ad,Ed,6r trE*tui!eh!i!rqoEp&ens,pai5 Fnd d & rFU dlifudq&proEm!iiihgda5bmq6