GOnnWt|ru - Kete West Coast
GOnnWt|ru - Kete West Coast
GOnnWt|ru G lr' tunE 1990 ll To br rur. thrt Your lntorretlon nake lncludrd ln Conrunlty ConLlet' rurt thrt You hevc tt to Yourtor\th' eonLret bY.thr 15th of rreh Thrn, thr eontretr hrvc tlrc to gct tt lo thr proPlr vho rrr oorptllng thrt rqnLhr lrrur' u[IiE] \+<Feu*' RIUEXHEB Herl Harl lquB VlhaLaroa Franz Fox/Farlnga Haaat 6bI\'IVUN c-Qxr.AgfQ t A Hulr S S n t th Lyn Goaltng J Nealc * B l{onk 33oBo \,' 33012 +-34062 3{083 30 B92 D Dleklnton 32835 ] TY O()N TAC T I IJ I\ V Ii]}"i I CLT) FC\R . We would lik e t o urge any g.roups , orgalli sat i ons and iid iv iduals t o us e Communr tY Contaet t o consult , inform, or teoera}ly pass on ipforrnation. So cone on r|anagernent committee members , courlcil rnernbers etc. from REAPT Folytech, West Coast District Counc il, Regional Council , West Coast Area tlealth iloard, Cornnrunity iiealth Conunrttc€r S'{VECAG, Sctrool Boards of 'l'rustees , ete, etel trrles.elc use t,)rese pa€ies . (ll orne of the aboVs* rnelrtioned do Llse Cornltrunity Contact 0n the ligitter side of'life we would like tc set aside a section for less seri ous news o Birthdays , alltriversaries h,irtits, achievenrents. local Cartoons and so cllo We need YCU to feed us Ili f '' \ l-'()Ftl\"1,T'1ON L,1SFl1'='RSAt lie ttrf'orrlat,i or]o (lrrrr[i tt' is ttct'ct' rl tt tlc('irit'rt t it is rtltt'r11'5 tlre tt'srr(t r.1, lrir;lr irrtottiott, sincct c tllot t, irrtt'tli!lcrrt r{ir.cctiolt rrrul skittfrrt rxt't tttit)ll it rr:[)rtlsstrLs tftc rt'isc clttrit{ ,ll tn(lnlt rrfterrtrttil'cs. " ; I of Jacobs liiver lias been eo-oPted onto the REAP Management Committee to repreBent Sout[ We st]and . She wil] join JoY Reid Blair ( Ctrairpers on ) and Ftcy who also represent South 'rVestlaincl KAYE IIOOHFCRD -ffi I Our present funding is ttrnnks to $ocial Weltnre funding lhrough: District Executive Colllnlittee \ An Endqngered ment, developing only a mtnute Por' tion, with the rest, from mountains to Species the sea, virtuafly untouched. There has been no destruction; southern South Westlanders are not running South Westlanders may be an €rldangered specles, wrlles Brenda Monk of the fledgllng Fox Glacler around with chainsaws hacking down the bush, contrary to poPular myth. branch, ln our guest edltorlal. told by conservationist pressure groups that they must take irnmediate action to stop the destruction fn South Westland. When the Blakely Working Party called for public submissions, local submissions were outnumbered 8 to 1 . There were meetings throughout the country and a rally on the steps of Parliament. Locafs also detailed essentiaf requirements lor the f uture viability of the area. Basically, land had to be set aside from any reserve proposals for future development in the farming, fishing, sphagnum moss, tourism and wild animal controf sectors, or indeed for any future Brenda ls a fourth generatlon Soulh Westlander, works hard a9 I volun- tary communlty worker and ls However, lhere was a mls'informatton campaign taking place all ov€r New Zealand, with our city cousins beingi a partner wlth her husband ln a cray- ffshlng boat,. As the working party could not reach consensus the Minister lor the Environment, Geoffrey Pafmer, made the decision: the entire arsa was allocated to the Department of Conservation. Alf DoC land is incfuded in the World Park opportunities which may come up. A large section of South Westland has been nominated by UNESCO for Worfd Heritage Status against the wishes of the people living there. A working party was set up under Dr, Roger Blakely. Secretary for the Environment, to do a Resource Management Study south of All industries in the area depend, to some extent, on the use of Crown land. The f arming families depend on Crown leases to supplement their freehofd land. They need secure, long term tenure with right of ?dlTewal and improvement. They bef ieve that any land involved in or suitable f or larming should the Cook River. They examined the issues and options regarding unallocated Crown land,'which is 98% of the area. nomination. What wllf this mean to the communl- tles of South Westfand? Afready over thlrty lamllles have left the dlstrlct. The Fox Glacier school has closed. DoC ls ro-negotlatfng larm leases. A marlne reservg has been mooted for a portlon of the coastlfne. Nobody knows what the future have been aflocated to Landcorp or kept in neutraf tenure for luture devef' Local people presented detailed sub- opment. missions on each industry in the area, pointing out the delicate inf rd-structure existing belween industries and districts within the region. They emphasised that after centuries of habitation by Maori and European settlers the landscape still remains intact: people have lived in harmony with the environ- NZ Countrywoman ls the officiaf iournal of Women's Divlsion Federated Farmerg, Box 12-021 , Wellington Editor: Norma Mc€affum Production: Sword Graphics, Parapareumu Views €xpressed are not necessarlly those of WDFF. holds, but almost certalnly development of any klnd wlll be stopped. Tourlsm ls belng held out as the great hope lor the future: a luture whlch wlf f hold llttle hope for exlslIng famllles. Distri'ct Executive Committee uothsr.: ((We$ dons xI rq t.l rAtrru oitYLqrTH ftrttT. oilYuotJT]r is b*wr tfwn we$ so;idJl lltl trlrndon: Reloroacr: ffi 81i'c Thc Department of Social Welfare wishes to advlse that there are threc vacancles on the DISTRICT EXECIJTIVE COMMITTEE ls regulred to mako appolntnents to these vacancies t taking into consideration the need for the cornnittee to represent wornen, elderly, Ivlaorlr Paciflc Ielander and People wlth Disabilitieg. The gaps at present seem to be the The IVIlnl st er Elderly and Paciflc IslandsrB T-[E$* F'.F *r, ,1 L* f:fiJiu {i} $; } & ,*_l {3 -[i] ilg tr-,i "tr t-t','F ift fl5: F"', rJ li:S ilp I Lt\ r,i ,{' }, rr $+,*lti-*S'l! En'lt, u:,}$'**i-lSii [.*::i::l fitf] ruLLg*f.ti]H]L L,d] E*lb l,{f X[-l"f"f-:{l' Gfirfil[urgg e;d:lrr [*ficlt, tfrflf,i fHpil$t=i-' G|fig f,}tflf,}f" h*'f fJ,f-r{.}b-rf:} fftttl$-:i:li:'i " l,tI [,."?,4"f T,-11'-np'Jil {.f;#brf;[ f "*o**r;lrf ]:i4 ,,,ll qs'l: f }d',t[:ililr:r.l $.,,[r['lrf-,lr U l I r'{'l ti. [ i''r: ]'i' tt' I i'ili'',1 $,i,' I !,F* ir f' [ii']r{-,r,'s,..,Fhqi",p{r,1,, , F q. t, i, " (.*r-"f ;';" ii {'.i'$"F, ,*i;tl,itts ;;';:'5, fi,'[i ,ii [ - I i'{,tr} lr d::l'll lt' [ * 'T {Jt r, tl ti [..'ti rf !i;, n tiiil'$rfir ilrgr u:rf rar{* !Sflr* Jit'f"'ri:} ,ji,i i, ,,; ,,1, l''.,, :, f,. U fi f'' " ni:. X: ;;,, E:l rrl rrr,te crf'llt 1.,,, r Ttrre coruuitfrent lnvolvee ono fuII day onco a nonth, readlng what appearg to be vast amounts of papcr work (but not nscessarlly Bo ) spresdlng thc word of DBC, belng on a rcvlcw pancl lf requlred and other ltcns that nay rlse fron tlme to time. Appllcatlons ghould bc sent directly to thc mlnleter of Socla1 lYelfare by Juna 8 to rcach Welltngton 1 990. The approprlete appllcatlon forme can bc obtatnsd from your local Comrnunlty Contact or from ! r Dlstrlct Executlve Commlttee P.0. Box 366 ORNTilOUTH Phonc (027) 4517 .rrrT.gru rTEsI coAsr *t86fliltl*ilguNrArN SAFETY ouRDogR it{ow to $et your word in EDI;iEWAYS.1' rlns[ A,ID CoURS4 For peoplc cqgagrd ln the 0utdoore for Work and/or Rccreattorl o Iur:lurliulll Haaet Hell Vcnuc 8th, 9th, 1 Oth Jtrnc 1 990 FrldayT-'9pn Saturday Oam 8am r +4pn t UAlUroay Datc Tlno Meilistinu & ne[Iotiuting shills 3 Strnday 8an D 3pm T{ r0x filscier School fnstructors ! John Colcman rD CHCH Ray Schlmanskl -' Harl Harl , Mr,rrray Montagu !D Hokltlka. Sst, 14 July Thts natlonally eertlfleatcd courBc lncludcs a thcory tcet and precttcel Bcenarlog. Brlng e pack , sparc clothlng, l0 r' 3 pm. wet waather gsar, old shlrt for rtpping up r ground eheet or closed cell foam. Coet f45. ( lncludee llght lunch. ) Thc Friday nlght seseion w111 eover CPn tralnlng. Anyonc lntcrcetcd ln thlg part of thc courec only niy attand for 11 0. Contact - Kathy 011bcrt c/- fi,nrP Houec P,0 . Box 264 Eilcellent lor Bourds ol Trustees & otlrers working wun tne puullc, FOR l,{CInE D{FORtfATtoH oR E}{RCIL1'IEI{T5 coNTACTT Lctr r c,l HOKIIIKA by Frtdey 1 st Jtrnc ( or r. B ,t p, ) Sultrblc for huntcrs, ftshcrmcn, outdoor touriet guides, eoneervatlon workers and proplc ltvlng a dl st anc e frorn doctore and mcdl cal Buppll c e . I t' .r.illo lt - llcix llocw..r EL5 or Sicl i EHROLI,IEI{T5 CLOSE 2 JULV. o ''I_IOIVIE SAtr -W.ee ACC & RAPE CRISJIT TnAINTNc rTErKEllD nlght 8th Junc through Sundly t Oth Jtrne . tomcn who want to bs eblc to support thcneelvcs and othcr womcn arc urgcd to attend. For norc lnf ormat l on cont ac t Phonc ( 0 2? ) 7192 - tTcll ITomenB C ent re or leave a meBBagG on the enswerphone at (02?) 7056 Ivlectlng_Fblday to 3pm elTrllS.ar Kun Plunket.To be held -;- ,,.- r, a'h 14 - lg Aug. If there are between 12 &,3.o keen then it can be, held down 'trere. INCLI-DES .- neighbourtrood safe ty - poisons - water sa soft tissue injuries gg!,Rrslr TnAININg SITECAG exerc le As part of the c thc [ourlsm Councll le worklng wlth thc polytcch to orgentsG somc eort of coursc tn thlnge llke bus lnce s book kceplng, AdventuG Tourlen, markcting ctc. If you hava Buggestlons about courscB that would be [eeful pIeaBG contect Fox Junc Glaclcr 825 (029830) beforc t 0 o in acting as contact for group ? No cost smoko's provided. a Child rninding ?vailable. ; Aes,Se- lgt w, Lno.o Fnn sfirE: pancs}; F}lj-l Fwll::::: -I', 1{rI hlt"} fit[f {*irlgle parrn}; f:: I $;tF:: fi llJ\ t \\llt.''.ll)()\trr {t}rr$e I! l HK t.l E l'..f (:1 1" $ rAP[i; LEr tainlass s ltrul $ ll'-f K [:::: ; fT, $it-AT- {*uit bach); otj-I-slnF t)ooll urith ulass vrintlilhqr ,A Frply l::I lt{-rn$i} i} fi *fit} il l l ari l"! ;,rr i T-Of Most deaths ln flres are caused by smoke Errvironrn$nt.allg sflf e, av/nrrl wirf n ilrg AHvfAY hntnrlfifir-H nnd persnnnl crirfir Jlt-iltfu*t ri; lrrFt't-ll"i-t ttv sk irru{lr-{!, r-:nsrrret insi *rrrd jmwell*,rr" 1tr ; I'tl.itrhurr anrl riif t\vfi.r{:}, arrtl f'rrrr pr.trduclr; (.untact: l-yri'fiusting lrh J4-or;z ..-(<-o.'.dr<: ' ( , dvztecl,or* - a orD \ avai\otu- o{ pViCO 4 t()( +hd,-at^ * %d, ryd, F '*Lo th6,^qh'.{h $dfgr,",'. r hiehch"r, H*H*.W Phone Fox . --;/-\ Flre can qulckty fill a house wtth smoke and heat that urlll kttl --v\ua,'\ I Gtacler 863 (o2s83o) i';;z^vrc:( EJTffiffi-ITffiffiI; il.,C:Itrfi:{il#: f,:il#:lif f n fl;n il,}$tf:;'t{lf f ::fif l'il; [,]fi:]l-1"fil S]fritfiilir]:H nrn'] figfi]c,rr*"$ {Jhr*r.l'{ rn '' llJ!'$*prll':tf,E fru{}F'*il#{,es lff ti{l* l},,rfl .. $I.:i I CRAWL UNDER SMOKE {rtr{*mirr{ilr tlf l) €1 Ff: fi{fl:[::Ftll,:i"1"$ {t ffifr,-t ilFlli" I nl rrr {x, a'['lt:l['i[,|il{,f:t, f:i;l lvmr-' {rr' ;linl.::: ;.t ilr|t{},, | !il-l -[ I l'If"lF{: [::!lF.l!: Fl[:: [::"[i []11nt't$ .,:I-'rl "il l}! il_I Ufkl-EE-l*.--f ,,,1,J f1B ri: | r*plt'rrr'r' l'il [,: e ':rr' :Sirrrilnr' r \lR ,flllL} , l-.* 9): 1:ir irrr::f'r.,li ::;trJr-l . Jjt.il.t[k..]f-_..]1t'_hl..H..H.L, Ir_:rf r:fU'fr.,,,,,trj' t, r:lr:r':rr_J L:':'nr:Jitir::'t|,l t: f rr. rl lfi :-'::,:+ l:'.1b,;;::: ",''',"f'f A.1. ir.f r.-rIr- t::1 Ht. l-l i"r i t-l;rri [:: t tlll"A-S g Al.'f''r-ll" "'r''r.1. ,:; *n.t Ir',,,'ii.ilrrl.il,ir: l'rit't',' f t'r;,y'g's .lr.f l:/. l-.. r::i1t;;r,r;: t,ir,, l,l1 t..lif', ["'l'r :f :j:t-r*|l::il-J l"rlr.1,,'E a. t:i [:i r.-r r-r [i rr' ;;r.!;r ['lf.'i',,1,,' l.- r- A smoke alarm wtll warn you of a flre before you see or srnell r',,,'n: . smoke. tI u l-tl. tt Iilf,ii$filf.ifit ifr lf, I fi:t.L fiifi JII-rtr [.[H:t[ilL I fi It glves you a few -- preclous mlnutes to get safely out. - SXf-l[-[r $)il'riI[:l: c,[{#$g* 1|[:Hn#: o:ts",:']Sf] [r,-rt[- USiflU fr: lJ,Nlntr b*,rr-ff{r llltlll Irr*ffisfr ntt*{JL, Ue{lftri firr{l f r*ilXL Fllt*mt,lil *l f,' flr;rurfi! tru]uir.]{il {Jil nr,I J""d:.lf' f lr,,*g; lnurt f r.!r* t-lte frhL[r* J]r:]r]f:rls,r ffu8ftyt}rusi Hui l$T" [r,t#Lfl{}rur# For rn ore- i.,to,. c ontact .lFy- \ o <a\ F.. e',Br \ytr, b? NZ,F,rL *ilurr(,e, g^a\ \\,ea4O,^or Otr Rcn( ?r*, V.l gu-lNqrsil ' Na-h \*r {, !{oMENS DTVISIQN TEDERATED FAR^I.IERS The monthly meetlng of the Fox GlacLer/ Parlnga branch of WDFF was held at ChrletLne Hickfordlg home at Fox Glacier on 2nd l.tay. Everyone read wlth lnterest the artlcle that Brenda r.tonk submltted to countrywom€hp whlch hras accepted for publlcation (copy of article printed beIow. ) Judy Rlchards sras our guest speaker and she ehowed us how to make f rowers out of ord coloured pantthose. They rooked lovely when flnlshed and we were most lnterested to learn how they were made. A report was sent to the provlncral Presldent regardtng the reeent vlslt of llrs Amy Jon€sr a.s requested by her. The next meetlng wlIl be herd at Jat Mtllare - Mahltaht on 6 June at 7,30pm. Competltlon r pantlhose flower I Health loaf ilifi{,||$.Jil'}-llil {H S'} {,tIstHfi:[ l .dJf.fi H:] lil;;s:Ftf"ilfTU:$ilri dl {} il s $::x' fl} tfp ilt fli t,$ si $T sfi # $ 'r'.t{Jrn{i::} $fl|fiind*f:* t[-nrnt,.g [fi,Jr#,:ltfl:t- irf d:] hIr ":H n rfr [ #:r,: {,lhi:, tJ [i ] {uti lN'},n .il;" tr [$ { |l:[|' [r!1,tfi ,f::i: rii;f,s::I:il, ][dlru il,'I, tlr' il r' r; tf, Fil' t{il .. *:,frrltI It.lf'I{.}$ s n d': t|:;r'{ ri;:n' $], fil] #il'"{ }{:::!l$g:; nrtr:3;,'*di} ir:il{:t,f.r r; {,,F;*r*,,*rl d;rir}ils fillirf {:}sil {:} f rx1mr*{,rJrG} ["f]{"pf:}t,i: *' trr$,.nd,} f#H:Fiif :nf}itr}{il $'lil#'!'Ig'R' $;;:il'r H*,rf] [* f'#,Jrfl:it[ ilnd:]n,:n Ird,JH,* +rtJ t_l i,'{f r['*fflf ]rf:l:il'.] fl;ni;:* f,,il$[ {"{t*i*1il.}{}rr} ttl f;l]rrr l $,,ttr{,fi fi*x $::fr r:,ilililrtii H'f *.,,f 1 f n?d',it'$c:lil'n{i:::rrildl *rl{r [, F]r r'r. tfrrl{}lfrfg p* I15,,r{'l -.l-} tr'*l f]l]- l5d{ -ff rl'$ [1',ri'$ EVERYONE WELCOT'IE EVERYONE WELCOME " / . ;:l Ix $]['h't 1llr'r[]{I ...! lJllf:l ti t]t l{} tl il il I [;luti'l [:ltltf fi'l$- [: Vt]f yiln{:} Vtrtllttlllltl lll;i't1Ct; {ltrll r rl [i,]i' "i I f i!'lr,;g [vf(}I-TO: -EYe]y 1trirl cfirl ke$P ltuu$e hetttmr thart hnr nrfithmr unlif r'Jte f rin$* nffilt f.:l\t[ - l. A lr,rltlnf I rrrr{}!,tltllil,lltftr {}ur (l Iri:r[' l mr it p {:r tt $]R'ttt- lt ffil["]:i ti{['t "li.Il'lt] *rt $Hd]'[nJ i.t lJ!'tt]{i, I ut]nIplt} [n,l- fi, ftlrlln'il:t \ri,rlilil'lnrlrr4 ltt t'{1il{l i:t $t}t!!t ;:lIetl${t rflfffit} l}r$USl {: tht'll;1i ;f ,r'rtg'1n't t'i,(:lrfn[:l{!y, f i, clirti*: t\l{} (: Of H: lvl- C rIllrlil"l"f} U ft Hl*[jAF*l (:(:)tvlP[:ft t"f ilt{Si: L}a}i,inl,l 11 ttplt} ('ahrt { lIL. {.}(. }$'r'f [:'i - t .;il ] fi{'l, F' L- UlttA t :: l hlr*tttu't,ir $mfr [l H.[:::l i l,'L"t i "ii l.'il $:tlily{t*l'trll tl- \{f f\ f'.lt} [: Ftl [{ f4HDGnA l': lil s${}${; ll- [']riil[.{i l"ilr l}ttl A. Ivtitchell lf tl$ fES$: i " UIl''t:rt't t t}{l iplt'r 3 iilitilitf / |{,}f' [.il +::1,,i. I l' I rl r.::[t't'l'i; 1r l""t|i[* dhhi]: |.'1J'1,,f i:n:Nt F f l iHrl it;t:r'lJll lnl't l . l rinbt'll LI a$ti.{t l :tl [:: r lt lttt"p tr t t|mr"i l lur I r] [ nt'- tt lI tt!l{:tf} ["lui]k k'!:t-:! -c Si1 lrf?r' l't'rlrIiltI {}r- [f[:tt' g]ttt' JLI Ih[inf]- C-]t\i - l - I I [t'''I [:: : {.[ il ]tlr I-[" - In' l l'i ,,[ ttn{:t (;lIi{tr I frui' li r[]1" fi]ttl I I I I i * il" y'l-f t.t {l l'{} tltlttr tit'$il fi t niq}lt , hr'l{} f f il: nr{rrfl.ttl y{}tt h;tv{} {lr{}wht{l illl tli,,ly.' Ftl:II l. d:-:f\| N : [:]hnfn ill' !rtlt,nr$n[l' fi$ rh l ) d:\ Inut:ly t : ( )[vtr!:] [ : I I I f ( ]r{$ : ti:f {rl:riir [,r { rlfr; q: l(r ! f l,i lr $;.[f l I It,lt.ji , $t:l'\rJ['i, i.;:l'tit:.['i('] [ if I | 'tf ttt {::l tf I E^n fllt " I)e[;ffratnrl tri*(:r,tilr;i f'{rr {: ttiltft Filtrty n[:: {:: {}Hlt\tIV[:: [':[itll't {tf tl tlnhV Fhft [:t{,r,id , l . {. }r rff i,r f l l {:)li 1'[:: lii Ii f',il I"[,:: [t t t'l\ l[",,llvtll f{ | - fr l } *,'lii'ili{,,11'f '1t, \f . l'{ttr Ift{i ltlf'I s sffIil t't rq$, I f:: L. O$rH [t{i: , { Itlti l $r fl"$ I,,': ff For G l ac le E-Gardgrl .C lub Thanke to thoae who attendcd our gardenlng day at tha Pox Glacter School. lfEl,t DOXEI Our next meetlng wl11 be held at Holly Sulllvan'B on thc 10th of June at 1 r 30pm. Brtng along an Autunn arrangencnt. ALL WELCOHE I lrc b.U5rmtrnl t |. 1 coGS rrrrrqErf 0ltnyl Bhck New Zealand Bowhuntere Annual Tournament Throe day Shoot of 0ame Targete tn bueh and- paddcck sltuatton, lncludlng Z t tt t Iuru mrt rhut / ltlt Corlt C06S rnd otltr fuodlog rod lrnlctt. lltrhn tror othcr eorcrucut dtprrtrtnb ltrt to loton oo lorltcd Lbclr fundtng rnd/or rcnlcti tlc lourtnf Corpoptloo tool fbc ogportuottl' rhicb hu bctovirf umtul tor lon groupt. but only tlthougb onll I tcr locrl gtogle rttcndcd crch rccflog' tbrtr tnthullrn rod coultuot lbolt rbo dtd trgrclrtd tn lddp;ltog tht rl{1 pngt of lllu6 luvolvtd Io lltl __a_i5 raiotrlniog conunlty rtrbillty, \ - - i-. 7 \ at ,t trghon, tc$crl of Lbt rcctiugl bavc hrn grrt of fhc aroc6r of tbl COe$ Sebnr rttcb tovolrn tbi Coultttt rccouotlog publlclf tor tfutr dlttrlbutton of gpntr, grqup! raP6rtl1g 00 tbrlr urt of tundl, $d u qgp6rtuolty tor eouuolthl h I / [rrt ?bc 4 Speotalty Tergete (XoveitY) Town t'Harl tlarl Venuc t Harold Creek Datt | 2 Junc 1990 / { June 1990 Contaet t Beeu Closey Organlgatlon t $outh lf egtland Bowhunt srs CIub Addrrgs r 26 tteln Rd . Harl Hart Trlophone r (0288) 33'188 \ end Locll Diltrlbut,ioo Corrltttt tor CQGS (Cormoltt Qrganllltloot 6rrn$ Scbcrc|, rloog rlrb ilrrgrrct Sblcldl, brvt COCS lorhcr, rnd Drrtd Cbtog {loultug Corporrtloo], bceo lttrndiog rcltlogl lo South tutland duriog hI' ?op ..EvqllTs _-\Nt .-_\ cofiuin ffi?ilss tal\ l\ til vttlforu allo rtaiiltd tlrlt band tbc holation lnd laek of intonation lvell$lt, and fbc lublcgutot eolt in tllc, travtl rnd tolh incurred bl ptoplt rorkiog tor tbtlr I \\ couuoltiu, ?hey ootcd, tqo, fbt fltrct lndtpeodtocc ot rmidentr of $outh lutland. Corrit[tt allo oottd tbc dtrtltating tftcct [be filbtog lyrttr h bavtug 00 ftgbtog fullftl btcrult ol ltt eoothtr dtcilion by Clbioct, rirlcb hm not trkco locll ?bc quoh l,l, ttttb?f , !fC, lOtO lecognt. fC Cfn rdd tbh hetOrg, to the lilt of louel - lcboqll, rcbool bultl, Pgrt otflcu, fo tut t ftr, [ntortunattll, tht ttttlng! qgNoRATtlrAI IQrys Annc and Dalc Scott, Fox 0l?ctart iffi-bl;ih of you Bon, samual ' on Lynna Wyber anq RalPh Fegan who arc gltthg lnarrlad on Znd Junl . To Elea*or Poul"sgn of Brucc on bacorntng an EsrolirA- Nure e afBay t er passtng the rscgnt statg Exani,natlons. To TcnY Condon and GIYnls SchroderI thwho were marrled 25 Years ago on the May. HoPe You has a great surprlse p"tty 1n Hoklttka on the I 2 rh I ((In greeL eLtefiqts tL is gtorrous 6'en to fn t.tl rtrt bcld durlog [br rcbool boltdlyl rnd cooltgucntly lorc acflvt couunlty gtoplt rerr unablr fo aLfrnd, ?hh riit bc trkco toto conrldrrrtloo lor the atctingt rbtcb rtll bc btld rqdo nlrt ttlr, Coulfnc lrt ktco to rterlvt appllclftoor fror ttttlrod lttgpttng to rork toprdr prorhtoo of tl;rothl loeftl rcnlctl trbleh rrc dtflotd 1r tborl ubtcii it not grorldcd rtll lncur t colt, t0 cou$lt1 or ?bt CO0S grgupt 1o Soufb 0ottrnttof, C0e$ only coveru yolunteqr crgrntrl {frerctr, Lo11e, tralnlng, ortrhrrdl}, lalrrkr, eblldcrre, rtc, lht CoulLtrr h rilo ldvhcd by rrgrmcnhtlrcl ol tbr drgrrtnnu ol Intlrod lffrlrl rad Soctrl lrltur ud trrt ?nueltion lgrncy lppllcrtlool tor grolrctr or rrrvleu, 0r prrtl of, ouuldr fbr C06S crlhrlr crn h rtftrrrd t0 r0rr egproprtrtc lundlng bodler, $hlllt, Uhr eriterh of , f- ? $btrldl, eQ$g rarhtr, rill bc rttuntnl to Sout! fmilud to $tptcrhr or 0etohr (ltll bt rdvtrttttd lo tbtl nrrultttrrl h lgtod mrc tlrl ln trcb tltr ulltlog pcopll rorklng tor tbtlr c0uu0ltt6. lhrglrcl lr rtllhg ilargarat, t0 dheuu u1 tuodtng ortdl bctort rod at&r thts confrctcd lI lt 0rtyroutb 5136, !T GIcnyt Blach, $oufb Ieltlaod rtprtttoirfirt oo th Couitfce h rllo rtlliog to ulht 1o rni IrI it cooLrcLcd C0GS It [rrl lrrl 33191. llrrgertt ritb to tlul lll tbort 60 Irr 6lcnyl, lhry, Oavid rodtloog rltb ofhcrt tbortd ul tlt rtrl lttcndcd rtcLtogl, SouLh |, fto lutlud bolplullty md lPlrltl lppltcatiool for tuodiog clolc 29 Junc 1t90, tonl ttdl$lc frol 70ur CoHuoultl Cootrct, c@ RENE'S 20 MINUTE CHOqOLATE EUDDIN9 (T mPfe and gulck. ) I tsP' Cream o tartyr I cup flour t tsP Baklng soda 2 tsP cocoa ( lona 1) oPt s t cup su !. tana to a stlf f dough ' mllk wlth above l'{lx t'IeIt 2 tsp 9olden syruPr tcup sugar and 2 tbl.sp butter ln I cuP of bolltng water . pour over dough lnbae 1n for steamlog. Steam |n a Pot of bolllng waterfor 2A ml.nutes wlth the Itd on the pot but not on the baeln' !\[.n 11\'- w was the last time you gave a bear hug? No rnatter what the child's age, a cario[, crushing hug is memorable. TYy to be the last one to let go-you'll leave behind a wonderful feeling. TEETIIAGEN NOW '' WHI.TE THEY IIJI KNOW EVERYTHING I HIRE A Sf What aninral brcuks the law'l ru' A chectuh. ruf$ll*fl_.[t$hl}]xr flf t,tt]rmt'crr'*{}d.t 'f [|'tf'l sffilf'f il;:Hr:t:tt$g:tl,i il"*,nl q;;,tt}il,[liln [i[*f? l*{:} t"Il{:;[;' h[1il il'lflill!'" fi,:[i*:;;rih ]$]il:;ntrr {;rH ttil [,tlrt"l f]l'r{:}tr*i H"[4 l'' r-Ff'* l, $'.n*I fil{:tf r ilf f*{.}{"^[fil {ltJ'f}{;rLirl,f r {} f f,J n'r{}1.l.itt,l $}}}t}t'I#:t S' t}r Llr*r t}i!i;L[*n{BL l"!{J!^$;{3. ((suctess is s' journelt noL fl dc,sffitg'tiott'|| ii T f Ir*r giln: trt" l-:ll,}lr-. f::t$$[ruils i l l|:ltil- [i$tt"[t*tn{t"l -[:lt;trJ.il . L-rurill"tlfi tn -f-ln-. t l tu -- I 1 ..i.'i'll:n[:l.;il.I"l.L!4,,t[,.-..l.t|.}f.1,}t'[Ii,Jlt'lH|1l',,.,''|' f;.tl.[]lr|"nf$,,trl':hi'.Ll.iJ|',l{.,|l',,.}#'{.ll..'ii,l|;Ii|t{|IJir'-[.ixt[[,i! x.f ? I u [::' llr I ll,.l[ I I tmil. [[i,{JIli.}ilU----Ln rlJ l{JLlt-f'rlt }i'i [,,a |"il.. tf mil.|..-t,[i$t,tt$ *L-iltilttt" -f !,,[t-::[.trJt]il* . iil n $["!:lHtt"i*n.l].ftulll;.- ;5ii:l: :- !J.frg:l ltil t{:it.[ii -[]il l;:,[:lilil |],tt [.itt[ !ltltt[tl] !.,.- -l,l ff ii:ii:,1 .:,t,,t;ilill Zffiq[dku!oqr ,qidl:.$,.-A gnd agnl ff IOTTERY. COUMUNITY FACITITIES Ii,l-- J-t) [:t[L:i-.-"JIrIttL[[JIiLtfIRdl'It[[fi. Lottcry connrrnlty F?olIItlee 1e a frottary Grantg B6erd dletrlbutlon eonmlttcc. It alme to aselst ln thc provlslon of cortrnunltyr culturalr recreatlonal . and Bportlng factlltlee by provldtng eubeldy based grante coumulty gro[pB r or loane to arr made on a subsldy bagle of lt of lottcry funde to lZ oofirr- Grants unlty contrlbutlon. Appllcatlons for over $ ZO ,000 w111 bc coneldered by thc Nat l ona1 Cotrmlttcc who naxt nect on 1-Z Novcmbcr Closlns date 24 Ausuet. App].lgatlone for trnder 120,000 arc consldercd every 2-3 nonthi . Next msctlng 20 JuIy , clos lng dat e ZO Jtrnc. Appllcatlon fot^ns avallablc' from r Comunlty Development Divlslon Dsparturent of ^nternal Afflare {nr- irt tlv+lnt* o P.0. Box 1 308 CHRISTCHURCH. th Wesifana 25th and 25th Juns. Plcase contact Hokltlka 58743 lf you would like them to call on you I or leavo a n€ssagc wlth your oontect. Nancy 0ear CHE}TICAL }IISUSE FIELD OFFICER TUIII{E FR,ASER DO IOU TIEED IilrcR}TATION OII - ALCOHOL OR DRT'C ABUSE - cotmrilIcATlotf srIL6 - STRESS HANAGEilEXT - ASSERTIVET{ESS TRAINII{O SEE IIE 5 ll I CEilTRB - li. wllB 25 F0r.cL crER AT I|EDICAL cEt{TnE 12.00 - 2pn JUIf B 26 HMgr AT ltEDrcAt cEilTnE I lu - I . iOp. JnltB lg HARI HARI AT }|EDICAL I , 30 3. 30pr t{tlATAROA AT I{}IATAR0A HOsprrAL 12.0o zpt FnAlfz JOsEr At mmflrilru cEltrRE 11.30 0R BY APKIIilT}{EilT PHOilE (048E) 5St13 Ert 942 .Hrufr Af clorr Ar rlu tnrpHoxl nF Uff I l[id, ]lenltl l.lrtr-n. [?n*l.ttiri[.nt.it.rn nrufl l)r-i'll. ll vlrrt,i tt ;l,l*n*;trrm lrl lrn lrusl. t.n *ltlt:tr o qrnnl [rurtt:lr tnl' utrtttl{ Fr:rnpln, nnrj t.lrtl []irir:n frnft$ un f]mLtrrilng Euerlln$ v/tlr; \rf:rr ljl t,'1ru!lt1;*l[llt*- flur lmntll gttllt.h m t t.tlrri:ltrd ulttj ilnrt.ic ipu t.utl. "l trn .lulriltltl l-I'irrnsr nl t.l'ru llmr"i $ltrri llrrl.nl vrt:tr:i m f it.t.irrt; l:lltttu:* t.m tlrm illtu, m lut nf t.ttlk ttnd lmugft't.*r- trrtd nnt*t;rtltrt.trs f rnl'n pmst rnerrtlrtlrs. rrittt DIAL'LIFE-LINE' Sitttr t h trlnst lnnil l*iltlts tlr in t.f}ndilft t.' l.hf} erlnnt.* w]tic]t U,-tr1 q1t'riurrt,rll i..t\rtlr- l.ttr* f;O 1;n,lmr*1" nrttl llirtilt,r li,tt lt,l ttlmr" runn, t,il.tt.r[,r;il ttl' l.iurn+l nf l:i't.l Jl wl'lrl h*'rrl,'l ltl*tlt,ltl tt lmr-qtl lir..rl..t11 "r::it.lllivnn., l*lmurim Pulrnmn, 'l'on'lnsi 'irr t.hu eurlg liii.nn l.)ur-llt;" 1...1'werr tlnr.;ti 'rt'ftt,rtr f]r"iglrrle vrtl{} *t.arted - and ]::tnt I nrt"lut;ii {ur r:ll she has rlune. Flr- ,Jruhn f:ll r-ttr:hnn, Rmg;ionsl fihairrnurt, pr"n*tntstl n t'rriilr"U Vtt[u of "l"hnn]<*i to muer 2U r\vi* l'luir- fnr" her snrvices 'l.tl Liuns; the rlnnr-$' nnd rtlnngnitlun *rnfl ][nr"i ['lur"i l]rigmdn f nr their nf lu,tt't1.ll*l ;lnr"t " *ervice tYnri lruld ln t.he llunlnturritg llull nn liiuntlmu, uf'ficiated ut trg sll tlrr-ee luuul tllergg, fullowrrd *urn1rt.ut)lt.$ lnilf-ltirt1tr tenlrp -l"irtlu frull r:flr'r"Uing t.lre cudtrt.s lult tt't ll mrn f nr t.lhrist.cJrrrrclr-l lrr,,l rr,rmnl*lt'tlttl vrrmri fl veru happg tirne untl ii 1tt'11$:i tllnirl f il $$:lfil thnt. thg Or tle ttI lil ..ltti'tlt r*,1 nlwnqll llrlun tn t;*re rrert rrr+lrt'rlr*t-t'i fli t ' " llrirrt i* r- rul';ltttltg'i'ilt lt''t i t rt l::ir-sl l\ltl. l"ltl*tlllr l-lnrn, I r-ninintJ, ,'lrrlrlii: 03 r 795.230 Iol,L FREI L I lf rR(r{ t}f rE s I c0A5I t0 t lrE Lltf CHRISICHmCH IF YOU NEEO @I'NISILI}IO HTt', ARE TONELY OR DEPRETTEO. No uATTER wtfAT YouR PfiogLeu CARES wit tr t l tet hc lil n f unrf lru:nl Futtl.tltl.. *;nr"tt ir:n. rX chur"rh OR COilFLIgT RESOLIJTIOI{ JUNB JUNB .'-ittt;Ft tt{l. [:ir-t.,it- t.twerr -['urnn*i, Jf,rr:fl L.]hnirmnrr, l-nld nf Jrnvr liit. Julur* i4nrhulmnt:m u/{rri lrrnd*rd WESI COAST ANET HEIITH BOARD PSYCHOTOGISI - Pam 0 rHara and SOCIAIT YfORI(ER Jtlt.l'ruuqh tlttt lvefllhel- wtls nut 'tlttt hnnt" t.ltu wenrkenrl vrnnt off verg well At rt t:lrlt [.]'ttr t];nr:lnl. [l;mrnp*t-it.iuns turtk nlnr:e nt firut"lt.h tr/n*il Inrlrl r'Xrmn fil:ltut.tl4fi grrrutlr* tuuk pmr"l"- l"lutit. uf t.hestl gnungl pnn;rle mrri'vetl ltg ttuti ut ll-5(} pnr nn t.ftm lr-idmg *rv+lning" Tnrrnq Fenttltl {:ttll'l{l Irunr l{efsnn" l':.flriri;tr:krt,lr-r:It trrrrl Wtltit. [].ttus't. lr lotr:rl nf lI t.r-nphitr*i wure *nmpelerl f8, []u'|.tt,t*,1" und lnnnninll tlre rtrnl lu Itrrtr::m. ln t.tttl tl*rviutr nl' l"lttrttkinil, JlrtEeln Jlrrilersun" A tsso$ EVEHrll [:tJht [- on ALL!! V E hftJfii: J\ ]-lil.nd(i-dJn craft Festival lAteektrnd : F rilnz J csr]l' LI A T-L:: J uly ?'f I a$ / es hBIIIAI -.E y.Et{tHn{ezftLr--{r-.s rr- -l$a t i unal -llailq,l{.inrlnr.-ce ntfe tlrine & Cheese Opening hy Keri t-lulrne {iteni* *lidns pre*errted try L}r. {;:inrry }vlr,:lSvrrer}nr}$ fillLLlillJAlfJfJtl.h}--..frnmll..-i1il.-.::._m"..ruruc*nmrunilt*...[tat.l xhitri tri, Ll emunstrations, C raf't {i alus ti tnlls- E 'l*lave a qfJ' craft wtlrkstrnp$ it'l il'fn l"tlllu\ryilrH; h$ lrrtilrir phy lilprlnninu l:rg If mry l:t [:] il.intilrt; l::t..lling lvl{rur i 'I-nrrihu \qru{f tft:r a.l"l: El nn${:mrving S- lnfi ily tiltll''e- -- Continuous Scenic T-ours availahle- GnldSranrringExhittition uf Old t-lantlcrafts [:l[I.ilJ.-lf G.IfAnt{LL---fi.il}dtlE:-1. |] I Llhl .{.nmntuur".*_.urr.l.}r}. (*il[egru:$-1..-liu-eniu..*Ii.nut.]r-[rleillturfl *UUtl.UU in prizns Photugraphs mounted vritlr minrmurn si;ru - as x ttl fim To: ['laewyn Glacier lvlo'kllr*, [:rarre ..lm*nf 'ttith Jrrly]Vlct-ennan, Lf y: unluss prior flrrflng+,rnrent. fl.aLngg.r }t-.t*lllrntu.n-Iak erlJrn- l-::. r-irlrurllinl"urrlm lr * Gnrlrf prize*. ['] t]$ tcar rl [i ire Judged $unday Morning, to.ao firn. IIJhIIJII1]AY-LU-EI{1I'K.u..#:*IIhX t -;mu-[:.]l "!;. []rinner and fashiun paradn cunrhilmltl- Errterl+rinnr+:rrt. {tUftlIJAY ;-{.e$IrJ--J u, il o__gru_C-um muni llrl{ nl|^ Hepeat uf $i O turday t0. g U ant [:] ho lu J urlging Harbeque lunch from tA - e pm.. l:nler]ainm+:nl" ilfil"f I"ACT* fur infilrmfiliurr: .l utlitlr [','f{rl{fnrry fi A$ ff -.I} 4t} n A $lsnice [:]ut cell OAt] U -g d tS 6 F riday fia turdary irrtlr A$ tlr t{egi$tralinn Fee l'lti* includes entry tn y l*"t"lrtn{}d!f I lnillher Ii eallly lv'l{:f f -l Jlm l4rittt,l ilt {l I'l*f:}titl [:: vtining T pm ninner {t Hnlnr [ninnl $nl 1-nf,;,tl C.trmnrrrrrity 1'lall, 1:lnrli*iputiun in vrurk*tru5r*, ;Lrrtl f:iund+ry $arlruqur: Jt_,t'-{- /J lf iscgurrl nf' fis.Ou if Registernrl hy the a***+*lny t$iso ]tlease tick evening f'unctiun$ you rvill lre attentling- {r tfr -$ 4 [t [i fi *s tt tl} {f 4 il +r$ si f;} $ " tl{} * a$.ilil s lll_ut] s 4il- UCI {, 3[i,t]U Eg 0)>r l= (F $ H { $F ?FgH E H d* ?7 h