D.\ ir ;.].0r' I,IiI,ONDHARM^ NAO :1)2a!Lr1!2!t:!!!L ]t|7-2915-1r,64971],5710.3i1,1.1672, 21;!!,21!!tsL2!!i!!1tl ! r !; iP'sn'N3r,7loo\ R :1/ii. ll h!'l,s R,. 71, 7 rf ) l usnm Road, TN!s4 Clrdrai,6000t7 No r souln .lne rrin.ipr! crhiet arorqyaror or1016r, r.1he Disri.1 FoEs orfi .ur 1 !1 l UND ollil J!;ivird h\ rcp,i] i]! rerchr], Bnildings, c G.o co'nPlex, pNo lou,rs rooe. r,r n.|on,b!Thecr& FMnri) 6.Thc llosrihlit-v A$dcirrion of Muiuialxi. -.6.1...,J..fu..rK-J ,n,;,;or-d.,rL Fr-,r-dt ri " roo" hr r0rNrr003, &N(u dl\rf No !0c n .r rNrAi $'lLl tsr,lt rinfo \!.3on siMr B76R:ainplcldql !-qd Ite! by irs reimrle AulDred dhd2.3roro. stlDarory pd oldf diierr rr2I t. rry EDRj & DUrj i Mp. r/r I itr wr. r 00{i,iD (N odas R4r inptcaded s p4 ordtr dard I t.2 r r bI EDiJ & D]fr nr N,r.rt0 D wr r00e3/0rJ) ... R*po enr (R 30 ro Dad Na 4taaR) ard rnYdE th. td titP Nr )ett 11) a hd: tucn i.treatit! ! ar' k:r Lkit tat t rknlE h qt' t, 4 p,l.*.,,, a *, tlt -tt,' libd t6\nP to rtrnrn ],ft! Hit:h, ra,!iu,, tdtd t 1 x)h alit] it )?rrd al ti .,i ftnr \: o,rt iiL)e r.i|i!ii it\or.lian.ttt. jt7. d |,:l)n! lo l|4 a l I aj , ",,,"- ,, '1 p-.tinwJitNd tr.p N. '.' t:"'" t71o!4ta, nh nL;an ph,?r fat a, dtat al , __. , ..p _o etqt:d -a rntrl ol y.? tu3412 it'r,lnalni .f 2At0 s ht\ r \t bpn pt m, )t,!tl -t! | !)D i!..t 6 k'rc*lrdtant Darn , lttibt.t vu.rurr.isi{nrpn t\\,rtd) II )t0: ?11,3))t alrart h6 re jit t !t!!!i,e ta isE ! rrt .1 fk trita" e 14 \o 2 t t7tr]r 0 hB bnn lLi.t ttaitE b .le.kF 6 o ltt th ) j . l Lhrt orret ah.1 fi R j ) t daneat rtt:tr ) t i ) r t r a: n,7atnft nd nnnf r lt. tt.lrh tiL..n.i atbr rnfinml lbrfn i,rb, (t!!!trir alta 4t iin) act ar6 d1d,, th. r.ryiiD\ .frht rih tfc ttrittin) )n tr71 and ma! t! dti.ret q.irt stutuF t tr. &,mttte. rt\-nn?d b ltr Earanbh ttj::, caul d trtit P.ttij r&) trnq ot )rrt h6 N j{.Ldtt;at )thntaern b &r. r* ?t. :: n .nbr: nnue^ tt sin"a !L. tqadu (.ni,lot arn i ,. .t @e11t. 1o .Eat div.;.];n \oirt 6 nl. phn rpnny ttj.. tf P !1.71r.t, i a0), ha: t)?t" fiL,n !1tntE b ^n1.. to, tt? t xrt^ .a|vtid !'ntrot:at an tbt4r u9 D.dt'p tdqty 0\ r) /:.cnj. ar rr .n \r I trar, qrlh ttu yaL tft4a h *. u. rrt^h daih ,..P 1 ci ]hna..t.t, .htr*k ftt e.t \:t. qtr cntiru.i t-rthE 1.. ,, ,..d.1: o pti.d a ri ri!. 11, r4r,, n,.41 dd41 t r 3 )0 4., 1 t\i: fit al't|e,,: t 6t t.,. quati ti,; ran" in$tu.: tt:.r7,ttit .,f t10 r! Q! Jii"n tf inch^vedtyrnaj c41ha.- b atr j, . ?ittt it\D.ntd in Gawitat)j, ,1 t1 1 t t{)):';tj tl )0t0 )tt be* fltd pn!4 t. tat.,. ,,P, ,, ,.,1 tk li'rr .f,t)03 htr hi \.ietntian finhaew b a wt -, lkinriY\Lanuj|li.}jdl;)'.1lDanklt .:!qiat! at v'Eh i"i:;;,'-'*'^ fD.Ielilionf qrid q n,erc! cr,tc n ,iq d,tet M.P rio ,20r n #"$j#i,,fi,"x;, .,*r,#rTi,.IrTffi .:,, lLP.Nos 2101.2395r TiiNn : 7,160 b 79m.3rD2 & mlr; vll.Noi.2:19i0,2t951 rsoo b lq.,:. sozu : 2R5so [cl\Iut] amae.funy. S'c r\t r s.Rhar, ,{drocaic cserl ciorr,u r\'rrN-( b ndRm, spt.c.P tFoEnr ikl Rijrvl"rRodPsjhn Gv""h"nAd"e.E.lF-^,'] rqoo o zqr:, ro::z a so::lii , v. v. visvmrhaD. ^cp : nr! P.s RmiB Advo.ab a*i:rd by carar VJ.NKnb hde. srl6 p. ,v.rn+.r,,*apsn.], cormmor Ad\i.n4LfoEnr ,^h \.\tr\.31nrihin.i\cP Mr P.ChiDdraehru. sccs. f-or R.7 lorn s 1o M, tr{ sanL]ritriEmd R.:! }v,t,,No,}5r3/,?0 for PiioR :Mr.iiayNrr)xi&,s.f \4r a tU Kn[futm tar !l \LN (rubrrr Jrn, SDta P tr orcn), y K Rrjrslk r arir M, v!i$rmrio rlri Mr t\,r ! sirdl :M,3(DiL.S..;r siidrtriunal 1!.!4d511!ll4 for R21oR.1 : : t"{r c.s : rft \rjja) I!,r v.idra&rh ror Nailss, s.c. r s RrmD..{dyo.rr sistd Lr NhN lix Gdrer lirlllslndaf, srr o r. r,,r.( niFlckiL afr u P *$!). sdlrnh, rt &v.A.No.r3r/rq1q (Fofi). i\h(,rltri$ekr md P.sarhislr, Go\.n,flr^dv..!ros oorn) !LP.!e!5!9 4 !52!14 r Nir.N.xtu6inmdam,Spr.6 p G_oE$), r,rr.K.R.jarlia md Lsadrhh. GovcmneniAdtucares €oren) i Nls Vaislr inr rrs s Mee,akshi :M|r S ltlo r (yocd.cfr r\' N.k r\r ( trb,..odan, spl.c r' (riorcn), r,tif,kr xor r,.s?irish. .ro\snm, ^{rrcmr+ (Fof n) i : M.r,s.l{ nri Adlu& r\d:( rjercmt ([icr), r.!rdk, s,r l|sa Golrdi.n. cs 'nh. (fdrcn) ^dvoc lv.P.No.r26n0r0: : Nr.r.s n;u,rn, ^dloc r{!l< Rararh!u GNennioL ccnerd (r.fcrl, P.Sairrirh. ^dhor6 Mrl( Ritsek2r c (lod) (rdsq s3d ?.saitrish, aioYqnrn.niAdvoors ( oE!) Nrr.]i Rans.kj covcm. ( oE*). aod P.sih ik (r.Es) ^droares Nrrl\ xn6Ri! m, Spr c p (-Furen) i\ r t PJi .r rrd? srh sh Goy.meir.\dvoetes aF.F*t , iur V.viswiirrhm, ACi .!4!-3?lZ!0: r\r NKlu6furx @ Mrr.Ranrks md sPl c.P P.sdhr; .lnr<mm4i 4d\osEsar En) ELllnDL odrm, rmit rhe lclrtny o. oihelyise ot the deckion ot .lr ,Ftelhsr ce6dor r N&tu io idanit, sJ roriii *domd 6] tu.joN r. It Fcb.trsr, r is rrrr rhh slnn, rh. iilojed Elethr rr. c oi.Iment 992 rr]' d - '.r - i . o'o ot tnd ia, Mii 'qllriar drd mil]r]lloD $PPon b Dajor (rido . i I Fnynornan ii nd ror.d rm ro pruridc riir'nciil dql ollra !o!s ot I,frj..r lleph.nt iE suoponjns i ,,,01 , rrud'Ns lmng l.otle. rtovidrc I1 aLo connici adrier hundr.d .' I rn d,r i*y r ,6 e d scci\ k, !Jd.s. improyed rhe issres rcrlre ol doreflcded depb3d ]lri! thc lolloNing objeds: }eb.imry tre tor of hunrr-otsrh! pruted aho rirns b n-iE ;", habildN snd Yiabl! ,,,," "." 4 Mod.aiing inrP!.i o I 'hh3d hDDar md d im *ii! dock divnies in ''oF'oro( rlr'l i 'mchl In* ciulN qf'li'ih; Porches dd unndnEl 6 on ElephrDi isniepmed rhtd isru'i cdl ri'!"dax 7. I0crcr* publi cor$fl?t oi a. F.o deldoPD.d orcerhalt habibs; 4. !!ior und$ rhis $hoq widr r !i'i h 'tinidir Jie de ' croersnes iicid"\ Jt mm' conlict sd Princinal chi'r co,{ oa rorrt 'nd Chief Vildlife wsrieD hs corldon of !ni'nih. fldo'L{lv ebpnans bdren lne Mudnna vidlilu sDctur 'r nNrioill'r itooih pds did \lsrm Chars rrv end aLo nom be &otrghr trrdsr drc contol or ai Frtd rlt ri'rn ixdJs g Pryillg ohpdxltion h |E jL: pm.eediicr No215/1002rE,.l !d 1132006 has requcsbd rh' !,!ied,or or.he idd ii;d eleprEn coddoro by ,odro in the smr! Ttu n aotokd .omrui*iion d edt412,ooo ippoiir.J an Explora.o! Cotrmi lhan'Bi, the nenhca bei!{ (i) Dirtrir rorsr ofi.or Nilgar l\i.d], r)ri:ioir (ii) [,rd]iG \1isrru, od), (u) Dsetolienr (trkeL, oo,] arr (r) ih. .orce Br r:ls,ral i. tm ben fted by tu driial rh dr \riJ coDnnl.. po$ii,ilit} oafrDnii! rbe pd! 1ys p(rrnrg scron ,o exnlore th! rar \]'o.aDJpiElhcjrlind!.or.cquisiii r yt ,urrhon c rrjtiJr \ J lI.rd s]i! rJ'o.rt rl iha Corr !r x ,r,,,, ?,r/n. pnlnL! to isntr r wr, or i.lrrsctrGd bJ irs i\,turgir! ldi.iond and .har itr ctephd .ori{tor bnild.n ind duc .tephmr b tu beiru disturbed by rhe cotriJoi pdnion hs surd rov! iinf. i,tro,. wrre tu rhe or b..oming .pprciilins .iqoaclxnert eqGch.* sevent tadoE hduditrg nNbrooninE or resons, .oridof rhe sme ot rh. ro riis aiovenn. b.cqDne ihat lhe coridor to be knorl.dfe. drE e kepr ihoui encoichndr *ay or.oiehrdiirs bditdings md arujvarion pr..e$. Accordjn! io rh. illil'r ouoidrj ro bc [epl be y lyail,bL Ji:htrL{oe 7. noDr rhc tu$. ro rl). clepLs,rcoridn.nd rhe.orious ue nce nov,neDr oa rhe .rimals s;ce dEe Gnao coriddn Dtriry dic pendemy oarh. w pNo t0093 oft]]0s, rhk cotrn, br r rrcDnlnd co cdor h iil!. $m\ d< brdtrr lor.fdu!.: I tia It lr I'N r,ocD ra,ue la'd! iydrd aor ia llre= Dorc rhur 50 {rn plliLions drl her r!..\idjnenr I rortr Lrwellen (tccocnnior orrn'e$ Rtghr) ,\cq 1006.,o itso .otrrlddd d!r rhe Dfiir a,ollrcror oarlsirrs, is. .i] r,uluqlirgs JrrJ Fok! D\! ter (trrsruhon o,J!^ ot lned.J ctrlltrr o( dilins lrslihiod enirr$ rid rlrleauiuJ b itr[ 4 d*rq nre Dilrd coll!401r{/u I th. vi[{Ftr ro nop aLl tu nu ill ing cmpj rhrr a oJrr !!u lolLed ot. grolins dE !d r. rcr rrai ,e 6er, coM.ri lr2:00s .oqo?.rrJrn6 atfut, ']uo '.- liihd r iE ro bc nid by a plkd hakrt si,st!.Jrdlj .jd by a L\iviri,i B.i.r!, Ae rtJrr d1trl r-) *. oi2oor, tl his hrcn .rid cjnc or s*i r i nlir psulb.vnrlriyi!.(r$c|,rftr1611,:gril.,:; irr.j wi-Jr w.P Nc 10091 3fier rrJ.d.1,. rn:ii, ..i_ difllin th s(hedut.d'Jrrb.j nt o{F riidilidml foEnDwdleN (R$ognrni,,. t!ir:! rr ]rrv:,iorr nt;{ grir.iljrid idi,. i\i,l.r irl{.riirior .ir-. r.! iirrrr.!i. l9 of ihc M^ra3sudi BokkapDrm 3rc, od rhey rhe e r. see witdtjfq ...k.o ae Dmrjdiia lroeirriry h r}e tuu,lb I th.! nLrar of vnn bs,,{s r "d .o Ltrdfsturd drlr eild lire inru{6 is uissuided sdsc orhontLi4, ho irr iouir,, suerins .onrda.ion as n is b the ot'kitd ti r0. thorgh rhn adv&..d o! &! pd li(s ai..irl on j".oi ro 5ho\r ih (o ilou$hy i.lormodxdo, I tu ,r. rher J\ro.irro, r.e livnjs L,ruc jn lhe &e lrn dtnihi. horr ot lsocnrjor s.!DL Trrue is volu,iino\ os,e* $. to.iry ftr tri,c $is k"? ]ky. indtrs.d i.,ron hr,l.rri\{,rr!..r,,i.r lir mod u {o mnealifloaetrouDdtfudugrrouti\.Rg 6rv uc led keen to rNl rvill l 'ooP'mc r.d otxist widr {ild lite dd scienlific solunod lor living in hmooy .lmd olrndia tlephant beinP {nb nnging snimrl rqund bllc o' ! Lhen Fpuhiion coDdiiiois. Tnc .s 11% ol tueas or teed .h. lt being $dd $e helbivoE rhai 'oD$s ol eLdPhor mn hc r]]e b*t indio 200_250 (4 ol tr m I i'' dE ' oliiFal !i'l ot food I r'-r00 l|Es or {r. }jo(l n .aE, rhe I ahrtr Enls io hovc fromd dthr hiird or rool r- enailr ,.lic sro'i'rJ io revivc i, rm. ,u ssain I.trdetuq dre elePhxit needs ( f., fic the '' se ''l Lc '' 'D!uL bc suprndl onl, bv id{trNd dr.t .lepLanb Ned dis*r crs lir,lis oabr.'Jiilriit rrelorc n Gn nore 'tru d ir his hc'n schniificdlv Prog(mncd bv fith a0n r 3id harce it "d! h li The Disrid l.ofr oincar orNilsin Nonh Divuon did ,hefttioD ir is *.n $!1 Nilqnjs 10,000 sq.Lm iD in n\is ..m-bd rldh in lbi.r ae lirh cood coDediviry ad ir. iea1r, rx Lne ; dra see +u!c n hr bceD rs(rd drr loeh oi lbdscap. wirb ,br0 6m 260 ,icus sorh d tu 1936 p.ryer E1 gin, Bmdipu in aorers a E3neo slri[ rhr n is r trApor do.3 $c M comeh ro ]sdscapc is rh6,jnete 6! hru{r 1lreom Ehs6. rr is srso yen ilr cven dou[r drq. is nDrc rhxn j0% or tuE cov{cd by aortsr!, oniy r rulli& otr is rr:itabl. ro fumiJrd b), rhc Dndd Fd($ oriices tu dlo b&! objlded bv thc peririoier d beins one snleJ we do noi n,rdenrand sbdy madc by rhe Foat Orrcs, nno is cxpdme ilons nhe ould ilso in ihc uex md to nhofr .o birs r4. nre trli)hd slopB or ihe hi ig w$tm Fdh nas Plablu. It Mysore x( is rlso 6ud in llta laods in wc{.n 6ba6 rnd vi.. M.simcndi, Hlrlladri iid vcfq m .d I lor ..ii.ciiie l.p | ' , ,d , , xr a co* or x ' 1.. |,u' . : silent valGy, Coiibatorarr'riElr \ronhrNircnir Esr rnd in tom anncdiig .xtnt ol n3.20 a.tus orpxtu , eaE KadDad villarB prolo$d tor B]uhinon bI dt IoE* DeFtumi so, lD and Mryar Ehphtroi Comdr plsrs . visl relc in nigniion elephfG tun Ira{m chds ro of 5I 1.22 ioes or b lj! pilfuilv el.phrnb in Tanilixdu is Ghab Eldphmt ReEdc 15. Sjn.c rbe or .r ing xbibutd. Ghxt adjoioine rh. Sht or Kerxla rhd dre la,Eei popularim Nilcift m rcreonal bsbibiions in Trfril Nxdn sem Krmbka md ponioir .t Elsbm ch$ rbuitins seen bc $ch a blmkt \l*t*n Gh.t and t*th l.nds in .r,ckanuai ejll3gc rr th. rrl90 lil"ts har rko becn p.oposed 10 be a(un.d qth ih. 6hals coi or linancii r*irar. ndm me (iivmrui or EidsnioninE Dcpdacni in rhc lod acquisiriotr rmceedinss idiiixred acquiE lada luds lor 16 o! Pturl rAs) scheduted .rcphini cdridor r0.e.200e, ine rlen ,Eead qide4 bd, it Lhe r* bdnre ber Disricl Nire,r^ 64r.AD &!o llis cord ad hr! sho& €tuii stid.s adn ned *ided rom ilre.oniddr \rlile oi $LrDitred rn irr rr For$ tusb$) ad, :006, nerb drcller colldd, llribs rrd o6tr trdnionar rr.r*r Dw.xus $e ldririone in rill rh," hc pmrc.led lsr orrhe ud {R@oeiirion or rhey wi not be pd ionri Mrusohur \1i.?.No.2s3e dlt ro ptrhour eivi!! Forer opponuiry io all *feded rc$os, Eith* d aa cd be deddd as rnd ofidtr nor .ourd rcnors 17. coaidsins rhe f..L! sd, '(i) IoEs D.ra64i, l,hicb hs orcleph3ib (ii) rhe in rhe conidor. hay id?Diity and rsardinc rhe slelhu! .oftidor ind rhe objections and also oftoftk, (in) rfuI le-jng b] dnh ia dre n jn qsh ihe 3&q dr i,romr;i tuca, qusridj ite xEr in my be oridor tmn whi.h ro 6. e,iciod; drai $hedut.d tibs rtrd oih& aoree rRdilio,at n.d rdirioiil tortn dvellm in rm *nh ,iJ ilfom to.ak, panicDrarty lrose {ho haudiftiyd occup&s m lE\ issu.d bearins/r@ bm, atrecG4 $cy nay fimri.e ihc etephrnr (iv) io c.ft raodedg. offrovmeni rhe shr€ c{vemFmi may publkh ftl'spap4 rhis b i,r4iiry $e ddE ibd sch.dlreJ Tnbq odrs'rndirion.l Foren Dvencn Gecocnition ot FdHt (v) only lftr $e momendarion rne approp,inre regisb, h dly mi, proce.d sirh evi.iio4 6y 0h bsri\sri0m ton b{l me Ly civinc indiridud 5. So ey pdv& fonoR nrlj.u rL. omupuh. conftmed, il lard n rqnircd ro bc !.q!n 4 lhel yiill luvc ro u ion tu s nre dr pb.ldk !cn, $ the uuuitmLised 10 ribd! 5d mquisilioi oa rrt rod h d ]}u Llrd Aqluis orh$ aorci d,aller ^d .moi be &,,. evicrd iDarn olPu6lic dd elellnrs. r3 ilu $e !s. proE.ded, dr mp pfuaicd by the Dnrd Coll@rorvrsslirl}objededbyil€l.xmdloL$el.ppe .gotrbchlltot he slhoJurcd rribs ad Trdiiioni n rL! rDrs D.rtuem, yhicL n er s Diptutr!.ii rie Pan.ipir ahid linkrJtor d H.el il tr Forsr DqrnNr oirlEr, Nleni! Nonher Dirilio! lrpe ed tu,Lt rhc ii $R.n Disrh ro.{r betore rhc coun tujd con*itue4 incluiingihe?i"ipil chiclconsraior dr elelhxnt co{im dd s$nir x EPot 'ner bking io L\e di1feEit 6ooks publislred wilh rtglrd 'leplanl (a) Emtoer orih' O)ftcAsi Ekph'ni ^sim Er'Phant i' so r]dIndisr (c) A h,ief docmeoeiio! or el.phani (O A.quisirionrrnnstu or cnidds s$iiive rte €sding/naindiniqr L\e $Ddiq of (e) Lmd uF Ptun md Hstid Udli'zaton r n d rrueh CorJor bdrco \\$kri chrl' Jn'lE+ Nilgris' Pt Nlndmnld wjldlr" srDdlarv 'id Natloml 'n'l w6co*uttcdbvrhecovmneitwithrhefollo'en'mbcf: l p h. it; nd LhErcon !^norol tofd\ jd v,ttre w"ru", 'r' *' sbr orFotr' ,rtrmLl NJdur roredd dPmjt!n mJ 2.hielcotr* Nikins Dnnid o/n.Pi ciEl clri.l .;.rydo.rlorsE. cham?i. Coiftbatore Cn.L, l0 TL. connbaiorc i!m! drlecrde rl.o books, - I'fcobd r+dc rtened nr Pe_l ddE dE is.cJipecitrlized bmks docd,icnt Eliring .o (r) rhr Member olrhis Com'itre me: O) Exanifu r\c bm3 ud rudr xbore and . u crr,r orLidoi iJolii] r4rcr oJ dr's ErD.n cmDtuenepur J tu md eleph:ri p bc sp*incally tuau.rrtd wiih o) EDqurc rod omcf, rocr lreoprq ribur ulr dsor=,nir rhe Nt &.i nd sEcl! dr r$lb ns (4) ,4ny oLh{ ooiftr/sulg*rions ppod. in 'he rhring b elcphmr co Lor' 2t. Ii is $ctr armr rhe elephrnr coridor fi.rd ofiHq ribrl rollo dte fta r.ords rhd i're sid Expqr Comiree vkned on r. r 0.2009 rhe liof rh. and soci.Ly ror social o aoresqRca.fh dDevelopm.nq Iom lrincipat chlcl coisefldor orIorcsrs, ,r'orld wide rund ror Nnue - lDdiR, lTk Ro!d, Atwpd, Chcnnai 600013. rr,{r ajry A Dfii, ]1rHLt.c.onsdr lri )cip.l co*(rkrt, \rild urc No.10, kvriai skee! (onial, ard No'l0,sDddnloodDepolRoad, d oFinjon rn s ofiiftB sbor S,.kmuihy. I IS., No.297, ohsin Moyr vafl.y otNihnh: Fofttr Pdn.iprr chietcoo*naror 2 MrS fi. p.oph ud tocar poFh na expds, sciaris( and senior coddor io and mqun.d r rofni lne elepnmi witd l_,re Tn! 01hdi., r49/r3, Sutusrlj Nos{, l!!io! Mlnlre rh. N rsin_ w,idr e-o / c -$orr,, emj re I2o c4,o ^wrsdr 9,Nt'KnF&trbdslutri \vi|dLfuF]]ffM:I{, c tuJ MLju Fo&! Fcm ld[ ro_i r2 s&id.h_5,r.tu;rhrtunNDr r KPudki,o' (o [6,mcdtrrri dJE.,rcn / $s,rtr"tr Il<lrcln urr(loEeofi*(NonhrMoudsrdd L-io :::,Y1;il1?t::i:: ![ - *,* 22 'rlrerqnsr, th. Expol co.,mitre slbnnrd ia rpon ilsm$r adkiced, irir cotr ! toyed rh. tx!,r oD Conmi.e. b nte ! @p d,orrng rhe boundde drthe vfs ako diftd.d b srte viz. ]re xs rd Ilospibrirr EleFri }hdh{ ihey iiihd io rccelr or vudum.iij 6no i dr rtpon in ils xko the six.u{ ^soci.iior re:lonient in \IPNo.l00qN ol:003) lixs lrqu4t rhd ihtrc they obhiniDs pemnsiotr oi rhs hr. {odruded ihe n. hoslile s atr:: ku ind sixr Lhn Frivir fDrn sci jj ft is dre:1 . Golelme *hi.h is io drjd! .s ro coDidor k rnhin rh& k(il.rr rb. d{hd. ",h!i eid the riv, rr.Jrnoh, iris cod, sii. aororrfli lc rur ro b_! rhe 51e 1i4dai I rrcdr:ol!:lel.di.d a.a!r1 ,inrin rne proposd ata orelerr,ni coridc. 2r. Th,cans, hetutng borh rrk Frdiej and hrine ioro considertLion ordi i.12.?009 b6 oi{ed rhe '(t rhe seb covenhcni El?thr cddor by n\e ,i[ ba hE io be idodnd, i.e. c.rido. iddrili.d (!nht covcmN de heb oa nrc Shre rhe letr{ ddd lbr.{ D.pdr& lt ! 2006, d$ xtrd NGOS. o. ,tr llelhei Coddor tderrined by Ue Exlcn co]mirEe ln rhe p(fri .r5{, peranbty wirhtn on. nDlrh (!) I'c pubricd tu of $s n4 slowiie 6e lreprd !'tpossd Nmbc6 orpriyak rud; Eleplur Conido. Th. objenions wiihjn (iii) t he i didr s! ri r$o.! ing rr_! b. ime fld,e, !.)r onc iDtimrjon ot sLch lqroscd {nhir de tuLed p.lposed h $bnir .he; n.rih. Ilcpl[r Cciidor aro's yirh . or l]]e EPofr ol l]]e Expui als lonvrded prcPosed the Pmchavt, to cach Lmsl lleph,n rronidor. Cdmit|c ich fdl winiii $FflG jndividmr re so ihar kio,lcdge ordre conidor o'thcir oM iltbcv (iv) No should be so 'hoose h'rins i s g'n'mllv my |.6oD, ilrouuh roras h.dnrs n3v be sivd on hming srch h dre ldd .qnisition clses 'id siren objections, rhe porosst uerhmt Lldddor'i"ludins ibe flap coDbining ihe ditli:rdr Su aid bc &lso rublihcd d ,n {v) No individnil or iD the dse. lr 2:r. (x) eiv dtrle, ^sehtio' $v nrnNfr vithin six gscnl! rlmls ior, it sitl thc piYdc drourd intrdc rots be ' lodt vhich re adi g thni '' ephst cnidor, do noi heloic rFdnionrl Numbe* should 6e fimlised rlEv hNe snv obj!'rion,llev mxv nisc Lefore O! srch }hcilE m, 'v h duel1q!, vho S'llednled Tdb6 hre a ri+t nd oih{ undcr rhe Dklrei (ft.ooEdion oa laid don hr.r rhe |!d (b) t. co\!!m$r, rlre s1.E rod kjel[) A( 2006, eod visiols or lhe Lud ,{cq uisiu oo ia nre dedinq wmr 1d 1o otc Fe$r (l$mptioo or so xs 10 .i.6L lhe dephrnr, rc Meaeh i an (tv oo. Lo.c\r" or 1e6r). o I a! NoLice Jated 7.r 2010, \yr.No 4e7s/:010r j740/2Ut0i 5771/20t0j 7 ro rre drcdn a: otihi\ cdar Iled ro rc,ilu rh. o.d{drld I122009 The lom iodoln\eabor.aid i.d rhc tDofr iiled bv 'c Expen Cohfritee ditd 411.2009 hle hli.hrll sed in xlNos.796lr0l0. Errcfr_comnd 4 796r,20r 0, 302120r0 dris Corn sd i6?2/1010. 27 ftrsrarr to the publicdi.i orihe prbli. iorne dared 7.12010 alons vin\ rbe rn{ vdi&inq i$cd c.o.Mi nrls ol Pmrosd al1 thc c objedios dr.i.diis N..125. EnvnonDoi hd dre rtr* smq (IR ! thc covsm4r DcPlbNr, L\{+.{ .onEmiDs rh. eleph,ri coridor n:F Nblished iDd aqthe monioniD! rlr h1s l.nds lallillg viihin .he bouidra d.scripiion lom .hc thr chrhd corldc:. nis c.O hd be.n chillssed jn lv]]Nos.2:rr73/2010! 21939120r0; :r95012010! 2:951/20r0r 2jirr/2010i 16051r010: ?N. l]). coir. ioi 27550/201.4i or rl'. pdition.n rh i, is b{en ol dehnsr rhd ft. .onnihlion, ..1, j, !'ocds ror &quairion or lflds *r,ilh a. ior toren tnllo{ed: rrri iuilDs. p[jlJne 1B 19. rlp{ts rroo h3le rrre b.d br. " Uads :;".. ha noi bcen eused br Ih! ]mlugrcdnorie vdfu]niiroN ixaieliat ava fned m 63,13 or20l0 Dd a bdoL.lheitotuu:brclper cod ji c.c.\0s.6142 nfte Juds! Bsd oiL\s Honou.abte hed.d br, Jrn r.orddi. n). HonDurbr.l dnt ,l* c.d ottr DdEr by r Ar* Liufi. cricrJudce ofhdr, ha fie ddcL itrod l0 4 201o. ,r.qi:sio! bnl!spe.illteNeletnioriseu sirr. !d. r}js orJq or Lh. .ompdsnior rd rcohnenddjonr oa rho rjrped comnEe N inh!( , o ,., ..- .,beo . i,^ ro i.,. pro.ela tiI aollor.dr to rh. @qni ion ottbJs rhich dd imqrr oEi jc toHi nor pdinorB sirc! th. otlici!l aslid 6a aLove appels h3ve b(n rliurd,, o!l{ dled s hsvo nol ro1lor,41 ro 63.13 of 20r 0 tud a ltTee Jud$ B_!h r!* or ore prfd ben d1.h|td b), rhi rrrs co!n, Cour in c.C.t\os.6j42 Ho.ohbt. eble,r.r. chiefJNice 3l5o alv oi njr on Ecord, ir is 5eni 3.12.2009 ntcd b.aor rhs nonouhbte Horo(trblc Apsx cour hrs hr nd b.q na rj!\ iil,hte as ta'ld3 ,oe ro A!* ciun, orrrrf, hrr b. jilqrrer.d Ly $nrc He&d lceied .outrs.l aor rh. !.ltrionn ind ]mnr.J .oud juduiq n i! b i l. Ar d'h hav. Aplx b.u rds.d betnt cour by i'ris cou, poilrd o4 rh.r rx su. e4 prrns lyhich lnc ihis Cour yctu llso rgued bctore dr Honoumbr [gnDars hrve beo &tymced bltoE rh. Evco rhouh Ine 6e tur ntu.rGd }iih by jhe rronoEbte Ap6 n th. oLdtr or.he odoE6t apq ia! ei!c! libeq 10 +proi.h &o c,mit e, which r Llely id inalir dr lleplr coriddj theftroic, ir sos rhour oI .xp-r comir.u 6y ihn Coun co&i rrrc pditionef *!s drh coEDntee by diis conn corca"cd. r ol,|NnRs is ro b.narroned lssocfiTroN don. i,r rhe bes ]}d in, a RU?rrR DyEtrrc t(r00e) e la{ bd jusiic.. nretr..e, ':'.oe 'r. .c.. o the ptuds tAcrrnry scc ,3rt, xtf wrs dr mmilorie utnnnireL, ,, :.o, or {e$ or!l vs. fro.lYaI, Rflrlru ay^cuTrAns PRorncrroN AssocJArroN fiiel' aoufr hd oBritotd i rhe noNunbtu ^pix '.,hi,o ilre 3rsuD.tu adeuled or .he - ,' -. laf, or dr cimnitee 32 rry the by r$s cdufr canDoi rre G w?Nos23iq 5d2762of?0L0haveb"n n 'd 6E merniin., lor" cntJ ry tueLLcs PEYing lq sd ihc schcdule 'rribes aid orhu Trdiiioml :006 roEi riqhb r'd to lomp of th. tudnionel lotr D\YdleF EecdAnlion or dr be rmc$ o r+ 'v( d*'Iins comunnies a'd trdniongl cYcl of lrun,r bciocs, dedrc; lid i nshr b nnr nor living orgaDis rher hufr3is. wellue ol ll1. so .Jhd s,isrorrl1aidlikeh rc. s 'dh' riIalr rs us. 6nt, mrv tha do$ cie Doi anv re' rhc ln! fie; li'c 3ko hi!' b' nih I hqq nm*xil$le n'1v{ ind lore brin .rPaciq blliss on oMhllre anjmsls 6ec rtun sufenns ihe hm.nbEiDs, nun ac.l solidanlv flrvnonnd od nrns, m $e s.n' siDd .niruls bo har. iichh b ,nd on Ibqlt dnt NJodH Erih, lch is lull of lot o' live, h.canse thsv b*ii a.rcitr ctdion 'nd Pxii 1 l]ihm Prseraioi o' susbining rhe eobsh6l drain ia Ih. or Cotrnuloi. beins \.Ll xxiE oI thse, bavc ;nredradaLiJre51 16lorrhu.h'srndo!whichsays3,ir j!ihedury o,',,i, o indudins ih. elldlitc. the covomeDr conprheBive l.gistaron lriild a, sxcqn co,Lmdce oa violaion or i! coir! il hr ei&bd I iiilncd oa Lhe srid 4d p,oribjs hunriry of Bild u l,ild alim.ts, soiI:t lnjc 4 or hpni*. chapb vJ mlr$ dr rrlvnid, (Pftdior {nudr scdion lndir Lii! lrior(don) xr alraFeL .r s or (\e Acr, 200rl a meirled, r^d ih. l.alre is 1i$re io ,ld 3 fimiDal o llare dr punnhnd plopei,a dedl.d tr ]ry b.en irr vild Ljtc jnu6.d vLc! rDn,ltc!i{ rjlnting !rtl ro/citu& ym. chap rsp8 a'd dnrn rh dr. ihot. rr n coDsiduld it( ih. l !*r ligh iir{ in dr deltrtor oa r\. roatdr ul dmd ft.e ir.adrc L:! b*r 6e \ivi lised frm o!.mting dnecilv lbsush 'a' s sivr 'onrm hibihiJ, so obtned bv thc Hmonr$G lper Cont f itrl hmrins or' ii sTAr' oE BIE{R rs MURAD ar,I IJ]-\N I(1e33) r scc 65sl' 36 nrc Po1iry and objed or the vild lile ffe th. Esut ol d iiftsins axiEi*s lh. *nons {ological Mrc a long histo( ol thc coi'cUins need ir6Jsrs iihdtdl *3 l'$ 'nd Eddrc t' bv thc dePcdrnons infljcbd Erched is so ahdi1]q rh!' n *'j inmcdi.h. dcbnined 3id etfedn! $crs $eE hkan, thc dmag' mi{ht or{hich.E sdrinc cirii.t m .limliq rre, hri r.E*it-! lor the :dvivil nd n'eenL or hrmn barle lor the c$omtion, in prrt at Long b'en x -qrd l.*t, x cEle sihEdoD em eins Itum hndy .I iuous iNensiijv.i.s tu e enomiry ol lhe 'hks msDhi.d dBt gd xnL ihc oI dderoEt doiiiidin ov.: olir jl Thc onlv rnv i ro !' &ep. !o ,.rn fr linis rc hayc 1o *brk io{irds n bdb ron'ormw uo < - (hall!n! nr | ! novrr oJ S!'! Co\rm irc i5 execdiv. plwer io idenrif} clePhrn .o,ridon Rhen Itcislrior ad a rdub thc €nr su'! osculyiDs is o.cupied dE 6sii i, ingexb3ilopo$'dslarbelduly1d proGd eild lite, i! ir & be Dcdiuluc hs &.ndnat) Ad, rer6 lls al$ 'L n\e subjec! 5cc! tude .oNurcnr by br ! }nq Intr! 5 r 7a, includad by rhe sme msndrtrtrr edrnoLierdnlrioDs L rl,o Pldtclliu' orv d sc colsltu,io, (4?! vhil. $c subjdt adcn' c tu.r No.l7A ro the sublLn: rloi or wildlili md irs hati(s. lh! }ilnd.poaibiliq'of1|.pnted ,!c stur! Ior{ Dllfiur6 {Ld hc s aor.onsfruion ald pro6 ion or uid{,ric wjruituiprurudi.d Ac! rhu 'e7r. s'!e Protccd rsN, sandn ies- Nriional Rcsflqs Ad In{'rort, Rcsents Luder Chrpier 1v or dE covcmenb xre .nporEtd adequar. .co1o4rml, Ad od comuil'Y when n\' skb r"oriry mv au hainc hunJ. noFl, scmorhologics| slgninsnce, Ior iha n sl or zoologhal Nrros or pmiectiig, lmpigltine or d'vcloling idlifc or is mvioimcni rlE rdrodty or L\e Luder ihd said including sbt s ltobcied Atxs und( chrpid W oflhe Act' Gownnenr in jd'trtiiing rhe elelhmt coridde junji'd c.mot be .halGDq.d lictroF, thc letiri'ic6 aie nd is rs. Ii h livnmmd also ro d hsrd, .o.firmins h. $rtd rhxi rh' imptrso'd Go(M, Nol2r' bdtd.ry (iddk rdnLer dirtdins Lhc PrinciPd cNel ehphmL co{idor aomieq 3 2010 nA Lem ehphd codd.r mrp prhlished oi 6'l'2010 md 7.r 20lo ro$ishjng ilre tr.l bNft ofib Powd in idendryiis rorsb Gx 5l Deranm'ri, J'cd rl Lhr ir li plBumr to th{ h ift Cons dor rhe el'rhrDi cordoL, or IoEis ro lubrnr *' ihe cd3im1 frxp pEFmd hv thr Eapen d:rec.ioDs .I lhis C'ut dded 3'12 ?00s 'd nc! of dre !rcrBjo,s GO.r4s.No5.i25, daild 31.3.2010 ed rhat colmit.e in ilt w p.Nd 10093 ot2003, r,hosc co!*ituilon oa $e wndlire orrlr rx!e{ rlpor l.d.o $e nsra.. ol i\is nnptrs!.d C.o., j! Jso in iolaiio! otih. provirioN of d. Acti dft lre proros.d .llDhui .onidor rs id.ftnJ rry ,u CotuonGe tu : rft dr jmprgord o.o.tzj, rled hr be.! issJat by c srd. co,llmem 5.n.ddred 1ilrr$ tu ollre 1rrdn10n 3t 3.2010 oship Fo'tsb iDd chiellritdite\!iud.r, rno 1r 'l h. rh itrkk mdc on 1rr. ue!!o$ ortrii.j|at is dre rn in viotar-nn ot chief coDsertu 0j rjishd h or djo nre rhe igtd pdnjona: ,tr i.oFrnoi a t\rnoi! !o!.ds r! aoulJ ind !ha.nE, d'e inh{ior of rhe Eip counillle Lr rhis cour is n 6jne bui itr rror.rior ]!dij sfurc *'l]d rh. the .on|mp!fts cdxin thin$ Larv smli ro be dotu 42. No onf dofti Sr& Life ft.cdion .{d ihd oriin rnd Naiional Bur, v"No.L009s ol200s, in pini'nlai i3oD'r' s rE fom'd u'dd rhr wild nlmd!io"r to coud h* L\ough ir into 1bd m er and the said conmi&' *hd ilir -qo a iot oi\cPns' xtrd lo" in h'tunrs ihe Fublic Int6e{ l-njqaiion Ihil! ftrmc a bodv ol axp'dq to dm' ro b! Y dE lloioui'bh \I.x Coun in ih' iniriatd bY sonr ol th rYhi.h hs gdne a long xty io s$ rpnBirre dre rrguFon: x&iifti o rrehilf oI dre It iEr I rreo, in \IP.Nis tdili'nm in Ihi in qdcrio' hxs rl dl tulno o !s olnrh nitut LiE i6ll td 16ll o11010 fi b'lo' rlri5 (h'n l dEnlisins rhe \rddfi.xron dred Llr rrgr issu.d uM{ sorior rr$arJjon ollivab For.$ Acr, l9.]9 l]EDisui.rGetr!on r5.ll.r9er bydreDisridrore orr.5e Tamit Nidu md pDbtrhd nr or.i.f 14 h lirsi schedltld Trirr.r snd orhq Tnditionat For$ The lmd i! ro.{r dEljns schedllcd Tribs r(21{ii) Nnsi6. hr. hd otur Lter Ad. trrdidonll fore$ dwel*s sho have been Esid ,n6e risnh 6!1d ior bc recodedi ro !rcvid! rbr lecordiru dic dre suc6 torn del[ r.olJ.iiidn md v.srin! srpernrg for.he r,e so \qied ard nr ru6t dw.ll$ .ror@E b i nr"e,,,ro ibi Ditua rqun.d br Esp!( oi roEn lDd n'e le nul ,o!nd hxve argred rtrir L.ciuse orrhe dron oa rd6.rE r\e dqtutu coEjdoi the ,i!n6 oi de roEn rhd rhe proposld lodncanon of eler di!& io ek! ce ordre kctfiE or rhe deprEi tud odrn witdljre rad djr $c El.phanr c.ddor xkexdy noiified end the lmds $hich s dub Prrv e Fo€{ Ad, 1949 sr in rh' p h\T lorcn und{ $6 Tmil Nrdr ircsp'tive olrhc {4t leqal sbtu' rc ' ormovmenr Ptrmtrm dr ptsposed 10 be or IE *isinc conmnniq ed iftrn (o ld iot h' dfded 46. No dotti, mds the $lrde of ihinds' il is 1ne iesp'nsibirity or io iqrldnert ihq scn'dL cd ftbs iid 'rhd rbdve aDd iD vi'{ ifulE ollh' vie In ,^d' Drvellc* Forc$ T*dnion lh' shi! Dde belotu ns q ttu shr! G &nn'[! i' dn'd rhe sht Govennen( a*cdidis ons rl]cb"or 4-l. }ilh d*linE rlui Irhrs xlsoberrqtdonLrdElrorihcprivn'lindo$n4 lnt\ ir sodh ol Boklipurad n 1|' illlsc ol R.Lbrd ll,mlot. 6 }lile in tl,e in.lusim Oi. I)cn$l ir rtnrliq tu $Ep tlops or ih' Nilgiris olLhi! .r !k0 in'l! elerrrrtri'oddor drvonniioo$ ndeiah pl'cal or , msli r$'d' iD ir is 'k is ih rid ill'grl' ' ii nr* Gimihkr) rdio Plarsr md nld xll ucd imludinc ilt vllllg. orBokkrpumn souih ollhc dddraiaFrcncLlrdy{6atuckedanJkilled inBo*kpurm.'rh.trore, ap!&iare llris sbnd bkci .n drn !d orthe arsEdildvDcedotrthenpdn dcphmt requnos llrHs spee iv L\e rlr r]rod .lellEi populdion, bs rcqrni'r DndeL oi irE Pd ol rhe dn s rM brce l6td b s4 thd tl,*. h s!ac. Nm obligd lmd lr molrn.i! {ii{o!i burnen ol the rioydn,nent i,r dai iialc priut sny obshction do ohrrultioDr od LId rlr ,fulr'ia.l 4r is rM it doiflict lrftus for ns d ali.le 5',r.G) o.lhc Lro*,n!ddo, rhc srr inni.Ed G.rarnert h Dk lnh ,orilldiJ bm iehdy rEkd oi rhc pd or ur. oa .drido/. h lnd, r L* ln. pivab l3d olneB .13 nEisclrcs, '$s. camd he clrDor adju$ io th! sam.. eshblish that fte nrden aiy such rnilj.ixl coridoc, mih* providc dre Brnned r*sase artady mNiig, no n$, xEa hs 'anificial ioflidol k Ift being rsad rrv drem, !h' x'c' {hor'ir i1t iiimds be declerd oeied oi lom.d lor being sum.nt adBiced on dr. Lhxr is 1 bui xlso dic hxm.n habihdon in thc localirv is.ily $uelt b rreen rbe snnnils In. eiftc mirtinl m r..od muld cLin.hjiclv Govsinan hs or not only ihe \ii.c cr. ed b,' ihe d'plr'nr cornhr ind rhc rdlmsls, so xs io $v i\at n $e Cot]mmr. fteEloP, thh p:t ol fi. ror $ti.3 s m privde h orlHs .,.nn Le i 3i rore tu wildlii! .\tindion lrr r1rc6dn]gh.bii,,etrneonomjl]! nd ]m conmlnnjcs xfu ii $rirrl Ti,r sn(i.s s h.sdtd br po,ch{i trho huft tu ehlbmr rd n\ varnibh iv.rv ltrsks TrrqeroE. p ks Eqdrcd to .isur sre.ies 100 ollen considered a th. o. ! L]birtrs l?ri u,roudtd b) rabnr d*kdcnoi Bvitlcdiryinsudnuiuring onurions hdw'en rhe dcphanrs &e h@D bcir$ codld be arcided, b$id* protctinE rni, ls md 10 aroid inrert to E wildlire in t'rc *' Holidny rclms hrvc spn s np roial violation or ih u il r9a9r in violrlion oI dio Tdil prcPsr rpploval ite l uni N&lu Pr*{vrtior Prilat rres$fdior oI Prilde Ioro! Ac! rof$ wildlire lloecdo! .{c! 1972 crc. rl is .lso R.s,{\ of 'id h Rc$b ae caryi"g on conGrnr r-aLld Tliit NaJD lo.dion oI d€s. Holidsy rtft numLir or rl[ut Th$c Holid.) diyiii4 ss Porhn]!: r* me pmvnionr or &' weltu' orde bv avoiding cod, ir is ''d Cditflation Ad, id lsLge ntrdber il'at 1930: bc' s ol lh' ol tou'kb Joig ML ilu,l{rj.6ltmuErabo[Lmwlldce]jylnu n bulFu ol th. sr.b Gorctuneni Ihar oisndry obunrLl |aris3ior dar riar *'lren tu r.ry imeprio. ordt hons 1or coieadior or n iiv illeg?lm*i!,lLcv idft rh. stoud rh* dmGd the righl ro pEdicc any ptor$sift eisuFd 5l.The&,.lusidos.r. G) are i! rh! dnoasiors uda Anicle l9(el or iE: {ild aina]l xnd LkEIII Gon.urtni lht) ol fie Cminudoa and nE sbjed 6ids' fusb rih.r rhey camoi be n is also dre aodane Anich 5'-A(g) o.rhc and plotdion or J Juty or cr.ry .ilii.n .l India md{ co,ifuioi b life, xnd 10 hrv. .oryx*nD rdr liai.s cEanrEs. 1he G,;cmmo'dIhdtuh* i.d. benE 5ii.d or Pdsg. s, by %r orin in the book tughr rhphhr cdrilron of bdn, p$lkird hr wirdrifc TnN or Indi4 whnh (s rkei ido r.onnr while he GN{ms' b ioin, 'rlre skrc covcfrr. is au y E Poj-r nL{hart or G'rd co,.onar linE rner n tro iDpedimit nr lhe wild e sbr. colrmmal fierctore, covdmdr rd id.nrit, raulr eirh sin& ii has the ftir coridor by lhe rdion iDiliacd by nre Srar itu et.phur cdidor r4nor o r counq vNr. ex& iLs oritrc coilirDiioo. exnqdimry juisdicrion , a6erhc iry rhe Eidu rrdoq hs loDndon of r.r2t00r,.o u Expen be fouxd anlJ roplis inDGn.itiry nr O (b) dellur oldde.l coturie!, by &c orda eo inro v{ious itr!.ra orrrc c rn coDirimc hd Elsosuhmin d its rlpon. \ihen or ir'is coL( drcd 3.rr:ooe {x! rhe Panis d4ed rle3Jd sid oit.,r dDncised 6eroE itLc HonouLdle ,1pei cdun in c.c.Noij34:,631s oi 20t0, 6e er apPrrh lrre w siEn I libot}' ro cohric!,. sid connilre \,hicr l* tuyerl.d md Ljrld i6 lognrl .o.d$ions sakL Ihe ft[ enablish.d proEs old.llb.nrions ind coisrlhiioB and and hking inio cosidmtion dE veidrs s$ TlEEfqq $e cLalG,sc Cmmitee anJ found tuult rric {iih rpot ldds .nd Naiioml avail$le m the rxde to the rmdion ol dE filed hr' rhc $id Cnmntucc crmot be as thouqh tItu cout is nottinc llmtue t\e lnmdior of 6 iihdi.e rhe Cofrmitee hv th. po{en of rfie Skr. into romed uDdd iltr vild Li.. (PmEctim) G) FoilEr morc, th ch s41ioi i(c) or lbs \vild ]-ife (Psrc,im) Ad nd6 .bNi 1rr fun B@rd xnd Sedrion s *des ibour thc duiGs of rhc Sbt Bo d. rh. ioiinddoi of ihe eleFhrit .o..idor did .ol or idlxt the rundiois xud iluti$ drlhcsc Eo.ds md in rac! by rD[lkd A icle 5l-,\{{) oathc Coinih ion in whjdr rv. nnd fy ill.crliB. crcded undn m ni.Lne 6 ns o61j$tions ludy or Lrre by $s rdies n\i Go, bebre rle rhe smr. connirr.. ed nlldd lrc $h.mcia covur'rlr h* bdrr i,ier.sE oid,i ribll lnd ke ion:r dx?x*s. G) Ax lns Ecmber or nE comifue wildrira lmressioN, in ad \,c iorsrf nu.gen t e on the fo! 25 io 3J ot scieniisr b. srid d1,r in su.I .lnier res, bdidA havnrc as ai one poiir ot dre foq ot titurruo ud ased.r wrc ru mx.dc4 ennined a ihor bro mnftrd by rLa (, sh!! curdie tne drey h3d rhe e !.nod *rricrr edc rtrerdy $aitlrrle in srDla, \,{c 6Fsllr ud intorEd ihd poxoml experidft ol mBaeine dr*c *!eri$ pnreccd ihe slh oinnq CoonnG. 0r rhc i*rn. conslibLionotlldix. irnda rh.;dEn,. nd oaenl .ould ralc Go.Ms.No l?5, itFconi. 1he the jaiercsE ddedll s2010' in (he considded opinioi Gov'dent hd coiscioudv orafiods Idics md lE\ .nd rcrkdle solutiois' On rpPlied ib nind to come ont I ol {i$ a ore rmlvsh ol complete npon hc'nng L\e dd recod d dr diE Nbnxh Pl&ed ftnd mv illcsxlib/ or b u'abL 1E e leigii Fnies xt ircsuhiiq in rhe xdion ol dE (q) On r ledsal ol volunlious c.lex. &d d m orli'r H6m (Kmabk) ro LadY in notilving plxced on so olelhmb tdd' verc ir is jn 'aught dd rlesed in BrndipE 'ollaed $e Si-qu Pl?icd md usd dl including $e Souih of rhe rieDch mtriils o'Gsion' ndio {hich rolid lhcir wrv stu GorcImcd illagc of lo|.kapuflm 8nd itxs rhit I rvs TnNrorc'olarrctugloal,sisor villace oI of .lePhmb h Souih dr Bok]{tr|mn * th' and Bokkrpum n arru(iic ln' $Er sLop* of rhe Nilgnis merrorq tu nrclujor or thls {* sllo in tu erephsnt coridDi is:1]eg,'Thetfd.qdixtrglman! pdno ftc (h) litut lmd omm is qcden. dcmEi v crordrepMorsorcorurelrivlb oln* t *o .fud be 1 $e ereFha$ seeprd u e id r in ,jcw coni!: ijlo irrei! &is orfie *rllristrd ra.r llft $e molmeniofrneeLphmr jLdtr re3 tr r*ficEd be4us oi 6e devclorDdral aDriviriN ofde i some or rhe rLai Eft.dy prjv?b lald 0m @h privaE rDldirs ofilft cour by G bomd.d b.7 sols el(tric r.ncns, *ay ot'hqnn qdes h rhs. mard, vntuarrrr cLrin! mlos drc et phar coriJor ulr fiN tne peollc ae elerhDt oridor nolld betr* protld l}d elerhrlq nLtrh* rvoidins ftr 276:.i2009 3lt ralDimt.onfl icr. itu abovc dd :€19 of rtuorr 200c di dncus3iotrs. v.p.Nos to09s oi:00s, ae disposd oit An oth.r siir!dnio,3 cd or rerier applidrions . dismistd lmPt'd{ent tdiiio's filcd bv som' lrtJ tsloident ro rbes {ni pditio4s rt sinc. rhry m aho in th*e mat$, scirg in' infrc:td ih. p..j.s, allove4 10 imple? d th.n $ pdidmdyhs.nehtsrl$m Ea.ois, R*,{.s.r.27427 ol 2olo is do$d' Oth comed'd l,liseLldcous Pditions a€ clos.d. 'ft. iesd orm* xod olkr pnvaft Isnd oxrs m djtd'd to fie lacar md hsnd dver vrini po$*,i.n o' ft hnds lalljng lithn peoired to go m viih rh. ioPLsm. hiion or ihe noriiied ii a3 hr h"i l! r ml0, ii l1t h*t inird GOMs.No 125, dd:d uildlre, pdhnki-l .l.phrDb s. Foi"i ss hm .odaor. lvith regrd .. dt foE! dwell s, or rt! -'hc dephi! ry md ihproE rlhos. i,ttsh E arhded ol sch.duG rnbd D" -[. Pe. 'o .o-1 .' !, dirccfd to $clLy xdheE io .nd c rlil. deiting viih ih. a.rcs dkrleq $Io lall Nirhin r1t nbii olllrn {r ol.phat coridor, rhel b. pmv ed Mrh i{.onmodndon lor hu foL.d sunxble (.omodxrions nav 1ro proccdnE coDlanplitd he dkll ptuvid rlt bst dtmr *utr'b nd l uith dt comleisiion rs p{ s, *ho dlDv such hdd l!{ I 1 I Thc Prnrcille Tamih&du cli.rconvo{Di oifo'!!, lledicity R$rd, md e nihL Wbile dmlins *jtn lne 6Eii