to - Peoples Union for Democratic Rights | PUDR
to - Peoples Union for Democratic Rights | PUDR
SATPURA KIGHATI People's Struggle in Hoshangabod Peop'le's Union for Democratic Rights Delhi March 1992 \ o 6 o z E !\ o E F o E F I South eastem Hoshan8abad n laroM for rhe lachm N hitl station, "nesded 'in tourish pronotion langua8e, anong tne Mahad€o hills. The rail rolte lies fror D.thi ro ltdsi, rnen branches to Pipariya toM, fron wlrence stdts rhe as.etrfto thehills. trom lipa.iya there are roads d buses to nearly Bankledi and its rural aroae. But apart DIBankledi tensil lies intheSatplrahills.Transporthereisnegligible,infacttravel to nill villages is fairly ardnous. Irom Itarsi, yor can also Eo in the othor direction lo rle forested Kesta blo& in rhe SatpuFrange. Tte road ro Kesla is weltDraintained sinceir seNes boih thc TawaDam and the ItaNi Cenkal Proof RanEe, bour located in tnis block. T}F ha. lh. |L,DR tedtr' .@ereJ dunnS jrs r isil ' iroAl2SDp.pLrbn lool 2Jdnua4 laa2 lt.rdcl-wa!LoinreirgJl rhe Bd.kl edr'onolerr. or rrh ro olh Seutenrbd .he drp wl.rcn had e0.dndr"d non, sin,trFnng lension-,eLrinB to land, ior€st, untou.habjlit, and senal oppression_ On its drival in lipd iya, rhe lectr' Iedrnr ot c -eparatp .ncider,t, re dred to ro,e.rand e^cise. wt'n h had rar,en itdcp alewdcy" .arlier in rrllrse Pcic Manha', testd. pLrDl r;,m dt.ovE ed rhi. vi-la8e. indodrbonlo Bdr$edr dd ritd8e. PdId nparir? dnd Bitanhai.'t rnel wilh polic" and jd;ini,rrcuon, bur se or offi.ials oi tle lorest Deparrnent w€re not available. ItalsointewiewedvillagersandactivistsolLleKisanAdivasi 5dnSrrhrn. l'i.dn Mazdoor -ar8Jlhan. 5d,'a 5dnBc ,dn, siud4nl OrganndHon cno Hdni.n sa Eh. lr nlpt willi u. ur beF or pohr .at pdrh.. ConEre<-t. BJi and ir. )ourh wrn8. lanata Dal, CPI, lawyeB and joumalists. Th. ls,mErar"rull\ d.lnowlpdgps rhea\,nt,n.eEiven byall thepeopl.who!''i(t'hd.Drade llis,epo;t pos,ibte RIGI]'T I till fu,t \tt\) tlttin!: l.\, l!.s, Th.rslt t1r,1 i\ lilt i thoi. I rill tut ,p .Ln1': or1 ldt.\. ntka rn tu n' hct t t i llt l. p] Tht,r!h n!t) I nitltun n.r h&knry oll hnu rhrt\h 1b d^. ttt dn \ 11t t'?. t'. cherabandaraiu firanslaled lrom Telu9u) U I1l. Bar: Pteof Eahqe RajaMarihar Eankhedi 4 8 I 11 Bax: A Farcst of rzsislaLion s Bat Kishore Bhdruti VII Dpilogue t4 16 18 I. Introduction ,r cod rri,oric pdd or srsardtr.i, Hoshqabad dndd oneiMi.rl. n umc unds ThMI[nprjodbrctrghlin'bcn,]guai rcgioi:id 6r phnrs bclo\ nory of d.v.lopNnr rnd ir. subnu-qcd bv ooc rulpurrldbahmiN rr.y rook dvd hec rrc6 or o! Plynor ot goDd sins uni.ld.!.t!ptriui. svc t3glhfl[dlt.'Bdc6yhyrnedovtrlftBomb!Y. hhrP[rtih%y rii. osTDsnpa$6rhmugblhr rrrr ctn!{r PrcorRlr€c ol r[ hdor ry Eolr' hriorRrnrbr hrr lfild.odBorrh.ile rcoir srury iv.rrh6c rimiti.s, b.tongiig dsdr o. 'Ir'. mmy r,ra.hing.hms* R.. bmugh iD by diiid bcods p{n or Midhya pnd6h, lii D4r. Mrtcuzn !a;iborjshed ir fonn4 cP n,tus or prcpn.bB. strbdcquo ),, rnrf,.[irg rcbidrosicd cblnes crhc h;eicltrutr (lnor onrhenraid).Tsc cb gs Ddr r dificrcic __ mdEblr€pol jsorriccsimcmhrhloppM r000' he nighrDike. Ttfidn"sis .alsoencounsedrortcp6nitr ,ui y owned by rh. kili^, r tutllc h,ckwrd Nmnniny, iho .tso cqagr itr hc, liquoi iid rh. P,lin tin ry. Th.1fl.L5 oryn's fie ithsit ri b*opq .h,igus. h' rhn patr ot6c di:rrid rbcy i,rcludc bmds md Djja6 (ndircd * scrrcdnrcd c*r, d ktrkxs lrd 3o"d5 (trdifi.d N khedurrir rirrs) fi c. Tndirioirl ngh or r[e p.oph sEdurly b.cifu ollcnc6 Nishrbb uris ]ir. ro c'hrouoorl']tnislronrh.hiah*y irnrhcnjjis'dndirsk ochotrm, rydlhc illicii riir !d h.nstd rnd (n.d, 'ho Tn.mdrnniooofael]olfurc,ailisNu .1],hssm]I$ccdcdinjDtNily]llg rh! hyill.g.t tu[r(. ,&ic rhe dillctrm Edifisrio4 in$i. 'ingwdh niscd rsniig and clllus n! crcrpins l) rcrs fololrd. sugarcim i soFb*n hivc mq br (nE i,ryonl Trc ch?ised .o irioBol,cn, fonsorb iil qaScsy$ons, rle knol sNorroicmrioiottxb r HtrcthcnGl@hhl. whd.vdto qxiv rhc taq, Lrilt'ix oft b@une! 'b. thcvi[ig. so.iny ndivsn m! 4jj!$ b illolnns, e]dslN' sis o; hoschord 'hdtr'b. 9od.. Ttre rrk qood nc.dcd ro! such pn{x,$ ha hlgl mrkd nrs Tor rrcA m,i. rturo rhe Ern.d srsory.For.udrs$ch req rbcldiv*ih rogo in6 rre inr orrorcndudiq rb. nishr. H. pub itr trrtry\lcbniql$othl,ourin trlN too prcpxri ro cry, o rh Gcyaictrolroounwktdy h bi"d ro 3 .ydc, ru llt rnk oti s lhc toes so Ll'|lU,qhro!tu| syn'borof drn dtvdop 'I]'ri''iIIN Thl'Itain, rd n rL. otrusoEc ot sdk, E. tldu mol.y. rqdofaniryrrcrRijBdbrtr.Bydclimeorj, c. rhrctr8b li.n 'norcytndins icriviri.s. B IN otrly ahour 300aus ot]and ii rhc r,nity. sinc iLc soqihs rhcy h,vt Dd D, tn4 nrnh.or rive m ricrNirh rhc s..d q]ryonrioi ofrndii. stroudrrE,,lll cv!nritrorf vill,ga rnnddnio ro , i,lnilldrDc,rli{,rh.yhavcrho sr upisusri Prool Sange: chronicle of a Death Foietold o-"* l ,,",,,o' , .r. ,"'c^ i..".. , a, ;; ,..,,.. ';;;.,"."".. r,r' .i rc r,n p"itl"."tr,"r,".i.;i",-.p",t.13'ic,p_r,iaumcarGrlak'fi'l"rhrap'a'ltsr'wPcF ri. l,l:oarsa4 l.t*-onrsN..liL,e' 1en: A nosl'd"ad rDsqotlrv iralvri.t,!o'mr rerbenchollh-'stjrrdeCcJn nsread'lgo rqnn'lhcm€ritsollhe . nGcn tsdron atd F1i€d iio a c'nsu(t'na i,l.i"""i r* *r,"..t*.t -.. :;"';.;.";..; , " ",b " ;'";,-,.; , ,",. oldtr r' l.i ,.;-'*.," -.,. +*rnG oiIIe did.Pah rrri 'DUd trrir noi cxnri'ilrv ,-,""i,.,,". ;"i*"-., ou,i.''-"il 0."", a"- o."-",pni'i Aeei.v IDFDAr Hisrranr*iirdPi Ih'rir'omre'ari ar'' trr'ranid'vr' rh.M n 5i./"rD.i.n.e a'!ErNnrP torhd a^rn'{ ilioi "ii-, ;i!ir s[;&u.i]l! e,,rnir,. *'i.,;r' :.;..," ,":0."r +^-t.*a :.j , th-.1o-cL; d.irr pd onhe .rr' F. o1" :'' .,..,,.^"i" ;;M"""".-""*. ",,--*..i" ,r;i" r* np rrea d., d. "g) ; -',, ;^ ;. .." 'oL, ' . nre Pro!'.r.d [qur.s ;- DFDA,c. " nre, ,".r. A(d.,ri,2510 n] d s,,,...o..'" .;.,^",-.,,.,, -"^"r'.e*a*l.r :i o ,,e" co ' ,o'o'a . 10 33) orrhe o.r.ple Tlr. oelen.e r,l nnrq natd (rid sraled rcpear€rlly) $,ir it rr Encrsh an H nd and rhalrna[ers ilsubiredas.esofrerrahtil.ronanJso.atw.l3reDrogrlmd6Mdenakenbyttromftuve uP bV rhe oelence l,lin s10l ln1hek]oyJinqyea.1933lhec!....ncenlralsdonv,oU5s!9!'A.t haza st'y suqs4bd rh_. din: 'hanc.menlolpunshme,iix.dorionarryih1033lnderTher.iaoddo6Fe{iFrngand Aniery Fracli.e Ad sn$ay.rd rperr3psd'diollc.urro 'nLbeis irotrr enqaq'q inrrris ro, re rrh,.h lri. d e!!denry pr.ptrr.d r.r whsn rh€y enterlhe Froor Fa;q.. rhe pas ure @nsiu!-,on .r a!q..; brxn.r !.2y diro;nd rhe r, ranqo.rlc Mid {ry oblededrol rorktinvo v. Rs 20 7 .r-.r.r.a0ilar iveshenrand Rs Fun rrr.,.rinisr.y 'dr as!appr.h.x.dlrarrultnqa\rarirere\rr,.suserapr€ced.irlo'aothonesltrI,rii(].s. vasLs aG se.on.rsueeesl, i u r |[.6].8'nevenl!. y lksihs qliesiion rmiid,o{irom, ihe lrleel arsas and a t. p,oiectl er rchllD rle HR thi rerimerer suroir.'i chDwdhatis,.LLlnseekrno sh:ie rod€ 3 o, sonh.y Dyenq q or !re Pmo{ [v lhe aond{uron.lrre F.i,rle rask.. orlleeyears ad vas s s.ase perh.rsorlhe eous pub i. lrer iar udcr!on. sixe )rhePtrrii. nrDr r6c mddcmigrioi dr,sri.nltur. in rhc lliEi va dam, coryrerd ii domcrnrb.lomorT i,,itirny ncrc .d !rcdtrdivny vnt d. Lnni,r comuniqsadcins\.N$virrhcy hckrb.vitd ro bcpm*ard ts.dion5r oflh. adl. t.rofu i dsrdydotftrn rhtrs rh. oPs litnc,wq-losgitrgh6bt@mcimilo!Prchkni'' trftd fornrig ion bLe soirrir soitrsdoM fi.ihns h*i rIsr n, fii rtrJlnne$c hsv, rrnrjotr qraciy vnnrieiiiotrprciedisuniqne n,lh niski!r[yco nh inebrhcd.dircnrihe '1bc prci.d vns irr coi!.ivM nr tltr bLrfih Cdtril PrcoIR!4. ii Le71n'c Rangc.ov.6 117$,kilomlrcs.A]i11l.ovclt.000r,n'ili.sil lLe Bur r6i1 e. No Decon sha[:nud :.y w]ld animall speclEd i s.rEdure l 51 An! po,sor ilho any pr.!i s on ol nris A.1 imprisonmenr I.r: be y]illr r d,iTrrcnrk]nd HercMrry20,000acfl orlaM e !'ith ne,h.h mgr, P0irihsi lenn lri'ch 'eodtolLlo}48. e{ehd.rd.hno|r.!sa I m.y.r' d rupoes o. wfth rrb$vcls trmuil,bk r,uc TrioughdtrErr tr!. dnt ro rr.r or bnidins 6rrunr5eio!5piuc yoftkiirkrEw eorN cr ror nng{rio L, !!(cd )ar r ,iouslr tavr Nd. rrrucar !honicvd{5honiscnr0. Tlcphn ror ,d nrBu ni,Lhd nrc q iiErllopd Ea rcdq.trn rhovrtrh.fu pouded iL. d.ldonrion otisric!ttur. trs imjor iryollhcviIag.n b.en. hdclsnndsnmn rimr r^. Trro\r lho [av.iMI p]obsdr mfts( crop A rheso.:rrrd rorr, vild innnaI nxn riidill! r[cn L t (Pm'ldjooAd, r97,(scd6n e rc,d irmc ! th sdrdd( r u MP). r[. i]tis!^ h ,r b Lsp piss u$d ro br a P.n olidi,"sirire ftnsc.1r. disprrrtd p.o& wrto dn&6cd a rohabirikrtd in 16 villrss rloig rhr bo! aryor 1r'.4ns. ( r rb. on of Rs.34.3r raH,sdqiils 1o Nvstrmc dii'in som orrhon Nuc allo virky" (cEo, DRDA. Hosh,,e,bd) Toc gov {nmo drilN loIdvc\j. norcliini crcrcoI rulxsotrrbnc pcorh ro i,npmvr drn.drdnioi oN $d yrrae. q. vnrhd, R:ja Mirilii, rcrs ils T6tns rli( oL inniN r ri iunnii'ir hr( fiv! dry\ r wrck u' tht p.opk norkrorl'! nns. h Pu)tRn'gr'nu( $llccrgor (honht .cro'gjlgllsludi!lt(..'Jdl'do|)ponu'i n s ,ins!1 'nm*ndiv.iilltr q.whfuEr rlIsi lil.r d.rho.e!f u' ft! u,lTi(i, b$,'uibr(.AL,oJisgdl,t\r,ld6irs dpl.&s Mu! oI ri\t i"iL'Ed li!c !i'lr i u'iiniq rn' or Hv. (iNlL j!,ifud rrr naom (Hc sLl\q!u' l (|{{ .,lh. tr( Nrhc h'), l,rnr\irrtu .itrs. d co,s,ci\ i,, h fiili$,r!kph!r i,' rr,Li, i,iju,L( (Str Bdr: P(!rRttrq!r N!rr'l!dir.i' unior lxsi s isirhii w ri,nd ufiru i\ grid rc I',PipMv{!s!uiYnvxi isNbhnN ronNd Bl[f '.fu ndfl D7r(s(Boi KrslorB]rr.!). rir Ltrrdivinsrvrri't.osrrtreLwnhKishoi. s x nN s 's,trhr',id pdkil'gcrs.ry w' Kism uroor srngrrhr, rHidnis rsrhB 'khcdi. Raja l\Iarihcr It_ rh. rcd ro lhc ptuof i,isc. h lbsc rrrhcshops, ro rb. cuft drctrgLr, oowds ofvitliscF em b rhebazai.v.ry ofln,s trcy wail totrs holis ror som nHnase ro sd whc .r riq olht^ hivdo rcrun'emptyhandcd,roidinll,..rovdlhlnrndry. rtmush 11. bo.r dodl sucr rrbonins oft or sup Thcrc is m rcculrl o.ep,lio!. PioPh go ol' pel nns.. or ro $. fields. sonE so r0 ri. roton shi.h is rar otr tudod, for or b rhc riqnor.B(triigndonc inNcrydwdriigroitiqnd n pd dftc la(iry rd itrnt re ofih. adiqsis. Bul rh,irj ro rbc rcvcnu. rrr lb.sovehm. g.b lmn rh.iubnxrnd. ,J fid!, q-lnc6 tor nuu- rfi sn dion bo(bonrht nmhu sldrreriquoodiv!- eiLE{.Ttu enphriotrb brwllquor h.yond inrdcq! . rordo sric co6unTrion, Morcover, Rirr Midhrivirirsc,lyn'$brhcpreof nnse 11. pqipio hcrc, allkunk ndiffh, iru jnong{ rrorL Ir$i fo' illjcii nrhui mcr and wo,nfl, nEdooa qqc worliry or rhi: sd.hof ud rmdrngrorbe ri.tds tuprnildonc ,ujor probrun. rr. !irrigr gd r h d p!nn roi d;.king w si ln! yo6 igo. x is toq'cd i, rhc n tr onrsidcE co!rc $h oI roadivatvi[,grs rdhry mtui li+or. rn,J6,Iiqloi.o ris di;wi ris $hry id sch shs m.lo^, rid rto crcGe mxhu. r,. sub.r*F.h obaii dmer) @rlrd6wirhrhc rndu. Ar !nbch6r, 'rdcNor.on'rudsnidsrooifird. llri rr'ry bvr h L,!r ir ymhu lnnhnnlobawliqudr. .o r.brbscd innmt.Tr i. Bur e n a.oivrrgorcc of ncve uirrd rp. sndl rhr Brock Ed!fliiotr om( i'r kstn. Thct, sr rhrcugn rh. trisr,r ,ron itre kacllta roi d,cn mqn ross rxck. rv,k. H.ncc th. ficquur spldrk orrh. sIusii8 or tutrddi'u ri'rs ioi'trry lri 'ccorrrcrorsje.p orndors hemh 'rr Thelncident otr25D(ouhrleer,nrtb.m yhduBotrhc virrse. Pdopr. wu. jrr,Nik',inig rrr.n'h{ j*p {* wintriis hnrsrtirtrnd gbrsnrc Iiqddifi D6ni'ie,p linc6cv(iid6o sirr ousll rl'iig,iMthtrd.\.droi$hrrlrvo c \!ho i6 irinfll. No' x pnhr rrey nBr oush' rejanm rcds, md \rr, db ldchins .Fn'dn'g thL !sDri'$ ofub. smbwN'rrcrrulb $Deof ,hcvir rh svrll;s lid nDrrs or ;iu4 rdh*pio.'priitni ion,rlrSoorslyrrcri€td. otdM,srrwho III. Rcnkhedi "r'ltrijxruri' rh. Ni'! or orlitrs k*r( (ba5k15), Niim!i,s ritN, d r! 0arkd qrc(tu e'it hst l"diiin.1. rkd l'* ofts !i*rdq,. sn rlfnN.las radinsindrolisu,n!rc\.dr 6i5 drtr{d]fld drdb.r.Tr. t0ro Li. :'rgrlx!*rEq!irdhy nr( AhniryorlorinnikLrhoi hkrnr rc&,,*idgd\6onieNrtu hn rmd B c,nyrhcy:rcdiviicdbd\rd,,s*s(D,,r theRrPi,,lricL,ks,,rir!, a$o,,Hy,indP!nlhiy whrevermrhe grcuid cr"udou.hab iy enror!'s aqarns{ ary pe'sDn any disabifty. vJih .i,yl, ddio\s. !,urd .!ii;j,!.h si: '.o Is ldd dnc rrc n eo c l '- rl1. ) a..ess to any sh.,p..p!b . resla0€nl, rrok dpaeoJpub.mbdahmeii q ob= !ameoranysociartrrerrgious uege or.ere|nony. "!!sr.n .har bai!nishabe dilh dprlsonhehl lo, a (x) rrr'e ,r AnllEpcak riuc h l,Ml fidiois i" ( jn rrckrtiihNrircrx,dhs. r Nr'hr (swftro rt\ drsr ihans x monlhs.ndarsorllhl'ielvh chslra yo'[ \'hi ll,s nudicd u/o 12rh !L$ r rh! Enhdi higrldd, $h{lnror,bcdbsrdrij ri,)\. c l,owcrrritol)g!lEyq'drhupnft r!sr. sorcoffltrh jt sr . crr*rviobs.olrrado rhr i$rr e rhc toqr cogIs(r)ru,rl^l,irrihi,,rur@db*!nl1hr l[.nswl[rirre ryr.,dd.d iryb.d,vilh I u,rrdNr u rtr'i.oDruuiin (rp,rsn b 3 Punishmeni,orofiences crnrrocili6. . r(l I !Jh.der, nor beiig tr i,emrd oi r S. red!,.c Cdje d. , S.[,Aau sd ir r]e tlmrrs ando,prems p.o o -, ll'ol \rl'oi r[( L op. rk, sl'ol iJ ir rltrur 'q0l!(r 11'.l, b.^ \!r,!r,lr ir (ut,i is{ budh. ci'ineprmsindiih. hr$(slbrN.('q$',rese) ah ny. ieo.!{,LonrIr, ijiiy{rha .ii lun(Nilh1r,( (N n i\1n7hn srqi tr (Kvsl ni {ili ir ru|.,|! ronnd r"r Hiirir s nsr) (rlrD. r,' MudL.Arir rDr. ,r tuij saieh arP \.tr ir offsirio nxn pnny, iri sinli trfi np irs cqmliry isi.rivi\r lrf licd i,r M{reh reer, ljr(( i,, Aprir, rnntq nsscssio6 isLinn hrdhr Drris ionnryNfi KMs sri a sai glr!n,A5irc'|]oE,fuyrcfu'dhPhy'bcl rrM rltrs .ntrs I'N brusltr Tli. rlism,un (m rmss r.orld.,lisr rliri.ll l'1ny liri. I anJb..tslbAran6.AjcuftnsaEodelh' brv. bedr irrovld rord d rhc dhllxsq'ly3n& N( slr,+ s.Fi'dv, rrc s.rd klllir end kir 'dphl$ Any hrvc io sil n, in.ridisle day sytrf,'hdk .ffons h Ldr tte h ijis sd ricn .ivil risb6. Hc hr sinc bu, tinifitud Ttd pft*it rh1,trd s.l. saxeni, hore!.( sutJ rtrr io dhdimiMrioi cxnr\. conni.$ hrvr o.d&'l 1.o6.01 1c{i,E" enc 6y'tD* trry smlrR orM;nN Byrhis logic, d,soi 'F,ior codss tilof''utrhKh]b]5''ThcygiltilNili!IeEn I , .drt s.fl trs hoN6 TIE ,hc or rlcn hnN, sbops, nnd ir ricn in nsCdI( 10qthTvvirlrin irilhik ils!rr ' (dnNiis m D. Tlre p'dsh. ching.duntr!,!!q$rorrlqrcN[p kli L lidy'hbncbrclhdvLnruggls,lh|olnriiilion roi in ddiisqromryunr rEdi.cs. mo . hru{ll'oLP.m(s. 107clPc,s. n6&rr7, oDprlg!, n'or IPg. Aslin ss.ldadiis 'h. rsuh wir[ rio6 .h gcs hr{ 1,.o, rgncdd, h6i rnqp,Dsu,r h rid*(s.30'r d 'onp, rr,rPc).c shik,kob.o'r.ginqldlsiiN d oL n i! dhxlns b bd \ioF 'ftr H 'rN t r srgh I^ so suui F..'ili,* h lric H r ,,hm ud H ijr Arie(i Krly,i ccx. cou cLics which trudlr .vloihton updvscJ L! D'lPrlli. ol ltun hbtr nisbri Ad orsr?trd th. drdd's I'ies(lis dos 'k hl,trir otrrl'.drlirs lortnsi"gLdtrios. hdrNreud ,c lijusdri,sr,r uLrii,yq . A(c!snimi\ luyia nnLnig.niorby !tritrtLoy.d r.u( Tl'! slh.durcd Arodris)Ad lese.rrnqdrh!.AsorM rh, Hiij,trsrEr (s6 r ige hnidrc,r n$iN rdiv^8 d]]n. Dr Ni. hn mrh$Y ch nbh , sh. nFp opporilc rc R ngc ornc). (\ylrc bis n lortlpoli(thuQLrd!uryjjE.ThDrcvioadunrd' IV. Bijanhai lrtl!{t}'wi]l'lI!n.]g]'bdlngNa6inlYlr!l ,! rrd. i1 rodld Bil rrr .n!u[Lirrqco arrd train sndu,lry bc6'n6 vrrydLlfic'itr.1}c viI lowarkrorgd(hncsioscrh{nyui,nMq.Evfl dtun.i. Jllrla rr nilFsfu , 6 rirc ortu v hs. js ircd bv md by a *! ntJl o{mJ L,v { hc; cmens[) 'orc$ e&, suri Rni.-r,. licn su..or,d thLi' rror. rod r borh scvqit$nxnn rilrtiv.irrrc\i ncc",bo r0sodrtnknirun,ii.,rplh nr.,mir.s,Lrnn.L. 'ro& krob ii(50 joshirc)ko fr res dq ns,s. iu. 'd erccc$r,lg is thd or lighl,lL.dhoh\ksEquirciigi]yiftvci:''nily ],bo['bc fmfii fual& cDPped,b ld; riitr5 a )ui rin$u hhd.E vho mM ro rhe virhg. or 0rc wekly Nrkd hs,riichowka r,rrijn^ilso.o[s1kGunstdiwhj.i .s.d Tor ron, rtldtunipur.orfiru o 60rEorDiniaIv m inEsbLrrrrcniFr njvid( Hl$trJhlis..rfulnr"la.''tr\tcliiJ',! nijrip ds6.d bo ornsrorrhe M rnid.sdN ,s,. arjui r '$ r fFrnrssklr a fqoi f{,rc.t eaor&{ srvcll6 fo'dtddEr qiB Th!o r. hr,1. oi \n ' hr]'h!t, ooF;ls boldings.-Ihouel' 'G .r..riricd pltr$. rlt vj rrgr h6!DcNdll i rnd|,ic.nrcmelcrbrs'd cuhr\i,i]u,h,stu,,i 2 rid nfdrboN5(rr rrrr) ts sa.!s qMd,rirvohn rr. lLrFi orrh. @\ lurridF bBdi robby !hi.h ii.r $ cmgrc.{) flrd brp vho.,joF proganm fl'd lt'r ronrisc or hon6. Tre pr$ r ,"ll"h-, il," , ,h-, .l*, ,,,n.. dili.I.!}?(,Ar{dsfi[ili$!oss!khd ntr&Dri m 'h. Ejr: , J'dr, r2, rir r+ ro.I Pi'rir PiFnyi, vunimJ drildo D 4 rh.;\r(ir'!\ L.d, rd sd 16, Tl,rv x'nM,/J.tsd'gl''Ll,gicFonh!P'pm\i K,,nAJ \s,s,l, J.l[]. 'lN J Ja rhis, i.,nr,rnicbtrrtrgfl rrr-Bontr r,a, , r[' ! d\svher. !d 'dLb.bmsq.N,j.AL,Ea hjghn S00,00I,IqliIl'^1lltr[iijri]inN,lhyll$ donnTdoort iicdcl[rasi,ui suerDrc($ ri Ltr ki(nu5 irr ririrq.\p n!trrJ.trr!rurneFr hlr Ler l!$\d ntu sn rorc wo.[, . A Forest oi Legislations It.r"a,.ri,"ieirrlrA lsui nt At rLcs 1o resrs r, ese td D r're'1'd and viilase ro,6Gi,iLh"*\,"qi"q-e..r-;t$cEo,eirie{rr.onrerswi'r6'adqrnsaidsw€lFns deG n' i.,i*^"i,!€ior;ndi,.ia5 ric i"..":-.". r.. ,,;". "'';.._""......j.,.." i.'"'ol'i,".,-r :i;:l=] ; ';l:;::i " r wa dds and to " . " ,"- "'", ':,-::l- ard Pdr'u Parrcn a n +ir frd ir i i)i ff fi-dz ) *d.",t,"*d*' -:' ;i;.,;;i";.i;;i' ;.:" ,: . ii : :::.::" rl -1 .Lttrtt .rm e'n / )ly-t::=,,5::i:; l - l" ' . sionfrv!ihb.N. rh.vilhgtao orrbnrd.{nd tl[ congmlg) lednsuflh tui,$l rhr rori ingrLd riun lxlor &rk Ahqr$rir-!ol\!cr' ibl$of hnrcLlnr{ hvirrrschn,$,i!orgd tuEn gerds tu li ns rl,tr.Tl'r ri,rcr u'\, ov(r5 wdftn 6nd bqdlBd Gnshn4 or lud B0khcdi'sqndjm{slhtyytrugltbnhoool v Palia Pipariya Nm'unirislllr c iy fy rh.nkry fr$u,(c, htr'r bcrotrsrd b thc sois sd ,hc .irjr^ FqN 4 kMr. ro lnitri r 'rrsml rrir riokra r0 ivris.r0 lis,i w lo so i,, for nriS !] Mmcd,ltEg]vo'MlcEiigh'!qqgldFsd rh.P/rinINirt.Rrriirrglionn .rh.ii,ti.']lrr Dudhi v*il, sri.L thc niir6 sssnrr).irdi v.sdrr$ irrLr.ivr sotrr 6sh.Ti. k r,m gmw ,hlrhi!;forcn,hlrrich'h.i,jjran,r li$ wolk orpon! iN r,ivc i,uqsd r\ $ng,, ntr rr. 'diIlItr,rrL!prn'(p rftr ir rk asr or rununrinsridortblpn Ehr,rli.j'6irch*td th jrir ift6r roais ro theitund.d sdisi ,id daril tinilhs Tbtrc b J.c{anDI" eficiinG. For iNurq u'!d{ rhc schcnc, { $bsidy or Rs r3,o{nn iisbll piF,.hctic 0unl, ct To Prclc .xp.n dhur ornoty tor rc&Pmducrivc purpo*s, rhc domyndgirtrinusb,1tisjsitsoMblc B.r! ;hr,-dr"d.".r,"s.^"*,khk-R". jo bfill,fom,widherthc gnntfdcialnsq lhcvi!l!g.Ttcuni*lnroeghvalojoPP,i ch,yd compdoi .oncening.ormr nt sugar' N.xrqrca hMi eglc rhritrg b glvcnm.rtr sil,1omav! .filDll) thcsangarhanhdkcoitsl dhh Anri{mnr N* made th inrctmfor .,,,,h*,t,.^,c" r0,."'.,.rkr,',,-"''db" slupotr@'itrrtril) h .l r$6rnk.ompriotr or. orc$dkniL5,hshsFtl'Nol$n'i" tug1y,s6r lyoEdivtri,Itulsn'gh,hsbcs ,hrdogdaringredli'shldonhisl.sracplori! th. TibrsubPhtrdid cil.r inro rho hoNsorrh.adivNi5 orPxlia P'F,nyr or str.hldivrihur n rlfrof60 Yc, old ild fi'rrly BbiL,diwiolivswilh}ifl.$n'diuebtrhhw' Iirht nid{.v.nrics.1in.lh. I'tregstdnib, r6nrb. $hld.vdolnE r,odqmner in sul,gpui uda rrDP is dcrib,rsuh Pren osP), !hich 'h. funds to' $diig uP ah6tr' ch hvir, ,roerB . Pip iy. Nho blrly MMs! roacqtrh soN lir xcyd rhr vilks. pnMry school. Tb. TsP {lso hs *iicuLltrt shrnc\ rd P i,ot riu6lorlivelihood A.siringlosovm r.i pubriciry, rbrcuen R6hotr Ksdft (Px.h n hi'dMdkul .itrnnnuilin.o'molRs. l,0{o T,ooocouldb.sninld pqrcrorlid, i.lfl'dins rnd lomsnMcbildrcr Thc dN.lling look d..sP_ livdylalgc,l.orn{.tlllycouis6ofivcnnd!h, y,,,r. *r-;". -*,,,r -I "" dh,"d B bdi n,hrfrj ork s ,ii. a b ii'lr, rlis k' r.s ra sc! l,€ $ . ol r[s {h cmP i r/s or 'iLy 1]ln yc rtushndrorrhc nlccmp \$s I Mxi'trun ol270 kss. nlc (hdr b ri erss ! nrrnnn ol4o0ltgs Thcn.casunprlon 2.s kss. ps nul tor tb. kn'ily, tb n, lhour 120 nslr. T& Nbdr l ii ll,vids abod z00 N3ls. gnrs , h*r r20 ol rhc ?r0 ftals nccdrd ror rhe E'ThDf'ilyhisbJcg]cbgd'h.rcnorsc otrrlcrh ilndryork'isdrd.Nccdl.sroiy,rhr 4to inls. Titiss i',silkqorms by trrhs atrd son givs rhc liDily r smnll jnsmr,r nmri'nunotRs. roposilionlo.vrilof lbcsolsmticchurcs B$r tbr vjlhsrd gdr silk*o rxntr,brl rhntrEhi rhcy sd soN subsist(. ro'n rhc tdts. So'nE hoNthcli jly ninsNros'fliv. Ttu ftNly, ir \^ i oq 'hs! *l! a nn.J in Ho.b eibiJ ' (lStlORa ..B.ors:yanr <a'a BHARATT: E;d of qn gxpeiirrienir I :y..n1iil.'.+a[d"E.'heern;qsmiat-dE.];,,sdmdo.*akor 'q-.o O rmrh, ,", , .,, 'iI ,. '" ' rl I i fry. r qrirhra.d :': --i.r..9.r!:i 1Ieia.. pr.srammc. n:. er(]n.,,s do.rrs s..rarsionrisir,an.I!.oFSotorre s.r;j K.hore Br..r.! fras ret dcre.i rir!r! l,.nL]tl1o7i.. tllrr c !ss D -, rm.a,m.y r,rr:i r,, * r €ohbavt !lRSro,n: f :*^bri.rr.drnlr72 rr_aM;dhvap Bombayr N.,r ri) 1r_aidrior 11',5i:" s*h,.-g. r- a. -r.qrcii " Mn r r5 nono* jzr r ara r.r. rrnrr..eoar Ad:N. r224n:No 203r3e,74 r i'"",;;,.,;"... """. o ,.' ..;;i:"n,. ,"q,'.q''n, ' voca-^''ooi'. Ksho16Bur.I andt,.1,]rP! 2 T2lerPrcrvprohibls5 '-..: ,.-.. ,,,.. i"..;.,',,.. ,,..:,-, .r,.. .. ,. ;.," .." o"q oi n !o.r c i lh q"""' Fr lli,;hb .i lanlstuqqlesolihepeoprc.sanabmdiv!b(hi'h r*.,u""., iaiusolit ..,F:",."*."' , r,. ;;-,-,. "...., , 12. acres olra'd hanss in ruspeisc' ,,,. , " .,. ", "o/' . ." ,,, ',P , I onnsa ,D b,i" ,,' i4i ,',do d o,)4' i.llikErhisnairrhardivhe dnoh.s sedhacorirry y rn.. d. nor seem r..rre on rh€ s d. .r the pcop e ri the reienr rr'-; "t ","'. ",,* th" r.,dLods., P.ira F pa,iva per.eled a thrc.r lrom x shoG *"nr.. i,.,t...,t". "s. p"r,,a. melu .irc e m.nt prcqraome las hor lhe onlv god KshDre 'r snid n,.n.tou orlrasirootsoi(]'rrsar onYJasasopad -*"-r-".,a ti"- ". *rt." I .. orrrrevcissilud.s or 1:I. Evenls vs $nar[ b h. .orcRr m hd nc oflrncq'rmld$ b rBPos rhc;Nrm ddqrion itr.r d {reNry rng.6. rokraB 3rd r;sr indBijnnhiiNlf iridflJbvrhi\ot)u ion.Ern pu'iliwfi ncorRs. 1,000 (Mp AnBndmntr d hdii tr fo&\t Acl, U27:ilPAdsd'1965,s,3) I"dqf,ni.nrly oi rir itrtr dry, scprnho5i d,d 4 P.0 rorr \h s rirm Biji,r,i v!ru stPtoL,ft,, Jlqlrne lll! hlrlFtrl)ls;,$ 1or onyiryorlr]Lln 0o$)ir GL lood n rhe \qclhulJJw s'KtL1]l"ftitk.Prt{:[ Ll; sl,rkr,r Thlku( BlanjrrriNu 3!d ho miils. c, dshr 'd hks h rlr Bilrtudj !nd.rrr,! n,. Four A, r'jofr,rrr!MpFo^( Ghc*ron) hippli.d,1or rlrcy bdoia.d ro a vilist wh,.tj is ft . renq h.,.. of r.ii M.wdoori,F6r, 'h. r, ra" "ft.-!h,.rLd;** 'tr ro.irs id; L-. q ily d $mJ ftd\ obl k Bpor'ld h}9;t ', Ichick\ !,e reftdbhNr;B[{orLrj{nur. dE rhon n rclaliv., K!aikt. Thc Iotrnsift d,r ot Jhrn, lnd 6 w cb.n. T[. dltcne wrs !tr'gsl;ngollui!ood'Thcwotrtridclvdi a.y srnc n rL. 3 roBl ofricnk $rei .d 'hUtrg,I.l'h)ib[(!dlrcsitrstindDli(J i''!!llrbJ,I^slhutdu,iii'twd. ',,k""""b|",k"b""1."1P"P"',,"dlh"y*"".,d" rhov edrrd rhcfr rdrd triic ir rb. nraht:A[ rhcy Ncrc rbicdd h r.*d !m ks. xf'!rc!8h lt(kpoltish'id.dfcd!!rcli.d'-aihl h!tr i np".F olrdLavcb{trod;oL,(h,i,!:or;m^o,* rn. Prrinimiy offuo R.pdi (foR)r;lfr rh. FoE,ad,isd .,tscFunhu3(poRNo.rss2r D.No. r636310)brasnri lrr!rN^red.r,v *N prflr. n{d., corrrrii, r,on, Bij rhr rhotrdqsd.-n'cy nMryFr b krorhc vlllig! nrlro n' rh( mmiig.Tliji(irda! rhd 10gd $n. h!. fJ br hrj*r i,l..e+donrri (slprrb.r rr rhl \o,rn hc$ snsned qr rhc irshofrrrr!d€r ion |,.,qh ,b. .|" .h;,!: . iifn'nil)g!lrllgtmdlo]]ovilgtr4hliotr\'8tr-1 shh adivisr ontr KMS \ur 6 hc rq. .nr. nisrr.Tllli5ft dris iILF] (crpc,s. 160/r).lbour !ricrlr,t for{ i pori.t offirirs aie ;inhir boln]t.m\ilunelt,'!,6hmPllu Pi@;'i Btinb,i, !.sp.divcry. ri'er d.ys l,t4 otr s r msive $id (by roa' oficnL] w .oidu.ti in Bijrnlai saneathin rdivi\b,rbc bou*s or rh todcurpnrs 3nd srpi. Riigc om.. lor Hrrsoviid Rni, KMs a.tivnl b th.tulorryrbt itrkld'h!n$rn'rarioi tuPrsctrt oil'chilkqvfiukg!i*ay,tjd.'lNde3silkl *rcE frum slrdr sinsh. R5. 2.{r'I lrdn Hikkr, qent h thL Rs.I000N T!. explciv..v.trB or t nnn.J olli( nl ohi"g1op?ythc {iit,nn io! liri{rd rh.'uis r.gc otr 1 Law and Kamti (s Seplember, 1991) sf 73. ir. arb€pri,snad{nh lqo,06,mpr rne near n9 oi.' Arrlorc.r orrr.qs nrrtoresr srra rre rbe deemed ro be pubric aeryants rirhin he indr$imin ,d h.ine hkdr*a) in r j.a s rc dsine h) doNtrbdbi,. jc$,'hu. qax rdrr !b. g.$r,jrderbpnrr;.rrmiri ninvryrinr Tbe wirrr rrorir! ind rhlesl[nr %id.dlrtidivisipxnolp.,ti, pi|Iriya.viIsc.r hrhi drror. orrhr pdic ir ]tu j.cp look oll ior Pl|inyi llrn! h(rorr thdhcmnri1t3iryr d.rrronchrtu Ijouni risl irLr i, cNns of rN ind rrxrdry.otrrtiorhrc .-qoiy.afii ii.mrh.rhrgs. tLe"srouh rcponrdryjn.hd.d I'oicl! d iru djitr offoiG. th{ obicdivc scur h hiyr ro rach, broodlr$\or ro rtr. srignrh'n. aoi,rcyonins.Ir n rion ripitriyr npE_ brn co,srs(r), rd rhs irhe.d 1n!( s,,rrr&,nruid prp Mi$i,, PiphiJ"n. Niik si(iig ir rhe j{p ir iyn.Tluc .{d itrt 4j.q\ B ilollg wilh ft potk. rti. utrdcRorldg !btirg,$ft,{ndvid.op tourtu. rlilh Drr. siosnhdilMh p&'y stuisopx!c Eoia,l,ldbhubo\pikrftd.AsnaI lilc tu inhr dcFl vs stDM s pmor or uis$d dv( by rhos uNlmpdrcli. io Trr. i!(drrrhr BJporsn, I"PiPlrlynrbscwharo-s \qsn rckri oryntry a,id rhc s f di nm*d h,ndr Eillftrh htcdby fnhti. nrdi,,ghysov r,r!. nisitrgdh r[J MahcsrNrl $1,'gl. 'Jnreb| gc, Bd llt vi]],g.^ rl[ sDM ^ inr rLe sDop. piplriyi. sntrihidcnidpaisdrtr ncnos dtrmrorhc Himuy (MrA, Hosbanerbil 'ft co(otrhsrh.d.lay inmrltin8p!blnrb!cher8cot nrsul.'nic! iid iolarions of,d idritriE, Lrsll, and I)olirici ionN. For nI Ioutrd ssious idp grl!fl\!tr uu(N],i yitrJ!ruto d6!nd rho!g!rhoordcrroiircdicils tri'i iotrNsrr kdry qlli, nsucd by rh. Pipany police rinna. Ttcrq'hNatold rh.Brnkh.dirlnmrh rhqc cnqniry t n isaddi by r ofllcnl s by rlic dudinvsrisadotrin'tutr.snlirirsbcotrril iu l e|guids lo, Plofl. ST.onDuDni.s Tb.trpoaolcd.nnhsotru':olfi(,;dut,dd oath. codilul on, irc p!!lcd bcroa \i,ir.rr.BrPvrsuL.ljn,qrrf ,\!iqro'iD(!F VII. Heart otthe Matter: An Epilogue ich oturtuger$ 01 |!o,rt! orHoih rsrbid Ttrf rhc lind qu$riotr adr nicd rdrrL hi! is lururc, rlitr sd hoEny sMsNd pruderc.rhls! !5 1*d .bo^,. 1x. jun\. ns opr.sirio! ii .,jc{iu[y orrhcbresr N hM nnr!!I. lrro Nor pd.lrirc hisroft,r pnru$ rh d itsrh,nrh! dcn scdi0,3 0l]nc M P. Fuc{ R!ts, r96ri.I viohcs40dsr(r), e). rc ,io,,g {i{h i&r. ir brm s, ir rr,c \rds or c.ifi,, rrr!,v sc tru6 ori( csr q ud, rik pla rroN,lr d!n. .on cFbn.d ptugbrnr flt,ihlnr so.i! $dr, e ofTh. rvirrlk (prcldD") rr72 ?r'dgdpuflib.dutrdu scrionsr lrltrc),!orh.r ^fl, scnp idrllmr rh. P@or RDsc, rt'tr $A on( Ihcanegltollh.P$|)kisjluul,lb rumru. rordo! rivs!h!r n bur rh.ns hoi r,ni,uhitrkrsckcb Pk!) INm umsrc rePr Demdnds 1. 2. TheerstwhieKishoreBharulandmusrbelegalygrantedlothosewho are in lossession oi it now. Prosecut on oi upper 66ie olienderc i. Bankhedi lnder Clvil Flights Prolection Acl and The SC a.d ST (Pevenlion of Alroclt es) Act. 3. ProsecuUonotalllhepoicetudioresloficialsinvolv6dinunlaMulacls inBankh€d, PalaPipaya,B jahai,Ch6pani4dKmilcheckposts. 4. Provsion ol viable ad sustainable aiernallle scEp colecron nlhe centra ProolFange 5. Cancellalio.ofllce.ceollheliquorconradorolK€saandprosecut.n oill'e e ( se a-o pol(e o(oals r !o'l-- 01w r 'ir 5. w d ile (Protecl on) Aci (s.62)lo exempr wld plgs prolecred lrom lhe spec os i.lhevlages aftected by their anek. 7. Wilhdrawalof alcasesaaainstpeopetrGstedlnlheevenlsbelween 1o those enOaged in nvo€]on oi rhe From Anothd Pla.e AN APPEAL The adiv*is of the DaEs districr/ south Gujarat, are €nSaged in a bittd stro881e not very dissimild fioh that of the people of Hoshangalad. Most of the disEicl notiGed as rcs€aed d pror€.red, is under the dnect @neol of the forest deput, nent. Ofii.ia]ly nor nore than 9 per cot of ihe disrric(s 141000 people are Pmitted to cddvate whatevd little d is available for altivation. ftep.ople, under the leadeEhip oI the Bhumiheen Kisan Hak SanSlarsh Sa6iti, ^divasi waging a struSSle to continue oltivatior in the tal@n over by the foresi depdthat.InJanuaiy 1991 theyheld a srccesslulilockade olsome ofthe vilag€s l ea ar into which forest officials were not allowed. Gdemmmt conpromised d all@ed tlem to cafy on with cultivation in some of the so,called prctected forests. Bur subsequendy in October-November the forest depa'b.ent .onduct€d raids. In one such raid led by ihe ConseNato. of lorests, poli.e open€d fire knDn8 Iaralen Paw in villaEe Kosidama on 20 Novehler. FollowinE widespread protest, dr governn€nt announced allotment oI owneEhip ri8hts widr 1980 as th€ cut-off date, But again raids ed destruction of standinS oop continued, Recmtly the Samiti lega! irs indefinite dhana at the Collectols office. Two of its lead€rs Irlm EnSinper ard Vir Singh Patel were detained under National Security A.{ in the fist week oI lamary. They de now lodged in Bdoda central Jail. we appeal 'to you to join us in dinE rhe unonditional release ol the two leadeG d€tained witiouttrial der Published by: Sec!€tary Poo?let Union for Demo(atic Rights (PLTDR) ror Copies: Dr. Sudesh Vaid, D-2, StaJf Quarlers, LP. Colleg€, Shamnath Marg, Delhi 110054 su88ested contribution: Rs.5 (Please add hailing cnd8e, Pdnied at Classic Oflset Press, Shandara. Delhi
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