m$bn compucd totugnphy (SpEgD 6 b. p.rfosn d. !6irDn djttin8
m$bn compucd totugnphy (SpEgD 6 b. p.rfosn d. !6irDn djttin8
t.l An{ finy y.6 of.fcdire .xisleM, mporrad d€ocnl or pogEss in sni$fic eeeh. It.ccoull Bdiation f@ lh& SOpZ ofFdionelitte ij rha ,elin podEed x-Ey hs tolg b..n usd for orlE, hand rhc @ ofndionrctidd in v.riou.hemial foms for plDo$i otr 6 . ejque &d pokrftt di.s@ric r@ine nedicdl applicarioB, undoubr.dly $e biohedic{l fictd. ofrle lora] ddi;nelide onmprion. t. ncdicinc, lh. ionizinS EdioNctid.s, adlogoE ro purpos of lhcdpy. Or b.c@. cahblishcd as ,n fou tujor 3ph.s: nedici&, ind$lry, lgricuhuE ad Thc najoi bencfici.ry for moE Edioduclides have ed fobs lh. bajis of root_ This sc is domidring !h. ficrd of nml€,Edic,E. A Edionrclid. tind! appti*lion in nwtc{r n.dicie onty if it m.Grs @nain critcria, such a D'ininun rndidior dosr suir.bt€ ,-my .rclBi6, high spei(ic tudvny, o.gan speificny. E€dy lwilnbihy !d lo, price'. A shon tiv.d Edionelid. havjng rEys in rhe cn.Ey EBion of 60 io l0O k.v is lrfccd, if n @its . prE toni,rm or jrngrc rdy lho si.gl€ pholon m$bn haw compucd totugnphy (SpEgD 6 b. p.rfosn d. !6irDn djttin8 ndionwjidcs gFr sisnilicie in obraidns |hB dituBioMt higl @turion $s @6'on loooeDphy (PED. via posi&ln dir a or hisn ercr8y p p.rljctcs or AuBq .r*r,!c,lhct nnd fi.hFulic applicarioro_ SiM . gslr rtr ot nwr.n diasnosric nuct€r If ndi@Elidls Dedicine dcds wirh @rabolic snrdid ndionuclidcs *ltich dna rhe tom good covolal sinpic ihsging, rlE .hoicc bo4ds Niih ihc ti€ mj.l, o. bioDoldlq. SF.ific adivity od orsm sFcincny sF rhc oajor critcda in lh. choie of s Ediophem9@iclt for rErfoaing n.rabolic studi4. Ready .v.ilsbihy rlcr Bdionuclidd for fi. n€q lon sne which possibl. ro ed tow p.ice applicltion, e jnponsr coBid€drioro in May of rn $oti liv.d bccn s.d choice of udionuclidcs oB lvdilabl. only ofprodwtion. Threugh rh€ slpply of(rdionrclidB g;nc6roo. lons liv.d . u* shod tiv.d dalghr.r adionGlide shon lircd Edionuctid. cv.n i! e6 c$ bc ctulcd periodicauy, fd fioh a while thc Esr e or pmpoed for uscd fo. uc irr it penr, has b€comc Eacror or a cyctoron. ln .uclcd mcdicjn nedly 95% of tttc ddbphm@unaE puipos! fi. e used rbr dioSnoslic rhen eulic lrca[hor, A ljsring of Edionuctid€s which have biohedist @.ach d.r l) R..tioruclidq rr.d jr jlgte phoion.birlior lrrdidt rBe, rct, iiK, r'sc, .cr, rcr, rFc, rco, 'Mg, dcu, 6,cu, ,zn. "Mn "T.,,'co, "cu, ,Br, hKj thKr kK!, !Rb, !Sr, "zn, "c., .'c4 nAr, "as, ,s€, 'rse, t,s€, ^sq -sr, *sr, \b, ,"rc, "-Tc, "brc, .Ru, ,eRl\ ,hAc, ,,,1o, _,rn ,''st, "'re, '&rc, dt, "t, n,t, ,"x", ,"-xq ,"x., ,.gr, ,,as, d,Ba, u,_Ba, ''Le, ,.!r, rayb, ,"h, ,"Tq ,-w ''cq ,,t. rs.pt, DqA!! ,,.Au, riAu, ''Dy '.'Tn, 'hH&!H& 2) 'oTt. bpb. nBi,&Bi. Pcirbtr .hinilg n.t|o!!ctid€; r.F, r,!\le, Ip, rhct, ,rr( .Ti, I'cr, 5rM4 ,"Mn, ,Fe ocu, nBl' r'Kx, nRb, |'zr,,zr,'Tc, 91.. 'cu, .,cu, 3) Rdio!{.lilB u.d i! th.npt with tlE etrEem. of Nw, biologid homotE3r .dibodi6),tb€ @nept lgot ha goiftd n* of.rsrdn lic mo@nt@. Mlin rileia dncl* rmr lor of s@t orsan spcificny (..g sr.oid rhcdpy wilh dE aid ofadiorlEdFulic porrri.lly usfll rhcdF.ulic ndionudides @ shon h.lf lif., loq r-yi.ld ed $abh daudcr ouclidc. 'fte C doF lnedpeuric ndionucUdes fatl lldllct .sc, aBr, .sr, ,'td, ,.L4 r'D, roEr, For th. 20 or 25 y@5 which follovld rhe 19391945 bjonEdicol lpplicarion wrhe$erl u Epid M r',rn, w, nostly ad€Ed on auct.s @c!o6, Tha gb*lh in rne !* of pfiicl. ",Pr, Dsn, r,cd, '"Yb, ''R.. ''Au, '{!r ddiotrrctidc po<tudion for l4l I 5 ,!es havc ho*w, acceldsloB for rhis purpos. 14 McV neutbn s8l@loB @ al$ @ftj for pep. {ion of shon liv.d ddionElida, G,n < r2h) sucn s '.F rBr, r5}lg ed orheE. [email protected], t!. mour Equicd for n.diciB @ only h. F.p.Ed b, th. new high inr@irr;.uron smcdlorst u!.d contoo.ly u*d ia uivdiry labonroiiee for reu&oD rlEnpy d (Flu d.trity e I O,,D/s),. rcr by thc snulLr ona, t.2 Rd.ror Prcdued Rrdiorrctidd nulw ucror A @ i5 e Mbty @n6ining fissib nEl (dichcd llfusmcot tul a $tf $loin..r fsion ctuir of th. oosl nrporlanr pmduc! of thc qf$/ or lltadal ercr$ is 0,025 .pi$.tml or volt or moE th. Eurto6 .V) c.llc<t o!* @UoB j! smau fi,&tiotu *uroB ofa our in a conhl.d nmd. Oe d dincd iD lh. Dttts. Thc cl6EoD vo[ (al 20oC lh€ nost D,obablc ncurrons. Nolrons wilh kjrcric €nagi€s of *veEl m onen cllkd rhouonds el.dron fsr &urrEtur. cnero/ of drc Erctorsj rlE nclrroE is 0!c @ {)cry NtutDnc ol en.shar hignq.rerg)/ (upb abour Ik VI re$n're e e f$ior r&lio !U ed i'Pu) in such e mlro6 prc<ttccd in moddl.rr ro wnich rcudotu @ nuatd lsid aEna6, t-2 Mcv. rn rtm.l oe.gi.s or s O,l .V. Such low @rgy n.uioB naidy caFlrd !!d fdys @ .minc.l, wb.Es mutB q@ @d@ i! enich mftns, ldioB d d panicle my neurrcn qplh. For tsr8. *jlc prcdcbn ofrudid'* irradidion moG cer8cdc b. cnirlcd aRq r,r. iniriat feitllls qlh EuEd flus in th. @s€ of l0rr !o mploy.d fu r) Erio rtE lo'h/qtsc e Fldurion olndion*tidcs of bio,Edidt (ii) (n, 1) folto$ld hy suce$ivc n.ul$n Thc Equircd. Majn nucbd Eactions iodrced by n.ur,@ qpre dqy, (ijt i!c6r (ap) @don (rv) (n, d) Flcrions ard (vii) in nEttu stoE @riq (v) e (i) (!r. 0usionl {v0 qondlry nrctq r€$rioN ,. (n, Fctiod @ Cc!.6Iy su€d by d.rtul @l,!6, Tr?icjt cxmpl$ rl,,I! (n., IiNA . Ncq .Mo(Ay) ,Mo. cu (cl) e The ddionudide prodrcd b, he O.r r4rion b i$rop:c wi|n lhe crprudg nuct.us the speinc &dvity lrhined wil b. lop conpded !o tlle rh6dic6l sp.cific acriyity cfrd-tE elocnrs of|he ndionElide h ! f€, e' inaii{rcd, ! ce, hoBEq, *,lEd,iabtc chaic.l @mpouds otclri,jn gilard_Chalhd tul p,@$ eca flle dd a sigdnqt peen|,d8e oflhe Edionuctide prod@d by (n. lior dEr of Oc lar8cr. tr rh.s c:q, rh. t) Eedon ap!46 jn a chchicol torh difleEnl fdbn of rtc Edionktidc wtrich +1.s in th. eoit ch@icd fom c& in emc c.s bc e!€nr.d with rh. lo oblai! hish sp€cific toci6. eriviq. Erichcd nrg.rs ce .le activilid dd vq, low r.dion8lidic inpuiti6. hieh !n the (n, ?) follow.d by d@y Facrion dE brSer out.u ept@ a $mol bc uFd ncuron siving .ise lo m intcmedirtc Edion@lid. which d.cays ro produc. thc ndionuctin. of inl.rcs(. Dre 'Pl e (n,, p r rrl, T16t0h T1 t6,8t since dE adionuclid. pr.<tuced by rhi! DU!€ +silic eriviri.s .pp@hin8 l. UE cMicr th. (n,p) rrd (4a) l@doN fst mlron) ed di|t.mr fFn a poron or;lph dE rlrgd n@tidc \j lncdDld valw r.quftd for !e sudly ca be will !nod. rhc ursd nuclid. jr@6 p.nictc of tn. od€. of i! di&d Civine o$ wm ! rcuuon to lnc dcajr.d o{ rN! 6. curDn ftu biltiblc in io a &w in of rhcn ..g . @ror wil hsE .rer$/ uE b.G, cbs sron rhc rarc ror (n,p) in de$ ed (nd) otpodErion jr dcs (n, dcd@. Iission or (n,D @don of )r,U dtd iJpu givcs rh matcriat, b. de na6os sd jre osidiDbty IoEr $q sonc 6<lionucltd.s! Edity epaEr.d fbn $. t'Ig.l fE l.Et 6 ('rp) eco old :'Al (!,a) Eetiorc bc EMptcs of sh PI!c6 @. siec onl, r El.rirety sall tdioB oa lhe tu 'r r ,!d ,Mo ris e io a widc veicry of fi$ion sld$rs. of exlme imponoce in nuct.d Sucl*irc c€prm of rM or DoE @urod G of blecr for thc prldNlion of em sh a ,uW. usful a4ionuclid6 0 r&W+n-r tr'\v+n-> 'rW * '.Rc T1h 69d ^e|h€r po$ibte @don which hs beo ,hrdicd Is+n -+,,s+n __.>ns __:+ tl , r'S T,,2,8h @y b€ ucd s sodlry nrcl6 Fdid nwr@ ij @uoc rh€ p@!i for rcl in a nrcU@ gcneaior is lhal rhG hig! pod@ine the Thc .sdal f.&re c@e/ ch.rg.d p.nict€ us.d fo. bingios !bo{ rhc dridlclid.s ir qugrion indued by rh. rcualB. Scond.ry oEte& ecrioG e e fod.rr in rlt p.ihdy Fleses b. divtded inb tF grupq doubt. @lioM ed indiEcl nel{ @dG. I! rlc douu. nete-|r r.actioN pand6 @ produc.d a a sd! of ene sujrdbt. pdo..y nq@ t@!o, nuclc& ll! alurg.d Ehmde ordoubr. trettu @rio.s @: 'Li (n,p)'H.. 'UOjyB. ].rs.r hlrsilt tilhih ti(nd)'He, .L(d,ntBe '!B (n,p)r0Bc, 'rB Itr (hc ,borc dE hqdon Exmptc ql.r ofindid 'Li(d,h) t. mcdsl ti{rim compou4 d qdpl6 d. pEroB coiday nrct€ !.!crio!s indiet Ncl@ oc liglr or havy cohpoud (p,a)'B. Tds.r trEr.rirl boonF*da. Eetions @ uFd h th. h T4s€r Eactioro. $c lo ldd dacoo prcdked in prih.ry nwt@ lbduce beryltium-7. hieh.nary po@s od dcucdB !E r@duccd in do<tcFror of ihc @ior dui!3 thc noddiq, of fsjon euooE. nuct@ E{criore @. ,8.,'Li(!,n) 'Bc, ' 'B b,n),,c ' of 1 In d. prcdu.rion of rldiolwlid.s, rtc iddi.tion p@€dw is msl inpon$l tu qulny of $c ped@r obrlincd. fte h.llllic d el.rcnllry cl.mts e e sudly lncmally sobL !.d c.rtoutd sbr€si s.ddlly ldcqut sd ly in d€t mi;ins oxides of oost lbblc ln ord.r !o d.r.mire da id.al irad'ation conditioG, thc galrm h..liog v!he, ih€rml conduclivily b.at €movar are of thc iddiadoo lociliry .tc. .trclos€rt in @pr€d wilhsbrd iotctrd aeilitirs tars.r G plrysical laciliry k 1.3 is thc e t lmm. $e Th. hrg.r nd.rials e Al opsulca vhicn d suuy lok pma rld c.n of tic ordq of 40 lo 50 kslcDr. Two bsic rypcs of imdi.lion Eually !€ilable in .liDNioG E Elclq rh.r k u..d fd simile lo dMidm ce pod*lion thc toqt The nx.d wger polilion is oftcn .it|jn. lEl)mrj. hold.rs oien od or {cold wklelt" prum ed nobilc ldsel- n$t d in thc holdirg 0F or hy.tnulic tub. which fcl nuclidcs i.c fixcd oa Gfl*ff ptnrca, ai ey its Th. nobilc r&gcl keidr.! n the l*ror €llcd "Ebbiar c.n b. in$ned or Fnorcd sd rcgioq coE, Th. dg.l dme duing Facld opo'|ion f&ilny ofclDie for $. Prlduton ofd* stod tivld ndiotrEli&.. Ac..l.Rl.r Prcduc.d Rldlollct d. Th. min r.diotrucli& prcduclio obninable wnh rh. aetdld lintu amcl.Ero! nd it is ln. cyctorton_ Higb is posibte purp@s in tur@ In a cyclorrcn, clEA.d p€nictB eEh 'H.-p&1icl6r .rc, e a@leFnd id circuld neld, Thee [email protected] poniclcs ddlon wl|3 (B!V) of shble elenenB !c ps{h urdd tar $is nay s be bch c|l@r. e usd for prcducrion p6toN, deutcoN alEnid6 ard veuu! by n@s of e clcclrohagr.ric 6 poss r faw kilctccton votls (t.V) ro *vo"t bi ion of mrgy dcFrdir8 upor rtE d€si8r .rd tyF of cyctotrod. wlEn rar!.rs insert€d ar a givcn ndjus jo a .yctolro!, rhc acetearcd panichs of@naii cNrsy iorc@. with the r.racr ruclci ond rtr n@td l@doN rltc pt@. Dcp.ndins upoa $c 3 .ndgy d.pciled by rhc inciddt p6dicl€, a tMbd tc of DrcLoro @.mitred nndomly liom iradiat€d rar8.t nuclcu!, bdnrg lo th€ &Dutjon of differenr nuchd€s. As lhe en.r$, of $e iddiaiine panid. is ircE$cd, mo€ ,@t@6 e @jr&d drd lhcEfoE r nwn e@€r Cyclolron p'od@d ladiqnuclidcs qc gcosdty norron d.ficiclt . €n:ission. rhey find . reld .tals, dccay by EC or p, njor .ppli€lion in dilgn$lic nucl@ Dcdicn!. Th. pDducriotr p,oc6 nvolB ntlEf ephisiqcd t4hmto5/ ed irclud. ed Eicty targ.ry, chmiet dE @ rEedi.s c*sh ard dcrctopMr ert pF*ing, hore @ ot drd aulobalioD. Tde.t m€tcrial! @ host co@onty imdiaEd 6 slids, Msy n 1ats, padiculsly of int.nrdiar. nelring poiar @ eteroptahd onb a @pFr beLing rmvidins sod h.al conocl to rhc cmlins srsrcnrl ctass, natcriats such backinSr', While srlrs qd powdss d s r.IuiM 6omxr. @ be jmdi.r,-rd 6 b, chaq.d panicl€.yctolron b€ms, lo lhc linit pcmin.d b, $.d a ndiorEljd. podudio! rargcri m.dtu Thc nosl *r.Biv. !s. of seui nF hdinS and uddding of s6 hrs.r mrc.id! narcrirl ruy be subjet in o€;ic sped @mp.unds havc ltso sysrcm FnnrinS a rcnicjl lqgcr D.ierials ha b*n Edlonrclidc of@bo& nirogor, oxys@ ed ,uodnc ad reoEcd lo a CqAs soh.tibs orl€r panicuhr powr djssipation &d Ediolydc d.conlotition, Inolgei€ .nd bc.n @ b. fwd @dnonly conpEsscd ro pcllel fom &d imdiar.d qitnin aDpoprioc rutdlic ..capsurarjon.', Attor! .uch Liquid G_eO) i. for,ollon .mBjon e *ily rne Drcducior tonogEphy &@nprrrh.n urd., d ro gs chm$, ,Dcesing mdc ot (pSt) mnuDr, taboslory, Thus, 9 b. Edionuclidc in a desGrl ch.hhal fom m.ry sna de availablc vcry shonly of end iradiationrr. p'4inins Thc shon liv.d ss crco, on-lim r€nDv.l fom lhc sN tarSets ., On lin. t&acl ha ako ! Nat or DNHr) Kl re 8.n.dly *p@t poducls fom '!Xc plEi@r Ihe for slid b, d or mojtcn .xdptc, jrwlvB rhc r{gct iddiorcd wnh hjgh .n.rsy polotu or Rrdionu.lide ccn.hlor Svrr.n In ed tta, Edionetids wilh Fhyricd h.tf ,ncssinSly populd for inaging applicalions in ldninbccd s.nc.dly h. .cefld ld.ls. @nbr i. a dDn r Wi$ s@h high pholon Nd@ *iIhoul [q6 of onty a fq ho6 hav. beoh. m.dicine, Sevqrt of i*@ing didity rhoush dE cyctotDn d.v.ropihr of EdioieroF fi.ility, Howvcr, etuio!, fil:l Havo NatioFl Labo6rond,f Th.s. @np&t syn@s ndi@lirc oarnal tmt tom |hc may b. rn. sr.tini.!] v&iarion in counling nrcs wiah bercr info@adon slpply ofshon [v.d n@tjdq to ncdicit d &*e Fdi.do. qposN ov.r rhe dc niniDiad eultilg in imrg6 lhe nG of prc<ludion al rc.ctor shon lived tiE te. Beae of @mnjc timirioc @ hrspor|llron gcn€ally impEcrical ro ovtuDe oct h.gc do$. (upro tO-20 obta'ncd wilh ioaging ddiccs lion 'roo, eNvrl ofc@oE us.d Th. pDdurim of rq yi! of radiox@n fom rcmoval 1.4 b6 rrcq, @b diflicdli6, ir cenl. this thst e is distol dimclty na b..n inEEdsd by irc B@&, ltusponed qsity povidiry pbdudion dr. of pem ddionNtide. ! .10 L f!i[./ *pd!.d l92G DRr 6on rP., scnd|or syston duing th. Modolhn':r poj@1. s.mnlor orhcr dE r$T. r:1I sync6 d*elop.d.r E g*Elou WI€n . a lubEequally \4 Fdi@ijv€ ilolopc ud*ges dcFoding uron rh. plni.ura syslcm. hd o lbmiDtcd by ed loqer dll rlc tlDn th. day @ntinE b dccdyins. Th.FfoG !ftd th. peat to thr ! sbls. whd. rhc dauenrer i, stu poinr the drugh{cr mitt.d elivity is Elarivcly shorcr n8tf lifc sysr.m s,iich t@y css n .tlos l md 2. d.c!y, lhc podEt mly si6 b€ stabl. or of radiMriw nklidc. h.foE rh. pioduct isotoF i.e. rlE daught., ,!d oniEity cs, dris half-tifc g.r! tongcr rlE h.lf-liG of r dlughEr h shoner if dE dlught r js s€p6r.lcd f6n il3 which js s4E0.d wilh ,F@r, ! fNar dcm il dcrly Tte @ to h,yc fon @h. DdimM 6k lha irccde, st cply ar .rd lhen b.gin lo fire ?r ._ $1\h lyfth s€ dl. or which n js fomcd is c.ll.d a .f*drc balf lifc cqud ro lhlr of plmr pdcnr, ihc ielaLd .Lu8hrd poduct rh.n whit nry frqh .buel q erivity mil&ins ofslDn liv.d dalahia n is rh. point when 0!. dluchEr activily is !.m .gfljoE .t$ decaying 6t th. ih. p.@l chaerqjsic Llhe arjo of ft€ ndf Uf. of of da!eh.., rhc acriviry of t.n6will "TMidt €quilibriM' .d oM o.c @ law s oe. tn @nd! edvny by Lrbonbri6., S.v.nt dmc of sp@tioA lhe dzuglr* &tivny wiU .quar !o $ar ot thc pNnr &rivny. Such N'nionat in l.blc sdi@d!. while rh. daughr.r onrinuB ro b€ d.c@ lsail lhb tuinM rrs 1!s. ed ino aftd. qlaitr LnSll ofrin fiEr l,h. irs paEhr rnd I'8. comeEially availablc ddioielopd BMlt hlEn p4nr eiicn pfodu.d pD<lwr ic nrblc h.ll lif. of a dld ftom dsr, o fom.ilhd. sb!t. or a lhid EdionEtid., a sruble nuclide, In lonad hllf life rhd lhc ftll dolv.drq, d slEM odioetive horop.. Thc lr'n.r wh€n rhe chdin is The ktt6r'L! w st ftrivitid 6:!D gbs rf .l rhis days with in rhc penr. A,y tongcr livld p€Ent etivni.s bn f.nh.nger ftriliorrudiii:r Bu.iG Frg.r Thc Principlc of i radioDuclidc gdcrator sFtcm t2 is k own s Nuclide Cfl.elor such o sysren, th. dauShd rhe at a I_ In ecliviris cm bc milkcd periodicoly h&y timc, d.Fndin8 upon h.lf life ol $. p@nl &d povid$ rcrivili.s jr lig or rsorop. O.renlor o. IsoroF Covy'r. As lhown pl@ rcmole fron 4rctot e esy or end uetul m@s of uinS shon tive.l dlughrcr a@tfrlor si!e, Cencnror R.quircndG. Th. ernhior srsreh mlst h. sihptc, or vcry hisn puiry wiln pm<tEr should b. in a chcnicsl prc*ing. Aoors ben ror thc .quiponr ebB scnror dsrviEd podur &ob tr 0l!6 mrhod, diiittadotr .nd taboFrory, s€n lrlly leiput|tid Ho9Mr, ii ns.s!ry [o pEhr rhc t@ign olgqic @lll@, .ilha (fuhp6nion of lhe Fin. S.ldion for .limi@rinc lhis prcbl.n. sk! s of dr nqcd of spaidty wh.Md, prefene4 b.@@ o{ dEn BFard yictd a podrcr qclung. rcrhods !e coEideEd ion do6l s@cr hlst .!d ndi@rirc @nrrninec duing ia Ufa. Th. fo@ itrabt for e wor a hirimh futh* ,arn nl or ersddo! pd.rtu..s rh. srsr.ns. and invotvc d hjv€ th.n oM lne rhc qnrt ro $abL giE sdsa.tory eFdd@ io drc aloDu8n Db Gpd .oNaidr, npid lo Bc Bi, ro r€quiE tuE ellbodl. rh. i@qch@ge D.rhods narsi,l ,m h.in8 inEoduc.d nanht o. E.riadon ind@d and @tuI rshjng imtmic .xctrlasd f.ariblc, cisifte ,!h $lvhr qr.crion, such s is $fiicienr At o, or aO1 @ Edilro. dda8. ed sEilld litctit6d of Corstrucaior:. The 8en€rat @ost uclion of rhc dsvie @6isrs of a Ctss cxclhg. molc.ht otr which rhc parcd Erain.d 5r rlc bonon by a porous ds @ttm @niaining thl io, &tjvjty is fidty lderbcd, Th. .rch&g€ haterid in die ad ol ihc lop by a ptlslic .loisn rjag. Aettler ouer plastic hoEing p@teds, rhc cotums asain bG*agc dFrnS hadlirS. The dlught.r is lulm ,r coum{ II.AD IBIEI) l|Irn !t Fig.2 Modcm Si.ril. eMo - st'c Gcnoror .lut.d liom dlc g@1o. by nouling qd oncinc rh. r;ducr $lndon Day b. ihicldcd by Frfomins shi.l.tcd. The l..d rhc uii, Fuitrg in a 3uilabtc vlst s it b.lind a tad *dt snipping conoins poF s8ot lhc rhlugh llE cot@ it diips fom rh. bonod. d In. orErr io. @ bc |he irdividu,j @mporcnr i! d€q@dy dopi.d fo. @ in shiel.ting rhc set:mro.. Findly th. dcvie sho{d bc @npa.r musn for shicldirg sd llspo,iation s shoM in lhe Fig.2. Rrdioruclide Cen.r.lor sysr.6 To be Etul for should havc a prircipal houi lfa ldr for iDogitrg. in ljlg appli€doB, rny daurhllr nudid€ should coNtirulc u!d ile ene$, b.tw@ rr& 20 ddshr.. suctid€ obnjfttt from o s@6ror ed 5OO t V dd a [a]f lile b.rw@n I dd 24 hs nlltipL r{ni$ioN, ic hsM o..cy rnys (abovc 600 kev) 20% of qteod phobn yiet.l of ihc prircipal y_mGsion @d foi idagin8. ln d p@ticabt. gcnenlor sysrd, lh. seraEl.d dauahler nuctide mst b. Elativ.ly fEc of rsdioedv. @ntmindls, pdicula.ty rhe pac nuctide.ID p@nr &tivity &pEsnl9 o y l0Ilo Drost sucss6, lO. dmes rhc daughr@livity, Evd sysren, lhe ! nic@uie or lcs otp@or rcdvny co.bminadon nly @nlributc dgnificsdy to lh. ddi.ion do* d.liveEd te palienl, €s!.cislty wha 6e pen( hls prcdkt oftlE d.u8!c. nuctid. should L ;rqcty long, i.c,, inv*ly ond ia prcdrcr @ 'Mo ---3Tc, "'sn-__r+b, shoutd a tong phrsiel ed biological hatfiife. TIE d.csy pEf.dbly b. !r!bL. tfjr eEdl yc!6 or ro tunl iin€ rn pmponion4t ro rn n half ,Y---+s! dd hotftife Ebtivc acrivirie ofrtr. {ilughter fiB. nE 'cE is ftrtioacriv€, physical mosr apptied g.nemror sysrco --Jro. l5 Ultr, short- lived RrdioDuclidc ceDerator. TlErc @ n@r 8o.ra!or syschs lvailabl. vbj.jh prodse dlughtc! nuclid6 hoving urtl!-shon lBl half-liv6 oflh* bolu (inFctioi) ivq of th. order of s@ndr or a fa Dinu16, Beoue of lhe slbrt physiclt Dwlid6, very tagc dos (tqs ofnilticui..) coutd bc .ttninisr.r.d or 6 a contihcous innBion providcd thlr rh. ddioacrivc conreines s a @uld b. lepr lo m cxlremcly low l.vct ofacriviry. Yeol'b dd rrbKr for has d.6oNkar.d rh.pssibjriry of un8 of ulua*hon-tived radonlc,ide ,a,rtr dynhic fibdiotr srudia Bing ttE scinrilladon @c,, in do$ &d huom. In futue, utrs shod-tiled ialopca n.y fnd grolr appliclliom tor mpid selirl, @n n sludr.sj pediculely oI lhc cadidv@ulu lysicd, sone of rhcsc apptiqtioB rcpr.e or coDplmnl ihe rsdiographic or cin.{gioSEthc prcedG ung @nl6t Not withsrhding, ndionrclide gen@tols hlv€ alrsdy prayad d idponet .xporcot'dl 8Dtrrn of th. fietd of nrclqr hedicioe in &cchr y@s. Soma lived odionuclid. ''"e4rz z.sr.;, "'6. EC iopora cr-h 19.6 s"c), '"R" I EC,I' Ni' 2 rr.j sel, "Br jl d^y EC.r3' , bs.cPr nedja. utrra{horr EE '*As my p€n in lh. goertoB se, p y- l?.r sNr, t6 EC,0' Sevdhl iodin EdioDLlctid.s hlvo foutrd ,ppucolions jn nuclee 6!d 'Il* qtionh ddioindih spahs c&nol b. ued. "hln h6 a 6 bc tabell.d n.djcitul iruging. irto nfuy @npouds whdc lhe anionic halflif. of.ppoxjDalely IOO min, a nono 6,fc oeree c Fn€r8y of lq t xcv by i$mefic ltusirion, ed no plhission lo contdbure lo dE ,odiarion dos.. Ils chi.f atra.rj@ k b tc lif. ofp@nt lotrg half b. puchded pa y@ io obr.jn procEmcnr of DIc gNsror ' ',Sn (l t sd). Odi a f.w soredoF ! @nlin€ow supply oalhc @uShreri conpaEd to lhe Thb nuclid€ hos b+n u*d [email protected] sysrcn ard Udn y jn Anorhd shon-tiv.d ,,nln(T% hM& i! vsiou ir scMing chcnjcal fo@s. a,j hou) G @Bid€&d qraenorrc purpo$s beaue rhe p.ticnr coutd be subjccrc ro nJionuclidec$b.obra'nedesity by Tl.c ro"Rh hos d ,r as a good alrmdv. fo! lowd ndildon dosc. This mcosota,'rcd-',-t, g-..ro, u " dRu or,!?d - a T% of 56.1 nilur. ard 40 kV, 1{aay, pEpdiio, of lohe 6dio is b@i desribetf ,rhAg ha . hrtf jf. of 19.2 wilh rh. cmi$ion of 87 kev g'Jma Eys,9t.6 of *4ich @ inl.rn dalghr.r of LI y@ rocd dd DpdOZ 11,47 I s.cond d<t daays ll) conv@d ro et.cuu. tr E how). In 6c nucler nEdicine field, rncf is Cbwing ircEst is eoploying ,,Cd in a ,scd + Gkly thc bdin, bl@d p@t, e re possibl. ways ofobrlinirg 's"Rh $.ning our qirh.nnq pbmceuticals fom roRt rhe of rhis naEial need '^ae ce@ro6, s d atErnalivc !o orhtr bionediqt geedos or utrE shortJilcd _ sMDa t7 Tllc cq.tic Rcl.rioutiD ot r p.et Th. g.eral El.tioship of - p€a Diug[lq Sy,r.D. _ daughr.. ddiauctid. ,yr.D ha ben F .dlardcr etotr'. Th. dl. of sD$rb of ih. dlughie rwlidc .t dy dND/dr - ?hNr -LND.......__.(l \vhc€ ND= nmhq of radi@cliv. atoDs of daughr.rJo {0 693,'raD, dsy lFtf life of.taughk!). N, - giva knoM by rlE ) de.ay @Brsnr of rlE dauShter NMbq of [email protected] alonD or l}rc p@nq and tp = ttd Nr=N.t Ny' b rh. M.......................... (2) rmh.i of$c Edjo&riv. !toh! of[Es which Np is @lcutor.d, Usine equd@ (t) ard @8ing ar rimc Zm dd Gqufiotr (t) e T k $c rinc df sl 8!t tnc difcEnriqt cquti@ d.sdibing r!. !u@r{.u8hcr Etfiio8hip. C!.+r"No.\Npte'-0 Tnjs cqEdon hs bs $tv.d Esutring Edioacdv. !106 of d&8|ll€r, ""' *To rlis n@b.. No by conudr ofp@nr (0.693/Ir, halftjf€ ofpdoo, Jt is wh4 - rimc T b di*ed of6djo.dv. *tn in O) cquton I4l which "'''i'' alons o, dauehq sB ar &y tiDc T, !h. nhb.r oI "tt' Ln ovq = .lL Npdt€+r-c.".n"*.- ........o, rrbm prEvious eludon ehoutd b. l8 UrinS th. el.doNhip bct*rcn N dlivity turd rl* nmbs ofEdi@riE nlons -4.1I[ r, 0.691 wlrcE A is tlE eriviry in oNmtiond conen d. E4u!ri@ (5) ! tldlc.d b Ao---Ao_ A? \l,h.EAD - Ai \,r" A'o - tm (lrci, nci, .rc) &d T% in h3lf life lnc fono*ine kd- c e'l of6. aloh fom +A.DFir. .. (6) AcrivityofdlughL v.ihbt itrrtE.€ot.rdm.T Adivir, otp.G .t riEzao. @trrt ofp.rcot,rd dr|8lre, Nctids. Aclivity otd.ughi.r bn oEtoD ltfuq Gl,rio! |lli4. ao, Usins rhoEtlldiodtir6, Oaiboraicrly ailihbtc divity ofdlelr.. nEti{t 6a 6il, b. qlculard. Da{y l9 T!U!:-l c.@ror sod. Re$t r Pmdft.d R.diotru.tidd TY, 3l( +p EC. p 2.8h r 0,393(lr%) I 0 ,irPd l,,h |.6t (3y.) 200ft 0 1.227(23y.) llr.sh p r 20 I p *, l"* I u i' , * I -l 35% J .0.ror. o.x1 tnr{y I I r0.r!5 O0*) I I i li;r; 2l ! 'I '"."'l l',.",", l*" 1"'' l:;1:*'I I I I ; 22, 0.610 (6r.) 2J Irtle2 D..ay ch.ekrkric ofr p.di D.cry chii.r..irri. oadlughrc, T"1 tt('r) t%, 63 (38) 169 (99.2) (4r_5) r0 5||013) 21.1 (98,r) |l (r,7) EC EC(r0) (93.r) +0 (90) r4r4(98.2) 5r (130) t077 (3) (56,5) EC( t00) EC (r0) EC (?l) Br(77) srRb- 3r.K, Ja.6h, lEc(7, I t\Q7) 446 (tgt 5rr {5a) (0.2) 5rr(r54) rT ( t00) (4) r+ (96) EC r00) EC(99,3' (t54) 334(80) 511(t92) EC ( 13,I 5l| 4|sl92) l2.Bh lEc(o.J) I | 1ae9.j) 183(82) l Tabl. z conlinwd 255(r.r) 392154) (r00) 20.1h EC EC (2,r) (r00) +! 06) EC ( rr0(3) rr (23) +8171' EC r00) (r00) 5r r(r52) 21t |t4,5) 564 +B (61) 5rr (r32) t3 (6.6) +0 (r, lT != bc= (r) 560(8.6) 10.6s r) rT ( r00) D@y d!!n l.L.n iom Tabte ofje;F (L.<rdq.nd shiderrds.) John Wilcy, Nd yort ( r 978) ud6 orh.r sie !r.|ed. This rs noc Eenr vile Epon (r8) EC (39) EC(r0o) EC (49) (r5.r) d 6oE 262(61) 7rh .dido., Nltiod phFic5l tuto.o.y k-X,ny dcmading @ of sF.ist l,mE . engl"na R dioieroF! with wi shon visudizj.s wins, cimb.B of h@n b€s4 \circe@ isorop.s, rhe srudica tud us ofvrry hdfliB ,jd l. bt ldhag6 ov., tnoF wjth to.gcr liv.s to. catain orge eirh ,rdioi$rop6 oli%'fu e Budly @mptd..r wirhin shon lived ixolope is co h. pcrfom.d Epidty *ithour injedoN et otr r tu6 e.t $.llF, I nin snq irrarion of pGsibt &d ha thc advulase rhlt rcp.al.d a buit.tup ji boclgoud j.rcl. This sivcs d sc .! of i,8 sc6t vi.k wirh. adioi$toF c!|r@ riom dilleGnt angtca or chogins rh. tcrti@ ofid@rion silc. wlcn a BdioiloroF wjlh rhe edvny diq away duine b. adninisr.Ed 4! a rhc a h6lf tif. of a fcw gold such slDn hdf '4y ,@5 atuM,.E' .obr.. speed qd Ehdvc rcluDc olblood hotop€ qbploycd fo! lhis purpo* p.ss. nin) ill *!dB d ond ti\6 @ msr liven pdGnt ndioi$tope, UE ddugh&r beinS .or spd!.d tioh ts t@ rak6 ll!c{ @ pictlG ofGsulting ttE pdtur by ctutior floh qftm,ris hd4 b6i4 a rhe clc. Th. fiE. w.! 2.6 Din ,r,!8. wtuch war us.d in l%3 to ibag. $. l.$ @ a $on pnrsiet salisfocrory for ihagins Mct ciruLrio! bd F.n6ion 5tlldi6 [email protected] .l lnis ri@ M.v gmmr @ittd i! obtai&d h mutiiniticuiB Imqr 4 6 liom s 2.? inldcd a of most re.rt wirh ErtioiebrB ro nosuE ciEul.rion theugh th. srnnra-ny3 @er$/ (0.66 M.v) nate, n Abour l0 n,c' E hNly, 6ry obbnrcd by ddy fon . long of bt@d dbuSh dre hcM.io Atrhoulh rhis isoiorE hiSh iljer.d int fir$ cohpt.r. narrit ofthc c&lrsrory systh. Thc @ndnuos iifqion whil. a RldidsdoFs wiur is rapidty h@ a vra, The l! tc d., hatf life (2.6 purpos ., Fel ndro&lE botu rnveh dbugn , Itis O t 4 ieloG. rhe h6, lunes dd elcrial m@", showina lh. js ouch loh8er addnion sysr.m to v&ious or8ru &d a sdics l rhh n*$ary. An ielope wirt studid @dd b. inj.ction muld Ffom.d d.dy lway dpjdly. Ediltion exposw to wilh hrlf -livd of r r.le ttusir oIi$bp6 rhrcugn th. p.ried. fw sonds e a6 a shon quicldy The lhon p.ejng ofpiclws of * r.rkqn wnh a inccl, B()*4r, EdioisotoF rh€ 6_tu, ldf_life would hav. $e odvmtas€ $al s.w thc R<tiolclivily fDm a pEvioB h.jf lif. o{ th. i$ropc tunher Fdles rh. EdEtiotr in half-tif. to lhe utriMre goal, @utd 6. qrcd .il!a ha[tif. wi|h tnc bolu 6. i$roFs injelio. l*hniqw or wnn coninuou infujon lech.iques. t*t.hu€ vitl CorliluoB hfqio! utrn !trolr tiy.d ndion aop6, vcis, den€s ed cdr!tu orld @ b. vGuitiad lird ielope slh by rhc conrirrcus i.irsion of orsm Enaia mdi@ris s wlh cilh€r 6nd ddioijoooF OrsN r.\!r e visibt. r*c up or & inrrvcrcB noDq.rdy .n r d in rllB irjccdon of lvms cohpoud! for rcry is much bi.f in ,hjch rtscl dE mb .!d c@dd ey utrra shod liv€d injarion of hTco,. ha 3hond qiss i! ruint.inad, It c& b. imssd ecrlM ,n. Ein .@6, s*h s mi, n.rhod. IfphFic.l hdf-tife of th. ierop. El.&, @nrtirio! thetr lons as d coGllnt infi]rio. nrc an€lies, should b. condnuousty visibte wnh ietop. jNl 6 fiGy ullla shon th. hilf-life js shon dDud so rl8r ms1 of it derys dui.g a singlc oopl.t ta$n of de circulEtory sysr.n. A n4dy4rrL a d $.r re Oc iero!. wit d.c!y almd cmptdcly Mthin ttE Esq Th. sdc d$ b. visuuzed by biotoSical hatfnime of mjChr or8nn lcchniqucs snould b. uetut fo, visurlj2ine orym tisu. wirh hish pafuion n6. Thc* tisu6 shoutd beome r.tariwty Edi@circ, white rise wid low Frfision d€ liu E0ain nonEdj@dive, b.coBc lh. nolop.ldds to d4.y befoG it tuUy p.rfe, ln.l.ller lLs@, L@ating veutar lhor should b. posibt. ih rhis tcchDqks. pcdsion rl&ugh lne hcln log, tidn rr, bnin 6d ofa s.cond b plsu hs ba sodi.deExpos@ rim6 vdy Iioh ; ftetion l0 sdnd. RldioisloFs wi$ ulti slDn hlf-Uv6 @ .Edical leilitie ietopes cs 6ar e located be obtain d by d.cay l. 2. l. Haa. a 4. Be Dccly by oi$ion lor of f&n to ro ! obl,h.d in la€c wi€ty ud qumity rl Ercror or cy.lol,!r\ A limit d lons-liv.d p.Ml isolopc Th€ nmbd oI dq* istope should. n.dim cftrg/ errmr Eyr or by Fiilon @i$ion. lo4 lircd prEm B. Epidly epdbl. fon th. peni with clotiag elution fi6r EaoDbL ir e physiologi€lly cosl. rhA! ns r h.lf lif. oL 39-E s .od ddys qith tbc disbn of 88 kcv glma-dys e incdlly convqt d to el@!.n, &AS i5 rlE d.ue}r* ofrdPd (Tr=t3.4h) 9l% {tf whi.h dd d@ bc rocd (T1 {5ld), rdcd bd 'oPd @ h..sily Eero. prcduc.d m a by (n, rcerion on BPd and 'ccd resp@rivcly, Tlc rdcd (453 &ys) / tuAg (3r,8r) sctudror Dlcd lN dl$ ben sugadcd Usinetinph6phd.sadsorb.,'eAgyields.ealour54%wiih ?. / bolw by .lutos wir[ cirhs thiGulphd. ht ahholgh lsrg. 88 tev la $lution. ln rhb 5% / b. udily dbtiotr cqdE,0E inrnv@s b€*thsughof 2xl0 5% plElphll€ butto (pH 7.4) ot sr3td th. dn6dpha& n E Mobt ot'tcd pftnr cr. plDron asrbic &id r@Cd for RNA, d ro codpl.x lhe AC i@ .' p6duc.d, 0E ro* 3.?3% sbud.@ ofth. admininrdion of rry hish l.v.ts for rhc s!fli€i.ni pholon yi.ld r.quidd for RNA. Veiou ndion$lide c cuE4lly lrxtq isv6liglrio! in for ddiolnhruort npt (RAtl), nor.bty ,'f Dd .Y. rhc llis Gt s posibL *u h.ad. choie of ddiducti.h tor 28 mdoimurcdEdpy dlFnds viz holflif.. photor osgy, intertia on (l) dcaied physical chMd.rislic oflhe Edioholopcs (2) chmic.r Eedoos invotv.d for incorpoErins the Bdionulide inb rlE eijbody (l).prop.nc biMp.ribitiry of DouellcrlFwn/onr.niMl isotoF s i.ll s bciig ioj€cl€d in-vivo (6) biodisr.ibulion dd etibody lin*.€€ i,c- l.ct of rfficlEl.tion @'nbi@lion to biod.gndlrion c.s gdm. d o* ur wcll a rhe (j) dt $L.tc<t lhe ddioElid. Ercnl .d is enbody (4) @n6ined in rbc mlErisl d.h,los@. lh. Gisl!re ot.lhc ,!,r Edionucljdc sribody pos pmbtm bcse of ny ietope dir$ciar.r fDni the ddionuclidc &tibody compt.x, llis o ir-viEo and in-vivo srabjlity of ladionuclidc, d.halogcnal'o! ladinC to nonr!.gd imdiation. inn<liation ofbon - i is a bon ce lqd iB a.Acdc skd ed io to @cc.pr.bl. sFcialy inpondr if$c hon tuuls ! hund mtioow &tib.<iy TIF rrrAs Crj, 7,5 dayt ha s@d b.t. .oission chncEnsxca lr.04 Mcv (91./0),07 M€v (8%). 0.8 Mcv (l7o), m appoprjat. hnlftif. of ',rAg(r/ ?.5 days e ow 7.jd) h fohred vh 'r''Ag Ghl.2min) which is subequorly peduc.d fronl dedccayoarrrPd(tr 22mia) dd r"?d Cr'i 5.Jh)'IlE r.th b EpBocd ,'.pd (n") 'r*hpd-L> Ty2 5.5 h s: t.T TY, 1,2 n 'nus th. nculon imdi.rior ofpalbdim in a E*ror povi.l'6 ! .nd if th. i@diared hrg.t @lcrial is @Ld for. day o. mG s@ ofrc-€ner_eddcd onty ,,,A8 29 dpelcd ro b. pllgr. cspecdvely. ii As ruPd and '6?d @ llso b. sepanled G fom.d vi. rdPd (n,, and rlpd (nn) Mcrion fon umim tsion prc{ruor Scvml mdo<,!, h.v. ben rponcd in liid?irr., slch .xl@riodr, cdpeipit liorrl in did.d palladim, If n rrrAS ed q) bc s ion dchas€r',, Edjocolloid fom.lion for rhc scpMrion pod@d in lEgG qMriiy aod linl.d lo lhe of $twd I'Ag lion mi.r &ribo<ty nly Eple r,I ir lMy @s'r. oirdi 1.6 In |nc 6dioi$!op. mjrg @ins, @ cdtrnrty ri6lo idcrle if th. chDoind r Edionwlid! iEetfof.F lod .xelior.l Fdionuclide ha a 6?.5 t! Th, deay disint !6tion in v.ry hish kll3uitcd ued a for w lllodare wiol !n agcni for oGnrara,in eilina bone e bw tis .in fdh loog/o by E.C, yiclditrg two in mind, ddi.tion do* or "'h . This very d.riablc elut phoo6, ir e*ad., p.r t V_ Th* dr8i6 @d ldiun I r chlorid. ia with 89% .r | 7l tev ad 9t% !r 24? sl!l@ di *tllilarion r)r@w nugjngt, Indim ac$vny ldDinisteFd s ctrtoridc lmor s @tt s in boE ft. upiik. of ddioindih hs ben .tribut d to d. ftuion of rrl! l''osf.rin. A rqba of inwrig.l6"e h,ve ndno s|rdicd ionic rrrln !s cnrnG l$ a son tis@ polbdal tumor loc.tizins snd botu ,|:@w inssjna agcnl Reendyr [email protected] b€e, used in pari.nt for bon damw imgjng.& a adv&r!8e_ lndium-ttt is podled 6y rhr qdion of'6Ag (d-2n) becn rh. pholon ouplr agdr whiL rld*ine lll. ab$d.d Fdiaiio! do* to ih. p.tiol, Vith n.w adiolab.l€d onpounds d€ cotuideEd only ifihc ratiat Fccivcs e Dixlu€. II .30 IndiM-l I I btElLd cottoidd fftjc hrduidc hs bcn ucd for lyhph nod. s.eing,( wh.n the ircn corcrnlrion ed pH ofrh.solurion i! Ried, bigSo panict4, mrcrcaggEgal.s, m fom.d wiich e rr.biti*.i l.<li!n-l I : II widr A.lo$, &d wlich haE uen bbdt..t e,ith DTPA (didn Lrc I @nplcx al pH 6-7, This compt* a l.alc in .hi6nned ed Indim- lI rhe rorB*t singlc in hs be. s.rt ir vsiou cdbdspD,l ,!id di$rdd chetare hrs dd knoe *rot non ncoptsric Ir Ecdl yaB, lks sindgRphy.! ttihim !.nac(c &jd) (iii) fom . stlone ber uscd such fd {E sinriSnply di.gmsis ofohor cxFrimdl witn ,,,td Bt@drcilr r god @@|aron wrili.d rdr [email protected] I Btohycii *inrigdphic findi.g tcunui.rion in wd of ih. tutur in ?oy.ot 6 obiaitud t. bd*r.n $e css ed in r O% rhc€ w6 r6ion.. shon tiv€d r_diding ddioaklidc clut d liln chorubgpphjc colunB comdinjng lon8.r tited patur iucli& hlw [email protected] @nrdcdblc int@sr in h.dical applicotior Fnio|fly co.tu. B@e pd,.nt w'lhour irfomtion for rtc vbutiza o. of inLrndl org@ Dy smilariotr s..eR ..d of lhcn tion n tflit€, torg. doF of Edioerivity nay b. adoinilrGd qc*iv. @nr€n1r mdiadoo doaee, oft6t,InEs6, @il, uapon 4 nrrilS rh.t b lbu ohainjnA high pholon ,lu.s whicb ihorcvc the TtE Dcs sldcly shon-titrd u*d ni&in8 sysran of rlri. ry!. mr.ri.l, lsdty oql.brc ro m ey horpiLt f*jtiiy ehich R!fils |he h(nsing RquiEharj. AmonSst tne noet pomising rysrerB fo, ih.ging lppti@ljons sugs€stcd by O@n. MW.hl d tlE Bet h!rc. Nlrioo,t t bodlory,,r i5 ,rltn_ Th. "'sn ch@tcrirrics which cnission oflgl ',rtn possss kev by j$;oic e a slbn ,rl hdf_iife of tOO dBinbtc oin, a oono en4gclic,t. lrbsiiion sd rc p hision lo conr.ibur€ b rh. Fdiaton JT dossc. Il. prodwd: a halHif. of tn pc.r nEtidc "rsn b Ehtiv.ty tong Gult, lh. gen€raror syd€6 is ccononical for rcu,ine doily .lulion d nDndE. ftc sinil&iq of rh€ eNAy oI 'r t p€nDirs rtE t'hdldEE itr vivo only tlpply of sm. d.rdroi and . dalelu.r cohparEd ro rlE @Hy ws ,t$r my b€ nillcd $wEl dms pq dly &liviry in obtlircd, nuclr o.dicine s prbciDot r,o be di$ion u$d for ,,,LIn, 6e&, oB sev..sl of 164 t.V of bur prchjbir Ilt .t htoFd p(nwnBr p€r of yc& to obhin hTc o conrinuous s _ s.n@tor. Thc ,,rsn sbr.q6dy. milk.d opiitully .v.ry cisht er nour (ot €qujlibriuh) bui fo. tuptc, .v.ry rc b C@wing n@bo iddging prchsed be ourlined in orc ofoak Rjdg. Narionst labontory rcporr by hi(hg sytu @ Tle e.nmlor $. is @uri.g of rrLIn ed 'rl. " '''lo geneoror syslem Cilld.l io sysrcn incrudini colrimros f.w s*&t<)B of ibis mleridl rc.d o tlt [email protected],io. (ll8 dayt 6d I_7 of@n n! al rvtuch tihc 50% of ouads of',r"tn which e cs be leinm b.ing ued jn as. ed skdt. kjrs @ .v.jtabt. for rh€ exrcnFebu, Ptpanhonsnrptybyoddirionof rlEsr€,jt'r"tnclute. 'rrln,as n"Tc cmor ! pordd.ll, Btut r.<tiodiw ori6 fo.l.b.Iins conlbunds wn.n e diodc be ircorponred. rhc phy,ical chaFcredsdc of,,!!i olrlbugh hiehty suii.d for inagins apptiorion m tun ctnetcss. Dot d opriDd 6 rlto* of qlc fbn d. si.dd point of ddi.dor do*, whe@ ir! haiflif. b shon& ( t,73h emjsion ro lest .iae' dcpdirion rhreugh McV pq disinksdion - cfo.ol48) ed its - cf_ 6 ircd lf for hTc th. @ntribuion ) ofis @nB,on ,s sEGr 1- (!,=ol 15 or 0.138 rEdiarion do* Er. is trigh* (T=l.45 r/nc p€, hr .l 32 Ih. @ in '.je|.d of IndiMl I lh s . @iq fre nar ed ionjc c2- Slobulin?i, Th. labell€d trm. .o ttus&ri, m!i6 jD Idiu; m e;pby.d pd@ily coloid! eu ,i61 dtisibcdr in bpidly io rqsfcEir and oftr@r &d couoidll Eldit bound Fmr *@ing br als luw srsrch blood.poot sgdr v@qls space ro 1966. TIE I . hucn ks4 qt ti/ nrrnci.,lly r,tr is nd ro of to!8 p.riod pt4nre {or irDgilg rhe o.se of redcuto-odorhelier b.cn u€d in EdiolEtid. cistq,og.pbyan Forud, a Cctatin "r"h hrdbnd. w4 u*d, howva ,lrbitizd e€larin ,inbitied coltoidal ,,,.,tn phorpha& h adlptablc io kn pEp@rion. Colomb. i .r.ol,, bovc rcponed $!I ih. addirion of caid iDn Esulis in a dliophel:.@dcd wifi sig.i6otty gH.6 .ccmubrion iI srt@. -,I.,DI?A (dier\yterc trilmin€ pdrledc &id) i, u!.d 6 b6in ed kidn y jtugins .saar' ,,Ltn DTPA i5 pEpad by t addirj@ of.tuc LLID inro scritc vial co.t i,ins DTPA, I % .celic acid dd $diun ph6ph.rc. lr "ln rag8.d wtn jmn hydexide is scein8 asd! p.nicb fo. tuns tui,s e edily fomutd..t .,rd ofq u*d s a lbe @Nid.r.bte ,dverl8c ove.'r,I.MAA-,'. T1E avaihblc a adw of dbuin ndiopnlodulic€l pdrcis ar maraboli2lbte and Th. jhon tiv.d ,-ro , cGph@ t.bclcd MO cily tiv.d ddion@iide hs for tunA sc@jry &d fof sr$d, ot Eeional ciEuta.ion e! r,, n de Tne unifom in si4 ,!d sb4c!. lT'r+j l!) js 6Fid@r! !, a good c&di&l€ puqros. Deaue rhe patient @uld b. subjared bc otlaincd s,nort by ,|1@ of a ",Cd/ "'cd Esrion in @ror, r,,cd cM al$ b ! tokr Edi.rjon do*. Thk Edioisolop. @ ,'-h s.,Rrr. Uql, hc aor diag.osric ,,rcd is pE<tuc.d by ,kcd(nj prcdu€d on pholonuctd Erc(ior ,i.cd (r n) rcdr .33 Vaio6 n€lhods for epdlbn ofrrbln Epod€d. I'JCd ptrduc.d b, (nrr) or having hish m spaciry for Cd, T€cnnedw.99D d.v.loFnenr! of has qMo/*rc 0,!) @tior hB d*!ys low speific &rj!iry, tEs tt h.iElly is .rFci.tly os rlE {,' MoE ndionuclide,for @d bcqus of its nwld Thjs ss.sqr t m.dicinc rulc !d btfti& ed 1si$bn 6f*,rc, |[email protected] diciac erer siace thc E@!lr, ietop.s of ro the EdioplEm@uriclb ro bc rcldity @nnoEd Birg hploi.d for LTc .8qrs. Accoxling lo th. n t950s Duing rlE pr5t d@d. ino,gldc nuclid.s $ill! FoFad€ lbal ataacriv. essnially rl€ enE ercr8y qch&8. ion tc ieioF to cxplier ed d.vctop tehErim hile b€6nc of inr.Bt [Rc ed '!Rc N ! dtuirg r&Re of dir€Gric nucled lb.l.r. g€nmior in ed te.llErih 6dioph@ceu{els,, A @n3o.r of tcch&dun, b.Gn rh€dfoe prtfaad. ch€Dis$ have utilied th. rclariv€ly $aU. cbemisry Mhdeeru ed etvcdr *b!cnon, ho Ning ion V Rc, the soup @muny. aoth tuibble for [email protected] rh. frcr rh.| n cnft a y,my at a!o$ !F biodhribuio! ofr.Rc sr ,<jn@ itrr.luMotior by W€sch ad Ro8B, rcgarding idql u* s a radiotab.l in codu&tion Bio [email protected] 4nlibodies aor ndioinm@olhoshy. r.R. b6 bd shown lo b. oE of .ne m4t prcmi.ins c&didlr , 11!. wid. spad r of 'it fo. rlE tabeninsof sull€6 $bs|ldddly A.m rapid ed hod .ssi.Ed ortbodj€ hs eEEl u!d6i6bt. Eedbly csntdly snguld I l? t.v Mtid. phy3icd.nr! bioloeicll.prcFnj.s, prjncitElty !n. ps6istrn! in-vivo dehatogemtion of the ch.turerired by a 3hoM 6at |his dibod, ndiolab.l. Rh€.ium-t86 i3 lons physicdl h.tf lifc of 90 tu, slrene Boision0.OT McV), imaging y mison (9%), .rd dd.y hro ! sbt. &ughh pro<,ud. _ 34 w Rhcniw rh.nphy with purplF hTq rtR. rrRc 3uch is cn s 6tn, nY sd *ior rd?d, si@ ir dEc trcduc.d &d thcFfoc @ bc uscd n Edwins !8qr, md 3oduim cr.rc w liditr Eg..dcd s sui$r. for grcup ch.nicat lDpcnics rttRc dd csi.r s.litrs ssc wn6 n b bon. lyophiliscd kir @.l.ining HEDP (l-hydoxy is @ clccr€d ovo orhd ddiorwlidc wnich I.bGIGd wirb HEDP, whjch ir s .Uytida!) diphosplbdr., SnCl:. 2Hp pcpdld urd{ in n.rtuphrrc lElirg p|l 6.7, t ra ir l.h.lLd with'rR. ari i! @d s borc scking .gctr r'R. dt ini'3 .lorbic eid &d g.l!,riE s. 3Libitiza, k BGd for ofl.r8djoinrs (ctbow, tc) in i6,hy3i6t ch.trkrilric n L @mp.6bt. ro @tloid ndj6)er€.romy '-atr . @ltoid.r.Rc(DMpE)l' RhaiM - 188 is @rhd ndioph|r'@uictl qfiich js us<t fo..hc in (rn - 16.9h) gina of j! of clrEnr inia61 for ! !r.i.ry of rh.EFuric lPplisrioc, ircluding hdio i@uerlEnpy. n<iioElidc ryroElomy ed boE pain Flli.don. SiM 'l'Rc ir obrlin d *id &e filD doy of lhc tong-tivcrt 'r\v p.tut (T% -.69 days), lhc dpeEd tov o3n will b. 6 inpori! f*ror virh ie@irg .rt. b. !o rcdsjr8 hallh @ qi Anr*dE .negy of 764 t.V (Ei prDp.ni.. of = 2.t IncE!.d incd.r in I M.V) '*e imtud. rhc milsion of & Fnict. wirh e .Edg. rd lh. oilsid of . j5 r.v )-Ey5 (15%) suir.bl. fd l rc ue of g.!u0or _ prcdued optimiation of scror producrior &d ch.micd ,tr@*ing of r.W pbduction and a ofrlw irvots doublc n.ur.on c.ptu on '.W, 6i., tic plcft h od., !o .Rc Equi€ ddioisoropc, R.ador optimia dE &b,istior ue of l!'ec. ctini.at.*.I (> 500 hci) ,rwr{R. gci..dor, ovaitabihy of rFcilic rclivity 'W is dBiEd, Du. to doubtc tuur&D optr4 rhe hishcn pbs, ed rb. a$r lon. ,qW 35 holflifc, hoEv.r pod@tion of {W lhs Elatively long iaadiation poiod sG cluircd cvcn in hidr nux @cror (i,e 2-3 monttE in nE yRc 6 b. mlogc lion ro proponiodl lo lh. squ& of ihc neuuon nux (i.. :d) and is eMoF"Ic previd.d s no cMi.r .ddcd SocEior. HiSh sp..ific eriviry, 15.98 hour 69.4 days rugsren-I88 in a @owniol geom{or Edionrclidc fom iradi.d ts8sro '5w(41)rDw(n,r) isrop. tbm ttw,{Rc 8d.alor wilh eullon. Th. hllftifc'!R., sysrh. tr is bsed n*lo @rion is upon obbiae<i epMrion of 6 follos. ''w ___p+ ,"R. -_-0r.-'"O.. Th69_44 Th t?h Th. .lMim bas ruw/rrRc g.n@ior 3rd.m op@t6 simitdy to gen@ror 'll cludo" of *c c Na tco; s sysr.m ir plrFEd wirh ;rd fi. rMoATc pl du..d r.w s lugilic cid. Sinilu b s,lim fF6 ,Mofrc g.lmror, clutlo. qrh no@t s.rin. llovidd elurionoftui*ierrRcssdi@!a .ur,(N.'iR.OJtrenrlE'.w'.R.stuErorM. ra[Fe hav. !n &riv. poFnjs for Fdiodcdpy advmLgc ofbolr! ddionrclirLs is rhcir loe dbuda@ vi. &ritody mcdiard ta|8.ring. An gd@ misio. of fsvo@bte i,Esins me.g'6 lhat dlow ncaNncnr of tMor sd orho orge Ddioetiviry, hence dtimare ddiation dosim.ay whit. clulring h ninim.t contdbudo! io non speilic ndjadon An esp€cirlly a&@rive feruE ot rh.F l4hnerm. This povi&r o d€nn for ndto.wtid* i, th.ir sh4.l srrucruol *'Tc t.b.lt d dlibodiB or of qpGE, p@peni€s wirtr rhcn f,asme s ro b€ usd for *leclion ofpalient with lpproprhl€ runof !ar8cdo8 drd prdicrion of coftspordins Fdiarion dosimerry for tuDor &d no! tegd or8a!, tjroly. rh. ch.nisfy of rbenjM do6 not suh in sFcific oree r€icDtion bon€ s b *n for orhd rlt,sphy ndionuctidcs such baliation ed Ernton, hocc borc nlmw 6di ion qpoluE 4 is of ynqium-9o in which @rcm. Rhdlw follos GcMtrim cbenical popcnies of rhcnim ben dd€loped for lh. penh@r. (R.-vll) tu nm$rcs. in goup VIIB of dd l.clD.tim dc aidile. anochncnr apprcpriole modincatioo md ol t'fc ile pqiodic tabl. ed $e ClEmical cchniqles which nlve lo v{ious ligmd csh polmlidly be ued with for rh.niunBrcrors Alrhougl morc Fsisranr b Edwd ltc p.ri.chrctll! (IevI) b. Thc "sinilairy" of ch.bicll wirh corconir!fl atbchhenr ro pdFni6 of p.nhcnar ed p.n ltDebrc chcmisl rcrlod for a$ching rlRc r€ducdonr6,'o io rh.nFltic agcnls,!. !n suEe6rs rhe lttdidon Edbimud$dphy, rrR. is cxpe|.d to h.vc jnpoltor rppliorion fo. !o Edijrion V@veromy tatlnh1 oa.nluiris, p.lli.iirc Glicf of bo@ pdn fton c.@. tud losibV boE nmw rblNtion prim ro '!Rc @ tuor risus b. us.d thar 3d.6tor @ b. tr.atne hav. in s *lerivc b€ onach.d tr..lndt inrra dier injdion ddiopheeudcjls i, of nuligner |mor for ti.tncy, an{id inj.djon h tl!. p€spetirc for in!6-joinlidl inj.dion or plcud cmsion, bd colloidll eluri@ for rh. is for inrlrislrat h.E y, Rldiophlmau$cd on rtre bais of '!R. - us.d for rh. pelvic cavny ar rhc ofpEp@rion ttisplebdd, dcveloFcd for r,[email protected] d*its, blood al thc R.c.nlly N,S: &d 6'Tc md '&',Rc s forddioimhlrodE v*.ts tis, stomrch, orgd supplyio€ lmor, inflhnarory p,ftessq .nd \S for u. ln. amid. thiotaE ligrnd sylrens biiiDcrioial ch.taiing as.nt. Ldr.r on py. The of l,\s. wirl t,8 h is u!.1 ro sclrr rhe mn .fpilFiaa lrgcr m|l.dd5 .nd d.Gnnining rhc indiarion 6 iddidjo. poed@ by cNid.rinA rh. bch.viou of pan'culr rsrA.r turid *tEn lh. c;ie of dE r.'Ld b timir.d &d FodErion pDed@- Ir ruy dd m ir foEld !o lrd d!. odE |h0 i<!at l'r8ct Gen.r.l r||lc! for !.lccting r.rgct h *Lqio8 tlE rrSd h. po6ibt. ro dr.blbh dE ril8.l maEid! r!.taid!, nrt rt.l fori p.nicde P|rd*tion madd i. aliil, .vdt.bt. cd|fuFi.lly, cb.ni6l chrsc duing n didid, physicd or t|M .ld6rr e drm.lly trabtc .!d !o i.4a tulai.t 3hodd et udago Dy n i.ltic d d.ns !.y nd6, &d rlDuld b. h&dt.d wirboul nt oll itrldi.don bu n ah.orb hydond.. Duing ilr.djlrid ofdE imdi.don tEiliry, &d by cr€i.i Fquri@ i.a cddD clE t ouu! sl @kr& ulda odiury cddirioB Et.eof wrqtioD rt .dcim a presr inc@ itr rh. mln b. h.rdlcd ir . d.y box ad @ b. sd.d h r! .n @bona|. de not EqdE 5uh rhat or cdlciM oxid., @ e oxidc shliliry its rlE ro ro fom c.tciw h.y ralc da,nd To avoi.t rl)jA catcim oxidc dghr co.|.ind. rhndting ofcdciM d|d its dlbitiry duilg in dilrior b mr mNh infaio.lo Thu cllcium elborr. prcdwiio! tho cdci@ oxid.. hyJtu\ide i,ldiatid @nuiM. of ld.qualy ltdtc Th*, @y b. @Eidcnd lo b. bclr Lrgcr mrsi.t for th. podudbo oflrc! be.@ of tF.r on<|.3 d.dmi* tn. id..l imdi.rion cddid@. gatrm- hdina v.luq th.mi! @nd*dvity, han movd TiE rnodd b. k.!r in nind rhlr rrga n&n.t qtofra c Sdnly h od; tlEEtoG sh@ld h. cdlid@d fi6r. dE T1& n h. tuc $ir.bt rdrslr m|djd for.rC. ll A.fc Thtu d6 rct only th. qd@ tud dcnd nEla @liG inldi.rioo, .ll posibl. nl4 eid BinS th. nE rh. l BJi*rivity in U. sdc ofd. pr . u.8cr tutdi.l 3h4ld b. 3'rey.d imrcduc.d by clEnicd inprritLs, bu de lhrr dE to dt llrgcl si* diEct In m61 c$s, r.dioedvltion .ttltsis ot in di.tion po.irio. inaondjon abolt tl* quditt iD s thll fd rtu.l pt duation wrt will nnd plDdl|cL ffiidly lv.iLblc.nd puinodoi of Mtsi.l b.fc E i! !.c<Ld, th. foloeing n tlodr o bc wd: el4aolysi3, .lblimrio\ wl'.n ruflicio{, tgsa ml.d.l i. mt distilbrid, @ry{dliztion dd ion scna|aa Ir i! Eudly tldio€ io qtryou N* bd ir i! nwh bcr&r io do lhis md( in o!.6ri6 Sracry with pcni6 F r;psdw sirg rh. Th. @id in e whictidE l n4.r roldilt in tlE @ror JFuld h. Blitrlr.d. A onn€<l !,e md. of mry rEtr duin8 ir6dr!j@ !t rh. intcid.d lFti!8 a.r.of n fl rhlr LdrFElG mrai.l i! qudty mpp.d i. Ft al@ dEdddMj.iM io th. iE dir.Iio! F{ .xmpl., vtEn thc 3hodd b. sliry iftdi.tion @nGil6 trld. of Dolrr\.e d difid dardilg ofddiorcriviry rh& to do rh. s!fu rdiolatiw mrairl.. bv-tlA..lo! oa.rri.r o.acrt Th. rh..Dce sh Frilicrdd dwi.iM. foit &d i! t Dr TIE lyp. of cMpclhlion witl @liilioE. itr di.tioo of Elluic rt .id i! p.'fooncd to pldue trl, 0r i! ! tr\qd rmy r.r*outof dG [email protected] rhis ce rhc Elluic &id JDltd b. !-t.d in s .n dghl @t iM ro pEqr thc sr. oa I'l Fsibiny Ost 6di*(E ioditu wpou. On lclluric *id tu FDducGd by *Eitirc io (qr) D'T.t llt otd . rir. in t h.nd,lhi! D.t Fsibty inm<t@ !m0Fr prebth. A! mFnrw b.iq @vBrd wtq v.louq th..ir - dsntlEs ord Giiu@ to !o l.luic diqid., by El.@ of inr.nd FESE of rlE 6binq wil h. tl* l9 nd impotht f&tor in &@nplbhing lhc s& i@<lialion of lelluric rcid, &d thi! dusl b. insri&t d b.foE iRdiltion. |rlduic oxid. dc mlcri.l nNt WlEn imdiltitrg mpoutc wEpp.d in duiniM @otriM mlos.d in e En-ddt flux.s of l0rr n.rcuic n /cn:-S.d oxidc hls conlimd. A n siuhiw @hiM. of .M ldng Gsr on pEesw d@ugh rh. irclle g.'miion of nlfuic oid. did mr dccdpositid rqnFn@ (-50fc) qs E!ch.d, b{r i4|.e |!Mn Th. d s .ucuLd qunz an-dgh stristd-ltcl for srci @ntoiMcni is $at long pqiod of ioadirtion .l sugges.r ihar deomposition of irt m.l pr!s@ duing aor l8o-200h, Swh a @!Ed & foil !trd lh.n lh. mp6'rL ir put inlo h inc@. m.rury oxidc h.s shoM bc sal€d irto helaUic m@ury rlrw dy hs rct b.d deonposition ulil ir! irEdiadd csr dwys produe m !(dE. nc 6di.lion &c@Fsilion of mauic ond. *s ufoFs. 6til rl| imdiation ter on ir 6 Frforn d, So, iraliation r.sr should t 6i.d out, nadirS sirh smrlt mounls &d srcaditt incrcaing !o thc oaiftu EquiEd lo gun{ ilri6t fie possibiliy of radiation-ind!€d in hr.tul decohpositiotr o. obw. &y dct@tabl. t Mrdid fo! ir.dilrioA n is lwl']l@d.<t rhd th. fouowing $v@ h€r Soeration, tn this r.4 o@ shoutd lry !o Pnp.nlio. olr!8.r ua..ir& 'Io pcpar Ascdw be thc adoF.d. t rE Fid rhc &cilitlt .ay posr-ir.dilrio mcrid, cre nut b. klen h als a rorcnat hqr hnndlang, As nor b. w6ppcd th.s coqirgs c diErty in su$ J qy e 6 ro jn @n@r with lhc lss.t tn$ b ituod@ sy Elio&rivc o chemi€d impsiri$, Thcc possibiliry thd lhe tarSct mterisl may bc is 6hov€d froD it, and fiis d @Fulaled Elj&d €f.ct nay h. lq8. in th. on the ce @vsir8 wbd iorgct mit rial of po*der Mptd. tn ihis q* 40 mouldisg of ehicv.d by ro Fwd* tl@r of a podk. p.ll.t, tlbl.u or pilb wiu b. sry .i€ml innwns. Tnir coit in4 o smpl6. vh@ s.wdl r,or8.'r containn hs |o b. mldc e @filly r&o pur into a al$ cont etul lo iB a do6 mr rcrt fd IGA t[c hrg.r ed it! to aof p6bld. cy.l6 i. h sucn onc f*ility i.*sr Th. E tlE fiid @nr.iE if dr liz of rh. orgd !trlldlrior, mun b. ceicd our in rhc Ltohiory in ord6 ro @drq d6. dmnr lhc i. or tEnf.dine t@1. This third @nbind is lh. cnnitrg lelor ondiiiorst lnc y*. lcatlgc of srs or poqdcr |n. r!rg.r, l:or cxmpl. *hcn {Cs is rude -o.18 nci/s of flon pEv!fl p.nub.lid ol rht mutron flq.D wh.n ddioieropc peducls of high speific &rivily obtaincd und.r to porccr it limull.@urly irFdiaG4 th. arugcmnt of Ggcts rh. iF.di||ion pddrion oucr TlE *nob ft @ dB wc a ,totctid.eeiG| Fi.allr, d! 3@nd contsier vill h.rc !o b. pL.!d i! snd Mouldi4 c.. b. hdd-lns. mpp.d or cMFBUld.d tor8.l i! S€condly, thc '6ctuL b pmduc.d for ilEific edvity e witt E c dcdDd.d of dicn d jerop. ed ceol b. my $|rc tn. f6o dnht cddm etdcnt . rpc.ific edvny of iddidion in ! b..v6 t6 flu of to[rl/h, r' for t]0SOh) if rlE iEldi.rion @ndiio6 of2o% cr.ich.d {C! wilt 8iv. . lpeific &rivjr, rcn c w_ fircg hrgci inrldldio ofe cricn d i$!op. *il Fmii pDdErio. of! ndioisropcs in hish ndiehoiql puiry whcD rh. dturalty ruit$lc ct@cnt5 i!4il!l,t) prcdue a totrgtircd by Ttu pmdrct. ro' .imDlc n.tuEl iron siv.s . mixr@ or,'F. (rn-2.7rr) &.t ,F. O,{-45d). c Edich.d iloroF3 dpeBi*, ce mst od irLn b. comcrci.lly !Eil.bL'r'. in pcpeinS ir wilt bc non d6ihbl. ro Chdtu .fr..r in Fod*rior e B..!e ded for imdiaion in tuich.d isroFs @ Eully ord.r lo obtain sood dich.d i$toP.s cpc.l.rlly dov.ry, by lpplying dG SziLrd- Frl, 1.9 Blcc&Llllllrctr! Rcmior ftutdn @ convdiotly b. cldifi.d inlo lhr aFups, mrding to $eir lic .rcr8i6. Th. kin .quilibri$ soup with UF l:m. Th.@i ftoton' dcrcc! dt ri.l of @nshFriotr of dr. @ior, @ b. r.Dlwnt.d lppoxiDat ly by @d rhc eid$' of thc slryins doM mub6 *id e m.dih. eut!. IE 'cpirlml' d "!g!l!@ cn 19, disEibulior\ obcying a yE law' rhE souF @ difi.Ent .t cvd, pqi i! rhc Scwnl physicd ed [email protected] mdln;d! nu distribltion of i5 rhc lElor NuloG. hul 0E hosr &rivadon m.lhod. Ir i! bs.d on Fd d.lcminin8 .k. 6udly rhin foils nuclidee prcduc.d e rhc &pcn& on lh. Esjon @v6 rh. &d rh. fst ndroN h.vc rtE sc tur8y distriburion G thlt of $. fision rc!r@. Th. Btio of d. tru$.6 in rh. di$rib{rion of this . Mlxw.llie distribltion of vcl@ity, *hi.h ii Fp@nrcd by E-l/2 k. wlich shos rhr .wng. liEtic drSJ' of icmFl!|w d in th.rdl rcultoN which oa n.uolG Fenl ebr, e lEil$lc ptulicd om n*la !*tioB ao. ofrtE ryp. tor llBuiry rtE *rgy ndionslid. poducdon (nr(qp) &d atrd @t (n,2.). euton fte3, pias of tuios tjfib of Dcrd. tu. Ni. Al, Co, Au tl@d !t . eftin pori(on in 0E @ror, th. @ou s of Edio.criE m.@Ed @udld, od tlE n.u!!a ttux @hutard uing thc folowins O- Nr"Noo(l{ !)....................................(7) 't' 42 No is th€ ndbd of rlrg.r aroB odgimlly pFsr, (h is s@cd rhar No E&aiB @,sr&r dmuglDut th. jmdiltion) I N is rh. d@y @osrant is dr. n@ber 'h. T o ofnelid. poduc.d br the imdiarion. ofatohs ofddionuclid. pbdrc.d by rE itrldiarion 0i is calculaled nssuEd divn, W cocrrns is rhe for &sy, fen ctc.) iradi.tion p€rjod. is rtr *tiv*ton ossixrion &rd!. Fnicut.! nEl@@rioir qed. Itr onying out rlE ncuror 0q c.lcutorio[ lh. v.lE ofd ptars d!. doni@r d. 6 n is aMjon of no&!n .Rrg)|. IncSEt cro*3.cnor n@[email protected] with rh. fi$ior ncum, spectih fren rru(nr,D irself a hrv. b€r di!.s!.d by tleFdciJ @id.,'rion |gi puE cxFrinqls,r.,B RlllF b&,oq @rion *vcrl supa.,** !'U fBio 5F.r, sp@rr. havr h.cn prcc€.djrss ,!h vsifcd by Bqc[,Ert @y b. u!.d if olc dcihrion fbdion of lh€ EfeEne is v.ry simild lo tn t or [E srudi.d 6.dotr|., L uE p|eDr eorl ,, K-facb,' concep of mGuinq sF.run .tcvi|tioc I n!d. Ec oi wllicn E inrcD.diate b€leen th. lbove nentioned possibiritiB (K is d.rrcd s $tjo ot |rt&@r/oJ. This concepr rcquies rhe del.mierion ofK-vola* for a sel of flu stardqd GetioB ofvarying rhGhord enereies. counriru M.thods. Mqr of thc ndio&cljd* por.niidl, ulcnjl &r i,_vivo appticarios enl suiblte Els. r ms stion rc* rh€rcfoE, hi8rr Esoturio. l-r.y 3!cc@py ce of P'min6, or de o6er he|d if no In chliciai3jc s@lry rEd. of 7_ay E rn 6hod, LEd. mttLd (.€ 'F,rD b ln. e is 5t| lev @inltsior r.di|tio, .ilh r u r6y siEt@opy q vi!'r @ieid.@ @uri!s. rb\cwi, si@ mihiLliotr ;nrion b oiir.d by cEry p. airc., n is E - lbslui.ly ncss.rr io.!n, our. tu .n t h,liliB e simile l.t0 sL of d. dqy cre. If re qFcrot a p rF.r,Dm|Iic !.at'sb is diG6 p, of athsr *nri,l , Inorganic chemistry atrd lome reactions ofthe elements involvcd in the prepsration of g€nera tor system s pa rdium Tn chmisry of Fltadim j! sinil& omd ond.tion stat . Sihpte p.Iadium qdon* pd,, aqNoc $tutio4 eionic conptq*,3wh Palladim,tt @mptcG':. @ .bo rhu.,pdtadiu uq Paltodim m€t oq@ ESia lo G ho*r is Crcy, luslous, ducrit. bur drcy @ no3r nor imponsr in bur Gxhpl6 of d.lEdEt @optrc !E nir,oao ard levy donor dons in iL lad sllo rhc bFM ed chqiely deliq*s drh&. inen. Tle nerat is @dily Civ. hexacdobp. add. (tV) ion!, pdClr .nd rehachloropa €darc0t) The fin ly divid€d mdal, paladiun rhe pbM ( ) slDs ! F.fca@ fd t dis! $. s rn y.Iow pdct,r bcias lne pEpond€el sp..ia. y sq!{c @opl€xs. AI fou panadiu (II) hatidq $luble in !o ihd of pbtinum. FalladiuD (II) G btsli, i3 .th.t d by hydr@hbnc &id. esF.ially in paace ofoxygeq b 8iE paltadilD (I) chtodd.,!. Pattadih cl,tonde h dturc hydrehtdic rcr@Noopairada& (rD @mi.. Fllrdiu 8irc Pd(NHJ.']. crrshllim io4 pdcL-l @rs with ei4 h which rh. pre.roEi@t .rmtrh $lurioq pint pE,pirr& of lc|n 0r),lpd (N4).1p.rct,l, b fo.n d, whicn B $ruhte in rkltnqr dildri.e sFci6 i, ihr qc6 [email protected] ro of rh. EstrinS $hdon wnh nydEll]o.ic lcid p,eipira&s ,eltow. dichrobpa (jD pd (NH,!C!. diu Silv.r SilE mlrl ir silv* jn @nporIdr roru @mpld ion whirc. $n &d lsl'!ur. SitE (t) j! lh. @npla6 lAsOlrL'&tAs(cN).,1 hdvi- domr ! fom e i@tubl. .jhtorid., b6ni.t .llmni. Gr.,. Ir c@orl, fo@ lilw &d h squoa $tudon. wirh cyhid., .roN, 3!d s only coMon oxidatior st G hut $re droi3 cddqjrs sulfu ard pl|olphos "t tonrc u'a pqclto.c c a i! As(I,lo-plE,)r.: n@dd., AgFl r.llc qi& (Agru,, ,.llo* (ASFI AtOco.).l8H,O Silvd '!d wr.bt. i. .4eB $lur@! hr6 w[ kDM s q Th. orly which hs i5 copiriet fmdr Agq is (tr) compd! i, *Bnivq od rbc srbnsty d!* btrM p6b.bly Ag' AsO,,,,. bur ir quE ,n rh. Fdodstc ,rd @dity in ditui. o, conqrrii.d nitric ..id, Dituc sotulion of silve, wirh djturc hyd$chtoric tuid o. lolobL chloridc! plEipilarc wnlc. s'lv.r chloridc. AgCI. &on lisht conEin c[6lc eei.!, *.H, Ag(IO.),IOH!O, jt.H, |tlp.crivclr. Sitvd (U) ad (rrr) cmpLs.c s.Edly sq@ prref or dislq niit e vlFn @c q!.try ru{nio@) SilE(t) Silrc(lll) L vqy monh6 erd d$ @Ebtc in oqF; $tuti6, ACO, 2{@!diErG trbddr.ty stubrc h sr.r. SilE{It)r' is rlDng oxide! bu n @hpr.x.d, od fon r.rlit ddt rt @dtior. .sj.s t&(sclo",l &d @ioElly, Figoid 3{.odiEc @hplcg nlurr, .scnr! wbich . io<tid. of muftl or .cidic crdy stulior. Lik oon sitv.r etB. ,ilvd chdrid. h dowty h.pon$ viot.r on *pore b tighr, Chlorirc od sitvcr m.6l e fomed. Sils fonMiion of cl orid. is $ncwbit $bblc in @[email protected] hy.lrochbno eid, owing ro lhe cnloo{io8. srch s ale diselvet io almoda slulioh Agcli md [Agclrf dmild lo coppr (l). Silver chbnd. a thc diminc cdplcxi wb.n monia solurion, add.d drcpwb., htdonde, As Oll, whi.h chss.s mpidly b brom rh€ p@ipiiar., s ! 6utr E€3.nt). O. standing, tlE s'lq, which violcndy, $ of rhe fodadon of $h @B$ Minly on of AgO in o( suc! Flurior should '.E b. 8is lisr i sil€ whne oxid., A&O, peipibre of a bl&k sitv€r Er6s ofNE di$olv6 tn dillMie conptq, As(N4t) monj. giB sil6 aid., Ag(NHJ,' bur p@ipnale on pdipilar Gono's of fidDiraring AgN} This sbsi!@ is pmn. ro dccoDF$ sE4 bur 3b.otd b. dMnFD*d by itm€<tiar Tin Er4en&l lin.xisls in two.rrsiclti.c hoditieliG br:low 'Il'c whne p-fom ti. is m€rsllic ed is sbblc abov. I trC, At is fomed, wnich has a non nersllic, soe wnal iLs ftclrins poinr al 232.c. to@ rcmpemrw, sEy a- dihond lik. srrucrE. TID nrcraltic ton is shiny ed nalleble bur is nol soft cnoueh ro mok p!p.r It is srnble in aif and mrer at nomd Fo' ri., oidadon srlGs (rr) sp.cies in aqb6 hydrelyscd, Jds od (rv) @ etudo., including tumci.n lcid Md Hr gd, t'n 0t' cl orid. is Sn'? p|!$r. src.srialt, borh rq, In w.I ch@re red.Tin (lt) !q@s elulion, ritr 0t) Tin diselvd Eprdly in hor HCI covotdr conpouJ rx blr dry c fom c.donic is €xl€BiEry ad sive Un (tr) tairty etdbtc in ,46 wr.r. ir a9u.ou lotlrjoa coDpt* eiotr !u.h !. ahlorid. i' .l$ shbl. in orgeic elrcnr suci SnCl, ed SnCl. e at$ fom.d. th (!) s @ion {d .Ayl &aat.. ' Hq n @l. 'nE chGniary bfd(tv), i.volv6 @hrtcri! 6rh.! d!& sihpl. @doN. wilh 6pi4y. Thc Djor lpeiB h sllrio. ! rh. hq!.htoct'nr4v) adoa Srcti.. C.dmirIn CadmiD tur.l i! r rnic, El.drct, $n had, eirh . bw nEtril8 poi boilirg pour (765.C). It disotvB nitic &id wirt .voturion qdity oarillls in oxid. . rcnqididlg ..id t fomador nffir. $hrion. Cldmih, !,lilc 2iB, d..s mt di!$trc B ! Er* cdcllnr d& zirc tariog D dygln in wirh @tlrion of orlmorih .tt ior, !d (320oC) hy.t ogqr jr sd e!!oni@ ti luct t hyd.o\i& $turio.. ed Siw! bre*r oidc CdO,r. C.dnjm in .qu.os $ltrio4 dEy! lE! D did.rio $!i. of 0 r) ad fom3 onpr.rc jr ehclt lhc @rdjft ion .qh.r ii a Ct4nim h.lid6 n,rErc, ,urr.t.:, Fmr@r. ed @t.r. e @djty $toblc in q,ad, bur o&d., nydrexidc,lurtd., cyoid.r @boErq pncpbr., mlybdri: ed hrdbcl dic &i.tgirc cl om ndsr@faFt. @nd.srr c ot y ,F,ingty $lubtc. Rc..tior si6 which @ CdCf, CdCIr Cdctr.Cdcl.r. AnaiDony El.hmld edmony i, sitvcry f,,iil., brjnt h.id, fomcd by hpid @oling anumony sl.c (IrI) otolhony v!!6uri. *cuE Inox,da onltrc0tt), (v),Jd is &lariwty ,noc s|lbtc for The eliDony oxidc io4 SbO.. is edmonyl $lphrtc, (Sbo)gq. ^ vq, un!U. yclow llloisp. jr esio.dty t-xl) ald rt),:,.o{id.rion &dhory lh& for !edc. tuunFny (lll) foms qdons. foud h $tid! luh s ,r.monyl qhlo.id., SbOCI, or 47 AU four stioony (lll) holid.d' .€ bow. s wll .r mix.d halid.s. AI rh. hslid* aE eluble in non-pol& elvents dd ol rhc d. Bpidly hydolyad in aqu.ou elution, wnh pEcipnadon cotrstDnding ermohy h!lid., for.xmplc. SbCl. + ln @enri .d H,O tSbOCl+2H' hydrcchloric .cjd, horcvd, hydrctyss do.s nor lolmtion of @npld sions, s*h Anrimoiy +2Ct s rctr&htooa immrc (9 qidc in hqmlDlol@timoEr. (V) @u. ouns ro rhc (tU) SbCf. @@orarcd hrd,whtoric lcid Fobabty foms ion SbCt; rDdiu|n lndim md i! efi.r 0w tod ed silEry wt rdpq!turc bd n is llowly oridied ro tiro, on rc. 'I1 is orMishcd b, dry ai. al heting'1 h dielv* mn fairly slowly in @t.r nftEl eidr or oxalic eid salurion, wjdr crctltio! of hydFao, horc slowly in hrdmfluoric &id ed morc F3dily in hor djt Hydrcchloric acid solulions indim in , .q@ue soluion ., or coMnrli.d nin.rrt rcids , i. aqu Egia. e *jd ro gjrc, Inr iniiiluy. Thc orty srablc oxidadon srare of is (llD. Thc lowq oxjfltion 3t!rc, (l) b ftoE srablc tMn Al od cs. W!€n E&ling wilh hyd@htodc did, In (Ut) foms rhc followinS @mpldes wirh chloid€ ionsr,. h (H,o).''+ cl =+ In (H:o)'/ cl + cf € In (H: O)c!'+ Cr @ rn(H:Olcfl + H,O l(H,orclrt + H,o rI (H:OlCl, +H,O 48 Rhenium Thc ,lE.im dissolvd in 4ilure sno.8c t sitEry gr€t mdal, ir do6 mt diselvc in hydrcl o.ic lcid d ct]lr6alled bl@ eldily to fom ed,c. reural o' rrl(,l rft tq. nirdc eid lhe volalil. h) or conmlFl.d $lphuic &id. Rhdiun povd* or fi.nilo (VII) oxide md dissolv.s fanly eldily in drcsq p.@xid. elurions r'.'II The comtun ond,rion sl|G but ro lorN h (VII) a in th. y.llow pmh6k aid, HReOr. heplaoxidc Re.O, srd $. cdodslRco,lmion i! kDM a tn.Mr (vU), Ir n Ery !r!bl€ in aq@s $turim &d 'vg* @r ondd., Iow ondarion wnh carain ors&ic sl6 eg6r lo (!v) ed (v) e €dil, fomcd in $llnion. Th* is sF.id gi€ ch@lcdnic @106 PeEh.nic .cid HReOr'" is srFng acid ed i! fom.d by lhe diselution ot rhc hcpbxid. TuD!3fet Tu$tcn metal is silvcry vinully inclr t() a hieh ncldng poinl ( ,rao "C). It h hydrahbnc acid, bydo0@dc Ed dituc sdphu.ic &id. ed |@ts erlEn.ty slowly wirh niEic &id fom sry, wirh m .xr.rcty blw splu.ion, ad bur !qu.i egia. !r&.k by Conqr .d rlphuic eid slowty aracb ! nntuF ofni[ic dnt hrdronbric dd T!. onlr @Im@ qidariotr t6r. of ftD8lr.r b (vt), tungs.n eion wO, I dd thc oxid., Vq. for is l[. mbl ro Epid. exmpt in rhc 6tout* R.d@lio! of rug$€n (VI) is noE dimculr lhd Gdktotr ofholybdcnm (it), brr O. o . uE ,rnw,cc)rrlo$n9fli Uk holybd.! ionr, IoE oijidio! (t\0 btl w(cNr, .Aei.Iy tuD8la, {rU, s folrd .l! wn ci.n r..iad. ortsr.E i@ pohaiE, ftnd.t v.rio,r, ilopot tun8!rd.,!. TIE min .quilihi. bc$@r rtr Eiou 3pocilr 6WO.{ + sdc, 7rl in q|&ou !oMio!, G qNidald b b.,! 3tlo+H%O,,j(p.nt!rssal.A) FrTHp + rv,0i,! Gbdunsrbi. z) t2wo.n+ l8H, _r.94O +t,ro,. (m!t6gac.) r2vq{+ t4H. Distuim orN.Jv'O,. 2sitp in hl6 Hw.qr{. Ar hiShcr ALrli mr.t i.. tu Er.s wuo.,i!, wnich ,to*ty ttydDtrs ro sidiri.r, Vn O,. i! fom.t cr-id. N. fow N.rrvo. d!t&r.im foirB n.s'rdon ru|i,irr. eti.h .dd c @du!r etlrim ,o@ (Nt{}Wq i..rrobty !d.r .oluu., !d :, l.1l Sbparation of metals by ion exchange chromatography Ion ExchaDge Method Ion €&heg. h.s aitaiicd @Nid@btc importae. 6 iMusrrial cn@islty. Ttre ecthod hls bcM of qrr@c a toot jn borh inporlance fuddaral ed in $e *pahtjon of ddiclemenc. Ion qchaie is rhc Evc6ibtc inr.Eh!:8. or ion bere€n s liquid ph.s (elulion) ard n etid tul€riat which dG nor involv. a subchnrial clErg. iD sr$cn4 of lhc pbF $lid. By cffet d. Oe mipulafion of rh. .xchogc pr@ss, dE a6 a hct.t on *Fdlbn of ttE d6iEd im lh. @llm of dE GxctErga, fi.y @ he oh b. moEd by p&qsc ora sFially rcpacd $lunoD, cdl.d .luaq rh@uSt rh. @t|@. Th€ rlF ron qchtuse ch.rscd, Both .ho ut $lid hall, rirl is a potyDaiad. high 6in. ftij et.cblyrc usutt, he oe v.ry Iery.. heavy ion od an opporiEt, simple ion vhkh ce bc ,,!xchmg.d" for iotu h tiquid in conbcr wi$ Esin. nltudl md synrhetic nlrerial oc avaihbh claifi.d 6 eirh€r In* ci6 ca on exchds. BjDs or as ion *c@8. Bns, s hioa R6in - H - N.Ct 6 (sh d Dow-jo &.iEdvq @boxytic ddiv.tiE lrd eitiqr6. - ---> R.sin_ Nr +HCl, ton qchange di6 sre .xcharye asiro. deteding upon $ei. @Bbl ofsnau, sihpt. clrlonJ which molaule wight si@_ R6iB of lhis ryp. sulfoni. &i.l @tedlr slahr, ,roorlbL .l*r,!'i. crl€d D. Gxcndg.d and l.rgq high .nd Arbatirc IR-IOO) irctrdc A iyp,cd c,rioD eh.,g. @rion is 5l Ado. d.h.n8. Consisl wigh cadotr rsilt 'nD* of b6$. Th.s of poly rhc 0eugh a 'or a -+ olum oiijrine (..S t4!.t bsa d A typiel . $lution dif.lll]B in lediad ditf.Mr t.vcls al 6Dm j rrE on,rhc d(n roy b.. cn*n e Bin, r€in rd lhar rh. Ih. sihpldt tind ioE Eh.otustA or G bufi.r etuton who$ pH ! .nc.nd. my p8*d a| |h. ioB of To hrinS FmiB . EFrrcd of sMtr jd b.@h. utt dE of tllc @hnr in s.qw, ctr!,8d, Acid, Albli or.lMr our ofr.Dr@ru io b. b. .d!o,bc<t wil .pF& in | of$lrnrion em. ionic bc or [email protected]. bull.B spei6 wil u*d in *Fdlion cot|e dindio!, ad !)ew M bond owugh vr, orte cLm.oIg *!@@ 6 tu llllugh a @thr !d$ib.d. For.mpt. Ni([) ed C(U) my b. sp€ncd $lution of thc is ur,llE crer is hutdpli.d elshld @ndirioE ($tutior @npoBitioa ro *paEr.d cs, tiquid (ctud.) js u*d, wtri<.h 0!c floein8 thuid_ la rhis p.adie. $turion anujring rh. ioB !d In rhc uuat bc idic q.hea. ald @ ndd he* o! lh. @t|m. o onn aid othd fasion prd@Ls ed in thc i$t.do, fDclr dividcd Bin, is @h o$d. b. a @mplding .gan skh In eio. Grclegc @lion .inilg dE ms 6 rh..fbity of$. Bin fd.tilEenr i@ onpicct, sPlard Tnc o suir.bt. ion dchDg. $purion of th* ioN ! suiribl. vsh bdlh (RA400 and Dowx) @ ,rrorg R€in - Ct r N.oH. clrio) otcr dchosc orih. ioE mr e b. .xcheg.n ard lrgc, hisn noleular which c5r allmniM @ryoud oarJ cxchlrgc chrcmroaEphy, sinite cnlrgc qtour qut mirc ryF R.sin - O8 + N.cl l. .ioE of mrlt. simpl. i.nr rtc rhc of rhc oow 6rc) d |(lp of @tMn. ln @lmr whit. orhq e @djty by psrirS a 12 M HCI rw cldors drcurh . Dorcx-t cotw: tn C(lt) fdd n.grtiv.ly ch!4cd 52 chloride conplexe ed i! ;d app.s complex* a sepaEred subsequody by nonb.r of ioDic sp4ics m.y b. dc u. ft u$d ,om such cd@n and does nor ad$rM 6gctn r on rhe of.luring $l!lion, ditIqin! jn @mpositior fDm inplt soluion. &cquotly cohplqing ios Ni{lr) .ppdcdly in amutn!. MoE comonty. €ios s hcld on coltimn, wh@ !86r! O.t fom @opj.xd or the oricinst djn@d nabihy willr a .runt. Th. md slrilins appticdio. [email protected]. @tunn n in lhe ep@rioi o.rhr 6om om @rhq, borl on a r4r $d. .,!d in qm gM or too olle lori. Elurion wirh a hydoxyl a$blrrric rcid giks,ctn i.fi, cLq.rd Ftarv.ly ftn (_ l2n) e.ani $pdrion. -llF @ andre ft .lur.d in Ewe odd of dEn lidnic nhbq, and if yuih is Flqr n is €lur.d h.r@n dyspMid atrd tDtojum. Simihrty elid_ .r.h&gc srye s@tullr rmcdc for rhe s.prdliotr of rh. fw atilid. .t.hors .sn o$cr Complex ions in lon Erchangc In *pasrins ,Erd! b) jd .xchog. n i @@on p@de ,bmins comptq ion, Cmplcr fomins Eag.nb.$ pul n€rrls o. an b lax. 4ion cxchdSq hetals off ! by !. B.d rn ro idpDw rlc cl€civny by !w Mys ft.y an fomj.r n.sa vcl, chlrg.d @mptcxcs, @do, .xctsngq. Ttc or rlcy dti.5r D{jor rihph bf ie.geic chronabCEphy, rhc seplhtion of mE c.nh mctaln *s !.h,cved by *t€. h. u&d ro cd u€J b€ ion ex.hege ve eludon from a cdion - exchege Esi. cotuhn by cjEorc etutioN. Thr Mslresr mE @nh cllion, lha! 04 rutetlub , fomed the nost cittlre cohptq qd ws clu.d Lsr Anorhef eoly appticlrion ofcarion qchll8c *6 to mequre th. sinph negalvety cheg.d complexcs. Th. sr.ondm cirr.t cohplq, for qmnr iun ion .nd cn,ot.. end rhe Si) ce be hl.n up by foftllion corounrs dmplq disociar, lh. corion d.ho8c mrn. rwwins of to rhe 5',1 coGdtradon ofihe conp€ting jols (N!')erd nr6E E col1mE rion appla.d |o moE oa lhc tn equilibriu @Nrer @npt.r.d Sr'r in for lhe excbmgq onc qn ln. elulion'I. TIE n.thod n s b.o @npli.!t d ca6, wh@ noE thd oft lolublc omplcx is plwnr in mod. sigoifiml Anion exchange of Eetsl complexes aniotr €xch;ss h ue<l d6s1 by sesful f&;ore widety lhe cadon op@lioN of hrdmnd.llur&, ir th. dchegc |o *pamL mcl{js. o.c or lhc @v.ry of uMjun lron low gbd. l@ling with $lphuic !.id.ed ddorbing i[c eglriwty ch.racd complq on d bion €xcl@g.!, Thoriun cm Iikc wi* be Md ,nendor ntu) mcbtr howE hB hen siva fbn nark.dly on th. cid (i) . McEl ufuiu ah€orbed as (Vt) dph.r. ir! .n6r. conpLx€. @bpt.g. Arion qch.,u.u ro cudidc oc !b6o!bcd hrddhloric eid elusoN wirh dilFibulio @mcicnrs lha d.Fnd @e rdtion. Some rcl.b$rb.d on dE ex$pls @ sil!)lffiiad 6 eion - qch.Dgc rlkdi ad .lLlinc clrth reral{ A (ii) Mctlls Mally lberb.d (D < r 0)r (iii) M.r.k modd.t ly t, y, Sc, air fotowsD', fiEm any @ dils. ongr,stion of HCt: Ac, Th Ni. Ti OD, v (rv), Cf (rB), Mi. .bsbcd (D-lo !o I oo): Ti (lv), fc ([), cq cu (rr), cc, As, s., Mo, Rh{ul) In, w (vD, lr (rrD, pb. (iv) M.iars srronsly absorbqi R!(tv) p4 A& cd, (D s{Iv) 100): sb, (II), c\(t) Zn, c^, zr, r,(r9 }r (N) H8, Bi, V(V) cr (vr) F. T{ru R., 03, ^u U(VD. c.ndin mctlls, &6blyth.$ otlh. Hi Nb .!d Ta, fruorrde ion @ ber $!e is, ird.cd, dre i|lriud &d vu4rim .d rhreugh ih.ir ouod& mptq6 lubs,ouF dd caFcidly in a, hrdmnDric eid etulion; oily conplq fon r rhat.o sucqsfuly @mpde wnh waro and 54 pEvctrl hydrolris oI hove thc adveL8. a @oplct fofrcr a ths io,N in .lEdi dm !d oq@s $lutioN th.l they 6 b. Both hydocbloric ltmlrd 6ily dd hydnfluoric .cid by cvaporation, in onl@r |o seh EDTA. Lig.ld Erchrrg. I.sl€d of .xchlrsing d. rc|.| io$ in. Bin @lllm, orc my lavc 6eD ari.chcd lo lhe colum &d dchoge rhe ligdd!, rhe oohculB @odbd. o.ly faiblc witlt uclurged lig&ds, and msl 6mpld6. A col|m wl ro the ne$l h€oDe c@rdiEr.<! with e &rirc is plaed o. $. tricll, dhpl&dg llrmnia Ith rh. moni. col{mni conplcx ions, dire ofmin6 mdx dd rh abc;6cd lis.Jds. A lon&r hydr@dbon chains, ed dpeidlt pEa.cntidly, bindr hydrcphilic Dhosphate th. is ro sepane by clulioo chrcnatoAar'hyrr, By varying lh. Dd@ ofrh. cxchag.r, o@ v&ics rlE nonionic inl@riobs exchngd moldul€ hirc i! disptm.d doM @lLm by pssog lqu@us mnon8 fircugh ir, An dmjon of rtls etwquc mixtuc fd, rhis is h3 ben dorc *id mcr.t almoda of calior - dchege Esin is lo.ded win niclcl - for exdple, .nd a elution contoini.g ions, So ha . eleriviry ordd tDttsrttu D?. Bin tunglt emtic min*, wn @s & nickel"load€d sdphoEcd polystyener', uiB whjch is cxrctly rlE miG wlh inor8hic exchango min6 tit .rhmtmiBt . nictc! for €rbnr binds betw $. load.d zimnium Ev.e ofthat in . Typical Analytical ApplicatioN: Inorganic S€prr.aio! olAniodc Metal Complex6. Msy @t'Is. ind..d mosi ruals, fonn rceadrly .hraed &id $lutios, 6d lhe€ oodcx4 ftrals irc ft l!16 up by liul ri* opidly a a lhe chlorid. A lhc addnion of 6in @ ioE 6mp€Ic virh 0!c n€r.l chlod.L 6mpld6 lilc on rh. this @ !d v€ry cled, provid.d |lc lerl e cx@lldr. Thut!. O.5 poFl for sn rhcn fall a8|in on (hc Esin. th. *paelion of ion, cob,lr &|d M HCI or IMHNOT .tur.s Fc (llD, O,0 t M HCt .tutd Zn sd wr.r 13 coirqu.led by lM HCl. Callilm ec$ in 68 M Mpl.x fominA dions, hlw b€.n of tlrcF howv.r, hlve found nE b@d is @dit, EDTA, 6 MI rt ltcl. Besid* chloride md fllorid€ ioff, phosphlrc rhi@ydL, Dirr orh.r !*d !o.b$6 genfll Cd, od in Ire.s eith alwinium in bauxirc eion qch&gc, wirh D=10r, rh. cluEs Cd. lndim m.y b. epomtcd fFm cldmiM, rlE h wirh D=7 b.ing ctucd rlEld of wilh D=353, by ed arllntion is giv€n ro t4hniqks, $p6.dis *ho. u$d fo' rihcr $tdcr aollowiag.r{ 6M HCI clulas Ni, I M HCI €lur€ Cu, thc ro l2M, the disributiotr coemci.nr! aur vai.ry or$podtioG @ po$ibl., fd .mpl., Separatios in ch@Eristic Mys. Ar cl oidc ioB stlbiliG th. eionic conpl€r.s, nickel: 9M HCI clur6 Ni, 4M HCI Flulerco tMvhs stong-bed eionic .xchege ein. Th. di.rributcd belwcn dE eturion rnd dtc conce.traion of hyd@hloric ocid b inc@scd frcm complexcs in hydmhloric mcld on e ed lnioNehlruc ciro. us. tbal ln. cnbrid. @optqes neve. Nooc 56 I[organic Ion Exchanger j Alut!|inodlicrt lor htuy ycs tlE only synlhelic ion cxclEng6 avdlablc by F&ing $lutioc of almioim $lpb.L ald sodiin citrsL. blol6 mlE4 &d up, dmoniM, or othq dri.d. Thc $ditlln ioB ir w The E$lring Na'xq: 2 ..vorert N.lqrlEls, ions in e w elciw, rhus, ca &@+2N!'eb Th. dumi@ilietc qchoess brvc 8o.d @peiry, i..., epleeable qtrcN, bq nitr gcl ihc gcl @uld b. dnpl4.d by io6 by a sloichiomeric .xch&ge rrrll Day b. &nula€d c.'r6&d+ 'lmonim almiro siliotes mad. eosily d.smpos.d by aids . s*l rlkrlrx ih6..rchoga h.E foud r8lylictl e nigh @nentrarion of whjch lihrls rhen us in lh. d.r.mi6rion of uire. nE "molauld ricrc",,syoth.tic alui.o liliqc D$d s qr.ly$s adl dryin8 agdis@ i@ dch&Ed hou lnc IrEy @ c.ysollim rld hav. ! aliric slrEtuF wirh cn,@b .nd €viri6 thar cpl4ablc ioE. Hydrou! Oride th. prFipnard nydros oxid6 of ion ald al@inim ony ! th€rcfor€, et a eio. €xchMg.s, tloe€vr $qir ion positivc ch.ec sd. qchsg. clpacity is smll dd rhen physir.l fom is udeiEbL, .nd dEy @ b. u$d onty in . Thc uscl.ul. .ithd hyd@ oxid€s Bricr.d tugd oflclhvd.llr melol! (zi@riur! 0Ddm, dIlnim .nd !in) Zi@niun oxide, for cxmple, is iBolublc in O0l M HCI @tion pH d eiotr dcb,ngc dcp.ndirg on pH, e ed I M NIOH &d noE e\nibils 51 zienim phosphlrc c& be Esard.d furctiord phorphoric &id 8o!ps. In witi phoehodc eid elulion, crystalliae ztconiab plcpharc m.g,/e d highd pH. Ar lo* its it D . lins Flyds comDsirl lom ir [-z4l:PO.!-O-]., haviis ii gruul8 and amrPh6. Renuad beone crys&llic. 'If!c ior-r\chdgc clprcirr of d. h hightr rhlr lhal of uorphous fom ed pH wh.e ln. slcdivity ir e@lcsr, rhc app@cbes 6.6 qclene. .ap&iir is l@r. Hydr!ted Atrtimony PeDioxide 10 A@rding cldlire !o idiu Oiwdi ioG dd 6 and sbbionir'', hydalcd slimony penbnd. GAP) ij hidly bc ur.d d cftetiE s.p.r.rirg lgcnl for tn.r ioB. isoope hd oRcn beD th. @usc of difnculti.s ir 80j:1m Ey sp.ciE mlysi. of biologicd mlerilis. Ai pl!s1, ttA! is u*d n4mm.nt IrE fu esFcislly in s a ete.liE absrh.nt for sodiw Inorydic io. €&hagc6 hrve rh@ major advdrlg.s ovcr orSeic ion exchdB€6, SMer 6i5rocc ro Ediarion nnd ed B@rf eldlivity qadm towoat sinplc of imryaic iod. ed e6ily on colum of zirconium lungsht , n'@im molybdrc. ln @ncqftrion @ ued l.l2 rlDF uq highs @paciry on t vdw. ah ol E Ilu' 3rrortih, beiM s.FmdoN, .|mmiM N ed Ca and edim, K, Rb chtGjdc ba.is, scput.<! cle!,ly on . cotmn of sturioB of smd.d 6 elMnt.. Radiochomical SeprrrrioN Aner dislvins lh. rdrg.l in a suir.bt $lveni phrs'@haicd pdcdlE G opplid onc or 6oG of rh€ nmcrcs . flDl prodEr io 'Dvidc of ecphbtc puiry. 53 ln nfu, ndi@tldiol *Fenti@n 6 Eaciotu phy @vdion l @lytical sch.n6, peipibtioa io domimt olc. Ifihe d6iEd Fdioouclide a is s.l.Detrt diFer.r! thu the ldg€! pEf*ntial prcipnarion of Lrs.t My b. po$ible. Then thc lllgel @ b. ,epanEd @nrrituglrion !d f lrllrion. A radionalide qpsbl. of€xhl€me in p€ipitldon .lmr of in @ oidation stnc folloEd by !m ond.tion us dsnumimtior nob olh.r oclivili$ C{lll), deoniM Wlten $e €op@ipitation ^ cu be effttivdy puilied by .Mpl., a Nnn pc.rle h! qjM rlpo0cd cyclca of .eric iodot pruipibtion, atom b [C(llr) it'yins in soluion] dd loo s6all lo .xc.ed the solubility Foducr h !*d. A nicro .onpomt is dMys @i.d dom by a elid lbmcd b, cryshUizario or conpon€nl. nmbs of ladio.udide For pdipibrion iodale slal. @vaEing pteipit don for imD{ritiB whne ln. inlc6t ir in @rh.r oxid,rion sbr.. EdErion ro by pEipihlid\ .if n fo@ $lulion ofd cryslals wtich @ isonoDhou wirh lhosc of @D clemcnt that is iso.hctrodc with thc dcsied Edionuclide is addcd [email protected]. Oqirg ic pdipir.tion it will clrry rlE .t .iF<t p6dwr. S.pa6lio. of poducl dd fmn ihe additiv. is lhen Fquicd Feni. hrdrcxid€ na ah.dy been dd @tion. on a fmic hydFndc pFipird.. lon foh the m.n!io!.d s Thu @icF&.e adioi$loFs of finll producl, is a Dlrg.re svcnSing 6gcnl for a laddy of dion and @b.lt @ mowd fom elurion psniculdly ls.tuj for this plrpos s n q bc edoved by.xt2ction tom elution in 6M hyd@hloric rcid with .ih.r o! by p.slge thmigh e eion cxchiig. Gin colwn, 59 Som. thoud filler cdia fc odioieiope d b. mov.d il lhougb is cilciM4?, sediuma? k poduc.d by p pap.r o. sint Ed glas. tn $hdon of dccay of ihe calcium4T, Filration thrclBh pdpcr pEs th.. b.hav. in rhc in iNumcieor sc sy e efer.d b in dE lircdnE dout &on rculdl elurion by filtntion will Enov€ lhe bllk of sMdim4?, cvcn lo .xcc.d rh€ solulilily poducr, Orher ndioisolop.s bsyllim-?"'ed bisuth206'". Tnir ph.mn6on 6 'Rdi@[;id fo@tio" bur is ollcr stu b b. dE drlEr 10 rn. adsoQtion ofhydalcd ioo on suiabl€ su!fa.., Liquld.Liquid ErlEctton This qh.lion involv.s fi. flv()ubl. ponitid of a pdicubr cncniel sFci6 bcrcn imdieible solvmls. Or8ei. @gsrs lEh s! Laonc!, cih6, al@hols, &idi dd dincs us.d rs one ph6. .id aqu.os eids, boss ad Th. d6iEd EdiorNlid. is usully t!4.1 6 a Hrdl rcpoded .s tla thc @mpld, dt &t chclate, or d inlo lh. orsdic pr!d@ pne @ lsd a olhd phtr$, r@m e .q@us eludon ot orgdic sdr Th. elfici.ncy of th. dracrion pl1l.s js qe&rion @.lIci6t, K, defircd s thc @ncotrarion of d. .xLact€d sFci.s in oreuic pha. diyidcd by concenlration ofth. cemci.trls complex sdi soludoN d bd€n ld rnd lop !p€i* in rh€ aq!@!s phe. Exr@don e @hhon.id t@ qrelion e ulally sufici.nr ro puirt. Th! d.snd ndioElid. is suur b.ck- .xftt.d foh 'epbblc org.nic phae jnlo & aque$ solu{on ditrcdng ton 6c on8iml llleet sotulion. Tt. o pm<tuct of indepe.dent vdiabhs th6t must be conholled e rh. rlaive phas voluh.s, conposilion, pH, @ Liqujdliquid i. po@rul r@l dbidioi pep.radon of wirh or witbout speinc or8Mh complexins agflts is ceia fE include drc cxr@rion of gold. | 95 lN lydehloric @id, tn ddioisotopG. Ei&rpl.s fEn d.uLDn-iddiated Dlalnrm od very numcmu by ethcr cxt&tion sd lon ol al.ium45 no6 no rcn iradiatcd $ddim bt .xtraclion .xl@lion of hy.lehbnc &id elulion wnh a solutio! oflhcmyl h.naner{ & I |he extetion of st6nliun-90 lion n$ion 'riiluoo e.tonc ( "nA") i. prcdocl soluions using o.seic solu ons ol sdium di(2a$yll'cxyl)-plEsphot., A ftw odi@ldenls cD leclDiques. Wet epmGd fon lhen epetive tsBet by usirg distillaion 8id dry distillation le.luiquca hs beo wd.1b*e poccss irclud€ th. €xr@don oa phosphorcl2 ext@rion be lrcn .cuton ir?dilr€d cl€mslary $lfur by dis Uriio. 'r'. the ofiodi.el3l lon exFaction of cdbon-I4 6om iFldiat d @ll{rina rhc sb..l4 dioiide tDm Disliuorion ha been $lurioN, ad or Ndc-74 ddgaes-54 lsd alhinim nini.L b, bming the gd -| 26 fon ten !lph! lhc lqgel in oxygm dd 'llE6'". also for lhe $p.ration *pranion of iodirc,l32 non ir! pGDr rhe 1211 24,125, |cllunui dioxide by disliuarion ir oxyg.n 'r{ md rtc inodiared ofiell!riuo-132 6oh li$ioh l.ltuimt32 prc<tuct an.t s€p,6rion of iodire- bombltd.d dtinonr- Orha .xdnpl.s i@tudc lhc ppsdioo pro'on bodbaded semdim'ir dd rlE fmm d.urtun, bonbad.d ion by distiuation sep.raron s Fnn rlgdic of ceier rE. acidrr". in distillalion pd€duxe pbp€r conrrol of oxid.tion srat. of volalile lnd non volalile clmdts is inponur Thc volarile od fuihd puifiodon ofdE spei6 is fi.qEody @lt6t.d in a suilade rippine elution my be Equidd. producl 6l l.l3 Oualif.v Coptrol is Qmlny conbol Edioth@uticlt pyma.ni.ary ro sE .!d cd&rniry s defincd thos. r* ed hesu@cns rccuiGd tbr ch.miql ndi@h@ical, ed nd,o.Eridic puiry, srntiry od 6 !o srat d r.rjviry rd sir.bitiry fd lhc purpo$ inrcndcd. Phy!i..| Qurlify Colrrol ltu fi6l $.p invotv.s @fin .rmimtion lakls. ha @EEd, rbo rhc asy of ric shipping @nlaimrs lo of tobl shjpmcd (vid) in a $itrbte chek ontomiry wnh tnc bbcl aId ilrc Equilitioa, A "Wip. individul .onrdiM wirh o sbeel drrdd con.lini.lrion fDo SFc|llnclry 6 b€ !s.d A quick visul ord lhc m.iiM Min$ion gle tuIct r tlgftnl!, [email protected] eludor su.h s tb€ of e dr6 if !F.t rldionu.tjd. .!d ew peddsl $lurion aad suir.bte vilibtc irEtf Ms6 fitrtdio! or dotr clmb6 b p.rfomcd by wiping lhe of ri$u. whilc hotdi!8 €ach @fiaii.r witt i&n(if, ro l6f, idn lgdlin if qill 0on8s, <t in the s. indicaG ship|ndr of uoiunimdon. should bc hade tor rb€E, panict*, Ffod.d @ld.h,rg6 if ,s3grry. AIGEd in 8otd 'iAu 4Dad& itrdjaic spoit.gc. R.dio.udidc puiry Th. qulir.tiv. idcnrifiqton ofrhe bdionEtid. q s BEll 6 &y ndionrctidic impqirje b. Ffodncd by d.lgminatM of (a) [E h.lf lifc O) iort trrifisdon of 0E ryF oadjncd ddidtion od irs *rgl, ed (c) conpaison of rhi! dd! witb rhd of GfcEne el@!r,, ofspeclra orc .vailable for h h; b€r sdtu @lloid, ndly @nlsisorrr'. Epotu! $!r, b thc @ltoid limly .dbcB io rh. tre do*. It ha.l$ pEpatllid of re.hnaim ,Tc tu dlarFl!@; glt! vial So possss th€ !.acrion of rhe rohl activir, th@foF n is syrihSc for th. Chds b6 shou ttEr d.r e ltjq@r Emov.d dG ndN.y (o ,say Oe noi dos jn lhc ir Bina i.chetiuD *Tc sUtu co oid, 62 ul€s lhe sy.inge wa [$hed with patienls blood, 3.3 lo 38.6% of tn€ dosc i.haired in th. ry.ingeot. TIEpdiclesibof eMin @lloidal d durinS th. @use Th. p@du€s of$cir "Shelf-Li&" .mhd of!6rlicl.s o rhi5 nmb.r himaggEg .edmcro.8g@ealepspadionsshould b. 6 !o sc€rr,jn chsges lur rcsuh in dh@d oigd ol @oaegEgat6 nay bc sigiific$r in $ne nucl@ medicdt b. eenain.d by coulbg rhcm ir a defDne vohD. uing t ncn@tloDcrd. Thc of black clrity of elutios md ih. abMc. offodiS! p.nicl.r cs b. Bcetuin.d &d whi& box" for visudl by thc u$ exmiotionr!, Cb.niel Colttul Ch.mic.l ed 6di@hdi@l puity may bc serrdn.d by chromrography md/or autoEdioSnphy ald $e dccmin d'r. As iododpp@lc rEqMrly usd b €'MpL, @! rrdioiodohippuic &id impuitiB @ !odiu''''. !o q@tifielio! of ih. Ediophmuli.al n*lf &d 6y *p9* Colunn ch&halognphy uirg ! v{i.ry of od cruE Fdiehdic,l impuiris or imp|niri.s bc dcrcmin€d in support narqirls is lo fi"clioDrc a nixnE inro individurl @inpoMts El*rophoeir mic@lcctrodcis ed i|ruoddrophcis th. Ediehmidl puity of largc, charg€d edml6 sh s poicin, e usd to a$rrlin mrig6, &d &tib.di6. 6l Quality Cootrol of cenerrtor Eluras SodilD p.ftech&talc *Tc My b. P'.p@d by.xlering lMo soluio, wilh @rhyt .rhyl t@tft by liqlid-Uquid .vapoding dE elht.nd soeEbr in,which tne distving Dotyb<tar€ 6Mo 84dled pqtehElai! hTc Thc'Mo conloin orhs spata TIE musr nol rhc is p.nehndare in lMo aluninA fron wbich ln. ir may by tn i.7 Comision dgqtdiotu rp@ificd $al bTc frco goeEior s scnqab. @niAjh nEh 6Mo or O.Ot% nT. &ld B!.trr 'oRu le, $e rh.s ameIl. dE ,Mo @nt nl of pcrt che0.rc ey at$ pcpd€d by @ h. iddlifi..r U.S, Aronic Endgy trom is utj ,r a E&ror, in whi.t 6e fisi@ FD{rucls s ben d.visd ro Te lomd dinc. tl chr.d wih rcmd !ati!. elurion, may be prodled by $e tision of Md &Tco. .tukd puirying rh. rdorc etudoa b !d$rb.d i! a bcd ol enlain morc dre 0.1% of rhs sdio&liviry s'nl'U.tion *n&do, it from sodiud @lybdarc tc ujlg a dlin A oclhod has tqd fitIcr ed wll coutef ,. olhs @nroeim6 e mo ndior.ljw..lMira ddiv.d Aon l]@ e€nmloa &d nolrb.hnh. Thce @cu rh. alwiE bcd of e damjn d by st rd.d o.lyricd t chniquB. Th. bear lhFuglt of rMo, tn pent m b. dddin d speEoiFlri..llt, r rr'I ad '!Ru e prlsr in ctu& rh.y @ud po$ prebtd a h @nrDl b.€e ofdcir pbFnja The 4umiliu lria.bo\ylic acidl and in pddor ndiafion contors h dcrmined by o orseic EaE kil lbalder@ik lhc prcscc in hj@g@u q@riris ed dc.F. . @lorircEic mcrhod usins il .ld @p.dng . studlrd otduinim quodl.tirly $tution of in eoeEror almi,on (Auir atmi,iu, elut A r& is avoitable,rt. 64 Th. i.st is p€rfomcd by conp&ing colo! spot! podu..d by lhe Eag€nl with unkrown Md sbrd..d!. Tlis cst indidr.s l5 nc ptt3@ upoa Exc6siv. rhc locl of a of rbniriur my !trcl tb.lrb€tlms olnobilily of th* fl*lldr plEipiLi. indiel6 h a tulfir @lloid cxe$i@ .lunir tuininsl bnsr iheusl otstablc eMo, dE l6t h bsed lpon of mlybd.nM qith potaim 6Mhijon. Ifa pbk @lor is alwiD 45 obsed, th. drio ofeMo/ft'tc is l€s ihe of i.€griry of tc um, the senerator. O,OOO5, lilt. cthyl (OqHJ) siich compl.x @npound Mooj2{sC(SH) d.pqdins ui.n dE of duinS of tl@infun indi€lc th. b@tdoM of thc inlegrity of olumina collDn and micogm qumlilie Foms Fene llkriintaii@ a $,bitBh moat Whilc d hoi pq 6iuili[!. .lminim in.lulc roy c.e.gelutiration of ayrnMyla of llbdting wilh LTc. Tlf, *hd, Fs G 2Fs bdure has a oamlybdom ro d.cp Ed-blu. @lo. olnTc cllr c eill cae cluat. lhould bc tcai.d Bdion&icatly lo vcdry ASai; cxeisiv. G*tion SC(SK)(OC:H) which pinl /r thc d4 eours ofeMo indiqr. a beat rhc dowD qMo. collum of dr. gc&dor ed los of dr. paml tndiln ll3EG.!.ntor Tn* .b$ru 'rlln gctrdroE @Bie of hydreB ziMnim oxi& o. sitie scl malric6 rrtsn in sLrnic is .lutcd wi$ fon The mrric e @r.i..d O.OsM HCt. ZiMniu lnd ilg dguSht dEse r ''7rTe (T%=58d) ftdionuclid.s. in ! Cl6s or rlGtic @luM, Thc oxjd. mirix yields a lhm silha Datur!. Thc tujo. conlmidlion h.luL dd poFr upotr which is js of 'rrsq loE tewl of@nLnimlion l@sof ':,Sb(T\4-2.71 yr) qusljry contol woutd include exmination for Thc rr'sn bMk thmugh ar lclsl 48 wth nred puEnrs, 'rr 43 thcn B4aM ofis cneg6 il qccld 0_2 shon lcihci h.lftif. ofonly IO() mi., oll $e ,jr,In.lut€d oEr 6@l @tu Aon lnc,,rsn is left zjMd. hd rlE is d.cay€d "rtn. lf dBie tud disturion &d ooud Eto$ 'tlE contror rar for bEat 6rcu8h ofrhbl. tn color @clion b.NEn rin in bcid deFnding on lhc.nout of dn. sotution of ,, hjr.g. jsn of r,rsn inlo tu is duing ctudotr peqt in .tur. Tn flrsn Tn ziEoaih b@k lhrclsh nliariD S, whicl cq be njixed Anolnr n.rho.t coEisrs of No. !d is b.$d oa <t tux.d on a spol qsitile to rcd @toaron ptal. wirh ! ditulc sp@rrcphoromcri€Uy ar 520 mF,a. rhc d.v.topn.d of a @lor sFt r6t on \vlErne sd tiltcr rap€r dn.d. Spois of indi@ .lulc ed dmps of 2J,tO W ZJ/mt @ &icd a,!d rlEn dn&d wirh hor ! M hrdqhbnc eid. Th€ r.d otou or {E lEFr is hoEd tavibg omry.-b,oh 5pob oa $. untrown ed slodlrds. Zi4oniu @.6[aton of .tur. $ e@lly bclow 2rc/m1. it shoutd Biolosiol r.rr for ea.tiry Conrrol jn ce of a qollMl of aGd coto, by neonih I impcgnor.d wirh p1p-din.rhy! mho ph6rLb) o.llzfu aen,c &id Sr€.ili9: Sr.rilny b ir is duc d.simble. This is bs.d on dc aG duins etuc. qd lr.@lorytu lo fom a pinl Tm .lrcF, of duc d€cay alohotic-aidic $turi@ of hdoroxyli! pint-Ed A @lo indier. atplxiDat.ty O. t ppd or ndio.@tidic puiq aDsn/' 'rrn) of 4FoxiNrcty o,oo3%, No @td; indiqE3 toE vd&. a|ld for lh. smplc is countcd tor I'htn Mr euld bc io lrqsienl cquilibriue br&d h.M. whal*r shoutd mr @ rcr b. dcrlclcd by r_rFcrohetry, $. .tut. Ediophe:reudcd,, b idduclt 10 rhar of orh* pb.m|diicals d n.t b. detn.d s dE ,hqe of t.blc ory&is seh 6 bocicr,o, funei, hd ]Ar ffi deterlblc ed pDlif@G in srandld cult@ n.dia !'airjarion, which 6cr, Ef.6 lo d. 66 deslrdclion or Emoval of $cse rh. cllcd prcd*t is orsoisnr, It h!5 6 its aim,, nsiL withou 6ring dh individurl Tle tuc$od ofst riliaion or Ediophmcaticals ofthe prodat ilglf,liE $lvent, sy rhc elutre. liB @ vill i. or ccrrificdion d.r rh. tol.ro be deterjlined by rh€ addiliv., bullds, elc lnd rhc cfecr ofh. otr cbmcre! &y ofth.s. mrerials dd llE @ntrin{. Thjr Gtlod @nsisls g.rerally th. us. of srtu themNtlble ediun such @ b. tr5.d on orry dEd6ribL ddiophm4udot. un&. otliophlmeu&rl @ sodim rS. An.@tc $lllr. bwr ldp.Elw 6 eduih iodobippwL 'r I whicn 6 pBrw .r t2llc F thor cha.sc for 5 nin. Exmple of ieltlelal. fuTc, edium phosphaE'p, &d stdiliz.rion my h. fGiblc for em. @opourd bc arditized Among |he h€al- ltrbih ediophaM.udcds mcrugges.t.s This nclhod al IOOIC tor 60 nin. @ (t) colloids micoaggEgc ed pdicl€ siz &d mly ch&sc h @mposnion e) lEat.*6idE orB&ic mol.culd slch as &diun roF beielt ri,t dd (j) biochenicak euch $ clrbohydEtc &d por.in lilc tul@u|*. Sr.riliurior by altE.i.t This proc.$ d€peds upon th. physical snovdl by the fillqing ncdi! or by a simple siding $e poB h! rhc oforgdis meh4is *h@ by aGoryrior tud b, thc liquid @ noE orgebn qa@t, Filolrion is u$d for Oc $ditjzlion of h.!l frention {r,ouslr sitive 61 Caurion must h. ba.e .xdis€d lili.r h.di. my cohpornion of1he solution. Fillcr nay b. @mpo*d of plu bind.r, 3irkr.d EfEclori.s, M.nb!re 6lld wnh lhortl eoimE rlcd forrhc lodni6 &nl size rnd but thc mo$ plasdc @ be A een .nrraprDdt loss of Tn E is a rupuft or poor E bc Efiller.d. A Gclatin tion and e of c.lhlosc esteE or od.r plsdcs of .ssbli6 0.22 in a vqi.ry pqr€rilizd dd of $el, of Sbss pl.sric or sr.inlcss ptetcll€d, p is dispoebl€ lek/Lq rs!.r inl.r for thr anacthot to m filrr uir which lE a for sldilizing sall volm. ns. ata ddd spe of l.s tn n 0.5 ht ro avoid [email protected] Fsibilily 61. The plstics. and slip oudcr vhul isp.ction o@iodttr ! m€mble lilrer nDy hlv€ d.fels r.\al opdllor nun dddop. lerue of "&ct,! of thrcush a no!r@-vir.@ elution 6llr i! a nMbd y avaihbl.. ncw dEp.sbh plGtic upper sc.ion lor potelain, dialonrc@B cann @lldof8eis@ I1E nlt6 c.uilabL eits. Th€ 6nin8 @ h fdEtc Lwr nd. Lu &d cn nge lhc chmi@l uad for cl&iliqtion or 3teritiadon. A porc siu of wfin in tn. ladiopbm&y e $all, appDrrialc syringc ed r .holld ni@poou n@bl4 of dE b. rs.d ud@d ryith orgeic m.mbru. suh a cdlllos. .stm or @nsist of d.nnik poe sia sd osy l*t mc &y loo sliShl .laboEc t6r po.odw $lulio$ of lign con e lation p[su h! ..g bc* slcriliad by €o@ lildrion !o pEsE Equn.d such b 6 force i.quiEd is sNper &d $lution b.cn E?od.d,!. 10-20% by Mo€ wi8hr, e loo vi*o$ for p4ticlcs folowEd by alio.hving. .66 Th. obja! of sr€rilianion is lh. dlstrucrion or rcmolt,t ol. virbtc org!,isn and llle appoprist r.sls e .xpered to show {El Oi, hls oeq.d lo lhe exEnr rhar lb.se oradjs@ @no loo!.r grcw.rd nolriply in sii.blc outr@ D.dia unds ravoMbL @ndnioN. TIE iDrori.nl nedi. sues6kd in ric uiicd srlr€ phm@Fei! €nploy.d for $ditny Fs.inB. Th.y di86r medu; c (l) fluid rhioetydrak ecdim !E ;mody (2) loy b..o _ cein . Anothc. ne$od for dercding ;rilny is $e gs chbnaroEraply. By E Be or rhis lqhniquc. rr app.B posibl. to dekct A.obrcr.r @8.b due ro lh. 3ynrhes8 of d@h (aceryt d.thyl erbircl) .nq s nin of incub.don in ! lwug eI sBFEio jf onty @s e ptgnt, h my b. quiE posiblc lo @Er.u.r . mI .u6nEr.d a4 chrcr,r,tognphic uir for I idenritins qd q@lifrinS A dcq y conr@rnalion i.he h@bo!.c pEds! of b4rcrE d.Eloped subnfl.d turhod for rhe etut) dekctioD ulilia rhc prcducdon th. olsaims od @r.Ls rhe Et.d roded orgdis wh .dded nDotl Dro srituts a.d n@ mu ro qw cl'ffic1tr aftachcd ro tE sli tc of gtlE$ b; @nEoDe 0.5 na.k ilcubd.d d of lhe grolvrh dbdir.d bocrerial $. d.r.botis of rci d lhal ir a of ,rc-D,sl@$ lrc ud rn Erof,.CoEt.e qd @rdlxs s Bacl4,q. or mjc@4eis, rh!i, *$en lo &r on rtE hFmru,u @nrbt cdrd . rj$ ir.body rDFmuEr{ Chchicalry lrEy @ lipid ! poty of Edion.sicsly,!. Det&d &d Wagc Epon co.rinuousty the inslronor u€d for lhjs l.s! i, knoM I)rgos e U. poducl 'q€cl€d of'rCOr tioD !C" h!€lLd stuccc by of cnne ncdium of thiogly@llare bolh (36 lrg), I0 OOO chtrid€ or mino ocid o, poly Fploe oa dE or phosphotipid cera ed e Lss in rho on 69 m'cmn b panrcl. s'2. Allho!8h i@y or8misb pF<t@ pyr8ln prodG lhe Don potlrl prmSea rl!. pyog6 iniiid @ibn rot &d pupils, hyperL8ion dd l€gs. lcukop€nia. The dd 2 lo 3 after injeclion a day), . prcpdarion t rdld ld a re on t !t. For diagnoslic adiophmmdricd! th. Biitish [email protected] specili.s !o be flushing e body orisiMl ndi@rive pEst of pmducl, the mour dd swalinS, slgg.'live of a nild l..rpeEr@ of dbbil dd thc on gold $is @uld ralc up posible efer of of radjoadiviry invotved is ndbphm@u$ah ir nsy $.t pybg.n l6t b. tri.d sa@ albmin in rh. mrrul mal1ff bul The ski4 dilacd fcvcr md pain io b6ck Mufetuire ciElmrorcs 6. vd!. of! b.td likely ro b€ sistrincdx, wh.ft rs lor th.epeulic rbe @l f@ fbn pyrcsds. Th. pmdUcl d.ooroltlt d by a de id the ( in p@dcal tlE cosr of t!9 in Ehnon ro ddioelivity @ t€r - ncsdLiv€ bacilli ofth. poducl. Fomal pyog€n rcling ofadiolhenaceutiqls off€ls dimcultiB b€caw of dE lihc b io ed th€E my l.ukocytolis. All lne syoploms s.tuiblc p@urio6 duing ndufdcl@ preg€ orpyDg.n htr GM bc chills, @mon synptoG ar slighl Lad.r 0F tevo nay t ach a pedt !t oonstict d plpils, hytDtdsion thc wclt be out on jodina!.d ItAu injerion ody .n r d*ay $. 'r'l Thus humm ro r/r00h of otrcnhrid. pEcricc mong adiopbmac.utical Mls foi injcclion ed '@ut@luE6 ir 6 3uppty py6g.n rcsl lo stets of ertain m8a1s knoM io be prcrc lo pyrc8en contdimlioh (for cxqplq ealain @ploy.d in th. pE ohlion ofcouoid.t eold,Au'lg8) d<t, in addil'on. .o iupply etrs b sd6 slcrd .r mdon fiDm lh. tuBc of pDdud. 70 l.t4 Dltrllrillda!-slAl4ob l. coss *tior undd in*lrigttion, work k ed Fdionslidic puity d.t mi@tion rhc ndioeriv. qodrcr mlmonly &ilmird qu itatirly vi. spccaospr, TIE trd,lEd @ul nG ha lo lb$luL a.l tlE oul 6t . Tb. oEctiod du. to d..d tim., p dp .fd oircid.G tc*r d@y !bud!s! & co@tion is r.1e of a Edionrcli.L b dilint sntion pq sond (dpt sno .xprcsd by, f ,'\ nBuEd @ur nl. .l,iad l" " - f. - Coieid e loss t - .llicifty ld = fo. ab$lu&ly impoild. 'nF abeluc @bt 17 - vaio6 f&ror @lurion rny in ordd !o ord r.ny " f,, !i @ctcd hig|r ......................... (8) io cla ri@ cotedon faclor Pilcup cflecl of @rotion trclor @nedon frclo! .hraior 7-dy .bu|]e d@y @sia of ndiotuclid. ddy tiD. dcciy @cciion factor vlrios l| is ritu Ltr.n for rlE outirs cofring duing Ihe dcnd {me wilt b. b, thc te e@ iftEina lo* rhG i@nins siEDl. Aly o$d sigdt Suppo$ T ie the dqd r,ne which cm be dcEftindd = tct de dcad lin is __l_............................... (e) I,NT .rl.r ro pileup eabur (Mca) Ds@o comlug nle, depdd oa Uc @udna Erc. for low cobrin8 nulrjchmct le* m.rbod'., r}.o lh. cxpBion tor mBr.nd.ble ft Pules syn D lo di. 0oE wirh ctak-tim. (cT) rh,n ! incejsjng with fcw hhded cps) Bing lh. ed tiveriD. (LT) rhe pitap erat @Gtjon feror i3.,.' t, = :___L_ _---'-'-'- (ro) r-0.51(cr&D_rl bu {E dead lrel @hring sysr.n includ. ! put* piLlp Ejer.r &d tilr_rim cotu.on dFEfoE, rim. ed pit.up @ftcrjon facloF havc nor !o bc ryptid rn cqur@n(s). Dct..nb.rio! ot@i!.itc!.. Lo$d oEl. @tMtioro for lhc @ieid.mc l(eg ,nrch c6 de io r.esj on @.d€, c.s. in {cq .bc &; }N; o. of rh. D.ri.ds i, b @der . c.tibEtion To in cum from m6urcmo|s ofo *t ofNctd *ithoul 'nNb, 'F., 6zn, 11!i ed .k (ac@rdiig Lcd, ,co 1- @sd., ro &cn ," cndgj.s) c.g. t l 4. 6do of @unriru Er.s (@cr.d for <lcc.y D6ed ) dNlslcc be coliba on R, for a nuct€us withoul cll* i! onsdEr.d rqsd. &d & to, by ptoni.g rh. lrio &ob diedy ad nucreus vith R, 01@h of nslei ar lO @ rqqria TIE wihout y@de 12 tg.ist i|! 8.|l@ - nt d..&'. Si@ 6. Flh.liliry ofdined!€ @i*id@ ircid.nr. !r di$,ft. i very *ull, rh.FfoF th. Elio R, of d!. c.libnrion by coDDeing th. brio crM, 0E @imidaE IO o & of a aE[s wilh ldncid.@ l6s |o lo* fd rlE MLN urdd .o4idqrdon h &rsirct of6. D.tFtot In @uin8 ndietive d!.!y dFdtMrdy n i! vcry @ @Mted. Howr I prponioMliry atcolut dilitric8.lid EL A! !d l[. N=rA. Wb I *jns for oy Flrrold d.ccrion .,,,,,,...,._,....... i! rl'. t olonioqtiry @8l.!r lyF rnd .n..gy oflh. ddio&riw Tr'. cffciqEy 6cls E eulB ltrcd in Tabt+3 .tong 0 lynm b.rwo rh. j) teu s couti|g .6cicfty. ThG tudng.fici4y it @uring,n De.|Ml dccay, @ b. it Eihio.d dFiDot [y srig wiU! di5iri.glrion i! @6t DL d.pddl o. lMy fsroB i!.lldirs lh. l|G1dor lrp.,lh. g.on ry of @d the t r 4., th.ir d@y dara calibdlcd n&d,td 73 IdrLo3 srandlrd am. sud and th€n dMy dab u'lcn lisr Rcf -| 90 (lBq) 2 26y Ill ta1At90 5lr t8r.00 t214 89.95 I2.5d t85 r6trvt92 815 99.98 272d )14 22t08^992 122 85.60 136 |Ll0 |73 ,9,88 ti32 100,00 35,03J.8 716 303 156 23.20 1,50 t.26y lov 18.5 J1 04/09n986 2v09r't9a0 1t,60 67.00 383 3ov 555 t7/06 978 13.52y t29 14r'05 9El 62 t2l 245 84.62 33,20 1,20 3 t.40 t.l0 118 1035 I lt2 1408 | 1600y 102 o1tu^yf2 | t86 liii t;; lit: I ii?: 15,20 17.30 10.00 r6,40 24 30 3.51 7.t2 r8.t5 35.t0 4.16 3.07 5.78
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