

u 5 rb e o r ed J $ n n n S e t r e m h e1r 4 .2 0 0 6 .r h e\ u n r e r
Adozen U.S.Marshalsbursiinto rcaiiry show
stff and professional
bount]-lNntcrDurne "Dog'
Chapnan s Honoluluhone }ith { wumt tbrhis
m r . . . T h r . h J i r . \ r ( n m ( J f r u mC h . , p n r i rnn d h i .
! r e \ ' l J , n o l \ c a t r u r ( o i M "Fr L . r oh' e i r . n d c o n victedrapistAndre* Luster in PuertoVallana
threeyea6 edlier. While Lusterwascxtraditedbackto the U.S.
to seryea 124-yearprisontcm. Dog. his son Leland andhis
bloodbrotherTim wercill slappedwith a depnvation-of-libeal
chargefrom Mcxicananthoriries.
The rumourswereflying aboutthe legaliliesoflustefs
capturc.but acconlingto Chapman.everyfiing hasbeencleared
up- Now LtbeNlexicanauthorideslknow wc did it ri8ht,we
had a cop with us. assistedin apprehending
Lusterdd took bim
straigbtto the Flice slalion,"he says.
At the time ofthe raid,howeverjChapmanwas at homeon
USSl.500bail (stennnngf.onr the Lusterincident).and afrer
tb.ee solid seasons.his realiq setiesDog lt Bont! Huiter w$
enjoyingits natusas the top ratedsbo$ onA&E- That s whcn
Mexico decidedthcy wantedtne cooperation
of lh€ Mdshals to
bnng Dog andhis posseback.Somethingabou!rhatwas askcq
"In America,whcn theykickedmy doorin, fte wanantsaid
'kidnappingandconspiracy,which is
about l0 chargesabove
what theyoriginallychargedme with," saysChrpnrm. Now
\ l c \ i c o r l i } i r . \ \ l r , , r ' \ \ . J i . h I r h , , r u .h i n r\ ' i l f i t h r t . N o
o n c$ , l l t r k e t h c h l , d i r (. o t l \ r \ . \ \ , i i r r n r i n u e .w c n d . r
I n i n i n r u m rl l r . c f r ! j r h n ' . r e n . . j n r ( 'r l i \ e [ l 1 l r s k r h e
q u c \ r r ! r .i h e \ r c l l n r e . S h u 'u p .
Tr\h\. Chatn r rnd h\.rcs
c l e n i n -tqh e j u ! r i c cs \ s r e n r
I a l i ci t \ c o u r r eI l c r . r n u r i t i e c . f x nc\ USS-10{)-01r0
lhrnls lo r $arnlnt lc(hni.iliL\.
b u l c r r ) t i n u etso ! s r i t t h c
\lc\iern go\ emnN \ dc.ision
on h( rnd hi! r.xnr\.\ridirion.
Tht IIe\ico \irLrrrn rl{
dela)rd ihe rclcale ol
C h ' r p r i l l sn r e ] lr l l n r e r r r o i L
tt\t (tl,
Rlrt But ,t\t (dli
9i.1,.Ori-silllh tcledul.d rbr
rchrurr\ oflhi' \ cJ. ir Do\'
r i r \ n r e l \ c so n r \ u g u n l l .
sa\\ he\ft,rc ir lo
\rt lh. Nie\icanrunr{ir\ h
:sr. rnd lo pur cn cDdrrrlhc
nn\lr.r hlrrge ol !uc\rions aboulhi\ eolourfullite
R r i \ c ! 1 i nC o l u a d o .D L r r nC
e h r f n r . r ne r e s u p i r r i r m i l l
r r l r{ r x h u s i y lei t l r ! r i n r p l a . e \ \ h e r e\ o u e i l h c rh r d r c ,f i g h (
' '.1I r'(, -r
\ ' , . c , r . , l . r . . 1 r , . , , n J ( t . ( t . 'I i
. Chrpn'rn \onrel (i be r pa( ol nir)eftirq llc li)undhii
F\cr'.r\ rh. ie.lcanr-in irnri (lcad. !br.e.) lir lh. Dc\ il s
i\ciplc\ bii,crgrng. \hilc \eliing Kirb) lrcuLrmsdooFrodoor
l o f e \ l f t n r o n . ) . h m \ n e i g h b o ! r h o oldh_o \ e\ c r c t h e! L L ! s
) o u l u m . d 1 ( )i l l o u n e c d e (hl . l p .T h o i c$ f r c t h cg u \ ' \s h o
d i d nt S e th . L r!rf T h c \ \ . t l l t e i i n i l \ . h c \ N ! s .
I l \ a i \ i l h t h eg r n s r h r l h . \ r u n c dh u i h l i D h
! i\ cnnlrrr
r e c o r dr.o b b l r ! h i p p i e a
s n ( l d r u gd e r l d r ( i l d r c i rh u s ep a \
l o r d s . I I$ r s r l $ r n r o n gl h e D i \ c i p l c \r h r r I ) u r t r eb e c x n r e
''I al$!)s
t ! l l e d r b o u rC o r l o r t o l di r r ( ! ) r b o u lh i n r . -h c
\ r t \ . I $ r \ r l $ r \ s \ . n l o \ x l r d r . \ \ ' h e n e \ . r h . r e\ a s r
l i g h r . I w a sr $ d \ r o r h r o $d o $ n .S o .o D ed n \ r h e \ r o l dn r e
rhe\ $,oukinure me cod spcllcdbecksr \
r _ r : T \ v E E r c N t N E C8A3
l n l 9 i 7 - m 3 n. f $ : : : : _ l
c a r ,s h e no n . o , h : . - ! - - ! . . . r m p .a n d
-- ,j-:--: :.: :xfte en\ut h i n ! \ g o t o u ro ai i j
! :
' n g \ r r u g g l eo. e ; . r
:....::: \ .hed
-::-:x: --::.pricked
C h r p n a ni l s i s r .h . - - : : i . : i
a n ds p e da s a ) L i j : : l i \ . . : " - . - i : t - _ r : . x c \ d r
thcre{as.o \url :r_-: r. :E
y o u q e r et , t ' e r er . - : : : . ! 3 \ q c l i n : ; j :
s e l l . " W c \ h . ": . . .
.:rne[t.h.<n,- --J. j r
e i p l a ' n c dt h . . , : - - : . . r . . r \ . . l o l i n ! b , . i
Chdpmans- {ir.n...j nr ri\u yea6 in pn\,n. lnd
aiier a in$ m..ii. ol Ssi b<h!\iour was promorcdro
barbcribr rh. $rd.n. $hich f!\ c him his iirsr n\re of
lhe ober \id. oifte la$ ..Alllh. norics I heard$.re
ftoD lne pri$n eiiJrd\ atrur rhcj lh'crri. rhe\hRnours
andho\ brodrcrhood
tr.\ $ere. he \a)r. Thcf hi\ ricker
to bouru\ huntingran ri8hr pa( lhc h.trtt.r\h)pdoor
A n . n m r t ew r . l l t c n , p r " i
r . J F J n Jr . r h c
gui.d\ -qotrcadyro opin fire. ChJpnrd !\ ed rhewouldbe escapee's
life h\ r.,.il,n! hinr ro rhesround.Th'as
Bhonhe heardlhc $ordr rh.r .hrng.d his life forever
up.b()unnhunrert \rid rheguard.handin8
hinr lhe hodcuiTs.In thlr monenr_Chrpmanrelli7jd tnis
hee.ulJ Ljo.lu\rlit. hn heroJoshRlnd.l
onrhef950'\- lrn.(ni. ttir'.l DpadorAltt.
''All ol a sudd.n.
I hld 3 \a\ in snh rheseguys lt
goi tacklcdlo fte glound.
''Now th$e\ guy
I reallywantedto punchin the
+:**ino moulbI he says,"l rold him.'Thaas my daughtcr
It s siluationslike theselhar makeCh pnan hopehis
youngesrchildren,Gary lnd BonnieJo, don rjoin rle ta it)
businessund instcadbeconrelawye.s.Luckily. the reahylhos canrerr\proiide a la\r liDeofdefencedglinst Inon ol
ihe fu-sit\e\ \ho acr out. Thct alsoprotecrChapman\ tem
night I dream orrrrexico
lf thereis i God,we'refree,andif there
isn't, wl'll be
sentto Mexicoand killed. * * * * * *
was not plmned: jt {!s desdn). saysChapme. Thctudge
r o o kn o r i . c J. n dC h J t m J nu a . u u r . n D r o t ea f t e r . L r u r n f
jusl Nvoyees. He soonrumedto catchingtugilivesfutl
time. Now I m pnn of dE ercatestb.otherhoodli!ing,. he
says. The one wnh rhebadge.brahl'
Thar"brcthe.hood hasbroughthim a bir TV seriesand
legionsof fds, who pourdaily into rheHawaiirnofficesof
fmily business,
Da Kine Bail Bonds.which he
runswith tle help ofrou8h ar-nnilswife B€th. .Elery night
I go homemd do a lirrleji8.I'n like d IndiD Nho mrses
his fisrsto the healensDd says, Thuk you, tordt l can't
believelhis is happenins,he says.He losesmoncyelcry
time somebodyruns,but there\ nolhingDog tovesbetrer
tnanthe hunt.Het caughlover 6.000criminatsatredy.
8ur bouor) hunrln-e
ha, a dffker (ide.Chapmancme. a
bu.denof imense guill for rhe ones!rho didnl go strajgbr.
or died beforerheyBo! a chdce ro.
"l $inigglehardthinkingwhy didn\ I say this to lhc guy.
I ihould've donesonething.t'm the last guy they sce.IfI
loserharguy, I lose.I tell tle guy, .Brorher,you shouldnt be
doingthis. Loolt at mc. I'm ihe presidenlof the convicrsm.t
I saygerbehindme. rhere\ r@m. tl realy huns my fe€tin8s
bad wheDthey don t lirren."
Atong with rhe8uilr, the businessis dangerous
kill. and Chapnanpurshis family in rheline orfirc evcry
time. On oneDo8 episodeshownftis seasotr,
his 2o-year
old daughterand newesrrecnir...Baby" LyssaChapmu.
they lllell you anvrhing: Dog yo,c my
$illet. Lclandripped me, Bethspaton nre. Plus.lhey.ve
F o ' h ( \ e b l o o J \ u c k emr b u l u n c e - c h a etrJ $\ e . s h o g o
lootinc for thinSsrheyce nail you on. he \ays.
Alllhese aDxieries
cd mdkeit hdd forChapmu Io slecp
_t telt olheF all
ur nighrdespitehis success.
lhe dme ro hale
frith. but it\ reallyhardfbr me ro havethith in myselt Every
nj8hrI dreamof Mexicojail. Ir's lite I havea deadlydisease
$ berewheneversomerhing
goodhappenst lhink, yeah,righr,
\Ie\ico. Ifhere is a cod. we re ftee.and ifrhere isn-t.we.lt
be \cnt to Mcrico andkilled.
More thananyl]lingin the world,he says,he wantsfansto
sisn the "Freethc Dog" peritionat his website(ylD'li,srre
boin^'hut.rcon) andto rcadhis book: .,I dont caE ifyou
buy it.just re.d jL doDl stealir and lem from ir"
In the meanrime.Chapmankeepsfi8h1jnghis fisht_And
bc s evenfoundx newmissionbornftom hisMexic&,@uores.
th€ Kid and Bonnie dd Clyde,iflou cun
get acrossthal Mexicm border.you e free.I In Boingto be
rheguy that slopsrhatcrap.
of thesehi8h-dolld fugirives.ftey've 8ot one bad
nightmare.Frorntheirown lips, there\ one guy they don.t
wanl to hed is coming the DoglYou know why?'Cuz
I m the prednror'spredalo." I
Newepisdet ol DOCNE AOUNfyHUMERah tu.{,.laysat 6 p.n.
and6:30 pn onA&t.