@qdk@uni*egg AvantrBuildiq, Ruade ourem, panaji,Ga ,o3 ool 2223320 : Emat.bspanal6untonbankoftndra,@m E-^UCIION SALE NONCE roti.e is he.ehysivenro ihe pub,n r."".r u"a .o ,i" uo,*.A andcuGnror/s in panicotaf by the aurhorjzedoftice., thar the "underostion€d pbperty mo(sagedto unim Sankof hdia, Panaji8.anch,taken po$e$jonunderrhe provision of s4rion 13(4)ot s*uritiatjon a.d R*onnruction of Finan.talasets andEnforc*ent of s<urtty Inte.6r Act, 2m?, witt besoLdbv E. APiol as ren'iored oeoq ro rso\e./ o.unde,Telroled dr. cnd rllne inrer6t.charo6 andc6ts etc,asdetailed below.. Ine p.op€rtyis b€inssoldon "rs ts WHERE tSWHATEVER THERE ts ANDW|TUOUT RECoURSE BAlts" assu.hele i: withouranykindof waran * rndtndemnitis. -Iheunder prop€rqwiLtbe soldby lonlire E, A(rid, Audion/biddjnc mentioned sha[ ontvbe -onliie tl 'o4h etedronk mode"o *9 n'" *1, e r,5z5zqqbggtqlgr4c!.t ,o"jaa a ' ementrahnotolin Lrmjted,rhmadabadwho3ha airdneed \@'d.are tnc -tr1F p6 ^ or d@ 01 uo4t l}e e au.$o1 oa rr.11015 ro, Fo,ea o; r dror.r of Rs.l,0r c0 63100 Puo lakh n.nery LloLsnd \, ,Lrd,j e,s1N five mly) wi th contractul 6 te of Int€r€etiron 30.06.2014 and plus telat qpeis6. Ford€talls,hetp, proceduGand onLinebjddin3on e.akrion prcperive bjdds mav.oma.t rhe T(hnotogEi Limtr.d tAuctionT,9",t r.zor, wrtt sr,*t..rr, opp. orjstcl!b,Nr, cuja.arCottege, Eltksrjdge,Ahmen.bEd_tgo 006fsuppor!HelpD6k N.rj. o79 4o230a11/a4/AO6n13/A14/315/316 trco90677996,t6 peudns & 096191?021,r: Contacr rrlr. Tjlaki{ararha a vjjay sheny, E,tu{t:titakoaocdonfire,n€r / haharashtra6uuctionri.*.rLa andMT.UITAL D!5 , AuthorizedOffi.er mlam72:ut: email: cbean.il6untonbflrorindt..com r.r the derailedterff & .ondiiionsor E.Auctionsale, E Adion Bid Fom a"a otheraebirs ab.d 6tt EAdion, befoesubmjtring theirbidstor iakingDanjn rheonlineE.nrctio"suL.p,*""aing, "; Ar,,s E value.a F;i;aBhD-rih-Jatr*nteq rnrnlgi rt! parhets,Mr. Arn Andrade, House No. E . 3&, lNear Sr. Seba{ranChapel), fonta'nhas,Panaji, coa, r r. Jose Jorqe. Menezes,HouseNo. 32, opp. Alt India Ra{iio station, Auinho, PanajJ,Goa rtol OO1, Dr. chartd Aj.y Esrib€iro, f. No. 7i1lA, LA CA$PALA Colony,luiamar, Goa OO2and Mr. AkshayJain, H. No. 1120,tounneBoard pofrorim,Vitrranitavar, Colony, ALTO.BET|M, 'PenhaDe Franca TaLuka Bardez, Di* N;rrh untinited €xlensionot ,,1o"minu time 0f e audion wiLrbe extendedby 10 llirutes €achtJhe ir brd is madewithin the Lan10 minurs 3. EaosrMo^ey (EA1Dt Deposit la{ dateor submrsion of brds r=sl5drm'dkups-;de 5. wenryrhousa.d onlvt DebtDuesth nter6t andc6l a mt-la-(jdl l Fl: 3, 01,90,6atc,olEpaa-FA-:;E !-.) Lakhsninety thoend six hundredeiisht riv€ oly) with contadual rate of Ints€n f6m 30.06.201a 06.1I20lsrom 1l.mAn to 4.mpd 3. oatea rimeor rmpedionof prcp€r9tor htendingpur.has Det.ilsof mcumbranc6@erthe prcperty,6 knom to the Bank Nil PRrcE.$alL b. payableby lnteGt€d biddeu ihrdah iEFT/ ln. refundableElrD10* oF REsERva -201 RTGS / FundsIrans'er oi or belore04.11 t aldg with bid rn Ac.owt No: No:32490194c!6m0, uNroll3aN1( oF rNDtAiPanajjban.h rhroqh rF5ccode uaN0532495 * by Do/payod6 tavdint pa@ble Unor B.1l o" hdra, at Paiaj' Biddeuare adred ro vi5it the Bankk websiteunlonbankofindta_co_h fs rkta ed tms and cdditiMs of +auction ele and otherdetaiGbelorc$bnrtrins thelr 6id. for tahm p.rt in the eauction,Biddermayal5. visrtthe B€hsiteol SediceProviderofrtlon€d ab@ Il€ rem5 aid @ndilionsof ele shallbendctly ar perthe prdinod of TIE sdrity Inr€6t Rute {Entor@msr)Rulsi 2002. $!j44!9l84!EE All the plee 6 plrcel oi Flatno:e-2,admesunn! p* built !p t1t.35seDtR,ldlted on th. grdnd tldr ot the buildlnB kntrn 6"CACU[O PAMD|Sa", @nru.ted d plot bartng chaltano:99and chalr.no:1oo botl ot PJ.lhe€t 63 sltuated .t Alrhho,P.n.Jt dnql by mr TrrBfray aGobe rrared a3mtice u/r a(6)of sdon!, hter*r (Enforhdo Rut6,2m2to tha boMr/s sriord .nd Sm6ntors of the b€ld eid loanabourthe lbldin! of E Arfld date, tf ther oLtebndingdB are rc_rrepdidin full 5.t€ o the abore t {fr*#k$lu^qagg oor ^vanti Suildlnq, Rua de ouredr P'naji, Goa '03 com 2223420 : Email: cbsoanall6unionbankofindra SALE E' AUCTION OFONLINE 6 CONDITIONS TER,I^S THFRE 6 WITHOUT 6 WHATEVFR WHER€ l,' the Propertyis beingeoldon "AS ls ,r-'uchsr"isstho'r anvhno or wriiantips&'nden'rtr$ *iiouiii"ios". speefi4 r' tce t' &-measuemants 2. Pan(ulau oi tne proDed/ sslr r/iz evtent ' ::i"ll": ::,fil"fl"xJ'r:l::':ll':: ili"*i:::*inx"'li'1,:: djnensions nay differ' :: ' :,t'i"'":":'"",::' .il:1i':ii:i:u":J"''i:: :::1lT"*"'h1"*l'.:1 ontheoa4or $e Bank 'nterstFd navraore<Fntation H;il:;;-;i.;"i;, orhtreoeds .," 'i,""0 . *.* tne@oi6 ,witn ":o""" lf-T"l',ffi :ff"iif: orbid^' submission ::*:fff:*ij"il':i:f;"ili"fii'ilii'#1"'ll"';".';re 'y_jmmm:':ffi 4, tLcnon/bidding harl o_lv b'L ough online eledrcnic mode rhrougrthe websrte ' ^:i,,I",iT,':,iiIHi.,: t '@'dinate' a(anse 006 whoshaLl ahmedabad_l8o c"'.r"ii".ir"g" err,t ".ag" **. .o.*t o aJcfo"rhrorg rhee aL(lionDlaffo-n ". ' Ij;i,HiT"liti;f .:Jsvstem i'iJJ::'*":":""]:-?ff :',ii:"il""J::::iJ[ problems' * r",a --rp-,iU" tor the internetconnectivitvnetwork .*i "" etc' faiLure "$Hi: own,Power crash one-aucti:: biddins help,prdedureandonline 6. Fordetans, i'*P":lf 6mdlr lhe seM.e urdde_ bidd::Tl: L:ugPorr 6.9'61'g1.?0111:-c-o ,to_oeo677ee646 o"oi'rorornioruou^utto,r1i/816 L.na,':++9+lle*#;1 ;::,"::"#*'-;";;;;,. ;;;;';,:;.#;';;.'.;.t b vuavshe(r oiti"er 08r800tlr: at ^i urPArDAsanhorized -aitJbsoanaii@unionbankorlndtacom iouto reone' tretr ror Dani4Datirs'rthe educro'ste lhe intendngbidoe6 'Au'tron iele p'o'dq r'Pdurement rethroroeesLrmited ;l.i; il;';: Elli5Endse s,,""i=tr' opo onentcrlbNr' 6ujard!couqe i,"",i i iJt. welrir adrafte "n'oo" ,h-*r' webtrtehtrDs:'ubr'audi'nrloer'net on'#a"o"i-tso to 'r'une"ontv 'g o'oo"';;;;;"! andshalrqerrneuer id andpu*'o'o '''nc ,ne o-'.ora '..ea'at'V uponre'e/ing rtfion th' *q(' Droroe' or L',{D ro rFlu_odbe s. tor oadnrDatina_.aucnon mte_or'go dd'i{ ndve deBn a _ berore :;' ::.- i- : :-."." *^'.r RrGs,NfF/F-, os l andetro the crFditoi o_or oFrNoa uNoNBANK '" ^.coJn.to rT4eole3oo5omo ;;i; ;;;; .il;;;; UriolBank ovDorPav ordq "'i CoaeuslNoS3zlgtor u,"i.",r'i",*r' nc "vonre "-"'i at Panaj'. of hdia, oavable in the submitthedulvritledjnBidForm(iormatavailable bjdde65hould 9,' Theintendins NITT/RI65 ;;,.-;""'il, alonqw h Ine oD Po auorrg rhe rJrR No of to rhe rJthonT'dO'frfl Unron '..itu*e o".at r-",0. u sea€d'o/er addtes:ed bankoflndia,PanajiBranchtaist by4 ooPi on orh'f'r' o9-11_2ol5Thesealed Sale'_ in the in E_Auction "tld for Participating .o"", rr"ura* *i., *.iU"a "ith of bidswith El\D' Authorj*d OffjcershalL 10.After exoiryof the Lastdate of submission (qho €raminsth; bids rcceivedbv him and.onfirm the detailsof the q@[fied biddec ;dre o@ledthei b.o5overanoabde the rseNe Dn'e dndpaidthe \p*ifed o'rD ;rr, Lrreeankrro !l-e ieMC- prryioe'{4/) E Ptdurement Tedrnolqlet Llmlted pa4lcioaten the lau.tlon Tlser) to enablethcm to dl.owonlv tn* bidd'b to in E_ ;[ne 'nte;p biddinq/auctionprcedings at the date and nme hentioned AGtionsaleNotice. biddeBshatlstartliom the high6t bid quoiedbv biddingamongthe qualified 11.lntelse qll m Llinned ttreou.,tiea UiOa.s o,n.g rhe p de$ oi interse bdding there e d c hi e l n e e ' o l h e o r " a u c t i o'nn a l rb ea u l o m a t i c a l l v "extended r L - * O _by r O10 " . . Minuies t* eachtim€ if bid G madewithin 10 minuts from the last oncemadeshattnot be carcelledor withdrawnAlLbid5madef'om the u5erid 12.Bids givei to bidd witl be deemedto havebeenmadebv him atone 1]. hmeAiatelyuponctosureof E AuctionPrdedings,the highst bidder5hauconrim oficer, UnionBankoI India of bid quotedbv himto ttie Althorised thefinal,amount assucce$fllbidde'inthe for gettinqdecLared %;aji BEnchandthe SeMc€Provjder Saleproceedrngs. E.Auctjon E[10)onthesane 25%of thebid amount(including 1-{.Thesuc.e$futbiddershalideposit dav ol the saLe,being kndked downin his favout and baLance751 of bid amount Trande'to the creditof in wiihii 15daysr;omth; dateof satebv RTGs/NEFT/nhds INIONBANKoF lNDlA,PanajibranchthroughF C ,' A.countNo:'3249OI98OO5oOOO, at or by Do/PavorderfavonngunionBankof India' payable code:!BlNo5l2495 Panaii. n caseof default in pavmentof abovestipllated amounisbv the successrul bidd;r / auctionpurch6er wthin the stjPulatedtime, the 5atewiLlbe canceltedand the amoumak;dy paid (incLudinqE$D)will be forfeited and the propertvwill be bidder, the Authorisedofficer in hi5 absotute of rhe successiuL the balanceor rhe bid gr6ntfurthertime in w.iting,for depositing 15.Municjpal/ Panchayat Taxes,Et{iricjty du6 (if any)hasto be pajd by the sKeful bidder belor€ i$uanc€ ol the sale certjficate. Bids 5hau be made taking tnto consideration of aiLthe statutoryduespertainingto the propefty. 17.Salecertiticate *ilL be issled by the AuthorisedOffder in favour ot the succ*sful bidder onty up6 depGit of entiF pu.chasepnce / bid amtunr and fumishingthe neesery p@f jn resp€ctof paymertof alt rdes / .ha46_ 13.ApplicableLqal chargesfor conveyance, stampduty, regjstrati@chared andother jncidental plr.haer, charssshaltbe bomebythe auction 19.ine AurhoriEd ofticer mayp6tpone / canc€rthe E-a(tion sale prGedings without assgningany r€asonwhatswer. In cde rhe E-aucrionsate*heduted is Ddtoonedto a raterdate before30 daysfrom rhe schedlteddate ot eLe, jt will be dkDlaledonttre websiteof the seMce prolider. 20.Thedecisionof the AuthoheedOfficeris final, bindingand unqu6timbte, 21-AltbiddeEwhoruimittedthe bids,shaLl bed temand condinons ol the E.Alction Saleand Date:03-10'?015 Sp€<la!lBtructlons / Caurion: Biddingin the last hinuteysecond5shouldbe avoided by the biddeR in thei. own rnter4t, Neitherunion Bankof t.dia nor the SeMcep@id€r wiu b€ rcsDonsibte lor anv (tntemetfaillr€, [email protected],erc)onthe partof the bidderin skh cases, lap6s/failure h order to ward ofi skh contrngentsituation, biddeB are reqEted to makea[ the n*e$ary arangements/ aitenatives suchas back-uppowersopptyand whatryerelse reqoiredso that they are able to circumventsuchtituation and are able to drtjciDate tn theauction successf ully. n