Re!ublic ol rhe Philippincs DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION REGION TV.A CAI.ABARZOTT Oaic 2, Ka.dgalan viliage, Cainta Riz.rl ,!, !!, Fd 1021632 2lla TRAVEL ORDER Aulhorlly s herebyrequened lor: the 2014 NdtionolSchools PressConlere.ce (NSPC) lPieor,. lee drJo.hed ouc,or !:t or 396 Delesoret Delegdles Plrpose : Destindlon: 10 lo otlend the Slbic Boy Melr.poilon Aulhdily (SBMAI Free Porl lone R-ag o. trreofsolT.on.podolo. t.!.e ol F!nd\ 2014 NsPc : l{ned vehi. e/Goverrmenl vehic e MOOE ilw Repub . olthe PhiliPPlne! DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION RE6ION IV.A CALAAARZON c:t.2, Karansa anV Lase, c, nia RiraL t.i .! 1014 ths ofi.E offca Y h..3 Pr.s conraren.e lNsPc)rn sub. Bav onApr 710,2or4 9, I5BMA)kea Podzone, Reg oi s Ihc off .r,agonal de4atioo.on<tc ol two hundred saveniy onc 1271)prt.p3nis rhe Mm5 or by 3:00 Ea.h AM.i Apl l7 (Mondao and to 10 p]{trip:nt ndUded n lhe ofi b covs cdlitJlexpens.s fee of fou, rhounnd Pe'o! (Php 4.oo0 00) dpatrn .harBed to ihe {h.. rlndtsEr_ or rhe {h.. .ampuslounrli'h +al b. e raoured 1o4s) ,15\ for (rhuRday) 3 &pensar {Moot)/ own'r rr12, 091s,149665s;and nr1i.n b rund, br{ttothe 66 /o..ha.r p:ymenb olthe PhP a,D celesctyJtDtcsnlTrUnA(oUnt1522101335 toieekthen EarLy res o.a /rac oia rqon/dviroi for;$htai.e rhev on Ms. Mnhe eA. ind Mr throtrgh iha Pre.i:s l.t v,dl ) /r, rll / r,l rll, R'FdD'*fu tll Di:tlltla!L '.Fad lEbL sFrAdEsql) _ ! Pd dnr R4FE s!h'4 !1ry9: c Oasmlmc'ly !:!lr9-r'11!! cabmb:cLly tr44 q!i! qrll ! q!lr! tq tt U6m8nna,L! !r9 !1!!9 !lr!!! !!! q*.L DAmmAca !!1!l 191!l c"j,eDe!, .fu 1.0 ! ls!'l Llloq 1"!! !h-;;iiAfu q:!9!l1cL l3!!l!! q!! !99!l9lt1i!: qetq 9qL,l g!t!l rye9r! q9!qa! Pr4r9 &htd.t' o*Edn*c! q!!911q111 - q!!!g!q - - M""P.[.s-bF M-"Ii.4 iar Pa!!!'I el,,u-iii"* trll1!]Jry" q:a{ti: !L Li9!!1lr1r1 !L@ .kIl!91!L ?1q!!!,L 1 tffi s9!9{q! -"._ .3bnM.'t Ti 7" l,;;;t-v;i; ^ li*-; .a*;r;;;;'- $4M'r4 .tuddrltlle]lljsf!]ji slYl1l']qild :R114!!!!:!!9ia!!4' qeltlilf Jj!!!!lq:!!1!L !!1ljllls 1."." lud @scr _.._..._._lc;"ftP_;* .?r !1re9rr sai&bbca sb 8si c! 3di!94 9!! !1!!{r,Y 1 !!" Ift'lt;* -e*"0.*.* -tn- 4nmshb, bre€(eqery) qni5bhr 4 chdre€lEssb4)