Glassical Givi lization:


Glassical Givi lization:
Glassical Givi lization:
Paiierns in Classical China
Belglon and Culture
Teachlngs of
the Rival Chinese Schools
Economy and Soc ety
rN DEPTH: Women in Patrl
r brillianr u d'Uc_age'1 scholar'
philos.,pher l1PPlied lor a high p.,sr ir rlrc bLlrcaucra'r' of lhc small
king.iorrr of Lu in orrhcasL alhinr' P€ aPs bccrusc irNlg FuTi-or
in the 6th.cntuJ\,
Coutil.ius as hc.aDc ro bc knoi$ ceniudes latcr in dre \\icsr-\ras
repuled io be rtr oPinionaied and outspoken persox, he N.1s de[ied
tior lor i!hi.]r he Nas .onfidcnt I1c was llclt
aoniir.ius lefr Lu rnd Look to Lhe road in scarch of the ideal rulcl \\'ho Pre
n nabry iloLrld rccognizc hjs talcrts aD{l ,:'fler hirn enrplolmeni at a suirablc
iel,el ofdisiiuclion at his courl
How Chinese Civ lization Fits
Classica! China and the
lor x ralcnted Poiir lrisoL l'hc declining polrr of rhe Zhou kingdom' whi'h hJd lor ccn turics
doniiiraLeal carll Chinesc .ivilization alo g tLc HurDghe Oellol{
openrid the Na\ tor tlie ris. ofa patch$'ork ot riral sllrles' N{rnv ol these
had nrigrar"l from thc north
fctiirg sutesl!€irc rule.ib! nonradic PeoPlei1!ho
or wcsL \\ia$ betilcen rhcse upstalt tor.cs and tlre lor'ts of knrg-estabtishe'l
households rdLh imPerial Plcrensions werc iequenl, banditr $as wide
sprea.l, c.,,nrrcrce $"is d)rexicncd. and .iispltced Peasinls ud l\arriol bands
waDdere.t rltr.nighouL thc counrnsidt. Thc llonarchs ol sonre noD 'i kirg'
.loms lra.l cxtnsileta t(ioPre.L thc disrinct culrure ihat ha'i been delcloPirg
if rhc Huanghc leBion snr.e $e igc ofrlre Sllang1\a or kings' Nonerhclcss,
alonfucnF atrd orhe$ itr Lhe errcrili g s.holaFgennl-or shi social irrau
.onfiiued ro rega1..l nrost ofthe nomads as rrn'r"'ilr 1!rrlik'hirbarians' C''r
'l'h. (lhina of CoDtn.ius's .la! oifcle.l abu drlrt
ililelong qucst
to becomc Lhe chi.f ad\isol. ro a ru]eNho Possessed rhc \isi.'r xnd skill! t')
.esiore cenralized .oDlrol, pcace, and order ir1 rhc midst ol the .haos and
riolen.c thftrrtcned to olerwtlelm .ililizcd lile ilr China.
One aniong man,! wandering s.holars in thri late Zhou cra, Llotln'ills
attracicLl Dnm.rous .lis.iPlcs. sone ol l\'lion l)ec nii disLirguishcd Pliloso
plrers in their or{n dghl. I'he mastcr's srudents Presere.l. sPrea.l, an'1 dc$rL
e.l lis rexchnrg!, and after his dcadl n} the carl\ 5lh .entur!- rlc'L', the\'
compilc.l his lvisdonr in whar woLrlcl .oDic r. he knor$ .s the rl,dL.1r' or drl-
ihaL heilas a man li'ith a misslon, (lontir(.ilts underlook
iecred saltlrgs: hencc, "(lonlucius sals. . .
Ire Fnsi EmDerct of the
Dynhty Enteihg Kuan Tung by Chao po-Chu, seeks to capture
sprendor asociaied wi.n the founder of rhe Han dvnasiv, on; oi the
mo;t p.r"irr *o r."s-,r"o i" chinese history.
By the last centuries s.c.E., tarse, richrv a*ired entourages,
which onen moved about
u"o *u,"a.iri.",
w6re deened essenriarior the emperors and regionarords who
had b.comethe
2,r This painting,
i"_cii"""" poriti".rr,r".
al\,er rime, Conti!.ius's polirical a ct social plilosophy became
for onc ofhumaritl's greareir a[d most enduring civitizations. In
view of the rur,
moil in aihina rt'hcn Confucia reachings were tomularcal. ir is nor
surprisins thai
Lher:deJi/e,l .llong r.rrp^ rn.l rt-, ,on.utlldr:,,n ot p.ti,:,:,t pu\Fr ( onr,r,ru.
advo.ated rule bI a highty e(tucated, cx.lusivel,a nale etite,
bur one rht was
deenred responsible tbr drc welt-being of a1I of rhe subjecrs
of tne shre. primarily
d1 erl'i. Jl rJrr,er r} ,,r e r"tigi.u. .rsrcm. L,nt,,,.i ,nr.m .o.rSt,r
ro t{rdbJish nlln.
for all of Chiflcse liic, t om retarionships wirhin the tamiiv
rtrat stress.d
,15pe, I l,ir .,ri , rlrl, a. ,-r' p JIrh.rin. dr.l rtc \"aF,
I i^I ur rtl hou,et.ut.l!
ocest(,s, to eiiqudre for ruten and subjecrs and rhe import:iDce of arr.
nlusic. an.t
ele$ant calligmphy in the cutrivarion of Llie s.holar bueaucrar_s,
uholrt he decDled
bcst {il to maintain social or.Ie. an.I efcciive
c'E': Uniting Larce Fegions
The CLassicalPeriod' 1000 B'c-E'-500
ll '
t029-256 Zhou dvnasivi lniroduciion
standard sooken language
551-474 Liie of Coniucius
c. 5OO Laoz and Daoism
c, 5OO Edit ng ol the Five Classics
c. 45O Development ofChi'ese calendar
221-202 Qin dvnastv:lhe First Empeo[
the Greatwallbegun' a single basic
2O2 E,c.E.-220
of$'2lrh ard
rcrcr Iorrnd his
power, Confucitrs $-as a failurc- tlc
or e,en a suileble Posi ai 'rn'\'oi ihe
Measurerl in &nns of the acquisition
tho's,lrola''h" iu'l'd ''r 'l'nrirt'n'e
folhsirg his
ln fact, i' the
nu",e ,,rr. ror
acmss China
as the eri ofthc
death-ofren apPmPdatelY desigiated
wadng states-Politicrl a d social disintcgraiion
si{ied. But the ltu.lents and disciP}cs
for his teJ(hfound a l-rrge ar.l enrliusiNlic adience
irs. ir rl,,sp uo,,Ll,'.1 r:'i'F'. dnLI ( "anriJ "lroJql'
rq'n ul ( rrrrr''epl'ilu
.,n'.roro-, ,'..,",", 'ndn'
.ophnJl,,,d r,ri{i'rr'5"'iFl'l'' rr"'c hrr2nL'0\''2'''
that gale
This chaPter tbcuses on th€ con'litions
tcachings of rival
rise to Contuciannln as lvcll as fie
D'oism' and
philosoplical syskns, such ns Legalism'
lat' as rhe end ol
Budclhisni. As ne shal1sec, '\eD:rs
rhe 3rd .entua B.c.r':', when ChiDese political
strongntarl Shi
was agaitr rcstored b' rhc tar'ior
ial norms
HnaDgdit kingclonr of Qin, Coufu'ian so{
bv nore
and Political PrescriPLiotrs were eclipsed
ofthe Har
aurhoritarian alternatircs' Butwith llic rnc
. .. rr'r 'r r' lrir
.1)nd'\ rlrP' 2n;
o' 'l
,n.1 scveril of his more promincnr tbllovers 'ame
both thc
providc ihe ideological urclcrPitrnings of
Chirese siatc and socieq ln lubseqlreDt dPasdes'
n'nPd but
influence ol ConftciaDisni tl'axed and
irs allege'l exdr'tiorl in tlle
elen alier
as a ma'ior
deca.les o[ the 20rh centuq' irhas Persisted
cultural lbrcc to lhc Prcsent 'la)l Colfu'iinism
innuence olr
also exertcd a peNasile and endurirg
and Ib'ea
other societies thrcuglioui-tsia' nlmJapaf
into presenr<1ar
through central Asia aDd soLlthwarcl
Han dynasty
c. 2oo lntroduction oi ox-drawn plow'
402-2Ol Era oi the Waning Staies
ho6e colla( water miLl
i41-a7 Feiqn ol Han Wu T' rncreas''d
bueaLcracYi e,amrnalons. sPead ol
Vieham. Chira's Conhrcian idcals' s'holar-gertrl
bureaucraq', tcchnological ad\ancemcnts' and
perous agrarian state caPtirated major rhinkcrs
I 'i"i^r' i' '
I u'";,",".1 rl'. r Ir,. "'tarc'- run' l' ''r:r
ro IhonusJelteson.
The breakdowl of rhe Zhou dlalasr!-\ ability to
ln the 8dr centlrJa s (r'r' led ro a long
perio.l ofpolitical co fli'tand soci"l turmoillhrouilhcoDtrol
il.s lassals
r. l'^,i' h, \., os dnL 'he \r'rrgt/' 'i'-r
"',r t lln".
seeking to
basins, matr,v states rose a d lell' each
replace tlte Zhor
tlte parantourr porvcr in casrAsia'
tn the sorrh atrdNesrcreared Peri
llied ro deLnd Lhent'
sches. Internal contli'ts lefi China ruln'r:hle
3rd iNadc$. a.'l betileen the 8tI an'I
oltcn raided thc larm
B.c.L.. nomadic
ociic iistabitity as local PeoPles
Planr' \'larl of the
areas of thc north
nomads scrtle.l down and erentlralb assimilated
in thc region
d;stin.t .rtltlrre thatha'l becn 'tel'eloPnrg
agc otthe Sharlg arrior kirgs Some
since thc
in\a.lcrs caPtured exisiirg staies; orhers established
LreN d)a1asties
her iDtensjfied rhe alread'! com
plex poiitical maneuvers and wars for suPremacv
The,rcarning lor uniq anct rn erd ro cifil srrile
E (r'E' bv
appcalecl ro be airswered in the 3d cenflrry
Shi Httangdi'
the o,re.gen.. ofth" *ardor strongman
B) 22I u.c.r., Shi Hutngdi's st"tc of Qin had \anjmPerial
quished all il.s ivals, and hc lbundcd a ne$
the cenruries
tl,vnastl that promisecl r) brinq an end lo
ol slfte. Bur Shi Huangdi proved to be a Luant
,l,.rrh tr. 214 B'.'. s.' rh' 'rg''il 'r 'e'i"n'e
his less
throLlghout the cmPire r'r rhe rule oi
ie's capablc son and his inrler.ircte ofadljso$.
.: :il\ spreadnrg reyolr. led b) i1\,o pcasanrr, topptelt
:: iln d)nas6 in 207 u.c.E. and Ba\c .ise Lo iis ltuch
i.r li\rd srcccs$r. thc He.
erx, $'hich trsred. with a
bd.f irlLe uI!
nrr more than .100
}fa$. saw rhe consoTi.tarion of
:r.!e cirilizarion. LIniLr was esubtjshed iD rhe otcl
r: regions, and Chinrsc poiiLi(rt .orrrot r\.!s tarcrrt.\ ir all .lirecrions. perhaps morc .riLicalll..
-. r nile$ fou[dcd
rhe largesr. nx)sr efteciile, aDd
:: enrlu ng burcaucmcl in rhe prei]rdust alr\ort(l.
.i .\eBa1{ thc .leleLotrDrenr ol'rhe iiNt.i!il
an.I rhc professnD:ltizxrion ol Chjnesc
. :::ai-rrration. l hcsc insrirLLrions hctped buil.t a scrse
: . lilese disiincti\eness aDd ideDdn rhai \ras icflec1_
: :! larer .enrudes bl alhinesc ro them-
- i.i
: i.rr
the sonsolHan." fhis i.]e ndq. prorc.t .
'i ,r .. r ',ir...-.;\i, ,.r. , iLr.e ,r ,iF.
torcign irrvasion, and iriolat dilision thaL
:::.Ded when the Han drnasq. .ollapsed tn the earlv
ilhina eenerared the nrst otrhe ctasicat s).i
The rcgio,l's isolarion limiled jr-s abiliF lo tca.n
r.,..,,r,,1 i, tr,l e r, ir ,r
.',1 ,,,, ni.J:-,1 .., irrre .,.. ,d.r;. ir r..,r1ts
r. t.r, . e,
'. ..,
iire Uiddle
: Cltinese
East and
gL'i r.r.L
.. u:.1 ',..i,,,,,,".
India. IIenft.
iould buitd molc s[o1]gh on Hunghc
:.e.1cn6. h.hrdirlg rech rogical adlaDccmenrs.
ri.ularh inporranr Nas a general. if sonrerhat
.:ti.lrori.l\ierr dclctope.i hI Huanghe rhiDke,: rD.t
.::i,rrc.l as a sl-lndard approach jn larcr Chnrcse
rurg. This inrellc. a1 heriraqe srresse.t rhe basic
--noDr of narurc: elelv feilflrrc is batanced bl. rn
...ir_,r, r. b,.'r .g fl .,.t, ..,u.,t...ei,., ,r.
. . lF. r-r, ,lF .\, ,
^,Jir , r. r',i.1. ..^ ut ,. ,r ;r
..1 l r'd,ce ,. \ ,.'tte,t Dao, r. ,. . r" . ,.
-:ron\,, a\oi.linla cxcess and:lppre.ixtiris rhe bat
lr. \rdu ,rid 1,,,,,Jr I .r ,.ri , ,,
..,1 ..rl,ir r ,r, \, ut 'r.
:::r \IcclilcrEnean ph osoph\. oD rhc oursidc. Chi
:i. rndid,rs abour halance. Dro, :1nLl rin./!dlg serr
.I., ru,li\-r" .hrl, -ttriF..,d ,tiBror . e.. t..,,1 .rr,,,'....,l p,,i,.1.. ,d t.. p.,;,t,... r,
:::r anbng !anous schools oi rhou!.ht in atirina.
Despite impo1.t.l!r .r rurat continutll: classical
.rDa did nor sinlply mainLajn eadicr rraciitrons. Thc
Tad\r .enruries of ctassical Chnrcse hisr(,-, $er.
::neis ro agreai man) .|angcs.'lhc religious and par
C ass cal Civitizaiion:
ticularir ihc poLiticil hahirs of rhe Shanq.kinsdonl
$F . . l-L,Iri ,r - nr^d ;, . d. I rin. b r' rt , \.r-J.
largcst classical ernpirc. These De{ dcletopDenG tc.l
rn r. , .li,, r.rrr l,,jr : t\. u .,t ,., f. j .t , ,^r .li,
L,,,,. I e,,, rh- I ,rn.- pr, rrp.l . .t . , ,,,, .,,t ,
.'elr- ,rPq,. r,.
, e.,,,r rrj,. ut..iu.u
,,r,1 r, r,ti, L
fr ..'a i,o. r, L.,ri.,..
urj $cre inren.led ro blericl "F,.-it\
into a hanronious $,hole.
Patterns in Ciasiicat Ctrina
pol;tics but imporralt culrurat i 1o!? x,s.
Latcr drnasties empbasized order and
7-hou dyiHsiv
fcrtrre.l decerrtmlizcd
r' .ll rlr, .^ i, riF. , rl- r , I.l ."t.... ir . ( ,in.
5'r l.J, r,:;i '..,,,,1 .i.,'.,r,\
t s u .
pasl-r past thar hN becD a source of p.idc bur atso
,L,e'. r.r.t .,r, p ,ht, . ,,.d,fr .:^r \.F...\ i,l
'len,.i.,l , ,1,*i,,,rt,,F
p, u.\
,,iu,. ,Jr r,.r. I rr . ',, , ,r.) r',r
t..,r .t .,e
2'),t ., ., ,r,. \ td,, \ ut lir r.., i , L J ,,. .., \_,,t,1
.l I . r.r.Il ol a l .',, h:,1 r-F. .
.ere upi.,q
r .r'L to.rr,
,.1 e ,, u. -iqir.-. , .,i\F
ecoltoml'. SubsequeDtt), the ctmasry grew riealer and
viile so.iat divisions incrcased
in Lhe largcr socieh,. Inrelnat reb.llions and some,
rar icr€mrcs declired.
timcs inrasiorls l.oxr rhc onLsid.] hanene.i lhe
,l.ri .n . dF. 1 .,.. L rh, tI ; ,1,,...n 1,, tin-.1,
..rF,r. ,,\ , , . , n rt,. :.
.',r"rhpr ,l'r
'., i n,,
.u,."..1,r1 s"r,.,1.r,
I....,.,, I |, LF..|| d rtr
pattem rvould shrr aDel!. Snlall i{ondcr that Dra.!
rhir F- ..,r ,-r\por I .r, r. , rc ,,,\n,.), p. ir io,tnsr to rhe \Vestem rendency to rink of stearh
proBress fror]l past ro prescnr.
'lhrce dyMsti. cl.tes corel thc lr1anr..enruries
.lasslad Clim: ihe Zhou. the ein, arlll rire Han (trap
2.1). The Zhou d\nasr! lasred liom 1029 ro
25E 8.(].r.. -{hhough lcDgrln, this.h.nisty
floudshed oDly utrrit abotrr 700 n.c.r.i il sas
l, t
suUrture,trd ll..q enr inlasidrs^1,
br nornadic
l, ,plF. t,,, .ur. cr ,. e, , .. I\-,.. 19 rL,
strong .entrrries. the Zhou did ot esrabtish d
,iF . . ,rl, ,q ' . ,
,, e,
\.ir',,p-.i' 'rr.i,,.,.
,n rnbt, r,,,r.,. rh.d!,,..n
,i i,l\,
- r^r'r,in. t,.. ,,,,.,|lt,.,,,.,,.,,,,j_t,.
prc.leccssor, rhc ShaDg rutcls. Ihc allian.e slstc,rs rhc
Zhou usc.l ft the basis ior rheir rule r\rre sL,tr{tar.l in
agri.llruml Lingdoxrs. (U.c iU sci: sir lar tirmrs larcr
emerqe in Japan, Itrdia, Eu.ope, and Alrica.) Rulc$
la.ked the nlcans ro controt lhcir
ll .
Unlilng Larg€ Reg ons
The Classrcal Per od. r000
L,ric flH
2.i chinalom the Laterzhou Erato the Han Era
larlre rgaonal csLate( ro nrembeN i)t rheir
lxnriljesan.I otlter suPp.,rtcls, hoPmg rher theil ](tra]rics \$rl.l remai intxcl Thc srrPPorteF. nr e\changc
lor lan.L. \'ere suPPosc.l 1o Prori.l. the 'orLml go\eni
,!.Dt lrirh lrooPs an.l ltx r.renu.s. I his wrs Chnrr's
feudal Derird, \,'ith flilcts dePen.liDq on a nehlolk oi
loralties ancl obligarions 1o atr.l lronl their l'Ddlor'L
u.l io,Ia\e
r.q!,,l\ sr,(lr
of cour"t. ntlDerablc 1o
resioral clislo\?lties. an.l the ullimatt .le'hle of Lhe
zi". ar"asL.i occuncd $'he! regiorr.rl la d-oilDnrg
*,llailea rhcil olLn powr base a d 'Liste".i'L.c."t'
FfnJl q.\L,1r"rPnt.
ll cL ,l:,1. 1.,,,. ... r 1,,.
to tlic .lelclopmdlr ol ClIntes. Poljti.s artd 'IrllrLF in
rheir t.Lilc ca l .ernrri.". Flrt. dLeI e\tcnded dte rer
the\iugLze Rletralleu \\hile rhc Zhouwcre nD Neak
r, rakc LLis tcrriton o\er dntcrh: dle exPa de'l sellle
mcnr. 1lom ihe Iluanghe to thc Yangtze, hc'ame
(lhi.a's co.e-olien (alled dle '\Iiddle KinB'l{rD'" lr
n,u'.'.., .l ;."r r,.'r ..''
' " i''I
''' I'
r' , ."rl rF.' 'q'' .lr'| '_' - l' 'r'." "r'r
norrh. rice growirrg ill the vruih-a dil1r\in tltar
en(rui1gc.l poPulalion iirrr(tll l hii ttrin) al eiPan
snnl .$\rouslr conrpljcri.d the Ploblenb ol 'c rral
rule. lbr .onnnuni.alion and lransltrrrt tuont lhe caPl
lal 10 the ouLhilrg rcgiois (cre .litli(LLlr.
Deipirc htited c.trrIrol o\erkc) regn,rs, the Zho'r
di.l a(Luall! heighrcn tbe on dle.entrrl golclx'
menr Zhor rulers .l.tnned diie.r hrks ro dre Shang
n,lc,\ Ther also as*rrlcd rhat healctr hrd translerrcd
irs; to rule Clfira ro the Zhou emp.ro1s. This
t,.,. i, ,..,,.p.,r \l .,,1.,,r, H ..
' i,i. ,. ,' ,, u, L,,,F'F l,-'r" r' lF
Zhc,ir onirard. Iho'n m Son! olHealen. t]re emPclors
lile.t iD a wol.l of r\e insPilirlq ]ronrp aDd ctremon!'
lhe Zhou rlorkc.l ro Prolide grcater.ultur rmin
nr drcn emPirc. Ihe\ dis.outuged sonle ol rhc priDri
rivc rcligious pracd.:cr ol rlic HLraDglle ci\,
bantrntg human sx.riii(e and urging more resrnife'l
.er.niolties ro roEhiP the gods lhqalso PIonlrte'l
lnlguistic trnit!. begiDning rhe Pro.ecs b\ whi'h I sran
dard spolen la gLtisc, irllimatcl) c^ll..t Nlanda r
nesc, iroulcl preiall orer rhe .xlile Nliddle KitrB.Lon'
'lhis rcsulre.l iii the largest snls'.le group of PeoPli'
speakmg the same langur.qe in dre \Lorld ar rlris tirne'
Regnnral dinle.ts an.l laxguxg.s lenramed, brlr c.]Lrcar
e.l olficirls bega t., r.l' orr Ihc snlgle unndairl tirrm'
'r:L cpi.s and slo ei nr ajhirrse. maD\ graduath.
i..ded nr $rillen fonn, ai.ted nr rhe .tc\et.]prne,rr of
: !nrnon
lrr.reasi.g cutrurnt uxin helps erptai. sh\,, \!hc[
/1n - ..p l"!,,i ru..,t.n',rrr..
' ' "j' '' ' l'"'-'r rr,F .tL', ',r :
.': ...1^',,r |,..'',.
T,d,,J. l-',,.,', 1,.r., ,u
:: rrs ro .icfine and al.ti(utare ( hiresc .1 rur;. Duri: die latc 6dr aDd eartv a,rh cetlru es 8....f.. rtrc
: .iosophcr knoiu if rlic trest as ConfucirB $r.ore aD
rP^ r'. F
,u\' jg
.. ( li' , . .1r., r . i. e .t u.,'\it,i,dt .F, _,l.
'l eli!:...r. iF. oe,. r,. .. , d
- -.rr pern]d of .ulrural crexri\it1,. \!tri.h taic.
as a sct
alle KitrB.lont.
of ccn,a1 beliet! rhrcughour itre
LulrLrnl i11no\rtion did nor. Lo$,errer: relersc ihe
rpF4.r' tl/l^t.) .,rJt . RFli,.,..t rt,.
d l,f"
',t. rr rrrni". rr ,r,.,r, i, r;,tr, . - rh.
::oerors ro lirde Diorc than tigurehcajs. Bcnrecir.102
i l0l R.c.r.. a pcdod knoritl aprh cDonqh ai rtrc Ira
: :ie \\hlrnrg Srat$. ltr(. Zhou s\rcnr clisiDregraied.
! 1,, s.,, F.,.. il
t.,,t:, \ ,,.- ,. r r. iile,t .,, F r-
:-:rr \ras more the erccpiotr thax the rrte. But a nelv
: :rsn rrose ro rcr'e1sc rhe process ot .lecar.
:: r'e.qi(na.l mler .l.posed rhe last Zhort rxrt,cror
: rr dril :15 reals mxde triDself sole ruler ol aihila.
-- iook the tlile Cl Shi Huarlg.ti or fjrst Imperor
:.: d\nasLi. naDle, Qin, coni-e1rcd on rhe 1\Lole .oun
:\ namc 01 Chnra. Shi HuaDgdi Nas a brulat ruier
clte.ri\. qi\en rhe oI inrcmal .iisof
:. IIe uDdersi(rd rr Chilas problem tx! ni rhe
- ,,al 1".'" ..,.h,,r. , .,t lrr.. n..., t,.,
: ::rlizcrs in world irisrd.r, he \ort<ed iigoroustr ro
:o llis Io!ce. He o.dric.l nobtes ro teare iheir
. .-., .. I . .,.,r. . .., .i|r ,, ,r... .l
rhir . ",.ur!.i 4.
. . . I e,t h\ t,I, r',...
,.. ,tpu:r -a '.. rt
" r". \lj: ll ,,,,;,li\. . ,,e ,.. . - t, tr .,. fiL.l\
:n Donalisrocrari. g.oupsj so thaL Lh.! rout.t oirc
ri! porreI to him aDd rtoi dl]lc ro delctop their o\!n
ii'\-.. | ,.,., \hr H r,.q,ii.,r, ,.
1r,,rer | trh-,lrLHi,r,it , F\i\!r.
l[c ]irsr Empero. fblkni,e.l up oD .erlraljTa&rn
r\IeDdjfq ajhiocsc rerir(rr and conlrot io
rhe yruth. reachirg prcefl-cta1 Hons Iion.
on the Souih Chinr Sea
"m -.J,l
i ,\'
.rarr hi,il.,n', r\'as ]ruitr b1 forcccl taboa corrscriptccl
:l:e c.nxal bureaucra.r froln aDrons itre pcasanrn:
drrasr! \!as .esF,Niblc ior a nmrb.rr ol
CtriDese poiirics ard .uhurc. lo .teler,,', e r ,P - fi
\h. H.r. .,ti ..1. F.. ,
,'t ^r ,.Fr.. r,ri,l,r.i
e,t ,t.,, ur rl, .. L.ti.rn of tax 1c\enucs aod tabor seNicc. t.Lc
stardard;ed .oilage. $,eiShrs aDd rinough
rl . F. :je r.
, | .F , ,.rF r_r.,, .Yt_..,j .. ...,.
r, c . ri,r u
,.r . ,,,i
,r .;. tl..
golerDDrerr also mide Chincse rlt.iite,l scnpl uniforrn,
,^ pl, i'- l,
I i . ., aF ..,.i. . I
-,,q j \lri h r. ". u. . e., I Ir,,.-F ,,.1 ur,,,. ri
' '- J'1,*:.,, , ,,,h,r,,r.ri I c .r". .or I
ner irig"ft)n projecLs. .nd pronhre.t manLrficrLrr g,
particularh rl1ar ot sitk ctoth. Ihc a.trlisr go\crtrnenr
"r.,.r.,, ,,1 ti.4... .r p. L, r rq r,,,,, ,.,1,.
I re..,. ,,,r:, -r.,.1, ttr.rx,i .:r,t ,., j.Lr
ul ii-,-r,r'i,.
. tc
AlLlxnlBh ir .icrred man! .huxbte tcanucs or Chi
t r rJ , .j-,.. , v ,. .t .,,r- ,. o \l
H,, e,li', .'r' t...,, I Flt., ,.,t..,.. , _.
-,r\ I _
,i-," 1\,. ,,,,1-t ,, .,,,,, r,,i :r i \ti,,r..,.. r.
(..F. r \\. il .,j,.,t
unpopular ODe oppollcnr dcscrittcl thc Iirst
lle,,. \
.\l,u , ,d ,l-F ,.,fl _ , ,,-.. . ,,t . \.^.r
H, rl .lrr,, '..
rt t, rr,..! h,.^r, rc\r., ..,. r, ri.t ',.,-r . rrr.,< hF .\F,_ . t. ,. rrL
,,, .,.1 | , rt.F. .. , .. Ur t(Lm,^ o,.
e,rr,. i'.. zl .
n,...i,F .,\,. . .,:..r . I t.\
,\F I oer.. "..
, n, ner.. rr , e
ele,F u r,,pp.r,
. ,lir iLt., .,.r,.t..he.
rh, rl i,.,1' ,,.r .., ...r . t( ,,i.,., L, Har
The IIar drnastl, r!hi.| Iasred o\er i100 rrars. r,)
'-u r..r.,rir l-d. r.ri,r..L,,.i. r ,tr :.,, r,tir ,l
H..r utF . r, .',..,t rr,. F,r,.,til!L
.r,,r ,
l-F ({ir '......i,i,i.F....i
ut I t,e.,u. til",,,,r .,t .,..,.,
' ,pr...i
du np
the lit]ll fluih ot powert carlr IIan ruters
expxndc.l Chijlrs. rerrirorr.. pushinsl jDro Korea.
L.l^ L, . ,1,, ,r,Jt \.i, tt . \,,,r .i", _,
",iDese kr de\clop.onracr \iiLh rhe parltian EnrDir. tf
" dr, r,ur .. . I 1.1.
. ,,t :
,.. ,
. ..F,r
ihe \Ii.ldlc Easr. rhrough \,lii.h oade \irh rl)e ioniao
[mpire around rl]e \'IeLtiterrancarl wa!,:I.
The mon frmous Han rutcr \\u Ii (l.trl_87 8...|.),
eniirr.erl peacc rhroughorr []u.h of rhe conLirbrl of
\ia. rarhcr like rlc peace rlc Romajl EmDic r.,,t.l
L,r"e ru '.," \'F. rF.,..r e,,r ,"g.-., I .,,I-,j ,. .
d- .. ,,.r.r.i, ,...,. .. ,t rL t,o," I,r.
,\. .p. ..u,,i. .. \tjr H'. sJ ,.
r ,F Lre.r \ dI. F\r..r d ,L ..F. "'L,u '. ..
, -r.u,rqtj ,'..,ri, ,,,o - ,., ,r , _ i.,,, .t.
r' ",r
. th- .-e.,,.,.,,',,,,.r
', . \h"r
ir . ,,
h,..,,r,r ,^,...,.,,,...^,L-;.
confidcnr loD.' ol rhe
na[,r hrd neLrth,x) n]alor.rislL, \o Lhar,
r -. ..'l l' lo..'
.1 t..,rt.r.i,t,.,t,
..,I .,..,,,:, j.!,,,u,8
.,t er
The Classical Perod, TO00 B c.E.-500 c.E I Uniting Large Reg ons
mnng o\er
tull afd dre golernDr.nt I
\dlh Nealrh. ln llx' .aPid rhe $ings of .i5h had
\Le.kcd up |l ilLe ltrndreds of uillio's u'ril
.o!kl no longel b..orurred.
S'rrury oj
toP of th'
okl unLil thc buikllng \as liLllard tlic griin oredorL'd
in.L piled uf ourskLc. sher. ir sPollcd and bc'anre unrit
!-1e. th. [eepers of LIie nrmlnrnin gdei aiu
fin. qrlii rnd
Lnder the HrD d\Dast!, rhe (olkings ol lhc slale
burcru.rxcl ajso irnProled and tlle go\rmment $'as
linkcd ro foimal tmitring thar enlPhasiTed the lxhLcs ol
Corlircian philosophl: Rc\ersiDg dre qIn d\Dasrv\
(' I :." 'rr.. 'l.l, rF. \^,' | ,,r, .rrPtu,r "'
lorDral measlues on the
ins it a, x \iLal iltplrlement 1.,
qorelnrneDt's part. Shrines were csLablishcd lo Pro_
more Lhe $orshiP of lhe xDcienr PlilosoPhcr as a god'
The qu.rlirl of Han rulc declincd ali.r ibrnrr nlo
.rd rr'r',,.1,.,, '.,1 fe'"',
iront .entral ,\sir.
.allc.l the Hnns, \!ho hid long tlllearerccl Chiras
nortllern borders, o\'errumed thc d\rlasn enii'cl)'
Berivcen ?20 ln.l 589 (r.r.. China \!as in a slale of
.haos Ordcr and stxbiliti 1'cre finelh resrorcd. but b!
rr,, r
' Iir"!
beiolt Ihe llan collaPse, hoi{'
li,aii(n ha.i c
.listilrcrile Polili'al
eler. ChiDa ha.l
n Jl
'"' -. ,'r' . ' l'rin'
de.l. \\'e1t
ol rene c.l .onfusion.
Political lnstitutions
The power ofthe enrPeror, lhe develoPnrent
,,1 .' l,,' \. a nd .1,( e\PJn'ion "t.r drc
furctio becaDc the hrlmarks of classical
Chtuese politics.
Thc QiD and IIatr drnaslies of chssi')l (lhina
eslablishe.l a disrinctiye, aDd remarkabh snc.esslrri,
kind ofgo\.rn 1ent. TlIe Clin sressed .enlr'l 'rrrh'rri
r', rhrieas tLe Han crPaDdcd dre Po\lers ol the
burcau.Ecr. \tore tha anl olher le.i(n, il as Lhe
stnl.ture ot this eolenrnrent that erplxincd hol1' nL.h
a lasr tciriron' .ould b. cfie.r;leh ruled iin rhe Chi
nese empire r,as irdeed tLe largcst poiiri.J srsrem in
the .lassi.al1\orld. fhis soucnnt toul.l.hange altcr
tlrel:ll1ssi. peiod, P riculrrh ir rclms olsireannin-
'rry."n,r,: hr," . " "r-rn' 'r'l P^"
\,r. .-\e, '"t, Fr l.,r 'l m,,r , '"1
The political tuamework fiaI emcrged as a res
of thc long .cnt ics of llhina's Peiod Lla'i
sercml kel clcxrenrs. Srong rmits neler disaf
pearc.l. L.ike rrc* qrccessfirl a$iculnrral so.len.s.
Chinxrelie.lhca\ilvon tighLh knitPaujar.hrlta ilies.
IDdi\i.luaL lamilirs \rerc liuked to olher rc].tL1!es iD
extcrrclecl lamih nen{orks thrr ir.ltded blothers.
unclcs, and arr liring grandparclls. Arno g rhe
,.P 1,..',,1.,, i,u.n. ,,r,i'. at.\,,'
bI rhc pra.ri.c of ar.esror \iorshiP. rvhi.h
]oiDc(t famih mcmbe$ though liLuals d.vored io
',,,1,^,rr, I t,..F|".... .h. ' ,u fd., L
worl.t. For .,i.linan peoPlc, amoDg \\hom anceslor
\!orsh\r rvas less coDrlno,l, \'illage autllorjh surntount
e.l hmih 1ule. \:illase Lea.lcrs helPed farrring falriljes
1is'.ulate Propern iDd coor.linate Planri gandhar\est
worl. Dnring Lhe Zhou d,\'nasi,\, an.l also h larer PcIr when .li aslies wcikene.l, the regutrl po$'e. of
grcat lan.llords also Plaled an inrPoltallr rol. rr rhe \il
lagc lerel. LaDdcd notrlcs ptoli.lcd .ouris of iuslice
and o+anize.l militaT trooPs
Strong local iule l\as noL the mosL significant or
.lisrirrctile leanuc ol alhiucse Eor.rn renl un.lcr the
Qrn and Han d\mides, ho$'e!er. Sli Huangdi nol oDl)
attxcked Nlers but aLso Provided a snlg1e hw
code t,rr rhe 1!ho1e emPirc and esublished e uniturm
lix syste . He appoinred goYernors to ea.h .li\[i.r oi
hisdom n, Nho c\ercised xiliuLry dd Legxl Poters in
lhe namc ol_ rh€ cmperor The\l in ttun. namcd offi
cirls rcspor1sible for smalliir Iegions Hcre indc'd \!as
a .las.i. ntodel ol cenu xlizc.i go\'ernxlerl lhar other
so.ieries Nould .eplicale in latcr tim.s: the eslablish_
rrrent ol ..D lrali7e.t .od es an.1 aPpoinrmcxr olofticials
(lnecl\ bI i ccnual authorim radter llian reli.n..r on
arangemenis Nilh numerol* .xisting goreDrmcnL!. l'he ofa central goicrruenl was
lurihcl enhar.ed bv the delegation ol sPccial areas
aD.] .tccisions to fie .nPcror's nrirlisreF. Soue deilr
r\.ith nuLters oflinan.e, ofiers 1\'ith justice, odltrs 1\'irh
miliran afairs, aud so on
Ablc rtrLeN of the HaD .lurasl\ r.sunled n'" 'lr"k
,,n l..,lN,r rloflardlolrls. In x.ldition, drel realizc.l lhe
nnportrn.c ol-cr.rrtitlg a 1argc, highh slilled bueau
c c\: oDc capable of (arning ouL $e .lLfiei ol a com'
pieJ stare. Bl the end ol lhe IIa Pe o.l (llrina ]ia.]
aboul 130,000 bureaucrats. rePrcscltLing 0.2 Pcrcent of
ihc popularion The errPeror \\ir Ti csLablj(h..1 e{ami
nations Io. his butan.ratFdre firsr txanrPle of ci\'11
serlicc tesrs oi lhc sofl rhar marl-\' golcntnenls have
r'.r'r .',al .. "1,',' ' F..,1'.FF'Jn,'r ^'',,_
ered classics ol alhiDcse lileranuc.15 r'ell as ]a\ sngiacstnrB a nlo.tcl ol rhe scholarbtrrcau.ral fiai worrld later
become an impofiani clemerlr of Chin x\ rm.iid(nr. \\ir Ti also establishe.l a school io tl.tir men of
exceptioDal lalenl end'.rbili11 lol dte narionrl e\amiDadons. Although mosr burealt.mts \vere .lmi\ lionr thc
larded uppcr classes, riho a.lone lE.l the dnr. r.,leaul
tLc comple\ system of Clhilrese clieaclers. u.hiduals
: orer'runls oltucieE lr'etc occasloxatl) re.Iuit.d
::. .his sr:rem. CliDa's\ rlius p.olidc.l a
ii:.he(kon ..,rnfrlcie upper-clasi l.Ule. hals., rendij.l
Lhe cxercise
ofarbirlary poner tr! ihe euircro.
I.arc sllch doiani
fbrces. Ncle hetess. \nledrcr
finrllv or dtc .renlral siare. most Chtncsc ln
: :rrrr rnncs belie\c.l iD rhe imporurr.c ol-rcspe.r
:rr the
: ::urrcnr
::n e.ti\'lr\ llu.nrak.l.
athirta.tid nor dcpend ox
.: r .rpirrsion. Alihough .lassicat Chiili tIoduft.l
:: i .ndu ri g .raDr plcs olrhe arr otlj'i! rhc srrre
riqhh rrihtariirlc b) ihe Han period..llLdiciit xra!
-{rime xDd legal disp res-.omruudect rnorc
-:ilrD b\ lo.xl gol.emmenL ruthoriries.
fhc gorcDmenl aly) sp.,nsor..l nruch nrteltecieat
,-,,r,.L e.e,,.|,
,..te . .
::-r records. Ltnclcr rhe HaD n11ers, rhe
, ..rtDienr plale.l a mijor role iD pr.,nx,riig CoDtu
-:: philosopli! as r1I1 ofitc ial sLatemen r of C hnrcse \ al.. rld xr cncoulagnrg dlc rorsLip ot Confu.ius
: :.l1. l]rc golernnrcnr (1e\cloped s.nse of
-:ron as dr. pdmary keepcr of Chirxjse beticfs.
The imperial golelnxlcDr \!as atso a.rivc in rhc
rrllnil Ir rlilccih orgrDizcd rhe pro.tu.rioD ot iroD
'- !iii. Iii irandarli-zadoD ot cui.en.t: $,cights, and
::.i!rcs h.ilirated fuadc througlour rhe \asr enlpirc.
sorerorrcnr addidonallv sponsored public $orks.
1,.r. r,, r, t.. ,t q .,t . ,g,i^,.
,,,,t, I t,,
',1 '.r p., r I r, l',:
Hrn, il took orer a lr1.nrth tor:1 dire.rilc rhc .a.ital .ill to reach rlie o u th,ing .lnri.r! ofthe eorpirc ar
ob\ ious limir ox nnpedal rudroritr. .\ Ic\cating Chnrese
e'. 1., 1, "\., r. \'r . ru ,rrF - r. .j i.
L'^ "
far a\!a\:' Howcler rtic poller of rhe Chinesc staie did
cxrend consi.lcnbh. Its s\sreD ot.oults l\.as backed br
..r:,r,^d-u l.':r-,r.
F t,l .'ed u. rpl ..e.r
.l -,,. rr,. \FrF..u,t\
rl'F frF/,t:r q.,,t,-d',.F
an.l .i!:c \iiille. Thc .errtrat go\cnrme; tDied its s bjecls aDd also requiredsome anxuallaboron rlc per of
e\eh niile peasani dlis was rc sortrcc ot dtc nrcredi
ble ph$ical nork iD!.,1\ed in buililine canats. i oa.Ls, an.l
'. 1., ,.. \u,.lF
t-_.1. I /..i.r ,,
-.'.1 ..or"r t"...,'F.u,ti..,,
,i , r,t.
m,l,' r.. F\,tr :, rn.r i. ,t., n.ii,.t ,n:1,
,e.. t,,Fr,.{.Fr .t r.,ego.i. j.,
authoril\ it .onmanded in rhc el,es of n]ost or.liMn( li,,F.-.""
tlp t, tl, -\p",,.\t.. r..r L I ..r.\,.,,1
dc.line, nri,asion ind .\en rebeliox for so xur! ccn
luries. LNadel\ like rtrc Huns migtri ropple a rtrnasnl
bur rher could n.rr dc\ise a bc(e1. slrtem ro nm the
.ounu1, and so rhe isrcm aDd ir,r burcaucratic adrniDis
:rose nr power:
l;o\ emment tIadirions .sra]rlis[cd dllrjjlg r]n: .hs-
, feriod]c.l ar nnpressnc list oI stric furc::. Like all orgarizcd sLarcs. rhe Chinesc
Chtru s xnbirious rulers n1 Do sense .lir.e(tc.t
::i,ri a siDgle rulcr e\en oDc r.ho. iD ihe a]rn)cse
:::rn. rcgarrlecl hnDseli as dnineh appoirred-ihe
' :: 'lHca!en." lt $as Do acc i:nr then that re Chi
.: lastcd li.rm rhe Han pcri.,.l unrit rtre
..rtlnn: outlning rhe exrpn.e ilset:
. t" ,,,. ! ,le r..te, ,. ..,
'ti fimities
- rn.l. oftcn. rhcir Doble ]rinh. Ix.liii.lual
- lmphasized rhis pinciplc of Irthoiii\,, \i,idr
r!he1 ir .h.rtgc. presr rairh camng on ihc \!jih: r long ljf e of an.elrors ro \hi.h rhe fanih.pai.l
..encc. Ihe ChiDese s...e capabte of perjodi.
:r li.trts rnd uangs of criminals rcgutart\ canre ro
.-:)L rhe iocial scenc-indeed, frequcnth haNh
, . g. .,
'i ".'r ',
cal Civitizaiion:
nrclu.llrit .omplcx irdgarlon aD.t .arat srstems. IIan
rulen eycn tdrd ro rcgdare ag .l runt snprrtics b\
.r,,i,g -,.ir L1.e .e,.,1 rlc. -,.,,,t p,,,j
iricreases-aurl porenriat popular utllcsr_iihcn har-
. i. Irained an.] cxpedenccd bureaucnrs, confi
r drcir orrn traditions. (outd otien conrfd the
iinall \ronder rhar l.onr th..larsical period ai teasl
r :llode.n Lj rcs, rnd po-rsibh srr] ioda!, dic ath:
- nerc the most righrh, go\'erlled people irr xnv
: i.ict1 in d1e \!orld. $hcn ir r.ortccl riell_ancl it
rr,,r'Lanr ro fecall that thc s,vsre D1 pcno.lical,v trroite
:: Cirrrese pohri.! represerlrcd a rernarhble
.--zrion ol all lclcls ot aurhodtl. Th-- ot ar
: ,rerlul eDrperor e1.e a.lminisrcred b\ imirled
C ass
aror\ Do.mall_v en.turcd.
Religion and Culture
( lrine,e , utllu.c Je,,ur J rrre,t.\rtopo],.n, .l
the (oxJucian \\,rem
Daoism, a distincriic s.iencc. and xrtisric
radi,:,,r. , umplenrcrrcd r ,,n
Thc Chillcs. 1\,ar oI ri$ving Ltrc r\,.d.I. ls din
bcliel s\siem .lclelopcd duiDg rhc ctissical pelio.t,
.,. .1o ,1 ,te,t , . ,ti. i,. r i ,t, ,. , .r r, , -
.^i 'ri.i
,,' c. r,l rl,,,,,....,..",-..,,,t,tr..'/F...
rhaD speculaiols about aiod rhe mlstcries of
hea\cn. ,\t the sanre drnc, thc Chincsc roteiaiecl an.t
ofLrn (rnbiFd e o s specitic betiei!, so Long xs drc!
did nor.ont.adict hxsic potirical tovitries.
Rule.s in rhe Zhou drnl1sr\ Diainranied bcliel i11 a
eod or gods, but lifile attcnrion $as gi\ eD lo thc Darrtc
-i rh., -- -,Ll,i .r,,..e.t -,ri
nonious cafhh life, \lhich l{ould m;iF
proper brlan.e belilccn earrh ao.t trealen.
lan.e ofa
PABT ll .
The Classical Per od, T O0O B c' E'_500 c' E :
Har'morr inclLLdecl .ar.tir1lr .onstructe,.l itllnls 1')
rurifi socien ancl prcrenr irrdj\i.lurl e\ccsi Aniong dte
upper .la!ses. PeoPle erc traiDrd in claho Le e\cr
cisis ma mitturv slills such a" rr'li'I\ Colnno \'
.clemoDies riDerating an(est{rs xn'l e\eD Darkirlg
(n..ial xlerl' \!ere condu.ted. The lrsc ol
fxsan rt the tnd oftlle Zho! .hllasl\i it en'oluaged a
, ,,1, 1.1, ,,,..
lnrroclucccl. alrhoLLgh rhe most eiaboratc lex 'l1mlting
riruals derclopcd hti:r or.
E\en bclorc tlleii sPecific.ercntonics rr''sc h'nLeler, the bxsi. .lc1irlitioll of a cxrciirlh or'lercd e\is
reDt lras ghED 1.,rc ft,.nlal philosoPlicrl hacling'
ol tlre Zho[ d\n,rsn: man\'
rlrinters en.l rcligious PmPheG bcg r to 'hrllcn8e
Chniise uadirions. Frou rhis llrme t can!'i ftislale
Dr.trt olthe lE.litions illrt nl naleh ]e'iuccrl int']le'
n1al .onfli.l an.t estiblishe.l a loDg_lisrula IoDc lor
\mid rh. long
Clinrese.ulnnrl an.l so.ial lilc.
CoDlll.ius, o1 liuDii Flui (\!hi.h means (ung Lhe
D,._.,n".r 1..,1,,, ,^r;r.1. 1il . :.
rP \ ".,1.r,, eo ..e.,, rr, r.
'l ' " 'u,'
man\ parts ol aihira prcaihlrrg his i.leas of Poltdcal
iirtuc af ,l s,rod gorernmerrl. Corfuctus \ia\ n'n a rcli
diline order buL refu"cd
"l.,rs leadcr: he bclieled in x
t| -'-'.r,/.',
'..r,,.t,*,..,t".',r...,rr."t"',',1.',''., "'".,',.
irnnr lalues rvcre nicLLlxr rarber drrn rcligious'
Conlircnb sJ}' hn sell as a sPokesnatr tor
neLLLloD .ttlcl fol \'hat he bclieled
ol ilic ahnlese sLale hcfoie Lhe
mai1lr11ined Lhar if PeoPle corLl.l be
... :,, , . .",,.,,,.:,..1-
rr'r le'l r"'r""' ln
.,."r .,' , ,..'jr
The Colrfn.ian lisi of\'irtues srcssed rc\Pe't foi orte's
socirl -nLPeiols L-athels xDd hr){l)'nd' 'ts
lcailers ol thc' trmil\r IIoileler. this cllrflr'\iq 'n '
r -,.
. '. ' h,', r' -'l lr " '''' "-'r'I
i.. , F...
I ri.,L .. . .
drunning abusne Po(er ard trcaling 'ouncoush
rhose pcople $ho lrcle in dleir ch.trge' '\"ordirg n)
(i)nltrinri. moderxiion in bcha\ior !encl ioD oi
lom xrltL dtual, and a lolc 01l\'is.Lonr shoul'1 'hrlacrcr_
ize the lerde$ of so.ieq'at all lerels. \\ith \illuous
leaders. r souncl life $ouki irlcvir3bh foLlo\r:
"ln an age ot qood go\'
iD high stations
, ^ ..r 'l .,u'r, J'. .:', ,t,".r'ur,'r.
tc, rhost'r.,ho a].e bcloir rhem, nnd tcsser Pcople
ligo.ousl! ar rheir husban.ln Lo sene their srPerio "
U.,tir.iarli!! rs p mrii\ a srstcm olclhics-tl''
u ro orhcts as ro[r itaLr]i rD.l'j theirs di'r'2it-an't a
, .".' l,' lu.:'n
" 'l'le 'lrr"r-'-l
.''-"'rut"l lJ
,,.r, rl" n,,n\ , i "'r.,1
r'rF:i l. r' rr lF. 'r|e
.Le ,,.. \.,
niting Large Begions
re.or.le.l it e Look calle.l the .1,dL1r, \'as re\i\cd
un.lcr tire thx cfrP.rori. $Io sa( the lrs.firlnes of
Contuciarl eDplrasis on !nLue 'rrd so'ial
orde. Llonlu.ia learxmB \!as also in.oTorate'1,
.- I '. rr. I .
. '.'.e \ "lr r', rir.', , r,
,,1 i\Di1tr,J btr1rdu.,
aPPloa.hcd rhrough .Lisor.tcr. r'cic
cxrphesis on irdni.lual \ift()us
1,, . r.
,#, :i,";;,sl;, ^ii,,,;,'iri is",.
PeoPtc \!lll
a mrn
loll.rN" Ac.or,:LiDg nr aloDiu.ius.
.onrol. \\'lr:ll lh.luler.loes, lhc
inclu.lirg rcsPecl lor PareDts and (,ipassn,i
for chil.lretr a d orher inferiors, shoul.l be (lisider'rd
1.,. tnice. '\\:lLcn rhe ruler exceLs a tarlrer.
blolher. tllen rlni peoplc imirate 11i1r1."
,,1". -"r
s rhus builr irllo his o\I] s\'-(tc rhe links
amoDg ran\ lc\els of ruth.rii\' tbat caue r' 'hira'
His s!\r'nr alr)
lefizc large. Chillese }rolili.s at its best.
emphasned pcrsonal rcslraint a]ld tlic .^relrrl so'ial
i/xiion ol.hikhcn.
For sLrbordirures. aldf
largelr rccomnlcrded
'r.n$ sh.n .t In'L rlreir
de.Iidr.c rn.l lesPe.ti peoplc
,P I j "l
.. | .',1 ,' '. llu'F ''
r '. . ..
'lr ' .lLar'
" r,.'F
i,r.,brtr.., l,r .(,
ll' "' ",
, ,J rrr, Is"
enlphrsisslili reste.l non etliclcss oD dre ohlig.iLi.[s end
clesiraLle .haraclerniics ol rhc mling .la's. \(cordnlg
ntll .o1r.Lucr
Pr- ' '"'r'
- 'F.. .' .,,1 , ,, 1"1'r''
ofihcir \il,1l nltcreils \il] ihor .l rlso be hurr
ble ard sirr.erc. tor ircople Nll groiL rcbe!liorrs r!]d'r
al(rficnF. tbr.e aloxe
canDoL Pennane!.r'arogan... Ior
shoLrld Nlers bc !aeed!!
Lonlu.tus $innr.l against a profit nlornc in lexdclshiP'
stfessiDg iltrr rruc lraPPnrc\s r-'stccl in cloirg good for
all, not iD.hl.lual gain. ( o ilcius Prolticted f i'leal
of r genrlcl1an. des.riLed br his beDcir'lencc rnd
sch.onnd. r rIaD ali!a\s courteous ar]d eager lot sctric. anrl xnxious lo lcarr.
During tlre llm ard errh Han, an ilternarc slirem of l) thoullilr, callcd "I-egaiism,'
Urang up in Chinx. Lcgalisr iuiters Pdded
themscl\es oD thcir Prrgmlism. I|e! dis_
.Laine.l Corlu.ietr \iL.tucs in lalor ol an
, F,I L,Humar tralure lor dre Lcgalisl.s ilrs cvil an'l
. '1,lrr, T r. rr'
sLale, rhc arnl) ]foukl .odtrol an.t le peoirl
$oLLl.L laLori rlre idea of Ptcasnrc" irl educate'l
i.l.,rF i
' ,r ,r.
.ourie or ..r!rnes1 ilxs diNissed rs finolii\: Althou!.h
Leti-alisn Deler.aPrLrre.l ihc \li.lesPrcrd xPPri)\'il rhrt
(l.,nnr.itrnisn did. it loo cnrered tirc Dolirical lradi-
Classica Civ zation: China
Teachings of the Rival
Chinese Schools
Ths is primal!n on.
a.d the pede are reformed.
enjoy peace and people become honest.
ed people bsome rich.
have no dsires and people return to the oood and
do nothlng
The genlleman cherishs virtuei the lnlerlor man
che shes possess ons.
Ire gentleman thinks of sancuons; the jnferlor flEf
iiinks of pelsonai favors.
The nature of man is evil;his qoodness is acquired.
His naiure beins what it is, man is bom. frsi. wiih a
j iB ol Chnn.
where a Co tiiciaD leneer u2s oftFn
: ,nrbined ivifi srong am kciics.
Confir.ianisis djd nor cxpliciih seel popular lol"l
-: l-lLc nrrn!earli .i\.iliza&)ns, Chira did DotprodLrce
:.inglc srstem oI beliefi, as.lirererlL groups enrbr.ed
rrriercni \alues, nith rhc same iudi!i.lual elen tr-lrrntg
: .otrirasring $stenr dcperdiilg oir his or her mo.,.l.
,:,rfiL.ianism ha.l sone ohlious lnuts n irs appe to
rrr nlasses ard i dccd to maD,v educared Chinese. Its
::luct:urce to explorc .he $lsreics of lile or narLrc
',i,"d r ur . pi i .l .iJF 1 ,, ,,,., \.,. r,u.r , ,.i
.Lc.epted lr) tLc upper classes, who had rhe ftnc and
Jn cdr',r':-,, ,,t f ,,ll it,: r, I
|,,^r ) H.!,,,.
:.rllding a tastc fbr ritual, scll conrrol. and potiie
.:]nncrs, did sprcad bevond rh. rpper classcs. Brlr
.: \r peesanls ecdcd more LhaD ci!i. \'irlue b undeL
--rud and suvivc tlieir iursh life. $'here in constanr
. r,e\ e ,,1
,, ,,i. r. . ,d ,ni. pF- e\i.::n.e. l)udrttj most oi lhe perio.t, pollrheisric
:.ljels, focusing on the spirir-s of narurc persisre.l
-rone nruch oi the pcasanr.lass. !Ian! peasaxts
:ro!e lo atfl.r lhe bl.ssiDg ol .orciliaton spirirs bl
| !.r.,F...m6.
. )noring rhe spirits and b,v holdnrg pan.les and fanl
, ccrcmonies fbr ihc sxme puryosc. A belief irr rhc
iollowed, sirife wittBUtt and coudsy
Keep your mouth closed.
Guard your senses.
Temper your sharpness.
Simplily your problems.
llask your brightness.
Be at one with the dust ol the eaith.
Ine brief pasages quored h--r-- a.. rakeD drr: idtinls
:a Confud6 L1en.ius, Xunzi, and Llozi. Ide.dli $heiher
':.h pajsagc is Confu.ian or D:oisr aDd explain sh! rou
no action
Personal cullivation begtns wtrh poeiry is made frm
wllh rules ot decorum, and s perfecied by nrusic.
When it s lefl to fottow its naiurat ieelings, human
nature will do good. Thai's why tsay it ts good. ti it
becomes ev!, ii is nor rhe fauti of rnan\ onginat capabitity.
\\,hich of drcse ides ar. mosr.ompatible with
ea.h odreri l4lhich oI Lhem could be.allc.l retigi.usi $rhich
&e secular? lhich phllov)phcE p.oposc ides rhar arc besr
suited topeople i'ho \2nr lo build a srrong aDd nnificdpotir
slmboli. po$er ol dragons sle11Ded one such
poputar religion, rhich coDbnicd feir.,f rhcse.rea,
piafiil sensc of rhejr. actilities io irs
counihifr of the di\ine lollres of naure. cndrlaUr!
tures wilh a nrole
, 'g,..'.. ir.,., u,ir,lp ^ Lli,,xr\ ...e. ,eqr,rll
rhe aloxtiLcian
la]ucs ur.ged bv the ppel ctasses.
Classical alhirta also produced a lrorc religious
phjLosophl Daoisrn which arose ar roughl,v thc
sa,ne timc xs Co tncianis r, durnrB Lhe i{an
ine .cntlrries of the Zhou dlrasry Daoisn
....r . ,oeJlFa
.rtfFr ,,J...,.
" r'l,u ,, ,t.
itualii1': I)aoism cmbracc.l tE.lirionat Chinese
nature s harmon!
,r, ', n,.\., 1. q. r
and added a
,f .,.r't ,t ,,rlative to CoDfirc;a sD, Diois produced a.hmbtc
r I , .1.-r
ir (lhina s icligious arrd philosophicat .utrLrrc.
This rei{ religion, riral firr ChiDcsc cirilization
alihoueh nerer rvi.lel, exporred, \!as fu{hekd b}.
l.aozi, ,!}rc pr,:,babh liled
duriig rhe 5ih cenrLu.l B.(j.r..
I aozi (ofien calied Ll1o-rsu in popular Daoisr rcxrs)
stresled rhar nrtrLrc..)nlrliDs a di\nrc imputse t11ar
.l. F,r.
lrre 1,,., .,|n,.',, ,,r .,.: ,,ti,.e,u,,,F I
ilhdrasing lrom the o d and contcmplxtiDg rhis
lile lorcc. Dao, irhich mea s "the w1v ofxahre,,. ref.r
to liris same basi(. indescribable forcc:
PART ll . TheCassca Period,T0O0B.c.E.500c.E.: Unting
he.e is a
L snnds alo.c ard do.s noL.hange.
rould and
Ir is.apaLle ol
docs nor lreatal
rnorlrer ol the
Dxoinn proDioie'l it-s oBn
1\irh natrtre bcst 1e$llted
set ol ethics. Daoisi
iilnig. ,q.c.ording io dis
rhrough humili.r
lcalling iLcre irrclcancl
in rhe l\orld
\rnt to a good
secreL rintals,
ilcre of lirtk imPort.lnce.
Daoisr, $'hich rrouldjt)i]r 1\'irh a Buddhisr
iff1uen.c tiom Indir dtring tire .haos ihat follo$ud
rhc ccnlapse ol the Han Llvlrasr!, guxm!n e'L that
China s pcople 1\'oukl not bi unitcd b! a snrgle reliro
sious or phil.,soPhical srrtcnl. lndi\idu:ls did 'ome
embrace some elefrenLs
borh Daoism
lucia ism, atrd in.lce.l nran! emPero ialoled ']oDparrlv
ism. The,! accepled
be.ause vnxc ol rhc fouid vrla.. itl l)aoisl belief
but also hc.ause rhc relignn, $irh its orhc.vorldlv
emphasis. poscd no rcal folidcal thrcaL
scholah disagrced figoroush llith Dxoisr rhnlking,
.e' 'r ' rnr'!r' ' L''rr
p:r,r,.r,rr'. ir.. rr,;,
'r' ' rrrrre'" i'. \\
i".' .' .. 't" Daoism bccrllle an inc|easnrgl\' lorrral religior. lrou
rhc hler Han dulasLl onilrld. ir Pro\ided manl Chi-
a host or ceremonies desilrled ilr Pronroi'
hxrEroiv Nth the nl)sLerious Lile force. Finallll thc
Chincse golcrrrnent tionr ihe Han dvnast! on$'ard
rlas able to pcmuad. Daoist Pliesls to ir.ludc c\pres
iions ol lo-\'alt! lo thc c Peror in lheir temPlc servi'
es. This heightcned Daoi$m s poliiii:a] c.'nPatibilin'
'l '..r',r . Dr '
thxt pronrotcd all ottPourirg of Poen!. Frr)m rhc
.lassical pernrd onward, Lhe rbiliL! io l.,rn and
recitc poenl hcca e rhc xrirlk ol rr educxni Chi
r FI
n.t iis
So I $le ir'the \al:''
I rn,nL
ol DiasLering rLcse earh $orks. Plus airniu.iatl
$ritingi eac]l generrrion olNritcrs louDd e$ 'ncax_
irrgs in rhc clrlsical litemn! e. ivllich allo\led rhem io
cxpless nciv ideas wiihin a lamiti:u lramc$ork. Sc"
cral thinkcrs during Lhe Hau d\nrst! chboretcd
Coifucian philosoph!. llr litcrarure. PoetIr .omnranded pr i. hr arrcntion bc(ause drc (
thnrg.r,Lfu(dlr forNcd,
Bonr L.n)rc Lea\.n xnd .arth.
Large Regions
wilh aldrlircixrlism
alo,rf,r.ianism in.l Daoistl $rere not rhc onh
i tellectual of Llhina s classical PPrio'l hrrr
fiey wcre thc nlost imPorlant. Clonlucianism blcnd
eci eisih ith the higtt \aluc ol lirerature and arr
aDroDg the nPPt. ciasscs. lD litctrtlu-e, a ser of llile
Classics, $r'iitcx dllriDg the earh parr of the Zhou
d\nasB and rhclt edir.rd duriDg the lime of CoDtucius. plorided at1 imporlart tradidon. The) werc
used, amonB othtr rhirlgs, as lI basis lbr.ivi1 ser!ic'
cranrinadons. The works Proli.led in the five Clxs
si(s{1e.1 sorne llisrorical hexriscs, sPeecLcr, an'l
other nialerials! a dilcrssior ol .tiquelle
aDd ce.emo es! atr.l in rhc Classic of Songs. oler
300 poenls derljng lviLh lorc, io\r Potitics, and tamilv
lile. The Chnrese litcra4 tra(litio11 delcloPed on the
e_ ., -
, L.' '',,L
ih.litemra iullition cstablishe.l in .las
.eiDtince.l thc Conftlcia emPhasis on
hunrin life, alrhougL the subiecti in.luded romance
rncl sorro$ as well as vaLues.
( arl during the classicrl peri.rd $as largelr
decoradlc, sresiinil .atelul detail tnd .rafisnunshiP
(Fi$ue 2.2). Aristi. stiles oircD 1cflecre.l rhc pre.i
sion and gcomelric qurliries of the maDr slxlbols ol
L',rne- $: 9.r .ri:r.,fl \ I., ll hF..',,',' .,' r','rlrnr art lLim. In id.lition, alhinese rrrists pxintcd,
\Lorked irr bro.ze an.l potlen, crnecl jade ard ilory
a d Nore silk screens. ( CLi a dicl Dor Irrodrl.e
.r r er,,"l l, rrld,,:.. .,',lF r'"' r1F 'ri. '|'r 'L
Great \\rxll an.l s.,ne imperial Palacei aDd tonbs, in
parL be.a$c ol dre abscnce of a single rcligioni
indee.l, the cnlire IoD. of uPPer class a.,nfu.ianjsm
wrs such rhat it dilcouragcd the notion ol tcntlres
nesc. Finall\'.
soa ig Lo lhe hcaveDs.
In scietlce, inlpornnr Praclical wolk
age.l, ndter than nnaginriilc theoizirg
astronoDrci! ha.l dNeloped en accuratc (alendar b\
l4.l 8...r., base.l on x Iear of:165.: .lavs. Larcr
aslrorlomcn calculatcd Ihe rnovetrent of dre PleneLs
Saru.n and Iupiler and obsen'cd sunsln)ts-rnore than
t5rl0 \exrs bclole .onrparable kDo\vledgc dcveloped irr
Europe. Thc purPosc
ol Chhcsc ilsiroDonl!
\ras to
oi rhc
rixke.elestial pilenomc
$idcr intercst tn ensuiDg harmorv benrccr
an.t e.1rlh. Chirrese s.icDLisl\ sioadilr imPro\cd dreir
irlsiruuenrarion, i enrirg a kin.l of seirmogmPh ro
r.gistcr rarrhquakcs during the H;In .hnrlr!. Thc Cltinesc ivcre also e.tilc iu medical reiear.ll, deleloPnlg aDaromical kno\fledge aDd str.r.Iling Pft1.iPles
ofhvgienc tlnr.ould plomote krngcr lile
Chinesc nir$e,natics also sncssc.l rhe Practical.
Daoism encoulrged sonlc ef,Ploreiion ol ihP 'r'erl!
r"rnYl rin
Pro.esses ofnatLrre. btr lar roF rescarch
how Lllings actLr:rl\' worked. l'or cxarrlPle. Chnrtie
a pre.lictrbLe, as PalL
schola$ studicd the mithc]I1ati.s ofnnrii. in iLx\s Lhar
]c.l Lo advxDccs irl a.onstics. This locus ii, s.i€ncc and
nialhemaii.s cotrLrasied Dot.tbl-\' rith tlre nrorli absuact
dcti ition ofscicltce dercloPed in.lassical C.eccc.
Classical C villzation: Ch na
aiuneraltile found in the Chengdu region ln Sichuan (eastern Ha. dynasty,25 B,c,E,-221
wth a scene (lower panel) of peasanls working
n the fields, Such illuslrations enab e hisiorians io irack the development oi too making and weaponhakng in ancient
civillzatons such as China, They aso make ii possible to study patterns of organ zaton in agrarian and arUsan production {ior which d irect evidence is spa6e) as well as lhe leisure activii es of ofiicials and the anded elites.
2,2 A Han relief on
c.E,), The huniing scene in a luxuriant landscape (upper panel) is llnked
impacr on the cn\rirc's histo.r for a significanr pedo.l
Economy and Society
China's econom) fbatured er.tensi\e
internal n acle and important re.hnological
Chim s frmilr slstem nressed
Pat arcbr
-\lrhongh rhe mosr distin.ri\-e leanlei ol.lassicrl
hina.enrered on polir;cs an.l culnne, de\elopnrents
::: rhe econon\: so.lal strucrlle, and lamiLr life also
'.xped {lhinese(.i\'iljTaLion xnd cofriniled Lo ha\e an
As in nanr agri.rlrnnl socielles, .orNiderahlc
.le\clopcd benreen {lhilras upper .lass, rvhi.h
controllc.t large lxnded esLates. atrd thc nrasses.
fanncrTcasan$ ri'ho produ.ed liitlc more rhan \vhaL
rizs Dcc.led lo.lheir oBn subsisicnce. The difli.ult\ of
b,,, 'r elr'., 'r-{', .ulr^,1 l'- p.'l^ ., ,,1lod.
cnjoyed not .,nlr Nealth but als) a .ulture denied Lo
.onrnron ireoplc. Irior to thc Zhou dlnasll. slare
holdiDg Drx! haYe been contrtron iD China, bur bl d1e
time ol rhe Zhou Lhe main social dilision existed
behLeeD the Lard-oirlirrg
gcntrr'-about 2 per.ent ol
PABT ll .
The Casslca Period. 1000 B.c'E'-500 c'E': Llnltng Large Regions
Women in Patriarthal
Noman usually moltd
Icr husbaDd's fdnil].
agi(ulturxL.n'ilizitiors, nrcluding ChnE- do{ngrad
cd rlic sratLN 2nll pold,Lial ofNomer, at l'rsr acco'ditrg io
nro.t.rn \{cnem Mrdtr.tls aDd ro the slanddds of
\gri.'"'.' "'1'' "i" '""
based on th. assmpfirn Lhar me directed polin':al, econonl
i.. drd culirml lile Fn.lhemore, d asn.dtunl 'nilTanons
devcloped oYer tinc and
A gootl Portion of
became mo.. prosPcr s
and nxft elabonLel,t orgxr
Ieliopota idn law
cla.rcaerisficall) paiiarhalr ilzt i!, th.Y were nm la nien and
izcd. dre shtus oI ron'en
(such ds lhe
dcteriomted fioni iis initlal
Hannurabic cotle)
k\el. Indnidual farnilies
rcrc normxlll sel up on a
pafiarchal bsis. lhe hun
bard ud fa&er d.remrlDed
prescriPtion$ Jbr
fundamentil.onditioN and
rnade it,c key decnnnN, rd
dre honran gart humblc
u'omen, ensunng
ca'tuin basic
.hrotedi ons b ttt clearll
empha.tizing !.i ntits
to this
auL\orjq at iean nl principle. P.riar.hal ramil) struc_
h P resr.d on nrcn s .ontol
aurl infetiotiq.
land it5ell Nlariage $6
based on propcrry tlairnships, and it {6 i$$nted fiaL mtuof mosi or all p,1)perni sal ting
rl i
rlic rotxl population and
r- l"
' n/l
peasants, who profidcd
.lucs an.l scNjce to tllese lorrls whilc
v,nc ol their own lancl. the
.lcpende.l on iniensne cooPerarioD, prrli.L arh in thc
soutlrern lice reilioit; in this g..nlP, Proper$ was .haracterjsricall! owncd and regulaled bt the lillage or fic
cxlended tamilr, ra$er ihatr bl indilidltals. Be.enth
the peasantn! CL ese social ilmcture in'hlded a
group ol'lnean" pcople $'ho perf.Dncd rough trans
poir and other unskilled johs ard suffcled lrom the
loNcsL possible stanrs. h g.Dcral. $cial status \las
r',i .e\r l'.re'rinl'"
,l'.1,.,'.. "r,i .
,,r.,. rlrrr,.:: | ',r r.'.. ll'
might be gircr 1r, an cduba.kgroun.l
.atiorl altd ris€ i{ilhin thc boFauo.rc\r
Otriciallv rhcn. xnd to ir largc exlentirr lacl. classi.xl Chira consisre.l of main so.ial grouPs'
patituch) ftmily life vas the facr draL attcr nEl)ing, i
the or bit (and oftetr
tlc resi'lenc') of
CharacteriJc paxiarchal .ondjfi,s had develoPed ir
r:vrpomian civiliTation. Maflagcs $ere ai.aDg.d for
lron,er li-! tlrei. P.r.nts, .nd r fornal .onra'r $as dnarr uP
The husbanrl sened as authoriL) ovcr hls rife ard childreD
jusr as h e did over bis slats. Laq Sunerian socieq nrq \are
givcn ivomen itrcater latitude d*n ihcl eniov.d later on.
Th. sumeian rcligion at ibuted considerable po er to
Iemale sexualitv, and tlteir law gave Nomcn nnportant nghts
so thit thev could not be trcated a outright proPcrR SdI,
even in Srunerian 1a$, rl,e adulicn of a $iri {as PuDithable
by dcath, $tile a husbard\ adnltery 1vu ttared ljtr mole
lighrlI-a .louDl. si2ndard chartrctedstic of parriir.nalish.
)rcv,pol.rrnian societies arier Sumerian times bcgan to
.r pl.i.,'- ,, ,,rp,,,Jn' ,,ra s ' ' "i't'ni' , naliJ^"
and ro imposc rlteveil on respe.tabl e women $hen ttre.Y lvcrc
nt publi. to ernplNize rheir modcsq. These changes show{:d
a p.ogressile cre,nping of's $.ial posidon ard dailr
ofl{evrl.$mi,n larv
o'- r. o'.'. io
tioDs for $omen. asurnrg .erlain bai. prolcc nr btrr cl.,r"
l,v emphdiTn,g hniG and iderionq.
Speciii. pariarcnal .ordnions vlied iiom ode agri'ul_
rLrr',:.11/"rr.,','u-n rl - . l_ ' ' ,"J '' .1 ", '''Pnr''on'rr'
nlport Dr. ,nd sonefines $rbtlc. E$pd.! .n'ilizadon gale
upper.lass women mo.e ..edit than NlesoPota'ni' did 2'n
ihe,e herc several po\velful qu.ens. JeNish lir n a''_d
des.ent Iiom ,rorheN railter tlian farlre$, thongh it held
rvoden m be separ.t an(l inkrior evetr h wornip. Confu
polrG a 8{)od portion
Hrr,, L'dh,
The lan.lo$ n1g arisLocmcr plus ihc edu.atcd
blueaucrats, or mandarins, lomled lhe toP grouP.
NcxL came *rc laboring lasstis: pearants alld also
urbax attisans $'ho maDu ctlued goods Thcse Peo
pl., tir poorer thrn rlic iop g.ouP and,lso.on
.lpm'! .l r , . lil. ur l'',n n,rn, ,l 1 ,u.. ''rn'. rr,e'
orkc.l dnecll) on large estates but rr otlter cascs
ha.l somc ecoDonri. illdePenddtce l'inall-!. came rhil
ean peoplc, Lhe gencral.aregor! we al.ead) identi
tied as applyntg to dr^e {ilhoti nteiningful skills.
l Lelestingl). performirrg arlhts wcre lanke.l ir rhis
gioup. despitc dre h.t tlral the nPPtr cla$es cnjo)ed
plars and otlter entcruiDnrents pro\'i.l€d b) lhis
qru rp. rl",r u.o .lF ., ,, u,rai.l
hxrdrLv than odter proups and wcrc reqtircd to tt'ear
iile tiflinia green scal\cs. Houscholcl slaves al,o
.\isr..1 sirllin ilis class strucltue. but lheir nunber
: :rrnn,. in (lhiIa, h2.1 inpo.ranr impli.arn,r 1br ronren.
::ommendnrg rhei. good r.arniexi, bur nr rhc .orr.\i of
r_eir dcte.en.c and lrllenience ro mci. \'a cn, nr odre.
G. .," ..d .. ir1, , " tc I p.,...r.n.,t .,,.,
" parirr.halisrr
l\hv sas
\o penuile: _\s agriolhue
_:rnncd $1rh fte u\. oI beit r
re.hnilnes, rometr.s labor,
-rugh srill absolx tell l.itat, beenre les impotuni rha! n ha.l
'.d nr hurnns-ald Sarlrering sociedes. rhis $as pa .ntrt,
ri n1 fie nppcr.irsses ard jn ciries, \Lhcre ren litqueDrh
p . ..,.
, ,t .,. ,t,r, r,;r,, ,
'i\F 'l
" nr p.asanr lanr,\es..'..t ,1..i,o,..
ne. Nas less martied
ariere rheir. {ork
L e$e.Lial. ]Iore gctrentlrl ald.ulnirai vr.tede-( (rc base.t
:: .oncepB 01 pr)p$ql It \.cnied csendrl 1or me. ro lnor
.,r their hcns (€re, in od.r ro pass atorq landr riris lleanr
:::itrrioD ro r.Bdarirg slrnen s seruatiil a$ure riithrness..{l rhis t,elps exptain *t1,I
r,e.,i,e seo, as
",".n men.s propernr
i.rior and ornamerli, real\ $ parror
-ihaliMn. n] s,n,. responded tu e.ononic aDd tegit .on.ti
nJur,. ,FFr,, ,d-.,rri, ,
i.,..,,,"n r...t,.
o.,. "..,.,
-.nFeh(s. \{an) !o(rr inrrDatized par,.iar.tiat .nhure.
. , rErhJr ,,\.1.r.d.1".,,,rtu."., r,.. r,t j,",,
ll'_\ -r 'r,1.'i ..Br ,' r.,r..,.''.,,u,t ,o !.-t,rdp
- Ic in,porranr oplioDs lt'r sonten. h !hn, so.ierics a
_:rorirv oJ *on,"ar could
some retn rh.ough rligrou
',r.rions, ntin.l, coul(t p.ovj.te fienr 2 chan.c ro op.rare
:n.pendcDdv oflanity s$nctrrci. parria.chal lars .tefin.d
'aP,-l b .,..,,,'..F
v,,h' , rc. to,,
..-..rn ,,i,,rLre
5.^. o rl,,.orr
r{5 a.gde.L tha {onren musr obe) nre. bur u.Bcd dkn to
:. relativeh te$', rrd Chirla di.t noi clepcD.l or
.,i.! firr:ictual produ.don.
T,.... l,F. ',.,. ,,,r,,.r.i
.r.,r tl rrir g,r.
.. \J,.. | .,1,
: :ns--d
on hlrui) items lirr rtrc ufper .tass, producc.t
J lF..
i-,re r. lerrr.r
',r.,r r' F , .i,--. ''uli'n
::r\cen rhe Nheat xnd .e growing rcgions. C.Dpcr
: :rls heean ro circntarc, rlhicL facllirar;d ra.te. \!iih
:.rchanls eren sporrori.B coDrlrleiciat !isns r.,Itr.iix.
- hough signiti.rDr, rrade ard itl att.ndarr merchanl
.,lr,l rn L,,.,rnF .F..i . li. rr...t L rir.c., \ i,
.,t ,,rF ( , rt ,. iL _ . ,t . .,..,r . ,,r _ Li.. p ir
. .-r. . F 1..d . u'..-,.Le,u,
^ :\e..,r.r!.1
: loneimaking. The gap trer$ccn drc
.e nnpor_
:rnce and N.rld1ol Drer.cLa.r-s and rtreir otfi.ialhrtol\
Ciassical Civitzaion: China
tkat thed dc.endIiI rexi.n. I\irmer .ouL.t al$ rliet(lni[o.
rnal po$er in pahiarchat tu.ieih bv rhcir enohonal hotd
o\er husblnds or vnr. Su.h pow.r ris indire.r, bchn,d rre
s.e!$, bur r ror.ef,,l $omaD rnjshr use rhcse n,e,ns Lo rig
xie promnx.nd! n, a !ficfirs lrisror! UbDen .out.t
ncnlorks r,irhin a ter8c househol.t. Okter lLonren. who
cotunanded rhc obedi.!.e ornian, daugtlGltrlay as $rlr
u xrn,arried daughrcN end seranr i!oN-n, .ould potrr.
tuUt shape lh. a.Lilirics of a ianii\:
The ia.t rclun,s thalp riadraljsD Ms a .ommax.ling
in nxrsr agncxtLnul cnittanons. EDfor.enienr or
t.,.. rj, \,t, j o.,
\.t.r t.rt.-.-. ,,rie" r- .r,,1 ,Fr n.r 1,..,_!.t
nied to a.hiele ord.r $,hite rorncD $erc not,cd!.e.t to ]n_ senltLrt. b! n,osr parria..hal srtstems. dnr mishr h,!c
he, t,,,. \-,r...F.r\.o,.,i
,], c t,
{cr reared to a..epi patnar.hal condidons, and bo!\ werc
..,. o...,p, i,.i. trnJ,\
B.i., ...t
r tr.rt . rr ,,r. r. r, " , ,o1., r" ,, .. o,
LiEir inport n.c in . nirg oD r}re l.lnill Dame aDd .niej
u, Ft. .o. .\-.\\t.,1,..T,.
r..u, -\.,. \,J.'.d ".,c
- t,.it.. .F t,.,,,j. p.,i,,,..
i-", t u , . o' -' ,l-r, .'',,r.rn,r .r,.,t, ,t-r,,
^, L,tct
as a mea.s olpopuladon .onn.ol.
.., :,5
Questiotls Ho{ do ,rou riri.k nnrsr 1lohcn .earcd nr a
patnxrchal so.jeB loukt rca.:i to dr.t .on.tirto.s? trrrrrr
JU.. 1",,,.',".r,.,o.,.r,'.,,.,Ji
.' P !, iF.\ j., ., rod,... \ ,.
^- - , i,p,
aonien we.ei
Il uade llr soDe\lhar unconrlirlrahh tui., *xl
d ,,'r ,: ,, i, v
re .. ,. ., , .1, e.,i,.r
:\.r i,. i
, . t- , , u .i , . . \ . I.,
I e rt, r lr F.-,.,_ ,. \.r , rtr,. iltte
implo\.cd srcadih: O\-drarrr plorl,s $.e.e
, .', rJ lnL8.. .rh.rqr-...rr,rr,.rjl^4,
\,\. | ,. F rl- H. ,. , rF
ir \e,r .. rur
,r,. rrrr....r1..,.,j .-rtF ^.ri .t.r.., r q,,r.
" l,,, .,krr L rl i.!d.. m.i,.r ln,r,.^-r,.r ,t ,l
r,.rl, t,. o rtF"ut, url
," l, .,' ,, .. , r. I r: rP,F ,1 r; ,i ., \, . ,,..
' -ll ,,i,. ,, -.t .. o,.l -.. ,, . $ ,,-ir r., . F
.,..e.1 r...,: 9, ,,"r ,t .,,..,,.t,,F e i,,,r.rr.
r '. , ,lr, -.i". , . ...,, ,. tJ jr. !F . , rlLh
,- l. P,u. r. ':,., .,,'
u,t. r. \rr,, ntt oo .. .
lierc also highh, .icvelopc.l b). ,,,r,I,i sr,,;dari;.
Under *re Han. tttc tlAt water-po\ci.rl mills 1!cre
The C assca Period 1000 E.c.E 500 c.E.: Un t ng Large Reg ons
humblesr pcarant to drr
cnipcror hnxscll, to1lo1\,ed slri.r primogcDiturc. $li.h
firr Lher gains in
thc Han. paper wxs inlctrtcd, \thich
lles a major boon to x slslem ol gorcrDxltnl thal
of inhcitancc. tiom the
cmphasred ihe\r In sum, classicxl China
rcacllcd far higher lc\cls of rechni.el c\Pcltise rhan
Europc or wesre.n -\sia nr dre same pc od. a lerd
that rt roultl long niaintant.
Th. iel,1lirell ad\ancc.t Le.h11ologl of
.., . , .,
r t:. , r'u r.,r
flom iis pdrnar\ relian.e oD agri.ullure. Far rnmg rech'
nolo$ lic\red$e rhe sizc ot the PoPLIiion irr
lhe .ourtryside: silh betrer tools altd, smalltl
amorDrts of 1ancl coulcl support ntore lanliiics. But
China's solid agriculhrral basc backcd b! soDrc tradc
in loo.lstufts a ong ke\ regiors, .]id Irermir ihe cxpaF
sion of citics .tnd ol mannla.turing. Nonagri.ulnrral
goods Ncrc tainL! ir! alris ls, \'orknrg iD
mall shops (r1 n1 their hoDlcs. Ilcx lLou3h oDl-! a
nrinoIitl of Lhe $ .klor.e was jrrlohcd jii {,.L h!}(
rhat uscd xla UaL nrerlrods lor tirc xrosl parr, dre outpui ol nx)ls, lrorcelain, an.l tcxiilcs i .r'ease.t.onsi.l
er$ and posirion xlikc.
improling tcchtriq'tei.
' 'll ,,'rju ",.'gr l,' .1. l.'r,rl ,8. r '
rion helpcd soliLtih economi. and socirl \ie\rs xs l1'ell
as litt. The itnr.luie ol rhc Chirleie fimih
resembled that of ti rilies in olher agi.ultu.aL .i!i
lizrtions ln emPhbizitrg the lmPo.ian( of,,iirr ,..1
thc porler ol hlsbands axll tarhers. \\'ithin rhis .or1t.xt. lloNe\'er. lhe Chincse sLreised authoritt to
,,n,rs,l c\rremes. alorlfu.irLs saill. "lhere arc ro
rrong.bnrg prrerl.s' an.l m triacti.e. parenrs..,,l.l
punish .lisolrcdient .hil.Len ficcl,Y Larr ..n 1s .lid
nol prosecutc pareDls \1,ho idtrcd or e\ef kille.l ,
disobedieDi nn. bLLL ther $oul.l sc\creL\ PuDish a
(hil.l \\'ho scol.lcd or atlacked a prrcnt. ln rnost lam
ilies. rhe eDiphesis or obedien.c io parenli, and x
.onespon.ling .mpllasis on ili\'es' obc.tit!.e r,r hns
bancls, dicl nor producc llrcat lii.rion. (lliDcse Popu
r, ' u .l .i.,,.
the centcr of such rn
air.l the l^milr
o.lerh, iercDe hicr.trclr\. lndeed, rlre fanlih \crled as
a grear trainilg grourd f,rl the piinciplcs of auLh,:,ri
r! and resrraini that appliid Io lhe la.gcr social and
U'omen. alihough subotdnraLe, hacL their orn
' '.',1 ,le , e,l ' 1".. ,1., .. .u rr -. e ' ' t ..,
tLiorgh their sons an.l as nrotltels-iila\! ol \oung..
$uncn brous^hl inio rhe houschold. The molher ol l
laDiorLs Confir.ian philosophc. N{cn(ius, .onrinmlh
cleimecl hor Lurrrble she $xs. bur durilrg Llre couFe ol
his lile shc xuxaged t., exe coDsi.lcrablc inllllen.e
o\.er hinr. Thcrc \!as ele1l a clear hierarchical order lor
child.eD. iLirli Lors superior io aDd tlrc oldeiL son
haling the mosi cn\iable posirion olall. Chnrcse rll1e!
'F , hrl,l
r ",ir t' .'r -
How Chinese Civilization Fits
(llinese ci"ilizalior coordrn:ted mdN
aspects of politics ard culture. a key reason
that emperors ultimately encorraged
famih stmctures $ere .loselv rclatc.t
hrgcl nlstitutions
and Yahes.
Llhina s politics an.l cuLLure ineshe.l readih,, espc
cialh aroun.t thc exrelgen.e .,1 x alonln.iaD burcail
(rac\. Eco .,tric irnro\'alion did not disrupt thc
cnrphrsis orr older and stabiliF: and familv strucfttrcs
\!erc closrl) hrkerl to politicil and.ultural goalr.
Classical Clfitese lechr1(,logr,, religim. phili^oph\!
ald politica] srructurc erohed (irh len Litle ouisidc
contact. Although nxporrarlL uade .oures led to India
an.l ih. Uiddlc East. uion Llhirele lar{ rhe ri.rld i.
rernrs ol a larg. inand ol civiiization nulollnded br
barbarien poples Nith liodfirg Lo oiler srre ihe peri
odic threar ol inrasion. Proud of their crllftr'e xnd ol
ili dltabilifit rlre Chnrcsc had lciLhcr tire need for lhe
.lesire ro learr }ionr orher socierics. Nor, c\.ept 1o pr!
te.L dreir .entral reriirory bl excrcisnrg some conLrol
o\er Lhe moLrnl,1irous or desert rcgions LltaL surrouncl
cd thc uid.lle Kngdon. di.l ChiDcsc lcadcl: h.r\e a
pa icular desile Lo ler.h the rest of ihc rloild. A mis
snnrar\ rpniL \!as f,rrelgn to Chincsc culntrc and poli'
ii.s. Chirra displa)ed sorne patreDrs thativcrc sirnilrr t.)
thosc of thc othci ag1i.!tlll1r al .tr ili7xri(rrs. aDd i1 oc(a.ioDalh cmbracc.l dre concepts ol rliesc Nlturcs.
Indc..l, thc sprcad of Buddhirm llom In.lir. du ig
and after the IIaD .lc.linr. was a norable insnnc-- of r
,.1'.,..,r |,.r.1.,..r
xnd also irs arrisd. snlc.. r-c\cdiclcss, the Lltetne .,I
rnusral isolalioo, de\eloped .luing thc firmuLi\.
-r .,1.. rlir -.-, \ lr . 'r, ' r '. ^ tr ' I',..ri
iir laLci world hisLor!-in facl. it has ror enlirel!.lisap
pcarcd to tLir dar
(lhiDcsc ciyilizaiior rr.ts alvr noterroih\'lbr rhe
rclati\ c harnxDr an)oxg iLs \ado'r! major learures. \\€
ha\c, in this cltaptcr c\amired tbe parrenr ol leading
hisioical cIc[is in c]assical Lllina rfd rhen rhe s1s
tcms of go\cmmcnt, ireliet: cc.,ronr\, rn.l s..ial sn u.
rluc. .\ll dlcsc iiccrs \!crc closch elhed ,'\lrh.tr1gh
the.enr.alized go\cmnrcui, wiLL iN eLaborare irn.
dons ard ln.itachDrs burcaucrac\. Srre dre.learesr
::rin i1nd ro $.ict! it did trot do so
:: rne Confucianisnr pro\idc.l a \ital supptenrc (,
:r:king llre bu.eau.ra.r more ihiu a.ollcctidr of
riople r|ilh simila. objc.ti\cs, irut radtei a
.'. .d ,.,1 . s',1
Ll'..I.. \,/t,' ,.iJ-
iftisric stlcs. pocnl! an.l tlrc literar\
. l'' ,'. dde,r ,. \r., ,rn'.,.r . rrlr rr . -l -,.\.
- .,::Drnent and relatcd behcls aboiLi hllnax idcals and
::.rhellcs were linked, in tum, t() thc c.onom)l lolid:l nabiliL\ over 11 IaBe aD.t ferdle lald aidcrt cco:,mic !lorvdl, ar1.l lhe go\ernnrent tdrk a dircct rolc
en.oui2gnrg bolh agri.ulnrre an.l iD.lustl}: A
-::Dng cconoint. ir1 tLi.n, prolided rhe golcrnmcnt
::h \iul Lnr relenues. li:onomi. iDiercsts lrcrc also
n ol dhtinctive
.-d . rlj, p g
i, r',tr .'e
rote ann \as to derermine how nahu-e worked.
::.ilh, so.ial
relatiorships reinlorced al1 these sl's
::rxs. lhe visilni ola inble hiemr.hl xn.l iighr lamill
,:I.nues meshed wilh rhe sirong nnpulse io ar.l
.derl,r politjcs xn.l helped insrill rhe rirnles ol obedi
::.e and respecr lhal Nere imp.fxnr ro ihe la.ger
surplisinBlr: Bi\,en rhe .lose links anrong the
]ious fa.e1s of,iliTalion. rhe Chinese ren.led
: rhinl of their sociel! as a Nhole. t'hev did ilot dis
r.qLrish .Lerrh between prnare alld public sectors ol'
::rtrn\: The\ .li.l n,:,t see gol€r11menr and so.iel| as
.,r srparaLc endlies. L1 .,Lher \!or.]s. Lhese \\tskm
r.epts tiut i\c have used to deline
.\:ension ol iamih relarionships, similarl! suggcsic.l
::rr rhe pieces .,I rhe Chinese p11z7le were intimaiell
\ grasp ol Chinese civilization as a lLhole, holi'er
' rltould no1 distln.t rN lrom re.ognizing some
,j-n,i, , ri;ur . : ,Ll ,li fi, .,e. lhF dr\ .:.r
.lici slstcnrs. bet\Lee Conlircialrisrr and l)aoisnr,
.:ldifics drc pcrccpiion of at] ultirnatel) Lid\
:rDa. ailrnfu.ianists an.l Dnoists tolerared eacil other
,ar.iimcs. ihcir bclicli .oirtci.leLt ur such r \val tl1al
. il, ilL.'or'l
/. ''r,. - '.J(u,,.,.
nt\stc rs Lhrough DaoisL
:.,oist might crploic dcctrcl
:uals. Ho$clcl beL$ccir b.,tll groups theic rvas co]]-
.:lemblc hostilit! and nrutual .lis.tairl. rs Dran) Con' .,:ia ists found Dxoists supcrrtiiiob axd orcrcxciicd.
:'. ism .li.t Dot inhcr.Drh disrupt thc political Lurin
: cullurc. but ai inn.s dre rcligion inspired
.::a.ks on esiablished politi.s in rhe narne ole m\ste
Tensioi h Chjnese socie$ ihowed in the way Con
: ,.ialr beliets Nere combined n'irh ioi.t policing. alhi
::ie otlicials did beliere if fundrnrenlal
::, atrd rhr
respecl. Ho\vcrcl thc,! also ircliclcd tu stcrn puDish
mFi ,. .,,1 :.i. r.,i,,,r,. l.l,r .1,,,.r. rir :.,,.
Lhe larger, poientialh rcstlcss populatnrn. Pcople
afesred rvere Picnmcd guilil and oftcn suble.ted ro
betire rirl. Thc Chincsc. iD fa.t. carlr .liscol
ered the useful cs! ofaltcmaiing torillrc \ith bcDe\o
len.e. r., lnake a.cusect iDdi\i.tuals confcss.In ihc lere
Han pe.iod. i tltiet \!ho rciuscd to confcss crcD uDder
selere tor.lure ilas Lhe ficcd fiou chairs. bathc.t. an.l
fed, "so ,1s l() Lit]g Lin in a happv mood' $'here
uporl he usually conicsscd an.l namcd his $holc gang.
ln snm. bodt Coxft.ianism and ih. ajliiDcs. pcDal s1s
ttu $pPoitcd tight.ont.ol,
an.l rhe.onrhinarion ol
tlrc iilo $as $ effe.ti\ei ho\r€i€r tlrev inloh,ed
.tuitc diffir.nt xpprorches and quile different moral
(llinra likc xD!
iits-omns. s11c.essful socictr, cnlbmced a .iile.siry' ol
leanues that coulcl oi bc flllh united b\ an\' sjnsle
lornrula. Uiiles .tDd Drasscs were .]i\,i.le.l b! both economic interes$ :Ltrd cultur.'. Some shared rhe sa e
\xlues. prrliculirlr as CoDtucianisnr pread. and
upperclass concem for carcful etiqnene and rhe
.\ll of itris
irpoltrnce ofceremorll
and muru
suggests thar classical wellare of rhc populaiirm mirigared the ren,
sion. But nrch cahn was a precarious balance, ard
hen olerpopulatiotr or some oihe.lx.tor tipped dte
re.urrext and often \,iolent prolell .ould
Despite an) dilisnDs, rhe smbiosis among the
c1assi.a1 Chnta
.:rd i() facilitrr. .onparisotrs rvith oilrer societics do
- t realh fit the alhincsc iic$' of ihcf oiln i{or].t Co :::.ius himsell, in seeing golernnrent as basi.alir a vast
Classica Civ zaton: China
stirutions and a.riliries ol nran! people in .hssi-
cal Chnra .tocs .lesene strong emphasis. lr hehs
account fbr rhe .hnahilin ol-alhinele l,alLres. E\er nI
iimcs of nrnno,l, lamilie! \roukl uanslcr
bclicf:s an.l poliri.xl ideais br the als ln ilhi.h Lhcl
insiru.tcd rheir children. The olelal1 \llolc ess of
Chincsc yr.ietl' nlio helps ac.ount lbr il5 r'clatirc
. ,in . , ,. i,.:,1. r l,,F r, - ..J ..r L" ,,,. i I
.lespile .onsiclerable lsolatnr
al .e.F \.1'.,r-r F.. ti .. . t,ru\r,1,.
r' i
' 'r,,,,
ing coni,isl ro Lhe othcr grcat Ariatr cililizati(D thet
clelelope.t ln the (lassicxl pciiod. Ir.tia, as fulh
drnamic as Llhiru i]t nlan,v \!als, .liffe.ent
emphases, but also a mor. disprrate so.ietl. in \rhlch
linls amoril politi.s aDd beliefs and ecorlomic lite
\!erc less ricll .lcfiDcd. Nlanr ri'ould LhaL rltis
,ur ,..L,. p,r,. '.. L..,i qr.
{ii-sBA,r. csNt t'6 EGTI$[.i$i
Classical China and the World
The shorFli\,ed Clin dy ast\ arrd fbur ccntlLrics of
Hrn .ule esrabLishe.l fie basi. componcnts of a.i!i